Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 126403 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:18 - Shattered
« Reply #240 on: July 18, 2016, 11:05:08 PM »
And the plot thickens... Dun dun duuuuun... That was awesome! I loved reading it from Sheo's point of view and reading it from Solsti's was just as good! They're both so sure they're broken that they don't realize that the people around them are even more broken than they are! Yay for strangers with golden hair and golden eyes and masks!

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Awwwww! Thanks! It was painful to write but at the same time it was a lot of fun. They really don't and they are adorable. I don't think Solstice will be forgetting the stranger anytime soon.  :-X

Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:19 - Ada
« Reply #241 on: July 18, 2016, 11:10:04 PM »
This is LONG overdue and I'm sorry I didn't post it sooner. I was just working on another project of mine and planning for the future for this story. As always Sheogorath's wonderful dialogue is done by the amazing Livvielove and you should check out her wonderful story! I hope you all enjoy this chapter.  :) Check out Sheogorath's version of events here.

The room was filled with screaming people. Yes, screaming people. Solstice was clutching a necklace in one hand. She had a human hand? How strange. She was just a machine. Machines didn’t feel. They broke. Solstice broke. Solstice could tell the magic had changed as something in her head roared alive. The lightning was back. She couldn’t feel her arm. She didn’t have an arm. Wait. She could feel her arm. Lightning was striking it over and over again until nothing remained but ashes. The lightning was coming to claim her cursed eyes. “MAKE IT STOP!” Her mind calmed for a few moments finally giving Solstice the rest she desperately yearned for. The stranger gently pushed two fingers to Solstice’s head. Or were those claws coming to destroy her even more? Would they tear at her until she was nothing more than dust? The gesture was gentle and fatherly. She wanted to sob. Was this another trick? Was anything good left? She felt as her mind grew lighter slowly. A heavy weight had been crushing Solstice for too long it seemed. Before she knew it memories of hatred slowly faded away until she could no longer recall them again. Stephen. Gladys. Kyle. August. Aurora. Names. Just names that only brought feelings of hatred and anguish, but no memories.

The stranger was screaming as something fell and shattered to the ground. Maybe it was her? Could she shatter? Could she stay shattered? She wanted to comfort the stranger. She didn’t want him to feel pain because of her. She was tempted to reach for him but could only whimper in pain. Lightning was dancing. Fire was dancing. All they left were agonizing scars. Suddenly her mind grew lighter as torture was erased from her mind. It was gone. What was it? She could have cried with relief. Why was he helping her? She was just one girl. She was insignificant. She wasn’t powerful. The stranger pulled a blanket over her, a kind gesture that Solstice didn’t recognize anymore. She wanted to sob. She didn’t deserve this. She was just one girl that was made of metal. She was just a machine. She barely catched the stranger’s words before she drifted into a restless sleep. “I will protect you, Tuiel. I promise.” She didn’t deserve to be protected. She deserved death.

Solstice was awaken by the screams in her head. She couldn’t recall where they had been from or if they even existed. It didn’t matter to her at the point. She waited approximately 5.457 seconds until she opened her eyes to take in her settings. Something was wrong. Her brain was slower than usual. She opened her eyes to see a strange man sitting in a chair, staring at her in concern. Solstice tried to move but couldn’t. She was clenching something in her hand. A necklace of sorts. She took a deep breath and winced. The strange man staring at her had saved her life. She gulped and an apology already formed in her head. The man had risked her life for her. Just her. He had done everything for her and how could she find a way to repay him for taking her out of a nightmare? She started crying without understanding why. “I’m so sorry.”
The stranger’s eyes went wide, his eyes shifting around the room and back to Solstice. She had cost him something. She had ended up costing him everything. That was what had happened. She had ruin this stranger’s life. She-”No.”

The stranger had jerked Solstice out of her thoughts as she stared at him. He looked at her sadly. “Don’t. Don’t apologize.” The stranger fidgeted with his hands while he stared at Solstice. He took a deep breath. “I….I should.” The stranger seemed to have trouble finding the exact words to tell Solstice. Words were deadly and it seemed he shared the same fear as Solstice did of them. “I’m not good at….at conversation. I can’t think fast enough to prepare.” He frowned. “But this isn’t your fault. I’m sorry.”
Solstice stared at him with wide eyes. “Words are deadly. I can’t sa-prepare myself either most days.” She closed her eyes, trying to fight away her fears. Why was this man apologizing? She was the freak. She was the one who he saved. She didn’t deserve any kindness from this man. She couldn’t find the right words to express her thankfulness. She wanted to hug him but that could end up bothering him. She shattered everything she touched. She was worthless. She was dangerous. “Thank you. I k-know you were probably stuck with me. I’m s-sorry for causing you any trouble but I just want to say thank you.”
The stranger gritted his teeth in frustration. Solstice could see in his eyes he was dealing with demons of his own. “You’re not trouble.” The stranger clenched his fists. “No. I mean, you did not cause any trouble. They were hurting you. You don’t deserve to be hurt. So I stopped them.” He nodded his head. “I can answer questions.” He swallowed. “I mean, I can answer any questions you might have.” The stranger tensed. “I...I took your memories from you. They were hurting you. They made a mess and that was wrong. I...I took those memories and made them go away. It’s not permanent. I… I just wanted to help.” The stranger seemed to brace himself for the worse.

