Hi all, I've read quite a bit about gardening and no where have I seen any mention that they can eat the garden food from their backpacks. So I thought I would mention it. They don't need a garden. Just buy from the grocery store. It saves soooo much time, especially if they are busy sims. They need about 4 peices of produce a day when they have no point rewards and when they get the 'hardly hungry' reward (25000 pts), they only need one produce per day. I love it.
Also, if you have multiple families in your town and they all have food in their backpacks, they will never go hungry. When the red hunger icon shows up, they eat. No wining or arm waving nonsense.
I love the gardening. I use store bought produce to start planting with and just hit the 'tend to' and let them go to it. I rarely fertilize and have perfect plants usually the third generation. My favourite is the flame fruit. I love the colour it projects, and if they always have that in their backpack, they have a positive warm glow icon that constantly generates points for them. They can also eat them. Every sim/family I have has a garden, 2 fruits and 2 veggies and a flame fruit for that "always warm all over" feeling in their backpacks.