** Thread is locked due to creator no longer supporting their save files. **
Download at http://krrankstuff.blogspot.com/IntroHey, just felt like kicking it old school. This is a basic world, nothing fancy. It has most of the houses from Sims 2 original too. The save file has the characters from Sims 2, built to my taste, just to get you started. Have fun!
REQUIREMENTSWorld requires World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations and Pets, Seasons and University.
No store content was used. But If I mistakenly used one, it will replaced by some other object in your game. You might get a Missing object warning when you load the world if I did use a store content. Don't worry about it.
Patch 1.50 was used to build this world.
Riverview is also required. Just in case.
LOTSWorld size is Large.
Total Lots - 106
Commercial Lots - 36
Residential Lots - 70 (Occupied - 10; Unoccupied - 36; Empty - 24)
POPULATION There are 10 Families created by me, 9 of which are the core families from the original Sims 2.
Look inside family inventory or sim inventory for personal effects like awards, photos, plants and seeds and lifetime awards.
Some photographs may be blank since I deleted the Traveldb file to make the save game file smaller