I am having the same issue, compounded with another issue. I have been a Sims3 player from the beginning and have every expansion except for the newest two (some Katy Perry thing and the newest stuff pack). I was playing a legacy game in sunset valley but had some kind of bug that disabled all the NPCs in my town, couldn't even ctrl + right click the mailbox to force NPCS. So I took out all my game mods and started a new game in Apaloosa Plains. Built a new family, a huge new house on the biggest lot (64x64) and went to move my new family into the new house... and then the game froze on the town. Load wheel disappeared, UI bars disappeared, and all I have is the town and the ability to scroll around it, and the family wont start.
So I shut off the game, re started it, began with another family, and played them awhile with no problem. Then I moved my made family into the house, played with the other family awhile, then moved the first family out, and moved them back in. Switched active households to the first family with same issue.
I exited out and went back to the played family. Then I tested the testingcheatsenabled true. Tried ctrl clicking on the mail box with no effect. Ordered a pizza, and found that my npcs are not only disabled in my old town, but in the entire game.
My game is completely up to date, and this happened before and after the newest update. I am considering uninstalling and re installing.. but with 6 expansion packs and 4 stuff packs.. I don't even want to think about the nightmare it's going to be to reinstall everything and do all the updates.
Any suggestions?