The Official Building/Remodeling Showboat Thread
Here’s your chance to flex your designing and remodeling muscles — to show the world your true building prowess (and prove that the extra room you added to Pre-Fabulous deserves some special recognition!). Feel free to post your screenshots of your best creations. This is not a challenge or a contest — it’s your chance to casually show off your mad building skillz. A few simple rules:
1) All Forum Rules (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,74.0.html) obviously apply.
2) Be focused in your posts and keep screenshots related to building and remodeling only.
3) Please limit screenshots to no more than 10 per post.
4) Linking to your house on the Exchange is fine as long as you have no mods or third party Custom Content.
5) Please be mindful of giving constructive criticism ONLY when the poster specifically asks for it. Sometimes we just want to share without being told how to make it better.
Photo courtesy of TommyT Real-a-T
Nice, I look forward to seeing other people's houses. One question, if we have uploaded the house to the exchange can we add a link there.
If you mean can you put a link to your house on the Exchange, as long as there's no mods or third party custom content, I don't have a problem with it. But it's critical that it be a "clean" house with nothing third party at all. I can't stress that enough.
Guess I'll jump in here. This is a house I built for an artist of mine. Had one problem though, by the time he had established himself and could afford it, someone else had moved in :(
I built it on 100 Redwood Parkway in Sunset Valley to take advantage of that wonderful view.
the back at night
lower floor plan
upper level
I love building houses, but now and then, I do one I really like. This was one of them, so I tend to put a copy in most of my casual games.
Very lovely house, Norma. I love the modern look. Very nice. :)
If you mean can you put a link to your house on the Exchange, as long as there's no mods or third party custom content, I don't have a problem with it. But it's critical that it be a "clean" house with nothing third party at all. I can't stress that enough.
I'll add that the the rules.
Question: I want to build a copy of Cockey's Tavern. It is the original and first "inn" built on the Columbia Pike in what is now Westminster, Maryland. The current building is actually only 2/3 of the original. I lived in that lovely, 200 year old, ghost haunted house. (It is a registered haunted house and yes, we actually did see the ghosts). My problem is the ceilings on the first and second floor are 11 feet high. How would I build walls tall enough to be able to accommodate the stairs and show the height of the rooms? The third floor had normal, 8 foot tall ceilings and if I remember correctly, 5 bedrooms and a truly huge bathroom. Sadly, the building was bought out by lawyers, totally gutted and remodeled into less than lovely. IMHO it should have been maintained as a historical landmark building.
What a shame Joria...stupid lawyers. ::)
I'm definitely a novice builder, especially after looking at the current pictures which are beautiful. But the only way I would think you could get that very tall ceiling look would be to put walls on top of walls, but that's just my humble opinion. Someone else might have a different and better solution. I've built lofts before and just love the effect of having tall ceilings. :)
There is a way to make half walls using constrain floor elevation cheat. But it may not work on a foundation but I don't know how... ???
You guys did a great job! I love to see what other people have done.
yes, I think you would have to use the constrain floor cheat. It involves building another temp wall outside the real building at a different level. I used to use that cheat a lot, but I haven't really dabbled with it in TS3 yet.
This is the house in SV I usually start my challenges with, in fact, this is my BB1 starter home.
This is the house now, yes, I am still playing it. I moved it to Pinacle point, right on the end.
Basement where professional artist bedroom is.
Below that is Renowed Surgeons quarters, he is taking a nap, I see.
This is my mad scientists garden and money trees. These sims are my second generation from BBI and the youngest one has a daughter that starts the third generation.
I got that new Zen bathroom set and thought I would share a bathroom redo. I really love that kind of stuff. I flipflopped the colors and have arches on either side of the sinks.
Question: I want to build a copy of Cockey's Tavern. It is the original and first "inn" built on the Columbia Pike in what is now Westminster, Maryland. The current building is actually only 2/3 of the original. I lived in that lovely, 200 year old, ghost haunted house. (It is a registered haunted house and yes, we actually did see the ghosts). My problem is the ceilings on the first and second floor are 11 feet high. How would I build walls tall enough to be able to accommodate the stairs and show the height of the rooms? The third floor had normal, 8 foot tall ceilings and if I remember correctly, 5 bedrooms and a truly huge bathroom. Sadly, the building was bought out by lawyers, totally gutted and remodeled into less than lovely. IMHO it should have been maintained as a historical landmark building.
Questions like this would be better on one of the other building threads. This one is specifically for showing off houses, not really for discussion about how to construct them. :)
Great stuff everyone! Here's a Plantation/Southern style home I'm currently working on. Most of the objects you see are just placeholders but I hope to have it finished up soon.
View from front.
(http://s2.postimage.org/B_CDA.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsB_CDA)
View from back, full wrap-around patio on lower and upper levels.
(http://s1.postimage.org/Qr3QJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxQr3QJ)
Upper level, nothing really here yet except for bedroom and bathroom placeholders. Bottom right will be a laundry room.
(http://s3.postimage.org/gcoI0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqgcoI0)
Lower level.
(http://s1.postimage.org/Qr8Q0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxQr8Q0)
Big southern kitchen :)
(http://s2.postimage.org/B_Z4S.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsB_Z4S)
I'll update this thread when I finish the house!
Love that kitchen Tommy. Wouldn't mind something like that in real life. Love the whole house.. I adore wrap around verandahs.
TommyT in your modern, southern mansion you have these little spaces with doors. What are they? Closets? I'm thinking in particular the ones in the master bathroom. What I wouldn't give for a house like that! So open and airy. I think the openness is one of your trade marks. No clutter like in my houses. I love the use of the willows also. It gives the illusion of Spanish moss draped trees.
Will you curtain the windows or leave them open? One of the things I complain about a lot when I'm decorating is the dearth of good window dressing! Either the curtain is too short, hangs too high, or just isn't right for the room. Of course, in the south you could do shutters, if you can find ones that fit.
I got that new Zen bathroom set and thought I would share a bathroom redo. I really love that kind of stuff. I flipflopped the colors and have arches on either side of the sinks.
That bathroom looks so luxurious! I just want to grab the bubbles and sink down into the tub and relax. Lovely.
In your starter home, which is wonderful by the way, you mention BBI. I assume that it's a challenge but which one? What's BBI?
I'm going to learn so much here! Thanks for the tip about the elevation cheat. I've never done it, (I don't use cheats mostly because I don't know them), so it will be one more thing for me to learn.
Today I tried 3 levels down under a house. Basement went fine, sub-basment was ok, lowest level not so great. I was tired so gave up but will try again. I was trying to find a place to hide that hideous airplane thing but you have to have it on terrain so that didn't work. I also wanted to try putting a swimming pool in a basement but that didn't work either.
This is my best house ever! My Legacy House...
Ground Floor:
Second Floor:
P.s I don't know why they have gone different sizes, in photobucket they are 640x480?
Joria, we had a baby boomer challenge last year that was a blast. I forget sometimes that alot of members are new. It is in the graveyard if you want to read about. It was hard, but not as hard as BBII. You guys houses are wonderful. I am more a re-decorator and an upgrader. My houses tend to be boxes with a couple of indents in them. I would probably do pretty good if I just sat and really concentrated on building.
TommyT in your modern, southern mansion you have these little spaces with doors. What are they? Closets?
Yup! In my personal houses I like to make closets and pantrys just for realism's sake.
Will you curtain the windows or leave them open? One of the things I complain about a lot when I'm decorating is the dearth of good window dressing! Either the curtain is too short, hangs too high, or just isn't right for the room.
There's actually a great curtain that fits these windows so I'm thinking about doing the bathrooms and the upstairs bedrooms and perhaps leaving the downstairs open. And I totally agree with you, there should be many more curtains, it's a great aesthetic and environment booster!
Yup! In my personal houses I like to make closets and pantrys just for realism's sake.
That gave me an idea:
Who needs a fridge? Build a small room. In this room you place treasure chests containing fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. And there you are; your own larder!
Thought I had better post these pictures of the tree house here. Do not want more than one building thread. Enjoy.
Too cool, Salty. Let me guess — the Sims that live in the treehouse are named...Tarzan and Jane?
LOL. How did you know that. Actually, I think this sims name is Jane. I will have to look, too funny. Hard to stay zoomed in on these houses, camera likes to float.
LOL. How did you know that.
Me guess. Tarzan say you do good job.
@Samoht: I've been having the same problems with Photobucket. I don't know what's going on with those sizes.
AWESOME! Salty that is a great house. Can I live there please? And thanks for letting me know what BBI was. I know I'm a little insane but I would have to be certfiable to do one of those. I raised six kids of my own, then a grand kid, and now a great-grand kid so doing it in Sims would be beyond my ability to cope!
I love the legacy house! Aw, let's face it I've loved them all. You guys inspire me.
Here's something for you, Joria.
Baby Boomer Article (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/challenges/babyboomer.php)
Well, I'd like to show off my favorite house I've ever made, the farm. It's the one I'm currently playing my own for-fun legacy on, and I'll take pictures as it grows into a different house.
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DAfS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DAfS)
*Ahem* Welcome to the Johnson family farm! We grow only the freshest produce around for the good townsfolk of Riverveiw. Let's take a better look at this here family farm.
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DMJA.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DMJA)
As you can see from this here street view that this home has been renovated from it's original appearance to accompany a garage and a larger planting field for the farm's current operations. Why don't we take a look at the interior?
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DCL0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DCL0)
The small downstairs has a large living room, a bathroom with separate bath housing, and a quaint nursery for the little ones. The kitchen has a wrap around counter and large enough dining space to accompany a party of people. Let's go upstairs, shall we?
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DFf9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DFf9)
This is our gorgeous upstairs room, with a small family game area, two small children rooms, the master suite, and the second story bath, all looking out onto the ranch and the woods beyond. This is nice and all but hey, what's a farm without a barn? Let's go take a look!
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DHKi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DHKi)
This is a wonderful space for storage and such, now that the animals are gone. These stalls could be reworked into a good condition though, if the need arises...Now let's take a look...
(http://s4.postimage.org/4DKer.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV4DKer)
At the loft! What was once hay storage and a romping ground for children is now a respectable bedroom for the oldest of the current resident's kids, who's set up to be a star gazer out the loft's old pulley entrance. He hopes to renovate the home once his parents pass on, into a beautiful mansion of sorts for he and his sister's families.
Hope you enjoyed this here tour of a gorgeous ranch, the Homestyle Johnson Family Ranch! You come back now, ya hear?
Ha, ha! Love your use of the cow things! ;D
Hehe, thanks...I did a stupid though. I forgot to take out the sprinklers that never shut off out from behind the cows. :( I can't turn 'em off, and I don't like soaking my sims, so I moved 'em, and forgot to destroy 'em later.
Here's something for you, Joria.
Baby Boomer Article (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/challenges/babyboomer.php)
Searches closet for a Pam size straight jacket. Prepares padded room. Makes sure tranqs are ready. YOU ARE NUTS!
Actually, it kind of sounded like my house when I had my six. They were so close together my doctor asked if he could buy us a tv! True story. Kudos to you for completing this challenge. I doubt I would ever attempt it.
Hehe. It was fun! I love toddlers the most. :D
TollingBells I love your farm! I also really like your interiors, I'm a sucker for wooden flooring for my Sim houses.
Oh, thanks Sarah. :) I stuck by with the theme of it being a old farm house, with no renovation beyond some furniture and plumbing. I was shocked at the sheer amount of 'Farm yard' decorations, like the giants stacks of hay. It really was fun to do, and I hope I can make better ones in the future. I should post my renovations on one of the swampy houses in Twinbrook.
You come back now, ya hear?
Uh, it's "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" For those who don't come from the South, feel free to come visit us, and we can giggle at yer funny accents! ;D
Uh, it's "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" For those who don't come from the South, feel free to come visit us, and we can giggle at yer funny accents! ;D
*giggles quietly in the other room*
Here's a good-sized Colonial house I whipped up this morning. 40x30 lot, 6 bedrooms, 5+1 baths, total of 8 beds and a crib. Save up your lunch money though because this beast's $166,901 haha. You can download it here: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2702434. Base game objects used only.
(http://s3.postimage.org/tHfwr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqtHfwr)
(http://s4.postimage.org/dwv59.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVdwv59)
(http://s3.postimage.org/tHi0A.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqtHi0A)
(http://s3.postimage.org/tHpv0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqtHpv0)
The only fault with your houses Tommy, is that they always seem to be better than mine! In my world, that's a bad thing. ;D But then again, I build like giant, horrible shoe-boxes.
Heh, jokes aside, wonderful house! ;)
Gorgeous, TommyT! That's a great house for some of my large families. I've already downloaded it. :D
If you're stuck for inspiration, I'd love to see a very modern style house that's big enough for a large family. It seems like most modern houses are for single or couple Sims, and when it gets to be enough for a family, it goes back to a traditional or Victorian look. I've got the Stanke Collection, so I'd be able to use those items. High End Loft items are also great for modern houses.
Pam, I've been wanting to do something like that for a while - some giant monster with a pool, game rooms, huge open floor plan, specific gardening area, all that jazz. Might have to go 60x60 on this one :)
That sounds great! And a large nursery for lots of toddlers! Wheeeeeee!!
Love it, Tommy! I'm gonna download it for my rich Legacy family. :)
Yeah I totally agree with you on that Pam! All modern homes are for like two sims. I just wiped all of my CC files including store so at the moment I am in the slow process of re-downloading all of it. Once I am done I am going to start on my own building projects, TommyT should stop inspiring me! :D
I build like giant, horrible shoe-boxes.
I know how you feel. :'( I build the boxiest, most horrid looking things when I'm trying to build a manor. There was one that looked like a giant fort of a building. I hated it.
Uh, it's "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" For those who don't come from the South, feel free to come visit us, and we can giggle at yer funny accents! ;D
:'( Don't mock me. All I know is from TV and a Math Teacher that was from Tennessee. She pronounced it 'May-ath.' Besides, I was only getting the vibe out... :-[ (Cries in corner)
:'( Don't mock me. All I know is from TV and a Math Teacher that was from Tennessee. She pronounced it 'May-ath.' Besides, I was only getting the vibe out... :-[ (Cries in corner)
Hold on, now. No one is mocking you. If anything, jmz is just poking fun at himself and other Southerners and the way they say things. Pam uses Southern lingo all the time in her casual writing. As Salty said recently, "We've got a room full of comedians in here."
:'( Don't mock me. All I know is from TV and a Math Teacher that was from Tennessee. She pronounced it 'May-ath.' Besides, I was only getting the vibe out... :-[ (Cries in corner)
Nobody's mocking you. We're just being silly. :)
I made a House! :)
It is called Casa de Century (Because I couldn't think what to call it! ;) and I also made a Spelling mistake on the name of the Exchange Upload!)
- http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2713683
@samoht: I downloaded it! :D
Thanks Pam! :D
I downloaded them both! More! More! Encore! Save my lazy bones you builders! lol I love it when there are houses I don't have to do anything to to make them perfect.
If everyone who sees our gang's houses isn't favoriting them, please do so. It keeps them on the list longer. Might not be a bad idea to also mention these creators can be found at Carl and Pam's website. What do you think, Pam?
Hee hee, love that idea!
"For more fabulous cc-free homes, visit Carl & Pam's Sims 3 Forum!"
Absolutely! Mention us as much as you like, as long as it's in a good way. ;D
Why would you mention us in a negative way?
No one who "lives here" the way most of us do will ever have anything negative to say about this site or the people who dwell here! I think I will make some more houses and upload them to the exchange just so there are some safe houses for folks to download and use. Mine aren't as great as some, (Tommy T comes to mind just off the top of my head), but not too bad.
I've been building/remodeling on Cascade Shores so I'll post a before and after shot of some of those places.
Why would you mention us in a negative way?
'Cause it's funny... ;D
(I'm not being mean to this forum on the official website! ;))
BTW Nice house samoht! :)
You did a gorgeous job on making that cemetery look so much better! Wow.
Love it Joria. excellent job!
Great job, Joria! It doesn't even look like the same lot. :)
Nice touch with adding a fence around the tombstones to make a grave.
Ironically, it's a very lively graveyard Joria! Wonderfully done nonetheless. ;)
Ironically, it's a very lively graveyard Joria! Wonderfully done nonetheless. ;)
lol! Thanks all.
This has got to be my favourite house I have ever built! :D
Vert Manor:
Size 30x30
Price: A lot... ;) (Well around 120,000 furnished)
Store: Leaftastic and Topper
This large family home is situated on a beautifull lot, the landscaping is mainly natural with rocks and flowering bushes, there is playground aperatus and a small pond. It is perfect for a large family or retired couple, a large kitchen and living room and dining. It is linked to the Car Port and the Deck outside, several decent bedrooms, an office and a nursery.
Ground Floor:
First Floor: (I left most bedrooms unfurnished so it would be easier to redesign for downloaders - I did main bedroom and the Nursery though. )
The Garden:
At Night:
Love the layout of that house Samoht! I'm thinking it would be a great Legacy house. :)
I suddenly have become a builder! :D I made another house today!
Sleek and Smooth
- http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2760570
Furnished Price - Just under $80,000
Bedrooms - Two
This stylish modern home has two bedrooms and one bathroom, it makes perfect use of the space it has and is perfect for that small group of artists or a small family, how will you live in this house?
The House:
Night Shot:
Floor Plan:
Living/Dining Room + Kitchen:
Main Bedroom:
He, both your houses above are really good samoht. :)
Clever concepts! I like the partially-walled patio with the palm tree and the use of fencing in the kitchen. You've made me realize it's been far too long since I put something up :) any requests?
Clever concepts! I like the partially-walled patio with the palm tree and the use of fencing in the kitchen. You've made me realize it's been far too long since I put something up :) any requests?
A sharp and modern style house big enough for a large family! Big nursery so there's plenty of room for teaching to walk and stuff. Top of the line everything. I've got the Stanke Collection, Animals Abound, Ultra Lounge Kitchen and Bath, Ultra Lounge Youth Set, and Asian Fusion, in case you happen to also have any of those sets. I don't care for bright, blaring colors. Price is no object! :D
Here are a couple of shots of redecorated vacation homes in Shang Simla and Al Simhara.
You've made me realize it's been far too long since I put something up :)
Or I have just been spending way to much time Simming! ;D
He, both your houses above are really good samoht. :)
Thanks Swede! :DAny requests?
Can you post pictures of your favourite or best house you have ever built? :)
Ooh, I love the Al Simhara one, Pam, but I'm not too big of a fan of the color scheme for Shang Simla. Still, you did a good job with both.
I wasn't terribly fond of the colors on the Shang Simla house, either. It looks like Christmas! But I had committed to those colors, so had to finish with them. I really didn't feel like doing it all over again. The one in Al Simhara is the expensive palace. It's a nice place to vacation, no doubt.
Hm...I think if you took the white and made it a goldenrod, and made the green a light olive color, it may look better. Just what I think. Otherwise, it's very beautiful. :)
I like the Shang Simla colours actually. I think they don't look like christmas, because the green is sort of a sea green - not the usual christmas green.
With all of this talk about building, I am starting to venture more into that aspect. So far from what I have seen, you guys houses are awesome. I also put this house on the exchange, which is also my first time and I didn't mean to put the sims with the house, but I am learning. Here is the screenshots and the link to the house on the exchange. Any advice is appreciated since I really do not know what I am doing when it comes to building, but from TommyT's instructions and everyone else's pics, I am getting there. My sister has always been the builder and she is really good at it too.
Very unique design Salty! I love the central garden area, the big bathroom, the open area beneath the kitchen and all the windows. With that big front yard you have a real opportunity to create some knock-out landscaping.
It is a large lot and I am not quite done. I took alot of your advice too and it really helped. I just always play and never build, but I am changing my mind now. lol
I'm so glad I popped in! If I hadn't I would have missed your lovely house Salty! I love the openess of it and the sim-metry. I hate it when things are off balance. Very unique!
Pam I love your remodels. I'm not that fond of green but sometimes we have to go with it, especially if it makes our Sim happy. The palace in Al Simhara is lovely! I'd love to go there.
Samoht, lovely, lovely houses. I rarely like modern houses but this one really catches my eye. In the big, green one, how do you get a window high up under the roof like that? I've been going bonkers trying to figure it out. Looks like a good legacy house to me.
Thanks Joria! :)
In the big, green one, how do you get a window high up under the roof like that?
Adjust the roof pitch until it's high enough to accept a window. This is easier with some windows than others.
Yeah what TommyT said, except I didn't plan that it was just an empty spot so I filled it with a Window cause it fit there! :D
Love your house Salty! It reminds me of a "Street of Dreams" house here in my home town where the main floor was upstairs and the downstairs was the family/bonus room. I thought it was a really cool design, hadn't thought of using that type of layout in Sims, but looks great and I bet it would be fun to play in too. :) Love the garden area downstairs!
Hi, this is my first time posting and I thought I would show off the latest house I built, and the first one I uploaded to the exchange! It's called classy minimalist and I would absolutely adore any and all feedback :)
Outside (1)
Outside (2)
One of the three delightful bedrooms
Second Floor
This house has absolutely no custom content and if you like this and would like to download it, it can be downloaded here -> http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2776849 and don't be afraid to add me as a friend :)
This is definitely a first for me...usually I only build and don't share. :D Let's keep our fingers crossed that I can follow Pam's instructions on how to get this thing in here...
This is a small bungalow I built especially for the beach in Sunset Valley. Unfurnished it goes for around $47,000 and furnished it will be $75,000.
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2777457 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2777457)
sunken living room with floor to ceiling windows.
(http://s4.postimage.org/I9oLA.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVI9oLA)
Bedroom and bath
(http://s4.postimage.org/I9_aJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVI9_aJ)
(http://s2.postimage.org/qDUDJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsqDUDJ)
Guest bedroom and bath
(http://s3.postimage.org/3d8o9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq3d8o9)
Outside of house and lot
(http://s3.postimage.org/3dWh0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq3dWh0)
Very nice house funky. I see you like windows too. ;D
Welcome to the forum! :)
@bshag: Are those clouds on the floor of the bathroom?
Welcome to the Forum FunkChunks! :D That is a really cool House, it looks so light and airy!
I like your theme bshag! :D Did you use the constrainfloorelevation to make the Sunken living room?
@Pam, in the guest BA the tile is dolphins and the bath next to master bedroom is just a really soft design of square tiles. All the designs and patterns I use in my houses are dl'ed from the exchange, they are all recolors. I sorta went nuts last summer. :D
@samoht, yup. I love the tutorial, so easy to use. ;D
Thanks for the comments guys. Nice, easy instructions how to link Pam, thanks loads! :)
I only have one family that I ever play - I do nearly everything with them. So the house is constantly changing, and I don't make it to look nice on the outside. Anyone interested in what it looks like? I usually have big families - 6-8 sims at one time. Also, not sure how to do it with 5 screenshots. There's five levels, but you won't be able to see much detail in one screenshot per level.
If you posted a picture we could help you decorate the outside? And give tips for the Landscaping etc. :)
well, they're bad pictures but here is my house from the outside and the 3 main levels:
level 1:
level 2:
and from the outside:
so it's not much to look at from the outside, but on the inside each room is designed around paintings my sims made, including personalised bedrooms for everyone. There is also a 3rd level (1 bedroom plus balcony) and 2 basements (relic, nectar, treasure, paintings, photos storage).
Well first I would say set aside one plot of land for that impressive garden, fence it off with a gate and then make a backyard sort of area, with a bar, tables, fire-pit etc. Then for the front some borders with planting and shrubbery, a rock/statue or two and some trees, don't go overboard on trees, a few in an empty space would be a good addition though, you could also add a small pond if you had room left. I think you could gain some space at the front on the right by bringing the fence forward, maybe have the car park area enclosed? Another thing you could do is move the house to a larger lot as that one looks rather small to me.
I think you may be able to find something in that jumble of words! :)
Lol thanks samoht but that lot is huge! and the house is as far back as it goes. Really, it's big, just the pictures don't show it. I do need to work on the garden though. Make a nicer carport, and add plants and stuff. Anyway, I'm not showing it off because it's great, it's just all I have, and it works for me :)
That must be one big house then! ;D
Thanks for posting your house Pally. It is always so fun to see what others are doing in their game. I have never figured out how to post pictures yet. I found it fascinating that you always play with the same family in the same house. There are tons of videos on youtube of how to landscape if that is what you are wanting to do.
Hi pally, nice big house you got there! If you need tips, simprograms and official sims 3 site both have really great tutorials on just about everything, from landscaping and building to funky things like swimmable ponds and waterfalls. But of course, if your house suits you and your sims, there's no improving needed. ;D
FunkyChunks, I love the upstairs outdoor garden. The sunken living room is beautiful too! Pally, I really like the multicolored tiles in the bathroom in the first picture. I'll have to try to make my own bathroom like that. :D
Alright, It's always bothered me how the buildings in Twinbrook are several stories tall, yet hold nothing but (shudder) urns. So, I decided to go on a remodel rampage across Twinbrook. My first stop was my most frustrating spot- The consignment store.
I took what I know of Japanese department stores, thrift shops, and clothing stores, and combined it into what is now the Consignemnt Shop. The hideous display and tacky dress patterns on the first floor were tossed out in favor of more clothing racks, more registers, and a chic lounge for when people got tired of shopping.
The second floor I turned into the thrift shop like area, with shelves of organized chaos, mismatched furniture sets, and some statues for sale by the owner's wacky cousin. Also note the light fixtures are fluorecent nightmares, so you'll feel ill under said lights as you look desperately for a end table previously not owned by a cat lady.
Finally, my favorite, the third floor. This is half a display of furniture sets, like in Japan's department stores (and some in America), and half the office of the marketing and resale staff. I had a lot of fun with designing the cubicles for the individuals inside- The minamalist Ad designer who hates his fellow employees, the 'Internet Memes Abound' office jerk who's suppose to be doing orders, the guy-who-likes-cars-too-much who works in accounting, the hopeless romantic girl who does orders from the warehouses, and the manager who's probably on a power trip. The office lounge made me very sad, since I couldn't add a microwave, but I made do with a park grill. I'd also like to point out the tacky design of the wall paper in the 'outdoor adventure' set. The icky looking green flooring was suppose to be bamboo for a Chinese design of a room, and the sculpture's a donation from previously mentioned wacky cousin.
Lemme know what you think, guys.
Trolling bells. That is awsome. I need to do some renovations. I think it looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for all the nice comments :) TollingBells, nice consignment store renovation. I can't believe you noticed that multi-coloured tiling. It's actually the laundry, and I modelled it on a painting that I didn't really like, but it turned out great:
wait, i like this picture better:
I have never figured out how to post pictures yet.
This thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,21.0.html) may help you, Telsey.
Thanks, Pally, and I really like it. Though, may I ask why your laundry and detergent is on the floor? ;D
Trolling bells. That is awsome. I need to do some renovations. I think it looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, but it's Tolling, not Trolling. ;) I'd rather not be known as a troll. Maybe I'll post my renovations to the Twinbrook Museum, I added rooms for all the WA locations, and made it look more like a actual museum. I even added a gift shop.
I even added a gift shop.
Lol a Gift Shop! When I rebuild my Legacy Home I will post pictures, so far it has been voted to be a family home but that could all change.
Thanks, Pally, and I really like it. Though, may I ask why your laundry and detergent is on the floor? ;D
Um...well...I wasn't sure where else to put them?
I dream of a building contest just for me - build me the perfect house for my family (according to a long list of specifications)...sigh :P :)
I've been working on a house. After finally accepting that the game will not do everything I want it to in building, I've really been moving forward with this place. The whole house needs to be decorated and furnished (not sure if I'll stick with that cladding on the outside yet) and the builders are still working on the lower level, but I'm happy with it so far.
Cool house Norma! :)
Ooh, it's very cute, Norma. I love what you did with the nugget windows on the roof, very creative. Are you going to add a road to the garage?
Yes, I have to add a driveway, plus do a lot of landscaping around. After I posted this pic, I realized you could see that there was no driveway lol. It's going to be quite a large house, the main bedroom is on this upper level, but downstairs there will be at least 3, possibly 4 bedrooms and another living area. I haven't decided quite what to do with the backyard yet, there is room for another garage on the lower side, but I might add a kids play area or pool yet. Have to wait and see how much room the builders leave.
Wow it is so amazing what you can build when you are bored! ;D I started building about two-three hours ago and have now almost completed building and decorating the inside of the new Character Legacy Home!, It isn't as grand as the last one but I kinda like the messy family feel to it, I even made a Sun Room for them! Not that they will use it though... At the moment The kids are at school and the adults and bots are locked in the basement while renovation goes on. ;)
The Character Legacy Home
The Vote was for a Family Home so what do you guys think on it?
The House:
First Floor:
The Second Floor:
The Garden: Sorry about the Barren Plants, Daphne who is the gardener, Had just done her weekend Culinary 48 hours marathon of work!
Sun Room: I just had to post a picture of this Room, I thought it was So Cool! :D (P.s the Gnome ;D)
I love how you built the house, and the outside as well, but I was wondering...The color of the flooring in most rooms are a little bland looking...Why are most of the floors gray? I see some beautifully colored walls, but a lot of gray flooring. ???
I don't mind the bland flooring. Bright or dark floors can take away from the rest of the room. Sometimes it's good to just have something neutral.
@samoht: That's a gorgeous house. Did you just build that up from scratch?
You have a point Pam, but it's the same flooring through most of the rooms. :-\ If you want to not take away from the walls, I usually put down natural looking wood, a much darker opposite, or a light pastel in the room wall color.
I think all the houses on here are awesome. I have already downloaded all of them that were put on the exchange. I downloaded my sister's house and it is going to be so weird playing that house, knowing my sis built it. Everyone builds so different, which makes it interesting to see who does what in their houses. Thanks for all of the great pics.
Yeah, I built it from scratch! :)
It probably isn't the best way to show off a house from birds eye view but being limited to Five pictures is a bit tricky, I will be taking photos of each room for my legacy and I will post the link on here for the more Detailed. ;) I mainly tried to make it look clean but I will probably change the colour of carpets now you mention it.
I really like your house! I love the color of the sunroom, plus I see you like the sunken rooms as much as I do. ;D
I mainly tried to make it look clean but I will probably change the colour of carpets now you mention it.
Oh, sorry, that's more work for you. :-[ But hey, if it makes your hose more pretty in your mind, more power to you. I just happen to love designing rooms...But I hate the Architect profession. :-X
Hi, this is my first time posting and I thought I would show off the latest house I built, and the first one I uploaded to the exchange! It's called classy minimalist and I would absolutely adore any and all feedback :)
This house has absolutely no custom content and if you like this and would like to download it, it can be downloaded here -> http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2776849 and don't be afraid to add me as a friend :)
I've been very, very bad about being here in the forum. So I pop in and once again, fantastic houses!!! I ADORE this house FunkyChunks. I have a really hard time building a more modern house so this one is definitely going to be downloaded and I will also add you as a friend! I love the landscaping as well. I really am terrible at using the rocks and your little island in the water is so lovely and peaceful looking. I'm personally not found of masonry for walls but you made it work. I think I'll learn a lot studying this house. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
Lol thanks samoht but that lot is huge! and the house is as far back as it goes. Really, it's big, just the pictures don't show it. I do need to work on the garden though. Make a nicer carport, and add plants and stuff. Anyway, I'm not showing it off because it's great, it's just all I have, and it works for me :)
Pally I like the house, including the outside. It's a bit different from what you usually see in landscaping but it's fine. Reminds me of areas on the east coast where you have a really big house and a simple yard with a lot of open space. For me, I'd maybe put some of the parking spaces closer together so you have a smaller parking area. An open car port could be nice but not really necessary. It's a cool house.
So I finished the house I was working on and am quite pleased with the final result. I was all ready to upload it to the exchange when I hit a snag. I sent my my build test sim in to run through the house to make sure everything looks and works right. I found a few issues that I fixed like ceiling tiles on the upper level and hampers in the bathrooms. Mainly little things, then I found she got a negative moodlet for an unfinished room in the main living area. I've scoured the whole room and narrowed the problem down to the stairs. I have a feeling that it is because I used a cheat to get the desired stair effect. Now I don't know what to do, do I still upload it as is and add a note about the moodlet. I did build the house for my own pleasure and I can probably live with the moodlet, but others may not be able to. My daughter suggested to build a wall and enclose the top of the stairs which I tried - made a 2 tile wide hall along the front of the top of the stairs. It fixed the moodlet problem, but it takes a chunk out of the living space and gives a closed in feeling that I'm not sure I like.
Any suggestions?
This is the front of the house - I've done a bit more landscaping and added the driveway
This is the rear of the house
The upper level
The lower level
This is the main living area, I don't really want to close it in.
Very nice! Please spill the beans on how you created the slope, I've been racking my brain with no results :D
Do you mean the slope of the land? I just placed a 40 x 40 block on Sunnyside Blvd in SV and built on the natural slope. The lower level walls are foundation walls on the high side, but change into normal walls where the ground is lower.
Hmm gonna give it a whirl.
Very nice Twinmom.
I uploaded my house to the exchange with a brief note about the moodlet. Yikes what an experience. I tried to add a note about placement of the house and the moodlet in the description, but it was too long. So I thought I'd make a blog post and then just direct people to it from the description. Has anyone used the blog feature on the main site? Seems you are limited there too as to how much you can put in one entry. I ended up having to make a couple of very short posts just to get basic info there. I think next time I build a house, if it has any quirks, i will just keep it for personal use lol
Victory! Thanks to Twinmum's tips I was able to raise the terrain on the front of a pre-set lot and and make the front of the house the 'main level' and the back of the house the 'lower level' - even though the back of the house is actually the unaltered part of the lot. This is obviously just a trial house, just wanted to see if I could do it. expect something amazing very soon :)
(http://s2.postimage.org/HD_Mr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsHD_Mr)
(http://s3.postimage.org/jHkK9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqjHkK9)
(http://s3.postimage.org/jHxcS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqjHxcS)
Looking forward to see what you come up with Tommy. Fancy me teaching the builder something lol
I still remember that little beach house/cottage you put up about a month ago :) It's exciting seeing how many of our members are getting into building!
I have decided to move my family to a new house, since mine is so boring (it's like a box). I'm not capable of making an interesting one from scratch, but I enjoy renovating, so I looked through all the houses in riverview, sunset valley (is that what it's called), and I chose the big house on the hill with a back entrance onto a path in Riverview. It's big, and interesting, and I'll be making it even bigger (and hopefully more interesting). I'll show you what I do with it, but it's gonna take me a while.
Hello my fellow sims loving people :)
I wanted to post a screen of a modern house I've made from scratch.
Had an idea in my head for some time which I worked on, finally made the idea and this is what came out :)
I've tried making it without any CC what so ever.
It has a very large area behind the red tree for gardening :)
(http://s2.postimage.org/Jekpr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsJekpr)
I'm also working on a medieval castle for my own satisfaction. I hope i can be forgiven for showing a screen of it for this time (forgive me since it contains CC stuff )
(http://s3.postimage.org/ljO3S.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqljO3S)
I love building from scratch, besides I don't do well with redecorating premade houses lol
Want to say that i really love most of the houses made from the others :) great work!
Oh, I do like that first one Wicked, very nice.
Me too. I'd like to download that first one if it doesn't have any third party content in it. I'd like to give it a test drive to see if it's playable. If you decide to upload it to the exchange, please give the link here. Thanks much!
Hi Pam. and Norma :) thanks for the positive reply.
I did make the house with some cc, but removed most of them because my cousin wanted the house (didn't know how her game would react without downloading the cc herself so took it out and remodeled the area).
The house is tested by myself and I loved it, even though it takes ages to get from top level to car pool :p
Btw, I am not really into modern stuff, but I just wanted to make one for once :)
Unfortunately, I got some issues with exchange at the moment, else I would upload it for sure.
It's also first time I have uploaded a screenshot from any of my houses :) so I love getting anymore comments or other ideas for improvement.
I got more screens of the modern house from inside. If anyone wants to see just pm me :)
This is the new room for my triplet girls who are about to age up to children. It's at the Landgraab Mansion.
That's a lovely room Pam.
I'm impressed by your castle WickedSimmer. How did you make it so tall? Did you buy the castle parts from the online store? It's very creative and realistic.
Hey pallybdrome.
I don't remember anymore where I got the castle parts from :s
The lower section of the castle is actually the foundation where I used "moveobjects on" to put in windows and doors, etc. :)
I'm still working on getting the items to look like from medievel/victorian times. But it's a close call since I don't want to pay anymore for stuff.
I'll upload a pic once I'm done with some of the rooms :) if I'm allowed that is (remember it's included cc items).
Here's something I made for Pam:
6 bedrooms, 6 full and 4 partial baths, gym, greatroom, loft, mancave, garden, nursery, playground and a couple of surprises ;)
Built on a sloped lot so it looks like a 2-story from the front and a 3-story from the back (thanks Twinmum).
This thing was a beast to make! I decided to go with a 'less is more' modern-contemporary style. In other words there's lots of open space in the house and I don't have something hanging off of every wall, I tried to keep it simple - and I still managed to somehow get Beautifully Decorated in every room except the bathrooms, a couple bedrooms and the gym.
Since this house was tailored to Pam's request it pretty much requires all EP's and SP plus the Ultra Lounge and Collection Stanke sets, otherwise the house will be empty (which can be a good thing if you want to style it yourself 8)) There's way more going on in this house than I can show you with pictures so just download it and see for yourself!
Yours for the low low price of $375,850 lol.
Super nice house you've made Tommy :D
Since im not that much into the modern style, this house looks really awesome :)
I love big houses but they tend to be very costy lol
Gorgeous house Tommy! Love the moderness of it.
Squee!! Oh, Tommy! It is stunning! I'm downloading it now. I'm so glad you went with the "less is more" idea because I really don't like all the clutter in some of the houses. I'd rather have space! Thank you so much for building it for me! You're awesome!!
Which lot did you construct it on that has a natural slope? It's obviously in Sunset Valley and from the view of the ocean, it looks like it's that empty lot up by the Alto and Landgraab mansions. But I didn't think that lot was sloped.
Which lot did you construct it on that has a natural slope? It's obviously in Sunset Valley and from the view of the ocean, it looks like it's that empty lot up by the Alto and Landgraab mansions.
No, I recognize the view. The house is on the cliff at Redwood Pkwy right up the road from Agnes Crumplebottom.
No, I recognize the view. The house is on the cliff at Redwood Pkwy right up the road from Agnes Crumplebottom.
But none of those are 60 x 60. Nor are they sloped.
Hmmm...now I'm curious. I forgot it was 60X60 lot. Well, we'll just have to wait for the master builder himself to speak up. :D
I'm just so honored to have a custom built house by TommyT! I feel like a celebrity or something. Haha!
So are all of our Sims going to be living in Tommy's new house? LOL I have been waiting for him to put it up and so I have downloaded it but won't have time to go peek at it until later this evening. I LOVE it! I also appreciate the open spaces in houses. If you have toddlers it makes things easier. I can't wait to see it. The outside looks fabulous. I actually think I have all the furniture sets. I had to laugh when I saw the three cribs for Pam's triplets. Makes ya wanna have triplets now. I have never managed to get triplets though so far! Thanks Tommy! Lots of us appreciate your efforts.
Wow, that house is amazing. I love this thread and everytime I log on its the first one I check. After being away this weekend I come back to awsomeness. Thanks TommyT for making it and thanks Pam for requesting it. I can't wait until I have the surrounded by family wish and I am so using this house.
Pam, your triplets room is awsome. I am taking tips.
If you have toddlers it makes things easier. I can't wait to see it. The outside looks fabulous. I actually think I have all the furniture sets. I had to laugh when I saw the three cribs for Pam's triplets. Makes ya wanna have triplets now. I have never managed to get triplets though so far! Thanks Tommy! Lots of us appreciate your efforsts.
This is what I do when I have toddler triplets: Toddler Races (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,1653.0.html)
Oh my! I loaded the house Tommy built and placed it at 15 Summerhill Court in Sunset Valley. I just got done touring the inside of the house and it really is fabulous! It's so spacious and comfortable. It's mostly warm neutral tones and everything matches wonderfully! (My husband calls me a matching pervert because I want everything to match. Hehe.) And because it isn't full of clutter, I'm hoping that it won't bog down the game. The decorations are spare, but tasteful. And there's still room to put paintings done by my Sims. It's really a lovely house. Thank you, Tommy! :D
I downloaded it too. And though it's a lovely house, it's not for me. I would want something quite different I think. But Tommy has done a great job, as always. You can't please everybody :)
Thanks guys glad you like it! It's the 60x60 lot by the Alto's, I modified the terrain on that lot to have a hill in the front of it. As far as I know there isn't an empty lot with terrain like that, you'd have to delete one of the other pre-made houses, but they're usually flat in the front and very steep in the back.
I downloaded it too. I put mine in Riverview across from Jon Lesson's house. I love the downstairs and the trophy room. Now, to just find a sim with enough money to move in the housel. lol
You did an awesome job TommyT. I am having trouble with building for some reason. Maybe brain block, not sure. ;D
Will a lot with modified terrain retain that shape if placed on a flat lot?
Will a lot with modified terrain retain that shape if placed on a flat lot?
The blocks will keep their shape, but might look strange if placed on a block that is very different from the one it was created on. I tried my last home in a different position and the driveway (among other things) were really weird. Sometimes just using the soften terrain tool around the edges can fix any discrepancies.
Well well, long time reader first time poster? As the old adage goes.
Been trying to improve my building skills as late, and lo and behold this little diddy manifested. Call it Sea Side Shack, styled in those contemporary fixer-uppers on that little island twinbrook.
Most compelling feature I think is this glass walkway connecting the front of the lot to the front door and back porch, via tunneling underneath the second story porch.
the floor plan is pretty symmetrical in design. Front rooms and the loft have a nice brown and fluorescent orange color scheme, kitchen exhibits the most ostentatious shade of lime green I could ever possibly imagine. The bathroom is beige and predictable.
Aaaand second story bedroom in loft style.
Dane, that is a beautiful house. I love the walkway idea, and I'd like to do it...Maybe I'll make a Sunset Valley beach bungalow in a 'glass house' design. :)
Thanks! Glad the glass chamber caught your eye, it took forever to get it to look right. :o
Also, a few striking closeups for effect. ;D
The glass antechamber.
Living room.
And the bedroom.
Well there we go!
if you were at all interested. thanks, hopefully I pull off another miracle some time down the line. I'll be sure to share if I do.
Wow, what a lovely house danefaith!
Actually, I just made a house on the very same lot, with same kind of pillars underneath :D Like yours a lot more to be honest, lol.
Hope none of you is against me "borrowing" some ideas from you because the ways you make it look are way better than mine. :o
Thanks for sharing danefaith! Love the attention to detail on the exterior.
You did an awesome job TommyT. I am having trouble with building for some reason. Maybe brain block, not sure. ;D
What works for me is taking my time and trying different things. Like for this house I told myself "bathrooms everywhere and minimal symmetry" which sounds like a weird phrase, but worked out rather well for this project. Just pick a couple ideas you wouldn't normally try and capitalize on them. This house took me about 2 weeks to build because I find myself getting burned out if I spend more than an hour a day on one build. There are literally hundreds of great houses in the same vein as mine on the Exchange, so being unique is really the only way to set one's home apart from the others (I have a nice surprise in store for my next house :) ).
Thanks Tommy. To say the least, the attention to exterior was no LESS than excruciating. :D I like to think I can decorate a room just fine. My biggest problem has always been making the building itself... not look ugly. Lol.
Totally agree with you, though. Committing to a kind of "mission" when building really does push you through! When building the shack, I was so worried about it looking identical to all the other island houses... A two story with an extension. Then suddenly, "windowed patios," and I was set.
Awesome houses Tommy & Dane!!!
I'm downloading them both now.
PS: For those interested you can still play homes that include items that you don't have (stuff packs, store items). The game just automatically replaces them with a similar item.
Having trouble settling into your thrilling new hobo adventure? Well, then the DDS [Delightfully Dilapidated Shack] is the home for you!
This humble collection of wooden planks and furniture-like trash heaps is sure to ease the burdens of your new life of vagrancy!
The heinous red substance splattered across the toilet is sure to provide hours of guessing game fun! And besides, lock-jaw builds character!
The path to your ultimate destiny standard on all models!
So what are you waiting for? Put your standards out to pasture, and make DDS your home!
Hahaha, this is actually a lil' tomb I put together, that I thought you might enjoy. There's no narrative to it at present, though, although it's based around two family members, an inventor and his robot who were ostracized by the town and are now homeless, discovering their destiny in this tomb.
The last screenshot is your hint on how to get into the tomb, it's up to you from there! Hope you have fun, it's pretty easy, once you figure out the key mechanic.
PS: Honor code not to enter build/buy mode, and scope the layout of the tomb!
Lol, now that is a cool house! :D I really liked your other house as well dane. ;)
Cool House TommyT, I don't do well with huge houses and furniture, I am mainly a builder not a designer I guess. :)
And surprisingly liveable! depending on how loose your definition of living is.
Although totally just noticed something. Those dining chairs... are... are so... coordinated. Ugh. Talk about a hobo faux pas! I'll need to go back and mismatch them at some point.
I'm totally a fan of the "rundown shack" look danefaith. I really like your lot and you did very well in conveying that whilst being minimalistic ;D
Creepy old houses, junk & clutter, rundown distressed decaying look and country kitsch are totally my cup of tea when it comes to building. Having said that though, TommyT's modern home for Pam is really inspiring (I love your lot TommyT) and I'd like to try my hand at building a modern house, which I've never ever really tried before (even when playing TS2) so will post pics of that when it transpires.
In the meantime, I wanted to share a few screenies of a lot I've started to build for one of my sims. It's just the outside at the moment, which isn't that finished yet either. I've still got the backyard and the front side passageway to do, plus the rooms inside the house. I'll post more screenies eventually as I go along.
As I'm relatively new to TS3 and as yet not comfortable with implementing custom content within my game, especially that the game in general is still temperamental with bugs and such, I build without the use of cc and make the most of the meshes and the textures that the basegame, with it's EPs & SPs, have to offer. So I apologise in advance if my screenies and future ones that will be posted might have items in it that may look repetitive.
General structure of the house
Unicorn statue and front door
An established rose garden at the front with an old fountain
Butterflies (royal purples I believe) and moss covered statue
Chess area underneath the cherry blossom tree
Solstice I am very much a fan of your house so far. The outside is just beautiful! I like that the top level has a different outside paint job to the bottom - it looks real professional. And how did you get the statue to be covered in moss?
Danefaith, I'll have to download your house and explore the tomb. I'll let you know how I find it.
Solstice, I love your house so far. Such attention to detail! Can't wait to see when it is finished.
Solstice, I love your courtyard idea! I didn't know I wanted one until I saw yours. I particularly like your use of tile to define the courtyard space. I will definitely download this home when you're finished. I'd be happy to get it unfurnished if you finish the outside first. What size lot is it?
In real life I live in a town with spanish/mediterranean-styled homes and buildings. I'd love to make one at some point, but the building materials available in the game don't really fit with that.
I've seen mention of finding inspiration in home plans found online. I'd like to try that, but I can never find a key to the symbols used, so I can't read them. It seems that each site should provide a key.
And how did you get the statue to be covered in moss?
My best guess is using a pattern that has two colors and a patchy texture, like the rusty metal patterns, and coloring one part grey and the other part green. Very clever :)
Here's a prison/asylum themed 'hotel' that I use as a community lot. I built it pre-ambitions and I went to work on it today and realized I have no desire to finish it lol. The construction is totally done except for creating rooms on the third floor. Could definitely use some landscaping in back and also half of the second and all of the third floor are unfurnished, but the bread-and-butter stuff is all set. 16 bedrooms on the ground floor, 2 executive suites on second floor, 2 rec rooms, staff lounge, 2 dining rooms and 2 large kitchens. There's hidden stairs in the backyard to go to the 'dungeon' area, not furnished or mapped out just something that some of you may like :) It's supposed to go right next to the waterfall in SV, some townies stay here for days since it meets all of a Sim's basic needs.
That's just remarkable, TommyT!
some townies stay here for days since it meets all of a Sim's basic needs.
Do the townies autonomously inhabit the place?
Thank you, and yes because I have it designated as a community lot that allows visitors, so they'll just show up and hang out :)
Can I ask, what exactly is CC? I just assumed that it was only custom made things downloaded from different sims sites, but does it also include things from the sims3.com exchange? What about if I changed the colour of a wood while making my house and saved it as a new wood, would that count as CC? Because I love doing that...
Pally~ No worries, what you're doing is fine. CC is usually when someone has created an entirely new item or clothing or hair style using their own programing skills. If you have to download a mesh or some other such thing from a third-party site (ie. not from The Sims 3 official site) then chances are you're dealing with some CC. Sometimes CC makes it onto The Exchange, like for instance that doll that people are talking about that's corrupted a whole bunch of houses there. CC can really mess up your game, because it's added programming that wasn't originally intended by EA. Which is why we don't endorse it, and why we don't want any houses shared here that include it.
Seems just a little too friendly to be prison themed, haha.
And oh yeah, my previous tomb upload ended up having a missing keystone and a few unlocked doors I forgot to relock/replace after my test run. My fix up is here: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2848700 Hope no one was inconvenienced for too long, trying to find that key! Lol.
Thanks for the explanation AriaGirl - I have only ever downloaded one thing from the exchange - a tile with a dolphin on it - and I don't use it anymore, and I don't download custom made stuff. So I'm happy :) I'll still get to show you my renovated house when I'm done with it. It's turning out bigger than I thought!
These are really some great lots! Quite impressive, everyone. :D
And just to let everyone know, I've made an addition to the Forum Rules (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,74.msg822.html#msg822) about posting links to lots that contain third party custom content. It's a very serious offense and will have serious consequences.
I love little details that make things look like a home as well! I am in love with the miscelanious decorative items like a stack of cds, or the kitchen knives. I often buy those from the store when I have points because I love the clutter. And simmade paintings and photographs are great. I'll probably be displaying sculptures when I get around to them too.
I want to build something but I don't know what, anyone have any requests for me?
I was thinking along the same lines. I would like something smaller, but elegant. I love windows and sunrooms and plants. I usually end up with artists, so scenery is a plus. Price is no object. I have a household that is due for a new house and they have lots of money. So if you can come up with something, it would be appreciated. I have quite a few sets from the store and actually, it does not really need to be fully furnished.
Okay, I was going to go and see if my Sims 2 *gasp* still was on my old computer but now I have something to do! :D
So my Checklist:
- Starter House Under $16.5k
- Small Home, Light, Plants and No Price Limit.
@Solstice what skills would you prefer over others? I mean an Inventing Station is a lot different to a bookshelf. ;)
@Salty I will make Two bedrooms and then others which could be converted if required.
Okay Thanks! ;)
This is the house I made, I wasn't sure if you wanted modern or classic, I went with a modern but I can always make another one. :)
Tell me if you don't like it, I won't mind. ;)
- http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2852220
Price - $122,685
Art Areas:
This Part provides a blank wall behind I put a table for still life objects etc.
This is just a standard Area with Easels.
I managed to get it at $16,037, watcha think?
- http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2852222
This is just the coolest thread. I love everyone's houses. It is fun to see what others design and have their Sims living in.
To be perfectly honest... I kinda feel I'm bad at making houses when comparing to the others :'( You are all so good at it.
Haven't been working on my castle for a few days since I'm still looking for items that got that medievel look to it. Anyone who knows good places to get them? (Use pm please)
The Sims3 site has a whole set of castle building items and I believe there is also another set of furniture for inside.
If you guys don't stop making such awesome houses I will have absolutely no room left in my files for my own stuff! Lol. You all are so good I've decided to let you do the work and I'll just recommend, download and install. Sigh. My stash of houses is growing so nicely now. I could totally renovate the entire world of Cascade whatever-the-second-name-is just by bulldozing what's there and putting in your stuff. What a great world it would be then!
I'm not a great builder, and I'm looking to improve. My main problem is I just don't know what to build. I was wondering if one of the brilliant builders here could give me an idea for a house, with maybe a few features I have to include. Kind of like the Architect career in Ambitions. ^_^
Also, I know this is un-related but I've been trying to download some of these houses, but The Exchange keeps saying I need to update my game. My game is totally up to date, and I have all stuff packs and expansions. Is there any way to fix this because it's extremely annoying?
I don't know whether I'm in love with or taken aback by that roof, Samoht, haha.
samoht..That is a gorgeous house. On my way to download now and put my little sims in it. I love all of the windows and the area to paint. I have four houses sitting in a town and I just can't seem to click with anything, maybe will post one of them and see if someone can make suggestions. Thanks so much for the house samoht, sure did not take very long. I am sure my sims will enjoy it. I like U shaped houses too, somehow, it is just seems really open, especially with alot of windows. Thanks again.
To be perfectly honest... I kinda feel im bad at making houses when comparing to the others :'( You are all so good at it.
Havent been working on my castle for a few days since im still looking for items that got that medievel look to it. Anyone who knows good places to get them? (Use pm please)
Let me share something with you. I have built 5 houses so far that I wanted to enter in the August building contest. I can't enter any of them. So don't feel bad, I just cannot seem to come up with anything. I have probably downloaded everyones house that has built one on here. I am starting to build more, but I need imagination.
I'm not a great builder, and I'm looking to improve. My main problem is I just don't know what to build. I was wondering if one of the brilliant builders here could give me an idea for a house, with maybe a few features I have to include.
Best bet is to start small and keep it simple. Try building a house with a unique layout, not just a square. Just start placing walls until you create a cool shape!
Also, I know this is un-related but I've been trying to download some of these houses, but The Exchange keeps saying I need to update my game.
EA has stated that this is a bug, I can't find the exact documentation but I remember that they said if you're game is deemed 'up to date' via the launcher than everything should work fine.
Solstice, I was a little taken aback by that pink dining room, but after admiring it, I've decided that the pink shades you used make it really quite regal. Well done.
And Samoht - that first house has such a cool roof! So imaginative!
Teatoo - don't feel bad. I find it hard to make creative houses from scratch. I prefer to renovate houses that already have imaginative layouts.
I find it hard to make creative houses from scratch. I prefer to renovate houses that already have imaginative layouts.
Like the SV Art Museum? I bet that'd make an interesting house.
I suggest looking at real houses, google cool houses or just houses modern or old and then make your design similar to that style. As you get better you can make up your own designs and mix together existing features. :)
Samoht, you're welcome to try making a large modern house for me. I'd like large and spacious rooms, large nursery, huge master suite, plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms for a full house of Sims. Gym, work room, large kitchen/dining, formal dining, pool, just everything. Since TommyT's house is done in warm neutral tones, you could try making it more colorful. Lots of windows, room for a big garden. Modern lines and modern furniture. The best of everything. :D
Okay Pam, I will just upload my legacy house first then make yours! :)
You probably do have the Nursery Set I have (The Panda crib thing, I think it's wilderness nursery?)
Okay Pam, I will just upload my legacy house first then make yours! :)
You probably do have the Nursery Set I have (The Panda crib thing, I think it's wilderness nursery?)
Yes, I've got the Panda crib as well as Animals Abound, the Stanke Collection, the ultra lounge teenage, kitchen and bath sets.
@ Pam, Okay I will get started. :)
The Character Legacy Home (Two Versions one with Family one without)
- http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2857195 (House)
- http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2857193 (House + Family)
I'm coming to the professionals. I have been trying to build the house I grew up in and it's a nightmare. The problem is the "ground" floor. The level on the floor you walk in the door on is split: two sets of stairs lead up to a kitchen, dining room, living room area (one leading into the kitchen in the back, the other to the living room from the foyer area). There are also stairs leading up to the top floor. Then, the rest of the "ground" floor has a bathroom, a bedroom/office space, a large open "party" area connected to a walled in patio and a garage attached. Stairs from this side lead to the basement. There are railings separating the levels; you can see into the bottom level because there are no walls there.
I cannot make one level split this way. I have tried every testing cheat there is and still end up with four full levels, not a "split" level with a top floor and a basement. Either that, or the stairs do weird things. Anybody have a suggestion for me. I want my sims in the house I grew up in!
Samoht - OH! I only just worked that out! hahaha
I don't understand what you're describing storyteller.
I don't see the point in having kitchen dining, and a formal dining. Sims always go to what's closest. So I always put just formal dining, because otherwise they'd never eat there unless the kitchen dining was full.
Glad you downloaded it okay Solstice! :) I get used to people calling me 'Sam' online mainly because no one really stops to really look at my username. :)
Wow, I started building Pam's Modern Mansion but somehow I ended up with this incomplete place. -
(http://s2.postimage.org/578hr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Ts578hr)
Oh well it only took me about an hour to build and furnish the bottom floor, it will only take me about half an hour to finish it, then I can make the Modern Mansion as it should have been! :D
Actually it looks like it is on the same street as Agnes Crumplebottom's house. You can barely see the lighthouse in the back.
Solstice is right! ;) The Lighthouse is covered by that tree on the left.
Solstice, that is right on target. That is exactly right. I will try what you have suggested...it never occurred to me to have the foundation that way! This is why you come to the professionals.
As far as having separate dining areas, I tend to play with large Sim families and have parties. But the desire to build my childhood home is just that. A desire (or maybe a fantasy would be more accurate).
Thanks for your help!
This was an experiment, but it turned out pretty good. I was at work and for some reason octagon stood out and thought I would come home and try it. What it doesn't show is a deck going out the back door by the chairs, behind the stairs. I really did some thinking on this and used the palet. It was just a thought.
Samoht - OH! I only just worked that out! hahaha
I don't understand what you're describing storyteller.
I don't see the point in having kitchen dining, and a formal dining. Sims always go to what's closest. So I always put just formal dining, because otherwise they'd never eat there unless the kitchen dining was full.
Mine use to do that, now they will walk right past the dining table and go out on the deck to eat and there is room at the first table. I love building the bar where they can eat and then I will build an informal nook or something past the bar, they go past the bar and eat at the table. Basically, I have just one table now, because I found, when I have a big family, two will sit here and two will sit there. Just isn't worth the hassle, lol. So one dining table for my sims. :)
Saltypaws, I like that octagon house! Very cool concept. Was the roof hard to do?
I just kept using "auto roof" until I found one that I liked.
Well I just finished a Modern Home, it is large with several bedrooms and Cots, two garden areas, open lawn area and one major thing it is Very Colourful! It looks like a mini city to me so I named it accordingly! ;)
ColourTastic 'City' House
Price - $215,692
I originally started this For Pam, the modern family home with colour... Maybe I went a bit to overboard on that part! ;D All the 'Blocks' as I call them are coloured to the outside colour to make a theme but in the 'Red Block' the rooms will probably be changed to match sims favourite colours. :)
Wow! That's amazing. Thank you, Samoht! I won't be lacking for large modern houses now with this and the one from TommyT. :D
Edit: My browser is acting up, so I'll have to download it later.
Do you like the colours or did I go a bit to far? :)
All of your houses are so good! Samoht your one is amazing! :) I started building a house yesterday, a small, simple modern house. I thought it was okay but I'm really struggling with the interior. I always find that if I try and make it look interesting, colour and flooring wise, it always just clashes and it looks bad. I then have to resort to making it look extremely plain and nearly the same all over. It's even harder for me in an open plan house, which is what I was making. It looks terrible. I might post some pictures, to get some advice because I'm really disappointed with it.
Do you like the colours or did I go a bit to far? :)
I think it's amazing! I can imagine how much fun the kids would have playing on top of all the levels and units! I think you'll have a generation of freerunners (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_running)!
Teatoo, what I find with open plan interiors is that if you tend to use the same design wallpaper on all 4 corners, it will tend to look too bland (if the design is plain) or too crowded (if the design is patterned).
Here's a few tips:
1) Designate maybe a couple walls that will have a pattern/design, make the rest of the remaining walls plain (or use a plain wall that allows you to have some kind of small bordering at the top where you can then take the pattern from the patterned wall and dump it on the bordering). Then either mix and match the colours, ie. either take a colour from the patterned wall and dump it on the plain wall, or the other way round, choose a colour for your plain wall and then dump it on the patterned wall and see how the colours turn out. That way, even if the walls are different, you still get some kind of continuity in your interior.
2) Keep your crowns/kick mouldings/skirting boards/dado rails the same all throughout the open plan area or otherwise two different ones meeting each other on a wall might turn out looking odd or may even clash against each other. There are wall sets that you can modify in order to have different types of wall design, but all have the same crowning/skirting board design, etc. This will aid continuity in your design and help unify the floorplan.
3) Open plan kitchen and living room can sometimes be a nightmare with your wallpapers. If any two rooms are sharing the same wall, but you want to clearly designate the divide, use the same methods as above with the wall design, but at the seam where the patterned and the plain wall divides, put a high bookshelf (the ones that nearly reach the ceiling), or maybe a high glass door, or a high archway to hide the seam/change in the wallpaper. That way, the rooms can still share the same open plan wall but don't look the same.
4) Use the large rugs on your floor (or use a different type of flooring to create a rug effect on the floor) to again help you designate the "rooms" in an open plan area. Or maybe for the living room, arrange the sofas and arm chairs so that they are sectioning off the living room from the rest of the open space. Also, use counters or breakfast bars, or juice bars again to help you section off either the kitchen or some kind of eating area. The screen dividers will also help you achieve sectioning off of certain areas.
5) By using the above ideas, you can almost certainly get away with using the same design and type of flooring for the whole open plan space. This would then help you unify all the separate designated areas or so called "rooms" in your house.
@samoht - I love the rainbow-tastic idea ;)
Woah, thanks, that was really, really useful. ^_^ I've definitely learn't a lot from that. I'll try to apply that to my house, I've got a few ideas now. :)
Do you like the colours or did I go a bit to far? :)
It's brighter and bolder than I was expecting, but it has a certain appeal with the way it's designed. If it weren't for the blocks look of the whole thing, the bright colors might not have worked. But I think it's quite clever.
Yeah, it goes very well with the modern style of the house.
It might be a bit tacky otherwise in another house (like victorian styles), but you fit the only exception to that precisely. :)
I finally got to level 3 visa on my recent sim's game, and I bought one of the larger models in the city. Boy, what a train wreck...gray and bleak brown, cruddy, unthemed furniture, and a few decorations. I knew I had to change that.
[img=http://s2.postimage.org/cvoa9.jpg] (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Tscvoa9)
The Angel China House
Before makeover: 63000 simoleans
After makeover: 90000 simoleans
Location: Inner City Walls, China
This is the entire building, after I recolored the outside of the building to something more...pretty. I went with gold and red. and fenced in the walkways, while also adding a easel and a telescope to the upper entrance. I added a few trees to the court yard, and some zen gardens, as well as two guardian statues on either side of the entrance porch.
[img=http://s1.postimage.org/EyW0r.jpg] (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxEyW0r)
As you can see, the kitchen and second bathroom were dark and dingy, looking like years of grime covered the ancient stone tiles. I turned the bathroom into a lounge bath room, adding a amazing tub, bamboo flooring, and a boom box for soothing music. I also added a freaking DOOR, that EA forgot to put in...Then, I added a small study, with some displays and a laptop for working on vacation, and redid the kitchen and dining area, adding lanterns and candles everywhere, for lighting.
[img=http://s1.postimage.org/EBU59.jpg] (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxEBU59)
The bedrooms didn't look at all like the usually cozy bedrooms EA creates. They looked more like they were just scraped together haphazardly. The beds themselves were awful, and didn't fit my needs- The owner's son and his significant other, and their teenage daughter, who prefers being alone. I did up the bedrooms in their favorite colors, Yellow and Lavender, and made sure each had a dresser, lighting, rugs, and a comfy chair. I also did some different tiling in the stair's hall, and added a few lanterns for lighting.
[img=http://s1.postimage.org/EG7Zr.jpg] (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxEG7Zr)
This was a extremely odd room , and I hated the look of this entire section. I did the bathroom up in a more black and white theme, made a main bedroom for the couple, and converted the extra space into a study lounge. I did add more displays for items and more lighting and decoration. I also added in my favorite music player that I downloaded in a 'Steampunk' set, the phonograph. I felt it added a more 'Victorian orient' room feel. And, yes, the bedroom has a display case for some example of potter I added later.
[img=http://s1.postimage.org/EGJoA.jpg] (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxEGJoA)
This room had a lot of potential, but obviously was not very attractive. I've moved around some things, since the picture, but otherwise it looks the same. The room has a reading area, a TV and video game area, and a chess area. I also added the large bookshelf so the family can store their books, and later a bamboo object and display for a favorite relic.
Edit: Gosh darn it...Just click on the links, I can't reload the pictures.
Nice job! I would like to buy a house in each country and redo it. I had not traveled at all until this week, but WA is very cool. I love your colors, especially the red.
@TollingBells: The best way to get images into your posts is to use the instructions found here. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,21.0.html)
I know how to post pictures, I just messed up the tags. I'm not sure how to fix 'em either.
Thanks, Justwright. ;) I like using colors akin to the country, and in China it seems to be red, black, gold and jade. If I get to france, I'd like to do colored rooms, like a red room, blue room, white room, pink room...The flag colors and different valentines day colors.
Well here's my latest work, started out as sort of a rowhouse and then blossomed with a few angles and extensions. The room placement might strike you as a little weird, kitchen in the way back, the bathroom in the home extension (makes you wonder, where was it before?), but I can't help but like the quirkiness.
Starts with a nice, spacious foyer into the hall, passing the bedroom and bath to the kitchen, while the bedroom features a few striking angles to seperate the sitting area from the bed itself.
The kitchen is sectioned with columns and a bar style serving station.
The bathroom includes an antechamber and doored toilet and bath for those privacy freaks.
I've actually added a bit of heather following the screenshots, but prior to the uploaded. Thinking of going back and breaking up some of the lawn area with varying terrain paints, and painting the columns in the kitchen to stone.
Hope ya enjoy.
Very pretty! I might have to snag that one.
I'm snagging it right now. Have a perfect lot to place it on. Thanks for sharing!
Nice house Danefaith. I just love it when you guys post your houses.
I'd like to report on danefaith's tomb that he posted on here a while ago. Not sure if anyone else played it, but I thought it deserved a review. I had a problem or 2, but that is simply because of the wonderful uniqueness of the tomb, and I forgot something I should have remembered lol. I think it's very original and creative. My only critique would be it has a lot of keystones. But it all worked together well and I think the special items that need to be used are a great idea - I haven't seen them in a tomb before. **** (out of 5) :)
I get what you mean by too many keystones, I could probably mix it up a little. Although pushable statues might look a little... unfitting. Lol.
Thanks though, glad you found your way through the key concept, and enjoyed it! I might tweak it a bit for variety, I'll let you know if I ever reload it, or if I make any others.
An established rose garden at the front with an old fountain
I keep coming back to look at this beautiful courtyard, but I can't figure out what kind of wall was used to make the fountain. Does anyone know?
Oh! Sorry, thank you so much for the kind offer. I must have missed that.
I'm just trying to puzzle out the process used to make a fountain. I haven't found a tutorial or hints anywhere. I do see that a fountain tool is coming up in the next expansion though.
See how closely I've browsed the decorations and sculptures option? Sorry to confuse you. I'll have to go take a look at what else is there, that I've missed. :D This is exactly why it's so great to have these picture threads!
Oh no, please don't go to the trouble of making me anything. I just appreciate the inspiration!
A fountain tool? Why not something useful like being able to recolour chimneys! :-\
Check your personal messages samoht
That's why often in my builds, I remove the stacks and just leave the top bit sticking up on top of the roof. The less of it I see, the better. I only ever allow the whole stack if I'm building a brick home, which is rarely... and rarer still, an orange one at that !
I often enclose them in walls. But yes, it would be so good if we could recolour them.
I'm still working on my mega house. I'm happy with most of what I've done so far, but the couple of rooms I'm trying to make look very old expensive I am not that pleased with the effect. Anyway, I'll show you all when I'm done. :)
Check your personal messages samoht
Thanks for the link to the tutorial Twinmum! ;) That was a really helpful tutorial, maybe you should make a thread with your own instructions. As that site does have mods, well they did for S2.
I made this house for my sim and I wanted to show you guys (it's thunderstorming here, or so I think) since I have nothing better to do. Here's the house:
Here's the outside of the house:
Here's the inside:
Ignore the sleeping man in the background. He's renting the house and he still owes me rent)
So what do you guys think?
On first impressions - It Needs colour! ;)
And that tile floor throughout looks cold, maybe some floor mats or at least fluffy slippers ;D
@Solstice *sigh* I guess some people can't really see red on a white background (Phoenix Wright Joke). I suppose I can add a little color inside. The houses colors are based on my own house (white tile floor and white walls, don't worry I've got used to it).
I'll use this advice when I'm making a scientist or doctors house (or maybe a DNA Specialist).
@Twinium Maybe that matches my "dark" side? Who knows? I'll try to work on that "cottage" feel once I get enough money or when I decided to evict him out of his house.
Even in real life (and the type of environment you currently live in), I'm sure your walls and floors are not that stark white ? They must be a little off-white, no ? ;) But hey, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do with your houses, all we gave are suggestions, but of course in the end, it's up to you how you want to do it. ;D
As for the lab/scientific scene idea, yeh totally go for it !! I'm a fan of labs and the clinical look of labs myself... as I am as equally fond of old houses and decaying stuff.
I suppose i'll try it out.
@MasterSiwel: I think it's a good house. It's got a nice layout and plenty of room to walk through the house with the double hallways. The white on white is unique and I think it will look pretty cool with paintings (I see an easel) and then maybe some plants as your Sim makes a little money. The very back of the house has a perfect spot for a back door for when you're ready to have a patio, grill, etc. Good job, MasterSiwel. :)
@MasterSiwel: I think it's a good house. It's got a nice layout and plenty of room to walk through the house with the double hallways. The white on white is unique and I think it will look pretty cool with paintings (I see an easel) and then maybe some plants as your Sim makes a little money. The very back of the house has a perfect spot for a back door for when you're ready to have a patio, grill, etc. Good job, MasterSiwel. :)
Thanks. I'll be making houses I suppose.
I just want to let everyone know how great the house is that Samoht built for me. The primary colors are bright and unusual, true, but they really do work well with that design. There's lots of glass and starkness, which I think looks great. The reds are dramatic for the Master bedroom and playful in the nursery. Bright solid walls with white furniture in the living areas is a bold modern statement that I love. The layout is fantastic and it has a courtyard in the middle where the house wraps around it. I added picnic tables there, and put a pool where the smaller vegetable garden was. It's just a really cool house. Thanks again, Thomas!
Between this one and the one that TommyT built, I'm practically giddy! I've got both of them placed in my current neighborhood and haven't decided yet exactly who is going to live in them. Oh, another thing... I was missing some furniture that TommyT had placed in the house. I bought the Ultra Lounge living and bedroom sets a few days ago, which is what the house has in it that I was missing. The game had substituted other furniture in its place. But now! Oh my! It's even better than I realized. Thank you, TommyT!
Glad you like it! Sorry I thought you had the Ultra Lounge set Pam, which is why I tried to use it extensively lol.
I kind of had an artistic insanity moment when painting that house! :D Good to know you liked it! :)
Glad you like it! Sorry I thought you had the Ultra Lounge set Pam, which is why I tried to use it extensively lol.
I had Ultra Lounge everything else: teens room, kitchen, bath. I just didn't have the living/dining. But I do now!!
Hey Everyone!
I just read this thread from pages 1 to 27 (at this moment), and I really wanted to express how very, very nice so many of these homes are.
If I point out any single instance of a style or design I appreciated, I feel I'd be unnecessarily unkind to those who spent to the time to upload their pictures, or made their designs available for download/comments.
Very nice stuff, folks! :D
-- Happytime
Alright I built my new house. It's called Java Joe. And here it is:
Nice small hovel! Wow, I like it.
But are you done with it? I miss a pond (with bridge across) and some tree/bushes and stones around it. And a quiet spot with a bench :)
I'm a cozy type of girl, I guess. ;)
Nice small hovel! wow :D i like it
But are u done with it? I miss a pond (with bridge across) and some tree/bushes and stones around it. and a quit spot with bench :)
im a cosy type of girl i guess ;)
Actually this is supposed to be a "coffee lovers" home. I already put bushes in there and I think I'll put a bench on their someday. Right now I want to keep on making houses so that I can get better at making them.
It was more or less just my own imagination MasterSiwel :P Most people got trouble with getting the right idea with houses and decorating.
Maybe good thing if the garden really is empty :) then those who would get it, could decorate it as they would like. Right? ::)
It was more or less just my own imagination MasterSiwel :P Most people got trouble with getting the right idea with houses and decorating.
Maybe good thing if the garden really is empty :) then those who would get it, could decorate it as they would like. Right? ::)
I know what you're looking at. The last and final picture doesn't have a garden because I didn't edit the yard at the time. You should look at the upper picture (it does have a garden). (I was going to add a garden when a sim moves into it so that it can have that garden feel).
Sorry, I don't see the garden To me, a garden is filled with trees, flowers and bushes, water and a quiet spot for 2 (if you understand what I mean, heh).
Sorry i don't see the garden :3 to me a garden is filled with trees, flowers and bushes, water and a quiet spot for 2 (if you understand what i mean heh)
Yes. I suppose people have different ways of interpreting things. :P
True :P some likes it a bit... bare. Others (like me) likes it almost like a small forest haha
True :P some likes it abit... bare. Others (like me) likes it almost like a small forest haha
I really don't think a guy or gal who is a coffee drinker cares about a garden. Just saying.
Not understood :) what does a coffee drinker has to do with a talk about gardens? :)
Not understood :) what does a coffee drinker has to do with a talk about gardens? :)
The house was going to be for a coffee lover. I haven't made the sim yet though (it was basically the average coffee lovers house, I used dark rich colors indoors and didn't really pay attention to the outdoors because most coffee lovers just want to stay inside and drink some coffee).
Ooh okay :P well that fact slipped my attention
Well could see myself living there though (yes and coffee drinker in real life too ha ha).
But i still appreciate a forest outside :P, something to look at while drinking coffee maybe?
ooh okay :P well that fact slipped my attention
Well could see myself living there though (yes and coffee drinker in real life too ha ha)
But i still appreciate a forest outside :P something to look at while drinking coffee maybe?
I suppose. I'm not much of an outdoors person which may be why I don't bother. But i'm taking a break from that.
Thanks for posting MasterSiwel! Let's get back to talking about houses :)
Nice and shapely, Siwel. Definitely a step in the right direction.
It's offering us a good place to reinforce that, "attention to detail" I mentioned. Now this may seem to sound like nitpicking, but it's offered in the hopes of expanding your familiarity with your tools.
The first thing that caught my eye was the brown line at the top of the exterior wall of the bathroom. It appears you used "wall with crown and baseboard molding," and the line I'm seeing is the crown. Crowns and baseboards normally don't suit exterior walls, and utilizing the "flat wall" would have been better. It's important to become familiar with the functionality of a wall paint, more than the stock patterns, as once you are, it's much easier to create the ideal style for any room or area.
Secondly, I noticed the windows are stark white, which don't fit the java color scheme very well. it would be helpful to coordinate them in color with your exterior doors and your fencing. Color coordination and the create a pattern are always your friend.
And thirdly, and if this isn't a stark nitpick I don't know what is (still think it teaches a good lesson)... I'm looking at those sunflowers and thinking, "they're all growing in the same direction!" When placing plants, giving a few out of the group a quarter turn or half turn will prevent them from looking so identical and homogeneous. That simple quarter turn, left or right, here or there, when adding plants and trees really creates the spark of life and realism. Those minor details are paramount!
That said, I definitely see the improvement from last house to this, and hope see this trend of improvement continue.
I feel like I should point out that this is not a critique thread, nor did MasterSiwel ask for suggestions or constructive criticism of his Java Joe house. This is supposed to be a show off thread. Let's hold off on offering advice unless it's specifically requested by the builder of the house.
Just thought I'd stop by and say THANK YOU to TommyT for his 6Br 6+2Ba Modern Contemporary house! I have my legacy family living in it right now and I'm LOVING it! I don't have the Ultra Modern set either, so I'm just using other beds and such, but the lay out is awesome, and I love the surprises downstairs! When I finally moved my family in they just started running all over the place checking stuff out, I think they really like it! ;D
I feel like I should point out that this is not a critique thread, nor did MasterSiwel ask for suggestions or constructive criticism of his Java Joe house. This is supposed to be a show off thread. Let's hold off on offering advice unless it's specifically requested by the builder of the house.
Aw it's alright Pam. I need the critism. After all, I'm just a newbie.
Recoloured masonry texture LlamaMama, the one that looks like marble, although the fountain itself has its own unique texture that they blend well together giving off an aged look to it. I did offer to make you a house with a similar smaller scale courtyard a few pages back, but you haven't responded. ;)
Ummmm, Solstice......Since LlamaMama didn't need a house with a courtyard would you be up for making a courtyard, with or without house, for me? Please? My pc went belly up and I lost EVERYTHING, including my completed August contest house. It has taken me two days, (remember I'm technology challenged), to put my stuff back together and I still can't download all the things I own from the EA store. All my pretty houses you guys built are gone! (I'll redownload them) All my people are gone!
Serves me right for not having a back up on a disc.
Ok, back to houses. I liked the white on white because I can see doing either ultra modern stuff with it or just figuring it is more like a gallery and will be a good background for the stuff that comes off my easle! Or, I can make it gingerbread-ish with lots of pale pink and blue. I might just give white on white a try and see what I can do with it.
Java Joe, hmmmm. For me I personally really dislike dark houses, but I get the concept you were going for and I love it, being a coffee afficianado myself. The colors were SO appropriate for this house. If you upload it I'd download it. (hint, hint) I'd challenge myself with, "ok, get over the dark colors phobia and let's see where he was going with this" and have fun with this fun house. I love that it's on a beachy area too.
I feel like I should point out that this is not a critique thread, nor did MasterSiwel ask for suggestions or constructive criticism of his Java Joe house. This is supposed to be a show off thread. Let's hold off on offering advice unless it's specifically requested by the builder of the house.
Afraid you're incorrect on premise #2. MasterSiwel requested my ongoing help and criticisms via PM several days ago. In such light, I am acting in accordance with the mission statement outlined in the third sentence, critique only on request.
The intended message of this is understood, I'd just like it to be known I understood it well beforehand and was not acting in conflict with the intended message at present.
My wee little haunted hovel. Never question the clout of a paint pattern used where paint would make no sense!
Ok, not sure this is the place for this but here goes:
I was, once again, messing around with terrain and what can you do in strange/uncomfortable/unbuildable places. I put this lot in Twinbrook, ( which is so depressing I've invented the Twinbrook Restoration Committee, lol), which is a cup shape and would be very difficult to work with. I tried the thing using foundation and that sort of worked but not really what I wanted. Sooooo:
(http://s2.postimage.org/D4Bs0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsD4Bs0)
I painted the edges so you could see more clearly.
(http://s4.postimage.org/RsJkJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVRsJkJ)
I used flatten lot. Then:
(http://s3.postimage.org/b1gXr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pqb1gXr)
I added a familiar house. Recognize it? THEN:
(http://s1.postimage.org/Dgaf0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxDgaf0)
ROFLMRO! In a canyon, in a cavern, excavating, for a mine, la la la la. That's what popped into my head when I saw this. Now I wonder what someone could do with this to make it interesting?
(http://s1.postimage.org/DgGFS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxDgGFS)
I've done nothing with this except remove everything but it was fun and I bet you guys can come up with something for this silly technique.
Joria it's pretty much impossible to place any of the pre-built homes on a sloped lot or you get the results you've been seeing. You'd have to build something new and toy around with the foundation like the one in SV, I wanna say it's the Koffi household, looks like it's build on pillars.
I recognise that house Joria! From a certain building contest? That I never got around to commenting on...
Wierd how that lot turned out. I have put a house (the biggest on from Riverview) on a sloped lot in Twinbrook. I'm working on it now. It sits in the middle, and I just use that smooth tool for the edges. It's kinda interesting. I'll show you all when I'm done.
And danefaith - that's a lovely house! Such an interesting layout. I love what you did to that chair in the bathroom :)
I added a familiar house. Recognize it? THEN:
Awe shucks, I recognize it ;D
Not built on pillars Tommy, just a foundation.
Figuratively speaking :) yes it is foundation and not actual columns.
Joria it's pretty much impossible to place any of the pre-built homes on a sloped lot or you get the results you've been seeing. You'd have to build something new and toy around with the foundation like the one in SV, I wanna say it's the Koffi household, looks like it's build on pillars.
I'm just about now experimenting with building a house on a slope using pillar-like foundation in Twinbrook (must've missed the Koffi household (liked Riverview better); this is something I came up myself independently (sorry if it has been made before)). Now, it's not actually a house yet, because I'm building it with a real sim's money. She hasn't had enough to complete the house yet, but I've laid out the "foundation".
(http://s2.postimage.org/FGDsS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsFGDsS)
Up close:
(http://s4.postimage.org/TWmyi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVTWmyi)
Fantastic sea-view:
(http://s3.postimage.org/dIkKr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqdIkKr)
View over Twinbrook on a misty morning from my foundation:
(http://s2.postimage.org/FH1pi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsFH1pi)
I didn't know anyone had already made these things (bet they stole my idea a year before I came up with it! >:(), but I think I'm falling in love with the prospects of building a house like this. ;D
I built a TB pillar house myself, back on page 16.
Not that I'd feel my idea was robbed, especially given, like you, I was robbing the idea from Twinbrook. 8)
Hey! This is awful! I hadn't noticed there were these houses in Twinbrook either! I checked it right now and you are right, but all the time I've been in Twinbrook I've lived on the other side of town without taking much notice at those houses! :o
Now I really think I've been ripped off! :'( And here I thought I was original. ;)
I hadn't seen your house as well danefaith (it must have been posted when I was gone back then). That was a real beauty.
I like how it's starting out, with the bare necessities: a time machine and an easel!
SV has at least a couple houses built on pillars. Or you could find inspiration here:
...but all the time I've been in Twinbrook I've lived on the other side of town without taking much notice at those houses! :o
This is what we call a "sheltered childhood." :D
Thanks, hope theirs and mine'll offer some inspiration. I absolutely fell in love with the likeness of old shacks renovated in a contemporary fashion.
@ Llama's picture: What is this I don't even. :o
I like how it's starting out, with the bare necessities: a time machine and an easel!
Thanks LlamaMama. I don't think any sim can survive without the basic survival stuff. ;D
Sure, I am yet to give her a bed (she sleeps at the neighbours' house), but I am nice enough to have provided her with a telescope as well!
I'm also agreeing with danefaith: What is that house? It looks really cool, but where is it from?
That is fascinating Swede. One night I tried to do that and didn't get too far before getting stuck. Are you using foundation to build the pillars?
Well, I got tired of my family of seven living in an overgrown box in Twinbrook, so I decided to try to build a house that WASN'T an overgrown box. Easier said than done for me. But here is my first attempt. I know the color scheme isn't fabulous, but I'm looking for feedback as far as layout is concerned. Be gentle, it's my first time! (lol)
(http://s4.postimage.org/5phr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV5phr)
The front area (foyer, living room, dining room/kitchen and bathroom)...
(http://s4.postimage.org/5zg0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV5zg0)
The back of the house (three bedrooms, study, bathroom)
And close-ups of the outside.
(http://s4.postimage.org/64GS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV64GS)
(http://s4.postimage.org/67b0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV67b0)
(http://s4.postimage.org/6cai.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV6cai)
Let me know what you think!
That is fascinating Swede. One night I tried to do that and didn't get too far before getting stuck. Are you using foundation to build the pillars?
Yeah, you first raise the ground and make a flat plateau and lay a foundation on that. Then you can erase the foundation bits so that it forms small pillars to this earth plateau (between each pillar you can have 4 empty squares. Then you sporadically lower the terrain here and there to approximately the same level and angle as the slope, then you use the smoothing tool to form everything to a nice slope.
I also discovered that it may be bright to keep a bit of the earth plateau left (you can see on my pictures that the foundation row furthest back still lies normally on ground) because then if you want to expand your platform you can use the equal-levelling tool to recreate the earth plateau with and then place out a new foundation where you see fit and start the process over again. If you destroy the whole earth plateau you can never place a new foundation on the exact right level as everything else again.
Also, a glitch may occur where some squares of flooring on your platform may be missing. In that case, use the cheat "constrainFloorElevation false" and you can place the floor tiles, but don't alter the earth level again without using the cheat "constrainFloorElevation true" first, because your platform may get destroyed otherwise.
Hope this makes sense! :)
@Storyteller: I think it looks good actually. You can easily see that you've toyed around with the house shape to make it less box-like, but it works well with the house overall. It gives it a bit of character if you know what I mean.
I'm also agreeing with danefaith: What is that house? It looks really cool, but where is it from?
My grandfather was an inventor, back in the mid-20th century. He patented all kinds of inventions and machinery, and eventually revolutionized the steel industry. This is an old photo of an idea he was playing around with in his twenties. It wasn't very popular so not much ever came of it, though. I googled "cantilevered house" and that picture came up.
(But I made up that story.)
If you destroy the whole earth plateau you can never place a new foundation on the exact right level as everything else again.
This isn't quite true. If you start the new bit of foundation right next to an existing pillar, the new foundation will be the same height. So all you need to do is drag out some new foundation where you want to extend, then delete most of it to create pillars.
This is really fascinating. Contest possibilities abound!
Ah, you mean it like that! OK, it was just me who was being stupid.
I was just thinking if you'd have to repeat the process with the earth plateau, you'd need earth at the right height, but you don't need that apparently.
I found it out by accident. I was playing around trying something and I had all these bits of land raised up in various spots so that when I added more foundation, it would be the right height. Then I did something and missed where I was meant to put down some foundation only to find I'd joined it to the rest and it was the right height.
Solstice I will download from wherever you chose to put it as long as it meets this forums standards, and I'm sure it will. Thank you very much. I really have not ever seen such a beautiful courtyard before as the one you made. At least not in Sims.
As for the thing I was fooling around with: I'm doing a lot of "renovation/restoration" in Twinbrook. It is really quite depressing. So sad that they had to make an artificial lake and wound up drowning so much of the land and turning them into what looks like bayou or salt flats. Soooo, my "committee", (of one unless you guys want to start fixing up Twinbrook and we can all share our ideas, contest anyone?), is going around, reclaiming land and cleaning up houses, (without adding any extra value/cost to them), and laying down lots on sites that were once things like railroad tracks. When I saw the cup space could be built on I just HAD to fool with it. I started off with the raised foundation idea and can see it would be fairly easy to build something cool on that. When I tried the elevation change I could see I could do a lot with that as well. My next thought was, "I wonder if I could place a downloaded house on this artificial plateau". Well, you can but it sinks down into the ground if it is a small house. Haven't tried a big one. I like fooling around with the terrain tool and I bet the sunken house could actually wind up being rather cool. Just eat away some of the terrain after it's sunk, but leave a good bit raised.
Has anyone tried terracing land? I'd like to know if Sims could climb up and down a terraced, pyramid, without stairs or would they have to have stairs to reach the top? Could be fun. Once I'm done with my daVinci challenge and house contest I'll have to play with that idea.
