Author Topic: How did I get a full Mood bar with just a total of +5 Mood from Moodlets?  (Read 2042 times)

Offline koda733

  • The Wandering Noob
  • Llama Wrangler
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  • Posts: 59
This weirds me out.   ???

I had a full Mood bar for many days, following my Sim completing her LTW wish of being a CEO. It was a +75 Moodlet, but even when it dissipated, I still had the full mood bar. The only moodlet I had was a New Friend Moodlet for +20 Mood. When I went home, I got a Filthy Surroundings moodlet caused by a glitch: I couldn't see anything that would cause the moodlet. But, even with just a total of +5 mood, I still had the full mood bar. What could cause such a good, but undeserved thing?

I'm still a noob to The Sims series... :-X


  • Guest
There is a glitch where the bonus from sleeping in an expensive bed adds a cumultive mood bonus that doesn't go away, so your sim will be perpetually in an elated mood. The opposite is when they get the 'cheap bed glitch'. This usually resets when you restart the game. If you restart your game is your sim's mood back to where it should be?

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