Computers and Components
If you are looking for help with your computer and its components, such as Graphics Cards, then the following threads should help you. These threads were originally stickied but due to the large amount of stickied threads taking up nearly a page they have now been unstickied but you can find the links to all of those under the four new thread headings.
Buying a Desktop or Laptop for The Sims 3A Guide for what to consider when purchasing a new computer for The Sims 3, to find what is best and what you will need.
Graphics CardInformation about Graphics Cards that work with The Sims 3 and are supported or not supported.
If you know of another thread that has very useful information to improve performance please contact a Moderator to ask them to add the thread to this list.
If you are experiencing other issues see the following threads for more helpful links:
Performance Issues,
Installation and Reinstallation Processes,
Game Files: Recovery, Fixing and Back-Ups and
Miscellaneous Technical Help. If you still do not find the answers for your technical issues you are looking for post your issue on the technical help board following
these guidelines.