Carl and Pam's The Sims Community
The Sims 3 => Sims 3 - Gameplay Help and Discussion => Sims 3 Careers and Money Making => Topic started by: Leto85 on January 25, 2011, 04:52:34 PM
I really like to know how you play with rich family sims. How do they spend the days, what are their interest and how do they live? I may learn something from it.
Rich btw, is counting from §100.000,- and above, if I am right.
Rich families bore me so I use them as a way for me to experience the game and try out new careers and skills, the Dynasty will also help me try these skills, traits and Careers I don't ususally do. :)
Rich families bore me so I use them as a way for me to experience the game and try out new careers and skills, the Dynasty will also help me try these skills, traits and Careers I don't ususally do. :)
Yeah, I agree with samoht - rich families aren't very interesting to me either. The only time I've ever played a rich family was in my Clan Douglas Dynasty. They had over $15,000,000 at the end, and that's way more money than a sim can ever use. They owned most of the town, and I made the later generations all Good so they could donate $1000 to charity every day, but still the money kept rolling in faster than I knew what to do with it. They just kept on with their daily routines, working, painting, sculpting - whatever their SuperMax skill was. Not that they needed the money, it was just a way to keep them occupied because I didn't like seeing the wrinklies playing in the sprinkler all day. ;)
My Dreamweavers just did regular things during the day, too. But they had expensive cars and lots of toys, like a hot tub, foosball table, arcade games, bubble machines. They also go out to the clubs and throw parties. It's true that it does get boring. Without the Immortal Dynasty Challenge, I don't have much desire to play my Dreamweaver family now. They'll be the family I play when I just want a break from writing an article or playing a challenge.
I keep looking for challenges for them, for example, I'll try getting all paintings or unlock all sculptures, search for practically all collections, play with transfiguration, trow parties, build insanely expensive vacation homes, etc. Of course, getting them all expencive items and accumulate as much moodlets as possible, pretty much I try to do everything available in Sims as long as computer can handle the large file.
Mostly I pick a sim from the family (or a couple) and move them out to start a new life. But if I actually play the rich family I try to max out skills, search for collectables, etc. I do all the stuff others have mentioned already. I like to give my own achievements, like "OK, I'll make this sim a perfect artist and max out all related skills" and do that... I like playing with a long sim life so I have plenty of time to do that :)
For myself I play rich families to go really over the top in everything. I personally am glad I don't live like them (no, really) but therefore like to do it this way ingame. Expensive houses, buying out properties without ever collecting the money, collecting everything ingame.... I actually rarely get bored with my rich family. And when I do, I play my farm family, which is a total other thing. Getting money from only vegetables and fish isn't that easy (if you don't calculate money trees in them). And if I really can't think about anything else on what to do with them I just wait for a next expansion.
I'm still waiting for animals btw. Can't wait to finally add cats, dogs, horses and cows into my farm. If that will ever happen.
I'm still waiting for animals btw. Can't wait to finally add cats, dogs, horses and cows into my farm. If that will ever happen.
ha ha, I'm waiting for that too! I really missed the pets...
My rich sims never seem to get insanely rich because I tend to buy properties and then move them to a new land forgetting to sell off the properties. I am also hopeless on the transfiguration bench. More often than not, they lose money there or, if they manage to get an expensive gem, then that gets left behind in their old house too.
I have to admit, I have enjoyed starting sims off from the beginning again since I have been here. It is a lot of fun building up the essentials bit by bit as the sim can afford it. It's a bit of a shame we don't have weather to complicate things because that would really throw a spanner in the works for the poor sims sleeping rough.
I don't really enjoy playing pre-made sims (they're just not my sims, so I tend to care about them somewhat less), so I never start out with a rich family. Any time I start a new game, I start with paupers.
Also, one of my favorite things in the game to do is to design and build houses. I absolutely despise nearly every pre-made house that came with the game or any of the expansions. Typically, they're ridiculously small, cramped, have only one bedroom and bathroom, and are simply impractical in general. Thus, I tend to start with the largest empty lot available in the town and design a house for the family to gradually build. Did I say I start with paupers? I'm sorry...I meant utterly destitute.
These houses have ranged in size and often differ radically in general architecture, but one thing they all have in common is that they are extremely spacious and tend to be lavish. And have lots of bathrooms. As a result, even when I end up with a family that is rich, it's usually net worth and they tend to not have a lot of money in their household funds. If there's money laying around, it gives me leeway to change or add something.
Another thing I tend to do is create a family cemetery. One of the first things I do is change a sizable vacant lot to a graveyard lot, making it available for purchase by the family. Community lots that are completely undeveloped tend to be extremely cheap, and it's a lot of fun building them up from literally nothing.
And now, with the addition of Late Night to my Sims collection, coupled with the fact that most LN buildings don't fit well into cities other than Bridgeport, I have the option of changing a vacant lot (or even creating a new one) to one of the new LN lot types, buying it and having them build that particular establishment totally from scratch. I have yet to have the opportunity to do this, though, as I haven't had the game long.
Hosfac, you seem to have a lot of nice ideas on how to play rich families. You've mentioned you haven't got the game long. How did you get so creative than?
Now for another question: as a lot of you are saying (maybe even complaining) that playing rich families is boring, what do you think that need to be added in the game (if the objectives aren't there yet) to actually make it not boring anymore?
My personal gues is that being rich scraps out a lot of objectives and therefore challenges. Let's just say that the way to become rich is more interesting than to actually be rich.
Hmmm, I'm trying to become rich. Let's hope I never will be. ;)
I think that once you have money you can't get rid of it, it would be nice if you could have Sims give money away when they die to Charity giving their whole family a moodlet to try and counter the grieving, by knowing the deceased had done something good when they died. Sort of a blank check which you could fill in a price.
I think that once you have money you can't get rid of it, it would be nice if you could have Sims give money away when they die to Charity giving their whole family a moodlet to try and counter the grieving, by knowing the deceased had done something good when they died. Sort of a blank check which you could fill in a price.
Wonderfull! :D I haven't thought of that myself.
Anymore nice ideas people?
When having money to spare, I think it would be nice to gift other sims presents through the mail. It would be great sending them a new car, furnishings, money etc.. and maybe even getting a thank-you note in the mail. It could/would be a great way of not losing any friends.
When having money to spare, I think it would be nice to gift other sims presents through the mail. It would be great sending them a new car, furnishings, money etc.. and maybe even getting a thank-you note in the mail. It could/would be a great way of not losing any friends.
I wish there was a way to send gifts to other sims too! And maybe receive gifts from other sims on birthdays and promotions. My sculptor sim keeps getting wishes like sculpt XXX and I wish that I could give those statues to the person who posed for it. (:
I wish there was a way to send gifts to other sims too! And maybe receive gifts from other sims on birthdays and promotions. My sculptor sim keeps getting wishes like sculpt XXX and I wish that I could give those statues to the person who posed for it. (:
We used to have gifts in TS2 [or was it TS1?] ... a nice and realistic bit of gameplay.
I agree with others, though ... really rich Sims can be very boring.
To be honest I never take much notice of how much money my Sims have. It is nice to have a bit of extra cash flow at the beginning of a dynasty it just makes life that bit easier.
I don't really spend a lot of money in my games I am on the fifth generation of my current dynasty and I haven't bought any of them a car(most of them are level four celebs and get driven everywhere in limos so they don't need a car. and the house has one computer and one television. Plus I could furnish a house with all the free stuff they have been given.
