Nan called toddler training, she really has a soft spot for the nooboos. I can remember her teaching me my skills when I was Nikki's age, too.
At Will's urging, I've begun to tap into a few powers that come from my blood. Alien blood, I suppose. Anyway, recombobulating the tv is much easier than getting someone to fix it for us.
We kept trying to add another story to our house, but for some reason the permits never went through. We ended up just giving up and putting in the new bedrooms in the side room.
Nikki's a good little girl, though she likes to try and disappear a lot. She loves listening to me play the piano while she plays with her toys. It's a good indulgence to have, I think.
She keeps growing up, and I don't know if I can handle it much longer!
I can't decide if she got Papa Juan's mouth or Will's, they both look a little similar around there, don't they?
Nikki's begun to dabble in logic.
Though after Nan was abducted by aliens for a few hours, she decided it was safer to work with chemicals.
I have yet to decide if I agree with her or not.