Author Topic: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Failed, Graveyard)  (Read 17775 times)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 18)
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2012, 10:08:59 PM »
It's bonus content from Pets, as I recall. Silly hats, animal bodysuits, and clawed slippers that show up in at least everyday wear. I get some really interesting paparazzi and proprietors around (like anyone with lots of store content ;) ).

Offline Joria

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 18)
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2012, 02:43:11 AM »
Kitty on the keys, eh?  Not fun!  Adorable, but not fun.  Glad you continued though.  It was a great update.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 19)
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2012, 12:13:44 AM »
I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for reading and commenting on my humble story. It's been slow going lately, since much of my simming time is being usurped by sewing costumes for myself and my husband to wear to Dragon*Con at the end of the month. I *should* be able to play more after that weekend. Until then, I've got a chapter or two that I just need to write up and post.

Raven: After the trip to France ended, it was time for little Nicky to have his birthday.
Liam: Make a wish, little man!
Nicholas: Telescope!

Raven: Perhaps you should've wished for a better haircut.
Nicholas: You and I both know that never works. Little help here?

Raven: Better?
Nicholas: Better.

Raven: Workaholic that he is, Nicholas got started on searching the galaxy soon after his birthday.

Raven: When he wasn't gazing at the stars or playing chess with Liam, Nick tinkered around with the brand new chemistry set in his semi-private study.

Liam: Oh no. I've gotta get out of this house! I'm getting antsy.
Raven: You too? Has anyone in this house managed to not have a mid-life crisis?

Mandy: I'm feeling a little... floaty.
Raven: Oh, honey! Guys, you'll want to get upstairs.

Jared: Mandy, no! You're still too young for Grim!
Mandy: Love, I'm 95. I've had a long, happy life with you here, and it's time I moved on. We've got to make room for little Nicky's future bride, after all.

Grim: You Medley spares are certainly being cooperative.
Mandy: I look at it this way: If Fiona's right, there's a way for her to bring everyone back when her “quest” is done. If she isn't, I still lived a happy, long life with my love and my family. Nothing you say or do can change that.
Grim: Foolish mortals! Have you no fear of death?
Mandy: :grins: “Don't fear the Reaper.”

Raven: With every ending comes a new beginning, and each death makes way for new life.

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 19)
« Reply #48 on: August 16, 2012, 09:33:02 AM »
Rest in peace, Mandy. I think Nicholas looked very cute with the curly hairstyle!  :P

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 19)
« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2012, 12:52:35 PM »
Oh, I like the curly hair just fine, but not for serious little Nicky. Fiona's father (in my last dynasty attempt) had that haircut.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 20)
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2012, 04:17:47 PM »
Raven: Nothing much happened during Lu's pregnancy, and before we knew it, the time had come.
Lu: :panting: Oooohhh!
Puzzle: Oh jeez! Oh jeez! WhatdoIdo?
Raven: Just calm down. Do you two have a name for the nooboo?
Lu: Mihuo. :screams: Get out of here!
Raven: Right-o.

Jennifer: Ah, finally! Top of my field.
Raven: Good job! Now you just need your elder portrait and all of your friends to survive till your birthday.
Jennifer: Waiting game it is, then. It'll be nice to have a break.

Raven: Looks like you had Mihuo just in time, huh?
Lu: Oh! It's my birthday, isn't it?
Raven: Yep. It's just too bad you got into the house so late in your life.
Lu: I'm pleased enough with how my life's been.

Raven: Like your new outfit?
Lu: Sure, it's nice.
Raven: Good.

Raven: Nicky's birthday rolled around, and rather than the usual pre-school birthday cake, our little workaholic insisted on going to school and having his birthday afterward.

Raven: After a wardrobe change, he went right back to playing chess.

Raven: And the next day, it was time for Mihuo's birthday (again). Everyone got up early in the morning to see just who the little girl would take after.

Raven: Turns out, she mostly looks like Lu, with an eye color that's out of left field.

Raven: Everyone pitched in to help teach Mihuo her skills. Even bookish Nicholas was excited to help out.
Nicholas: And then your Auntie Jen is going to teach me to drive. Do you know what people drive?
Mihuo: Fast car!
Nicholas: Awwww, such a good girl!

