Author Topic: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty: The End...Failure  (Read 3161 times)

Online PeregrineTook

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The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty: The End...Failure
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:55:38 AM »

It was a typical day for the Crumplebottom sisters.  Belinda slaved away at the stove making pancakes while Bianca impatiently went to the refrigerator to grab some cereal.  They butted heads often enough, but they had grown quite comfortable with the lives they led.
Those comfortable lives were about to be changed.
Eldest sister Beatrice was the one who stumbled upon a life-changing truth.

Accomplished alchemist and chef Beatrice was simply trying to discover what type of finger foods dragons enjoy most when she found an obscure and neglected old tome.  Within its ancient pages, she uncovered the teachings of an ancient sage known only as...Carl. 
Carl's words had been recorded by a scribe named Metro who had recorded these teachings and prophecies which identified a trio of witch sisters who would be the founders of a dynasty.  This lineage would lead to the redemption of "the place where moonlight falls."  Moonlight Falls!  Trio of witch sisters!  Things sounded a bit too familiar...

Beatrice raced home and shared this information with her sisters who all came to the same realization...if they were to be the founders of a dynasty, they needed to update their wardrobes!

That's more like it.  Now they felt capable of saving Moonlight Falls.  Well, indirectly saving Moonlight Falls through the progeny they would bring into this world.  In working towards this goal:
-Beatrice continued her role of developing skills in alchemy and gardening and even took up alchemy as a profession.
-Belinda continued her work in culinary services. 
-Bianca...quit her job in music.  Someone needed to focus on finding a mate and starting this dynasty!

Of course, a fellow carrying a pizza definitely deserves consideration for the spouse role.

And what are neighbors for if not being potential spouses?  Chauncey Grimm was definitely a candidate, though not nearly as flirty as our girl Bianca.

Then again, this is the only place where she has ever found her equal.

Argus certainly helped make Chauncey look that much more appealing by contrast.

Of course, Bianca can always find solace in knowing that her sisters are there for her regardless of who might become her spouse.

That being said, sisters, please give her some space so she can actually find that spouse!
Chauncey proved to be the only real choice.  She had even considered using the love charm on him to speed things up,

but things worked out naturally.  The only magic they needed was love.

Bianca fought through her own commitment issues and proposed to her beloved.  He accepted with a display of giddiness.  We'll save his dignity by not posting any images of his clapping and prancing about.

Bachelorette party for Bianca proved to be a bit tame.  Belinda served her world-famous waffles.  Yes, waffles.  Eventually, a party dancer showed up...with his thoughts and eyes focused on Belinda.

Maybe the heir to this dynasty will come from the middle sister instead...

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty...Story Mode!!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 07:34:24 AM »
Yay for Chauncey being the spouse! I'm rather fond of him. I love your explanation as to how they started a DecaDynasty. "an ancient sage known only as... Carl"  ;D

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Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty...Story Mode!!
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 02:06:39 PM »

The girls called in some help to get the house tidied up for the wedding.  This was mostly prompted by Beatrice getting tired of cleaning up after her sisters.

Bianca did her bridal duties by heading out to pick up the wedding cake and then stopped off to get a wedding gift for her fella:  the fountain of youth elixir.

The wedding was lovely.  It was a small affair in the back yard with pizza and wedding cake being served.  Robin Banks, the party dancer, was still intrigued by Miss Belinda.  The wedding ceremony, itself, was slightly off as the wedding arch was inadvertently set up backwards.  Good thing all those chairs were available for the guests...too bad they couldn't use them.

You know it's a good party when a guest is still throwing rice at 1:00 the next morning.

So, the wedding night went well...the next morning, on the other hand.  The heir is on the way!

Beatrice returned to the Vault of Antiquity and discovered more prophecies about their dynasty in a text called, "The Weavers of Dreams," written by a noted astronomer from ancient times who went only by the name of Pam.
This prophecy was written in the margin of the book in purple crayon, but still seemed valid to the eldest Crumplebottom.
The prophecy stated that, "The witch sisters three shall bring forth a female heir.  To help her in her quest, the sisters must have cat-like quickness." 
The sisters had different ideas of what "cat-like quickness" might mean.

Beatrice assumed it meant to for them to be quick witted, thus she returned to studying.

Belinda assumed it meant physical prowess and re-shaped her body.  (Before and after shots)

Bianca, being a literalist, adopted a cat.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty...Story Mode!!
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 06:32:09 PM »
The nightmare begins!
Literally, the nightmare.
Bianca wasn't sure if it was seeing her sister drop the extra weight, the knowledge that pregnancy makes you become "poofier," or if, perhaps, having nothing but leftover wedding cake for every meal, but something brought on a nightmare.

