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The Sims 4 => The Sims 4 - Challenges => Sims 4 - Challenges Graveyard => Topic started by: Metropolis Man on April 22, 2016, 06:31:44 AM

Title: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on April 22, 2016, 06:31:44 AM
Homeless Shelter

Your Sim has noticed that many of the Sims in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and even Windenburg have no home. Being kind-hearted your Sim has decided to help these Sims along. He or she will take in 3 Sims at a time with the idea of giving them a skill, a job, and a boost towards their lifetime aspiration.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules (,25338.0.html) always apply. If applicable, exceptions will be noted below.

Specific Challenge Rules
1. Reach level 3 of a unique job**;
2. Max a unique skill**;
3. Finish one Milestone of their Aspiration (you cannot change their starting Aspiration). NOTE: If your homeless Sim has the Leader of the Pack Aspiration, then you can change it to something else since club content is banned.
**A little clarification - Preexisting skill/job levels of a homeless Sim can count towards the above requirements, but both still need to be unique. So, if you move in Sim A with Fitness level 7, then lucky you - you only have 3 more levels to cap the skill. Sim B comes along with Fitness level 8. Now you'll have to have Sim B start from scratch since Fitness was used to get Sim A moved out. Once you have gone though all available skills/jobs with the expansion packs you have chosen to play with, then you begin a second cycle of skills/jobs and keep the second cycle unique.


Moved Out — 5 points for every homeless Sim moved out (fulfills their 3 requirements) before your starting Sim turns Elder.

Remaining — 1 point for each component completed by Sims still in the shelter (skill, job, or Aspiration milestone) when your starting Sim turns Elder.

Make sure to use LenaLJ's Spreadsheet ( to assist you in calculating your total.

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, ratchie, Nutella, LenaLJ, Trip, and MarianT) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                                 Moved Out       Remaining       Total
Nutella                            1704174
LenaLJ                            1701171
oshizu                            1155120
reggikko                            1056111
GlazeyLady                            1005105
tjtemple                            85691
Metropolis Man                            85691
Ginj                            70979
Minnie Mouse                            75378
sdhoey                            65368
MissZoef                           65368
mcbalisen                           65368
MarianT                           60767
rokrchik                           60363
Ricalynn                           501161
Eighty8Keys                           55661
Caterina                           55560
sone                           50656
jewels129                           40747
Teresa                           45146
TanGuob                          40343
Highlander                           35641
SIMantics101                           10919
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: reggikko on April 22, 2016, 01:49:14 PM
Do photography and dancing skills count?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on April 22, 2016, 01:59:54 PM
Do photography and dancing skills count?

Yes, just remember you'd have to go through all your available skills depending on what content you have installed - then you could repeat skills.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on April 22, 2016, 06:04:37 PM
Are skills unique just among homeless sims, or do you have to prevent your starter sim from maxing skills?

This really looks like fun!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on April 22, 2016, 06:45:49 PM
Only homeless sims have to be concerned about unique skills.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on April 24, 2016, 07:41:50 AM
There have been 2 additions to the rules:

Each Sim has to be asked to move in separately. You can't move in an entire household.
If you move in a Sim with the Leader of the Pack aspiration, you are allowed to change the aspiration since club content is not allowed.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Ginj on April 24, 2016, 07:54:50 AM

  • Your shelter must be a house with at least 4 beds, a bathroom and a kitchen, and skilling equipment as needed.
  • Your shelter must be finished before asking anyone to move in.

Are additional purchases/upgrades permissible once Sims begin moving in?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on April 24, 2016, 08:03:04 AM

  • Your shelter must be a house with at least 4 beds, a bathroom and a kitchen, and skilling equipment as needed.
  • Your shelter must be finished before asking anyone to move in.

Are additional purchases/upgrades permissible once Sims begin moving in?

Absolutely. We mainly mean 4 walls and a roof, plus beds, bathrooms, etc and some initial skilling gear. It does not mean no changes once you begin. :)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Vesper on April 24, 2016, 10:25:13 AM
He or she will take in 3 Sims at a time

I presume this means <i>up to</i> three Sims at a time. There's no problem with having one or two, if you've not befriended a third, for a while?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on April 24, 2016, 11:31:55 AM
I presume this means <i>up to</i> three Sims at a time. There's no problem with having one or two, if you've not befriended a third, for a while?

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on April 25, 2016, 01:16:04 AM
Your starter Sim can only ask Young Adult, Adult, and Elder Sims currently not living in a home (press M to easily find out) to move into the shelter.

