Author Topic: Pets Easter Egg?  (Read 8984 times)

Offline Jonna

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Re: Pets Easter Egg?
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2010, 12:15:15 AM »
I'm in the no pets party!  All I remember were those strays coming and piddling on my lawn!!!

But I have to agree that the dragons were kind of awesome.

Offline Caitie

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Re: Pets Easter Egg?
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2010, 11:51:12 PM »
I can't wait for a pets expansion pack, as well, although I hope they do more with it than the Sims 2 Pets EP.  In that way, I liked the Sims 1 Unleashed EP so much better.  I loved how it enabled not only the ability to grow plants (which I suppose we already have, with the base game) but also put obstacles in the way.  I LOVED how, if you didn't watch it, a rabbit would come and eat your produce.  Not to mention the mice ... But, if you had a cat, no mice problem; if you have a dog, no rabbit problem!  Etc, etc.  It added a little extra conflict to gameplay.  Plus, the Old Town theme was fun, as was the farmer's market.

Still, as a whole I've been very impressed with TS3 EP's.  TS1 was just feeling out what the fanbase wanted (and, in fact, the first EP was nothing more than a stuff pack), TS2 EP's tended to be rather lazy at times, in my opinion.  ("Now you can sculpt pottery! And ... and ... and dance!  Now go by FreeTime!" Seriously, did anyone else feel like FreeTime wasn't an EP as much as it was a really big SP?)  But TS3's EP's have not only added to the game, they've radically changed how we play the game.  Look at how many weeks of gameplay it takes to fully explore all your options in foreign countries in World Adventures; explore all the tombs, get your visa level all the way up, buy a vacation home, etc, then repeat for the next country.  I, personally, still haven't done everything there is to do in all three countries, and I got the game the day it was out.  And Ambitions was just as good.  I feel like I'm tempting fate just by putting this in writing, but ... I really have a feeling TS3 EP's will be worth their money, and more, all the way through.

Thank you for reading this far.  *gets off soapbox*

What are you asking for a screenshot for?

I think what she's saying is, unless the person making the claim has proof in the form of a screenshot (in this case, of the adoptable pets easter egg), than said claim can be assumed to be completely invalid and nothing but a bunch of bull.  Allow me to add my agreement to this.  After all, as many fans as wants pets, don't you think that if EA had done the work of designing, coding, skinning, etc etc those pets, they'd be charging us to play with them?  Or, at the very least, be shouting it from the rooftops?  It just doesn't make sense for them to do all that work, and then keep it hush-hush.  And, being the second most successful video game franchises of all time (only after Mario), the Sims franchise isn't in the habit of doing things that don't make sense, especially things that lose them money potentially spent on another EP.

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Offline JahloveAngel

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Re: Pets Easter Egg?
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2010, 06:13:43 AM »
I really have a feeling TS3 EP's will be worth their money, and more, all the way through.

I'm going to jump in with a very strong 'heck yeah' of agreement. As you said, the good expansion packs change how we play the game. I think that's been true with both World Adventures and Ambitions. As always, you can install an EP and manage to avoid most, if not all, the changes and additions it makes to the base game, but to do so seems odd to me. The EPs make the sprawling world of the Sims 3 even larger, and have added new game play elements and layers of complexity to what has always been a great game. If the EPs keep adding onto the game as much as they have been, I have a feeling I'll never get to see all the game has to offer. And I think I'm perfectly okay with that. :)

