Author Topic: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi  (Read 8210 times)

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2012, 03:20:59 AM »
This is a cute story, NeeNee.  The house is great and the colors look good, too.  Also, please remember that we have a limit of 25 images per post for stories.  One of your posts had 30.  No harm done, but be careful with future posts.

One thing that may help Tammi with her friends is to learn the Charisma skill.  I never used that for a SuperMax and all of my Immortals learned lots of Charisma.  When you get to the higher levels and add the completed skill journal challenges and helpful Lifetime Happiness Rewards, you Sim can be best friends with someone with the introduction.

Good luck with the rest of your Dynasty.

Oh no! I'm so sorry, Pam!!! :-[ Thank you for letting me know, I don't know how to fix it but I'll be very careful to always count my screenshots before I post now. I really appreciate how you guys keep the forum so nice, it was a complete accident. Sorry again!

And thanks for your comments, and your charisma idea, I think my sim will be spending some quality time with the mirror.
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2012, 06:11:28 AM »
Lovely dynasty  ;D I've noticed in my game too Stiles has and has passed on some interesting facial expression. They are always funny to see!

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Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2012, 12:35:15 AM »
Lovely dynasty  ;D I've noticed in my game too Stiles has and has passed on some interesting facial expression. They are always funny to see!

Thanks!!! I love Stiles' faces, good to know it's not just in my game! :D
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2012, 12:37:54 AM »
Hi Everyone - it's Tammi here.

You haven't heard from me since I told you my story, but I'm sure that you've been kept updated.

I've been working as hard as I can, to save my people. I did feel really sorry for myself, I had wanted to be a party girl, a rockstar, I wanted to live to play, not work to live! But here I was living with Agnes Grumblebottom, Stiles who had his nose buried in sculpting all day, and I was doing nothing but going to work and practicing cooking. ...But I need to save Simasi, so I kept going. And then one day it hit me. I'm going to be immortal! Live forever! And after tasting my first plate of Ambrosia, I'll be free! What will I do with myself? I thought, but I already knew. I'm going to party. ALL DAY! I stopped and thought. I might not look like I do now, but I think I can pull off party grandma. So that's my plan.... Now I just have to get that Ambrosia!

I was happy with my decision, and I felt a lot better. But after my adult birthday, things got worse. Simasi seemed such a distant memory, and I wondered if what I was doing was real, or worth it. So today I wanted to write and tell you about myself - and about what happened the other day. It was a nice, sunny morning, but I wasn't cheery. I'd been so busy with work and raising two little girls, I'd hardly had time to think. Now I had a break - but I didn't like what I was thinking. My history, the piece of paper, my memories... They all sounded so ridiculous. A portal into another dimension, my people being pulled through and disappearing, even Simasi seemed strange compared to Sunset Valley. I still didn't dare to go back, though I started to doubt. "What - what if I'm crazy??? What if... Oh, I don't know!" I didn't think I had the insane trait, "but maybe I am insane, and I just don't know it..." My thoughts were jumbled, and I shook my head to try and clear it. I walked over to the bookshelf, and took out an old, brown book. I'd put everything in here, the parchment that had explained my purpose, my diary, everything to do with my past. "Stiles," I called. "You know how I'm going to be immortal, how I found out from a piece of parchment? I want you to read it with me, and tell me what you think." Stiles came at once, and we sat down side by side. "Here," I said, pointing to the old parchment. "Read this." Stiles glanced down, and a funny look came over his face. There was a dreadful silence, while my heart thudded painfully in my chest. "...Tammi," said Stiles, speaking slowly. "There's nothing on this paper. I can't see any writing." I grabbed the paper, but it looked the same. For me, the writing on the old parchment was clear. Everything was wild inside me. I leapt up, feeling sick, and everything went black.

Hold on a minute.... Tammi, did you 'fake passing out??'

What? Who, me?