How does pressing M allow you to easily find out if the sim is homeless?  I tried it and it took me to Traveling mode, but I didn't see any way to find out if a sim is homeless - other than rolling over all the occupied homes in all neighborhoods and looking for him.  That didn't seem very easy, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. 
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on April 25, 2016, 08:21:05 AM
Your starter Sim can only ask Young Adult, Adult, and Elder Sims currently not living in a home (press M to easily find out) to move into the shelter.

How does pressing M allow you to easily find out if the sim is homeless?  I tried it and it took me to Traveling mode, but I didn't see any way to find out if a sim is homeless - other than rolling over all the occupied homes in all neighborhoods and looking for him.  That didn't seem very easy, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. 

That's easier than inviting the sim to move in and finding out at that point. If you already know the households that come with the game (the Goths, Landgraabs, etc.) then all you need to do is look at the ones that have moved in since you started your game.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on April 25, 2016, 02:24:55 PM
Your starter Sim can only ask Young Adult, Adult, and Elder Sims currently not living in a home (press M to easily find out) to move into the shelter.

How does pressing M allow you to easily find out if the sim is homeless?  I tried it and it took me to Traveling mode, but I didn't see any way to find out if a sim is homeless - other than rolling over all the occupied homes in all neighborhoods and looking for him.  That didn't seem very easy, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. 

That's easier than inviting the sim to move in and finding out at that point. If you already know the households that come with the game (the Goths, Landgraabs, etc.) then all you need to do is look at the ones that have moved in since you started your game.

Thank you!  Yes, you are right, definitely easier.  Just wanted to make sure there wasn't something else right in front of me that I wasn't seeing - because, well, sometimes that happens.   ;)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: LenaLJ on April 26, 2016, 10:45:58 AM
And now updated with a spreadsheet to help you all calculate the score, enjoy
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on April 26, 2016, 11:02:23 AM
Lena, you are awesome - thank you so much :).
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on April 26, 2016, 12:30:25 PM
@LenaLJ   Thank you so much!
                 Using your spreadsheets during the planning stage is often just as fun as the actually gameplay!  ;D
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: reggikko on April 26, 2016, 12:42:39 PM
The spreadsheet is brilliant! Thanks, Lena.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: LenaLJ on April 28, 2016, 01:15:21 AM
Hello All @reggikko discovered that i forgot the dancing skill in the spreadsheet, so that is now updated.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on April 29, 2016, 06:33:39 AM
rule clarification

There has been some inquiries on what to do once your Sim has gone through all available jobs/skills for your homeless Sims. Are you allowed to do choose whatever jobs/skills you want for your Sims? The team decided that you have to go through a second unique cycle as well. I clarified the following...

**A little clarification - Preexisting skill/job levels of a homeless Sim can count towards the above requirements, but both still need to be unique. So, if you move in Sim A with Fitness level 7, then lucky you - you only have 3 more levels to cap the skill. Sim B comes along with Fitness level 8. Now you'll have to have Sim B start from scratch since Fitness was used to get Sim A moved out. Once you have gone though all available skills/jobs with the expansion packs you have chosen to play with, then you begin a second cycle of skills/jobs and keep the second cycle unique.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Joria on May 02, 2016, 08:20:41 PM
Do we have to build the house immediately?  Can we use a carlsguiderdc house?  Can we put our Sim on a vacant, holder, lot and bulldoze the lot we want to use to place our own home on?  Can we place Maxis created venues?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on May 02, 2016, 10:37:30 PM
Do we have to build the house immediately?
Your choice.  Remember you can't move in any homeless sims unless you have your house built.  If you want to move in homeless sims as soon as possible, then you need to build house immediately.

Can we use a carlsguiderdc house?

Can we put our Sim on a vacant, holder, lot and bulldoze the lot we want to use to place our own home on? 
No, no moving.  Once you put your sim on a lot, you must remain there the entire challenge.

Can we place Maxis created venues?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on May 03, 2016, 03:03:02 PM
Can we place Maxis created venues?

I just want to make sure: we can't place one Maxis-created spa?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on May 03, 2016, 03:21:18 PM
Nope, no spa.  I asked the team earlier and boss says no, so no spa.  :o
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on May 03, 2016, 03:30:17 PM
Nope, no spa.  I asked the team earlier and boss says no, so no spa.  :o
Thank you for answering so quickly!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Joria on May 03, 2016, 05:58:38 PM
Since Clubs are banned for all of these tournament challenges, what happens if one of the homeless Sims you take into your house, who is not in a club, autonomously joins a club at a party?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on May 03, 2016, 06:06:02 PM
If you find that someone has joined a club, just have them cancel their membership.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: shashniae999 on May 04, 2016, 03:33:01 AM
Is downloading a house from the Gallery for your shelter allow?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on May 04, 2016, 08:17:38 AM
Welcome to our forum, shashniae999.

Is downloading a house from the Gallery for your shelter allow?

No, not allowed.  Build your own house from scratch or move in to one of the empty house at the start of your game/challenge.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Joria on May 04, 2016, 02:19:26 PM
Can you move in more than 3 homeless if you do them one person at a time?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on May 04, 2016, 02:23:43 PM
No.  Limit is 3 homeless sims in your shelter at all times.  You can have less than 3 but no more than 3.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Joria on May 05, 2016, 02:58:15 PM
By "Max" a skill, do you mean reach the highest level or do every single little item in the skill?  You CAN reach lvl 10 in some skills without doing all the little tasks.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 05, 2016, 04:25:57 PM
By "Max" a skill, do you mean reach the highest level or do every single little item in the skill?  You CAN reach lvl 10 in some skills without doing all the little tasks.

It's just the skill level itself - not performing all the various unlocks at the different levels.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 06, 2016, 12:37:40 PM
Sorry about editing the rules after the light turned green on this event, but the team decided to add...

***Sims can marry, but can't move in spouse. Only your sim can ask someone to move in.

***No changing aspirations for anyone until an aspiration has been completed.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MissZoef on May 11, 2016, 09:41:24 AM
ooh this one sounds fun! reminds my of the baby boom challenge from last year, which was one of my favorites!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tjtemple on May 12, 2016, 12:59:28 PM
Any rules about moving them out?  Do they have to be moved back to "not in world", or may they move into a neighbouring house?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 12, 2016, 02:33:28 PM
Any rules about moving them out?  Do they have to be moved back to "not in world", or may they move into a neighbouring house?

You get credit as soon as they leave your household, so it does not matter where the Sims end up. I'm assuming it should go without saying that you could not bring in the same homeless Sim a 2nd time - I do not need to spell that out in the rules, right?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on May 12, 2016, 09:23:07 PM
Sorry about editing the rules after the light turned green on this event, but the team decided to add...

***Sims can marry, but can't move in spouse.

Can your sim marry a homeless sim that is already moved in?  Or does it have to be someone who has not and will never move in?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 13, 2016, 06:00:37 AM
Sorry about editing the rules after the light turned green on this event, but the team decided to add...

***Sims can marry, but can't move in spouse.

Can your sim marry a homeless sim that is already moved in?  Or does it have to be someone who has not and will never move in?

Yeah, the important thing I believe that the team wanted to avoid is to not have the spouse be part of the household.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 13, 2016, 07:17:17 PM
*GlazeyLady - I deleted your question. I am PMing you the answer.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: sdhoey on May 16, 2016, 09:59:13 PM
Ima Doogood started the Willow Creek Reform Center for the Homeless,to help them get a headstart with their dreams and careers. When she retired she had help the following amount:

Moved Out: 13x5=65

Remaining: 3x1=3

Total Score: 68

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Mack on May 17, 2016, 12:02:38 PM
 Ha! ha! love your Sim's name. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Highlander on May 19, 2016, 04:43:17 AM
I do want to thank you for putting these together. I doubt I would have ever played Sims 3 & 4 for very long if it wasn't for stuff like this.

I picked up on this challenge a few days ago. Tonight, the game crashed and I lost a day and a half. There's really no way to reproduce what you did. How do you handle stuff like that?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tjtemple on May 19, 2016, 04:49:40 AM
It's awful when that happens  :(  For the future there is a mod that autosaves which I believe is allowed in challenge files.  I use the one from

Welcome to the forum, you'll love it here; especially the challenges.  Though I am finding this one very tough myself even without losing any play!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 19, 2016, 05:37:35 AM
@Highlander - welcome to the forum and the Tournament. As tj said, the autosave mod would not be an issue for the team. We're pretty lenient in allowing restarts, etc - the game is buggy. No getting around that unfortunately. But, in the event of misfortunes with your file in the future, just PM the entire team and we'll tell you how to proceed.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: junegem on May 21, 2016, 06:20:14 AM
I am really enjoying this years challenges, well done to everyone who produces them. I am also amazed by the scores people can achieve, so well done to all those that post scores. Nearly always I practise, think that this challenge I might succeed and post and then real life intervenes and then it's too late! One day  ;)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tjtemple on May 21, 2016, 09:13:50 AM
Saint Ley homed many poor waifs and strays and is now downsizing and retiring with all the cash they earned him  ;D :

Moved Out: 17x5=85

Remaining: 2x2=4

R.I.P: 1x2=2

Total: 91
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 21, 2016, 11:10:21 AM
Saint Ley homed many poor waifs and strays and is now downsizing and retiring with all the cash they earned him  ;D :

