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The Sims 3 => Sims 3 - Stories and Member-Created Challenges => Sims 3 Stories Graveyard => Topic started by: kattiq on December 26, 2010, 06:56:17 PM
Okay guys, I have decided to see if I can conquer the rules of the Immortal Dynasty for the first time. So sit back, relax and hope I can keep track of everything! :)
Here it goes!
Meet Alexander Lancaster. He's not really sure where he came from, some suspect he came from the East. Some say he's from the West. Some even say he came from the heavens. Whatever his past, one thing is certain, Alexander came with an important mission: To become Immortal and lead a dynasty forever.
Here he is enjoying his most favorite past time: Fishing!
Traits: Workaholic, Schmoozer, Ambitious, Angler, Friendly
LTW: CEO of Mega-Corporation
Career: Business
Alexander soon realized that for his new job at the Doo Peas Corporate Towers he needed to be friendlier with his Boss, Iqbal Alvi.
So he decided to take him on a fishing trip! Turned out Iqbal loved to fish just as much as Alex and soon they were best friends.
The next day after work, Alex decided to go visit his neighbor and co-worker Nick Alto.
However, Nick was not home and his daughter Holly ended up answering the door.
Instantly, Alex had succumbed to her beauty and artistic flair. Too bad she was a teen.
Alex: " So when do you grow up?"
Holly" In about four days I guess. I'll invite you to my party!"
Alex: " I can't wait!"
Four days, and two job levels later Alex received an invitation to Holly Alto's Birthday Party!
Alex and Holly talked all night and soon there were sparks flying.
Alex: " So, will you marry me now that you've grown up?"
Holly: " Definitely, I can't wait to get out of this house! My parents are weird. And of course because somehow within the last few minutes I fell in love with you.."
Alex and Holly ended up eloping the next day.
Her parents weren't exactly thrilled when they found out that some of their family fortune was being handed over to some homeless Report Processor, but at least Alex was becoming good friends with Nick at work.
Holly came into the Lancaster family loaded with dough.
Not only did she bring a couple thousand but she also brought along her Maragret Vaguester.
Holly felt bad that Alex had no house, plus she really didn't want to sleep outside.
So, she sold her favorite car and surprised Alex with a new house that she built herself.
Her inspiration was to make this house a home. She added a country ranch feel and added a lot of reds, tans, yellows, and browns to her color palette. She also wanted to make it drastically different from her old home. (The Alto's house had the ugliest patterns and furniture, haha)
Holly was really proud of her handy work. She just wished she could get a job in the Architectural design profession (her LTW is to reach the top of that profession too!) , but Alex told her she had to just paint and garden for awhile.
However, Alex told her that she might be able to dabble in design for a little bit because she came into the family with level 5 painting and level 6 (or 7) gardening skills!
Alright, so I didn't get as far as I wanted too because I spent WAY too much time on their house. I've just started to enjoy building houses from scratch so I went all out on this family. I'm still not done with the interior and I still have to plan out how I'm going to fit other family members when they come but I still like what I have so far.
I hoped you all enjoyed the first installment of the Lancaster Dynasty ;)
P.S. So, Holly just was supposed to be a Young Adult. But some how when she got married to Alex she was an Adult?? Is this a bug?
Wow nice house and great start!
The house has a country-cottage feel to it. ;D
Wow nice house and great start!
The house has a country-cottage feel to it. ;D
Thanks! That was my goal for the house :)
O Mee Pooba!
So Holly has been put to work. She's been busy tending to her new garden, painting, and sculpting!
Meanwhile Alex has been working on his fishing skill trying to max it out
The paparazzi will not leave him alone anymore! Now that he's a two level celebrity they follow him everywhere.
This certain paparazzi looks like she's about to poof into thin air. Too bad she just has a bright flash on her camera. :(
That Night...
Since Holly somehow skipped her Young Adult phase she decided to talk to Alex about starting a family.
Holly: " So I have been thinking since I am several years older than you..We need to begin a family before it's too late"
Alex: " Agreed, I will need someone else to depend on when you are gone.."
Holly: "Don't talk like that. I'm not THAT old yet!"
Alex: " Sorry dear.."
Holly: " You're forgiven, now let's get down to business!"
Soon thereafter, Holly became pregnant and several months later they went to the doctor found out it was a Girl!
Alex:" Oh my! I think I felt her kick me in the face!"
Holly: " Aw..I can already tell she is going to be fiesty! So..anyways, I was thinking of naming her Julia..Because I know we're gonna need a cook in the family. And I absolutely adore Julia Child."
Alex: " Julia Chi...who?"
Holly: "You know the famous chef who was really good at cooking French food?"
Alex: " Right..well yeah we will need someone to cook the Ambrosia, and other food besides Tofu hotdogs. I love ya hun but you're cooking ain't so grand.."
Holly: " Well if you didn't make me paint, garden, and sculpt all day MAYBE I'd be better at it!"
Suddenly Holly's water broke and it was time to head to the Hospital!
After a couple hours, a new baby girl was born.
People, meet Julia Lancaster! The future Chef of the family!
Welcome to the world little Julia!
The house you made is adorable!
Welcome to the world little Julia!
She's enjoying it so far!
The house you made is adorable!
Thank you! :)
Great start to your Dynasty, kattiq!
Congrats on the nooboo. Welcome Julia.
@Lilygirl: Thank you! It's coming along nicer than I thought it would :P
Soon it was time for Alexander to age up into a full blown adult like his wife.
Here he is pictured at Claire Ursine's house trying to complete one of his BlackOps
Alex: "Woah..what's happening??"
Claire Ursine: " Bwahah! You're growing up ya ding dong! Now you're even closer to dying!"
Alex: " Oh chest feels all tingly!..I..can't..breathe.."
Meanwhile..Julia also grew up into a beautiful toddler.
Her traits: Artistic, Loves the Outdoors.
Holly and Julia spent several days plowing through all of the toddler skills. Soon Julia was able to use the potty by herself, tell her mommy when she wanted more food, and walk to her dolly house when she wanted to have some fun and socialization.
Holly: " You're such a smart little girl. I can't wait till you can use the pink stove I bought you. :)"
Julia: " Hotty Baba along with Hotty Ba!"
The next morning, Alex woke up, grabbed some angelfish bait, and headed to the graveyard.
Today was the day he was going to catch the infamous death fish!
Alex: " SCORE! I got you bad boy! I hope you don't taste too much like death when I eat you later.."
Awesome story Kattiq!
Awesome story Kattiq!
Thanks Esther :)
Okay guys, This is pretty much an update ALL about Julia, because basically Alex has been fishing his butt off trying to catch the 350 fish that is required in the skill journal! And Holly has been painting, gardening and cleaning the house (thank goodness she has the neat trait).
Julia finally upgraded to child status and now has the traits: Artistic, Loves the Outdoors, and Bookworm.
Since Julia is going to be the cook of the family, I had her start early.
As you can see in the picture below she isn't starting out too well.
Finally she gets a grip on her cooking skills and bakes muffins, cookies, and brownies perfectly!
Julia: " Mmmmm, just smell this yummy goodness people! Please come by my stand! 5 simoleons each!"
Eventually, Julia grows up into a pretty good looking teen.
Just kidding, she looks a little deformed it must have been all those burnt brownies she ate when she was a kid.
Julia finally irons out all the kinks she had when she was transforming to a teen.
She gains the trait: Kleptomanic.
Julia: " Sorry, about that scare back there guys. I was having MAJOR growing pains if ya know what I mean ;) "
The next few days as a teen Julia accidentally forgot to get home before 12 because she was busy doing "stuff". So, she got arrested by the police. Good thing they didn't find the couch hidden in her back pocket. Teheehee.
Julia: " Man, this is the third time mom has had to lecture me this week. She's going to kill me."
A couple days later, Julia met Cedric Goth at school.
When she invited him over he somehow became an adult overnight. Not to worry though, this did not detour Julia one bit. She seemed taken by the purple haired, ripped pants, and his insanity.
Cedric: " I usually like to wear my swimming clothes when I go to pretty girls houses, it tends to show my nice abs but somehow I ended up in my normal clothes instead!"
Julia: " Oh..that's okay your normal clothes send my heart fluttering too. Although next time, if you somehow came in your swim shorts...I wouldn't complain."
That night it was time for Alex to grow up into an elder, he is almost to immortal status! He just needs his elder portrait done, a new best friend cause one of his died, and catch about 40 more fish! I'm also waiting on Julia to get to level 10 cooking so I can just have her learn the Ambrosia recipe. ( I could have Holly do it but she's about to die any day now and I'd much rather not have to buy the book twice. So I hope Alex stays alive long enough!)
Oh, and I thought you guys would want to see the new addition to the family.
Meet Ray the Kissing Gourami!
Julia is a very pretty teen. Your story is going really well congratulations.
Julia is a very pretty teen. Your story is going really well congratulations.
Thanks Ratchie, I just hope I can make it past the first immortal. I've never been this in depth with this game before so I'm doing it all for the first time!
Before I attempted my first dynasty(The Smiths are my second attempt I forgot a portrait the first time round)I had never had a Sim go fishing and I had never supermaxed anything. Well maybe handiness by pure luck not because I was trying.
I never thought I would be able to do it.
You are doing really well keep it up.
Good job Kattiq! Julia is very pretty! You're doing great! ;D
Before I attempted my first dynasty(The Smiths are my second attempt I forgot a portrait the first time round)I had never had a Sim go fishing and I had never supermaxed anything. Well maybe handiness by pure luck not because I was trying.
I never thought I would be able to do it.
You are doing really well keep it up.
Yeah before I tried this dynasty I got bored with playing the same story over and over. But now I'm exploring SO many more features and I can't get enough!Good job Kattiq! Julia is very pretty! You're doing great! ;D
Thanks! I'm glad Julia looks pretty. She looks like a miniature Holly if you ask me :P
You're welcome! Yes she does!
Julia learned from all her previous mistakes when she first became a teen (I'm guessing those lectures from her mom helped her out). Julia worked very hard in school, she was on the honor roll all through highschool. She even worked a few days here and there. She ceased her stealing spree for at least a little while, and only sometimes picked up items of little importance.
Her love for Cedric was somehow lost and she moved on. Soon, she met a dashing young fellow by the name of Augustine Valentin.
Julia: " hey..I like your shirt *giggles*"
Augustine: " You..have nice teeth.."
I'm guessing the sparks flew as soon as he complimented her teeth, because soon after that they became a couple.
A couple days later it was time for Julia to become a young adult!
Julia: " I wish for... A PONY! Shoot did I just say that out loud?"
Augustine: " Haha, now you're birthday wish won't come true!"
(Augustine is such a punk isn't he? :P )
Here is Julia:
She gained the trait: Natural Cook
And the Lifetime Wish: The Culinary Librarian
The next night Alexander is readying to become an Immortal!!! (I can't believe I did it!! xD)
Holly decided she would make Alex's divine meal as her last gift to her husband before she dies.
Alexander was excited about this new venture he was about to undertake. So he enjoyed every last piece of the meal.
Alexander: " Woo! I feel younger already!"
Alexander's To-Do List: COMPLETED!
LTW: CEO of Mega-Corporation
Career: Business
Super Maxed Skill: Fishing
Property: Stoney Falls
Building: Hogan's Deep Fried Diner
6 Best Friendss: Iqual Alvi,, Heidi Perry, Nancy Landgraab, Nick Alto, lliana Langerak, Thornton Wolff, Eddie Perry
BlackOps: Hospital Delivery, The Status of Statues, Seeking More Favorable Taxes, Say Hello to my Little Fish, Befriending a Celeb, Sealing the Deal.
Lifetime Rewards: Office Hero, No Bills Ever, Long Distant Friend
Museum Portraits: Young Adult, Adult, Elder
I just read this story, and it is going great! And your house is beautiful. Just keep it up and you'll make it. Good luck.
Great job so far. Julia looks just like her mom!
Great so far! :)
Great so far! :)
Thank you samoht!
I just read this story, and it is going great! And your house is beautiful. Just keep it up and you'll make it. Good luck.
Thank you! I'm very proud of how their house came out :)
Great job so far. Julia looks just like her mom!
Thanks! Yep, she's a spittin' image of her that's for sure :P
So, a lot has happened in the Lancaster family recently. Holly is still alive and kickin' at 92, Alexander just spends his days fishing and occasionally going to work just to see his buddy Nick Alto (who is STILL alive because he and along with the Landgraabs are vampires).
Julia has been learning recipes and cooking meals like a mad woman. Along with dealing with all her man drama..which you will read about more below.. enjoy :)
Julia and Augustine finally had their first kiss after flirting back and forth for awhile.