Solstice stared at the stranger in a mixture of awe and regret for approximately 10.2345 seconds. He should have left her there. She had not done anything for him. She had ended up costing him something that mattered greatly to him. He had taken away her pain all without demanding a price. She wiped a tear away from her face and sat up on the bed. She stared at him, not able to find the words to express how thankful she was for the stranger. She couldn’t. Words couldn’t express what he had done. She found herself hugging the stranger tightly, unable to form words to express how thankful she was and how sorry she was for causing him trouble.  The stranger’s eyes went wide with concern. The stranger hesitantly hugged Solstice. He pulled her off of her feet and ended up letting Solstice rest against him. She was shocked and amazed by the stranger’s kindness. She hugged him tighter and started crying again. He rubbed her back while one of his hands held onto her safely. Why was he being so nice? Solstice didn’t deserve it. “Everything will be okay.” Solstice sobbed as another round of pain hitted her. “I promise. I won’t let you be broken like me.” He was broken? How could the most stable thing in Solstice’s life be broken?
 She hugged him tighter, not daring to let go of him.
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve it.” Her mind hummed with the new information. She needed to say something. She needed to say the thing that had been eating at her. “I think I might have deserved it. You aren’t broken. Broken people don’t feel.”

The stranger stepped forward and kept rubbing her back slowly. It was comforting. He glanced down at Solstice and his expression twisted with sadness. “Some people deserve to be tortured.” He said slowly,”but you are not one of them. You haven’t done anything to deserve that.” The stranger closed his eyes. “I make messes for a living.” He slowly opened his eyes to the wall. “I make messes out of people and their minds. If a person is deserving I break them. If my master orders me, I break them.” He frowned. “You did nothing to deserve this. Nothing at all. We’ll make it better though.” He paused. “I am not good at cleaning messes, but I will help. I think...I think I was meant to find you. I will take care of you.” He let out a nervous breath. Solstice’s mind whirled with information once again. Didn’t she deserve it though? Hadn’t she done something wrong? She wanted to hug him even tighter but she was afraid he would shatter. She wasn’t normal. She wasn’t human, but she was determined to pay him back.
She chose her words carefully. “Thank you. I don’t think you are broken because you know what broken people look like.” A small smile pulled on his lips awkwardly. She stared at him. “You aren’t broken.” She smiled at him even if it caused her pain. Her magic wasn’t working properly and she couldn’t read her mind. For once in her life, it didn’t matter to her. “What is your name?”
He smiled. “Sheogorath.” His voice was surprisingly level. “Sheogorath Keeper.” Sheogorath paused, his face shifting emotions to what Solstice assumed was anxiety. “Your name is Solstice. I learned it in your head.” He stated simply. He frowned slightly,”your magic is still recovering from earlier. You should rest.” Sheogorath slowly stood, helping Solstice and carefully placing her down on the bed again. “You are a mind reader then?” Solstice stared at Sheogorath in awe. She didn’t want to overwhelm him, but she was fascinated by the new information. She asked softly,”Does it hurt for you to be in large crowds?”

“Not exactly.” He paused for a long moment in thought. “I can read minds, but I am not as you are.” Sheogorath pursed his lips, pausing again. “I… I am the son of someone very, very powerful.” He nodded. “Powerful enough that I can do anything with my magic, including reading someone’s mind.” He fidgeted again.“While I… I cannot understand what it would be to have everyone’s thoughts in my own head, I would imagine it would be very painful to be in crowded spaces.” He stared at her now, waiting for her reaction. Solstice grinned. It was a strange thing for her to do after so long. His magic was fascinating and curiosity was eating away at her. “How fascinating. Would that make you Majnun’s son then due to your excess power?” Solstice pursed her lips, surprised. She had never talked much but she felt Sheogorath understood. 
Sheogorath appeared to be surprised, but Solstice noticed that his lip twitched into his usual, strange smile. He nodded. “You are one of Fate’s lineage.” He paused. “Yes. I am Majnun’s son with Alessandra.” Sheogorath closed his mouth suddenly, appearing to be afraid of saying her name. He swallowed and frowned. He moved his gaze to the bedpost, staring at it for a long moment before being snapped out of whatever horrid thing he was reliving because of Solstice. His brow furrowed with worry.  Solstice nodded, not sure how she felt about being one of hers. She had never met her before but how evil could the woman truly be if she allowed her family to be tortured for power? Solstice smiled. “So you are Majnun’s son. That must be interesting.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Something was flickering. She needed to get out. Her brain was calculating the nearest magic source and the most logical way to get power. Instead she forced it out of her head for a few seconds. That was all she could do. She would not kill Sheogorath. Not after all he had done for her. "Are... are you ok?" He sat up straighter. He stared at her intensely for a few moments, puzzling over what could be causing her pain. He leaned over hesitantly and touched her hand, his stare unwavering. "What's wrong?" It was all she do not to reach for him and drain the magic out of him until he died. She relaxed as the moment passed.

