Author Topic: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm) Graveyard Please  (Read 2931 times)

Offline fansidoodle

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The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm) Graveyard Please
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:51:54 AM »

Immortal 3: On one cool Saturday evening, six immortals gather to retell tales that have been collected and passed down. With one adult almost an immortal (Immortal 7), and a child so close yet so far from her goal , it is important that she understand her task. For she will be the one to end the long journey and...

Immortal 5: It has been a very long journey and you are only prolonging it. Stop with the intro and let's get on with it.

Immortal 8 (to be): Woot! You tell her Grandma. *high-fives*

Immortal 7: Watch it missy!

Immortal 4: But she's not entirely wrong. Mom you think you could speed it up a little bit.

Immortal 3: Well! I never! *plops down in her seat*

Immortal 6: Now then, it's my turn to start the story. I'm so excited! *starts excitedly swaying back and forth*

Immortal 1&2 *share a look with one another*

Immortal 5: Get on with it!  >:(

Immortal 6: *clears throat* Yes of course. Our story starts...

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 03:34:15 PM »
Chapter 1

Immortal 6: Our story starts off on a small patch of land in Riverview. Grandma Acacia just moved to town and wanted to find her soulmate.

Immortal 8 (to be): Wow Grandma, you were pretty!

Acacia: *side eye*

Immortal 6: *chuckle* She went to the home of handsome Dr. Jebidiah Wilson. He invited her inside, the attraction was tangible. After talking for a long while the two decided to go out on their first date.

Immortal 6: Although the two had only met a few hours ago, they seemed to be the perfect fit for one another.

Immortal 6: However, looks can be decieving.

Immortal 3: *whispers* I love this part

Immortal 6: The very next day Grandma Acacia went and applied for a job in the field of Journalism. Her goal was to become a Star News Anchor one day. With time to spare before seeing Jebidiah again that night, Grandma Acacia killed time at the library applying herself for her new job.

Immortal 4: Ooh i'ts getting good.

Immortal 5: *Shushes*

Immortal 6: Later on that night she's on her way out of the library when...

She gets a call from Jebidiah.

Immortal 3: *mimicking along while tears welt up in her eyes*

Immortal 6: A giant smile beams instantly at the sound of his voice through the phone. But it doesn't last long. Jebidiah tells Grandma Acacia that he can't see her anymore because his job relocated him. He ends the phone call.

Immortal 3: *crying hysterically*

Immortal 2: Here we go again. Have some tissue and control yourself.

Immortal 6: Just like that the love they felt for one another had been abandoned. Feeling numb, she walked out of the library and got in a cab.

When the driver asked where to, Grandma Acacia asked the driver to drive around until her heart stopped hurting. Not knowing how to respond, he started driving away.

Immortal 8(to be): How dare he leave you like that, you were a knockout!

Acacia: You've got one more time missy with those "used to be pretty jokes". *glares*

Immortal 8(to be): *purses her lips*

Immortal 6: There she was all alone in a taxi cab travelling through parts of a town on a lonely night.

Immortal 6: Grandma Acacia got out the taxi cab after her tears dried. Feeling anxious and emotionally drained, she decided to walk until she couldn't think of Jebidiah anymore. Little did she realize how far the taxi actually took her. When she looked up she was in the middle of nowhere in front of a stranger's house.

Immortal 6: Scared and going crazy left her no other option. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Immortal 6: Suddenly, the lights in the house went on and a man came to the front door grumbling something about the the time. But when he saw Grandma Acacia his whole attitude changed. He invited her inside when she asked to use his phone.

Immortal 6: Because of the whole Jebidiah fiasco Grandma Acacia had to call in on her first day at her job and tell them she wouldn't be in. To her surprise they were very understanding.

Immortal 6: Grandma Acacia found the mysterious man outside painting. She felt bad for having disturbed the young man but something told her he was different. With her recent run in with heartbreak she thought to herself, was she really ready for another one. Grandma Acacia knew she had to make a decision.

Immortal 6: Let's just say the decision she made was probably one of the best she'd ever made.

Author's notes - I think I should start out by listing Acacia's traits. They are Vegetarian, Ambitious, Artistic, Charismatic, and Bookworm.

Second, I'll reveal the names of the other immortals as they are born.

Third,Acacia is actually the daughter of Matisse the 3rd gen heir of my last story.I thought since the genes carried through 4 generations in that story then it might do the same for this one(here's to hoping).

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Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 05:19:48 PM »
I really like how you are telling this story! Looking forward to more and wow Acacia IS one pretty sim :)

Offline Jake4Life

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 05:33:03 PM »
Lovely beginning!

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 11:10:58 PM »
Chapter 2

Immortal 6: Grandma Acacia and Grandpa Billy were truly happy with their lives. Grandpa happily sold his car in order to help build their dream home. Being that they were both artist brought out the best in their interior design styling. They wanted something big, but not too big,and it also had to be inviting and family friendly.

Immortal 6:The house was perfect. It had just enough space and comfortability
Immortal 5: Comfortability is not a word.

Immortal 6:...Mom please hold all comments and questions until the end. Now then, the house had comfortability. It was a great mix of their asthetics.

Sunken Living Area

Acacia's Office

Office Bathroom

1st floor Bathroom

Acacia and Billy's Bedroom/Bathroom

Raised Platform Kitchen

Immortal8(to be): Pretty cool house for just two people.

Acacia: Why thank you *cool smirk*

Immortal8(to be): To bad it's not that cool anymore.