Moved Out: 17x5=85

Remaining: 2x2=4

R.I.P: 1x2=2

Total: 91

So, just to clarify - the R.I.P. are Sims who completed some of their requirements but died before moving out, correct?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tjtemple on May 21, 2016, 11:11:21 AM
Yes. Poor man. Died working on his charisma :-(
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on May 21, 2016, 11:16:44 AM
Yes. Poor man. Died working on his charisma :-(

Awww...:) Then I will put him in the Remaining part of the table.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MissZoef on May 24, 2016, 12:38:30 PM
Goodela Two-Shoes also finished with 68 points.
This was harder than expected  :)
13 moved out x 5 = 65
remaining: 3 x 1 = 3
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Makenziegma on May 25, 2016, 01:04:56 AM
I am assuming an unique job still means that there are two in each career?  For example, within the writing career you would have to achieve level 3 career in both branches before being able to start careers over again? Thank you!!!
Title: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Ricalynn on May 25, 2016, 02:44:30 AM
I am assuming an unique job still means that there are two in each career?  For example, within the writing career you would have to achieve level 3 career in both branches before being able to start careers over again? Thank you!!!
@makenziegma Not a member of the team but according to the spreadsheet the branches aren't mentioned because at level 3 you can't even choose a branch.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on May 25, 2016, 07:18:00 AM
Ricalynn is correct.  There is no job that branches out at level 3, so for example culinary will count as one unique job even though it branches out to chef and mixologist later.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: reggikko on May 25, 2016, 09:13:53 PM
This challenge reminded me why I hate one particular skill.

Charity Goode ended her life of philanthropy thusly:

Sims moved out: 21X5=105
Sims in the shelter: 3X2=6
Total score: 111
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MissZoef on May 26, 2016, 04:26:35 AM
This challenge reminded me why I hate one particular skill.

Charity Goode ended her life of philanthropy thusly:

Sims moved out: 21X5=105
Sims in the shelter: 3X2=6
Total score: 111
Great score :-)

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on May 26, 2016, 01:31:52 PM

Charity Goode ended her life of philanthropy thusly:

My sim has the same name - she hasn't aged to Adult yet, but she's chugging along.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Highlander on May 29, 2016, 12:32:32 AM
I must be doing this wrong

7 sims moved out

3x2 at home

A paltry 41
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: GlazeyLady on May 29, 2016, 12:15:53 PM
Charity Goode II didn't do quite as well as her predecessor:

Sims moved out:  20 X 5 = 100
Sims at the shelter: 3 with 5 points total
Total Points: 105
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Teresa on May 29, 2016, 05:25:49 PM
Bene Factor had to call it quits early due to her own demise.   :'(

Sims moved out: 9 x 5 = 45
Sims remaining at the shelter: 1 with 1 point
Total points: 46
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Ricalynn on May 29, 2016, 10:42:42 PM
Goodwin "Red" Samaritan's shelter came to an abrupt end when part of it burnt down with him in it. 

10 moved out: 10 x 5

Remaining Sims + Those that died:  11 x 1

Grand total: 61
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on May 30, 2016, 06:25:31 AM
@Teresa and @Ricalynn, Oh my! Who knew that running a homeless shelter could be so hazardous?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: reggikko on May 30, 2016, 10:31:26 PM
Goodwin "Red" Samaritan's shelter came to an abrupt end when part of it burnt down with him in it. 

10 moved out: 10 x 5

Remaining Sims + Those that died:  11 x 1

Grand total: 61

Wow, that sucks! I must admit though, that I can't wait for this challenge to end so I can hear how this all played out.

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on May 31, 2016, 10:59:43 AM
I agree with @reggikko about feeling impatient about hearing what happened to the main sims of @Teresa and @Ricalynn , and the house guest of @tjtemple (who died while skilling).
Must confess to also wanting to hear which skill @reggikko hates, lol.
Okay, sigh, I best get on with this challenge.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 04, 2016, 11:29:11 AM
This one took much longer than I anticipated.  For those that haven't started, good luck.

Sims moved out: 34X5=170
Sims in the shelter: 2X2=4
Total score: 174
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Eighty8Keys on June 04, 2016, 09:36:59 PM
Wow, what an excellent score Nutella! Almost three times what my score is.

Len DeHand finished up his life of service to those less fortunate as follows:

Sims moved out: 11x5=55
Sims in the shelter: 3x2=6
Total score: 61
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: TanGuob on June 07, 2016, 01:24:37 PM
Hi everyone, This is my first time playing one of the challenges after reading them for the last 4 months. It was difficult but a lot of fun. I can't wait for the next one.