Please look at the rules again on page 1. Only 5 screenshots per post, please.
@LlamaMama: You didn't have to remove all the pictures. Just limit it to 5. I'm going to remove your original post because now it has nothing in it at all. Please feel free to repost your house with fewer pictures.
No thanks. It took me long enough to get up the courage to post in this thread in the first place, and then something like 4 hours to capture, edit, organize, and put together with comments. I was obviously mistaken in believing that 2 regular + half a dozen thumbnails would be okay.
Come on LlamaMama! Please show it again.
I can't force you to it, but I thought your remodelling of that house was good! You don't have to come up with perfect comments or pictures; I think people around here would just be happy to get some good ideas. We will certainly not mock you for your work. :)
@Samoht: Your recent modern designs have really stuck with me, so I've decided to scratch my Amy Bull itch by installing her into your Clean Canvas house in SV. I'll make her a long-lived painter, and put her through many personality changes (but not wardrobe changes!) so I can see how her painting style varies. I would have liked to put her into your CoulourTastic house, but she's got lots of painting to do so I made her a loner, and it would just be too big for her!
Thanks everyone for all your inspiration and generous sharing!
@Samoht: Your recent modern designs have really stuck with me, so I've decided to scratch my Amy Bull itch by installing her into your Clean Canvas house in SV. I'll make her a long-lived painter, and put her through many personality changes (but not wardrobe changes!) so I can see how her painting style varies. I would have liked to put her into your CoulourTastic house, but she's got lots of painting to do so I made her a loner, and it would just be too big for her!
Thanks LlamaMama, I find those houses fun to build so I might make a range of them! ;)
Ok Joria, yes it will be fine (I've discussed my upload process with Aria & Pam behind the scenes prior). I'm sorry it's taking a while, I've been busy this week, but I hope to get the house started at some point this week.
Do you have any other requests for your house before I get stuck in (asides light colours, lavender flowers and a courtyard) ?
I leave it all to your creative genius. It will be marvelous, I'm sure. Sorry it's taken me awhile to post. Been busy with contests and revamping Twinbrook. It's coming along nicely.
Just in case anyone doesn't know yet: There is a Building Requests Thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,1818.0.html) where I will keep the Requests organized. ;)
Well, I started building for the August Building Contest, and then I just built, and built and built and I couldn't stop adding things that I thought would look good. Needless to say I went WAY over budget. But I like it, I think it turned out pretty good. I don't have time before the contest to do another one, so I thought I'd just share it here. :) No wonder there aren't so many entries this month, man that was a tough assignment! Sorry about that, guys!
Here's the front:
The floorplan:
And the part of the house I like the most, the great room:
Here's the link on The Exchange: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3012526
Nice house AriaGirl. I had to laugh when I read your post. I had every intention on submitting a house for the contest. I built five houses and just couldn't seem to stop, I fianally gave up. At least I have a neighborhood with some pretty decent houses. No need to be sorry, we just have good taste. lol.
Just finished the sort of draft of my Dynasty house..then I ran outta money.
Lol, now that was a good excuse PieLord! :D
Well look on the bright side Aria at least it was a challenge and not too easy! ;D
No doubt!
I'll certainly remember this experience and be sure to allow enough funds next month!
Well it was only the second Contest so I think we are allowed some errors! ;)
That's a pretty rockin house Aria, you match the windows/doors/columns/arches very well, and the lay out flows nicely. Pielord I had the same problem, I think mine are just going to live outside until I have 300k haha
Thanks, Tommy!
The only part I'm not really happy about is the roof line, but as I was waking up this morning I had an idea about how I could fix it so you can expect an updated exterior pic soon. :)
How odd it is that I've lived a full lifetime and never until now started to look at roof lines, footprints, etc.
Well I built this house for the September Contest but there is something on their that I have no idea what it means, if it means home cinema I don't think 2,000 will build it! ;D
Pine Hill Barn - $97,864
Lot Size: 30x40
Info: This old barn has been recently been converted into a home, it boast Five bedrooms and two bathrooms, a larger Living/Dining and a Kitchen. It has a pool out back and a smaller barn which is being used as a Kids Room, their is a cellar under the second barn which could be extended, the main barn is light and spacious with big windows at either end.
(http://s3.postimage.org/lBg70.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlBg70)
(http://s3.postimage.org/lBb7J.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlBb7J)
(http://s3.postimage.org/lB8DA.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlB8DA)
(http://s3.postimage.org/lB3Ei.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlB3Ei)
(http://s3.postimage.org/lB199.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlB199)
Link: Pine Hill Barns (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3037326)
I saw Pielord's Dynasty house and decided to share. *shudders* Don't be fooled by the nice furniture. I have a doctor and a kleptomaniac in the house. Not to mention the 22k I "earned" through the judicious selling of novels from a certain Asian country...
View from the second floor
(http://s2.postimage.org/LHHd9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsLHHd9)
View from the first floor
(http://s1.postimage.org/15Z_S.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gx15Z_S)
The garage. And yes, all six cars were stolen, most of them from across the street at the Altos' place.
(http://s4.postimage.org/2tsPr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV2tsPr)
A view of the entire lot. Yes, my kleptomaniac Sim stole the flag in the garden! I needed to do something with it...
(http://s3.postimage.org/lTA_9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqlTA_9)
A view of the house, with walls up.
(http://s2.postimage.org/LHWb0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsLHWb0)
I'm open for comments and constructive criticism. I'm trying to get better at this house thing, really. I welcome any critique or advice.
Wow, that is really nice so far, and how far along are you on your dynasty? Mine is large and I have the stairs in, but no second floor yet and a modest garden. I bought the park across the street from the house and now don't have too much money yet until some paintings start to sell. I will post pics later, but yours is your nice. It will get better along the way, it is gorgeous now.
Well I thought I might as well post my little home I made near the scrap yard ^_^ I'm aware its not the greatest thing ever so dint be too mean xD
First up is my front view of the house, this is the first build where i realised you could have spray on flowers and stone paths so I may have gotton a little crazy with them xD Unfortunately Since i wanted my house on foundations everything else has to be as well and I cant seem to make a basement now because of it =/
(http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4286/simshouse1.jpg) (http://img401.imageshack.us/i/simshouse1.jpg/)
Second is back view of the house, in the garden I have Life Fruit, Pomegranates and Bell Peppers (Bell Peppers make great fertilizers) The two little extra coming out bits (Not sure what to call them xD) parts of the roof were something I added myself, the roof seemed a little boring so I thought they make it look better.
(http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/1705/simshouse2.jpg) (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/simshouse2.jpg/)
Here is a bird's eye view of the top floor, The biggest room being the Master (Only?) Bedroom and en-suit Bathroom, Opposite that we have the workshop for Sculpting and Inventing and next to the workshop is the Gym with its own separate shower.
(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/2982/simshouse3.jpg) (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/simshouse3.jpg/)
Finally the downstairs, Starting with a Living room/dining room mix the small display case holding a little gold tiger I found. Hallways lead to the Main bathroom and the kitchen area which also holds the Washing machine and Dryer ^^ and finally following it around leads to the small outside area.
(http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2623/simshouse4.jpg) (http://img14.imageshack.us/i/simshouse4.jpg/)
Balkor, nice little house there. I like what you did with the "things" on the back side of the roof. I must try that sometime.
Saltypaws, my 3rd generation is a teenager now. It seems to go faster because I don't allow my immortals multiple children. I only have to focus on one child at a time. Thanks for the compliments. I'm still trying to figure out where to put my museum. It seems people have so many sculptures and paintings and photographs...I only have the required portraits right now. Oh, well, sculptures will come later and photographs probably never. I despise the photography skill.
Shutting up now before I get trashed for being off topic. ;D
Shutting up now before I get trashed for being off topic. ;D
We don't "trash" our members. We "gently remind." :)
I just built this house in Riverview for an Adventurer and his Wife and I am pleased with how it turned out! :)
(http://s2.postimage.org/b1Ku0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Tsb1Ku0)
Samoht, that's beautiful. Huge! Will it be filled with collections from travel, or with children?
Both! ;D
That looks like a really nice house. Actually we seem to have several talented builders around here. I love looking at them.
Ive made another little house ^^ 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Ideal for a small Family although I haven't put a car space in there is room to place one besides the house.
First shot is of the whole house, I'm not quite sure what I was doing with the roof, just messing around with different types and I eventually ended up with this.
(http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/8033/ss1sx.jpg) (http://img62.imageshack.us/i/ss1sx.jpg/)
Here is the first floor of the house, The fenced area is basically a place to look down onto the living room, I figured i would try something new with this house and I quite like it ^^. The Red room will be Master Bedroom, Black room will be a Gym and the Blue room will be a Bathroom, The rest of the area I'm just going to have planned as a relaxing environment.
(http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/2019/ss3h.jpg) (http://img827.imageshack.us/i/ss3h.jpg/)
Finally the ground floor, here we have a Living room, dining room and kitchen all wrapped into one along with a Study/Second bedroom and a second bathroom.
(http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/4770/ss2ve.jpg) (http://img203.imageshack.us/i/ss2ve.jpg/)
I hope you all like it ^^ ;D Oh and it's valued at just under 29k
I like it Balkor. It's unique. I have a question/suggestion. Upstairs where the black room and red room are there is a bit of hallway that really serves little purpose. Why? Why not draw a wall across from the black to the red past the black's door and make that space a bathroom or powder room accessible by both? Or even just one? There is enough space in there to do that and if the black room is to be for relaxation/entertainment it would be good to have a bath room close by. I guess I am just personally not fond of hallways though they are obviously necessary. By the way, a belated welcome to the forum!
Ok, you know I've started my own, Twinbrook Restoration Society, (membership, one, lol), so here is a bit of what I've done. There is sooooo much more but we're limited as to how many pictures we can post at a time.
This is a "street" of new lots where nothing but sadness was before. The depressed, gloomy, swampy space just cried out for adventurous Sims to come and create a place of beauty that will attract more people and perhaps, restore the glory that was once Twinbrook. The Society decided this area of renovation was so far out of town and mainstream that it would require several buildings that would make it a little township of it's own. A village, perhaps. J.R. Brunxton, of Brunxton Boxcar Diner, decided it was time for him to break off from the family site and start a franchise of his own. He dreamed bigger than his dad and wanted a place that would attract customers of all ages and status. He made J.R.'s Playland and Diner. This is the result. (Note one of the many new customers that flock to his establishment! The five star cuisine is also a big draw despite the boxcar appearance.)
(http://s2.postimage.org/pnf70.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Tspnf70)
New beginnings. The first buildings on the street are a modest home, the play land, a grocery store and a library.
(http://s2.postimage.org/pnE3r.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TspnE3r)
J.R.'s! Note the two customers and the gnubb game in progress! It's a success.
(http://s2.postimage.org/pnQx9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TspnQx9)
The Library is usually full of readers. And why not since it is in such a quietly lovely setting?
(http://s2.postimage.org/poAVS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TspoAVS)
Rather than use a lot of landfill, these homeowners built their home up on pillars after leveling the land to make it smooth and sunken. It appears to be floating but not so. They tell me they have many ideas for making this home larger and taller, but for now their small house is perfect for this garden loving couple.
(http://s2.postimage.org/ppbl0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Tsppbl0)
As you can see, the house rises above this lovely hidden away garden. The landing above features a quiet place to wait for the car pool and school bus, (no children yet), and broad stairs to the partially landscaped yard. I was told the organic garden will soon be replanted. The area to the lower left is an arbor which covers a quiet spot to sit and read or just enjoy the view. The small patio area is ready for a cook out with fresh veggies from the garden! The little "house", or shed, with the flowers on top is actually the entrance to the basement level which is unfinished at the moment. The homeowners have decided to take a bit of a vacation break to see new sites and perhaps start collecting some interesting items for their home and yard.
I wonder who will move in next?
I like it Balkor. It's unique. I have a question/suggestion. Upstairs where the black room and red room are there is a bit of hallway that really serves little purpose. Why? Why not draw a wall across from the black to the red past the black's door and make that space a bathroom or powder room accessible by both? Or even just one? There is enough space in there to do that and if the black room is to be for relaxation/entertainment it would be good to have a bath room close by. I guess I am just personally not fond of hallways though they are obviously necessary. By the way, a belated welcome to the forum!
To be brutally honest I just like hallways, I was planning on the end of it to have a Display cabinet at the end of it to show off any artifacts I really like that I see.
Also Joria, I adore your work ^^ The whole Twinbrook Restoration thing sounds like alot of fun =P
I just realised that I forgot my adventurer sim, other more depressing news has hit another game. Maybe I will upload the house if anyone would like it?
Joria! You crack me up! I love the work you've done restoring Twinbrook. You're so creative and it really shows in your building and redecorating!
I love what you're doing to my favorite town! I especially like how you overcame the terrain difficulties! I'm pleased the hearty flood survivors have learned a lesson, and now appreciate a home on pillars. Beautiful work, amazing imagination!
Just a quick note... y'all need to upload your avatars again because of the server move. They aren't showing up on your posts.
Thanks everybody. I truly can't think clearly enough to do my own CAW thing so restoration is my only option at the moment. I really am having fun doing this. It's quite a challenge to fit in some of the lots and even more so when you have crazy terrain. It annoys me when it says, can't place on unroutable terrain and then in the middle of nowhere, no roads or anything, there are all kinds of spaces for lots. It would be nice if we could do roads and stuff.
My alternate projects are finishing up and making lovely homes for the DaVinci folks. I had tried several different attempts before I got serious and did my last, final, and reported one, but I kept three of the other practices. Now they are all still working on their ltw of becoming a daVinci, but they have oodles of money for me to spend on their houses since I don't have to be getting rich for the challenge. And of course, there is the Dynasty challenge. That one I'm trying to do slow and carefully and not very much building there at the moment since my guys are still working on getting ahead.
Hey, if anyone wants to jump on the Twinbrook Restoration Committee bandwagon, please do so! It would be great to see what you do and how you approach the terrain challenges. I'd love to share all that. Oh, and if you want, I can upload that house I built.
Samoh, silly boy! Of course we want you to upload that house! DUH! (lol) Your houses are always great.
Ha ha, will do! ;D
Ok, the hallway makes sense then. It would be a cool sort of surprise to see a display at the end of that hall. I like it.
Here is my latest and what I consider my best home yet, A nice, two bedroom beach house with the best view in town (Check last picture to see what I mean.) However I am concerned with my building style on how I normally have quite large, expensive (82k for this) houses that can only really support small families.
First shot is the front of house, I got the whole bridge over a swimming pool idea from the house next door xD And the random plants are my attempts of landscaping.
(http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/2036/screenshoths.jpg) (http://img844.imageshack.us/i/screenshoths.jpg/)
Second shot is the back of the house, showing off both areas for relaxing and sunbathing ^^ Also if wanted an access to the pool.
(http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/1415/screenshot2th.jpg) (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2th.jpg/)
Third shot is the upstairs of the house, starting with the Top right corner (White room) and going clockwise we have main living area, Master bedroom 1 with Private Study and En-suit, Master bedroom 2 with Private Study and En-suit, Main Media Room/Study. Finally in the center I'm not sure If ill have any furniture, maybe a couple of chairs and plants.
(http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6539/screenshot3cz.jpg) (http://img85.imageshack.us/i/screenshot3cz.jpg/)
Final shot of the actual house is the downstairs and again starting at the top right (Wooden floors) going clockwise there is the Kitchen with Dining room, Garage 1, Garage 2, Powder/Laundry room with Main Bathroom. Again with the center I'm not sure if ill be furnishing.
(http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7176/screenshot4l.jpg) (http://img508.imageshack.us/i/screenshot4l.jpg/)
Finally we have that great view I was on about ^^
(http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/334/screenshot5ss.jpg) (http://img168.imageshack.us/i/screenshot5ss.jpg/)
Once I've funished ill retake the pictures for everyone but unfortunately I need to go to work soon =(
That is an awesome view, Balkor.
I like the way you've got the "front stairs / access bridge" to match the stonework on the sides of the house as well.
I'm not sure I'd want my Sims driving their cars across those bridges though ... hehe
-- Happytime
That is an awesome view, Balkor.
I like the way you've got the "front stairs / access bridge" to match the stonework on the sides of the house as well.
I'm not sure I'd want my Sims driving their cars across those bridges though ... hehe
-- Happytime
Thanks ^^ Also they arent actually bridges for the car area, I can't paint tiles straight over a Pool and I figured for RP purposes it would be better to just not have a pool there anyways.
Balkor, another building star is born! Terrific house. I love it all. When I look at houses folks have built I think, "would I personally like to live in this house"? With this one you built the answer is a definite and emphatic YES!
I've finally started work on a house that I've decided to try and do more than a giant box. Got the outside finished! I used the lot next to Stony Falls, just since I like that place so much. Keeping with that theme, the outside is done in various kinds of stone and masonry.
(http://s3.postimage.org/dTFar.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqdTFar)
The patio out back is perfect for large parties, so long as you can scrounge up enough food.
(http://s3.postimage.org/dUpz9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqdUpz9)
This is my favorite part right here, the loveseat underneath the cherry tree. There are going to be romantic moments there, for sure! Originally, I was going to change the bench to fit the neutral colors of the rest of the house, but I liked how the default pink matched with the tree, so I kept it. I know that the area in front seems empty, but that's the driveway. I had to move the cars to get a decent shot.
(http://s3.postimage.org/dV4YA.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqdV4YA)
And this room, jutting off the side of the guest house, is the sun room. At first I intended it to be the family mausoleum, but I decided to put that into my basement instead.
(http://s3.postimage.org/dW6Pi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqdW6Pi)
Of course, I now have the teensy problem of that fact that, unfinished and unfurnished, my family can't afford to move into it yet. Oops. Over the next few days I'll furnish the inside, the basement, and the balcony so I know about how much my sims will have to work to get into the house at all.
It looks like a very nice house, I don't know if it was your pictures or my screen but they looked very blurry? What graphics setting do you use?
I'm not sure, actually. I never messed with the settings, so they're still on whatever the default is. Maybe I'll go play with those next time I get on to see if I can improve things any.
It could be me, I followed another link on another thread and got no picture showing up. :-\ And the thumbnail is clearer than the normal-ish photo.
No, it's not just you, samoht. Looking back over them, they seem blurry to me, too.
Yup, I'm certainly playing with the graphics options next time I go play the game.
Hey, pepperpizza, keep us posted as the house develops. So far it's looking really good.
Here's my latest endeavor. This is the "house" my current attempt at dynasty is living in:
(http://s3.postimage.org/kYShr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqkYShr)
I wanted to take outdoor living to the extreme. LOL. The little "houses" you see are, upper right hand corner, the bathroom/laundry room. Below that is the stairs to the basement/museum. This may change if I can figure out what I need to do to put it up in the air above the living quarters. Having trouble with "can't level terrain".
Here's the lounge/living room:
(http://s3.postimage.org/k_aB9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pqk_aB9)
Master bedroom, which is a work in progress: (ooops. Forgot to make the bed.)
(http://s3.postimage.org/k_Jw9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pqk_Jw9)
The kitchen/dining area:
(http://s3.postimage.org/k_Q_A.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pqk_Q_A)
And the heir's bedroom:
(http://s3.postimage.org/k_TuJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pqk_TuJ)
Mind you, none of this is what I call "done". Just need to put my cash in other places, yet I wanted that beautifully decorated moodlet and got it without any walls except in the bathroom. My founder loves white and her spouse loves black so it made it really easy for me to chose colors to decorate with! Jr. loves orange so he has a room of his own. lol I'd like some feedback on this please. I am not wedded to the idea that all gens will have to live al fresco. I'm fluctuating back and forth between putting the living space in the basement and the museum up in the current living space, or even making that multi level by putting "rooms" up on pillars.
I love what you have done for the living arrangements Joria. I will be certain to follow any other pics when you have decided what direction you want to go.
This is a really creative approach to outdoor living!
But...do you make offerings every day to the Meteor Gods?
I've had fun reading through this thread, so even though I'm not the world's greatest builder I thought I'd share images of the starter home I made some time ago (It's been up on the exchange for ages and ages http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=227446 if you're interested.)
This is the front of the house, landscaping wise it's a little bare, but it's made on a budget.
This is from the back, I'm particularly fond of the little raised patio area.
This is how it's laid out inside, I've got it set up for a couple with or expecting a baby, but I've also used that smaller bedroom as an office. Since ambitions I tend to put a washing machine in the bathroom next to the shower, it fits just nicely and in real life my grandparents actually had their washing machine in the bathroom at their old house.
In case it's hard to tell what's where from the plan (the colour scheme doesn't help) here's a view with the walls semi-down.
I'm feeling I should try some more building again now, I haven't really done any in ages, I use this one for pretty much all my starting families, it's affordable for a couple furnished and even a lone Sim can buy it unfurnished and have enough cash left over for the really essential stuff and despite all the weird shapes Sims navigate through it nicely and there's room for a chess table in the main room and so forth. But I guess I can't have every Sim from now until eternity live in a toadstool shaped cottage... time to build something new. Does whoever built the tree house (it was pages and pages ago and I'm lazy) mind if I try one of those? Because that looks like an interesting thing to play with. I also keep meaning to build a house that's an old railway carriage... now, if only EA would co-operate and give me a nice semi-circular roof-style to play with. I like building starter homes I guess. It's probably because I'm allergic to money cheats AND shoe-boxes.
Aiwe, that's a really neat house!
My biggest problem with octagonal-type shapes is that I'm too picky and stuck on the 'realism' concept. Meaning, sometimes I have to change the house to fit the roof because the original "would never be built that way in real life!" As bizarre as this roof is, it really fits into the unique look of the house. And I'm so with you on the semi-circular roof pattern!
As for the floor plan and back patio, perfect! So unique and yet very functional. It's got everything you need in a starter home including room for skill-building furniture, toddler toys, and room to move around.
I love your little starter house Aiwe! It's so cute, and very functional for a starter family. I love the angles and the roof shape, great ideas!
I built a tree house quite a while back, so that one might be it. I think samoht did too, could have been either one. Just find you a big tree and you should be set. I really like the design of your house. I have an Octagon house on the exchange and really came out nice. I haven't even used it yet myself, but it has alot of the new stuff in it. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone, I'm glad people liked my starter home. I'm going to give the tree-house a try in a bit, will post pictures if it turns out nicely.
Okay I started on my tree house, this is very much a work in progress at the moment, but I/ thought I'd share anyway.
The idea is to have different rooms on different levels connected by walkways, the room visible there is going to be a living room / study kind of room, I'm going to put the bedroom round the other side of the big tree and have the kitchen and bathroom at ground level or just on a foundation because I don't think it would be practical to get plumbing and heavy duty electrics or gas for a stove up a tree. I'm also thinking of putting in another higher platform for a telescope I think this is probably the home of a stargazer/collector and an artist, that's my kind of guiding concept anyway.
Great start on the treehouse Aiwe! I will definitely wait to see the finished product with baited breath.
That's a very clever and unique idea you've got there. And very lovely, too. LlamaMama mentioned the Meteor Gods. She's got a point. That would be my main concern for everyone who likes to live outside. I've never seen or heard of a Sim getting hit by a meteor while indoors, so it probably increases your chances of being hit. Just saying. ;D
That's a very clever and unique idea you've got there. And very lovely, too. LlamaMama mentioned the Meteor Gods. She's got a point. That would be my main concern for everyone who likes to live outside. I've never seen or heard of a Sim getting hit by a meteor while indoors, so it probably increases your chances of being hit. Just saying. ;D
I have never been hit by, or lost anything to a meteor, and my original intention was just to make a beautifully landscaped lot, then raise a building above it, (you know how I like to put my houses up in the air!), and then have the lot become a sort of maze where the museum would be. As my immortals came along and aged up, the elders would transfer to living quarters either higher up, (more elevated levels), or underground in the basement since I've figured out how to make basement homes, homey. As it turns out, I have to redo that dynasty. I went there last night thinking I'd just play it out but it really saddened me so I probably won't keep it.
Aiwe: did you read my mind? My very FIRST house as a Sims3 player was all connected octagons! Then I decided, wait, put the octagons up in the air. So I had a below level with kitchen/dining area and a small "visitor" lounge and a library, then up above I had bedrooms and bathrooms for the bedrooms, plus a huge deck that basically surrounded all the different octagons making each bedroom have it's own private deck area plus a large one for entertaining. It was for a legacy I was working on and it just kept spawning new octagons. It DID look like a cluster of mushrooms. Sadly, my pc crashed and I lost it all and had not saved any screenies elsewhere. Lost my legacy, (I was up to gen 4), and everything. Yours is different from mine and really adorable. I love that look for a house. I must say your pathing flows better than mine did and looks very playable. I had a few awkward moments in mine. I love the way you're doing your tree house too. One of the things I really love playing around with is elevations.
I just like octagons for some reason, they look good, they aren't enormously practical because they make it difficult to place furniture, but they look good. As for the tree house it was partially inspired by an advert I saw in a magazine for bespoke tree-houses, the website is http://www.blueforest.com/bespoke-treehouses some of them are gorgeous, pity I can't anything like afford them. Am really glad you like them though, will go away now and work on that tree house some more.
I really love the tree house idea! I'm thinking it would work out really cool with some of the items from the Faire Folk Life set. :)
I am finally going to show you my new house for the one and only family I play (mostly). I moved the biggest house from Riverview to Twinbrook and redid the whole thing because I found the old house boring. I am really pleased with it. 5 photos can't really show you the whole extent of it. It has 3 lounge rooms (2 with tvs), dining room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 3 car + bikes garage, art room, study/library, exercise room, 6 bathrooms, laundry, party room, and lots of hallways with odds and ends in them. Oh and a kids room that is decorated but not in use at the moment. Outside there's a pool with a view, a pond, a paved area with tables and umbrellas, a trampoline, a gnubb set, and even a little tree house for the future kids to play in! Oh and many verandas, and an unfinished basement. If anyone wants me to upload it or show more pictures just let me know, though right now there are sims in the house.
Photos: most of the ground level:
My favourite room:
The party area outside with trampoline and pool, fire place, chairs and tables with umbrellas, etc.:
And the view of the house from the front:
And I had a 5th photo but it wouldn't load...
I'm lovin' the octagons! Joria, that house is super cute!
Hannah, your mansion is GORGEOUS! Love the way the front looks!
I am finally going to show you my new house for the one and only family I play (mostly). I moved the biggest house from Riverview to Twinbrook and redid the whole thing because I found the old house boring. I am really pleased with it. 5 photos can't really show you the whole extent of it. It has 3 lounge rooms (2 with tvs), dining room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 3 car + bikes garage, art room, study/library, exercise room, 6 bathrooms, laundry, party room, and lots of hallways with odds and ends in them. Oh and a kids room that is decorated but not in use at the moment. Outside there's a pool with a view, a pond, a paved area with tables and umbrellas, a trampoline, a gnubb set, and even a little tree house for the future kids to play in! Oh and many verandas, and an unfinished basement. If anyone wants me to upload it or show more pictures just let me know, though right now there are sims in the house.
*bowing/kowtowing* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! Hail to the Queen! Palli, this is, bar none, the most awesome house I have ever seen. PLEASE, please, please, upload it to the exchange so I can nab it!
It's gorgeous.
Rear patio which eventually be enclosed by the octagons
I like your strategy of having a mini-pool handy next to the BBQ just in case!
Great houses, all!
Very nice house, apart from those white tiles around the pool! ;D (I know is this guy fussy or what? :D)
Here's the house I started building for my dynasty family, a WIP. The front is pretty much done except for some trees; interior courtyard and backyard are still empty (along with the entire inside), and the sloppy jalopy's are just placeholders :) My inspiration is something like 'classic American-styled Spanish villa' if that makes sense haha.
Wowza, that is amazing! I like that stone but then I have had that wall paint on my legacy home for about Three generations! :D But back to your Villa, it looks amazing and I don't think I would know where to start decorating that! ;)
That's a lot of house for 8 residents! How are you planning to use all that space? Is one floor going to be the museum?
Wow Tommy! You are a very talented builder! It's amazing. I don't know how to do it but keep it up it is beautiful!
That's an amazing house, Tommy!
....and now I'm jealous. Even the house I'm hard at work is nothing compared to that...
But, I've made a little progress on it.
This room is the front entrance to the house, done in a modern deco style.
(http://s3.postimage.org/DGMu9.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/28khnks3o/)
And this is the upstairs hallway, which is a build-off of the entryway.
(http://s3.postimage.org/DGTYA.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/28kmm6tl0/)
I have a grand total of two bedrooms decorated at this moment. First is the Princess Room, which is on the second floor in the main house. The second is the entire, finished guest house, which is intended for those houseguests that won't leave, and so I put a place they can satisfy their motives without disturbing my sims in the middle of the night.
(http://s3.postimage.org/DH7Wr.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/28kwjewjo/)
(http://s3.postimage.org/DHaqA.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/28ky6y91g/)
Altogether, this house is going to have room for eight sims (not counting the beds in the guest house), and cost enough that I'll have to put it in the bin and buy it a few generations down the road (four rooms & yard done, costs about $300,000).
Wow Tommy, that is some house! Now I am very curious as to what the inside looks like. VERY curious. It is amazing!
You guys are building some really amazing houses! Very impressive, indeed. TommyT, have you restarted your Dynasty? Can't wait to see the rest of that house. :)
Good stuff everyone! And thanks for the positive comments :)
For the inside I'm just planning on every room having massive space. I want the upstairs to be just for bedrooms/bathrooms and maybe a common area with seating and a computer, and perhaps a couple skill items. The downstairs will have the gym, kitchen, library, art studio and some unique room that I haven't thought of yet. Probably gonna do the museum in the basement since I really didn't want to do 3 floors (I actually hate 2 story's anyways, I don't like jumping between floors to find my Sims lol)
Pam I'm doing a trial Dynasty now just to make sure I understand the ruleset and for practice before I restart Heroes 8)
I was surprised you liked my house so much! I can upload it but do you want the family as well? They're nothing special, but their rooms are customised for them. I can kick them out though.
Oh and you'll find the pond is stocked with dragon fish, snails, frogs, mummy fish, and a type of koi.
Tommy your mansion is amazing!
Tommy your "classic American Spanish Villa" reminds me a lot of a fine resort here on the Oregon coast. I mean that in the best way since it is gorgeous and almost as amazing as your house is. I can hardly wait to see it all done and posted in the exchange. (hint, hint)
pepper I love the Princess room! I'm very much into pink little girl rooms.
That guest house is so inviting I doubt your guest would ever want to leave!
My octagon house is growing. We have a nooboo in the house so he had to have his own room. I was fooling around with the octagon shapes today and had this really unusual and I thought, very fine, house and museum all built. I used motherlode to have enough cash to do it and thought, "hey, phooey on dynasty I'll just keep with this house and play a family in it." Then my game crashed. I think somebody was trying to tell me "thou shalt not quit dynasty". I'm not fussed about it as it was a try this/try that house and was far from done. It did have a private interior garden surrounding the stairs to the basement where there was going to be a sound room, media room and had views of the pools. First time I tried moveobjects so it was fun.
I'm loving all the houses you guys are coming up with. Wish I could live in them, each one, one at a time, in real life.
I love it, Joria! Such a creative use of geometric patterns!
Very creative and I love it Joria!
Thanks, you guys. I wish you could do more than squares and rectangles in the basement but you can't. At least not with the exterior walls. So I'm thinking I will go up. Put a floor on top of all those rectangles that now have roofs, add pillars and make that entire area the place for fun and parties. On top of the pillars another level of actual rooms with a bit more privacy and a way to go from one spot to another without having to enter someones bedroom. Maybe make fewer octagons and connect them with square or rectangular passageways. Not sure how I would work it out but I know it's possible. I really should spend more time with the families and less time building but I so love figuring out how to build things. Not as good as most here but it's still fun.
Joria, you can do more then squares and rectangles in the basement. I took your basic layout and added a very unique basement and I also went up another story on top of the house itself, which was on a raised foundation. The basement tool has a button for straight sides and a button for diagonals. I spent 3 hours coming up with my own unique twist to your design last night. It looks like a daisy from above with a stem and all.
Joria, you can do more then squares and rectangles in the basement. I took your basic layout and added a very unique basement and I also went up another story on top of the house itself, which was on a raised foundation. The basement tool has a button for straight sides and a button for diagonals. I spent 3 hours coming up with my own unique twist to your design last night. It looks like a daisy from above with a stem and all.
OOO, oo, oo, I wanna see! Show us a pic please! And thanks for pointing out that diagonal button! I never noticed it before.
This is probably not the best picture and you really can't see the awning I made. It turned out pretty cool, it is the new entrance to my dynasty house. Will probably have to post one in the daytime.
OOO, oo, oo, I wanna see! Show us a pic please! And thanks for pointing out that diagonal button! I never noticed it before.
Really? I have never shown off my houses to anyone other then my family here in the house. I will get a couple screenshots and upload them to PB and then will do a post here on this thread. Probably sometime this weekend since I won't be going anywhere. No problen about pointing out the diagonal button. I am loving the use of it myself to make more interesting basements.
How do you make those awnings, Diane?
When I have made awnings, I use pillars to extend the area you can place flooring on. Instead of flooring, I use the monorail fencing and just put in a design that I like.
I would like to share my Daisy House. It is very much a work in progress. My darling husband purchased me a new wedding ring a few years ago and surprisingly the diamonds in it are placed in the same layout as this house. The center of the ring is another diamond instead of a star shape, but you get the idea. Anyway, on to the screenshots
Foundation layout
First Floor
Second Floor
Center, ground floor
Entry that to my mind looks like a stem. :D
I do realize that everything is the same color and that there is absolutely no decorations inside or out. I have not even thought of what family I will move into this giant of a house. It has 12 rooms with in-suite bathroom areas already set aside and a pool in the center of the ground level relaxing area. Also, there is no roof as yet, getting there soon.
I love all these octagon ideas! It's a natural design element for dynasties or any full households. If anyone wants some new ideas for octagon patterns, take a look at some old-fashioned quilts or even contemporary art quilts to see how octagons can be combined into secondary patterns.
I like the daisy house, I can kind of see what you mean by the green bit being a stem, although when you originally described that I kind of pictured a curled over stem for some reason, over-active imagination I guess.
Anyway, having got the challenge I was working on out of the way I've gone back to working on my tree house, and I've kind of run into a problem.
This is what it currently looks like from the front (not much changed from before apart from the colours).
And this is what it looks like from the back.
I like both, but I'm not sure they really belong to the same house, so what I might do is save what I've got to the library and then make two different versions, one from the part at the front and one from the part at the back.
It's also a little more expensive than I'd like it to be at the moment, but that's a separate issue.
Very nice tree house! :)
Thomas, I love the layout and looks of this house and just went to the exchange to download and could not find it. I also looked on your page (which I have bookmarked ;D) and can't find it there either.
Please try to upload again when you get a chance. Thanks a bunches!
When I tried uploading it it said upload failed so I will try again tomorrow. :) Thanks! :D
Beautiful house, Thomas. I'll probably snag that one, too. :)
I think it's love, Joria. Well done.
It's beautiful Joria! I've always had this idea to construct a play house but have never gotten around to actually designing one. Your little Kinder Kottage is fantastic and, with the cribs inside, parents don't need to worry about restless children, boisterous teens, or rowdy friends waking up the little ones from their much needed naps.
The little quiet area for chess looks perfect.
Well done!
Thank you! I play tested the park today and it was a huge success with one exception. I had to take out one of the lamps from the Kottage. I moved the bunny trash forward and the potties as well and put one lamp behind them but the other had to go. Sims couldn't access the cribs. One square more and it would have worked but the lamps weren't that necessary anyway.
I had a birthday party there. It was really cool to see all the guests come all happy, bringing their own food to grill and playing with all the stuff. The hosts really didn't have to do a thing to make them happy. Of course, I was so excited I didn't save. Need I say more? Fortunately the park itself was saved so all I lost was the actual party, and I got the information I needed. If you build it, they will come. lol
My Sims were finally quite wealthy so I spent the rest of today remodeling the "museum" area,(aka the basement), and put some decorative touches on the upstairs. Now to get gen 3 on the way!
Good start! Your emitter needs to be in the middle of at least a 6x6 square otherwise they'll end up swimming through the walls :)
Thomas, waaaaahhhh! I wanna see the house! All I get is there is no photo bucket shot. I know it's going to be fabulous, and definitely will be a download! You always do great houses.
My photobucket was all messed up and I had to clean it and sort it and it broke several links, I don't know which ones but anyway here is that house.
I have just made a house that I didn't even plan to make, I just made it. I think it turned out quite well if you ask me. It has no furniture but it is already pushing the $65,000. So I decided to call it a build and upload it. So here it is!
French Villa
Lot Size - 30x30
Price - $60-65,000.
Link to Download: Not Available - Launcher is messing Up.
No CC or Store Items
May Include some items from WA/A/FL
Just re-uploaded since I forgot to upload the house! :)
Download (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3210613) - It still isn't furnished but it is decorated.
Good start! Your emitter needs to be in the middle of at least a 6x6 square otherwise they'll end up swimming through the walls :)
Yep, which mine do. Lol. It was an experiment so I'm not totally unhappy with it. It was my learning experience.
My photobucket was all messed up and I had to clean it and sort it and it broke several links, I don't know which ones but anyway here is that house.
Just re-uploaded since I forgot to upload the house! :)
Download (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3210613) - It still isn't furnished but it is decorated.
It is FABULOUS!!!! I love this house! (runs off to download it)
Thanks Joria! ;D
I might furnish it sometime today or during the week since I don't like having unfinished projects! :D
Aiwe, can I live in your tree house please? It is a dream house. I don't mind that the front and back are so different. I rather like it that way but can see where breaking it up into two different houses would be great also. Let us know when you've done the two separate ones and please show us.
You can indeed live in the house, or at least your Sims can it's available for download http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3158368 (It doesn't have Custom Content, but I'm not sure about whether it has non-basegame stuff... well I know it has a couple of free store items e.g. the thanksgiving candle thing... if that's a problem I'm sure someone can remove this link) it's been up a while actually but for some reason I didn't think to link it.
Haven't done any work on the separate ones yet (or in fact played at all recently) because I've been a busy little beaver with other things, but when I get around to it I'll post pictures.
Aiwe, as you may know I've been doing a pet project of mine which is to remodel Twinbrook. All that doom and gloom just gets to me, (though it would be the perfect town for vampires and zombies!) So I've been adding lots in strange places and putting houses on them. I used your tree house on one of those lots, intending it to be a "hangout" for kids. Didn't happen! lol While it "could" be a hangout for kids, I was just having too much fun with it. So I made a few modifications, (hope you don't mind). I made the bedroom into a full octagon and put a bathroom in half that octagon. The idea of stumbling down those stairs in the middle of the night gave me shivers. lol Then I took the bathroom and made it into a small kid's room with a sink and toilet in it. Not very elegant but worked. I'm going to enlarge the pond some and put in a garden. The thing is, it is a perfect plan for Twinbrook because of it being mostly elevated. I did not put it on a particularly swampy lot, but it would have worked perfectly there.
Some of the lots I'm adding in are very small, only 20x20. So if anyone has any great ideas for building on something that small, I'd love to see it. It could be a community lot or a family lot but it would be a fun challenge to do.
Some of the lots I'm adding in are very small, only 20x20. So if anyone has any great ideas for building on something that small, I'd love to see it. It could be a community lot or a family lot but it would be a fun challenge to do.
What about a community lot devoted to skilling? Easels, martial arts, inventor's bench, etc.
Is there a trick to placing a 30x30 Samo French Villa onto a 60x60 (or other size) lot? Should I be doing this in edit town, or move to the empty lot and place the house by some game mechanic?
I think it will always place it in the centre of the lot, so you would probably need quite a long path.
Is there a trick to placing a 30x30 Samo French Villa onto a 60x60 (or other size) lot? Should I be doing this in edit town, or move to the empty lot and place the house by some game mechanic?
I think you have to do it in Edit Town mode. (runs off to see)
It does put it in the middle of the lot. I put it on Summerhill Court lot and it's FABULOUS! I already see gardens, guest quarters, a Petit Trianon kind of area, garages, WOW. Thomas you could take this house, add some garages and reception areas and VOILA, October contest done!
sorry to hear that, there are 64x64 lot sin sunset valley they just already have building on them.
What about a community lot devoted to skilling? Easels, martial arts, inventor's bench, etc.
That is an EXCELLENT idea!! Could also do a small martial arts garden/skills lot. Thanks!
sorry to hear that, there are 64x64 lot sin sunset valley they just already have building on them.
That's true of RV also but I don't think we are allowed to remove something like the military post or stadium in order to put a house for a car lover on it for this challenge. I'll have to check with the challenge co-ordinator to see if we can modify an empty 60x60 lot in order to do this, but I THINK it's going to be a matter of work with what's there.
Samo, I really like your French Villa, which I downloaded, except I can't figure out which rooms are intended for which use. i guess I'm pretty uncreative after all.
Very Cool Joria! :)
Samo, I really like your French Villa, which I downloaded, except I can't figure out which rooms are intended for which use. i guess I'm pretty uncreative after all.
Llama I think you can be creative! You can always knock down some walls and make new rooms etc.
- The Room will tiles and wooden floor on the left is the Kitchen/Dining Room.
- The Dark Room was intended as the Main Living Room.
- The Room at the top left is just a small study or could be another Bathroom,
- The Pink and Blue tiled floor is the Bathroom.
- The room at the top right is just a back room with the door outiside.
- Green Tiled in the top left is the Main Bathroom.
- The Bedroom off that is the Main Bedroom.
- The Red, Purple and Light Blue rooms are other bedrooms but the Light Blue could serve as an Office.
- Again pink and blue tiles is the Bathroom.
You can change that around and expand the upstairs onto the Balconies etc.
@samo: Thanks! That helps a lot!
@Joria: Great job! I'll have to check out the house flipping story.
I think I did something wrong when I moved Granuaille out. I put her in Mosquito Cove but all the furnishings came with her, so the original house is empty! Not my intent at all and I really did not want all that stuff to come along with me. Of course, it did make cleaning up Mosquito Cove really fast but it kind of destroyed the whole purpose of remodel/sell/move on to the next. I guess I just don't know how to move her and Christopher, (Steel), without dragging all their stuff along! And, I think next time when I do a house "for sale", I want it completely furnished the way I myself would want it so whoever moves in is good to go with all the little details. Gee, even the toilet paper holders came with her!
Joria, next time you move out uncheck the option to pack furniture. I'm not sure if it comes up in Edit Town mode, so you might have to move them out through the phone or computer.
The furniture might actually still be in the house. I had done that before when my sims kept moving and they would take the furniture. I went back to the house to put some stuff back in and imagine my surprise when I found the furniture there. So, take a peek at the house and see if the stuff is still there. If not, I tried, mayb it was a glitch or something. Nice redo, I might have to give it a try. Good luck.
Thanks! I'll check it out and see if the stuff is still there. Meanwhile I'm working on Mosquito Cove now which actually is much easier than I thought it would be. In this neighborhood of low priced starter homes, I really didn't want to make the houses I redo too grand. If you do that, then where would folks with low to moderate income and those just starting out live? Still they shouldn't live in squalor either.
Solstice won the September building challenge with her fabulous entry which you can see here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,2166.0.html).
I like it so much I downloaded it, then placed it on a 60x60 lot in BB. Unfortunately, the game places it in the center of the lot, so I decided to rebuild it myself closer to the front of the lot. This also gave me a chance to play with color, which I love. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, so I want to share the exterior...with the credit for all cleverness and design going to Solstice. I learned a lot from this exercise.
I got to sneak in the raven and black cat, too!
ooooo! Very nice rebuild. I love the landscaping and the car ports.
ooooo! Very nice rebuild. I love the landscaping and the car ports.
Thanks. The carports were Solstice's idea. My Klepto Ghost Hunter stole 3 expensive sports cars, but a burgler came and stole one back. After that I added locked gates to the carports. Can't have evil types stealing her hard-earned klepto loot. :D
Oh, and the corner accents to the fence were inspired by you, Joria.
Hmmmm. The more I look, the more I see that I love. The bridge over the stream, that really wonderful and complete play ground and picnic area. This was really well thought out and put together. Did you change the inside also?
Yes, very much, spanish tile floors, bright colors. The pond is now stocked with deathfish, angelfish, vampire fish, and alley catfish too.
Sounds like a great dynasty home to me!
Remember that hut on the river where the rich stars houses are? Well, this is an attempt at remodeling it. I am not quite finished yet, but realized it is bigger than I wanted. The new pool tool is awesome and I really like putting a pool in the house. The room underneath the hot tub I closed in and I am not going to use it. Was trying to figure out how to hide that contraption in the room under it. I placed mirrors on the outside of the house, because mirrors do not break away when walls are partially down. Now I do not see that silly thing when I am playing. Sounded like a plan to me. lol :)
That's an awesome house Saltypaws! I love the rooftop party zone. Its too bad the skyscrapers can't have these.
The house sure looks different Diane and I love what you did to the pool. I can just picture myself in it, then swimming under the water and looking out through windows. ;D
I love watching your projects develop, Joria. So much imagination and care goes into them.
Were you asking if different families could live in each apartment, but play with them seperately? We can't do that in this game, if that is the question, if it is not the question, maybe I need to go to bed and start over tomorrow, lol. I wish that was the case, but that was the way it was in sims2, but you could not play them at the same time. You could have four of your families in an apartment building, but it was just like a house, you had to go out of one and go into the other family. They have not done that here. As you noticed, all apartments are black holes except your sims apartment. Maybe they will add that one day, but right now, it is fine with me. I would not want to see this game like the other sims games, thank heavens. :D
Were you asking if different families could live in each apartment, but play with them seperately? We can't do that in this game, if that is the question, if it is not the question, maybe I need to go to bed and start over tomorrow, lol. I wish that was the case, but that was the way it was in sims2, but you could not play them at the same time. You could have four of your families in an apartment building, but it was just like a house, you had to go out of one and go into the other family. They have not done that here. As you noticed, all apartments are black holes except your sims apartment. Maybe they will add that one day, but right now, it is fine with me. I would not want to see this game like the other sims games, thank heavens. :D
No, I was just thinking it would be cool if different townies could just move in to the different apartments/flats within the same building that I set up. I shudder at the thought of trying to play more than one family at a time! It would be cool if a large band or something all moved in to the different flats/apartments in a building but from what I can see they wouldn't be able to because there is no way to price the apartments as such.
I've tried doing the reverse, putting Bridgeport buildings in SV. It really doesn't work well. You cannot do anymore with them in SV than in Bridgeport and if they are on a lot that gets all distorted because of uneven terrain, you cannot fix the terrain. Anyway I couldn't figure out a way to do it. Just and FYI
Hiya! Just finished skimming over this thread, and now my downloads panel is fuller than it has ever been before! Some of these houses are just spectacular (I'm lookin' at you, TommyT), it's awesome seeing what everyone else has come up with and all. I seriously suck at building houses with more than one bedroom, but thanks to this thread I now have enough of those to last me a lifetime and a lot of inspiration for building them myself :). But hey, in case anyone's interested in my tiny, poky little houses, here's my latest. I'd love some feedback.
Presenting: The Mixologist's Residence, named as such to justify the party/bar area at the back. One bedroom, one bathroom, and very little else.
Back View:
OK, tiny as it is I was actually pretty proud of it :D. It's only 20x30 so there isn't that much space to work with, and I guess the carport could be converted into an extension in a pinch. The only store content is the free stuff, like the planter out the front from the Twizy set.
Downloadable here: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3337199 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3337199)
That is an awesome little house Ausette! Thanks for sharing.
I love your house Ausette! The outside in particular is just so fresh and interesting!
Squeeeee, thank you ;D. I'm a sucker for a compliment.
Oh and Joria, I love what you're doing to Bridgeport! That's a huge remodelling job you've taken on there. I can't wait to see the city when you're done :).
Wow, that house looks really cool. I'm trying to figure out in my head how it all fits together from the screenshots, but I'm just gonna have to download it, I think.
Very nice job! Fun and funky house!
Love that house, Ausette! It's so modern and hip. Love the way you did the wood flooring upstairs so that the planks go around the room. Very creative!
The front of the house is so pleasing to look at and there is still lots of room to put things. I am going to download it and add it to one of my games in Riverview. I know just the Sim couple I am going to move into it too. Thanks for sharing your creation with us Ausette! ;D
I like your house Ausette! I am definitely downloading it!
When you want to add more room or rooms, don't forget you can go underground and up on the roof! Even the smallest lot can accommodate a house. Hmmm, I feel a personal challenge about to strike. Build a livable house on the 10x10 lot you can place from Edit town.
That's a good one, Ausette! Late night brought so many great tools to build awesome modern homes, the fountains out front are way cool. The color choice on pretty much every aspect of the house is spot-on and I like the use of placefriezes on to really seal the deal :)
Haven't seen much from you lately TommyT! Any pics of some houses you can show us? :P
I know I feel bad that I haven't been very active lately. Different games, new work schedule, new lady friend, just got over a week long cold, ugh lol. I'm hoping to submit a monster house for the building contest this month!
I'm hoping to submit a monster house for the building contest this month!
A house for monsters, or a big house? :D Oh, and grats on the girl!
That's a good one, Ausette! Late night brought so many great tools to build awesome modern homes, the fountains out front are way cool.
Yeah, the house really came about because I wanted to play around with the new tools. I think I ended up using fountains, platforms and half walls. I can't wait until I play the game itself, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the professionals have done for the clubs and houses.
When you want to add more room or rooms, don't forget you can go underground and up on the roof! Even the smallest lot can accommodate a house. Hmmm, I feel a personal challenge about to strike. Build a livable house on the 10x10 lot you can place from Edit town.
Way ahead of ya! They're fantastic for squeezing into awesome locations like on hills or next to workplaces. This is Tiny Towers, 10x10 lot, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, all above ground.
It's in my studio, but I'm too embarrassed to link it because I just playtested it and one of the showers doesn't route properly. :-\
A house for monsters, or a big house? :D
Now that I'd like to see! :D
The best laid plans are often spoiled by playtesting. ;D Been there, done that! However, both of these houses are very, very creative. Awesome work, Ausette.
A house for monsters, or a big house? :D Oh, and grats on the girl!
Hah! We'll just have to wait - and thanks!
Squeeeee, thank you ;D. I'm a sucker for a compliment.
Oh and Joria, I love what you're doing to Bridgeport! That's a huge remodelling job you've taken on there. I can't wait to see the city when you're done :).
Well, you are going to have a looooong wait. lol My game was going slow so stupid cleaned things up and.....yep, deleted BP and pretty much all the cool stuff I'd been doing everywhere~! I was so ticked at myself when I went in to work on it and realized what I had done. I really must NOT delete in the wee hours of the morning, I get into all kinds of trouble then with my brain on autopilot who failed flight school.
On a better note. I built an up and down 10x10 lot. Man! You can really build an awesome house that way, including with a rooftop garden! Hmmm, Aria are you reading? Sounds like a build contest to me! Wow. That could be a fun one!
I just finished a huge project -- a community-style garden featuring every plant in the game (including the ones that came with WA and LN), all of perfect quality:
It took quite a bit of work, especially the archway in the front; and, of course, getting all the plants to perfect quality level. XD
You can download it here: http://sweethijinks.blogspot.com/2010/11/beautiful-vista-city-garden.html
That's really beautiful! Be sure to post it in the Community Garden Thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,587.30.html) so others can find it!
That's really beautiful! Be sure to post it in the Community Garden Thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,587.30.html) so others can find it!
Just did! Thanks, LlamaMama! :D
Quick question to any mods out there: may I post a link to download this lot on my Sims 3 blog, since I have no CC there that I did not make myself, no mods, and no adult content? I would just throw it up on the Exchange, but I personally believe that the Exchange does not encourage creativity but laziness and the stealing of other people's content, and so don't want to put anything I've made on it.
You made your own CC?
You made your own CC?
I don't use CC. Like, ever. If I use anything that didn't come with the game, it came from the store. I might use CC in screenshots, in the future (for clothing, that sort of thing), but I don't like including something for download that has CC required.
I have no CC there that I did not make myself, no mods, and no adult content
I misunderstood. Your link is broken, btw. We can't view the picture anymore.
Quick question to any mods out there: may I post a link to download this lot on my Sims 3 blog, since I have no CC there that I did not make myself, no mods, and no adult content? I would just throw it up on the Exchange, but I personally believe that the Exchange does not encourage creativity but laziness and the stealing of other people's content, and so don't want to put anything I've made on it.
Yes, if it's clean of third party custom content or mods, you may put a link here.
Why hello, I've decided to show you all a house I'm decently proud of. I'm sorry about the repeated patterns. I just like them. Be prepared for this style ALOT.
(http://s1.postimage.org/2tq608bus/Screenshot_33.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2tq608bus/)
Tada! The exterior of this house. I like it. :)
I will be giving you a tour from the bottom-most floor, to the top.
(http://s1.postimage.org/2tq9bb0uc/Screenshot_34.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2tq9bb0uc/)
The basement. Just the butler's tiny room, and some Late Night content. Also a mini gym.
(http://s1.postimage.org/2tqcmdptw/Screenshot_35.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2tqcmdptw/)
The next basement which I randomly made. It's the TV area, the vampire's bedroom, and 2 bathrooms, both identical. All the bathrooms are identical because I got bored recolouring them.
(http://s1.postimage.org/2tqfxgetg/Screenshot_37.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2tqfxgetg/)
The entrance level. It has the kitchen, dining, and piano room. As well as yet another bathroom, and stairs leading up to the living quarters. The swimming pool is on the left hand side.
(http://s1.postimage.org/2tqhkzrb8/Screenshot_38.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2tqhkzrb8/)
The top level. Extremely identical bedrooms, and two boring bathrooms.
As you can see, it's not brilliant, but the colours are nice and I like it. The simplicity of it is nice. :)
Very nice!
I really like when each floor has a purpose: sleeping floor, activity floor, etc. At least for me, play wise, makes it easy to know where to "go" to assign tasks to folks.
Looks very nicely laid out, and I like the clean simple color scheme. I do the same thing with bathrooms, get bored and just make them all the same.
Very nice!
I really like when each floor has a purpose: sleeping floor, activity floor, etc. At least for me, play wise, makes it easy to know where to "go" to assign tasks to folks.
Looks very nicely laid out, and I like the clean simple color scheme. I do the same thing with bathrooms, get bored and just make them all the same.
Awh, thanks! ;D
I spent so much time on the exterior I got bored and rushed the interior.
I LOVE it! I struggle with a modern look to a house yet you have done so with style! Are you going to upload it so we can all share?
It really is an awesome house. What size lot did you use?
I LOVE it! I struggle with a modern look to a house yet you have done so with style! Are you going to upload it so we can all share?
It really is an awesome house. What size lot did you use?
Thanks heaps! Modern for me is easy but traditional is really hard. I don't think I'm gonna upload it because I haven't playtested yet and I THINK I have one thing of custom content in it.
I can't remember the lot size.
Heres some pictures of my two newest houses, hope you like them. ;D
The front of house number 1...
(http://s4.postimage.org/wy32gyzo/Screenshot.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/wy32gyzo/)
The first floor...
(http://s4.postimage.org/wy8130h0/Screenshot_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/wy8130h0/)
The second floor...
(http://s4.postimage.org/wyczp1yc/Screenshot_3.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/wyczp1yc/)
The front of house number 2...
(http://s4.postimage.org/wyjlufxg/Screenshot_5.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/wyjlufxg/)
And inside...
(http://s4.postimage.org/wygarqxw/Screenshot_4.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/wygarqxw/)
I really like the interior angles in the first house! Gives it a twist.
House number one looks like it might be very small from the outside front view but then when you see inside you see it has all the conveniences not to mention a great view! Good for that beautiful vista moodlet. House number two is very unusual but I love it. What a cool idea to build a house around a great play ground for the family.
I'm not really good at building but I've been told I should become a professional interior decorator. ;D Here is one of my latest works of art. Well the inside that is.
Front Daytime
(http://s1.postimage.org/ereedoqs/Screenshot_72.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
Back Daytime
(http://s1.postimage.org/eruxr5ok/Screenshot_73.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
First Floor Daytime
(http://s1.postimage.org/esd4nz44/Screenshot_65.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
Second Floor Daytime
(http://s1.postimage.org/eswz451g/Screenshot_68.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
(http://s1.postimage.org/et3l9j0k/Screenshot_75.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
Here's the link to download it at the exchange:
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3461329 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3461329)
I have some other homes I'm working on at the moment but I needed a break from them. Making the inside of a house beautiful is a long and exhausting process. ;)
Now to go get a snack. My mom made a cake! :D
Here's another house I built. I have been playing around with this idea for a while. The whole underwater room thing. Except I'm going for a whole house underwater. This is just my first attempt at it.
(http://s4.postimage.org/2ngk9ialg/Screenshot_92.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2ngk9ialg/)
The outside view.
(http://s2.postimage.org/2o7nlkxic/Screenshot_94.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2o7nlkxic/)
General View Daytime
Here you can see all the necessities a sim needs.
(http://s2.postimage.org/2o80tvpgk/Screenshot_95.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2o80tvpgk/)
General View Nighttime
(http://s2.postimage.org/2o8j0siw4/Screenshot_88.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2o8j0siw4/)
Zoom in of Living Room/Office Area/Bathroom
(http://s2.postimage.org/2o8w93auc/Screenshot_89.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2o8w93auc/)
Zoom in of Bedroom
The whole goal is to eventually get a three or four person family to live underwater. And maybe if possible get multiple floors and gardens as well. But for now this is good enough. I haven't play tested this yet so I'm not sure if a sim could actually live here. I'm sure they can but I should probably test it. If anyone wants to test it for me go right ahead, but it will cost your sims a pretty penny at $76K. Another kink I have to work out.
Here's the link for download anyway:
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3466679 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3466679)
I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say. I'm open for criticism.
@ Shenice: That is a fabulous concept - living surrounded by water! What would be the icing on the cake, so to speak, for me is of Sims can actually swim in the pool, for which I don't see why they couldn't. Really, really neat idea!
And welcome to the forum!
Do your houses have any third party custom content?
Would you mind giving a link to the Exchange for your modern house? I'd like to download it. :)
I wasn't able to download your French Villa. Did you ever furnish it?
No my houses do not have third party custom content. Any and all CC is from the store. I don't trust third party custom content since my sims2 crashed and haven't even been to the exchange since I got the sims3 when it first came out. I'd really rather not risk it.
Thanks and your sims can actually swim in the pool. Talk about ice breakers at a party.
"Hey did you see that girl just swim by?"
"Yeah, I love her swimsuit."
"Oh my gosh! Me too."
Thanks, Shenice. I just wanted to make sure because we don't want to host links to bad content. :)
Perfectly understandable Pam. I'd be surprised if you didn't ask me.
Anyway here's a house I built a while ago.
(http://s1.postimage.org/v8dvdf2c/Screenshot_81.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/v8dvdf2c/)
This is the back
(http://s1.postimage.org/v8khit1g/Screenshot_76.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/v8khit1g/)
Zoom in of back. You can see exercise/office as well as the entrance to the bathroom.
(http://s1.postimage.org/v8pg4uis/Screenshot_78.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/v8pg4uis/)
Entryway leading to the stairs that lead down to the bottom floor. My favorite part of the house being the mini-library just beyond the stairs.
(http://s1.postimage.org/v8ueqw04/Screenshot_79.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/v8ueqw04/)
Bedroom/Powder Room/Bathroom
(http://s1.postimage.org/v8w2a8hw/Screenshot_77.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/v8w2a8hw/)
Finally the kitchen. You can't really see it in this picture, but right next to the refrigerator is a door that leads to a small patio with a grill and outdoor dining area.
This place is perfect for the single sim looking for love or the couple who just want to enjoy each others' company in style. This place isn't cheap though, at a little over $60K, but your paying for style and quality. "Bad night's rest" negative moodlet is a thing of the past here. So are the "Taste like fridge" and "Uneven Cooking" negative moodlets. Instead you'll get the "beautifully decorated" and "nicely decorated" moodlets. So what are you waiting for? Download today! Just click the link below! ;)
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3464678 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3464678)
Disclaimer: Negative/Positive moodlets may vary.
Goodness Shenice, you have been busy! Your houses are beautiful, I bet your put tons of work into those. I especially love the interior design of the underwater house, very cute. ;D
Do your houses have any third party custom content?
Would you mind giving a link to the Exchange for your modern house? I'd like to download it. :)
I wasn't able to download your French Villa. Did you ever furnish it?
Sorry, I don't think I can upload it because I think I have custom content in it. :(
Sorry, I don't think I can upload it because I think I have custom content in it. :(
Really? You mean third party custom content not from the Sims 3 Store?
Really? You mean third party custom content not from the Sims 3 Store?
I don't know. Some houses I downloaded have custom items and I may have used them while building.
I wasn't able to download your French Villa. Did you ever furnish it?
Hmmm, I forgot about that, I will furnish it now maybe.
Shenice your houses are fabulous. Just downloaded them and recommended them and asked you to be my friend.
People, just a friendly remark here. If we all download these lovely creations, please, let's be extra sweet and always recommend the houses or other things our forum members create. If we don't recommend, Sims3 will pull them and they'll disappear. So the more we recommend, the better it will be for our forum members.
On another note, I'm planning on doing an entire town remodel, (again), but this time I'll do it as a legacy/dynasty type thing. I'm asking you all if I may use some of your fabulous creations, all credit given to the creator of course, in this remodel. I'm also thinking of asking our so creative samoht if he would make me a world, or make US a world! I want it to be C&P Forum Valley. It will hold ONLY houses and other buildings we at the forum create. Wouldn't that be awesome? I don't know how to do create a world, (maybe I should learn), but I think it would be fun as a side adventure if we had a world of our own to populate with our created Sims and fill with our created buildings. I dream big. lol
Sorry I haven't been posting my creations. Been dynasty involved and had other issues. Will put up some stuff soon.
Yeah I have been busy. Well bored since I did all my college applications and finished all my homework and really don't have anything else to do. I'm working on remodeling some of the houses already in game since to me they seem sort of outdated. I'll post more pictures as I finish them.
Thank you for the recommendation and I accepted your friend request. I'm glad you like my houses. If you want to use my houses in your town you may. I don't really care, but I'm glad you at least asked first.
Just furnished some rooms in my Villa, not exactly French looking but I like it.
Very nice samoht. And who is to say what looks French and what doesn't? I like it.
Thanks Joria, the kitchen isn't a great shot but it is what they call a Galley Kitchen so it is hard to get the feel of it. I also did a modernish bathroom and a really rushed painting studio.
Wow samoht that dining room is really pretty. I am in love with it.
I see some familiar faces and some new ones making very nice houses as well. ;)
Hello everyone, wow, I haven't posted/played for like three months. You probably don't remember me, but I thought I'd drop by, get some inspiration so I can get back in the swing of things. :D
Gorgeous kitchen and dining room Thomas! I especially like the walls in the kitchen, very bold move.
Welcome back dane!
Haha, I know what you mean by Bold, I was unsure whether it would work but I think it does. Welcome back Danefaith! ;D
Good work! What furniture set are you using in the dining room?
A Late Night set I think, I recoloured a bit.
First post here on the forums, and it happens to be in a building thread. Typical. =P
Anyway, I have been going through the whole 47 pages and looking at everyone's buildings. All I have to say is, wow! You all have some really beautiful houses. I am jealous. I love building, but compared to some of the houses in this thread - well, I just couldn't do it. Probably because I tend to stick to modern looking houses. Which, brings me to the main reason why I am posting.
I have a house to show off that I just finished building for my sims. They were living in an apartment, but then my female sim became pregnant with her second child and I realized that they couldn't live in apartments anymore. They needed a house, so, here it is:
Its a modern, two-story house, fit for a family or three or four. It has three bedrooms, one bathroom and a basement. ( Also, I was working on this house for quite a while, 4+ hours, and eventually wanted to get to back to playing. That is why some things have been missed or unfinished here and there.)
Here are the pictures.
The front of the house with the driveways, and stairs leading up to the actual house. All the nice big trees are for privacy reasons, plus, I think it makes it look nicer.
Better view of the front of the house.
The ground floor with a spacious living room (loving the new platform tool! So great for separating open rooms!), Kitchen/Dining area, bathroom and master bedroom.
Top floor with two bedrooms and a party room, which leads out onto the deck with the pool. (Also, loving the fact that you can now place pools on any level.)
And finally, the basement. The basement includes an inventing/sculpting room, display room and a room for making/storing and sampling nectar.
More shots can be found here (http://s1094.photobucket.com/albums/i447/TayenaVal/Sims%203%20Building/Modern%20Living/).
So yeah, that is my house for my sims. Its not up for download or anything, because I don't generally do that. Also, a few of the patterns are CC, because I feel the EA patterns are never what I am looking for. If anyone would like this house though, let me know and I will replace the CC patterns with EA ones and put it up on the exchange. :)
I would liken myself primarily a modern builder as well. Nice to meet another fellow of the trade.
Great use of lines. I especially like the use of half-walls in the living room, although the upstairs entertainment room is likely my favorite. The color palette of the exterior walls is particularly pleasing: the red cap of the half walls really ties the two shades of gray together.
The sheerness of the cliffs is interesting. Although Sims needs a way to increase entropy in walls of the same height as to get a more realistic look stat.
As for my own dabblings, I'm glad to see I was able to get back into the swing of things. I call this beach front bit, "Monochrome Marina."
Not the most amazing thing ever, but frankly I'm just glad I haven't completely lost my touch!
@Tayena: I looked at all the pics and did not see one item of CC that wasn't either Sims3 store or freebie. We use store CC all the time, just not 3rd party CC except for skin tones and things to make our Sims prettier in their face/hair. Your house is one of the loveliest I have ever seen. Modern houses can really look cold or stiff, but yours is clean in line, open, free flowing and yet cozy and homey. It's a house I would definitely personally live in in real life. So please, upload it so my Sims can enjoy it too.
@ Danefaith: Another wonderful house from you and welcome back. Where ya been dude? I love your use of water features and can hardly wait for you to furnish this so we can all share. I can smell those tropical breezes right now.
@Tayena: I agree with Joria. It's a beautiful house and I'd love to download it, too. :)
Joria: Back, maybe around when Fast Lane came out I had a registry error that prevented me from updating the game... I didn't know how to tackle it, and pretty much gave up on it as the school semester began. thus I've neglected P&C. :(
...Well, semester's finished so I decided I'd give the sucker another shot at correcting that registry error and it's all fixed!
And lol, JUST got done furnishing and updated the pics to show. Kind of a run of the mill modern furnishing but I'm pretty fond of how the living room came out. So excuse me while I stop running my yap and get to uploading this'un. :P
Good to be back.
danefaith: Fantastic! I didn't think there would be many others who liked to build modern style homes. Not many people seems to like building them, which is understandable. They can be quite a pain to get them looking right. A lot of cheats are usually needed and I have found that you also need to know how to use the cheats to their full potential to be able to get modern houses to look right.
Also, love the look of your beach front house. Especially with the pool area and deck. It looks like it would have a great view of the beach!
Joria: Actually, most of the windows and a few of the wall and floor patterns are 3rd party CC. I can't afford to by the Sims3 store things. I've found they are just too expensive for what they are, so I don't have any items from the store in my game. I know that with the windows the store has windows like that now, but yeah. I'm glad you like it!
I generally only make houses that I would actually live in in real life. So, I suppose, because of my tastes, they are usually modern style, but with a nice homey feel to them. =P
Pam & Joria: I'll see what I can do to make it so I can upload it then. :)
This is no big deal but I'd promised a new member I'd post pics of my modified outdoor living home. The first pic is a bird's eye view of the entire lot. The light tan colored area is flooring I put on top of what would normally be a second floor, using a pillar I moved around to get the ability to do that. I later used two posts as well as the top of the only actual room, (bathroom), to hold it up. You really don't need to keep the posts but it looked weird to my eyes just hanging in midair without them.
(http://s1.postimage.org/1wuhsb344/Screenshot_3_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1wuhsb344/)
Here's the "house". I used fairly cheap items, but I did not want any bad moodlets, so I placed a floor, some el cheapo plants and decorations, painted the potty room inside and out and called it good. I also used top of the line stove and frig as my Sim is also a cook and that nasty, "tastes like fridge" was not for her. I gave her a good, single bed. Not the best but good enough to guarantee a good night's rest. She also needed the second best tv for skilling/entertainment. Being a cheap skate is not as fulfilling in some ways as using salvaged goods but since we can't salvage now what I did has worked out just fine. I also opted for a more patio/room feel by partially enclosing the rooms with brick fencing which is a lot cheaper than half walls, is the same height, and looks pretty good.
(http://s1.postimage.org/1wv4xty10/Screenshot_4_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1wv4xty10/)
(http://s1.postimage.org/1wv6ldais/Screenshot_5_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1wv6ldais/)
Edit: there are actually a lot of modern house builders on here. As for me, I love the look but totally fail at building them. They always wind up looking modern on the outside and very, very cluttered and "gramma's kitchen" on the inside! Now, you give me a castle to decorate and I'm your woman. lol (Pam is too. She makes the most wonderful houses and interior designs)
Your house is gorgeous. I would love to download it for my Sims to use.
I too find myself building more modern houses. I think there is something wrong with me because every time I try and do something more traditional it ends up completely modern or some other theme that's not traditional. Maybe it's because I live in a really modern house or maybe it has something to do with my love for the combination of black and white with random color pops everywhere. I don't know. Maybe I should see a specialist.
Here's the exchange link for the fully furnished Monochrome Marina. Hope you enjoy!
As much as I love your house, if it really does have 3rd party CC in it, we can't host the link here. I'm really sorry. It's just against our rules.
Pam: Is that if I was to upload it to the exchange? From my understanding though, pictures of houses with 3rd party CC are alright, but just not links to uploads of them. If that is the case, then that is alright. I will remove and replace all the 3rd party CC with EA CC before I upload it to the exchange. I just have to spend quite a bit in the store first, lol.
Pictures of third party CC are fine, but to have a link here it has to be completely free of it. Our members rely on us only hosting links that are clean of potentially harmful third party CC. I'm not asking you to spend money or anything. It's just that I can't allow a link.
Tayena & Danefaith: I love both your houses. Danefaith - I particularly like your pool area with the windowed walls and the sand. Tayena - I love the trees and the living room and basement especially.
Tayena - have you seen the free stuff thread? There's heaps of free items at the shop, plus there's an offer now that if you post on facebook or something (it's explained on the thread), you might get given items on your wishlist. So if you had a small wishlist with just items that you need for the houses, who knows you might get some :)
I have another house to show everyone. This one took me a while because there were so many interruptions, school being the biggest (and most annoying) one of them.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1rjymh50/Screenshot_135.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1rjymh50/)
This is the front view from which you can kind of see a two car fenced in parking area.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1rtvuk3o/Screenshot_136.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1rtvuk3o/)
Here you can see the two bedrooms with shared pink and blue bathroom. There's a little office area by the left staircase and there's and easel by the right staircase.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1sdqaq10/Screenshot_137.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1sdqaq10/)
Second floor where the kitchen and second bathroom are. There are two decks in the front and back of the house both accessible from this floor only.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1spb25hg/Screenshot_138.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1spb25hg/)
First floor entry way with koi pond underneath. Staircase leading to sunken living room with a small office area and bookcase.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1t46w9xg/Screenshot_109.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1t46w9xg/)
And a zoom in of the entryway.
This house is available at the exchange here:
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3504253 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3504253)
Hope you enjoy! ;D
The building would have interesting implications as a living environment. Very conjoined, yet distinctly private.
Just want to let everyone know that we have a brand new free in-house image hosting service! (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,2881.0.html) Anyone who is a member of this Forum can use it to host Sims 3 images that you use in posts here. It's working great so far and means there will be no more thumbnail sized images in your posts. Very exciting step for us! :D
Wonderful, Shenice! Downloaded it and used their thingie for "liked it".
Thanks Joria! That means a lot to me. :D
I made a mansion it has an outdoor sitting area, a garage, a main house and guest house. sorry no pics.
I TRIED to make the White House but my game crashed :(
Wow, this was a fun build. I normally build small one bedroom or two bedroom modern homes; today I ended up churning out a country inspired McMansion able to house a full eight!
You can pick it up here (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3524554) if you'd like. fyi: the red and green torches in the basement are triggers, which open and close the door to the collectiom rooms.
I love it danefaith! It's beautiful.
Thanks! I'm really happy with how the landscaping and nectary turned out, especially, although I might go back and make some ground texture touch ups.
The roof could use some work, but if there's anything that drives me insane it's roofing, so, I've learned to just accept defeat in that area. :D
I'm with you on the roofing danefaith. I usually just throw a flat roof on my more complex houses and call it a day. I absolutely can not figure out roofing. It gives me a major headache. :(
Hello everyone! As you can see I'm new to the forum, as well as to Sims 3. I've played a few of the previous versions but since I never owned my own copy I never delved too deeply. Now that I've snagged the newest version I'm glad I did. I read through all 50 pages and was amazed at all the different styles and interpretations everyone has! Everyone makes such beautiful homes, I know I will definitely learn a thing or two. Well here is my first attempt at home building. This is a modern style mansion for my Rock Star sim. It boasts 3 stories and a basement as well as 2 pools. Glad I read the rules so I will stick to 5 pics but there is definitely too much to show. This baby cost a whopping $300k unfurnished and almost $1mill fully furnished, don't worry though the bills only cost $9k. Heck, after reading all the walkthroughs I'm fairly certain only a musician or a painter could afford the place. Unless you have a huge family, maybe use this as a dynasty house.
The First Floor: Starting at the top right corner and going clockwise. Sitting Room-Bathroom-Display Room-Office-Display Room-Foyer-Kitchen-Dining Room-Bar-Bathroom-Great Hall- And a pool in the center.
(http://s4.postimage.org/oqlqzlwk/Rocker_Mansion_1st_Floor.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/oqlqzlwk/)
Second Floor: Laundry Room-Master Bath-Master Bedroom-Outdoor Entertaining Area-Pool Viewing Room- Junior Master Bedroom-Jr. Master Bath-Mother In-Law Suite-Full Bath-Great Hall
(http://s4.postimage.org/oqsd4zvo/Rocker_Mansion_2nd_Floor.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/oqsd4zvo/)
Third Floor: Patio-Bathroom-Artist Studio-2nd Pool-Bedroom-Full Bath-Shared Balcony-Bedroom-Full Bath- Great Hall
(http://s4.postimage.org/oqu0ocdg/Rocker_Mansion_3rd_Floor.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/oqu0ocdg/)
Basement: My pride and joy! Gym-Recording Studio-Bathroom-Kitchenette-Arcade-Night Club (Full Bar, Dance Floor, Stage)-Night Club Bathrooms- And windows in the center the allow you to view swimming sims.
(http://s4.postimage.org/oqxbr1d0/Rocker_Mansion_Basement.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/oqxbr1d0/)
Front View: The Rocker Mansion in all its glory!
(http://s4.postimage.org/or2ad2uc/Rocker_Mansion_Front.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/or2ad2uc/)
I'm am open to any and all constructive criticism. This house is not available on The Exchange yet, not sure if I'm going to. All content is included in the main expansion packs, I'm sure someone could go wild with more content from the store. The four pillars surrounding the main pool are covered in glass it gives it a great look. I have since added a gate closer to the mailbox and trashcan to better facilitate the butler's recycling efforts. ;)
I'm particularly fond of the wood flooring arrangement in the master bedroom and the exterior shape of the building. The copious carpets is an interesting motif that leaves the house with a distinct personality.
That's a really cool house! I especially like the open floor plan and use of windows, it comes together as a very modern-looking house. I'm terrible at building larger ones and I'd love to download it if you decide to put it on the exchange, great job!
On a side note, I'm working on something that I hope to upload after Christmas, and I'll post it on here when I do. It's a 20 x 30 apartment block with three self-sufficient, differently themed flats, as well as communal lobby, laundry and rooftop area. I need Ambitions content to fully finish it, so now I'm just filling in the details intil Christmas. Here's a preview:
I'm the same way! Waiting impatiently for my chance to toy around in Late Night. :D
@ Ausette Great apartment building! It looks like something you'd see in Miami overlooking south beach. I promise to put my house on the exchange if you will put this up when it's done. I can see a few families I'd like to put in there.
@ Danefaith Thanks for kind words. I've saw quite a few of your houses perusing this thread and I must say your are quite the architect. I wish I had WA so I could play with those traps that you stick in the basement. The back yard of the house before last was truly impressive and gave me quite a few ideas.
I'm flattered you'd find it inspirational. :D
But yeah, I'm definitely an advocate of WA! Nothing's quite as satisfying as building a vineyard and winery or a private museum into your homes.
@ Danefaith: Yeah, I'm looking forward to Late Night too, I had so much fun decorating the apartment block that I can't wait to do it for actual apartments. Personally one of my favourite things about WA is the Photography skill, which I've used a little in furnishing one of the apartments. Oh, and I like to build little underground safes to store stolen goods in. What?
@ BlazeSolo: Sure, it's a promise. I'm just waiting to add some clotheslines and it'll be right on the Exchange. Well, after the bug's fixed; right now none of the new uploads are showing on the website so I'm going to wait around until I can actually get some downloads. I'm glad you like it, I actually enjoyed making it which for me is pretty rare. It'll hold up to 5 sims (2 couples, 1 single). I can post screenshots of the interior if you like. ;D
Yay! Late Night! A merry Christmas indeed.
I tried my hand at building a nice little neighborhood bar... So many high rises and pre-designed buildings, I was in definite need to flesh out the club choices, lol. It's nothing special, I don't have much community lot building experience, but I should think its still got some flavor.
Call it Bell Tavern. Just look for the ol' brass bell!
I quite like that danefaith, it looks like a fun place to be (in real life too). It's both open and cosy at the same time, and I really love the "Moe's Tavern" stained glass windows. I also got Late Night for Christmas so I'm going to have to give club-building a shot after I get a little more familiar with the new content, should be fun!
I have to warn you though; you probably won't get many downloads or recommendations right now. The Exchange is acting up. It's been showing the same lots for a week now, so no one can even see the new uploads, let alone download or recommend them. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Huh, that so? Well that's a shame... Hope they fix 'er up right soon.
This is my newest house:
Front View
Room View
Rear View
So what'd you think?
I like the house but I think the garden needs some work, would the roof look better if it was lower? As in not as huge. :)
I spent my afternoon in CAW and I ended up with this landscape, what does everyone think? It is a very large area and I don't really know if it needs something doing before I start with roads and lots.
Oh and the sand on the coast is not done yet. ;)
I like it! It is good how you broke up the difference between flat and mountain with the hill that is toward the bottom of the picture!
Carl is starting our own private exchange! Have a look here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3093.0.html) for information about using it.
@Samoht: Love it! Can't really tell how big it will be without streets etc. but it really is lovely.
@Danefaith: Drat! I wanted to download your mansion but the exchange just sends me a no can do icon. I think the exchange is borked or something.
@Sims3lover: Is this your first house? I think it is charming. It does need a bit of landscaping help though. Forinstance, where the flowers are in the back, try clumping them together a bit more. Use the cheat, moveobjects on to do that. That way the sunflowers will look like they are just part of a cottage flower garden. It looks like your were using the roses to form a hedge, am I right? That's fine, and you used different varieties so it was visually more interesting than a straight row of the same thing. Just try putting the blue flowers and sunflowers together more , maybe in just one or two spots rather than all across. One of the things I learned in my art classes was the fact that nature abhors a straight line. Even the straightest trees have a bit of a curve to them somewhere. So to make a landscape look more natural and soothing to the eye, use some curves if you can. I love the use of the windows. It looks like that would be a bright, sunny, home to live in.
I wasn't going to share this until I could get it uploaded to OUR exchange, :D, but since I don't know how to do that I can at least show you what I've been fooling around with. This is the first of several 10x10 size lot buildings I want to make. It's nowhere near perfect and there are a few things I won't do again, (level after level of pillars is one), but it was fun to make and I'm at least happy with the interior. The building goes up 4 stories and down 4 levels with the added ground level making it a total of 9 usable levels. I placed it in Sunset Valley and used the area right behind the plaza to place 3 lots side by side. (So far only built on one) There are several areas in pretty much every town where you can put a tiny lot in so I wanted to see if I could make it something a person would actually want to live in. This particular house has been play tested so I know it all works.
View of entire building. (Hard shot to get because of tall building in front of it)
Ground level. I wanted a garden and a nice entry. All access is via elevator. I'm not totally happy with the landscaping. It's a bit too crowded and too linear for my taste.
The first floor up is the kitchen/dining area. I placed a desk and computer here as well as a chess table so folks have something to do while waiting for dinner. I rather like this room.
The next floor up is the bedroom floor. The rooms are fairly small, but adequate. I put the laundry in the bathroom here, as I often do, because a pet peeve of mine is having to schlep dirty laundry from the bedroom/bathroom areas all across the house to where the laundry is. Makes no sense! As you can see, there is a nursery which could be anything you wanted it to be. Change it to a den, guest room or whatever. I just wanted my couple to be able to have at least one child, possibly two.
Well, if you have a child, you need somewhere for them to play and exercise, right? So the third level became the area for painting or watching your nooboo have fun. This was a bit of a squeeze and I might do things differently in the future. Maybe not have it in an open area. There is a powder room here to serve both the top floor and the play area.
With a five pic limit, I have to do this in two posts. See ya in a few.
Here's the rest of the house:
Baby is in bed, or maybe not even a twinkle in mom and dad's eye yet, so time for a romantic get away with an awesome view. Top level in my Itty Bitty Paradise. I really can see myself just relaxing on the lounge with a cool nectar or soaking away my cares in the hot tub. Turn on some tunes, (hidden in the shrubbery to the bottom right), a nice cool breeze off the ocean and relaxation here I come!
Going down one level we have the living room/lounge area. I wanted it to seem like it was still outdoors so I used a mirror and curtains on one wall to give that effect and a nice fireplace on another to make it even cozier. There is a tv under the "window", (mirror/drapes), and a book shelf so you can cozy up with a good read or watch the latest on Cooking Cable. lol
Couch potato time is over so we go down to the next level for a swim and some exercise. I think in the future I would put the pool all the way at the lowest level .
Down one more level for some SimFu practice. There is a block buster where you can't see it but there is sufficient room for the work out. I'm not totally happy with this area or the pool area.
All the way to the bottom and you have a grown up playground. Bar, lounge, music, games, what more could you want? It's almost a Man Cave.
So, this will be exclusive to this forum as soon as someone tells me how to send it to Carl and he has time to upload it. It's called Itty Bitty Paradise, on a 10x10 lot and costs $144,106 fully furnished. I used a lot of store items, some patterns from the exchange on the walls and furniture, some EP/Sp items and possibly a few freebies from T-Mobile or Dr. Pepper. Next time I'll try to keep track better but pretty much I'm always going to use several items from these places.
Constructive criticism welcome including what you would do differently.
I might have an idea for the ground floor. It probably just needs a little trimming down.
Unless it doesn't mesh with your play style, I would limit the vegetable garden for a greater aesthetic effect. Allow for more spacing between plants. And if you eliminate or at least trim the line of bushes in the upper right corners, it would allow the sunflower garden and fountain centerpiece more prominence while reversing the "linear" feel of the landscape you mentioned. What I'd also suggest is that you rough up the terrain paint along the edges of the property, with default grass, so that it flows more naturally into the surrounding land.
An observation I made regarding the man cave is that the color of the walls and light source are clashing a little. The deep, earthy green with hints of neon don't work with that glimmer of fluorescent pink coming from the back wall. I'd suggest the fire color light source, and perhaps some light colored wood flooring for an overall relaxed, earthy color scheme with hints of energetic neon green.
With that said, I can't help but love these tower works. They're always such innovative uses of space. I love the lay out of the living room and the dojo is incredibly serene. This forum lucked out that its our little exclusive.
Love it, Joria! Personally, I don't mind cramped-looking spaces on The Sims because, well, they're my specialty and I'm best at them. You've actually dealt with the space quite well and I quite like the overgrown garden. My favourite room would have to be the Kitchen/Dining area. I love the white walls and window frames with the wooden flooring and splashes of green, it gives the room a really fresh, friendly feel. For the dojo, I'd probably recolour the inside of the swimming pool, but then you'd have to rework the floor above, so I think you've done a good job with it. Overall, it's very sweet and just lovely to look at!
@samoht, could you take a screenshot of your landscape later with something added for scale? I love it but I have no idea how big it is. It's going to be a great world!
@Sims3lover2010, I agree with the others that the landscaping needs a little work, but the inside of the house looks very open and player-friendly. It'd be fantastic for parties!
Whew! I've been working on this one for ages, and it's finally ready! Well, I can't actually upload it for some reason, but it should be ready and I've waited long enough to brag about it because it's my best work yet ;). Hopefully it'll be ready for the new Exchange soon. Presenting: Centennial Flats!
Yeah, that's an oldish pic, sorry :-\. Ignore the uneven edges of the lot, it was built on a fully flat lot so that should be smooth. It's a nice, compact, 20x30 block of flats. Three apartments, lobby, laundry and a nice little rooftop terrace. This is pre-Late Night, so it doesn't function like a normal apartment building. It has three separate residential levels, all with a different theme and all of them fully livable. They're of similar structure; living and dining room on the left, bedroom on the right, and a little bathroom wedged up the top between them, so not very interesting. It's the furnishing and decorating that's the cool bit. :D
On the ground floor is the lobby, with TV, Foosball table, microwave, coffee machine and computer. Through the door at the back is a little laundry and a public restroom. I was going for a slightly tacky, but still cosy enough look. I read on the guide how to hold Alt for free rotation, so I had fun making the chairs wonky. :) Now for the apartments:
Here are the best rooms of the first, second and third floor units respectively. One's ultra-modern, one's just casual, and one's old-fashioned and artsy.I thought I'd spare you the aerial pics, they all look the same from that angle. I had so much fun decorating these, especially the second floor, which I spent a while cluttering up and adding photographs to. I've used World Adventures, Ambitions and some free store content. The building can hold two couples and a single, so up to five Sims total. It costs... well, it's a bit expensive. Unfurnished alone is over 90k. In total, the building is $152,459 furnished, but if you use Late Night tools to turn it into an actual apartment, the price goes right down! Now all I have to do is find a way to upload it. I keep getting errors when I'm uploading it from the launcher. Does anyone know what would cause these?
Great building Ausette! I love the lower level. I think you really achieved what you were after in each interior. My favorite room is the blue one. Can hardly wait till you can upload it.
@Danefaith: Yeah, I agree with you on the landscaping and lower level. The veggie garden has to stay though as it is one of their main sources of income. I built this house for a Sim I'm playing. Otherwise I would remove the veggies entirely and just have a nice restful flower garden or zen type area with sand, stone and water.
The green is really hard for me to work with. Not one of my favorite colors unless it is just an accent like in the kitchen/dining area. I think you're right though. Either a light wood floor or a browner carpet with maybe some texture to it. Flame light would probably be much better as well. I'll give that all a shot and see how it goes. Same on clearing up some of the garden area. Thanks for the advice.
