Author Topic: Move my Sims and house  (Read 2585 times)

Offline elric06

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Move my Sims and house
« on: January 28, 2013, 01:30:47 AM »
I have a new computer and I want to bring my Sims and home. Can someone teach me how? I know how to move a house OR Sims but NOT at the same time and NOT to a different computer. Also, I want to move them to a new town, from Sunset Valley to Bridgeport. I really want my Sims to keep their house, and other personal stuff intact, with of course with money. I haven't played this game in forever, the last time I played we the complete Sims 1 and I'm now an addict of Sims 3! Thanks in advance!  ;D

Offline thesimslover828

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Re: Move my Sims and house
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 01:55:07 AM »
Yep it's really easy, I'll explain how. When you make a fresh Sim they are put into a household bin, well all you have to do to put a Sim and a house is click ''Save Copy to Library''. You can also put a Sim this way, with all money included. If you want a one Sim in the Library, like I do sometimes, just evict the others. Clicking the evict button won't work because all of the Sims will be evicted, you have to use ''Split Up Household'' button to get one Sim. If you want all the Sims and house just click ''Save Copy to Household''. It'll save everything the house has and all the Sims. I wish I had known this when I first started playing, I'd still have my first Sims. The menu pops up when you click the map tag for the house, the active household has a little house icon, but the map tag is green, instead of blue. I hope this helps you out and I didn't confuse you. ;D
Edit: When the house is in the household bin or Library as I call it, you can move them to any town you'd like. I have a Sim I keep a copy of and use alot. The best part is they never get deleted unless you delete them.
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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Move my Sims and house
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 11:59:51 AM »
Did you mean you want to move your sims file from one computer to another?  If that is the case, you need to get a thumb drive and move your saves from the old computer onto the thumb drive.  After you install your games on your new computer, you put the thumb drive in, open our saves folder and transfer them to your new computer.  I hope that is what you meant. :)
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Offline Branr

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Re: Move my Sims and house
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2013, 06:00:20 PM »
You can also try uploading your sim household to the sim's 3 exchange, then download them to your new computer.