Her mother however, saw the romance blooming and decided to have a talk with Julia about Augustine.
Holly: " I'm just not sure Julia, he has commitment issues. I just don't want to see my baby get hurt."
Julia: " Mom, it's really okay just because he's inappropriate, hot headed, and not much for commitment doesn't make him a bad person. I think I love him mom.
Holly: " Okay, well just be careful. I don't want to have to beat him up with my paint stick."
The next day Julia did not heed her mother's advice.. Instead she asked Augustine to marry her.
Julia: " Augustine, we have been together since Highschool..And everyday I keep falling in love with you..Will you marry me?"
Augustine: " Oh're sweet but I'll have to pass."
Julia: " Oh.. well okay maybe later?"
Augustine: " Yeah, yeah sure sweetheart. Now gimme a kiss and lets move on from that silly notion of marriage."
Later, Augustine was looking for attention else where.
Augustine: " Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call FINE PRINT!"
Holly: "That has to be the lamest pick up line I have ever heard! And why aren't you saying this to my daughter! You disgust me!"
Julia overheard the conversation and was heartbroken. She felt like it was all her fault for putting too much pressure on Augustine to marry her.
Julia: " I'm sorry hun, I really didn't mean to put you over the edge. We don't have to get married right now.. I'll be okay just being your girlfriend."
Augustine: " Mhmm. Well I'm glad to see you finally apologized. You are forgiven."
The next few days Julia was in a whirlwind of emotions. She wasn't sure if she loved Augustine like she has said before. Who was he to tell her what to do!? She was completely at her whits in with him.
Meanwhile, Holly had just hired a new maid called Elias Draper. He was an immigrant from France and was a very sweet boy. Holly had hoped bringing in Elias that maybe it would detour her daughter's emotions and maybe she would forget all about Augustine.
(Just pretend that everything Elias says has a french twang to it ;) )
Soon enough Elias had caught Julia's eye and they began a blooming romance.
Julia: " I think I like you better.."
Elias: " Ah, ma chère you are so beau.."
Julia: " I love it when you speak french to me..It makes me melt inside.. *smiles*"
After a wonderful night together, Julia decided it was time to let Augustine know her true feelings and break it off with him
Julia: " I'd just like to let you know I'm coming over to your house. I have something to tell you."
Julia: " I swear Augustine, I am so fed up with you! You manipulated me for so long. It's over!"
Augustine: " I'm sorry! please forgive me.."
Julia: " No Augustine, it's over..I've found someone else who has more love to give me than you ever did."
This made Augustine very upset, so upset he let his temper get the best of him and he blew up at Julia.
Augustine: "WHAT!? How could you do this?! I was supposed to cheat on you. I'm the one with the commitment issues here!"
Julia: " Woah, I should have listened to my mom. You are a real turd face! I'm just sorry I even got so wrapped up in you..I didn't mean to was just when we had that huge argument over the whole marriage thing and I was lonely..and Elias was there to comfort me. "
Augustine: " I can't believe you would do that to me.. Just.. get out Julia before I hurt you hurt me. *sobs*"
Julia ran from the house crying only to run into the arms of her beloved Elias.
Elias: "Mon amour..let's go to France. Let's run away and elope. Je t'aime de tout mon cœur "
Julia: " Oh I love you too Elias! Lets go please..I need to get away from this place.."
A couple days later Julia and Elias landed in France. They enjoyed the many sites of the French countryside. One day as they were touring the old burial grounds Elias leads Julia into a beautiful circle of stones.
Elias: " Oh my sweet amour, You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met.. will you please marry me?"
Julia: " Yes yes of course I will!"
Julia was so excited, she rushed to a local french bridal shop and bought a pretty white and magenta dress and got Elias a jacket with a tie.
In the next few hours, they began the marriage ceremony in the midst of a beautiful garden in front of the same fountain Elias' parents were married many years before.
That night..
Elias:" Did you hear that?"
Julia: " Um what did you hear my dear?"
Elias: " I don't sounded like chimes..but I could be wrong."
Will there really be a new addition to the Lancaster Dynasty so soon or will Elias and Julia enjoy more days alone as newlyweds?
If they heard the chimes, the honeymoon is over and the long sleepless nights are about to start. Good story and I love your house.
Well, chimes being heard during the honeymoon means they will have about 3 more days alone lol. Great update! ;D
If they heard the chimes, the honeymoon is over and the long sleepless nights are about to start. Good story and I love your house.
Thanks! Although good thing is, is that Alexander and Holly both are still around to take care of the kid.. ;)
Well, chimes being heard during the honeymoon means they will have about 3 more days alone lol. Great update! ;D
Well they do still have 1 more day left in France..So 4 days alone! Which really is all they need. I need to get the ball rolling in this generation :P
Julia and Elias finally made it back from their wedding/honeymoon in France and decided to go out for a little movie date.
But before they went into the movies Julia suddenly felt light headed and felt the urge to throw up.
Julia: " Oh my goodness my stomach is freaking out. I feel like I'm going to hurl! Honey, I think I'm pregnant!"
Elias was soon by her side and demanding the movie concession workers to give him some water for his ailing wife.
A few minutes later, Julia was feeling better and decided she was really hungry. They decided to stop by a little bistro on the way home to celebrate the good news.
There they met up with Nick Alto, Julia's supposed to be dead already grandfather.
Julia: " Why hello grandfather..Aren't you supposed to be dead already..I mean err.. in bed already? It's broad daylight!"
Nick: " Oh yes, I feel like I'm dying its so bright! I think I must go. Why don't you and Elias come by the house tonight for a little drink in the dark?" ;)
Julia: " no thank you I haven't been feeling well..But I did want to let you know you will have a great grand child in a few days!"
Nick: " Wonderful! Now Toodeloo dear! I must be going!"
Julia always felt that her grandfather was just a little fruity..but anyways the couple continued their dinner and enjoyed some grilled cheese and a cheese plate..
I'm thinking they really like cheese..
Meanwhile, Alexander had been getting some final plans in order for Holly's future.
He went to Hogan's Deep Fried Diner and renamed it Holly's Vegetarian Diner. It mainly catered to Vampires and Vegetarians now.
Then he went home and spent some time with his wifey.
Alexander: " I just want you to know I renamed the diner downtown after you. So then it will forever shine your name even after you are gone."
Julia: " Oh thank you hun! I love you oh so much.."
Alexander knew his wife's time to pass was coming soon, the hurt in his eyes revealed how much he was going to miss her.
That was the last hug the two ever shared..
That night Alex and Holly were about to fulfill their wish to woohoo with each other when the Death man with a stick Grim Reaper came calling for Holly's soul.
Holly tried to plead with the Reaper to give her some extra time with her family..
Holly: " You don't understand, my Julia is going to have a baby! I want to see my grandchild..then after that you can take me.."
Grim: " No."
Holly:" PLEAAASSSEEEE...I'll give you anything you want..just give me some more time!"
Grim: " Fine, I shall grant you the life of a ghost, so that you may haunt this house forever... your soul shall never be put to rest."
The mood was a somber one in the Lancaster house for the next two days..
Alexander moved into a smaller room and left Holly's urn next to his bedside for days. Just hoping to catch a glimpse of her ghost just to see her one last time.
Alexander: " I love you so much Holly..I know I will miss you everyday when you are shall never be replaced."
Soon the day came for the baby to be born.
Julia:" ELIASSSSSS the baby is coming.. take me to the hospital NOW!"
They hopped in the car and rushed over there.
I never understood why the pregnant lady drives the car and not the man..
After some hard pushes and some loud screams, a baby boy was born.
Hello World, meet Vincent Lancaster.
Julia: " I named you Vincent after the great painter Vincent Van Gogh. I had this dream whilw you were still in my tummy that you were going to be a great artist..I hope my dream comes true. *kisses his cheek*"
He gained the traits: Artistic and Loner
Okay guys I hope you enjoyed that update! Sorry it took me so long.I kind of got carried away with playing and didn't feel like stopping to update.
And on a final note the tournament challenges are starting, so the Dynasty will be put on the back burner for a little while but whenever I need a change of pace I will be back again!
Welcome Vincent! ;D
Congrats on the nooboo, kattiq! We will see you around the challenges.
Thanks Esther and Lilygirl!
I have a question at what age do you feel your immortal's Ambrosia? I don't want to wait too long but I don't want to feed it to them everyday.
Thanks Esther and Lilygirl!
I have a question at what age do you feel your immortal's Ambrosia? I don't want to wait too long but I don't want to feed it to them everyday.
Penny isn't Immortal yet, but as soon as she is, I'm going to give it her the day she earns it, then I will probably keep an eye on her age and feed it to her right before it gets full!
I am really enjoying this dynasty.
Penny isn't Immortal yet, but as soon as she is, I'm going to give it her the day she earns it, then I will probably keep an eye on her age and feed it to her right before it gets full!
Okay so they won't die anytime before the bar is full then?
If so, when I get more immortals I will reset their ages at the same time so I can keep track of them all easier.
I am really enjoying this dynasty.
Thanks Rachel!
I give my immortals ambrosia every week once the divine meal moodlet wears off it is back to the kitchen for another batch. I could wait a little longer but this way I can keep up with everyone.
Yeah I'll get more into a routine once I have more immortals I guess. I get so excited every time they eat Ambrosia for some reason. I have never even made it before I started this Dynasty.
I or should I say my Sim cooked it for the first time in my dynasty too. I was so excited the first time I had an immortal.
Okay so they won't die anytime before the bar is full then?
If so, when I get more immortals I will reset their ages at the same time so I can keep track of them all easier.
Thanks Rachel!
No they will only die once the bar is full. Keep it from becoming full and they will never die! Well, from old age anyways but that's what the deathflower is for! ;D ;D
Ha, I realized after I asked that question it sounded really stupid.. Duh they won't die until their bar is full..:P I wonder how old Nick Alto is in my story. He outlived his wife and daughter.
No way to know unless you could add him to the family, but in the pic, he still looks like an adult. That's hilarious but it's also a perk for becoming a vampire! Outlive your wife, daughter probably even grandkids hehe.
No way to know unless you could add him to the family, but in the pic, he still looks like an adult. That's hilarious but it's also a perk for becoming a vampire! Outlive your wife, daughter probably even grandkids hehe.
Well his wife was a vampire too! Him and Nancy Landgraab are still alive but their spouses died (Geoffery was a vamp too). I'm really tempted to add him to the family just to see and then put him back into his own house. But i don't know if that would ruin Dynasty rules.
So today as I was playing I forgot to feed Ray the Kissing Gournami and he died :(
Thankfully, Alexander had always wanted an aquatic frog.
Meet Phil. He loves his new home --- as you can tell by the big grin on his face :)
Vincent is also enjoying his new home. Getting lots of play and snuggle time from the favorite men in his life.
Isn't he such a hott dad? I hope Vincent turns out tall, dark, and handsome like Elias :)
Grandpa loved Vincent so much. He helped him fill the void in his heart after Holly died.
(I miss Holly :( )
Here's an update of the Lancaster's house! I expanded it and changed around the decor inside :)
Kitchen/ Foyer/ Dining Room
Living Room
Guest Bathroom/ Master Bathroom
Julia's & Elias' Bedroom
Alexander's Bedroom
Vincent's Room
Then between Alexander's and Vincent's room there is a Jack'n Jill Bathroom that connects both rooms for easy access if Vincent needs any cuddling during the midnight hours. (I didn't really see any point in taking ANOTHER picture of a bathroom)
Developing Skill Room
Utilities/ Garage
The Pitiful Garden
Nice job on the renovations!
Vampires are off-limits for an official dynasty, so adding Nick Alto to your household would be highly not recommended.
Nice job on the renovations!
Vampires are off-limits for an official dynasty, so adding Nick Alto to your household would be highly not recommended.
Yeah I thought as much..I'm guessing he's probably way over 100 years old :P
Why do you say pitiful garden?? You have quite a few money trees and we all know those are awesome not pitiful!! Yea vamps are forbidden, I'm sorry for bringing it up!
Why do you say pitiful garden?? You have quite a few money trees and we all know those are awesome not pitiful!! Yea vamps are forbidden, I'm sorry for bringing it up!
Well I want more money trees and I need a gardener with the green thumb trait to revive the death flower plants. But that will have to wait till the 4th generation!
