I am pretty sure this question belongs here, but if not, could someone please move this thread to where it belongs? Thank you.
I am wondering, it is something that I am thinking about doing in a project story. So I would like to know how it affects the offspring. I am bouncing around in my head some different ideas of which direction to go with it, and I need some information to help with how this would affect the game, do I need to switch to one of the other ones.
Question: The goal of the project is to see how each town affects the looks of the next generations.
What I am wondering is, if I do a makeover of the looks of the family, change nose, mouth, eye shapes, will it have an affect on how the offspring looks before he or she is born? So basically if I have Billy Bob from SV marry Susie Q and move them to DV and do a makeover will their offspring look like the original parents or will they have some of the features of the parents with the makeover.
I am going to make the assumption that if the heir is born before the jump he/she (and before the makeover) will have the parents genetics look and so that won't affect the games goal.
I am just wondering if I can do the change before the pregnancies or even earlier, such as when the heir ages to teen or YA. Or do I have to wait until after the birth of the new heir?
Am I making sense?