She shifted awkwardly. “Sorry. It is just something that happens every now and then.” She knew it did. She knew that something in the past had triggered it and something terrible had happened. She just didn’t know what it was. It seemed to dawn on his face why she couldn’t remember. Solstice knew too and she was okay with that. “You… don’t need to apologize to me.” He hesitated. “For anything.” He took a deep breath.. “You can ask me questions.” He paused suddenly, gathering his thoughts. “I’m here to help you.” Solstice took a deep breath and fidgeted with her hands.

She spoke quietly,”I don’t think I’m ready to know what happened in there.” She sighed with relief. She usually wanted to know everything about every situation to be prepared. She had learned that not every person’s thoughts could tell you everything. Solstice stared at her hands, embarrassed by the question she wanted to ask him. It was childish. She took a deep breath and met his red eyes filled with concern and kindness. “Can you sing to me again?” Her voice shaked, something that she hated. She wasn’t suppose to be childish, Sheogorath had already done enough for her.
Sheogorath’s eyes became wide. Solstice was afraid that she had ended up upsetting him and was about to apologize when he spoke. “The… the song from earlier?” He paused and smiled at her. “Mother used to sing that song. It made me feel better when I was sad.” Solstice smiled.  “I… am not Mother, but I can try.” He stood up and adjusted the chair closer to her. He held her frail hand in his own and closed his eyes.

 “Hush my little swallow,
the winter seems so long.
Curl up my little angel,
and listen for spring's song.”

Solstice felt herself relaxing as she closed her eyes. He slowly rubbed her hand with his thumb, a gesture that was fatherly to Solstice. Not that she had ever known what was fatherly or not, she had never had the chance to really meet James.
“The darkness can surround us,
and take away the light.
But you shall fly us forward,
yes, you will end the night.”

Solstice felt herself drifting into the comforting darkness that no longer seemed to haunt her with Sheogorath near.
“Hush my little swallow,
spring is around the bend.
The dawn is coming quickly,
you have brought on winter's end.”

Solstice’s final thought before she finally fell asleep was that no matter what happened, she would repay Sheogorath. Even if in the end it killed her.


Solstice jerked out of the bed, her hands shaking. She was perfectly fine. Her hands reached for the doorknob, noting that it wouldn’t turn. Why wouldn’t it turn? Solstice then noted the electricity flowing through the room, the current dim but still there. She frowned. She felt more alive than ever, why was she locked in the room? Solstice eyed the windows suspiciously. She needed to get out of the room, she needed to find it. She needed it. Solstice reached for the windows, trying desperately to get out of the room. The windows wouldn't budge. She needed out. She needed to find it. Solstice paced back and forth in the room, her head unable to comprehend what was going on. She felt fine. She felt more alive than ever. Why didn't he understand? She needed to find it. He clearly didn't understand. He would have let her out then. Solstice held onto the doorknob, pulling with all her strength and it still wouldn't budge. He had done something to the door. When pulling on the doorknob didn't work, Solstice start punching holes into the door. She needed out. Why wouldn't he understand? After a while, when she was tired of punching holes into the door she started screaming. "Let me out Sheogorath! Let me out!" That still didn't work so she kicked the door in between punching it. She wanted to kill him. He was only a few meters away. He was so close. He had it. She would kill him for it. "I will kill you, Sheogorath!" She needed it. She had to kill him. There was no option. She would have to find it or everything and everyone she loved would die. He clearly didn't understand. He didn't care.

Sheogorath was at the door in a minute and his apology formed in her head. I’m sorry Tuiel. Suddenly a spark of electricity hit Solstice as he opened the door and then closed it behind him, sealing him inside her. Solstice scrambled to her feet, as he slowly held out his hands in front of him. He paused for a while, unable to think of what to say in those few moments before it came to him. “Everything will be ok, Tuiel.” Solstice stared at him suspiciously, not understand the words he was saying. All she sensed was power. That was all there was in the end. Power. She needed power. She hissed under her breath, her hands clenching into fists. “Give me it.” She hated him. She hated him more than she had hated anyone in her life.

