Recently, the whole household got new computers, and before they-the old desktop with my old game on it- were completely reset with a new OS and everything, my father 'backed up' all my old pictures and Sims files and put them on my new laptop. I had two different games I was playing on that old desktop- The Johnson household, and the Love household, which had the Pets expansion pack and I had custom coats made to look like my real pets. The only thing I was really worried about retrieving was the House/lot I had built for the Johnson household, I really loved that house and I want to play with it on my new game on my new computer, but I never actually saved or uploaded it or anything, and I'm worried it's lost. Then, there's the custom dogs, and cat I made to look like my pets, in the Love household on a totally different game, on the same desktop, and I put a lot of time and effort into making those custom coats in the advanced editor thing and I'd be really disappointed if I had to redo all of them all over again. My father transferred ALL the files from Electronic Arts and Sims related, but will I be able to recover what I want from those files? Is there a way to upload them from my computer to my new game through the game launcher? If you could give me any help or instructions, I would greatly appreciate it.