I never feel guilty or bad that my Sims are rich in most cases they start of with the bare minimum and have earned it(or married someone who has it)
About the gift thing, that was once introduced in The Sims Hot Date, the third expansion for the traditional Sims, which was released somewhere in 2002 or 2003. The subject of an more 'open world' was created than and your sims could go to a downtown area for the first time. Sims where stil 'bounded' in the lots and outside of the lot everything was gray, but the subject of buying and giving other people gifts has started than. They could buy jewerly and other stuff to effectively buying friendship. Not so realistic was that the more expensive the ring was you where giving to another sim, the more he or she would apreciated it. Spend §5000,- on a ring for the girl next door and you could considering yourself as not being single anymore.
I don't have §5000,- dollars, otherwise I would knew a girl or two on this forum and maybe twice as much in real life to test this on. Pitty...
The subject of giving gifts has returned in The Sims 2 which was aired in 2004 and sims could give each other presents, which where white as collour and the sim who reseived it would accepted it, thankyouing for it and the present will disapear.
I think this will return in The Sims 3 once again but when that happend I really hope it will get more deph.
If this will be something for rich sims to spend their life in I sure will resurect this topic if it has gone than to see what people will do with that possibility.
I like the idea of Samoth so let's just pray that some EA guy will read this.
By the time my sims get rich , I usually am moving one of them out and starting again.
(also Ratchie you have 999 posts! Awesome!
Nicely done Rachi! Another member ready to step into the 1000 posts sirqui. ;)
I've had the Sims 3 since it first came out, although, I've been playing the Sims since the original Maxis version. I've only just recently got the LN expansion, and that is what I'm still familiarizing myself with.
However I owe a lot of my creative thinking to true geniuses: architects and engineers who realize that there is no other way to think than outside the box. There are no more beautiful works of art than buildings designed by people who didn't think: "it cannot be done," but instead thought: "how can I do it?"
Well, I've been playing Sims 3 about 3 months or so, and I'm just now playing my first rich family, and it's my dynasty family, and it's really fun. My Sims have been taking opportunities and jobs for generations, and I looked at my money and it said 2.5 million, I looked at my house, and it said 'People that rich would never live here,' so I went onto the remodel rebuild section, and more specifically samoht04's Landscaping help topic, and got inspired, then spent the next 3 hours and I don't know how much money rebuilding the outside of my house. I don't know if it's because I've played for so little time, but I'm never bored with my family, my postings are only barely 3rd gen but the game is in 5th, and there always seems to be too much grabbing for my attention. "Oh no, I missed another party!" "Oh wait, I wanted to send you to the Art museum today!" or "Oh my god, I didn't know I could do that" are more familiar to me so far than "I'm bored."
But then again, my computer runs this game really well, I don't know what it would be like if I had to wait for things to render on other lots, or experienced stutter lag once I had loaded my house up with crazy landscaping fun. Or if my family bugged out, or things kept going wrong like I've read about. My only bug was when a meteor landed on the house of my fourth (and unwritten) dynasty attempt and my mailbox stubbornly refused to respawn as anything but a broken mailbox.
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to. ;D So my family has a chef, a painter, a fireman, a doctor, a writer, a sculptor, and all the other things I wanna be, *sigh* but can't. I wonder if I'll be bored by 8th gen, strangely I can't wait to find out LOL Of course as soon as my dynasty is done I install world adventures, and it won't just be Bridgeport, I'll party all over the world Woo!
Edit: Actually thinking about it, the only thing I did find boring was playing my poor start to my dynasty for the fifth and sixth times, so I guess I'm just not one who likes playing poor Sims,or repeating the same part of something over and over, I'm not sure which.
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.
Well said, Juxtaposition. That's what I like best about this game - the many different ways it can be played. And of course, having this forum to learn from our fellow simmers. Thanks for sharing that.
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.
So, that goes deep! :D I really have nothing to add to this besides that I just simply do agreed.
My only experiences so far with rich sims were when I once used the motherlode cheat for a sim that I'm no longer playing and having one of my sims marry Jon Lessen in Riverview, move in with him to have control over his furnishings and stuff, and then move with Jon to a new house of my own design (keeping all the good stuff and selling everything else - I think the couple ended up with over $200k in cash and top of the line everything to build their dream house with.
I stopped playing my 'motherlode' sim almost immediately because there was no real fun or challenge for me if she got whatever she wanted as soon as she wanted it. I still have Jon and Kat, but don't play them very often. I have refurbished a property from the bin for them that I'm really proud of and will upload it to the exchange one of these days. Kat works on her career (ghost hunting) and adventuring. Jon mostly plays concerts and for tips and is starting to learn to paint and sculpt in his spare time. Because money isn't an issue for them I can use them to try out various aspects of the game (such as tomb raiding, etc.) before I incorporate it into a legacy or dynasty family - thus avoiding costly mistakes when it really counts.
The thing that appeals to me the most about the game is aquiring the nicest house and car with the best furnishings, but I want my sims to work for it. I also really enjoy it when my sims are famous enough to start getting freebies - it's like winning the lottery and makes me insanely happy - well except for the one who kept getting stuffed fish plaques to hang on the wall... ???
I've obviously never played a super rich Sim family before. My Dynasty has recently broken the $1,000,000 mark and nothing has changed. They go to work, make their own food, clean their own toilets, and take the cab into town. I agonize over redecorating and buying new furniture, wonder if I can landscape the back yard, limit my good Sim to donating $250, sell my fish and produce at the Consignment shop because the pay-out is the highest.
Apparently my brain doesn't know their bank account has more than $1,000,000! I keep thinking I have to save it for something. :P
Those are sims who can truly say that money hasn't changed them. ;)
I have Sim families who are very rich. I am not bored playing my wealthy Sim families because they have very specific stories to live out. Some of these families started with nothing but the 20,000 CAS simoleons and built their way up, while some were born with a silver spoon (depending on the story I set them to do). When I play the very rich Sims, I look out more for personality development, as against the working class Sims who focus more on goal achievement, mostly material gains. There's a family I created of handsome and talented three brothers, called the "Prince" family who were born extremely wealthy and who were meant to rule Sims society, they originated from my TS2 story and was recreated in Bridgeport - no ready-made mansion in BP was beautiful nor big enough for them - I had to create their own modern glass, concrete, and natural wood mansion. They were the first family to have a butler, simply because it fit their lifestyle (not that he is so useful). The eldest brother "Sam" a commitment-phobe charismatic workaholic became the youngest CEO in my Sim play and hence as a result be the youngest Sim to have achieved a platinum lifetime wish (CEO), all by himself -- I say, all by himself, because I try not to interfere too much with the Sims lives when they are very rich and I like to watch their free will set high unfold --. Now he is busy becoming a super celebrity in BP, driving around the city in his platinum "Empire Eidolon" sports car, every girl wants to become his girlfriend. I am watching how his two brothers will fare out with their lives (they're nice, they let the paparazzi reporters in the house).
The other very rich Sim family of mine is the father-daughter "Stark" family based on my favorite TV show "Shark", I so loved their modern glass and wood home that I recreated it in both TS2 and TS3. Again, the father Sebastian Stark (James Woods in the show), topped his career all by himself "Leader of the Free World" and achieved his platinum lifetime wish to live in the lap of luxury. His daughter, the beautiful red-headed girl named "Julie" also topped her Science career. She now has two daughters who will soon move out to have their own house and a child son. Sebastian drives around town with a Classic convertible (he can bring it with him in France!) - and Sebastian is busy achieving a level 3 visa to get a country villa in France for the family.
