Yes so many great sales! But it is tricky to figure out which sets to buy first to get the rest of the compilations for free.
I just wanted to toss something out that I noticed over the weekend...
If you bought the Le Cinema Plumbob Venue, check out the March 2013 Compilation. You'll get the rest of that for free.
If you bought the The Lucky Simoleon Casino Venue, you'll get the rest of the Up the Ante Compilation for free as well.
Many of the things on sale were also in the Best of 2012 Compilation. Make sure to check that one out as well, I had the Stone's Throw Greenhouse and a few premium magic pieces, so I was able to get the rest of that set for only 140 sim points! That included all the Indian Stuff and the Japanese Grill and Dining. I was plenty excited about my amazing sales and CYS discounts this weekend!
I saw mention of the magic sets... If you were lucky to pick up More Magic, definitely check out the Enchanted Bundle of Dark Dealings. If you have all of More Magic you can pick up the rest of the Enchanted Bundle (Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book O' Spells) for only 15 points!
So in short, after all of these great sales this past weekend. Take the time to go through and check out all of the compilations. You may stumble upon a great surprise like I did and pick up a few more sets for free (or extremely cheap!) I'm happy when I can get the most out of my Sim Points