.... ::)

Anyway... Stiles gasped, and rushed to my side. "Are you okay??" I blinked, and got up. "Yeah, I'm think I'm fine." I sat down on the couch and told him all my doubt and worries. He was gorgeous, saying, "I don't care if it's true, and I don't care if you're crazy, I love you, Tammi." I couldn't say anything, I just hugged him tightly. After a few minutes I picked up the parchment again. But there was something I hadn't seen before. A mark, on the back. Curious, I turned it over, and I saw that it was writing. This is what I read. "Don't worry. I know you are the only one seeing this, but that is just what I want. If you remember, you are the one to save us. It's incredibly important that our plan is not known, or somehow, we may be stopped. Although most evil men are on the other side of the portal, there may be spies - so only you and your immortal descendants will be able to read this. Good luck."

I was amazed. How did I never see it before? I still don't know, maybe it never used to be there. But quickly, an idea formed. If only me and my descendants can read this, then Amara would be able to read it too! I called her. "Amara, would you take a look at this??" She came running, and sat down beside me. I pulled out the old book, heavy with anticipation. To my surprise she glanced at it quickly, and said, "Oh yes, I read this the other day. I found it in the bookshelf. We're supposed to be immortal." I gaped at her in surprise. "You know??" "Yes," she said, matter of factly, "I'll have lots of time to fish." I showed her the parchment, and she could read every word, just like me.

I felt so good, I wasn't crazy! Everything was real! I knew that I'd work harder than ever to save my Simasi. I sat down and shut my eyes, to picture my most peaceful place... A nice, loud, party, with lots of people! And I'll pass out, and tell my most dramatic story, while everyone watches on with bated breath. Yes, I'll be having lots of those parties one day. 

Next up: Amara and Naomi's teenage birthdays and makeovers, plus more sim antics. :D
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2012, 02:14:10 AM »
Hi Everyone! :D

The Diamonds are going well, Tammi's busy getting promotions, friends, and gaining her cooking skill, while Stiles fishes and sculpts and Agnes paints and gardens. The girls have gotten on the honour roll, and Naomi is about level five painting, while Amara builds her fishing skill. They also just aged up into teenagers!

As is typical for the family, a big birthday party was thrown. Tammi couldn't come until the end, because she had to work, but everybody else came to cheer as the girls blew out their candles.

Happy Birthday, Amara!

She aged up very pretty, I think. After a hair and makeup change, this is how she turned out. :)






And Naomi was next up.

Happy Birthday!

"Oh dear."
Naomi: "How do I look?? Is it that bad?"
"Um, well, you look... Just get to a dresser without passing a mirror, okay?"

Once Naomi was fixed up, she turned out to be very pretty as well.






I still think the girl's look really alike, I tried Amara's hairstyle on Naomi and they looked nearly identical! If they were dressed the same way, I think the only difference would be their eye colour.

The party was a great success, and Amara seemed to like someone in particular... Amara had invited Forrest Keaton over when they were both children, and they'd gotten on well. He aged up before her and was invited to their birthday party. Future spouse potential? Amara seemed to think so.

Hmm, he's not much of a looker, but Amara certainly seems to like him! I do think that with different hair and clothes he wouldn't be too bad.

Okay, I feel a bit like a third wheel at the moment so let's leave the lovebirds to it.

There hasn't been much other excitement around the house, except that I found a time machine at the consignment store! This is the first one I've had (I only installed Ambitions fairly recently) and I was so pleased. I sent Stiles in for an adventure in the future. No sign of a cool modern suit yet, though.

And Tammi has completed two out of the three cooking skill challenges, plus she's finally made some younger friends. I bought and upgraded a property too, but I forgot to take a screenshot. She's getting closer to being ambrosia ready!

Agnes is working hard to supply everyone's paintings in between working in the garden, and I think the stress must have gotten to her - she's painting an imaginary painting! (It was some sort of glitch, but it really was funny to see her painting air. :D)

Thanks for reading! Another update will be coming soon. :)
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2012, 05:44:51 AM »
Hi again!