Acacia: No desert for you tonight.

Immortal8(to be): Hold on Grandma, what's desert tonight? I might just decline and you can give me a different punishment.*sly smile*

Acacia: *sly smile* It doesn't work that way.

Immortal 4: I'm glad that you two are "bonding," but we were in the middle of a story.

Acacia: Our bad, continue please.

Immortal 6: Right, the two enjoyed one another's company. Grandpa Billy would always be do things just to see Grandma smile. Whether it was just complimenting a new outfit or just giving flowers. Everything seemed to be perfect in their lives.

Immortal8(to be): Seemed to be?

Acacia: Nothing is ever perfect, especially in our lives sweetheart.

Immortal 6: The next day Grandma Acacia was washing dinner dishes when she got a call.

The voice on the other end was very familiar to her.

Immortal 6: It was Jebidiah calling. He called to say that he was back in town for a visit and he wanted to see her and make amends to their short-lived love. Grandma didn't know how to respond, she couldn't accept nor deny his offer.

The sudden occurance of Jebidiah caused rifts in Grandma's mind that night. She had alot of thinking to do. Not on whether or not she would go see him,she made that decision the night she was crying her eyes out in the back of a taxi. But whether or not to tell Grandpa of the phone call. 

Immortal 6: The next morning Grandma woke up feeling sick to her stomach. She hated having conflict in her life. Grandpa was doing his usual, painting or sculpting somewhere in the house and didn't catch Grandma before she left for work.

Acacia: He was a very hard-worker.

Immortal 3: Haha! That was Grandpa Billy for you. *teary-eyed*

Immortal 6: Grandma decided that she would tell Billy about the conversation because she vowed to tell him everything. If he could handle the fact the his wife would become immortal one day, she thought this would be a bit easier to handle. She had it all planned out. Go home after work and tell the truth. Simple, but not so simple. They sent Grandma home early that day, because she wasn't feeling well.  Oh how they were wrong.

Immortal 6: Grandma was with child.

Immortal 6: The first thing Grandma did was call Grandpa Billy and have him meet her at the office. The second thing was change her clothes.

Immortal 6: When Grandpa Billy arrived Grandma Acacia told him everything. About the phone call, her decision, and of course her little bun in the oven.

Grandpa Billy looked at his wife and gave her a big kiss. He told her that he was proud of her and would love her always.

Immortal 6: And just like that they got over one of the biggest challenges in their relationship. Sooner then they knew however they would have a new, more rewarding, challenge.

Immortal 6: Raising their beautiful baby girl, Balm Aura.

*Everyone looks at Balm with faces full of smiles*

Balm: Stop staring at me,you're freaking me out.* embarrassed*

Immortal 7: You were adorable Granny B!

Balm: *silently* Don't you think I know that.

Acacia: Alright everyone story-time is over for today. Time for dinner.

*The family heads back upstairs*

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 07:17:19 PM »
Balm is very cute! I love the way you're writing, can't wait to read more. ;D
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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm)
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2012, 06:41:32 PM »

A little girl is restless one night and decides to read. She carefully walks downstairs and opens the closed journal on the table.

Chapter 3 : Acacia's Journal entries #1

My daughter is everything that my husband and I could've asked for.

I try to spend as much time with her as I can while she's little. I know that once she gets a bit older she won't see me as much due to my job, so I'm going to enjoy every moment of this time right now.

Billy has progressed a lot in his sculpting career. Although sometimes I do worry when he comes to bed at night complaining of a sore mouth. Speaking of the Shirtless Avenger, his birthday rolled around. He told me not to make a big fuss about it so I obliged.

Speaking of birthdays, our little Balm had her first birthday. We threw a small party with just a few friends.

Balm was most certainly a daddy's girl. But that was to be expected. I went to work before she woke up and got home after she went to bed. I really don't know how to feel about it.

But one day I got home a little bit early and I was greeted at the door by my little sweetie pie teetering towards me.

This will probably be one of the most memorable moments of my life.

That night I got to cuddle and read to her before she went to sleep.

Our lives were filled with so many different moments like that now that we had Balm. I remember teaching her to talk and I remember Billy reluctantly teaching her to use the potty.

She is the apple of her father's universe.

Nothing spectacular but my birthday passed. Due to my schedule I celebrated it alone in the kitchen with a grilled cheese sandwich.

The next birthday in the house was Balm's and it was a family only party. No pictures of Billy because he was acting inappropriately.

I was very happy to see my little girl growing up so well. I began to get a little sentimental one day looking back at older pictures of my childhood and how much my life has changed. I began to think about how much I see my mother and Grandfather in my daughter. I miss my mom.

But like the saying goes "Time stands still for no man," well except for...

Suddenly, a door opens and the little girl panics.

Immortal 8 (to be):*whispers* Oh no!

Pictures fall out of the bottom of the journal. The little girl tries to quickly pick up the pictures but she's too late. She has been discovered.

Acacia: Let me help you sweety.

They pick up the pictures, place them on the table, and go back upstairs.

Caption:My dad

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm) Graveyard Please
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2012, 04:58:26 PM »
Failed due to loss of information and lack of interest

Offline Schipperke

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Re: The Aura Dynasty (3rd time's a charm) Graveyard Please
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2012, 01:02:51 PM »
Failed due to loss of information and lack of interest

Sorry to hear that, fansidoodle.  I'll move this to the graveyard as you requested.  Better luck with your next project.  :)
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