Are you sure you have a proper video card, and not just integrated graphics? If you're trying to run the game with all that CC, plus all those EP's/SP's and Store Content, with integrated graphics, it's too much for the PC to handle, so therefore it will overheat and shut itself down to protect itself. Integrated graphics are chips, that attach to the motherboard. Those are meant for normal business tasks, and internet use, like this forum, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
If not, an uninstall/reinstall maybe in order. It's the only way to stop any bugs, really.
EDIT: It's not so much that CC is harmful persae, it's the fact that third party creators and their meshes have polygons higher than say, that bob with the side bangs Pam uses frequently, (the one Carina Dreamweaver has), so that alone isn't that great for lower end computers. So that being said, if you don't have the nicest gaming rig, too much CC is really going to slow your game down, as is.