 She gave him a few seconds to respond before lunging at him, clawing at his face as she tried to reach the door. Sheogorath let her fight against him before he shoved her back firmly. He held her tightly at arms length, his fingers holding her shoulders. I’m here to help you. You’re safe with me. You’re stronger than this. I’m here for you. The words repeated in his head over and over again. He had a remote. That is what he had, he had the remote. She needed the remote. Words started tumbling out of her mouth, a dam bursting open at the last moment. “You were never there for me. You were never there for her. You left a note and ran off, thinking you were better than her. I found it and I hope she kills you. I hope you die an agonizing death because you deserve no less and far more. Have you ever considered maybe she isn’t the ‘monster’ but you are? No, you didn’t. You were so caught up in being the savior for everyone that you had to twist them and make sure they stumbled. I hate you. I hate what you did.” Solstice hugged herself while she shaked back and forth on the ground. “Don’t lie. Don’t try to. I know what you all think. You are all just waiting for something terrible to happen to me and you aren’t trying to help me. You don’t care.”

“You’re safe with me, Tuiel.” He hugged her tightly and started to hum to her. This wasn’t the person she thought he was. Solstice started to sob bearing her head in his shoulder. She was suppose to be strong. She was suppose to have her thoughts collected. She was suppose to be sane. In the end, she failed. She always failed. Another sob escaped her as he hummed. Suddenly Solstice found herself relaxed as the need for it dulled. Sheogorath started singing.  “Hush my little swallow, the winter seems so long.” He rubbed her back gently, slowly letting her take from his magic - his power. “Curl up my little angel, and listen for spring’s song.” He continued humming.

 She stared at him with big wide eyes. “I’m not good enough. I’m never good enough.” She hugged him tightly, afraid that he would tell her to let go. She didn’t want to. For one moment, she just wanted to rely on him before having to wake up again. Everything that was right was wrong. She was confused. Utterly confused.
“Everything… is ok.” He spoke slowly to her. “Everything… will be ok, Tuiel.” Her brain instantly started searching for the meaning of the new information. It wasn’t something that she told it to do, it just acted on it’s own when it was working correctly it appeared. The meaning of Tuiel was a combination of “strength” and “daughter” in Nymph, the language of the supernatural beings that lived in castes and were assigned into them in order to earn their wings. Solstice hugged him tighter, knowing that she had been looking for her father in the wrong person. Had James saved her from death? No. Had he tried to comfort her? No. Had he asked about her or had he ran off to find her mother to blame her? He ran off. Her arms tightened around Sheogorath, not caring for a few seconds that she wasn’t human. Her brain scanned through Nymph, looking for what Solstice could use to express who this wonderful person was in front of her. Ada, the word “father” in Nymph. James had never been her father nor had he ever tried. In the small time she had known this man he had done more than James had done in Solstice’s life. She didn’t know what words that she should string together to try to express what she felt. She didn’t know. What if she did more damage than good? She said the words hesitantly hoping they didn’t offend him,”Thank you Ada.” It was all she could manage and it was the few words she knew were the truth

His eyes became wide briefly, causing Solstice to wonder if she had said the wrong thing. What if she had offended him? Suddenly he was smiling and Solstice couldn’t help the small one that came onto her face. “Don’t...You don’t need to….to thank me. I’ to help you. I will be here to help you. You….” He focused on piecing together what he wanted to say. “You won’t have this alone. I promise.” Solstice’s eyes widened. She had always been told to be strong. She was always told she would go through it alone, whatever it was. No one had one had thought to. It was confusing. She wouldn’t be alone? What if she ruined his life though? What if she destroyed her Ada like everything else? 
Suddenly her doubts were coming out of her lips. She wanted to tell Ada everything, everything that she remembered that troubled her. “What if I accidently hurt you, Ada? What if I do something stupid?” How had words been so difficult to summon but now came so easily? She had no idea how he would respond. What if he decided that it wasn’t worth ruining his life for Solstice? What if he saw her like everyone else did? What if she was too much of a mess to be put back together again? Solstice stopped the questions coming to her mind, waiting anxiously for Ada’s response. She was scared, no, terrified.
He smiled at her very gently. “Don’t worry about that.” He paused, collecting his thoughts. “You won’t hurt me.” He paused once again.“So long… so long as you want me to, I…” His face became firm as he focused on putting together the words. The more he spoke the harder it seemed to be for him. “I… would like to help you - s-so long as you wish for it.” Solstice felt even more tears starting to fall down her face. It seemed all she did these days was cry. She could never go back to her family. She would accidentally kill them. The truth deep down was, did she want to go back to them? They had all been choosing their words carefully around her, knowing she would not be with them for long. They had always made sure to never get close to her and it seemed like they were waiting anxiously to see what terrible thing happened to her. She spoke quietly, “Can I stay here? Can I stay here with you?” She looked up, desperate for his approval.