There is another family whose aim is to become wealthy, the Cushings (three beautiful sisters whose lifetime wishes are: Live in the Lap of Luxury, Be a Gold-digger, and Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous). I have started their story in this forum. They also come from humble beginnings, their father is a doctor; and each of them aim to marry the richest Sims in town to fulfill their destinies, but if they will be happily married with happy families remain to be seen. It will be fun to watch them outdo each other in the glam life! ;D
I LOVE playing rich families! My current sim, Katy Roberts, has about 28,000,000 in funds, maxed out nearly all skills, and has Visa level 3 in China and Egypt (next coming France). Money is very helpful when buying things and remodeling the house. She's currently pregnant with a pizza appreciator sim, who's going to become a mummy. Her other 'child' is a SimBot, who can salute. I'm currently planning on supermaxing every skill and the adventure journal, after that I'm going to set her funds to 100$ and then get her a work. Want something? Use your skills and work for it! No more laying on the couch for you :) Of course, I have static needs on all the time, plus familyfunds and teleporting, aging is off. Her LTW is Seasoned Traveler, which is the most rewarding and the most difficult in my opinion. She's going to be immortal, and I plan on having at least 30 generations in the house. Even more. Time will show. This project is nearly impossible for a simmer like me (I play Sims just once-twice in a week for max 4 hours each time, school, you know) but I want to achieve it by December 2011. Summer holiday will be the main time focusing on this. Just some 3 months... ;D Oh, yeah, I also want Katy to max every career and try out every opportunity. I wanted to do this with one of my other sims, but I started badly that time, as I was not an experienced simmer then. Katy, I believe in you & me!
Right now, my dynasty has over 2,000,000 and that is the most a sim family has had without using any cheats. I can proudly say, that money was hard earned. I just play normally and if they want something, they can have it. :)
Right now, my dynasty has over 2,000,000 and that is the most a sim family has had without using any cheats. I can proudly say, that money was hard earned. I just play normally and if they want something, they can have it. :)
WOW! That's a lot of simoleons without cheating! My max without cheating was 150,000$. But I think that my latest sim will have way more, once I lower her family funds to 0$. Read the post above for more info. :)
Apparently my brain doesn't know their bank account has more than $1,000,000! I keep thinking I have to save it for something. :P
Nicely done Lily! If you want to make even more money out of this, I advice you to age nectar until it is worth $100.000,- or more per bottle and than sell it at the conseignment store. That way you could easly multiply your family bank account. ;)
But see, Leto, if my Sims had Nectar aged to $100,000 per bottle I wouldn't be able to sell it. I've never played a nectar making Sim past the first couple skill points, so I would have to keep the bottles as trophies!
But see, Leto, if my Sims had Nectar aged to $100,000 per bottle I wouldn't be able to sell it. I've never played a nectar making Sim past the first couple skill points, so I would have to keep the bottles as trophies!
Hmmm, well. Than clone them, place them on a different lot, wait a few days and effectively buy out the lot so you can sell the goodies again. Business, pure business. ;)
Here's a linky linky ( to learn some basic cloning techniques. It's no mod, simply tricking. Life will find a way. ;)
But see, Leto, if my Sims had Nectar aged to $100,000 per bottle I wouldn't be able to sell it. I've never played a nectar making Sim past the first couple skill points, so I would have to keep the bottles as trophies!
I know how you feel about that. But since you make nectar in batches (and if you find a nice recipe, it's a good idea to make multiple batches), I'll keep one of the most expensive bottles as trophy and sell the others. I've never had a bottle of nectar reach $100,000, though.
Whenever I play with a rich family, my focus is more on the story plot and raising a big family. Since they don't have to worry about money, the parents will focus on raising the children and working on artistic skills to paint or sculpt family members. Being rich also helps me focus more on the social aspects of the game. I would try to find some good potential spouses for my sim's children. When their children are grown, I have more than enough money to buy them a house for them and their spouse to start their own family. I've recently started to download houses from the swap shop.
Life will find a way. ;)
You must REALLY like Jeff Goldblum. :D
You must REALLY like Jeff Goldblum. :D
Yes, he is one of my favorite actors, beside that, Ian Malcom is my favorite fictiv personage.
Whenever I play with a rich family, my focus is more on the story plot and raising a big family. Since they don't have to worry about money, the parents will focus on raising the children and working on artistic skills to paint or sculpt family members. Being rich also helps me focus more on the social aspects of the game. I would try to find some good potential spouses for my sim's children. When their children are grown, I have more than enough money to buy them a house for them and their spouse to start their own family. I've recently started to download houses from the swap shop.
In a way Sims is scarily like real life! If you have money then you can concentrate on the more 'indulgent' skills in life, such as artistic pursuits or material stuff like bigger houses (if that's what you want), etc. I put 'indulgent' in quotes as of course being an artist, for example, can and is also another way of making money in the real world, as well as in the Sims, as well as a life style. I guess I can only comment on myself *sigh* would love to spend time learning new skills - 'indulging' myself in new skills such as painting (can't paint to save my life), or being able to have the time to read more books, learn new languages, and so on. Even with my work, I'm a marine ecologist, but I work for a consultancy so I have to spend a lot of time at work, mainly on the management side of things and business development, when what I really want to do is focus on research. I could spend hour upon hour doing research/academia work, but that doesn't pay unfortunately.
... when what I really want to do is focus on research. I could spend hour upon hour doing research/academia work, but that doesn't pay unfortunately.
This is exactly my wish. I even pictured an ideal job for myself (at institute) but reality is not really an empty canvas ready to be painted on (or Sims game for that matter). Once I met an 78 year old student at Technical University. He just started the studies, and everyone questioned his sanity. Turned out he was extremely intelligent, but didn't have a chance for proper education, so after retirement, he was bored and decided to try learning more about things that interested him his entire life. After talking to that man, I never lose hope to continue my education even if I already did a lot.
It is very easy to become rich in this game, in Sims2 it was much harder. If you consider Living in a Lap of Luxury a criteria for Rich Sims, most of my Sims got that in first 2 weeks, specially if I focus on earning a lot of money, so they all do what I want them to. Extremely rich is another story.
My self-made family (8 sims) is pushing 750k cash and has a house valued at about a million. I'm never bored with them - I finish one thing and go right onto the next. Right now my sim version is pushing up her painting value, as is one of the kids. The two newest members of the house are maxing professions, my partner's self sim is working on a perfect plant of every kind and making the family's ambrosia, and one of the other kids is trying to have every type of sculpture in her library. The last two spend all their time writing and fishing for wishes (100 death fish and 40 novels - argh!) Once the perfect garden is done, I'm going to have my sculptor take up nectar making. I also plan on getting the sims to start a band sometime soon. Then there's firefighting, styling, architecture, science and medicine to tackle. Then I'm going to try and push up all their visa levels, and once that's done I'm going to do some time machine adventuring to try and get all the items!
Wow, the sweetest pea, you make being rich ingame really fun! The playstyle you do actually forces you to be rich.
Wow, the sweetest pea, you make being rich ingame really fun! The playstyle you do actually forces you to be rich.
It is a lot of fun. At first when they hit 500k cash I started to get bored, so I set myself challenges (like completing the 25 novel goal for masterpieces and having Bunny sculpt one of every type of sculpture). The first time I tried to get the girls to travel I had a save game crash, so I decided to wait until I'd got a bit further with some of their skills. Bunny is now at about 150 different sculptures and the garden has just got its third group of perfect plants. Nectar making time soon!
I pretty much only play rich Sims! I guess it's because I like decorating houses, particularly the apartments in Late Night so once my Sims move in with the "freerealestate" check, they're pretty much rich by default. I've modified nearly all of the apartments to be much larger and I've decorated them expensively. I also tend to have goal-focused Sims, so they climb up the business ladder or whatever pretty quickly. Playing a legacy family also helps... all that inherited moolah. I like the rich families because I can make them spend time doing things like collecting gems all day and night, going relic hunting, etc. So much to do when you aren't really worried about a paycheck from a 9-5 job. ::)
Even my poor farmer Sims ended up super well off by the third generation, with no cheats whatsoever. They started with a small family farm, and then their grandson became a master nectar maker, and now he sells $2,000 bottles of wine at the consignment shop.