Raven: This is one of two teens in Nick's class that actually live in town. He's Theron Shearer, and the other boy is Kris Brandon. The only girl at school is a babysitter, but Kris has a younger sister that hasn't yet started school. Looks like the choice is going to be slim for his potential prom dates.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 21)
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2012, 03:45:46 AM »
Raven: Prom rolled around, and there was only one girl in Nicholas's class. He didn't have any interest in her, so he went to prom solo.
Nicholas: I've got all the time in the world. No need to rush off and smooch the first girl that comes along.
Raven: How... pragmatic.

Raven: Oh, it seems I may have spoken too soon! Looks like little Nicky had his heart stolen by a girl after all. Meet Majora.

Raven: Before we knew it, it was time for Mihuo to have another birthday. Since Lu has spent so much time at the junkyard blowing up old appliances, the entire town has begun to dislike her... even her toddler daughter. Rumors are nasty things.

Mihuo: What are these stars, and how did they know to visit me for my birthday? They're beautiful!
Raven: Um...
Mihuo: Watcher, you should know about the stars. They do their work at your bidding, after all.
Raven: :aside: This... may be more difficult than I'd thought. :To Mihuo: Come, child. Let's get you into something more fitting.

Mihuo: We all agree that these clothes are much better.
Raven: We?
Mihuo: Me, myself, and I, of course. Oh, and the stars. Really, Watcher, don't you know everything?
Raven: I wish you'd stop calling me Watcher. Feels a little... sacreligious.
Mihuo: But you are the Watcher. You watch us, and you keep us safe, and you make sure that we are cared for and loved. What else could the Watcher possibly do?
Raven: I'm not sure the Watcher is quite as benevolent as you might think, child, but this is a conversation for later. Much later.

Raven: Nicky, why don't you spend some time with Mihuo. Maybe do some tutoring?
Nicholas: Uh, sure. Where should we start, Mi?
Mihuo: We could start with Simstein's theory of relative time and space, or perhaps discuss the current ideas of whether space is really as empty and void of life as it looks from our tiny perspective. Or you could teach us to read. Up to you, really.
Nicholas: :blinks: You're kidding, right?
Mihuo: We never kid. Or do we?

Raven: At Puzzle's insistence, Mihuo was enrolled in the School of Peace and Love for her elementary education. Before she left, however, Fiona took her and Nicholas to China for a short vacation. The kids stayed at the Palace in the Clouds – the house Gary bought just before Nicky was born – while Fiona took on as many adventures as she could in an attempt to raise her visa level.
Nicholas: ...and that's why there are no yetis in Simnation.
Mihuo: That you know about. What if there are yetis in some remote mountainous region that we simply haven't discovered yet? How are we to know the truth of the matter without thoroughly exploring every corner of existence?
Nicholas: :sighs:
Mihuo: Have we upset you, Nicholas? We apologize. We didn't mean to upset you.
Nicholas: It's... nevermind, Mi. Let's just move on, shall we?

Raven: When he wasn't attempting to pin down the squirming logic of an insane child, Nicholas worked on his chemistry table, first reaching the pinnacle of the logic skill...

Raven: And then discovering all the potions known to simkind. How does it make you feel?
Nicholas: Relieved. But there's still much to do.
Raven: Indeed.

Meanwhile, in Starlight Shores...
Mandy: :whispers indistinctly:
Jared: But I thought I'd be joining you soon?
Mandy: It isn't time yet. There are still preparations to be made.
Jared: Of course. You... you'll wait for me?
Mandy: Of course. Always.

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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 21)
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2012, 12:03:24 PM »
Happy birthday, Mihuo and Nicholas! Nicky turned out quite handsome!  :)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 22)
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2012, 05:04:34 PM »
Author's Note: Minor correction to the previous chapter – it was Le Fromage that Mihuo's being sent to, not Peace and Love. I know, such a vital difference. Also, just thought I'd go ahead and specify my supernatural settings in case anyone's curious or cares. I turned off celebrities and all occults that are invalid for membership in the household, and opted out of the celebrity system with my household (for all the good that'll do me at this point). The lunar cycle is staying at the default length of 6 days.

Raven: The trip to China wasn't all work for the kids (Fiona might argue that, if she didn't enjoy adventuring so much). Mihuo and Nick played some tag in the massive yard when Nick needed a break from his chemistry set.

Raven: And Mihuo played pretend when she was left to entertain herself.
Mihuo: We're not pretending. We're escaping from the aliens that wish to enslave simkind. They call themselves “hoo-men.”
Raven: And what do these “hoo-men” look like?
Mihuo: Just like us!