He nodded. Solstice knew it was easiest for him that way. “You can stay for as long as you’d like.” With the hand he wasn’t using to support her against him he closed his fist and conjured a cloth. He handed it to her so she could wipe her face if she needed. “I… I’m not sure if you’re aware, but you… you have a power addiction.”  He paused.“It is not your fault.” He took a deep breath in. “That is… is what you felt tonight, isn’t it?” Solstice knew that something was off. She just needed to find it. ”Everything will be ok.” He reassured her. “I can… I can help you.” Solstice was tempted to sigh, relieved. “D-do you trust me?” Solstice took a deep breath in as her brain processed the information. Power addition. Power addiction? That sounded right. Her brain searched for information on power addictions as Solstice felt her hope begin to wear thin. When she looked up she saw the only steady thing in her life, the only sane thing when her world seemed to be drenched in insanity. It was laughable that she didn’t trust him. She trusted Ada more than anyone else. She nodded. He could help. Ada would help, she saw the determination in his eyes.
The question was clawing at Solstice. “Why sacrifice your happiness for me, Ada?”
He frowned slightly at her before shaking his head. “I am not sacrificing my happiness.” He looked at her seriously. “Why-why would you think I… I am sacrificing my happiness?”
Solstice frowned, willing whatever memory was trying to make it's way back. "You went somewhere for something, I think revenge. I know I probably wasn't in your original plan, but thank you Ada." Solstice felt exhaustion kick in, as the pain of the day before rushed back to her. She hadn't noticed the pain before but she was far from perfectly healed. She felt her eyelids growing heavy as she tried to keep from falling asleep on Ada.
“Plans change often.” He nodded. “Revenge could wait. Saving you could not.” Solstice found herself nearly falling asleep and catching herself from it. “Don’t fight the sleep, Tuiel. You are safe with me.” He paused. “I promise.”

Solstice nodded and she remembered saying only a few words before she fell asleep, leaning against her Ada. “You are the kindest person I have ever met. Thank you Ada.” Ada started humming again as Solstice was finally allowed to get a few moments of sleep.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:19 - Ada
« Reply #242 on: July 19, 2016, 01:54:04 AM »
Ugh! I LOVE Ada and his Tuiel! <3
Solstice really broke my heart for this one, but I'm SO glad she's got Sheogorath now. =) She's safe with him now and always. <3 He can be the dad she never got from James.

And the plot thickens... Dun dun duuuuun... That was awesome! I loved reading it from Sheo's point of view and reading it from Solsti's was just as good! They're both so sure they're broken that they don't realize that the people around them are even more broken than they are! Yay for strangers with golden hair and golden eyes and masks!

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We certainly don't know any strangers with golden hair and golden eyes. Nuh-huh. Nope. No-sir. ;) ::)

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:19 - Ada
« Reply #243 on: July 23, 2016, 12:09:12 AM »
OMG! Golden hair... Golden eyes... I just put 1 and 1 together and came up with *shuts mouth before giving something away that she shouldn't* oh I really hope that is who I think it is!

Ok, so I pretty much said a whole bunch about this on Liv's story, but I just want to say, I adore Solsti/Tuiel and I'm so glad that she has found an Ada/Sheo she can count on! If that's what broken looks like, well, bring on the broken!

I think they are going to help "mend" each other <3

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:19 - Ada
« Reply #244 on: July 23, 2016, 02:44:30 AM »
OMG! Golden hair... Golden eyes... I just put 1 and 1 together and came up with *shuts mouth before giving something away that she shouldn't* oh I really hope that is who I think it is!



(Whistling and twiddling fingers) Does anyone know how much I love Solstice?
Oh and Sheogorath is adorable.
What do you mean I've already said that? (coughs awkwardly).

Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: Night of Death Flowers
« Reply #245 on: July 30, 2016, 11:22:33 PM »
Hi guys! Sorry for the lack of chapters lately, I just haven't been able to figure out what to do with Gwen so I have been rereading generation Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys that I started a new story loosely based off my Another Labelle Story. It is called Night of Death Flowers. I should be posting soon.  :)

                                                                                       You can find Night of Death Flowers HERE!

Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:19 - Ada
« Reply #246 on: August 10, 2016, 10:09:07 PM »
Ugh! I LOVE Ada and his Tuiel! <3
Solstice really broke my heart for this one, but I'm SO glad she's got Sheogorath now. =) She's safe with him now and always. <3 He can be the dad she never got from James.

Sheogorath has just been amazing for her. I mean wow. Yeah, James turned out interesting...

OMG! Golden hair... Golden eyes... I just put 1 and 1 together and came up with *shuts mouth before giving something away that she shouldn't* oh I really hope that is who I think it is!

Ok, so I pretty much said a whole bunch about this on Liv's story, but I just want to say, I adore Solsti/Tuiel and I'm so glad that she has found an Ada/Sheo she can count on! If that's what broken looks like, well, bring on the broken!

I think they are going to help "mend" each other <3

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk

:-X Can't say anything on the matter of the stranger with golden hair and eyes. Not yet. Those two really are adorable. It is has just been amazing how they are already mending each other. I agree.  :)




(Whistling and twiddling fingers) Does anyone know how much I love Solstice?
Oh and Sheogorath is adorable.
What do you mean I've already said that? (coughs awkwardly).

