Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131222 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #570 on: August 03, 2012, 06:19:14 PM »
One word....SMILE

Glad we brought you joy!

Happy birthday, Christmas!  And congratulations to Christmas and Pietro.  I just love the male Sims with their diamond rings.  True gender equality, friends! 

As an ex-women's libber, I have to say I think we blew it!  I rather liked having men behave like gentlemen and not EXPECT us to provide sex, housekeeping, AND an income, oh, and take out our garbage, mow the lawn, mop the floor, take care of the car and all the other supposed male things that women are now expected to do themselves, while guys gussy up in make up etc.  Sighing for the good ol' days.  Fortunately for me, I married an old fashioned guy to match this old fashioned ex-libber gal.  Still in love after 42 years of marriage.

Christmas and Pietro are so cute together, they have the same birthday even, they are just perfectly matched!

Pugsly did seem to be very interested in that cake, good thing the time family has the simoleons to feed such an appetite.  It sounds like a fun idea to have imported familiar sims to your town, I'm glad that injected some more fun for you.

Yay for wedding parties, I'm betting Christmas' will be awesome.
Happy birthday Christmas! Pugsly was really eyeing that cake lol.

Congrats on the engagement! Cant wait for the wedding. ;D

Thank you ladies!  Pugsley not only stuffed himself on cake, but we couldn't get him or his sister Wednesday to leave!  We even asked them to go home but no, Wednesday was comfy in the hot tub and Pugsley found anything and everything in the area fascinating, especially the food.  It was worse than having paparazzi around!  I'm not in game atm, but I seem to remember putting the Adams family in a very nice and not at all spooky house in Riverview but the kids just seem to need tons of attention.  I think because Gomez and Morticia just have eyes only for each other!

Update coming soon.  I've gotten distracted by getting things ready for Squeakyclean's homecoming and upcoming final recital.  It is going to be AWESOME!  Anyone who wants to watch a bunch of great, talented kids and some very well known artists perform, it is Sunday, August 5 at 4:30 pst, 7:40 edt and can be seen in their live webcast at........

For more information you can check out.......

I know Squeaky would love to have you cheering her on.  It really is the Olympics level for these kids and is their "graduation" from a very intensive summer program.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family - Graduation and Wedding
« Reply #571 on: August 04, 2012, 04:10:03 PM »
Dear Diary,  I can't be more excited!  I am now officially a grown up!  What's more, I don't have to go to school anymore, although that's kind of sad because I'll miss seeing all my bffs every day and learning new stuff from the coolest teachers ever.

 BUT, even better, I'm getting married!!!!  OMG!!!  The cutest, sweetest, handsomest, more adorable guy in the entire Simiverse said yes and is going to be Mr. Christmas Thyme!!!  I am the luckiest girl in the entire world.  Of course, there is the itty bitty but every so crucial thing of all the wedding plans.  Should I wear white?  What about borrowing Mom's dress?  How many guests should I invite?  Oh, and another ever so crucial detail, I have never met Mr. Gepetto!  Will he like me?  Will he refuse to let Pietro marry me?  (Fat chance of that!  We'll elope!)  There was the original issue of Grampy Justin absolutely hating Pietro, but he's chill about it now and the entire family is on board for this wedding shtick.

Well, first things first.  Here's what happened at graduation:

It was a gorgeous day.  Sun was shining and the ENTIRE family came to see me graduate!  I was chosen class Valedictorian and most likely to write some great book or something.  I can hardly remember what all was said.  My dad looked particularly handsome and so young!

I couldn't help it.  I was so happy I just threw my diploma up in the air, (and of course caught it again on the way down!).  Dad wasn't exactly thrilled by this but he didn't say anything.  Didn't want to spoil my day.

I kept looking around for Pietro and didn't see him.  I guess he hadn't come out yet.  But over by the doors there was his dad.  GULP!  "Ok, you can do this!", I said to myself, and just waltzed right over and introduced myself.

"Good morning, Mr. Gepetto.  I'm Christmas Thyme.  I'm very close to your son, Pietro.  Has he ever mentioned me?"