And it's not your fault I remembered reading that vampires were forbidden. I just wondered if I didn't actually play him and just looked at his stats then kicked him out if that would still be legit. But for now I will just guess his age :P I know he was 15 days from becoming an Elder when Alex married Holly (found that out from sims wikia). Holly lived to be 94. Someone else can figure out the math..I am no good at math xD
Your garden is not pitiful at all! Look at all the money trees! I deleted mine because I didn't want everyone to play with the sprinklers. Now I only have 10 life fruits and 10 deathfish left in the fridge, and 10 stored in the replicator. The gardening immortal will only come in generation 5 so I hope there's enough to last till then.
Your garden is not pitiful at all! Look at all the money trees! I deleted mine because I didn't want everyone to play with the sprinklers. Now I only have 10 life fruits and 10 deathfish left in the fridge, and 10 stored in the replicator. The gardening immortal will only come in generation 5 so I hope there's enough to last till then.
Yeah I hated it when they'd play in the sprinklers! But right now everyone is super busy so there's no time for play :) I hope the life fruit and deathfish last for you too!
If you put a fence around your garden and lock the gate to everyone except your gardening Sim, then no one can play in the sprinklers.
If you put a fence around your garden and lock the gate to everyone except your gardening Sim, then no one can play in the sprinklers.
What if your gardener plays in the sprinklers ;)
I always forget about the gate though.
What if your gardener plays in the sprinklers Wink
I always forget about the gate though.
I lock up all the skills rooms so that they will not skill up when I am not looking, but sometimes when I have to unlock it for the sculptor/painter to sculpt/paint a family member I always forget to lock it again when it is done. I only have 3 pathetic plants in the garden and once they die I am going to wait for the gardener to be born before planting again. The current members take turns to harvest the plants because my founder is already at level 8 gardening and I don't want him to max it.
I lock up all the skills rooms so that they will not skill up when I am not looking, but sometimes when I have to unlock it for the sculptor/painter to sculpt/paint a family member I always forget to lock it again when it is done. I only have 3 pathetic plants in the garden and once they die I am going to wait for the gardener to be born before planting again. The current members take turns to harvest the plants because my founder is already at level 8 gardening and I don't want him to max it.
So you can have another Immortal super max gardener even though your Founder already has the skill? I never understood the rules about super max skill ( read the whole thread too!). I thought if one of your other immortals has the skill (whether or not you intentionally let them get it) another immortal cannot use it as their super max skill.
For Example: One Immortal decides to paint even though their super max is fishing. They get to level one before you notice and so the sim you wanted to super max the paint skill for can't super max it now. Am I completely wrong?
So you can have another Immortal super max gardener even though your Founder already has the skill? I never understood the rules about super max skill ( read the whole thread too!). I thought if one of your other immortals has the skill (whether or not you intentionally let them get it) another immortal cannot use it as their super max skill.
For Example: One Immortal decides to paint even though their super max is fishing. They get to level one before you notice and so the sim you wanted to super max the paint skill for can't super max it now. Am I completely wrong?
I thought that the future immortal can only not supermax a skill that the previous immortals had maxed. Oh no, all my immortal have one point in handiness because they went to fix a broken appliance without me knowing ): This means that I have to touch the music skills that I previously didn't want to because my founder has three skills ):
I thought that the future immortal can only not supermax a skill that the previous immortals had maxed. Oh no, all my immortal have one point in handiness because they went to fix a broken appliance without me knowing ): This means that I have to touch the music skills that I previously didn't want to because my founder has three skills ):
Well I hope you're right. I guess I need to go back and read the rules again.
EDIT: You're right RJ. Phew! Because Julia had some painting skill and I wanted little Vincent to super max painting! Now he can :)
So, I took a little break from the Challenges to play the Dynasty again.
Which by the way is really fun! It's my first time to participate in the challenge so I hope I get a relatively good score when I'm done..tehehe
Anyways, back to the Lancasters :)
Julia is almost done with super maxing the cooking skill journal. (It was surprisingly very easy)
Julia: " Mmmmm..This mac 'n cheese is probably the best I've made yet! Now on to some dim sum..yumm"
Elias and Alexander are showing signs of a potential friendship because they always talk to each other when they aren't assigned anything.
Elias: " And then the other day I was eating some milk and noodles and one came out my nose!"
Alexander:" Hahaha! That has happened to me before. Have you ever squirted milk out your eye before?"
Elias: " Nope, that sounds kind of painful."
Alexander: " Come on you pansy! I'll go show you how to do it!"
Right before Alexander was about to show Elias his little eye trick he got a phone call from his old friend Thornton Wolff who invited him to a swimming party that night!
Alexander: " Alright man, I will be there! And no I won't wear my speedo, I promise."
Later that night, Alexander went to the party and brought his favorite grandson along for the ride.
Alexander better watch out though Hank Goddard the vampire has his eye on little Vincent.
Alexander: " I must say for 89 your lookin' pretty spiffy in those swim shorts Thornton.."
Thornton: " Why thank ya, I've been working out a lot since Morgana died, it helps me cope."
Alexander: " I know how it feels. On the other hand looks like Hank didn't get the memo about no speedos."
The next day Vincent grew up into a toddler!
He inherited his grandfather's hair color and his daddy's skin. Maybe when he grows up a little more he'll inherit some of Julia's good looks too :)
I love reading the dynasty, especially when the children come out there is always something new and fantastic about them. I wish I had the patients to do it but thank goodness for you and the others who do it for me so I can have the pleasure of reading.
Cool! Vincent is a cute toddler!
Perhaps Hank thought muscular, vampire policemen were exempt from the 'no speedo' rule. ;)
Vincent is a very cute toddler. What is his supermax skill going to be.
I love reading the dynasty, especially when the children come out there is always something new and fantastic about them. I wish I had the patients to do it but thank goodness for you and the others who do it for me so I can have the pleasure of reading.
I know right? And thank you! I'm glad you enjoy reading it :)Cool! Vincent is a cute toddler!
I know! I think he's the cutest one yet!
Perhaps Hank thought muscular, vampire policemen were exempt from the 'no speedo' rule. ;)
Perhaps..I think he was just showing off how much better he looks compared to all the old men..haha
Vincent is a very cute toddler. What is his supermax skill going to be.
The hint is in his name ;)
Well, you said he was named after Van Gogh so I would guess Painting? ;D
Well, you said he was named after Van Gogh so I would guess Painting? ;D
Ding ding ding! And Esther wins a nice pat on the back!
*Pats on Esther's back*
Yay! Thank you so much, I needed that pat! ;D
Yay! Thank you so much, I needed that pat! ;D
Good thing you won! :P
Yes it was! ;D
So, just a heads up I have been out of town for the past few days 'tis why I haven't updated at all this weekend. I had also ordered High End Loft last week and I just got it in today! The bad news is it wouldn't install because I have to reinstall everything in the "correct" order to release date so I can actually get HEL's items. :( Essentially it has put me back a few playing hours I was hoping to get in tonight when I got home. But I promise I will be back up to speed with the Lancasters soon! Thankfully, we will be snowed in tomorrow in Alabama so classes are canceled and I get to play! :D
So, just a heads up I have been out of town for the past few days 'tis why I haven't updated at all this weekend. I had also ordered High End Loft last week and I just got it in today! The bad news is it wouldn't install because I have to reinstall everything in the "correct" order to release date so I can actually get HEL's items. :( Essentially it has put me back a few playing hours I was hoping to get in tonight when I got home. But I promise I will be back up to speed with the Lancasters soon! Thankfully, we will be snowed in tomorrow in Alabama so classes are canceled and I get to play! :D
I"m so sorry to hear that. Good thing you're classes are canceled! ;D
I"m so sorry to hear that. Good thing you're classes are canceled! ;D
I am SO excited! But I have ran into technical difficulties with High End. It does not want to pop up the installer! I thought maybe installing in order by release date would work. :(
I am SO excited! But I have ran into technical difficulties with High End. It does not want to pop up the installer! I thought maybe installing in order by release date would work. :(
Oh no I'm really sorry! :(
Yeah I am definitely not a happy camper. I really wanted it all to work out perfectly so I could get a move on with the challenge I'm in the midst of and this dynasty! Oh well, I hope High End Loft is worth the frustration :P
Whew! So I finally got everything installed correctly (thanks to lilygirl) and I got right back on track with the family!
So without further a do..
Julia has one more challenge to complete in her skill journal and then she will have super maxed cooking! Daddy Elias has been teaching little Vincent how to potty and walk. Vincent is slowly forming words and learning to talk but he's not quite there yet!
After some time of working, Alexander finally decided to retire! He was a full blown fisherman and gardener now and needed all the time he could get!
Everyone in the household gathered around Alexander congratulating him on his retirement and his whopping pension of 400 a day!
Vincent even transformed a little early just so he could have hands big enough to throw some confetti. I personally think Alexander was sort of creeped out at his grandson's recent growth spurt.
Vincent: " goo goo gaa gaa retirement grann parrrr! yayyy"
(I honestly have NO idea how this happened because as soon as he quit cheering he shrunk back down to a toddler again and he's been fine ever since.)
The next day Elias decided to go take a trip in Egypt. He had heard of the mysterious stone called Tiberium and wanted to go find some himself! He knew that he could not get enough money for his family just by painting so he went on a search to find valuable treasure as well.
One night, exhausted from all his running around in the sand Elias found a little campsite.
Elias: " Mamma mia! I adoré ze tomáto! Muah! I shall r-loast it on za fiya! Nom nom.."
The next morning he was searching around an abandon lagoon and low and behold he found an ancient Egyptian ship!
Elias: " Hrmm, I wonder if dere is any gemz in de ship?"
Elias searched all throughout the ship and found his beloved Tiberium! He stayed one more day in Egypt collecting some more gems and things then returned home that night.
As you can probably tell I used Elias to experiment with growing Tiberium and doing transfiguration because until now I had never done it! The second day of having the Tiberium out it grew into 35,100 simoleons! I found two of them so I am working on the second one now. It never fails that I always learn something new while playing this Dynasty (and of course reading the guide and experimenting on spouses when I get bored :P)
Glad you got it working Kattiq! Vincent looks umm a little odd lol. Those Tiberium's are awesome aren't they? ;) ;D Great update!
Glad you got it working Kattiq! Vincent looks umm a little odd lol. Those Tiberium's are awesome aren't they? ;) ;D Great update!
Me too! I know I just so happen to look to see what little Vincent was doing and he looked like this! I was afraid he was going to stay like that.
Yeah Tiberium's are awesome! I just need to find more. Do they still grow more and more the longer you keep them out? Like do they get above 35k?
Me too! I know I just so happen to look to see what little Vincent was doing and he looked like this! I was afraid he was going to stay like that.
Yeah Tiberium's are awesome! I just need to find more. Do they still grow more and more the longer you keep them out? Like do they get above 35k?
Large Spire is as big as they get but I have had a few over $42,000!!
EDIT: Penny had a couple and I took a pic of it for you but I didn't want to put it here, so I'll add it to my Dynasty!
Large Spire is as big as they get but I have had a few over $42,000!!
Good to know! Now I just need to find some more ;)
Wonderful update! I'm not sure why EA thinks toddlers need to throw confetti during a retirement party, but hey there it is.
Good luck finding more tiberium.
Just glad I could help out with your HEL stuff.
Wonderful update! I'm not sure why EA thinks toddlers need to throw confetti during a retirement party, but hey there it is.
Good luck finding more tiberium.
Just glad I could help out with your HEL stuff.
Thanks! Yeah im sure it's just another one of those entertaining bugs EA has put last on their list to fix :P
The HEL stuff is awesome by the way. My favorite item so far is the aquarium :)
Lately, I've been switching back and forth between my dynasty and challenge because I can't do too much of either or else I get bored! Anyways here's an update!
Julia has finished supermaxing her cooking skill, she's pretty much eligible to eat ambrosia except she needs a few best friends, some portraits and age up to adult and Elder! I wished we could give them Ambrosia whenever they are ready no matter what age they are. xD
So speaking of finding some friends.. Julia decided to go out and talk to some people (plus her social bar was wayy low)
Later on during the conversation Julia was so hungery she ate some garlic. Needless to say her breath did not smell the best and scared her new friend away.. So she decided to brush her teefies.
(can't you see the green aura around her face? yuck!)
Suddenly a wish popped up for Julia. She wanted a Butler!
She begged Elias to get her one because the maid was just not cutting it.
Elias: " Alright amore, ya know how ze butlers are ze are not reliable!"
Julia: " You don't know if ALL of them are like that. PLeeeeeeaaaseee I want one!"
Ended up Julia won the battle and she promptly called up the butler service.
Meet Travis Bartes, he worked well the first day. (see below for more details)
Here's his bedroom. Yes, I know it's pretty dinky but he's just a butler right?