The mirror, usually Bianca's best friend, was showing her a surprising new look.  Gone was the dainty pixie version of Bianca. Instead, she found herself in Chauncey's house on the day they first met and she stood there looking at herself supersized.  "I look like I ate my sisters!" she thought.  In later therapy sessions, that would be chalked up as envy or jealousy.

Her wonderful first meeting with charming Chauncey became a horrid experience of name calling and nastiness.  She awoke in a cold sweat.  Knowing only one person who could comfort her, she headed off to admire herself in the mirror.

The mirror is where she developed so much of her charisma skills, which led to Bianca being invited down to Town Hall to present a seminar on the effective uses of charisma.  She had just finished her presentation when she went into labor.

She rushed home quickly (with cat-like quickness, perhaps?), and was instantly surrounded by loving supportive family...including Bonehilda.

After fighting the urge to give up on home birth and head off to the hospital, Bianca gave birth to the heiress.  Say hello to Zaylee Crumplebottom.

Zaylee begins with the genius and friendly traits.  Conveniently, the few things Bianca had already gotten for the nursery were purple and the is Baby Zay's favorite color!  What a good and fashion-conscious young lady.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty...Story Mode!!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2013, 12:12:36 AM »
Chauncey and Bianca, having stepped up to the challenge of beginning the dynasty to redeem their beloved hometown of Moonlight Falls, decided that their next heroic endeavor would games.

Fear not, readers, Baby Zay is in fantastic hands even if her parents have developed a sudden video game addiction.

Yes, Zaylee is quite fortunate to have such great aunts and an animated skeleton to help take care of her.
Speaking of the aunties, they have been pretty active themselves.
Beatrice has almost mastered both gardening and alchemy.

And zombies had better leave this sister's garden ALONE.

Belinda watched the stars with her sweetheart, Robin Banks.  Somehow, they managed to see the stars through the porch roof...

The next day, they had their first kiss, which of course led to...

proposal.  He said yes.  Emphatically.  Looks like the village raising Zaylee will be getting larger, but the wedding will have to wait since tomorrow is Zaylee's toddler birthday.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty...Story Mode!!
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2013, 08:19:20 AM »
The heiress had turned into a beautiful toddler and was enjoying having a loving, nurturing mother and a stylish purple-themed wardrobe.

Meantime, her auntie Belinda was preparing for her wedding to Robin.  However, she took a moment out from her preparations to pose for a photo with her sisters.

The guests had a lovely time at the beautiful wedding (with the arch turned the correct direction this time)

and the paparazzi enjoyed it too.

Chauncey has aged up and is having a mid-life crisis.
Speaking of aging up...

fitness fanatic Belinda aged up mid-workout the day after her wedding.
Meantime, her new husband decided to add to the family fortune by becoming a tomb raider.

He wasn't that good at it.

While all of this was going on, Beatrice had been pondering.  It seemed too convenient to her that "purple" had shown up so much.  It was the color of the crayon which wrote the prophecy, the color of the furniture Bianca had gotten a sudden urge to buy for the heiress, and then ended up being Baby Zay's favorite color.  She had her doubts about this being a coincidence.
Thinking about it, she decided to try the sixth bookshelf in the Vault since purple has six letters.

As she pulled the lone book with purple lettering on its binding, she opened a hidden door.  This led to a hidden vault.
Investigating the vault, Beatrice was overwhelmed by trying to dig through the veiled truths which lay within. 
This drove her to a fit of insanity during which she was convinced that she had to protect the kingdom from the wicked queen and her evil dragon co-hort.

She's going to have some explaining to do...

Online PeregrineTook

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Beatrice has become an elder.  This is fitting, as she has been the mother figure for her two sisters.  However, she now has others to care for...

Yep, the clan is pulling together a collection of chipmunks to leave behind to meet the move out requirements.  If only the cost of the terrariums could be added in when calculating the value.  It would certainly add quite a lot.

Speaking of adding, anther baby is being added to the household.  Baby Zaylee is going to have a cousin.

In the midst of his mid-life crisis, Chauncey decided to flirt with Megan Rumpp.  Nothing came of it beyond that and he remained Bianca's faithful husband. 
At least, he would have...sister Belinda was playing with magic and decided to cast a love charm on herself.  Since she followed that up by chatting with Chauncey...

Bianca was not pleased.  While they did not divorce, they certainly found themselves distant.

She decided that this was the only man she could count on.

The next day, Robin aged up to elder.

This is not very likely to improve his tomb robbing, but at least he has taken up a culinary career so he can help provide for his soon-to-be-born child.
Speaking of the child, while Belinda was painting on the day after Robin aged up,

Another child was brought into the Crumplebottom household...

