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The Sims 4 => The Sims 4 - Challenges => Sims 4 - Challenges Graveyard => Topic started by: Metropolis Man on May 29, 2015, 04:29:33 AM
Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
Start with 3 Sims who you grind into the ground by initially making them enemies and nearly starving them to death. Once that is achieved, do your best to transform them into successful Sims - but, you can only play one Sim per day.
General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules (,22549.0.html) always apply. If applicable, exceptions will be noted below.
Specific Challenge Rules
- Create three Young Adult Sims.
- Purchase the Dusty Turf empty lot in Oasis Springs.
- You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat for the sole purpose of purchasing a satellite to prevent abductions.
- Open the cheats panel and use testing cheats to bring your family funds to $0 — type Money 0 after testing cheats has been enabled. Turn off cheats when you are done.
- No moving allowed.
- All 3 Sims must acquire Enemy status with each other as well as achieve a Ravenous moodlet. No leaving the home lot until these are achieved. Once this is achieved, you can begin working towards the goals.
- You are only allowed to play one Sim per day and make the change at midnight. You are allowed to check on other Sims, but only your active Sim can be given queues to do things. You cannot change aspirations, choose whims, and/or cancel whims for your inactive Sims.
- Traveling to any other lot and/or Granite Fall requires the entire household to make the trip. You can still only play the one active Sim and must change active Sims at midnight.
- No caking up Sims - if your Sims age up it has to be done naturally by the game - otherwise, the formulas in the spreadsheet will be messed up.
- No household additions allowed.
- This challenge ends when your household has achieved the 5 required goals listed below. Once you have established the Ravenous/Enemy initial conditions all 3 Sims must remain alive for the duration. The team is allowing a "three strikes and you're out" policy until that point is achieved — you're allowed two deaths and free do-overs during the initial set up phase. A 3rd death during initial phase or any death occurring after the initial phase and before you have completed the 5 requirements results in you posting a DNF.
**30000 Household Funds
**3000 Satisfaction (this is a household total - spent and unspent)
**300 Whims completed (household total)
**30 Skill levels (household total)
**3 Good Friends (does not matter who has a certain amount as long as the household has 3)
All conditions must be met at a given moment for you to stop your file and note the time - so, keep an eye on household funds and friendship levels as these are the two requirements that can drop.
Scoring is simply the total game minutes played in order to complete the 5 requirements.
Minutes — When your household has accomplished all 5 requirements, then pause your game and note the game clock time. Open up the Simology tab for one of your Sims and also note the days to age up number. Put all of the necessary info into the appropriate spreadsheet cells ( and it will calculate the total minutes you needed to play. After the spreadsheet calculates your minutes and you have the info to update the challenge thread, please put zeros in the spreadsheet cells. Thank you, Lena, for constructing that for everyone! :)
The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.
Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, ratchie, Nutella, LenaLJ, Trip, and Blackrosea) for clarifications. Thanks.
And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.
This Event is Now Closed
Player | Minutes |
ClayMask | 5294 |
Nikitachi | 12492 |
christinal3106 | 12674 |
Metropolis Man | 14914 |
alyssa.cole | 16350 |
MarianT | 17157 |
HelenP | 18106 |
fivebyfive | 18434 |
Ginj | 18912 |
Brisayshi | 19459 |
krzyman21 | 20963 |
fluffyj00 | 21346 |
Ironicbeauty | 30035 |
kirkbysims | 31885 |
MischaMusic | 37223 |
SIMantics101 | 55679 |
sdhoey | 60000 |
CynKuy | DNF |
This looks slightly different than I expected it too, but fun. You decided not to go with the bad traits idea, I see. Also, I'm assuming that we're never allowed to sell the stylized rooms, at any point during the challenge?
Edit: Also no moving things in or out of the rooms, right?
Yeah, the team thought the traits thing to reduce time off the score was just too much. And thank you for asking about the Styled Rooms - I will clarify.
Edit: Also no moving things in or out of the rooms, right?
That's probably a good suggestion: just to ramp up the difficulty.
Added a no moving rule.
I will have a prototype of the spreadsheet up soonish i think, when i link it please write here or on PM to me if you discover errors.
Although we can't add things to the rooms, can we still add things to the lot?
Although we can't add things to the rooms, can we still add things to the lot?
*cries* Right in the middle of our move. Well at least the computer is the last thing to move get unplugged and put in the car. So I can use it as a stress relief at night.
I love the style of this challenge, sounds like it'll be fun! :D
I don't understand this : "You can never change anything of the 9 Styled Rooms" but then you say: "... Once this is achieved, you can replace room doors and begin working towards the goals."
I don't understand this : "You can never change anything of the 9 Styled Rooms" but then you say: "... Once this is achieved, you can replace room doors and begin working towards the goals."
Yeah that is a bit of a contradiction. I think the main thing is that you get your three Sims to that Ravenous and enemy state - after that, does it really matter if rooms are changed or things are sold? It might simplify things a bit. But, I think no moving should definitely stay.
It'd up to you how hard you want to make it. If we're not able to use or sell the items in the rooms, we will have less money and/or resources to work with in the beginning. You may want to make it that hard, or you may think that's too much.
Marian, you have added a lot to this event - I would like your specific input as to whether you think anything should go after a player has their Sims as enemies and Ravenous.
I think the rooms should stay the same. Otherwise, a player could get to $20,000 in household funds and then sell off all the furniture to make $30,000. I just started a practice file, and once the doors had been removed (unfortunately you have to sell them rather than store them in inventory), a player will have $2,200 to work with. That should be plenty to start with, even after you've put all the doors back.
If you want to make it harder, you could have people do a money cheat to bring funds to 0 before you get rid of the doors (or even after).
One question I wanted clarified -- can you control all 3 sims until midnight of the first day?
Also, while waiting for them to get ravenous, my sims started getting skill points in video games autonomously. Do we have to add 30 points to those, or is it negligible enough -- and probably common enough -- that it's not a problem.
If I may say, I much prefer a money cheat to bring funds to $0 right from the start. I think it is more simple than having to put those rooms in.
One question I wanted clarified -- can you control all 3 sims until midnight of the first day?
Well, for consistency I'd say right out of the gate you can only control one Sim at a time.
Also, while waiting for them to get ravenous, my sims started getting skill points in video games autonomously. Do we have to add 30 points to those, or is it negligible enough -- and probably common enough -- that it's not a problem.
Well, it's 30 total skill points, so that autonomous skilling initially will only help everyone. "I'm starving! Feed me!!! more Angry Birds game..."
@ClayMask - the answer is yes to your last post. ;)
Guys - you are NOT starting at scratch when you achieve the Ravenous state and are enemies. Think about do a few whims here and there, skill bit. We all know this, right? Those five requirements everyone has to achieve - I did not say in the rules you are starting from scratch with them when you have the green light. The goal is simply to finish them. Period.
*Sigh* No start from $0 then? We do have to get all these ghastly rooms on the lot?
*Sigh* No start from $0 then? We do have to get all these ghastly rooms on the lot?
Well, twist my arm. ;) I am a softie. That's a rule that we could change at the last minute and would have no impact really on players' test files.
Well, twist my arm. ;) I am a softie. That's a rule that we could change at the last minute and would have no impact really on players' test files.
Ah! You do give me hope, sir. But I'd like to know what the rules are before I test anything, thank you very much. So, I'm now hoping it won't be a last minute change.
I'm dying to have a go at this challenge.
So, are you suggesting after entering Live Mode and going hardcore and plopping them on the lot with absolutely nothing and also bringing their funds to $0?
Sorry if I revealed too much in my last question. I have a couple other questions. I don't really understand how the rotation between the Sims work. Do we rotate between all of them in a set order throughout the challenge? Like Sim 1, Sim 2, Sim 3, and then back to 1 again, or is the rotation more flexible?
Also, if the active Sim wants to travel, do all three need to travel?
So, are you suggesting after entering Live Mode and going hardcore and plopping them on the lot with absolutely nothing and also bringing their funds to $0?
Yes. I think that would be great.
Edit: They are hobos, right?
Sorry if I revealed too much in my last question. I have a couple other questions. I don't really understand how the rotation between the Sims work. Do we rotate between all of them in a set order throughout the challenge? Like Sim 1, Sim 2, Sim 3, and then back to 1 again, or is the rotation more flexible?
I think it can be flexible - the main thing is you cannot play one Sim for more than a day.
Also, if the active Sim wants to travel, do all three need to travel?
Traveling might mess up things because of the whole rational feel. I wonder if we should just ban it for simplicity?
Traveling might mess up things because of the whole rational feel.
I'm not sure what you mean by the 'rational feel'?
I'm not sure what you mean by the 'rational feel'?
I think he meant to type rotational feel.
Using cheat and start with $0 funds makes the rules simple, although definitely make it harder than the current ruleset with the rooms.
As for traveling, you can ban or keep. If you are keeping traveling, I suggest to put a rule down that all 3 sims must travel at the same time - while one active sim go does his stuff, the other 2 sims must be left there on their own. You cannot leave the 2 sims behind on home lot, as you can exploit that for fulfilling needs.
I'm with Nutella -- when they travel, either to another lot or to Granite Falls, they have to go together. And I'd say they have to stay on the home lot until they're ravenous and enemies. I'm fine with starting at 0 funds -- as Tixxis says, they are hobos.
I'm not sure if my opinion is something you're interested in, but I decided to give it anyway. To me, setting the money to zero seems more in the theme of the challenge than having the rooms. I also like the idea that they should all travel together, but don't like the idea of travel being banned, especially if they start with no funds. If they own nothing but an empty lot, it seems like they'd be wanting to make use of other lots where they can.
Thank you for all the input guys. I will update the rules this evening to reflect everyone's ideas. I am right in the middle of a D3 game. :)
One last suggestion -- if someone starts cooking on a nearby grill (not one of your sims, an NPC), they'll all go eat, thus adding to the time until they become ravenous. Can we wall them up until then, and then go to 0?
ETA: have a great vacation!
One last suggestion -- if someone starts cooking on a nearby grill (not one of your sims, an NPC), they'll all go eat, thus adding to the time until they become ravenous. Can we wall them up until then, and then go to 0?
ETA: have a great vacation!
If we do it this way, can the time we go to 0 be after we delete the walls, so we all start with 0?
ClayMask, that's what I was thinking. Either that, or we could start on a lot that doesn't have a grill right next to it -- the cost doesn't really matter if we all start at 0.
Oh I did not even realize a grill was nearby - what...on the adjoining lot?
Let's specify a particular lot (with no grill closeby) and everyone starts there, to make things simple.
Let's specify a particular lot (with no grill closeby) and everyone starts there, to make things simple.
Sure. Someone suggest one.
How about Oasis Springs - Dusty Turf? I don't see any grills nearby, can someone please check and confirm? I could be blind.
I had a quick check and can't see any grills in that neighbourhood either.
I didn't see one, either. I like the way that neighborhood looks.
Okay, done - I made the lot change. I am out of here guys - heading to bed early with a lot of driving tomorrow. Be good. Catch you guys in a week.
Rules modification:
You are only allowed to play one Sim per day and make the change at midnight. You are allowed to check on other Sims, but only your active Sim can be given queues to do things. You cannot change aspirations, choose whims, and/or cancel whims for your inactive Sims.
Does the sentence makes sense? Does everyone understand it?
Rules modification:
You are only allowed to play one Sim per day and make the change at midnight. You are allowed to check on other Sims, but only your active Sim can be given queues to do things. You cannot change aspirations, choose whims, and/or cancel whims for your inactive Sims.
