Author Topic: (Un)Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please  (Read 2672 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Disembodied Voice: A short time ago in the Sim settlement of Riverview, a beautiful young maiden woke up. No, she didn't eat a poisoned apple given to her by her step-mother, nor did she prick her thumb on a spinning wheel. Why this beautiful young maiden was here is unknown and unimportant at this stage. Speculations may arise as to her parentage and her life as a nooboo, toddler, child and teenager, but those are nothing more than idle contemplations for other times, and those kinds of imaginations are just as unimportant and unknown as how she got to this place with the title deed of this property and 1800 simeloens in her back pocket.

This beautiful young maiden has the name of Snow Storeybrooke and more than anything else she wants to illustrate the front covers of her own novels. She is a hopelessly romantic artistic bookworm who is a perfectionist. She is also rather ambitious as she wants to succeed at this immortal dynasty challenge.

Snow: Do you mind? I'm confused and dazed, I don't know why I'm here and I'm ... oh great, I'm talking to myself.

Mailbox: No, you're talking to me.

Snow: Oh great, a talking mailbox ... I must be mad.

Mailbox: No, not at all. I'm here to try to help you get through your immortal dynasty and ... do you mind looking at me when I'm talking to you? Instead of that house across the road from the immortal dynasty lot?

Snow: Oh shush you ... Excuse me ... I love a man in black and who has long hair. Oh, and he's a musician! I think I'm in love. I'll go over and say 'hi'.

Mailbox: DON'T YOU DARE GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE ...Oh, too late, she's gone already ... founders! You create them, you place them, you set up the game, and at the first sign of a rich potential dynasty helper/spouse they leave you alone. What, I'm a mailbox? Even though I'm an inanimate object, I have feelings, you know. Anyway, I suppose you'll be wanting to find out a bit more about Snow? This post has her stats, and also those of her hopefully seven immortal descendants. Pictures of Snow to come, as are some other pictures. Give me a break, I'm a mailbox, I have one leg an opening flap and no arms. That I can talk should be enough for you ... no, don't ask me how I can talk, it would take too long to explain.

Immortal Stats

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 04:46:51 PM »
Snow Storeybrooke (Founder)
Traits - Ambitious, Artistic, Book Worm, Hopeless Romantic, Perfectionist
Likes - White, Autumn Salad, Egyptian Music
Spouse - Jon Storeybrooke (nee Lessen)
Unique LTW - Illustrious Author
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career - Self Employed Author
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Writing
Other Skills - Painting
6 Black Ops - Painting Class
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 2)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 3)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 4)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 5)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 6)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 7)
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

 (Generation 8 )
Unique LTW -
3 Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Career -
Unique Supermaxed Skill -
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops -
6 Unique Best Friends -
Owned Building -
Owned Property -
Toddler Museum Pieces -
Child Museum Pieces -
Teen Museum Pieces -
YA Museum Pieces -
Adult Museum Pieces -
Elder Museum Pieces -

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 07:11:58 AM »
A talking mailbox! Very funny lol. I hope the mailbox will take some pictures even without arms. ;D
Having only one leg and a opening flap, that cracked me up lol.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 04:11:33 PM »
Pictures added as requested, Louise.

Also, when I got Bennie, Melvin and Harry into the household, it turned out that Harry had three books already written. One was a Masterpiece, the second a Vaudeville and the third a life story. I didn't realise that happened with premade sims.

Mailbox: Hello, Mr Postman, do you have any mail you want to stick in me?

Postman: Well, I was carrying this soccer goal for Snow and Jon in my back pocket.

Mailbox: Wow! How did you get that in there? and be careful ... I had to get repainted yesterday, Jon isn't the gentlest dynasty spouse there is.

Postman: *shoves the goal into the mailbox's slot* There you go, see you next time I have a bill, mail, gifts, imaginary friend or something else for the family here.

Mailbox: mph mph pmh mph. Thank you, I think. Well, I suppose the rest of you want to know what's been going on, right? Well, the word I've been hearing, and reading, yeah I read the mail that comes here, what else am I to do? I stand around out here year round and no one cares if I get cold, hot, rained on, hammered by hail, struck by lightning or covered in snow. So yeah, I read the mail, I am a mailbox of the world, afterall. Anyway, back to the events, Snow married Jon and he moved in here with her. Jon sold his car and other things and agreed to sculpt for Snow. He also headed out to the consignment store looking for a camera. He not only found a camera, but he also charmed the consignment store clerk. You may have heard of him ... Billy Caspian. Anyway, after a couple of days, he convinced Billy to move in with himself and Snow. Billy had a house guest, by the name of Wilbert Gipson who had high level photography skill, but no camera. So Wilbert was given the camera and became the original photographer for the dynasty, and also spent time in the backyard, gardening.

Wilbert Gipson pre-and post-makeover ... he's an adult and had about 5 photography skill.

Voice: What about me?

Mailbox: Shush ... I'm getting to you.

Voice: Well hurry up.

Mailbox: Jon also brought back surprises for me! I like Jon, so kind and thoughtful. He brought back some gnomes. With me at the moment is a sculpting gnome by the name of 'Nardo.

I did not set this up :) This is where this gnome was one day.

'Nardo: Hello everyone, Mailbox is good to talk to. But I'm better to talk to. Jon also brought back a French gnome by the name of Harri and a martial arts gnome by the name of Lu-Pen. Jon also met three older gentlemen and invited them to come here as well ... Bennie, Melvin and Henry agreed and now Snow has 6 men living with her, one more and we'll be able to have Snow Storeybrooke and the 7 bros, or something like that.

Mailbox: Oh and Snow is writing her first book, a romance titled "A Bromance Between Three Guys", she started it before Jon invited the Grandpas into the household. For those keeping track, Jon is sculpting, Billy is painting, Wilbert is photography/gardening, the Grandpas are fishing/gardening/alchemy/cooking/cleaning and so forth. Well it is farewell from me.

'Nardo: Bennie Dean is a Witch! How cool and exciting. And farewell from me.

Next update, pics of the house (I'm trying to just use the blueprints) and more makeovers ... and possibly the 7th bro (nicknamed Sleepy) ... maybe nooobro would be a better way of describing it. :)


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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2012, 02:39:42 AM »
Thank you for the pictures Mailbox lol! You have plenty of helpers. ;)
I'm looking forward to the nooboo!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 02:57:38 AM »
Mailbox: I'm pleased you liked the pictures, Louise. :) Lots of bros you mean, don't you? :)

It is possible that this saved game file may be corrupted ... :(

I wonder if I claim I'm not doing an immortal dynasty that'll trick my system and it will allow me to get to at least the 2nd generation as an immortal? :D

Only 4 of my 7 household members are appearing in the save game picture, and one of those appears in such a way that it looks like he's dislocated something.

Edit: This is what I mean ...

Edit 2: *SIGH* It has frozen on that image/writing for the second time this afternoon for 15 minutes or so. Am I being too impatient?


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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 03:08:57 AM »
You have such bad luck! I hope you get it fixed.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2012, 03:11:08 AM »
I guess I can always return to the Enterprise family ... see if they'll open up for me. :)


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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2012, 09:47:30 AM »
I've gotten those weird thumbnails before. It usually doesn't reflect the file's state, though the long loading times might be an issue.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Happily Ever After - The Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2012, 07:38:20 PM »
I've tried several times to reload the file, with a failure each time, so I'm calling an end to this attempt and am asking for this thread to be moved to the graveyard.

I like Snow too much as a sim to let her totally end like this, so expect her back at some time in some way. :)

Thank you