Joria, I LOVE your tower house! So cool! It looks great :)
There are so many wonderful houses here. I hope y'all will consider letting Carl upload them to our private exchange so others can enjoy them.
Just tell us, as if you were talking to a nooboo, how to do it and they, or at least mine, is yours/ours. I did the tower number 1 just for our forum and am working on number 2.
I just scanned through some pages (skipped most, will probably look at them in detail later) but I have to say; there's some lovely real estate here.
And in comparison to myself, you all seem better at furnishing your houses than me. ;)
Which would be why I'm asking you for suggestions on how to continue with my house.
As you can see, the garden is still pretty empty at this point - I only added an avenue and the pool because I know that I want them ;D
As for the rest of the area, I'm simply unsure on how to put it to best use. Maybe an asian-style subgarden (I liked Pam's garden from her dynasty thread, if I remember correctly).
But I'm also aware that I need to leave space to hone my sim's gardening skill - I was wondering whether it was possible to use the area underneath the foundations for that... anyone know whether that is possible?
The upper floor is also devoid of 'life'. You can see that I initially had a square house, the wings I just added. This floor needs some re-designing and designing.
Any suggestions on how to make use of the two wings would be welcome. This floor currently contains, 2 bedrooms with a shared bathroom (1 currently unfurnished), 1 master bedroom and the butler's 'closet'.
And this here's the ground floor. I'm almost fully satisfied with this floor. There is always room for improvement however. The fountain area is where I keep my fishies, leading to the band area/mini-nightclub. To the left of the front door is the kitchen and dining area, to the right the living room. The left wing also has a Dojo and library.
The small L-shaped room is a toilet, the square room adjacent contains the spiral staircase to the basement studio.
Images, because the last ones I posted didn't show (is there a post-count cap?):
Garden (http://img690.imageshack.us/i/backviewi.jpg/)
2nd Floor (http://img233.imageshack.us/i/topview2ndfloor.jpg/)
1st Floor (http://img191.imageshack.us/i/topview1stfloor.jpg/)
Studio and Family (http://img401.imageshack.us/i/undergroundstudio.jpg/)
There's a private exchange? ??? Since when? This is what happens when you go to see family and stay in a house were wi-fi has been outlawed.
Just tell us, as if you were talking to a nooboo, how to do it and they, or at least mine, is yours/ours. I did the tower number 1 just for our forum and am working on number 2.
Thanks, Joria. I'm working on that with Carl. I need some clarification myself.
There's a private exchange? ??? Since when? This is what happens when you go to see family and stay in a house were wi-fi has been outlawed.
There will be. Carl started working on it around Christmas. Here's the thread. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3093.0.html) Sorry I didn't post it before.
That's great Pam! ;D
Okay here's a house I build on my new fancy laptop based loosely off my grandmother's house.
This is the front of the house. There are two wrap around porches. Though I realized I forgot to put the main door to the porch on the second floor and sadly the other entrance is in the Master suit which has a private porch blocked off from the rest.
This is the back of the house. You can see the private master bedroom porch on the second floor. I didn't bother too much with landscaping like I usually sometimes do. My grandmother's yard was far to complicated to even think about recreating. She took her garden seriously.
This is the main floor complete with kitchen, dining area, and sitting area. There is a full bath and small office-like area. No tv in the sitting area unfortunately. My grandmother didn't have one but she had a computer so not all was lost.
Top floor veiw. The master bedroom at the bottom with walk in closet and private patio. In the top left hand corner is where the second entrance to the wrap around porch should be. I forgot to put it and I don't feel like going and adding it. The spare bedroom at the top where me and my brother would sleep when we visited. I tired to keep the room on the neutral side with the only other color being a light lavender, that looks white or pink in this photo, on the beds and wall.
I'll have you know that building this on a laptop was extremely difficult seeing as there is no mouse for me to use at the moment until I get wireless one to use. I got so frustrated trying to get diagonals to work that I took them out to save what little sanity I have left. I'm going to save the "sharing" part for the private exchange whenever that gets up and running.
Remember that house I built underwater (refer to previous post by me). Well my latest project is just like that only on a much larger scale. I should probably get to work on that.
This is a modern house I made-
Here is the front:
(http://s3.postimage.org/1gcd0s9l0/Screenshot_3.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1gcd0s9l0/)
Here is the front yard:
(http://s3.postimage.org/1gcmy0cjo/Screenshot_4.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1gcmy0cjo/)
Here is the 1st floor: You first walk into a dining room and can go to a bedroom, full bathroom, kitchen or living room.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1gcrwme10/Screenshot_5.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1gcrwme10/)
Here is the 2nd floor: You walk into a rec. room and can go to a master bedroom, a nursery, or a kid's room (enough for 3 babies/toddlers) & 3 kids/teens
(http://s3.postimage.org/1gd54x5z8/Screenshot_7.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1gd54x5z8/)
Here is the roof: There is a bar, grill, some easles and other stuff.
(http://s3.postimage.org/1gdk0raf8/Screenshot_9.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1gdk0raf8/)
Looking for critisizme!
Hey Beddy, nice modern home. I really like the shape of the building and the unique usage of stairs.
I think you should look into sectioning the open living room on the second floor a little bit more. Try using one of those divider plants like the tree light, or the aquarium, and place it directly between the fuse-ball table and the sofa/television area. It'll create a sense of sectionalized space. I'd also play with sectioning the roof top, perhaps with differing floor tiles per "area" with a color of floor tile creating wall-less hallways between them.
Other than those rooms its definitely a solid piece of architecture. Keep it up.
All I have to say is we are totally awesome, collectively and individually. These houses we've all worked on that will be just for OUR exchange are terrific and so creative! I look at all the different styles and types and just think, WOW!, each and every time. I especially am amazed at the modern houses, since I am hopeless at building them, and then I see something like "Grandma's House" and am amazed all over again. I've wanted to put up the house I grew up in for a long time but just have never had the courage to do so. (I google mapped it and it's still there. I never realized how tiny it was!) To make it completely perfect will be when Pam puts her legacy house up in the exchange!
Ok, this isn't anywhere near complete but I wanted some input on what I'm doing on this remodel. It is the front of our vacation home in France and please understand, I have just begun to work on it so there is a lot more to do yet. Ideas and critique is welcome. I wish I could catch the movement of the water. The bottom spot is still empty but will have another water feature.
Front full view, still unfinished:
Closer view full front stairs/water feature:
Close up top level, hard to see statue in this shot:
Close up bottom level:
I'm struggling to learn the things you can do with the fountain tool but finding it a lot of fun and very exciting. There are so many possibilities! Most of the plants aren't in yet and you can't really see them but at night the hidden lights really light this thing up. I'm really kicking myself for not having taken "before" pictures but it was 3 am and I was a bit fuzzy brained.
That is an amazing house! Oh my! I had to do a double take, I thought it was a real picture. It is truly beautiful and you are very talented. I love it. I will waiting for it to be finished.
Wow that house is beautiful already Joria! I can't wait to see it when it's done.
This like the holy handgranade of houses. Awesome - I love it. I'll definitely download it, given the chance.
If possible I'd try to decrease the angle of the garage's roofing, but that is personal preference.
Are the statues in the game or are they mods, if they're already there then I will have to look for them harder ;) if not, could you PM me?
The abandoned vineyard is always one of my preferred vacation homes in Champ le Sims, probably tied with the town house directly next to the base camp (for convenience reasons). I do like the modifications you've made to the original and am impressed by the boundary pushing you're making with the fountain feature.
The houses and lots that people have been sharing are truly amazing, several times I just stared at the pictures! :D
WOW, so many awesome houses! I'm constantly amazed at what a creative bunch of people we have here. Truly fantastic work. :D
malkiot, that's a great mansion, but I'm afraid designing big houses make my head hurt. If you're not sure how to furnish it, The Intermediate Building Guide (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/articles/homebuilding/intermediate.php) could provide some pointers. Nice job on the exterior, by the way :).
I quite like your Grandma's house, Shenice. The colour scheme on the inside is very soothing, and I also really like the back deck and swimming pool area. I'm impressed you managed to do it on your laptop's touchpad, but I'd recommend buying a mouse for it straightaway. I couldn't imagine using my laptop without one. Now that you've recreated the house, I'd reccommend adjusting it to better fit The Sims (you can still keep the original version too). Personally, I'd get rid of the little hallway bit between the bedrooms by making it part of the smaller room, and I'd perhaps throw a little bit of living room furniture into the main room upstairs.
Beddy_Boop, the exterior of your modern house is absolutely amazing! The placement of the rooms and windows is just right. That said, I'd try to unclutter it a little. I'd get rid of most of the items on the room, perhaps by making an area in the backyard to put them in. If you want to leave a fair bit up there perhaps a railing around the edge of the room would make it look a bit more natural. I'd also trim down the garden a little, perhaps just making it a couple of rows of small shrubs or trees. As for the interior, I love the open rooms and the colours used but I'm not sure about the round rugs in front of the couches, perhaps you could use the larger rectagular ones instead? Apart from my nitpicking, I totally love it and and I'd love to have it in my game.
Joria, Joria, Joria. Wow. Just... wow. That's a truly epic holiday home. The roof (which I find one of the hardest bits) is pretty much spot on and the more I look at the lanscaping the more I love it. I like how you've turned the big vase sculpture into water features, I'll have to remember that one. I agree with malkiot that the garage roof is a little steep, but it's such a minor detail. Perhaps you could try deleting the garage's second storey and just placing the windows directly into the roof? Like the rest of us here at the Showboat, I'm eagerly awaiting for the finished product. :D
Thanks everybody. I am really so loving playing with this chateau, and I really appreciate your kind words. Eventually I will put this house up on our exchange.
That roof is a little steep, but I can lower it simply by replace the steeper version with the regular version. I do want to keep that second, (and actually inside there is currently a third story), as this will be my artists studio. I will have to add a bathroom for when inventor mode is on him, (he's a da Vinci), or when he's sculpting metal. Either way he needs to be able to douse flames. What you don't see is inside there is an elevator to the basement. I made a ginormous, so far empty, basement in this house. Not sure if I will keep it or not.
Tucked away in a bit of the accessible foundation area is a small nectary. I'll probably do away with that and put that stuff in the basement.
Inside I removed all the stairs and replaced them with elevators, which I made as unobtrusive as possible. Triple and double stairs take up so much space and some of the rooms upstairs were a bit cramped because of the stairwells. Now you can zip from the attic to the basement with ease.
@malkiot: everything I use is either a free item, SP, EP or store item. I never use mods or 3rd party cc. Just too risky. So yes, the statues are store items. The little fairy was a free item you got by buying the store cash, Gloria, (one with the basin), and the one with all the hair I THINK came with WA. Not sure where the big vases came in but so far I have every SP/EP available and most store sets so it's hard to keep track.
In the interior of the house I used quite a few store items but whenever someone downloads a house if the store item isn't one you own the game just substitutes something you do have. This time around I used a lot from the Romatique collection but there was other stuff as well. I really ought to make a list of all the things and where they came from so I can remember or at least have a sheet to check from. I worked on the interior today as I want to think a bit more on the landscaping. I'll post photos tomorrow. Too tired tonight.
Sorry it's late but here is that size comparison, hope it is good enough? Tell me if it isn't good enough, I can tell you that the largest possible lot size doesn't look big down on the lower area by the beach. ;)
Also I was bored earlier and just started dragging out walls in the box-diagonal shape and joined and linked and ended up with this, I am not sure if I want it to be a Club or a House? Or something else? What do you all think?
Oh lol, perspective = achieved. That's a pretty spacious world.
And the diagonal building made me lol audibly. Make it a club! If there's even enough room that is...
Carl has streamlined the instructions for how to send him items for the new Carl's Swap Shop. I'm also going to send him some stuff so I can get familiar with the step-by-step process. I'll add to the instructions as I can. In the meantime, take a look at the new instructions and feel free to send a message to Carl if you have questions. Here's the thread. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3093.0.html)
I tested the download side of things and it's just as easy as the Sims 3 Exchange. I downloaded the house Carl put up and it installed directly to my Sims 3 launcher, then went straight into the game. It will be awesome! :D
Hi all. I've been looking for a site like this for a while (Hats off to Carl & Pam) - a site that explores more than just the hard core game play but the architectural possibilities too. I'm a fairly new Sims fan but I've already spent an uncountable amount of hours on the PC designing houses for hypothetical situations and Sims. I have a confession before I go on - I have never played the game in the gameplay mode and don't have much interest in doing so...forgive me but I'm very content to just build.
I've trawled this thread from beginning to end, checking out the other designers out there. danefaith and samoht04 - your work stands out to me most as it is sympathetic to my modern tastes but to everyone else there's some great work and ideas cruising around out there as well. I look forward to joining the creative banter and sharing that I've witnessed on the forum as a guest.
Cheers, Em
Oh my, I'm flattered. :D I'm glad you enjoy my work and this thread as a whole.
Welcome to the forum, and our humble little building corner. I hope you enjoy your stay. Observation and expression are hugely important to growing your building skills, and I do hope we can be of service to you in that regard.
So I hope you enjoyed my teaser a few pages back, just got done putting the finishing touches on my new modern home. I call it, "Terribly Intellectual."
"A home, so avant-garde, it can only be described as terribly intellectual. The cutting edge architecture is unforgivably modern and the amenities are pathetically luxurious. This ostentatious abode is what living avant garde and high class is all about: negativity. The air of class regarding the T.I. Estate is so potent, it'll not only disenfranchise you from your worries, but from your friends too!"
So in my continually experimentation with hand-made decorations I produced the an artsy panel in the front and a series of pillars in the back. The pillars are topped with windows and a light is placed inside each one to create a luminous effect.
First story: Living room/carport, foyer, kitchen, meditation garden, lounge, pool.
So playing on the "so artsy it borders on ridiculous" angle, I had the crazy idea to combine the living room and carport, with a color scheme to match the parking space for an overall clean-cut, yet odd-ball atmosphere. The kitchen features a bar and several seating arrangements, and every appliance you can think of! The zen garden consists of a handful of the necessary skill items and has an earthy color palette in contrast with the prevailing metals and pastels that make up most of the house. The lounge is chillaxed, featuring a bar and a bubble blower and some of the most romantic lighting at night!
Second story: Balcony, master bedroom, master bath, antechamber w/ home office, bedroom w/ bath x 2
The balcony has all of the gym amenities, and a jacuzzi and bar for cooling off afterwards. The antechamber contains a stylish floating office next to one of the bedrooms.
Basement 1: Craft's room, bedroom, laundry room, nectary, "storage room" (collections).
The first basement floor is essentially utilities, consisting of a selection of skill items and a bedroom for the butler and/or your least favorite Sim. The storage room is just a fun little design I through together to serve as a place for collections. It also includes the board breaker. Your martial artist's endless supply of oak boards and space rocks needs to come from somewhere, after all!
Basement 2: Spa, lounge, bathrooms w/ shower, stage and dancefloor, pool.
But my favorite of all is the second basement, your own private club I've decided to dub, "Waterloo," for its aquatic colors and spa amenities. It features two more bars (remember me saying this place is good for mixologists?) serving the chillaxed lounge and sauna, respectively, and a dance hall with the complete band stand for some serious jam sessions. There's a private underground pool with lounge chairs and shuffle board to top off this slick establishment.
Sadly however, I discovered that adding "public room markers," does not, in fact, mean townies will come and go as they please, and it doesn't actually function like a public bar as I'd hoped... Try as I might, I was defeated at Waterloo!
Que cera cera, I suppose. It was still a fun build. I'm debating as to whether or not I'm going to make this a Swap Shop exclusive. I just might! Its also been play tested and all items were accessible, including a few moveobject on maneuvers I didn't expect! Also, I made sure to replace the bell peppers that withered and died.
And here's some close-ups for effect.
Living room/carport
Master Bedroom
Waterloo Lounge and Sauna.
Complete T.I. Gallery (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=49).
Another fabulous build, Danefaith! I love the basement sauna and pool.
I apologize to "Addieo" I forgot to mention that I based my house (pg. 53) largely on his house, which can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufxFXHPuS4s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufxFXHPuS4s)
Here's the latest house I've been working on. Bare in mind that I created it before joining this forum so there is a significant amount of CC in it. In a few weeks I will be reinstalling a clean version of my games to the PC so as I can share with you all.
The house is designed as a holiday home or family villa. It boasts 3 spacious floors and several entertaining spaces including a deck and a gorgeous pool area. Excellent for a wild summer break with a few mates or a luxury family holiday.
View from across the street.
(http://s4.postimage.org/afj61wpw/Screenshot_4.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/afj61wpw/)
Ground level - Garage with laundry, guest bathroom, media room, office, kitchen and dining, lounge, deck and pool area
(http://s4.postimage.org/aft39zok/Screenshot_6.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/aft39zok/)
Second floor - Bedroom 1, 2 & 3 each with en suite, bar area and deck
(http://s4.postimage.org/afwecoo4/Screenshot_7.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/afwecoo4/)
Third floor - Master bedroom with walk-in robe and en suite, library area.
(http://s4.postimage.org/ag1cyq5g/Screenshot_8.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/ag1cyq5g/)
View of the pool area
(http://s4.postimage.org/ag4o1f50/Screenshot_9.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/ag4o1f50/)
Wow, that is a neat house! I just fell in love.
danefaith - i love where you put that big fish tank. but i can't wrap my head around the checkerboard panel-thingy on the front of the house. Could you provide a shot of it from a different angle, or explain it to me?
sculptress - that pool area is lovely. the whole house looks very nice, but what are those dome things on the roof?
In the post, Sculptress put that the house had a significant amount of CC. I am assuming that is what it is.
I built it using the wall tool. Just built a wall on the ground floor, stacked the wall panels that would become in the checker board on top of them, and then removed the first floor panels.
If you're inquiring why it's there, well... I wish I could explain it, but it honestly has no purpose, other than to be a whimsical art installation. :D IDK, I feel it gussies up the front yard a bit.
Thanks for the nice feedback.
pallyndrome it is custom content, the glass 'dome' was orginally posted as a pool cover but i liked the idea of a clear/elevated roof so I used it.
danefaith - I couldn't understand completely what it was - was it part of the wall above the door, or hovering in front of it, I asked myself. But I think I understand now.
sculptress - I like the dome effect. Maybe in a cc-free version you could put a dome-shaped roof there instead? I think there's an option for that in roof shapes if I remember correctly.
We have a new image Gallery that you are welcome to use for images that you post on our Forum. It works similar to Photobucket, but it's on the Carl's Sims 3 Guide server. It's free and right now there is no limit to the number of images you can upload. One big advantage to using the Gallery is that it will put full size images in your Forum posts rather than the thumbnails. Click here for instructions and links. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,2881.0.html)
And welcome to the Forum!
Feeling like the neighborhood needed something to balance out the excess, I made a counterpart to the T.I. Estate, "The Modest Modernist."
"This modern marvel features and open floor plan and dual loft areas beckoning you onward and upward. The rear tower and spacious sun room provide for a pleasant exterior design with a subtle bravado. The Modest Modernist is a warm and welcome abode featuring multiple entertainment areas for numerous guests, asking the question: why should innovation be synonymous with exclusion?"
I made the place heavily sculptor/painter focussed. There's plenty of art and sculptures around the house, and multiple easels. There's a special alcove designed specifically for the sculpting station in the basement as well.
First floor: sun room, den w/ elevator to (b1), foyer, kitchen, billiards room w/ elevator to (f2).
Essentially all an open floor 'cept the billiards room, with lots of turns and curves and grooves and what have yous.
Second floor: sun room, loft living room, foyer, loft bedroom, bathroom, hallway w/ elevator to (f1).
Dual lofts, one with a nice, luxurious sitting area and the bedroom across the foyer, and an elongated bathroom. The hallway features some more sculptures and art.
Basement: Sculptor's Alcove, craft's room, nectary with cellar, butler's and/or least favorite sim alcove, boiler room, laundry room.
The craft's room isn't much larger than I normally build them but it's decked out with a side bed for those all nighter art projects and a shower for those, uh... exploding art projects. The sculptor's alcove is its own special niche with aesthetic lighting, a beautifully decorated moodlet and jams handy to produce the best works possible.
More shots in my gallery here: [x (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=54)]
I figured this might be the best place to post this. I am not a big builder, but I so enjoy the houses that I have been able to download from members on the forum. When I do build or remodel, I usually use the ideas I get from here. I would like to say, that on the exchange, there is a blank world that I downloaded, now mind you, I don't just download from anyone, but this member on the sims 3 site has done some amazing things. I have never started from scratch and possibilities are endless. I have made my downtown area and my elite area and just wanted to let the members here know, I basically used houses that members on here have built. The builder of this world has made it possible to put everything and anything in this town. I took a break from my dynasty and started playing around with it. If anyone is interested in downloading this town, just PM me and I can give you the name. I do so appreciate all the wonderful talent that we have on this forum and I still have a couple of houses left to download for my new town. It is very time consuming having to put lots, change to community, because in build mode, the buildings you put in, like schools, libraries, etc, do not have lot sizes, so you kind of have to estimate the size. Enough rambling, just thought someone might be interested. :)
Those are both gorgeous houses! Do you build without third party CC all the time?
Those are both gorgeous houses! Do you build without third party CC all the time?
I agree, those houses are just absolutely awesome. No super duper awesome sauce!
Where are my manners, I wanted to say originally, those houses are awesome and when they are available, I will download them. I love big houses, just don't like to build them, lol. Good job on those homes. :)
@danefaith How do you even make your houses like that? My houses are not even as good those ones.
Pam: I don't think I've used CC since Sims 1, lol. Why squander on tons of new stuff when you can just find new uses for what you already have?
@Siwel: I really don't know. If I had any specific habits, I have a sort of planning phase in which I drum up a few specific "idea bubbles" I want to execute. When I started the TI. Estate, pretty much my driving factor was I wanted to build a ramada that was slightly wider and higher than the rest of the building. The rest of the building shape was then geared towards articulating that idea bubble. In the second my main focus was making the diagonal sun room. I also was pretty set on "two lofts." The rest was making it work.
And I pace myself. I might work for an hour or two and then take a break, so I can return to it with a fresh perspective, or go in to tackle a very specific element. I remember very fondly, that I was once struck with an unnaturally strong desire to go in and focus completely on color coordinating all the doors in the house. :D
@Salty, I made a treat in this section - community lots - list, with sizes in SV, TB and BP, because I had a same problem with guessing the size of community lots:)
And as for the houses, they are all so beautiful that I'm really speechless. I regularly check this tread just to admire your work!
Pam: I don't think I've used CC since Sims 1, lol. Why squander on tons of new stuff when you can just find new uses for what you already have?
Very happy to hear that. It will be awesome to have some of your work in our new Swap Shop. I saw that you submitted some to Carl. Thank you!
My latest Construction that hasn't been finished:
here are some pictures of my newest house, it's a work in progress.
What'd you guys think? :)
I think that one thing needs to change that really stands out, having that tramploine and other objects out front, It either needs to go outback, inside or even in a a basement. Other than that it looks good! ;)
Hmmm... I like the house, but I'm not a fan of all the stuff in the front. It looks disorganized in my opinion. Other than that I can't really make any full observations until the house is finished. From what I see I can assume you will be adding more color into the furniture and walls because that shuffle board table really sticks out like a sore thumb against all that white. I would either change the color of the table or add some color to the rest of the house.
Consider making minor rotations to the sunflowers. Every single one is facing the same direction, which creates an unrealistic atmosphere. Minor turns creates variation and a sense of realism. You can also free turn an item by holding the alt tab.
So, story behind this little shack is this is where my playability tester's live in between houses. They use to be nestled away in an empty lot, but I thought they deserved a place of their own. ;D
This one, however, is my current WIP.
Thoughts? I like the exterior shape but I'm up and down about including the central gazebo... thing. Lol.
Not so keen on the Gazebo thing, the shape is good! :)
Yup, axed it. And very glad I did. ;D
I don't know how you did it danefaith, but that house looks a lot like my Great Uncle's in Florida before he passed. I used to spend a week there every summer. This brings back memories.
Hello everyone! My first post in this thread! And also, one of my first houses that I'm proud of. I'm still working on the interior of the house, although they're already living there - I'm still trying to figure out how to use the spaces. :)
Outside front (built in Twinbrook). I based it on a home design, and it's in Florida colors since we were on vacation when I started designing it.
Side yard view - fishing pond (with fish spawners), garden (with the fence), and martial arts pit (behind the palm tree) - this was a little to hide that the house is lopsided on the lot, but it's turned out really usefully.
The backyard, complete with pool and hot tub
I love the front photo of that house Amelia. And that fountain garden of yours is just lovely danefaith.
The exterior is very shapely. The building has good lines and the backyard makes very good use of space.
Note to self, no more marathon builds. :-X Ugh this one exhausted me.
This mansion is as yet untitled, I'm debating whether to go with, "Hacienda Rustica," but it doesn't really tote much Spanish influence.
First floor: vegetable garden, gym, study, den, foyer, BOLFS room w/ laundry, dining room, kitchen, carport.
Second floor: Dojo, guest bedroom, studio, foyer, teen's bedroom, elder's bedroom, child's bedroom, master bedroom.
Basement: Craft's room, party lounge, nectary and cellar.
And a close-up schematic of possibly my favorite bedroom ever. I decided to give disablesnappingtoslotsonalt a go, and used it to fit items into tiny nooks and crannies; surprisingly all items were usable. Stay on your side of the room!
Full gallery here: [x (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=68)]. I'll probably have it up in the exchange once I figure out what to call it, and I'll probably add a +version of it to the swap shop with a few butterflies spawners and whatever improvements strike me from now until then.
danefaith I love the foyer with the double stairs - the shape is beautiful. And the basement is cool!
Very, very nice, danefaith. I love the foyer, too.
Here is my own experiment with fusion lounge theme. Only thing I didn't find is music that came with LN, so there is stereo on first floor and piano in basement. If someone can tell me where to find them, I'll be happy to sent it to Swap Shop:
Here is outdoor looking on lot size 30x40:
First floor one angle:
And another:
Basement empty:
And with pianist and mixologist:
Wow that is a really neat lounge. I especially like the lounging area around the piano. That combined with the surrounding view of the pool makes it very lovely. Very good job.
we're just in full club swing aren't we? ;D
By the way, the music speakers are called the public sounds stereo. It's a buydebug item and it's actually from the vanilla Sims.
I used one of the requests as inspiration for an exclusive lounge.
Still a WIP but I intend to fashion rooms with wide screen TVs to essentially be showing rooms, have a grand stand band, and a high celebrity VIP section.
Wow danefaith, that lounge is looking good already. I can't wait to see the finished project.
Ding fries are done. ;D
So welcome to S1M Cinema, an exclusive lounge rendered out of an old thirties style movie theater. Entry is at celebrity lvl 3, or with a bribe of 25 bucks.
The first floor includes two screening rooms and a small piano lounge with a professional bar and nectar sampling, and some very moody lighting!
The second floor includes access to the luxurious private screening rooms with a private bar just an arm's length away. You can choose from either the high end living room or the hot tub, and sit back for some very intimate movie going. Access is limited to top level celebrities, or with the help of a 100 simoleon bribe!
We certainly are danefaith! I checked buydebug but couldn't find it at the time. Upstairs looks too empty in my bar so I'll have to more work there and find those public stereos.
This bar of yours is really something, it would fit great in almost any world, and is much more filled than mine. And that sport/dive bar you made in other tread is cute too! You're right about Naga's SV, I love how Shamrock pub is looking at least from outside (that's how much I saw in gallery).
Keep making them, I would love to fill in new worlds with these new bars and thanks for the direction ;)
Thanks Shenice, I wanted that sushi bar in a neighborhood, and I just love bright light space!
Since its not a LN item, you can't tell from just the purple plumbob, and since its a white item, it kind of molds into the background. You gotta scan for it. :-X I always remember it as being one or two lines underneath all of the skyscrapers in buydebug.
churned out another. I must be insane.
Casa de Bamba is a poolside club with a ballroom/latin look and feel.
Publically availably is a small bar in the foyer and a huge dance floor with seating for the wall flower's. The bouncer guards the elevator leading to the exclusive basement...
And would you look at that, the first poolside lounge I've ever built that's actually in a poolside club. ;D Available at celebrity level 3 (no bribes!), it features another bar right off the dance floor, its own bathrooms equipped with after swim showers, a jacuzzi with side seating and a luxurious pool.
Since its not a LN item, you can't tell from just the purple plumbob, and since its a white item, it kind of molds into the background. You gotta scan for it. :-X I always remember it as being one or two lines underneath all of the skyscrapers in buydebug.
It's also in Build Mode > Community Objects > Miscellaneous (I think that's the right path, I don't have my game up right now).
Been away and not keeping up with all the new posts.
@Samoht - i like where your latest work is going and where did you get those windows?
@AmeliaAnne - What a nice neat little house - will be interested to see the inside
@Anushka - Loved the lounge esp the pool, excellent innovation
@Danefaith - I liked the stairs/entry on your last big place but what happened to the drive way?
I have my latest place ready to show and it's completely clean as I did a complete re-install. Just waiting to be accepted to carls photo thingy.
My latest Construction that hasn't been finished:
If you meant those Windows I think they are the Floor to Ceiling ones from the Base Game but I recoloured them to Black. (If you were talking about the Blue-ish things then that is a Half-Wall from LN with Glass on the top.)
That was the natural ground texture of the lot. I liked the cliff feel it gave, so I incorporated it into the design.
It may be nothing much but I really like how my latest creation came out even though I still haven't done the most of the garden. It's really simple and I had to put all the cars somewhere without having a huge garage or a whole parking lot in there. Oh, and sorry for the mess my sims made, I just can't keep up with them! :D So here we go:
Here's the front view. It may be not the best picture but I'm still working with the garden.
This is the first floor, the master bedroom and bathroom in the right, kitchen and laundry room in the middle and a piano room on the left. There's also a little butler room there near the entrance. I don't use cheats so I like how this came out: both simple and spacey. Click here (http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i117/niuri_cigarete/sims_house01/Screenshot-19.jpg) to see it from the other angle.
The second floor front side. We have a living room here and one of the bedrooms, that belongs to a simple girl who is dreaming of becoming a doctor someday :)
The second floor back side. Two more bedrooms for children (the one with a big mirror belongs to a snob, haha).
And this is the back of the house.
I've uploaded some close shots as well. Here's the link to the whole album. (http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i117/niuri_cigarete/sims_house01/)
This is my latest place. I've called it Urban Ponds. It's CC free and if there are any requests for download I will work out how to put it up.
Street entrance way
Ground Floor - Garage, Study, 1/2 bathroom, laundry, storage room, lounge, kitchen, formal dining & lounge, bbq & pool area, chill deck
Second floor - Gym, bedroom 1 & 2, main bathroom, bedroom 3, master bedroom & en suite
View of BBQ and Pool area out the back
Niuri: I like the patio and the roofing is exquisite. I'd be interested in seeing your additions to the landscaping as the stone arrangement and terrain paint usage suggest good things.
Sculptress: I'm very fond of the architectural pillars you included and I like the contrast between the roofing and the exterior walls. I'm struck with a few suggestions if you would be interested in them.
Oh, how I love this thread. You guys are all so talented! Niuri, I love the floorplan of you house and the facade is really well-done. Similar sentiments to sculptress; you've put tons of effort into that house. I also like how it fills up the whole lot, it'd be excellent for a modern, compact suburb. As for you danefaith, I'm speechless as always. How do you just pump out so many quality buildings like that? I usually average one decent build per month, and certainly never anything as nice as you've posted lately. I especially love the Dusty dive bar. :)
I haven't posted anything on here in a while, so I thought I'd share my remodelling job on the 'All The Rave' warehouse in Riverview, which I had tons of fun converting into a Dance Club a la The Grind. I'll try to get it onto the Swap Shop soon, I just need to tweak it a little bit (not to mention giving Carl time to wade through all of the other submissions). Here's the floorplan:
Sorry for the dark pics, it doesn't open until late and I wanted a picture with the lights going. I've tried to leave the interior pretty open and simple and let the lighting and special effects do the work. It's got two dancefloors and a large bar on the lower storey with half-walls and couches to separate each area. The upper storey is accessible by either the staircases on the left or the fireman's poles opposite the bar, both of which lead to the original deck overlooking the main area. To the right of the deck are the bathrooms and a little room with a bubbleblower. I barely touched the outside, but I did change the colour of the lights out the front to make it look more like a Dance club. Here are some more pictures of the interior:
Any criticisms?
Talk about a remodel! This is a very inspired build and an excellent concept. Converting the old train station is something I'd have never even considered. The lighting arrangements honestly floored me, they create a provocative mood, especially the neon lights against the rusty, corrugated metal in the bubble room.
Two things strike me as places for improvement. Citing the second story deck, I'm noticing that the deck in the top of the photo has a greater width then that of the other side, creating a larger amount of unoccupied space. I'd suggest may dropping a loveseat or even just a plant near the stairwell on that side just to produce some functionality or visual interest.
The bright red rings of the fire pole are a little clashing with the surrounding. I'd consider three options for incorporating them into the color scheme: texturing them as a neutral toned metal or wood; texturing them an orange metal, plastic, or pattern, two mesh with the middle "orange zone" of the dancefloor/the tiger carpets upstairs; or painting one green and the other pink to mesh with their adjacent color zones.
And not really a critique but some personal encouragement. I've been really "pro-interesting restrooms" lately, so I'm wondering what you could do with the bathrooms. Definitely decreasing the number of lights and placing them on polar sides of the room. The little dips in light intensity will increase the complexity of the bathroom without actually really doing anything with it. But try making little details to create an overall unique image. Maybe add a decoration or couch in the empty space.
Aside from that, its spiff. Spiiiiiff. ;D
Thanks dane! I actually didn't realise you could recolour the rings on the firemen's poles, and I went back and changed them to rusted metal. I also redid the lighting in the bathrooms as per your advice. I think I was going for a more sterile, industrial look before, but after paring down the number of lights it feels a lot more moody and dark, which fits the rest of the club a lot better. Now I've got some fluorescent lights above the doors and mirrors and one of the original lights over the windows. And it looks way cool. Good call!
As for your suggestion about the deck, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do about it. Apart from the tiger carpet along the centre, it's all part of the original structure and I was a little hesitant to change it because it lines up with the rafters (which the lights are suspended from). I added more carpet to the larger side to balance them out and frame the firemen's poles, and I thought I'd just leave it bare so the focus would be on the rooms at the end and the view to the floor below. Here's an aerial shot (note the recoloured rings):
See what I mean? Y'know, looking at it now, I think I might just enlarge to staircase on the left to line up with the carpet. And maybe some light, cheap-looking chairs and furnishings are the go. What do you think?
EDIT: I threw in a couple of loveseats between the firemen's poles, facing each other. I also added some decorations and mirrors to the walls. Should that be enough?
Hmm, I do. I actually booted up my twinbrook myself and toured my train station, and it is a rather complicated set of finely lined up pillars and rafters. Not something you want to muck with unless you wanna find yourself reshaping the entire infrastructure. [/dizziness] But yeah, a loveseat should probably be enough.
Definitely like the bathrooms, though. Overall this is an excellent piece!
I just have to say I am so impressed with the work all of you do! Amazing Stuff! I would love to move myself into one of these homes or head to one of these places for a couple of cocktails. Great work :)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Danefaith I'm open to suggestions it's a big part of the point of posting for me. :)
Consider tweaking the colors of some of the exterior items that are still in their "default" color: like the windows and the fencing. Try tweaking the fence toward that persuasion of cream that makes up the walls and toggle through a couple wood colors to see if any window colors make a dynamic impact. It could help to unify the color scheme.
I also noticed that the roofing is painted with "wall with baseboard molding," creating a slice of brick through the roof section. Was this intentional? The game automatically applied the wall paint of the lower level to the roofing, so I'm making the assumption that's why its there. Unless this was a personal choice I'd swap that out for flat wall with the paint texture.
Have not been able to wrk on my World much recently so had a quick go before going to bed and this is what I ended up with, adding the Main Roads and Paths. Paths may be added later as Lots are added but I hope this will let me add the Lots I need, sorry it's foggy it's because I had to zoom out a long way to view it all. ;) So far the Town is Called T Town. :D
I think it looks quite interesting and original, samoht. I wish I could use CAW - I'm on a mac, and it comes up with errors on my pc. But that looks good, will be interesting to see the finished project, though I know it will take a long time.
Hey everybody,
Awesome houses on here!
This is my first attempt at recreating a real house/floor plan. Let me know what you think, I think it turned out much better than expected.
Here is the floor plan.
The rest can be found here:
http://www.houseplans.com/1924-square-feet-3-bedroom-2-bathroom-Country-house-plans-2-garage-%2831175%29 (http://www.houseplans.com/1924-square-feet-3-bedroom-2-bathroom-Country-house-plans-2-garage-%2831175%29)
Here are the screenshots from my attempt.
Welcome Pianoman - I think that came out Fantastic....You did an excellent job
Pianoman, that house looks very realistic! Great job.
great job painoman, and you're very good at taking realistic photos.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! It took a couple nights to build. By the time I was done furnishing and everything, my sim had just enough money to move in. It was about 104,000 total. I'm gonna have to spread out the pictures in different posts because I went over 5 image limit. First post :)
More pictures:
Awesome house and you have it decorated beautifully. Good job. :)
Whipped up a new WIP today. Feel good about this one.
Although I was totally lame and borrowed from one of my previous works in framing the front door, I like the character this one has.
that's a really cool looking house danefaith. How did you get that big frame at the front and back? I can see it must be foundation at the bottom, walls along the side, but the top? Did you somehow put foundation there too?
Its a foundation, yes. You can place foundations on roofs or between floors with the building cheat: placefriezes on. Just remember to input it before selecting the foundation tool and put placefriezes off when you want to, well, put foundation again. :P
That house is very cool! :) I like the frames around the front and back doors, although I don't think the doors match the modern look of the house. Other than that it looks great!
Hmm, I was a little complacent in my door selection. I'll take a look at other options.
Very nice work there. Have you thought about maybe submitting it to our Swap Shop? (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3093.0.html) As long as it does not contain third party content, I'm sure Carl would love to have it. :)
Re-shaped the exterior a little bit. Made the detached unit a little more in tandem with the main building - made their heights level and used the same window structure - and I ditched the floating extensions for an indented, glass wall. I began landscaping with walled in, zen stone arrangements. I'm considering incorporating some desert foliage as well.
Here is a house I've been working on, just when I need a break from my Legacy-
It's done mainly in orange, and has 3 bedrooms, all with en-suites.
This is the front view.
First floor, with an entry, dining room on one side, lounge and small study on the other. Next to the dining room, a half-bathroom and spacious kitchen with a nectar rack.
In the room with the stairway from level one, there is a small disply area. Next to that is "girly" bedroom, with it's own full bathroom, from there is a big living/skill room. It has a little balcony attached, in addition to a large party area. A home movie theater is included, next to the laundry, as well as a double bedroom with a bathroom.
The large "hallway" room contains an entry to the master bedroom, with a lavish bathroom. There is another laundry, and another kitchen, done in cool blue, with an outside BBQ and dining area.
Any criticism or comments welcome ;D
Nice, guys! Ruby, I adore the floorplan of your orange house, it's so spacious and flowing. I'd probably try to enclose the carport a little though, those wooden columns look a little precarious. Perhaps you could make some columns with the wall tool instead? For you danefaith, I'd say the structural changes you made are definitely for the better. I'm loving the modern feel and the limey green colour. The Zen garden's pretty sweet too, but I think the bamboo trees are blocking the front too much and the rocks on the left look a little lonely. We don't want to distract from the building itself too much. Desert foliage does sound good, if you have any cacti. The smoother lines would look better, I think. Aside from my minor nitpicking, they're both lovely houses, good job. :)
As for me, I just found this mansion that I vaguely remember working on a little while ago. Well, it's a bit of a stretch calling a house on a 30 x 30 lot a mansion, but it's the most mansion-y house I've ever built so goshdarnit, I'm calling it a mansion. It's just a shell right now and the exterior's not quite done (that garden in the back has to go), but here's some pics for the gist of it:
Front view:
Back view:
I still have to put a fair bit more work into it. For one, I'm having trouble mapping out the rooms in a realistic way. So far there's four large bedrooms with a smaller one for a butler, but that's subject to change if I find something more efficient. As for the outside, what do you think?
Thanks heaps for the comments, Ausette! I might try using wall columns soon, and I'll glad you like the layout.
I love your mansion, especially the water urn with the flowers out the back, it looks perfectly suited to the mansion.
I like the changes to the house, Danefaith! The carport is really cool being underneath the bridge, and the bamboo and zen gardens look great. :)
danefaith - it looks marvelous. I actually like the trees and rock garden, though the one on the left with just rocks could use something to add life to it.
ruby - that's a gorgeous house. I agree the carport poles look a bit precarious though.
Thanks pally!
danefaith, I love your modern home, especially the lime-green, and the 2nd story glass room.
Yeah I was a bit lazy with the left hand rock garden, finally got around to sprucing it up though.
I also trimmed the bamboo trees to just four, smallest size.
Perfect! I love all the little details, can't wait to see it on the exchange :)
Furnished the detached unit. Ended up being one tricked out gymnasium with hot tub.
This is a house I built for my young Carina Dreamweaver after she finished the My Garden of Eatin' Smells Fishy challenge. I tore down her existing small boxy house and built one that's nicer, but not overblown. It's a modern theme for the beach and is decorated in pastel shades of aqua, green, blue, and purple. I wanted an open and breezy feeling, so it's got lots of big windows.
Ground level:
Dining Room:
Living Room:
Master Suite:
Butler's Quarters:
Note: I seldom post in this thread and didn't realize how difficult it is to be limited to only 5 images per post. Sorry about that, guys. I'm going to allow 10 images per post from now on. :)
10 pictures?
Cool! ;D
That is a lovely house Pam! I think the blue theme is stunning!
Oh wow, I love your new house, Pam! It looks so modern and realistic.
ten pictures? Woo!
So continuing my WIP over here: got the kitchen, dining room, and living room done.
I'm a little unsatisfied with the right side of the living room: could probably put that space to better use. Any suggestions?
edit: Redid the right side like so: improvement?
@Danefaith- The house is looking great! I love how the grey and lime green carry in from the outside. Also, the high ceiling in the living room looks awesome.
I have been so bad about posting here, or anywhere for that matter. Sorry guys. So spent the day from post 50 on catching up with you all and all I can say is I am just stunned! Pam, you outdid yourself with that lovely home, and many, many thanks for the increase in photos for us! Danefaith, you continue to always amaze me and I love the fix for the living room in the lime/grey house. As for the rest, too many to remember but you are all awesome with great houses. Guess I'd best get back to work and be busy building again. You've all put me to shame.
I just started a random sim who is goign to start a colony of women who are named after certain things. Her name is Gelée which means Frost in French. She got Agnes to move in and will be renamed soon but I just built them a modest house and it suits all their needs it is around, 9x12 sized and looks quite cottagey. :) I built it at night and it is night now,w ell morning if you want to be scientificly correct ;), so I only have a Night Picture but still it has a feel I think. :)
(The picture in the Top Left was shortly stolen by a Burgular so that is gone and now replaced by a portrait of Gelée. (Who is top right in the modest but fully equiped kitchen). In the future I may give them a place to represent their last name, Nymphe. I already have an Idea, but it will take a lot of work and cheats. :D (P.s Does anyone know if the constrainfloorelevation false cheat works? I think it does but I have drawn a blank as to my memory, maybe statying up till the clock says 00:50 is not a good idea. ;D )
It works, now go get some sleep. lol (needs to take her own advice)
Ended up redoing the bathroom in a new color scheme before finishing off the last few rooms.
Next up was the bedroom and the causeway to the attached unit. The causeway ended up as a private lounge.
And finally, tackled the back yard.
Meaning this is pretty much done! I'll probably mull through and make minute changes for a while, but I'll probably be submitting it soon.
I love how the house came out. The bathroom is a nice change from the colour scheme, yet it maintains the modernness of the rest of the house. The backyard also looks great. I can't wait to download this house. :)
I LOVE that bathroom! So creative with the end tables and the tilling around the toilet! And the backyard - wonderful! - especially the shape of the pool and the position of the reclining chairs. Great job! I think I might actually download it!
Is that little lighted thing under the hanging cabinets in the bedroom an aquarium? Really adds just the right touch. I love your use of the screens. The backyard is perfection. Hmmm, how many more superlatives can I come up with? I got it! I love this house! I think I currently have more of your stuff downloaded and in use in my SV remodel than any other at the moment. Except for my own, of course.
Finished! I name it Patrician and uploaded it to the exchange. Hope you enjoy!
*collapses at the finish line* thanks everyone for the critiques, suggestions and support along the way. It was a rather challenging undertaking but I like to think I put together something pretty sharp.
What an awesome house, danefaith! I just went and downloaded it. I'm loving the overall floorplan, and the quirky little details like the lights-as-skirting-board in the bedroom. So cool! I'm definitely going to experiment more with floor and wall tiles in the future, seeing as you've used them in so many different ways. In the meantime, I've been doing some experimenting myself. Simstar's arcade/internet cafe idea got me thinking about what other kinds of buildings I could make, to really flesh out a world. This isn't finished yet, but here's a petrol station I've been working on:
I had to go back and fix it a few times because I kept forgetting Sims drive on the right. Aside from the filling-up area at the front, the lot has a garage for car repair, a picnic area, a toilet block and a convenience store where you can grab a bite to eat (thank you World Adventures for the Food register!). The coolest thing, though, would be this:
It's an honest-to-goodness petrol pump! Totally worth the hour I spent fiddling around with it. It's made out of two lockers, a callbox and a Late Night Sculpture. Let's see Mac Gyver beat that!
That is an amazing petrol station, Ausette!
I love the petrol pump, so cool how you've used the sculpture, it looks great! ;D
Thanks for the comments, guys. My little Patrician is all grown up. ;D
Anyway, let's move on here, eh?
I'm very fond of the idea you've got here. The use of frieze, right down to the strip of red is just so true to life. And I had to double take on that gas pump. Holy wow.
I think there are some good chances here for you to play with wallpaper variation here. How about instead of using full corrugated metal on the building, painting the corners in the wall texture you're using in the veranda? Also consider using differing walls to frame the front entrance.
I'm looking forward to the finished product. I already know where I might put it, lol.
Oh my gosh, Ausette! Your gas station is amazing. What a cool idea!
Love the pumps. Too bad you can't designate is as one objects for easy moving.
Fabulous Ausette! Me, I would just have used the filling station you can buy or used the old fashioned gas pump. You made it a true work of art.
Well, you guys have been doing the fabulous stuff. Me, I just did the kinda boring same old. My personal challenge this time around was to use only vanilla, keep the basic shape, and yet make the house special despite it's rather boring shape. I took the old stand by, Shotgun Style, and remodeled it. It is totally vanilla but I'm thinking it's gourmet vanilla. Here it is.
As you can see, I kept the basic box shape but changed the color and texture of the exterior and the roof. I added new landscaping and a lot of yard and garden features, still keeping to the basic game only items. You can't see it well but there is a park bench seat under the shade of the poplar trees to the left of the picture.
Basic floor plan remained the same but I added width and depth to the house so could add two bathrooms and another bedroom and made all the rooms larger. It now has a nice patio/pool area complete with grill and lounge chairs and even pool rules. The lounge area/dining area are open to one another. I liked putting in the fireplace with a cozy grouping and made the tv viewing area a bit less important yet comfy. Looking at it with fresh eyes I think I should move the carpet under the dining table to the tv area and move the dining table over toward the kitchen a tiny bit to make it less cluttered and enclosed feeling. I could even use a smaller dining table but since it was a house that could accommodate several Sims I gave them a big table and extra chairs off to the side, currently being placed by the chess table. Guess I could add two more chairs.
Main area. Doesn't feel as crowded from floor level.
My least favorite room. I was really torn between making this a nursery/kid's room or just a generic room that teens could inhabit or guests. I'm not happy with the result and don't really like the color scheme either.
I rather like this bedroom, although I usually go for different bed/furniture styles. It was really a challenge for me to stick to vanilla since I've been blessed with every EP/SP and tons of freebies and store items. Which is why I did it. I wanted to show that even with vanilla and a boring house style you could have something comfortable and attractive. You'll notice the bathroom has a lot of empty space. That is so whoever downloads the house can add washers and dryers if they obtain them or maybe put in more luxurious appointments.
This is my favorite bedroom. Probably because of the soft, teal blue coloring. I have a rather limited mental color palette, I like soft blues and other pastels, though not yellow or purple shades, and I love black, white, red and grey in combinations. Not fond of browns and oranges or green. So my mental palette is really limited. I personally prefer to work with white and then add a color or two, so sticking with greens was an added challenge here.
It's currently up in my studio and sent off to Carl for our Swap Shop. Let me know what you think and some advice for changes would be welcome.
Let me know what you think and some advice for changes would be welcome.
I think it's a really nice house but I've noticed one thing that I had too (don't worry, it isn't a bad one even if it sounds like that). You seem to like placing everything next to a wall and in the end most of the stuff are kind of in a square where the free space is in the middle. I was doing the very same thing and always was annoyed how boring it looks! Never even thought about experimenting with angles, maybe half walls and etc.
My point is that if you don't like the room, try experimenting with the stuff, for example single beds don't have to be available from all 3 sides so that your sim could use it. Ever considered trying to put two beds side by side in some interesting way?
Well, that's only my thoughts :) Anyway, that's quite a lovely house, I really liked the walls in the main area.
Really good advice! I wanted to separate the dining area from the living area but can't use half walls because they aren't base game and the fences available just didn't look right. So I wound up with something more like a barracks. I think angling the dining table would help a lot. No clue why I didn't think of it!
Another great remodel Joria! I really like the colours in the living room. I can't believe it's the same house!
Thanks for the feedback on the petrol station guys. You're totally right about the wallpaper danefaith, I didn't really like all the metal either. Eventually I came up with this:
The station itself blocks the view of the shop a bit but you can still get the idea. As well as recolouring the walls, I added a second storey to the shop and fiddled with the roofs until they looked more like seperate buildings. As well as that, I put a big red sign on the top of the station, redid the interior of the store in a warmer brown tone and threw in some more decoration here and there. It was at this point where I realised I forgot to add a Simbot Charging Station, so that went in the upper storey:
The petrol station itself may not be functional, but this Simbot station is! Just stand your Simbot on the stripey platform and get your friend to activate the hidden electricity trap for you. Also makes a great practical joke for non-Simbot enemies. ;)
I'm just eating into the little details. The red and blue wires connecting the charging panels to the activation panels and the striped wire where they conjoin. Nice!
Great job adding functionality to an otherwise aesthetic piece as well. Have you considered a junk pile in the garage? It'd effectively give the lot the function of a junkyard, without marring the town's appearance as junkyards always seem to do.
I was wondering, could I get some closer shots of the shop first floor? Be interesting to see what's going on there.
Ausette, don't forget all the great garage type items in buy mode from Fast Lane and store items if you have them. A stack of tires plus all the tool stuff would be great. How would you design a lift for lifting cars up for fixing underneath? I wish they had one of those things a mechanic can lay down on and roll around under cars with, and jack stands would be nice. Maybe EA will come up with more garage stuff.
I've been telling you how I'm remodeling SV for my own playing needs. (Just wish I could use it for challenges!) The other day I was sitting looking at the screen, accidentally hit the up button and got a view of the neighborhood I've been focussing on. Here's how it looks so far.....
The blue house is a work in progress. It used to be that hideous dump the Alvi's lived in. I moved them into a different house somewhere else in town. The laundromat is also a work in progress. You can see the aspen trees I've planted. I'm planning on two apartments above the laundromat and have divided the area behind and beside the building into two backyard type facilities. The part where the aspen trees are is a small child's play area with access only from inside the laundromat. This way a family can do the wash while the kiddies play safely out back. There is a high fence blocking this area off from the renters section. That section has a pool and some flowers plus a barbecue. It's small so couldn't put much in there. I've put the elevators in already but am having difficulty in splitting the apartments rooms up so may post some shots of the unfinished inside to get advice from you guys.
The building in the upper, left hand corner is also being worked on. Another headache for some reason but I think I pretty much have it figured out. I completely reworked the interior as well as made it a three bedroom home instead of a one bedroom home.
The Sekemoto house hasn't been started yet. I'm thinking it needs to be a very modern looking house so I'll definitely be asking your guys for ideas!
Really though, isn't it starting to look like a general small town on the verge of becoming a city or something? I could find a neighborhood like this pretty much anywhere in the US. Reminds me of where I grew up, (which has become very depressed and ugly looking now. So sad.)
Best I could manage of a car lift.
Foundation -> frieze -> platform, then removed the foundation and freeze.
Works for me, Danefaith. Is it possible to remove some of the middle out so the car is just resting on it's wheels with the bottom open for the mechanic to work? Probably not because of having to use the car park thing.
Sweet car lift! I'll definitely fiddle around with that. As Joria suggested, perhaps part of the platform could be cut out or substitued for some "Fie Fie Foe Fencing" mesh. Joria, I don't actually have Fast Lane myself, but Ambitions has plenty of garage/fire station-themed stuff I used instead, including tyre piles, tools and traffic cones. There's also the free Fiesta set from the store which has some cool road signs. As for the rest of the building, here's that closer look at the store danefaith requested:
As fun as it was cluttering up the shelves, I'm not really happy with the colour scheme yet. I'd love some suggestions; I've already switched it around four times!
Maybe make the bookshelves red? Otherwise I think the color scheme is fine. Those stores tend to be on the vanilla side anyway. That bookshelf sort of looks like a snack dispenser. I miss those items you could get in Sims 2. I love the way the magazines look!
Have I told you I NEED this for my SV remodel? lol
This is another challenge house. Cinnamon Dreamweaver played the Grandmaster challenge. I built her a small functional house, then expanded it when the challenge was finished. It's sort of a 70s look with the floor and walls done in Cinnamon's signature color, but she's bought new furniture that breaks up that look. I built her a loft bedroom that I rather like. The exterior is nothing special. I'm not great at exteriors.
I like the look of the bedroom in the loft!
I saw in a post awhile back that you said it was okay to start posting 10 pictures in this thread now but the very first post still says 5. I want to show off my house but don't want to break any picture posting rules. Thanks.
Congrats Pam for making me want to play the game now when I can't at the moment... I've got loads of data to check for my term paper.
Anyway, I just LOVE the bedroom! :o I had the similar idea long time ago but somehow I haven't managed to remember it while building some house.
I love that house, Pam! It's very Cinnamon Dreamweaver-ish. ;D
I saw in a post awhile back that you said it was okay to start posting 10 pictures in this thread now but the very first post still says 5. I want to show off my house but don't want to break any picture posting rules. Thanks.
Thanks, Filly. I changed the first post. 10 pictures is the new limit.
Ausette: What I think needs to be done is the shelves need to be lined up into aisles, like you would find in a convenience store or pit store, instead of lined up along the wall.
It took moveobjects on and a bit of maneuvering with alt, but this feels more convenience store like. I maneuvered the fences to the right as keep that line of movement seperate from the aisles - (i was lazy and didn't color it, definitely keep the color you're using now!)
Also, while they clutter is excellent make sure there are a couple of functional items in there as well! That way it serves in game purpose on top of looking realistic.
Hope that helps - and isn't too intrusive. you're doing an excellent job.
@ Pam: Love it! The loft bedroom is the bomb. I would have opted for more of an olive green color to keep with the 70's Cinnamon look but that's just me. I also like the way the furniture gives it a look of "I'm stuck in the 70's but this is my way out", kind of thing. It fits perfectly but gives a hint of her moving along and changing a bit. In transition. And there is nothing wrong with your exterior.
@ Pam: Love it! The loft bedroom is the bomb. I would have opted for more of an olive green color to keep with the 70's Cinnamon look but that's just me. I also like the way the furniture gives it a look of "I'm stuck in the 70's but this is my way out", kind of thing. It fits perfectly but gives a hint of her moving along and changing a bit. In transition. And there is nothing wrong with your exterior.
The green started out as sort of an avocado green in the kitchen, from the 70s. At one point, she had the orange, avocado green and harvest gold. The green in the bedroom is supposed to be the same, but I probably don't have the right avocado shade. I'm glad you got my theme with this! I wasn't sure I was explaining it right. ;D
Thanks for the tips dane, I just spend a while playing around with aisles and car lifts until I got something I liked. Now I just need to package it up for submission to the Swap Shop. I think the Alto Oil Fuel Station is officially finished! :D
That's such a sweet little house, Pam. It's always fun to build a home especially for a favourite Sim, and I love the use of the green and cinnamon colours. Nice bathroom too, by the way. A quick suggestion for the exterior because you said you didn't like it: maybe you could add a pair of two-storey columns just in front of the entrance and extend the roof over them? It'd shelter the front door and perhaps add a bit more depth to the roof overall.
Hi, Pam, lovely house. Very suiting of the theme. I like the lanterns. Are those from Outdoor Living? I need me some Outdoor Living...
Just a note on something I observed. Noticed you had some phantom dados and baseboards on the second floor, where the first floor wall ascends to the second. You might wanna section that part off from the single floor wall textures.
That's such a sweet little house, Pam. It's always fun to build a home especially for a favourite Sim, and I love the use of the green and cinnamon colours. Nice bathroom too, by the way. A quick suggestion for the exterior because you said you didn't like it: maybe you could add a pair of two-storey columns just in front of the entrance and extend the roof over them? It'd shelter the front door and perhaps add a bit more depth to the roof overall.
Thanks. That's an interesting idea. I'll see if I can do it next time I open that file.
Hi, Pam, lovely house. Very suiting of the theme. I like the lanterns. Are those from Outdoor Living? I need me some Outdoor Living...
Just a note on something I observed. Noticed you had some phantom dados and baseboards on the second floor, where the first floor wall ascends to the second. You might wanna section that part off from the single floor wall textures.
Yes, the lanterns are from Outdoor Living. As for the second part, I'm sure that's excellent advice, but I have no idea what it means! ;D
This wall section is using a baseboard and dado, but a baseboard and dado needs to originate from the floor. I assume it goes this way the entire way around.
So what would be beneficial is to use flat walls where the staircase begins and the loft ends, so that you don't have baseboards floating in the middle of a two story wall. The wall texture "barn wall with pilaster' in the panelling section is an excellent means of doing this but there are others.
Excuse the laziness, I grabbed the first wall paper from the bin instead of applying your color palette, lol.
Danefaith you are so good at this kind of thing. I'm in awe. By the way, were you the one who created the Bell Tavern? I used it in my SV remodel but I changed the interior a bit to make it more like the taverns several different family members owned in the past. More bar, (switched the wall it was on), more tv by each side of the bar, more seating and more games plus some arcade games in the little room to the side.
Lol yes I made Bell Tavern. I'm glad it suited your needs, I think I got like 3 downloads on that thing, my first commercial build. Frankly, I built it before I had even taken a Sim to the pre-made bars. ;D
Arg. Posted in wrong thread, hopefully got this right now. This is Redwood Place, home to my Lexington Legacy (generation 22 and counting!). Its two levels with an unfinished basement. Four bedrooms and six bathrooms I can play 8 Sims in this house pretty comfortably. I'm currently working on a mansion for them and when I move them in I was thinking of donating this to the Swap Shop. Built this with just the Base Game in mind but there are a LOT of store items and some promtional items from T-Mobile and Dr. Pepper. Thanks for looking!
(Pam - technically 10 pictures with the help of the collage editer in Photobucket, but if it is too many let me know!)
Filly - you have me totally shocked. That house is by far one of the most (if not the most) fabulous houses I have ever seen. Your creativity and sense of style astounds me! You think so out of the box - it's fantastic! Just WOW
Filly - That.Is.So.AWESOME! I love it!
Please add it to the Swap Shop.
Filly: A few of those shots really jump out at me, and I'm very fond of the exterior shape. Well lit as well.
Hey guys, here's my most recent build. Just the skeleton for now... Having mixed feelings about it atm.
So my selling points are the architectural cube and the wide windows, but beyond that I'm not sure. The windows on the first floor below the cube are a big concern at present, and as much as I'd like to put windows in the cube, its difficult since its pretty much built out of friezes.
Any ideas on what direction I should take it?
Filly, that is literally one of the most stunning houses I've ever seen! Some gorgeous interior design concepts.
A few quick questions:
I love the glass walls around the dining area (upper left hand corner). Are those pillars on the edges of the walls? Did you have to use "moveObjects on" to place them there?
Do you remember where the bathtub in the lower left hand corner came from?
And finally, the screen shots look like they were actually taken from inside the house. How did you do that?
Edit: I also see two, maybe three things which appear to be fireplaces, but I don't see any chimneys anywhere. How did you do that? I'm guessing at least one is decorative (the one with the Eiffel Tower statue in it), but I scoured the store and couldn't find anything even remotely similar, real or otherwise. But either way, where did they come from?
Hey guys, here's my most recent build. Just the skeleton for now... Having mixed feelings about it atm.
Actually, I think that's a nice looking building so far.
What concerns would there be for redesigning the cube so you could put windows in there? I'm not totally familiar with friezes just yet, but as I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong) they're foundations placed on upper floors, right? How would partially reconstructing it with a section of regular walls affect the design?
Hey Hos, I can answer two of those questions. The bath tub is the ultimate bath tub. It's a store item.
As for screen shots, when in live mode, zoom in to a room as close as you can, and then hit the tab key. It puts you into "sim view" and you can get pretty ace shots that way.
As for my cube: the essential problem is as so: it's six "units" of frieze tall. A frieze is 1/3 the size of a wall, so the essential pitfall is that I can add a window, it just won't be centered, unless I add or subtract a frieze. But if I do that, it ceases to be cubic.
It's probably just sweating the nitty gritty details, lol, but that's what I do. I'll toy around with it a little more, see what I can do. If anything, I'll just have to come up with a good use for a windowless room, and there are definitely options there.
Awesome! Thanks for those answers. ;)
It's probably just sweating the nitty gritty details, lol, but that's what I do.
Lol, so I see I'm not alone in this respect.
No prob. Have fun with sim view. Its like Sim photography, only less stressful. ;D Happy building.
Filly, what an awesome build! I see you're lucky enough to have oodles of store content, and gosh are you using it well. Love the use of the Painting skill to decorate and all the other tricky little touches. Your screenshots are also really cool, and the whole project must have taken ages. Very cool. [/gush] :D
danefaith, I love the building and it would make an excellent celebrity mansion, but I have to say this: the cube has me stumped. The best thing I can think of for decorating the cube's exterior would be some nice symmetrical lights, seeing as you can move them freely up and down walls and put them on friezes with moveobjects on. As for the windows underneath it, I actually kind of like them. I guess another option would be to place two of the 3-wide glass windows directly underneath the cube, or to place just two of the narrow windows at the very inside edges like stilts, but I get the feeling that both of those would leave too much white space (and trying to imagine other options is making my head hurt). There's also landscaping to distract from/hide the results if none of that works for you. Cubes aside, I'm lovin' the side windows. The whole building is just a study on the many applications of the frieze. ;)
Oh, and to whomever we're wishing a Happy Birthday, kindest regards to you. ;D
pallyndrone - very humbling, thank you! This is actually the first house that I've ever shared with anyone. You should have seen my houses before this, most were boxes (I still think this counts as one) and everything was the same color. Boring. I spent hours and hours Googling images of Sims houses or real life architecture to get some ideas. I also checked out a lot of the popular blogs and downloaded some houses for research. I have a lot more ideas, just can't do them yet until I install some more expansion packs down the road, as I am making my legacy family place through all the lifetime wishes before I'll install the next one. As for the color and styles, I decided that each room had to be a different color and the furniture had to be a different material from each other. I picked a focus piece (not sure if correct term?) and built a room around it. A lot of times the inspiration came from a painting or a pattern. Pam's hex code guide has been a savior! I'm not a fast builder, I spend hours sometimes just staring at my screen just trying to figure out where to place the walls. You'd be surprised how long this house actually took to build, one or two hours a day for a couple weeks.
Choccolatee - as soon as I figure out how to kick my Sims out without them selling everything I will upload it to the exchange and email Carl. I didn't think to save a copy of the house itself before I moved my Sims in. I mentioned I was going to wait until I had built my Sims their mansion and moved them out but at the rate that I build that could be a month! Let me play around with a backup save file and see if I can do that today.
Danefaith - I think I learned how to take interior shots from here, I love the tab feature. As for the lighting, I was only playing with the base game, but it was always currently patched. I used the area lights in the buydebug section which I think came with the WA patch because I always hated how many lights I had to add to a room just to get it beautifully lit. I learned that trick from SimEve and her Sushi Chef House from the official site.
Hosfac - moveobjects on is your friend! :) I was surprised how much I could actually use it without affecting the playability of items. I did use that code to place the pillars to give the openings a little more of a dramatic look. Not originally my idea, I think it was from one of peacemaker ic's houses, again from the official forum, that I first saw it. I think danefaith answered the question about the tub, but it was a store item called the Ultimate Bath Tub. Also, the fireplaces are fully functional, again I just used moveobjects on to take out the back of the chimney because you can't recolor them and the red brick looked out of place on the outside of the house. Only the one I used in the dining room and the beige bedroom was from the store, called Jubillee. The other ones is the same fireplace just recolored or retextured minus the annoying red brick chimney part, that I am pretty sure came with the base game. I will have to double check.
Ausette - I am a little guilty of owning a lot of store items. I can't help it, I love clutter! Unfortunately I don't think the same items in my house will transfer through to another person's game unless they own them, right? Maybe the next house I build I will try and use only the base game items. I feel fortunate that I discovered these games when I was an adult (now 28) with a good job instead of when I was a teenager and my family lived more frugally. I also bought a lot of the points cards when the base game came out when Best Buy was selling $10 cards for $5. I tell my hubby there could be worse addictions than the Sims!
Oops another for Danefaith - how did you get the cube to extend over the roof? I've seen a lot of houses with features like that but I can't figure out how it was done. I've tried using half walls but you can't place ceiling tiles on them. And I loved the bright green in the picture you used. Going to have to figure out how to use it in my next house.
Unfortunately I don't think the same items in my house will transfer through to another person's game unless they own them, right?
No they won't. In fact, if she were to install that exact house onto her machine, I believe it would cause issues with her game when she tried to play it due to missing objects.
And I would never have guessed that you could even remove the chimneys! My god, I can't tell you how many houses that I've built that I simply did without fireplaces in them for no other reason than I couldn't find a place for the chimney.
Thanks for the answers! You've opened up dozens of new building possibilities that would never have occurred to me.
@danefaith, i love the building, when I first saw it, I thought upscale vampire lounge. The cube could be where all the vampire business goes down. I have not played with vampires to much so I don't know in the game if they are affected by windows like when they are outside. Some creative lighting may help the fact there are no windows.
No they won't. In fact, if she were to install that exact house onto her machine, I believe it would cause issues with her game when she tried to play it due to missing objects.
I remember now. I just downloaded a house with items from an expansion I don't have yet and it looks like this:
Not sure if the print is too tiny but it says "This item has dependencies on EP or SP content that seems to be missing. The missing EP or SP content will be replaced with proxies." :D I'm laughing because I remember when I downloaded a townhouse that had a laundry room from Ambitions it replaced the washer and dryer with a stove! The lot didn't cause any issues with my game play though, it just replaces items you don't have with what you do have however funny or weird it may look.
And I would never have guessed that you could even remove the chimneys! My god, I can't tell you how many houses that I've built that I simply did without fireplaces in them for no other reason than I couldn't find a place for the chimney.
Thanks for the answers! You've opened up dozens of new building possibilities that would never have occurred to me.
Glad to help but I can't claim the chimney idea. Someone used the top of the chimney to place on the ground for a fog effect before Ambtions came out. When I saw that I was like you, now I don't have to deal with that red brick! I'm also learning how to use "alt" as well when it comes to moving or placing items. Again it doesn't effect the function of the item. My Sims can still use the stereo or sit in the chair after I've moved it. I love this game!
The upper portion of the cube is a frieze. Friezes are placed by inputting the "placefriezes on" code and then using the foundation tool.
The upper portion of the cube is a frieze. Friezes are placed by inputting the "placefriezes on" code and then using the foundation tool.
Do you have to use that terrain false code at all or just the friezes one? Thanks!
Nope, just input placefriezes on and the founation tool will lay down a layer of frieze.
I thought I'd share my little tight house I have built for the Alphabeto family:
(Here's a link to a whole album of screenshots) (http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i117/niuri_cigarete/sims_house02/)
Filly, anyone who had deluded themselves into thinking they could build awesome houses has now met the reality of their delusion when they see your house. It is, by and far, the most fabulous modern house I have ever seen. First of all it holds a place in my heart because of how light and bright it is and the variety of colors and textures which never clash, always blend and give an open, airy yet totally comfortable feel to the house. I want to live in this house. The way you have placed items just gives a feel and a flow to this building that makes it a home, as opposed to just a fabulous house. I love it. Like you, I own most of the items the store offers and several freebies from T-Mobile and others. However, I have never used them as creatively and artistically as you have. I have that tub but have always passed it up and used one that seemed more utilitarian. BIIIIIGGGG mistake on my part! You obviously spent a tremendous amount of time building this home. I love SimEve's houses as well! I have her tropical one with the big shark tank in it. Gorgeous. Oh, another really great builder who uses no CC whatsoever is Susie77. (I think that is her name). She is Italian and takes much of her inspiration from where she lives so everything has this awesome sun drenched, Tuscany look to it. She uses a simple palette in her decor but it never looks plain or boring because of the way she places items. It makes you want to move to Italy! I have her Casa Hydrangea and Villa Loren and just go look at them from time to time to drool over them. I'm really hoping you will put this gorgeous home of yours in the Swap Shop. Awesome.
Danefaith: You continue to amaze me with your architectural artistry. I would never think of putting a cube on the front of a house just for effect. As for the windows under it, they make me uncomfortable as well. Feel sort of off balance somehow. I know you will sort it out and it will be perfection. As to the cube itself, other than looking cool, I keep asking myself, why? What is the purpose and is this space usable? If it is built entirely of friezes how can a Sim stand up in it or use it? Or did I misunderstand? As for windows in it, not in the front of it for sure. It would ruin the effect. I so wish we had glass floor panes like in Sims2. Remember building greenhouses? How awesome would it be to have a glass top to the cube? Would a tall, thin window on the side harm the effect of the cube? Might not be able to place it properly because of the friezes.
Niuri that house is adorable! It feels so homey, cozy and comfortable. Can you share some shots of the interior? It reminds me of the house I grew up in. I love the fencing around the front porch. A little different from the usual wood spindle ones and a great choice. I would not have thought of it. The pillars in the front; are they recolors or did you use a frieze? They are perfect for the house but I don't recognize them.
Niuri that house is adorable! It feels so homey, cozy and comfortable. Can you share some shots of the interior? It reminds me of the house I grew up in. I love the fencing around the front porch. A little different from the usual wood spindle ones and a great choice. I would not have thought of it. The pillars in the front; are they recolors or did you use a frieze? They are perfect for the house but I don't recognize them.
I've uploaded the interior screenshots into my photobucket account, there's a link above the picture. And the pillars are a recolor, the only cheat I use is moveobjects since some of the paintings or other decor can't be placed near doors and etc. I really like how the exterior came out too, not the interior though. I had to pack up lots of stuff in it and it came out really tight. I like to have spacious houses mostly :)
EDIT: by the way, some of the stuff is till missing (like the chair next to the desk). I don't use money cheats so I've ran out of cash :D
Well, a little misleading when I say built of friezes, its one level of frieze, followed by a wall and then two more levels of frieze.
pallyndrone - very humbling, thank you! This is actually the first house that I've ever shared with anyone. You should have seen my houses before this, most were boxes (I still think this counts as one) and everything was the same color. Boring. I spent hours and hours Googling images of Sims houses or real life architecture to get some ideas. I also checked out a lot of the popular blogs and downloaded some houses for research. I have a lot more ideas, just can't do them yet until I install some more expansion packs down the road, as I am making my legacy family place through all the lifetime wishes before I'll install the next one. As for the color and styles, I decided that each room had to be a different color and the furniture had to be a different material from each other. I picked a focus piece (not sure if correct term?) and built a room around it. A lot of times the inspiration came from a painting or a pattern. Pam's hex code guide has been a savior! I'm not a fast builder, I spend hours sometimes just staring at my screen just trying to figure out where to place the walls. You'd be surprised how long this house actually took to build, one or two hours a day for a couple weeks.
I know what you mean, I'm always looking for inspiration. The other week we drove up to Perth (state capital) to enrol in Uni and I spent most of the driving time frantically sketching buildings in my notebook. My parents think I'm nuts, they asked if I wanted to switch my course to architecture instead of science :D. It's amazing how much The Sims has opened my eyes to this sort of thing. In particular, this building had me squealing in glee:
The Old Swan Brewery, founded in 1837. Isn't it gorgeous?
Joria - thank you for the kind words! That means a lot coming from you as I have seen your houses on here. I could use some landscaping tips. I gave up on the outside of mine. I did managed to save the lot to my library without the family and emailed it to Carl for the Swap Shop. I'm hoping the paintings go with it as some of the rooms would seem empty without them. I'm jealous of you being able to play the tropical house with the shark tank, I haven't installed Ambitions yet because I'm still playing through World Adventures. I can't wait to try and build my own shark tank! Is Susie77 a member here or the official forum? I could always use more inspiration!
Ausette - I never sketched any buildings but I have taken some photos with my cell phone. My hubby thinks I'm crazy too! I do recognize that building, in Austrailia right? I could get lost in there for a week.
I could use some landscaping tips.
Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,1705.0.html) is a great help section with landscaping, in case you have not seen it yet. I learned many things from it. Have fun with it.
Made minor color changes, and gutted out the first floor on underneath the cube for the carport.
Have an interesting plan for the cube. The carport has an elevator to the second floor, and with such ammenities (perfect for ushering groceries), I'm making the second floor the kitchen, and the cube...
I designed into a moody, modern goth dining room. ;D
@ Filly: Well, could I have been more wrong or what?! Her name is not Susie but Susanna827 and she is on the official forum. I wish she was on ours. She thinks her English is bad but I guarantee my Italian is worse. The most I can say is ciao! lol Do look her up because the houses are amazing. She has one I can't play called La Cascada and it is terrific but the Villa Loren takes my breath away. The brewery is totally awesome! I hope you can do a build with it. Really cool looking.
@ Danefaith: Well, I knew you would do it! I knew you would figure out just what to do with the cube and it's awesome. I'm not much into dark and moody but you have somehow made it work. What a great idea for having the kitchen etc. accessible from the garage via elevator. I'm afraid I'm going to lose a few of the houses I've built because I am so completely annoyed at all the vampires that I really am leaning toward removing Late Night, so that means no elevators for me. With the advent of Outdoor Life the only thing I like about LN now is the elevators.
@ niuri: I saw the photos! I think the interior is very nice. Yes, it is a little tight but not terribly so. You don't get a closed in feeling or a cluttered feeling from it which you can easily do in a small house. I don't usually use money cheats either so I totally understand running out of cash! Way too easy to do and way too hard to get more back at first. I swear I'm going to do a legacy where I DO use some cheats just so I can build the way I want to! lol
Gerrroo - thank you, thank you for for the link!
danefaith -I love how the carport turned out and the ledges under the windows on the right side. Can't wait to try out that frieze cheat!
Will someone please explain again exactly what the frieze cheat is and what it does?
Will someone please explain again exactly what the frieze cheat is and what it does?
Placing foundations on any level besides the ground. It's how he was able to make make the orange cube and the ledges above and below the windows on the right side of his current build. Some quick shots below to illustrate.
I've placed your house, Terribly Intellectual, into my Bridgeport game for Forest Dreamweaver. I just want to say that I LOVE that house. I've converted one of the bedrooms to a nursery. It is an absolutely fabulous place to live. The club on the lowest level is just marvelous! Great job on this!
Placing foundations on any level besides the ground. It's how he was able to make make the orange cube and the ledges above and below the windows on the right side of his current build. Some quick shots below to illustrate.
Thank you. I think I understand. :)
This is my new Tuscany Farm. I would love to share the lot also but I used tons of CC which I don't even remember where I got most of them.
Note : I Love Tuscany ! ;)
(http://s3.postimage.org/1wilkeiro/Screenshot_15.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1wilkeiro/)
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(http://s3.postimage.org/1wlb53zwk/Screenshot_26.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1wlb53zwk/)
veronica, that is a beautiful house, I love the whole look of the place.
It is a shame the house has so much CC, though :(
Wow, Veronica, that is just gorgeous. I agree... shame it has third party custom content. Maybe you would consider building something for our Swap Shop that doesn't have the CC.
And welcome to our Forum. :)
Thanks Ruby and Pam :) My favourite sim family lives here since a few weeks, I went wild while decorating my dream house for them lol But I wasn't planning to show it to other players, I just wanted to do so when I saw this thread. Sure, I will try to build some cute houses for the swap shop too. Just a question is the store CC allowed?
Thanks Ruby and Pam :) My favourite sim family lives here since a few weeks, I went wild while decorating my dream house for them lol But I wasn't planning to show it to other players, I just wanted to do so when I saw this thread. Sure, I will try to build some cute houses for the swap shop too. Just a question is the store CC allowed?
Yep, any the Offical Store CC is allowed, you just have to mention it when you upload, like any EP/SP content.
Another way to do it would be to remove all the items, wall covering and flooring and upload it bare. A lot of times all I'm looking for anyways is the layout of the house, so I could use it for scratch building with a new sim. Sometimes it's just easier to build a house around them than it is to work to earn the money to move into an existing one.
And even if I wasn't scratch building it, I would end up decorating it to my sim's tastes anyways. ;)
Veronica, I just adore your Tuscan farm building! The colours are beautiful and the structure's so clever and realistic. Shame about the CC, but if you clean it out and redecorate it I'd love to download it for my game ;D. How many bedrooms does it have?
On another note, the new Swap Shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/board,21.0.html)'s just started up and I finally got a chance to share my buildings! Here are the links:
- Centennial Flats (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3651.0.html)
- "All the Rave" Dance Club (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3643.0.html)
- Alto Oil Fuel Station (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3647.0.html)
And here's a brand new one, with more info and pictures here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3648.0.html): Rosewood Row, a nice little starter apartment for one or two Sims. I just love the doors and windows from Ambitions, I think they really made the building.
Ausette - I love Rosewood Row. Is that a red brick or did you alter the color? Is looks salmon colored but don't know if it is just the light.
New swap shop? My laziness factor is not looking forward to the reloading process. ;D It certainly is rather clean cut, though.
So i'm continuing my latest creation, and what do you know, I renovated the exterior... again. Lol.
But I'm completely satisfied with it, meaning I can finally move on to the decorating part.
I began with the west wing: this picture is just to give you a sense of how the rooms connect.
the first floor, facing the backyard is my study.
With an elevator going up into the kitchen.
The kitchen exits into the cube feature, which is my moody dining room. I toned down the gothic note just a bit so it wasn't too isolated from the rest of the house.
Also a shot of the carport. On the left is actually the same elevator shoot. I'm going to test to see if a double faced elevator will be functional in game. On the right hand side is utilities [laundry, and the tiny 2x2 at the bottom are the garbage bins] and a door into the study.
Then I started on the east wing with the bedroom.
All that's left is the living room, back yard and a handful of tiny rooms, and I'm done!
Veronica, I just adore your Tuscan farm building! The colours are beautiful and the structure's so clever and realistic. Shame about the CC, but if you clean it out and redecorate it I'd love to download it for my game ;D. How many bedrooms does it have?
On another note, the new Swap Shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/board,21.0.html)'s just started up and I finally got a chance to share my buildings! Here are the links:
- Centennial Flats (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3651.0.html)
- "All the Rave" Dance Club (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3643.0.html)
- Alto Oil Fuel Station (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3647.0.html)
And here's a brand new one, with more info and pictures here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3648.0.html): Rosewood Row, a nice little starter apartment for one or two Sims. I just love the doors and windows from Ambitions, I think they really made the building.
Thank you Ausette :) Actually the building is a "a lot" modified version of one of the EA houses in the housebin but I am happy with how it ended up :) It has 1 master bedroom, 1 bedroom with 2 single beds, 1 tiny nursery and a butler room. I designed it more for the sims who have "loves outdoors" trait :)) Like me ! lol The laundry, nectar making room and the basement are reached from outside.
Sure, I will remove the CC and put it in swap shop soon. Luv your apartments !
Let me introduce you to The Pink Flamingo Dance Club. This is a remodel I made for NAGA who is working on an update to his SV 2.10. It was originally the Grind and about as ugly as they come. I moved a couple of houses on SV beach front in order to make a lot big enough for this and the dive bar I put in next door. I think it really belongs on the beach front and not tucked away somewhere.
This is the top floor. It is a place to sit and cool off after dancing, have a drink, blow some bubbles or play arcade games. No dance floor up here though I could have put in a small one. The blue/green color you see is from the lights, they are not the actual color. The wood railing is a basic, light wood color in normal light. I think the lights came with Haute Hip or something.
The dance floor initially was a big challenge. I did not want to have just one ginormous dance floor but it took awhile to get the spacing right so we could have a really big double bar and two floors. I do not have that cyan colored lighting down here and took the shots with normal light. Inside at night it will have gobo lights going on and maybe stick to the pink/magenta color. Not sure.
I used the Duke bar although I think I maybe should have used one side Duke and one side Dive. I may just change that while keeping the color scheme the same. The wall panels were fun to do. I cleaned up the rusty, corrugated stuff and made it clean, then applied a downloaded pattern over it to give that colorful wall. I used quite a few different downloaded patterns in this one so we may not be able to use it in the Swap Shop. Don't know yet.
There is even an outdoor bar area accessible ONLY from inside the club. I did not put up bouncer barriers but think I might need to.
The bartender accesses the bar from inside as well. This might be a good spot for that Dive bar instead of the Duke. As you can see, the seating is different.
There are pink flamingos everywhere, mostly on pedestals but also in the fountains and as lights on the exterior walls. At night the entire thing glows a bright pink which would surely attract a lot of Sims to come and dance the night away.
Let me know what you think and share any advice.
Yea! I love the new 10 picture rule. Joria, it definitely says dance club. I love the fountains in the front, but I'm always a sucker for water features. The top floor makes me feel like I am in an underwater grotto, it looks/feels right for a club on the beach. I like the splash of color downstairs on the walls. I recognize the dance floors, I think I have the same download. It's one of my favorite patterns.
Thanks, Filly. I think the only changes I might make at this time would be to put an additional dance/bar/beachside lounge area out back where the parking is. I think it would be rather cool to be able to go straight from strolling the beach to dancing, while still outdoors, at the club. Might be nice. You know, grassy umbrellas over little tables and wicker chairs or lounges instead of the pub tables and stools. I've wanted to do something like that for awhile. Complete with firepit, or maybe not. It already would cost a fortune to own this place.
I think the cyan colored lights came from High End Loft. You can change their color by clicking them in Live Mode and selecting a new color (white for normal color).
@ Danefaith- Your latest house looks great! I especially like the dining room. You use flooring and walls in cool ways within your rooms.
Why limit yourself to rugs and paintings? ;D
So building on the grandeur of the bedroom, I stepped it up and used arches into the adjoining three rooms to essentially convert the entire area into a suite.
An antechamber with mini-bar, master bathroom, and a private office.
Then, with the same theme in mind, tackled the area below and created an extensive lounge area with a multi-room rug installment.
I topped off my efforts by tackling the back yard, going for sleek and minimalistic.
And with that, this little scamp is done! :o I'd like your input though for making final touches before I take this one to the cleaners.
Oh my gosh! Danefaith! That house is so beautiful. It reminds me of my aunt's house, though her's wasn't nearly as big and she didn't have a pool or hot tub. In fact she didn't have a yard at all. Maybe I should try recreating it. Hmmm...
It's beautiful, danefaith. I wouldn't change a thing. :)
This is absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Great Job.
It's looks awesome, danefaith! I don't think you should change anything.
Oh wow, everything here looks amazing! I need to go build something worth showing off now.
Haha I won't be making any overwhelming renovations, just adding the finishing touches... which is probably the craziest part of the process. ;D When I spend the most time doing the most miniscule tasks.
I seriously spent like... five minutes on that. :D
I seriously spent like... five minutes on that. :D
I have been guilty of the same thing.
I love the colors and how the carpet/rug is a feature in the house and not just a necessity.
danefaith you continue to amaze me.
Area rugs are my practice area. They're a lot of fun. In my final touches I added a trim and a tiny accent which you'll see in the final product flavor shots.
But with that said, I'm finished! Omg! *collapse.*
Guh. *gets up.* Here's the exchange link and my flavor shots. I hope you enjoy. It's been a great build and all the greater with your support, suggestions and input.
*collapses again.*
edit: b'guh! Before I forget, since I'll likely make a habit out of it, I wanted to express my gratitude to Anushka for sharing her complete gem collection. It's going to be such an asset in my decorating without a doubt. I snuck a few choice gems into this build and they metamorphosed a few key areas from barren to bona fide!
What a beautiful house, danefaith!
I wish I could build that well, but as I can't, I'll settle for gawping at :)
danefaith, you've done it again! The details! The rugs in the bathroom! The use of moveobjects on! I absolutely adore it. The vaguely tropical theme downstairs is just as lovely as the moody dining room upstairs, and the building as a whole goes beautifully with your Patrician house. Amazing use of floor and wall pieces as always (I really need to study your buildings for ideas). The only trouble I had with it was that I didn't own some of the items in it, so they were replaced by the default stuff. Oh, right, and you've made me overuse the word 'adore' on this thread :-\. Great work!
After hearing you express your appreciation of Anushka's gem collection, I feel compelled to link you this (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3154930). It's a collection of sorts of all the artworks your Sim can produce with the Painting skill (the canvases aren't complete, but it took long enough as it was and it contains the right Sim to finish them). It might be helpful if you're after a specific picture to go with a particular theme. I use it quite a bit in my own work. :)
Danefaith, you are very welcome, and Jet Lee is proud that his gems end up in such a beautiful place. You managed to make a beautiful garden without a single flower!
Ausette, I remember Mary Sue and her fainting from all the work! Have you consider finishing the paintings and uploading it to Swap Shop board? And I love your starting modern home, it's wonderful!
Modern? I'm not sure I did that one, I think the modern home was Filly's. Perhaps I will get Mary Sue to finish all the paintings sometime, but right now I'm having trouble with my laptop so probably not soon :(.
I believe I only used two store items, and only one was important to decorating (the other was just a dishwasher, lol!)
I also used content from WA, AM, LN, and HEL, so if you have those, you should be in the clear. If you're missing any of those i can help point out where swaps would be made and give suggestions for chances.
First off I would like to complement Danefaith on yet another wonderful creation. Beautifully done my friend.
Secondly I would like to say that I was inspired by your house and have entered the process of building my own sort of modern home.
This is the original front view. I wasn't really feeling the carport in the front. It obstructed the view of the actual house too much for my taste, but at the same time I kind of wanted to put one there. Eventually taste won over wants and I removed it. Now it looks like this:
No more carport. Though now I kind of want to put it back. I also am not feeling the light wood door. Some advice on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a side view where you can kind of see the inside. The stairs haven't been recolored because I'm not entirely sure what the color them for the inside will be. Probably and orange/blue/green ocean theme with yellow and purple accents. Still debating on that.