Does the sentence makes sense? Does everyone understand it?
Yes, that makes sense. That's how I was assuming we were supposed to say, but it's a good thing to clarify it with a rule.
Can you please confirm that the order we rotate between the three Sims is flexible?
It is possible to go from Sim A to Sim B and back to Sim A while ignoring Sim C?
Can you please confirm that the order we rotate between the three Sims is flexible?
It is possible to go from Sim A to Sim B and back to Sim A while ignoring Sim C?
Confirmed correct.
Day 1 - play Sim A (Sim B & C inactive)
Day 2 - play Sim B (Sim A & C inactive)
Day 3 - play Sim A (Sim B & C inactive)
You can ignore Sim C for the whole challenge if you want to, its your choice.
The rule is you can only play one sim (one active sim) per day, doesn't matter who you choose.
Thank you, Nutella!
Edit to ask:
1. Our hobos are vulnerable to alien abduction. Is there anything we can do about that?
2. Is it allowed to access the personal inventories of the inactive Sims?
3. I assume we cannot buy aspiration rewards for/via an inactive Sim?
1. Our hobos are vulnerable to alien abduction. Is there anything we can do about that?
Sigh, those aliens. I suppose we could let players purchase a satellite dish with cheat before setting funds to zero.
2. Is it allowed to access the personal inventories of the inactive Sims?
@MarianT @LenaLJ - what do you think?
Sigh, those aliens. I suppose we could let players purchase a satellite dish with cheat before setting funds to zero.
@MarianT @LenaLJ - what do you think?
I agree as we did it in other challenges too.
Yes, we probably should let them get the satellite dish before they set funds to 0.
As for accessing the inventories of inactive players, I'd say no.
Rules Modification:
You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat for the sole purpose of purchasing a satellite to prevent abductions.
This line is added before the setting funds to $0 rule.
1. Our hobos are vulnerable to alien abduction. Is there anything we can do about that?
We added the rule to allow cheat to purchase satellite dish before setting funds to $0.
2. Is it allowed to access the personal inventories of the inactive Sims?
3. I assume we cannot buy aspiration rewards for/via an inactive Sim?
Correct. You can't buy aspiration rewards for inactive Sim, you can't buy aspiration rewards using inactive Sim points.
Thank you very much.
I have a few more questions about the following rule:
"All 3 Sims must acquire Enemy status with each other as well as achieve a Ravenous moodlet. No leaving the home lot until these are achieved. Once this is achieved, you can begin working towards the goals."
Should the home lot be fenced off until they are enemies and ravenous?
The inactive Sims left the lot: one went to sit on the bench nearby and the other went for a jog.
Can we begin working towards the goals before they are enemies and ravenous?
It is hard not to. All Sims - controlled or not - pick up skills. And the actual active Sim will have an aspiration and whims to consider.
Should the home lot be fenced off until they are enemies and ravenous?
The inactive Sims left the lot: one went to sit on the bench nearby and the other went for a jog.
No need. It is fine if the inactive sim gain some some skill without you controlling them. When we say leaving the lot, we meant traveling (zoning using the map screen).
Can we begin working towards the goals before they are enemies and ravenous?
It is hard not to. All Sims - controlled or not - pick up skills. And the actual active Sim will have an aspiration and whims to consider.
The inactive sim picking up skills is unavoidable, but the active sim should be concentrating on making enemies with the other 2 sims instead of working on aspiration and whims. So I am thinking you may pick up mischief and charisma skill a bit while making enemies?
If you pick up any skills or whims while making enemies, that is fine. It is not fine if you work on something else besides making enemies / getting ravenous.
@MarianT @LenaLJ @ClayMask thoughts?
I brought up this question to Metro, and he said it wasn't necessary to fence them in. The few skill points they pick up from video games and jogging won't make much difference. The main thing is that you can't direct any of them to work on a skill or satisfy a whim or make money until they're enemies and ravenous.
The way I understand things was exactly how MarianT put it.
I'm still not sure if I understand this right.
Map travel is off, but the whole neighborhood is accessible.
Even if we control a Sim, he/she may do nothing but make enemies of the other two until they all become ravenous.
It takes no time at all to become enemies. It takes a long time to become ravenous.
To sit there, watch this, doing nothing... I don't know.
Of course, they won't just be ravenous, they'll also be filthy and exhausted. Makes this a real challenge in the first day or so after you can start working towards the main goals.
Map travel is off, but the whole neighborhood is accessible.
Correct. Your inactive sim will just wander around, no grill in that neighborhood, so we are good. The main thing is you do not zone into a different area, must remain in your starting zone.
It takes no time at all to become enemies. It takes a long time to become ravenous.
To sit there, watch this, doing nothing... I don't know.
From what I understand, once you achieve enemy status between your active Sim and the other Sims, but your Sims are no longer ravenous, you'd have the choice to either continue to do mean/mischievous interactions, or just let your active Sim do stuff autonomously. If you are going the autonomous route you could just fast forward if you wanted. I'm not 100% certain whether these are both allowed, though, so some verification would be great.
I'm pretty sure you can go the autonomous route and fast forward till ravenous.
Traveling to any other lot and/or Granite Fall requires the entire household to make the trip. You can still only play the one active Sim and must change active Sims at midnight.
Just a small clarification:
When the other sims refuse to come, is it ok to temporarily switch over and get them to the active sim's lot via "Bring here"?
Just a small clarification:
When the other sims refuse to come, is it ok to temporarily switch over and get them to the active sim's lot via "Bring here"?
Do you mean from the drop down menu?
Example if you travel to gym: click "M" on your keyboard, choose all 3 sims on the traveling popup box.
Example if you travel to special places like sylvan glade: your active sim will be the only one that goes through, after zoning in, click on the portrait of those 2 sims and click "bring here".
You can also use "M" to return all 3 to the home lot.
I'm a bit confused. At first I understood the rules as in order to make your sims enemies you could play all of them in the beginning and then start just playing one sim. But now I'm wondering if I misunderstood? I though we had to make sure all sims are enemies with each other - wouldn't that mean we have to play at least 2 sims to make them all enemies?
example: Sim a is the active sim, they become enemies with sim b and sim c. That still leaves sim b and c not enemies with each other.
In order to make them all enemies we would have to use 2 days?
I'm a bit confused. At first I understood the rules as in order to make your sims enemies you could play all of them in the beginning and then start just playing one sim. But now I'm wondering if I misunderstood? I though we had to make sure all sims are enemies with each other - wouldn't that mean we have to play at least 2 sims to make them all enemies?
example: Sim a is the active sim, they become enemies with sim b and sim c. That still leaves sim b and c not enemies with each other.
In order to make them all enemies we would have to use 2 days?
It would mean that you would have to use at least a part of a second day. I haven't tried this yet, but I'm thinking it would take most or all of the time until the second day anyway to become ravenous.
My understanding is you can only play one sim at a time, even before you achieve the enemies/ravenous thing. @MarianT, can you confirm? Metropolis man is not around can't ask him.
I asked him before he left if we could control all 3 before midnight the first day, and he said no, we had to start with just one. But it takes about 2 days to become ravenous, so it's possible to get all 3 enemies by then.
I asked him before he left if we could control all 3 before midnight the first day, and he said no, we had to start with just one. But it takes about 2 days to become ravenous, so it's possible to get all 3 enemies by then.
Thanks for clearing that up, I've never had a sim become ravenous before.
Thanks for clearing that up, I've never had a sim become ravenous before.
While play-testing I found it took them around 3.00pm of the 2nd day to get ravenous.
So far all the posts are strategy free, but I am afraid we could be diving into strategy talk territory. Please refrain from talking ravenous / enemies strategies.
How about Sim deaths.. do all three need to stay alive until the end of the challenge.. or can you continue on with the survivors is say one is too stupid to eat or dies of embarrassment, LOL
EDITED by Nutella (removed for strategy)
So far all the posts are strategy free, but I am afraid we could be diving into strategy talk territory. Please refrain from talking ravenous / enemies strategies.
Sorry, Nutella.
I have removed my post.
This challenge ends when your household has achieved the 5 required goals listed below. All 3 Sims must be alive when you note your ending time.
Sorry don't know how to attribute quotes, it's in the rules.
Sorry don't know how to attribute quotes, it's in the rules.
Argh, sorry my bad, did not see that sentence.
How about Sim deaths.. do all three need to stay alive until the end of the challenge.. or can you continue on with the survivors is say one is too stupid to eat or dies of embarrassment, LOL
If that happens, you will be disqualified, sorry.
This challenge is not live yet, rules can still change, so keep tabs on this thread.
How do you know when you've completed 300 whims?
Click on the Simology icon (second from the right, where the sim's traits are shown). At the far right of that section is a bar graph icon for the sim's stats. # of whims completed is shown if you scroll down a bit. Also, you'll get the Achievement "Whimsical" when you complete 100 whims across all sims, which will at least let you know you're 1/3 of the way done.
Thanks. I knew about the aspiration for 100 whims, but I didn't know about the stats showing whims. Not sure if I'm going to do this challenge. It's not really my kind of thing.
Do the starting 3 have to remain enemies though the entire challenge?
And if not if sim A and sim B become good friends does that count as 1 good friend or do they have to be sims from outside of the household?
I'm afraid I can't answer those questions, I am not sure myself (I didn't create this challenge). We can wait for Metropolis man to come back from vacation tomorrow, or @MarianT (creator) can give us some input?
Do the starting 3 have to remain enemies though the entire challenge?
And if not if sim A and sim B become good friends does that count as 1 good friend or do they have to be sims from outside of the household?
I hopped on the father-in-laws laptop in sunny Florida to say hi to everyone. :) Enemy status is just the initial prerequisite - once you have the green light their status is up to you.
We're leaving to come home tomorrow - talk to you guys soon.
It's not clear to me whether or not you are supposed to build on the lot before the ravenous/enemies requirement is met. I missed the first rule set where it appears there was a mention of rooms that has now been deleted. In the current rules, I don't see any mention of building or purchasing anything for the Sims needs initially. Can you place the satellite on the ground? I guess I've never tried that.
Yes, the satellite can be placed on the ground. And that is the only building or placement of furniture allowed at the beginning.
I clarified the following:
- This challenge ends when your household has achieved the 5 required goals listed below. All 3 Sims must be alive when you note your ending time. If one of your Sims dies before you have completed the 5 requirements, then post in this thread that you are DNF.
A new rule has been added...
- No caking up Sims - if your Sims age up it has to be done naturally by the game - otherwise, the formulas in the spreadsheet will be messed up.
...and speaking of the spreadsheet - it's done :). A million thanks to Lena for doing that. It's now linked in the ruleset. Please do a test and check to see if things work correctly and PM Lena directly if there are concerns.
I just tried the spreadsheet -- it worked fine for me. I got the same result as I did calculating by hand. Thanks, Lena!
I just tried the spreadsheet -- it worked fine for me. I got the same result as I did calculating by hand. Thanks, Lena!
I am happy to hear that! :D
What a cool challenge! Who knows, I may be tired of Witcher 3 in time to get it done.
The following rule has been expanded a bit. The team is allowing a "three strikes and you're out" policy on possible Sim death during the set up phase — which admittedly is quite harsh and could result in death...