Elias decided he at least needed to lay out some ground rules for Travis
Elias: " Hokayz SO, Non flirting with my wife, Non leaving your trash around ze maison, non leaving before your job is done, ect ect"
Travis: " You got it sir! I won't sleep till everything is done!"
That night, it was time for little Vincent's birthday!
And here he is as a kid. Gosh, I'd have to say he's one of the cutest ones I've ever had!! Just look at that face!
He gained the trait over-emotional (he also has loner, artistic).
As soon as Vincent aged up his first wish was to paint. So here he is painting!
Now it's time for Julia to go on the hunt for Vincent's future spouse! Woo!
Speaking of Spouses.. Holly Lancaster made her first ghostly appearance. Alexander was SO excited to see his wife again! (but for some reason the relationship bar says Holly's is his fiancee??)
Okay so back to the butler, I'm not sure if it's a glitch but he won't sleep all night! He will get in bed for a hour and then he wakes up walks around and then goes back to bed for another hour. Or he naps all the time. And he also just leaves trash everywhere.. It's rather annoying!
Oh and the second Tiberium finally grew and it was 36k instead of 35k like the last one!!!
My butler keeps cooking! The next time I hire one I will put walls around the stove and give only Pie access. Aww Vincent's so cute! You should have used that expression for the portrait :) I wish we could make them immortal when they are adult but *sigh*.
My butler keeps cooking! The next time I hire one I will put walls around the stove and give only Pie access. Aww Vincent's so cute! You should have used that expression for the portrait :) I wish we could make them immortal when they are adult but *sigh*.
Yeah I should have used it for the portrait. Oh well when I get Elias to do it I'll wait and see if he does the expression again!
I mean I guess it makes sense to wait till they are an Elder just for the challenge of making sure we keep up with how many days old they are. Which by the way Alexander is 163 days old!!
Vincent is a cutie!
YAY for tiberium! I don't have any yet.
Yeah I should have used it for the portrait. Oh well when I get Elias to do it I'll wait and see if he does the expression again!
I mean I guess it makes sense to wait till they are an Elder just for the challenge of making sure we keep up with how many days old they are. Which by the way Alexander is 163 days old!!
I always get annoying portrait shots with thought bubbles lol. My Strudel has lived for around 90 years from the start of the game which means he's around 110 years old. Vincent is your 4th gen right? (or 5th? *has bad memory*) My 4th gen just turned into a kid too but Strudel is so much younger than Alexander!
I always get annoying portrait shots with thought bubbles lol. My Strudel has lived for around 90 years from the start of the game which means he's around 110 years old. Vincent is your 4th gen right? (or 5th? *has bad memory*) My 4th gen just turned into a kid too but Strudel is so much younger than Alexander!
I always get the weird textured portraits!!
Nope, Vincent is actually the 3rd generation! I'm a rather slow player because I've got classes and work all the time. Plus, I'm doing the garden challenge too!
I always get the weird textured portraits!!
Nope, Vincent is actually the 3rd generation! I'm a rather slow player because I've got classes and work all the time. Plus, I'm doing the garden challenge too!
My classes started yesterday but I only have lessons on 3 (long) days. I managed to finish the gardening challenge in 3 days although I didn't get a good score. I work on Saturday and just rejected a tuition job so I am not that busy yet. Strudel is so young because Strudel, Pie and Cookie all got married on the first day they turned YA. I can't play the dynasty for too long at a time because I don't like to control such a large family. I like it when they go on holidays though. :) My portraits always turn out weird. Some are so bad that I can't even tell that it is a portrait. Nowadays when I have to paint one I always do it in the day in a room with large windows.
Vincent is adorable!
My classes started yesterday but I only have lessons on 3 (long) days. I managed to finish the gardening challenge in 3 days although I didn't get a good score. I work on Saturday and just rejected a tuition job so I am not that busy yet. Strudel is so young because Strudel, Pie and Cookie all got married on the first day they turned YA. I can't play the dynasty for too long at a time because I don't like to control such a large family. I like it when they go on holidays though. :) My portraits always turn out weird. Some are so bad that I can't even tell that it is a portrait. Nowadays when I have to paint one I always do it in the day in a room with large windows.
I'm not sure what "3 long days" mean...haha but I have classes from the morning till about 1 or 2 in the afternoon then I normally work afterward and don't get home till 6 or 7. With the gardening challenge I just get bored with the same thing everyday all day so I have to take a break! I'm hoping when my family gets bigger in the dynasty that it won't slow my game down too much. :\
I always try to find my sim a spouse while they are in high school but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. For Holly, she didn't meet Elias until I fired their first maid and hired a new one and all the boys in her high school were dumb and had horrible traits.(or they were really ugly, I'm a real stickler on my Dynasty's gene pool :D)
Also, when you are painting a portrait stick a light right above the spot the other sim goes when they are going for a portrait. Because unless you move the easel every sim will go to that exact spot. It always helps my portraits look like a portrait :P
Vincent is adorable!
I KNOW! Now I just need to find him an equally adorable wifey ;)
Very true! I don't really care about looks. In real life looks doesn't matter to me so why should they in the sims? Although maybe I'm wishy washy on that cause if they are heavy, I always use the body sculptor on them. Makes no sense I know!
Very true! I don't really care about looks. In real life looks doesn't matter to me so why should they in the sims? Although maybe I'm wishy washy on that cause if they are heavy, I always use the body sculptor on them. Makes no sense I know!
Yeah I'll have to agree on them not really matter in real life because of course personality is what its all about. But I think it's fun to have pretty sims because after all you can make two sims have the "same" personality but not the same looks. I mainly just try to stay away from the wide nosed and big eared sims. :D
Yea that's true. Although I made two UGLY sims and tried to see how long before the kids were pretty. I lost interest after awhile but I know generation 4 was still ugly lol.
Yea that's true. Although I made two UGLY sims and tried to see how long before the kids were pretty. I lost interest after awhile but I know generation 4 was still ugly lol.
Yeah, there's these certain sims that have these flat and wide noses --- for example: Monika Morris, I had her in one of my earlier legacies and ALL her children had her ugly nose, it actually got worse as the generations went on. I finally quit it because I was tired of the nose and I wanted to start a Dynasty xD
I think that sometimes it is hard to know the sims exact looks until you put them in front of a mirror. I thought Jamie was pretty but I had a shock when I placed her in front of a mirror! But I really dislike large sims. I would use the body sculptor but they keep returning to their previous state!
my long days are like 8-4 or 10-6 but it takes more than an hour to get home so I always fall asleep on the bus.
I think that sometimes it is hard to know the sims exact looks until you put them in front of a mirror. I thought Jamie was pretty but I had a shock when I placed her in front of a mirror! But I really dislike large sims. I would use the body sculptor but they keep returning to their previous state!
my long days are like 8-4 or 10-6 but it takes more than an hour to get home so I always fall asleep on the bus.
Well I had Jamie for a spouse and she made super cute nooboos! That's what happened with Monika Morris I looked at her in CAS and she was busted. Haha
Oh and I get you now! Wow those are pretty long days. Sounds like my schedule though. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way I would go crazy if I wasn't busy at least most of the time :P
Okay, I'm sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. Truth be told I'm in a Sim slump.. I've been working on the challenge (which I think I'm going to lose badly because I made some vital errors, should have practiced first!) Secondly, every time I play the Lancaster's I get really bored. Maybe cause there's nothing really to do at the moment aside from raising skills and getting money. Oh well, this could all contribute to the fact I'm completely exhausted between being sick, work a lot and school just starting. But I have slowly been trying to trudge though it and just get past the skill raising. I really want Vincent to grow up quick so I'll have something else to do! Or think up some sort of scandal that can happen to spice things up a bit :D
But since most of you are reading this because you thought it was an update. I shall appease you all and provide you with some random events that have happened along side the skill building. :)
Alexander and Julia were invited to the estate of Nancy Langraab (who is seemingly STILL alive just like Nick Alto) for a formal party.
Julia knowing that the Landgraabs were loaded with dough decided to preform some of her kleptomanic powers
Sadly, she was a little rusty and someone caught her in the act.
Julia: " Ooo I'm definitely going to steal this computer!"
Betty: " Whatchu sayy?!"
Julia: " Oh, uhh.. I said I'm definitely going to get the veal off this computer! I mean the nerve of someone to be so messy and drop their food on this fine computer!"
Oh Julia..will she ever learn?
Fredrick the orange hat gnome is having bundles of fun out in the garden.
Fredrick: " Whaddupp homeslices?!"
Alexander was out in the garden one day picking life fruit when all of a sudden sparkles appeared all over his body. (I'm not sure if it's from the recent exposure to Ambrosia or what!)
Annnd lastly, Elias decided to work on his transfiguration with the display case.
He admits that he was a little scared at first of all the lightening surrounding the box, but forgot all about it once a soulpeace popped out :)
The END..for now :)
Cool. What in the world was the sparklies around Alexander?? Normally that only happens on birthdays, immediately after eating Ambrosia or when Grim comes! That was scarier than the lightning shooting out of the transfiguration case!
Cool. What in the world was the sparklies around Alexander?? Normally that only happens on birthdays, immediately after eating Ambrosia or when Grim comes! That was scarier than the lightning shooting out of the transfiguration case!
Yeah I have NO idea what they were for! I mean he did just eat Ambrosia a few hours before he began to garden. But still, maybe it was the life fruit? If the Grim came for Alexander I'd fight him off with a stick! :D
Here, I give you big stick, kattiq! And I will bring my own to help!
Hope you start feeling better and get into a routine.
Here, I give you big stick, kattiq! And I will bring my own to help!
Hope you start feeling better and get into a routine.
Thanks! I hope so too. Now I'm off to play some more Dynasty!
Scary, I will also lend a stick to beat him up with! ;D Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the backup girls! :D Looks like Grim has a force of three people with really big sticks. He better watch out if he even tries to go for Alexander now!
I'ma behind the Lancasters as well! Me and Cemre Jade with his newly found Pangu's Axe! ;D
I'ma behind the Lancasters as well! Me and Cemre Jade with his newly found Pangu's Axe! ;D
Awesome! Pangu's Axe definitely trumps our sticks. *sends Alexander off to find another pangu's axe*
Instead of sending Alexander off to discover the long lost Pangu Axe that can supposedly defeat all paparazzi, he decided to spend some quality time with his fish.
Meet Kadydid the crawfish, Jello the jellyfish, and Snoozy the snail.
The following day, Alexander decided to pay a visit to Nancy Landgraab. He was feeling rather lonely and seeing as Nancy and him are old friends from way back..He didn't see any harm in hanging out a bit with her.
Soon things escalated and they snuck into a room to hold hands. They were having so much fun until Geoffrey came in and started laughing at them. Yes, I said laughing! He was actually cheering them on. (Sorry it's a horrible picture but it was the only way I could get Geoffrey's face in it too!)
Geoffery: "Woo I love watching a good love scene! You are such a great actor babe!"
(I think he's gone senile in his old age.. Poor Geoffrey..)
Eventually Alexander and Nancy decided to meet up at the beach to begin where they left off before Geoffrey interrupted them.
During there time there Alexander noticed that Nancy started to emit sparks and developed a dark, smokey hue around her body.
Alexander: " Nancy, are you okay!??! You look like your burning up!"
Nancy: " Oh my goodness, I totally forgot I'm not supposed to be out in the sun. And at a beach of all places!"
Alexander finally put the pieces together about Nancy. She was definitely not an immortal like him, but yet has lived just as long (or even longer) than he has. She burns up in the sunlight and her skin is a nasty pale color. There was only one thing she could be..SHE WAS A VAMPIRE! :o
Alexander knowing that he could not let things get any further than friends because she was no longer human, ended the affair.
He felt terrible for betraying Holly like that, and vowed that he will never let his feelings slip like that again.
Later that night, Holly did come for a visit and Alexander told her all that happened between him and Nancy. Holly (being the sweet spouse she is) forgave him and told him that all she wanted was for him to be happy again. Alexander simply grinned and told her that as long as she visits ever so often he'll shall be happy all the time.
After the dramatic ending of the previous day, it was finally it was time for Vincent's birthday!
Then all of a sudden one of the party guests decided to die! Great timing Brandy..
And I think Vincent peed his pants because he got stinky all of a sudden. Poor kid isn't used to crowds, much less a ghost.
Now, if that wasn't enough surprise already. Brenda Woodward (who wasn't even invited to the party) went into labor!
Everyone at the part was in total shock of the two events that had just occurred.
Now don't everyone freak out all at once!
