Apologies if this has been covered before and/or I'm posting in the wrong spot...
Anyway, I know there's a maternity leave bug ("feature"?) that causes the amount of time off to fluctuate from day to day (or even hour to hour), and I've had it before, but it's particularly vexing now since this is my dynasty game. My sim is in the culinary career and found out she was pregnant on a Thursday. Got the maternity leave and thought she'd be back on Sunday. After the baby was born, that was somehow pushed back to Tuesday. Okay, fair enough...she worked at home and then decided to become really good friends with her boss and got promoted to level 7 that Sunday. The leave fluctuates again, saying she'd return the following Friday...a few hours later it went back to Tuesday...next day it went to Friday...so on and so forth.
It is currently around 9am Tuesday morning sim time, and I was hoping it would reset at midnight on Tuesday, or at least 5am on Tuesday. Unfortunately, it says she's going back Friday and that hasn't changed since late Monday morning, which would mean she hasn't worked in a week (her last shift was the previous Tuesday). I was counting on her working on Tuesday so that she'd be promoted to level 8 before her Friday shift.
I haven't tried resetting her yet, and I'm wondering if that's worth a try or if there's something else I could do, or maybe it'll resolve itself once I get back in the game. Qutting and rejoining the career would be very problematic at this point...I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that her leave won't get extended again and that she will eventually go back to work, ideally long before elderhood.