Things are going well in the Diamond household, and there's been some interest with another double birthday - Stiles and Agnes are becoming elders!

A party was thrown, and Agnes age up first.

Agnes: "I really wish that I don't have to look old."
"Too late," *click* "Happy Birthday"

Agnes: "Oooh, my back!"
"Never mind your back, I'll give you a makeover, see?"

And she didn't look too bad! (For an old lady ;) )

Then it was Stiles' turn.

Stiles: "I just wish to spend my last days surrounded by the friends and family that I love most."

Stiles: "Boy, I'm good looking for an elder! I can see myself giving George Clooney a run for his money."
"Not in those pants. To the dresser!"

Yay, I'm pleased with Stiles' elder makeover.

I found Marty Keaton doing the pregnancy face after they aged up - I'm sure he was going, "AHHHHHH! I don't EVER want to look so OLD!"

If you're wondering why he's wearing bathers, it's because he also decided to play with the sprinkler during the party. I's funny how often sims will rush to the sprinklers!

After the celebrations had died down and I'd played for a while, I re-evaluated the stats. And things are looking up! Yay! Here they are:

Supermax: Cooking - mastered. (2 out of 3 skill challenges are complete)
Career: Chef - level 8
Portraits: YA, A
Sculptures: Adult
Property: Summer Hill Springs - fully upgraded
Building: none
Best Friends: Mortimer Goth, Darlene Bunch, Holly Alto, Sandi French
Lifetime Rewards: Long Distance Friend

Phew, and here's some shots of the upgraded property.

The playground and picnic area,

And the amenities.

Also, I haven't uploaded any photos of the Immortal Museum yet! So here you go :)

Tammi's museum pieces (Sorry her sculpture's covering up the painting from this angle, oops) :

Some tributes to the mortals, Agnes' Sculpture and Stiles' painting:

Then Naomi's paintings and sculptures:

And finally Amara's:

Everything has been carrying on normally in the household, Amara's fishing, and she and Forrest are going strong. Naomi's working hard on her sculpting and painting, while Tammi works and Stiles and Agnes enjoy their elder years.

Amara recently registered in the fishing self employed career - but now I'm not sure that's the career I will get her to max - I have no idea how I'd sell 60,000 simoleons worth of fish! ???

Nonetheless, Amara gets excited no matter how big or *cough* small her catches are.

And Agnes has built up quite a nice garden - I even got some money trees this time!

Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think. :) More to come soon!
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline Tin

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2012, 11:45:43 AM »
Cute story, nice garden, beautiful house. I like the family too. I will be reading.

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Offline fansidoodle

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2012, 03:15:06 PM »
I really like your story. The park looks really great and poor Marty. ;D

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2012, 02:31:58 AM »
Cute story, nice garden, beautiful house. I like the family too. I will be reading.

Thanks a lot Tin!!! :D

I really like your story. The park looks really great and poor Marty. ;D

I know, poor Marty ;D Thanks heaps, fansidoodle!

So sorry for my lack of updates, I've been sick, (I saw the doctor last week, and am now on the mend :) ) and I've also been busy getting ready for a trip I'm going on in three weeks - so I haven't been able to play my sim family, and come on here! I have a bit more time now, so hopefully I can have the next update really soon. Thanks so much to anyone reading my story! it means a lot. :)
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline Toni

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2012, 05:28:54 AM »
I am loving this story! Great writing and can't wait till Tammi eats Ambrosia!

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2012, 05:57:25 AM »
I am loving this story! Great writing and can't wait till Tammi eats Ambrosia!

Thanks Toni!!! :D

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to update, I've been really busy and tomorrow I leave on a trip - for some reason I'm not allowed to pack my desktop computer and take it on the plane ;) And sadly, Tammi made life fruit pancakes while my back was turned, and I'm not sure if that disqualifies me for HoF - I'm waiting to find out, and I'll update when I can! Thanks to anyone reading, my story isn't forgotten at all, I just have to wait until I get back and I can keep updating. :)
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi