Hey there, sorry for the wait.
I was only able to find a few solutions to your problem, first see if there are any updates for any CC or game-mods you have installed. If that isn't the problem, disable any CC you have installed from the launcher.
From this post.This sounds like you have a conflict with your mods or custom content. Does the sims use CC? If so it could be that it is bad or conflicting with your game.
Start the launcher and select Installed Content. Click the box next to it to run the game without custom content. Run your game as usual and loading the save and see if you can now interact with your sim.
If it runs fine without the CC, you will need to find out which one is causing the problem and get rid of it. It basically involves you moving EVERYTHING out of your mods folder, and placing it back in one at a time, loading up the game in-between and exiting without saving until something strange happens. It may take a while. (Don't forget to allow the game to run with installed content when testing this!)
Another solution, is to move them out using edit town, and then back into the same home.
Found here.Try using Edit Town to move the whole household out of the house, then back in.
Or save your Sims to the bin and move them to a new town entirely.
And one last solution,
here.I'm sorry to necro an old thread, but I'd been having this same problem in my Dynasty, post-Showtime. My magician will get these tiny glitches where he is unable to be clicked on, as is his phone. resetSim doesn't work.
However, I did find what appears to be a workable solution - twice now, I've successfully had him use his phone, and once the phone call is ended, he is able to be clicked on, as is his phone. The first time, there was a broken shower, so I clicked on the shower, and chose "call repairman" - the second time, I went into his relationship panel, and just had him "chat" with a friend.
Hopefully, this is will help someone else.
I'm sorry if this wasn't much help, I have not heard of this problem before.
If any of this fails to work, you may have to move the family to a new file entirely as the one you are using may be corrupted somehow.