So, this afternoon I spent a while downloading some sims from these forums swap shop. This is the first time I've ever tried to get downloaded sims into my game, but I have had success with several other items such as worlds, patterns, and lots. The downloading and installing went as expected. But when I fired up my game, the only downloaded sim I had in my household bin was Leto's Max Skills. I do have the "show custom content" star symbol highlighted, and all my CAS guys are there.
According to the launcher, everyone I downloaded is installed, but only Max Skills is marked as a "household" rather than a "sim". All the sims I cannot load from my bin are in my "Saved Sims" file in my Eletronic Arts folder. I'm stumped. I'm probably making some simple mistake. I've tried googling, but can only seem to find ways to install sims, which mine allegedly are.
Any help would be muchly appreciated.