(this picture cracks me up!)
In the end Elias took Brenda to the hospital, and she had a bouncing baby boy! Elias also got the Baby Boy! moodlet for 24 hours :D
Here's Vincent after all the party aftermath
Poor kid got all the limelight taken away from him.. Not that he really cared since he IS a loner.
He also gained the trait Adventurous.
I hoped you guys enjoyed that update! It was quite eventful if you ask me ;)
Oh, and I changed the size of the font so maybe the texts won't get swallowed up by the big pictures. If there's anything that would make it easier for you guys to read let me know!
And thank you to all of you guys who read this faithfully. It keeps me encouraged to go even deeper into this Dynasty. :)
Now that is an epic birthday party!
I just read your whole story and I love it. Keep up the good work.
I had also read earlier some confusion about skill gaining in the Immortal Dynasty, so I hope you guys still need the answer. Obviously you all know each immortal has to choose one skill that the other immortals cannot have. If gen 1 has maxed gardening then no other immortal can have that skill level hit 10. So as long as it does not hit level 10 your safe.
Love the story keep it up. :)
Wow Kattiq! That's an awesome party lol. Makes me want to have more parties instead of letting them age up on their own (not lol)!
That was definitely an epic birthday party. I am loving your Dynasty keep it up.
Thanks lilygirl, bde, Esther, and ratchie! It definitely was epic. I was completely floored when Brenda also decided to have a baby at the same time. And here I was in my post before last complaining about how the Lancasters were boring :P I guess they heard me and decided to send me a nice surprise. :D
I had also read earlier some confusion about skill gaining in the Immortal Dynasty, so I hope you guys still need the answer. Obviously you all know each immortal has to choose one skill that the other immortals cannot have. If gen 1 has maxed gardening then no other immortal can have that skill level hit 10. So as long as it does not hit level 10 your safe.
Thanks for the clarification bde! I figured that was the exact rule, but now I really know!
I've learned never ever say something like that! They DO hear you and will do whatever you were wishing for, then you wish you didn't wish for it! ;D Hopefully you followed that!
I like your story, lots of smiles and laughs, and some super funny captures! *high five*
The thing I don't like most about buttlers is they drink NON-STOP from the bar, they slam them one after another, a plate of drinks won't last an hour in a house with a buttler, between that and the CONSTANT 3 meals a day, I fired her as soon as the twins were kids in that house ;)
I've learned never ever say something like that! They DO hear you and will do whatever you were wishing for, then you wish you didn't wish for it! ;D Hopefully you followed that!
Well good thing at least this time I welcomed the surprise. It did make for a good update! And here I was complaining in the post before last about how boring the Lancasters had gotten. :P
I like your story, lots of smiles and laughs, and some super funny captures! *high five*
The thing I don't like most about buttlers is they drink NON-STOP from the bar, they slam them one after another, a plate of drinks won't last an hour in a house with a buttler, between that and the CONSTANT 3 meals a day, I fired her as soon as the twins were kids in that house ;)
Thanks Juxtaposition! I got tired of the butlers not sleeping because someone in the family would come home hungry and he'd wake up and make food (even though Julia still had the fridge stocked with food from her cooking escapade). And then also they wouldn't do laundry or clean up parts of the house, so I ended up getting rid of him. Good thing Elias used to be a maid because now I just set him to work each morning :P
Kattiq - Just got caught up with your story and love it! You have great humor and manage to make even what you think are boring skill building moments fun to read!
Kattiq - Just got caught up with your story and love it! You have great humor and manage to make even what you think are boring skill building moments fun to read!
Aw thank you ADHC! I try my best to make things interesting because I know most of you guys are reading several other dynasty stories that revolve around the same mission! I'm really glad you love it :)
Now that's what I call a party! As always a great update and not boring at all.
Now that's what I call a party! As always a great update and not boring at all.
Thanks Isys! It was definitely a party to remember :)
Strangely my butler cleanned and slept fine, though I had to move her out of the nursery cause she was starting to hate the twins for waking her up. Butlers will do the rest of the laundry, if you shove it in the washing machine, or at least mine would.
I keep going back to look at your party freak out picture, that is sooo funny!
Strangely my butler cleanned and slept fine, though I had to move her out of the nursery cause she was starting to hate the twins for waking her up. Butlers will do the rest of the laundry, if you shove it in the washing machine, or at least mine would. I keep going back to look at your party freak out picture, that is sooo funny!
Yeah, I'm not sure if maybe mine is just bugged or crazy. And I'd prefer that they pull the laundry out of the baskets, they would move it to the dryer but that's just not enough!
I know I loved the freakout picture, I had never seen everyone do the "Omg she's having a baby!!" dance all at once before :P
The party aftermath kept poor Vincent up all night long, he didn't hop into bed until 6 am! Needless to say he missed his first day of High School.
Alexander was just itching to get outside and do something besides garden and fishing. Thankfully the consignment shop just got in a miner!
He hasn't gotten much out of it yet but he's hoping for a big break soon.
Then one day he found an underground system of cave connections. So he decided to pick up the miner and put it in his pocket for later.
(Just in case you were wondering Alex found out he was a distant relative of the Hulk, so he has supersimman strength ;) )
After several hours of exploring, he saw an officious looking white rabbit running down a tunnel, but he decided to leave that business to some other sucker.
Continuing down the tunnel he realized that he had reached rock bottom and decided to return to the surface.
He's hoping the next time he goes down he'll find something exciting :)
That night, Elias and Vincent were working on some homework together.
Elias: " Okay, now just square 500,343,000 by 10 and then you have your answer"
Vincent: " So, like this?"
Elias: " No, not quite you forgot one number."
Vincent: "Ugh I'm not made for math! I want to be a visionary dad."
Elias: " Speaking of numbers..Have you gotten any lady's numbers yet? I know when I was your age I had my rolodex full of numbers!"
(Yes, Elias did finally loose his French accent.)
Vincent began to tell his father about the party his mom had surprised him with.
Julia had it set in her mind that as soon as her boy was able to date she was on the look out. She had meet several girls in the last art class she had taught at the school, so she decided to invite them over for a little meet and greet. Vincent wasn't too thrilled but he didn't want to hurt his moms feelings so he just went along with her antics.
She found 4 girls that she thought could interest Vincent.
Adrian Childs Gail Brody Miss piggy Kari Corona Khalilah Grove
After meeting all the girls, he definitely found the one he wanted to get to know..She was sweet and didn't mind the fact that Vincent was a loner.
Which one do you guys think he chose out of these beautiful ladies?
Ooo Gail, I pick Gail! Unless she's an NPC of course.
I don't know which one??
- brain says It's a tie between the first two.
Ooo Gail, I pick Gail! Unless she's an NPC of course.
I wanted him to pick Gail too. But sadly she is a NPC :( The aging thing worked fine with Elias (he was a maid)but I don't feel like taking another chance.
I don't know which one??
Vincent says thanks for nothing :P brain says It's a tie between the first two.
Hmm... Maybe.. Maybe not ;)
Hmm... Maybe.. Maybe not ;)
Do I get a cookie if I am right? I want a cookie...a golden one. :D
Do I get a cookie if I am right? I want a cookie...a golden one. :D
Sure thing bde! If you are actually right of course ;)
I wanted him to pick Gail too. But sadly she is a NPC :( The aging thing worked fine with Elias (he was a maid)but I don't feel like taking another chance.
Vincent says thanks for nothing :P
Hmm... Maybe.. Maybe not ;)
Tell him he is very welcome! Anytime I can help, call on me! Lol. :)
Sure thing bde! If you are actually right of course ;)
Tell him he is very welcome! Anytime I can help, call on me! Lol. :)
Tell him he is very welcome! Anytime I can help, call on me! Lol. :)
He's just beside himself that you wanted to even help him out! He really wished Patty was old enough so he could maybe marry her.
OMG I hope I am not too late for the vote! I would pick Gail based on that come hither look but the first girl (her name escapes me) looks like she likes to have a good time she's livin' lavida loca!
Gail is the prettiest, but I usually pick for traits since there's nothing a body sculptor and makeup cannot change. :) Most of my spouses turn out to be NPCs and the aging thingy doesn't bother me much.
OMG I hope I am not too late for the vote! I would pick Gail based on that come hither look but the first girl (her name escapes me) looks like she likes to have a good time she's livin' lavida loca!
Haha you crack me up Isys! And no you weren't too late to vote! Yeah I thought Gail was the prettiest, but she's already an adult now :(
Gail is the prettiest, but I usually pick for traits since there's nothing a body sculptor and makeup cannot change. :) Most of my spouses turn out to be NPCs and the aging thingy doesn't bother me much.
Yeah same here! I could make any of these sims look good with just a little TLC. :) And the aging bug randomly affects me. Holly aged up a level when Alex married her even though she had just turned young adult the day they got engaged (she wasn't an NPC though).
He's just beside himself that you wanted to even help him out! He really wished Patty was old enough so he could maybe marry her.
Unfortunately she just turned teen so she still has about 13 days til she will even be looking!
They are all teens?! I am so confused...
Unfortunately she just turned teen so she still has about 13 days til she will even be looking!
Well start her early! Vincent has 2 more days till young adulthood :P
They are all teens?! I am so confused...
Yep. Aside from Adrian and Gail all the rest are teens. I like to start at teen cause I can gage their ages better :)
*Sneaks in behind the last person in line*
I vote for ... Miss Piggy!
Because she's not afraid to be herself
Alright guys! the votes are in..
The winner is.....
to be found out in the next update!
I'll have it done by this afternoon once classes are over. But for now I must take off to those classes! :)
Oh you tease! Come on lavida loca (fingers crossed).
Believe me I didn't want to tease (well okay I admit I did a little bit ;) ) I was just up too late playing and didnt have time to update :(
Who won? Come on, you can tell me!! ;D ;D
Who won? Come on, you can tell me!! ;D ;D
I will I will! Hold your horses :)
Alright guys, it's now the time you've all been waiting for. The big reveal of who shall be Spouse #3!
But first I must tell you that she is not who you expected. But through some thorough examination and some TLC I present to you..
Khalilah Grover!!!!!
Now before you go judging and picking fights because you're vote wasn't picked. I just want to tell you that I told Vincent what you guys said and he didn't listen. Overall, once I saw Khalilah's traits I decided that she indeed surpassed all the other girls! (Athletic, Hopeless Romantic, Angler, Computer Whiz, and Snob)
So just in case you needed more convincing that she was the best pick..Let's take a ride down love lane..
First off, I'm sorry that "Lavida Loca" did not win the contest, she was a real looker. She got disqualified in the fact that she got on the bad side of Julia from the get go. Plus, she made fun of Vincent for being a loner :(
Yikes! That probably didn't go to well..
Gail has terrible traits that I would never want Vincent to deal with.
Miss Piggy didn't have a chance because it seemed like she loved food more than anything else.
Vincent really just fell in love with Khalilah when she first walked through his door. He soon found out that they have the perfect combination of traits and could have fun no matter what they were doing.
Such as playing video games.
Or making out on the couch..
Julia: " Err..I feel..awkward.."
They quickly made plans that once they turned into Young Adults they were going to get hitched.
That night their plans began to get into motion.
Happy Birthday Vincent!
A few days later, Khalilah also decided to age up!
Vincent: " Happy Birthday Khalilah my love! Marry me?"
They were just so excited that they decided to hop into their formal clothes and get married.
There ya have it folks! I hope you weren't too disappointed :)
Here's the Happy Couple before they left for their honeymoon!
I'm thinking about changing Khalilah's name. I'd like to keep most of the letters the same but would like to remove the weird "h".
Kalilah? or Kailah? Whatchu thinkin'?
And comment comment comment! The couple wants to see how happy you are for them :D
Awww! It is obvious she was the one all along! She is too cute! I think that was just a bad picture when we voted.
Awww! It is obvious she was the one all along! She is too cute! I think that was just a bad picture when we voted.
Yeah, that was complete laziness on my part. Haha I didn't feel like going back in and getting a better picture. Partially because I thought I was gun ho for Gail :P
Happy birthday Vincent! Congrats Vincent and Khalilah! I like Kalilah! They are adorable together!
I agree, I like Kalilah, looks better. Hope they are happy. Nice update. :)
Happy birthday Vincent! Congrats Vincent and Khalilah! I like Kalilah! They are adorable together!
I know aren't they?? I hope they have cute blonde nooboos :)
I agree, I like Kalilah, looks better. Hope they are happy. Nice update. :)
Thanks!! Kalilah it is! I always tend to type that instead anyways :)
Ok she does look good the heart wants what the heart wants right. I say ditch the double L, great update can't wait to see what you have next.
