I'm trying to do an opportunity called Paparazzi!, in which my sim takes a picture of a sim named in the opportunity, and delivers it to another sim. Specifically, it says, "Caitlin Lindquist wants a picture of Dixie Patrick but won't tell you the reason why, only that you'll be paid nicely." I've tried taking pictures that include Dixie Patrick with many names: A sim in the area, Two's Company, Three's a Crowd, My Friend, Two of My Friends, Three of My Friends, Running, and Lovers at Night. When I put them in my inventory, none of them register as the photo that my sim need to turn in. I have noticed when I look at the photos that they are all titled with almost the same or exactly the same wording as is written beneath them, and none of them say Dixie Patrick.
Has anyone successfully done this opportunity before? Does anyone know what I need to do in order to get a photo that will register correctly for this opportunity?