I just realized something: having the clumsy trait with the handy trait is the
cheapest way (unless your Sim is a hobo, and just buys the books) way to raise the handiness skill. You see, your Sim always breaks stuff, right? Handy Sim fixes it, raises handy skill. If your clumsy little Sim always breaks things, there are always things to fix! Anyways, I made this to explain how it is cheaper.
Sims: 1 (Name is Sim)
Money per week: $144 a day+-2 days=720
simleons a week. (based on level 1 of politics career)
Now, say Sim stays on level 1 of the career, doesn't marry, retire, and lives in the second least expensive house in SV. (Bad life.
) Now, book 1 for handiness is not too expensive, but lets add together all of the book prices if Sim was to level by only reading books, shall we?
50+500+750=1300. Now, Sim probably cannot afford all those books, with the expenses of bills and groceries. Maybe over time, but remember he doesn't go up in his career and will not get married.
Lets say Sim was clumsy and handy. Now, lets say he breaks the sink. Fixes it, and goes up a bit in handiness. Breaks the shower, fixes it, and Sim is now very close to/at level 1 in handiness. Maybe Sim wants to buy a book for level 1, too. Lets add it up.
(no need to add here...)
50 simleons. That means Sim saved 1250 simleons. Its possible to spend 0, if Sim doesn't want to buy a book.
Of course, families are not always like that, but you still do save money on the books. Hey, I'm only 10.
I would like to hear any other interesting combos if possible.