Building Contest 2012-21, Zombie Defence.
Name: Zombie Apocalypse Now.
By: CynKuy
Lot Size: 40 X 30
Furnished: 52,619
Unfurnished: 25,781
7 Bedspaces (Includes 4 Sleeping Bags), 2 Bathrooms.
Content: Base, Ambitions, World Adventures, Pets, Generations, Late Night,
Fast Lane, Supernatural, and some store content.
There are few things scarier than zombies, most of them are living, breathing human beings.
For zombie defense it's simple, peashooters, peashooters, peashooters, and continued vigilance.
The key to the rest of the defense is too trick the wily live ones. This place seems to be uninhabited
except for a crazy old coot but downstairs behind the secret door lives his family.
They even have a generator disguised as an old air conditioner to power the washing machine,
laptop, and grow lights for the most precious plants. Outside are the farm, bees, a pond, and
some skilling objects and an old bicycle for transportation. The basement holds an alchemy kit
and store room with tools for whatever minor repairs and fix ups they can manage.
The outhouse can be used in a pinch to hide from the sneakier zombies.
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