Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm; The Flamel Dynasty  (Read 2038 times)

Offline Posidem

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Third Time's the Charm; The Flamel Dynasty
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:45:35 PM »
.•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° тнε ғℓαмεℓ ∂үηαsтү °¤*(¯´★`¯)*¤°•.


Marethyu: "Oh dear gawd, no!"

Nicolas: "Wait, what?! Where am I? I was looking for my wife..."
Marethyu: "Another Flamel. Oh lawdy. The first one was hard enough..... Calm yourself, Marethyu. If anything happens, you can always erase them both from the bin...."
Nicolas: "...bin? What are you talking about?"
Marethyu: "Nothing! This is the future, Nicolas Flamel. You somehow sent yourself forward through time in search of your extremely annoying wife, Perenelle. She, thankfully, died. Twice to be exact."
Marethyu: "Stop crying."
Nicolas: "What do you mean stop crying?! You just told me the love of my life is gone! Gone!"
Marethyu: "What's done is done. But you can do what she couldn't. You can make her death worth it. You can become, immortal."
Nicolas: "But.... but....."
Marethyu: "No butts! I know she was your wife and all, but she would have wanted you to do this for her.
Nicolas: "You're right. My love, mon amour, Perenelle, I will become immortal for you."
Marethyu: "Good, now let's get to business. You're going to have accomplish the wish you desire most."
Nicolas: "I've been the best alchemist once, I can do it again! They might even call me an Alchemy Artisan"
Marethyu: "That's the spirit! You'll have to obtain ownership a building and property. Also, you will need to buy three magical rewards."
Nicolas: "Psh, easy! I owned a hospital or two back in my day! And being a wizard sure will help me obtain these 'rewards'."
Marethyu: "Then having six best friends and completing six opportunities should be a slice of cake, right?"

Nicolas: "Um, yeah. Of course....."
Marethyu: "And then there's the fact you have to have a portrait of yourself for each stage of your life, plus for each of your heirs."
Nicolas: "HEIRS?!? But, that means I would have to..... Mon amour, pardonne moi!"
Marethyu: "Yes, yes. She forgives you. Let's get this show on the road! Oh wait, let's see how you look. We don't want any of the local witches fleeing from your face."

Marethyu: "Aren't you a charming french man?"

Chapter 1 – Charmed by a Coven of Witches

Marethyu: “Here we are! Your brand new lot, don’t you love it!”

Nicolas: “….. It’s empty. Only thing here is this mailbox and trashcan.”
Marethyu: “Well then. You’re the ‘almighty’ Nicolas Flamel, just conjure some furniture.”
With a smirk on his face Nicolas attempts to conjure a bed worthy for kings…

…and fails!
Nicolas: “What is this? My powers, they’re gone! I used to be able to summon ghost or make zombies. I feel like I can barely conjure an apple. Explain, Marethyu!”
Marethyu: “Huh. It’s not so easy dealing with new situations, is it Mr. Icanmakeanythingoutofthinair?”
Nicolas: “You still haven’t explained why I have no power!”
Marethyu: “Um…. I’m going take a guess and say you expended most of your aura on traveling forward in time and it started draining you of your powers. That could also explain….”
As Marethyu continued to babble, Nicolas felt something pulling at his him. He could feel his aura being pulled by invisible strings. His heart was fluttering. Only an incredibly powerful witch could do this. Nicolas knew what he had to do.
Marethyu:”…which also makes up for the fac-“
Nicolas: “Marethyu! I need to go somewhere. Now! What can I use to travel?”
Marethyu: “….. Or you could just interrupt me while I was coming up with a theory that could describe aura loss through age instead of listening to me. Anyways, say “Imarudeherpaderp” and your carriage will appear.”
Marethyu: “HA! You actually fell for that? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!”
With all the power Nicolas could harness, he amplified his voice and yelled, “You asinine fool! Tell me how to get to one place to another, this is important! I can feel a powerful aura.”
Marethyu: “…. Oh. Why didn’t you just say…..”
With a snap and what sounded like sniffles from Marethyu, a magic broom appeared in the street.
Nicolas: “Merci. Accompany me to the source of this power I might need assistance.”

Arriving on the doorsteps of a terrifying house, Nicolas prepared for the worst.