- This challenge ends when your household has achieved the 5 required goals listed below. Once you have established the Ravenous/Enemy initial conditions all 3 Sims must remain alive for the duration. The team is allowing a "three strikes and you're out" policy until that point is achieved — you're allowed two deaths and free do-overs during the initial set up phase. A 3rd death during initial phase or any death occurring after the initial phase and before you have completed the 5 requirements results in you posting a DNF.
There is one thing missing from both the scoring calculator AND that is stating what time is AM and PM for those of using the 24 hour clock.
My 3 hobos have a total of 17,157 minutes. Top of the leaderboard! (For a day or two, anyway, lol.)
Holy cow, Marian! Well done on finishing so quickly. :)
So the first one to report a score is the winner right? ;D
So the first one to report a score is the winner right? ;D
In my dreams, right.
Not a huge deal if you forget to do this, but there's no point in giving other players extra information in the spreadsheet. So, with that in mind...
Minutes — When your household has accomplished all 5 requirements, then pause your game and note the game clock time. Open up the Simology tab for one of your Sims and also note the days to age up number. Put all of the necessary info into the appropriate spreadsheet cells ( and it will calculate the total minutes you needed to play. After the spreadsheet calculates your minutes and you have the info to update the challenge thread, please put zeros in the spreadsheet cells. Thank you, Lena, for constructing that for everyone! :)
I'm still not sure how this challenge is working exactly. How the setup phase is meant to go, but it sure sounds challenging.. haha looking forward to trying this out
Are we allowed to change the aspiration of the active sim before we've met the initial ravenous/enemies requirements?
Are we allowed to change the aspiration of the active sim before we've met the initial ravenous/enemies requirements?
My own feeling is no, as you can't start intentionally gathering reward points until the sims are ravenous and enemies. What do the others think?
In the first stage - to become enemies and ravenous - I only direct my active Sim to insult, fight and subsequently declare an enemy. It keeps any gained skills during that time at an absolute minimum. I hope that's the correct way to go about this until they become all ravenous.
Edit to add: It makes no sense to change aspirations at this time, as we may not work towards goals, unless all three are enemies and ravenous?
My own feeling is no, as you can't start intentionally gathering reward points until the sims are ravenous and enemies. What do the others think?
Okay, thanks. Yeah, makes sense to me - just wanted to check! :)
My own feeling is no, as you can't start intentionally gathering reward points until the sims are ravenous and enemies. What do the others think?
I agree.
Edit to add: It makes no sense to change aspirations at this time, as we may not work towards goals, unless all three are enemies and ravenous?
Correct. Once they're enemies/ravenous then use whatever trick in the book you want. But, until then you're basically locked to almost doing nothing. Switching aspirations is working towards goals because a player would be trying to gain more Satisfaction.
Just making sure if the money goal is 'Household Funds' as opposed to 'Cash'.
If so, is there an easy way to determine how much the household has in funds?
Just making sure if the money goal is 'Household Funds' as opposed to 'Cash'.
If so, is there an easy way to determine how much the household has in funds?
Household Funds is the amount any Active Sim in the household sees at the bottom left of the game screen - that's the goal...30k in household funds.
Household Funds is the amount any Active Sim in the household sees at the bottom left of the game screen - that's the goal...30k in household funds.
OK. That's their cash then, not household funds.
If you were to look at household funds for moving (which is not allowed, I know) you'd find the household funds exceed cash.
The figure in the left bottom doesn't take furniture into account.
OK. That's their cash then, not household funds.
If you were to look at household funds for moving (which is not allowed, I know) you'd find the household funds exceed cash.
The figure in the left bottom doesn't take furniture into account.
I believe you are thinking of net worth. Metro is right about what household funds is. If you mouse over the cash that your family has, you'll see that the game actually labels this value as household funds.
I believe you are thinking of net worth. Metro is right about what household funds is. If you mouse over the cash that your family has, you'll see that the game actually labels this value as household funds.
Oops! Too much Sims 3 in my mind. My apologies, Metro.
And thank you, ClayMask, for pointing this out.
Oh, dear. Double Post. Sorry about that too.
But, are the 3 good friends meant to be 'outside friends' - like, not part of the household?
Oh, dear. Double Post. Sorry about that too.
But, are the 3 good friends meant to be 'outside friends' - like, not part of the household?
No restrictions - household or non household is fine. Remember you can edit your own posts, so just tack on additional questions if no one has posted after you. What I do to flag people's attention is draw a line and write out "edit" --
EDIT: Oh, and one more question...
Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megaera have 37, 223 minutes. At least I finished this one!
Love the names, MischaMusic. Olga, Masha and Irina finished in 18,912 minutes.
Ronnie, Axel and Vincent finished with 60,000 minutes.
I wasn't sure if I would get this do before I started moving Friday, because on Sunday we move everything and I won't internet for the computer until Monday afternoon.
Well my 3 are finished, made plenty of mistakes and ended with a total time of 18106 minutes.
I made a gazillion errors on this one, because I had no time to test theories. Oh well, my time was 21346.
My three sims finished in 18,434 minutes!
Made a very stupid mistake near the end which cost me quite a bit of time! But overall, I enjoyed this challenge a lot! :)
My three sims finished in 31885 minutes. :)
Never mind...if you press M it takes them all, sorry.
Warning: do not get a DQ on this event because of something out of your control - do not sell a retail shop. It will automatically enter you in the Manage Worlds screen and for this event (via the General Rules) Manage Worlds is off limits.
19459 minutes. Not bad, considering I didn't practice at all beforehand. :)
My result is 12492 minutes.
Great score, Nikitachi!
It looks like it's time to post my score - 12,674. Nice score Nikitachi.
Can you play the same sim multiple days in a row?
Can you play the same sim multiple days in a row?
You need to switch at midnight, although you don't have to switch in any particular order.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Welp, guess that makes me disqualified. The first time I really practiced, too!
Tried a few different strategies but still ended up with 30035. Oh well, I may never figure out how to get into the top 5 on these challenges but it was fun.
