Hi there! I'm new to the forum, and new to Sims 3. Though I was a big player of the Sims 2 for years. I'm hoping someone can help me with a dilemma I'm having with my sims.
For note, I have World Adventures installed, and nothing else and no downloads.
I had made a girl to start the game off with. I had her make Stiles McGraw a romantic interest. I had him move in, but when I saw he was two days away from being an elder I put a stop to it and made him move out. But I didn't kill the romantic interest. I guess that was my bad.
So, unsure of what sim for her to go after, I decided to just make her a man! So I went to CAS, built a guy, played him as my active house hold. I had them fall in love and go steady. This was at her house. Here is where I don't even know what went wrong.
I was at her house playing as the guy. A girl came and knocked on the door. She let her in. When I had my sim kiss his girlfriend, a negative relationship marker went off between my guy and the visiting neighbour. (there is no romantic interest or anything between that neighbour and either of my sims). I was confused, but nothing happened. So I had my guy sim run off to a community lot, and my girl sim in tow. When he got there, he got really mad at her and a "cheated" thing came up.
I'm wondering why that would have happened if Stiles McGraw was nowhere around, and I didn't see that friend do anything other than a negative relationship mark.
My problem now is that I can't seem to make the scenario end in them being together. I must have saved after it happened. I keep trying to make it work, but I don't know how to fix it.
At first I tried having him go to see her and that worked out well, though the romantic choices were hidden and he refused her advances. After the betrayed moodlet went away I was like, "finally! Back to normal!" but, he broke up with her automatically and I could not cancell the action.
So I quit without saving and went back to the 2 days left of being betrayed moodlet mark where I had last saved.
Baffled, I thought ok.... the moodlet had implied that I should go after the guy and pop him one. I went to see Stiles, but it showed up as aquaintance when he met him, and no negative feelings. So I thought, "lets try getting mad at the neighbour" but she was neutral too. Nothing worked.
So I quit without saving again.
I switched my active household to my girl. I tried going over to her boyfriends house, and he broke up with her on the spot! Bad move I guess!
I'm flummoxed. Is there a way to make it so that they don't break up over this? I really like these sims and want them to have marriage, kids, etc. How do I fix it and what caused him to say she was cheating?