So I've managed to free a Genie from the lamp in Bridgeport, no problems whatsoever. But when I try it in UC, my sim comes out of the Mauseleum and the opportunity never completes. Does anyone know what might be causing it? Or any suggestions to get it to work? The first two parts complete just fine (freezing, heating), just not the third part. I've tried it with two different households.
Edit: the completed opportunity music plays, but no pop-ups. I've had this music at all sorts of random times throughout play in UC lately. I'm not sure what's causing it.
Edit 2: saving after 'taking the lamp undergound' and waiting for my sim to come out on their own, then deleting cache files, then restarting the game does not complete the opportunity either. Cancelling the opportunity and making the wish again and trying the same process yeilds the same result. The final opportunity won't complete.
Edit 3: So I loaded a previous save and did a few things different
1: I made sure I used base-game fridge and stove (previously I used store content)
2: I made sure I hadn't already added a simbot
3: I made sure that the sim who bought the lamp completed the opportunity
So it was one of those three things that broke it. Hopefully that helps anyone else who comes across the problem.