I started a Life Stages Dynasty two days ago, and finally finished the 7 heir requirements. And not too soon! I had 7 days of adulthood left for my founder (Twilah Aching, female human with an obsession with werewolves). So I had her try for baby with her husband Angus, and then I had her watch Kidz Zone and listen to Kids music to further the chance for twins. All went well, until birthing day came...First came Meith, then Magrat, then Paedar and I though *whew, triplets!!*......and then came Piper!!

Two boys and two girls. My first quadruple birth. I'm going to die looking after four, I just know it!!

And of all four, only Meith is a were. Well, at least I have one new life stage!

I only have the saver mod installed - I usually get drawn so deeply into my game, I forget to save - since this is a challenge. Here's a pic of the four darlings in their cots (Twilah is holding Piper, the youngest born)

If I posted this in the wrong place, please forgive my clumsiness. Hope the pic works, it's the first time I'm uploaded from the Gallery.