This is the back view. I kind of like the red brick popping out against the yellow and gray stone, though I think it may be a bit too bright. After staring at the jacuzzi area I realized how much I dislike the brick work and after I finish this post I'm going to change it so there is no need to concern yourselves over that detail for now.
Another aspect I realized I'd have to tackle would be the landscaping. Even though it's one of the last things I usually do. Not looking forward to that at all.
So, I was feeling the urge to build, and then my Sim maxed their visa points in China - so, we had enough money for a vacation home. I bought a small lot nearby the forbidden city and got to work. It's small because I hate bringing lots of people on vacation, but I love the way the outside turned out.
And then the inside - it's a little bit of mix. I wanted it to be simple, happy but also a little bit foreign-looking since it's in China. But the TV, kitchen stuff, bathroom and bed are all great, since that'll just make the vacations easier.
Hope you enjoy!
@Shenice93: I personally think it looks better without the carport. But if you want my advice, you should use less brick and more stucco finishes if you want to go for that modernist look. Also, maybe go with metal or glass railings, because the wooden fencing doesn't really seem to fit with what you have going on style wise. But it looks really nice from a design aspect...at least from the outside. Perhaps you could post some interior shots so we can see the layout?
@AmeliaAnne: I really like how the house looks tiny on the outside, but your open floor plan makes it look huge on the inside. And I've always liked that wall covering you used on the exterior, but I never really saw how I could use it. But I think I may have to find a way to do so now lol. I think you used it to good effect.
@: Danefaith: You have absolutely no idea how badly I was hoping you were going to put that house in the swap shop lol! I'm off to download it now. :P
Edit: Oops, it's on the exchange. Well, I'll download it as soon as I can get into it.
Danefaith: MINE! MINE! It's all mine now. Muwahahahah! I think I always download your houses but this one is so completely perfect it's GOT to go into my SV remodel. I love it.
@Hosfac- I'm glad that I inspired you to use a new wall covering - I tried to have fun with it, and I felt like it looked the most foreign in the right way for the house.
If you're interested in writing articles for the Guide about building and construction, I'm sure Carl would love to discuss it with you. Send me a private message if you're interested and I'll give you some more information.
If you're interested in writing articles for the Guide about building and construction, I'm sure Carl would love to discuss it with you. Send me a private message if you're interested and I'll give you some more information.
I think danefaith would do a great job on writing a building guide!
I don't know why I went so crazy about this. But well, there are only really small details left, but mainly it's done :)
Lol, and you were trying to get someone else to do it for you?
That is utterly amazing! It looks like a lot of custom content went into building it, but the results are staggering! Perfect in almost every detail, from the typewriter (cash register) in the main all, all the way to the raven puzzle room. It's a true work of art.
Was the table in the dining hall custom content, or was that a move objects trick?
Lol, and you were trying to get someone else to do it for you?
That is utterly amazing! It looks like a lot of custom content went into building it, but the results are staggering! Perfect in almost every detail, from the typewriter (cash register) in the main all, all the way to the raven puzzle room. It's a true work of art.
Was the table in the dining hall custom content, or was that a move objects trick?
Lol yep, I think I wasn't expecting it would turn out like this. I tried to stick to the right colors, wallpaper, floors etc room by room. Except those magenta areas that no walkthrough player ever enters. I barely remember how those places looked like but i need to see the exact place to feel comfortable. The table is a move objects trick for sure. There's no way to find a table 12x4 sim squares lol.
And nowwwwww, it's on youtube :D lmao I feel so spoiled :))
AWE SOME!!! What an incredible amount of work went into that.
And the music in your video? "Moonlight Sonata." You've pretty much thought of everything lol.
wow veronica! That mansion is practically perfect! :) You did an amazing job.
Wow wow wow! That Spencer Mansion is super cool, you better believe I'll be showing that to my gamer friends, great job veronica!
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you like it :)
This is a WIP I'm working on:
Any advice, tips, comments? I could do with the help. :)
That house is looking adorable so far. From the pictures you have given us so far, I believe that the windows could use some recoloring and a style change. They seem too modern for the style of the house, especially the back windows. Also I think you should change the direction the wood goes on you exterior walls. Right not it looks like a repeated pattern. If you change the direction to horizontal it will look more continuous. I look forward to seeing what you do next.
The French villa for my traveler.
And my work in progress, for my legacy heir's brother and his family. The outside is mostly done, and all the walls are done inside, but no decorations or furniture yet:
My current WIP. I'm going for modern with a sort of mountainous element with the wood. A little uncertain about the angles in view 2 and second guessing myself on using frieze for the balcony. Thoughts on this?
WOW! Danefaith that looks absolutely awesome! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
That looks cool! What about a column under the Balcony like just a 1x1 Square Wall Section, to make it look more sturdy or something, it looks great as it is! On Pic1 the Brick work in the middle looks a little odd? Darker in the middle?
Good suggestions, I'll apply them.
Actually using metal in the gray regions, but I understand what you're saying about the colors. I'll tweak them a bit.
Whimsical Cottage
I built this a few months ago not long after the Alice in Wonderland inspired looking glass set was brought out. The gnomes on the lot are a real pain though, I kept finding them in the bathroom. ;D
Living Room
Kitchen & Dining Area
It is cc free and here is the link to it if anyone wants a better look.
@AmeliaAnne: From your screenshots, your buildings are lovely. I really like what you've done with the porch and roof on the legacy house. :)
@LoveEvil: That's so cute! I especially like the path and front garden and the decoration in Bedroom 1. I'm thinking about the windows and doors though, perhaps you could find something a bit more cottage-y?
@danefaith: I always love seeing your latest projects :D. I agree with Thomas about putting a column under the balcony, but apart from that it'd be hard to improve. I love the gritty wood texture you've used for the exterior and I can't wait to see how you furnish it: I'd really like to see an artsy, industrial sort of theme inside with a loft of some sort. But that's just me. :)
Very nice job on that cottage. That whimsical set looks good when it's matched and colored like that. It makes me want to buy the set.
I've been wanting to create an inventor modeled after a particular anime character for some time now. But I've been having difficulty trying to figure out how to recreate some of the visuals from the house, because they just didn't translate over well into the sims. But after some thought and a bit of work, I finally did it.
This is one of the only pictures I had to work with:
This is the home of Winry and Pinako Rockbell, also known as Rockbell Automail, from the animated series: "Full Metal Alchemist." It takes place in a country very similar to early 1900's Europe in a world governed by Alchemy as a physical science, as opposed to physics in ours. Automail is a mechanical prosthetic limb replacement that is grafted into a person's remaining nerves, allowing the user to regain full usage of their body after an amputation (except they have no sense of touch with it).
The first thing I noticed is that the second floor isn't exactly a floor at all. It's more of an attic, and since there were actually bedrooms up there, an attic space would be rather difficult to work with. Likewise, there were some serious size continuity errors between the outside and the inside. The characters in question were seen in their bedrooms, eating at the dinner table, and working in a somewhat spacious workshop...but with such a small house, I couldn't imagine that there would be enough room inside of it for all those amenities (this is not to even mention bathrooms, and asside from an outdoor shower faucet, you never actually saw one). Likewise, you never see enough of the interior (as the characters living in the house are not the main characters) to get any sort of an idea of the layout.
So, it required some rethinking and artistic license with the floor plan to put it into form in the Sims 3:
Since you never actually see with any real certainty what's inside the brick add-on section of the house, I assume it's supposed to be the workshop area. Since there wasn't enough room for what I wanted to do with it, I took some more artistic license:
I'm likewise going to stick with a washer/clothes line set up to try and maintain as much of the low tech feel as possible. And the stairs lead to the actual workshop:
I used several Fast Lane Stuff items to give it the "gear head" feel that the Rockbell workshop had, plus I added a couple of extras:
A simbot recharging station (an idea stolen completely and shamelessly from Ausette...thanks again by the way lol)...
And an emergency shower stall for quick posterior extinguishing after an inventing explosion.
The living part of the house still needs some work. I've got to find some reference materials for wall and floor coverings. I also need to fiddle with the color of the siding a bit to get a lighter yellow.
danefaith - getting my popcorn and sitting back to watch what happens. :)
Hosfac - I tried to build a house from a blueprint and gave up shortly. Can't imagine the work that went into that house from just an exterior shot. Have you tried using the hex code link that Pam posted to find that perfect yellow?
My original plan was to just eye it up, but only because I forgot abut that thread lol. Thanks for reminding me about it!
I had to do a bit of rework on the automatic sim extinguisher. After testing it for the screenshot, it made a puddle in the back that Winry and Pinako couldn't get to, and as a result they became utterly obsessed with mopping it up. No matter what I sent them to do, that puddle became #1 priority again the moment they were finished. So I had to add a way to deactivate it so they could get to any puddles that were made, and then reactivate it after the clean up.
I added two holes in the walls, and set them up as hidden switches. The one on the left makes the steam trap go dormant and hidden, allowing access to any puddles for easy clean up and eliminates the need for feet stomping on their behalf. The hole on the right will rearm the steam trap, making it ready for use again.
For effect, I'd like to tie the color of the light above the trap to the state of the trap (green for active, and red for inactive), but I'm not completely sure how to do it. If anyone knows, I'd appreciate it if you could pm me to explain it to me. ;)
Shift click the light and select, "add the ability to add triggers and activated behaviors."
Shift click the left trigger and select, "link triggers --> hidden switch." Then, shift click the light and select, "link to activated behavior ---> light: set color red."
Now, do the same with the right trigger, "link triggers --> hidden switch." Shift click light, "link to activated behavior ---> light: set color green."
And voila, the power state will be reflected by its color.
So really, lights are no different than the traps then? Wow, this is easier than I thought lol.
Ausette, thank you. I understand where you are coming from with the doors and windows. I wanted to use all the items from that set when I built this so I was kinda stuck on having to use those windows, to be honest I don't mind them so much. I am not a fan of the door though but as it had the small glass panes in it, it was the best match for the windows. lol.
Pam, thank you. I only realized the other day myself that the single bed I used could be completely recoloured. Up until then I thought we were stuck with it having that square pattern on scroll frame of it.
LoveEvil, first, has anyone welcomed you to the forum? Welcome!
I adore the cottage! I have completely remodeled the nectar making shack in the abandoned nectary to be a little girl's dreamhouse, all with that wonderful set. I did have to use a few extras, like curtains, from other things, but for the most part I used all of the two sets items. I just wish there were more! I left my things in shades of yellow since that is her favorite color, but your use of a deep red/burgundy and white is perfect! The garden area is adorable and totally fits in with the scheme of the cottage. I LOVE the windows and that tall table with the lamp on it. Is that lamp a Flora's Funky lamp or part of the set? I admit I haven't looked for that except for the teapot lights. I used the queen's bathroom stuff in my bathroom but the more modern stuff you used fits in just right as well. Now I have to try and do another but this time with recolors and more than just one, huge room. Great job.
danefaith, I agree with the shades of grey needing tweaking and a post under the frieze but it's looking to be another masterpiece. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
@Hosfac: I love Full Metal Alchemist! I'm so excited to see the finished product when your done. Will you be uploading it to the swap shop? If so I would love to download it! :D
It's been a while since I shared any houses on here. Well anyway my latest WIP is now complete.
Here's the front. I didn't change much. Changed the doors and the coloring of the railings and did a little bit of landscaping. I must say I am getting better with landscaping considering before I used to just place a tree and call it a day. ;D I feel proud of myself.
The back view. I changed a lot back here. The red brick is no more and changed the hideous stone flooring underneath the hot tub. Look more landscaping. The tree is blocking the firepit/seating area I spent close to 30 minutes arranging.
First floor layout. The laundry area took me forever! I'm not even sure why though.
Second floor took even longer than the first. Curse me and my darn eye for detail.
Dining (somewhat) and office. I arranged and rearranged that office like five times before coming up with that.
I absolutely love this little hidden library. It was a last minute design. I realized I had this blank space with nothing in it, so I figured "Why not?"
The master bedroom! I would seriously sleep in there. Actually I would sleep anywhere in this house, even the floor.
A nursery! This was going to be the original laundry room, but I changed it. I really love the giraffe painting. Giraffe's are so cute! :D
This is my favorite room. I admittedly have an obsession with the color teal as this house is practically varying tints and shades of that one color with a few exceptions. This dressing room is not one of them.
The spare bedroom. I love the pattern on the couch. I had it saved in my favorites, but I don't remember where I used it last. So now I'm on a hunt to find it.
Here's the swap shop link:
http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3865.0.html (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3865.0.html)
Hope you enjoy! :D
I added two holes in the walls, and set them up as hidden switches. The one on the left makes the steam trap go dormant and hidden, allowing access to any puddles for easy clean up and eliminates the need for feet stomping on their behalf. The hole on the right will rearm the steam trap, making it ready for use again.
@Anyone who knows, that pattern (on the Simbot Recharging Station), is it a custom one, or an in-game one?
@Anyone who knows, that pattern (on the Simbot Recharging Station), is it a custom one, or an in-game one?
Look in the geometric category. You'll find a pattern about half ways down that looks like a white and red diagonal. Simply recolor it into the desired motif.
That's exactly the one I used. Look for a "Flat Wall" or a "Simple Flooring" to apply it to as both of those only have one section to recolor and don't have their own texture that will be super-imposed on it.
I actually use pool walls myself. If you apply the same texture to both channels, the margin between them is seamless. Looks identical to flat walls, only 5 simoleons cheaper per unit, which can really add up in large houses.
I would have never thought of that lol. That's why I love this place...you folks are wonderful!
I've built my first "house"! By house, I mean, house that nobody shall live in, in a save I intend to not play... if that makes sense.
The link to the gallery is here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=177)
Please give me feedback; I'm not a very good builder.
I wouldn't say it was a terrible house for a first build. It's definitely better than my first lol. I think it could use a couple more windows. I'm not sure if there's an actual "rule" on that, but the one I try to follow is to put at least one in each wall of a room when that wall is adjacent to the outdoors. It also helps a lot with daytime lighting.
My first build was a box. I'm sure of that.
This is my first house that nobody shall live in. It is there aesthetically. Also, something to plop into other games. ;)
Wow that first build is way better than my own. My first "mansion" look a lot like the houses little kids draw. A box with a triangle on top. I have to agree with Hosfac about the windows. I looked at your pictures in the gallery and the interior looks good as well. My only thing is I'm not exactly clear on the purpose of the electricity, steam, and fire traps. I know the electricity could be used as a simbot charging station, but I'm not sure about the others.
The steam trap is for explosions with the inventing bench, and the fire trap is there to... Create custom ghosts. I've got to put a rug on that one. (So it catches alight).
oooooh! I feel a little slow now. :D
It's amazing what landscaping can do to ease your nerves about an exterior. So I aimed to complement the existing vicinity of the lot and went mountainous and woodsy with hints of modern.
In the back I trimmed the upper patio down to a walkway for a hefty first floor patio area.
Particularly happy with how this landscaping installment turned out so here's a close-up.
So how about them loft spaces? I dabbled with a bit of industrial motif but a sort of cabin/modern ended up prevailing. I might go back and try just a little bit of industrial. I actually replaced that flame statue with one of the metal sculptures from ambitions sometime after taking this screenshot so... who knows. ;D
Rounding out my efforts for the night, directly underneath the loft I built a suite of rooms serving as the master bath. Includes an antechamber with washer/dryer, leading to the toilet (accessible to guests) first left, and through the curtains, into the dressing room and bath.
I love what you do with the rooms. The bathroom with a dressing room looks awesome! Likewise, the landscaping compliments the exterior nicely.
LoveEvil, first, has anyone welcomed you to the forum? Welcome!
I adore the cottage! I have completely remodeled the nectar making shack in the abandoned nectary to be a little girl's dreamhouse, all with that wonderful set. I did have to use a few extras, like curtains, from other things, but for the most part I used all of the two sets items. I just wish there were more! I left my things in shades of yellow since that is her favorite color, but your use of a deep red/burgundy and white is perfect! The garden area is adorable and totally fits in with the scheme of the cottage. I LOVE the windows and that tall table with the lamp on it. Is that lamp a Flora's Funky lamp or part of the set? I admit I haven't looked for that except for the teapot lights. I used the queen's bathroom stuff in my bathroom but the more modern stuff you used fits in just right as well. Now I have to try and do another but this time with recolors and more than just one, huge room. Great job.
danefaith, I agree with the shades of grey needing tweaking and a post under the frieze but it's looking to be another masterpiece. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Thank you for the welcome and the nice comments. The lamp is the crazy tall lamp from the hourglass set. I am thinking I might have to do another one too that includes the bathroom stuff but can't decide on colours either. Do you have any pictures of the one you made? Would be interested to them if you do. :)
danefaith, I like the colours and style of your build. The landscaping works well with it too.
I felt like doing some buidling today and I lao dup my game to find out that my Buiding Save Game with all my projets and WIPs etc. is broken. Such a bummer! :( I was even starting to like my Club that I was building. :-\
That sucks samoht! That has happened to me a couple of times and I know the feeling. I think I cried a little when one of the files had this really big superstar/california/beach house I was working on. I felt like dying after that.
This is exactly why I always maintain multiple saves of every game (at different times, in case of bugs), and I keep backups of all my saves on a flash drive and update the backups daily. I've had this happen far too many times. :(
I made this just now but I don't know, it looks a bit of a heap to me. Even if it is still just a WIP. :-X
I think that house has a very interesting look about it. What really strikes me is the open entrance way.
Very interesting place samoht! I'm not quite sold on the railing on the roof. It seems a bit much too me. Other than that it looks amazing.
Yeah I only put it there because there will be a roof deck but probably on the right of the building. There is a large Courtyard in the middle of the House after that Archway as well. The left side is the main house with a few rooms on the right.
@ danefaith: I want it. I think I need to create a world that is just your builds. A completely modern, future seeming town with people who live well and in style in the gorgeous buildings you build. I think this particular one is my favorite so far, and mostly because of the landscaping. Not that the entire building isn't awesome, it's just that little garden area with the hot tub struck a chord with me. I love the loft also, but I think I'd put the stone sculpture back. Not fond of industrial/metal stuff.
@LoveEvil: I'd be glad to post some pictures but unfortunately the picture gallery isn't working for me. It's all in Russian. Carl said he was going to work on fixing it when he got back from his trip. I tried the F5 thing and that didn't help. Why they think I'm Russian is beyond me. It started when I went to see Naga's extra photos from 2.1. He's in Russian too. I just redid the dynasty mansion and made Christmas Thyme's room an Alice in Wonderland room. I'm not totally happy with it but as time goes on I'll refine it a bit. It's all in shades of yellow which may be part of my problem since I dislike that color. It rather hurts my eyes to look at it even with those cute things in it. I didn't recolor anything except the tub and blankets on the bed.
@samoht: I feel your pain! I hate it when I lose good files that way. I do like the looks of your new build. I don't mind the railings on top but maybe try a lighter style or go with a half wall?
@ Samoht: *shivers and backs up his files.* Guh, corrupt files are like horror stories.
@ Joria: I'm glad it did hit a chord! I really wanted to tackle a more complex landscaping installment this previous works and, you know, actually use flowers for once. :D
And you might have it soon enough because I'm rolling along. today I tackled the rest of the second story.
So, one gigantic open floor plan: check. I tasked it primarily as the den with a bit of hallway in between the stairwell to the first floor and the stairs to the loft. Added a little fountain installment with chairs peering out the windows. Obviously made a few changes to this area in between the first and second shot, lol.
It all leads to the den area with grand piano, nice seating and a mini-bar behind the television...
...with some reeeally nice mood lighting. ;D
That looks great, danefaith. The pink den really pops!
Thomas, I'm so sorry about your save file :(. I feel your pain; my computer crashes constantly and occasionally wipes a whole save out of my game. Don't worry though; it seems like a big loss at the time, but I find that I actually do a better job on the second time round when I'm rebuilding. I'm sure you'll bounce back OK, good luck. :)
I like what I see, danefaith. A man who can use pink and make it work is a man who has talent in my book :D. The softer colours in the living area wouldn't have occurred to me, but it all goes so nicely with the woods and metals and it makes the space look even bigger. I love how open the whole place is, what a view!
Did you try to recover your backup within the game?
danefaith - wow. I love your use of colour. That subtle pink is gorgeous.
samoht - a lot of windows! Doesn't look too bad though. I like your interesting overall shape.
May I ask what WIP stands for?
It's probably something really simple, but I've never seen the term.
Here's my dynasty house that I just finished rebuilding. I'm yet to furnish it, but this is the outside all done. I've never really tried to build a proper house before. It's usually just one big square. So this is my first attempt at a nice-looking house (at least I hope it's nice-looking :D).
Edit: I recoloured the house and fixed up a few things. Here is a picture of it. I'm open for advice :)
And here's a picture of the outdoor area. It's fairly simple, but the reason I rebuilt the house was because it had too many items in it.
May I ask what WIP stands for?
It's probably something really simple, but I've never seen the term.
WIP = Work In Progress :)
WIP = Work In Progress :)
Thanks Fleur :)
Did you try to recover your backup within the game?
I have just done a reinstall and stupidly didn't copy any of the back ups and so they went with the rest of the files. I know that was stupid. :(
@danefaith: You used my favorite colors!!!! Now I love it even more. Man, I can just see my Simself sitting all comfy gazing out at the scenery with a refreshing beverage close to hand. Sigh. It's really, really lovely.
@ Alexandria: I love your house! Can't wait to see the whole thing once it is completed inside. You are going to do a bit more landscaping out front, right?
So I took a deep breath and decided to share one of my latest WIP's on here. I'm not a fantastic builder, I prefer to keep things simple, but I'd like your thoughts on this one.
So this is the front, and the front yard, of what I'm working on at the moment. The inside has been built, but I'm completely redoing it. This is my first shot at some serious landscaping and I'm still working on it. Thoughts?
EDIT: As a thought, I'd love to recolor the windows, but have no idea what color they should go.
OMG! This is exactly like the house I grew up in! No kidding. Except we had a willow tree in front. Of course, I love it. Wow. Did that bring back memories.
Ok, to be more explicit. I find the house charming and the landscaping is lovely. For the windows if you could do some with shutters I think that would kind of pop it up a bit. It's rather cottagey/Cape Cod looking and the shutters would be really nice and keep with the charming appearance. I'm a sucker for picket fences by the way and it really enhances the whole look of this build. Try putting some bark dust around the shrubs/trees and flowers. The planting lining the path to the house needs more color and flowers. I suggest purple pansies and white daisies or something white and rounded. Keep the pink flowers as well. Using the low to the ground flowers will be pretty and not make the path feel closed in. You can put taller plants in other areas. Or you could go with roses or banana leaf. All in all it's well done.
On a different note. I had mentioned I was redoing my dynasty house and needed help. I don't want to double post the pictures so if anyone wants to take a look and give me some advice go here:
Simplicity can be beautiful all on it's own, and that house is quite charming, DeNile.
Personally, I would stick with the brick on the garage, but I'd change the wall covering on the living area to clapboard so it matches the upstairs. You could even use one of the siding styles with an edge-border where the brick meets the siding to add a bit of definition, although without doing it I'm not totally sure how it would look.
I think the landscaping looks really nice for a WIP, although it seems a little...puffy (I guess) by the tree outside the fence. I would suggest possibly getting rid of the big bushes behind it, and possibly going with some shorter ground cover type flowers. You could also use the move objects cheat to bunch the shorter flowers up to make it look like a bed, and accent the ground below it with one or more of the floral terrain paints to make it look fuller and add depth to it.
I would also suggest using the individual roof elevation adjuster to even out the roof on the second floor. All you need to do is click the button next to the "Remove All Roofs" button, and you can "drag" individual sections like you do wall decorations.
And if you were looking for a new color for the windows, it's hard to go wrong with white. ;)
@Joria, thanks for the advice on the landscaping! It really helped, now I'm just trying to figure out what you meant by shutters. Are they on their own or are they windows themselves??
@Hosfac, actually, I based this house on the neighborhood I live in, where second story additions are common, they're usually siding instead of the first story brick, but thanks for the advice. Puffy? Hmm, I'll see what I can do about that... I'd even out the pitch on the second floor, but when I do I get gaps or a funny pitch line of the second floor. :P
@Hosfac, actually, I based this house on the neighborhood I live in, where second story additions are common, they're usually siding instead of the first story brick, but thanks for the advice. Puffy? Hmm, I'll see what I can do about that... I'd even out the pitch on the second floor, but when I do I get gaps or a funny pitch line of the second floor. :P
Ok, I didn't realize you were going with a particular theme in mind. ;) And yeah, I get the gaps sometimes too and suspected that might be why you hadn't done it. Occasionally when I get gaps, I can get them to go away by adjusting the entire height of the roof a little bit. A lot of times, however...it doesn't work lol.
So, after a bit more work with the landscaping and toning down the 'puffiness', this is what I have. I still need to do something about those windows, but I want to figure out these flowers first.
Firstly, I got rid of the big bushes by the tree and used two smaller ones and some ground flowers for effect. I also used the light dirt paint to get some realism. Secondly, I extended the path border over to the second path leading to the driveway and added flowers there. I also changed the flower scheme a bit and, while I feel it's sparse, it's a nice improvement. I also added a smaller tree on the other side of the driveway near the bush for some extra foliage, and added some flowers and rocks there. There's also a bush up in the garage fencing that's new, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I just wanted something else in that empty space.
EDIT: Hmm, looking at the first tree I still think it's too much. I need to tone that down a bit more. Thoughts?
Pull the larger bushes closer to the tree. They're extending the perimeter of the landscaping installment too far beyond the tree, which is what I feel is causing this sense of, well, "poof." Pulling them in closer might assist.
As for your window, try slighter taller windows above the garage, like ventana suave, and I would echo Joria's suggestion of shutters. The two windows on both sides of the front entrance I think could be two square large windows: like Sir Cunningham window.
For window alignment, I follow a few guidelines for traditionals. Line your second story windows up with your first story windows and exterior doors, and don't put windows right next to corners. Try to be symmetric when plausible.
Pressing on, I tackled the first floor!
The foyer in a nice modern asian with the prevailing wine and pink colors.
Attached to the foyer is a bathroom and tool room where the trash cans are.
Continuing through the open floor plan you see the dining area. I connected a bunch of tables to create a ring shape with a tiny slit. Underneath the table are floor lights, so light shines up through!
Of course the kitchen.
On the other side of the grand foyer is a closet, the elevator and snooker room.
There was a mischievious 2x2 slot that didn't incorporate into the space of any of the adjacent rooms, and instead of leaving it as blank space, I turned it into a functional sort of closet: basically a tastefully cluttered 2x2 with the world adventures treasure chest in it, so that it actually serves as storage space.
Now I could declare myself done, but I felt adventurous and built a basement to install a few occupational rooms.
I like to ask myself: If I were the resident of the house, what would be my lifetime wish? I answered that question with Descendant of Da Vinci by adding a laboratory and sculpting studio.
As much as you've enjoyed this one Joria, I hope the griity industrial ammenities down here don't stave your interest too much, hehe!
The laboratory features the ever popular simbot recharging station and an emergency shower. Fad-tastic! ;D
And... PHEW! Now I'm done! Your final words are appreciated. I'm going to do a final round of touch ups before calling it finito.
@Danefaith- Your new house is amazing! I really like the way you stashed away the trash cans and how you built the storage room. The backyard also looks great. Simbot recharging stations really do seem to be the latest fad, but they are practical. Could you show a closer shot of the kitchen?
@DeNile- That house is very charming. I love the look of the brick and siding. Be sure to post pictures of the interior once you're done. :)
Thanks Micler, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And glad you liked the 2x2 rooms. They were inspired by the most potent force of all: anger. ;D I absolutely hate those trash cans! It feels like no matter where I plop them in the landscaping they're going to detract from the overall quality. One day I just created a little 2x2 on a build and hid them away, and the tool room evolved from there.
Here's some better shots of the kitchen btw, hope they help:
I...I...think I'm in love...with that kitchen! ;D
Thanks, Danefaith. The kitchen looks great, along with the rest of the house! :) My only suggestion would be to not have the bar counter extend into the drink rack along the wall.
Looks goofy? I was trying to make it look like the rack was an extension of the counter, but... yeah most people aren't agreeing. ;D one hair brained scheme to scrap, lol.
Yeah, the trash cans irritate me also. I usually just put them at the end of the walkway, by the sidewalk. It's much more efficient to have them right in the house, though, and it looks realistic. I see what you were going for in the kitchen, and it's a good idea. Too bad the rack covers so much of the cabinet.
I absolutely hate those trash cans! It feels like no matter where I plop them in the landscaping they're going to detract from the overall quality. One day I just created a little 2x2 on a build and hid them away, and the tool room evolved from there.
I was having this identical thought just today as I was laying the plans for my legacy house! Occasionally, I can make them fit into the general scheme of things (and by "occasionally," I mean almost never), but usually I just have to grit my teeth and endure their presence. It was especially true with my legacy, because I was going with the optional "family trait" rule, and the trait was eco-friendly. I could have tolerated maybe a recycle bin, but that regular trash can was irking me to no end whatsoever.
Now, I don't have to tolerate either! I'm glad they don't have the money to start any serious building yet lol.
Thanks heaps Joria ;D
I might work on the front a bit after my dynasty game has finished. The main point of the house was to have less clutter and unneeded objects so that my game would stop crashing.
And Danefaith, I really like your house!
danefaith - your house is awesome as always - except for that room with the foosball - i must admit I don't like that one at all.
denile - altogether your house looks quite charming. I would recommend changing the windows as already suggested (white with shutters - some windows come with shutters, and I think there are also some separate shutters under curtains). I find the tree with all the multi-coloured flowers to the left outside the fence to be quite distracting. I would only have a tree and bush there, myself. But over all, I like. I wouldn't change the clapboard/bricks.
Oh lol the snooker room? I was running out of room ideas. :D
danefaith - your house is awesome as always - except for that room with the foosball - i must admit I don't like that one at all.
I don't think the room looks bad...just a little bit "full."
It was sort of a shot in the foot. When I added the green bedroom and elevator, instead of a stairwell, I had to fit in a sliver of a room on the first floor where the stairwell would have otherwise been. Gym didn't look right, too small to be a laboratory, and too inconvenient to be a bedroom. I ended up just stuffing it with two interactive items I hadn't used yet: foos ball and the chess set.
I removed the foos ball table and I have to agree, it feels a bit more open and inviting. besides, I hate foosball. :D
Thanks for the assessment.
I just didn't like the colour scheme - the leopard skin with the green rugs :S
Lol! I freely admit that sometimes my color choices are a little insane. Although I did try an alternative color sofa.
I admit, easier on the eyes, but sans the clutter and leopard print, it feels like its missing something now...
Any suggestions?
danefaith, could you resize the picture?
Maybe it's missing a TV.
danefaith it looks much better. The couch is a little bland, but it's not bad. Good job :)
Lol, rock and a hard place...! slightly bland, or slightly ballistic? I'll figure something out. So close, so close to the finish line! But that's when the details become marathons in and of themselves.
Hey it's not such a big deal. In the end it's what you want it to be that matters. You don't have to listen to every bit of advice if you don't want to. :P
Oh no I definitely understand. But this room in particular wasn't very strong in my eyes and so I'm particularly engaged in the comments. :D Every different perspective expands my understanding of what I did and why I did it.
I like the plain room more than the leopard print room too. I think it looks nice with the plain coloured couch :)
I admit, easier on the eyes, but sans the clutter and leopard print, it feels like its missing something now...
Any suggestions?
Actually, I was thinking that you should leave the Foosball table and relocate the chess board.
Color scheme wise, I must say I really like the new room. I think the couch could use a pin stripe pattern or a subtle checker pattern. I'm leaning more towards vertical pin stripe but that's just me.
So a few pages back I posted the landscaping to my current house, I took some of the advice and this is what my outside now looks like:
So as you can (hopefully) see, I swapped out the windows on the front for both the second and first floor, on the first because I needed bigger windows. On the second floor I've added gray shutters along the front of the house, the windows were swapped out so that the shutters matched up properly with the window height. The landscaping has hopefully been depoofed a bit and the backyard is underway as well.
I've also moved inside now, trying to figure out how to divide up the first floor properly was tricky, especially with two sets of stairs, one up and one down, and a door leading to the garage. But I think I figured out a layout I'm satisfied with.
This first picture is a full on view of the first floor, as you can see I've got two staircases instead of one, which makes things a little trickier. I tried to stay neutral and calming, the blue seems to fit quite well. I also had some fun with the fireplace, I've never recolored to so many things before!
The kitchen makes use of the railed half-walls, which I feel provides a nice separation from the living/dining area. The extra tile of wall of each side is where I'm keeping the little trash bin and the little recycle bin, plus it keeps the kitchen looking comfortable instead of cramped. Looking at it now I might add an extra counter along the outside wall...
The living area is mostly a sitting area at the moment, I felt a television or stereo was out of place in this little home, though I'll probably add one later anyways. Everything is color coordinated, I hope, and I feel it looks pretty good so far.
Granted, this is still very much a work in progress and any opinions would be helpful. (Praise would be happily accepted as well.) So, thoughts?
Wow DeNile, that is looking very cozy now! I like it.
The landscaping around the tree looks fantastic, plus the shutters and new windows were a good call! But I would start calling the front yard "done" at some point soon, before it becomes a little too busy ;).
The interior looks quite comfortable for such a small house. But it might be a good idea to move the rug and bookcases a bit away from the fireplace. Not so much from a design point of view, but a sim-safety point of view. Unless you add the "Fireproof" Handiness upgrade to some fireplaces, objects that are close to them can catch fire. Some fireplaces come with it automatically, but I don't think that's one of them.
But I think it's really starting to come around!
The landscaping around the tree looks fantastic, plus the shutters and new windows were a good call! But I would start calling the front yard "done" at some point soon, before it becomes a little too busy ;).
The interior looks quite comfortable for such a small house. But it might be a good idea to move the rug and bookcases a bit away from the fireplace. Not so much from a design point of view, but a sim-safety point of view. Unless you add the "Fireproof" Handiness upgrade to some fireplaces, objects that are close to them can catch fire. Some fireplaces come with it automatically, but I don't think that's one of them.
But I think it's really starting to come around!
Thanks for the tips Hosfac! You always know how to make me feel good about my building. Actually, the fireplace has a smoke alarm right above it at this point, and I did a little bit of work on the front yard again, I think it looks better and less busy to boot! It was all the different colors, once I got rid of the oranges it looked much better, meaning I'm ready to call it done. Speaking of which, here's an updated pic of the final front yard!
And a close up to show how I've filled out the flower beds.
See? Without the orange I think the house looks much better, and calmer as well. Now to tackle the upstairs and the backyard! More to come~
Yeah removing the orange really helped a lot. The cooler colors give it a more serene feel to it.
I have to definitely echo the sentiment on the orange removal. Everything feels much more concise.
Your kitchen needs more light. I'm looking and seeing lots of shadows, and visualizing myself working in the space. I'd want a lot of light in order to avoid breaking something or cutting myself. I'd definitely add an overhead light fixture and set it to bright.
Also, there's a lot of open counter space. Why not add at least one decoration or appliance?
Learning to use light as a design element is a good tool to pick up. Just a few suggestions: go for moody and precise in more intimate areas like a living room, bedroom or artist's room, bright in functional areas like a bathroom, kitchen or office. But there are many other possibilities for taking advantage of light.
That said, I would like to report that my build is complete and in the exchange!
It turned out very well. I might even say its my.... Pinnacle achievement. 8)
[/unforgivable cheesiness]
Anyway, you can download it in the swap shop [x (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3998.0.html)], and it's also in the exchange here: [x (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3912558)].
As always, it's been a pleasure building with you all and I hope you enjoy!
I have to definitely echo the sentiment on the orange removal. Everything feels much more concise.
Your kitchen needs more light. I'm looking and seeing lots of shadows, and visualizing myself working in the space. I'd want a lot of light in order to avoid breaking something or cutting myself. I'd definitely add an overhead light fixture and set it to bright.
Also, there's a lot of open counter space. Why not add at least one decoration or appliance?
Learning to use light as a design element is a good tool to pick up. Just a few suggestions: go for moody and precise in more intimate areas like a living room, bedroom or artist's room, bright in functional areas like a bathroom, kitchen or office. But there are many other possibilities for taking advantage of light.
Like I said, work in progress, I add decorations last, right after I CAS the countertops. So decor has been added but not pictured. You're right about the kitchen, I'll need to add another light, can't set it to bright though, this house has to take me into consideration too, since I'll be playing it, and I can't look at lights set to bright, they make me color sick. :P
Wow, there are so many fantastic houses here. I love looking at other people's builds; it offers such great inspiration.
@deNile - You're house is very cute. I like the color scheme of the downstairs. Very calming and relaxing.
@danefaith - I love your house. The colors and landscaping are great and compliment each other well.
This is my latest WIP. It isn't complete yet, so any suggestions would be very much welcomed. I'm not very good with landscaping or picture taking, I'm afraid.
@Lynley1248 - I like it, I suck at building modern so I can't offer any suggestions, just compliments. I like the colors of the rooms and the outside, though I do have one question. Why is the garage door so dark? It looks a little strange to me... But still a good house, and nonsense, you're fine with the camera tool!
Lynley1248 - that house is lovely! It's very simple and subtle, but nice. Well done :)
I think you should do a little more landscaping in the front area opposite of the pond. It seems a little bare in that area. Overall I expect good things of this!
I like the secluded entryway and the salmony color tones of the wall and the sectioned off living room with carpet looks fantastic. That recliner in the dining room is a bit too off kilter in its pattern, but that's just a nitpick.
As for me, here we go again! Got a shell that I'm pretty confident in, but might take another look at the windows. Unsure about the driveway as well.
Looks great so far danefaith!
Are there meant to be 3 pictures? Because I see:
Great pic
Red X
Great Pic
From what I see, as I said earlier, looks great!
Most of it looks good danefaith (I see no red x). I do agree the driveway could use something more. In the first pic, the left hand side add-on and driveway looks a bit out of place.
@ DeNile: Your cottage is coming up beautifully! I'm in love with the garden and picket fence. The little details in the garage reallly caught my eye too. :D.
@ Lynley: Wow, what a lovely house! You've got a great eye for colour and texture. I love the sharp lines on the outside and the patterns on the inside. Try dabbling with terrain paints if you're concerned about lanscaping; they're effective and they're free!
@ danefaith: I just came from the Gallery after I saw those pictures in the recently uploaded section ;D. So far so good, I'm a big fan of black and white, especially with splashes of bolder colours inside. The windows look fine to me, although I know I get annoyed by the bar across the 2-wide windows when I build. Not sure what to do with the driveway though :-\. I like that you haven't used any Expansion Pack content for it yet, perhaps you could try a version with only base game furnishing? ;)
I think that the red X is this picture (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=lastup&cat=0&pid=13013#top_display_media). Is that the 2nd picture of danefaith's post?
Oh thank you seabody for showing that photo - I hadn't seen it in danefaith's post. Now after having looked at that, I'd say the add-on bit near the driveway maybe just needs a little colour change, like maybe making the half-wall around the balcony white to match the rest of the house? The pool looks splendid.
You were definitely right Palindrome, the left extension needed some tweaking, made it two story. Which means space for another room, yay! I think I pulled together the front as well.
Although I didn't realize the pool would be well received. I'll probably put it back in later edits.
And lol, Ausette, I must admit, I've already used a handful of late night items! :D Perhaps I'll limit myself to just that expansion, and see how it turns out.
danefaith, I don't know how, but your build has just inspired me! I have an idea for an impossible build! It might not work, but I'm going to try!
Anyway, I cannot think of any way you can make that building better. I am truly speechless.
Awesome! Well I wish you luck and do make sure to drop in here if you need help.
Lol, well I do need to make a backyard. And, gah... do the exterior lighting. Exterior lighting is such a pain!
I'm a terrible builder but this is what happens when you wake up at 5am on a Saturday and can't get back to sleep. Here's another WIP,
Any thoughts, Oh and sorry the pictures are terrible it was a bit early when I took them.
sims3lover - I don't think it's terrible at all. I particularly love the gorgeous pool.
danefaith - it looks much better now!
sims3lover - I don't think it's terrible at all. I particularly love the gorgeous pool.
Guess I'm going through a phase were I think everything of mine is rubbish, anyone got any tips on what to do outside, I'm stumped.
I think you could definitely use some more windows on the second floor. I think you could also bring the items in the backyard a little closer to the pool. I think that way the backyard would be less bare.
I'm a terrible builder but this is what happens when you wake up at 5am on a Saturday and can't get back to sleep. Here's another WIP,
Nah, not a terrible build at all. It's a little bland as of yet, but most of the time a WIP is to start with.
My first suggestion would be to get rid of the pillars by the driveway, and build an actual wall to turn it into an open carport. I'd also add a privacy fence or a hedgerow fence around the pool area in the back yard. As far as the windows go, it looks like you have most of the windows in backwards (the shutters are on the inside), so I would turn them around to see if that makes it look a little more full, and I'd move the two on the outer edges of the front upper floor above the main section one space towards the middle. If the windows still look a little sparse, instead of just adding more windows, I'd experiment with wider ones to see how they'd look.
Another thing I noticed is that the roof on the section that goes over the driveway extends through the main roof to the back of the house. I'd turn auto-roof off, and using the same gable roof, I'd put it on manually and only extend that section half way to the back so that it doesn't go through.
Personally, I'm somewhat lacking in landscaping skills, so I'm afraid I can't help much with that. But I do like what you did with the flowers and the fountain along the front section of the house.
When we're talking traditional windows, a point I always try to make is:
1.) make sure your windows on the top and bottom floor are in alignment
2.) make sure that there's even spacing between windows
3.) make sure there's one square of wall between a window and the corner
I personally don't like that the entire terrain is sand. Look at the perimeter of your lot, and how there is a perfectly solid line in between the sand and the grass outside of your lot. It's a bit unrealistic. However, a fun thing you can do if you want a sand lot is to create a 30x30 lot right on the beach, and move the house there. Beach house! :D
You might also want to consider going with floor tiles instead of terrain paint for the drive way. Terrain paints are better for winding pathways - when they're straight, a floor tile will almost always be more effective.
But overall this is very workable, and something that you can tinker with and learn things from. I'm very fond of the exterior architecture as whole, and mostly think your concerns can be rectified by addressing the windows and terrain paint.
This is my latest WIP. It's an apartment complex or at least it will be.
I like how it's turning out so far. Though I'm on the fence about the driveway.
Behold! The infinity pool! :D
As you can see in order to create the pool, I raised the terrain and then built the pool all the way on the edge. The blank part of the wall is where the elevator is. I'm thinking or making it pop with some wall color almost like a mural. I'm not sure yet.
The "this is my car and you can't drive it" garage.
Like I said before. I like how it's turning out so far, but any input would be greatly appreciated.
the driveway is a little steep and bumpy but I understand it can be difficult to man those terrain elevation tools, so its nothing to sweat.
What this needs is a clearly defined front entrance. I see a sliver of a door next to the garage and it took me a while to find it. If I were a visiting friend, I'd want to know where I'm supposed to enter the building. I'd suggest moving it front and center and giving it a little bit more bravado. Also, wherever you can replace those lines of thin windows with the three space wide windows, I'd suggest doing so, just so they're more clearly defined.
But it definitely feels like a tenant building, with defined suites. I like what I see with the penthouse, hope that's the one my sims get to live in!
So finished the backyard. Has a nice minimalist feel with flushed whites, defined pathways and sparse furniture.
Now, on to decorating! This is the room on the left side of the house from the back view: the kitchen. Ugh, this kitchen took me forever and I still have my up and downs. Should probably add more appliances and a few knick knacks.
The living room, I'm debating as to whether it's minimalist or just under-decorated at the moment. :D Max was also kind enough to upgrade the fireplace to be fireproof, just for you!
danefaith, how did you get those fantastic counters in the 2nd picture?
Also, the impossible building will be relatively hard. The walls become skewed when I try to build it.
I think that this is my best house. I might upload it to the swap shop. have uploaded it to the swap shop. It's over here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4027.msg81153.html#new)
This is the house exterior. The small column-like thing has the mailbox protruding from it.
3rd floor. Master Bedroom.
2nd floor. Main living rooms.
1st floor. Kitchen / Diner.
The front garden, with harvestable apple tree, lime tree, life fruit, deathflower, and bell pepper plants.
2nd bedroom. It can be used as a butler's bedroom.
B4. Simbot Recharging station and Simbot reprogramming station.
After I posted this, I realised that there is only one bathroom, in the butler's bedroom. If I upload it to the swap shop, I'll build another one. Also, I'll pretty up the kitchen.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
danefaith - the kitchen is awesome (how did you get those benches and that fridge?) but the loungeroom isn't doing it for me...
seabody - the build of the house is interesting, but I'm not sure about the inside - it seems a bit...empty? And can you move that tree so it doesn't poke into the building?
Whoops. I'm actually about to upload it to the Swap Shop. EDIT: And I just thought of something to explain the emptyness.
(http://s3.postimage.org/368gxv1j8/Screenshot_9.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/368gxv1j8/)
A house I built. Large enough for my family of 6. This is my handiwork in home designing!!!
Awesome houses Shenice, Danefaith, Seabody and Ripster. I love it how everyone includes a SimBot recharging station in their houses. :)
I've done a bit more landscaping to the front and finished the backyard. I've also lightened up the color of the garage door. I don't know why those doors always appear several shades darker than they actually are. I'm also done with the upstairs so it should be mostly complete. Any suggestions?
Here is the front with more landscaping. I hope it looks more balanced now.
The back patio with pool, outdoor dining, and hot tub.
The Master bedroom.
An overview of the main floor.
And the second floor…
@danefaith - I really like the minimalistic backyard. It looks very crisp and clean and suits the building well. I love the kitchen. The colors are fantastic. I'm not sure about the sculpture, though, but that could just be me as I don't particularly like that scuplture to begin with.
@sims3lover - I think your house is coming along nicely. I particulalry like the fountain and flowerbed in the front. For the carport, the wooden columns don't look substantial enough. Maybe try using the wall tool to create 1X1 square columns? That would give it more "support" and make it look more balanced. Also, maybe add a few more windows on the 2nd floor (or change them so that there are shutters on the outside like with the main floor) and some decking in the backyard around the pool? Otherwise, I like it and think when finished, it will be a very cute house.
@ Linley: The landscaping turned out excellent. I'd suggest matching the trimming around the more traditional doors to the baseboards of the room. Also, maybe consider giving the door itself some color. The white is a little off kilter.
Bedrooms. Kind of simple but I think they have some interesting details. Just need to do some bathrooms and this is good to go!
linley - that house is lovely :) My only picky bit would be the backyard maybe? It could use some... colour? Or the hedge could go all the way round? Maybe the smaller hedge. But it's not big deal, and I love the front look now.
danefaith those bedrooms are nice - I particularly love the blue one, the colours are so beautiful!
Finished Lithium! It's up in the swap shop and in the exchange here: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3927629
Then I moved right on to my next shell.. thoughts?
Oooh, I like the water feature. I'm trying to figure out those walls, have you used 'moveobjects on' to place columns in them? Anyway, it's beautiful and modern as always. I'm guessing it's one bedroom, how big is the lot?
It's a 20:30, one bedroom in that loft area. I'm working on a mini series of small modern/contemporaries at the moment. This is actually neighboring my previous build and a want to fit one more alongside them.
Thank you, I'm glad it turned out nicely. It should be a quick decorate with only three rooms lol, so architecture is key.
I've found a cool-looking floor plan (Thank you Google!) and I'll try it out soon! Just a heads-up.
danefaith - it's interesting. I didn't notice the details like the columns and water fountain at first glance. It seems different from your previous ones - no foundations-at-different-levels or whatever they're called - so I'll be interested to see how it turns out.
So I think I captured the essence I was looking for, but I'm considering a color overhaul. With only three rooms, every detail counts in this one!
A shot of the room from the second story, umm, balcony I suppose? Showing the entry way to the bedroom and mirrored walls.
Glamor shots:
Let's here it guys!
I like the items you chose, but I would go for the color overhaul, the grey, silver, pale teal leaves it looking, a little flat I think. Maybe adding just a few splashes of a more vibrant color would help. That's just IMHO of course. It's a really cool building, I especially think the use and placement of the windows looks very natural, modern, and cool.
Danefaith, love the colors, especially the sculpture decor. The stairs are just genius. So simple, but so beautiful at the same time! Awesome job.
Danefaith, I think your houses are brilliant! I'm a sucker for modern/contemporary design and I love how yours are sleek, elegant and harmonious. For me the hallmark of an excellent design is whether or not I would want to live in it. I can say that when I look at your work I'm insanely jealous that my Sims get to live in it and I don't!
I had a lot of fun installing the lighting. ;D
OMG!! Danefaith!!! I love it! I would totally live there. It makes my heart throb.
I made some changes to my latest WIP. For one I added a front door and have begun the furnishing process. I must say I love Outdoor Living. The furniture is so amazing to me. Though I will definetely change that deck area. I haven't changed any of the colors because I usually do that towards the end and I'm not feeling the current layout there anyway.
I finished the lobby. There is a call box (not shown) and a door leading to the garage (also not shown). I debated on what to put in the center for a long time. Finally settled on that tree which is from the store. Its from one of the free sets the name of which escapes me at this moment.
A state of the art gym (somewhat). Plenty of room so your Sims won't bump elbows with other residents.
and then we have one of my more simple kitchen designs. I personally love that shade of red in the flooring. It's gotta be one of my favorites. I also love how the red is reflected in all the stainless steel accents. One of my favorite features in the sims 3.
danefaith - I would go with a colour overhall, cause it just looks a bit plain.
shenice - I leave the colouring till last too :). I like the blue room with the tree in the middle. And the kitchen is lovely - very imaginative use of floor tiles, and the colour is gorgeous.
Shenice93 thats beautiful! I love the modern look, its very beautfiul.
First, I rarely comment on this page cause I bored my self with all the wow's, and same old comments. I'm really not good in spotting anything and can only say my impressions which are almost always: wow. Amazing work everyone! Shenice, Danefaith, Samoht and everyone else!
Now, I'm all wrapped up in CAW, got my inspiration back. So, after several sketches deleted, I finally shaped it, put some roads and bridges, zoned several lots, placed most of the rabbitholes and did a little landscaping. Now, I'm trying to stay with tropical feeling, but little modernized (no other explanation for all those rabbithole buildings other than modernisation). So I made something like a park but it's more like a plaza, and game recognized it as Art Gallery, I'll have to change that. Now on to question, I placed only 8 large palms, and strangely it seem enough. And I placed ton's of fountains, since I can't get enough of them. So I wonder, too little plants/flowers/trees, too much fountains? What about general feel, is something missing (toilets are in basement)? Any comment/critic/suggestion will be good, thanks! ( I just saw I need to center one of the lamps :))
Anushka that park is really great. I wouldn't add anything - it works well the way it is, trees, fountains, and all :)
Wow Anushka! That park is magnificent. I have been trying to get into CAW but every time I try I end up confusing myself. :P
Thank you Pallyndrome and Shenice! I was thinking about maybe adding some floral pattern on grass, and couldn't find pigeon spawner so far, but will skip flowers in this one. I'm having a blast with this, so I'm glad you like it.
Shenice, what are you confused about? You can ask anything in CAW topic, and me and other members who are successfully using it will help you if we can.
I guess it would have to be road building. I bet if I could just get past that then CAW would be so much easier. :-\
Anushka, your water park is gorgeous! It has a fabulous airy open feel from lack of vegetation that allows the fountains to be the main feature. I bet, with all the little lights you put in along the walkways, it's absolutely stunning at night (I'll bet you don't even need the street lamps in the middle).
Personally, I would move the stairs onto the grass area just next to where they are because the green hedge surrounding the stairs takes away from the aerial lines of the walkways (does that make sense?) - put green on green. Or change the hedge to a recoloured fence/railing.
My WIP is past the halfway point now. Just have to finish the rest of the residential area and add some things to the public spaces and then some little landscaping things then I can call it done.
I added some stone and brick work on the garage and some rocks on the house in general though I think I might replace it with the white.
I've decided that brick would be better that the stone. :-\
The pool area is complete and ready for a public space maker.
On the inside, I finished the kitchen/dining/living room of the residence. This is just the first floor of it. There's still the second and penthouse/master bedroom to do.
The "hallways" turned out really nice. I love the color. I've said that a lot. :D
and then there was the public laundry/music room. With this now complete the first floor is completely done. :D Now I can take a nap.
Anushka - I really like your park. It looks like a great place to spend a warm, sunny weekend. I think the number of trees is just right. Too much foliage would ruin the clean lines, which is what I like about it. Maybe add some terrain paint at the base of the trees to make them look a little more natural, though? And I agree with moving the stairs to the grassy area to keep the crisp, straight lines you've got going. Other than that, it looks great. :)
Shenice - Your laundry/music room has a very beachy, open feel to it. I really like it. And I love the deep, rich reds in the kitchen/dining/living area. It is one of my favorite shades of red. Your driveway looks a little out of place, though. Have you thought about trying the asphalt or gravel terrain paint? They may fit in more with the modern style of the apartment. :-\
I'm so glad I asked ;D
I had trouble with stairs. First I was in trouble where to put toilets cause in area there are none, on ground it ruin the symmetry, and I end up going in basement. Then, stairs ruin the symmetry too. If I cover them with vegetation then I need to put more of it for balance. I didn't like big stone fence and I tried almost every available. Then I end up with this greenand gave up! You are so right, now it belong in green area! Even if I wanted to keep grass out of route! I deleted the green this is how it looks now:
I also added a little dirty ground texture, but I don't like it that much:-\
And lily, I love it at night. I placed street lamps over the gnubb/chess area and then to other areas too, again looking to balance things, now it look too bright. So here is without them, at night. I'm shore Sims won't mind:
(Now I'll move recycling can down to basement and have all clean and neat. I also love that you inspire me to look for other options for lights, and now tables have both umbrellas for day and light for the night!)
Just as I thought, Anushka, it's absolutely stunning at night with all the little lights!
Wow Anushka! That looks... it looks... I'm lost for words. I guess... It looks fantastic! I love it at night.
I've never seen a better fountain!
Shenice, that is great! Personally, my favourite part is the infinity pool!
Anushka - the stairs look much better now, and the night view is stunning.
Shenice - I particularly love the hallway with the squares outside the doors -the effect is lovely.
Night lighting is such a labor of love. Tedious, yet with such powerful effect. 8)
So I took a breather on building, but finally got back and finished my last work!
Need to make a pretty covershot and its good... but decisions decisions!
Wow Danefaith! It looks spectacular! I think you should do a night shot for the cover shot. It will look beautiful, I'm sure.
W'uh oh, Ausette challenged me to tackle something I've never tackled before...
thrifty! :-X
My shell and pre-CAS interior, just to get a grip on the budget. Successfully in starter home range, at 15,999!
Note: car added for effect... most certainly NOT included in the overall price. ;D
Well I said I was going to post this and this is the first lot I am showing here. I love what all of you have done so far.
So here is Bridgeport Nectary:
Food and Nectar registers (look me a while but I got the nectar one to work right):
Nectary Bar and stares to the basement:
Public Bathrooms:
The Basement:
I am happy how it turned out over all. Was a great thing to have when I was playing a firefighter. Has been a good place to run over to grab a meal then take the subway to help go to work.
That's a nice nectary Redlaw. Did you upload it to the swap shop or exchange? I would love to download it if you did.
I have it put up my the exchange. (My Sims account name is the as my one here to help you find it.) I have two versions up the complete one is this one. I even state where it should be placed.
Nice nectary, Redlaw! Does it function properly though? I put a nectar register in my brewery and I couldn't get it to sell nectar. Still, I like the look of the layout and the exterior's rather nice. :)
danefaith: I knew you could do it :D! That definitely doesn't look like a starter home. You've squeezed in a lot of furniture that I usually go without at the start of the game, like the dresser and living room. A decent bed is always the first thing I buy, so it's good to see you've already included one. I can't wait to see the patterns in the finished project (perhaps a wooden floor?). Hey, and it'd look great in Anushka's world!
danefaith --
I might have to snag that house when you finish it! I do love me some one-story, basement-free homes... ;)
Yes it sells nector normally Ausette it took me a week to find out how. Ill send you a PM on how to get it to work.
Right now I am almost done with my next building. Outsides are looking ok but the inside is very nice. I hope to be posting some pics of my vampire club soon.
And wham! I moved in my play tester and just like that, value depreciation! Yay! It gave me the chance to upgrade the chairs and fridge, although I did end up sacrificing the MP3 player. Ultimately pretty confident about it. This one's pretty much done!
danefaith - I love your starter. The decor is lovely, as is the architecture. It doesn't look like a cheap starter home at all with the clean lines and upgraded furnishings. Very nice.
This is my latest WIP. It is roughly based on a house I saw a few weeks ago. It is pretty much done aside from some final tweaking and details. Any suggestions?
The backyard--It doesn't have much landscaping but many of the houses where I live don't, so I was going with that. It may need a few more bushes/flowers, though. I'm not sure yet.
Lynley, that's gorgeous! I just adore the front of the house, and I'd definitely download it if you put it on the Swap Shop. Could you perhaps post some closer shots of the interior?
dane, I really like the colours you've used, especially the green. The wardrobe and dresser look a little bare though, do you have enough money left to place a cheap little pot plant? Other than that I'd say you're done. It's so bright and fresh-looking. :D
Ausette - Thank you! I'm glad you like it. It was hard getting good interior shots as the house is on the smaller side. I hope these are okay.
danefaith, lynley, very well done on your houses.
I just want to join the crowd and say that your nectary is splendid, Redlaw. :) I'd love to have that in my towns, but all my active ones are either a dynasty or a legacy.
Your houses are gorgeous too, Danefaith and Linley. :D
Thanks TheChronicR I hope to be ready to post my next lot soon. The Vampire Lounge: Pharaohs Blood. Last few things I want to add are what description and I am still playing with the outside a bit. But I love the fact that I can now get a mummy (and fix it) with out having to travel any farther then to the local undead loving club.
I love it when I get good random ideas. Slowly ill be making all of the 9 different bars.
Edit: Fixed a small spelling error I spotted. Always good to comeback and read what you write every now and then.
Thanks TheChronicR I hope to be ready to post my next lot soon. The Vampire Lounge: Pharaohs Blood. Last few things I want to add are what description and I am still playing with the outside a bit. But I love the fact that I can now get a mummy (and fix it) with out having to traver any farther then to the local undead loving club.
I love it when I get good random ideas. Slowly ill be making all of the 9 different bars.
Wow, you sure got me interested. Great idea. :)
My latest WIP is almost complete. All that's left is the Master bedroom/penthouse and placing all the space maker thingies.
Did some landscaping. I tried to blend the landscape in with the landscape around.
Living room because I didn't know what else to put there.
Second bedroom. I was inspired by my indoor garden for this room. I think it fits an Eco-friendly person.
The spare bathroom.
And then the outdoor entertainment place/thing.
I hope to have this place wrapped up later today and then I'll upload it to the swap shop and exchange.
Lynley, I love your house! How did you get such clean lines attaching your garage to a house on a foundation? I'm curious, I thought the walls would always warp!
Lynley, I love your house! How did you get such clean lines attaching your garage to a house on a foundation? I'm curious, I thought the walls would always warp!
Thanks! The walls are warped, but the vertical paneling seems to hide most of it pretty well. I had to put the locker/toolbox near the stairs because the interior wall looked funny there, but otherwise, vertical siding does a nice job of camouflaging those warped areas.
Thanks for the pictures Lynley, the whole house feels so light and calming :). DeNile, the wallpaper only warps vertically when you use cheats to raise the height, so if you get a wallpaper that's vertically consistent (like the panelling), it looks pretty much normal when you put it on the walls. Shenice, you're doing a beautiful job on your apartment building and I can't wait to see it finished ;D.
I always come here when I see someone has posted, because it means there are more houses to look at. I love all of these houses and anyone that has put them in the Swap Shop, I have probably downloaded. I especially love that little bar that has a swimming pool. I can't remember the name, but I believe danefaith built it, I hope I am not mistaken, but I still love it. I have one town, that has so many houses from here and they all are great. I don't even do much to them, except maybe add something here and there. I truly respect all of the time and effort you members put in these houses and I can tell you enjoy building them. I like to build, but I am not really good at it and I have one house in the exchange. It was my octogon house that actually turned out pretty good. Keep up the good work and as long as you guys keep building them, I will keep downloading them. :)
And with a deep sigh of relief, my latest WIP is now completed!
The Master Bedroom is now complete and all markers placed.
Can be found in the swap shop here:
http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4307.0.html (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4307.0.html)
Can be found in the exchange here:
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3960191 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3960191)
Hope you enjoy! :D
I've spent a nice little chunk of my evening flipping through this post. There are some really nice places here! I'm no pro, but I though I'd share my current favorite Sim's house. It's not much, but it makes me happy.
I don't think a fountain in a koi pond is all that healthy for the fish, but I liked the look.
Back view of the house, including the den overlooking the ocean.
Aerial view of the first floor. Kitchen, dining room, sunken den, hallway, and living room.
And of the second floor. Laundry room in the hallway, bathroom, and two bedrooms.
Livin' room.
Kitchen & dining room.
Sunken den/rec room. My favorite.
Second floor laundry and bathroom.
I can't wait to explore the forum more and see what else I can see! :)
Welcome to the forum Quiet Delusions!
I like that house! Is it next to Agnes Crumplebottom's house?
QuietDelusions, can you upload that house to the Exchange/Swap Shop? I'm sure we'd all like it in our games!
Where did those couches come from? Was it HELS?
Where did those couches come from? Was it HELS?
It's from the Ultra Louge Living (http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12040&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:17694&pcategoryId=12859&ppcategoryId=12557) Set on the Store.
This is my newest WIP.
It's going to be hopefully Three bedrooms for a large family as part of a story I hope to be starting that will eventually cover the whole of a refurbished Sunset Valley, this is where the Alvi's used to live before they were evicted. ;)
Looks nice samoht! Thanks about the couches.
Onto yet another job, lol. My latest shell:
Unfortunately very boring windows in the back. Any ideas?
It needs something to break it up in my opinion, maybe use that brick spaced between the windows or something. What about some modern Columns? Then have a bit of an overhang to cover the top of the columns?
Change the window colour to black. Or the wall colour. Maybe (If you have LN) put in the barred windows.
Ended up redoing the bathroom in a new color scheme before finishing off the last few rooms.
I know this was a very long time ago - but how did you get that effect behind the toilet with the wall paper and floor?
I saw this a while back and loved the look. I made a mental note to try in my next build, which I finally started last night, assuming that you used a striped wallpaper on just those sections, but I couldn't find one that came out as smooth as that.
Hey OS, I actually didn't use a striped wallpaper, I used a wall covering called "barn wall with pilaster" in the panelling section. It comes in two flavors, on with the pilaster one the left and one with the pilaster on the right. That way, I can paint a stripe with a border effect. In this specific case I used a stone texture on for the wall and wood for the pilaster.
For the floor, I used, "squares with border" in the misc. section. I applied the textures of the wall to the floor and then rotated it to get the border on both sides.
Continued on my build by adding a small extension to the second floor and a modern frieze. Also flesh out the front landscaping.
As for the iffy side view, I went the stripe route and fleshed it out with a mini-car port and some landscaping. Feeling much fuller now!
Looks great! ;)
Just spent a few hours on the shell of a new house that I quite like but I really hate it. The amount of times I had to go around checking wall papers and then constrainfloorelevations urgh! So I think I finished most of it, it needs some flowers but I need some Dynasty or Legacy before I get around to furnishing. ;)
Well I called it Modern Wooded Jigsaw - Mainly because I don't know what to call it! ;D
(Max doesn't come with it! - He will be kindly helping me decorate with his Photography and Painting and Sculpting. ;) )
What d'ya think? After I have done the Landscaping I will put the Shell up in the Building Shells Thread and then decorate it fully myself with Max to help. :)
Oooooo! I LOVE IT. I can't wait to see the rooms complete!
It's great, Thomas. And the fact that Max will decorate it is thrilling me even more. ;)
Thanks, I think it could be my best one yet. :)
Thanks, I think it could be my best one yet. :)
I do hope so! You will put it up on the Swap Shop. Won't you?
Yeah, most houses I eventually finish will go in there and any that I just get the Shells done but not furnished I am putting up in a new thread - Building Shells - To be Furnished (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4199.msg83630.html#msg83630). Theres only one Shell in there at the moment but anyone else can post a shell in there.
It's awesome, Thomas! I can't wait to see the finished product - I'm sure it is going to be a 'must-download'!
Samoht that house is beyond awesome!
I have finished the Shell and only have the interior to go now, the Shell is up for download in the Building Shells thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4199.msg86981.html#msg86981).
---Modern Wooded Jigsaw
Price:- §164,159 - Furnished and §133,687
Lot Built On:- 74 Landgraab Avenue, Sunset Valley.
Lot Size:- 30x40
Content:- World Adventures, Late Night and Ambitions/
Details:- This modern home fits together like a Jigsaw, it slots together, although a jagged mess on the outside it has smooth airy rooms on the inside, it features it's own pool and has a spare Attic for any Guests or Butlers. The House is secluded and the only entrance to the property is through the front door. The House has yet to be furnished but already has an Outdoor Lighting System installed, the Landscaping has also been done by the Contractors they have also added a few decorative touches around the outside of the Building.
Front - Day:
Back - Day:
Top Floor (Attic):
Second Floor:
First Floor and Ground Floor (Sunken Room in Middle under the Stairs):
Front - Night:
Whole Gallery. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=15425)
Although this has a Furnished Price that will include the Lights and some Secrets in the Landscaping.
Oh wow, Samoht! That is gorgeous!
Samoht that is one huge house, all those rooms! Wow, great work!
Danefaith, I'm mostly speechless. Looking amazing as always.
I was inspired by all the effects fog emitters are offering, but limited myself on waterfall. Still I put way to many waterfalls, I couldn't help myself. So here are two pics of fishing spot in this small world, smaller pond is on upper level (with rare fish) and waterfall is going down to bigger pond with uncommon and common fishes:
And hippies left their trailers and funny looking chairs so local anglers can trow star tantrums, and sleep like stars: (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10038/Screenshot-305.jpg)
(I'm thinking if utility building - toilets need some more cheerfull wallpapers or to leave it clean?)
Lot next to it is a pool, with similar theme but neater lines. I'm still not shore if I should leave the waterfall as it is, without any rocks and vegetation in it. I like the dark stone ground, but large landscaping rocks are sandy colored so they don't fit as I imagined they should. I also wanted the effect of refilling the water on upper level but not shore how it looks now:
And on sunset:
And bar/lounge area with watery background:
What do you all think, is it too much?
WOW! Which, LOL, I say a LOT in this thread. I love it. How's it test? If it doesn't cause much lag, I would leave it, I love all the waterfall effects.
Thank you LD ;D, since it's a small flat world, there are not too many Sims in it, only thing is that it takes ages to turn in building mode, specially the fishing spot, with all the rocks and vegetation I put there even if it mostly look empty! But in game it is going very smooth so far. I'll see how it works with more houses and Sims in it, but I don't expect much problems from it. I'm still not satisfied with fontain effect of the pool, I want the refil, but this is too fontain like, so I'm still thinking what to do about it.
But I also have other ideas and lot's of building to do before real testing start.
Edit: I deleted the fontain features and it look better, but now there is something like a stream going over the hot tub, which could look like an effect of a breeze over the steam coming from hot tub :-\ (it's from waterfall effect so I can't delete them) and other thing, sleeping in those trailers gave neutral moodlet - well rested without any value to the mood, that's a bummer!
That's some pretty intense landscaping. And the hippy vans are incredibly lol eliciting. ;D
I'm continued work on my current project with the front patio, backyard, and began into the interior decorating with the foyer.
Love it! How DO you build so well?
Hmm. Time, research, and openness to constructive criticism. I'd say I would owe my progress to that.
I'd wack a fair bit of talent in there too danefaith :P
great work as always. I like the relaxed casual arrangement.
Dane, I agree with Pallyndrome, talent first, then the rest what you mentioned. Not only you design, build and decorate with amazing style, but you find the right words to describe yours and others creations, and have a very keen eye for details!
I had that intention with vans ;D, and with some landscape changes in CAW, pool looks much closer to what I wanted. There is a lot of buildings and landscaping left so hopefully it will all fit well, both relaxing, intense and funny parts.
And experimentation danefaith!
You never know if something will work until you've tried it.
Like what I did when I built a house for CandyHeartedSim.
Speaking of which...
This is my latest build. I'm not too sure on the study area.
I think that this is a neat idea. It cannot be used.
There is a massive unused space here... any ideas?
Hopefully this will be on the Swap Shop... tomorrow, or around then. ;)
A Pool/Patio area for Outdoor Parties?
A Pool/Patio area for Outdoor Parties?
I was thinking about that.
Problem is, CandyHeartedSim (who I'm building the house for) has Vanilla and WA. I don't believe that she has the LN patch that allowed pools on all levels. Also, about a quarter of the floor downstairs is filled with a pool. So the majority of the upstairs patio type place would not work.
I'm running out of idea :|. I'm not good at "painting", so the wall around look .... Any suggestions?
Yarakisagoa, that garden seems a little empty.
Maybe you could put in a Koi Pond?
Using some terrain paints and fencing, you could also make a Zen Garden.
Yes. Thank you. I think a chinese pond will be very fits to my house. And the Zen is at the middle of the house (you can see that in the picture, in the middle of the garden). But in case i cant do it, i mean if it's not as good as it supose to be, will you help me finish it? If so, thank you so much :D.
Next up, kitchen, master bedroom, and child's bedroom.
Grr, I'm so repetitive when it comes to children's bedrooms... Ah well, changed up the bed arrangement from my norm and am very proud of my pile-o-teddies.
I like your pile of teddies too! You know there's a rabbit and little tiger on the shop to that act the same as teddies - there's a mummy teddy in WA and a panda teddy on the shop too. And I like how you've arranged the bed in the master bedroom - I haven't seen it not against the wall before.
I love the floating bed in the master, Danefaith! I also like the kitchen.
A lot of the houses displayed here are really nice and very original! It's absolutely wonderful to see them be made available for others to enjoy as well. It's a shame I only recently discovered this forum, would have liked to share my houses as well. However, I recently lost all my saved Sims files in a total PC crash.
Since then I've been entertaining the thought of taking a different approach this time around. Instead of creating original appartments, lofts, houses and villa's, I've been playing with the idea to recreate some of the true masterpieces in the history of architecture. Designs of turn of the century architects who revolutionized architecture, such as Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Aalto, to name a few of the most recognized. But also further down in history, there's are wealth of incredibly beautiful renaissance architecture, such as Palladio's "Venice villas". I think that even an old Roman atrium villa would make a great sim house with a few adaptations.
I was wondering if there'd be any interest in houses like that?
Hey I am e1990r. I am in the middle of building a 2 story 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath home and I am stuck trying to decide the type of window that will go best with the outside of the house. If you have any suggestions please give them to me. Oh and I am using the Lattice Door for my front door. The picture of my sim house is attached.
Welcome to the forum, e1990r!
About your house, I'm not really sold on the blue exterior walls. It might be because you don't have any windows up yet. If you really want to do the blue sliding then I would recommend going white with exterior windows, doors, railings, etc. I would also go with a lighter colored roof, just so that the place doesn't look so dark. Could you upload a picture of the back? I can't really say much with out seeing the house from different angles. I can see some stairs that I assume lead to the back porch, but I can not be sure. A picture could really help with that. I'm interested to see where you will take this build so please keep us updated.
e1990r, I like the idea of having a different color as dominant, and this royal blue can look very nice. Now, you already placed fence and stairs, so in that line, you might try the same color wood on windows with similar shape as doors. If that doesn't suit well enough you can try modern glasses (those that have glass from ceiling to floor, without any ornaments) in black, and change the stairs fence and door too. White might work too but maybe it will be too much of the contrast cause this shade of blue is deep and dark. Try and you'll see how it look.
Danefaith, thank you so much for this idea of placing counters the way you did here! Love it! I'm patiently waiting for more homes for this themed neighborhood, I have a perfect place for them!
Yarakisagosa, I' really not good in choosing wall papers :D maybe some paneling would fit? And with maybe small bamboo and few ancient rocks next to it, or with moveobjects on to place it partially inside the walls with some fern and bushes? And pond would fit perfectly, don't worry, with some waterlilies, I can't think of the place that it won't fit well :D
Here is the home with windows. I would like to here peoples suggestions. It is the house that I lived in when I was in England. I don't have any pictures but my mother has described it to me so many times that I picture this house. We lived on an American base, that is why it still has that white picket fence feel even though it was in Britain. But I would love to hear your guys suggestions on the house. She just never really described the windows, but said that we had them. I was only a baby when I lived there so no real memories for me. (back on topic) But I would love to here your suggestions.
This morning, I spent ~2 and a half hours building a house (read:asylum) for my insane couple and their police guard. I'll try to get some pictures up later.
wow e1990r it looks lovely with the windows. You have that one side of the house without windows so I would definitely put some there for consistency. I would also suggest that you extend the pond towards the back a little that way it doesn't look so out of place. I think you could use some flower bushes lining the driveway too that way you add a splash of color into your landscaping.
Awesome work guys! It's nice to see new builders on the Showboat, a big welcome to Yarakisagoa and e1990r! And I mean it, so don't let me hogging the rest of the post put you off. :-\
Anyway, I've got a lot of works in progress right now but I've only had time to finish the little ones, and I thought I might focus on Sunset Valley for a while. I like doing conversions of existing lots, so I built this little cafe in Maywood Glen:
Sorry for the grid lines in the pictures :-\. I wanted to change as little as possible about the lot itself, which is why the cafe's so small. I've placed a few tables, a World Adventures food register, coffee machine and bar. What do you guys think? I like how it turned out, but I don't build in this style very often and there's probably a few things I can still do to improve it. Any suggestions?
I love it Ausette, it's gorgeous. And what a great idea to use a WA register for a cafe. I wonder which country's food it will sell?
It doesn't sell any of the World Adventures food (egg rolls, crepes etc.), but it sells all of the base game food you'd normally get in addition to the exotic stuff. It even sells bar food from Late Night. :)
Yes, that is a nice cafe. I could live there if I wanted to, it's so good! ;D
Hmm, few ideas.
Emphasize the red painting a bit by using a frame closer to the color of the painting beside it. the frame at present is too close to the color of the walls, and so it kind of sinks in.
Consider "short, medium-length planks with pegs" for the floor on the side patio, and bring the color closer to that of its deck framework. The contrast with the entry stairs will help emphasize their unique qualities.
Finally, play with the colors of your window and door frames a bit. These picturesque colonials can really take on amazing character with subtle hints of color or bold accents in their windows and frames.
that said, it marries perfectly into the previous landscaping in a way which leaves me feeling, it had been there all along.
So pressed through the last remaining rooms.
Teen's room.
One side of the den, with mini-bar and television.
Other side of the den, with seating and piano.
Now just need to decorate the hallways, review for final touches, and I'll be finished!
Looks very cool Danefaith.
I'm running out of idea :|. I'm not good at "painting", so the wall around look .... Any suggestions?
I love the overall layout of the property and the style and symmetry of the main house. I agree that more landscaping would help add interest to the large open spaces in the yard.
I love how the color of the house carries over to the inside of the wall, but the outside appears dark by comparison. Is that a trick of the lighting or is it actually darker than the inside of the wall? I would prefer to see the wall the same color as the house both inside and out.
One really minor thing, but it was the first thing my eye went to...the siding above the main gate feels out of place to me. It is reminiscent of a Tudor style home and I personally think it detracts from the simplicity of the overall design.
Great job!
OK. I'm giving the update of the home I am working on. I have worked hard on the exterior and added a lot of details. I know a lot of work is to come. However, I was wondering what you were thinking.
@e1190r: I think you've done well with the landscaping mostly - the pond looks better and the plants are good. The pool is beautiful. I just am not sure about those tall lanterns in the back yard - they look out of place.
Looking good dane, I can't wait to download it! I always love your modern designs and colours. ;D
e1990r, your house is also coming together nicely. I'd suggest changing the colour of the driveway to something a little darker, and I'd fill up the empty space at the back with trees, shrubs, terrain paint and small hills. I like the landscaping so far, just continue that :). As for the pool area, I agree with pally about the lights. Perhaps you could make a fence and add some lights to that? You're doing great so far, just keep at it and you'll get there.
Also, I just uploaded Maywood Cafe (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4515.0.html) to the Swap Shop after a few changes. Thanks for the advice guys, I played around with the colours a little and now I couldn't imagine it without the pink shutters. :D
Looks great!
Aw, I love the cafe, Ausette!
It's so cute ;D
Thanks guys :). I'm starting to get back into building, so I've been converting the Red Rendezvous in Twinbrook into an apartment building. I haven't done much to the bar on the bottom floor because I like it so much, but to the second and third floors I've added a starter-priced apartment, two hidden NPC apartments, a laundry (with toilets and waiting area) and a conference room.
I usually just leave the Red Rendezvous as a bar, but I thought I'd give the Private Eye profession a shot and I needed something suitably atmospheric :D. I liked the idea of living right in town, too. Sadly the bottom floor doesn't really function as a bar because there isn't a mixologist unless you hire one yourself, but because it's the only apartment in Twinbrook it's always chock full of NPCs. I've almost finished, so what do you guys think? Should I move the dining table across more? Do I need to use different wood colours? Is there anything else I should change?
Ausette, I love the look of the apartment. It's so classy, and very elegant.
I think the wood looks fine, as does the table. Actually, I can't think of anything I would chage at all. :)
The Red Rendezous looks great!
I've always been a fan of Twinbrook's quaint community buildings but have always been peeved by all the unoccupied space. The only thing I've ever thought to do was extend the Red Rendezvous' bar amenities. Turning it into an apartment above the bar is a brilliant idea. Your color selections and use of space are exquisite, especially in regards to the living quarters itself.
Considering you're meaning to play as a detective in this case, and it would suit the mood, would the "investigator's case board" fit into your conference room? Perhaps in a corner or something. I'd also suggest maybe sneaking a computer into the conference room, if only to give the room an in game function.
It's one of those almost irrelevant details, but I would like to suggest you consider painting your ceilings. It can really add to your flavor shots and for those simmers who like to get up close and personal when they play. even in a starter home setting, remember: "short, medium length planks with pegs" are free.
Here is my first ever apartment build, the Itsy-Bitsy Apartments!
The usual curb shot. The apartments are built on a very little lot, making them perfect for a smaller neighborhood.
The reception/waiting room, and the laundry. The laundry is public, but I doubt very many people will use it.
There are actually four floors, but only this one is usable. It is right at the top. Although it looks small (And it is!), there are no routing issues. It has, as you can see, as pink colour scheme.
A view from the bed corner.
The lovely laundromat, in calming blue.
Please provide criticisms and/or comments, because they are much appreciated!
I love the nice, cool, colors, they are easy on the eyes. The yard (both front and back) look bland, however.
N'aaw, it's adorable :D! I agree though that you could improve the landscaping a little, and I'd personally recolour the rug in the foyer to something a bit sleeker. Aside from that, the colours are nice and bright, and I like how compact it is. Does it come at a starter price?
Speaking of apartments, The Red Rendezvous (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4640.0.html) is up in the Swap Shop if anyone's interested. I even gave my detective a cameo. :)
I wasn't able to add cigarette smoke or sad saxaphone music, but I'm happy.
Hey, everyone. I've recently renovated my Dynasty house. Unfortunately, I think it's still not that perfect. Here's (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3649.msg91056.html#msg91056) the full chapter in my story topic. Ignore the story part. Can you view it and post suggestions here? Please. Thanks. :)
Thanks, Audren and Ausette!
I'll go change the mat now, and see what I can do with the garden :)
Chronic, it seems a little dark. I'm not the best builder in TS3, but I would suggest a feature wall in some of those rooms.
The Red Rendevous looks incredible!
And so does Itsy-Bitsy Apartments!
Yeah, the whole family loves the black color, but I also think I added too much. Hmm... What other opinions?
Oh wow, I love coming on this tread it always made me wow.
Aussette, first Maywood Glen, it is so beautiful, romantic and perfectly fitting in park. Wonderfull! And Hangout apartment! Again, wow. You hit the theme perfectly! I love it so much that I made Sim Me for the first time to try that PI profession you all talk about, but not in this theme. It is almost as a set up for an "old" movie serial!
Ruby, apartment is great, I thing Joria had similar idea, maybe even the name, uploaded in old Swap Shop, but it is always amazing when someone manage to fit in all neccessity in such a small place, and make it beautiful! As others recomended, some landscaping will make it complete.
Chronic, when you take picture in buy mode, you can change day/night, and turn of grid inside, if you can't wait for Sim morning to do it. With that said, that house is huge! I wonder how practical it is, and how you keep a track of your Sims in it? You can always add other colors with black, in patterns or have white furniture with black walls. Play with custimizing patterns (recoloring them), you'll be surprised what a little change can do. Outside pond with sculptures is looking great, maybe some decorative landscape (flowers, or shrubs, and rocks)?
EDIT: I just rechecked those photos, in kitchen, flower you placed in the middle isn't really fitting, maybe try LN pink flower? And in dinning room, orchids instead of large stone vases? Those vases might look better in corners, cause they look old and huge, while chairs and table is modern with clean lines? I love the living room, garage and gym :D
After a long time, I decided to play some casual Sim game (beside challenges, dynasty and building) and made Mini Me in Bridgeport. I bought that first empty lot accross the bridge and build her a small home, with all she needed for now. Eventually, as she earn more money she'll get a nice mantion. Still, I like how I made this bright practical little home, with only neccessary furniture (and one vase with flowers, I just love them and always have to have flowers, in RL and in Sims) - that include landscaping:
Back is empty for now, and first extension will be upstairs, cause the view is wonderfull, probably all home will be lifted up, except for the reception room downstairs, and garage. But that will come with money. I keep going in build mode to recolor something or to move/add few little things, I think this might turn into never ending project, and since she is also adventurous photographer eye, decoration will be WA collected/selfmade :D
Thanks Anushka. :) I'll try to do my best to impove the house. Yeah, it's very large, but what to do, I love huge houses. ;D
Chronic, I edited my post instead of writing you new one. Anyway, I discovered new pattern in fabric section (it came with base game but it didn't look appealing cause it is dark grey) but on walls it look great! I recolor it of course, cause I like colors, but there are many beautifull patterns that will give your home a whole new dimension, and you can play with it a lot, and leave it if you like it no matter if anyone else agree with you :D
What do you think of my little starting home in rich area in BP?
Thanks so much for the suggestions. :D I don't have LN, so I miss many great items.
Your house is amazing! Just wish we could see pictures from the mobile version of the site. :-\ The second photo of the house is so amazing, Bridgeport background is very fitting. Though, maybe to put curtains too?
Yeah, that window look empty (as does most of this house), but it is a starter home, and lot is expencive, plus expencive bed, shower, stove and nice fridge..And I tried building it to furnish it soon into full little home (add a living area, some photos in hallway maybe whole side toward sity view in glass etc), plus I rarely buy objects I don't use, or I don't really like looking at. But outside had to be landscaped before I do anything else, just needed that warm natural feel in ugly BP.
Thanks for suggestions :)
You're welcome. :)
Oh, I have another suggestion: what about adding a few bushes near the walls (outdoor)? Also, I love it that you placed the trash can far away from the main door. I don't think the inside is empty, though. Some nice lightning could fill it, as well as a stereo or a TV when she has enough money for it. Just I'm thinking about routing problems. Maybe before adding more stuff (well, about 10 items or more, IMO) you should expand the house?
@ Anushka - Joria made that house that was 4 up and 4 down on that 10x10 lot I think. Maybe that's what you were thinking of?
Great job so far Anushka!
This is the front of a community lot I am building. I call it "The Colour Nectary", because of the steps.
Any suggestions as to how to make it better (I would like to keep the steps though).
I never realized you could recolour stairs. You learn something new every day.
Interesting steps Seabody! :D The only thing I would change about them is possibly ordering the colors like that of a Rainbow. Go red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo the violet. I think that will make it a little more easy on the eyes and not so random. Unless that's what you were going for.
I wasn't going for the ROYGBIV way. I was going for the old rhyme some people (like me) learnt. Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue. Because I hadn't put enough staircases in, the pavilion became Blue.
Oooh! I get it now. I have never heard that rhyme, which is prabably why I didn't catch it. :D
Awesome! Finals are over so I'm back in action. Through together this little diddy here.
And started on the interior. For whatever reason, I was utterly psyched at the idea of decorating the garage first, and so here's the garage.
So what do you guys think?
Sidenote: 100 pages! Awesome. ;D
@Danefaith- It looks great! Regardless of why you decided to do the garage first, it's really good. One thing I thought of is that you could maybe incorporate a fountain-feature in the front?
Congrats on 100 pages, everyone! :)
The garage is great and so is the exterior!
For some reason the front of that house looks quite familiar, is it like a previous work of yours? And no offence, but I find the exterior to be a little boring.
Same here, looks a lot like something else you have done. :-\
I've noticed that about a lot of dane's work....
I have been doing a lot of L shaped houses lately haven't I? Lol. Well in this case I was intent to have some similarities to Lithium. they're neighboring units.
No, for me that's not the one, danefaith. The architecture might be similar but somewhere there's a house with that exterior "siding". I'll let you know if I find it.
EDIT: It's not in this thread (yes I looked through the entire thing!) or in the Swap Shop so it must be in a story thread somewhere, but well it doesn't matter anyway.
I'm curious to see how this one will be different/similar to your Lithium house.
I never realized you could recolour stairs. You learn something new every day.
That's maybe because not every stair can be recoloured. But some can, the more masive ones can. If I describe that correctly.
No, for me that's not the one, danefaith. The architecture might be similar but somewhere there's a house with that exterior "siding". I'll let you know if I find it.
EDIT: It's not in this thread (yes I looked through the entire thing!) or in the Swap Shop so it must be in a story thread somewhere, but well it doesn't matter anyway.
I'm curious to see how this one will be different/similar to your Lithium house.
(http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10032/Screenshot-19~1.jpg)Their L structures are relatively mirror image to one another creating a U with similar courtyards.
It's an on-off project, a subdivision of maybe 5-6 small moderns. Niobium's the third in the set, and it might be the one with the wooden siding you're thinking of? I don't know, lol.
So I finally started the build on my next legacy house. It will be in Twinbrook and I've dubbed it Puddlewick Place.
This is a shot of the front exterior, the parlor, the dining room and the kitchen. I can't figure out why my ceiling is black on the lower levels. I'll have to figure out how to fix that.
This is a shot of the master bedroom, dressing room and the bathroom. Also a shot of the unfinished nursery I'm working on.
