Author Topic: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved  (Read 2291 times)

Offline Janna

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spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:30:52 PM »
I'm not trying to double post, but since no one seems to have an answer in Mis Help, where I added it to another question, I thought I would check here.  I hope it is okay to try here. 

When I move my gardens from one lot to another the spawners will increase and have even moved from their place.  The fish are on dry ground near the ponds, there are two or more boxes on top of each other for one type.  I had a butterfly spawner by the fairy area, when I checked after I moved the lot, there were two boxes.  Instead of one High 1 spawner, I now had two High 1 spawners.  Every spawner had at least doubled up, a couple seem to have increased to three; found one in the restroom and I hadn't place a spawner near that building.  Fish were in the garden with the plants, in the patio area by the tables and the butterflies had moved to the restrooms and in the ponds.

Anyone know why this is happening and how I can stop it from happening?  This has happened several times to me when I move a garden from one lot to another or from one town to another one. 

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 04:43:13 PM »
I don't have an answer but I've encountered this issue as well.  The spawners on my lot duplicated themselves, with the second spawner hovering a short distance above the original one.  I'm curious to hear what might be the cause of it, since I've only got wild theories ranging from sending a sim abroad to issues with ground uneveness.

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 06:34:33 PM »
I remember reading about this in conjunction with the Stones Throw Greenhouse. The greenhouse comes with seed spawners and someone determined that each time you rotated the venue, the spawners multiplied. I know that in every game I play, there are tons of seeds outside the greenhouse. The only way to get rid of them is to go into edit mode and start deleting them. It's a pain, but it's all you can do.

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 10:43:34 PM »
But I don't have the GreenHouse, and this has been happening for quite a while, before I bought SN.  The only reason it has me somewhat concerned is that when someone downloads a park they will have this problem.  Before I save the garden/park to my library I make sure that they are no duplications.  I have had it happen to a park I created when I put a copy in another town, which can be a pain in the rear; but when (if) it happens to people who download my gardens, then I get frustrated and want to find a way to stop it.

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2013, 01:50:55 PM »
I experienced this problem for the first time yesterday.  However, today it doesn't seem to be happening. (I have different problems  :-[)

Yesterday, I had TestingCheatsEnabled on.  I haven't put it on today yet and haven't noticed any duplicate spawners.

I'm planning to go back and play about some more with my build later and I'll experiment and let you know if TestingCheatsEnabled is the cause of the problem or not.

Edited:  I think that SimAd is right (see following post).  The reason that I hadn't noticed any duplicates was because my originals had disappeared. (I've been having a lot of problems with dormitories.)  Sorry for raising any false hopes.

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 02:28:41 PM »
Yup, this happens, and even worse it happens if you rotate a lot while placing it from the Library. It'll leave copies of the spawners for each time you try to rotate the lot.

It's an old problem and has been there since base game, there is no known fix. Apart from going into build/buy mode, setting buydebug on (IIRC) and go hunt and delete each rogue spawner individually.

Or you can save the lot without spawners and place the spawners only after you've placed the lot.

ETA: it is NOT due to having testingcheats enabled or any other setting. Also, there is no mod that prevents it from happening (which would be some tricky scripting/core mod anyway).

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Re: spawners duplicating themselves when lot moved
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 08:04:00 PM »
The rotating of a lot makes a lot of sense, I think it is after I had moved a lot, not from the library, but from another lot in the same game.  I had moved a garden from one lot that for some reason had the grass covering the road, which was really irritating to see as I was working on the garden, creating it.  I moved it to another lot and had rotated it get the gate on the side I wanted it to be. 

I didn't use the testingcheat until after I had moved, to do some work (moveobjects) on the garden, so that couldn't have been a factor.

After I had moved the garden, then typed in the cheat, then typed in the moveobjects and buydebug cheats, that is when I saw the multiple boxes. 

So,  that could be the reason. 

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