May Begood finished with a score of 43

Moved Out - 8x5=40
Remaining - 3x1=43
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on June 07, 2016, 03:18:15 PM
Welcome, TanGuob!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on June 07, 2016, 03:44:43 PM
Welcome to the forum and Tournament, TanGuob. :)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on June 08, 2016, 02:19:34 AM
Dudley Do-Right and I took forever to finish this challenge because I cannot play on Speed 3. *runs off to play Dining Out

Sims moved out:    23X5=115
Sims in the shelter:  5X1=    5
Total score: 120

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: sone on June 08, 2016, 06:29:58 AM
Aria Turner's Women's Shelter closed it's doors as she retired today.

Sims Moved out: 10
Sims in the Shelter: 6
Total Score: 56
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: clutchy11 on June 08, 2016, 11:22:20 AM
Hello I'm giving this challenge a go (first time ever doing a sims challenge!) .  My first homeless sim that I asked to move in has Lv10 gardening skill when she moved in.  Does this count on maxing a skill? Or do I have to max something else?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 08, 2016, 11:34:06 AM
Yes it counts, make sure to keep it unique though.

Preexisting skill/job levels of a homeless Sim can count towards the above requirements, but both still need to be unique. So, if you move in Sim A with Fitness level 7, then lucky you - you only have 3 more levels to cap the skill. Sim B comes along with Fitness level 8. Now you'll have to have Sim B start from scratch since Fitness was used to get Sim A moved out. Once you have gone though all available skills/jobs with the expansion packs you have chosen to play with, then you begin a second cycle of skills/jobs and keep the second cycle unique.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: clutchy11 on June 08, 2016, 01:01:06 PM
Thank you! Yes I understand the pre existing skill is okay, just that for this sim it's already at level 10 😁.  Thanks for clarifying
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: rokrchik on June 08, 2016, 07:48:16 PM
"Currently not in world" count as Homeless? May seem like a silly question, but I just want to double check.

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 08, 2016, 07:49:52 PM
"Currently not in world" count as Homeless?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Caterina on June 08, 2016, 09:24:32 PM
I have started a file for this challenge but I need a little clarification.  Is a homeless sim once that is "Currently not in world"?  Also, if we move in a sim and the $20,000 comes with them, are we allowed to keep it?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 08, 2016, 09:27:56 PM
Is a homeless sim once that is "Currently not in world"?
You can bring up the map view using "M" and check to see which families occupy the houses in each world.  If you don't find their names in any of the houses in all the worlds, then they are homeless.  So yes, if they are "currently not in world", they are homeless.

Also, if we move in a sim and the $20,000 comes with them, are we allowed to keep it?
Yes, you are allowed to keep the money.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: clutchy11 on June 09, 2016, 01:12:48 PM
Hello again, sorry for the many questions! For dance skill, since it's maxed out at level 5 (I just figured this out!), does this count as maxing a skill?

Also,  I found some bug in the spreadsheet.  For the skill count, video games onwards, it does not sum the first few rows (auto fill-in error). Hope it helps!

Thank you!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Caterina on June 09, 2016, 04:22:22 PM
Help!  How do I move out just one sim?  Do I wait until I am asking a new sim to move in and have them switch places?  I know how to do it with Manage Worlds but we are not allowed to use that.


Nevermind.  I figured it out.  When you load the game the option is there on the bottom right.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 09, 2016, 07:00:45 PM
For dance skill, since it's maxed out at level 5 (I just figured this out!), does this count as maxing a skill?

Also,  I found some bug in the spreadsheet.  For the skill count, video games onwards, it does not sum the first few rows (auto fill-in error). Hope it helps!
Thank you for catching the mistake, will notify @LenaLJ
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 09, 2016, 07:02:34 PM
Help!  How do I move out just one sim?  Do I wait until I am asking a new sim to move in and have them switch places?  I know how to do it with Manage Worlds but we are not allowed to use that.
Manage Worlds is allowed to move sims out.  This is the only occasion where manage world is allowed.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Caterina on June 11, 2016, 10:18:38 PM
Caterina Caresalot enjoyed helping the homeless.  What a fun challenge!

