Yabba-Dabba-Doo! I have been a Flintstones fan since it debuted (It was on in primetime! The whole family watched! Even Grandma!)
While I was thrilled to discover a Flintstones-inspired car at MTS, I was also pleased to discover a few things that could be used for "primitive" settings like campfires, low-cost bathroom facilities, etc.

CFE is your friend!
(...Until you forget to put the walls in first!)
One thing I've been enjoying lately is taking ordinary objects and recoloring them to look "Flint-stoney" Some things work better than others. A zebra-skin couch or easy chair works well, but reskinning the TV, stove, or refrigerator with rough stone is kind of fun, too. Coarse wood textures help give things that "rough-hewn" look.
What I'd like is a discussion of ideas how to make things look stone-aged, from clothing to cars to houses, etc. What tricks have you stumbled upon? What construction techniques make a house look like it was carved from stone/hewn from a fallen tree/excavated from a hillside cave/constructed from hides and mammoth bone framework?
What do you know about how to do this that I haven't figured out yet?
Tell me!!