I had my sims have a birthday party for their toddler daughter, Oriel, as she had all her toddler-gained skills and as her mother Selma was pregnant again I didn't want 3 dependent kids in the house. As Oriel blew out the candles, the table caught fire. Everyone panicked. One of my sims nearly got burnt in the fire, as did some of the guests. The fire department came, and it was all all right, but Oriel didn't age up, and they got failed party moodlets and the kitchen got messed up. I'm not really sure how to prevent more fires like this. Could it have been that the sunflowers on the table were too close? I want to have a new party for Oriel, but I don't want to burn down the house. What should I do? And also, why didn't she age up? She'd blown out the candles....