Also, my first house Redwood Place will be going up in the Swap Shop today. More motivation for me to finish this build so I can move my Lexingtons in already!
filly I love the exterior of your mansion, and the loungeroom is nice. I like the stone wall in the bedroom, and the lovely couch you can see in the dressing room shot. I think the nursery in particular is looking beautiful, very imaginative :)
Excellent use of custom patterns and moveobject on tricks. throw in a lovely exterior and you've got yourself a fine domicile.
filly I love the exterior of your mansion, and the loungeroom is nice. I like the stone wall in the bedroom, and the lovely couch you can see in the dressing room shot. I think the nursery in particular is looking beautiful, very imaginative :)
I only shared a few carefully cropped photos. The rest of the house is a mess! I never go in with a concrete plan, usually a few features I know I want and I build the rest of the house around them. I've got a wonderful feature in the center of the house I haven't finished yet but can't wait to share when I do.
Excellent use of custom patterns and moveobject on tricks. throw in a lovely exterior and you've got yourself a fine domicile.
I could not live without moveobjects on! :) I have lots of fun squishing things together to make things more realistic.
I only shared a few carefully cropped photos. The rest of the house is a mess! I never go in with a concrete plan, usually a few features I know I want and I build the rest of the house around them. I've got a wonderful feature in the center of the house I haven't finished yet but can't wait to share when I do.
"Unfinished" or not, what you've shared with us so far looks really nice! The exterior reminds me of a modernized version of a Venice Villa, it's especially impressive that you've kept the front so well balanced. That's a fine piece of assymetric facade design!
I personally wouldn't have put the house so much to the front of the lot. It may have given your exterior just that little extra if you'd been able to give it a bit more landscaping in the front. But I do realise that may very well be differences in taste.
From what you showed us so far the interor really starts to take shape. I love your bold use of colours and use of decorations. The nursery with that platform and fence is my absolute favourite; it's absolutely lovely.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of your house and the backyard once you finish it.
Oh btw, I think your ceilings are black before you're using a frieze above the ground floor walls. Rather than creating a higher ceiling, the game makes it black with a frieze.
You can prevent that by adding floortiles under the frieze.
I don't have any frizes but I have used a couple of the platforms on the 2nd level and I wonder if that is part of the ceiling problem. Still learning a lot about construction though.
The house is on a 40x40 lot and because of the center feature it pushed the rest of the house far back. I wanted to make sure I still had room for a backyard and a pool area for my family. Plus I never really play at the front of the house unless its to check the mail or get the paper. I tried starting on a 60x60 lot but after putting so much on the lot my game started to stutter. Barely noticible but I decided against it. This was with a computer with 9 gigs of ram and a 1 gb graphics card too. I like a lot of clutter in my houses. ;D
Here's the foyer. I'm up and down as to whether its minimalist or just underfurnished, lol. ;D
And my pre-CAS kitchen/dining.
The kitchen just needs to be coloured to make it beautiful and the foyer is missing something but I don't know what...
It's great! I think the foyer is missing some plants. Some greenery could perk it up.
Hey everyone, please help me, if possible. :) Just finished working on my Legacy house, it's a cabin that heavily takes after Catlover's Beautiful Cabin by Stoney Falls. Well, of course, it is quite different as well. ;D Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3938.msg98157.html#msg98157) is the post dedicated to it in my Legacy thread. If you can, please take the time to view it and share your opinion here. The nursery/attic/basement are in works now, should be ready soon. Thank you.
Hey everyone, please help me, if possible. :) Just finished working on my Legacy house, it's a cabin that heavily takes after Catlover's Beautiful Cabin by Stoney Falls. Well, of course, it is quite different as well. ;D Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,3938.msg98157.html#msg98157) is the post dedicated to it in my Legacy thread. If you can, please take the time to view it and share your opinion here. The nursery/attic/basement are in works now, should be ready soon. Thank you.
Your legacy house looks gorgeous! I love how it looks like a cabin, except for its better than that!
I don't have any frizes but I have used a couple of the platforms on the 2nd level and I wonder if that is part of the ceiling problem. Still learning a lot about construction though.
Yes, it is. The platform is basically the same as a frieze; it heightens the ceiling (just not by the same amount). The game does not render the extra height but makes it black instead.
Thank you Natsuko. :)
Dane, I would move easel to diagonal empty corner, and on it's current place I would put lamp or flower pot. I've been trying that trick with moveobjects and Alt on counters, but they keep snapping to each other, so it is a loong processto get them right, is there another trick or just much patience?
Chronic, have you finished landscaping? Put some dirt in garden around plants, and add some trees and shrubs:) House look so warm with all that wood!
I've been working on two very different projects. One is starter without depritiation cause CAW reset depreciated homes. I managed to build this on 20x30 lot with total value of 15.055$ Only thing I don't like is part of bed blocking small part of window in bedroom:
Outside is modest:
Other project was boungalow(s), fully furnished with two bedrooms, under 100.000$
Modern kitchen and small bathroom:
Master bedroom upstairs with luxury bathroom:
Living room and family bathroom:
Second bedroom, suitable for teens:
Outside dinning and party area:
Sunbathing area and outdoor:
both lower floors are colorless, and bedrooms are colorfull. Not shore if it would be better other way around. Or all with colors or none with colors/patterns.. Suggestions are very welcome.
I think both your houses are great! The bungalow's kitchen is really great! Moveobjects is great sometimes. (I've said great too many times haven't I) Also this might be off-topic but what does depritiation mean?
Both houses look awesome, Anushka. Thanks for the advice, I always forget about landscaping. ;D
Thanks both of you, Chronic, you're welcome, I know you had beautiful and interesting pond in dynasty home, so I'm shore you'll come up with something for this one too.
Gogowars, thank you, depritiation is when you move in Sim, all furniture start losing value, so when that Sim moves out, house is worth less than when you build it. You can save it to bin with that less worth furniture even if your Sim hasn't changed anything. Hope I explane it well.
Anushka, those bungalows are beautiful! I would love to possibly see those in the Swap Shop one day. :)
Thanks Swetest Pea, my ego is growing 8) hehehe Hopefully I'll soon finish this world and it will be available in Swap Shop (or if file turn to be too large to upload here, I'll check with moderators what would be the best option). There will be many of my own creations as well as those of our very talented members.
I've just vaguely finished a rebuild of my Legacy Home, it's not completely done and I am trying to keep the amount of stuff in it lowish to help reduce lag and loading times, so far it is much better, cut from 15mins to less than 5 Mins for Loading the Save File! Can you tell em what you think? I am turning a lot of the Lots near their House (Where the Wolfes used to live) into Community Lots and will have them buy them and convert them into things such as a venue for parties and stuff like that, museums/collections area, gym just to help reduce the amount of objects in the House.
Character Legacy House (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=273&pid=19175#top_display_media)
And I bet someone is going to say something like 'Don't those columns get in the way?' In my case they don't, or I just don't mind them. :D
Wow! Samoht, that house is awesome! :D I wish I could build like that. Specially love the first floor.
I have (finally) gotten around to pulling the Carpenter-Rhodes house down and trying a rebuild myself. I'm moving all the bedrooms into the basement and I think I'm going to try to build them a log cabin which will hopefully leave lots of space for Meadow's garden and a pool.
Bedrooms belonging to Cherry (red), Camille (the empty one) and the parents. I don't know what the open room will be for yet.
Bedrooms belonging to Demeter (green), Faith (purple), Lucy (empty at top of picture) and Athena (empty at bottom of picture). This floor will have to be moved so that I can get the staircases where I want them. I'm going to use the same bedroom template for the other two bedrooms also.
The nearly non-existent top floor. The plant room is all that remains.
The still intact bottom floor.
Where the garage was originally - this became an indoor pool but is going to be removed.
There's a trick with the staircase that you can use. If you press Shift while placing a staircase, it will go straight through the foundation and into the basement - And I still think it can be covered with floor tiles like you've used.
A true sign of genius is making a cheap house look good - so Anushka, that means you're a mastermind of building. I love that house - it just seems "right" somehow.
There's a trick with the staircase that you can use. If you press Shift while placing a staircase, it will go straight through the foundation and into the basement - And I still think it can be covered with floor tiles like you've used.
A true sign of genius is making a cheap house look good - so Anushka, that means you're a mastermind of building. I love that house - it just seems "right" somehow.
Ah, thank you! I didn't know that! The new house probably won't have foundations though. I'm going for a simple and small exterior.
A true sign of genius is making a cheap house look good - so Anushka, that means you're a mastermind of building. I love that house - it just seems "right" somehow.
Aww, what a compliment, thank you very much Seabody :D
I was in a building mood and had some time to do it, so I managed to build 2 starting boungalows with +10 energy beds and nice shower, fridge and stove. And some trees too hehehe and laundro-caffee in same theme. I love how it turns out, but there is still lot to build and landscape.
Wow, Anushka, both your bungalow lots look beautifully tropical!
Anushka, I love the look of your bungalows! The roundness is just awesome. Can you put them on the swap shop?
EDIT - samoht, the house looks good, my only comments would be: outside looks a little boring? I don't mean the view, it's stunning. And, perhaps your sims will get a little cross eyed sitting that close to the TV? :P
The beach bungalows are pretty nice. Perfectly suited to the project.
Trucking along myself (at a snail's pace no less). Here's the master suite.
I love the colors. Nice and modern, but with a classical side. :D
@Samoht- Your house is great! I especially love the architecture of the front, the dining room, and the outdoor area. I also agree that the living room furniture is too close to the t.v, and I think the study is a bit overwhelming.
@Danefaith- I always like your minibars. The master is awesome, but I don't think the keyboard looks good right beside the bed.
Anushka your beach bungalows are lovely. ;D
Here is something I finished making a few days ago as a gift for a friend. I have been enjoying playing it inbetween building my next lot. I have called it "Sunset Pier".
@ LoveEvil: Wow, how did you build over water? I've never seen that done before. It's definitely a very nice pier.
@ Micler: Thanks for the input. I'm looking back and agreeing on the keyboard. I might move or replace it.
Thanks everyone, I imagined that area few weeks ago, and now I'm all over it, and idea's are bursting. No pictures for now, but in few days I'll post the results. Your comments are very encouraging.
Pallyndrome, this is a part of CAW project that is getting ready for Swap Shop, So they will be up along with many other lots :)
Dane, thanks. I like both bedrooms, maybe one tiny tiny thing, can you put that green 3 part painting a little bit up to be in the middle and not so close to floor? I love the idea of putting it under TV but something is not fitting perfectly. I like the piano there, had it in my own apartment for a while set almost exactly like that :D
LoveEvil, that is so beautiful! It reminds me of that Pier in Sims 2 Tiki Vacation destination. I'm also curious how you place lot ove ocean in SV, I did that in CAW with few of those boungalows, but never was able to do that with World editor in Edit town.
I'm guessing here, but did you place a lot near the beach (or use Old Pier Beach), then use the water terrain tool to make it blend in?
OK, finally the teen's room. Disarray was an emphasis here, but still functional I hope.
I'm debating between the above and another version in which I make a slightly greater emphasis on matching.
Now just need to do the background and check for final touches and I'm done. Yay~.
@Samoht- Your house is great! I especially love the architecture of the front, the dining room, and the outdoor area. I also agree that the living room furniture is too close to the t.v, and I think the study is a bit overwhelming.
Thanks Micler! Trouble is there is a Door right behind it and having it too close my caught some pathing issues especially with the full house, (it's not full at the moment! :D), the Study seems okay in game but I see what you mean, it might change in the future.
Dane, I'm more for a mismatching option, but you know better what will fit with the rest of the house, those "not lined" carpets are already giving the impression of messy teen room, so colors are bonus. I'm looking forward for that beauty.
Samoht, I checked the house, it is very elegant in old fashion way, colors are little dark, and whole impression was like it is a house designed for Agness ;D just jocking, I don't know what to add beside what is already said, cauches too close to TV and little empty outdoor, it looks more like a comunity park garden, but in homes such are that, only ivy is missing to cover half of it, gardener in funny hat to take care of it, and a butler bringing refreshing for, well, Agness ;D
Seabody, I don't think that was the case, because of few details, water looks in one piece, and it seems that waves are hitting rocks below it, and coast don't look shorter than it is in SV, but this doesn't have to be Sunset Valey, but some other town made on SV map, which is available in CAW. It's best to wait for LoveEvil to tell us the secret.
I could liighten the exterior a bit, actually yeah, I think I will. ;)
If I could make a suggestion going from Anushka's, I'd say make sure the wall color is a bit lighter than the stone pathways. At the moment, they're very close in shade and it causes them to melt into one another. A bit of a shade different will give them distinction.
It could also use some flowers to expand the color palette, and a few palm trees closer to the structure itself.
dane- I love that room. Just the way you've pushed the boundaries, with diagonals, and messiness. I would go for the first pic, with not much matching. In fact, I think you could go even further with that and the messiness :)
danefaith, the teen room looks great. It's just how (classy) teenager's bedroom would look.
Eagerly anticipating the rest of the house!
I think I've created a fire hazard.
I was astonished that the dart-board is functional, even behind a desk. Frankly, I'm astonished that anything functions at the moment, let alone that it all does.
I was about to suggest mess under the bed, having balls in mind, but you've made it anyway. Now move in neurotic mother and have her freak out in that room daily :D
EDIT: Thanks for the tip about dart board being functional even if something is on the way, I never tried that but now I will.
I like it dane, overall the home seems really warm and natural :). I wonder if you could build an entire house that cluttered, eh? Anushka, you've done a fantastic job matching up the bunglows to make them "fit" together, and that's what I look for when I download worlds! I can't wait to download it; if you're short on buildings I'm sure we could help you out (I might have a tiny laundromat you could use if you're interested). Filly and samoht, I love your mansions and I really admire you for being able to work on that scale. ;D
Whew, that's a lot to catch up on! This is what happens in uni, I guess. :-\
Wow, that is one cluttered bedroom, danefaith....
Looks fab, though!
I don't know if it is slightly off topic, but I start building on lot that is marked partly in sea - CAW is not creating problem when you mark it that way, so I thought it would be nice to have a party area with waves splash and it went good for a while:
Until, I told my test Sim to try fishing in sea from home lot. Then she entered the ocean without any hesitation:
And start fishing(in this pic she couldn't use pool to swim in it):
I tried placing fish spawners to have sharks swim around her legs but they kept spawning too low, half in sand, I even elevated part to place it, but it is not behaving as usual - cause it is not really an usual situation.
Next idea was pool in ocean so Sims can kind of swim in it. I used constrainfloorelevation false to soften the edges of pool, but did too much so after looking almost perfectly:
But then:
She is breathing underwater. I'll try not to lower it too much but then it look wierd that Sim is fully underwater while around sea is couple of centimeters deep.
What do you think, is it too wierd to play with this idea, or should I go for it?
That idea is awesome, Anushka. Well, maybe that is quite weird, but, hey, Sims have inhuman powers like Ambrosia or Death Flower, so why can't they breath underwater? ;)
@ LoveEvil: Wow, how did you build over water? I've never seen that done before. It's definitely a very nice pier.
@ Micler: Thanks for the input. I'm looking back and agreeing on the keyboard. I might move or replace it.
Thank you all for the nice comments, that lot is right next to the water which helps but I have the water going on the lot and underneath the pier thanks to the fog emitters placed on the edge of the land so it looks like the tide is going in and out. ;)
Edit - I would have no idea how to do any of this in caw as never used it before. Plus using the fog emitters in normal build mode means it works for anyone who places the lot down without having to edit their world.
There's been so many lovely coastal lots on the showboat lately, so now I feel obliged to chip in my own little beach house :). Emphasis on "little". It's taken me ages, too; I spent weeks wondering what theme to use for the interior before I decided on "Gran's new holiday home". Here's Navy Nook:
The trendy upstairs bedroom is for when the grandkids want to stay over :). The rest of the house is Granny's attempt at being modern, so there's all sorts of kitschy trinkets lying around. I'd love to hear some criticism. Oh, and I'm also having trouble with the roof:
If I put the roof right up to the wall, I can't put any objects next to that wall on the inside of the house, and if I place them with moveobjects on Sims can't use them. I really need every bit of space I can get and I don't want to change the exterior, so does anyone know how to fix it?
EDIT: Oh, and I'm only using Ambitions, base game and freebies for this one, just for the challenge. :)
Just create a one-tile wide space where the roof ends, and connect it to the upstairs. Use walls, and make sure it is seamless - so same wallpaper, same roof, and that sort of thing. It's based off an idea I saw in Jonothan Creek - An attic on the second floor of a several storey house.
EDIT: They share the same basic principle - deception. Think of it as the opposite of Doctor Who's TARDIS - It's smaller on the inside.
LoveEvil, thanks for explanation. I never saw that effect for fog emitters, are splashes on rocks waterfall or there is a splash too? Can you share a link to download this lovely Pier? I'm very curious in unusual effects that regular building tool is providing, and what you described would be very usefull and effective:)
Aussette, Grany's Navy Nook is lovely. I can uderstand the trouble roof is giving you so lately I build roof before any furnishing is done. Sometimes autoroof will work, then you can change what you want. Are those extended tile floors on second store floor giving you a trouble? I think I recognize half gable there, and there is a lot of tips how to put walls on roof on this tread (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4727.0.html), using gable and half gable.
Chronic, thanks, it is more natural and pretty realistic that Sims can walk and swim in water (cause it is in water, not on water), but I know many members would hesitate to use this world if it look too much strange - in fear of mods and CC, and messing the game. I'm not using even SP's, but I understand that it will raise doubts once they see things I took pictures of. I also don't know if it will affect the game in any way. I've seen this in other worlds but not much comments or testing is done. I'll probably use this watery thing moderately and see if it will affect the gameplay during testings, and eventually I can always block route with rocks so Sims won't chose that path. It's good that I mark only few lots like this and I can change that easy enough.
If anyone has any suggestions and thoughts about this please share, I'm curently having blocked inspiration cause I'm not shore what to do with it.
PS I managed to put pool to fit nicely, Sim is swiming with head above water, and with right coloring of pool, it looks like part of the beach is build to be sea water pool. I still have some ideas how to lower front wall of pool to blend with sea, and to put rocks to stop Sims from swiming there, but I don't like the result that much. Any suggestion would be appretiated.
EDIT: Love Evil, never mind, I track it down on official forum, along with some other interesting creations you've made!
Thanks for the tips guys, in the end I just went with a little hipped roof. I think the problem was caused by having slanted sections of roof directly next to the wall, but because the edges of the hipped roof are at floor level it's no longer an issue.
Sorry Anushka, but I can't really think of a way to block off parts of your pool that you haven't already. You could probably get a nice-looking reef though if you used those rocky World Adventures sculptures, like this:
That house is super awesome, Ausette. I love the backyard, but maybe you could recolor that table? It is a bit too bright in my opinion. I also love the use of terrain paint.
Hello everyone! :D
I figured I'd use my first post here.
As a long time lurker of this thread, it inspired me to build something, and I got this.
It's not done yet, but I think its one of the best houses I've built so far! (I'm more of an interior design person than an exterior D:)
And the only rooms I have done (Foyer/Dining and Living)-
I started this house a week ago, and I don't have the time to work on it as much as I'd like to. :/
Also, if the pictures are sized wrong I apologize.
Welcome Feefel,
Great to see new builders around. Your house look lovely, I specially like backside terace, stone fence and patio are blending in and you decorate it very pretty.
I was wondering if you can move that one window in front of the house so it is at least one square before corner? or the other one to the corner so they are simetrical? And I would put some lower flowers in front too, around that greenery, not too much, just a few. It is very interesting how you combine stone and wood outside. And those few pictures of inside you placed, are looking very elegant.
As for the pictures,I think they are right size but have you checked this tread? (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,2881.0.html)
Again, welcome to the forum :)
Welcome Feefel,
Great to see new builders around. Your house look lovely, I specially like backside terace, stone fence and patio are blending in and you decorate it very pretty.
I was wondering if you can move that one window in front of the house so it is at least one square before corner? or the other one to the corner so they are simetrical? And I would put some lower flowers in front too, around that greenery, not too much, just a few. It is very interesting how you combine stone and wood outside. And those few pictures of inside you placed, are looking very elegant.
As for the pictures,I think they are right size but have you checked this tread? (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,2881.0.html)
Again, welcome to the forum :)
Haha, oh wow, I didn't even notice they weren't even. I'll fix it now. Thank you. :)
I like this idea. And I love building. I've been busy, since I started playing 3, remodeling near every home/lot in every neighborhood that I've been playing (SV, Twinbrook, Bridgeport). It's been a lot of work, albeit enjoyable.
This was the Alto home in SV. That roof they had on it just didn't do it justice at all. I'm a bit disappointed that it's only 3 bedrooms, the master suite...I just couldn't find a replacement spot on the lot. But, I'm happy with how it turned out...much more functional and much more estately looking IMO. Thanks for letting us have our ego moments here, lol.
I needed a little break from my dynasty tonight and decided to challenge myself at building. The idea was to try and create a 1-story starters studio on a 10x10 lot.
It's not yet finished (I didn't landscape at all and the interior still needs tweaking), but it's definitely a start. I had a lot of fun with it, but it was also incredibly hard to deal with the insanely small cube-like space. I went for a very light interior to create the illusion of more space. If the budget will allow for it, I'm also considering working with full-lenght mirrors to do the same. To spice the light walls and floor up I decided to go with an extreme colour-scheme of black and red to offset the white.
Let me know what you think :)
Feefel, I've been looking for something like the roof you used on the porch of your house. Where did it come from?
Lay flooring down where you want the roof to go, use fences to make the pattern, then remove the flooring.
Welcome Ejnarts, yes, this is a great topic, both for viewers and posters. I like your remodel, fasade is little too pink for me, but it look so much better now than what came with the game. I also don't like homes we got, and almost never play them. Your remodel is great.
Phyre, that is one beautifull starter! It is hard to make functional small place and to make it beautiful, you don't need mirrors with windows and glass you already used. I love red and black combo so you got me there!
I continue building boungalow street, and in total there are now 6 lots, 5 of them are starters, 2 for families and one unfurnished (furnished is around 20.000$ but it is for a couple without children). Then I exported world, placed radom trees and rocks just to get a feeling of how will it look like when fully landscaped, and fall in love. It is definitely my favorite part of island. I took tons of pics but will not clutter this tread with all of them, only few:
Anushka, that's beautiful! It makes me want to go into your World, and live there.
That is absolutely GORGEOUS! You're so talented! It all looks so perfect together. I ran into issues with my island, but I learned a lot this last time, so... back to the drawing board.
Keep up the incredible work!
@ Phyre - That house looks cool!
@ Anushka - :o That is just amazing! Did you adjust the sun position to get it there, or did you build around that? On a side note, do you know how to make the lots in CAW go to actual sizes? So like 30x30? I will be downloading the World when you are finished! ;)
Thanks Seabody and LadyDragon! Seabody, I just told my husband - let's move here, I made it affordable for us to buy it :D and of course he agreed!
LadyDragon, thank you very much, I had a clear idea how will this area look and am getting close to it. I'm specially happy cause I made all boungalows from scratch, they are all different and cheap with deserved high beautiful vista moodlet. And ideas I have for other island next to it, with larger lots and more expencive bouungalows, I can't wait to start doing that part. I was also tempted to clear all town, and made it all from boungalows, put rabbitholes in basement and make a woodoo/tiki village on small archipelagus. I won't do it now, I put way to much work in this so far, but eventually I might start working on not so small and flat, and even more tropical world.
Having birds, waves, splashes and better organized and placed trees and flowers will made this even better, and I'm very excited about it. So much that I gave up on Career challenge and having second thougths of even trying Baby boomer. I had too much fun with this world ;D
Samoht, yes, I make an effort to mark most of the lots in size that world editor have (30x30, 20x20, 20x30, 30x40 etc). I didn't adjust sun jet, but will, at the end, cause .ini files are not saved in CAW but are exported.I'll put in equatorial position, and probably add more colors to sunset ;) But I did plan world according to sides of world. Thank you for compliments :)
Anushka, your world is absolutely wonderful. It is both convenient to play in (I am sure), realistic and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your techniques with us. :)
Phyre, that is one beautifull starter! It is hard to make functional small place and to make it beautiful, you don't need mirrors with windows and glass you already used. I love red and black combo so you got me there!
Yea, a 10x10 lot was really hard to make functional and beautiful. I think you're right concerning the mirrors - perhaps I'll look into what more I can do to extend the indoor environment to the outdoor environment (or pulling the outdoor environment inside), that way it'll also increase the spaciousness of the studio. If there's interest I might upload it to the Swap Shop once it's done as it's completely CC free.
About uploading to the Swap Shop; I will most definitely download your world when it's done! That bungalow island is unbelieveably gorgeous! I love that you kept it serene and open, it really adds to the feeling of the island. As does the uniformity of those bungalows you designed. It really feels like a tranquil retreat in the Seychelles islands! I'm with you and your husband on this; if it were possible I'd move there!
Feefel, I've been looking for something like the roof you used on the porch of your house. Where did it come from?
I'm pretty certain its the placefriezes on cheat.
Put placefriezes on into your cheat box, and it transforms the foundation tool into the frieze tool. Simplest terms, friezes are essentially slices of foundation which can be placed above ground.
@danefaith I think you're getting feefel and Phyre confused. Feefel did not use the Frieze tool - I can't see friezes anywhere on their house.
*aneurysm* How did I miss Feeful's house? ???
The porch roof is done the same way as the one on Meadow Carpenter-Rhodes' house (again!) It's done using fences in a lattice pattern. Just add floor tiles and then use a fence to create the pattern.
Anushka, that is so beautiful.
I love the whole look of it!
I'm please to say Navy Nook is now in the Swap Shop! [Link] (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4918.0.html)
@ Feeful, welcome to the forum! I really like the awnings over the doorways and your use of the platform tool to make split levels. I was wondering though if you'd used the Autoroof tool for your roof. I think I'd like to see some of those seperate little peaks in the roof as one continuous line. I like the one over the front door though. :)
@ ejnarts1, a big welcome to you too. The Alto house is looking absolutely wonderful. I actually like the pink now :D. I also like how you've split the bedroom into a more practical set of areas, well done.
@ Phyre, I saw another one of your works on the 'building tips' thread and I really like your modern style and use of friezes. I might close up the bathroom in your starter house for practicality reasons, but it's a really beautiful, modern little house.
@ Anushka... wow :D. Bungalow bay has turned out absolutely stunning. I'm jealous of the Sims who get to live there now! What else can I say, it's just beautiful really. ;D
Thank you everyone. It's really fun to build that part, but lot to learn still. I'm not shore why trees placed in World editor are floating - root is up the ground comparing to those trees on lots. I hope that in CAW it won't be too much of a problem, cause I don't want to leave them like that ::) I'm also annoyed by subway priority, Sim waste a lot of time runnig to stations, so I have to find efficient system for them, or leave only one for guitar exploit. Some of the lots are not complete, I lost inspiration after some parts, so there is a lot of tweaking around left. And I still don't know if I would leave west beach with completely empty lots for players to place their favorite homes, and should I place at least one milionaire villa, and which to chose. Not to mention another sweet dilema which club to place where, and not so sweet checking part - what objects are missing. I just realised one club didn't had public stereos up stairs, and 2 rooms were completely dark - no lights were exported/replaced. So this is a long process and not always so fun. And now, I even consider changing road pattern into asphalt..and am mad cause I can't place large dark rocks on lots..
In boungalow area I managed to made even two family starters under 16.000, and am very happy about it. Also some of these boungalows are classy and elegant, others are colorful and funky, some have excellent cooking equipment, others have many skilling objects, but all have good beds, showers and not the cheapest fridges and stoves, and some landscape. And everything else neccessary for start.
Thanks for encouragement everyone, I hope the final version will soon be out there at least to start that final testing part.
No one builds Los Aneigos over night. It's a learning process above and beyond just building a house.
You're doing well, keep it up!
Anyways, my house Amphoteric is done and up in the swap shop. ;D but no time to dawdle, on to the next project!
I wasn't in much of an architecture mood, so I decided to take a swing at an apartment complex. I'm amped at the idea of converting it into a student dormitory.
first floor is as so. I was kind of hit with a dilemma working the first floor. I hate those ominous black-out areas, but I'm also not very fond of the ridiculously high walls. Only so many ammenities make sense in them, that I settled on a pool, lounge, and a tennis court, just for aesthetic/to fill up space.
which means step one, done! This ought to be a fun little project; wish me luck!
Good Luck! I have plenty of faith. :D I've also ha a LOT of fun doing apartment buildings. The pay off is in the test run when I can send my sim to visit his or her neighbor, and random sims show up, or the other residents hand out in the jacuzzi or pool, or at the bar.
So far your apartment complex is awesome, Dane. I think you could add a few decorations to the pool. Such as... lights, maybe?
I like your apartment building so far Danefaith!
Thank you everyone. It's really fun to build that part, but lot to learn still. I'm not shore why trees placed in World editor are floating - root is up the ground comparing to those trees on lots. I hope that in CAW it won't be too much of a problem, cause I don't want to leave them like that ::)
There is a way to raise/lower the position of trees, I think it's after you place them then click on them and drag one of those lines that act as an AXIS, one is vertical and one is horizontal, drag the Vertical one to change the Y Axis. I think that is the case anyway.
Rehauled the design. since its only been what, like an hour, I switched out the pictures in my above post just to avoid flooding the thread with pics. ;D
I like it! I really like the tennis court look. Could also have a community laundromat on one of the other floors too. Full service complex :D
that's what i'm aiming for. Aim to have a LOT of student oriented community rooms. Laundry, computer lab, hang-out spots. they'll be of particular use, considering...
...your sim's actual dorm is only 5x7! 8)
Awesome! I have a dorm style building on the exchange site, even has a community bathroom down stairs Heheh!
I'm loving the idea of a student housing complex Danefaith! The first floor is coming along really nice! I love the tennis court idea! How big is the actual area? You could perhaps look into fitting in a small area where spectators can sit, player chairs and coolboxes and a referee (bar) chair? I doubt the sims has anything resembling a score board.
My only suggestion would be to perhaps look into the lightning of the bar/stage area. It looks rather dark. Perhaps some lighter colour accents will lift it up a bit. Not sure if the dark is what you were going for though - that kind of Irish pub look.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the complex!
Thanks Dane and Samoht, after looong morning walk with my little one, I'm fresh to continue working on this until our relatives arrived tonight for a couple of days, then I won't have much time for it. But I already checked what I can do with trees in CAW, and yes, they do behave as any other object - having a posibility to move them in 3D - place them perfectly. For some reason, trees look akward in CAW - my graphic settings, but wonderfull in game. I'm glad that is working well, even if that means I'll have to pay much attention to each tree I plant.
I already placed Amphoteric and I love it, it is harder and harder to chose for my rich Sims where to settle.. and this student dormitory.. wow, pool would be too much back then when I was a student, and having a hot tub.. I would never finish my studies with all that, but parties would be on whole different level ;D. Can you tell me where to find celling light in buydebug - I used to find them easily in misc tab, but lately I got only wall lights, so I'm wondering what happen there..
And Aussette, lovely house, specialy elevated fondation! It's in my bin waiting for SV to load. You build it on my 2nd favorite lot in SV so I'm gonna use it soon!
Thanks Anushka, glad you like my house ;D. danefaith, that apartment's already much nicer than the lodging at my uni! For reference, my bedroom's part of a three story building and looks a bit like this:
That was surprisingly fun to build :). Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this one, it looks fantastic already! I'd probably give the pool a ladder though.
That bedroom is awesome, Ausette. Can we see the roof? ;D
@Dane - Now the pool is both safe and better! :D I love the whole complex, well done!
Oh dear yes, it's going to be an upgrade. I actually remember my dorm room like it was yesterday.
Good old Manzanita, 15 floors of 30 two bed dorms. Sadly, I couldn't properly convey the mold.
The Carpenter-Rhodes rebuild is done! It is the hardest house I've ever created, making them aesthetically pleasing as well as livable in is not easy!
The Log Cabin
Basement Level 1
Basement Level 2
Exterior View from front
Exterior View from back
I'm tempted to design a version without the basement space for the Swap Shop - unless anyone would like this one?
LoveEvil, thanks for explanation. I never saw that effect for fog emitters, are splashes on rocks waterfall or there is a splash too? Can you share a link to download this lovely Pier? I'm very curious in unusual effects that regular building tool is providing, and what you described would be very usefull and effective:)
EDIT: Love Evil, never mind, I track it down on official forum, along with some other interesting creations you've made!
Umm I think the splashes were "oceansurfsplash", the emitters have so many codes that I forget what is what sometimes! :D
Glad you found the pier ok.
So now we're upstairs, but still in the community areas. Here's the elevator landing.
Next up kitchen and laundry.
Finally I made some studio accommodations for the art student.
That is looking so great! I can't wait to see the actual dorm rooms! hehe
It looks great, dane! It'll be awesome having all those amnities in one building. And wow, I think you win on "who gets the most cluttered uni room". At least I don't have to share mine. :P
@Danefaith- That kitchen is awesome! I also really like the ambitions skills and art spaces. This building will have something for everyone! :)
You should see my bedroom! Half the time, there's no free surface.
Half the time, there's no free surface.
What's a free surface? :P
The Community Areas look cool Dane! :)
dane, that looks awesome. If the actual bedrooms are really small, it might be a really cheap option for sims fresh out of the nest? I see you put a sink in the art rooms, is that to extinguish a sim if they catch on fire?
The communitiy rooms look great dane!!
We're left with two mores communal rooms and then it's on to the dorm rooms!
A simple hang out room with a few of the remaining amenities. It links to the communal bathrooms, but since a residential can't use the male/female restroom doors, I made mini plaques to designate.
and of course here's the bathroom, which somehow ended up looking like a pirate ship. ;D Ah well.
And here's the dorm rooms! ...Well, here's the dorm rooms at the beginning of the school year. My plan was to use a like set of furniture and then flesh them out in different styles, which resulted in this fine little quartet!
Love the dorms and final community rooms Dane!!!
no offense dane, but I was hoping the dorm rooms would be small and cheap, like in TS2University. I don't really see the point in having all those community rooms filled with items like easels, if that stuff can be easily fitted into the dorm rooms themselves - it's just overkill to me. I feel a little like nearly everything on this thread is too expensive for the average sim, and i was hoping for rooms with room only for a bed and a closet, barely, so they'd be really cheap. Anyway, what you've designed is good in itself, just not what I was hoping for.
You mean like that? No reason I can't upload both the pretty rooms version and the TS 2 Uni version.
I find myself tentatively agreeing with pally on this one. To be honest I was hoping for, well, this:
The rooms are the right size now, so why not go nuts with personal clutter? :D
Guys, I need help. :-\ I have just *finished* work on my Gen 4's Nursery, but I think it's a bit too dark. Since her favorite color is violet, while it goes well with black. Do you think it's okay? Any help is appreciated, thanks. :)
So here's a tribute part to her gran Cornelia, who died the same day as she was born. I hesitated about putting Cornelia's tombstone there too, but I thought it would be way too much.
This is kind of "Nursery bathroom" or "Parents' resting area". What's your opinion?
Here is where the baby will *cough* sleep *cough*. I know, it's dark.
This one is the "Play area". In the middle of those arches/windows is a toy, which only Violet can access. ;D
And here is the headshot. What do you think? Please help me, thanks so much.
@ Chronic - It is way to dark, too much black. What I suggest is tone down the Violet, make it a little more neutral, then find another colour which works with Violet, White, Pink, Blue... Something like that.
As you already said yourself, the room definitely is too dark.
I don't think you have to go with a different colour palet if you don't want to. Who says all nurseries must be visions in pastel. But what you do need is balance.
In the current screenshots everything is the same tones of black and purple. If you go for such a colour combination it's important you add lighter tones to your palet to offset the darker ones. This will also make the black and the violet you do put in there pop much more and thus strenghten the mood you want to go for.
You can basically mix and match however you want, but my advise would be to lighten the floors, as well as the ceilings. Perhaps you can try a very light beige (yellow-beige) tone. Violet and yellow are opposites colours on the colour wheel and if you pick the right tone it will complement the violet extremely well. You could also go for an analogous colour palet, but blue/pink may not work as well for your room (because you're searching for very light tones), but you'll just have to try it out and see. Moreover, I wouldn't give all walls the same (colour) wallpaper. When you look at real life interior design you'll rarely find a room where all walls are purple, it's more common to create a focal point. The mood and look you're going for doesn't require everything to be uniform. Then as a last tip, if you go with a dark wall, I'd not go for dark furniture. In the current rooms everything's pretty much non-descript because it blands into each other. Rather, if you want your colour palet to pop you have to create contrast.
The balance between contrast and cohesion is what makes or breaks a design. It is the paradox a designer's never done solving.
I hope this was helpful to you.
Thank you both, Tom and Phyre. I'll use your tips for the bedroom remodel, since Violet is already a child.
Dinky dorms are go!
The new dorms are looking great! The beds are the cheap ones to bring down the cost. Right??
Every room costs about 2-3k. All eight rooms are about 22k altogether - but then again, an 8 sim starter home has 30k so you're good to go with money to spare, no matter how many rooms you use.
Very nicely done Dane. I particularly love the green room. Bravo!
I finished Cubesque, Minimalistic Studio (Starter).
There were some small changes made to the interior, I finished the exterior, and upgraded all the items in the house. Everywhere on the lot your sim will receive the +40 Beautifully Decorated moodlet.
Mr. and Mrs. Longshanks, Cubesque's faithful Professional Guard Flamingos invite you to come take a look in the Swap Shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4956.msg101319.html#msg101319).
dane, the rooms do look better, but am I allowed to be picky and say they could be even smaller and more cluttered? :P
interesting house phyre :)
Are you using the hex codes (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,1433.0.html) that will give you the true favorite colors? According to the list on the post linked, the hex code for violet is b12592. And while I cannot claim to be on the same level as many of our builders on this thread, I do have some tricks I like to use with color. Once you find a particular hex code on the color wheel, you can go to different spots on the wheel and find complimentary and contrasting colors that work very well with the starting color. And, wow, let me say that the real color of violet from the hex code is not like the color in your pictures! It's a very bright violet color. Very bright! But that's the color in the game when the Sim likes violet. Anyway, I found violet on the wheel and then captured the hex code for the spot directly across from violet, and about the same distance from the center. It doesn't have to be exact. Just eyeball it. So, for violet, I got a bright green to go with it (hex code 28b115). Once you get the green, you can lighten or darken it as you choose to make it go nicely with the violet. Another way is to go a little to each side of violet on the wheel, rather than directly across. I got a purple (hex code 7337b1) and a true red (hex code b13223) on the other side. Again, you can lighten or darken as you wish.
This is just a fun way to get unique and awesome colors without falling back on black, white, and pink as the typical colors for making a room interesting with color. I hope I didn't make this too confusing and that it helps you in some way. :)
Pam, I am using the colors provided in the first option (aka the small box list). In the Nursery I've used the darkest option before black. Even though, for the black I used hex code (000000). And for the white too (ffffff). I know about the hex code system, but I just wanted to recolor everything quickly. It's a real pain to recolor every object, you know. Hope you understand, but, still, thanks. :)
I know other people have probably figured out how to build a pond indoors, at least this way the vampires won't be exposed to the sun. I tried it and it is so cool. For some that may not know what it would look like, I took a couple of screenshots.
Hi TCR, I love the amenities you've included in your generation 4 nursery, but I agree that it is too dark for my taste.
As Pam mentioned, the violet that is the sims favorite color is much brighter - it is almost a magenta color. It was the favorite color of my generation 4 immortal and this is what I did with her nursery. This is brighter than I would normally choose to go, but being a child's room I decided to be more whimsical.
When she grew up and I wanted to decorate the house with her favorite color (violet) and her husband's favorite color (aqua), I chose a neutral gray and pale blue, then accented it with the more vibrant violet and aqua.
I think both Pam and Phyre have excellent ideas in terms of looking towards the yellow and green spectrum, too. You aren't limited to pastels. I used a themed pattern from the base game that had violet, bright orange, pale orange, and turquoise for her clothing and it was surprisingly pleasing.
In the end, though, you really only need to please yourself. If you find a color combination that you enjoy looking at then go with it!
I like the indoor pond!
Amazing idea, Salty. I didn't know you could do that. I'll Google it now. :)
Thank you for the tips, Kat. I too think the current theme is too dark overall, but Violet will have a complicated life when she grows up. Why? See the story's next update. ;D
Looks like I have yet another question, this time about landscaping. Y'all know that it is what most of my houses are missing. Well, this is my (rather modern) official dynasty house. If anybody can help, I'll be very grateful. Also, please don't allow the landscaping part to exceed 10,000$ - they don't have much money. :-\ In addition, what roof would suit this house in your opinion?
P.S. The house doesn't have any "normal" windows, because a woman who lives inside aka my founder is believed to be an "alien which is afraid of sun". In other words, they don't have the money. Lol. :P
It doesn't need a new roof. I think that the flat roof suits it fine.
There are hyndrangeas in the landscaping section that cost around §1. Use those - they're light, and, in the light shown in your photo, they'll lighten it up. Maybe put a pool in there - with a vivid colour. It seems dark-ish. (Bearing in mind that the photo is low-light.)
First, take a picture in Day Light for us. If it's Night in Sim Time go into Build/Buy and press L or the Day/Night button switch. I for one can't see anything.
On the roof, you could make an octagon type roof or as Seabody said, it doesn't have to have a roof. If you go that way you can add a railing around it, I find that makes me happier than just a flat roof sometimes.
As for landscaping it needs trees and flowers, your House doesn't seem to carry much of a theme so it's a bit tricky. Modern can be green and little colour but thats up to you, for some reason I seem to keep thiking of a line of small trees along that front wall, not tall just short?
Salty, You could even have some plants and small shore inside, like a real pond - I thing in water pyramid there are some wonderfull ideas for inside pond landscape. I also got this when making basement aquarium - Sims could fish from upper floor. It's funny bridge you made there hehehe. I also once had inside garden, only thing that I don't line with inside outdoor areas is that Sims usually get that unfinished room moodlet - because there is no floor on ground (That is why I gave up on idea of inside garden without moveobjects on).
Katluvr that is so cute I also love experimenting with colors and am lead with same rule - if I like it - I won't change it, after all I'm suppose to look at that while playing so priority is to be nice for me.
Chronic, you might want to check few pages that are linked in topic hex codes for colors Pam started on this board.
About house, you again took picture while it is dark outside so home is not really showing in it's full. This flat roof is nice - goes well with large modern windows you place. As for other things, well, wait till they earn more money :D You can always place hydrangea as Seabody told you, but couple of trees won't look bad neither, plus some terrain painting and maybe few rocks will work fine. Maybe get rid of that fence you place in front door - it may cause some routing issues beside not really fitting in. 1 or 2 white hydrangea and white flowers terrain paint might do the trick.
My favorite tree now is Cinnamon tree, and after that, Olive tree. Check around in that section and see what you like. You don't even have to have a theme. Bougenvilla and Cypress tree look great together :D
I'm havinga inspiration block again with my CAW project - suddenly I don't like flagstone that much and would change it back to asphalt, and would love to put dark grass all over the place, so I'm playing a dynasty instead of destroying everything I build so far.In dynasty I'm still using the same small starting home with 2 bedrooms and smal living room, even if they have more than 650 000$ in cash. I'll be happy to give you some money Chronic if that was the OK, but it isn't. I'm planing to keep it minimalistic, so file don't end up too big and lot too cluttered like it did last time..
Thanks guys. I always work with "daylight on" in Build/Buy mode, but I like taking the screenies in Live mode, because I cannot take that white squares that appear in Build/Buy mode. They have around 20,000$ in funds, and with Agnes' masterpiece painting they'll get richer quickly. I am just very careful not to lose my museum pieces.
I'm claustrophobic enough as is. ;D
Simer Hall is done. it's in the swap shop here (http://http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4968.0.html) and should be in the exchange sometime soon. Make sure to read to the bottom for pointers on how to switch or add player rooms, if you wish to use a room other than the default or play with multiple Sims.
Well, I planned to go minimalistic with dynasty mansion, but it didn't turn much small. I didn't have money limitation, but decided to make only 2 large bedrooms, one for immortals and one for immortal to be and spouse and heir. So here is what I made so far.
Entrance - the only yellow/orange part for now. I made this first.
Entry hall, a bit empty but I'll call it spacious:
Immortal bathroom (they all have steel bladder before YA so I really don't need toilets in their bedroom):
Immortal to be sleeping area (I love the idea of waking up with fresh lemonade):
TV and gaming area with laundry room behind:
Bookworms dream - for some reason I liked the idea of having different colors of chairs:
Patterns in dinning area(not finished, just that I used one pattern, painted parts of it one way on chairs, and the opposite on walls):
Whole house is painted/decorated in light wood, green and rose colors. I just played with patterns for outdoor stairs and got that contrast combo, and liked it. It's in different shades, and sometimes not obvious (rose pink is almost white, and green is almost black) but that's the theme. Whole outdoor and kitchen and parts of hallways are not finished, but how you guys like it so far? Is something obviously wrong?
I like it! Is that bed CC or Store Content?
Those colors are working together very well. You definitely know how to assemble a quality palette.
But what I'm thinking is, that you're capable of taking a great leap forward if the pattern usage here is addressed. I find that you're very capable, but I think your repetition of a pattern in both the furniture and the walls is negatively impacting contrast. An intricate design loses its impact if it saturates the entire room.
Basically, seek a bit of contrast between furniture and walls. Not blaring contrast, mind you, but just enough to separate the different elements of a room. A dark green with a light green; a light pink with a light green; an intensely patterned green with a a soft, textured green. Notice that in each of those examples, one trait is shared and another trait contrasts. This is the paradox that Phyre mentioned a few pages ago, that dance between unity and contrast.
I think you can also address by expanding your wall coverings. I'm noticing that flat wall with baseboard is the only wall covering used throughout the interior. The flat wall is especially limiting when it comes to using patterns. If you throw an intricate patterns onto the flat wall the room becomes completely drenched in that pattern and it can easily be overwhelming if the furniture doesn't work in a way to subdue it. What you should look into is some of the more complex wall covers, like walls with dados or beadboard walls with bordered frieze. You could then place the more intricate patterns in the dado or frieze.
Now I hope that all wasn't too esoteric. You're doing a good job, but essentially, if you broaden your approach just a little I think you can take it to the next level. ;D
Danefaith, thank you! That's the kind of advice I was looking for - I want to learn more to take it to that next level, and you gave me some very good direction for it. I wanted to play with complex patterns, but find it hard to adjust metalic "modern" themed windows with borders that are more rustic or victorian, wood paneling that has dark nails so light wood is not an option, or more complex walls that have borders etc - which meant putting together several patterns in theme to look compact together (which would be that next level). Also, laydown of rooms is not too creative, central room /entrance/hallway is divided with half walls on two sides, one with bookshelves, and other with TV. I don't really like how those bookshelves are huge, but I want the boxy look.. I'll definitelly try finding more wall coverings that would fit better, and I can see what you meant with too much patterns and contrasts - it really look messy and can't really see the pattern when it is all around. I can see that more wood on walls might work nice in dining room. And putting different shades in same room to visually divide them might be a progress. Ah well, it was late night when I played with this so hopefully today I'll have more fresh ideas, specially after checking some sites about interior design :D. Again, thank you for detailed and directions very carefully put together!
Seabody, I think bed is from OLS - I don't use much store items, except for few patterns and hairstyles specially since after fresh reinstall of game no sets are loaded in game even after successfull install in launcher. And Eco set gives me an error message that game is not up to date.
I've never seen that Bed before and I have OLS?
Anushka, I LOVE your Dynasty mansion! The colour scheme is especially nice. :)
But I don't think the bed is from ODL, because I have that EP, and like samoht, I haven't seen it.
I'm almost definite the bed isn't from Outdoor Living as I'm pretty sure no beds come with it.
Anushka, your house is awesome as it is! Maybe you could add another painting above (or beside) the bed? Still perfection at its best!
Wow it's been awhile since I've posted here and I must say the houses I have seen here are gorgeous! I especially love the dorm Danefaith. Makes me even more excited to be going to college in the fall.
Anushka, your dynasty house is lovely. I love the idea of inverting intricate patterns, but I have to agree with Danefaith on expanding your wall coverings. I think the dining room could use something else on the walls. Maybe if you did one of the wallpapers where it has the little stripe horizontal across the top (can't remember the name). You could make the stripe the pattern and the solid color a lighter shade of green. Or you could do a patterned paneling. I think this way it will take away some of the harshness of the room and make it easier on the eyes.
Also I looked in the store for the mystery bed and I didn't see it in the comfort section.
First thank you everyone! I've became aunt today for second time so I was not at computer for a while :D
Mistery bed is a mistery for me too. I did a fresh install of game and all EP and SP, but couldn't load sets in game - they would install but won't appear in game. I successfully instaled world I'm making (boungalows etc) and it seems that some of the lots in it had objects that were installed without problems - which is strange cause I didn't have any object in game that didn't came with EP, I even had uninstalled SP's at the time. I used only lots from our members that I trust when they say their lots are CC free, most of them are from Swap Shop or from time before Swap Shop - got them from excange but again from our members. I have no idea how I got in game that bed (and the rest of mistery objects).
I really like the bed, I will have to get rid of it. I definitely have to track down which of the lots in my world is not really CC free.. Sorry for confusion, I just assumed it is OL cause I haven't really used it so far, and haven't seen this bed before..
EDIT: I deleted part of this post that contained names of CC objects. I'm sorry.
@ ANushka that is Custom Content, I'll PM you the Link I found from my Google Search.
Hmmm interesting. I was hoping the bed would be store content because it look really cool and I want it. But since it's cc I'm not sure I want it anymore...
I find the same as Samoht (thanks again :)) so I edited my post that has names of it. I'm not shore should I leave picture with that bed.. Also, I've checked lots I placed in my world, since it is only few of them, and couldn't find any of these objects anywhere. I'll do some more testings to clear that file from CC, and to try to find a source of it..
I'm sorry everyone.
To avoid double posting, I'll just edit this one. I exported world again, with all lots intact - and objects are not appearing. I even load game, then exit, and they are still not there. So it is definitely not from our forum members whose lots I used. I did play with that world a lot, and placed some other lots not from our usual members and from exchange, and wasn't extremely carefull if they have CC because I just wanted to see what they did to get the effect I liked not to actualy use it in game, and deleted them before export. I'm still confused why were they tide to my little island when I build everything from scratch except few lots from our trusted members.. I guess CC just proved to be not so safe, or at least not controlable in usual way. Shame, I liked that bed. :P
It's an interesting bed, but the way the mattress insets into the frame is a little peculiar. CC has a habit of being amateurish like that. Perhaps the late night bed instead?
So: back to the mini modern neighborhood.
Through together this little diddy. I have ups and downs with the slant of roof although pretty solid in the rest of the elements.
Close up of the flower beds. I might need to go back and add more color.
Hmmmmm I'm not sold on that roof either danefaith. It seems...useless, for lack of a better term, and it sticks out with the dark color. Maybe a lighter color will do. :-\ Still trying to figure it out.
What Shenice said. The roof thing in the front is the focal point because it's different and darker in colour. If this is the intent, then job well done! But it doesn't fit in with the shape of the house and I'm not sold on it. Perhaps an actual roof on the house too?
The flower beds also seem to put the lot off balance - lots of flowers/plants on the right, just a couple small trees on the left. I like the fullness of the flowers beds on the right (because I love lots of flowers) so I would probably add some flowers to the front of the house on the left.
Over all, I love the clean lines and brickwork of this house, well done.
The roof just seems a little..odd to me.
My opinion is that is could be replaced with stairs, and maybe add a little balcony? :-\
Otherwise the house looks great.
Took your input and it lead quite the rehaul. I nixed the roof slant and replaced it with a garden, and then... just expanded from there. ;D
Here's a close up of the new garden. There's a seating area reachable through the home.
Don't ask me why but I think it needs something on that roof, the Roof just doesn't match the house? I n my opinion anyway.
Oh wow! THAT is much more striking! (not that the first was in any way bad, but wow, it really pops now for me) I love the hidden seating thing there behind the garden. Perfect reading spot. I can't wait to see what you do with the interior.
And maybe Sam's right? Maybe a fieze or railing there around the roof?
danefaith I love that little garden and the front photo! I think the back and side looks a little boring in comparison though...
Lady dragon: good suggestions, I'll take a look at them.
Pallyndrome: True, I haven't furnished it yet although it might benefit from a fountain or garden as well.
Apart from solar boards (things that came with Eco pack) I don't think roof is missing anything. And everything else look perfect. That "closed" balcony is my favorite, Sims don't have rain, at least not yet, but that would be my favorite part for now.
I took your advices seriously, and grab some Simming time this morning, here is what I did with that bedroom:
Apart from carpets (I tried so many combinations and gave up for now, later will return to them) I'm not shore I want to add/change anything. I finally found those wall coverings that have all kind of shapes to combine! Thank you all for sugestions, I'm open for advices, because I like learning. So keep them coming!
Awesome job! That's quite the improvement.
Great use of wall covering! I especially like how you used the braced pilasters behind the computer desk. I still think you need to work with tones of your color palette a little more. Consider using a lighter shade of green with your room furniture and perhaps alter the wood color just a tiny bit so its not the exact same as the flooring.
Actually the white rugs have really good contrast. Not every item needs to be using your color palette.
@ Dane - The second version of your house is definitely a big step up from the first one. In the first version of the house, that continuous grey brick wall/roof was much to subtle to actually work. Such a "half arc" (by lack of a better word), forming an "envelope" over the house has to be a strong gesture, else it will look odd. In the second version, the wall-piece of that envelope is much more prominent. However, it is much too prominent in comparison to the roof (which is too subtle).
Looking at the house I don't see that "envelope" motion. If you really want to continue with that concept, I'd see how it looks if you heighten that grey roof. Also, it may become more prominent if you create a uniform thickness between the wall and the roof (something you often see in reality). Another idea would be to see how it looks when you create depth between the two different elements (the basis and the envelope). You can let the grey area "stick out" from the basis 1 floor tile, and continue this in a 1-tile roof overhang. I'm not sure how it'll look of course, but it are things you can try out, because as is I don't think the house really works. If you don't want to change it (or create that envelope motion at all), you're better off pulling the roof to the underlying wall.
@ Anushka - That is an amazing transformation! This room works so much better than the first version. I love the colour palette, very simple, yet very elegant. I especially love how you've used the different wallpapers and patterns to create a wall that relates to the interior. It makes it much more powerful. The only thing I miss is some heavy accents. Perhaps you could brighten the colour of the flowers, that in itself would already be enough. The green plants make for a really nice contrast, but the pink is a little too soft against the white. But that's just a minor thing. You've really done a fabulous job!
anushka that room is simply stunning! I love it. The wallpapers, and the way the woods all match, with patterns and plain, and the colour is beautiful! I have admired those pillars on the wallpaper before, are they just a kind of wallpaper that comes with edges like that?
@Danefaith: Love the new version house. It looks so much better without that random roof on the ground. My only problem(s) now would be the actual roof. It needs something. Maybe a some fencing or line it with some lights. Another thing would have to be that line of bushes on the side. Looks a little...inadequate when compared to the rest of the house. You have full gardens on the opposite side of the house (and now in the middle). So the side with some trees needs some flowers and bushes to balance it. At least I think so.
@anushka: Love the new room make over. I don't like the same wood color all over the room. I would advise changing the color on the walls slightly as well as in the furniture just so its not so much wood in your face.
You mean the crown molding? I think I get what you're saying, although I'm not sure if I'm tackling it in the way you're suggesting. I might scrap it and go with stucco up to the roof.
I also touched up the left side with some free standing bushes and flowers. I also enlarged the trees.
Also, here's the furnishings to the back yard.
Still a little sparse... maybe if I play with the walls. Hmm.
You mean the crown molding? I think I get what you're saying, although I'm not sure if I'm tackling it in the way you're suggesting. I might scrap it and go with stucco up to the roof.
Was this in reaction to my post? It was not what I meant but there were muliple suggestions so perhaps this wasn't directed to me :P
It may have been directed to everyone who commented on it Phyre.
Danefaith, Balance! Yes love the new fuller tree line and I enjoy the simplistic furnishings in the backyard. I think some well placed lighting in the backyard will make it more interesting and less "sparse" as you said. The new roofing is better. I wasn't feeling the 100 percent stone work for it. Adding the solid color helped it a lot.
Anushka, you just took that bedroom from "nice, interesting" to "wow, I want that to be my bedroom".
Awesome job! That's quite the improvement.
Great use of wall covering! I especially like how you used the braced pilasters behind the computer desk. I still think you need to work with tones of your color palette a little more. Consider using a lighter shade of green with your room furniture and perhaps alter the wood color just a tiny bit so its not the exact same as the flooring.
Actually the white rugs have really good contrast. Not every item needs to be using your color palette.
Thank you again. I continue with your lead, and change wood color "just a tiny bit" to mak it more natural and stand out. Used ligher different pattern for bed and chair, and kept the color sheme for carpet. I used same hex code for colors in both walls and carpet, but with different light, texture and proportion of colors they give much different impression!
@ Anushka - That is an amazing transformation! This room works so much better than the first version. I love the colour palette, very simple, yet very elegant. I especially love how you've used the different wallpapers and patterns to create a wall that relates to the interior. It makes it much more powerful. The only thing I miss is some heavy accents. Perhaps you could brighten the colour of the flowers, that in itself would already be enough. The green plants make for a really nice contrast, but the pink is a little too soft against the white. But that's just a minor thing. You've really done a fabulous job!
Thank you Phyre! I was going for that impression so you made me happy for that feedback! I can't change colors of flowers, and only colorful flower is Fountain of flowers with sunflowers, but it has too old feeling for this room (I'm lacking words here, plus I am mostly using intuition and perception when building, not much logic ::)). I hope that new EP will bring more flowers I really really miss florist from Sims 2!
anushka that room is simply stunning! I love it. The wallpapers, and the way the woods all match, with patterns and plain, and the colour is beautiful! I have admired those pillars on the wallpaper before, are they just a kind of wallpaper that comes with edges like that?
Thanks Pally, it is under paneling, named Barn Wall, originally it have red boards beside pillars, but luckily, texture is flat. It does have all kind of shapes of pillars, which I was looking for for a long time!
@anushka: Love the new room make over. I don't like the same wood color all over the room. I would advise changing the color on the walls slightly as well as in the furniture just so its not so much wood in your face.
Thanks Shenice! I kind of liked same wood all over it, but did alter flooring and add one more carpet, so there isn't that much wood as it was. Actually, 2 years ago I draw my bedroom in RL from scratch and order it all in white pine wood, while walls and carpets had lavanda pallet, and I still like that room, I just changed colors since few times (before moving here).
Anushka, you just took that bedroom from "nice, interesting" to "wow, I want that to be my bedroom".
Thank you cathyknits, I got some great suggestions here that show me that way :D
I would upload pic of final version of this room, but gallery is not responding at the moment, and/or my internet conection is not stabile, so later.
@Dane, this house is much different from others in that neighborhood. It is still in same style, but for different Sims than for example Lithium. So depending on surrounding homes and landscape, you can tell if you need more on back side. Also, partly closed balcony is my favorite part. Perfect for outdoor loving Sims doing inside activities, and for future rainy days (I assume soon there will be weather in Sims).
EDIT: That 3rd party bed seem to corrupt my freshly installed game. Fireplace is stuck and undeletable and wall pattern behind is disorted.
Man, I love it when this place is buzzing with creativity and critical analysis.
@ Anushka: The new color in the bed gives it a very nice 'pop'. It's all coming along very nicely.
@ Shenice: I completely understand you're point, however I need a bit of neutral space in order to define the boundaries between one home and the next.
@ Roofing: I took a slightly different angle. I scrapped the brick moulding for a more conventional monorail fencing, and then rearranged the brick work. I've also furnished the exterior.
Danefaith, this house is looking positively delicious!! I can't wait to see how tasty the inside will look.
And interior is go!
So I wanted to tackle a mix of contemporary and tuscan for this interior. Here's the foyer walled in the same brick as the exterior and the living room and kitchen.
lovely work danefaith :)
I love the house dane!
Apart from the roof the house looks very balanced and very nicely designed Dane!
I still think designing the roof this way is a poor choice. It draws too much focus away from the rest of the exterior; I'd call it "fancy" for a house that doesn't need fancy. In my opinion the gesture of the different brick/stone walling on the outside, as well as creating that form and contra form, pops more if you don't "see" a roof (i.e. the house ends at the top of the exterior walls, without something on top). In architecture they'd call it a top to bottom wall, where you extend your walls the height of the roof, so your roof becomes all but invisible behind the walls (in the Sims you always get this look, since flat roofs are always placed behind your walls).
However, apart from that I think the house looks great. That walled in "front garden", as well as the complete covered balcony give the house a very nicely balanced exterior since you're creating form and contra form. I personally would've gone without that big all-around balcony, the house design is strong enough in and of itself, the balcony makes it pop a little less obvious, but this is a personal choice and to each their own taste.
The interior looks gorgeous so far. I really like that warm orange colour in constrast to the light wood. As always I envy your use of "carpetting". One tip though, be careful that you don't only carpet the "circulation areas" (that is the places that'd commonly be used to walk around the house). It almost gives it a look of: "This isn't the end; you must continue".
The bareness of the roof edge has always bothered me, and so I always feel obligated to the cover it up. To get a new perspective I got down into sim view and looked up, and 'lo and behold, it looked much better without the fencing from seeing eye level. So it's scrapped. ;D
As for the interior, I didn't even consider the force of motion. The goal was to lead to the dining room. Hopefully its not too powerful, or the Sims might face plant in their lobster thermidor! :D I'll keep that thought in mind.
thanks for the detailed analysis. It's a big help.
Dane I think that could be one of my favourite ones you have done yet! :)
mmmm. Definitely tasty Danefaith. I can't wait to get my sims living in this house. :D
Thanks a lot guys. I'm becoming very fond of this interior style.
Today I went for the dining room, and then downstairs for the basement.
The stairwell leads straight into the wine cellar. An attached hall then leads to workshop, butler's closet, and basement bathroom.
Love the dining room and the basement!
Dane, I often feel with your houses that one looks pretty much the same as the next from the exterior. I would really like to see you build a house that's a different shape and try some different styles. As much as you are a really good builder, I feel like some of the things you do could look just as good in an entirely different setting.
I haven't been on for a while so I started reading on page 64. Took me most of the evening but I did it! I caught up! I love all the creativity and bustle here.
Anushka, your green and wood bedroom is awesome. I have such a hard time with that color I really admire someone who can handle it so well. As for the world you are making, it is beyond words. Amazing just doesn't say enough. I'm sorry to hear you are having pc problems. Have you tried using Revo, a free downloadable software, to TOTALLY uninstall your games? I struggled with mine for a week and finally the nice techie at EA directed me to Revo and walked me through the way to use it. This was AFTER doing a complete, manual uninstall, reinstall using the directions from here. Even doing it that way there were still hidden files but Revo found them all and all the corrupted files were gone. Of course, it meant I had to give up everything I had downloaded but it was a blessing to know my game would run properly again. This software is so simple to use even I can do it by myself.
I would mention each and every one of you artistic folk by name but I'm really tired now and just want you ALL to know you are awesome and I have loved watching each of the homes grow and progress. You are all unique, special, and wonderful.
@ Pea: definitely recognize I've got a bit of a "trend" going on, and its more than just I'm building for the same neighborhood. Lately I've fallen into a rather set mold of L-shaped house plans. I'll have to see what I can do to break that mold in my next go.
I haven't been on for a while so I started reading on page 64. Took me most of the evening but I did it! I caught up! I love all the creativity and bustle here.
Anushka, your green and wood bedroom is awesome. I have such a hard time with that color I really admire someone who can handle it so well. As for the world you are making, it is beyond words. Amazing just doesn't say enough. I'm sorry to hear you are having pc problems. Have you tried using Revo, a free downloadable software, to TOTALLY uninstall your games? I struggled with mine for a week and finally the nice techie at EA directed me to Revo and walked me through the way to use it. This was AFTER doing a complete, manual uninstall, reinstall using the directions from here. Even doing it that way there were still hidden files but Revo found them all and all the corrupted files were gone. Of course, it meant I had to give up everything I had downloaded but it was a blessing to know my game would run properly again. This software is so simple to use even I can do it by myself.
I would mention each and every one of you artistic folk by name but I'm really tired now and just want you ALL to know you are awesome and I have loved watching each of the homes grow and progress. You are all unique, special, and wonderful.
Thanks Joria, nice to see you here with us :D About world, I put it aside a little bit. After boungalows I had an urge to change all island into boungalow type world, so to avoid doing major changes and creating rather boring uniformed world that is nice for only first 5 minutes, or at least to sleep over that idea, I put it aside. Still I love it and am developing ideas for it while playing with dynasties (and of course building and remodeling around!). And for that room, I have to thank to talented and generous forum members on this tread, that guided me in that direction. (As for technical part, I have comp whiz in house so I'm using custom uninstaller, and so far I have no major problems, I'll see how will things go after this huge latest update!)
Dane, if you really want to get out of mold you got into, try that A shaped roof home several members are asking about ;)
I made one of those A Framed Houses but lost it in my Re-Install, It was a bit dark in mine due to it being probably quite long but I have an Idea from my experience to a different style of house I might try when bored.
Guys, I got an idea - has anyone thought of doing a hotel-type of thing, like, with gift shop, restaurant, bar, day care center, like, everything? Now that we have four full expansion packs I think that is quite possible. :)
Guys, I got an idea - has anyone thought of doing a hotel-type of thing, like, with gift shop, restaurant, bar, day care center, like, everything? Now that we have four full expansion packs I think that is quite possible. :)
I think I can do that (bar Daycare Center. I don't have Generations). I can start work today, after I export a house that I've been lazy about.
All this talk about A-Frames inspired me to give it a shot!
I'm actually trying to finish the interior of this (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4761.msg96712.html#msg96712) house. It's supposed to be a New York Modern styled Bachelor Pad on a "my first salary" budget (so no more than 30.000 simoleans). However, the colours are giving me hell and frustration. I think I redid the whole thing 5 times already and I keep hating the outcome!
Since I don't have a lot of free time this weekend I thought I'd spent the hour I could devote to simming frustration-free, so I gave this A-frame a shot. It's a 10x10 space with a bedroom loft (on a 20x20 lot; I'm working my way up). It's far from done, but I wanted to share what I've managed so far (rough exterior, kitchen and bedroom). I'm trying to go for a mix between Coastal and Indrustrial (I thought that'd be an interesting concept for an A-frame). However, this turned out to be really hard as there is hardly any real Industrial furniture in the game. I guess it's got more of a Modern Coastal feel to it, oh how I wish I could use my CC. I'm going with a simple white, black, grey, stale blue colour palette with contrasting wall art to "spice it up" without breaking the feeling of serenity.
I haven't yet paid much attention to the budget, but eventually I want to make it affordable. Same price range as the other house, perhaps a little higher since it's bigger and more luxurious.
Phyre, I really like it so far. Although the colours of the kitchen look a little odd.
Phyre, I really like it so far. Although the colours of the kitchen look a little odd.
What do you mean by "a little odd"? If you could be a little more specific then I can see how I could improve it.
What do you mean by "a little odd"? If you could be a little more specific then I can see how I could improve it.
The fridge and stove are the only things I don't like. The colours contrast but the stove and fridge don't. (To me)
Maybe changing them to the colour of the countertops? I'm not really sure. Also I love the idea of the little seat behind the bed!
Hmm is that a stone or metal pattern on the counters? Either way, a very intriguing choice.
I'd have to agree that you would likely do better with another texture on your stove and fridge. the coarse grain seems unrealistic and a bit of contrast between the appliances and the counters is always good. I'd consider a smooth texture, or a texture with a linear grain.
While Sims is pretty lacking in industrial furnishing there are plenty of building options that could create that affect. I think there are lots of interesting possibilities, like partitioning your ground floor with guard railing and sections of diamond treaded/perforated metal flooring, and using sections of wall sections of corrugated metal and fully framed walls with rivets.
Just some ideas, hope they help.
Last few rooms. Here's the master and child's bedroom.
Also made a final update to that said you were saying seemed bare, Shenice. With the wine cellar, i thought it might be necessary to throw in some grapes and fruit trees, so viola!
Untamed enough that it can define the space between two buildings, but pronounced enough to balance the other side. It's looking good and complete, which means I'm pretty much done! Just have a few tiny bathrooms, trash room and hall ways to decorate and this one's good to go.
Here's the gallery of flavor shots: [x (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=316)]
Should probably not be lazy and take some shots in the bright of day, and some night shots to show the exterior lighting. Ah well, I'll get to that later.
I love the kids room, danefaith!
I really like the colour/texture of the entire house actually! ;D
@ Phyre: I agree about the fridge and stove. I think perhaps some stainless steel appliances would fit right in. Personally, with all that white on the walls and floors, I would love to see some serious pops of colour on the furniture, and maybe a rug in the kitchen. The pale teal is beautiful but I think it blends in just a little too much, maybe you could try more saturated, rich colours, like jewel-tones.
I love the open concept feel to this loft style house, especially those massive windows to take advantage of the view!
The bedrooms and garden looks great!
Wow, quite a few wonderful works have been posted since - kudos to their creators.
Phyre, I loved that house. Personally, I really like it - nothing too overboard - just a calm environment. Well done.
Dane, your houses are always amazing - that one is no exception. Loving the kid's bedroom. But the walls look just a bit bare to me. Maybe adding a few paintings or decorations could fill them?
Also, what about adding terrain paint and bushes right near the outdoor walls?
Gah! Who's talking about landscaping? Here is my official dynasty house. Any help about the outdoors will be greatly appreciated. Please?
Overall view from outside:
Headshot (view from bird's eye, the long wall in the back is the "museum", in case you want to know - don't have money for a basement yet)
I know, it's awful. Gheez. :-\
@ Gogo, Dane & Lily
The texture on the clounters is metal, I agree with you all that I should look into a different texture for the stove and fridge.
Dane, your ideas about adding that Industrial style to the house are very interesting. I will play around with it a bit, see what I come up with. It may not work due to the "feel" I'm trying to create in the house, but perhaps I can find a way to blend the two into a perfect balance.
Lily, personally I miss some heavy colour too. I was just thinking I may add some jewel-tones in line with the Industrial side of the interior, that way you get both without it being too much. I'll see if I can make the blue pop some more as well. Personally I love this colour but I agree with you that it doesn't pop enough.
As always, thanks for the input! It's very much appreciated.
@ Dane
I love the style you went for in this house Dane, it's very warm, comfortable, and "home-y". I especially love that child's room! Hopefully I'll get around to installing my Generation copy next weekend.
@ Chronic
The landscaping isn't awful, in my opinion it's just not there. What you try to do when landscaping, is creating something that will fit your house. In a good design, house and landscape are extension of each other. The current hexagon shape of your vegetable garden doesn't compliment the house well, because the house is a hexagon shape of it's own. What I would try to do is start with your front entrance, and let the landscaping fold out to the edges of those foundation. Then, for the back yard, I'd extend lineair from those foundation edges again, creating a big square. Within the square you can create little hexagons to house different functions. The trick is to not make them too obvious, the entire square should be filled and not just the hexagons. You could also try to create some axes starting out your backdoor and waving outwards. Those can be your main pathways through your garden; your house shape lends itself really well for broad landscape designs like that.
If you need some inspiration, try to look at some Baroque gardens. They also had main axes for sights and circulations with little terraces (your hexagons) throughout the garden. The rest is mostly hedges and very cultivated flowerbeds. You don't have to go that route, I'd try to go for a more "overgrown" look to balance the rigid geometric shapes of your hexagons and axes.
I hope this was helpful. Just remember that the options are endless, and my suggestion is only one of many ways to go, and certainly not the only correct way to design your garden.
Phyre makes some very good points. I don't really have much to add beyond it. There are many distinguished styles of gardening to choose from. The baroque gardens Phyre's mentioning would be the epitome of the formal style, but there are others, such as informal, english countryside, zen garden, and etc.
This quiz from better homes and gardens might be fun. It'll make a suggestion as to what garden style suits you best based on your answers.
Well, Aqua Vitae is now up in the swap shop. Hope you enjoy. :)
Beyond landscaping, ChronicR - the first floor is a single mass of that same texture. Windows! Even some of the cheapest windows look pretty good. Or, if you don't want windows for some reason, a few tall-but-not-taller-than-the-house plants can go near the house to break up the monolithic look of the building. And that big flat roof is crying out for railings (you can put any fence style up) and deck furniture.
Beyond landscaping, ChronicR - the first floor is a single mass of that same texture. Windows! Even some of the cheapest windows look pretty good. Or, if you don't want windows for some reason, a few tall-but-not-taller-than-the-house plants can go near the house to break up the monolithic look of the building. And that big flat roof is crying out for railings (you can put any fence style up) and deck furniture.
Thank you for the right advice, Cathy. I'll do my best to follow it. :)
the house isn't actually bad.
What I would do is add all those things you want but don't need. Things like a garage, a pool, a hedge maze, and (my personal fave) a playground for the kids. Then throw in a fence so it all seems collective and together. :)
the house isn't actually bad.
What I would do is add all those things you want but don't need. Things like a garage, a pool, a hedge maze, and (my personal fave) a playground for the kids. Then throw in a fence so it all seems collective and together. :)
Great advice! But, again, the money factor.. :-\
Money is always a problem at the beginning of Dynasty/Legacy games. Build cheaply when ever you can. Eventually you'll get more money to upgrade all the cheap stuff to expensive stuff. For the garage, just build a rectangle, add some cheap wall coverings (recolored of course) and flooring (also recolored). Then buy a couple of parking spaces. You don't even need the cars yet. For pools, I usually start with a 3x3. That's incredibly small, but it satisfies the need until a bigger one is affordable. Hedge mazes can be made from the "inside" to the "outside." Start with building the "goal" lets say a romantic sitting area (can be done for under $1000 with high quality items). Then build the maze piece by piece. Playgrounds are expensive I'm not going to lie, especially with the new equipment from Generations. For that you'll have to designate the area, then furnish with one slide at a time.
Of course you could always wait until your family is loaded. ;)
Thanks Shenice, awesome idea and thanks for the help! :D
I just finished re-designing my own Dynasty house. It's by no means great, but it works well and is unique. Any comments or possible improvements? The house is here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,4880.msg106826.html#msg106826), as there's too many screenshots to show here.
Afraid I'm not very helpful when it comes to Dynasty building. The emphasis on game function and dynasty strategy are a little foreign to me, so I'm not sure how much help I could be. I do know, however, that while the discrete bedrooms seems sensible, it would be more cost effective for your rooms to be adjoined. This way, they share a wall, which reduces the number of necessary wall pieces.
consider that for your next renovation. you might also want to consider creating another save file for side building projects. that way when it comes time for the ultimate renovation, you'll be comfortable enough with the building tools to build a brilliant dynasty mansion.
Good point. I could have them connected, but not accessible through the shared wall, if you understand what I mean.
bedrooms shouldn't share doors with other bedrooms anyway.
Decided to spread my wings a bit. I've made one too many moderns, so its time for something new.
I kinda found my inspiration in greek revival, and then just went from there. Definitely needs some serious landscaping.
Looking good so far Dane! The colour contrast looks great!
thank you as always for the compliments. I'm glad the subtle contrasts in the walls and the overt contrast against the wrought iron caught your eye.
moving right along, I landscaped.
I think I like this style. ;D
The landscaping is nice. The wedding arch idea is very great and smart. Although, you should check if sims can go underneath and through those archs.
danefaith, nice house. Can't wait to see inside. Are those shelves sticking out up high? And where did you get that car?
Yep, shelves. Using them to represent a cornice. And the car is from the Dr. Pepper promo.
That's looking very nice so far Dane! I think you captured the style quite well; those shelves are a very creative idea! I also really like the fact that you've placed the house a little lower, and then let the terrain slope towards this point where you put the basement door. The landscaping is well done as well, I think the backyard can use some more love, but the front looks beatiful and in harmony with the style of the house.
The only thing I'm personally not sold on is the extension to your "base" with that overhang. It's not something that fits the style, since back when they first started to use this style in building it was a constructive impossiblity to create overhangs like this. I know you have two columns there, but they'd never support the weight of the element since it's got a lot of mass.
I love the new build Danefaith. It's very different than your more modern ones.
Liking it so far, Danefaith. Nice and unique. Is it the final version or still WIP?
@ Gogo: Yup the arch can be walked under. I'll have to see if there's enough room to hold a wedding, but its primary purpose at the moment is decorative.
Edit: Wedding went smoothly, although it was a little crowded lol.
@ Phyre: Good points. I'd address the anachronism of it by saying it could have been added at a later date by a later owner. Normally, unless I'm dealing in modern/contemporary or craftsman, I can represent that by using a different building material than the main building. Might use shingles to make it feel lighter as well.
As for weight, I'll definitely concoct a more sufficient support structure to address that.
@ Shenice: Thanks, trying to branch out a bit. Might be doing a series of 'revival' styles. I'd say this one takes subtle influences from Greek Revival, which is a pretty cool style with an interesting history. Jefferson found architecture to be symbolic, and hated Colonial styles because they were reminiscent of English exploitation, and so he introduced a style influenced by classical Greek, as a symbol of democracy.
@ Chronic: Definitely still a WIP. I'll probably go through this with a fine tune comb like a hundred times, and I'm not even at the interior yet. ;D
Dane - That looks awesome! Your ability to stick to a theme and build like it is something I just can't do. I'm one of those, Build what you want where you want type of people. So a lot of my Houses end up a big clump of walls and windows. ;)
I've always thought you had quite a creative edge. It's mostly just taking that creativity and weaving it through architectural guidelines. Architecture isn't as free form as, say, painting, where you can take your brush and produce essentially anything, because a painting does not have an ergonomic function it needs to meet. As opposed to say, basket weaving. While it is no doubt a wonderful artform, at the end of the day, the product needs to be a basket. It needs to be a container and its thatch-work needs to have structural integrity. Achieving those parameters requires following specific guidelines, and from there, weaving your creativity right into the seams.
Obviously for designing a house, the guidelines aren't as cut and dry, but getting yourself into that mind frame isn't difficult at all. All it really takes is deciding on a style, versing yourself in the little intricacies that make that style work. from there, its weaving together the basic needs of a building, the style parameters you chose, and your creativity.
Interesting analogy Danefaith. I've never heard of building being compared to basket weaving. Though I must admit I understand where you are coming from because of it. Any other analogy and it probably would have flown right over my head.
So there's the improved support structure for the extension.
And here's the extension's interior and balcony space. A little sun room and a nice seating area.
Dove downward to add a workshop into the basement.
Then it was time to get serious... 8)
State room and kitchen.
@Danefaith- Haha, there's a stove on the balcony off the kitchen :P. The new build is great! I think it's awesome that you're branching into other styles. I also always like how you include all of the skill items a sim could ever need! I'd love to see you take on a Victorian or Gothic Revival home. :)
I don't catch glimpse of it until I was uploading. ;D Said, "hmm, should probably delete that for a better photo... Ah, who cares."
Thanks, I'm glad to see my branch out's being well received. I actually hope to do a couple revival styles, probably hit those notes as well.
danefaith, I absolutely love the overhang, and all the lovely rooms inside. The only bit I'm unsure about is the balcony. A pity most of your houses are so expensive - I only have one family that could possibly afford them.
Great work on the new build! :D Well done with landscaping, I like it. Maybe you could replace the "outdoor stove" with a grill instead? ;D Whatever, the house is excellent.
Dane; I absolutely love the improved exterior!
The added columns make the house better, instead of less. It no longer looks like that element is trying to pull the house down. Next to that, I think you've taken a very creative approach to solving the anachronism of the element. The fact that it's created completely out of glass (windows), and designed as a solarium (which is decorated much more modern than the rest of the house), really makes it show that it wasn't part of the original house. However, with the stairs, the columns, and the creative use of those shelves you've integrated it very well in what would have been the original design - making the house better for it.
Well done!
My gosh Danefaith! This house is easily becoming my favorite done by you. I absolutely love the sun room. It's so cute. Love the colors of the kitchen and sitting room too. Very nice. ;D
I hadn't checked this thread in a while...and was shocked to see that Danefaith was building a house that wasn't modern architectural style? :o Could this really be? I had to page back a bit to find out how this phenomenon started lol.
Seriously though, the house is utterly stunning from start to finish. The living room area is especially striking, and the acoustic bass and retro record player fit into the theme of the house unusually well, and the landscaping is as superb as yours always is. You make me jealous in that respect: I've never really been any good at it.
However, my current building project is going to force me to work on that, and I'll undoubtedly be asking for advice at some point lol. ;)
That house is gorgeous! I love it, another great creation ;)
I hadn't checked this thread in a while...and was shocked to see that Danefaith was building a house that wasn't modern architectural style? :o Could this really be? I had to page back a bit to find out how this phenomenon started lol.
Seriously though, the house is utterly stunning from start to finish. The living room area is especially striking, and the acoustic bass and retro record player fit into the theme of the house unusually well, and the landscaping is as superb as yours always is. You make me jealous in that respect: I've never really been any good at it.
However, my current building project is going to force me to work on that, and I'll undoubtedly be asking for advice at some point lol. ;)
Thanks. It's been a fun little excursion out of the norm, and definitely a boundary pusher.
Definitely drop in with some pictures. Plenty of good minds here to offer their assistance. :)
That Pond looks a little strange to me, it's hard to see it and it seems to me like it doesn't belong there?
I've gotten a rather wide range of responses to the pond, from praise to scorn. Someone even lovingly referred to it as "the sinkhole."
It was one of the first assets I added and I realized I haven't given myself a chance to look at the finished product with it removed. I'll see what comes of it.
@ Dane - Maybe you could exchange the pond with a plant/bush so that the ground won't look bare there?
I removed the water but kept the depth so that these bushes look a little more like ground cover. Still experimenting here.
I do however have my second story ready. I like the landing and master but feel the teen's room and nursery are still a little lacking.
I like the new rooms, well done. :)
I don't know about the grass, though. Looks a little "too popped-out" to me. Maybe another type of grass/bush/plant would suit the overall backyard atmosphere better? Just... it's too bright. :-\
The change outside looks good. I agree with you about the teen's room. It's missing something. The other rooms look great!
I think I made just the break through I was looking for.
The Tv and bean bag chairs is what you were looking for. The master bedroom (Now that I look at it again) looks like it's missing something also. I might just be me but maybe just a plant or something may make it better.
It looks really good now, but maybe you could recolour the beenbags, it doesn't exactly match, but I love it Dane. ;)
That "new" teen room looks lovely Dane! Young, yet not out of style with the rest of the house. I think those chairs are fabulous, especially in that colour!
Concerning the Master Bedroom, I agree with Gogo that it feels a bit... empty. Almost sterile. Perhaps a comfortable couch and a fireplace will give it some more warmth; it was common to have multiple fireplaces - even upstairs - back then.
You'd think the fertility goddess would help with that. ;D I know what you're saying but I don't think I have the space for a fireplace here. A few plants and an extra seat at the desk might help, though.
Thanks for the input, everyone. This one's finishing up quite well.
The nursery is a bit... bland? It needs some more charm. You made the teen room look much better!
I've been checking this WIP of yours Dane, very very carefully, and watch for those imputs as well. I'm also very happy you moved to another theme, and this house reminds me of one my grandma lived in (at least the feeling, not the layout)! Colors, patterns, little details from shelves as small roof extensions, to that elevated bedroom area with patterned vases, and many many more. I'm loving every part of it.
In my own game, I would probably get rid of the table in bedroom and place comfortable chairs, lamp and maybe small flowers on coffee table. I love what you did with carpet in seating area, and that vase there is wonderfull. And what is that in nursery? Small flowerly carpets? I love it! Are those xylophone and peg box usable that close, maybe they can fit in corners, or doll house.. but I like it without it.
If you could only put black and white photos of balerina's, old timer phone and large amphora, it would be exactly as my grandparents decorated their home (OK, minus the fertility goddes above pillows :D)!
You'd think the fertility goddess would help with that. ;D
I am ashamed to say that I didn't catch that until just now...
@ Anushka- I know this was several pages back, but I love your beach bungalows. I can never get shapes like that or those roof styles to look right but yours are fantastic.
@Danefaith- I really like your Greek Revival inspired build. I especially love the colors in the Sunroom and the look of the teens' room. I'm not as fond of the statue at the head of the master bed, but I think that boils down to personal taste. It does fit the theme well, though.
This is my newest WIP. So far, it is priced as a couple's starter at just under $18,500 but the interior is relatively bare. I'm not sure if I should finishing decorating it or leave it as is. I'm also not sure of the exterior color. Any suggestions?
You'd think the fertility goddess would help with that. ;D
I am ashamed to say that I didn't catch that until just now...
I'm really ashamed to say I didn't catch that at all.
Lynley, I think the outside is adorable, and interesting for a starter home. I can't really see much of the inside because it's just an overhead shot. Could you do some close ups? I think if you can decorate it cheaply, go right ahead. I'd like more nice starter homes on the swap shop.
@ Anushka - Are u putting your beach bungalows on Swap Shop or are they going to be part of the world you created and will u put the world in the Swap Shop?
Lynley, that starter is very cute. I can't really see the inside though so I can't offer any advice until I am sure of what I'm looking at. But for the outside I can offer a few things. I like the color of the exterior. It looks like a pinkish peach (to me at least) and I think it really suits the style of the house. If you can squeeze it into your funds then consider placing seating or a telescope in that gazebo thing in the front. (Edit: Looking at it again actually I don't think you would be able to fit a usable telescope there so just seating is fine.) While you have plants in the front I think you could actually place a few in the back too.
Again, very cute house so far. I have a couple who's just itching to move in.
I haven't posted for a while, but I've been following the construction of danefaith's new house and I just love it. I have a Sim living in Twinbrook who's going to be moving into it right away :D! Lynley, your house is really cute, and for a starter it's not barren at all.
Speaking of starters, I've been working on this one lateley. I really like both the exterior and the interior, but I don't know if they go together. I could probably redo the interior, but everything I tried with brighter colours came out looking a bit bare. :(
The living room interior walls are a real BAMF in the face, exhibiting a sort of rustic earthiness you'd expect to find in a mountain cabin, whereas the exterior is much more suburban ranch-ish. I do see how going with simpler would quickly strip the home of character. A dilemma!
If you have the spare simoleons, what I'd suggest is switched out for the mission style wall coverings [at the very bottom of the panelling tab] or those panelled wall covering with the chair rail ["wainscot" or "egg dart crown"]. This would help cover the need for more intricacy while still being suburban. Maybe tone down the kitchen flooring as well.
As for everything else, I'm very fond of it. Lots of interesting patterns and color palettes with a persuasion that's very you. If I had any nitpicks, I'd say the far right corner of the house could use a small tree, like a pear tree or perhaps even a bougainvillea for some color.
This is my newest WIP. So far, it is priced as a couple's starter at just under $18,500 but the interior is relatively bare. I'm not sure if I should finishing decorating it or leave it as is. I'm also not sure of the exterior color. Any suggestions?