Points for Sims moved out:  55
Points for Sims remaining:     5

Total Points:                       60
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: LenaLJ on June 12, 2016, 03:10:33 PM
I have a total of 34 sims moved out, and one sim with a maxed skill
So that should be 34*5+1 = 171
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Makenziegma on June 12, 2016, 04:24:56 PM
I really wanted to compete in this way and now I would enjoy it. I am only about 1/4 of the way done. However, due to a new grandson and increased responsibilities at work not sure if I will be able to finish this one. :-(
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on June 12, 2016, 04:59:32 PM
I really wanted to compete in this way and now I would enjoy it. I am only about 1/4 of the way done. However, due to a new grandson and increased responsibilities at work not sure if I will be able to finish this one. :-(

You can go ahead and post whatever score you have on Thursday. Congrats on the new grandson!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Ginj on June 12, 2016, 07:59:27 PM
Shirley Goodheart entered her golden years with 14 Sims moved out and 9 points for her Sims passed on or still in the shelter, giving a total of 79 points.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on June 13, 2016, 07:15:35 AM
This challenge ends Thursday at midnight, so get those scores in soon. Good luck to everyone finishing up. :)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 13, 2016, 07:18:41 AM
Shirley Goodheart entered her golden years with 14 Sims moved out and 9 points for her Sims passed on or still in the shelter, giving a total of 79 points.

I'm confused with the 9 points part.  There are 3 homeless sims and each have 3 requirements worth 1 point each.  So do you have all 3 sims complete all requirements but you didn't move them out?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on June 13, 2016, 07:49:14 AM
Shirley Goodheart entered her golden years with 14 Sims moved out and 9 points for her Sims passed on or still in the shelter, giving a total of 79 points.

I'm confused with the 9 points part.  There are 3 homeless sims and each have 3 requirements worth 1 point each.  So do you have all 3 sims complete all requirements but you didn't move them out?

She said that some of them had died.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Ginj on June 13, 2016, 07:53:14 AM
Right.  The three on hand earned six points; the two who died earned three more points.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 13, 2016, 08:27:17 AM
Got it, thank you.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Makenziegma on June 13, 2016, 07:28:15 PM
Thank you Marian. My grandson took precedence over my sims. Priorities  :-)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on June 13, 2016, 09:13:53 PM
Jane Addams moved out 12 sims for 60 pts. 1 died at 2 pts; 2 in the house had 2 pts each and 1 had only 1 pt. Grand total is 67 pts.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: jewels129 on June 14, 2016, 02:38:54 PM
I could not get those last 3 sims to skill fast enough...

8 moved out X 5         =40
1 died +1 (aspiration) =1
3 remaining X2 each    =6

Total 47
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 15, 2016, 03:12:13 PM
Just a quick reminder that this event ends Thursday (tomorrow) at midnight, so make sure to post your score before then. Good luck to everyone finishing up.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on June 16, 2016, 08:09:22 AM
All done. Did better than I thought I would to be honest...

17 Sims moved out = 85 puts

6 points for remaining Sims. = 91
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: SIMantics101 on June 16, 2016, 09:15:44 PM
This was a very busy month, so I only got through a couple of sim-weeks, but I wanted to still post what I did.

Charity Goodman's shelter helped two homeless sims get back on their feet and three others take steps in the right direction.

2 sims x 5 credits = 10
1 sim  x 2 credits = 2
2 sims x 1 credit= 2

For a total of 19 points.

Thank you to the creators and moderators of another fun challenge.  And congratulations to the top scorers!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: rokrchik on June 16, 2016, 09:41:14 PM
Ends at midnight tonight - any particular time zone? Or just midnight where the poster lives?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 16, 2016, 09:48:47 PM
Midnight your local time.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: mcbalisen on June 16, 2016, 09:52:53 PM
Youcan Stayhere finished with 68 points.

13 sims moved out x 5 = 65 points
1 sim remaining x 1 (aspiration) = 1 point
1 sim remaining x 2 (job, aspiration) = 2 points
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: _Annika_ on June 16, 2016, 11:17:14 PM
  • No moving and no marrying.
  • All Sims in your household can marry, but spouses cannot be moved in.

I'm confused...

Also, are mixology potions banned?
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Minnie Mouse on June 16, 2016, 11:34:44 PM
Another last minute finish for me... :P

15 sims moved out x 5 = 75
3 points for remaining sims

Total = 78

On an entertaining note... I don't know what the pre-Dine Out patch did to my game, but immediately afterwards, a townie by the name of "Grim Reaper" spawned in full reaper garb! He was a detective at the police station where one of my sims was working. I saved to a separate file there so I can go back and try to move him into my household! :D

Thanks for the challenge guys. As usual, it was a blast!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: rokrchik on June 17, 2016, 02:27:34 AM
Martina McIntosh ended with a total score of 63.