Hey everyone, just a quick reminder...
This event closes Wednesday at 11:59 PM so get those scores in very soon.
Good luck to everyone finishing up.
Love the names, MischaMusic. Olga, Masha and Irina finished in 18,912 minutes.
Thanks! I used the names of the Three Furies. I never win challenges (or even come close), so I like to at least try to be clever when I name my simmies!! :)
my 3 sisters score is 20963
My trio finished in 16,350 minutes.
I went with a trio of Jacksons - the most obvious is Anton Jackson, a recurring sketch of a homeless man on In Living Color; Michael Jackson, who I am pretty sure was never homeless; and Action Jackson, the awful action movie star from the 80's movie - yeah, it does not make sense. But, there ya go.
My Jackson trio finished up at 14914 minutes.
My hobos finally accomplished their goals and became heroes 3 days before becoming elders at 11:59 pm.
According to the spreadsheet, that makes a total of 55,679 minutes.
55,679 minutes
It was a really fun challenge, so I wish I could have put in more time to figure out some better methods, but I'm glad I was at least able to complete it anyway. Congratulations to the winners! And a big thank you to the creators and moderators of the challenges! Looking forward to the next one!
Mulligan, Monica and Maeve made it a relay sprint.
They went from hobos to heroes in 2,801 minutes.
Two days? And you basically cannot do anything for more than 24 hours because that's how long it takes to get the Ravenous model. Wow. Looking forward to reading what you did , Tixxis.
Two days? And you basically cannot do anything for more than 24 hours because that's how long it takes to get the Ravenous model. Wow. Looking forward to reading what you did , Tixxis.
It's a bit more than two days, Metro. But only a bit... :)
Dang! You're right and I'm wrong - again. It seems to become a habit of mine.
I number my days and Tuesday is day 3. But yes, they finished before 8.00 am and that makes it less than 2 days. :o
Wow, Tixxis! My score was over twice that and I wasn't even following a major rule!
My mouth dropped opened when I saw your score. @Tixxis I am really looking forward to reading about that tomorrow, and I hope there will be more scores coming in.
Please put me as DNF please.
Congratulations Tixxis! You did so well. I didn't do nearly as well, with my Sims finishing in 5294 minutes. I look forward to hearing your strategy.
Tixxis and Claymask you two have amazing scores, now I do not even have to be sad that I have only been capable of sleeping when coming home from work the last two weeks, and therefor never finished my file.
Cant wait to here how you did this.
Wow, those two scores are amazing!! I am dying to read your strategies!
This event is now closed. Tixxis racked up her first win and topped the 19-player field. Well done and a simply amazing score. My thanks as always to all participants. Feel free to share strategy. I will be curious if Tixxis will jump ahead of Lena in the World Ranking - we will soon find out. I am off to compute that now. :)
He-he! This is actually my first win, because I entered the only other winning score too late.
I'm so happy with this result and thank you all.
My strategy was based on the principle that whims reset in time and space. This challenge was all about limiting time, so I used travel to renew whims over and over.
Here is how it went:
Mulligan, Monica and Maeve Bo are sisters.
They are gregarious, cheerful, childish and love the outdoors.
She was directed to activate the satellite to prevent alien abductions and to end the 'Welcome Wagon' early. There was no further interference from me until 5.00 pm. Then, I directed her to insult, to fight and to declare enemies. She fought each sister only once. When both Mulligan and Maeve were her enemies, I queued as many naps for Monica as possible.
At 11.59 pm the girls had acquired 3 skill levels each: charisma, comedy and video gaming. They did this autonomously. I didn't look at their whim stats this early in the challenge.
She was directed to insult Mulligan without delay. Maeve fought her once and promptly declared her an enemy. I then made her nap seven or eight times in a row. There was no further interference from me until the sisters were all ravenous and enemies. This happened at 8.51 pm.
Maeve had to make the best of the time remaining. Initially, her general discomfort was overridden by embarrassment. In the next few hours, she frequently switched aspirations.
Here is a list of her main actions.
08.51 pm - 09.33 pm (home)
- called someone on the phone
- harvested a plant, dug up 1 metal and 1 time capsule (total worth $180)
- bought/sold a toy
- repeatedly bought bookcase, sold books through personal inventory, sold bookcase
- earned $100, earned $500, earned $1,000
- bought/sold a bonzai
- also completed: buy something worth $100
- read something
09.33 pm - 11.53 pm (Oasis Springs Gym)
- grilled a group meal nearby while her sisters showered and served it at the gym
- bought/drank a moodlet solver
- became happy
- called someone on the phone
- became inspired
- acquired and eventually maxed photography
- completed all 'earn X' whims
- made a second set of photos worth $1,600
- dragged this set from personal inventory onto Mulligan's person (= transfer)
- made a third set of photos worth just over $2,500
- read something
11.53 pm - 11.59 pm (home)
- bought/(sold) easel, ovens, instrument, bar, bookcase, chess table, toy, chair, pool, pool accessory
- completed all 'buy something worth X' whims
- completed all 'earn X' whims
- kept 1 book and transferred 1 book to Monica
- bought 1 moodlet solver
- transferred moodlet solver to Mulligan
- became happy
- queued/pinned 'call someone on the phone' and 'read something'
Challenge status report:
Skill Levels: Mulligan 3, Monica 3, Maeve 10
Whim Stats: Mulligan 7, Monica 3, Maeve 41
Household Funds: $3,623
Satisfaction Points: 2,525
Good Friends: none
Mulligan switched aspirations frequently. She followed much of the pattern established by Maeve. But there were also differences.
Mulligan travelled between home and 'Midtown Meadows' in Newcrest. I call this a loop.
Both locations allow for reading without taking a seat. This saves time.