I wanted to just start off by saying that your landscaping has some serious surgical precision. You're getting very far with only a few plants and stones, and you're use of clovers is amazing. Placing them about the backyard pathway to make it look unkempt is quite a brilliant touch.
only thing I'm not sure about is the gabled roof on the right side of front porch. It makes the gazebo on the left side compete for attention, and of the two, the gazebo is far more compelling. I would replace the gabled roof section with the overhang you're using around the rest of the porch.
However, I understand this will likely rob the left hand side of visual interest and make the house feel a little unbalanced. To address this, you might consider adding a small aspen tree to the the garden plot on the right side of the house to compensate.
Hope that helps. And I definitely like the exterior color as it is now. :)
Hey everybody, so took a small break from building to actually play the darn expansion.... and in doing so ended up playing a ghost hunter with no kids. Lol!
Anyway, got back to it and finished of The Democrat. It's in the swap shop here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,5353.0.html) and you can view the gallery of flavor shots here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=339).
I then began into a new little project. I decided to try gothic revival but I'm not entirely sure of my results.
Since there's no way to decorate the bargeboards and other drawbacks I feel like I'm missing huge chunks of the style. Sooo not entirely sure.
Even if it's not 100% realistic, the gothic revival is still a nice house. The symmetry's going to make landscaping a bit difficult, but I trust it'll look amazing when it's done. :)
I just remodelled my starter house. Wow, I don't know what I was thinking before! I mean, I like the log cabin look and I'll probably use it in the future, but I think panelling is definitely the way to go with this one (thanks for the tip!). It's a little over the starter price now, but I plan to depreciate it anyway.
Moving someone in and out ought to drop the price tag just enough. If you're stuck in a bind I might suggest removing the car: I personally don't even consider buying a car until several weeks into a game.
but yeah, I think it's quite the leap forward! And have I mentioned how much I love that rug in the living room? because I do.
Here's my first cut at landscaping. I actually transplanted the building from Sunset Valley to Twinbrook to perfect it, but it feels much more ate home amongst the Twinbrook vegetation. Also changed some of the exterior wall coverings.
Fantastic, I will be downloading that one for sure! :D
That house looks fantastic! The landscaping does look like Twinbrook quality and looks great!
I love the fenced-in gardens, but the grey brickwork doesn't sit quite right with me for some reason. It might be because of the contrast between the grubby-looking bricks and the white window frames, but to be honest I think I just like the first version better. I think the bougenvillea would look nicer against a cream-coloured house, too. :)
Hmm. I'll see what comes of it. I mean, I've already changed the wall coverings like three times since posting, so... ;D
Wow Dane, love this house! And I like dark brick part which really gives me gothic impression, as well as contrast with light windows (sort of look renovated and comfortably livable). And I have no doubts you change it many many times, as well as you'll find the perfect match. Bougenvilla is also looking brighter with dark background rather than with beige (personally I would be tempted to have all outside in dark brick, but I'm far from good builder who can give tips hehehe).
Aussette, that house is fantastic! I love everything about it, specially kitchen pattern, and that carpet - how did you get that large border? Is that 2 carpets on top of each other? House look incredibly warm. Wonderfull! And I liked the cabin interior too, those stone walls looks great but with exterior, not shore what is more fitting. Still, if you left outside walls white with this sort of modern shape, this warm interior might go better with beige outside, of even old uneven paint!
@ Anushka - Are u putting your beach bungalows on Swap Shop or are they going to be part of the world you created and will u put the world in the Swap Shop?
Jen, I put one bungalow in Swap Shop, but they are really fitting only in tropical island. I was thinking about that large beach under Alto's mansion, but it is north facing and not really suitable for warm and funny tropical theme. I'll definitelly upload island here in Swap Shop, not in exchange, but at the moment, CAW is giving me hard time and I can't Edit in Game after latest patch, and have some other things going on, plus I'm still tempted to make a whole world in bungalowy theme (at the moment there is wonderfull modern neighborhood, rabbitholes as part of the town, and flagstone/light brick dominating area - comunity lots too. I'm aiming to finish this island the way it is now, and turn to new project after that.. thank you for the interest :D
Thanks Anushka ;D! I've just uploaded the house to the Swap Shop, so you can download it here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,5367.0.html) if you like. The rugs in both the bedroom and the living room are actually made of carpet squares. It's much cheaper than using the buy mode rugs, and although it won't increase the environment score it looks just as good! I used the F key to rotate the squares and Ctrl-F to make the diagonal corners. The floral pattern in the middle of the living room rug is one of the abstract patterns, but divided into four trianges at four different angles.
The rug in the bedroom is a recoloured version of a Miscellanous floor pattern from Late Night. I just kept rotating it to make a continuous border, and filled in the middle of the rug with cheap carpet. Speaking of the bedroom, I finally found the right pattern for the wallpaper :D! I think it looks nice with the bedcover. The print above the bed comes from a mostly flat Wallpaper tile that I've recoloured to frame the Geometric pattern in the middle. The bed hides the skirting board at the bottom.
@ Ausette – I love the exterior of that house, and I loved the first interior of that house! However, as you yourself (as well as several others) already pointed out; it didn’t really mix very well. This new interior suits the exterior style much better. Moreover, the lighter interior makes the space appear bigger – the dark colours in that small starter-house space did feel a little cramped.
I am hoping you’ll do a log cabin/mountain house kind of exterior in the future though with an interior similar to the first one. It was really well done; just not very suitable for this particular house (both exterior and space wise).
@ Dane - I love how you've finished The Democrat. Except for the kitchen (which IMO is too small and doesn't fit the rest of the house which has a much more up-class look to it), I think you did a great job at capturing the style you were going for.
The Gothic revival house... I think the style needs a lot of work to make it Gothic revival and I'm not sure if it's worth pursuing. You made it really, really hard for yourself though, seeing how (during this period) the main focus was building churches. After the Normans were defeated, Europe was reverted back to Christianity. With the uprising of that religion came new ideas about what a church should be and should represent, eventually culminating in the big gothic cathedrals of Belgium, West Germany, North France and England (with Chartres considered as the "most perfect" gothic architecture).
The house you currently have standing doesn't really remind me of that gothic architecture. The "church-like" front is quite well done, however, it feels incomplete. In gothic architecture the front was always divided in three, with an entrance and rose-window in the middle and bell towers on the side. Also, I can't see the rest of your house but I am missing the feeling of a floorplan resembling a cross; greek (early gothic) or otherwise.
What it does remind me of is the architecture during the gothic period in southern Europe. Gothic architecture was despised in the heart of the former Roman empire. The Italians thought it was absolutely hideous and detracted from the architectural legacy the Romans left. For them, the gothic period was an early-renaissance, a transition from the old Roman architecture, to what would become the renaissance (Roman-revival, complemented with the advancements made in science - for instance the understanding of perspective). The front almost feels like the temple-front found in renaissance architecture, especially when flanked with the symmetric, geometric composition of the rest of the house.
It’s not entirely early-renaissance – it has too much gothic features for that – but I can see it more easily become that, than gothic. Although I’d be very interested to see you try. I hope this didn’t sound too much like criticism; because I applaud your courage in trying this (I’m not sure I’d have the guts for it). I’m merely trying to share my knowledge on the subject and whether or not you want to pick some of it up is entirely up to you.
@Danefaith- I wasn't so sure of the house when I saw the first picture, but the grey brick looks great! :)
Danefaith I'm not sure of the grey bricks, or the red bushes, but it's exciting to have you try different (older) styles).
Ausette, as I said on the swap shop, well done with that house. I like the second version a lot better.
Aside from the steep gables gothic revivals aren't trying to really emulate churches. It's mostly the sort of "gingerbread" ornamentation I can't seem to corner: the embellished bargeboards and window frames, and the gothic pointed windows/tudor arches.
Although the church note gave me an idea for the doorway...
Three-featured, with entryway flanked by higher reaching windows.
With that consolidated (kind of!) I tackled the back-yard.
Danefaith, While I love your newest house (all three designs) I must say that it just doesn't scream 'Gothic Revival' to me. Admitedly the Sims 3 isn't really equipped to properly handle the true essence of this particular revival (without the use of mods). So, I do commend you on your current attempt. I feel the current doorway is too "wide" in my opinion but taking away a full square thingy will make it two narrow I believe. Its a shame you can't build in half squares too. I think being able to do that would make Gothic Revival that much easier.
The garden looks really good! Also love the front of the house ;)
I'm not as familiar with Gothic Revival as I am with other styles, so I can't comment so much on authenticity, but it does remind me of the less ornate homes I've seen in this style. Aside from the "gingerbread" elements you mentioned, which can't really be recreated in the game, I think it is still has that "feel" even if it isn't a perfect representation. Regardless of style, I love it so far and am eager to see it when finished.
The only thing that looks slightly off to me is the second story section above the front door. The empty space seems like it needs something. Perhaps center the two windows instead of placing them on the outer corners? I'm not sure... it just feels a bit to barren to me.
I love the exterior of your home and I agree that the new interior fits it better. I would love to see the first interior in another house, though. I love the new wallpaper in the dining/kitchen area. The colors are great.
I tweaked the roof line a bit, but am not sure if the hipped roof section on the right side of the porch needs to have a steeper pitch or not.
Living room
Master bedroom
2nd bedroom/office and bath
Lynley that house is really cute! Maybe add a chair or something to the room with the easel, it just looks a little bare ;)
Mostly I go on how a house "feels" to me, not just the way it looks. I seldom have enough "construction-eze" to be able to express technicalities. So, Dane, your house, whatever the style might be, is going to be terrific. House number one "felt", empty, barren, almost like a cartoon house. House number two felt wonderful! It felt warm and welcoming, and despite the gingerbread being actually missing, there was an illusion, or an expectation, that it was there. Just not visible. The colors were great and the stone work/masonry on the exterior were perfect, imho. House number 3 felt like it was looking down it's nose at me. At was cold and off putting to me, at least in the front. So if the three versions of this house were on the market, I'd buy number two, the middle rendition. I think part of it was the landscaping. Total lack in version one, except for those oh, so, austere trees, lovingly cared for in version two, and just not quite right in number 3. The bougainvillea didn't seem to go with the jumble of shrubbery and the many little fences in version 3.
As for Lynley and Ausette. Ausette I've downloaded your house and love it and have already placed it in the new town I'm developing for a new legacy/dynasty/Simstory. What used to be Sunset Valley will become, Happy Valley, or something similar with pretty much all the buildings being ones people here have created or remodeled.
Lynley, I liked the roof line in your first rendition but the second one is ok too. I love the color of the house. It looks like one I've passed on my way to Costco and I admire it every time I go by. It's a historical house here and you've caught the feel of it perfectly. I love the fact it isn't just another straight line, or box, or L shape starter home. It's charming and if you put it in the swap shop it's going to be in Happy Valley. Don't worry overly much about the entire decor as folks will change it to suit themselves anyway. However, I happen to like what you've done. The only thing I would do is take away the easel and add a small bed in that room, or a crib.
Lynley, I like the lounge/kitchen, but the bedrooms seem quite barren. Maybe some nice patterns, or nick nacks would help?
I built this beach house, and I like it, but something just seems wrong with it. Any ideas? ???
@ TallStar - The Roof and that Railing looks a little odd to me, maybe a lower Railing will look better. It needs landscaping as well though!
I also started my own new building project in a new Dynasty For Fun Game, so far I have not used any Money Cheats but will to furnish it probably. It looks pretty ugly right now but I am hoping that once the insides are done and the Gardening it will look acceptable, I'm mainly just trying out a Multi-Level Garden type thing.
@samoht I love the idea for a multi-storied garden! The house looks like it will be great looking with landscaping!
@TallStar The house does look a little odd. The benches in the living room are definitely weird and the roof as well.
Lynley, what an adorable home! Whatever you do with that little room, once I download it, I'll probably kick the easel out on that porch or in flower garden, and leave that space for at least laundry room if not nursery. Maybe office/gaming room with nice computer when it become affordable. Looking forward to play with it!
Tallstar, I like your house, specially unusual colors and patterns. Maybe you put little too much windows, and as already said, you should change the roof. Either make it a roof garden/terace, or put smaller fence. You can have hot tub upstairs, and then delete lower part of it that goes on lower floor, hot tub will be functional and it won't take space on lower floor.
Samoht, I like the idea, but having everything dark brown hide details including the effect of multilevel garden. Even in building phase you might use lighter colors to have better sight on everything, and on finishing line change the colors and patterns the way you want them.
Samoht, I like the idea, but having everything dark brown hide details including the effect of multilevel garden. Even in building phase you might use lighter colors to have better sight on everything, and on finishing line change the colors and patterns the way you want them.
I'm going to add some Light Coloured Paints to break up the Wood as well.
I'm going to add some Light Coloured Paints to break up the Wood as well.
I think that will make it look really good, samoht. I love the idea of a multi-level garden, mostly!
@ Tallstar: Building a realistic home means you have to address all of our human needs, not just the little metrics that run the Sim's lives.
Windows are a push and pull when it comes to designing a home. We need them for natural light and to offer us a glimpse out into the world beyond our little abode and they also add to the curb appeal (how pretty the house looks from the street), but too many and we quickly lose all sense of privacy. Installing windows is about balancing these needs. Depending on the room, the window needs will vary. Our public rooms like living rooms and kitchens can benefit from big windows and lots of light, but we definitely don't want the whole neighborhood looking in on us when we use the bathroom. Bedrooms are kind of in the middle. A large window or multiple windows can work in a bedroom, but we definitely need a few crevices where we can easily place ourselves out of view so we can change clothes and the like.
A few other notes: the bathroom is pretty darn large, I'm certain you could make it smaller. and your exterior tiling is a little unfitting. What you're using is more suited for an interior space like a bathroom or kitchen. Find something that looks a little more... resilient? Something that looks like it could withstand weather.
@ Thomas: The multi-leveled garden definitely sounds very interesting, and look forward to seeing it fully flourished. unsure about the windows. the big square ones are normally best for achieving the heavy glass look. The window you're currently using loses its impact if its repeated too many times.
Perhaps clean the wall lines up just a bit. You already have a dramatic 'Y' shaped floor plan, you don't need extra zigs and zags.
Today was a day for foyer.
Oh my, I realized I used word "dark" quite often lately, in this topic and in everything related to my PC. So while I'm doing clean reinstall of everything (CAW was giving me hard time with no Edit in Game) and after clearing everything, I restarted computer, and oh my.. what a bright change. For some reason, brightness was very very low, and I got used to it, so I had to check many pages back to see everything you guys built in new light. I was certain Dane used darkest wall covering for his second example of gothic home. I can see much more details in your house Samoht (still it needs diversity, but it is definitely not dark as I saw it at first). Aussette, Lynley, I was wondering why it is dark inside, but was able to see details. Now it looks like it is bathing in sun, instead of being in a strong shadow.
And I can't believe all the things I did almost in dark. I'm off to go see screenshots in backup, to actually see what I created lately :D
Dane, I love carpet with suptile pattern, but curtains are not really for those windows, that upper part of window is sticking out, even if those curtains will fit the theme!
Dane - I added those Windows quickly just to see how they'd look. I think those Floor to Ceiling Windows may go better and mix it with some LN Windows or something. I would have done some building on it today but my main Dynasty has just started glitching with worrying problems like automatic reseting and never giving Birth. :-\
I like the Foyer with the Red chairs but it needs something, maybe some Plants or just something.
@ Lynley: The roof's looking a lot better, I wasn't sure how I felt about the original one. You're colour scheme's so soft and quaint. :D
@ Tallstar: I'm in agreement with danefaith on this one - I'd lower the window count and reduce the size of the bathroom. You could probably chip out a study or even a second bedroom from that space. I'd also reconsider the living room furniture. The benches would be appropriate for a little beach shack, but this particular build feels more sleek and maybe slightly retro. I'd personally try a long, maybe rectangular couch and some of the Sixties stuff from Generations, but that's entirely a matter of personal taste. I do quite like the layout and that bedroom looks fantastic so far :). And if you want to do something different I think it would make a cute night club!
@samoht04: Ooh, the multi-level garden's looking promising! I'm getting a "log fort in the middle of the jungle" vibe from the house so far. Adding a little variety to the wall covering and changing the windows might help, but it'd lose a bit of that woodsy appeal. I can't wait to see the landscaping! ;D
@danefaith: You know I'd never have though to use the ceiling tiles for a carpet! I'm pretty sure I've seen that exact rug in real life too, I can almost feel it under my feet :D. The end tables at the door look a little off to me somehow, but I think that's just me being picky.
I know I've given advice before, but I also know I don't have much of a clue about real life architecture, and I don't want to tell people what to build. Most of what I find myself saying probably isn't "right", but rather my personal opinion on what I'd do in the same situation, so just treat my comments as ideas rather than suggestions (yes, I think there's a difference). :)
Okay, so I changed a lot of things. :P
I reduced the window count. There's more smaller windows and less big windows.
I also changed the tiles outside and did some more landscaping.
I made the roof into a rooftop terrace/garden. It seems a little cluttered to me. :-\
I shrunk the bathroom and made a little study, but I might remove the walls and just throw in a halfwall.
And I changed the living room furniture.
It's more realistic than the first version, but that garden is just killing me. I really don't know what to do with that roof, and I can't just leave it plain.I might remove a few bushes, it just seems...crowded.
Wow great improvment TallStar
Nice work TallStar! A suggestion about the roof top. Try more potted plants, and less bushes, you can make small arrangements with them instead. Also the railing looks to cluttery, I'm not sure what kind of fences you have but if you have the "Fun Fence" or the "BahHaus Fence" it might work better, the "BahHaus fence" is all glass so it will almost look invisible, and the "fun Fence" is all glass with fence posts. Since you are going with a modern look, you might like these. (The BahHaus is store bought I believe)
The idea you have of having half wall for your study sounds great! Overall I love it. I tried one that had a flat roof top... mine looked kinda stupid, I didn't think of plants though, I put a bar, patio furniture, BBQ, it literally replaced a backyard.
keep up the great work.
@ Ausette, I was going to go a little Eco on this if I can get that Vibe. It's in my Dynasty For Fun which is about the Walkers who are kind of these Women who are not human and from the land of Faerie etc. and they don't wear shoes. :)
Tallstar: Quite the improvement. The roof terrace is an interesting idea, however if you want to include actual plants you need to make them look, well, planted.
Try partitioning the area which has the plants with a very small fence, like "monorail fence" or "taboo bamboo." this while section the area creating clear plant areas and walkways.
Then, go to the miscellaneous tab in flooring, and find the "tar and gravel textured floor." This flooring tile looks a lot like dirt, and if you use it on the floor space where you put your plants, they'll look like they've been properly planted in a planter box.
After that's done, place yourc actual potted plants in the brick walk-spaces and around the seating area for a little extra flare.
@ Thomas: gotcha gotcha. Well, look forward to seeing the additions.
@ Anushka: Yes, I'm definitely questioning them as well. it's sort of a fight between they're slightly too short for this particular window, however they have the right amount of "weight" the room needs. I'll see what comes of it.
@ Ausette: Every tile has potential. ;D Half the fun is finding new ways to express patterns. I'm actually borrowing an idea I got from your last rug of taking a pattern and rotating it around with the triangle to create the pattern in a circular motion.
Here's a closer look at it. Unwittingly it came out with a slightly well worn look, like it's seen a lot of traffic for a lot of years, which inspired me to design the rest of the house to suit an elder couple.
Amazing improvement, Star! I am totally loving that build. Suits Bridgeport very well! *hint, hint* ;D
Great job with the foyer, Danefaith. One thing that I'd recommend though, in my opinion something is missing. I don't know, maybe move the table in the right-upper corner to the middle, or, put a plant somewhere. It's just my opinion of course, so do what you want with it - just so you know, it is incredible so far. :)
Ok, sticking my nose in and hoping I remember everything.
Danefaith: I do and don't like the foyer. Unfortunately you have the same problem we all have with the blankety blank curtains not being able to be moved up or down. Makes me go grrrrrr every time. They really are right for weight but very off putting because of how they hang. I'm not fond of the red chairs. Almost too bright for the subtle shades you used. Maybe the darker red that is almost a mahogany color? Or a soft blue? I love the rug! You are so clever and I always learn something from your builds.
Tallstar: make the roof more of an open "room". (not really a room, just imagine it as such) Leave the fencing around it you already have. It suits the building and can be worked with just fine. If you are going to continue to use plants that need to be in the ground, then Dane had the right idea. If it was me, I'd get rid of them and use potted plants. I'd first place my furniture in my "room" after deciding what the purpose of that room is. *talking to myself as if I was doing this roof* "Hmmm, let's see. It's up in the air and has a totally clear view. Ok then! It needs a telescope and an easel for those great sea scapes and checking out that lighthouse in the bay. Gee. It's pretty far up and I'll get tired standing around painting. I might want a frosty beverage too. Ok, a juice bar will take care of that. I'll put some stools in front of it and a potted plant to the side or behind it. I might angle it and do a whole arrangement of potted plants. Some nice lounge chairs so I can catch some rays and one of them with an umbrella so I don't get sunburn. Oh, and a small table between my three lounge chairs so I have a place to set down a book or my frosty beverage! Hmmm, might want some tunes up here too and what about lighting so I don't have to always be in the dark? I can go with the modern or maybe even try a bit of Tiki up here."
See? It's really more a matter of how you think you yourself might want to use the space.
As for the bathroom, in my opinion unless you are putting a washer and dryer in the bathroom, it only needs to be 3 squares by 2 squares to contain a shower/tub, toilet and sink and have room to walk around. If you are also making it a laundry it needs to be 3 squares by 4 squares. A huge bathroom should be a luxury bathroom with a ginormous tub, AND a shower, AND a toilet, and a place to sit, and so much more. Otherwise it is strictly a functional room and there is no need for it to be very big. You've already reduced the size, if it were me I'd reduce it more or put in a laundry and maybe a half wall for toilet privacy.
I think the landscaping needs to be a bit more in keeping with the lot. It's very beachie so maybe use some banana trees, small palm type trees and that shrub that has big leaves or even some pampas grass. Use the big flowering plants just for accent, or maybe switch to a smaller flower with brighter colors. I'd also make the walkway to the house and stairs narrower. It's like a grand entrance to a mansion but what you find at the end is a great little beach house. Just doesn't feel quite right. However, if you turned it from a house to a club it would be a great entrance and that house would make a wonderful little beach side club!
I think you are getting so many comments and ideas from us because you basically have a really great little house in a perfect spot. I just might steal your idea and put something similar in my ongoing SV makeover! It's perfect for that spot. There is so much about it to love and it just feels right for a lovely stay at the coast!
Ok, I'm hoping this is the last reno I need to do, but hey, that's the public's decision.
So I have a bar area, dance area, band area, foosball table,and a relaxing seating area.
Brilliant TallStar
Tallstar, Wow! That's really nice,now. So, are you going to share this gem? Please?
Ok, you guys I need help. I opened mouth A and inserted foot B and am now struggling with my FIRST construction in a remodel of Bridgeport. Remember, this is the town I hate the most? It is SOOOOO depressing! (to me, anyway) To make it worse, I decided to try to build a more or less modern house that has to look as dreary, (on the outside), as the rest of the buildings in BP. (shudders) We all know there is very little land in BP but I decided to explore a bit and discovered an area where tiny, 10x15 lots could all be placed. Eleven of them to be precise. At first I thought it would be a good area to put up some tents for homeless folk, (big cities have lots of homeless in the US), but then I realized this was premium, waterfront property! So, here's my first attempt, VERY unfinished and in dire need of help/advice from folks like Danefaith, (my modern house building hero), who do such an excellent job of it. The interior does NOT have to be dreary and the exterior is about as dreary as I can handle. There is zero area for plants/garden. If we try that there will be a sharp break where the property and road don't meet. Anyway, here are the shots and please, please say whatever you want about what I've done so far and help me fix up the rest of it. Oh, and there will be at least two more basement floors, one of which will hold a pool.
This is the entry level. I like the seafoam green walls. My intention is to have a half bath and just some seating.
It is rather like a huge foyer more than true living space.
This is the second floor. Kitchen, (thank you Geez for the wallpaper!), dining area and living area. From this point on it's stairs going up. No more elevator. Too crowded?
Third story. Bedrooms. But I'm having a hard time laying them out so there is room enough in each room and good travel space. If I leave it as I currently have it do I make one room master bedroom and one a nursery or two kid's rooms and use the fourth floor for master bedroom and nursery?
Fourth floor. This could easily be a huge master bedroom with a truly luxurious bath room and small area for a nursery. Then we have to think, would we really want to raise kids here? It is SOOOO depressing to look at that horrible, grey water. However, at night it's like Disneyland.
Roof top level. This is from the rear of the building so you can see it's surrounded by water front and back. This area can very easily be converted into a roof top garden or a child's playground, (and garden), with the hot tub and bar going in the basement. The grill area could be a simple barbecue without all the other stuff or be missing entirely. You can see there really is no usable open lot ground.
The basement is currently just a black hole in the ground. Help for this house would be appreciated as would any great, luxury builds fit for a tiny lot. I have ten more to fill. lol (I'm putting basement holes in all of them today so it would be good if you build to use foundation. The land is not very even.)
It looks good so far Joria! :) I think the Second Floor needs some Carpets or Rugs maybe? It looks like a lot of Wood. :)
Hi Joria, I think you are doing a great job with this build - I especially love the rooftop entertainment area!
One thing that feels a little off to me is the columns and some of the wall coverings you have used, both interior (paneling in foyer) and exterior (brickwork, especially along corners). They feel very classical to me while the rest of the house feels more modern in it's design. I would prefer either no columns or more modern, streamlined columns if you have to use them. As for the wall covering, I would tend to stay away from things with fancy crown molding or fancy paneling. There are lots of choices that have just plain crown molding which can look very nice in either a modern or a classical design.
I can't wait to see what else you come up with for the house - it's really great so far!
Samoht, you are so right! Duh!
Katluvr, you are also right. I just didn't know about having something hanging up a few stories up with nothing to support it and we are very limited in which columns will rise that high. I might just say, gravity doesn't work here and delete them entirely. The difficulty I'm having with the exterior is keeping it looking new enough, yet still in the kind of grungy BP aura. I tried different bricks and stone and that didn't work and stucco was just too clean looking and too bright. My personal preference would be for a clean, white or pastel, stucco but it doesn't really suit the overall depressing BP look. Sigh. I wish I could turn it into MY city of Portland. Yes, there are grey skies, (pretty much every day!), and yes the river isn't exactly sparkling blue but there is bright green and various colors everywhere and the buildings in general don't have that dirty look to them. Oh sure, there are a few areas I wouldn't want to roam around in, but BP just has too much grey everywhere. Kind of like the way it looked here after Mt. St. Helen's blew up and spewed ash everywhere. Hmmm, maybe I should just go with stucco and make it grey stucco. DUH. What a concept.
Here's (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,5472.0.html) the beauty that took so long to build. :)
Joria, amazing build! :D I'm so sorry Bridgeport is so depressing, but, hey, it's the only city in Sims, lol. Did you know that you could recolor columns? Just like you do items and wallpapers/floortiles. The mailbox's place looks a bit odd to me, to be honest. Maybe move it "into" the wall using "moveobjects on"? And, also, what about a bit of terrain paint her and there? Yeah, the grass in Bridgeport is absolutely hideous. Oh, and thanks so much if it was for my request. ;D
I love that house, Star! Fantastic, well done. Looking forward to seeing your next build. ;)
Can't do the terrain paint thing. All the lots have enough of a gap between lot and road that it would look really weird for a one tile paint. So I'm leaving it grey and maybe will be able to hide some with plants.
Yeah, I knew you could recolor them. I pretty much recolor everything I can. I got rid of the columns though and it looks MUCH better. Having problems with the gallery so can't post the screenies at the moment. More tomorrow.
Nice furniture layout. Good use of an open floor. Takes advantage of the entire space without obstructing passage through the room. However, the kitchen feels a little empty. Maybe add a few appliances and a throw rug. The area with the bar, book case and chess table could also benefit from a throw rug as well.
Try taking one of those agave plants and giving it a 180 degree rotation. It helps prevent them look like they have an identical leaf pattern (which, they technically do).
Aside from that, looks pretty good. Keep on keepin' on.
So: I layered to curtains and I'm kind of content with the look now. Later went and changed the chairs to something a little darker, but was too lazy to take another picture lol.
Then, a whole bunch of new rooms~.
Bath, living room and kitchen and formal dining. Kitchen needs some work but I'm rather fond of the bath and living room.
For the upstairs, I made a master and then two bedrooms kind of designed to be guest rooms. I might switch the twin guest room out for a small study or some sort and then embellish the other guest room because right now they're a little boring.
I love all of your work, danefaith. But I must say this is my absolute favorite so far! I love the colors and just about everything. Thank you for making something so beautiful. I can't wait for it to show up in the Swap Shop.
@Danefaith- The new rooms look great! The twin room would be much better as a study, and the other bedroom just needs some form of wow factor. :)
@Joria- I really like the rooftop terrace! I agree with you about Bridgeport, but the lots you placed are very nice.
I decided to build a modern, beach-side house in Sunset Valley. It's not overly beachy looking, but it does take advantage of the views. Criticism and advice is welcomed. :)
Micler, OMG! I LOVE this house! I love the stairs, the colors, the layout. It's perfect. You are going to put it in the swap shop aren't you? (I must own this one!)
Danefaith, what can I say? I'm running out of superlatives for your builds. What a clever way to fix the curtain issue! You always come up with great solutions and think outside of the box. Another build I love.
I have done the rugs thing but the kitchen is still a little bare. No tchotkes yet. I've got the second floor done, teen boys room and little princess girl room. The third floor will be master bedroom, en suite, (all my bedrooms are), and a nursery but I'm actually stymied as to how to lay it out! Basement now has a pool and since we're on a bay, like RIGHT on the bay, I put in one of those swimming fish things so you get the illusion you are looking into the bay, only cleaner. Lowest basement level will be mad scientist/artist type room for skills. The kind of stuff that can catch fire. There is a level with a hot tub, (took it off the roof so I could put in the playground), and I'm thinking it should be a party room. Pool level also has weights and treadmill. Photos in the works.
So far BP is coming along nicely. I've noticed npc's using my viewpoint park, the playground and my all time favorite, rebuild of Waylon's bar. I removed the second building and so had a huge, empty lot. I thought, "I wonder what would happen if I put in a grocery store, book store and the Bistro? Would they draw people?" I did and they do! Oh, they are eating at my renovated diner also. I really must get these photos up!
The shorter glass doors and windows are creating little pockets of bare wall. I think you might have a stronger effect with your glass wall if you fill those gaps in with the taller doors and windows. You might want to place blinds across them in the bedroom for a little privacy when desired as well.
Second point is largely personal preference, but I think a lot more can be done with the landscape if you don't fence all of it in. Now there are definitely times and place for a good fencing, but it can also be useful to be very precise in what areas you fence, and what areas you keep open. Fuel for thought.
Thirdly, I'd like to suggest using a much lighter gray for your pool walls and flooring. I suggest this on the grounds this is an area where you definitely want contrast, so you don't become disoriented as to where the pavement ends and the wetness begins.
Final point on the exterior I'd like to suggest is replacing the glass fencing with the half wall you're using on the dining patio, to define it a little bit. The glass fencing kind of melt into the glass walls in a way that robs the patio space of emphasis, and as unique as an outdoor dining space is, it deserves a little emphasis!
For the interior, you've got a very nice color palette going on and some good furniture layout, especially in the kitchen/living room. I'd suggest using alt to angle the serving just a teeny, tiny bit. That thing's going to get wheeled around the room and its doubtful that it'll end up parked in the exact same, perfectly parallel position every time!
@TallStar: Congrats on your finished beach house! It's a massive improvement from the original, well done.
@Joria: You've done a wonderful job of building a house that's pretty to look at, but still Bridgeport. The last picture in particular really caught my eye. Whatever you've got planned for the inside, I'm sure it'll be lovely. ;D
@danefaith: The foyer looks much better! I love the new rooms, especially the bathroom. I agree that the last two bedrooms are a little plain and I'm not sure about the colours in the libing room, but everything else is great so far. :)
@Micler: I agree with danefaith that you could cut down on the fences a little, perhaps just removing that chunk on the left and replacing it with front garden. You might want to recolour the pool and remove two of the ladders as well. I quite like the interior, especially the bedroom; the colours you've used are really appealing. Nice to see some of my patterns, too. ;)
I watched a TV show about interior design last night, and it got me thinking about things to try in my game. I started redecorating a few rooms in existing houses, and after a while I just pulled up a blank lot and built a whole house from inside out. Long story short, I ended up with this:
It's still pretty rough, and that exterior's not going to win any awards. I think I'll save landscaping until last. I was going for an realistic modern feel here, and I'm still trying to balance between "modern" and "not dead". Anyway, it's slightly bigger than my usual (3 br 2.5 ba), and I like the open layout I ended up with. The 3 x 3 study in the middle is a little awkward, but I like how it divides the main areas. Here's some individual rooms:
I think the kitchen needs some work. It's very similar to my mum's new kitchen, but I just can't get it to look natural. Suggestions?
I'm not 100% sure about the furniture placement, but this kiddy bedroom is probably my favourite part of the house :). The little octopus toy doesn't recolour, so I built the room around it.
The teen/YA room. Needs work, although I do like the quilt and the plushy carpet.
Here's the main bedroom. I was going for a Balinese sort of look, but I don't think I actually like it. I'll probably remodel it completely if I can't get it how I want.
Aaaand here's the deck. Again, it needs work. I like having the bar/barbeque area there, but I'm struggling on how to fill the gaps between that and the hot tub. The house has a long way to go overall (I haven't even started on the bathrooms or landscaping!), so I'd appreciate some help. ;D
Quick question, can anyone post their houses here?
And Ausette! That kitchen is true beauty! I love alot, it's amazing! And the house also. It's very nice!
I am in ♥ with that kitchen!
Thanks VampirePlasma! Yep, anybody who wants to can post their creations here, and we'll all gush over it and offer you advice if you like. :)
Looking closer at he kitchen I noticed it doesn't have space available for making the meals. I don't know if someone is actually going to use it (someone must!) but I thought I'd just throw that out there. ;)
It's OK, you can use the counter with the barstools to make meals. I thought it'd be too cramped under the cabinets to prepare food, so I filled up that space with appliances.
Oh, I didn't know they could do that! Why am I buying so many counters?
I'll get around making house this afternoon, I already have in mind what I need help on, landscaping.
I just can't get time to post here, even if I checked it regularly!
TallStar, you did great job, final result is wonderful! Isn't it great when you get so many great inputs?When building for yourself, it isn't really important what others think about it, but if you build it to share, then different opinions are more important. I'm still happy for learning and figuring some tricks with huge help from great people from this tread!
Joria, I'm so happy you took that huge project of beautifing BP( is that a word?)! You can change sea and sky colors in .ini files, as in CAS you set values of red, green and blue, but that change it for all worlds. I know you can't do much about landscape, but can't wait to see new look of BP! About those homes, you may consider building smaller not have-it-all homes, it will be easier to think what kind of family would live there, what they might want to pursue, etc. And thank you for using my perfect garden! When I made it, I was thinking mostly about practical use of having a source for perfect plants for households, but I guess it works as anusual small park too :D
Dane, I love this new house. It is so cozy! Specially the green themed rooms! Where are those small curtains from? I can't recognize them but they fit great! I know one double curtain can be placed in different hights, one that doesn't look like curtain :D Wood is so beautiful, so strong bright colors are making a beautiful stand!
Micler, I'm so happy you were inspired to build beach home too, because this one is wonderful! You used those spiral stairs so great that I want generations for that reason only! I would agree on fencing (maybe only backyard to leave with high fence) and more privacy in bedroom from street, I would suggest only one small thing others didn't so far. That carpet in hallway that is not going straight from one door to another, replace it with round one or play with shapes, since at the moment, it is ending between stairs and half of the door. Other than that, you did wonderful job.
Aussette, it's a nice plan, looks very functional, and I would love to cook in that kitchen! I believe that walls need some more attentions, and maybe change the floor in kitchen area? Maybe change colors of few blocks on kitchen walls? I would even consider placing some of the tables in that corner and put some nectar on it, if you don't have OLSP (because that lemonade and fruit make every room look more inviting). I'm confident you'll finish this one as wonderful as your other creations are!
Anushka your perfect garden is perfect here because it makes BP more of a legacy/dynasty place to play. And while it is cute and cozy, it's not sooooo cute that it couldn't fit into a city atmosphere. So really perfect for my needs! People can come and grab food to eat and plant and it's a nice green relief from the city. It's also close to the small houses on the hill that have very little land space for gardens and are the low cost homes of newcomers. You are right about the less luxurious homes in bay side area and I do plan on some there. Hoping fellow builders will build me a few as I am hopeless with that! So far we have low cost studio and very high life luxury home. Need a medium range and another low cost one at the very least. Eleven lots to fill there!
Guys, I am working on my legacy house now. Even more, I am going to put it in the Swap Shop. Maybe you're wondering, what's so important about that house that I decided to share? Well, it's the Sims-style of The Simpson family's house from the series. I have already built the exterior, the backyard and the shell. It still needs a lot of work in the interior section, but that's super easy for me personally, assuming I am a die-hard fan of the The Simpsons. My guide is a video game, and the collector's edition DVD. ;D
Should be ready tomorrow, I'll post the pics in the story thread, than post the link here. I really need some advice with landscaping, again. I really have nothing to offer in that section.
Oh, and thanks Anushka, I am loving the Perfect Garden, in Sunset Valley 3.0 too. It's gorgeous, well done. Those Mysterious Mr. Gnomes gained my founder around 3,000 bucks, lol.
Ausette - it's a great start to that house, with an interesting layout. The kid's bedroom has some spunk, but maybe it needs something more? I especially admire the way you've set out the back decks with the spa - it's really an interesting and nice looking layout that I might have to pinch for some of my houses :P
@Joria- Thank you! I plan on putting it up in the swap shop. :)
@Danefaith- Thanks for all the suggestions. I took them to heart and made some changes to the house.
@Ausette- Thanks! I love the patterns you make, so I had to use some of them for this house! Your new build is looking great! I really like the kitchen. The idea for the master bedroom is good, but the blinds might look better in the same wood tone as the furniture. Also, the kids room is really cute! Overall, the house is coming along well.
@Anushka- Thanks! :)
Here are the changes I made:
I scaled the fencing back a little bit and added some gardens to the front. The curb appeal is much more inviting now.
The half-wall now goes around the entire deck, and the kitchen cart is slightly off centre. I think it makes the deck look a lot more substantial.
The bedroom and bathrooms have blinds now! They make the rooms a lot more private.
I added a hot tub to the backyard, and lightened the pool a bit. It doesn't look much different here, but it's almost white.
I removed one of the rugs, and centred the remaining one in the room.
I considered adding a rooftop terrace, but thought it would be a little overkill. Anymore comments or advice is welcome! ;D
Micler, the house is beautiful.
I love the outdoors dining room, but an idea is maybe place an umbrella nearby? I mean, if we ever get a Seasons EP, eating in the rain or snow isn't that fun. There's a WA umbrella that goes on the table, and a OLS umbrella that stands near the table.
And I wouldn't suggest a rooftop terrace. Those are hard, and are best for one story houses so they seem taller. For a three story home, it just doesn't look right.
Ausette: I looked through a few galleries of Bali design and what I took from it was: coffee tones, wickers, bed canopies and sitting alcoves. Perhaps you could incorporate some of those buzz words into your Bali room.
Like the kitchen, but see where it could use some work. The contrast between the walls and counters is very stark, and that's good but it needs some sort of trim or accents to unite them. Perhaps consider using that wood tone on the island on the trims of the cabinets.
For accents you could put that long, linear rug in the walking space between the counters and the floaters, and a plant or sculpture of some sort in that empty corner. One or two small photographs could also fit into the space between the counter tops and the cabinets.
Thanks for the tips everyone! Here's the house at the moment:
I've made a few changes to the house since my last post, most notably the main bedroom and the landscaping. I thought I'd carry some of that Bali theme outside and add a tropical garden and some lanterns around the back. I'm still stumped about what to do with the front, though.
Thanks danefaith for looking up Bali decor; I ended up doing a little research myself and completely redid the main bedroom. I'm quite fond of it now, but I think it may be a little too bright for the rest of the house.
For the kitchen, I changed the colour of the trim on the cabinets (thanks dane!) and added a little picture and table as some of you suggested. You can't see it from this screenshot but the trim goes really nicely with the colour of the wall on the left. Overall, the kitchen's a bit more balanced now, although I think I might go make those barstools black again.
I added a little more colour to the dining area to match the painting, and I redid the living area again. That couch alone has been through at least half a dozen colours since I've placed it. I also touched up the back deck, teenager's bedroom and garage a little bit. Thoughts?
@Ausette- It looks so much better! I love the bedroom now, and think it's perfect. The living room and dining room have been improved dramatically. The backyard is gorgeous.
Micler: Definitely some good additions, it's turned out lovely.
Ausette: love your additions as well. Really like the bali room now. I wouldn't worry too much about having a different color mood here, it's sensible for a private room to differ from the prevailing tone of the public rooms.
Tiny nitpick for the kitchen: I think the cabinet directly above the fridge should go back to being completely white, so that it melts better into the fridge - besides, its trim doesn't line up with the others.
I really like the dining area. It's very minimalist and accomplishes a lot without patterns: just clean lines and rich color.
As for the living room, I think the sofa is just a little bit too long. The hook the end loses its strength when its at the end of a such a long sofa. Either that, or make that "hook" a seat longer.
You might want to put something at the end of that long walkway to the fountain in the backyard. It's a very lovely walkway with excellent landscaping and a nice center piece, but the sims need a reason to be going all the way out there. Perhaps a bench and an easel could do the trick.
Well everyone, the Republic is done and its in the swap shop for your downloading pleasure. Hope it brightens up your swampy Twinbrook days.
Decided to jump forward a few centuries to the Arts and Crafts era with this little diddy here.
Feeling good about it, although I'm questioning myself about the fourth picture. I'm wondering if I should use a roof section instead of the pergola. Third picture is a little bare at the moment, probably add some lawn furniture or something.
danefaith - I am in love with that exterior. I do understand your worries about the pergola though. And the backyard could use some decorating. But I'm loving it so far. Wish all your stuff was affordable for my simmies. :P
Yeah, I think you should use a roof section, as the pergola you have right now doesn't give the "shade" that Sims need.
It's looking good so far though!
It's unanimous, the pergola's got to go. lol Love this house Dane. It reminds me of the one my son and daughter-in-law bought in Portland. Theirs was painted pink and lavender. I like your colors much better! You'll get around to the landscaping so no worries, we totally understand. The interior? Still a wip? This is so going to fit into my SV remake.
@Tallstar- Thank you! I agree about the rooftop terrace. That can be saved that for another house.
@Danefaith- Thanks! And your new house is gorgeous! I love that style of architecture. Reminds me of the houses in Vancouver. :)
This isn't directed to Dane specifically, mostly it's just a complaint about chimneys and how they stick out like sore thumbs on any house except those covered in red brick. I would like to see chimneys become recoloureable, but until then, perhaps moving it to the back of the house so it isn't the first thing you see when you (as a Sim) walk up to the house? Or maybe trying the square fireplace with the gray chimney? Also, depending on where the fireplace is placed, you could wall-in the chimney so it's recolourable to match the house exterior.
This isn't directed to Dane specifically, mostly it's just a complaint about chimneys and how they stick out like sore thumbs on any house except those covered in red brick. I would like to see chimneys become recoloureable, but until then, perhaps moving it to the back of the house so it isn't the first thing you see when you (as a Sim) walk up to the house? Or maybe trying the square fireplace with the gray chimney? Also, depending on where the fireplace is placed, you could wall-in the chimney so it's recolourable to match the house exterior.
I know that you can also remove the red chimney altogether. Just use moveobjects and delete it. Problem solved. :)
I'm aware of that Chronic, I did that for my Gothic Fangs house, but some houses just call for a chimney or two. :D I just wish we could recolour them like almost everything else.
All righty, it’s my turn to share a home. I made this home a long time back, and I have to admit, it was my first good house. And so now I’ll share it with you. This home doesn’t have a name, so just entitle it as a home :P I will now show screenshots.
I sucked at landscaping, but I edited the front and added a fire pit and surrounding chairs. On the first level, there isn’t much. But there’s a bedroom, bathroom, and a sitting area.
The first two pictures, are the bedroom and main sitting area.
(http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g350/wobotobo/Screenshot-3-1.jpg) (http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g350/wobotobo/Screenshot-4-1.jpg)
I really didn’t think of pictures, but now that I think of it, I should add curtains! In the next two screenshots, you will see the other sitting area and the bathroom.
(http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g350/wobotobo/Screenshot-5-1.jpg) (http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g350/wobotobo/Screenshot-8-1.jpg)
So yeah, like I said, walls bare, but I’ve improved. The next floor is just a kitchen. It’s nothing really special, but I thought I’d switch things up a little. Note that the chair bottoms have different patterns on them, I did that for variety and color.
The backyard isn’t anything special, I just thought that the swings give the yard accent :P But I barely know about American tastes and fashion, so bear with me, please.
Back then, I was not the master at terrain painting. You may notice that I added some Generations stuff but that was for pure enjoyment (and I thought that the walls needed more pizzazz ::) ). So, any constructive criticism? *prepares to take criticism well*
Since moving out here to Vegas, I wanted to try something a little more southwestern. I love the warm colors of browns and reds and orange. I am still having some trouble with being imaginative, but I am working on it. Here is a house that I did this afternoon and I thought it turned out pretty good. Still a little large, but I figured items could be added when it strikes me as what to put in the spaces.
Bedroom and bathroom:
Family room:
It is mostly sand, because that is what most people have and rocks. I thought the yard was a little large for rocks, but I guess it could work. I need to find out what kind of flowering bushes and flowers they have here, because the yard looks so plain. I don't think much lives in triple digit temps and no rain, lol. I might do some more tweaking and put it in the swap shop at some point. If you have some ideas, please let me know. Everyone's houses are so wonderful and my bin is full with everyones creations. :)
@ danefaith: It looks lovely as always :). I don't mind the pergola, but that gap between the front deck and fence in the first picture bugs me a little. Were you unable to fill that in, or was that the style you were going for?
@ Natsuko: Cute house! It's always good building small when you're still learning. It's probably a little too small for the lot it's on, but you can fill the space to the right with a deck or a carport. I'd suggest adding a door at the back of the house to lead into that nice back yard. I'd also switch the locations of the kitchen and bedroom, but that's up to you. Other than that, your layout's quite nice, I'm liking the general colour scheme and you've used just the right amount of windows (a lot of beginners overdo it). Good job. ;D
@ Saltypaws: For some reason, three of your images aren't showing up for me (the second, third and fifth). From what I can see, your colours are indeed lovely and warm. I especially like that bathroom. :)
For those interested, Contemporary Den is now up in the Swap Shop! You can download it here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,5615.msg113908.html) if you like.
I don't have any screenshots as of now (but as soon as I get them, I'll post them), but the basis of a kitchen I'm building is simple.
Red and Black run predominantly. Every surface is red, black or red and black. It features mainly LN furniture (Benches, Fridge, Overhead Cabinets (see Ausette's picture. The thing above the fridge). The size is about 5 x 5. The dining room is separate.
Based on this information, can you give me some critiscm? Something just feels wrong when I look at it. :-\
Thanks Ausette! I considered putting a back door there, but I just didn't really care :P. Yeah, sometimes I used to build on lots to big for my houses, (like that 60x60 lot by the Altos and Landgraabs).
@danefaith: I'm excited to your house when it's finished, it looks super cool ;D
@Ausette: I'm really enjoying those warm colours, it balances out really nicely. And the kitchen, that looks just so amazing. I hope to see it on the swapshop soon!
Coastal Luxury (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php/topic,5606.0.html) is now up on the swap shop! :)
Natsuko, your first house up here and not bad at all! Here are a few suggestions.
Move the treadmill back away from the wall a bit. Think of yourself standing on that and exercising. Would you feel like you are going to crash into that wall? So back it up just a bit. It will fill some of the empty space behind it and make it more comfortable for your Sim.
In the seating area, try placing the chairs facing one another on the long sides of the carpet. You want them to be able to converse without having to sit with their necks turned sideways. Or, since you have nice windows and perhaps they want to look out at the view, just angle the chairs where they are so they are slightly turned and can chat with one another and yet still enjoy the view. Add a small table between them then to tie it all together. You can leave the table bare or add a lamp or small plant. I like how the easel is where it will catch the light and have a nice scene to paint from outside the house.
The kitchen feels a bit small to me but I have to live with a small kitchen and it irritates me every time I have to go in it! I can't change my rl kitchen but perhaps you could move a wall in yours? Maybe make the work area be an imaginary triangle with appliances at each point of the imaginary triangle? It makes cooking easier if you can quickly turn from fridge, to stove or sink. So, if you looked at your kitchen it could be shaped like [ with an appliance at each end and one in the middle to give that triangle work space. Am I making any sense with that?
In my opinion, it is better to have the kitchen on the main floor and either a bedroom or sitting area upstairs.
For landscaping, I love cherry trees! I would use only three of them however, maybe placing one in three different spaces on your lot so again, you have an imaginary triangle. Use uneven numbers when doing your landscaping. One is too lonely, two feels uncomfortable and three is just right! So do sets of 3, 5, 7 when placing items in your landscaping. It could be one cherry tree, with a shrub and a bench, (that is 3 in your visual grouping), or even three cherry trees placed together but not necessarily all in a row. Set them the way you did with the palms in the front yard.
You said you are not a master at terrain paint. I use a little trick when I want my terrain to be exact and straight. Like when I make a patio. I first put down that first "fence" you find in build mode. Then I color in, inside the lines. Then I remove the fence and am left with a nice, straight line of paint. I also use the hardest setting for the "brush" when I want it straight and even. When I want it to blend in more then I have to use the softer brush so I don't get sharp lines. In your yard, the greener grass makes very sharp lines against the non-lot areas. So something you can do is simply add a fence! That way it looks like it is well kept lawn inside the fence area, but not so tidy outside where it doesn't belong to you, and it's fine if the line between the areas is nice and sharp. After all, we don't landscape our neighboring areas that don't belong to us.
You said you barely know American tastes and fashion so how about sharing something you are very familiar with in your next build? Expand our horizons! I personally like to see how things look in other countries or areas.
@ Seabody, add a small touch of white for accent. That might pull it together for you and can actually make the red and black pop more.
@Salty: Nice job! It feels so southwestern just looking at it. Can you add a touch of sage green or turqouise blue? Not a lot, just a hint somewhere. I'd add a tall palm tree where those big rocks are. Did you use the Egyptian rocks for them? More sand colored than others. Can't tell because of night view. Maybe angle that easel a bit. Feels kind of stiff with the chairs all lined up and then an easel in the same line. I love those arches! Definitely gives a hacienda feel to it. Oh, is there any navaho blanket type pattern in your catalog? That could be a good addition to furniture upholstery or a small rug. I love the whimsical record rug by the music! Too bad we don't have cacti we can use in our landscaping. That would be perfect. A nice saquaro or night blooming cereus would be perfect. Or a joshua tree!
Nausko; that's wonderful! Better than any of my houses.
Ausette; Yes! I am going to get it right away!
Now, I made a house yesterday afternoon for my Sims and I think it turned out OK.
I need help with the landscape really bad. And am sorry about the bad screenshots, I am not the best at them.
-Front Yard.
-Living Area.
Ok, so I like big kitchens, space where I can move. :D And I didn't know what to do there so I put some random floor pattern under the table and that is it. Any suggestions?
When you go to the second floor there is kind of a little Sim Fu thing and the parents bedroom.
They have the biggest bath bath
I also made them a little balcony because they have to level the logic skill.
The kids room
I am planning on updating their bath.
The yard went from this
(my first try)
to this
and I am truly happy with it.
Vampire Plasma, I love your house! Before I give you suggestions on how to improve, thanks for the compliment. I had built that house a year ago and I added some generations content to make it look "better".
The large window on your top floor on the front of the house, is a bit offcentered. I'd suggest centering the window or replacing it with a new one. Also you may want to place windows on the sides of your home. You don't have to place alot of windows, though, because otherwise it looks like you want expose your sims to the world.
For your living area, I'd suggest placing it in the back. Imagine if you walked into a home and BAM there's a huge couch in the way! An entryway makes things look alot neater and less cluttered.
I'm enjoying your kitchen, it feels nice and homey, but the microwave looks out of place. If you change the colour of the microwave in CAS, it'd blend into it's surroundings. I love that sunflower! That is such a clever idea, the sunflower emphasizes on warmth and brightness.
Your first bedroom looks bare. If you added a dresser or a chair next a bookcase, it may look nicer. Consider decorating your walls with paintings.
The kids bedroom looks a little bare also. If you scattered a few Misc. Decor for kids on a night stand or even adding a dresser or shelf, it would look less bare. You may also want to add a teddybear or two for the kids ;)
And your backyard looks lovely! But you may want to place more windows on the back.
I hope you share with us some more of your homes!
Ah, I see what you mean by the windows. It does look ugly. On the left side of the first floor I don't think I can place windows because the TV is there. Hmm, but maybe some rectangle windows where the little potted trees are. I'll definaly consider the windows in the side. Thanks. Yes, I am looking at the microwave and it's like screaming. It pops right out of place. I re-color it with some wood. ;)
About the bedroom, I am reconsidering getting rid of the balcony because the room is WAY to small, that or moving it foward. Somehow.
The kids room I really didn't care what it looked like at first ::) But I promise I'll fix it.
Thanks I'll be sure to fix all those problems I honestly didn't notice but it's true it looks bad. Thanks alot Natusko.
Thanks I'll be sure to fix all those problems I honestly didn't notice but it's true it looks bad. Thanks alot Natusko.
Never say your work looks bad! Your house is good and just like any other house, it has room for improvment.
If you continue to build, soon your houses will look proffesional, they'll look like you just flew in an architect to build a house for you!
So keep building and never give up!
No really.
Don't give up. ;D
Hey, Vamp! I like your house. I love the tree house in the backyard and the use of Gen stuff.
Suggestions/observations: yes on more windows. No, it does not look BAD, just a wip.
Kids room. Move either the toy chest or the costumes box and maybe put where it could be angled. Add a dresser and voila! Throw a toy on the floor. Kids don't keep their rooms clean and neat. A stuffed animal might work or a fire truck or something.
Kitchen. Love big kitchens! You could put that microwave in the corner next to the fridge so it's angled and won't scream microwave at you. Otherwise, it looks great.
Mom's room: smaller bathroom might give you room to move the wall so you could have a bigger bedroom. On the other hand, what does a mom/dad do in a bedroom besides sleep and whoo hoo? Not much. So all it really needs is a dresser. A small one. How about if you put the chess table in the living area? That way they have a place to sit quietly in the sun. The record rug just doesn't feel quite right for mom/dad room. Cute, but looks more teen age.
Can you give us an overhead view? The close ups make it hard to see just how everything fits together. Good job on them, however! I so suck at close ups!
@ natsuko: Cute little house, I think you could take the landscaping to the next level very easily. The way you have your trees now is kind of detached from the house. They're seperated and kind of doing their own thing. Landscaping is best when it works hand and hand with the architecture of the building.
There's plenty you could do with your landscaping if you make a few landscaping specific goals. There are plenty of things landscaping can accomplish, like outline a walking path or accent the front of the home. Try making a pathway from the door to the street and then add a few flowers along the edge. Then, try making a few plots right infront of the windows.
@ Saltypaws: The desert terrain paints are a nice idea, but when you get to the edge of the lot there's that harsh border with the rest of the landscape that's very distracting. I'd suggest just going green as having a lawn in the desert is certainly possible. If you're really set on building in the desert, I'd suggest looking up Los Aniegos in the world exchange. It has an excellent desert region.
Anyway, while on the subject of the landscape: look closely at your plants and trees, specifically, look closely at patches of the same plant. Notice how they have the same leaf pattern? It's import to give little turns each time you place more than one of a plant close together, so that you don't fall prey to that eerie clone feeling.
I like the mission arches in front of the jacuzzi area, but I noticed you're using the same wall coverings as the rest of the house. I would suggest using a flat wall with a brick texture here to make it distinct from the main structure.
Moving inside, I have to say we've got some pretty good furniture arrangement going on, and some nice colors. your bathroom is spot on, with a solid color palette, good use of space and utility and fun accents. I'd suggest coloring the trim of the window the same color as the shelves.
In the kitchen, I would making the brick wall lighter and just a speck less saturated, so that it contrasts with the tiles better. Next, try applying the wood texture from your counter's onto that wooden panel on your washer and dryer. Using create-a-style on all the little bits and pieces is an essential part of making a color palette work. Finally, simply because the kitchen and the living room appear to have distinctly different color schemes and personalities, I would suggest putting an actual wall in between them, and using multiple mission arches like you did in front of the jacuzzi.
All around some good stuff here, with just a few things to touch up on. Keep on keepin' on.
@ Aussete: It turned out fantastic! Of course I always knew it would.
@ Vamp: A very nice house, but there are avenues we can pursue to make it even better. First off, I'd like to suggest you "unite" your roof sections. Your roof has a dimple in the very center, where rain and gunk would pool up. Multiple roof sections need to come together in a way that there are no insets. Long winded explanation for something very easy to solve. Simply drag the two "hipped roof" sections the entire way across, and then lower them to their original height.
I'm going to echo what I said to Salty about making small turns when you place the same kind of plant multiple times. If you don't, they'll appear to have identical leaf patterns and you getting this eerie sort of "clone" sensation.
For your interiors, very good furniture layout, although I'm noticing you're not using very much Create-a-Style. While its definitely possible to create a workable arrangement using only default styles, using CAS gives you complete control over the color palette. Now I'll admit CAS'ing everything can be a bit foreboding, but it pays off in the end. You just gotta grab the bull by the horns. You'll be glad you did in the end.
I couldn't agree more that it's very frustrating that you can't CAS the chimney... So I cheated and replaced it with the chimney sections from the modern fireplace. ;D
Didn't give myself much space for the backyard, so this is what we got. Might place with the flooring to give it some emphasis.
Finally: living room, in Craftsman style.
You noticed I don't use CAS? :-\ Yeah, it just really takes an hour for fabrics to load and hour for everything else to load. I did use it on like 3 things.
-I decided to get rid of the little balcony (or however you call it) just because it was bothering me.
and I didn't have much space. I like the room alot better now, but I'll have to get the correct orange for that lamp. I put three big windows on each wall, and I placed those blinds in black because I thought it was going to be to much orange.
-Is the kids room better?
-I moved the couch foward and then the space in the back felt empty so I added a rug. (I did use CAS for this ;) )
Someone said something about wanting to see how everything fits in together, I think it was Joria, I am not sure.
Is this what you wanted?
And this is the front of the house.
Things I forgot was the microwave but the rightside of the house I did add windows, I just took the the shot first by mistake.
Oh! And anyone has any idea where I could put the mailbox please?
By the way, where are you guys putting your screenshots to get them here, they show so well. Mine take a while to load. Anyone want to message me please?
Can this pictures be seen?
Thanks danefaith your suggestions, I really do appreciate it. It seems I build a house, then sit and look at for a while, not sure of what I want to do and then my brain freezes up, lol. I like to build, but just have to sit and really think about colors and decorations. I will take your suggestions and see what I can come up with. Thanks again.
Thanks danefaith for you suggestions. I've been building in the Sims games forever, and when sims 3 came out, I completely lost my talent. I've sort of redone that building, and I'll post pictures later.
Asusu every fellow simmers out there!
Here is my First house I am posting to the internet. It's called Modern Estate.
The price is about 230,000. It does use a lot of store content, especially Ultra Lounge (all sets), BaHaus and Colletione Stanke. It does use every single expansion and stuff Pack (including Generations). The house is a modern family home with 4 bedrooms and 1 nursery. It has a gym and a skill room (a.k.a study area). Pam requested a family home with many bedrooms and a nursery. So Pam,this house may be good for you.
I know, the exterior paint may be a little irritating.
First floor
Second floor
The party area and formal dining
The walkway to the kitchen. The arch is the only way to get in the kitchen. May be used as butler's room.
How to do the windows and the split leveling can be learned here (compatible with base game): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dm7FOJG6Pk&feature=player_embedded
The nursery style Pam used in the Dreamweaver Dynasty. A sleeping area and a playing area separated by arches.
Note that no landscaping is done (because I stink at it)
Download link below
Vampire see if this link helps with the how to upload pictures.
The kid's room looks much better. Windows are much better. Mail box can go at the end of the path or move it up a bit closer to the shrubs and just barely on the path. Yes, that overhead is exactly what I wanted to see. It makes the house make more sense and I can see you actually have more room than I thought. What if you moved your dining room furniture one space forward toward the kitchen. Then move the arch also one space in the same direction. It will give a small wall to the right of the arch and would feel a wee bit cozier. You can put a second potted plant in that spot. In the space you created by moving the dining room forward, you can put another small seating area or the chess set, or both if you use smaller chairs for seating. In the living room the rug was a great idea but I'd slide it toward the sofa a bit and maybe place a table, for instance, workspace du miche, directly behind the sofa on that rug. You can then accessorize the table with a lamp, a plant, or whatever strikes your fancy and budget. The master bedroom looks so much more cozy now! Warm and comfortable. There are two things that bother me. The beds in the kid's room right on those windows feels scary. If you took out that long, center window, (the other thing that bothers me is that window), you could place the head of the bunk beds there. Do they only have railings on one side? That would be unfortunate. The long window bothers me because when you look at the front of the house it rather looks like a nose in the middle of a grinning house. If you took it away, or replaced it with the same style and size as the other windows, that would be gone. Those are just nit picking on a house that is really coming along nicely. Good job and thanks for putting up with us! (me)
Darkeroid the only thing I was going to say to you was about landscaping! lol Ok, some suggestions for that end. "Fence" in your mansion with that tall, (or short), green shrub fence. It will hide the harsh line between grass colors and add some landscaping. See how the Alto, or is it Landgraab, house has theirs? Use that fence and then copy their line of trees. Put a shrub or two cluster somewhere by the walk way. Up close to the house, down at the end, anywhere. Use three shrubs or two shrubs and a small tree or three palm trees. It's not much landscaping but it will break up the space. Nice to see all those store items too! Some of my favs in there.
Danefaith, I don't think it's cheating to change the chimney, just creative thinking! Love this house and the tiny backyard is fine. You did a good job with it. I think I'd add a path from the stairs to the seating area though.
Thanks Joria, for helping me :). Okay so fix windows, move/change didning and move arch. Move the rug, move bunkbeds, and yes they do have railing in both sides, it just goes away when you put it close to the wall. I will get to those when I get free time.
Hi guys. Hope someone can help me. I want to replace the chimney style, but I can't use Create a Pattern on it. The entire house is made out of wood and the chimney doesn't match, so I replaced the chimney with a large window, and it stinks!
Do you really need the chimney for appearances? If so, you can build walls around it and then color the walls to match your exterior. Otherwise, just delete the chimney entirely because the fireplace will work just the same.
Dane, I'm jealous of your Craftsman interior. I love that building style (I've actually got a couple building projects in progress where I'm going back to original floorplans from The Craftsman - some of them make really, really good Sim homes, if you can figure out how to squeeze another bathroom or two in) but I always seem to come up just short on the interior design.
He really is a master, isn't he? Really great taste. Makes you wonder what his home/room is like. ~~
After renovating the exterior of the house,the house looks like this:
the house now costs only*ahem*about 607,000 simoloans.
I renovated the backyard to look like this:
I could not find space to put the mailbox and trashcan.so i made this:
note:a new house coming soon
607,000? Holy Cow! :o
I re-installed Outdoor Living Stuff because it does have alot of decorations and a smaller cute table. I also changed the color of the living room, tell me if I should change it back. I couldn't do much because my Sims are low in money and I am getting over my cheating addiction for everything.
Darkeroid, mucho bettah! Just a little landscaping and what a difference it makes. I like what you did with the mail box and trash can.
Vamp, lookin' good! I like the cozy feel of the living room now and the kids no longer feel like they are going to fall out the windows! Great job.
Okay so it's done. Yay! I am planning on starting a new house, I'll love to get some more help. If I already didn't tire you out. ;)
I took the advice and added splashes of color to the living room and basement. I still have some more changes, but it looks alot better.
Wow! That looks alot better Saltypaws!
Your terrain doesn't look as harsh as it did before and it blends in.
I love that splash of colour you added, the home feels more comfortable.
Vamp, your living room looks alot better! So does the kids room! I can't wait to see your next home/building, ;)!
Salty that turquoise really did the trick~~. And the landscaping looks so much more together. I'm loving it. You are going to share, right?
Ok, I've got a wip that I'd like some advice, suggestions, critiquing on. I decided to be a home for the elderly, but still very active, Sims right across from where I placed the Bistro in BP. There is an apartment complex that isn't as much of a high rise as the other buildings in town but has sooooo much wasted space. IMHO anyway. So how do you make a bunch of "apartments" that will work in an apartment building? As far as I know, you can't. But what if you changed those hidden room markers to public room markers, or took away ALL the markers in the entire building? Then all you need to do is sort of consider it a huge home with LOTS of room mates, right? Someone tell me if I'm thinking possible here. So, here's the pics of what I've done so far. Oh, and I made free use of any goodies I may have had so unless you are friends with the Sims store you might miss some of the items I use.
Main floor. Here is where the "living" gets done.
Huge kitchen/dining area. Hmmm, probably could have set up buffets instead of loading down the side tables.
Dance floor, area for practicing music skills or forming a band, chess tables, area to the left will be book cases and possibly desks with computers. Shuffle board and darts to the rear.
Entry. Really need to do something here. I added an extra garage bay and a door to the dining area and the main entry from the garage with that little pass through but not sure how to fix it up.
Rest rooms, dart and shuffleboard area.
Pool level. One of these rooms with be for exercise equipment, not sure what to do with the other room. There is an empty floor above this one before the top floor.
Top floor. The first "room" I made is a suite. The others are fairly small, simple bedrooms. I could make another suite instead. Thoughts?
Close ups of top floor. There is also a laundry down the hall.
Help, please.
@Saltypaws- I love that house! The terrain looks much better now, and the decor is beautiful. I really like your use of that fireplace. Where did you get those cabinets? They look great. The turquoise adds just the right splash of colour. Well done so far! :)
@Joria- That's a cool building! I love the first bedroom suite. It's very cute.
So, I decided to build a house in Bridgeport, and I ended up with... a cottage. I'm considering moving it to a different town, but I kind-of like the waterfront location. I'm also not sure about the landscaping. Criticism and advice is welcome. :)
@Micler - I really like your little cottage and the landscaping isn't so bad. I was wondering if you possibly put it up on Swap Shop?
@ Vamp: Ohh, that's a shame. Loading issues can really drag the joy out of it. Well, it seems you're taming a bit and getting a few CAS'd items in, and they're making a big difference!
@ Saltypaws: That's some nice terrain paint! Really like the additions. I'd suggest a more traditional looking chair for the living room and a vertical stripe on the rug border.
@ Joria: Cool complex! I really like that studio apartment. It makes excellent use of space with good designation between the different areas. I would suggest using a white door at the entrance and white trim on the window. The public room could use some work making best use of its space. The shuffle board position is a little peculiar at the moment. It's in what looks and feels like a hall, which would be a little cramped and likely a bit of an inconvenience. I'd suggest putting it in a more spacious area.
@ Micler: How storybook! Nice, simple structure with good colors. The landscaping is captivating! Nice english countryside style. Would suggest making the terrain paints surrounding the trees a little subtler - smaller rings, and maybe a small dot of darker dirt for a more natural feel.
For the interiors, you've got a great color scheme going on, it captures that storybook feel very well. However, your wood colors aren't as well united as your fabrics. I'd suggest making the wood flooring and counters, and the other items that have that rich brown wood lighter and less saturated, and perhaps slightly in the golden range.
I've decided to throw my head into building a house.
Here's the front and back view.
Here's a better view of the yard.
And here's the floor plan. The two rooms at the bottom are the bedrooms and the rooms off them are the bathrooms.
I'm asking for advice and criticism!
Gogowars, Oh my god! That's beautiful! It feels cozy and welcoming. And I have one very important qurestion. How in the world did you do that thing in the roof? I've seen that in WA in the countries but never knew we could make it.
Anyways I love the house! I can't wait to see how it looks furnished. ;D
Gogowars, Oh my god! That's beautiful! It feels cozy and welcoming. And I have one very important qurestion. How in the world did you do that thing in the roof? I've seen that in WA in the countries but never knew we could make it.
Anyways I love the house! I can't wait to see how it looks furnished. ;D
I struggled with the same thing when I was building vacation homes for my dynasty family. I found it all you need to do is use the very small wooden fence in build mode (not the smallest fence, but between the smallest and the small brick fences) and instead of placing it on the ground, go up one level and place it there. You many need to use columns if you are building it out from the side of the house very far, but once it is placed you can remove the columns and it will be fine.
That makes sense! Wow it seems so hard but it sounds esay. I'll try that soon, thanks for clearing that up for me.
@jen2912- Thank you! And yes, I'll put it in the swap shop once I'm done. :)
@Danefaith- Thanks! I was going for an English Cottage Garden, so I'm happy that it worked out. I tried to create a unified colour palette, but didn't really think about the wood tones. Is this what you had in mind for the woods? I think it looks a lot better.
@Gogowars- The curb appeal of that house is great! I really like it, and the back patio is also nice. Can't wait until you furnish the inside.
EDIT: I just realized I forgot to change the trim-work in the bathroom. :P
Danefaith, I totally agree with the white for the doors and window frames, and yes, that shuffleboard does feel awkward in what is really a hall. Remove the dart board as well? Here are some specific questions:
1. Will my idea of making this a huge house with many elderly room mates work?
2. If I do it this way, should I just keep the huge dining/kitchen area or a bunch of studios? If I do studios, will the room mate plan still work? I know you cannot have multiple "apartments" in a building so room mate is the only way I think it could work.
3. The dance floor, and then that other "floor" section, feels awkward but not sure what to put on that section of floor. The shuffleboard? A bar? Comfy seating?
4. In the sleeping areas, all studio size and quality or just smaller bedrooms? (This really could be a legacy type house when done!)
Enough for my questions! Now about that charming cottage! I LOVE it! I love the colors except where you have two yellow curtains and one pink one. Dining area. I think I'd rather see just one shade or a simple pattern that uses both. Your use of patterns in the wallpaper is wonderful. This little house feels so cozy and sweet and where you have it situated makes it work in BP. Anywhere else in that town, except in the outskirts, and it wouldn't feel right, but it is perfect where you have it. Please, please put it in the swap shop! As for the landscaping, it just so feels like an English country cottage garden! Oh, so many years ago I had the chance to holiday in England for an entire summer. My mom and dad lived in London but we rented a cottage at Shoreham, and so many of the cottages there had these lovely little, seemingly untidy gardens. You've caught the essence of it to a T! Terrific build Micler.
Gogowars, I love your little house as well. I love the lattice affect above the roof on the rear, but not so much on the front. It feels a bit heavy in the front. Great job with doing it though! I so struggled when I tried it and mine never came out this good. Can't wait to see what you do with the interior. Nice job with the landscaping! The use of the cherry trees ties right in with the park like area behind the house and makes it feel as if that park is just another lovely part of the house. Good layout on the patio as well. Well done!
Thank you, Joria! That makes me so glad that I captured the feeling of a real cottage! :D Does this look better?
And, here's the bathroom.
@ Saltypaws - I love your house. The turqoise works really well with the warm colors. It's lovely. I particularly like the use of the arches.
@Micler - What a wonderful cottage. So cute! I love the interior and the colors blend perfectly. I like how it has that cozy feel without looking too crowded. And the garden really adds to the cottage vibe. I like the lighter wood tones better, as well, though I thought the darker wood looked fine. I love cottages. They are probably my favorite type of house.
@ Gogowars - I like your house so far. It looks very welcoming and sunny. I like the use of the lattice in the back, but I'm not as fond of it at the front. It could be the color of the walk throwing it off for me, though. I think a more greyish or maybe brownish color would work better, like what you used for the back patio? Can't wait to see it finished.
guys what EP or SP you need to have the spiral staircase? I want It so bad.
@Kiko Generations, I think. :)
Fez is right, it came with Generations. :) I think it is one of the best things they've added to the game out of all the EPs.
@Lynley- Thank you! I agree with you about cottages. They are such cute homes! ;D
ok thanks ;D
Thanks for all the comments!
I changed the paving and got rid of the fence thing at the front. Anyone know what they are called?
I also completed the first bedroom and ensuite. I tried to use the blue from the wallpaper into the bedroom.
I'm not quite sure about the bathroom. Any suggestions?
Again, please give me any criticism!
Anyone mind if I give suggestions?
♦Gogowars; I like the front, it looks so much better. I like the bedroom, but maybe you could try to CAS the wood in the bed and make it black? I think it will go better with the room. As for the bath, I love it! I like how you separated the toilet from everything else, and the little thing holding towels and ect.
Sorry if I am not help, am a rookie :P .
Anyone mind if I give suggestions?
♦Gogowars; I like the front, it looks so much better. I like the bedroom, but maybe you could try to CAS the wood in the bed and make it black? I think it will go better with the room. As for the bath, I love it! I like how you separated the toilet from everything else, and the little thing holding towels and ect.
Sorry if I am not help, am a rookie :P .
Well, I asked for suggestions so you're free to share! This is actually a thread to give suggestions to make other people's house better.
I'll see if the bed looks better if the wood is black ad come back with it.
Gogo, first off: lovely house!
I think that we could improve a little.
On the outside of your house, you had hedges by the door. I think that the hedges are a little to harsh, maybe you could replace it with some flowers or a different fence. Also I see that you didn't really use different terrain paint. Maybe some dirt under those trees and shrubs nearby?
Like Vamp said, you should CAS your bedroom wood to black, just so it matches the room. The TV and chairs by the bed look a little cramped. Imagine if you had to walk and squeeze through a couple of chairs just to go to bed! You could move the TV set and chairs to your living room, and replace that empty area with a bookshelf and a chair. I like the top of the dresser, very nice!
Your bathroom looks nice, but maybe you could recolour your bath and toilet to a soft blue. The blue doesn't have to be loud or anything, but I think it will look nicer.
Very nice home, I can't wait to see the finished project!
The TV and chairs by the bed look a little cramped. Imagine if you had to walk and squeeze through a couple of chairs just to go to bed! You could move the TV set and chairs to your living room, and replace that empty area with a bookshelf and a chair.
I totally missed that. Maybe smaller chairs? Or place the dresser there?
I am so glad to see other people building too. Micler and gogowars, your houses are great. I really like small cottage like houses better than big houses, but it seems that everytime I try to make a small house, it is so much bigger than what I had wanted. I really like the colors in your cottage micler. I love the yellows and pinks and greens. You would never think those colors go together until you use them like that. Keep up the good work. :)
Gogowars: Nice structure, and I like the informal style of garden. It emphasizes the right places and feels natural.
For the interior, the black trims are a little harsh. Perhaps try gray? And make sure that you're using the same wood amongst your furniture: apply the wood color you're using on the bed to the shelves of the TV, and that should help.
Micler: Huge improvement. The new wood really solidifies the palette. Thinking maybe you should make the tile wall in the kitchen a little earthier [maybe yellow/green] so it contrasts with the rest of the greens. That's about all I can think of. Great job!
Joria: Foreyour questions, let's see..
1. That could definitely work, it's all in how you decorate.
2. I like the idea of studio mostly because I liked the first studio very much, and that multiple units in different styles could be pretty cool.
3. Those are all pretty good options, I'd personally go with bar or seats because it suits the mood of a dance area better than a shuffleboard.
4. Like I said, I like the idea of multiple studios than just a bunch of small bedrooms because the format you had for it was so strong.
Hope that helped!
Wow, this thread really exploded with posts overnight!
@ danefaith: The landscaping is fantastic. I really like how you took that itty bitty backyard and portioned it up. Also, swapping chimneys: awesome idea. :)
@ VampirePlasma: Sorry to hear 'bout your loading issues, but I think you've done a great job working around the recolours you have. It's turned out to be a really cute house, and did I mention I love that shade of orange in the bedroom?
@ Darkeroid: Interesting house, and good job working on a large scale like that! I could never build big houses myself. :-\
@ SaltyPaws: Ah, the pictures in your first post are showing up for me now! Love the red kitchen. And as of your latest update, I love the turquoise accents and terrain paint too! I have to ask though, are those glass windows in the basement? I like the concept, but unless you're running an ant farm down there I think some kind of frosted or stained glass would look nicer.
@ Joria: Wow, I love your use of space on the lowest floor, especially the dining area. The suites are really cute as well. I think I'd put a little sitting area on the wooden floor south of the dance floor, and move the shuffleboard into the green space next to that. I'd also consider some living chairs or a water feature in the foyer, just to fill the space. It looks great!
@ Micler: Eeeee so cute! The landscaping is just so lovely and earthy. As for the interior, I really love the colours, the patterns and the cluttered-but-cozy furniture placement. The way you've coordinated everything together is just amazing. What a beautiful fairytale cottage. :D
@ Gogowars: Your landscaping's coming along nicely, and overall I'm getting a real Riverview feeling from your house. I've noticed though that the big bay windows at the front are sticking through the roof a little. Perhaps you could adjust the roof or switch the windows?
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions!
@Ausette I changed the windows like you said. Thanks for noticing them because I know I wouldn't have!
@Danefaith and Natsuko I changed the wood of the bedroom and added a bookshelf. I also added a coffee table and moved the chairs.
@VampirePlasma I changed the toilet/bathtub colours.
I completed the child's bedroom/ensuite but not entirely sure about the bathroom. Please give me some suggestions about the new rooms.
Micler, love the new curtains. In my opinion this little cottage is perfect.
Gogowars, those changes in the blue bedroom are perfection! It is so inviting now. You asked for suggestions for the children's bathroom. My only suggestion is maybe use that shower of power, the tub/shower combo. Reason?
Littler kids often dislike showers. Hate the water in their faces. But they love ducky time with bubbles! The exterior looks so much nicer now. It was a bit intimidating before but now it is welcoming. Great "curb appeal".
I've worked some on the elder care home but the more I do the more I see it being a legacy house. A few changes here and there but the scale of the house would really make it so easy to do as a legacy/dynasty house. I've taken out the shuffleboard and dart board, added cozy seating and bookshelves on that main level. Photos to follow tomorrow when I'm not so sleepy.
@Ausette I changed the windows like you said. Thanks for noticing them because I know I wouldn't have!
I love your house so far Gogo! The overall layout and design are really inviting and the landscaping is looking really good!
I noticed the window issue as well. I have to say I really liked the bay windows in front better than the new windows - they really seemed to flow with the shape of the front of the house. I also find the slanted roof over the windows a bit distracting - it feels out of place to me. Is there a way to use the bay windows and either use a different roof shape over them or perhaps even extend the main roof to cover them?
If that doesn't work I think bigger windows in the front - double width and longer to match the windows on either side - would be a good alternative.
Can't wait to see how everything works out and I hope you'll share it in the Swap Shop when you're done!
Gogo, the outside of your home looks so much better!
The kids bedroom looks great, it's just, I'm not sure about that toy chest against those chairs. Maybe you could put it against the wall, and recolour it with some matching colours.
For the bathroom, you could recolour the tiles on the shower. You could also add a rug, and maybe a few decorations? I think that you should add a rug, because kids can slip on the wet floor in real life, sometimes real is better ;)
@Gogowars - Your house is looking lovely. I really like the changes you made, especially the fencing in the front. It looks really great. I liked the bay windows, though, and thought they really added to the exterior. Maybe you could use double gables so that the bay window edge doesn't go through the roof? In the kids' bathroom, I'd recolor the shower so that it blends. I really like that orange tile. I always have a hard time making those types of colors work but it looks really good here.
I recently posted a house I made in the Swap Shop - it was a request from another forum member. I'm really happy with how it turned out for the most part. The one area that I really feel is still lacking is the landscaping.
A full tour of the interior is available in my gallery (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=345).
I'd love your ideas on how to kick the landscaping up a notch or any suggestions you have to improve exterior or interior. Thank you!
This is the exterior of a new WIP I'm working on. Any tips, criticism welcome.
Thank you, everyone! Fairytale Cottage (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/houses-and-lots/fairytale-cottage-5676/) is now up in the swap shop!
@Katluvr- The house looks great! I would suggest maybe adding a few more trees around the property
@Gogowars- The master bedroom looks much better! The kids room looks good, but maybe the bathroom should be blue to match the rugs in the bedroom. Or possibly red. The orange throws off the colour palette to me.
@ Kat, I'm wondering how it would look like if you just put some nice trees and a few shrubs at the bases of them then touch up the Paints? The thing with Large Lots is it takes a long time for a whole lot of Garden so I think simple is better.
@ Sims3lover, I think the brick contrasts with everything too much. I see why you've chosen similar colours but it just looks overwhelming to me, that Dirt at the Front needs blending at the side bit though, or putting a fence or something there to break that line between the grass and it.
@Sims3lover: the colours of the brick and roof, are contrasting a little too much. Maybe change it to a dark colour. The windows just look to plain. Different windows, would deffinently snazz up the exterior. Your fence doesn't go with the house, if you changed the colour of it, the fence would look better. As for landscaping: add some trees in the front. Clusters of 3 trees look good. Put some bushes by the front sides of the house, bushes would help make the home less plain. Your terrain paint in the front of the house could be alot darker. You could also make a stone path leading up to the door and into the backyard.
I can't wait to see the interior!
@Sims3lover: Basically, what has already been said. Unusual roof line there. How did you do that?
@Katluvr: Just a bit more landscaping and it will be great.
@Micler: Thanks for putting up this darling cottage. Downloading it!
Worked on my wip all day. Here's the pics. Oh, I need a name for it. I am so bad at names so someone please rescue me and give me a good name.
I took Dane's advice and the sleeping rooms will all be suites. This one is much smaller and will be the butler's room if we get one.
The green room. This is one of my favorites. It is the largest suite so far.
The new, and I hope, improved, main floor entry level. I added some things to the foyer, moved the shuffleboard and added some cozy seating. They aren't in this pic but there are 3 computer tables along the wall down the hall.
This is the recreation area. Pool, hot tub, dance club, (residents and guests only), gym, even a gnub court.
Roof top skills area. This is for the artistic. I do not have an area for making gizmos or a lab for potions.
There is only one floor left to complete, another sleeping floor. I can put two huge suites there and am planning mostly on a red/black/white/grey theme for them. I actually could make three rooms but I think two bigger rooms would be nicer. Room for a baby grand that way!
Suggestions and critiquing welcome.
Do you guys want me to put it in the swap shop? It costs over 300k so far.
If I had left all the room markers in, it would only be a cost/value of 42k, but once I took them out, the price was for the entire house, not just the one suite. Interesting how that worked. I am going to save it to my library and put my dynasty in it. I was in the process of remodeling their home when I stopped to redo my pc/games so instead of a new build I'll just use this.
OOOPS! Ignore the white door in the green room. I changed it to match the color of the wood on the dresser, bed, etc.
You used the wrong BB code for the overview of the first floor. You used bold tags instead of image tags. But I like the shot, nice overview.
Seabody, lol! You're right. But that's what happens when it's very late at night. Sometimes it's a matter of engage brain before typing, and I didn't for that one!
@ Katluvr
The space between the front entry to the back patio (the side of the house) could be filled in more. I say make a path lined with flowers. Or maybe make the pond bigger. I don't know for sure, but that space just looks a little empty. :-\
Okay so I tried my hand at a 10x10 and ended up with Red and Black Outside and a Red/Brown on the Inside, I'm kind pleased with it.
Front, Looks Awkward because I bulldozed 15 Summerhill to get the Flat Land and it is in the middle of a "field".
Garage/Parking is under the Main Part of the House, You could possibly fit Two Car Spaces in there but I put two Bike Racks. The Mail Box and Bin is also under there. The Car is Max Skills.
Living Area:
Bathroom (There is the Generations Shower in same Tiles)
Bedroom View 1:
Bedroom View 2:
Bedroom View 3:
This is it from the Side, You have to go up Stairs to get to the Front Door.
@samoht I really like the house but the colour of the outside walls are a little offputting. Maybe change the bricks to wood?
I took all the advice and changed the windows back. Hopefully it looks alright.
The child bedroom and bathroom has been changed.
Any suggestions?
The living room and kitchen will come soon but let me tell you something. I'm not very good at choosing themes for rooms other than bedrooms and bathrooms so they may look a bit odd.
The living room and kitchen will come soon but let me tell you something. I'm not very good at choosing themes for rooms other than bedrooms and bathrooms so they may look a bit odd.
I think that I'm OK with living rooms, so I'll give you some suggestions. For themes, you want it to sort of piece together with your house's theme. Earlier you said that the theme was going to be blue, so make sure to incorporate in your with your living room. I've always thought of a living room as a room to relax with your family after school or work, so make sure that there is a nice comfy couch ;). Also you need some source of entertainment, like a TV or a bookshelf. Hang paintings on your walls and add decoration. I noticed that the kid's bedrooms are walls are bare. Sometimes its nice to look at a creative painting before you sleep, it enhances good dreaming (I think?). I can't wait to see the final product!
@Joria- I love those bedroom suites! They are so cute!
@Samoht- Cool house! I really like the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. The wardrobe should become the same woodgrain used throughout the house. You've done a lot with the 10 x 10 lot.
So, I decided to build a somewhat traditional family home, and came up with this.
I didn't really know what to do with the large yard. Perhaps a driveway on one side, but I'm at a blank for the rest. Also, I'm not quite sure about some of the rooms inside. Any thoughts?
Maybe add a pool or a playground for the kids?
All the rooms look great but the study looks a little cramped. Maybe get rid of the chair closest to the fireplace?
I´ve been in agony of watching all the wondefull creations here, and not being able to type comments cause my keyboard got mad after cup of coffee. So I´ll now just share my admiration with all of you! Amaying work, I´ll have to download many many homes at the end of the week!
@Thomas - I agree with Gogo. I like everything else, brilliant. :)
@Gogo - I see you have a "half-wall obsession"? Don't get me wrong, that's great, it adds uniqueness to the house. I love how you made the house look bigger from the outside than it actually is.
@Micler - I'm loving that house, but unfortunately it has a few flaws. Not flaws really, but some additions will make it look better. I agree, add a playground with all the new Generations stuff (treehouse, maybe?) there somewhere, and a pond. A few decorations in the dining room, or plants? Are you sure there isn't a routing problem in the master bedroom's bathroom? Bushes and flowers would be a nice addition to the outdoors as well. Other than those, the house is perfect from my point of view. Well done.
I didn't use Bricks on the outside of the House. I used a Paint and a Pattern from Geometric. If I change the colour of the wood and parts of the Geo Pattern to the "997c53" Colour Wood maybe that would look better. I was starting Gothic but then it turned out lighter and "happier" ,if that is the right word for it, inside. Yeah I just realised how that Wardrobe sticks out because of the grain.
