Vector Mansion
Beach Home
Lot Type - Residential
Lot size - 20x30
Cost - §
Bedrooms - 6
Bathrooms - 3 (1 en suite)
EPs - Ambitions
This sunny, summery house will leave you carefree, relaxed and well-rested. With a massive open plan foyer, lounge, kitchen and dining area and a clean, minimalistic, upmarket feel to the place, this is quite a house to visit. It caters for an adult couple, elderly couple, a toddler, a girl child and a boy and girl teen each on their own terms. With an out-of-the-way playroom below, parking for four cars, and an SUV included, this is the way to go. Beach life in style, peace and quiet. Not to mention all the options for socializing areas. Go on, make summer even better...