When Mulligan 'read something' she mostly read a skill book. This was always the last action whether at home or away. Learning is near instant and the actual action can be cut short by initiating travel.
Mulligan used 3 different methods to satisfy 'earn X' whims.
- photographs
- entering/quitting careers
- a combination of toys and instruments sold through her personal inventory
Mulligan completed 9 loops: home - away with all actions for both locations completed.
I have the exact times for these if you'd like to see them.
Here, I shall simply list the 'highlight moments'.
12.05 am:
- drank moodlet solver
- 3000 satisfaction points
12.29 am:
- 'Whimsical': Mulligan 54, Monica 4, Maeve 44
12.37 am:
- bought 'Connections'
03.01 am:
- entered/quitted all careers and sold all rewards
03.32 am:
- 30 skill levels (Mulligan 17, Monica 3, Maeve 10)
04.56 am:
- 300 completed whims (Mulligan 245, Monica 11, Maeve 49)
06.41 am
- 3 good friends: Blarffy, Drago and Dino are giant stuffed animals
- household funds: $30,748
For the record, I played the file in one go and only used [save + exit] to close it.
I deleted every whim for a hot tub as soon as it popped up. This whim is part of an exploitable glitch: it can be satisfied by buying anything.
And that's it. :)
Excellent work, Tixxis!
Again, great job Tixxis. Congratulations!
I started this challenge with three Sims of the following traits: loves outdoors, bro, family-oriented, and muser. After the start which was the same for my Sims as for everyone, my main strategy involved three parts: satisfy initial needs, gather starting funds, and everything else.
For the satisfy initial needs phase, my Sims spent several hours at the Caliente household. My active Sim slept in a very nice bed there, ate some food cooked by the Calientes, and used the toilet and shower. After this she went out to gather a few collectibles. She sold them as she gathered them, and stopped after gathering the required 111 simoleans for a one day vacation at Granite Falls. All of the Sims now went on vacation.
The main point of the vacation phase was to gather starting funds, with a side goal of satisfying whims and gathering aspiration points. My active Sim mined the same node repeatedly, while working towards the curator aspiration. I was constantly cycling through her whims while she did this, in order to get ones related to collecting and also the whim to call someone. Before the end of the day she had 3000 satisfaction points, which I used to have her buy connections, and then join and quit all the jobs. Everyone now returned from vacation, and sold all of the rewards from the family inventory. Combined with the sales of the collectibles gathered, they now had over 30,000 simoleans. I used some of these funds to set up some furniture that could help them fill their needs, as well as a focused room with cheap computers, and an inspired area with a bar, fridge, counter, and stove. All of these were for the nonactive Sims except the kitchen items.
The everything else phase was mostly focused on satisfying whims as quickly as possible, with a little bit of time dedicated to making three good friends. The fastest way I could think of to satisfy a lot of whims was making caprese salads, and making sure to satisfy three whims related to cooking these with every salad made. The Sim that had been doing the collecting while on vacation had a few hours to work on her cooking skill before midnight, and managed to make enough satisfaction points to buy two moodlet solvers in the process. She drank one before the end of the night, and passed the other one to the next active Sim.
The next active Sim worked on her cooking skill and moved on to making caprese salads. When she had 2000 satisfaction points, she bought incredibly friendly and quickly made good friends with three Sims. The method used for this was mostly boasting about family, and also satisfying a few social whims. Then it was back to making caprese salads until she had 3000 more aspiration points, at which point she bought the connections reward and joined and quit two jobs as before to make the rest of the funds that would be needed. Then it was making caprese salads for the rest of the day, buying moodlet solvers with the remaining points. Whims were also satisfied during this day by buying requested items and doing simple things such as watching a TV station or viewing art.
At midnight it was time to switch back to the Sim from the day before, who now already had the cooking skill necessary to start gourmet cooking. It turned out that the Sim I switched to generated enough whims to buy things and other whims fulfilled with minimal effort that no cooking was necessary. More than the required thirty skill points were earned between the cooking and gourmet cooking that had been done, and everything that the Sims did autonomously. Selling some of the furniture raised the household funds above 30,000.
Fantastic job, Tixxis and ClayMask, though your explanations do remind me of one minor nitpick I had with this challenge. I feel like compared to the other tournament challenges this one had a little less clarity in some of the rules, specifically in the days when becoming ravenous. The two main goals were clear, but other than that everything else was a weird gray area, so I ended up avoiding it. Being able to nap during the initial phase obviously wouldn't have helped me, but it might've improved someone else's.
@officialghosts I wasn't really sure about the beginning part either, so I sent the team a PM. What I was told by MarianT about the beginning was, "If you can think of something to do that won't contribute to making money, building skills, fulfilling whims, making friends, or increasing satisfaction, then go for it. I think fast forwarding should be okay."
I felt like the hardest objective to complete for this challenge was satisfying 300 whims. I didn't like the idea of intentionally resetting whims just to accomplish this, which was my main problem with this challenge. It wasn't against the rules though, so it was up to everyone's judgment on how much to do this.
@Tixxis When my Sims were ravenous, I found that they were unable to use a digsite. Was it the embarrassment of your Sim that allowed the Sim to do this?
@Tixxis When my Sims were ravenous, I found that they were unable to use a digsite. Was it the embarrassment of your Sim that allowed the Sim to do this?
Yes. The 'very embarrassed' or 'very angry' moodlets can override intense hunger and lack of hygiene as long as the Sim is not exhausted.
It saved a lot of time.
I must re-read your strategy about the dig sites in Granite Falls. I remember you used it in the collection challenge. But I can't remember how it works.
You did so very well, ClayMask. I must admit that I feared you.
My score could be cut down further by using more of the bookcase strategy and less photography.
Yes. The 'very embarrassed' or 'very angry' moodlets can override intense hunger and lack of hygiene as long as the Sim is not exhausted.
