Author Topic: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?  (Read 69606 times)

Offline retro_rose

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My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:28:26 PM »
Hi there! I'm new to the forum, and new to Sims 3. Though I was a big player of the Sims 2 for years. I'm hoping someone can help me with a dilemma I'm having with my sims.

For note, I have World Adventures installed, and nothing else and no downloads.

I had made a girl to start the game off with. I had her make Stiles McGraw a romantic interest. I had him move in, but when I saw he was two days away from being an elder I put a stop to it and made him move out. But I didn't kill the romantic interest. I guess that was my bad.

So, unsure of what sim for her to go after, I decided to just make her a man! So I went to CAS, built a guy, played him as my active house hold. I had them fall in love and go steady. This was at her house. Here is where I don't even know what went wrong.

I was at her house playing as the guy. A girl came and knocked on the door. She let her in. When I had my sim kiss his girlfriend, a negative relationship marker went off between my guy and the visiting neighbour. (there is no romantic interest or anything between that neighbour and either of my sims). I was confused, but nothing happened. So I had my guy sim run off to a community lot, and my girl sim in tow. When he got there, he got really mad at her and a "cheated" thing came up.

I'm wondering why that would have happened if Stiles McGraw was nowhere around, and I didn't see that friend do anything other than a negative relationship mark.

My problem now is that I can't seem to make the scenario end in them being together. I must have saved after it happened. I keep trying to make it work, but I don't know how to fix it.

At first I tried having him go to see her and that worked out well, though the romantic choices were hidden and he refused her advances. After the betrayed moodlet went away I was like, "finally! Back to normal!" but, he broke up with her automatically and I could not cancell the action.

So I quit without saving and went back to the 2 days left of being betrayed moodlet mark where I had last saved.

Baffled, I thought ok.... the moodlet had implied that I should go after the guy and pop him one. I went to see Stiles, but it showed up as aquaintance when he met him, and no negative feelings. So I thought, "lets try getting mad at the neighbour" but she was neutral too. Nothing worked.

So I quit without saving again.

I switched my active household to my girl. I tried going over to her boyfriends house, and he broke up with her on the spot! Bad move I guess!

I'm flummoxed. Is there a way to make it so that they don't break up over this? I really like these sims and want them to have marriage, kids, etc. How do I fix it and what caused him to say she was cheating?

Offline azokka361

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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 09:46:08 PM »
For whatever reason, even having a previous relationship will count as cheating in the mind of a sim! What I usually do when this scenario occurs and I don't want the relationship ruined:

A) If it's really bad, I use testingcheatsenabled true to cancel the "Betrayed" moodlet and drag relationship bar to full.

B) Usually, when the betrayed sim is having the action to "Break up With ____" that can't be cancelled, I just use resetsim on that sim and everything appears to go back to normal. To use "resetsim," hit Shift + Ctrl + C and type in "resetsim First Name Last Name," then hit enter.
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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 10:21:46 PM »
With your active household as the girl, have her call up Stiles McGraw to invite him over, or go over to his house. Once these two sims are face to face use the mean interaction to "breakup", or ask to be just friends. Then go over to the boyfriends house and see what you can do to fix the relationship with him. Good luck!

Offline Sarabi

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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 12:48:47 AM »
You have some options here - depending on what was going on in your last save.

It sounds like your biggest issue in continuing the relationship with Stiles was age.  You can play this game with aging turned off - it is a game option.  When you turn aging off, your Sims won't age up unless you use a birthday cake or trigger age transition with a cheat.

When a relationship is a romantic interest, it will stay that way until you formally break it off, as described in the previous post.  If you have no further contact with that romantic interest, the relationship will decay over time, but it will still carry the status of romantic interest.

There are also a couple of LTRs that might help - like No Jealousy.  A description is here.

Good luck.

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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 01:00:48 AM »
Welcome to our Forum, retro_rose.

In addition to all of the suggestions already given, I would like to add that you can fix this situation without using any cheats or changing the game settings.  The girl who visited your couple that first had the negative signs might have been a friend of Stiles.  That's all it takes sometimes for the cheating issue to come up.  Anyone who knows Stiles could see it and then supposedly tell him about it.  So, that may be how it happened in the first place.  To fix it, you don't necessarily have to involve Stiles.  He'll remain a romantic interest, but as mentioned already, the relationship will decay until it's really not an issue.  Give your Sims some time to get over the Betrayed moodlet.  Don't even try friendly interactions until it has expired.  It will just anger the other Sim.  Once the moodlet is gone, you'll basically have to start from the beginning with friendly interactions to get them to be friends (preferable good friends) so you can start with the romantic interactions again.  If they fell in love once, they will again.
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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 10:52:34 AM »
...actually I've found that some Friendly interactions (really, really basic ones, like "chat" - the kind you'd use on a stranger) can make the Betrayed moodlet go away faster, as long as they aren't enemies. If their relationship bar is red, all bets are probably off.
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Offline retro_rose

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Re: My sim was cheated on, how do I fix the relationship?
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 01:38:14 PM »
Wow! What a fantastic forum! So many responses in just a day. Thank you all!

I tried a couple of the things mentioned here. First I had them avoid one another, but then I just got a pop up after the two days saying he was done with the relationship. So, I figured I'd just have to start from scratch.

I didn't know there was an option to say "lets just be friends", so thanks for that tip! It was my first step. I had her march over to Stiles house (who is now an elder, lol!) and ask to just be friends. He put up a fuss, she called his mother a llama, it was wonderful.

Then, after my guy broke up with her (which I have now relented to being inevitable), I went about chatting him up on the mobile phone, built up a friendship, saw him in public, and started building up a big full relationship bar. She had him over, had a date, woo'd him old school, and back in love they fell! They are now living together, married, and have a bun in the oven!

Thank you all for your helpful suggestions! They worked great!

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