Generally, I play families in Sims, but I decided to play a lothario this time. My Sim first dated, and had a son with, Imogene Pelly in Appaloosa Plains. Poor crazy Imogene was in that big, beautiful house on the hill with two babies (unbeknownst to me, she was already pregnant when they first got together) and a dog that destroyed everything and was NOT housetrained at all. After my sim broke up with her, she remained in that house for the first week or so, but now, she's gone. I can still call her on the phone, so I'm assuming that means she's still living in town somewhere, but I don't see her anywhere. (Actually, now I'm wondering if that means that at all??)
So, to my question...does Story Progression take into consideration the relationships of the townies to your sim? Does the fact that my sim's son was in the house have any effect on whether or not Story Progression moves them out of town?