Ok she does look good the heart wants what the heart wants right. I say ditch the double L, great update can't wait to see what you have next.
I'm glad you agree! I think double L realized what a mistake she had made when she passed up the Lancasters. Oh well!
I should pop out another update in a day or two. I've got to give myself a breather for a second.
My game has gotten ridiculously slow now that there are 5 sims in the house. :(
This is really great. You really bring your characters to life. ;D
This is really great. You really bring your characters to life. ;D
Aw thanks Figwit!
YAY wedding! Do we get a peek into their honeymoon or is that private?
Ok so Lily and I are going to need 2 tickets to the honeymoon. We wanna go to France. ;D
Tell them France!
France might be a little chilly this time of year I vote for Egypt.
I love it! I say we do the vote for everything! Well almost everything.
I'll give you a little hint you guys..
They will in fact be going to China! Egypt will be later once I get Pangu's Axe :D
YAY wedding! Do we get a peek into their honeymoon or is that private?
Oh yes, you will be able to see almost all of their adventurous honeymoon pictures ;)
@bde1225 I would take them to France but they've already been to France! That's where Elias and Julia had their honeymoon..:P
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge! ;)
(I think it's a funny bug!)
Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!
China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge! ;)
(I think it's a funny bug!)
Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!
China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!
Ha! The baby bug I have never encountered! Except Julia has an uncle that's in highschool.. So I have no idea how that happened!
China will be fun if I can ever get them there! I'm absolutely itching to play but I'm booked solid till Thursday night :(
Oh no!! Oh well, bright side, tomorrow is Thursday!!
@bde1225 I would take them to France but they've already been to France! That's where Elias and Julia had their honeymoon..:P
LOL it's ok I always say France first cause I love it.
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge! ;)
(I think it's a funny bug!)
Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!
China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!
LOL it is a funy bug! The first time it happened to me it freaked me out tho! It was before I found this site and I had no clue.
LOL it's ok I always say France first cause I love it.
LOL it is a funy bug! The first time it happened to me it freaked me out tho! It was before I found this site and I had no clue.
I love France too! One day I'm gonna go back and complete all the quests.
Okay guys, so I found some pictures that I did not add in the last update because Vincent and Kalilah were selfish and wanted a post all to themselves.
So, in other news...
Elias aged up to Elder :(
Elias: " hands are all wrinkly now..I like it."
Julia has about 3 more days till she ages up and becomes Immortal #2!
Here she is talking to one of her (new) best friends! I had to get her a new round of them because the other ones she had decided to all die within the same week!
Apparently they became friends because they both had the power to carrying on a conversation through a wall.
Ariana: " So I heard that Alexander has a fish mounted on his wall!"
Julia: " Ohh yeah! Its on my easel..wanna see it?"
Holly also decided to visit that night. Needless to say she hasn't left for THREE days.
I'm really sick and tired of hearing all those ghost noises.
Thankfully I read a post (I think it was RJ) that had the same problem and all I need to do is reset her! PHEW. I was about to go nuts.
Anyways, that was a tidbit of an update from pictures I had already taken prior to the wedding update. :)
Yeah it was me! I was so worried that they were going to stay there forever! Anyway good luck for immortal 2! I always leave the friends part last since they always die unexpectedly.
When you said you hate the ghost noises it made me think back to the first time I heard them. I had my speakers all the way up right, and I was sipping on my drink of choice, Pepsi, then all of a sudden I hear that creepy laugh. I nearly jumped outta my skin and I felt my eyes bugged out! I was wondering WHAT WAS THAT?! The ghost was hiding inside some furniture so I started hearing the rattling noise. was pretty sad. Now it annoys me to no end.
Lol funny stuff Kattiq!
Yeah it was me! I was so worried that they were going to stay there forever! Anyway good luck for immortal 2! I always leave the friends part last since they always die unexpectedly.
Yeah me too! These were best friends from work. But this time around I made sure I was friends with teens and young adults ;)
When you said you hate the ghost noises it made me think back to the first time I heard them. I had my speakers all the way up right, and I was sipping on my drink of choice, Pepsi, then all of a sudden I hear that creepy laugh. I nearly jumped outta my skin and I felt my eyes bugged out! I was wondering WHAT WAS THAT?! The ghost was hiding inside some furniture so I started hearing the rattling noise. was pretty sad. Now it annoys me to no end.
HAHA! Yes that has happened to me on several occasions. I was in my room with headphones on pretty loud. Normally I always have the radio thing on so the ghost noises don't bother me. But this time it was pretty much silent and it freaked me out! I hate the ghost sounds, I wished that it would happen like the first time they come out of the grave..then after that just quit. That's why I've never married a ghost!
Lol funny stuff Kattiq!
Thanks Esther! I'm off to FINALLY play now!
You're welcome! Yay finally sims time!!
And now.. Here's the update you've all been waiting for!!
Kalilah had asked me if she could give you guys the update this time. So, without further a do here is Kalilah's take on their honeymoon in China!
Kalilah: Hey guys! Well as you know my love and I went to China for a week for our honeymoon! Well, I just got done making our scrapbook full of all our adventures! I am very proud of the pictures I was able to capture during our trip.. I hope you all appreciate them as much as I do. :)
Our Honeymoon Scrapbook
As we were flying into China's national airport I managed to capture our base camp from the my airplane seat window!
Gosh, it's so beautiful already!
Soon after we landed I could not wait to get out and explore! So we made a trip down to the market to buy some supplies.
Vincent was so good with the store keepers they even gave him a discount!
Checklist: High-quality food, Tent ;) , Shower in a can, and some dragon figurines!
We finally got unpacked and went out on the balcony to have some fresh air and romance...
I love him dearly..look at that face! He's so adorable. His smile is so cute, it makes me melt in side --- Oops, sorry I'm rambling I just can't help it!
While I was getting ready, Vincent decided to go downstairs and check the Adventure Board to see what things we could venture out and do that day!
Here we are on our first adventure. If you're wondering how I got the camera at such a far angle, I asked Vincent to climb a really tall tree and hang it on a sturdy branch. Then he set it to an hour timer! Then he set a timer on his watch so we'd know when to start kissing! As you can tell it worked out quite nicely :)
The next day we decided to visit the Terra Cotta Army! Now I really wasn't planning on putting this one in my scrapbook but Vincent insisted the picture was too hilarious to pass up and that one day I'd see the humor in it.
As you can tell I look completely retarded. But before you start lashing out blonde jokes hear me out. I seriously thought Vincent had the camera! So just as I turned to pose at him the camera went off before I figured it out!
Later we decided to go roll around in Hans Orchard...
Needless to say it caused quite a scandal when a pesky paparazzi showed up and we we were to busy to notice!
Eventually we had to tell people we were on our honeymoon and the rumors quit spreading. Thank goodness too because I was tired of being stared at!
But just as I thought the paparazzi were gone..I soon realized apparently our bedroom wasn't any more of a safe haven than Hans Orchard..
Luckily, I sleep with my camera so I was able to take this picture while still in bed. It made for a great shot yes?
After they left Vincent came in a little bit later and got in bed. I told him all about what happened and here's what I said: "Oh my goodness honey! So I was sleeping and heard this huge flash go off and when I opened my eyes these two coneheads with cameras were taking pictures of me!"
Then we both just giggled off to sleep hoping they didn't come back..
I also learned how to use chopsticks while on this trip too!
And that concludes our Honeymoon!
Vincent bought us some Chinese fireworks to celebrate our marriage and our time spent in this magical country. :)
The End!
Aw, isn't Kalilah so sweet? Oh and she wanted me to tell lilygirl and bde that she enjoyed seeing you two in the market place that one day. She also said she appreciates you guys teaching her some martial arts and that she used it on Vincent when she got back to camp! :P
And Vincent is still waiting on the Pangu's Axe Adventure to come up..But so far the same one keep coming up even if I accept them then delete them. Even the next day it is still the same. Oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed this special update :) Thanks for reading!
Awesome pics Kattiq!! Nice honeymoon! Did you by any chance hear chimes in Hans Orchard? :P ;D
Awesome pics Kattiq!! Nice honeymoon! Did you by any chance hear chimes in Hans Orchard? :P ;D
Thank you!! it took me like 2 hours to just do 3 days in China because I took a million pictures!
And No :( I did try for a baby like three times too. So, I'm hoping once they get home she really is preggers!
Aw, isn't Kalilah so sweet? Oh and she wanted me to tell lilygirl and bde that she enjoyed seeing you two in the market place that one day. She also said she appreciates you guys teaching her some martial arts and that she used it on Vincent when she got back to camp! :P
Are you talking about the martial arts that she did in the tent? ;D
::Does the miss america wave:: Yes...I am the woohoo Specialist Dr.Mingbe DeWooLeHoo ::bows:: Thank you.
Thank you!! it took me like 2 hours to just do 3 days in China because I took a million pictures!
And No :( I did try for a baby like three times too. So, I'm hoping once they get home she really is preggers!
Fingers crossed!!
Are you talking about the martial arts that she did in the tent? ;D
::Does the miss america wave:: Yes...I am the woohoo Specialist Dr.Mingbe DeWooLeHoo ::bows:: Thank you.
Oh my gosh, you literally made me laugh out loud..too bad I have to be quiet because everyone else is asleep!
Yes, She thanks you Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo :P
Fingers crossed!!
Thanks! If not it looks like they have to try again! But hopefully Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo's moves worked! xD
Oh my gosh, you literally made me laugh out loud..too bad I have to be quiet because everyone else is asleep!
Yes, She thanks you Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo :P
Thanks! If not it looks like they have to try again! But hopefully Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo's moves worked! xD
Tell her she can come back anytime! Class will be free..she gets a discount. The moves will work! All of them! :D
Not only did I teach her the ancient practice " WooFuHoo" but she also knows how to fight, using Simfu, without breaking a nail. So I think they will be very successful.
I hope you know that I am now obligated to bring this woman to life, via pixel perfection, that is called the sims.
Tell her she can come back anytime! Class will be free..she gets a discount. The moves will work! All of them! :D
Not only did I teach her the ancient practice " WooFuHoo" but she also knows how to fight, using Simfu, without breaking a nail. So I think they will be very successful.
Yes! She told me all about it! I am VERY impressed with your work! And she better get a discount, she is a level 4 celebrity after all ;)
I hope you know that I am now obligated to bring this woman to life, via pixel perfection, that is called the sims.
Haha! And when you do I better get a copy for my game! :P Or at least a picture sent to me to put in my next update :P
So everyone, I have an announcement to make, can someone please check that Kattiq isn't listening. Anyway, guess what?! I so totally crashed Vincent and Kalilah's honeymoon! I mean they saw me in the market and I taught them my secret nooboo-chimes Martial Arts moves, but after the merchant sold me the camera and hat, I *excited whisper* sneaked into their hotel room! It was so funny! I think chucked a bit too loudly because she woke up and I had to book it out of there.
Best vacation EVER!
WOOO! ::high Fives Lily:: I am jealous...I should have went went you instead this crazy ghost of a doctor took my body over...she won't leave.
@ bde: Nice signature quote! Way to jump on an inside joke. :D Awesome.
@ bde: Nice signature quote! Way to jump on an inside joke. :D Awesome.
I knew as soon as I created that name it would not stop there! I felt it! I have created her already. Now I need to post her picture, but where?
EDIT: The good doctor did not come up with that quote. Is is a favorite one loner I heard from Law and Order SVU Season 1. I put her name down there so I would not forget it. LOL I just realized how it looks. If I decide to start a story I will work with Katti and do some sort of creative thing with it. I think I have an awesome idea for all of us.
Nice update I wish I was there anywhere but here in the snow! I was laughing at her take on the honeymoon, and isn't it like a wife to ask her husband to climb a tree and set a camera and come back and kiss her! Priceless.
I thought that camera in a tree stunt was pretty funny. Where do you guys come up with this stuff, too cute. I am hooked now. :)
So everyone, I have an announcement to make, can someone please check that Kattiq isn't listening. Anyway, guess what?! I so totally crashed Vincent and Kalilah's honeymoon! I mean they saw me in the market and I taught them my secret nooboo-chimes Martial Arts moves, but after the merchant sold me the camera and hat, I *excited whisper* sneaked into their hotel room! It was so funny! I think chucked a bit too loudly because she woke up and I had to book it out of there.
Best vacation EVER!
So THAT was you! Oh well that's what you get for having a public bedroom..Sheesh! You guys are too funny!I knew as soon as I created that name it would not stop there! I felt it! I have created her already. Now I need to post her picture, but where?
