You can also get the boyfriend (whom you stated on another thread already had a girlfriend before your sim 'stole' him) to go to the former GF and break up with her. It's on the mean interaction tab. I can't remember if it says 'breakup' or 'ask to just be friends', but either way they will no longer be romantically involved. I'm not sure if this will completely erase the cheater reputation, but it will help it to decay over time and eventually disappear. Your female sim will also lose the naughty reputation. You can see how many romantic interests your sims have by looking at the stats in their scrapbook. If the sim your male sim has as his other current relationship is no longer in the town, you will have to use the Clean Slate LTR. Using this will also erase your current romantic relationship and you will have to build it back up. You also have to have the Generations expansion pack in order for this LTR to be available.