Marethyu attempted to give him a pep talk....
Marethyu: “You got this Nicolas! Who discovered how to transmute coal to gold? YOU! Who is the father of modern alchemy? YOU! Who lost his wife, twice, because of a mishap? YOU!”
Nicolas: “Wait, what?!”
Marethyu: “Errrr, nothing. Look, someone’s at the door!
Waiting for the door to open, Nicolas closed his eyes andmuttered his wife’s name over and over….
And when he opened his eyes he saw two witches with smiles on their faces.
The perky blonde flashed Nicolas a dazzling smile and said, “Hi! I’m Bianca, and this is my sister, Belinda. Are you the new wizard in town? The other wizards are sooooo stuck up.”
The slightly larger one, Belinda, pushed her sister aside and said with a warm smile, “Oh ignore her. Why don’t you come in?”
Nicolas: “Um. Sure.”
Retreating to his mind Nicholas was thinking, “Something’s different. Their power feels familiar, but not the same.”
After the pleasantries, and a good luck charm from Belinda, Nicolas properly introduced himself, “I am Nicolas Flamel, and I must say it is a pleasure to meet the both of you. Your house is so homey and decorated extravagantly!”

Before Belinda could get a word in Bianca said, “Why thank you! I personally think this house is too old and needs to be updated, but Belinda thinks I’m being childish. You, on the other hand, look amazing.”
Nicolas: “You’re far more attractive than me! Why don’t you come closer so I can see your beautiful eyes.”
Nicolas and Bianca continued on flirting until Belinda got annoyed with Bianca for hogging the guest.

A few hours later, Nicholas could feel the lust coming off of Bianca and gave her an amazing kiss that Nicolas developed in France and what some people call “French kissing”.

Bianca: “That… That was amazing! Did you cast a love charm on me?”
Nicolas: “Non, mon amour. I’m that good.”
Bianca: “I can tell. How about we double check?”
After some more smooching, Nicolas decided to get serious.

Nicolas: “Bianca, my beautiful witch, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
Bianca: “Um. Errr. Uhhhh. No thanks.”
Nicolas: “….. What. Why?!”
Bianca: “Hey bro, I’m not into serious stuff. I just go with the flow.”
Nicolas: “How could you?! Don’t you have any respect for the art of courting?!?!”
Bianca: “Art of courting….? And I thought you were cool!”

Hearing the yelling, Belinda came to help her sister.
Belinda: “What’s going on? Nicolas, why are you yelling?!”
Nicolas: “It’s nothing. I was leaving anways.”
And as Nicolas opened the door he was knocked off his feet from the power he felt earlier. He got up immediately, grabbed the woman’s hand, and gave it a kiss.

The woman who’s hand was in Nicolas’s hands didn’t pull back, she just blushed.
Nicolas: “Je m'appelle est Nicolas.”
The woman blushed once again and said, “My name is Beatrice and may I ask why you’re here?”
Nicolas: “Um. My wizard senses went off?”
Marethyu said in Nicolas’s mind, “WIZARD SENSES?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Beatrice: “Haha, that’s cute. Why don’t you join us for dinner?”
After an awkward dinner and an even more awkward invitation to bed by Bianca, Nicolas finally fell asleep. His last thoughts before going to sleep were of his new home and of one these three witches.

**I'm very sorry for being away for so long and for not completing my other attempt. I had gone on vacation and my laptop was stolen at the airport. This is my new one, which I got last week. I really hope you all enjoy this attempt. Also, would any of you like to use Perenelle? I have her on a flashdrive and I wouldn't mind putting her on the exchange. ;D**

Offline Panacea

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Re: Third Time's the Charm; The Flamel Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 11:42:53 PM »
Bookmarked! I'm looking forward reading your story - can't wait for the next chapter.

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Offline Posidem

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Re: Third Time's the Charm; The Flamel Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 09:07:51 PM »
Thanks! I'll try to post it today or tomorrow, depending on how much work I get from school.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Third Time's the Charm; The Flamel Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 05:41:32 PM »
Posidem, do you think you can ask the mods to send your other attempts to the graveyard so they don't take up too much space in the Immortal Dynasties area? It's really weird to see multiple attempts under the ID stories heading.
Other than that, I hope you have no more issues and can complete this attempt~  :)