"Hello there, young lady.  Yes, as a matter of fact it seems you are all he talks about.  Oh, and congratulations on the fine showing in school.  Valedictorian!  Quite an honor."

"Errrr, yes.  An honor.  Thank you.  Ummmm, Pietro did very well as well.  I'm really proud of him.  You see......I.....well.....I really care a lot about him....."

"Yes, yes.  Fine lad.  A father couldn't be more proud of him, you know."

"Uhhh, yes.  Proud.  Ummm, sir.......well......Pietro and I.......well.....sir....we want to get married and I'd really like your blessing for it.....would you?......"

"Hahahah!  I thought you'd never get to the point!  Young lady, that boy is so in love with you he can't think straight.  I know your family very well and you come from very good stock.  I couldn't be happier at his choice of a bride.  Of course you have my blessing.  Although.....I will be really lonely without him.  He's all I've had for years since Mrs. G passed.  But, enough sad tales.  When is the wedding?"

"Oh thank you, thank you!  May I call you Dad?  Yes?  Ok, well Dad, I've been working on the wedding plans and I'm really excited.  Of course, I'll have to talk things over with Pietro but he did say whatever I wanted to do would be fine with him."

"I'm sure it will be lovely.  Now, if you'll excuse me I see your grandfather over there and I want to talk with him about a family portrait..  Why don't you find Pietro and get things firmed up?"

WELL!  I was so surprised things went so well.  Mr. G. is such a sweet man.  No wonder my Pietro is so wonderful with a parent like that.  Pietro and I chatted for awhile but then it was time to go home.  My family had this huge surprise for me they said and boy, what a surprise it was! 

They bought me an entirely new wardrobe of clothes!!!!  WHOO HOOO!  Every girl's dream.  A great guy, a soon to be wedding, and NEW CLOTHES!  Here' some pics of the clothes.  I feel so glam!

Every day number 1:

Every day number 2:  (I love my Shakira shirt!  She's my favorite singer!)

Every day number 3:  I bet I could wear this if Pietro and I go clubbing!

Formal number 1.  This one is HOT!

Formal number 2.  Love the colors!

Formal number 3.  I borrowed Mom's hat but I don't think it goes with the dress.

Sleepwear number 1. 

Sleepwear number 2.  Mom, what were you thinking?

Athletic number 1.  Ok, moderately normal.

Athletic number 2. 

Athletic number 3.  Mom says for the trampoline???

Swim number 1.  Pietro likes this one.

Swim number 2.

Swim number 3.

and last, but DEFINITELY not least,  the one dress that hat really goes with.......


Yes, mom asked me if I would like to wear her dress since it brought her so much joy and of course, I said yes.  She got all teary eyed when she saw it on me, with the addition of my favorite yellow in small touches.  She and Dad both said I looked just like her.  Those strong Lessen genes I guess.  It was declared perfect and now all I had to do was get the party started!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #572 on: August 05, 2012, 12:57:54 PM »
Dear Diary,  Wedding plans are moving along at a rapid pace.  Well, as rapid as I can make them and still work on keeping friends, writing books and still having to do chores!  I guess it's all part of being a "responsible adult".  Sigh.

After graduation I had run off to see if I could rent the wedding chapel for the big day and Nana Winter went off to collect our earnings from our properties.  She figured a wedding for this family would probably cost a bundle!  (It did)  While she was at her last stop, and thinking about doing some fishing just for fun, she heard some heavenly music.  When she turned around you'll never guess what she saw!

Yes!  A unicorn!  Well that proves the whole myth about being a virgin in the woods wrong!  Lol!  Anyway, she carefully approached this marvelous creature, hoping to be able to make friends with her.  Nana said it was hard to breathe because the beast was so beautiful it took her breath away.

Well, you know Nana!  Pretty soon she had the creature literally eating out of her hand!  Those perfect carrots were well appreciated!

It even asked her for more!

