I need some help,please....
I have one male sim that purposely being killed by fire to make baby ghosts, and after he has a baby, I aged the baby into toddler and I saved and changed the active household. But the weird thing is everytime I checked that family when I played the other families the toddler ghost wasn't there, and I thought maybe we can't see the ghost from other family, since ghosts aren't show up on relationship bar, except when the other sims interacted with them. So, I'm started to play that family again, and I couldn't find the toddler ghost anywhere, including his tombstone. But he's still exist on the family tree, and I'm wondering why is he don't aging? Is he go back to Netherworld?? But how and why? And strangely, his thumbnail's color on family tree is orange not gray like his resurrected father or like his brothers on the other household. I'd love to have him back, does anyone know how to do that?
Ah, and one more thing, his mother has her car on her relationship bar! When I clicked it, she could use it normally like when the car on her inventory/garage. I think it's not suppose to be there, and I don't know that a car could be in the relationship bar. It never happened before.
And the other problem is my game is still crashing randomly after few hours, and today it crashed faster than before, before I saved it..!

I don't have any mods, just CCs, default replacement eyes and default replacement skin.... I already did DEP setting, and it still crashes. What am I supposed to do then?
Thanks in advance~!