Even my poor farmer Sims ended up super well off by the third generation, with no cheats whatsoever. They started with a small family farm, and then their grandson became a master nectar maker, and now he sells $2,000 bottles of wine at the consignment shop.
I've made a gameplay myself too, based on having a farm. It stays only with fish and vegetables first but when making nectar came into play things went really fast and money kept flying in. It could have been a nice challenge, in my opinion, yet a very timeconsuming and repeatively-doing-the-same-thing in the begining.
My rich Sims are very compassionate and loving. So when there is a poor, struggling family living in what I would consider a "hovel", they go visit them. I use the testingcheats and do "buy/build on this lot", which is NOT their own home lot. Now baby has a lovely little crib and a high chair and toys! See a toddler get happy FAST just because some "fairy godmother" has come to visit and changed her poverty stricken and neglected little life to one of wonder and joy. Mom and Dad of this toddler do well also. Their lumpy old bed becomes the best rest ever and their own room becomes a place of beauty. Now they will always have that "beautifully decorated" moodlet and can actually make better meals with better appliances and get a nice hot shower or bath. Afterwards they can sit and enjoy their new tv or play on the computer. I don't change the outward appearance of the home, just what is inside, (although I MIGHT add things the family would enjoy in their yard), and leave my little family all happy and cozy and feeling very rich. It's a great way for me to indulge in remodeling without ever having to switch from my main family and it does help use up that loose cash. I often wonder if doing this actually changes the life of the family that was visited but the only one I see being happier is the toddler who immediately starts to play instead of sitting in the hall crying. It does a mom's heart good. lol
@Joria: You should considering giving your sims the Architectual Designer career. ;)
I'm a big legacy person, so the entire family is interacting with each other. My current Legacy just tipped into the rich zone (with a net worth of 100,883 simoleans, to be exact). Right now, they're all asleep, but during the day, they're skilling or something along those lines.
When I played The Sims 2, I usually made random families and Motherloded them to infinity. None of them had jobs or anything, either. I can't remember exactly, but I thinkthey spent their days watching TV, playing games, and doing other non-productive things.
Outside of any kind of challenge and my cheat-y days, my rich families usually.. make more money, really. They were all either employed or self-employed (with the exception of the kids, teens, elders, stay at home moms, etc). My legacy families do the same, actually.
I always thought it was §50,000 and up, to be considered rich. My Sims just act like any other Sim, but with the best and most expensive stuff. I've used motherlode cheat to get my Sim rich, and freeRealEstate to get my Sim the biggest house. My Sims are no different then poor Sims. My insane Sims still talk to themselves, my Snobs still want more, my mean-spirited Sims still want to fight others and make enemies for their own amusement, my evil Sims still donate money to undermine charities, my good Sims still help others. So the only real difference is that the Good Sims are able to afford donating to charity, and the Snobs are much happier, since they get bigger more expensive stuff, and that they completed their LTW's, and even more lifetime happiness from it. They can afford babysitters and maids and repair men, too. So in conclusion, my Sims are still the same Sims, just with more money. 8)
I like to make stories, sometimes, when I need a break from my legacies. Life stories, stories based off of books, movies, anything; as long as the end result is some pictures with words scribbled next to them.
All my Sims (that are still alive, mwahahaha) have the same traits, so I wouldn't know about any of that snob stuff. All their traits relate to making money in some form. For example, my author's traits: Bookworm, genius, hopeless romantic, athletic, and friendly. My scientist's traits: Over-emotional, workaholic, handy, green thumb, angler. I wouldn't know about any of the snobs (but I should, I'm one myself deep inside).
I'm a big legacy person, so the entire family is interacting with each other. My current Legacy just tipped into the rich zone (with a net worth of 100,883 simoleans, to be exact).
So families are officially concidered by the game as being rich when there total money is $100.000,- simoleons or above?
Leto I think Execution was talking about the Net Worth of the Family, that includes the House, Furnishings/Items and the actually Bank. Some Pre-Mades are considered Rich but they are the ones with expensive houses, they don't actually have much in Funds.
I was talking about mousing over their icon in the relationships panel, and seeing 'Rich' in miscellaneous.
I was talking about mousing over their icon in the relationships panel, and seeing 'Rich' in miscellaneous.
Yes I know. I see that in sims families with indeed huge houses but was wondering from what fund on a sim is concidered as being rich. Could be it's not only money but also properties could be included in this value.
My Sims have a little under 5,000 Simoleans on hand, but a bit over 100,000 in (furnished) lot value. I assume it would be Simoleans on hand + Furnished lot value, since if they sold their house, they would have a total of about 105,000 Simoleans.
My Sims have a little under 5,000 Simoleans on hand, but a bit over 100,000 in (furnished) lot value. I assume it would be Simoleans on hand + Furnished lot value, since if they sold their house, they would have a total of about 105,000 Simoleans.
Than they are already concidered as being rich I know for sure.
You could test this if you want (and need) by switching families and letting another sim meet your sims. He will notice on first hand your sims are rich. Or not. :P
I don't want to sacrifice my Sims' wants; I was about to go into my lot-building neighborhood. I guess I could use cheats? But knowing cheats, I might not get always correct results. Humm.. Someone else could do it, if they like.
I don't consider 5,000 Simoleans rich, by the way. A lot of non-rich families have about that much. Rich families have much more. Agnes Crumplebottom has 20,000. The Altos have 75,000. Same with the Landgraabs. The Goths have 50,000.
I don't want to sacrifice my Sims' wants; I was about to go into my lot-building neighborhood. I guess I could use cheats? But knowing cheats, I might not get always correct results. Humm.. Someone else could do it, if they like.
I don't consider 5,000 Simoleans rich, by the way. A lot of non-rich families have about that much. Rich families have much more. Agnes Crumplebottom has 20,000. The Altos have 75,000. Same with the Landgraabs. The Goths have 50,000.
Try and don't save. ;) But saying that I could do it too myself, of course. I think a sim is considered as rich from 50.000 or above, because (unless I'm mistaken) it was a LTW that could let a sim wish to be worth more than 50.000 dollars. So... be worth as, I think that includes the total value of your house. I'm pretty sure vacation lots and own properties don't count. My sims house is worth over 3 million dollar and their vacation castle in France over 30 mil. They also have invested in lots in Bridgeport with a total worth somewhere around 1 million dollars. They own a metal called compendium worth 1,8 million and their bank account still remains 1.4. The total value of all that is much more than you can have max on your bank account which was something like 99 million dollar.
They got that rich by making, buying and selling nectar by the way.
I'm totally taking a guess here, but I don't think EA expected us to make huge legacies. I think they just wanted us to stick with one family? You can't get a down payment on a house or anything else in the Sims 3, so making 50,000 Simoleans (or 100,000) would be a lot.
I see this has turned into a "brag about my Sims" thread. Back on topic~
I'm totally taking a guess here, but I don't think EA expected us to make huge legacies. I think they just wanted us to stick with one family? You can't get a down payment on a house or anything else in the Sims 3, so making 50,000 Simoleans (or 100,000) would be a lot.
I see this has turned into a "brag about my Sims" thread. Back on topic~
You wasn't off topic at all. But it's good you're taken an eye on it. When you're talking about your rich sims, this is the topic for you.
I never noticed my Sims to have the 'Rich' thing below 100k. I just didn't. Sure, it could be an awkward coincidence that I finally noticed it when my Sims got to 100k net worth, but I highly doubt it.
I never noticed my Sims to have the 'Rich' thing below 100k. I just didn't. Sure, it could be an awkward coincidence that I finally noticed it when my Sims got to 100k net worth, but I highly doubt it.
