My papergirl has me stumped. The most recent house I built has both a front and back door, both with stairs and porches the NPCs can access with ease. Every morning the papergirl ignores the front door (set as the front door, no less), walks into the backyard, walks up to the backdoor, complains about a pathing issue, then drops the paper on the back porch and leaves.
I've tried replacing the back door, thinking it was somehow permanently set as the front door, but nothing changed. I can lock the gates to the backyard, but I want NPCs and visitors to wander in and out freely. The front steps to the porch are set back two squares and there's not much on the lawn, so she has space to put the paper down in the front part of the house.
Anyone seen this behaviour before? Any suggestions I can try to get delivery in the front for a change? At this point I'd be happy with the paper getting hidden in the front bushes each morning!