An option, that is a far cry from CAW, but can give a somewhat feeling to creating your own town, is to use Edit Town and remodel a game town. Exampe would be to take Moonlight Falls and remove some some buildings (rabbit holes) and add ones from other expansions, if you have them. Or make them from scratch, which I think you can learn how to do here.
I'm not that savy to try to do, but that is an option. You can take out houses, or rebuild them, changing the design to whatever you like. I think the programing adds back families if you evict some, but you can move families from other towns to your new town.
I am taking Moonlight Falls and doing jut that, I am creating a base game for me to use in other games. I am adding some of the buildings that I like and removing ones that are just downright ugly. The diner, grocery and book store, they are combined buildings and sims just don't hang around them like they do in SV. So, I will be taking them out and replacing them with ones from RV or SV. I am adding the militry base from SV as there is no "real" base in MF like there is in SV, just the office in the court house.
Taking several of the homes and remodeling the inside, either making them more efficient for moving around, shrinking large bathrooms to turn them into two bathrooms, redoing walls, floors and such in colors and patterns that doesn't make me want to throw up. Creating a community garden that will have all of the plants in it; grow all of them to perfect and have a perfect garden, or focus on what is needed for a nectary, grapes, some set trees, plums, pomogrante, cherry, maybe some others. Adding a couple of extra ponds, making a Chinese garden with a pond of Koi fish. Mainly for looks, but could be used for fishing if desired for any future anglers that I create.
You can't redo roads, rename streets, or such, but you can do some changes that makes the town more like what you want in it.