Say hello to Zaiden Crumplebottom.  He has the good and artistic trais.  Belinda is already making plans to enroll him at a boarding school to either develop his athletic skills or his artistic skills since she has developed a love of painting during her pregnancy.  Bianca is thinking about how many of his school friends might be candidates to become the husband to her perfect little baby.

Conveniently, the crib will be available for Zaiden since Bianca's little baby isn't a baby anymore.  No more crib now that she's aging up!

She is sporting some very stylish piggy tails, but needs to create a new wardrobe with her purple-focused flair.

Immediately after finalizing her wardrobe, she was shocked to see that her mommy also aged up.

And they finished up their day with mommy reading a book about spellcasting.  After all, she can tell by the happy moodlet her little angel is getting from the familiars that Zaylee following in her mother's witchy footsteps.

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Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty: When Death Comes Too Soon
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2013, 01:23:17 PM »
It was a strange time in Bianca's life.  She had given birth to an heiress to fulfill a prophecy, which unfortunately took some attention away from the snobbish and somewhat conceited Bianca, but she truly loved her little angel.  She had overcome her commitment issues and married Chauncey only to see him kissing her sister Belinda.  Now, having aged up to adult, she found herself in the midst of a mid-life crisis.
(Note to the reader:  I am granting every mid-life crisis wish Bianca has so long as it isn't the wish to move)

She decided to try patching things up with Chauncey.  This led to him having issues with Belinda, who now felt betrayed.

Bianca's first wish was simple a change in hairstyle.  Looking in the mirror is right up this lady's alley!

Speaking of changing one's appearance, Zaiden aged up to toddler and came to be a rather adorable youngster.

Wish number two was to flirt with Jules MacDuff.  Our little charmer used a charming introduction to break the ice and then initiated the flirting.

Obviously, her charm was a bit much for the young fellow.

Being a married woman, she needed to break things off with Jules.  Immediately.
Unfortunately, heading home to hubby made Bianca's next mid-life crisis wish that much surprise given her commitment issues, but the wish was to divorce Chauncey.

Quickly changing subject to happier things, look how nice Zaylee's room looks.  Only a couple more days until she ages up to teen!

It's an L shaped layout with a loft, a desk underneath (for doing homework, of course, as the honor roll is a necessity) and a lovely portrait of her mommy painted by auntie Belinda.
Speaking of dear auntie, things got sad in her life.  Belinda's husband, Robin, continued to develop his tomb-raiding (which are still subpar) and culinary skills.  However, being in his new role of one of the elders of the household, he decided to accompany Beatrice to the vault to dig through tomes looking for prophecies.  At least, that was the plan before he saw a bush covered in delicious-looking jelly beans!

"Purple!" exclaimed Beatrice as she noticed Robin grabbing a jellybean.
"No, I don't like the grape," Robin replied.  He then felt very odd.

Had Robin grabbed the purple jelly bean, he might have avoided a visit from the fellow in the black robe.

Robin has moved on permanently, but Chauncey is moving on a bit differently.  Belinda and Robin were converting the household's garage into their own home.  As they no longer need it, Chauncey made it into his retreat.  Too much drama going on with Bianca.

Belinda had a funeral party to celebrate the wonderful, though brief, life she had spent with Robin.  In the midst of the party, she and Bianca decided to take a moment to get some of their anger and frustration out the best way witches can:  a spellcasting duel!

Meantime, newly single Chauncey got a bit better acquainted with a now young adult Faith MacDuff.

So, what happens next?
No, seriously.  I'm not sure if I should keep Chauncey there living in a garage or if I should let him move out and have his own life.


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Keep him in, the dynasty heir deserves to have their father in their life

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Valid point, though I like Chauncey and would like him to be able to have a real life.  Maybe he and Faith MacDuff could be truly happy together.  He could visit or Zaylee could visit him...just not sure.  Still not sure...


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Death by Jelly bean, unlucky Robin. I have yet to have a sim actually die from Jelly beans, RIP robin. I am sure however that Chauncey and Faith will be lovely together, :)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Crumplebottom Sisters Decadynasty: The End...Failure
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2013, 09:48:37 PM »
Bianca moved rather smoothly into her single life.  Seems our pixie just draws attention, even from paparazzi stalkers.

Things were getting more serious between her ex-husband, Chauncey, and young miss Faith

Unfortunately, honor roll status had not yet happened when this occurred

So now we have an ineligible heir.

Ah well, I'll give it another go.  Maybe I'll start with Chauncey this time.  Or maybe I could start in Barnacle Bay and go pirate on it...