13 sims moved x 5 = 60
3 points for remaining sims

Total: 63
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Metropolis Man on June 17, 2016, 05:37:25 AM
This event is now closed. Yet another feather in the cap for Nutella. She is on quite a tear this season. Well done. And congrats to all participants. Everyone is now free to discuss strategy.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 17, 2016, 10:10:27 AM

-- Easiest requirement out of the three.
-- Most aspiration are easy to complete, but I find that the "Bestselling Author" aspiration takes too long.  Seems like if you sit down and not stop to finish one book it takes 4 hours, if you take a break and come back to write the same book later it takes way longer than 4 hours.  It never used to be like this, not sure why it was happening.
-- Another tedious aspiration is "Grilled Cheese".  You have to sit down and eat 2-3 grilled cheese in a row until you get the popup saying the aspiration is unlock on the top right corner of your screen.  If that message doesn't popup, you don't get the talk about grilled cheese social option. 
-- Eating 10 grilled cheese takes forever, but you can cut the time down by having your other sim eat half of it first, then store it in the household inventory.  The grilled cheese aspiration sim can finish it up later.


-- I play this challenge without "Get To Work", mainly to avoid the Doctor and Detective career.  I have to follow the sims to work to get promoted from level 2 to 3, which I find annoying, wasting my time as I can get a lot of things done if I don't follow them to work.  Without that expansion pack, I had 10 careers to rotate.
-- All careers from level 1 to level 2 only takes one day. 
-- All careers (except business) from level 2 to level 3 takes two days.
-- Business career is the only one that I found which take only 1 day to get from level 2 to level 3.
-- Trick is need to stay in "very energized" throughout the workday while working hard.
-- I use Deep Tissue Massage with incense for +2 happy (24 hours), fertility massage with incense for +2 happy (12 hours), muscle relaxing soak with incense for +2 energized (12 hours), and energy centering yoga with incense for +2 energized (8 hours).  Adds up to +8 to stay very energized for the whole work day.
-- My business homeless sim is always YA or adult female, because if not they can't get the fertility massage for the moodlet.
-- For the entire challenge, I only found one homeless sim with preexisting career, I use "Ask about Career" social interaction.


-- I have 22 skills to rotate, the trick is to invite homeless sims in with preexisting skills, preferably max skills.

1.  Charisma - Great Kisser reward.  I use a homeless sim with soulmate aspiration, easy to get 3000 whim points to buy the reward.
2.  Comedy - Hire Comedian. 
3.  Homestyle Cooking - Cook grilled cheese while very inspired.
4.  Gourmet Cooking - Cook caprese salad while very inspired.
5.  Dancing - Dance while very confident.
6.  DJ - Hire Headliner DJ.  Don't use the DJ that spawns in bar, they might not have max skill.  If you hire the most expensive DJ, they will always comes with max DJ skill.
7.  Fishing - Fisherman, always max skill.
8.  Fitness - Gym Trainer, always max skill.
9.  Gardening - Gardener, always max skill.
10. Guitar - Hire Guitarist. 
11. Handiness - Repairman, always max skill.
12. Logic - Amysdelight, very focused, and mentoring.
13. Mischief - Mischief socials while very happy.
14. Mixology - Find a mixologist that is high level.  Visit bars, click on the bar to check the mixologist level.  I manage to find a level 9 mixologist, couldn't find a level 10.
15. Painting - Prose and pop, very inspired, and mentoring.
16. Piano - Hire Pianist.
17. Programming - Amysdelight and very focused.  This one is quite hard to level, I did not like this skill at all.
18. Rocket Science - Amysdelight and very focused.  This one is difficult too, as bad as programming.
19. Video Gaming - Amysdelight, very focused, and use an upgraded gaming mat.  Have your homeless sim with max handiness upgrade the gaming mat for fast skill gain.
20. Violin - Hire Violinist.
21. Wellness - Hire Massage Therapist.
22. Writing - Prose and pop, very inspired, and mentoring.

Few Tricks:

-- I had my created sim level logic, painting, and writing.  These are the 3 skills that she max so she can mentor homeless sim with the "Mentor" reward.

-- Hire Pianist/Guitarist/Violinist, have these NPC sims play the instruments in your home.  Make sure you have money and keep rehiring them, while they play the instruments in your home, they will level the skills.  After about a week, you can check to see which NPC have max skill.  Example: have your original sim pick up a violin and start playing, then click on the Violinist, check to see if the social "Have XXX mentor" is available.  If it is, then that violinist have max violin skill.  If the mentor social is unavailable, keep hiring them back to play.

-- Hire Comedian.  This work the same way as instruments, except there is no way you can check to see if the NPC comedian have max comedy skill.  So I kept rehiring the comedian for like 3 weeks, pretty sure he was max skill by the time I invited him into the household.

-- Hire Massage Therapist.  All massage therapist comes with wellness level 9 or 10.  I will hire therapist and have my original sim keep getting massage from this therapist.  Yes, you do spend a lot of money from massages, but you are also leveling their wellness skill.

-- Dancing.  This one you can actually invite homeless over and dance with them together.  It will level their dancing skill, but you must have free sim around to dance with them. 