Raven: Child, what are you doing?
Mihuo: We're not doing anything. Why?
Raven: It sure looks like you're setting up a whoopie cushion.
Mihuo: You must be imagining things, Watcher. We would never play pranks on our family.
Raven: Mmhmm. You realize that your family isn't here, yes?
Mihuo: Of course!

Raven: After a few short days, Fiona and the kids returned home to Starlight Shores, just in time for Jenny and Puzzle to have their last joint birthday. How does it feel, Puzzle?
Puzzle: Not bad, actually. Though, I'll feel better after a new wardrobe and maybe some hair dye.

Raven: Puzzle just wouldn't be Puzzle without his green hair and patchwork suit.

Raven: And next up is Jennifer. Ready, hon?
Jennifer: Ready as I'll ever be.

Raven: Jenny decided it was finally time to retire her pop star hairstyle for something a little lower-maintenance.

Raven: After a couple of days, during which both Fiona and Jenny retired from their jobs, the two ladies sat down in the dining room for the final tally.

Jennifer: The painting was the last part I needed. It's time, Mom.
Fiona: You don't know how much this means to me, hon. You're sure you're ready?
Jennifer: I was born for this, and you know it. Fire up the replicator.

Jennifer: Not bad. I think there must be a crossed circuit somewhere in the replicator though. It tastes a little... off.
Jared: You're eating fruit and death fish. You really think it's supposed to taste good?

Raven: Jennifer Medley reached immortality on Friday of the 13th week since Fiona moved to Starlight Shores. Congratulations, hon! Your family is so proud of you!

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 23)
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2012, 05:24:43 PM »
Raven: There have been quite a few changes in the household lately. First up is Nicholas's kitten, Majora.

Raven: Time to learn to hunt, kitty.

Raven: Puzzle seems to be getting a little forgetful in his old age.
Puzzle: What? My keys are right here!
Raven: Right whe-? Nevermind. I don't want to know.

Jared: Hey! Tablet!
Raven: I've got a name, you know.
Jared: Quick! Before he gets here!
Raven: He? Oh. Oh, no.

Grim: Don't you “Oh, no,” me, 'Raven'. You think we haven't been watching you? You know the dead are forbidden to interfere once they've moved on, and you moved on long ago.
Raven: This was permitted! You really think I would still be here fourteen weeks in if it wasn't? We both know the Watcher wouldn't hesitate to snatch me back.
Grim: Enough of your foolishness! I'm here for a purpose and you will not delay me further.

Jared: Please, no! Just two more days and I can see my grandson graduate. I'll go willingly then.
Grim: No. You've had longer than many, and your time is come.

Raven: As the full moon rises over Starlight Shores, the Medley family bids farewell to Jared Ghee, age 107. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and surrogate brother.

Raven: The next day, despite everyone's grief, we held a party celebrating Nicky's entry into young adulthood. Any outstanding wishes?
Nicholas: Now, if I told you, they wouldn't come true, now would they?

Raven: There are very few young ladies attending the local school. In the front is Carey Tang, behind her is Tabitha Painter, and the child in the back is Jenny Brandon. Of these three, only Jenny lives in town. Carey and Tabitha are both babysitters.

Raven: Ready for your fashion show?
Nicholas: I suppose. Can I go apply for that job at the hospital afterwards?
Raven: If you want, though you won't start till after your graduation, you know.
Nicholas: Bah.

Raven: Nicholas graduated Valedictorian and was voted Most Likely to Write a Bestselling Novel by his classmates, who obviously don't know him very well.

Lu: I probably won't get a chance to see my daughter graduate, let alone my grandchild, and it's all your fault!
Fiona: Whoa! You knew when you moved in how things work in this household. Don't blame me for the flow of time!
Lu: I'll blame you if I please! It's your rules that keep me from, say, becoming a vampire so I can live long enough to see my little girl all grown up.
Raven: Ladies! Please, stop! Lu, Fiona's had as little choice in this as you had. If she -
Lu: Save it! I've had enough!

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 24)
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2012, 10:29:45 PM »
Raven: Mihuo returned from Le Fromage with a dramatic streak she hadn't had before. Lu, despite her tirade earlier in the day at Nicky's graduation ceremony, immediately wanted to send her to the school of Peace and Love.
Mihuo: Watcher, we would like to show everyone our lovely clothes now.
Raven: I've told you before, I'm not the – what in Simnation is that?
Mihuo: Our swimwear. Isn't it lovely?