I was wondering what a mount of money was needed for a family to be declared 'rich'. I never have 100k on hand, I always spend it all on my house. I think it's a little sad that I work so hard for my sims to finally be rich and have a nice home, and then rich sims are boring to play because there is no money managing.
I'm really horrible to my rich townie families. I either kill them off, or build them a basement and let my Sims have the house. And the money. :)
With Generations, I spend the money on gift giving!
"Hey you there, you look like you could use a sports car!"
"Why yes, yes I do, crazy rich person, thank you very much!"
I always force my Sims to be money-making machines or something of the sort. For legacies, I kick everyone out except the heir and some spare with good traits. The heir gets married. The spouse gets a job, either suiting their LTW, skills, or traits. The heir goes to work maxing skills (most skills make money. Examples of skills that don't make money include Athletic, Charisma, Handiness, and Cooking. You can still make money through opportunities, though). The two stay-at-home Sims usually max two skills each (sometimes three). With this scheme, my Sims are millionaires (or thousandaires) in an instant.
I always force my Sims to be money-making machines or something of the sort. For legacies, I kick everyone out except the heir and some spare with good traits. The heir gets married. The spouse gets a job, either suiting their LTW, skills, or traits. The heir goes to work maxing skills (most skills make money. Examples of skills that don't make money include Athletic, Charisma, Handiness, and Cooking. You can still make money through opportunities, though). The two stay-at-home Sims usually max two skills each (sometimes three). With this scheme, my Sims are millionaires (or thousandaires) in an instant.
In combination with martial arts, athletic really does make money. With cutting out, collecting and selling precious gems, you need both athletic and martial arts.
I don't have any EPs; I wouldn't know about Martial Arts. And by making money, I mean ranking the skill while making money. For example, using the telescope can both make money and raise the Logic Skill at the same time.
When my Sims get rich, I spend a couple of hours giving their entire home a complete overhaul to fit their personalities, set up a permanent nursery, and expand to a couple of unoccupied rooms in case of any new family members showing up.
Then I abandon them to their own devices and move in a new family. Soon everyone in Bridgeport will be descended from people I created. :D
There's like what, 50? Premade Sims in a town. You'd have to have all of your Sims Trying For Baby like rabbits. If you have story progression on, the game will automatically move in new Sims into the neighborhood.
There's like what, 50? Premade Sims in a town. You'd have to have all of your Sims Trying For Baby like rabbits. If you have story progression on, the game will automatically move in new Sims into the neighborhood.
And? I didn't say everyone was descended from my Sims now, nor that they wouldn't have links to premade Sims [that's usually where the mothers come from]. Story progression doesn't delete my Sims as far as I've noticed, nor their offspring. When I eventually hit the point where there are no more houses for me to move new families into, I'll search through existing families and arbitrarily delete one with none of my created Sims in the family tree. Eventually, barring freak accident or glitches, it will happen that you can glance through every living Sim's family tree and discover someone I personally set into the town.
It's hardly impossible, or even improbable. It's just not something most people do.
It's hardly impossible, or even improbable. It's just not something most people do.
That's actually a cool idea, I should try it sometime.
I never play the pre-made rich families, but usually I have static needs and work my sims until they reach the top. I like the rich sims in Bridgeport, but they always want a butler and it's such a waste of bedspace in those small high-rises. Plus the butler always makes food that goes to waste. Generally, though, I play until the family has a kid that I want to start somewhere else (I play with aging off) and will either play that sim in the same neighborhood or a new one.
I am really big on the vacation homes, and if I have writers, painters, nectar makers or sculptors, I send them to vacation homes to work. It usually results in even more of a payout when they come back. ;D
Well I have only ever played one family - my legacy family - because my laptop isn't very good at handling multiple game files. This family have always, always been multi-millionares because I use cheats. (I'm hoping to change that and discover new ways to play when I start the 2012 Challenge Tournament. :) ) I adore playing rich sims, but then I don't have anything to compare it to, yet!
My sims spend their time skilling and playing with their top-of-the-range gaming consoles and watching their high-definition TVs and dancing to their state-of-the-art and fully upgraded stereos! :P As well as socialising with their uber-rich family members, of course. ;)
I love playing rich sims because you can just buy anything and everything! They aren't scroungers though, all my YAs and Teens are employed in perfectly good jobs and will be until the Elder stage! :P
My favourite part of playing rich sims is being able to have such a beautiful place to live in and constant moodlets for how nice everything looks, and being able to go travelling at any time as well as being able to buy everything when you get there! :D
As you may be able to tell, I love having money, which isn't often, in real life, too - Shame there's no familyfunds for reality! ;D
Rich families is kind of boring and not really gives you that full experience of the game. Though it would be a great sort of trial ground for you to be able to experience the game itself and try new stuff out, like careers and skills.
It is great that you will be able to try things out, which you are not usually able to play, which is similar to what happens to Dynasty as well.
Rich families is kind of boring and not really gives you that full experience of the game.
Well, I agreed with you on that if you're talking about playing sims who are rich from the very beginning I find that boring too. But to get rich (or die trying :P) is much more interesting. What I like about rich sims is that they do have more time to collect the things you could collect in the game without the daily struggle of surviving and paying bills normal sims have to do.
Saying that, I still let my rich sims pay the bills. I mean with that: no "No Bills Ever'' LTW for my sims (that came with World Adventures) as that will take a difficulty level out of the game I prever keep in.
You know what the big difficulty is of having a house worth multiple millions of money? Paying the 30.000 dollar bills every three days. Well, that will keep your sims writing, painting or sculpting! :D
I make my sims travel. That way they can spend money buying the trip, and then get a vacation home that I can deck out.
And I add a lot of artwork to their house.
I usually start with sims I make, so they start off at the bottom. As they start getting money O build HUGE houses for them with the most expensive items they can get their hands on. Once that's done, I buy all partnerships and ownerships, upgrade all the properties ( which at first gets rid of all my money but then generates a barbarous income) then I send them off traveling until they can buy vacation homes which they also fill with expensive stuff and lastly, I have them quit their jobs to simply max out skills and become collectors.
What I did once was move my rich sim into a not so rich household to upgrade their home (and give them economic stability by maxing their careers)... My goal was to do this with all the houses in sunset valley. I don't know why I never finished this wasfun.
@iCastl: How much money did your avarage houses of rich sims cost?
It all depends on the size of the household...they range from 500,000 to a couple of millions, usually, just about 1 million
It all depends on the size of the household...they range from 500,000 to a couple of millions, usually, just about 1 million
Nive! Do you have any pictures to share? I would love to see how those look.
Actually not many (in fact just one ::) ) I tend to delet old files because they ruin my games, BUT, I'm currently playing my Dynasty and their house is just a few rooms (and designing front lawn) from complete. It's pretty huge and is indeed one of the houses I'm proudest of.
I get my computer back today and I'll hopefully be able to fix that annoying problem that's making my sims crash, I'll post pics of how the house is going so far and a few ones once I'm finished building and decorating. :D
I got my game to work again. I believe I owe you these :)
It's my legacy house in progress. At the moment it costs a little over 600,000.
Chances are, this house will be a million simoleon house when I'm finished with it!
This is the first floor. Its the closest to being completed. Just need to re-do the wallpaper and decoreate the halls and a couple of the rooms.
Um.. this is a view from, the back? sort of? Haha
This is, a preview perhaps? Of a couple of my rooms. The first (from left to right) is the one that has the staris leading to the basement, the second (which i'm still working on) is the 'art' room so it has the easel, sculpting station, inventing station and the drawing board. The third is the study, which is already finished...It has several libraries and 2 computers considering many sims will be wanting to use them with time.