EDIT: The good doctor did not come up with that quote. Is is a favorite one loner I heard from Law and Order SVU Season 1. I put her name down there so I would not forget it. LOL I just realized how it looks. If I decide to start a story I will work with Katti and do some sort of creative thing with it. I think I have an awesome idea for all of us.
YAY I'd be glad to work up some creative story with you!
And Upload her on the exchange so I can get her into my story!! I can still put in her my town as long as I don't marry her right? Is that still allowed in the Dynasty rules? :D
Nice update I wish I was there anywhere but here in the snow! I was laughing at her take on the honeymoon, and isn't it like a wife to ask her husband to climb a tree and set a camera and come back and kiss her! Priceless.
Thanks! Kalilah is quite a character if you haven't noticed already :P
I thought that camera in a tree stunt was pretty funny. Where do you guys come up with this stuff, too cute. I am hooked now. :)
I'm glad it came across the way I wanted it too! Cause at first I thought it could be a little confusing. And I really just looked at the picture and thought " Hmm, how do I make this picture feasible for the two of them?" So that's where the tree idea came from. I almost incorporated a Helicopter, but I figured a tree would make more sense :)
Well, it worked and it was great. :)
Well, it worked and it was great. :)
Thank you Salty!
Katti you won't be able to add her to the dynasty file. You can do what I am doing tho..for special effect I made a copy of the exact town at the main menu and saved it as " Immortal Stunt double" so I can be all creative without messing up my dynasty. I will will get to work after homework and sleep.
Katti you won't be able to add her to the dynasty file. You can do what I am doing tho..for special effect I made a copy of the exact town at the main menu and saved it as " Immortal Stunt double" so I can be all creative without messing up my dynasty. I will will get to work after homework and sleep.
Good to know! I'll have to make a "Immortal Stunt Double" file as well :D
Um alrighty then. Lol that's hilarious!
Um alrighty then. Lol that's hilarious!
I know right? It was weird!
Very weird! It would be cool if they made it so you could make them shorter and taller!
Yeah! That and pets are two things I hope EA brings us soon! Or at least the pets part or even seasons like in sims 2!
I never played 1 or 2 so I have no clue about that! Is seasons where you actually get snow and rain?
I never played 1 or 2 so I have no clue about that! Is seasons where you actually get snow and rain?
Yeah you get four seasons: spring it rains alot and plants bloomed faster, summer it was hot, fall the leaves changed, and winter it snowed and you could make snowmen! It was really awesome and you could program their outdoor outfits too :)
Yeah you get four seasons: spring it rains alot and plants bloomed faster, summer it was hot, fall the leaves changed, and winter it snowed and you could make snowmen! It was really awesome and you could program their outdoor outfits too :)
That sounds really awesome! If we get that for 3, I might actually let them play instead of working 24/7 hehe.
Haha, yeah you could make snow angels too. It was very cute! I need to get a move on Vincents painting skill! And I forgot to max out a career for Julia so il a bit peeved that I had all her bffs lined up only to have to wait longer!!! I hope none of them die soon.
I suggest that photo does not end up in the official honeymoon album.
I suggest that photo does not end up in the official honeymoon album.
Yeah it definitely won't..I decided to just delete it.
Uh-oh I got my fingers crossed for you!
Uh-oh I got my fingers crossed for you!
I know! grr I hate making friends! in Sims not in real life..haha
Although Kalilah has been throwing up from unknown causes..soo we all know what that means!
Me too. That's my least favorite part! Yay! Nooboo!!
I know! grr I hate making friends! in Sims not in real life..haha
Although Kalilah has been throwing up from unknown causes..soo we all know what that means!
Maybe she should take a pregnancy test.
Maybe she should take a pregnancy test.
I second that vote. She could be pregnant. Just scoot on down to the clinic just to be on the safe side. ;D
Cheese and crackers Rachel and everyone! You guys crack me up! :D
Well you guys..Kalilah did happen to slide on over the the clinic and took a pregnancy test.
And you guessed it. SHE'S PREGGERS!
But first, I'm kind of freaking out because Julia is 74 years old and only on level 4 in her culinary career! I really hope she gets to 10 before anything bad happens :(
Here's Julia walking out to go to work. Despite her time frame to get promoted she looks pretty happy.
Okay, now back to Kalilah!
The second day that they were home from their honeymoon, Kalilah began to get sick several times a day. She had no idea what was going on!
She finally went to the hospital and took a pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive! The whole family was ecstatic! Both Elias and Julia were just wishing for a grandbaby, and now their wish was coming true!
Julia gave Kalilah her old baby book to read so she can be more prepared for when the baby comes.
Kalilah began to get strange cravings. Like spaghetti and icecream!
Kalilah: " Mmmmm.. I love eating for two."
(Sheesh, you would have thought Vincent had married Miss Piggy..Good thing they bought that body sculptor..)
Here she is in the third trimester.
Later on that day, she began to get sharp pains in her tummy.
It was officially baby time!
Meet Michelangelo! But really you can just call him Michael! (They just changed the spelling to Michael for convenience) He was named after the famous Italian sculptor. :)
Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I was barely home this weekend. But I just knew I needed to update because the Lancasters had made it to the second page! :O
Oh and great news! I just bought myself a new macbook pro! I can't wait to play on higher settings :D
Three cheers for quotes and thought bubbles! :D
Congrats on the new addition and congrats on the new Macbook Pro. I'll be getting a new iMac this year. I'm just waiting for them to refresh the line and release OS X Lion. Oh, yeah — and I need some more money too.
Three cheers for quotes and thought bubbles! :D
Congrats on the new addition and congrats on the new Macbook Pro. I'll be getting a new iMac this year. I'm just waiting for them to refresh the line and release OS X Lion. Oh, yeah — and I need some more money too.
Thanks! Yeah I just now decided to play around with photobucket's effects. Haha
I am SUPER excited about getting it this week! I would love to have an iMac but it's just not feasible for my lifestyle right now. I waited for 3 years to get a pro and I'm just glad I waited long enough to get the best one out there. (At least for now, because we all know how Apple loves to come out with an even better one right after you get your new one). :'(
Good luck on getting yours though! Too bad there's no money cheats like "motherlode" in real life eh? ;)
Welcome Michael! Congrats, yea I wish there was a familyfunds in my life!!
Welcome Michael! Congrats, yea I wish there was a familyfunds in my life!!
Thanks! Oh yeah I always forget about familyfunds cheat! Probably because I haven't cheated in so long :(
I second that for a real family funds cheat, lol. Congrats on the nooboo. :)
Thanks! Oh yeah I always forget about familyfunds cheat! Probably because I haven't cheated in so long :(
I haven't used that cheat in the Halliwell's at all and they have almost a million dollars. I might need to use it to bring it down lol.
I second that for a real family funds cheat, lol. Congrats on the nooboo. :)
Thank you!
I haven't used that cheat in the Halliwell's at all and they have almost a million dollars. I might need to use it to bring it down lol.
Wow, I'd have to say I'm impressed! After you get through the initial hurdle of getting the Dynasty started, money is not really an issue anymore :P
Thanks, I was so tempted to this time too but I resisted! Yea, the 3rd generation was just born and after having 4 painters, 3 sculptors and a ton of money trees, They are set for life! ;D
Congrats on Micheal!
Welcome little Michael.
Welcome little Michael!
Good luck getting Julia to the top of her career!
Thanks Ratchie and Lilygirl!
Welcome little Michael!
Good luck getting Julia to the top of her career!
Thanks! I realllllyyy need as much luck as possible!
Thanks Ratchie and Lilygirl!
Thanks! I realllllyyy need as much luck as possible!
You can do it Kattiq! I know you (Julia) can!!
You can do it Kattiq! I know you (Julia) can!!
I appreciate your support Esther :D
To quote a famous evil cartoon character, "Exxcellent!" Great update
I appreciate your support Esther :D
Of course! You know I'm behind you and your sims a million percent!! ;D
To quote a famous evil cartoon character, "Exxcellent!" Great update
Mr. Burns?? ;D ;D
To quote a famous evil cartoon character, "Exxcellent!" Great update
I definitely laughed out loud at that one. :P Thank you!
Lol, yes Mr Burns, gotta love the simpsons.
Of course! DOH!! ;D
So, I've figured it up in my head that if Julie gets promoted roughly about every two days..She will be around 88 years old when she finishes. Gosh, I hope she lives that long! Which stupid me deleted a work opportunity because I'm used to having to not accepting them for everyone else. I keep getting "Celebrity Body" and "Eat at the Bistro" at least several times a day. It's rather annoying!
Anyways, Kalilah decided to take a spin in the Body Sculptor to get back to her original size.
Needless to say who knew you gained the baby weight AFTER you had the child? haha
Wowzers..Let's hope it works the next go around..or it will be the treadmill for her!
Meanwhile the whole family is in high spirits and everyone is vying for a spot to take care of Michael.
No matter how much they all loved the baby stage..Kalilah was excited for her baby to finally grow up and be a little bit more self sufficient.
After seeing his first facial expression as a toddler..They weren't sure they felt like he was completely all there in the head...
Thankfully, he straightened himself out and transformed into a scrumptious widdle toddler. :D
(Don't ask me why I put that spaceship there. My only explanation is that I thought it was cute..)
After all the birthday activities, Vincent decided to put on his lucky pair of heart spanx and get to painting.
Vincent: " *singing* I looooveee to paint! Especially in my lovely heart spanxs! Laaa laaa laaa!"
(I think he stole Kalilah's ;) )
Kalilah received all the wishes to teach Michael how to walk, talk, and potty! So she set to work to teach her baby everything she knew!
Okay that's it for now! Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! The Lancasters and I appreciate it!
Gosh, and no one was home today to receive my macbook pro..So I have to wait till tomorrow!! :'(
Wow, Kalilah looks weird lol. Happy Birthday Michael! I know Julia can do it!! Oh no, better luck tomorrow! ;D
Wow, Kalilah looks weird lol. Happy Birthday Michael! I know Julia can do it!! Oh no, better luck tomorrow! ;D
Yeah she popped out and I was like..!?!!?!? Thankfully in the last picture she was back to normal.
I better get it tomorrow though, I begged my mom not to leave the house until I get home from classes at 12, they delivered it at 10:45 this morning! Who's home at that time anyways!?
I have no idea! I guess the UPS thought it was a good time lol.
I have no idea! I guess the UPS thought it was a good time lol.
Silly UPS man..Although I would have loved to have stayed home today. It was cold and rainy all day. :-\
That is what they do, they wait around the corner to make sure no one is home then BAM they ring the bell and wait 2 seconds then run off UPS stands for U Poor Soul with a fine print that says, we don't deliever to real people.
That is what they do, they wait around the corner to make sure no one is home then BAM they ring the bell and wait 2 seconds then run off UPS stands for U Poor Soul with a fine print that says, we don't deliever to real people.
Haha, so true Isys!
I mean it's good that they don't just leave a 1,000$ item on your front porch but STILL! I won't have a lot of time tomorrow to play with it..And I'm definitely not looking forward to transferring ALL my files from this computer to the new one. Sims 3 will be on the back burner for a little bit :P
Haha, so true Isys!
I mean it's good that they don't just leave a 1,000$ item on your front porch but STILL! I won't have a lot of time tomorrow to play with it..And I'm definitely not looking forward to transferring ALL my files from this computer to the new one. Sims 3 will be on the back burner for a little bit :P
No No! You can't put sims off!! That's the most important thing in life! ;D I'm kidding of course!
No No! You can't put sims off!! That's the most important thing in life! ;D I'm kidding of course!
Haha, I know I know...Don't worry it's not waayy back on the back burner list I promise! I'll probably be so excited I'll install the Sims first and get right to playing before I've checked everything else out!
Awesome! I know the sims isn't the most important thing in life, so even if you can't, I'll understand! ;)
Awesome! I know the sims isn't the most important thing in life, so even if you can't, I'll understand! ;)
Well I figured out today that they have a program that transfers all my files from the old computer to the new one! Granted, it took about 3 hours but I didn't even have to install Sims again!! Sadly I have plans tonight, but even then I HAD to just try it out before I go and I've never played the Sims on such a high graphic setting before without so much as a slight lag! I can't wait to get home and get to playing some more :D Then there shall be my first update on this computer! I want you guys to tell me if you can really tell the graphic difference :)
But for now toodeloo!
