We have two major shopping centers close by. One has K-Mart, Target, JB, EB and until recently a Game. The other one is only five minutes away and hubby and I go there every day (I have to walk and inside out of the weather and on even surfaces is better for my hip) It has a Big W, Target, JB, EB and until recently a Game. I'm not a Target fan, so I don't usually shop there. Big W is often cheaper, but they don't get the games straight away and I like to get them as soon as they are released. Between JB and EB, there never seems to be very much difference in price, but EB is a smaller shop and the service there is a lot more friendly and personal - I mean, what are the chances of someone in JB walking up to you and calling you by name to tell you that they just got word of a new Sims release becoming available? So I stick with EB, and get them to price match if JB happens to be cheaper.