Nana fed her a bit more but it was getting late.  She watched as the unicorn meandered off to check on some sleeping wild horses and browse a bit.  I guess it had given up on begging for carrots.

They actually do draw down some heavenly rainbows to themselves!  Oh, I wish I had been there to see it for myself!

Later on that night we had more excitement.  It seems with everything going on the whole family, including, I'm ashamed to say myself, had totally forgotten it was Dad's birthday!  He leaped up and somehow got himself IN the coffee table!  Well, with his noise maker twirling and him clapping and shouting we all ran in.

Just in time for a few bit of celebration for him, with him.

I hoped he wouldn't change too much.  I kept thinking about that funny guy in armor I loved so well.  But change he did.....

Not too bad looking Dad!  I hope you still have your suit of armor!  Congratulations!

I kept wondering why it was that the entire family just always forgot Dad.  It's like they put him out of their minds and just used all his skills for their own ends.  Sure, I knew about the whole dynasty thing but was that any reason to treat him like he wasn't even there?  Like some glorified butler or maid or something?!  It made me kind of mad.  This was my DAD for crying out loud!  Where would I be without him?  I promised myself right then and there that the rest of his days would be wonderful and that I would never allow the family to treat Pietro that way!  I would always remember all his special things and make sure he knew how much he was loved and appreciated.  I guess my Dad was just too quiet to ever push himself forward and make his presence known.

The one person who really did seem to care about him was my Mom.  Guess what I caught them doing later on that night?

Eternally faithful, that's my Mom and Dad.

Dad did lose his suit of armor, which made him kind of ticked off.  So he jumped into the Thyme Machine and .........

and that wasn't all!  Here's some of Dad's new wardrobe including his new best outfit, (or so he says!)

and his "best" suit of clothes!

Not too sure about the hair Dad, but you're sure looking fit and fine to me!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family the Wedding
« Reply #573 on: August 11, 2012, 11:01:17 AM »
This is it.  This is my big day.  The day every bride dreams of.  Dad, Mom, Poppa and Nana Winter have made the grounds and everything so beautiful for me.  I stand here in my wedding dress, the dress my Mom wore on her special day and am so filled with joy, expectation and a good deal of fear as well.  I'm shaking.  What if he doesn't come?  What if they guests don't come?  What if there is some awful thing about to happen to spoil it?  Will the weather hold?  Even our clan of gnomes seem to be all excited.  What if they decide to pull some pranks?  Is the cake here?  What about food and drinks?  I take a deep breath.  It's all going to be ok.

He's here.  Oh dear heavens!  It is so obvious this has been a house of bachelors.  Somehow I didn't think distressed jeans were formal wear but does it matter?  He's here.  Dad is sobbing so loud I think everyone is going to think it's a funeral!  Nana Winter is trying to get everyone to sit down so we can start.  Me?  All I can do is gaze into his eyes and I don't care about the rest.  He's here.  We are going to get married.  Me and this guy I've known all my life.  The guy I will spend his life time with.  Bitter sweet thoughts.  Put them away and just be in the moment.  This moment of complete joy.

As I look into his eyes, my heart is so full I just can't find the words.  I want it to last forever.  This quiet bubble of space in our own special thyme.  No one else exists for us just now.  There is just a sense of "us", a sense of total joining, more intimate and more fulfilling than even our wedding night will be.  Come.  Share this moment with me.  Breathe in our love in this moment of completeness.

"I, Pietro Gepetto, take you Christmas Thyme to be my lawfully wedded wife.  I will love you, cherish you, honor you, uphold you, support you in all you do, care for you in all the thymes of our lives together, forever.  I will be eternally faithful to only you."

"I, Christmas Thyme, take you Pietro Gepetto to be my lawfully wedded husband.  I have loved you always and always will, I will cherish you, honor you, uphold you, support you in all you do, and care for you in all the thymes of our lives together.  I will be eternally faithful to only you."

"You are the love of my life.  The light in my eyes, the joy of my days, the promise of our future."

I was so glad I wore that hat!  No one could see my tears, and no one else shared in that wonderful first married kiss.