Oh Solstice. I love her so much.  :-X


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Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: Collaboration Announcement
« Reply #247 on: August 10, 2016, 10:10:08 PM »
Hello again, sorry for not posting in a while but a few things have changed since then. I decided to go back and read all of my story. It was crazy personally. I discovered some of my favorite characters I truly use to love were the very opposite of what I thought they were. I also tried to fix as much grammar as I could and made a list of characters that needed to get their happy endings. I'm going to be hopefully tying up generation 3 soon completely and finally focusing whole heartedly on generation 4. Generation 4 has changed so much since I started planning it and I wouldn't be surprised if it keeps changing. My goal is to give a certain character that was left on a bad note a happy ending and I hope you all agree with me on that decision. I have had trouble writing a certain character that is crucial to generation 4. Anyways, I just want to say this has been a huge learning experience for me. So many things have changed since I started writing this story. I have changed from first narrative to third narrative and while this story started off as a simple story about the Sims it has changed so much since then. I changed the font size, again. I remember when I was determined to make James a good character and he just wouldn't bend. He wasn't meant to bend. In the end it shattered Gwen because I never gave her the chance to truly develop her personality without James in the picture. Now to the point of this post!

As I have mentioned a lot of things have changed from the beginning of this story, including the collaboration with @LivvieLove. It started off simple where our characters just co-existed in the same world and then, well I'm not sure what to exactly call it. What ended up happening was that a whole new lore was introduce into our stories as we were writing them and somethings have changed since then.More sirens than Gwen exist. The Amazons are no longer a factor but a major character is that came from the idea of introducing the Amazons. There is a pantheon of gods in the story. I know I have overwrote myself and some of these changes have already started to take place in the story but I thought it would be best to put an announcement up. I have decided as I am going to write even more of the lore and have the heir start to shine I'm going to name it "generation 4.5." I'm going to try to have pictures of all the characters in the current generation/characters important to the heir in one photo for now on. Anyways, I can't say how thankful I am for the people who read this story. This story had a rocky start and has changed drastically since the beginning and I can't help but thank every person who has ever read this story and got this far. (Even if you haven't, thank you.) This has truly been a learning experience for me and I have absolutely loved writing this story. I hope I can continue becoming a better writer and post better quality chapters.  :)

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles
« Reply #248 on: November 25, 2016, 10:25:44 PM »
Where do I begin? I’m not exactly sure when it comes to this story. It’s painful to write the ending of it so soon, but this is a decision I have thought over for months. I have thought about continuing this story, but the idea of it fills me with a mixture of dread and anxiety. Most of Generation 4’s story is edited out and watered down as much as possible to the point the characters aren’t exactly who they seem to be. It’s just difficult and I have tried rewriting this story, but it’s a mess. Ten generations of writing tragedy is a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. It was all I knew how to write at the time of the beginnings of this story.It sounds sad when I put it that way, but I honestly did enjoy having twists where my characters would conquer their fears.

I realized a little too late that in order for the characters to stay realistic, they would break. It’s a mixture of reasons why I’m ending this story, honestly. I’m aware the more I write, the darker some storylines are going to become that aren’t allowed on the forum and in order to do them justice, I need to write them somewhere else. I adore the forum and may attempt a light-hearted challenge one of these days and write it on this forum, but I’m not sure. If anyone is interested in the stories I will be writing off this forum, just P.M me and I will send you a link once I have them posted. I want to stay true to this story and in order to do that some characters have not chosen happy endings for themselves. I usually allow my characters to decide what ending they choose, so please keep that in mind.

Generation 3

I didn’t get to truly tie up generation three in the way I wanted to. Here is Gwen’s and Megan’s (Charlie’s daughter) endings.

Gwen Labelle

Gwen’s story had it’s ups and downs in the end. She seemed to be doing well in the previous chapters, but after a year she broke down and left her children, leaving Eric to take care of two toddlers and himself. She never returned and began a new life in Sunlit Tides. She never found out her daughter was alive and some believed she had not cared.

Megan (Mina) Labelle

While Megan was a minor character in the story, she was one of my favorite characters. She went by the nickname Mina and prefered it to ‘Megan’ to avoid any confusion in the long run. Mina was cursed at a young age that changed her appearance along with other side-effects. Kefka Keeper saved her life from Amelie Labelle. She was later uncursed and lived happily ever after married to Kefka Keeper. She had 11+ children with him. (I lost count and I’m too lazy to put the names on the family tree. You are welcome)

Generation 4

Where do I begin? This was a difficult generation to write for me and in the end I had to cut the majority of it out due to parts of the story not being forum appropriate. I really did try to cut out as much as I could, but in the end it became a mess. Reading other stories who touched the topics I wanted to do justice just made me a bit overwhelmed and bitter, if I’m honest. I really hope you enjoyed generation four and enjoy hearing the endings for each character. I just want to remind you all that this story is based on ten generations of tragedy and I tried to deliver in the best way I could. Here is all of generation four.

