Hi – I searched a little, but don’t see my problem posted yet… I have all the expansions and am updated to the latest patch – I’m having a problem with my cats. I’ve played three households in Appaloosa Plains extensively since Pets came out and all of the houses are having a mysterious problem with their cats – They keep running off into the wilderness, over and over again. What I mean is, while my eye is not on them, they will pop off the lot (although remain in my household queue) and when I double-click them to zero in on them, I get pulled off into the part of the town where Sims can’t go and don’t see them on the surface. I’ve tried waiting for them to come back on their own and they never seem to – All during this time, they keep queuing up actions, then the actions drop because they can’t be fulfilled. Their needs also degenerate as usual, but there no way to address them and hitting the “return home” arrow adds the action to their queue, but it drops pretty quick because they seem to be trapped in the wilderness!
The first cat this happened to, I lost as I saved the game and assumed when I returned, they would reset. Alas, no… It disappeared from the household queue entirely. Probably because it was an elder and was supposed to have passed away in the time it was in The Badlands, but I was afraid to test this out on any others for fear it wasn’t about the age. Following times I’ve cheated and teleported the cat back home and then kept it busy so they wouldn’t wander off again. This is exhausting (since it happens a lot), but seemed to work until last night, when one of my cats with a full queue of commands *still* disappeared off into The Badlands when I dashed away for a second to attend another Sim.
Is this a bug or are they truly on walkabout? Any solutions other than teleporting them back? (I haven’t tried “reset Sim”, but teleporting seems easier than that.)