This is the front lawn. As you can see, its empty haha I'll probably make a drive way surrounded by flowers and a fountain. The roofing I need to re-do and the I haven't yet decided how to paint the walls.
And this i sthe back lawn which just needs some beautify-ing.
The in the second floor I have eight bedrooms which will eventually belong to all my heirs, but right now, all they have is beds. The third floor has 1 or 2 rooms which will become the nursery and the spouse or sibling room. (I hate them using the heir's room :P )
The basement is where I have the wine-making machines (a rooms which still need working on) and where my dynasty museum lies. (At the moment with just a couple of portraits and a sealed entrance.)
So thats it :) When I'm done constructing the house I'll post a couple of screenshots, better ones too (sorry for that haha)
intersting layout. Have you found any gameplay lack while playing this house?
As I recently have build a house which seems to be to huge for my computer to handle. Talk about luxurious problems...
So far the layout has been quite practical. I read a few tips on the forum and applied them... its probably one of the houses that I've built tht makes the most sense to me (and that is organized).
As for lagging and stuff, well yeah, camera movement SUCKS. Haha. The thing is, I'm pretty sure its not just because of the size and detail in the house beacuse I'm currently playing a MUCH smaller lot with another family and I get the same problem.
I'm starting to thinks its because of my RAM... I have 2gb but have all expansions except pets installed. Which is pushing my computer waaaay pver its limits.
I usually end up not playing rich families. I get them right up to building them a huge house and giving them everything they need and then I get super bored!
I was wondering why you hadn't responded to my message so I came to check and I apparently never sent it :'( the worst part was that it was even longer than yours!
Basically what I told you in the past message was that, when translating, you should always try to translate the idea rather than word by word because due to grammatical differences in each language you can get some strange variation.
In this particular example, I would have translated from English to Spanish in the following way:
SP: Me canso de hacer el mismo trabajo siempre
EN: I get tired of always doing the same work.
The specific reason for the use of "I" instead of "It is" is because "Me", in Spanish is referring to an activity that I experience in particular (it applies to me only) When you say "It is" you are giving a more general idea and are implying that this statement applies to other as well (not just yourself).
Like you stated below, cansado is the same as tired and not boring. The reason that I would find this to differ from Dutch is precisely what I said in the beginning. I don't know Dutch but I'm pretty sure that some words are not translateable in a really accurate way.(reason why I prefer to translate by ideas and it words).
The order I chose for the translation is simply because of sonority and gramaticality. (again, ideas instead of words).
I'm not too sure if this answered your question, I hope it did, but if you have any doubts, ask away!
Sorry for the inconvenience, I could have SWORN I sent the message :( I promise not to be this late in the future.
EDIT: I can't seem to send messages :/ This is angering me haha hopefully you are already reading this and I haven't sent 50 copies of the same message
EDIT 2: I was forced to post this here because for some reason the messages are simply not sending. Regarless of the device or method I use. >:(
EDIT 3: By the way, this was copied directly from the message I just sent you.
Edited by Anushka
Like everyone has been saying rich families are not all that fun. Or at least for me. I like to make them go from poor to rich. But to answer your question, you go to new game and instead of choseing make a sim you chose, chose a houshold or something like that. This will take you to where all the families live, it will tell you the leave and how much money they have. But I still believe it is better just to make them go from poor to rich. WHen they are already rich there really isn't anything to do with them. You might play the game diffently then I do though. Have fun.
Tons of parties.
try to max out their skills
build HUGE mansions (it's satisfying knowing they're living in a house you made.)
And raise big big families
i find it fun
WHen they are already rich there really isn't anything to do with them.
That's why you need some tactics from the start to keep it going. ;)
First of all, I typically start new families on the empty 60x60 lot. That puts the crunch on early. It also gives you quite a bit of room to build, and build I do! I plan the first floor layout with the free floor tiles, and the very first thing I build is a 4 story staircase underground (I typically have trouble placing basement stairs after I start building the house). That area will house several workshops of different varieties and will hold the extensive collection this family will build.
One of my favorite things to collect are gems: my families will almost always have a massive "family jewels" collection consisting of large, rare cuts of literally every gem, and increasingly expensive manufactured metal bars. Occasionally, someone will do adventures in other countries and I'll try to complete the artifact collections. The bottom level is usually a family crypt, with the remains in different chests so the lot isn't overrun by ghosts (I use the WA wall plaques for a memorial, along with a portrait or photograph of the Sim in their prime). The above ground floors will vary, but I don't typically go over two stories.
Now, this may seem like the same thing as everyone else does, but there is a difference. I usually don't take the LTR "no bills ever" beyond the first generation...if I take it at all, and I never extend anyone's life (beyond the occasional "Oh My Ghost" opportunity). This means that the subsequent generations will need all that income from properties. They'll need to bust their humps to have a successful career. Otherwise, the building will stop and the repo-man won't be far behind.
My problem with playing rich families doesn't come from getting bored with them. It typically comes from me getting an idea for doing something else. :P
Hi all my rich sim enjoys travel,buying up venues around town and making them beautiful,and giving generously to charity (sounds like she is a candidate in a beauty pageant lol ;D) Hosfac I really like your ideas for playing I might have to get the brave trait and change the way I play ;D
Does having a Sim donate to charity actually benefit the sim?
Does having a Sim donate to charity actually benefit the sim?
If your sim has the "Good" or "Evil" trait, they receive a moodlet for donating.
For everyone else, it is essentially a money sink for role-playing purposes. :)
Thanks, twallen! I tried it in one of my good sims but didn't notice the moodlet.
Hi judewight i have also noticed that when my sim donates she gets a lovely golden halo above her head lol as well as a positive moodlet
What I do is pretend my heir got disowned, move him out and set familyfunds to 0, then see if he can get richer than his old family...
I let my Sims enjoy each other's company and befriend the whole neighborhood. I also let my Sims go out to restaurants or visit the theatre frequently. I also concentrate on expanding the family tree.
As long as it is useful, I keep upgrading the house, roughly in these steps:
Start: simple bedroom, bathroom and general room (kitchen+dining room+living room in one). House size is usually 10x10 or similiar
step1: add one skill room, usually gym
step2: make a child, build him bedroom with private bathroom; expanded with aging and later marriage. Similiar step is made anew later with grandchildren.
step3: expanding existing rooms to remove pathing issues.
At this point I usually move from starting lot to 60x60 or bigger and buildint the house with wider halls to make pathing with multiple sims easier
step4: adding another room, usually library with music instruments and such
step5: complete back yard beautification, usually building a lake with lot of trees and bushes. fence added. If I built a pool before, house is expanded in height and pool is moved to the roof.
later, if needed, I add "explosive room" (cointains the alchemy pot, gemcutting machine, and/or inventor's table), entertainment room(with pool, darts, table football and such group activities); garage (usually underground, but rarely needed as chopper is easily kept in sim's backpack and fast enough) or laundry room. If I use a sim to travel, nectar cellar and "vault of antiquities" is built.
Decorations are mostly sim-done paintings with a statue here and there.
Due to my practic approach, the house rarely exceeds 500.000 worth. After that the money just accumulate as sims continue living normal life, though I choose jobs/professions that aren't much money makers at that point to try them out.
I begin creating internal drama in mine, and my families are ALWAYS insanely rich xD
That, or I simply begin abusing my wealth and buying out properties and turning them into places only I will ever use.
Most of my rich sims are awful people on the inside, so I get family drama, just like Wiry.
Spa visits and stupidly expensive cars are nice money sinks too. I also rebuild like a maniac.
Most of my rich sims are awful people on the inside, so I get family drama, just like Wiry.
Spa visits and stupidly expensive cars are nice money sinks too. I also rebuild like a maniac.