Solstice Labelle

Solstice learned her magic and conquered her magic addiction while staying with Sheogorath Keeper. Solstice met a man named Evander and married him, which resulted in her having two daughters named Cressida and Equinox. She was surprised as she had believed she would never be able to have children. Cressida joined up with the Legends who eventually drove her insane. Equinox tried to help her, but couldn’t in the end. Cressida eventually killed her father and was killed during the attack. Solstice lost herself for a while in her grief before she got herself together. She lived a happy life filled with ups and downs nevertheless.

Eric Labelle

After Gwen Labelle abandoned her children, Eric Labelle finally broke down about everything that had happened to him over his childhood. He had developed a close relationship with Edward Reaper to the point he saw him as the father he had never had. His uncle, Kaleb, had been forced to stop keeping in contact with Eric Labelle when Gwen insisted Kaleb was a bad influence. Eric Labelle tried to keep himself together, but ended up finally calling Edward Reaper and getting help. He had been in a steady relationship with Lakisha Reaper for the last few months and didn’t want to bother anyone with what he considered was now ‘his responsibility.’ He had been carrying the weight of his family since Solstice had ‘died.’  He broke down to Edward Reaper and finally was allowed to be a child. He was later adopted by Edward Reaper along with his brothers. He married Lakisha Reaper. For his proposal he listed off three-hundred things he loved about her, he made it to four before she kissed him. He later took his wife and his adopted father’s last name and became Eric Reaper. He had two children named Reese Reaper and Katelyn Reaper with Lakisha Reaper.

Matt Labelle

Matt Labelle was adopted by Edward Reaper after his mother Gwen Labelle had abandoned him. He had a habit of stealing things and was often known for his sass and occasional arrogance. He never settled down with someone and liked it that way because he could never find someone who ‘understood’ him. He lived a happy life nevertheless.

Calloway Labelle

Calloway Labelle was the youngest twin and was known for being Gwen’s favorite. After being separated from her he became quieter and kinder. He wasn’t the bubbly toddler he use to be anymore. He became a bookworm and lost himself in his books until one day he met a woman named Alice. He fell in love with her and later married her.

Generation 5

Equinox Labelle

Equinox Labelle was the heiress of generation five and the child of Evander Labelle. Unlike her mother, she was not a magic source and had no powers at all. The fact she had no power to offer to Fate’s line made Fate furious. Equinox stumbled along after her powerful older sister and tried to be more like her. One day things changed and Cressida snapped. She was later found to have been driven insane by the Legends after joining them. Equinox tried to help her sister, but later was forced to kill her when Cressida killed her father. Equinox married Caspar Labelle and had one child with him named Aries Labelle who was a magic source. She lived out her days happy and loved.

Cressida Labelle

Cressida Labelle was a quiet child who her family and writing before one day she unexpectedly took a turn for the worse. She snapped and ran off to join the Legends who ended up driving her insane. Some think it was not coincidence at all and Fate Labelle played a hand in Cressida’s destruction. Cressida later killed her father and was killed by her sister, Equinox Labelle.

Generation 6

Aries Labelle

Aries Labelle was naturally spoiled as an only child and was doted on by his parents. He had a natural fascination with magic and later became an alchemist. He was obsessed with the idea of power and money and made sure he would have both of them in the end. He ended up getting into too much trouble and often sided with whoever served his own interests at the end of the day. He was rich and powerful and had no problem finding a wife to call his own. It wasn’t love at first--it was the power and money she brought to the table. Ascella was a sweet woman who tried to change Aries. It didn’t work. She later died of sickness and Aries was left to raise his daughter, Celeste. He grew bitter and left his daughter at his parent’s doorstep. He never looked back.

Generation 7

Celeste Labelle

Celeste Labelle was raised by her grandparents after being abandoned by a father she had never known.  She was raised with a love of theater and loved performing. She was thought to be nothing like her father when it came down to it. Everyone was wrong about her except a few who saw through her mask. She left in the middle of the night without a word to join Fate’s circles and became a priestess of Fate. She considered it her greatest act yet and had two sons in an arranged marriage with Atlas Labelle. Her sons were named Nova and Griffin Labelle. She served Fate Labelle faithfully until Fate’s death in which Celeste was instantly killed afterwards.

Generation 8

Griffin Labelle

Griffin Labelle was a quiet child who had a fascination with the gods from a young age. He was close to his twin brother, Nova, and did everything with him. He was raised in Fate’s courts and was expected to become a Priest of Fate when he met one of Fate’s slaves as a young child. He later fell in love with her, Talya, and risked his life to get her out of slavery. He was killed by his mother before he could escape with her.

Nova Labelle

Nova Labelle was close to his twin brother. He was athletic and known for his kindness to all people. Never falling in love himself, he later helped Griffin help Tayla escape out of slavery before getting killed by his mother.