Well I figured out today that they have a program that transfers all my files from the old computer to the new one! Granted, it took about 3 hours but I didn't even have to install Sims again!! Sadly I have plans tonight, but even then I HAD to just try it out before I go and I've never played the Sims on such a high graphic setting before without so much as a slight lag! I can't wait to get home and get to playing some more :D Then there shall be my first update on this computer! I want you guys to tell me if you can really tell the graphic difference :)
But for now toodeloo!
That's awesome Kattiq! I don't even think about graphic settings, I don't care as long as I can play!! But have fun tonight! ;D
Have fun and dance some for me! Kahlilah scared me with that initial picture.
That's awesome Kattiq! I don't even think about graphic settings, I don't care as long as I can play!! But have fun tonight! ;D
Yeah, I usually don't but I just love the fact that there is barely any lag and I can move around the houses without having to wait 5 seconds to catch up! :P
Have fun and dance some for me! Kahlilah scared me with that initial picture.
I did have fun..and I danced a little..haha Yeah When I saw her come out of the sculptor like that I was like..Holy cow. You are going right back in before everyone in the house has a heart attack!
Sorry it's taking me so long to pop out an update.
I'm having technical difficulties!
First, my game kept freezing every time I'd try to rotate or change speeds for some reason. So I figured it was maybe some custom content. I figured out the custom content causing the problem. (stupid custom hair!) But just in case I did a full reinstall because when I transferred all my data to this computer I never did an actual install on this computer.(As in it just transferred the whole game without me having to do any installing) THEN all the store content that I had installed will not show up in game. So I searched the forums and found a post by Pam that said EA told her to reinstall Ambitions. I just now got done installing LN AGAIN. So I am praying that it works. Geez..
EDIT: So far so good! I hope it stays that way! :)
EDIT EDIT: I spoke too soon. It froze again. I don't know what to do. But I'm tired of dealing with it. If any of you guys have any suggestions please feel free to PM them to me..
Sorry for the technical problems Kattiq! Hope it works and quits being stupid!
Sorry for the technical problems Kattiq! Hope it works and quits being stupid!
It didn't listen :'( I wished this game wasn't so temperamental!
I feel your pain!! Hang in there!
Okay guys, it looks like the Lancaster's have a bug or something. :'(
I started a new family and played it for 2 hours without any problems. I don't want to end them but I don't know what else to do.. ???
:'( Oh no!! I hate bugs! I'm so sorry!
Oh no! I hope the Lancasters can be saved.
:'( Oh no!! I hate bugs! I'm so sorry!
I know :( I REALLY don't want to start a whole new story. I put so much effort into this one I don't know if I have an creative energy left!
I started a new dynasty just in case AND I took pictures in case I decided to start up a new one on here..But there's so many stories now I don't know if anyone can take reading another Dynasty :P
Oh no! I hope the Lancasters can be saved.
Me too Rachel! I'm going to try them out again today and see if maybe by some miracle they decided to stop being retarded :)
Keeping my fingers crossed that your file stops being buggy. I've been really enjoying the Lancasters and hope you can save them!
I know :( I REALLY don't want to start a whole new story. I put so much effort into this one I don't know if I have an creative energy left!
I started a new dynasty just in case AND I took pictures in case I decided to start up a new one on here..But there's so many stories now I don't know if anyone can take reading another Dynasty :P
Me too Rachel! I'm going to try them out again today and see if maybe by some miracle they decided to stop being retarded :)
I can relate! That's why I said this was my final attempt with the Halliwell's! Thankfully it seems my bug got cured, hopefully yours does too!
Keeping my fingers crossed that your file stops being buggy. I've been really enjoying the Lancasters and hope you can save them!
Thanks!!! I think it worked cause I just now got done playing for a few hours with no freezes :D
I can relate! That's why I said this was my final attempt with the Halliwell's! Thankfully it seems my bug got cured, hopefully yours does too!
IT WAS CUREDDD!!!!! I am SO excited I don't have to start over :)
I'll have an update for you guys later tonight!
Thanks!!! I think it worked cause I just now got done playing for a few hours with no freezes :D
IT WAS CUREDDD!!!!! I am SO excited I don't have to start over :)
I'll have an update for you guys later tonight!
YAY! I'm so happy for you!!
YAY! I'm so happy for you!!
I know! I'm so relieved :) Now I save constantly just in case..
Anyways here's the update I promised!
It's rather short since I haven't had a lot of time playing and there really hasn't been much going on!
Julia is level 7 in her culinary career and so far I think she will be about 93 before she gets to level 10 for the Ambrosia requirement. I REALLY hope she lives that long. So my faithful readers please begin to cross your fingers, toes and anything else that can bring in good luck for Julia. I really hope I haven't gone through this much trouble for her to die! Elias is going strong at 92 so I'm hoping she will last a wee bit longer!
Here is Vincent training Michael to walk properly.
(I swear Vincent walks around the house all the time in his heart spanx and he never changes out of them!)
Vincent's Theme Song: ♫ "I'm to sexy for my shirt.. Too sexy for my shirt... so sexy it hurrrrts" ♫
Alexander finally got himself a time machine so that he can have something to do instead of gaining skills he doesn't need to be gaining
So far nothing exciting has happened. I'm still hoping a random person from the future or past will pop out and add some life to this bunch :P
WOO Birthday Time for Little Man!
Tada! What a handsome young fellow he turned out to be!
Now it's time for a spouse hunt! (The Goths have a daughter but she's a young adult :( So it looks like the Goths still won't hold a place in my Dynasty)
Man! Hopefully she ages slooowly! Great update, Julia will make it! I have faith in her!
Longevity to Julia! Fingers crossed!
I have my fingers crossed for Julia.
I am so glad you did not have to start over. That would have been terrible.
I am so glad you did not have to start over. That would have been terrible.
Me too. Although it just froze again after an hour..So I don't know what's going on. But I deleted all the cache in my DCbackup (there was 442 files!) so I'm HOPING it frees it up a little bit.
Man! Hopefully she ages slooowly! Great update, Julia will make it! I have faith in her!
Thanks Esther! she's 87 now! And almost to level 9 xD
Longevity to Julia! Fingers crossed!
Thanks! I hope the grim heard you and listened :P
I have my fingers crossed for Julia.
Thanks Rachel!
Me too. Although it just froze again after an hour..So I don't know what's going on. But I deleted all the cache in my DCbackup (there was 442 files!) so I'm HOPING it frees it up a little bit.
Thanks Esther! she's 87 now! And almost to level 9 xD
Thanks! I hope the grim heard you and listened :P
Thanks Rachel!
So I can delete all the files in my DCbackup folder? I have like over 1000 in mine.
Vincent's Theme Song: ♫ "I'm to sexy for my shirt.. Too sexy for my shirt... so sexy it hurrrrts" ♫
Now it's time for a spouse hunt! (The Goths have a daughter but she's a young adult :( So it looks like the Goths still won't hold a place in my Dynasty)[/size]
Okay. Great, so now I have that song in my head and it won't quit :D And I hadn't thought about Goths in mine because well, at least I got a Crumplebottom. I wish you luck. As long as the daughter is at least a day away from elderhood she can still have a baby. That might be better because at least she won't take up space in the house for too long. strategy *goes to write in Book of Masterminded Plots*
So I can delete all the files in my DCbackup folder? I have like over 1000 in mine.
Yeah you can delete all of them! Don't delete DCcache though cause that's all the store content stuff :P
Okay. Great, so now I have that song in my head and it won't quit :D And I hadn't thought about Goths in mine because well, at least I got a Crumplebottom. I wish you luck. As long as the daughter is at least a day away from elderhood she can still have a baby. That might be better because at least she won't take up space in the house for too long. strategy *goes to write in Book of Masterminded Plots*
Haha, happens to me all the time :P
And I like my spouses to be at least around the same age as the future Immortal..Because I don't like them dying so soon:(
One bright sunny Saturday afternoon the Lancasters decided to take a break from skill learning and work just to relax.
Julia and Elias decided to play a friendly game of Gnubbs.
Finally, Julia got tired of winning and let Michael join in on the fun with his grandfather.
Poor Elias lost to Michael too..
That night something very sinister went down..
I think the next three pictures explain everything..
The next day they all decided to play around some more and then Elias' time was up :(
Sadly enough, Julia was out working hard and did not know that the love of her life was dead..She came home to find his grave in the back yard surrounded by flowers sent by family and friends..He died at the age of 96.
"One precious to our hearts has gone
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled."
Gosh okay that Epitaph almost made me cry..Anyways, my game decided to freeze right after that. It's getting quite frustrating..Oh well maybe it will finally iron itself out later on down the road.
Oh that epitaph was beautiful. I really hope your game starts behaving itself soon.
R.I.P. Elias.
I guess fighting off that burglar was his ultimate purpose for the Dynasty. Job well done, Elias.
I love that epitaph. I really like the how that burglary went down also.
R.I.P. Elias! Great job with the burglar buddy!
Thanks girls! I was very proud of Elias' for fighting off the burglar without waking everyone else up in the house!
Wow, kattiq, awesome Dynasty! I can't believe I didn't read this before! ;D
Wow, kattiq, awesome Dynasty! I can't believe I didn't read this before! ;D
It's about time Simstar! Just kidding :) I'm glad you think it's awesome!
It's about time Simstar! Just kidding :) I'm glad you think it's awesome!
Heh heh. Sorry it took me so long to read this. ^^''
Heh heh. Sorry it took me so long to read this. ^^''
It's all good!
Okay guys the Lancaster's file is a dud. It crashes within 20 minutes of me playing..
I do however, have a backup file when Vincent was a child so it's not too far behind. Would I still be able to play that file or would that conflict with Dynasty rules? My hope is that this file won't be buggy like this one. If it is I'm throwing in the towel and I'll just bring another Dynasty to the table later on.
What do you guys think?
I think you should ask Metro what his stance is, I would think if your game has bugged beyond compare you should be able to go back?
I agree with Thomas, ask Metro. I'm sorry the game is bugged. :(
Okay guys! I talked to Metro and I can go to my backup! I REALLY hope it works. So it's safe to say right now I won't be updating until I get back up to speed. I hope I can still find Kalilah running around SV! (of course I think they were childhood friends so that's a plus) :P
Thanks for all your support!
Awesome! Hope everything goes right this time! :)
Awesome! Hope everything goes right this time! :)
Me too! I found that Vincent was actually a teen and already with Kalilah :D
Yippee! That's awesome Kattiq!
Yippee! That's awesome Kattiq!
Definitely makes my job easier..haha :D
Phew!! That's great. Any time saved is a plus.
Yes it does! ;D ;D
Phew!! That's great. Any time saved is a plus.
Agreed! I hate doing things over and over again :P I just hope this save is stable.
I know what you mean! I am so happy I made it past the second generation!! ;D
Gosh okay, it froze again. Looks like even that backup was messed up. I don't know if maybe something happened when I made the switch between computers or what. Looks like I will start from scratch. Which now I'm okay with because I'll have more of a strategy this go around.
So if there's a moderator that wants to delete this thread they can.
I'll miss the Lancasters :(
I've already began the other Dynasty so I guess I'll make a new thread either tonight or tomorrow. :)
Oh no!! I'm so sorry Kattiq! Is this new one going to be the Lancaster's too?
Oh no!! I'm so sorry Kattiq! Is this new one going to be the Lancaster's too?
No.. Im going to revamp everything including their name. It will be a whole new family ;)
Gosh okay, it froze again. Looks like even that backup was messed up. I don't know if maybe something happened when I made the switch between computers or what. Looks like I will start from scratch. Which now I'm okay with because I'll have more of a strategy this go around.
So if there's a moderator that wants to delete this thread they can.
I'll miss the Lancasters :(
I've already began the other Dynasty so I guess I'll make a new thread either tonight or tomorrow. :)
WAAAAAH! No more Lancasters? But I just got into the story! :'(
WAAAAAH! No more Lancasters? But I just got into the story! :'(
I know.. I'm very disappointed that I have to start over :( But I'm tired of being frustrated at the game and having to constantly worry about if it will freeze or crash on me any second.
Good news is that I'm starting up a new story and you can get into that one..right??
I know.. I'm very disappointed that I have to start over :( But I'm tired of being frustrated at the game and having to constantly worry about if it will freeze or crash on me any second.
Good news is that I'm starting up a new story and you can get into that one..right??
I know you weren't talking to me, but I'll be there! ;)
I know.. I'm very disappointed that I have to start over :( But I'm tired of being frustrated at the game and having to constantly worry about if it will freeze or crash on me any second.
Good news is that I'm starting up a new story and you can get into that one..right??
Definitely! ;D
This thread has been locked and moved to the Stories Graveyard. If the author wishes to continue, they can contact a moderator.