Not as terrible people as mine.
Another thing I do is go all rococo and paint a billion portraits of my sims in expensive furniture surrounded by luxury, then I have an inventor blow it all up. I can't remember the last time I bought my sims a car though ;D
My first sim I got up too over 500k net so far without cheats, he's engaged to Jamie right now, they enjoy traveling and throwing pool parties in the summer. I just started a new game in Monte Vista where my sims unofficial goal is to get rich and woohoo every lady in town, should create alot of drama and fun ><
I personally hate playing with rich sims because it makes the game too simple and I like it to be a challenge, where you have to earn your way through the game.
Finding a way to spend at least 1/10 of the money can be challenge too when you get too rich. In my case, fully upgraded house is worth up to 650k $. With the item upgrades I do continuously before reaching that point I believe my cap to spend money is somewhere around 1,5M $.
On the other hand it gives me enough space to try crazy ideas with my house - gardens with lakes, house looking like castle (or trying and not ending well enough).
And the main upside is the ability to try careers that are not that well paid with no risk of becoming poor.
With the new feature of owning more than one property, I have a plan cooking in my head to build a massive horse ranch using the three large properties in Sunset Valley (I'll move the other two families. I'll also add two more lots to cover the corners. Should be nice and expensive. It's been a while since I got into the horse breeding which can keep you quite occupied with the racing and training. I might look at other worlds that it would work in as well. Am a little sick of SSV atm. Been playing it a long time. Oh the ideals spinning through my head.
Must say you guys have interesting ideas on how to play rich families.
More than once I personally find that in games (not just Sims) having a huge bank account suck the fun out of the game quite quickly.
And often.
Must say you guys have interesting ideas on how to play rich families.
More than once I personally find that in games (not just Sims) having a huge bank account suck the fun out of the game quite quickly.
And often.
I don't have that.
To me the fun is the destination (The high bank account), not the journey (Getting that bank account).
I have terrible staying power in ANY game where I have to really work to get places. I can do that in real life, but I play a game to escape reality ;D
For more ideas on how to play rich families, I often think of some incredibly exaggerated, narrative driven goal like taking over the twon, not just including properties, but forcing everyone onto your side, or using your wealth to make them irrelevant (Firing them every time they get a job)
I remember just building ridiculous rich houses which were so expansive my sims needed to cash +30.000 every so much days in order to just pay the bills.
I had a team of writers and painters just for that.
That was challenging.
I don't play pre-made families much, but I used to build expensive houses for my own sims to live in. They'd start off with a very extravagant house and about 20,000 in funds (depending on how many sims I made for a household). I would give them careers I hadn't done with another sim yet, but I got bored rather quickly because they essentially had nothing to save for. Merely watching them build up their funds and never spending it was boring. Even upgrading and rearranging the house and objects (something I really enjoy doing) was tedious because it wasn't much of a change.
Now, I start my sims off in one of the premade houses or on an empty lot and go from there. Much more fun and I enjoy seeing the house get bigger and bigger. You can see this in my Aley Legacy. My founder started off in a pre-made house. I'm currently on the fourth generation and, I tell you, the house looks almost nothing like it did when I first started. And I might be doing even more renovating on it! I can't remember how much they have in household funds, but I know it's well over $150,000, but I rarely get bored with them and when I do, I try to make something happen.
I have a desire to seeming play both rich and poor aims. Back when it was just the Sims, I would create a house leaving only perhaps a couple hundred left over, and play with an unemployed (or all children) household, and see how they did on good grade money.
I've done a bit of a 180 for this game though. Rather than start off with everything and play with virtually no income, I am starting in the dirt and aiming to have everything. I don't want to have more money than I can spend, I don't think I would enjoy the lack of challenge. I spend most of the money on the house, and on trips for adventures, and at some point, on a vacation home. I figure that should I ever get to a point where I can't spend the money fast enough, or just want to go back to being a little less wealthy, I can always buy up undeveloped community lots and build things like the community pool myself, out of my own pocket. In this way, I can be that philanthropist, giving back to the community by sinking a future fortune into the amenities, and preserving some of the challenge.
I like when I can spend money as soon as I have and smoothly rise up with some limits.
This usually happens only for a very few sim-weeks starting a new game. When my garden is full of perfect products, my walls are covered by the painting and more books as I can read and all my sims are young adult 1 day, I know I'm going to be bored pretty soon.
After that I'm always too rich, I build a giant house and I started over again with a new founder.
Thanks to the challenges I got new motivation and fun to play, first time I'm going to my 4th generation. After some hard work excluding any "supernatural power or potion or..", they are super rich (3 million in cash, a 3 million house as big as I never build before and a lot of real estates already...) So all of them could stop to work and I would never find a way to spend all.
But but but I have a challenge in mind and that's keeps me real busy and happy to play. Try one of them, and your rich family will know what they have to do.
It's fun to read how everyone plays. My Hidden Springs legacy is in it's 7th generation and it still only has bout 350,000 in the bank, but the lot is worth about the same. I have been buying and building in town, upgrading real estate, and travel a lot. But compared to some of you, my Moore Household is nearly as wealthy as some of yours... and only on a 40x40 lot to boot.
I find rich families can get quite boring unless you have a goal in mind. My immortal dynasty family has over 1 million simoleons and I generally leave them to do what they wish. Their house is worth the same amount so they have loads of gadgets to play with. I also send them to the spa to get the most expensive treatment so they have a great big positive moodlet for a week :)
My sim won 1,000,000 in the lotto. It nearly ruined my game! lol I had to really rethink where I was going with the story. Once I had some new goals etc it was really fun, but I did spend about one sims week just going through the daily routines wondering how my fabulously wealthy sims were going to spend all that money!
Oh the pressure of wealth :P
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but if I'm playing a rich family -mostly without cheats ;)- I like to either redesign their house to make it look like a fancy mansion. Or I move out to an empty lot and make a mansion from scratch. I'm not the best at it, but I do have fun with it! :)
Usually I make lots of children, then, when they become older I purchase small houses around town, upgrade them and move the grown-up children there. A good way to practise building and decorating without the risk to end up with boxhouses. Takes up quite a lot of money, but usually is worth it. And besides, where is the fun of being rich if you never waste any money ::)
I don't play pre-made families much, but I used to build expensive houses for my own sims to live in. They'd start off with a very extravagant house and about 20,000 in funds (depending on how many sims I made for a household). I would give them careers I hadn't done with another sim yet, but I got bored rather quickly because they essentially had nothing to save for. Merely watching them build up their funds and never spending it was boring. Even upgrading and rearranging the house and objects (something I really enjoy doing) was tedious because it wasn't much of a change.
Now, I start my sims off in one of the premade houses or on an empty lot and go from there. Much more fun and I enjoy seeing the house get bigger and bigger. You can see this in my Aley Legacy. My founder started off in a pre-made house. I'm currently on the fourth generation and, I tell you, the house looks almost nothing like it did when I first started. And I might be doing even more renovating on it! I can't remember how much they have in household funds, but I know it's well over $150,000, but I rarely get bored with them and when I do, I try to make something happen.
This is exactly the way I'm doing it as well. I love designing luxury homes for fun, but if I'm playing a family I'd rather let them work hard so I get a feeling of accomplishment.
I've got a couple of very rich Sim families I constantly play with. First, I build for them a house out of Architectural Digest. I love being able to build those mansions from scratch and see the Sims move around and live in them. My richest family, the Prince brothers, buys all the biggest establishments in the city (just for fun), they don't even bother to collect the proceeds. The eldest brother a five star celebrity CEO, drives around in the most expensive and fastest sports car. In Isla Paradiso, they bought their own island and they have a sleek black speedboat and yatch. They are the first and only family in the game to have an elevator in their house. There came a point where life was becoming boring to have anything they wanted, so I set each of them off in Adventures, and they built a Relic Collection Room in their house.