@ Gogo, The Childs Bedroom, I think it is way to dark, too much Black for Children. I know there are many out there who love Black but I think it still looks to dark. It also clashes with the Windows a bit too much for my liking. That partition in the middle? I see why you put it there, is it to break up Toys from the TV? Well I think it is actually a bit odd to have that in the Middle of the room. The Outside looks great though!
@ Micler, It looks great! I have a few ideas though, that Roof it has a big empty wall, could you maybe put a Window in there? Don't a lot of Traditional Houses have Attic Rooms? I think a Pond might be nice and some Terrain Paint. As Chronic siad I think there may be Routing Issues in the Bathroom, it looks like there should anyway. A solution if there is a problem is an L shape, Sink stays where it is, the Toilet goes under the Window, the Basket goes where the Shower was, in the Corner and then the Shower moves over one, it may not look the best but it should be practical.
@samoht There actually is no black in the room. The only thing close was the brown. But I agree and I changed all the brown to the blue except for on the rug as I like it.
What do you guys think? I want to perfect this room before I start the rest of the house.
@Natsuko I added paintings to the rooms.
Hey guys! It's been a while since I last posted in this thread, and today I finally got around to building something! Meet Petit(e) Maison, a small starter home for your young, hip and just starting out Sim. I'm probably gonna upload it to the Swap Shop if I'm ever gonna get the hang of it. But here we go, home sweet home! :)
The generic curb shot:
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5309/5896823820_1da092243e_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gupluie/5896823820/)
Kitchen + part of living room:
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5073/5896254801_7f8ced3ebb_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gupluie/5896254801/)
Living room + "bedroom" behind the privacy screen:
(http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6026/5896255181_01e117162d_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gupluie/5896255181/)
Overhead view:
(http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6044/5896825386_43f9f0307e_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gupluie/5896825386/)
Bonus shot:
Night view:
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5263/5896825726_8a312ae0aa_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gupluie/5896825726/)
Hope you guys like it!
Any comments/critiques are welcome. :)
EDIT: The link to download is here in the Swap Shop:
Petit(e) Maison (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/houses-and-lots/house-petit(e)-maison-1br-1ba/)
Looks Awesome Choccolatee! :) I'd Download it! (I see you have uploaded, off to download!)
@ Gogo, Sorry it looked Black on my Screen, I was also mainly talking about the Wood Panels and Beds in the Room, they just look to Dark to me, for a Kids Room, it doesn't ruin the room, it's just my opinion. Oh and the arrangement of Toys/TV looks much better to me! :)
Thanks samoht04! Let me know on the Swap Shop thread if there's any problems with it. :)
Phew! So many wonderful builds! I'm going to have to upgrade my pc to handle them all!
@samoht: actually I liked version one the best! I liked the crazy red outside and the inside was great. Second version is fine, just liked number one best.
@Micler: another one for the swap shop? I'm lusting after this one!
@Gogo: love the new exterior of the house. So when do we get to download it? It's really quite lovely now.
@Chocolatee: already mine love. Downloaded it and it's fabulous.
@Chocolatee: already mine love. Downloaded it and it's fabulous.
Thanks Joria! :)
Hello again! This house was built while I was waiting for my activation email for the Gallery, so I just whipped it together quickly. It was built right after my Petit(e) Maison home, so the colour themes are pretty much the same thing. But I think these colour styles and stuff will be a staple in my future houses.
Anyway, here we go!
Curb shot:
From the back:
Living room:
Sorry for no aerial views, I forgot to take them last night when I built this. I'll take some and upload them later.
It shall be in the Swap Shop right about.. nowish. :)
Choccolatee, does your home have a certain color scheme? Just wondering.
Thank you, everyone! I will take your suggestions and work on the house a little bit more.
@Choccolatee- That starter house is so cute! Downloaded it.
@Gogowars- It looks good! Maybe you could change the windows to the colour of the wall panelling.
Choccolatee, does your home have a certain color scheme? Just wondering.
Uh, no not really. I just make it up as I go along. But I do like the cream walls and dark brown wood windows.
so many lovely new houses! I hope I didn't skip anyone...
@ Joria: The new rooms are excellent. Each has its own unique style and layout. I only have a nitpick for the green/tropical room: I think you've used that leaf pattern a few too many times. I'd suggest limiting it to the two rugs in the public space and finding another floral pattern for the bed. Same colors though, the white base is good. For the trim of the rug underneath the bed, i'd go with a pattern-less fabric texture.
As for loading it to the swap shop, certainly no reason to concern yourself with the price. however, what you can do is place public room markers everywhere except for the studio rooms. Only one 'family' can live there but they'll technically only own the rooms.
@ Samoht: Very interesting home. I like it. The geometric pattern is a little peculiar but that really boils down to taste. The two main concerns I have with the exterior are your window/door trims and the fences. Regarding the window trims, it's important to paint the exterior trim and interior trim separately. the interior trim of the window and doors are good the way they are, but the exterior trims would be better off if it was the same color as those black pilasters. Color coordinating your trimmings is important to uniting a building's exterior. And as for the fences, they don't really fit the style. It's definitely possible to mix influences and create 'eclectic' building styles, but when a piece of architecture is overtly following a specific influence, elements that don't adhere to that genre can have a negative effect. I imagine you could get a similar effect using 'the great wall: backyard edition' or a flat top half wall. Your front door is also a little too mission style, but it might work once it has a black trim.
I like the interior: interesting color palette with good layouts and pattern usage. But I think you can make a big improvement if you expand your range of brights and darks, and saturation level. I'm getting the feeling you're using the same color code on most of your textures, which has its purpose. it's definitely important to unite colors perfectly when necessary. However, if there isn't a range of tone from dark to bright or saturated to unsaturated in a palette it can become very flat. So experiment using the brightness scale a bit, and shifting closer to the center of the color. It can be as simple as making the walls a little brighter and a little less saturated than the furniture, or vice versa.
Working the color wheel is where all the power is. Once you start playing in that ball park, you're going to make some huge advances.
@ Gogowars: Interesting furniture layout in the kid's room. I think my only concern is that glass isn't really a safe building material around children. You might want to go with a simpler half wall.
@ Micler: Very nice interiors. You seem to be making leaps and bounds with every new home! Just a few tiny nitpicks for the interior. First, the foyer is a little too bare. Now obviously there's not much you can fit in this space but I'm sure a coffee table with a knick knack or two in the right corner, a plant, and a small rug could spruce the area up in no time flat. In the upstairs study, on a personal level I'm not fond of the black light fixtures and the black frame of the portrait. I'm imagining something in the ballpark of white gold but that's just me.
For the exterior we've definitely got good stuff going on, but I think we need to take the next step. I've noticed in most of your houses you haven't taken advantage of wall edges. Wall edges, like the quoin and barn pilasters serve a structural purpose in most architecture, to create the framework of a building, but it also plays an important role in emboldening the structure's appearance. What I suggest you do is place 'wall with quoin - left/right edge', paint the first pattern slot with your brick wall, and paint the second and third pattern slot the same color as your window trim. The quoin is essentially part of the trimming of a home and as I said to Samoht, it's important to color coordinate your trims. Wall edges are not necessarily for every style, but understanding when and how to use them will open new avenues and really help you make some awesome architecture.
That said, you're architecture is definitely great. Tiny nitpicks would be, I think the right side of the home could use a couple more windows (if that's plausible), and you might want to consider hand rails and wrought iron fences at your front door.
All around awesome. Good show!
@ Chocolatee: That's some really neat architecture on both of your houses. You definitely seem to have a talent for it. On the second home, I'd suggest using straight pathways and perhaps a slightly bolder floor tile. Make sure you have a cement trim around your pool and fountains, as grass at the edge of a fountain/pool is a little peculiar. The landscaping installation in the middle of the the fountain is interesting but strikes me as slightly unrealistic. Some of the plants are floating in midair and I don't think there'd be enough room for all of those plants to thrive. Perhaps trim it slightly.
I also noticed that on your baseboards in both houses, you're using a wood that has a vertical grain. It's necessary to use a horizontal grain on the baseboard to get a natural, linear feel.
Thanks danefaith for the feedback! I kinda rushed through the second house, as I was getting tired, and wanted to post up the end result as soon as possible.
No need to rush. Infact, you're can always post works in progress if you want. Feedback throughout the entire building process can be invaluable.
@Micler - I love your new house. The interior is great. I agree that the foyer could use a rug and maybe a plant/statue, to give it a more complete and welcoming feel. I love the yellow living room. Is that a custom pattern? It is hard to tell but it is really nice. For the yard, what about a pond? I think a small pond/water feature with seating would look nice; perhaps in that empty upper left corner of the lot?
This is a house I built a long time ago but never finished because something always felt off to me. Maybe it is the landscaping that's wrong? I'm not sure. I've been fiddling with it again, hoping to finish it, and I could really use some suggestions.
@Micler - I love your new house. The interior is great. I agree that the foyer could use a rug and maybe a plant/statue, to give it a more complete and welcoming feel. I love the yellow living room. Is that a custom pattern? It is hard to tell but it is really nice. For the yard, what about a pond? I think a small pond/water feature with seating would look nice; perhaps in that empty upper left corner of the lot?
This is a house I built a long time ago but never finished because something always felt off to me. Maybe it is the landscaping that's wrong? I'm not sure. I've been fiddling with it again, hoping to finish it, and I could really use some suggestions.
I like it! My only recommendation is that you only make some parts of the outside the gravel color, and everything else white and gray.You could change some color schemes to make it look more modernist. Other then those small tweaks, the overall home is gorgeous.
I created this cool mountain home recently. I love how the living room and kitchen turned out. Here are some pictures of my completed product:
Tell me if you like it! :)
@ Danefaith: How do you manage to find just the exact right thing that is going to make the builds so perfect? You see little details I totally miss, like the grain on the baseboards in one house. You totally amaze me. I really appreciate this about you and thank you because it's making me look a little harder at what I do and hopefully make me a better builder. Thanks for all the input!
@Zapkid: I not only love it I want it. Have you posted it to the Swap Shop?
@ Lynley: I think it may be the table with the umbrella at the front entrance that is making it a bit uncomfortable.
How about if you moved that closer to the pond? The rest of it is lovely.
I not only love it I want it. Have you posted it to the Swap Shop?
That's a good idea! I'll do it soon.
Zapkid, your walls look a bit bare, maybe add some more paintings?
I think you could do a little more with your landscaping, like adding some trees, palm trees would look good. Maybe you could add a hot tub in the back yard.
Zapkid, your walls look a bit bare, maybe add some more paintings?
I think you could do a little more with your landscaping, like adding some trees, palm trees would look good. Maybe you could add a hot tub in the back yard.
I think that I did add a good amount of paintings. Everything wall was either paintings or windows. As for the hot tub: I will do that sometime later!
I think that I did add a good amount of paintings. Everything wall was either paintings or windows.
Me and my eyes...curse you failing eyesight! I'm more of the person who doesn't do modern homes because they are just to bland for me. Maybe you could add a colour that contrasts with that blue on the bed, like a green or a teal shade.
Glad to see your adding a hot tub!
. Maybe you could add a colour that contrasts with that blue on the bed, like a green or a teal shade.
I'll do that also :)
I did everything you requested, Natsuko. A beautiful outdoor area, lounge chairs, a little more landscaping and a new color in the bed/aquarium. Here are updated photos:
Updated bedroom (notice different aquarium rock color)
Lounge chairs, new trees/rocks in background
New trees
Outdoor Area
Still want suggestions to make better :)
Nice job zapkid. Really looks alot better.
I tried my had at building a dance club. "Social Club and Lounge". I think I did it again with making it too big and then I sit and look at it, not knowing what to do. It has an exclusive club downstairs, so your sims have to get by the bouncer. I was trying something out and put a firemans pole upstairs to see if sims would use it to go downstairs and get one past the bouncer and it worked, lol. I have a fog emitter in the hot tub to make it look like steam and it really works well. I know there are some other touches I can do it, so again, suggestions are welcome. The outside doesn't look too appealing, so that could really use some help.
Downstairs, exclusive hot tub and sitting area.
Downstairs sitting area.
Regular bar area.
Regular bar restroom area.
This is the outside and yes, it needs some attention. Looks just like a regular ole house to me, so it definitely needs something.
@Danefaith- Thank you! I agree with you about the foyer and study. I'll try to implement wall edges onto this house. I think that they would make an improvement to the exterior architecture. I've thought since the beginning that it was a little bit bland.
I'll see if I can add a few more windows to that side of the house, and add a railing to the porch.
@Lynely- Thanks! The living room pattern is one from the game which I recoloured. I think a pond is a good idea for that large, empty yard!
I really like your house! I think the rug in the kids bedroom might look better if it's not the same pattern as the blanket. Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. Great house. You should put it in the swap shop once you're done! :)
Thanks for all the suggestions. I didn't change the colour of the windows in the kids' bedroom as they looked very odd from outside. I've changed the half-walls but no photo.
The kitchen/dining was the next thing on the to-do-list. Having a second look now, I think I should change the tiles. Please give me ideas.
Maybe add a few decorations here and there, recolored? It's looking a bit bare.
Maybe add a few decorations here and there, recolored? It's looking a bit bare.
I always forget decorations! I'm off to go add some.
EDIT:Here's the new version with Decor.
Hello everyone! Well, I had never thought I'd ever be proud enough of something I had built so much that I would actually feel confident enough to post it here! I feel like, I don't know, the dumbest student at Oxford, maybe? :P I am so terrible at building that the building I am showing you today wasn't even built by me! It is a modern version of the house built by Curtis Paradis (that Youtube guy) called the 'Paradise Hilltop Mountain'. It is gorgeous and specifically made for 15 SummerHill Court, which I was very happy to hear, as I have been looking for a mansion that suits my needs for ages, for my Dreamer legacy as I really hate the current house I have now.. but, to my disappointment, it was a traditional house. I wanted a modern one. So, the project to turn it into a modern style home began! (And yes, this will be me building, ahem, remodelling that house that I made a horrendous request for a few weeks ago :P ) This is the fourth house I have ever worked on and is the first remodel I have done. I don't have any pictures of how the outside looked before except the one that is the pic from the actual download on the Exchange:
But I have not touched the inside, yet. Here it is:
First Floor
Second Floor
I plan to turn that little box bit at the right hand side into the area that the master bedroom will be, but I'm still not sure yet. The household moving in is one of eight sims. So, I plan to do this by making the two sets of twins share rooms, and obviously my founder and her spouse will be sharing a room also, so that is five rooms, which is just right! :D
This is the front of the house. I think I should put a few more trees on the left hand side, especially if that will be the master bedroom, but I'm not sure. There are already trees there, but the screenshot cuts them off so you can't see them, but I think it could still do with more. I put those lights on the walkway to disguise the fact that the walkway is a straight line and looks really unrealistic, so I think that makes it better. You may not be able to see it well, but I put four limelights at the front of the house, instead of the bushes that were there. I put them there simply because my tree graphics are too low to show the bushes, so I think lights look better. Does anyone think the walls are too bright? i used that diamond-look stone.. Same on the stairs and columns although they look very different and sort of grey, but I don't mind. I'm not too sure about that front door, and the one on the top floor, as well? I couldn't really find any other doors that suited, in my opinion..
That is the garage (I prefer it outdoors and also, I got rid of that box that was there which was previously the garage as I didn't like how it looked when I 'moderned' it up.) And yes, that is my idea of landscaping. Is it enough without going overboard? Maybe I could add a pond or something? I have never made a pond before..
That is the back of the house. I haven't moderned it up yet. I only changed the master bedroom bit and am currently working on the garden, as you can see. I am almost finished. What does everyone think of that fence that I replaced? I think the other one was too posh-o so this is my idea of a modern one, as the fun fence does not look right at all, haha. I liked how the bush fence thing looks so I kept it..
This is the kids play area. It was a must to have this as the family consists of five kids. I only have Ambitions and the Base Game so this was everything I could possibly put. I really like it, although the colours aren't really childish, but I couldn't make it any more colourful without it contrasting with the rest of the house. (I suppose that's the problem with modern family homes, haha) Also, this picture is outdated as I have placed three tables at the side (near the trampoline) so there is a space to relax, etc, and to make it more realistic.
Here is a pic of that seating area:
I have tried to make it more believable by placing little items like magazines, vases, etc on the tables and also thought that the baseballs would be a nice touch. (and would make it easier for me to find when looking for them :P ) The only change I made since then was move the tables to the left a little so I couold place some trees around that area to landscape a little (and I plan to do that on the other side of the backyard as well) but the laptop shut down, while I was in the middle of it so it's just as well I didn't take any screenies!
Here's the other side of that backyard. It is very bare. The only change I've made is that I've put one of those sleeping gnome things in front of the diagonal bit of the bush fence which is cut off on this screenie, anyway. I also plan to put more landscaping here. I'm not really sure what to put in the middle in between the buffet table and the benches and washing line? Any suggestions? Once again, I thought of a pond as a barbecue by the pond sounds like a nice touch. Hmm..
After I downloaded the house and had a look around, upon finding this bit I just adored it. I plan to change this bit when each legacy heir changes. The current heir is a painter so there is an easel. :) The little stool will hold an ice sculpture of the current heir. I think it's cool.
Opinions of those column things? Should they stay or should they go? I kept them so they could use up some space but I'm still not so sure.
Thank you for having a look and if you have read all of this then wow, well done! Thank you! :) Any suggestions would be welcome, any at all. I've tried to drop in some little questions I have. You are all far better builders than me so I would welcome all your suggestions with open arms, haha!
@ Salty
Very nice interior, but the outside definitely needs some work. Change the roof to stone: make the door and windows more traditional, And make the entryway surrounded by bushes, put a Medusa's Victim statue in there for effect. Also, add 2 columns in front of the door and make the roof extend out to them. And finally, plop some nice statues / bushes where a parking lot could be. The interior is a bit big, but other than that, it's perfect :).
I've completed all the rooms but just need the okay on three of the areas. Any suggestions are welcome!
The three rooms are the entry area, living area and the kitchen.
@Gogowars- I really like your entryway and living room! The kitchen looks good, but I think that you should change the fridge door to match the stove. Tile looks odd on a fridge door. The trim on the upper cabinets could also be changed. Overall, this is a great house! :)
@Gogowars- I really like your entryway and living room! The kitchen looks good, but I think that you should change the fridge door to match the stove. Tile looks odd on a fridge door. The trim on the upper cabinets could also be changed. Overall, this is a great house! :)
Thanks! This might sound stupid but, is the tiling on the cabinets the trim or the wood?
@ Fez: You have just learned the secret of how to become a great builder! Start with remodeling something you like and without realizing it, you are learning what works and what doesn't work. Next thing you know, you'll be starting from scratch. I love the way you have modernized that building! I really can't critique it because I'm just smiling all over from watching you grow! It's a good job and it's a house I'd be proud to own. You gave credit to Curtis too which is really fine!
@Gogo: so when is this delightful house going in the Swap Shop? I LOVE it.
@Salty: Hey, there is nothing wrong with the outside of a club, especially an exclusive club, looking like a house. You don't want it standing up shouting, "Look at me! I'm a club!" Zapkids ideas would spruce it up just enough yet keep that exclusive air about it. As for the inside, the high back of that hot tub suggests maybe it should go against a wall or half wall. Other wise I love everything about this build and am looking forward to downloading it. You are going to share, right?
Gogo, your fountain in the entryway looks like it could blocl sims from getting inside. Also, your dining table doesn't look like sims can get in and sit down on the other side. Playtesting is a good way to test out if your home is playable. PLEASE upload to the swapshop!
@ Fez: You have just learned the secret of how to become a great builder! Start with remodeling something you like and without realizing it, you are learning what works and what doesn't work. Next thing you know, you'll be starting from scratch. I love the way you have modernized that building! I really can't critique it because I'm just smiling all over from watching you grow! It's a good job and it's a house I'd be proud to own. You gave credit to Curtis too which is really fine!
Thank you so much, Joria! I'm flattered. ;D
Gogo, your fountain in the entryway looks like it could blocl sims from getting inside. Also, your dining table doesn't look like sims can get in and sit down on the other side. Playtesting is a good way to test out if your home is playable. PLEASE upload to the swapshop!
I will check everything then upload the pics and the house before starting a new house!
Here is my home updated.
Front View:
I added a garden, a car port just seemed to- weird. Thank you buydebug.
I updated the camp fire area- as you can see, I added bushes, tiles, and a snazzy grill!
I added a hot tub to the backyard.
I replaced the couch with a radio. Also, I recoloured the treadmill to match the room some more.
Updated siting area:
Here’s the updated kitchen. I moved the table.
Any last suggestions before I upload it to the swapshop?
Hey y'all, busy as always I see! Let's see if I can run my mouth a bit and get up to speed with everyone's work.
@ Lynley: Very nice, makes me think of Frank Lloyd Wright and prairie style. I think the exterior trims of your windows aren't agreeing with the rest of your exterior palette. Perhaps go for a lighter wood, with a bit less saturation. Going lighter will give it some pop while less saturation will keep it natural and earthy.
After you've fond a nice color for those exterior window trims, you should consider your options for repeating that color in the rest of the architecture. Consider painting the carport columns in this wood would be one option, or painting the cupola on top of the roof in clapboard. Having a secondary color will create some contrast and visual interest in the exterior.
Second suggestion, is I would make the front porch just a little more ornamental, a little less functional. A cook-out space is more of a back yard type deal and you appear to have the room, so I'd move it back there. A seat or two, and maybe one of those planters from world adventure would likely be enough.
final note, perhaps sweep that path of cobblestone to the edge of the driveway.
It's a very nice exterior, it just needs a contrasting element to make it pop. And I must say, lovely interior to boot.
@ Zapkid:The layout here strikes me as just a bit peculiar. Kitchen on the second floor, with an arch into the bedroom, but the dining table downstairs. It isn't very ergonomic. However, each room taken individually, there are some good furniture arrangements and colors. Good use of space in the kitchen and the colors in the bedroom are lovely. Perhaps add a throw rug in the bedroom to create motion through the empty space of the room, and in the kitchen, one or two of those 2x1 mats for a splash of color.
I see you've situated yourself in the modern style pretty comfortably. Modern's a wild ride but once you've versed yourself with all your tools you can really soar. I think you'd benefit from trying for a bit of contrasting elements and being a bit more precise with your glass walls, but that will come with time.
@ Saltypaws: Interesting use of blinds to the partition the room. I like the roaring twenties persuasions in the interior.
I think the problem with the exterior, is its long, single story shape and hipped roof makes it feel like a ranch, which is almost exclusively a residential style of architecture.
What I think we need to do is create a second story with plenty of patio space. Make an L shaped extension to the top in a way that you have a patio to one side, and a smaller patio in the cradle of the L. Then, make a skillion and lean-to roof from this. this will not only give you a stylish roof, but the second floor will give the building a more demanding presence, while open patios with plenty of nice seating and maybe a bar will make it clear from the street that this is the happening place to be.
Gogowars: This house has really come along. I love the kitchen, the tile is a very interesting choice, however I would have limited it to the counters, and used metal for things like the cabinet trims, serving tray and refridgerator. Repeating a pattern can be a very safe and comfortable practice but it can really limit a room's potential. Otherwise, you've done a really good job here. Well done!
FezisFreak:That house has some very powerful curb appeal, especially with three sets of staircases. However, your walk way up to it doesn't have as much strength. A walkway needs to complement a front porch. If it doesn't you'd feel uncomfortable approaching the building. Would the taj mahal be anywhere near as majestic if it stood in front of a dirt road instead of a reflect pool? I'd like to suggest using the same tile you have in the backyard across the entire lawn, from hedge to hedge.
For your windows, try to use three square wide ones when you can. All those little stops in the glass can be distracting. Secondly, I'm noticing a few traditional windows floating about. They contrast with your glass walls in a bad day, I'd replace them with single glass panes. You might also want to go with a more modern looking door.
For your exterior, you have a really nice area surrounding your pool, so I think you should pull some of your furniture into that area. At the moment, it's all kind of assembled just so it's there.
It's all around a nice little building. remodels are a good way to learn, as they can help us get a grip on what shapes and sizes make for good buildings.
@ Natsuko: Everyone here probably thinks I'm a broken record but I gotta say it. :D Look very closely at your plants, at pattern of their leaves. you'll notice that they're identical, their branches and leaves going in the exact same direction. when you place two of the same item, the truth of the matter is they're essentially clones of one another. this makes perfect sense with furniture, as furniture can be reproduced by humans to look the same. However, when we're dealing with nature, nature does not repeat itself, and so the plant deja vu can be a little bit distracting. It's very easy to fix however: when you're placing multiple plants, hit the > key each time to make a small turn. The new angle will make the leaf pattern look different. That said, the landscaping is much better. It's complementing the home and creating a sense of motion through the yard.
all around, I have to say this has turned out very well. Few nitpicks, you might do well with a more stylish front door, painted white like the windows. And in the interiors, I'm not super fond of the carpeting and some of your rugs and blankets. You kind of have a battle between modern, boastful, colorful rugs and blankets; and very reserved, classy furniture. I would personally suggest some wood floors, and some simple geometric patterns with vibrant colors.
In your backyard, I'd suggest a walk way from the door to the jacuzzi, and a border around the jacuzzi itself.
All around, you've turned this into an excellent house!
Saforia Cottage (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php?topic=5823.0) has been uploaded and I'm trying out a 10x10 lot which Joria requested. I'm only using the Base Game and Generations. I'm not sure what the fountain is from but if it's from Late Night, it's from Late Night.
Here it is.
Any suggestions? (There is no space to build bigger)
@Natsuko I really think the house looks great! It has an unique style I like.
@Gogowars: It's darling. The only thing I would say though is the floors need to be reversed. Would you want someone coming in to visit and the first place they go would be your bedroom? So, if third floor was moved down to second floor and vice versa it would be more practical. I know Sims won't care either way, but for us it's just a bit uncomfortable. Oh, and there IS room to expand! lol You can go up one level and down four. Not necessary, but possible. Personally, I'd leave it with the amount of floors it currently has.
Everyone's houses are gorgeous. Like I said, my towns have most of the houses and remakes in them from the swap shop.
I am remodeling this house and used the shelves and used pillars for decoration. I got the idea from a member on the sims3 forum. Amazing what moveobjects can do.
Saltypaws, what an awesome shelf setup! Is that a mirror running behind it?
Wow saltypaws that's really cool. I have no idea how you did that.
Joria requested new buildings in Twinbrook and I'm making her a salon. I've completed part of the inside but I'm too tired to add flooring and wallpaper so I'll show later.
But I did do the outside. Not sure about the roof,windows and wall colours. Suggestions?
It looks good Gogo.
I woud change the color of the roof, the siding is bright and happy so I think maybe the grey scalloped roof or a light red/orange roof.
That fountain is really cool. Is it the one that you can find in statues or did you make it yourself?
Wow saltypaws that's really cool. I have no idea how you did that.
It is the new wall shelves with two pillars from the build/buy mode and I used moved objects on to put the mirrors behind it. Moveobjects on is also great to make "L" shaped desks too. :)
Gogowars- I like the little house! Very cute! But I agree with Joria on swapping the floors around. And if you mean the make-it-yourself fountain out the front, yes, it is from LN.
Salty- Very nice selfing. It's a very original idea, and it looks great. 'Moveobjects on' is the best! ;)
Gogowars- I like the little house! Very cute! But I agree with Joria on swapping the floors around. And if you mean the make-it-yourself fountain out the front, yes, it is from LN.
I forgot to add the link to it in the other post. I did change the floors around. It's called the Bachelor House. (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php?topic=5841.0)
That fountain is really cool. Is it the one that you can find in statues or did you make it yourself?
The fountain tool comes with Late Night. It's cool. 8)
The salon has been built and decorated.
Outdoor Views:
Here's the Entry and Female Bathroom: Did I go overboard with the things wearing those dresses?
Reception and Waiting Area: The desk has a cash register on it.
Tattoo Arena and Male Bathroom:
The 3 Make-over Stations:
And lastly the 'staff only' kitchen: Sadly no stoves but this was made because when you are actually a stylist you have a long day but you don't eat. Unless you work here.
Gogowars I love it, except for all those carpets. I don't know but in my opinion that is too much carpets. But I do like how you included a kitchen. Ha, my sim almost starved to death there.
That salon is gorgeous, Gogo. :) I really like the mannequins with the dresses, I think it's a nice touch.
It's wonderful, Gogo! Thank you so much.
Salty, what a great idea! I really need to climb out of the box every so often. I don't come up with fabulous things like that shelf unit. Love how you have all those gems on it too. MUCH better way to display them.
Gogowars I love it, except for all those carpets. I don't know but in my opinion that is too much carpets. But I do like how you included a kitchen. Ha, my sim almost starved to death there.
I'll delete some of the carpets then upload it. My sim almost did too.
That salon is gorgeous, Gogo. :) I really like the mannequins with the dresses, I think it's a nice touch.
I found them then thought they should be in this salon. It was fun recolouring them.
It's wonderful, Gogo! Thank you so much.
Your welcome Joria. I've enjoyed building it.
I named the house Waves & Horizon, because the lot ends right where the waves hit and you can see the horizon clearly.
It's a family home, 2 stories, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
My theme colors are blue, white, and a little bit of black.
First Floor;
Second Floor;
Without furnishings.
Okay, so I managed to finish the first floor and here it is.
-Living Area
-Dining (you get a view.)
-First Bath, the tile thing I used for the wall came with GEN.
I'll have more details of the lot I used because it really has an impact about everything.(I don't know what those little black things are)
Oh and you may have noticed the little surf board, ya, it looks like a real surf board being held in this little thing, it's like grab and go. I don't know how to explain. It makes sense on my ADHD'ed brain ;P
I gotta admit this is the best first floor I've ever made.
My current work in progress. I call it: The Country Home. The Country Home is a farm house that I plan to expand to a horse ranch at the release of Pets. The tree house pond area:
Overhead view of the second floor:
The kiddie bedroom and bathroom (hint, theme is a pirate sailing theme ;) )
Master bedroom and bathroom, the theme is traditionalish country theme?
A little family area upstairs, the desk is for the kid to do his homework:
Downstairs, you’ll see the kitchen:
Separated from the kitchen by a half wall, is a dining area!
And the living area:
And the downstairs bathroom:
So, questions, comments, suggestions, critique?
Vamp, your front floor, looks great! You've improved alot! But, I'd like to see some more colour, bright colours like your blue looks good. Maybe, you could use some green?
Natsuko, the house is great.
How big is the lot, because I think you could put in a driveway and maybe a patio.
Thanks TallStar, I'm working on a patio, so I'll post pics of it soon. A driveway is a good idea, thanks!
@ Vampire: The house interior looks pretty spectacular be I feel the color palette could use one more color. A subtle warm tone reminiscent to sand could do a lot of good for the kitchen counter-tops and the living room rug. Because of the similar shades, the counter-tops and rug melt into the surrounding wall too much, which can make a room feel flat. Maybe a sandy marble for those counter-tops and a wicker for that rug Would you be willing to share the exterior of the building? It has a nice shape and would be interested in having a look-see.
Otherwise, great job, looking forward to seeing more.
@ Natsuko: If I might suggest, when you take pictures, open the terrain paint tab in build mode, as this removes the grid, allowing for clearer pictures.
The terrain paint is nicely layered and appears very realistic and wild. Very nice job there. However, I think you have too many tree species going on at once. Most forests have a prevailing tree species with a few others with similar qualities.
In the kitchen, if you press ctrl+f you can place triangular shaped floor tiles. This will allow you to make a clean edge for the kitchen.
The furniture appars to take on a nice craftsman feel to it, but its a bit too spacy. I'd try and break it up into a few more rooms with a hallway through the middle. Also, make sure your staircase lines up with the front door.
All around good, just needs some fine tuning.
The salon has been uploaded Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php?topic=5864.new#new)
This is another house for Joria. It's a 10x10 starter and it is around 50 under 16,500 simoleans.
I'm not sure about the gray colour. Suggestions?
I love all the new houses and WIPs! Great job, guys. Gogo, maybe you could add a few more small but short (or small but tall) windows here and there? Oh, and I think the roof is a bit (just a bit) unrealistic. Other than that, kudos to you for managing to fit a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a living room in one small floor!
I love all the new houses and WIPs! Great job, guys. Gogo, maybe you could add a few more small but short (or small but tall) windows here and there? Oh, and I think the roof is a bit (just a bit) unrealistic. Other than that, kudos to you for managing to fit a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a living room in one small floor!
I might have to get rid of some of the decorations as it's 5 simoleans from 16,500!
Gogo: if you're not already doing so, consider using the 'pool wall' wall covering under masonry, as its cheaper than the flat wall and essentially the same, if you put the same texture on both channels.
Also, there is a wood flooring that's essentially free you could switch to. It would be an all around improvement as well, as I think the carpet color clashes with the rest of color scheme.
Consider painting the window frame the same color as the exterior and interior, so they blend in. This kind of style benefits from cohesiveness.
I've take in the advice. Thanks danefaith for telling me about the flooring and pool wall. I tried changing the roof but it looked weird so I left it. I changed the windows and added a few. Thoughts?
One word: a lot better now. Well done!
Looks grand. Hmm, perhaps make the bed sheet a little less saturated, that way it pops out from the flooring, and a modern looking pillar [ModCol is good] in the front left corner for support. Aside from that this looks perfect.
Since 10x10 seem to be all the rage lately I decided to give one a shot. I'm calling it a pocket victorian hehehe.
Wow, that looks awesome, Dane. Any interior pics?
Probably do that tomorrow, I'm all tuckered out. :P
Probably do that tomorrow, I'm all tuckered out. :P
I see. I'll be waiting. :P
Danefaith that house is so awesome! I'm also looking forward to seeing more.
Danefaith - I absolutely love your house. I adore Victorians and this one is absolutely fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing the interior.
Gogowars - That is a great little starter home. I really like the warm interior colors. I agree, though, that the bed should maybe be a complimentary color or a bit toned down as it does blend too much with the carpets. Other than that, it looks great.
@ Vampire: The house interior looks pretty spectacular be I feel the color palette could use one more color. A subtle warm tone reminiscent to sand could do a lot of good for the kitchen counter-tops and the living room rug. Because of the similar shades, the counter-tops and rug melt into the surrounding wall too much, which can make a room feel flat. Maybe a sandy marble for those counter-tops and a wicker for that rug Would you be willing to share the exterior of the building? It has a nice shape and would be interested in having a look-see.
Otherwise, great job, looking forward to seeing more.
Like some like orange or peach? I'll try that. I need to write this down. Thanks Danefaith.
@ Natsuko: If I might suggest, when you take pictures, open the terrain paint tab in build mode, as this removes the grid, allowing for clearer pictures.
The terrain paint is nicely layered and appears very realistic and wild. Very nice job there. However, I think you have too many tree species going on at once. Most forests have a prevailing tree species with a few others with similar qualities.
In the kitchen, if you press ctrl+f you can place triangular shaped floor tiles. This will allow you to make a clean edge for the kitchen.
The furniture appars to take on a nice craftsman feel to it, but its a bit too spacy. I'd try and break it up into a few more rooms with a hallway through the middle. Also, make sure your staircase lines up with the front door.
All around good, just needs some fine tuning.
Thanks danefaith. I'll go fix those things right now!
@Vampire- I love that house! I agree that you should introduce a sandy tone. And maybe change the floor colour slightly, so that they aren't so orange.
@Danefaith- That house is amazing! I cannot wait to see the interior once it's done. I love victorian architecture, and this one looks great so far!
@Vampire- I love that house! I agree that you should introduce a sandy tone. And maybe change the floor colour slightly, so that they aren't so orange.
Okay try to change the color of the floor, maybe to a sandy tone too?
Danefaith, okay I changed it. Is this what you meant?
I changed the telescope to a firepit and put chairs.
is that better?
@Vampire- The sandy colour looks great! :) One other thing I notice is that the woodgrain on the kitchen cabinets could go horizontally. I actually like the floor colour now, but maybe just a little less orange.
Vampire, that house is gorgeous. You're such a good builder!
Danefaith, I took your advice from earlier. I put furniture around my pool and the tile on the front lawn, but for some reason my game isn't letting me use the three pane 'regifted' windows. :( I will post pictures up when I get to my simming laptop.
@Vampire- The sandy colour looks great! :) One other thing I notice is that the woodgrain on the kitchen cabinets could go horizontally. I actually like the floor colour now, but maybe just a little less orange.
It could horizontally but the game isn't letting me put it that way. ??? Am working on the floor color, I put it the same as the counters but that looked dull. So am working on it.
Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I changed the wood trim on the windows and doors (too light, perhaps?) as well as redid some of the landscaping. I tried to tie the wood color into the fencing and roof edges. Still not sure if it works, though.
A view of the pond- Does it need seating or something else? It looks a little empty to me but nothing I put there looked right.
Lynley! What a beautiful home! It's amazing! I don't think the wood looks to light, I think it looks right. And the pond, it's beautiful too, maybe you could add the picnic table in the shade of the tree with the picnic basket on the table?
I finished the house it's now a 3 bedroom. 3 bathroom. The Master bedroom has it's own bath. And I added a little bit more to the sitting area on the back. I fixed the floors.
First Floor Overhead view.
Second Floor Overhead view
If anyone wants I'll upload it to the exchange. I don't know how to use the Swap Shop. It uses every EP and SP and store content, 2 I had to pay for and all the other are free. Thanks for your help.
@Lynley- It looks very cute! I like the pond. It looks natural.
@Vampire- I love it! It's perfect now. You should definitely upload it! :)
@ Lynley: Awesome! You've really taken it to the next level. I like the changes to the front patio, however I think it should open up on the other side as well, with a pathway connecting it to the driveway and the street. Right now the pathway to the front door is too far right.
A bit of seating at the pond would be lovely but I wouldn't call it entirely necessary. If you really feel it needs something there you might consider seeing how an easel would look. A nice pond view would be very inspiring methinks.
@ Vampire:The second floor looks good and the new sandy color is a great addition. Only thing that comes to mind is the master bedroom is a little bit center-focused. Your coffee table in that room is a little cluttered and you don't have any furniture near the walls. I'd suggest cleaning the coffee table of one or two knick knacks and adding a dresser to one side and a decoration to the other. You might want some of your sand color in this room too.
Interesting exterior shape. Very beachy color. I think you should extend that diagonal section of the roof out until its apex touches the other roof section.
There are some ups and downs with your windows. At the moment, I don't necessarily think anything about the windows should be changed, but I'd like to put it out there as fuel for thought. The thing is, your windows look beautiful from the interior view but end up a little bit disorganized from the exterior. Getting an organized set of windows from both views can be a little difficult especially with non-symmetric floor plans, but it does come with experience. But I'd leave them as is, because they really do look quite good from the inside.
Ultimately I have to say you appear to have a blossoming skill for interior design. Just keep on experimenting with styles and color palettes and your skill is certain to grow.
Hi this is my first contribution here ^_^
I have build this mansion for myself to keep me busy but I stopped before furnishing the place. I have sent a version Katluvr to furnish, so if someone else is interested PM me a version. This one uses Generations, Ambitions and WA. The furnishing was done very quickly just to show what a room is made for. I hope you like it. My regret is not to have enough room in the back for a party area since I love hosting parties. That's why I stopped and I'm going start working on another one tomorrow.
Here you can see the front view, the two small rooms on the sides are garages, on the right a pond and on the left garden
Here you can see the backyard with landscaping on the sides, pool/outdoor sitting area and playing ground for kids (I just love kids, I created it because my sims will usually go for the daycare job). That small garden has stairs that leads to a basement which can be used for nectar making, Inventing, chemistry and whatever you want.
First Floor: includes a kitchen, Dining area and a living room on the left. On the right there should be a traditional reading room with fireplace next to it, a study and finally a gym with it's own showers. The first 2 rooms on the bottom are bathrooms and that one in the middle would be a foyer. The flooring is quite interesting since I used triangular flooring for that. It took me about an hour to do It.
More detailed shots of those:
You'll notice those walls that looks like pillars. I did those because I don't like sharp edges for those rooms and that is a nice way to cover them. I also used those so the balcony's upstairs does not have to use a lot of space.
I didn't finish furnishing and decorating the rooms this is why they look so dull and empty.
Now, this is the second floor with all the bedrooms. There is a master suite which includes private bathroom and a balcony, 2 guest rooms (on the right side) with a shared balcony, a nursery, a teen room on the left, and a child room + bathroom on the right. The big hall is supposed to be a trophy area as you can see some more detailed shots here:
I hope I can get some ideas for doing the floor plan. Where I live I have NO source of inspiration. I have found some YouTube videos which really helped, along with the tips of Carl's guide and the builders in this forum.
Tomorrow, I'll get started on another one, It will include underground garages, glass houses, and really cool living room.
you realize that would make an awesome legacy house right?!
I'm sorry dear friends to not respond to you all. I am not feeling very well at the moment and am really exhausted. Let me say this though, you have all made some fabulous houses and I look forward to downloading them all.
Danefaith your little Victorian is awesome and will appear on a flatter lot in TB.
Gogo, I love your starter home but may I ask you to do one thing? Please remove the walls at the ground level and instead use posts. That way I can put this darling house on uneven ground, which is what TB mostly is. This will also free up a few simoleons for other things you may want to do with the house.
Anyone else who makes these tiny masterpieces, please make as many as you are able on pillars or posts of some sort. The terrain in Twinbrook and BP is so horribly uneven it is the only way to make them able to fit. I've tried doing some terrain smoothing but for the most part it really doesn't do that well. Has anyone considered trying to make any of the venues/clubs to fit those small lots? Could be very interesting and you wouldn't have to limit the cost. TB is about to become a really hot place to live, especially for artists of all kinds and those who live a more "hippy" lifestyle. This build has been much more difficult that BP ever was! lol
Gogo, I love your starter home but may I ask you to do one thing? Please remove the walls at the ground level and instead use posts. That way I can put this darling house on uneven ground, which is what TB mostly is. This will also free up a few simoleons for other things you may want to do with the house.
I've uploaded it already but I'll upload a second version including the posts. Would you like columns or walls shaped in squares like some houses in Twinbrook?
Columns are easier to deal with, but please don't put yourself out. You did a great job building it and the only thing I would do is remove those walls and add columns which I can do myself. It really is a great build!
I have something to share with all of you and I hope you like it :)
It's called Ardmachree (Irish for the Height of my Heart)
@ Kiko: Hi Kiko, nice house. It has really good landscaping, especially in the back. the sweeping hedge pathways are very dramatic. only thing that comes to mind is the roof is a bit disjointed. Roofing can really be chore, though. The game just doesn't give you enough options. But if you try to make the apexes of the roof sections come together, you should be solid.
I understand the house is essentially unfurnished so not much to say there. Like the wood flooring in the foyer, though.
@ Clacla: Heyhey there Clacla, welcome to the showboat thread. Good solid architecture here and nice colors on the inside. The foyer is very inviting.
I think your kitchen could use a few decorations though. The small appliances like the coffee machine and food processor are a great way to add little splashes of color, and so are plants. You could probably go with some nice modern looking artwork on the walls.
Looking good, keep it up!
@Danfaith: thank you I'm glad you like It, I Have redone the garden and turned it to a green house, I think I'll re-do the floor plans, and backyard to add more room near the pool for the party area I want, about the roofing you are right it looks wierd but I really wasn't focusing on it, It shall be updated :D but first I'm working on somthing else: the "Feel Good,Look good facility" it is a spa + salon, more details below
@Clacla : the house is lovley and welcoming, I like it but it needs more decorations (paintings, sculptures, plants etc), maybe it is because you made an artisitic sim and you'll decorate with his paitings, I do it all the time ;D also try some of the buydebug sculpters they are intresting, and add more landscaping on the back yard look at the Landscaping help thread, It helped me A lot
I wanted to ask you how did you creat that pool? I couldn't rotate the curved side, I would appreciate if you tell me
I'm starting on renovationg sunsetvally my way, not that naga's is bad but I would like to make somthing myself If anyone is intrested to help contact me :)
first I'll start with the downtown area, I started with the salon/spa area here is my plan for it
the salon will have 4 floors(I know too much but wanted to equal the spa
first floor will be reception with some decorative Items don't really know what to do with it yet, second floor will be styling area wit the stylist station and bath's i'll use light colors, third will be tatoo area it will be rebel themed, fouth will be staff area with kitchen and drawing tables for gaining experiance and more,
NOTE:in the screen shot above I barley build the outside (incomplete)
Wow, that's an awesome idea for the salon! Sadly it means people like me won't be able to download it because it may make the file size a tad too big, but I am still very excited to see what you do with each floor!
@Kiko : I use the comma button on my keyboard to rotate the curved angles on the pool. I will have a look at the landscaping thread. Thank you for your feedback. :)
@Dane: Thanks for the compliment on the colours. Let me tell you I was in Create a Pattern for half of the construction.
I am using your tips this minute.
Thank you
Wow, that's an awesome idea for the salon! Sadly it means people like me won't be able to download it because it may make the file size a tad too big, but I am still very excited to see what you do with each floor!
Really too big? how much? if it is too large I won't even be able to upload it ...XD
Oh no, it wouldn't really be that big. It's just that my laptop is really slow and I need to be wary and download very little lots. I think I can have a maximum of 4 new lots saved to my bin before my laptop lags, so with a whole town it would lag even more, and with the added lots being so huge it would lag further. But that's just my horrible laptop, I'm sure it'll work for others who don't have such small memory, haha. :)
Ah I understand now, you scared me ;D I believe it would be a save file (around 30 mb I think) I'll be exporting the lots individually so if someone like only something they can have it :) personally I hate laptops, they can't be customized or upgraded ( I do that a lot ) and they cause more trouble then they solve however just my point of view
Hi folks. I'm kinda new to this part of the forum as i don't build houses much playing the game. But I justed started building a house and is almost finished. I came in reading to find out how to take pictures and upload the house to share with everyone.
As I was reading, I saw a house Danefaith was building that contains ceiling lights I have a question about. (btw, nice house Dane). The picture of the house with the ceiling light is on page 62 of this thread and it's on the 2nd photo.
They come in square, rectangle and circle shape you can place anywhere in the house in the buy and build mode. They disappear after you go to the Live mode but the room stays bright. The one in Dane's house is a square shape on the ceiling.
I've seen these types of lighting before on other houses I've downloaded. I'm very much interested in using these ceiling lights in all my homes but I can't find them in the buy mode so I'm wondering, 1) Are they CC type items? 2) Are they safe to use too?
kiko94- Do non-rabbit-hole lots (i.e the salon or fire station) work with rabbit-hole buildings on them? I was always under the impression they didn't but I may be wrong... :-\
Hi folks. I'm kinda new to this part of the forum as i don't build houses much playing the game. But I justed started building a house and is almost finish. I came in reading to find out how to take pictures and upload the house to share with everyone.
As i was reading, i saw a house Danefaith was building that contains ceiling lights I have a question about. (btw, nice house Dane). The picture of the house with the ceiling light is on page 62 of this thread and it's on the 2nd photo.
They come in square, rectangle and circle shape you can place anywhere in the house in the buy and build mode. They dissappear after you goto the Live mode but the room stays bright. The one in Dane's house is a square shape on the ceiling.
I've seen these types of lighting before on other houses I've downloaded. I'm very much interested in using these ceiling lights in all my homes but I've can't find them in the buy mode so I'm wondering, 1) Are they CC type items? 2) Are they safe to use too?
Welcome Sierra.
I'm pretty sure that they come with one of the expansion pakcs. I know you can buy them using the buydebug cheat. They are safe to use.
They are totally safe to use - they came with World Adventures, and since they are in the buydebug menu, EA approved. Welcome to the forum, Sierra.
Thanks a bunch Gogowars and Seabody. I didn't know they can be found in the buydebug but I'll definately look and use them....especially in my new home I hope to download.
Welcome, Sierra!
@RubyLovesSims: Not one hundred percent sure what you meant. Are you talking about putting a rabbit hole building on just any lot? First of all, it would have to be a commercial lot. You can't place them on residential lots to my knowledge.
Or do you mean you want to make a building that would function as a rabbit hole but not be an actual rabbit hole building? Like create your own fire station? If that is what you mean then you create the building and rename the lot. So if I placed a blank box on a lot and renamed the lot "fire station", it would BE a fire station and function as such.
If you want to put more than one kind of rabbit hole on a lot and have all the rabbit holes work, then they must be the same type of rabbit hole to work. So you could put three or four or more, "no visitors allowed", buildings on the same lot and they would all function just fine. However, if you have a "no visitors allowed" and a "visitor's allowed" on the same lot neither would function and you would get a message saying there is a building on this lot that doesn't match the lot type and must be removed for the lot to work.
Hi Joria. Thanks for the welcome.
hey Sierra. Yeah, they're the light sources used in the World Adventure's tombs. In sim mode, they're invisible, which makes them very good for adding light without a clutter of light fixtures.
@ Fortheloveofcake: Very nice home. Good curb appeal with a nice sweeping driveway. The plants up next to front door could use some dirt though. Growin' out of the cobblestone!
I hadn't even noticed that, danefaith! Updated version now on the swap shop!
hey Sierra. Yeah, they're the light sources used in the World Adventure's tombs. In sim mode, they're invisible, which makes them very good for adding light without a clutter of light fixtures.
Hiyas. Yeah that's exactly the reason I like them.
HI, I finished building a my salon / spa lot for my New SV the spa is the one that comes ins SV and added a salon next to It( I build it myself) it will be in the swapshop later
some notes before the screens:
-at first it was displayed on the map as salon, but after a while it switched to a spa... it is wired however you'll be able to use both
-it was tested, I think you'll have no problems
-it was added on a 40x20 lot from edit the world tool in Edit town, more about installation will be on the swapshop
any tips/help is welcome! :)
now for the shots:
this is the first floor wich has a "reception" and waiting rooms
the waiting room has a foosball table for fun, couches, and library's thos may not show here but I'll add them on the swapshop version
Looking forward to your impressions, I won't put in the sswapshop until it is the way you want it :)
the reception desk, that cahier is from .... forgot wich just took one form the build menu, I wanted it to look more professional and always have some people there so your Sim will never be alone that pic was taken from live mod while I was testing you can see Agnes "managing the place" from that computer
this shot is from the second floor it the "styling area" the cosmetics are on the other side, I'll try with more shots later, I'm in a hurry. it has the same floor plan instead of waiting room there is styling rooms
third floor is tatoo area same notes for styling are go here
forth floor is made for "staff" that place with a bed and TV is supposed to be for the guy in the cashier, on the ohter side is for workers, a place where they can gain stylin experience and a snack, also a porch for relaxation
this is an interesting shot 5 minuts after opening, the place was CROWDED!! if the landgraabs,Agnes,Goth and all other celebrities tryed It, why shoudn't you?.
Great job! Wow, that was a lot of work! Hope to see it in the Swap Shop soon.
Tell me what you guys think of this one. It is a nice cabin on the outside, but a excellent bachelor pad on the inside. I gave it a mountainous theme. Here are some photos:
Front (Day):
Backyard (Day):
Entrance with fountain:
Great Hall:
Laundry Room
Bedroom Loft:
Walk-in Closet (Bathroom in background):
Tell me what you guys think, improvements/suggestions, etc.
Interesting exterior indeed. I'm not really fond of those doors on the exterior. Sure they complement the goal of the interior but they do nothing for the exterior. Try something that's kind of style neutral for the doors.
Try using barn pilasters at the edges of the building and a paint style that has more texture.
Not entirely sure about the half-timbering... Perhaps you could try the half timbering style from Generations - the one I used in little Victor - for a more refined style. The roof of the garage needs some half timbering as well.
Like the interiors. A nice, varied color palette. might suggest using one of the wall televisions and hanging it on the fireplace. The current television is a little intrusive.
What about my salon dane ? I was hoping for some of your tips to help me improve it. :)
Whoops! my apologies. Didn't mean to skip you, just got ahead of myself.
The exterior has very nice face value. It feels very Hollywood with its subtle Spanish influences in the mission windows paired with the white stucco, the multiple stories and palm tree. You probably want a warmer colored roof to complement the color palette, however. Maybe the "dynasty roof": it's one of the world adventures ones.
The velvet ropes are a cute idea but strike me as unsafe as guard rails. Something stone could work. If you'd really like to use the velvet ropes I'd make sure they were on the ground.
Good interiors as well. The first floor is great. Good colors and layouts. The tattoo parlor and stylist room are a little harsh in their patterns. You're going to want a subtle pattern on the walls for eye comfort and keep the boisterous patterns for rugs and upholstery.
On the top floor, the kitchen and work area is pretty good but the bedroom feels a little bare. I'd suggest placing two sofas on both sides of that rug and a television to the wall between them. And a few decorations around the bed; plants and the like.
all around pretty solid, just a few nitpicks to bring it all together. Good job.
he he no problem ;)
Well the bedroom doesn't show well in that screen but I have already a TV and I will try to make more decorations, I was so tired of building that thing that I just fast forward in that floor I'll do some renovations and It will be on the swap shop soon with more screens , thanks for the help next is the consignment shop hope I can count on you :)
@Zapkid: WAW that interior is amazing, my only suggestion is adding more things to the backyard, It looks a little empty in my opininon, I guess you have some store Items I think there is a ambrella you could use for the sitting area, and maybe some landscaping for backyard as well
WAW that interior is amazing, my only suggestion is adding more things to the backyard, It looks a little empty in my opinion, I guess you have some store Items I think there is a ambrella you could use for the sitting area, and maybe some landscaping for backyard as well
Mmk. I will try and touch up the backyard (more landscaping and furniture) and fix the front's paint problem.
Love your salon kiko. All you need to do is work on the outside of the building (not much landscaping) add palm trees with bushes and a couple of rocks. Don't forget to add sand and dirt spots for realism.
@danefaith great suggestions! I don't have generations yet (can't do the half-timbering) and I personally like the tv at it is now (the bookcases are not meant to be functional) but I will do everything else you said. :)
I made the changes! Here are some pictures:
The front (notice the new half-timbering, more realistic white wall and new doors)
Back (New mini koi pond with fountains, and new firepit.)
There were also minimal changes on the inside (trashcan by stove, alarms, couple different wall coverings)
Tell me how it looks now :)
Zap, I love it with the new doors! It's incredible.
P.S. You posted the picture of the back the same as the first. :-\
Zap, I love it with the new doors! It's incredible.
P.S. You posted the picture of the back the same as the first. :-\
Fixed :)
Really nice Zap. Is it going on the Swap Shop? *makes greedy eyes*
Really nice Zap. Is it going on the Swap Shop? *makes greedy eyes*
Yes it is, most likely tomorrow is when it will be uploaded :)
Modern Barn is up! Find it here (http://www.carls-sims-3-forum.com/index.php?topic=5969.0)
Enjoy! ;D
hi, I tried my hand on a retirment house, designed for elders of my legacy, I want to know if you have any suggestions, or ideas for me to add before I put it on the swap shop :)
I'm counting on you here are the pics
Here is my new Library, which is a 10 x 15. I gave it a modern/zen feel on the outside and modern on the inside. I used lots of Town-Life Stuff pack (A pretty good stuff pack; not amazing), and some other expansion pack bits and pieces. Here are some pictures:
The front:
Window into mini computer room:
Other side of library:
The bathroom (Dunno why I took a picture):
Tell me what you guys think about it :)
@kiko: I really like that! The 2nd floor is a little hard on the eyes because of the flooring, and the trellis above the car could use less of those... how should I say it.... 1x1 squares? Dirt looks better around the pond, but beside all of those little nitpicks you did a great job!
ZapKid, you need to use colours! Also, you should add a kids area ;)
Kiko, you need more colour also. I also think you should add some more fun. Like add a foosball table, maybe. And, you have an open gap in the middle on the back of your home. You should fill that emptiness with a window or two.
That is such an awesome library, but yeah I agree with Natsuko that it needs more colour. Maybe you could add a little kid's area, like the one in Sunset Valley that has toys and such?
thanks guys, I'll try to improve it :)
@zapkid: the library is amazing, but like the others said it would need a kids area, about the colors I think they are fine, in a library we need dim colors that help you calme down,
thanks for your suggestions I'll take them in cosideration, about the area above the car, I didn't understand well :p
@Natsuko: I think a foosball table would be a little inappropriate, since this is for elders :p There is a fishing pond, tv, computer, fireplace I think it would be enof for somone who is going to be dead soon, but you are right about the colors and windows? I'll see what I can add
thank you all
Thanks guys. In my opinion, the color idea would be a little off, because like kiko said, it is supposed to be a place to calm down. I will try to add a mini kids area near the bathroom, though :)
Kiko: Forget what I said, it was actually a pretty dumb idea from the start.
I personally find too much modern influence is more distracting than colour. I find colours calming. It depends on personal taste I think though. Seeing the stuff in your Library is making me suggest Town Stuff for my Birthday, or maybe earlier. :)
@Samoht Have you had a look at the screenshots on the EA website? There's a link on the TLS thread and the screenies show you everything in the SP. They are awesome!
@Zapkid I phrased my post wrong, I meant to say the kids bit needs colour, when you design it, haha. But I love the colours now and I agree with what you said about libraries needing 'dim' colours. They aren't exactly flamboyant places, now are they? ;)
I'll go take a look now, thanks!
First: 100th post! Woo! Can't believe I've done that much in my short time here! Back to my topic: I remodeled my library a bit. I added some more decorations in the bathroom and main bookshelf area to give it more oomph, along with fountains in the small pool outside. But the main thing I did was made a small children play area! I couldn't make it out-of-control red-yellow-green-blue combos, but I think I did a nice color palette of green and brown. Here's a couple of photos:
Little play area:
Redid bathroom:
Tell me what you think now ;)
Also: I'm going to do a gym next. I'll make it another mini-lot, but I will have a small yoga room for aesthetic pleasing and enough exercise machines so your Sims won't have a fit.
Sorry if I'm sounding uber picky, I know you're a way better builder than me, but the play area looks so small! I know it's a small building itself, though. That is a nice little palette there, I do like the green and brown.
@ ZapKid
First of all I want to say how much I love your designs. I've downloaded a number of the houses you've built as requests for other people and they are lovely!
I think your library is adorable and I particularly like the inside decor. The outside bothers me a bit, though. It looks very country/barn to me and I think the contrast is just too much between it and the modern interior. If you really like the barn style siding, you could try using flat colors instead of wood grained textures - it might make it more harmonious with the interior. I'd also like to see the half gable roof not be quite so steep - maybe use several small windows instead of 2 big ones.
Like Katluvr said, the outside looks a little too traditional for the interior. What you could do, is redesign the interior. For your color scheme, use some pastel colors instead of just shades of grays. Your children's area is a little to small, and doesn't look "fun". Putting in more color, toys, and decorations would feel more roomy and fun for the children. Also, for your kids area, you could make it a little bigger.
@ kiko
You really do an amazing job with classical design elements. I love the warm neutral tones of the house and the landcaping is lovely!
Have you considered using rugs to break up the parquet patterns you use on the floor or perhaps using one pattern around the edge of the room and a more subtle pattern in the middle? I noticed one room has a nice area rug in it and that really adds to the warmth of the room.
I mentioned this before in a PM, but I think you need to watch the size of your rooms. They still feel a bit too big and empty to me (I'm guilty of the same thing - my rule of thumb is to make the room as big as I want it to be and then make it smaller by 1/3 and it usually works out pretty well).
I agree that the pergola would be more interesting if there were not so many squares - try some diagonals and work with larger spaces instead of 1x1 squares. Also, there appears to be a pattern underneath the pergola - green fabric maybe? I personally think it would be better to remove that so that you could see the car and ground underneath.
@Kat and Fez:
I think both of the ideas are pretty good, so I will see what I can do with the outside and play area. Mostly the outside area, I agree it looks pretty contrasting to the indoors.
Zap, I think the library is fantastic for the most part. The only thing I don't like (okay, it doesn't really appeal to me) is the kids area. As others have noted, it's just too small. Maybe try adding those toy chests or something? Don't really know, but everything else looks good to me. Well done. :)
@ kiko
You really do an amazing job with classical design elements. I love the warm neutral tones of the house and the landcaping is lovely!
Have you considered using rugs to break up the parquet patterns you use on the floor or perhaps using one pattern around the edge of the room and a more subtle pattern in the middle? I noticed one room has a nice area rug in it and that really adds to the warmth of the room.
I mentioned this before in a PM, but I think you need to watch the size of your rooms. They still feel a bit too big and empty to me (I'm guilty of the same thing - my rule of thumb is to make the room as big as I want it to be and then make it smaller by 1/3 and it usually works out pretty well).
I agree that the pergola would be more interesting if there were not so many squares - try some diagonals and work with larger spaces instead of 1x1 squares. Also, there appears to be a pattern underneath the pergola - green fabric maybe? I personally think it would be better to remove that so that you could see the car and ground underneath.
I see, I will take it in cosideration :)
Yay, there appears to be a new surge of activity, and just I get back from my vacation. time to get to work.
@ Kiko: I'd have to echo Katluvr, rugs are very good for breaking large spaces up. A nice fleur de lis pattern with a rich color could be very useful. As for the pergola, it really doesn't need to be on a foundation like that. It looks rather peculiar. I understand it'd be a bit of grunt work to remove the foundation and rework the pergola but I really think it'd make a positive impact.
@ ZapKid: Another echo for Katluvr, the barn exterior is very peculiar and falls short of your intended "zen" exterior, and the pitch of the roof is too high.
For the interior, I understand your concern with amping up the color resulting in a loss of "calmness," but if it's too white, it becomes too clinical and sterile in nature. You end up feeling as if you have no business touching anything in fear of some over-zealous avant-garde designer chastising you for leaving smudges. My suggestion is to stick with that nice, unsaturated wood you've got going, but trade out some of the white for creams. Consider wood or an earth tone carpetting for the floor. Overall, making things feel, "touchable."
I feel a note needs to be made about some of the layout choices as well. The computer station needs to be separate from the book-shelves. The desk is disrupting traffic between the shelves, something that's not only inconvenient for the book-browser, but distracting for whomever is trying to use the computer. Try getting it in a corner without a bookshelf facing it.
Secondly, if I'm not mistaken your children's play area is right next to the all age bathroom. Not only does this disrupt traffic to the bathroom but it seems like a very unsuitable place for children. Try moving the door to the bathroom to that adjacent wall, so it attaches to the foyer instead.
@ ZapKid: Another echo for Katluvr, the barn exterior is very peculiar and falls short of your intended "zen" exterior, and the pitch of the roof is too high.
For the interior, I understand your concern with amping up the color resulting in a loss of "calmness," but if it's too white, it becomes too clinical and sterile in nature. You end up feeling as if you have no business touching anything in fear of some over-zealous avant-garde designer chastising you for leaving smudges. My suggestion is to stick with that nice, unsaturated wood you've got going, but trade out some of the white for creams. Consider wood or an earth tone carpetting for the floor. Overall, making things feel, "touchable."
I feel a note needs to be made about some of the layout choices as well. The computer station needs to be separate from the book-shelves. The desk is disrupting traffic between the shelves, something that's not only inconvenient for the book-browser, but distracting for whomever is trying to use the computer. Try getting it in a corner without a bookshelf facing it.
Secondly, if I'm not mistaken your children's play area is right next to the all age bathroom. Not only does this disrupt traffic to the bathroom but it seems like a very unsuitable place for children. Try moving the door to the bathroom to that adjacent wall, so it attaches to the foyer instead.
Wow! I guess the library wasn't as good as I thought it was. I really should work on this some more! Wait a little bit for me to touch up the entire thing and make it hypothetically sparkle.
Well that was fast, lol. Here it is! My final (hopefully) copy of the library. Everything everyone requested, I believe. It would be harder to explain, so here are some pics. Remember: A picture is worth 1,000 words!
The redid front:
Redid bathroom (No idea why the bottom left tile is whiter then the others, I'll fix it later):
New play area (Moved door and added TV with treasure chest, so you can actually have fun):
New shelving:
New computer area:
Is it done? Tell me (once again) in the comments ;)
looks pretty much done to me ;D can't see anything else to add or edit :)
Your kids area, just feels to cramped. Could you imagine squeezing past a kid just to get to the toybox. Add some fun chairs (like beanbags from Generations), space it out a little, and that's it. :)
he is working on a very small lot (10x15) that's why his rooms are small ;)
I know.
But his kids area feels cramped, whether its small or not. Try using a smaller bookshelf, so you don't have to use moveobjects on.
You really expanded your horizons with this one. That's a pretty solid exterior and the changes to the layout make it more ergonomic. Looks good.
I know.
But his kids area feels cramped, whether its small or not. Try using a smaller bookshelf, so you don't have to use moveobjects on.
Sorry if I'm sounding rude on this (and I probably am), but I personally can not extend the play area. I don't really want to have to work on it anymore, so you can make the changes if you wish when I upload to swap shop.
It looks really awesome, ZapKid! The kid's room is small but it still has a lovely little playful feel to it, I think and it is the best you could do for such a small building. ;) Yey for modern libraries!
I like it a lot. But it only now got to me that the lot is 10x15 and that the library has only one floor. I mean, wow! :o
It takes a lot of talent to work in such a small area, and the build concluded gracefully. Good job! Can't wait for it to be in the Swap Shop. :)
Nice job, Zapkid! (anxiously awaiting, arrival on swapshop)
Nice job, Zapkid! (anxiously awaiting, arrival on swapshop)
In fact, it has arrived!
Chronic beat me to it ;)
But yeah, I personally think this is one of the best builds I have ever done. I'm (probably) going to do a small gym next, and still have that pool request.
I have to say, this was the best build, you've EVER built. I'm so happy to see yet another talented builder. Kiko, your building looks...ready! I can't wait to see your next build!
I'm happy to see, that our building community is expanding!
Zapkid - Your library is lovely. I like the calm neutrals throughout. I might have removed the tv from the play area just because a tv seems odd in a library, but other than that, I quite like it. It is amazing what people can do with those small lots.
My latest house was inspired by a house plan I saw and the growing trend of using corrugated metal siding/roofing in my area. I wanted it to have a slightly dated feel, and I am hoping I managed it. I haven't finished the interior yet, but any opinions on the exterior and layout would be great.
Zapkid - Your library is lovely. I like the calm neutrals throughout. I might have removed the tv from the play area just because a tv seems odd in a library, but other than that, I quite like it. It is amazing what people can do with those small lots.
My latest house was inspired by a house plan I saw and the growing trend of using corrugated metal siding/roofing in my area. I wanted it to have a slightly dated feel, and I am hoping I managed it. I haven't finished the interior yet, but any opinions on the exterior and layout would be great.
Wow :o I really like this home. The only suggestion I have is make a little path connecting the driveway and main entry way (Don't add any plants or anything, just a path), but otherwise, this is one of the best traditional/modern hybrids I've seen in a while. It's heaps better then what I could have ever done, great work ;D
I love the library, Zapkid. It's very modern and calming, and the colours are gorgeous.
Yay, new Lynley house! You see a lot of iron roofs here in Australia too, although the more modern houses have them painted different colours. Anyway, I'm getting a real Sunset Valley feeling from your house, particularly the living/dining area. The layout's great and I really love all the wood. I think the kitchen could use a little work though, the fridge and stove stick out a bit and the counters look a little dull. It's a wonderful house overall though. ;D
Hi guys - just catching up with all the new posts. Some great design going on.
I haven't got all the expansions or stuff packs but I was wondering where the spiral staircase and the kids tree house came from? I might have missed someone asking the same but I've been waiting for a spiral staircase for ages.
Anyone know?
Hi guys - just catching up with all the new posts. Some great design going on.
I haven't got all the expansions or stuff packs but I was wondering where the spiral staircase and the kids tree house came from? I might have missed someone asking the same but I've been waiting for a spiral staircase for ages.
Anyone know?
Those are both from Generations. :)
There is also a tree house in the new Town Life stuff pack.
@Lynley- I love your houses! This one is gorgeous, and you captured the slightly dated look well. The earth tones are great. I can't wait to see the bedrooms! :)
@Lynley I love the house! I think it's ready to be put into the Swap Shop now! Well, after you furnish the last 3 rooms.
I finally built the start to a house that actually looks good-ish. It took me ages to do the roof and I still think it needs improvements.
Here it is so far.
I'm open for suggestions and I want some too!
It's a good start! For the roof, I think the extra piece of roof you have to be dragged to the end of the other side of the house to make it look more natural.
I see potential in your build and I think you'll do great, and to help you, here are some tips. You should replace the smaller section of gable with a low pitched slope adjoined to the big gable. The paving used is more suited to a driveway, I believe there is a terrain paint called paving stones or something similar which would look much more pleasant, also river rocks would suit. The entrance would look much better centralised. I see other things but I'm sure others will help you with those. ;)
Okay, so I took in what you guys said and changed the roof around and the entry way. What do you think?
Also, the house is planned to be a starter but I might change it.
Gogowars- The roof looks much better now. You might lower the steepness of the roof a bit, but that is just a personal preference on my part. I would leave it as a starter home. There are never enough of those and it would make a very cute little starter. I am not sure about the two-color exterior, though. Maybe if it wasn't such a flat paint? Perhaps siding or a more textured stucco? Or even brick. For cheap brick, I simply recolor the pool wall with a brick pattern. A combination of brick and siding/stucco could look nice. It just looks a little blank at the moment. Can't wait to see the interior. :D
I've been trying to build a mansionesque type dwelling for a writer sim of mine and I am having some difficulties, especially with landscaping. I very rarely build large, sprawling houses (this is only the 3rd time I've used the 60x60 lot) and am not sure if the lot looks cohesive or not. :-\
Lynley that is Amazing.
I can't wait to see the interior.
Hi, I finished the final touches on my Elders house, it will be in the swap shop soon, link is here "here]http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6209.0]" here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6209.0), befor here are the pics
@kiko, very nice, I like the idea of building a house just for the eldery.
@Lynley. Guh. The outside of that house is fantastic, and the shape of it is amazing as well. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the interior.
Hello everyone, I come bearing a single picture of my current WIP. Now, there is a neighbourhood in Riverview with these pretty houses with brick first floors, siding covered second floors and green roofs. This neighbourhood is family geared, and there are two open lots. I'm currently trying to come up with something on one of the lots that matches the current style of the neighbourhood. How am I doing so far?
I think I'm going to lower the roof pitches a little more, and maybe darken the fence a bit. Obviously it still needs second storey windows.
I would also suggest more landscaping, a couple of thrown flowers isn't that nice ;)
Haha, well except for what is under the window, I really haven't planned any of it. Mostly it's there to fill space, as this was an old WIP I just managed to save. :D
Gogowars, I meant a half gable would be better as the smaller roof piece. DeNile, you should add some windows to your second floor and lower the roof a little.
DeNile, you could add some more windows on the second floor, and also lower the roof. Those bushes of white flowers look random scattered around, if you used smaller plants and put them by the stone path- then that would look more neat.
Thanks guys, and yes, I'm aware that the roof needs lowering and the second floor needs windows. ;) As for the bushes, they have been deleted and the real plants are being put in tomorrow.
I like it DeNile. The only bit I don't like is the colour of the brickwork, but I'm not sure about that. Maybe I'll grow to like it. And I agree the fence might look better darker. But it's a cute little house. How much do you think it will be worth, or are you going all out?
Hmm, I don't like that fence either. But personally, I love that brickwork.
@DeNile I love it. The only think I don't like is the fence. Maybe recolour it so it's more similiar to the walls.
@Lynley Amazing.
Okay, the house has been through major changes. The first being the roof. Now on a much lower angle. Carlos, I added a half gable originally but it looked very very weird.
The second is the landscaping. Turns out a few of the plants and most of rocks had to be sold and the three trees were changed. Otherwise the interior was going to look very bland.
The interior has been made up and just looking over it I forgot about the kitchen! That can be done later.
Suggestions? Also, do you guys think this house should stay as a starter home or should a make in a nice, little, expensive cottage?
@Linley - I love that house. Super!
@Nile - Landscaping is a must. Try working a bit more with terrain paints and... perhaps add a tree or two? There are some Ambitions and LN trees that would perfectly suit the house and its atmosphere.
@Gogo - I suggest making two versions of the house. The first one could be a "starter house", while the second would be the mountainy cottage. The house is awesome as it is, (and if you're not going for a starter house aka worth limit) just maybe add a few wall decorations? And, uh, curtains, too. :-\
@Gogo - I suggest making two versions of the house. The first one could be a "starter house", while the second would be the mountainy cottage. The house is awesome as it is, (and if you're not going for a starter house aka worth limit) just maybe add a few wall decorations? And, uh, curtains, too. :-\
Your a genius! I'll do as you said and make two houses. I was originally going to throw a painter into the house and paint some nice paintings before I realeized I had little money left if it was going to be a starter house.
Wow! Take a few days to work on my dynasty and this place exploded with creativity. Can't really nit pick anything but I can say they are all fabulous and I am going to be very busy downloading. Is that mansion going in the swap shop?
I'm lusting after it. I am going to have more houses and buildings than I know what to do with! Y'all are making my life too easy.
Hi, I was building a new pool for Bernacle Bay as requested by pallyndrome, thought I would show you the results, this won't probably be changed only if pally ask me to, I will be doing something[ i]very[/i] similar on the pools for SV, any Ideas for that one are welcomed, very welcomed :) " oh and yes here is the link on the swap shop if any body is interested (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6231.0)
Wow! That's one totally awesome pool, Kiko! Well done.
Also, if anyone could give me some advice about this house, I'd be really grateful. Please. :-\
I'm having trouble seeing some of the rooms Chronic because the walls and floor are so dark.
I would agree with sportsfan Chronic, the house looks goodn but there is too much contrast in it, I mean the outside is grey and white, and the interior is too dark/too bright, maybe giving it a uniforme colors between the two, or making less contrast, check some of the threads here (forgot wich) aussette gives you an Incridible link on how to get patterns/colors matching, I'll try to find it :)
I would agree with sportsfan Chronic, the house looks goodn but there is too much contrast in it, I mean the outside is grey and white, and the interior is too dark/too bright, maybe giving it a uniforme colors between the two, or making less contrast, check some of the threads here (forgot wich) aussette gives you an Incridible link on how to get patterns/colors matching, I'll try to find it :)
Hmm, I'll try that, thanks Kiko. It's just that the Sim's favorite color is Black, dang it. ::)
And sorry about that, Sportsfan.
I finally continue working on my dynasty home, so outdoor pool/party area is almost done:
Bird view:
Barbecue/bar terrace (and outdoor loving writers):
Pool area:
Hot tub/dance floor:
(other terrace and landscape around is in planning phase, outdoor gym and martial arts part, plus flower garden for romance, and that playground equipment that came with Generations)
All suggestions are welcome!
EDIT: uploaded pictures from gallery
That outdoor area is so awesome! I want it!
Anushka, it looks great. I love your pool/hot tub area. That pool design is awesome.
is it just me? I can't see anushka pictures
Thanks Gogo and Lylney! I was playing with patterns for lounge area, but nothing really fit, I think it is more elegant and add to simplicity this way. Also, I placed several wild red roses around to break the greenery, and it works even if they are not really visible from pictures. These rocks on patio are inspiration from Sweden (missing it) - they use them everywhere and I really liked that.
Kiko, not shore why you are not seing pictures since I can see them and both Lynley and Gogowars do. Are they red x in a box or completely invisible to you?
Chronic - I agree that the rooms are a bit dark, but if it is for a specific sim and you like it, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Adding some light colored area rugs/curtains/accents and some wall lights may brighten the rooms. Or maybe lighten only the wall or floors some, instead of both? I love the blue color of the bathroom. Very soothing.
I think, though, that the exterior and interior clash a bit. The light grey exterior doesn't really go with the dark, heavy woods and patterns you have going on. My only other suggestion would be to lower the roof pitch quite a bit. Actually, I don't think it is the color of the exterior that clashes, but your roof. Lowering the roof and adding more windows will help that. Or changing the roof to something more tradition, like a mix of hip and gable. I quite like it. It has a really interesting design. I can't wait to see the finished result.
ETA: Kiko, are you using Internet Explorer? I've noticed lately that pictures are not always showing up when I use IE. They show up fine with Firefox, though, so maybe try a different browser?
I'm using google chrom, pictures are saying that imageshack bloked the domaine or somthing
Thank you Linley, for the advice. I really appreciate it! Will try and see what I can come up with. :)
I'm using google chrom, pictures are saying that imageshack bloked the domaine or somthing
Kiko, it has nothing to do with the browser. It's just that you have to register at ImageShack in order to be able to view pictures hosted by their service. It's free, like the gallery. You do it once and it doesn't block the pictures anymore, provided you're not on a different computer. :)
I haven't signed up to ImageShack, am on Google Chrome but can see the pictures. ???
Thank you Linley, for the advice. I really appreciate it! Will try and see what I can come up with. :)
Kiko, it has nothing to do with the browser. It's just that you have to register at ImageShack in order to be able to view pictures hosted by their service. It's free, like the gallery. You do it once and it doesn't block the pictures anymore, provided you're not on a different computer. :)
Really? If that is a condition, then I won't use it anymore. It is fast and easy way for me to upload some not really important things, but I won't if that is a case. I've been using it for years and this is the first time I heard that you need to be a member to see pictures hosted there ??? I'll upload those in gallery and edit my post. Thanks for noting that!
And about your house, it reminds me (from outside) of house I built for latest dynasty founder, only it was lighter and smaller than this one.
Your last build I check was also dark for same reason. You can always use black and white combo to add some light there, and definitely don't have floors and walls in same tone. You can have neutral room with few personalized items in it in favorite color - sheets, carpet etc. When building for yourself, as long as you like it it's good:)
Fez, I'm glad to hear that, even if it add to confusion why some can see and some can't. I'll switch to gallery anyway, thanks!
Wow! That's one totally awesome pool, Kiko! Well done.
Also, if anyone could give me some advice about this house, I'd be really grateful. Please. :-\
Ok, your house is a contradiction so it makes you wonder what were you trying for. At first glance you see a very modern, awesome shape and color which I love. Looks really great. Then you notice the different windows and the one with the shutters is especially jarring in such a modern outline. Next look and you notice there are very few windows at all, so you assume the inside is going to be very dark and, voila it is. Black is one of my favorite colors to use inside a house but in order for it to not be just gothic you have to break it up a bit with other colors. You can go with obvious white, shades of grey or any color you choose because pretty much all of them go well with black.
The first thing I would do is decide do I want a modern house or a more traditional one. With the exterior design I'd say you almost have to go modern but I could be wrong there. It's just what I would do. Also, black is a very modern color in my opinion.
Having decided on the basic style, mod vs. trad, then I'd take a look at window style and placement. Add a few more windows and make them all more or less match. You can mix window styles but they have to sort of go with one another and things like size of the window and how many window panes it has can make a difference between different styles working together or not.
Once the windows are in place, look at your interior again. Is it still as dark now you've let some light in or does it need a lighter color to really bring out the black? Also look at the interior the same way design wise. If the house exterior is very modern do you want a more traditional interior or do you want to go with a more modern look? You can go eclectic and use both mod and trad inside but only in touches. The main theme should match the exterior somewhat or it's like a culture shock when you go inside the house. Your accessories can make the difference. I think this house is going to be a real winner.
Anushka: that is the most awesome pool/entertainment/writer work area I have ever seen. I just want to lose myself in it. The pictures are awesome. It looks like a very elegant resort you'd want to stay at forever.
kiko: downloaded that totally awesome pool! It is truly epic.
thanks Anushka, that outside is amzing! I love making outside areas for my sims as they can be quite cool and stylish, you definitely gave some great ideas,
about imageshack, I checked on other sites that use it and it is working normally weird, very weird.
I haven't signed up to ImageShack, am on Google Chrome but can see the pictures. ???
I can see it too, but I'm on safari.
Anushka: that exterior is really cool.
Wow, thanks for the nifty tips Joria and Anushka! Joria, actually I wanted to do some kind of mix of styles... Modern exterior to go with a traditional interior (just because I hate too much white or light blue, so only the bathroom), as well as the traditional-styled frontyard (no backyard as the lot is drastically small). I'll try to add as much windows as possible. This is actually a remodeled duplicate (not to be taken literally; I never entered Edit Town as this is a dynasty game; just did it in the same way -- layout, etc.) of my Random Wishmasters house. It's in the same theme, I may be able to get pictures of the exterior/a few shots of interior of the latter house. They look very much alike.
I'll try to enlarge the windows. It's just that I can't put huge windows on the second floor (bedrooms) because the window will interfere with the wall separating the bathrooms and bedrooms. I'll see what I can do anyways. :)
Thanks guys, I really don't want for my Dynasty house to look ugly... yuck. ::)
I thought I'd share my most recent house. I laughed when I took the exterior shot because it looks similar to my Dreamweaver Dynasty house in color and style. I guess I'm rather stuck in my ways. This is the home of Eddie and Valerie Van Halen, from the Rock Star challenge.
Exterior Front: Note the outside stairs that access the teenage twin's upper level. I'm hoping they'll stay out of the way and do their own thing.
Exterior Back: Valerie has a nice garden.
Next are the lower level living, kitchen, dining, and nursery.
On the upper level, I have the twins' bedroom, matching bathrooms, and a casual kitchen area. There's a lot more empty space that I haven't decided how to use yet.
Wow, that is one amazing house, Pam! I have one question, if you please. Which ep/sp (or store?) did the tree in the twins' bedroom come with? :)
Pam, where is that stereo from? I haven't noticed it before, is it store or town life?.
The plant is called "Leaftastic" (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:20415&startAt=105&back=purchaseHistory), and comes with the free Earth Day set from the store. I'm pretty sure the stereo is also free, but I can't seem to track it down.
The plant is called "Leaftastic" (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:20415&startAt=105&back=purchaseHistory), and comes with the free Earth Day set from the store. I'm pretty sure the stereo is also free, but I can't seem to track it down.
Thanks Ausette, much appreciated!
I think the stereo came with the Ford Focus Neon Nights set. It looks like the same one, anyway.
Pam, I love the color in the living room, particularly with that furniture. It is from the store, right? It is a lovely home and the nursery is adorable, especially with that wallpaper. With it being similar, my philosophy is: if it works, why change it? ;)
Pam a little birdie told me that you once said you can't build. Well guess what? I do not want to read that ever again in my life. Seriously! All of the houses you build are A-M-Z-Z-I-N-G!
Pam, once again your use of color and pattern recoloring has blown my mind. You manage to take things I would never dream of combining with other things and make it all work and make it entirely your own unique creation. I love the use of the ultra modern things with the Grecian and meditteranean stuff all tied together with COLOR! I have such a bad eye for color, probably why I use black and white so often, but you take colors I would never dream of having go together and make it absolutely gorgeous. Where are those adorable high chairs from? They look like the animal potty chairs but in high chairs! Your Sims sure can party like a rock star in this house!
WOAH. Pam. That was uh-mazing.
You used your colour schemes really well, everything seems to fit. You used lots of decorations which makes the home look nice and comfortable. This house if family friendly, and from what I see, your rockers have some kids! Your decorating skills on the interior are flawless. The exterior looks Grecian, modern, and gorgeous! I love all of it!
Where did those Cribs comes from? I want new cribs, lol. :) I love the house as well Pam!
Where did those Cribs comes from? I want new cribs, lol. :) I love the house as well Pam!
I'm guessing those cribs are from the store, from one of the older sets.
I'm guessing those cribs are from the store, from one of the older sets.
Is it This One (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24085&categoryId=&scategoryId=11552&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=&gender=female&startAt=0)? I know that sometimes the designs on the Store stuff can be changed by using the EA Recolours and stuff?
Is it This One (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24085&categoryId=&scategoryId=11552&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=&gender=female&startAt=0)? I know that sometimes the designs on the Store stuff can be changed by using the EA Recolours and stuff?
I believe, by comparing both pictures, that's the same crib, only recolored. :)
Wow. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments. Sorry for this late response. I posted last night, but apparently it didn't go through because it's not here. Very strange.
It looks like everyone's questions have already been answered, but if I overlooked something, let me know. :)
Edit: Oops! I did miss a couple of questions.
The living room furniture is Muse Luxury (http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:33576&purchaseHistoryStartAt=0&back=purchaseHistory).
The crib and high chair are from Animals Abound Playground Bed + Bath. (http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24061&purchaseHistoryStartAt=150&back=purchaseHistory)
Pam, if you ever said you can't build, you are sorely mistaken. I loved the house.
I just made, probably my best work so far. I think I've improved a little in my landscaping and decorating. The next three pictures are the front of the home:
Here are the overviews, of the two floors. Top to bottom.
So what do you think? I want good constructive critiscim. :)
Modified post to remove some pictures.
Nat, I love the way you've set up everything and the recolors, just maybe move items around a bit more? What I mean, is not always do vertical and horizontal placing, but diagonal too. ;)
Also... When working with terrain paints (like the sand one in the backyard), try using the slider, it helps quite a lot to make it look more realistic. I suggest decorating the backyard/playground area with plants, trees and terrain painting, too. :)
So far, so good.
Nat, I love the way you've set up everything and the recolors, just maybe move items around a bit more? What I mean, is not always do vertical and horizontal placing, but diagonal too. ;)
Also... When working with terrain paints (like the sand one in the backyard), try using the slider, it helps quite a lot to make it look more realistic. I suggest decorating the backyard/playground area with plants, trees and terrain painting, too. :)
So far, so good.
Thanks. I monkeyed around with the sliders alot for terrain paint...but I had it at the max. :P
Yeah, I make the furniture more diaganol, sometime's I forget. :-[
That looked really nice Natsuko! I really like the first picture.
That looked really nice Natsuko! I really like the first picture.
Thanks. ;D
Natsuko, I love the use of colors! The bubble room just made me smile because it just looks so bubbly! All the rooms are really well done. Your landscaping has indeed, improved a lot! To make the terrain paint nice and crisp, I put the slider on max, as you did, and I use the medium to large square instead of circles. I put fencing down and then spray inside the fencing and then remove the fencing, unless I want to keep it as a border around a sand box. Of course, if I'm doing something curvy the fencing thing doesn't work at all and neither does the square spray, so I'm going to try putting down pieces of curved pool, spray with the circle thing, and then remove the pool pieces! Don't know if it will work but worth a try.
I particularly love the outside look of your house. I seldom try to use stone because I just never seem to get it to look right but you certainly made it work.
Natsuko, I love the use of colors! The bubble room just made me smile because it just looks so bubbly! All the rooms are really well done. Your landscaping has indeed, improved a lot! To make the terrain paint nice and crisp, I put the slider on max, as you did, and I use the medium to large square instead of circles. I put fencing down and then spray inside the fencing and then remove the fencing, unless I want to keep it as a border around a sand box. Of course, if I'm doing something curvy the fencing thing doesn't work at all and neither does the square spray, so I'm going to try putting down pieces of curved pool, spray with the circle thing, and then remove the pool pieces! Don't know if it will work but worth a try.
I particularly love the outside look of your house. I seldom try to use stone because I just never seem to get it to look right but you certainly made it work.
Thanks alot! I'm glad my landscaping has improved! :)
Thanks alot! I'm glad my landscaping has improved! :)
Of course it has! Did you have any doubts?
Hi. I was going to build a consignment shop requested by Chronic, and it ended up a Mall! It features multiple consignment registers, a food register, a professional bar, a playing area, and a small park.
