Author Topic: Building Contest 2012 21 - Zombie Defence - Undead End Drive  (Read 2315 times)

Offline SassySimmer

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Building Contest 2012 21 - Zombie Defence - Undead End Drive
« on: October 30, 2012, 05:59:05 PM »
Undead End Drive

Size:  20x30
Cost:  43,336
Expansions and Store content:  All (only free or acceptable store content has been used)


Maddox awoke in a white room confused by what was happening and why there was a man standing in the corner of the room mixing potions.  He explained that his name was Fredrick and him and those who he lived with had saved Maddox from Zombies.  Maddox scoffed and didn't believe the crazy old man.  So he took her on a tour of the facility.  The room that she had woken up in was actually the Medical room, sparse as it was as they had yet to have a good rummage in the abandoned hospital in town.

Fredrick then took Maddox to the Surveillance Room were Roger, just barely a teenager was tapping away at a computer.  Fredrick explained that the computer was hooked up to various 'hidden' cameras in the area.

Maddox still thought that this was the ramblings of a crazy old man (yes even a lady who is purple can think that an old man is crazy).  He then should Maddox the truth of the situation he asked her to take a seat, he flicked a switch on a remote and suddenly a light came on in the glass room and there stood a man who was disfigured, well 'Zombiefied'.  Maddox looked in awe at this, this creature (no other word could describe him).  Fredrick assured Maddox that him and those that he lived with were trying their hardest to find a cure for the curse.

He gave Maddox a quick whistle stop tour of the rest of the facility including the store room where they were growing plants.

An over view of the facility.

And above ground.  The defence systems are five fold, first there is the peashooter, then Parker is always on the look out and will radio down.  The gate it's self is padlocked and even if the Zombies get past the gate and into the building they still need to choose the correct sequence for the 'bookshelf' to open and if they get past all that, the Zombie purifier will take them.

Fredrick asked if Maddox would help them in the fight against the Zombies.  She said that she would and just before they shuck hands Maddox disappeared in a ball of electricity!

To download this excellent Zombie defence facility please click the link below!
♫♪If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.  When you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly chumps, just purse your lips and whistle that's the thing, and always look on the bright side of life......♪♫