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MarianT on June 17, 2016, 10:19:18 AM
Congratulations, Nutella! Excellent tips -- I did not think of getting Sims to level skills before moving in.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: MissZoef on June 17, 2016, 10:23:16 AM
Absolutely love your strategy Nutella! I never thought about hiring all those people. I did think of getting a fisherman and a gardner. Learned something again :-)

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: reggikko on June 17, 2016, 10:58:52 AM
@Nutella how do you uninstall one Xp? I didn't realize we could do that for a challenge. I see now, the rules say XP you choose to play with. OOPS!

I also relied on hiring service Sims, but didn't think to keep hiring them to level the skill. I got lucky on careers with two Sims who were at a high level when I moved them in. One Tech Guru and one Entertainer/Musician. Great job, as always!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tjtemple on June 17, 2016, 11:02:38 AM
Brilliant as ever Nutella! I also didn't think of hiring anyone, only the fishing, gardening, mixologist, repair and Dj.  The only stroke of luck I had to get a decent score was that I had about 5 sims that came with the Clubs aspiration so I could change them to an easy one. 

I also found programming long and tiresome. 
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 17, 2016, 11:06:30 AM
EA doesn't recommend uninstalling using this method, so I did it at my own risk.  Seems to run smooth for me, although might not be the same for everyone else.

To Uninstall a Pack, just find a folder where all your Origin Games are installed, open The Sims 4 folder and delete a Pack folder of your choice.
My Example:
GP01 – Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
EP01 – Get To Work Expansion Pack

You have to know which pack is which, so you can remove the correct one.  I don't delete it, i just move the folder to my desktop.  When I am done with the challenge, then I move the folder back.
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: oshizu on June 17, 2016, 11:37:22 AM
What a brilliant idea to pre-level some of your homeless sims while waiting for your current residents to move out.
About Get to Work and Outdoor Retreat, I was afraid of trying the "non-recommended" uninstalling method and the "official" method looked too time-consuming.
With my luck, it would have adversely affected my game and a challenge I'm close to finishing.

Outdoor Retreat wasn't bad--I moved in the hermit who had L10 Herbalism.
So, I did do all three Get to Work careers--I learned new tricks for the Doctor career which I hadn't played for a while, though so win-win for me!
Instead of Soulmate, I bought Great Kisser with a sim who came in with Mansion Baron since my starter sim and his house had already completed that aspiration.

Thanks for always so generously sharing your strategies, Nutella!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: tiffieleigh on June 17, 2016, 11:43:59 AM
I was having a lot of fun with this one, but once again I ran out of time.  One of these days I am going to go back and finish all these to see how I would have compared!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 17, 2016, 11:58:13 AM

I avoided the Outdoor Retreat because of the outdoor enthusiast aspiration.  As you can see with my strategy, staying on home lot 100% of the time would benefit the most.  If I have outdoor xpac, and some homeless sims might have that aspiration, which will force me to travel to granite falls and spend time fishing and herbing.  If I am playing with one sim, then I don't mind.  However when I have a household of 4 sims, each and every one have stuff they need to do.  Plus I have to keep inviting violinist/guitarist/pianist/comedian/therapist over to my house to skill up, I rather not travel.

Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Minnie Mouse on June 17, 2016, 01:14:00 PM
@Nutella Great strategy! I nabbed the gardener, fisherman, and handyman. But did not think of mixologist, DJ, etc... Hats off to you! :)

General challenge rules question - I totally missed the language in the rules (till now) about expansions you choose to play with. Is it generally accepted that you can choose what expansions to play with unless otherwise specified (like in the Learn to Cook challenge, when it was specifically stated that uninstalling expansions is prohibited)? Or should I be on the look out for wording like that in future challenges to signal that uninstalling is allowed for that particular challenge?

I guess I'm just asking what the general rule here is - I checked the General Challenge Rules and didn't see anything on this, but I could have missed it!
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Nutella on June 17, 2016, 01:27:57 PM
@Minnie Mouse

We do not prohibit players from choosing which expansions they want to play with for challenges, but in certain challenge (like the cooking one) we will specifically state that you cannot uninstall. 
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: Minnie Mouse on June 17, 2016, 01:31:07 PM

Good to know! I will file that little tidbit away for future reference. Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Homeless Shelter
Post by: _Annika_ on June 17, 2016, 08:36:16 PM
Great strategy Nutella! I always look forward to seeing how you went about things. I had a feeling that there had to be a way to help sims to level up before you moved them in. I came back for a geezer at the forums just a little too late to participate in this one, but I think I'll still play it through to completion. I really like the concept. It will be interesting to see how I can manage without the spa pack, as there aren't many other long-lasting moodlets.