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The Sims 3 => Sims 3 - Gameplay Help and Discussion => Topic started by: ildapop on April 15, 2014, 08:06:11 PM

Title: Babysitting
Post by: ildapop on April 15, 2014, 08:06:11 PM
How can I get a babysitting job for my teenage sim. Is that even possible?

Title: Re: babysitting
Post by: KRae on April 15, 2014, 11:03:20 PM
No, that's not possible. Teens can work part time at the grocery, bookstore, spa, and mortuary. Self-employment is possible with Ambitions as a painter, sculptor, writer,etc. Only NPCs can be babysitters. (edited for gobblety-gook)
Title: Re: Babysitting
Post by: WickedSimmer87 on April 16, 2014, 04:44:28 AM
The only "child care" profession is the Daycare selfemployed career which came with Generations.

I dont know if you want a partime job for your teen or an "actual" job, like self employed sims. If its part time, then your best bet would be custom careers. Just look for it on google :)
Title: Re: Babysitting
Post by: Pam on April 16, 2014, 06:25:29 AM
The only "child care" profession is the Daycare selfemployed career which came with Generations.

I dont know if you want a partime job for your teen or an "actual" job, like self employed sims. If its part time, then your best bet would be custom careers. Just look for it on google :)

Are you referring to a mod?


As KRae said, your teen Sims cannot be babysitters.  That's an NPC job, like pizza delivery.  The Daycare profession mentioned by WickedSimmer87 is for adults Sims only.
Title: Re: Babysitting
Post by: WickedSimmer87 on April 16, 2014, 10:19:11 AM
Are you referring to a mod?


As KRae said, your teen Sims cannot be babysitters.  That's an NPC job, like pizza delivery.  The Daycare profession mentioned by WickedSimmer87 is for adults Sims only.

Yeah i was . But i figured it wasn't illegal to mention custom careers, as long as i didn't provided links. Was just saying that if she HAD to have a babysitter job for her teen, then it would be the only way. Atleast since its not provided by normal vanilla game.
Title: Re: Babysitting
Post by: ildapop on April 16, 2014, 04:19:27 PM
thanks though! Just wondering because I didn't see anywhere to make it a profession, and I really hate npc babsitters. They don't even care for the child. But whatever.
Title: Re: Babysitting
Post by: Pam on April 16, 2014, 11:57:29 PM
Yeah i was . But i figured it wasn't illegal to mention custom careers, as long as i didn't provided links. Was just saying that if she HAD to have a babysitter job for her teen, then it would be the only way. Atleast since its not provided by normal vanilla game.

Oh, it's no problem.  I wasn't being critical; just wanted some clarification.  :)