Author Topic: The NPC service is not showing up  (Read 17357 times)


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The NPC service is not showing up
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:33:29 PM »
please help me! I try everything! I deleted everything and I install everything again, and the problem Continue, the npc service is not showing up at my houses, not even the maid, babysitter, mail carrier, newspaper etc..
I call them and it said they are on the way but they nerve show up (not even with cheats) it wasn't like that always I notice since few Weeks ago, my toddles almost die because the babysitter never came when I went to work, I can't pay the bills or read the newspaper etc, if I call then it's say they're on the way and nerve show up and I can't call then because it say the service is active and they are not even in the lot.   please somebody help me!!!

Offline kattiq

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 10:34:21 PM »
Hmm, I've never had this problem before but I'd say you might have to do a factory reset or a complete reinstall of your game to fix the glitch.
Have you tried canceling the maid,butler, newspaper carrier and then hiring them again?

Links: Factory Reset
Start From the Beginning- Uninstall and Reinstall

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 12:09:30 AM »
Also, do you have any mods installed in your game.  If so, they may be causing the problem.
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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 07:39:31 AM »
yes, kattiq I tried all that, I uninstall and installed everything, and I also cancel all the service I call them again, and it said they are coming but they never show up and I can't call them again because it said the service active, I even start a new family in another world a I still have the same problem :-(


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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 07:46:23 AM »
yes pam I have few mods, but I have them before the problem start, can they start causing problems randomly even if they didn't do it in the past?

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 10:41:57 AM »
Yeah, anytime you run mods there is a risk even if it doesn't happen immediately it will probably screw with your game later on down the road with compatibility. I'd take them out it'll probably fix it. Other than that we can't discuss mods on this forum.

Oh and Welcome to the Forum stefanuty. :)


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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 05:35:20 PM »
One more question, and sorry if I'm being stupid and dumb, are mods those stuff that I download from the Sims 3 page like clothes, and few objects? Because that's what I mean, because I remember I bought a few toddler clothes and then something about a patch put out and I press yes, and I don't know if it have something to do with that

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 06:01:36 PM »
are mods those stuff that I download from the Sims 3 page like clothes, and few object?

You are referring to EA Store Content ?  No, those are not generally referred to as being "mods".

On this forum : "mod" means "third-party custom content" created by someone other than EA themselves.

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 06:26:23 PM »
thanks twallan   :) so I guess I don't have mods, so now I still don't know what's causing this problem 

Offline kattiq

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2012, 08:29:41 PM »
Actually mods are the ones that tweak the game and change the internal settings. We usually commonly call the third party content , custom content or (CC). CC includes the non EA made clothes, objects, ect.

Or at least that is how I interpreted it from the forum rules:
5. We assume no responsibility for any damage to your game or computer as a result of using mods, hacks, and/or third party custom content. Many sites which host them also offer code designed to break the game's Teen rating. As a family friendly site, we cannot endorse any sites which link to such content. DO NOT discuss or link to any mods or custom content (CC) on this forum.

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2012, 10:59:05 PM »
Actually mods are the ones that tweak the game and change the internal settings.

Probably not the best definition for "mod", since that would include some of EA's premium content, and exclude several third-party custom objects that I know of.

However I do get your point regarding "CC", and I stand corrected there.

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2012, 11:06:55 PM »
To be perfectly clear - mtglady, one of the moderators, posted this excellent explanation of it:

Number five (5) of our forum's rules state:  We assume no responsibility for any damage to your game or computer as a result of using mods, hacks, and/or third party custom content. Many sites which host them also offer code designed to break the game's Teen rating. As a family friendly site, we cannot endorse any sites which link to such content. DO NOT discuss or link to any mods on this forum. 
OK folks, having stated that hopefully this will settle this topic's question and end the debate. 
There are four types of 'mods' (or hacks) that creators make.  A very small percentage may be safe but most can be very harmful, especially if you have never used mods before, don't know the creator or if you don't thoroughly research the product.  Some Mods may work for some and not work for others.
Mods are mostly designed to correct what some see as errors in the original release or to add life to the game with new challenges.  If a creator doesn't continue to update their mod with the release of new EP's/SP's then you may find you can no longer play your game, even after removing the mod.  You may also find that none of your save files will work either.   
NOTE:  Mods can be packaged as both .sims3pack and .package formats so don't think it is not a mod if you can install it via the launcher.     
Core Mods - A mod which dramatically alters the game.  This type of mod can fix many of the game's flaws as well as add things like new traits.  For example: A slider created to give a Sim muscles (before EA added it to the game) was a type of core mod.  This type of mod can conflict with the game play or with other mods.  If you install more than one created ‘core’ mod at a time in your game, you face having major game-breaking issues.
Tuning Mods - A mod that can change a variety of things - from how fast the Sims' bladders fill, to what time the curfew for kids is - as well as no more gagging, spewing etc.  These can conflict with other mods or with the game play itself.  They can break your game too.
Script Mods - These mods can cause an older video card to fry along with your computer too if you are not careful.  This mod actually manipulates the game coding to enable things such as romance and marriage that break the teen rating of the game.  These are usually very dangerous types of mods and can conflict with other mods.
Object Mods - This type of mod is always an object that uses a custom script. The most basic sort of object mod is a simple clone of the original object rigged with some new interactions.  An example of this type of mod would be like making a dishwasher work on a community lot.  Again, this mod can conflict with another aspect of game play or with another mod.
As for CC - this is custom content added to your game as either a sims3pack or a .package file.  These files can be as simple as changing the color of a chair or actually creating (cloning) of a sleeveless shirt originally made by EA and adding sleeves.  There are three types of custom content: EA CC; EA partner CC (T-Mobile & Dr. Pepper); and Third-Party CC.  The last types is what you want to watch out for. If it just changes the color or pattern then you should be OK, but if it changes the object to a new look then be careful.  You also have to watch out for items marked as 'default' as this will change the original item in your game and not add it as an additional item.   
@Leto - if you copy and modify game furniture from The Sims 3 to a complete new look (3D editing) it would be considered Third-Party Custom Content that you would have to be careful with.  Even if you took a high fence and made it shorter or a short fence and made it taller.  Another type of Third-Party CC is to create an entire new object (meshing).   Please keep in mind that both cloning and creating a new mesh are Third-Party CC that can cause your Sims to morph and can still ruin your game.  Remember the 'Dreaded Doll'?   
@Chuckles_82 and @Leto - changing the value of an object or even changing a bed to have a +++ rating is not a mod.  It is only Third-Party CC as it is customizing it for your own use.  It is very similar to using a cheat to obtain the same thing as long as you know what you are doing.  You should also NOT pass these items on to anyone else as it may install as a defaulted item.   
Then I noticed there was a question regarding Unlocked and Re-categorized content.  Most times this type of content will not cause any issues with your game.  EA added the content but for some reason didn't activate it.  This would be like the uniforms that are unlocked as you advance in a career.  And notice I did say 'most times' since EA may have kept some items locked for future EP/SP use.       
I hope this long post clarified this for everyone.  Please remember that the challenges on this forum do not allow the use of mods or CC, so if you are going to participate you will have to remove them.
We can't make the decision for you whether to use mods or CC - that is a risk that only you can decide to take.

So stephanuty - do you have items for The Sims 3 downloaded from other places than If so, have you recently updated your game?

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 11:12:26 PM »
Probably not the best definition for "mod", since that would include some of EA's premium content, and exclude several third-party custom objects that I know of.
You're right. I just didn't want to overstep any boundaries where rules stand on this so I attempted to be as "vague" as possible. :)

But to bring this back on topic, it could be a recent patch that might have things all screwed up, I would definitely remove any CC even EA stuff and see if maybe it helps.
But before you go through all that trouble have you tried using the "testingcheatsenabled true" and then shift+click on the mailbox to force a NPC to come to your house?

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Re: help? the NPC service is not showing up?
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2012, 06:00:40 PM »
I am having the same issue, compounded with another issue. I have been a Sims3 player from the beginning and have every expansion except for the newest two (some Katy Perry thing and the newest stuff pack). I was playing a legacy game in sunset valley but had some kind of bug that disabled all the NPCs in my town, couldn't even ctrl + right click the mailbox to force NPCS. So I took out all my game mods and started a new game in Apaloosa Plains. Built a new family, a huge new house on the biggest lot (64x64) and went to move my new family into the new house... and then the game froze on the town. Load wheel disappeared, UI bars disappeared, and all I have is the town and the ability to scroll around it, and the family wont start.

So I shut off the game, re started it, began with another family, and played them awhile with no problem. Then I moved my made family into the house, played with the other family awhile, then moved the first family out, and moved them back in. Switched active households to the first family with same issue.

I exited out and went back to the played family. Then I tested the testingcheatsenabled true. Tried ctrl clicking on the mail box with no effect. Ordered a pizza, and found that my npcs are not only disabled in my old town, but in the entire game.

My game is completely up to date, and this happened before and after the newest update. I am considering uninstalling and re installing.. but with 6 expansion packs and 4 stuff packs.. I don't even want to think about the nightmare it's going to be to reinstall everything and do all the updates.

Any suggestions?

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Re: The NPC service is not showing up
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2012, 07:33:38 PM »
Welcome to our Forum, KrissXed.

If you haven't done a clean re-install in awhile, it's a good idea.  We recommend that the game be re-installed periodically as maintenance to keep you game running smoothly.  Ideally, doing it when you install a new expansion pack or stuff pack is the best.
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