Carl and Pam's The Sims Community

The Sims 3 => Sims 3 - Expansion Packs => Showtime => Topic started by: KrispyNickyB on March 12, 2012, 06:59:16 PM

Title: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: KrispyNickyB on March 12, 2012, 06:59:16 PM
Mods: Feel free to move this. I wasn't sure where to put it.

Anyone here run a Mac and have bought Showtime? How does it run? I'm immensely curious and want the expansion. However, after my Generations fiasco last year I am afraid to buy it. I've read some on the official forums. I'm having issues on finding a clear answer on bugs, is it working, etc.
Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: Metropolis Man on March 12, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
I moved the thread to the Showtime board, Nicky.

As to your question, so far so good. (knocks on wood) I'm a Mac user and installed Showtime last week as well as patched up, so hopefully the good times will continue.
Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: KrispyNickyB on March 13, 2012, 12:13:44 PM
That helps. Since Generations it seems we Mac users close our eyes throw a dart out and hope it doesn't trash everything. Maybe come payday I'll try it. I have a MBP in that trouble set list. My graphics card went off the supported list then reappeared with Pets.
Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: Figwit on March 14, 2012, 04:52:04 PM
I use a Mac and I have Showtime but I am the most boring player ever and haven't really tried out anything Showtime-ish apart from the chin-up bar. ;D  It installed fine and my pre-Showtime saved game worked and I haven't noticed any particular slowdown in my game.
Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: KrispyNickyB on March 14, 2012, 04:55:06 PM
Well mainly it isn't the features of the EP that has me worried. Last year this time Generations was released. I did everything right uninstalled all mods and CC. Well I went into my game and it rained (literally) asteroids and crashed every two seconds. Then it wouldn't even load. I'm hesitant because I don't want a repeat of all that.
Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: Figwit on March 14, 2012, 05:28:45 PM
No, I haven't seen anything like that.  :o   I don't play in EA worlds though so I think I miss a lot of the drama.  My game is much the same as ever.  I have even noticed a couple of things that may be changes for the better.  I haven't got a single doll for any of the four children my sim has had (yay!) and the postman delivers the cut gems at the same time he picks them up.

Title: Re: Mac Users and Showtime
Post by: KrispyNickyB on March 15, 2012, 10:19:31 PM
I bought it. It's installing now. Wish me luck!