Generation 9

Cosimo Labelle

Tayla escaped slavery and found out she was pregnant with Griffin Labelle’s child. Deciding to take his last name for what never could be anymore, she raised her only son Cosimo Labelle and never remarried. Cosimo Labelle was a child that got into too much trouble and lived by one rule: he only told his mother as much as she needed to know. Tayla Labelle died protecting her son from his grandmother, Celeste Labelle. Growing bitter over his mother’s death, he vowed to never join Fate Labelle’s courts and stopped practicing magic entirely. He later fell in love with a woman named Adeline and had a little girl with her named Eire Labelle.

Generation 10

Eire Labelle

Eire Labelle was fascinated by her family history and came to the conclusion her family name was either cursed or there happened to be a lot of stupid people born into one line. Being a weak magic source, she decided to study her family’s line of power and figured out that all the power benefited Fate Labelle in some way or another. She learned she was by far one of the weakest heirs in the Labelle line, which she didn’t truly care about as most of her ancestors had not taken advantage of the power they had been given. She spent years learning how to use her magic instead of relying on the fact she had been gifted with magic. She found herself drawn to Dragon Valley and studied magic there until she figured out how to become immortal. Her relationship with her mother and father had fallen apart due to her claims of her family being “cursed.” They had believed their daughter had been driven insane. She assisted in the killing of Fate Labelle. After everything was done and at rest Eire Labelle had a startling realization about her family that changed everything: There had never been a curse at all. The Labelles had created one in the process of believing they had one. At the end of the day they had self-fulfilled the prophecy as the Book of Fate came to a close on their story.

The End.

                                                               All the Heirs

Megan, 1st Generation, and Eire, 10th Generation
(Megan looks different due to the custom content)

Thank you all for reading the Labelles! It was difficult to end it this early, but I hope you enjoyed it’s ups and downs full of tragedy. If you would like to read the other story I am currently writing that is coming soon, please PM me. This story has been my baby for over a year, but it’s time to say goodbye to it. I will leave this thread open for a week or so just to answer any questions you might have. Have a great day! =D

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:The End of the Labelles (Completed)
« Reply #249 on: December 11, 2016, 11:26:02 AM »
Such beautiful, tragic sims. I'm sad to see this end, but, after much chatting with Livvie, I realise why you needed to do that. I will ALWAYS be interested in ANY stories you write, so consider this my PM lol not much P but very much M lol
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:The End of the Labelles (Completed)
« Reply #250 on: December 11, 2016, 02:07:52 PM »
It was very difficult to decide to end this story so soon, but Livvielove and I ended our stories for similar reasons. A lot of things broke the camel's back when it came to my stories involving the Labelles to the point I knew if I continued writing them then I would get in trouble with the forum. I just didn't feel like the topics my characters handed me I couldn't do justice on the forum. I tried honestly, but I was worried I had crossed a few lines until I saw what other writers were doing in their stories. I always try to do research over the tricky topics I write about and some in other stories if I'm honest were done so...carelessly. (Rape for instance. It's not something you get over with one simple flashback. It's not how it works and if you are trying to write it realistically, ugh. I'm just angry.) I was reading over my story and realized in some areas I had done the same thing. It made me angry because I know people who have gone through truly horrid things and it wasn't done correctly. (In my story and others.) I decided a clean slate was best and there was no way I could do the dark topics justice on the forum. I just grew as a person when writing and realized I wouldn't stand to write dark topics in a light-hearted manner. If I'm writing something dark, I don't want people to feel comfortable with it. I want it to make them feel uncomfortable and challenge them to think about it. 

I hate to be the one to say this, but I think it needs to be said. "Entertainment" and dark topics are not something that should be combined. One is funny, the other is to be taken seriously. If you are going to write something realistically, please do your research on the subject. If you're writing about someone killing themselves or being raped in a light-hearted manner or trying to make it look "good" in some manner you are shaming the people who have gone through it. It's not funny, it's not cute. Write your characters dealing with the subjects and do so in a careful manner, or don't write it at all. One flashback doesn't do it justice. These are things that break the best people. Point being, I'm going to pick up a book and do some research on any dark topics I ever write. If this is truly a family-friendly forum, I hope we can show that horrible things that happen to people are not things to be taken lightly. If any of you have been through something truly horrible, you can always PM me. I care and if you need someone to talk to, I hope I can help. If the forum is more worried about a curse word in a story than a dark subject being handled incorrectly, what are we teaching our children?

I didn't attach your comment to this, because I didn't want to drag you into this mess. I will probably get in trouble for bring up these points, and I'm okay with that. If one moderator, one person, can see where I'm coming from it's worth it. I'm doing all the research I can for my new story a dark topic as I have done research on it before. I'm writing ten chapters ahead to make sure it is done properly in the best manner possible.

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:The End of the Labelles (Completed)
« Reply #251 on: December 11, 2016, 08:03:03 PM »
@mpart I want you to know your comment has been noticed. I don't know what or if we can do anything about it, but no, your honesty is certainly not going to get you into trouble with any of us Moderators. I've just woken up and feel that you deserve a much more thoughtful response than I can provide at the moment. I wouldn't mind hearing from you in private message where, if you allow it, I may pass some thoughts along to others.