It saved a lot of time.
I must re-read your strategy about the dig sites in Granite Falls. I remember you used it in the collection challenge. But I can't remember how it works.
You did so very well, ClayMask. I must admit that I feared you.
My score could be cut down further by using more of the bookcase strategy and less photography.
Tixxis how much skill does this give you?
When Mulligan 'read something' she mostly read a skill book. This was always the last action whether at home or away. Learning is near instant and the actual action can be cut short by initiating travel.
Tixxis how much skill does this give you?
When Mulligan 'read something' she mostly read a skill book. This was always the last action whether at home or away. Learning is near instant and the actual action can be cut short by initiating travel.
Very little. But the skill bar shows the skill and states 'level 1'.
I didn't know that "very embarrassed" and "very angry" could enable you to use the dig sites.
I sent my sims to the Landgraabs, ClayMask. I had the active sim take 5 selfies and then sell them so she could make a party-size garden salad and call everyone to the meal. One thing I learned -- sims really would rather play computer games than do anything else.
I sent my sim to the Calientes, but only because Katrina would spawn out front with my sims. I had my sim run through the first two stages of Public Enemy to get enough points for a moodlet solver. I took advantage of the 24 time limit until starvation; my sim worked on Soulmate and funded herself with date rewards and large loans.
Great strategy with the selfies; that's a new one to me! Also good thought about visiting Landgraabs or Calientes. I didn't think I was allowed to Masha nap until she and her sisters were ravenous, so when that happened, she and her sisters hit the gym for showers (Olga and Irina showered autonomously, :)) Then it was Irina's day, so everyone went to the park and I directed Irina to nap until a kind stranger grilled some hot dogs. Amazingly enough, Olga and Masha autonomously showed up to eat. :)
I took advantage of the 24 time limit until starvation; my sim worked on Soulmate and funded herself with date rewards and large loans.
@officialghosts Are you saying you worked on soulmate before your Sims starved?
I didn't think I was allowed to Masha nap until she and her sisters were ravenous
I wasn't sure either, but in some tests they would nap autonomously and I could imagine the advantage.
In the end, I asked the Challenge Team whether it was allowed. Best thing I did ever.
I felt rotten for you when you realized your mistake. I was looking forward to your score at the time, because we ended so close in the last challenge.
When you're not sure about something - big or small - it's better to ask the team.
Personally, I feel quite nervous whenever I have to PM them, but so far, they haven't bitten me. ;D
@ClayMask Before my sims starved? Yes. Before they were ravenous? No. Is this what you were asking? After obtaining a moodlet solver I used it on my one sim and had her work on Soulmate while the other two stood around, playing on their phones and passing out. I sold all her date rewards as I went along and bought a fridge, which they took quick meals from. (My sim DID work on cooking for whims, but that didn't come until later.)
@Tixxis I have to admit, it was a little disheartening, especially because like I said, this was the first challenge I really practiced for. I ran through multiple practice files and spent almost a week working on it, and was actually going to turn in my score (which was in the mid 5000s, though it probably would've been a little higher if I had played by the rules ::)) when I realized my mistake. I feel like the rule on playing a sim multiple days in a row wasn't too clear, but the information was there if I had read a little closer, so I'm not bitter about it. Besides, it could be worse- I'd feel a lot worse if I messed up on the 6 week store challenge as opposed to this one, which was less than a week.
My real problem was with the becoming ravenous portion- I don't feel there was enough intense strategy possible during that time to justify not having at least some base guidelines and instead making every question one for the mods. (Some of what you did would qualify for PM only questions, but I feel like a "yes, you can nap" wouldn't have.)
Yeah, my apologies to anyone a bit confused on what was to be done during the set up phase. For my own effort I quickly got all 3 Sims to enemy status. It took no time at all. And then it was just a question of waiting for them to be ravenous and seeing that moodlet. They did not do anything. Nada. Zilch. I thought this was kind of understood, but I guess not. Again, I am sorry if there was confusion.
@Tixxis (Some of what you did would qualify for PM only questions, but I feel like a "yes, you can nap" wouldn't have.)
I totally appreciate your point of view, but I do not agree.
In my defense, the thought of 'naps' came to me very late. Most participants had already posted scores.
I came back from a trip and had about 10 hours before deadline when I PM'd the team with this particular question.
BUT... I may still have PM'd about this question if I had thought about it earlier in the challenge, because it could be construed as strategy talk.
@Tixxis I would be inclined to agree if it weren't for the several people who have said that they just assumed they couldn't, and thus didn't. A little difference can go a long way.
I'm not meaning to criticize you in any way, of course. I apologize if any of my posts have come off that way. You played perfectly within the rules, and I always appreciate your willingness to ask questions and make clarifications. I just wish this challenge had a little less gray area in the beginning.
I just wish this challenge had a little less gray area in the beginning.
This is from June 20 right at the start of the event...
Correct. Once they're enemies/ravenous then use whatever trick in the book you want. But, until then you're basically locked to almost doing nothing. Switching aspirations is working towards goals because a player would be trying to gain more Satisfaction.
So...take my advice for what it is. 1) you get your Sims to be enemies. 2) you wait until they're ravenous and during that whole time you do absolutely nothing. Fast forward. At least that's how I meant it to be and that's how I played my own file.
I also played on fast forward, but I do have to say that being able to take a nap doesn't give that much of an advantage. And we do encourage people to ask questions if there's something they don't understand, and to PM us if they think a question might be related to strategy.
I guess in the future, I will just ask a lot more questions instead of assuming, and encourage others to do the same.
@officialghosts You'll do brilliantly in the next challenge. Big hug.
@officialghosts You'll do brilliantly in the next challenge. Big hug.
Here's hoping! :D *crosses fingers* I'll be extra careful reading the rules this time, that's for sure.
Hugs are always appreciated. :)