After that it was party thyme!  The cake was cut and eaten.  Puggsley threw confetti after confetti.  He just couldn't stop, even for cake!  A first for our Pug!  Dad took a moment to brag about the food, saying how we grew it all ourselves.  I think he's spent too much thyme in the garden!

As is usual, we started the dancing and finally got everyone to "get down" with their bad selves!  As for us, we just wanted them to enjoy and let us have a few private moments.  After all, it was our special night.  Our first thyme together. 

I'll leave that all up to your imagination!

"Big Job kitteh got hitched!  Time to PARTAYYYY with the gnomies."

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #574 on: August 14, 2012, 07:53:31 PM »
What a lovely wedding, so sweet and romantic! *confetti* for the newlyweds!

Wow, that is a lot of gnomes in that last picture, all in one place too.

Next step, nooboo time! Hooray!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #575 on: August 16, 2012, 12:42:07 PM »
Thanks, Juxt.  At this point I can either go for the nooboo, or take some thyme to just play.  I'd like Giovanni Gepetto to succeed in his LTW, even though it has nothing much to do with the dynasty.  He is busy cranking out paintings and will soon start on inventing and sculpting.  He wants to be a Descendant of Da Vinci.  Piettro is also working hard.  He's maxed out his athletic skills and is working on logic and a few others that will help him.  He wants to become a super spy.  Christmas still hasn't supermaxed her writing but she really does have a bit of thyme before it becomes an issue. 

What I'm finding really charming in the game play is how the elders are acting.  Winter and Justin are keeping up the garden and slowly allowing it to downsize.  When done all they will have is a huge forest of money trees .  They tend to want to play and they go gamble a lot.  I did not know gambling was a hidden skill as is playing pool.  Winter is quite a pool shark!

The best part is Summer and Jude though.  They really were so busy growing the dynasty they had little thyme for themselves and their love life.  Now every thyme you turn around they are woohooing somewhere, or at the least are watching stars together.  They are so sweet and romantic!  I'll post a bit about that in another post.  It really is a good lesson for the young.  Just because you age doesn't mean you have to lose romance!, (but you do have to work to keep it alive).

I really did not plan this dynasty well.  Actually, I didn't plan at all!  It just sort of happened from day one.  I had no story line in mind and I've let my Sims lead the way.   I did make Winter be a cook and a gardener with a side of fishing and a klepto trait to get the money rolling in.  She immediately met and married her neighbor Jon Lessen, (artist) so all the basics were covered from the get go.  Since I had their time set on Long, and used a lot of vacation time, I was able to do so much more than most.  I really hadn't realized I was on Long, which I had set for challenges and then forgot to reset for dynasty!  So, even though we're still going for ambrosia and all that stuff, this really isn't a typical dynasty story.  So now ambrosia is covered, (Winter), art is covered, (Justin), and there really isn't that much more that a spouse can offer the dynasty.  It's going to be a matter of cranking out nooboos, hoping to be able to max and supermax skills for them, and letting it all come to an end. 

I have a new dynasty in mind, this one planned and with a story line I think I'm going to have fun with.  It came to me in my sleep.  Think enchanted unicorns who are really prince and princesses trapped in a unicorn form.  Each dynasty member must do tasks, (dynasty requirements), and each one that succeeds will free the prince and princesses, (who will not necessarily be seen), who are trapped.  When they are all freed........well, that would give it all away now wouldn't it?  I'm not sure where I want to place this dynasty and am fleshing out the story line and figuring out the skill sets etc. and in what order I'll want them.  I could have done swans, (think Swan Lake or the Daughters of Llyr), but unicorns are way more cool.  lol  I'm pretty sure a witch or two will be involved sort of as the "voices" many folks use, but in a corporeal form.  I know five places it will NOT happen in, Lunar Lakes, Hidden Valley, (too many problems with that town), Bridgeport, (I despise that town!), Barnacle Bay, (too limiting) and Riverview (too limiting).  I love fairy tales and this is going to be a big fairy tale.

Too much text here!  Sorry for boring you all.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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