Raven: Not to be left out, Liam joined the ranks of elders in the household. The household count is now five elders, one young adult, one teen, one cat, one dog.
Liam: And one tablet.
Raven: ...Right.

Raven: Since Mihuo started at the local high school, there seems to be a few more students there that actually live in town. Here we have Michell and Jeremiah Wahl, and little Jenny Brandon, all grown up now.

Mihuo: We appreciate your help, Sir Nicholas. We never learned any of this advanced mathemagic at Le Fromage.
Nicholas: ...This is basic arithmetic, Mi.
Mihuo: Is it? Perhaps we simply didn't pay attention then.
Raven: Sorry to interrupt, but what is going on with your eyes, child?
Mihuo: Work demands that we wear this makeup. Why one would wish to buy a spa package from someone who appears never to sleep is beyond us.

Fiona: So, our daughter is immortal now, and our grandson has started his job in the medical industry. I'm just worried about him. He hasn't shown any interest in any girls his age. Or boys, for that matter.

Gary: I'm sure it'll all be fine. He's got time, and he does have other things on his mind, I'm sure. There is a lot to finish for this immortality, I hear.

Raven: Nick has finished all of his logic challenges save one: the chess tournament. Here, he's just defeated his old schoolmate, Theron Shearer, in his first tournament game. Incidentally, he also just cured poor Theron of his unnatural thirst for blood.

Raven: His next chess opponent seems to be the proprietor of one of the local venues, so Nick decided to drop in on his boss, instead.
Nicholas: Oh, uh, hi!
Liliana: Hi, yourself. Here to see Mrs. Shearer?
Nicholas: Well, I was. That plan may see some revision, though.
Raven: :warning: Nicky...
Liliana: :blushes: Heh, well, let me just change out of these work clothes.

Raven: Nicholas Medley, what do you think you're doing?
Nicholas: Sshh, let me make what few decisions are still mine to make.
Liliana: What was that? I didn't quite hear you.
Nicholas: Nothing. Just a quick voice message for a nosy parker. Now, you have my undivided attention. Happen to be seeing anyone?

Liliana: Seeing anyone? Now, why would the famous Nick Medley need to ask that, I wonder?
Raven: I wonder, too.
Nicholas: Would it help if I asked if you believe in love at first sight?
Liliana: :blushes: Oh, my! And to answer your earlier question, no, I'm not seeing anyone.
Raven: You know, your grandfather used that same line on your grandmother the day she moved into town.

Nicholas: It's getting late, but there's just one more thing I need to do before I head home.

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 24)
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2012, 04:53:31 AM »
Good job, Nicholas! It was about time! Where does that lovely swimwear come from?

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 24)
« Reply #57 on: September 21, 2012, 07:29:17 PM »
Roxanne: The suit is part of the Supernatural Limited Edition content. I figured an insane sim would be a good place for that.

So, for the update. I made a dumb mistake when trying to restructure my dynasty's jobs around the glitchy combination rabbit holes. I placed the Gypsy Caravan on Fiona's property, not fully realizing that it would sell the property and thus invalidate her immortality requirements. So, goodbye Hall of Fame.

I'm planning on starting again, but having trouble deciding on a new town for my next try. All I know for certain is that I don't want to repeat towns and I'm not particularly fond of Sunset Valley. Moonlight Falls is out since I'd have to practically rebuild the whole place to get rid of all the combo rabbit holes. I'd prefer a full-size dynasty lot, so that drops Bridgeport and Riverview (I think). That leaves me with Twinbrook, Barnacle Bay, Hidden Springs, Lunar Lakes, Lucky Palms, Sunlit Tides, and Union Cove. Barnacle Bay and Hidden Springs are unsuitable for dynasty play due to lack of special seeds in the former and horrendous lag in the latter. I'm leaning toward Lucky Palms or Sunlit Tides currently.

Anyway, enough rambling. Off to figure out who's starting the next dynasty and how this will work out.

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 24)
« Reply #58 on: September 22, 2012, 07:32:53 AM »
I'd prefer a full-size dynasty lot, so that drops Bridgeport and Riverview (I think). That leaves me with Twinbrook, Barnacle Bay, Hidden Springs, Lunar Lakes, Lucky Palms, Sunlit Tides, and Union Cove.

Riverview has a full-sized 60x60 dynasty lot - it's Twinbrook that has the smaller 40x40.

Sorry to hear about the failure attempt, and good to know about the caravan. :/