Well, it was taking me forever to get an excellent or perfect steak plant count of 10 for the last part in the opportunity. I knew by the looks of it that my sim was going to die of old age before the challenge was finished. I kept making ambrosia and still wasn't getting the right amount of steak plants, well I should say the right quality. I don't like having my sims be immortal. I'm already sick of them and ready to move on but I want to at least experience an Omni Plant. So, I made my sim doing the opportunity immortal, well my sim and his son. Now, I have 7 out of 10 plants so that's good. I planted an excellent steak so my plants are now the quality they should be.
On a side note and off topic, I did get to scare the reaper and dance with him. That was something I wanted to do for a while.