Author Topic: Why is woohooing with a vampire a public disgrace; but, not with other occults?  (Read 9834 times)

Offline MoMoll

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My sim is a genie, and her boyfriend never gets disgraced from woohoo with her. But, when you woohoo with a vampire, you get publicly disgraced?! The Ifs and Genies are considered by EA to be occults, so, why the difference?
Just curious, because with Supernatural, we'll have Werewolves, Zombies and Fairies!


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Maybe it is just a Late Night thing lol. And Zombies won't be able to woohoo. ;)

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Offline Lasnien

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In my dynasty, generation 2's husband is constantly getting publicly disgraced for woohoo with an occult. Gen 2 has the IF gene. Not sure why genies wouldn't give the same thing, though.

Offline MomOfMany

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Woohooing with a genie will get you publicly disgraced also! I had it happen. Perhaps the genie's boyfriend is not a celebrity because then you wouldn't get publicly disgraced no matter who you woohoo with! They need to have celebrity status for that!

Offline MoMoll

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The genie and her husband are both 5 star celebrities. Guess it's just a glitch in my game.