As other members of the forum have mentioned, I love designing fancy mansions. It's nice to be able to build/design without being on a budget! ;D Typically, the rich families I play with will be townies. I think it's fun to follow their biographies and see where the game takes them. I also think playing rich townie Sims is a great way to explore new towns, skills, and other game features without the worry of scant household funds.
I don't play rich families as much as I used to when I first started playing The Sims 3, but they are fun to play every now and again!
I just buy a ton of properties and upgrade them all. I buy EVERYTHING I can, and decorate every room so it's just amazing-looking. If I can make that happen. I'm not the most awesome builder. ;)
With me, my original Sim, I wanted him to feel like he only can survive with the clothes on his back. Yet he was able to make a profit from his Ghost Hunter work. Decided for him to go to China, seeing how ridiculously cheap it is compared to real life. He made more than he did with his Ghost Hunter job, which made the job almost pointless to keep, but I kept it anyway since I liked the career.
Then he got married to a rich Sim (not part of my plan. Seriously, didn't know she was rich) and inherited her fortune, giving him 4x what he originally had. Much later, moved into a smaller house but had $140,000, and was considered 'Rich'. Apparently, having $100,000 or more is considered being rich.
Now, the money is flowing in. My Sim hasn't worked (neither does the wife) because there's just so much money, and as I said again, makes his job a bit pointless. He still gets paid a $2,000 stipend, from working or not. Which seems unfair to me. You should have to at least do one job to qualify for a stipend, yet the game doesn't see it my way.
I personally don't want to live in luxury. Just looks too over the top. I like things simple, why the wife is the maid instead of hiring one.
I personally don't care to own properties. Again, I don't like feeling rich. Feels wrong. Whoever said "money can't buy you happiness" is absolutely right.
In the sims, I just build insanely huge homes for my sims and have them explore the game without worrying about money.
In most of my saves, I use motherlode once at the beginning so I can build my Sims a really nice house (building a house is usually the longest and one of the most fun parts for me). After that, I don't use it, but my Sims end up being rich anyway... Most of my games are modeled after TV Shows/books I like and stuff like that. I never get too bored because I spend most of the time focusing on the story and the relationships between Sims, but that's just me. *shrug* :D
I do have a save where I started from the ground up, like a normal, non-cheaty person does, and I did enjoy it much more than I thought I would. It was fun watching the family work and gradually build up their house, getting that sense of accomplishment when it was done, and I think I'm going to do it more often.
ManiSims I totally agree with you! Building saves off of TV shows and books is really fun. I tried doing a hunger games character save, etc. My favorite part of it is building an imaginative home and creating the sims- including picking traits for them.
Yep, I love modeling Sims off of the actual shows, but still putting my own little twists. The home building is fun too; I like building an awesome fancy mansion and giving each character a unique room that represents their personality and stuff. I don't have any expansions so the game gets a bit boring at times, especially if my Sims have a lot of money, but normally these kinds of story-based things keep me occupied. ^-^
I just became so fed up on my sims being absurdly rich that I've done "testingcheatsenabled true" -> "familyfunds [familyname] 25000" (from almost 3 millions) and now it's much better! Well, I guess not for long, gonna find some money sink anyway. Or repeat the cheat in worst case.
I usually challenge myself to build weird houses. I had a vampire that had a completely underground home that was designed for entertainment.... That one was an odd build to make. Instead of windows, I put the wall fish tanks in a couple of spots where they looked interesting.
I'd show pictures, but that was on my last computer.
I challenged myself (inspired by the challenge on this site) to build the smallest house I could. Didn't get anywhere near as small as some, but it was fun. Then I challenged myself to do the biggest house I could. Ten bedrooms, dedicated rooms for each skill, a walled courtyard in the middle, Shang Simla architecture. It was a thing of beauty.... And, it crashed my old computer when I went back to live mode! LOL
At one point, I built a "house" that had a bunch of tiny apartments in it and used the whole roommates thing from University to collect rent from them all. (Ah, door permissions are a wonderful thing.) That was... amusing. Didn't have a job, just collected rent periodically. I skilled that Sim up a lot and wound up bored beyond belief. Took a while to get to the bored part, though, since I had some fun influencing the various roommates to do things.... Maid service is a must, by the way, or you run around harassing everyone to clean.
You also wind up as pretty much a slum lord, since living off of those rent checks takes maxing the number of roommates, building tiny apartments and using lousy furnishings. Communal kitchen, etc.
Theme houses can be amusing, too. Build a Oriental theme on this lot. Egypt over here. That one is going to be French. This one is a castle, and there's a converted asylum. This house here might be a private museum.... etc.
Does the rent thing apply if you don't have University?
I usually sink money into nectar. :D
Does the rent thing apply if you don't have University?
I usually sink money into nectar. :D
The roommate/rent thing came with University. Not sure if it was available in the compatibility patch if you didn't buy it, since I got it right when it came out.
I liked growing Nectar. My old computer tended to crash one of every four times I went abroad, though, so I didn't do much with it. May have to fiddle with it this time.....
I sometimes have fun with rich sims. I give them the best house I can, cheat them a good job and act as if they haven't just moved to town, they have always lived there. They usually have kids so then I can have them have grandchildren and there being so many kids around gives them excuses to buy a ton of pointless junk for the children. Also, in one save I have I got Holly Alto to be our live in maid and nanny. Being rich is fun although not challenging but hey, at least you can buy all of the real estate! :D
I have fun with them, I do like the struggle to survive at the start of the game but as I tend to play subsequent generations of the same family, by a few generations down they're usually super rich anyway so there are no money problems. I tend to make the most money by buying shares in the local businesses, for example the family I am playing at the moment have 0.9m simoleons in the bank, plus own every local business and a resort, both partners on level ten and just like in real life, or seems the more you have, the more your money grows. I don't find it boring as it's just standard and it's quite cool to see how filthy rich my sims are without a single cheat!
They all aspire to go get a degree, work like mad to get to the top of their careers and have a family and can strive for things that way, money is useful but it doesn't get them skilled or successful in their careers directly so there are still things to aim for, lots of trips to take etc. it's cool to play the hugely rich family that owns the town and it brings interesting dynamics when new sims marry into the family. Plus all that excess cash means that when older generations move out I can afford to buy the nearest house to keep family close rather than 'kick out' and lose them somewhere in town.
Part of me would find it fun to start over and I often do but I like to play sims that I've raised through generations and it seems a shame to throw all of that achievement and success away, even though I could play a storyline that sees one generation totally blow it! But I'm good at the game and making them successful so within a few weeks they would be rich abain. The family have their own sports car, jet ski and speed boat each, have plastic surgery, look a million dollars and are all five star celebs really quickly but I still like to make them individually successful so my female partner of the couple atm is a daycare specialist which is super hard work, despite not needing the money, and her hubby is a district headteacher so I'm looking forward to bringing kids into the marriage. Maybe cos I grew up poor myself I like to fantasise through my sims what it'd be like to be born a millionaire and have anything I wanted, if I had motherloded to that balance it wouldn't be fun at all but I love that I did it without cheating. When I get to a million i often blow hundreds of thousands on a new resort, but of course I just make more money back!
When a family get rich (and boring ) i change to another household in the same town.
I use twallan mods so i don't have problem of culling.
I first changed all the houses, reorganized the community lots, checked how many beds/cribs in each house,then populate the town better.
so i would say i play the town, not only a rich family, making each house one by one better, enjoying the new generations coming... and so on.
Starting a new town took a lot of time but i never moved from it since i did it.