Leaving you with the screens,
First Floor:
Features a small sitting area, food register, bar, playing area, the empty rooms have a hidden marker and are meant to be storages
Second Floor
Features 3 consignment registers, a relic registry and an executive's office. The idea behind the gems is that I wanted to display everything that a consignment shop has to offer. If I get a better idea, I will replace themm
Some Zoom in screens
I finished it today as a come back gift to TheChronicR who left us for an entire day yesterday ;D expect it in the swap shop as soon as nobody has suggestions
Kiko, I've said earlier and I'm repeating now -- I love it, love it, love it! You go girl! And thanks!
So now if anyone has more ideas for us, they are very welcome... :D
Kiko, I've said earlier and I'm repeating now -- I love it, love it, love it! You go girl! And thanks!
So now if anyone has more ideas for us, they are very welcome... :D
He he thanks, but hmm... who are you talking to? I'm not a girl. ;D
He he thanks, but hemm... who are you talking to ?I'm not a girl ;D
Umm. Well. I didn't know. Sorry! :-[
No problem, I know it was a honest mistake :)
Natsuko- It's lovely. The indoor garden/greenhouse is awesome. I'm going to have to try that sometime. The colors are really nice and I agree with Joria, the bubble room is pleasantly bubbly! My only suggestion would be to maybe make a play area or reading nook in that unused space on the second floor. It looks a little empty to me, personally.
Kiko- Cool! I really like it. I am terrible at making community lots and am jealous of all of you who make such nifty ones. ;) My suggestion: the top left hand window looks out of place to me. I think it is the office bathroom window, so you probably don't want the full length windows but perhaps change it to red so that it matches better. Or try two of the privacy windows in its place? For some reason, it throws off the front and draws my eye to it because it is off balance. I love the fountain area; it looks very park like and calm.
Thanks for the feedback, Lynley :) I always find that community lots are easier than houses. You are a great builder and I have all of your houses. I see what you mean about the window. I'll see what I can do to fill that area.
That looks really cool kiko!
This is probably not correct, and I'm probably wrong (Early sorry!), but that stand with the shoes on it in the 6th photo does not look like something I recognize. Am I spacing out/being paranoid, or is that cc?
Of course it has! Did you have any doubts?
Yes. -shame-
This is probably not correct, and I'm probably wrong (Early sorry!), but that stand with the shoes on it in the 6th photo does not look like something I recognize. Am I spacing out/being paranoid, or is that cc?
I've never seen it before in any houses that I've looked at.
The blue one with the shoes? It came with GEN.
The blue one with the shoes? It came with GEN.
Okay. That's good. I hadn't seen it in any houses/lots here yet and it's not in my game (have ambitions) so I didn't really know.
The blue one with the shoes? It came with GEN.
Ok. I was being pretty paranoid because I don't like cc that much, It broke the computer I used to use for Sims.
Yes, it came with Generations.
Comon guys you know I won't be putting CC here I don't want a cold discusion with the mods here :P
the Mall is up here check it out and leave suggestions (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6348.0)
I've finally finished Trenton and you can download it from the Swap Shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6352.0) or Exchange (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=4455517). :)
I've been working on the interior of my mansion. I've gotten the downstairs mostly done. Any suggestions?
Overview of the first floor
Formal Living Room - I don't really like this room. It seems too empty but I can't figure out what to do with it.
Entertainment area and dining room
Kitchen and breakfast room
Butlers suite and children's play room
Lanley is that for a Dynasty or something?
I love how the house looks, I think it's amazing!
Lynley that house is gorgeous so far!
Lynly great house as usual ;) I would suggest adding a shower in the gym for a realistic feeling, and a chess table in the formal living room, by rotating some furnitures and adding one you could avoid the "empty feeling, even if it is already great like this
That's an impressive house, Linley, great job!
Lynley, awesome! The formal living room looks fine to me!
Lynely, that house is so classy! I love it! I think the formal living room looks great. :)
I was working on house requested by Fez (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=1818.msg128578#msg128578) this is my first real attempt to a modern house, any help wuold be appreciated :)
Front and Back
First and second Floor (hope the pics are clear enof)
Zoom In Screens:
Well, personally I think it's awesome! :D My Melissa will be so proud of this house!!
First of all, to ALL of you who are building, THANK YOU so much for naming your projects! I know that may sound silly, but when you have a ton of downloads with itty bitty little thumbnails to chose from, it makes it much easier to select a build when you want to place it if it is named. When I see something named "lot", I'll often go right past it, but if I see something with a real name, like "Trenton", I'm sure to select it.
Ok, now........WOW! Must! Have! Mall! This is so awesome!
Trenton.......again, WOW! I love it and I usually don't care for that color scheme but it works and looks great. I agree, a chess table in the living room would be great.
The Twiste................Super! I can so NOT do modern and you've done it so well.
If I've missed anyone, my apologies. I am overwhelmed by your joint magnificence!
So, do I have everyone's permission to make another new SV featuring ONLY works done by our gang here? I mean, permission to use your stuff. My intention is to basically level the town and only have things you guys have created so if there are buildings not already made, (like the school), there's your challenge. I think I will post this intention on the requests board.
Thank you joria :)
P.S pm
First of all, to ALL of you who are building, THANK YOU so much for naming your projects! I know that may sound silly, but when you have a ton of downloads with itty bitty little thumbnails to chose from, it makes it much easier to select a build when you want to place it if it is named. When I see something named "lot", I'll often go right past it, but if I see something with a real name, like "Trenton", I'm sure to select it.
Ok, now........WOW! Must! Have! Mall! This is so awesome!
Trenton.......again, WOW! I love it and I usually don't care for that color scheme but it works and looks great. I agree, a chess table in the living room would be great.
The Twiste................Super! I can so NOT do modern and you've done it so well.
If I've missed anyone, my apologies. I am overwhelmed by your joint magnificence!
So, do I have everyone's permission to make another new SV featuring ONLY works done by our gang here? I mean, permission to use your stuff. My intention is to basically level the town and only have things you guys have created so if there are buildings not already made, (like the school), there's your challenge. I think I will post this intention on the requests board.
...That, would, be, AWESOME!
Just wait, I'll come out with more homes before that! (Mini modern of course)
I need some suggestions for my Dynasty house. Am currently working on the living area... Is it too tacky? :P
Any comments will be appreciated (bad or good xD)
I need some suggestions for my Dynasty house. Am currently working on the living area... Is it too tacky? :P
Any comments will be appreciated (bad or good xD)
I like the living area. Love the modern feel :) However, I think it looks a little empty. Perhaps add a wooden piano, and try to change up the patterns on the floor? (Carpet on the whole reading area thing, Grand Piano goes there also.) Looks good, other then that ;)
I like the living area. Love the modern feel :) However, I think it looks a little empty. Perhaps add a wooden piano, and try to change up the patterns on the floor? (Carpet on the whole reading area thing, Grand Piano goes there also.) Looks good, other then that ;)
Thanks, I'll change the patterns and buy a Grand Piano when I can afford one xD.
Or something more simple is a chess table or fireplace. ;)
Joria - That is a really awesome idea! The town will look fantastic with all of the great lots everyone here builds.
VampirePlasma - It isn't tacky at all. I actually really love that pattern. It is a bit empty, though. A chess table, easel, floor lamps, or some plants will help there for now. I would change the pattern on the rugs just for a bit of contrast but other than that, I think it looks great. I love the tv area and how it is set up.
Kiko- I find modern style homes to be difficult, but you did a great job. The room with the fountain, the entryway I think, is very nice. It looks very calm and peaceful and makes me want to see what the rest of the house looks like. I like to add a small fence around the roof, but it looks good without it, too.
VampirePlasma - It isn't tacky at all. I actually really love that pattern. It is a bit empty, though. A chess table, easel, floor lamps, or some plants will help there for now. I would change the pattern on the rugs just for a bit of contrast but other than that, I think it looks great. I love the tv area and how it is set up.
Thanks, I'll try with some floor lamps and a chess table. I changed the pattern, I'll show you as soon as I put the extra things.
I just made, probably my best work so far. I think I've improved a little in my landscaping and decorating. The next three pictures are the front of the home:
We have a rule on the first page of this topic that posts are limited to 10 screenshots. I count 24 in yours. Please modify your post to bring the count down to 10. You may upload other screenshots to the Gallery (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=2881.0) and put a link in your post to let everyone see more shots of the house.
We have a rule on the first page of this topic that posts are limited to 10 screenshots. I count 24 in yours. Please modify your post to bring the count down to 10. You may upload other screenshots to the Gallery (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=2881.0) and put a link in your post to let everyone see more shots of the house.
OK. I'm going to remove alot of the pictures. Sorry about that, Pam. :)
Hi, Remember that I'v done a pool for pally ? wich was on a 40x40 lot, I promised that I would make a smaller version for SV wich would be in that 30x28 lot where "little shark's pool was" or what ever that ugly thing was called, well it is done ! It is very conservative style ,Already in the Swap shop ^^ "A Family Pool" (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6385.0)
Zoom In Pictures
Small Adult Area, with hot tub, love seats and juice bars
Small Eating area with grills, there is another one with a buffet
Children Play area
Main Pool with lounge chairs
Kiko that's very pretty. I'll download it!
Lol I have been very bored and decided to build a small junkyard, it is in the swap shop: Jenkey's Abandoned junkyard
I'm about to upload my first lot to the swap shop *nervous*. Anyway, it's an Art Gallery/Museum. Also, I have this redo of Jollyboat Plaza from Barnacle Bay - I made it into a kid's playground. What do you think - is it worth uploading too? I'm redoing a lot of Barnacle Bay's lots, some myself, some with help...
Also, I have this redo of Jollyboat Plaza from Barnacle Bay - I made it into a kid's playground. What do you think - is it worth uploading too?
Most definitely.
I like it! It's very kid-friendly and the colours are suited for kids too. :)
Woah pally! Much better than the old park! Awesome!
Looks great Pally. The colors choices are great. If you could add a small toddler area (peg box, doll house...etc), maybe near the riding toys? A,lso if you could remove the tiles in the play areas it would be more realistic. You don't want the kids to fall on cement do you ? ;)
Glad you like it! Those are good ideas kiko, I'll replace the cement with rubber, and add some toddler toys near the jungle gym things. :)
EDIT: It's all done and on the swap shop:
and the link to the museum is:
Pally these are terrific! I am SOOOO downloading them!
I have a general suggestion to you folks who make kid areas. It's the mom in me I guess, but do you check to make sure there is enough space where the swings are so that they won't accidentally hit someone when a child swings high in them? Sometimes we use moveobjects and don't give enough room for kids running in front of swing sets or slides. Rambunctious kids don't always look where they are going so it's up to us to watch out for that even if they are only pixels. ;) Also, in some city parks, Central Park in NYC comes to mind, you will find slides and swings with hard cement on the ground. I'm not sure why it is so, but again, the mom in me says sand would be much softer to land on and not as dirty as a dirt smudge, although the dirt smudge looks realistic and works fine. Here in Oregon the ones I have seen are dirt, not cement and not sand.
EDIT: So sorry! Vampire I love your living room. A chess table or such would help break up the empty feel but it is not at all tacky.
Kiko I want that junkyard and pool! Really nice work there!
Did I miss anyone? You are all awesome!
Thanks for the tips Joria, I'll keep the swings space in mind for future builds. In Australia there is often black/blue rubber on the ground around kids playgrounds, so that's what I put on the Jollyboat Kids Plaza.
Hey, everybody. This is my first time posting on this thread, and I'm a little nervous because of all of the amazing builders on here. I want to say ahead of time that I think I have a problem with bold colors. I like to use a lot of them, and it never turns out just right. However, I can't seem to figure out how to narrow them down. I know I have other building/designing flaws that I can't really describe, so any constructive criticism is welcome! Plus, I'm at a loss when it comes to landscaping. This is my first time building a modern house.
From the front:
Living room:
Sun room:
Dining room:
(Part of) the kitchen:
Deck with a view:
I used only Vanilla objects in case anyone wants this uploaded. However, the roof is perfectly situated for a hot tub/lounge/dance area.
Totally loving it Moons, I'm not that great of a builder so I can't judge professionally but it's super in my eyes.
this I love the house moons, your rooms are perfectly decorated , My only suggestions would be placing more rugs under the seating in the living room, Also the landscaping would be considered a little bit " left behind" if you could work more on that area the house would be perfect ^^
Totally loving it Moons, I'm not that great of a builder so I can't judge professionally but it's super in my eyes.
Thanks. I find myself pretty mediocre, but there are a lot of ways in which I could improve, which is why I came here!
this I love the house moons, your rooms are perfectly decorated , My only suggestions would be placing more rugs under the seating in the living room, Also the landscaping would be considered a little bit " left behind" if you could work more on that area the house would be perfect ^^
Well, when I was decorating, I originally had a bunch of rugs but then I changed it to a strip of blue carpet from the entrance to the dining room and to the deck. So now I'm not really sure where I could put rugs that wouldn't overlap on the flooring that's already posing as a rug. I'm really at a loss for landscaping. I kind of just put random stuff everywhere. Maybe I could turn the area in front of the house and around the sun room into a rock garden? Or would that be too large of an area to be mostly sand?
I would guess it won't blend in well, remove the bamboo trees I feel they don't look right , put a small fencing (not the smallest) that would blend in with the house around that empty space, and 1 square ahead of the front, use dirt paint and place those small bushes, flowers and rocks in a formation to decorate that empty gap (use moveobjects on if needed) and in the 1 square areas use small flowers, it would look much better
sorry if this sounds a bit messy, try the landscaping help thread it will also help you, at least I know it did for me ^^
Awesome Pam! If you want there to be no content from Stuff and Expansion Packs, then the fence in front of the door is from Outdoor Living.
Also, a plant on the table in the living room might be nice. ;)
I'm guessing here this is the house of your DecaDynasty founder(s). Awesome anyway. Well done.
Nicely build Pam, looking forward to see the final outcome
Awesome Pam! If you want there to be no content from Stuff and Expansion Packs, then the fence in front of the door is from Outdoor Living.
Also, a plant on the table in the living room might be nice. ;)
Yeah, I had put the fence up before it occurred to me that I should make it from the base game. There will be a lot more decor by the time I'm done. It's still a work in process.
I'm guessing here this is the house of your DecaDynasty founder(s). Awesome anyway. Well done.
How could that be? The DecaDynasty has to be played with existing townie houses. I built this one from scratch.
How could that be? The DecaDynasty has to be played with existing townie houses. I built this one from scratch.
Maybe Chronic thought you demolished the original house?
How could that be? The DecaDynasty has to be played with existing townie houses. I built this one from scratch.
Well I thought you bulldozed the original in build mode and built a new one from scratch.
But that fence and gate are so perfect! I love the house overall, but the garage doesn't seem quite right on the inside, or outside. For the outside maybe you should place a burglar alarm on the space? It would be that tiny extra bit of décor it needs and functional.
Pam, I love the outside and that gate in particular works really well. I'm not so keen on the inside. The colours don't seem to be working for me.
Wow. I thought this was the showboat thread to show off our creations. I don't recall asking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. I'll just remove my post now.
Wow. I thought this was the showboat thread to show off our creations. I don't recall asking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. I'll just remove my post now.
Please don't! But this thread is generally used by people to get constructive criticism and tips to improve their build before they upload to the swap shop. Maybe the title is a little misleading...
Wow. I thought this was the showboat thread to show off our creations. I don't recall asking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. I'll just remove my post now.
Oh, I'm sorry! I guess I'm sort of in the habit of commenting on houses in this thread. I'll remove my comment. :-[ :-\
The title is not misleading. We created this thread so that there would be a place for members to show off their creations. Even when we had building contests, there was a strict rule that nobody was to offer criticism unless the builder asked for it. If he/she doesn't ask, don't offer it. That's a rule I've had to enforce in the past, myself. I hope you all will take a lesson here. Don't offer negative comments on something unless the builder has asked for help or constructive criticism. It's just plain rude and we don't do that here.
Ah, so if I make a build, which is totally bad, but don't ask for criticism, then people shouldn't give it to me?
Ah, so if I make a build, which is totally bad, but don't ask for criticism, then people shouldn't give it to me?
No, they shouldn't. If you don't want criticism, then nobody should give it to you. If they can't say something nice about your project, then say nothing at all. We don't want someone posting a house just to share it and have people come slamming down with negative comments. It's not nice and if the builder hasn't requested help or advice, then you're forcing your opinion on someone who may not want it. This has been a rule from way back since we first started having building contests and should have been followed through on the showboat thread.
Sorry, well, nonetheless it was a great house and I hope you upload it to the swap shop. :-\
hemm , I guess it became just a habit, since most builders come here asking for help and advice
I wish I could see your house, Pam. :-[
I agree, that we sometimes out of habbit, give critiscim to builders who didn't ask for it.
Seriously, you guys. The purpose of this thread is to let anyone post what they've done and feel safe in doing so, that they won't be criticized or be made to feel bad. If they want your suggestions, believe me, they'll ask. And, no, I won't be putting my house in the Swap Shop. I'm not going to make changes to it to suit everyone here who has a criticism, which is what I'd have to do to feel comfortable uploading it, so it will be mine because I love it.
@Choccolatee: Thank you for the apology. I appreciate it. Even more so considering it's the only one offered.
@Natsuko: The pictures are still in the Gallery. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=101&page=3)
@Choccolatee: Thank you for the apology. I appreciate it. Even more so considering it's the only one offered.
Ahem. I apologised too and I believe Natsuko did as well.
Pam, I'm sorry that I've forgotten that old rule. Believe me, I had no intention to be rude. I was just so used to people asking for critique on this thread, that I gave it without thinking. I said I loved the outside, (I always say something good - and I totally meant that) and I thought from what you said about the colours (though I can't check since you removed the post) that you weren't sure about it yourself, so I felt ok offering constructive criticism. Really, I've been doing this for a long time (e.g. with danefaith's creations) without ever realising that I shouldn't. No one has reacted like that before. People offered criticism on my park and I welcomed it.
So, I apologise for offending you. But I really didn't mean any harm. This thread has obviously gone in a different direction to what you first intended, but you can by all means stear it back to what you would prefer.
Ahem. I apologised too and I believe Natsuko did as well.
I believe you're mistaken. But, this particular discussion is over. Let's please get back on topic now.
Pam are you going to repost your house? I believe that chocolatee and I have apologised and explained our actions. No one meant any harm and I'm sure we'd all like to see your house again. And I don't see how this discussion is off topic - it's integral to the whole meaning of this thread and therefore very important.
EDIT: Also, I just checked the rules for this thread and didn't notice anything about critique. So perhaps it would be a good idea to edit the original post so it's clear to everyone. At least none of this was done in order to be rude - we were acting out of habit created over many pages of this thread. I'm sure we'll all be more careful in future.
Pam, that house is amazing! I like everything about it! :D
@Pam, I like the couches they add pops of color to a very rustic colored living room.
Twinbrook Family Starter
A house built for a young family of 3 (parents and child/teenage son).
I like the house but here's the problem: I really wanted it to be a starter. A fresh out of CAS starter for a family of 3. But the price is $24,000. I think families out of CAS only have around $18,000. So do you have any ideas on what I can change to make it cheaper without changing the overall feel of the house or using the cheapest objects?
Perhaps changing the windows would help with the financial situation, they are more costly than one would originally think.
Families of 3 start with 18,500.
Maybe decreasing some of the lights and paintings? Looks great so far!
EDIT:Also, maybe use Pool Walls in some rooms.
Maybe using cheaper columns, and less counters in the kitchen...?
I know you don't really want to change the whole feel of the house, but I think taking one row of flooring/wall off the back and one row off the left side (or maybe just one of the two) along with changing the windows to cheaper ones would be a possible idea. Walls are like 70 something a piece and it really takes a bit off your final value just by deleting 7 or 8 pieces.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I finally got it under $18,500 (just barely). It's for download here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6498.0).
I almost forgot about m earlier post! I took your advice, kiko (at least I think I did) so here are my outdoor renovations. This is my first time really trying at a garden, but I think I may have overdone it. I'm also not so sure about the fence I used. I wanted to use only base game items, so there wasn't a huge selection. Hints or tips? Or does it look swap shop ready? It's reasonably priced at... oh my goodness, $116,000. You better have one rich sim!
You've done an immense job with landscaping and I totally love it, wish I could build like you. I don't think the current fence is fitting the theme, it's more of a traditional one than modern, you know. What about changing it to the black one you used elsewhere (the one in the last picture).
Great job, I would only suggest to follow Chronic's Advice and add some dirt paint under the plants ^^
You've done an immense job with landscaping and I totally love it, wish I could build like you. I don't think the current fence is fitting the theme, it's more of a traditional one than modern, you know. What about changing it to the black one you used elsewhere (the one in the last picture).
I thought about using that same fence again, but I didn't think it was fitting for a garden. I didn't actually try it though, so I'll replace it and post another picture.
You've done an immense job with landscaping and I totally love it, wish I could build like you. I don't think the current fence is fitting the theme, it's more of a traditional one than modern, you know. What about changing it to the black one you used elsewhere (the one in the last picture).
I did use some dirt, but I also used some clover. But I can definitely dirt it up some more , haha.
Edited to add picture: You were right Chronic. I guess I should have just used that fence in the first place!
I will now be uploading it to the Swap Shop. I'll add a link here once I do. Now available here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6516.msg135593#msg135593). Car not included.
Definitely better and I am very glad you like it! I'll be totally downloading this house, way to go. :)
Definetly better this way right ;) , your link is linking to the picture, not the swap shop thread
Definetly better this way right ;) , your link is linking to the picture, not the swap shop thread
Now it's fixed. I copy and pasted the wrong thing. :-\
Hi, I worked on a Hangout, it is for my story wich is going in twinbrook thought I would share here, I'm stuck with what to put in the entrance any help would be appreciated, It's in the swap shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6526.0)
Kiko, I love it as it is personally, I'm so downloading it, well done. :D
I like it too kiko, downloading :)
Kiko, you are too good a builder! :D *Rushes off to download*
My new creation. What do you all think? I think the kitchen looks empty, but I'm not sure what to put in it. I'm trying to use only base game and Generations content. Criticism is always welcome.
Entry/living room
Roof grilling area
Beautiful house Moons!
For the kitchen you could always place small appliances like a blender or microwave.
Placing the overhead cabinets over the counters will also fill the kitchen out a bit.
Gorgeous house, the exterior and yard, and especially the area by the swings are beautiful.
Love the outside looking of the house, and all the rooms, for the kitchen I would suggest also placing small plants on the eating counters they give a good feeling, I would say that using that flooring woudn't be good for the interior, change it into something wooden for a better overall feeling
Alright, I fixed up the kitchen some, and I uploaded this just before I read your comment kiko! :( It's available here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6545.msg136535#msg136535) though.
MoonsAreBlue, your house is fantastic! I love the roof grill area and how you fit all the shapes together. You might want to turn lights on when taking pictures indoor, so you can see more details. Also, you might try using those wall and celling lights from buydebug, they are invisible in live mode but will provide great light inside. I really love this house, look so warm!
Kiko, that hangout left me speachless, fantastic work with so many creative ideas!
Thanks, Anushka! That means a lot. :) And I'll be sure to use the lighting for pictures.
Well I just got the first immortal in my dynasty and decided I was going to remake their house. Heres the shell so far.
Nice house! I really like the angles in the roof.
This house would look amazing with some rounded walls (Yet, EA doesn't let us do that... but for their rabbit holes? Sure!
Right finally finished the inside, comments, tips would be helpful.
Outside View
From Above
Living Room
Sitting Area
Dining Room
Spares Bathroom
Gabby and Jams Bathroom
The Twins Bathroom
The Twins Room
Gabby and Jams Room
The Spares Room
the house is gorgeous , I got some tips for you if you don't mind, hope you don't consider them too much, they are very little things, if you change them, it will be great :)
1. when you want to match colors between the floor and the wall, the floor color should match the middle section of the wall, try it and you'll see that it feels more comfortable to the eye,
2. use the triangular floor tiles to separate the areas, us CTRL + F on your keyboard when putting flooring to use them, they will give a neat look to the flooring
3.use terrain paint, it's free, and you can completely change the outside looks of your house, if you got some money left, try the landscaping, there is a help thread on that here
I agree about doing some landscaping. Personally, I think a lighter color of shingle would look good. What does the back yard look like? Also, I think the sitting area could use a fireplace.
It looks really good. I like the layout with the open floor plan. And I love the kitchen. No sink, though? Or am I just missing it? One more question: Are those windows from the newest stuff pack? I've not seen them before and don't remember them being in the Store. They are interesting.
You didn't mention if you were done with the exterior yet, but if so, it could use a bit more landscaping, especially a path leading from the door to the road. Even just one or two trees can liven up a yard. My other suggestion would be to make the "rug" areas a little more uniform. This would help in defining the areas a bit better. They just seem a touch haphazard at the moment. I like clean lines, though, so I am happiest with squares, rectangles, octagons, etc. But that is just a personal preference on my part. :D Otherwise, it is looking great and I can't wait to see it finished.
@lynley The windows are from TownLife called Return to Bubbles
@lynley The windows are from TownLife called Return to Bubbles
Ah, thanks. ;D I figured they were from one of the newer stuff packs. I've probably seen them in the previews/pics and didn't pay any attention. They are pretty cool, though.
Charlotte that house is very nice.
Just one tiny thing, when it comes to landscaping I find making small clusters of Hydrangeas can really liven up a yard. (White Hydrangeas came with base game, the others came with AMB)
I have been doing some experimenting with the fog emitter and building. I made Leo his own bachelor pad, equipped with an aquarium and waterfall. I thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I would share it. If you remember, Leo is the sim that Schipperke made for her story. I think he likes his new pad, lol.
Leo relaxing by the pond and waterfall:
Bedroom and bath:
Living area:
I call this the "relaxing zone"
I also downloaded it to Youtube for a virtual tour. It is kind of choppy, but I am still learning.
You can watch the tour here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2kcjTgzANU)
Edit: If anyone is interested, will download house in swap shop. Sorry, Leo is not included.
Wow Salty, this is fantastic house! I'm glad you explored fog emitters options, it really make houses so unique! And I love the other parts too, landscape and that TV shelf area specially! Fantastic job here and I'm off to downloaded it! I can easily make it barchelorette's pad, she don't like pink anyway :D
A Vampire Lounge I'm working on while figuring out the castle kit I just got. Still have a few things I'm wanting to do but thought I would see what others thought of it and maybe get a few ideas.
Over view during the day
And at night
front view
Vampire meeting table
Relaxing area
Dining area
1st floor
2nd floor
Made some changes to it and will probably get it uploaded for you tomorrow kiko94, after I make a list of items used and get links to them.
Added some filler items and removed some store items I had in there. I believe the only store items left in there are free items other than the castle kit.
Uploaded to Swap Shop - Download (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6744.0)
Looks awsome, love how used the fog emitter and the curved bridge, I have been trying (and failing miserably) trying to make them, looking forward to see how you'll finish, will you put in the swap shop? I have the castle parts and wish to add it to my town, sorry I don't have any ideas popping up, I will try to think of something useful to say
first thing that I can think of is rugs, using rustic patterns, but I believe you didn't finish yet
Moderna - 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom
I forgot to write down the price of the lot. It is on a 10x10 lot.
It contains content from all expansions (probably) except WA, and some store content. I can make Store-Free and/or Base Game versions if anyone would like them. If anyone is interested I will upload to the swap shop.
Critique and comments welcome!
*** Screenshots accidentally got overwritten by other images. Apologies to anyone viewing this thread.
Looks really nice! I think maybe adding a few plants would spruce it up.
Otherwise, I say upload it!
@Grimsoul - you seem to get around great with Castle tool! That does look like real fairy tale castle, and the decoration is very vampiric! Great job there!
@Fortheloveofcake - I really like your little house, only one thing that Gogo mentioned too, all inside is black and white. You already have some plants there, but to give it a special touch, you can add some color somewhere - It can be interesting carpet with floor tool, or something like that. Where did that bed come from? I would remove that green vase from Generations in kitchen, and recolor the candles at endtables. But those are such a little details and you should be really proud of your design!
@Fortheloveofcake - I really like your little house, only one thing that Gogo mentioned too, all inside is black and white. You already have some plants there, but to give it a special touch, you can add some color somewhere - It can be interesting carpet with floor tool, or something like that. Where did that bed come from? I would remove that green vase from Generations in kitchen, and recolor the candles at endtables. But those are such a little details and you should be really proud of your design!
The bed is from a store set. It's called something like 'Luxury Spa Bedroom'.
I totally can agree about some more colour. Maybe having some walls being a different colour?
Looks awsome, love how used the fog emitter and the curved bridge, I have been trying (and failing miserably) trying to make them, looking forward to see how you'll finish, will you put in the swap shop? I have the castle parts and wish to add it to my town, sorry I don't have any ideas popping up, I will try to think of something useful to say
first thing that I can think of is rugs, using rustic patterns, but I believe you didn't finish yet
I've got it upload to the Swap Shop.Download (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6744.0)
I've started a new build: a Exclusive Lounge for my Legacy in Twinbrook. I've used a house from the game and changed it. I've only changed the landscaping a little bit.
And I've only changed the Ground Floor so far.
Gogo, I don't really have any suggestions because I don't really build hangouts, but in the last picture with all of your wall hangings? It looks a little odd for a picture to be hanging on the upper molding of the wall. I think it will look better if you keep it to the middle wallpaper section. I will say that I really like the remodel that you've done so far. In fact, my DecaDynasty family is currently living on the right side of your spiffy new hangout, and they would happily visit if they were allowed. (The one with the plum tree in the front yard, not back yard).
Thanks Moons! I read your DecaDynasty and it looks like it's going quite well.
Anyway, back to the build.
I changed the wall paintings and completed the second floor. Suggestions, comments, queries?
Awsome work Gogo, my suggestion would be curtains, they will give the classy feel to the club
Gogowars --
It looks great! I love the blue. I agree with Kiko that a few curtains would be nice and add a little extra to the overall feel. If it wouldn't change the look of the front, I would suggest adding parking spots to make it more club/community lot like, but I really like the front how it is at the moment.
Awsome work Gogo, my suggestion would be curtains, they will give the classy feel to the club
Gogowars --
It looks great! I love the blue. I agree with Kiko that a few curtains would be nice and add a little extra to the overall feel. If it wouldn't change the look of the front, I would suggest adding parking spots to make it more club/community lot like, but I really like the front how it is at the moment.
I'll add the curtains and the parking spots the next time I play. I actually only added a few plants to the front.
Here is the second home in the series of 5, eModern. Please note that this is a WIP and no furnishing has been done (except the outside.)
Well I just got the first immortal in my dynasty and decided I was going to remake their house. Heres the shell so far.
I like what you did with the plants in the living area. Are they from a SP? And the fruitbowl? If they are I've seen enough things today that I need to go and buy me some SPs...
I like what you did with the plants in the living area. Are they from a SP? And the fruitbowl? If they are I've seen enough things today that I need to go and buy me some SPs...
I know that some of the plants are from High-End Loft and the fruit bowl is Outdoor Living.
I recently decided that my Legacy Sim needed a place to be wed. So I built a cute little church. I'm thinking of uploading it but without the indoor chairs as they are from the store and can no longer be bought.
The Church from the Front and the Back:
The two bathrooms. The ladies get the one with pink tiles.
The ceremonial area. These are the chairs I would be swapping. There are two food thingy (forgot the name) at the back for outside.
The outdoor party area. There are seats to eat and a dance floor. The table with nothing on it is for a wedding cake.
Now I know the party area isn't what a real church would have, but this is a place to be married more than a church.
That Church is so cute Gogo, nicely done!!
Thread has been quite for a while now... Builders where are you !
I have been building a lot but haven't posted here, Here's somthing I just finished, it's a party beach, it's my first party lot ( club type) so I hope you could give Ideas on what I can possibly add, even if the beach is already on the swap shop (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7101.msg147179#new), all tips will be taken in consideration,
Looks really nice kiko! I have no suggestions! ;)
Have people forgot about my home? :(
Have people forgot about my home? :(
Haven't you already uploaded it?
Anyway, It looks really nice. The colour really contrast and the floor plan is great!
Zap, I think we all agree that there is nothing to say about your homes but perfections, I"m very bad at bundling houses, not to mention the modern style :P
Haven't you already uploaded it?
Anyway, It looks really nice. The colour really contrast and the floor plan is great!
I have?
Oh wait- *SLAP* I'm an idiot. I can't believe I forgot about that :-[
Maybe it's just because I didn't get any replies on this thread :P
EDIT: Oh yeah! Kiko and Gogo, both of your lots are amazing.
Except maybe that you could make it a tiny more dulled out, kiko. The way it is now sort of hurts my eyes with all the vibrancy (is that a word?).
Upload an forget .....
Everyone's grown so much as builders. <3
Everyone's grown so much as builders. <3
Danefaith's back! -Cheers-
Whens your next home? I need inspiration :( :P
well, I'm inching back in. A little rusty atm, so decided to do a simple modern. ;D
I'm happy with the exterior but i've tried and failed like three times to get myself started on the interior, so I might just fuddle around with architecture for a few before designing any rooms.
well, I'm inching back in. A little rusty atm, so decided to do a simple modern. ;D
I'm happy with the exterior but i've tried and failed like three times to get myself started on the interior, so I might just fuddle around with architecture for a few before designing any rooms.
Wow! I like it :) I would only change the patio in the third photo. I'd at that tiny border fence to the outside of the stone area, and maybe a tad more greenery. Maybe a zen garden? I don't know, anything you build should go into the actual game ::)
Edit: How do you do that frieze/foundation on the edge of the walls? I would love to know how to do that :P
Edit [2]: I've noticed that in the second photo, there is a uncolored wall section in the pillar you can see in the backyard/patio area.
I don't think everyone here has the same definition of the word "simple", :P Architecture is perfect ;D
Looks great danefaith.
If you don't want to do the rooms you could all ways up load to the Building Shells (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=4199.0) area and still share the house. hint hint ;)
Just catching up on all you guys have done and am amazed at all I have missed.
First of all let me say that we ALL have different things going on in real life that can cause a tremendous amount of stress and lead to negative feelings and reactions. No one here should take anything personally because really, it's all just someone's opinion based on their own tastes. So keep the love flowing to one and all, especially your own selves. Secondly, you hereby have my carte blanche approval to critique and/or criticize anything I build now, in the past or in the future unless I specifically say otherwise. If a build of mine sucks then say so. It's just your opinion after all! lol
Now, where to start. Moons I love your build and am downloading it. Great job.
Grim: I hate vampires but if I loved them I'd definitely send them to your awesome establishment. It has just enough creep factor to be interesting without being horrifying so I love it. Way to go with the castle! I still haven't figured mine out.
Pam: even though you removed it I went to check it out. Awesome as usual.
Zap: did you finish the inside? I haven't looked at the Swap Shop yet but what I saw I loved.
Dane: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I have so missed your fabulous houses and this latest one will be right up there with all the rest of them I love.
Ok, who have I missed? I can't see them at the moment but I know they are totally awesome! Oh yes, and executive lounge that was coming along beautifully, a game place that was terrific, oh, and that bar on the beach! WOW! Let me know if I missed anyone and I'll go look.
Thanks! This thread has been very helpful in helping me expand my building horizons. And I just love to drool over all the other marvelous builds here. :)
Just catching up on all you guys have done and am amazed at all I have missed.
First of all let me say that we ALL have different things going on in real life that can cause a tremendous amount of stress and lead to negative feelings and reactions. No one here should take anything personally because really, it's all just someone's opinion based on their own tastes. So keep the love flowing to one and all, especially your own selves. Secondly, you hereby have my carte blanche approval to critique and/or criticize anything I build now, in the past or in the future unless I specifically say otherwise. If a build of mine sucks then say so. It's just your opinion after all! lol
Now, where to start. Moons I love your build and am downloading it. Great job.
Grim: I hate vampires but if I loved them I'd definitely send them to your awesome establishment. It has just enough creep factor to be interesting without being horrifying so I love it. Way to go with the castle! I still haven't figured mine out.
Pam: even though you removed it I went to check it out. Awesome as usual.
Zap: did you finish the inside? I haven't looked at the Swap Shop yet but what I saw I loved.
Dane: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I have so missed your fabulous houses and this latest one will be right up there with all the rest of them I love.
Ok, who have I missed? I can't see them at the moment but I know they are totally awesome! Oh yes, and executive lounge that was coming along beautifully, a game place that was terrific, oh, and that bar on the beach! WOW! Let me know if I missed anyone and I'll go look.
I've finished the interior :D
It's on the swap shop right now :)
@Joria : thanks for the complimant, but technically it's not a bar :P more of a dance club I would say
Hey Dane is it on the Swapshopn yet?
Not yet, I need to touch up the backyard as zapkid remarked, and I think I'll give myself one more go on interior.
so, i started off zen... then ended up with this. ;D
Wondering: does the line of pots seem a bit excessive? The pool area seemed a little barren especially compared to the garden bar.
anyway, I finally cracked the interior! I made a joined(ish) living room and dining room on the first floor, to the right of the foyer with poolside view through the windows.
I think the pots are fine, maybe some other kind would look off, but those particular ones look really good. The house is great danefaith and I always look forward to seeing your houses. :)
Seems fine! I offer no suggestions ;)
welcome back danefaith!
I'm like the build, as usual :) but I'm not sure about those pots you pointed out. The red/green seems a bit loud. Maybe if they were the more muted tones of the wall lights on the other side of the pool, they'd look better? But it's stunning otherwise.
@Zapkid - A little late, but I really liked your modern. I will have to check it out on the Swap Shop.
@Gogowars - I really liked your chapel. Very cute. I love the back party area and the shade of green you used in the interior.
@kiko - Great beach club! I actually really like the vibrant colors, even though they aren't generally my thing. They work well here, though.
@danefaith - It looks great so far. Love the dining area. I really like the row of vases and wouldn't change them. I do think that maybe a more muted shade would work better. Can't wait to see the rest of the interior.
My Latest house, tell me what you think
Modern style, Red as main color, 2 bedrooms and a nursery + 2 bathrooms, all on a 20x20 lot
I'm afraid to go beyond the limited number of screens, if you think you like a room from the layout I'll post pic, you can already see it all on my blog (http://kikozone.blogspot.com/2011/10/red-in-forest-modern-house.html)already
I recently built a house for my Sims from my new Forum Sims Grab Bag. The pictures of it can be found here. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7171.msg148696#msg148696) Does anybody have any suggestions on improving it?
Kiko: I like the architecture style and the roofing. I'm kind of debating whether I like the red trimmed windows or not, but that's about it.
Interesting interior. Maybe a few too many identical patterns on rugs and window drapes. A few shade variations would add depth to the room. but overall, very nice!
So I think I finished up my current house.
Aside from final touches, this is pretty much done.
kiko--The exterior of your house is adorable. I love it. My only two suggestions would be to perhaps remove a rug from the upstairs hall area. Personally, I would remove the one on the far left corner (in front of the study) and center the other in front of the kid's bedroom. I also think the master bedroom may be a bit too red. It is mostly the red of the bed, I think. Maybe more white? Otherwise, it looks great.
danefaith--The interior is great. I love the children's room. It really appeals to me with the soft colors and patterns. I like the master bedroom, as well, but it does seem like it is missing something. Perhaps a pattern would help since the colors are a bit muted. I am actually quite fond of the palette you used, as it is some of my favorite colors/shades.
Now before you ask What was I thinking, know this. This is the first house I ever created in the Sims 3 and I wanted to test a few limits. I found and exceeded many...
Also this group of Screen Caps only includes the top 5 above ground floors... the limit to the # of pics in the thread would be acceded if I did all floors and the full angle outdoors shots.
After almost finishing the house (still 1.5 floors empty) I found that besides the pause glitch acting on full bore the load and render times became unbearable, this is exponentially compounded by the # of sims in the household. To take just these screen shots and exit took over a half hour from the main menu to quit game (forget trying to get better light as the tab shots are not allowed in build buy mode <ugh I do not want to even try running the house right now, they just had triplets and they are at child stage 6 sims arg>).
I do not want to delete the house hold as it is my longest running legacy and although I am not finished with/Proud of all of the house the are enough good parts IMO to keep it around for days when I'm am feeling patient.
Don't even ask for the lot because I would not wish this head ache on anyone!
5th floor
4th floor
3rd floor
2nd floor
1st floor
The different sizes are intentional. If you would like me to change them to all one size let me know.
Thanks Linley. I tried sneaking in a few more patterns, but either none seemed to fit, or they clashed with the rug pattern, so I'm going to have to hang my hat on it as is.
I through together a little photo tour, which you can see here [x (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=688)].
I present to you: Arrhenius!
danefaith--It looks awesome. Looking forward to seeing it in the swapshop. I would love to see a ariel view, though, so I can get a sense of the layout.
AbrahamC - That is a truly massive house and quite the undertaking, especially for a first build. I barely have the patience to furnish a house bigger than four bedrooms. :D That must have taken quite sometime to build.
AbrahamC - That is a truly massive house and quite the undertaking, especially for a first build. I barely have the patience to furnish a house bigger than four bedrooms. :D That must have taken quite sometime to build.
When I first moved in the only thins that were finished were the master bed and bath (3rd floor entire front of house the Gold/Tan rooms) the Hallways of floors 1, 2, and 3, the Great Kitchen (1st floor right side of Photo) and the Grand Dining room (1st floor Right side next to the kitchen)
I had to wait for the expansions to come out to even try and fill most rooms. The worst thing about the house is, I never planned for elevators...
That is simply stunning, danefaith! I always love your style of houses. Well done, as usual. :)
Welcome back, Danefaith! Great new house. :)
While exploring Appaloosa Plains I came across the Hydrangea House, a tiny Victorian starter, and decided to give it a reno.
I added in some things to accommodate pets, and haven't started on the upstairs bedroom area yet. Also, I didn't touch the landscaping. Any thoughts?
Looks great, Micler! Very good use of an oddly shaped room! I love houses with this exterior style, but I never can seem to pull it off. Great job.
Thanks all for the feedback, I'll retouching up the house after I finish my exams, I didn't really bother choosing a lot of patterns because I'm still experimenting around that, so once I saw a couple of good patterns, I didn't let them go :P
@Danefaith: House is amazing as usual, I like the color pots and wall lights, they break through the pastel scheme, if you have change something, I think it would be the pool walls, to give them some more colors, I have a lot of practice to do before I could mix patterns like that :P
@AbrahamC: the house looks amazing, from the floor shots, looks awesome, there isn't too much empty space , you should really give us a few more shots so we can enjoy it further
@Micler, exterior is great, and the color schemes blend in very well, you probably done it on purpose, but I think the tv should be placed in the correct spot, so it would give more walking space for your simmies, as far as the landscape, I would suggest using other types of flowers to give a more appealing look to it, and change the tree, the color doesn't bland well with the trees of that location
@AbrahamC: the house looks amazing, from the floor shots, looks awesome, there isn't too much empty space , you should really give us a few more shots so we can enjoy it further.
You weren't the only one to ask for more. So I will upload some more to the gallery and add a link Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=712) as well as to the original post.
Ugh here comes some long load times...
@ Micler: I love what you did with Hydrangea House! The outside is absolutely beautiful, as is the interior! I hope you will consider uploading it to the Swap Shop - I would definitely download it and replace the rather plain version that comes with AP.
Since I discovered how awesome horses are in the new EP, I've been working on building my Sim a new ranch house. I like the shape of the house well enough but am not certain about how the fields and barn look. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It will be a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a 60x60 lot. The barn has 5 box stalls and an accessable loft.
@Lynley1248 I actually like it as is. Did you happen to upload it to the swap shop?
I'm liking that a lot Lynley, especially the residence, but I am seeing some options for the field and barn.
For the barn, there are few options with roofing that will give it some extra pop. One option includes adding a level of frieze above the second floor, and then placing the roof section on that. This'll give us a bit more space between the two roof sections, creating a more dynamic look. There's also the classic dutch gambrel approach. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambrel In order to do this, make the area of the second floor one square larger on both sides, and then raise the pitch of the roof sections so they reach the peak. Then, flatten the roof section on the very top, to create the two slope look.
Other points for the barn: I'm not 100% behind the asphalt lining the perimeter. There may be better options a paved space here, or maybe just using dirt.
Now, looking around the field, I'm wondering about the fence. I'm thinking that a less decorative fence might be better here. The current selection is demanding a lot of attention, and its clashing with the simple elegance of the home itself. Those stacks of hay in the far left are probably better suited with the rest of the stacks next to the barn, and perhaps decreasing the amount of space that is fenced in could help as well.
@danefaith--Thanks for the advice. The roof actually is a Dutch Gambrel. I just didn't get the roof pitch low enough. I'll have to fix that. I am pretty sure it is the fencing and paved area in front of the barn throwing it off. Sometimes it is the more obvious problems that you miss. I tried reducing the fenced in area, but then it looked a bit crowded with the racing and jumping practice areas. I think a more unobtrusive fence would help that, as well.
@AbrahamC--I wasn't sure if I was going to upload, but if you are interested, I will when I finish it. There are several store items I'd want to switch out first.
@Lynley: looks great, my only suggestion would be dormers to break through the roof,
I have been working on a new community lot , a traditional divebar something like waylon's hunt, but a bit classier
Seems good. Like the eye on the drum set. I would remove the posters on the walls in the last picture though. They don't seem to fit :P
I'm starting something new soon. I'm probably going to do Ranch/Gym, need to catch up on plain old community lots. Expect them soon enough :)
Edit: Oh yeah, try repainting the dance floor. Right now it doesn't really match with the rest of the club.
This is my latest WIP - a horse ranch. I'm fixing it up as I get enough simoleons from races, breeding, collecting, etc., so there is much to be done with it, but money is very tight. Right now it is mainly functional - I have not spent much time decorating and landscaping yet. The farmhouse is a departure from anything I've built before and I'm really happy with how it is coming along.
The horse in the front yard is Tamsyn, my starting mare. The white horse in the training ring is Neptune, a stallion I adopted as a foal. I also have 2 unicorns (at the trough beside the barn), Sable and Boots. Sable is pregnant by Neptune, so we'll be hearing the pitter patter of little hooves soon.
I really like the shape of the house, and where you used the stone. That looks awesome.
Thanks everyone! I've begun finishing the upstairs, so I'll post pictures when I'm done.
@Lynley- That rancher is adorable! I love it, and the property is so pastoral. I agree with Danefaith about the paving around the barn, and the fencing.
@Katluvr- That house is great! I really like it. Once more landscaping is done the ranch will be beautiful.
I just found that my post's pics weren't showing correctly I re-uploaded them :)
It's coming along slowly, but the downstairs is almost done enough where I can share it.
Some landscaping and a facelift for the barn:
Ground floor overview:
Living Room:
Family Room:
Kitchen/Breakfast Nook:
The barn redo is awesome. It's complex and different but still has those traditional qualities that make instantly identifiable. The north facing barn wall could use some windows and embellishments though, as its pretty barren. That roof peak on the left side of the house could also use a window, once again, on the grounds its pretty barren.
The interior is pretty good overall. The sitting room is likely my favorite. I like the cream colors and deep reds, although I think fancier looking coffee table is needed in this case, to complement the nice, clean furniture set.
As for the family room, that cow print is pretty overwhelming. I'd suggest limiting it to one usage, and preferably a minor one. Like on the lampshade (love it there!) or the doggy bed, and replacing the frieze and carpet with other leather styles.
but yeah, I'm definitely digging it.
Thank you for all the feedback Dane, I really appreciate it! It's still a WIP and I'm grateful for the advice - will definitely be using it!
I think it looks quite nice Katluvr - and I didn't even notice the cow print until dane mentioned it so I'd keep it :)
I really like this house Katluvr. Personally, I like the cow print. I love using bold colors and patterns, and I think you've pulled it off marvelously! It's definitely my favorite room of the house.
The Cow Print, first thing that caught my eye very eye catching. But not my style I refuse to use any kind of fur or leather, even in game. :-\
Haha, you know I do have a bias to admit. I don't like the cow print.
Granted, more important is the fact that repeating a pattern as bold as a cow print causes it to lose its impact. If we isolate it to just the rug or frieze, it'll have a much stronger effect.
changing the cheminey's color to a white wood pattern can also make it good if you don't want to get rid of the cowprint
Finally got around fixing my last house, changed a few patterns, still got a long road befor mastering that skill :P
There's been some lovely buildings here lately! kiko, I like your use of colours and textures in your bar, the patterns are fantastic! Katluvr, I love how warm and open your house is. You've divided the space up perfectly. :)
I've been really busy lately, but I had a bit of time off and decided to make a Hangout for Sunset Valley. This is a conversion of the Recurve Strand beach:
To the right of the lot is an "oasis" that contains a pool, spa and rocks (some of which are actually rock-coloured beanbags for seating). To the left is the bar, dancefloor, fire pit and toilet/shower/changeroom. What do you guys think?
I think it looks beautiful Ausette! I love the beanbag/rock idea!
I love the beanbag-rocks! Also I like how you blended the dance floors and pool into the terrain colour so well.
I haven't been building much (or playing Sims) because of Exams, so this is exactly the motivation I need to get back into it.
Stupidly I didn't take much note of the buildings as I scrolled through them, so I'll be basing this off my memory and off what's shown in the posting preview.
I particularly like the floor. Earthy/browny colours have always been one of my favourites, so that snared me instantly. I also like the driveway concept (fencing around the terrain paint) - especially because I LOVE that paint.
(Hopes he's remembering the right thread) I like your bar, it's quite browny and dive-y!
I like the tiki theme! It reminds me of Twikii Island from TS2.
@katluvr- It looks great. I love the layout and the liivng room is wonderful. I do agree that the coffee table is a bit out of place. While the cow pattern isn't my favorite, I think it works pretty well here, especially with your choice of furniture. And I really love the barn.
@kiko- I really like the new patterns, particulalry the bed. And I really like your dive bar. It has an almost tavernish feel.
@Ausette- I love your beach redo. It looks fantastic and the rock-beanbags are awesome. I would have never thought to try that but it looks really cool.
thanks guys for the reply, I'm glad I got the tavernish feel right, because it was what I was triving for, I am working on 2 new houses as I writ, one of them is a classy estate wich is nearly finished, I included a little tresor room in it, I would have wanted to pictures of it, bu unfortunatly can't because I have no internet at my house, the other one is a beach house all made for the party theme, the shell is finished and about to start furnishing, pictures of will be coming once I get my internet back
ausette: great work with the beach , I would suggest a bit more landscaping on the entry (where the fence is) and removing the ladder, it's killing the natural theme if you ask me, and sims will still be able to use the pool
So here are my latest 2 houses : The McArther estate wich have a very classical style build to be a 4 br and 2.5 bathrooms, the other is a modern beach house called sandy rapture, build to be the ultimate bachelor party beach house, they are both on the swap shop now enjoy and leave feedback if you feel to (click on the images to got the threads)
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-b1pApaJH2Mk/TrcCROecMmI/AAAAAAAAAoI/63bK4s9dCZI/s1600/Screenshot-33.jpg) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7664.0)
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-B_lN8e9rpDk/TrfZSD40INI/AAAAAAAAAqI/GDNdZN7cmTM/s800/Screenshot-9.jpg) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7666.0)
The Recurve Strand is finished! Thanks everyone for your tips and comments. That ladder was a bit troublesome for me; it actually was neccesary at first because of the sloping lot, but I worked somthing out eventually by cheating. You can download the lot here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7654.0) if you like. :)
I like your mansion, kiko, I could never build in that style. The front yard is especially clever. That beach house is quite interesting too!
I wish I could landscape like you! I like to build but I always seem to fail at the yard...
@Ausette thank you for the compliments ! your beach is perfect now :D The beach house was inspired by your poolside club :P
@AbrahamC : thank you for the compliment :) Landscaping is the easiest part for me, you should have a look at the building tutorial list I had put up, I'm sure it will help you
Heres a new house I've been working on. Tips, comments, welcome.
This is nothing major, but I wanted to share my kitchen redesign in Riverview
(http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/9265/gabrielkitchen.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/196/gabrielkitchen.jpg/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
I've started building a new house that first was going to be a starter but now it's more of a 'home'. I'm not sure what to put on the back proch though. Suggestions?
I know this is for showing off our Sims 3 builds, but I came across this house I built and shared on a site for Sims 2. I quite liked this house, so I thought I might re-create it in TS3
The front
Kitchen with walk in pantry (just for show)
@Gogowars: I'd remove that big
yellow green bush in the front. It gets in the way of the home, which by the way matches in with Appeloosa Plains, which is probably what you intended to do :). On the back porch, I'd put a dog house, more plants out in the open and maybe a lawn chair or two.
@Twinmum: Mind if I try building that sometime? :P
Go for it ZapKid, I'd like to see your result.
@ Charlotte : looks great, very clean and peaceful, I would suggest changing the colors for the door and window, adding a big tree or two to give it a more natural feel , on the interrior I would only suggest a few rugs under the sitting areas, to give them a more homey feel
@Noshmek: I can't see your picture :( I always had problems with imageshack if you could re-upload it it would nice :)
@Gogo: house is looking great! my only suggestions would be windows on the that tower, even the small ones would do it, get a bit more colors on the landscaping flowers and bushes, to get it a more naturaly feel, on the deck I would suggest a dog house and couple of chairs and few plants like zapkid said, personally I like the tree :)
@twinmum: the house does look great, you should definitively try to re-build it
Go for it ZapKid, I'd like to see your result.
Thank you! I'm going to start sometime soon, it is a really cool looking house :D
I accidently didn't save the file but I still had the shell of the house before any landscaping and work on the windows. I made few changes to the outside and I've completed the kitchen/living area. The bedroom and bathroom are next.
I want this house to have a real, 'home' feel to it.
I've completed the last part of the house and am ready to upload. Still open to any suggestions as I probably won't upload until tomorrow.
i don't think there is anything wrong with this Gogo. The colours work very well and the layout is very well done.
It's looking great gogo ! my suggestion would be to change the tiling a bit, even if the color sheme works great, it's not blending very well, a bigger size tile would work better in my opinion :)
It's looking great gogo ! my suggestion would be to change the tiling a bit, even if the color sheme works great, it's not blending very well, a bigger size tile would work better in my opinion :)
Do you mean the floor tiles or the wall tiles?
walltiles, floor tiles pattern looks good, you should have used a simple carpet and used the same pattern on it, will look cleaner :) hope I'm not annoying you with those remarks :)
My upcoming project, this will be an apartment complex, there will be 3 fully furnished houses inside, (one for bachelor and another for family and the third one will be for a vampire) and by moving the markers, you will be able to choose which house you want to live in. There will be a small backyard for fun and gardening and the underground garage. (Big thanks goes to chuckles_82 for inspiring me)and sims will be able to access the floors using stair case, so stuck elevators? not a probleme, I might also realese a base game only version, since all items I have been using so far can be replaced easily, and the markers came with basegame Big thanks goes to chuckles_82 for inspiring me :)
EDIT: here, I uploaded it to a normal picture host, it was 2 am when I put the post, was too tired even to preview, sorry all :-[
my upcoming project, this will be an apartment complex, there will be 3 fully furnished houses inside,(one for bachelor and another for family and the third one will be for a vampire) and by moving the markers, you will be able to choose which house you want to live in, there will be a small backyard for fun and gardening and the underground garage, big thanks goes to chuckles_82 for inspiring me :)
the photo just shows red x for me. Sounds good though. Also, I've uploaded Saforia Bachelor here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=5884.msg118274#msg118274)
Yay, Vampire. Keep in mind though, not all vampires like darkness and gothic stuff. Some just want to be "normal". ::)
The picture isn't showing up for me either. Please check the link.
Kiko: Try right clicking the picture and choosing "copy image url." The facebook url doesn't work.
Speaking of which, in the mean time peeps, if you right click the broken image, and choose "copy image url," then post that url into the address bar you can see the image.
And I must say: wow! That's pretty darn spectacular Kiko.
Not so much a full build, but something I was happy with just the same. I've been playing around with roofs for the last couple of days and sometime I just look at real roofs and try to copy them. I quite like this one for a community lot. It would probably look much better on a foundation, but as I said, I was really just playing with the roof.
That looks really good Twinmum. Is that foundation between the two rooves ? :)
No, it's actually a full wall. The bottom roof was just pulled up to just under the windows.
sorry guys, I have fixed the link, and updated the description a bit, it was really late when I posted the first time, tell me what you think :)
@vamp : well we'll have to see about that ;)
@danefaith : thanks, I have been building my entire life to hear that, now I can die in peace ;D
@Twinmum : nice piece of work there ;D I'm pretty sure you got the roofing stuff correct now, would be great even that way for stable are I guess (sorry didn't notice the post last time :P
so I'm continuing to work on thees apartments, I have finished the public areas, now moving to the houses, I decided to also include a starting appartment, so now it is 4 places to build, not gonna be easy, but sure will be fun and great to have places for your sim as starter, bachelor and family guy without having to move here is what I got so far, not everything is re-colored yet, as might notice
view on the entrance:
stair case system overview
a few garage spots, you can also see the elevator shaft there
The first floor's relaxing area:
though this could stand as a "meeting" room for the building's occupants to discuss stuff
looking forward to your feedback :)
That last room looks very nice kiko, I can never seem to get decorating down quite like that.
And as for roofs, yes I'm pretty comfortable with them now :P I was just pushing the limits a bit to see what else I can do. I've been looking at real roofs as I drive around then come home and try to re create them in game.
thanks for the compliment, I have been watching tons of videos on YouTube and seeing a lot of houses on Facebook, and practicing a lot, and I mean a lot you are quite good especially with slopped lots, which I'm afraid of :P
I like the varied floor patterns. I myself can make a bad habit of using the same flooring for almost all of a building, when using a more varied selection often has a very positive impact.
Good furniture layouts but I am noticing that its pretty white heavy, and there's a bit of disagreement in between some colors. The art deco wall panels especially, seem to bring in a bit of earthiness in the elevator room, and some earthy jewel tones in the stair room.
it can be difficult to balance multiple colors or influences in a stark white room, but it's doable. Try working out some of those aforementioned earth tones or making them lighter, and don't doubt the power of "off white" shades. ;D
thanks for the tips dane, I used a lot of white indeed, because didn't want the place to look too homy, there is still a lot of recoloring to do like you noticed, I'm working on it, there isn't much furniture in the lobby areas, so decided to cool down the clors and keep them white / off white and light blue colors, will send a pic as soon as I can
so here are some recolored public areas, how do you think it is now ? I have also finished the starter, was under 15 k I'll get screenshots as soon as I finish the necessary photographs to decorate it
Recolored entrances
Recolored lobby areas
By the way dane, how is the house you have started on the other day :)
I really like the recolors Kiko, especially the second photo, the whites and off-white textures look good with the different shades of brown
Doing great Kiko!
Here's my new WIP. I'm liking how this one is coming out...
Feedback is appreciated. :)
I think it looks real nice zapkid. Is it for a single sim or couple, because there doesn't seem to be many seperated rooms.
Single. I'm thinking loft in this home. That area on the far right in the second photo is the main "bedroom".
Glad you like it. I decided to branch out and experiment with Friezes/Foundations. :)
Finishing it didn't take long :P
You can download CoffeeCake here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7800.0).
Gorgeous house Zapkid! I love how smooth and clean it looks. I want it in real life!
Lovely house, ZapKid. The brown feels like an unusual color for a modern design home. I like it.
Here's a 'little' build I'm currently working on. Of course, now I'm up to decorating and furnishing, which is where I always have the most trouble.
At the moment, I'm trying to decide if it needs a walk out basement rec room where sims can exit to go down to the beach. If I put the basement in, then I could add a window into the pool, which I quite like the idea of. I had thought of a window from the garage into the pool, but then I had visions of my sim hitting the accelerator instead of the breaks and driving into the pool ;D
It looks fine, aside from the lack of terrain paints/abundant bushes, and the "party" area looks overdone. Also, the fence (BauHaus one) appears odd, maybe a half wall would fit better?
But I love the elevation, I never got the hang of different elevations :P
It's still very much a work in progress, so terrain paints, and general landscaping have not been really touched on yet (except the palms) I used the higher fence because i wanted a private feel to the outdoor living area. I'll have a look though and try a lower fence. Maybe the fact that it is higher up will be enough privacy.
How do you think the outdoor area is overdone - too many things you mean?
This is the original house that I used as the design. I had to change a few things but the basic plan is much the same.
This is the original house that I used as the design. I had to change a few things but the basic plan is much the same.
Okay, that's freaky. I was working on a version of that exact house just this morning. Here's what I got:
That is very odd! I really like the look Ausette! Norma, the party area looks great but the kitchen needs to be coloured to blend in with the fence behind it.
Haha awesome that you were both trying to build the same thing - interesting that you both came up with something completely different! Looking at it, that house is practically made for sims. Now if I just used this... and that.... hmm...
lol, it is weird we were both working on it. I have had this one in mind for a while. I have a bookmark folder just for house plans I want to Sim. This one has a few variations, in one, instead of the outdoor living area, it has a small self contained unit or guest house.
lol, it is weird we were both working on it. I have had this one in mind for a while. I have a bookmark folder just for house plans I want to Sim. This one has a few variations, in one, instead of the outdoor living area, it has a small self contained unit or guest house.
HAHA! I've built that house as well!!!
Now that was funny :D , both of the houses look great, my suggestion to Twinmum is to recolor the high fence, and like zapkid said to switch the bahus fence with half wall (the one that ausette used) since you didn't touch the landscaping yet I'm sure you'll be fixing the bumps,
HAHA! I've built that house as well!!!
So have I, though I tweaked it a bit. :D It is a really cool house plan. Twinmum, I really like yours. I would use a recolorable fence around the pary area though so it blends in. It isn't the height throwing it off for me but the brick on top of the stucco. Other than that, I really like the exterior. I can't wait to see how the inside looks.
Zapkid: I love the rich brown of the exterior and the downstairs layout. It looks great so far. What windows are you using in the front?
Wow, I am going to build that too, it looks awesome :P
The windows on my house are from Bauhaus. You can find them here (http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12336&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:19504&pcategoryId=12859&ppcategoryId=12335).
Tee Hee, I also built that house months ago! My Sims have lived in it for a long time now. *Makes note to find game file and take some pictures to share.*
Now this is just crazy ;D
In some ways I think that this concept of using a house plan to make a house would make for an awesome building contest.
I love to see how people perceive aspects of plans and then how they translate in the game.
Kindest Regards
That would be a good idea. We could have a dozen entries and I'm betting they would all be different because even though we would all be working from the same plans, how we convert them to sims would be different. Maybe you could suggest this idea to samoht04 or Lilygirl.
That would be a good idea. We could have a dozen entries and I'm betting they would all be different because even though we would all be working from the same plans, how we convert them to sims would be different. Maybe you could suggest this idea to samoht04 or Lilygirl.
+1 to this idea. ;)
I was totally thinking the same thing! Another thing I was thinking of on similar lines would be to build a house from a tv show/movie. I'm always noticing houses in shows and thinking of building them. The problem would be finding pictures to show how accurate someone's build is. I built the Gilmore Girl's house for sims 2. And recently (since I have 2 littlies) have been thinking of building Peppa Pig's house, or maybe Olivia's house - they are quite simple, yet would suit sims perfectly (and if you have kids that play they would probably love it!)
upon looking for a picture of her house I found they even make it into a playset
I've changed the exterior finish, the fencing and the roof. Although, with this finish, I'm not entirely happy with the way the narrow windows at the front reach up into the trim, and because I really like the windows, I might change the finish again!
Internally, I've taken out all but a shell of the foundation, allowing a basement, but I'll probably wall it in a bit because I think there is just way too much basement. I've also added a window into the pool and I can see a bar area in front of that.
Still heaps of work to do, but it's getting there.
@Twinmum : the house looks great so far twinmum ! if you are worried about the windows touching the trim, I think there are versions wich are placed a lower then that, they also came with bahHus set and look exactly the same (I think), I have a few suggestions if you are interested to hear them :)
As far as I go, I'm still working on the apartments, and nearly done with the family level, only recoloring left, I would ask any opinions you have to say about the starter, and the scheme I have chose for the family house :)
First, the starter , you can see that I chose red, white and light green colors, I replaced the coffee machine with a microwave which was recolored to match the chairs, the "rug" is actually some simple flooring recolored
Now the study/ living area
and finally the bedroom:
now moving on to the family house, I'm still not sure about the color choices, I wanted to make it modern but still warm and comfy tell me what you think of it
@Twinmum : the house looks great so far twinmum ! if you are worried about the windows touching the trim, I think there are versions wich are placed a lower then that, they also came with bahHus set and look exactly the same (I think), I have a few suggestions if you are interested to hear them :)
I'm sure I tried all the BahHaus windows and the ones that are not too high actually do the same thing with the trim below! I'll play around a bit and see what I come up with. As I said, it's far from finished and I'm not rushing it.
Sure I'd like to hear your suggestions.
@ Kiko, I'm liking it so far. A few things though, that yellow painting in the Kitchen doesnt' really go in my opinion, it would look better in the bedroom. In the living room having the Bookcase there looks a little strange, I think it should be against a wall or a half wall, or a fence. I like the custom paintings. I'll have to try doing those on my latest project which is just a big shell right now.
thanks for the feedback thomas, I have work some more on this one, along with the family house which is complete mostly here is what I have done :
Here is what I'v done for the bookcase, used one of those screebs to separate Tv and study area
I followed your Idea about the painting and switched it with the photograph in the bedroom, I think it feels a lot better now :) *no pic, I got more important stuff to show :P *
View on the entrence to the family house, dining and kitchen
Family Area ,
[img width=640 height=400https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Pl7BzRX1PEg/TswCdD5LiLI/AAAAAAAAAvU/-tMCeIJ-ixY/s800/Screenshot-28.jpg[/img]http://Bedroom :
Kids Bedroom:
Feedback is appreciated :)
I think it's proper name is a Room Divider normally but it probably has other names, I call it a Screen though. As for the pillows I think you used a dark blue on the bed, well it looks like there is some blue in there. What about making that blue darker?
ok changed the color, I think it doesn't look too bad now, the rest of the house is ok ? concerning the color scheme
ok changed the color, I think it doesn't look too bad now, the rest of the house is ok ? concerning the color scheme
Looks fine, only thing for me is that those sofa's/chairs in the living area seem a harsher yellow than on the walls but I don't like yellow that much so it's probably just personal taste. Looks great though. :)
Looks fine, only thing for me is that those sofa's/chairs in the living area seem a harsher yellow than on the walls but I don't like yellow that much so it's probably just personal taste. Looks great though. :)
I love the house so far, kiko - it's really coming along great!
I understand what Thomas is saying about the sofa/chairs and also the TV stand. I happen to love that chartreuse color you used for them, but I tend to think of it as a cool color and you have used a warm yellow on the walls. I think it works the way it is, but might be more harmonious if you used predominantly a warm color on the furniture and only used the chartreuse as a highlight color.
I think you are right, I have modified it a bit and updated the post :)
I love the kitchen and master bedroom, kiko. :)
I'm a bit excited about my latest build, because it's based on one of my favourite houses from The Sims 2. I miss Strangetown. Here's the original:
And here's my very rough attempt:
I took some liberties with the back deck and I couldn't find a reference for the layout, but I think I did OK. It's a shame EA hasn't made any desert worlds yet, hint hint. :)
The latest Poll for a world has hinted at some kind of wasteland. There was mention of it in that survey they want people to do as well. It looks a lot like the Sims 2 House Ausette! It has a charm to it" :)
I am furnishing Belizza for my couple (who deserve chidren already) They have about 47,000 left after they bought the house.
Here is the bathroom.
I'll update this post with their bedroom in a couple of minutes. I truly need help 'cause that master is waaay too big.
The two things I really like is the fireplace and the gold/yellow and purple colors. ::)
I am almost done with the kitchen too.
So hopefully I post that today.
I found this page yesterday and I'm so happy because I was looking for a page where we can discuss our houses for a long time. It will be so nice if you give me some advice or constructive critic. Before I make some photos, I want to ask - is it enough to attach it on post or I must do something else? May I put photo of not finished house and ask for advice? Danefight-your last house Zen, it's fantastic! Guys, you are ALL amazing !!! :) Sorry on my English. Agi
Agneza, you can find the information you need in the following thread:
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,2881.0.html (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,2881.0.html)
Vamp, I like those rooms with the blue! I especially love what you did with that vase - very creative! And I must have a look for that horse painting - it's simply stunning. :D
@Ausette : Exterrior looks Identical ! nothing to say about that, only one thing that strikes me on the floor plan, about the dining table, maybe you should move it next to the living area, it will make routing a bit difficult there, there is a lot of space in the living room and it would fit well I think :)
@Vamp: you did a wonderful job there, love the carpet in the master bedroom, about your issue there are a lot of things you can do, add a sitting area, add a computer desk, a walk in closet, a small juice bar, they would help fill that empty space
Vamp, I like those rooms with the blue! I especially love what you did with that vase - very creative! And I must have a look for that horse painting - it's simply stunning. :D
Thanks. The fireplace comes with the painting, it came with Pets. It's called something Mural. :P
@Vamp: you did a wonderful job there, love the carpet in the master bedroom, about your issue there are a lot of things you can do, add a sitting area, add a computer desk, a walk in closet, a small juice bar, they would help fill that empty space
A walk in closet would be nice :D That's a very creative idea!
Here is the kitchen and the breakfast nook. I divided the kitchen and the nook with a wall because then the kitchen would be to bnig and it would be too much space to fill in.
I have to get better pictures...
any comments?
You could try a half-wall between the kitchen and the breakfast nook so while they are separated, it still feels like one room - more open but defined. Instead of the door, you could use the moveobjects on cheat and place a couple columns at the ends of the half-walls. Gives it a more finished look.
Oh I have the door so I can lock it and they'll be forced to eat in the dining room table ::) ir standing up...
I just finished the attic in my new country house. How do You like it? Any suggestion and critics are welcome. Thanks for the help
That is extremely beautiful Agneza!
Vamp, what's the point of having the nook if you're going to lock it? I like the others rooms but maybe you should add something like a bookcase into the master bedroom.
Thanks gogowars, I have the bookshelf on the right side, but it can't be seen on the photo. ;)
Agneza, I'm in love with that attic and I don't thing there is anything that should be changed. Ceiling is fitting perfectly, and it's great you playtested it and everything seems to be functional as well! Simply adorable place!
Vampire, that bedroom is huge and I would divide space in 3 uneven spaces, one small as entrance hall, place to read a book near the window, with lemonade or something, or a bar, or easel/artist room or whatever your sim likes to do. Second small one in the corner can be a closet as Gogo suggested, and you'll still have large bedroom area where the bed is now. I like the colors and what you did to the pattern on walls, but the space is huge and I would be puzzled what to do with it too!
Glad to see you here Agneza ! perfect room ! I have been looking at it for 5 minuts but couldn't find a singe thing to change !
Vampire, that bedroom is huge and I would divide space in 3 uneven spaces, one small as entrance hall, place to read a book near the window, with lemonade or something, or a bar, or easel/artist room or whatever your sim likes to do. Second small one in the corner can be a closet as Gogo suggested, and you'll still have large bedroom area where the bed is now. I like the colors and what you did to the pattern on walls, but the space is huge and I would be puzzled what to do with it too!
Sounds good! Will try this :)
That's lovely, Agneza! I love the look!
Vampire - have you same "bird " photo of house with biiig bedroom ?
I believe Kiko asked, but that looks cool anyways ;)
Sorry Zapkid, my mistake .
After Relaxing on doing that Natural Park which was very fun, I'm back working on the appratment, now the bachelor house, wanted to give it a zen and clean look (Zapkid style :P ) here is what I have for the great hall :
EDIT: I changed the room a bit, following agneza's suggestion, I would still like to add one more color to the mix but I have failed on each test, because each time I add one, I don't have enough Items to apply to, I'm desperate :-\
I want to avoid orange, green, red because I already used them in the other houses in the complex and would like to keep purple to the vampire house :P
I edited the picture with more detail :)
I edited the picture with more detail :)
It looks really blurry to me for some reason? I tried refreshing the page but still looks the same.
Now that was awkward, I did preview befor posting and it was normal, I re-pasted the link now
Now that was awkward, I did preview befor posting and it was normal, I re-pasted the link now
Much clearer now, thanks! :)
Did you want any feedback on it? If you do then to me it's seems like an odd mix of colours, decide on a colour and work to it, the LN Paintings don't go with the Painting of the Dragon Master dude. I think if you put a pattern on the walls or some colour that might help.
the painting isn't the final thing,
I just used them to remind me to place custome photographs there, also the dragon dude didn't show up when I installed the lot, neither did the sketches, I don't think they transfer (I forgot to add them in the first place befor uploading :P) I will work around to get a pattern to the wall, will see what I can get.
I have worked more, how much of a mess is it now :P
*Lol my 800th post in this place :o
Kiko I cannot build but I can see when something look nice! I like the walls very much.
My new project "Dynasty villa " I just finished first floor, its huge...for 8 sims (4 bathrooms, pool, hot tub, summer kitchen, 2 garages, 2 basements, vegetable garden, space for pets,playgroud, music...Uff...I hope you like it...
Kiko, that rooms looks a lot better now. :)
Agneza, that house looks very beautiful!
I have a build I'm working on, it's not ready to show yet because it's still in early stages. I'm happy with the design just the usual landscaping and exterior, then the interior to do.
Thanks thomas and love sims, I'm hoping to finish that place now, since I got a nice base to work from :)
@Agneza : now that is one awesome project! I'm gona tackle a similar project soon, hope I will have enough patient to finish it, this appartment is really time consuming, I would suggest adjusting the roof a bit, that is all I can say about it !
Thanks guys, I will adjust roof at the end!
ThanKs gays, I will adjusting roof for the end 15 !
I hope I don't sound silly but don't you mean guys. ;)
And kiko that living room is very very nice. ;D
Kiko - now it is great. I like the picture on the wall, it's much better then previous one.
@Agneza That house is gorgeous. It looks like something you see when you look up house plans. Beautiful.
Thanks Twinmum, I'm really glad you like it. I never look at real house plans, I like to do everyhting by myself. I build and demolish, build and demolish ... But here where I live, this style is common ;)
@Agneza that house look amazing! I hope you show us the inside when it is finished!
Do you remember my Green country house (attic) ? Today I finished the kitchen - hope you like it ;)
Wow perfect :O
That is a very beautiful kitchen Agneza, I love the colors :)
Time for my first post here on something I'm building. :) I've always had a passion for looking at house plans. I really enjoy finding a real-life house plan that I like and building it in Sims. Well, I found a house that I fell in love with. However, it didn't have a floor plan to go with it - only lots of screenshots of the exterior and interior. See below:
http://www.seddoncc.com/portfolio/english_manor.html (http://www.seddoncc.com/portfolio/english_manor.html)
So I've spent about a month figuring out where the rooms are (at least on the ground floor). And I finally got brave today and started building it. This is a work in progress, but here's what I have so far.
Dining Room - which I'm fairly happy with how it turned out.
Kitchen - this was a challenge and while not perfect, I'm fairly happy with it so far. Although I've already messed with the wall coverings since I took this. lol
The upstairs is going to be a big challenge as there are few shots of it. Also, there's a room on the ground floor that isn't accounted for which will probably become a study/office since the library looks like it's just for reading.
Oh my gosh! That is beautiful!
Oh my Goodness ! That is a beautiful house.
Only thing I would say is a little bit of landscaping. ;)
Samoht has a lovely thread with loads of landscaping ideas.
Over all though this house is perfect.
@Agnes that kitchen is dreamy! Dellena it is n amazing house! :)
Landscaping will come. :) Those first shots are just the shell of the house up. And even then, after I took those shots, I figured out the house was too deep and I moved the whole front of the house back about 4-5 squares.
Dellena - great house. Rooms are looking beautiful. I think that wooden floor in the kitchen isn't so practical, but that is only my opinion. I belive that it will be perfect when you finish it. I'm waiting for more pictures :)
Ahh! That is beautiful! Can you upload the building shell? I am completly in love with that house! The first picture it looked real, haha.
Thanks everyone. :)
Agneza - I kinda agree although looking at the website photos provided, it appears the whole house is wood floors. Bet that was expensive!
VampirePlasma - I'm using a lot of CC, even windows and doors. However, when I'm completely done with the house, I'll do a special copy with everything stripped out but the walls and roof. Then you can decided how you want to do the windows, doors and some of the arches. :D There was no way to match the style of the house with EA content. My TSR subscription is worth every penny on this house! ;)
Here's a few more updates:
Family Room
Breakfast Room
Wao !!! Braaavo ;D
Dellena that house is absolutely STUNNING. You definitely have a talent for building!
It is realy beautiful! Every snob sim's dream come true ;D
Thanks all. :)
I warmed up the color on the kitchen walls. I think I like it better. What do you think?
Here's the Music Room:
And this is to mainly duplicate a picture from the house's website. It shows how the formal dining room is opposite the hall from the music room.
If I can't afford it in real life, at least my sims can! LOL
It's beautiful, make me wish I was a sim lol!
That is a great house dellena ! all I can say about living room is maybe to recolor the piano, other wise I think it is perfect .
I've made the piano more reflective but keeping it black as that's how it is in the house shots. And it's like the one my sister has in her house. I wish I had room for one at home as I love to play.
And here's the Library:
Ok, last update from me for today. It's bedtime and my mouse hand is tired. LOL
Here's the formal living room (I had no photos to go on for this room so this is all me):
Here's the main hallway from the front door to the back door:
And from the back door to the front door:
And I feel there's enough of the ground floor done now to screenshot the layout:
I still have a couple small areas to complete on the ground floor and I intend to place a second stairway going upstairs in the long hallway. Then to start tackling the upstairs. I'm slowly working on the landscaping. I read in the Create-A-World instructions that it's best to limit the number of outdoor plants on the lot to about 4 species to allow for best rendering performance. So I'm going to try my best to stick to that number. The cherry blossom trees will be a feature as I'm going to call it Cherry Blossom Estate. :)
So, eventually, I'm going to play this house. And I've been knocking around the idea of who would live in this house. For some reason Lara Croft jumped to mind. So I'm thinking of making that type of character (and since I have World Adventures, it could be really fun - I haven't done an Adventurer in a loooong time). I'll add a structure to the property for martial arts training.
Today I just worked on the Master Suite. See what you think.
Master Bath
Master Bedroom
Master Sitting Room
This is a preview of some of the buildings I have made, and a few overall shots of my new world. If anyone has ideas for a name for my world I'd be happy to consider them, and for any of my lots, because I'm not great with names. So far my two main ideas are 'Fieldsville' (like as in Winchestertonfieldsville from Mr Deeds) and 'Summerset Isle'.
I'm also open to any feedback.
The story of my little modern island is that a cruise ship full of well-off families became ship-wrecked on my island - which had never been discovered - suprising with our modern-day technology. Of course, because it is modern day, they were quickly rescued. The richest family, the Fields (? maybe?) gained rights to owning and naming the newly discovered island, and sought to build the perfect community there. Due to 'space restrictions' all lots (except for the equestrian centre, because horses don't like stairs) are 15x15 (actually I just like making mini lots).
Very few people died when they were shipwrecked, however they are buried at the cemetery at the edge of the cliff where the ship struck the rocks.
That is all I've got so far.
I have begged and borrowed ideas from CC resources (there is NO custom content in my world except for patterns) and some of the fantastic builders here, but are few are completely my own creation too.
The Island
Birdseye view (never mind the tree in the middle of the bay - I've since fixed that)
The Graveyard (I know, I have a talent for stating the obvious)
Secret Falls (I've done a bit of work with the waterfall since, because the placement of the effects isn't quite right yet)
Fishing Spot behind science facility (names welcome)
Fire Department
Medical Centre
~~ Research Industries
Library and Bookshop
~~ Civic Services Office
More to come - I've been rather busy...
I think the master suite is spectacular. I really love the purple. There are some pieces I don't recognize, so I have to ask... do you have any third party custom content in that house?
Healthy, Wealthy and Fields(?) Fitness Centre
Business Park (names?)
~~ Enrichment Day Spa (interior decorated shell for spa)
~~ Private and adjoining school yard
Consignment and Grocery Store (names?)
~~Fine Dining and Business Centre (interior decorated shell for business/bistro)
Sports Bar (names?)
~~ Little League (Stadium shell)
Plasma Makes Perfect (Vampire Bar)
Simply Fusion (Lounge)
still more to come...
My goodness, Chuckles! Those modern buildings are awesome! ;D
Shades of Grey (dive bar)
~~ Recycling Centre
Club X (dance club - a WIP)
Mini Zen (I'm not sure if I'll include this one, or upload it as an optional extra - thoughts?)
name? partly inspired by one of Ausette's builds, I think - another WIP
name? this one is a family house - I think I put room for 4 kids
Modern Mini (yes that is a build very similar to one of Samoht's builds in the background - I'll only include it with his permission - more images to come)
Still more to come...
adjusted 'Your Quarters, Dr Rush' to expand on 15x15 and fix issues with spiral stairs :( Many of my lots may in fact be awaiting a patch for the stairs. I can rarely get them working.
Fieldsville(?) ool (Please notice that there is no 'P' in our pool. Please leave it that way)
Play Park (names?)
The Pond (fishing spot [duh])
Picnic area (names?)
~~ Pictures (cinema shell)
what do they call that place in AP where they go to practice riding? It's that.
Criminal WH shell (will be a modern farmhouse next door)
one more post to come...
and last but not least, I felt obliged to show how I rebuilt on a 15x15 lot, and then completely redesigned the interior of 'Red and White'. Credit goes to Samoht for the original build.
Chuckles those buildings are all absolutely wonderful! Please please please upload them to the swap shop - I would love to have them!
The entire world will be uploaded to the swap shop (I can do that, right?) when it is finished. I'd say I'm probably 3/4 done. I have some more houses to build, a few more community lots, add a comparative amount of beautiful vista bonuses to a few lots.. and then some polish I think. Oh, and more play-testing.
In the meantime, ideas for names for the world and some of the lots will be very helpful!!
Pam - Dellana does have a lot of CC in that House.
Chuckles - Oh My Wowzers. That is a very beautiful collection of mini Lots and I love all of them! Of course you can use that rebuild styled on my Lot! Loving it all so far! As for CAW those cliffs need more terrain painting, lower the falloff and opacity on some grass or dirt and go over lightly on those cliffs to add some detail and smooth of that rocks.
I've been building my own World as well, it's slow but steady. It's a Fantasy/Country style World and was inspired by Agneza's Fairytale Builds. I placed lots but I think I'm going to have to remove them because ANushka said by altering terrain after placing lots you can get a glitch... Any thoughts so far? Nowhere near done though.
None of the terrain painting is really done, mainly just the areas with trees. I hope I have enough Community Lots though, I didn't count them, Lol.
You might have enough if you are using shells, and you cram some shells onto the same lot. I really like the section that you have added the trees to, and the dirt track.
Thanks for the tips on the terrain paint. I'm not especially good with it, but I'll give it a go. I may need to download some more terrain paints.
Thanks for letting me use the lot :D
@Chuckles: I want that world! It's a modern dream! It looks so fresh and urban and luxurious and wow!
@Thomas: I like what you have done so far. I like the inspiration behind it and the fantasy theme sounds lovely, I can't wait to see more. :D
Thanks Fez. :) I'm trying to get terrain paints right in the centre of the town but it's being difficult on me, Lol. I also have another island that is postponed whilst I do this World, I keep switching back and forth between them and then to Ruby's World but that is very slow and I am not happy with that one. I also have an idea in my head of a Mountain top type World but I don't know, might end up with that today as well. :P
Chuckles, You are doing a great job on your world. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished and downloading it.
@Chuckles: Stop, stop, stop! You're going to stamp my talent into the ground for building houses! :P
@Samoht: I am absolutely loving it. I have a request for it though, could you please upload the same world with no homes/community lots on any lots? That way, I could build on it without having my computer glitch out because of the full world.
I definitely don't need this, but it really is a gorgeous world and would be amazing to build in. :)
@Samoht: I am absolutely loving it. I have a request for it though, could you please upload the same world with no homes/community lots on any lots? That way, I could build on it without having my computer glitch out because of the full world.
I definitely don't need this, but it really is a gorgeous world and would be amazing to build in. :)
I second this. Please?
Thanks ZapKid and Neon! I was planning on it, one empty, one full and then uploading a save game including some townies I make. I may also upload townies separately so people could pick and choose or something. Just so you know it isn't going to be a neat and modern world, there's a lot of dirt and I've tried blending the roads and paths in with a similar terrain paint to make it seem like the middle is worn from use. Can't get those darker sidewalks though.
P.s Welcome to the forum Neon, I don't think I've seen you around before? :)
Chuckles82 - Beautiful interior :)
Samoht04 - I'm waiting for your new World !!!
My new project "Beach house" (lot 20 x 15 ) - is not finish. For now I send few photos. Comments and landscaping ideas for this lot are welcome .
Chuckles I just saw your photos - you are amazing builder. I love your houses ;D
Agneza, I am in love with that beach house! I like the waves on the walls and the blue colour scheme is very fitting. It's gorgeous! :D
Agneza, I'm liking the beach house, although I think that overhang may just overhang a little too much without supports?
I did some more work, well kinda. I did routing and stuff since I finished pretty much with the terrain painting. The camera routing didn't work... the Sim routing did though. I then exported it to the proper game to try it out. I did a quick template house/style of what I'm thinking of filling the place with later and the trees around this are added through World Editor so they will change. Thoughts?
This is a footpath, specifically the one that leads to the house. Mainly to show you the blending of path and terrain paint. Just spotted that peak thing there, that needs fixing, or removing, Lol.
This is a quite large stream... Or small river, I'm going to try and see if I can make it look like it comes out of a cave or some underground water system.
From the top of the ridge down across the main town:
So you are going to upload it without any builds? Sorry if am being pushy, I really like it.
I'm uploading two versions. One with no Houses/Buildings and then one with buildings made by me.
Yay, so I'll have too perfect worlds.
Samoth04 - I saw on the internet a house with much more overhang without support and I try to make something similar. I know I'm not so good with modern houses, but I hope one day will be better.
Now those worlds are so amazing ! there is nothing I can say about those buildings chukcles ! I'm really bad at picking names too, that is why I always ask a friend or ask on the sims 3 official fb page, there are some very creative people who could help
@Agneza : Beach house is amazing, your recolors are flawless, as Thomas said, it would look better if you used higher foundation and made it a bit wider, you can try to lower the terrain below it to give it more balance, maybe also too much blue on the outside covering, but I'm not an expert on that either :P
Now my turn to show off :P I have build this house for my current household, so you might understand the weird colors sometimes, , here is what I got :
This is the first time I tried to play with the terrain tool a bit, it was a mess, tried fixing it with foundation :P and used the 1 squares to use the glass house landscape
Let me know what you think ;D
Samoth04 - I saw on the internet a house with much more overhang without support and I try to make something similar. I know I'm not so good with modern houses, but I hope one day will be better.
That house is very nice, don't get me wrong about that. Just for me that overhangs a little too much and to me looks like it needs some form of support like a wall or column or something. :)
@ Kiko, I like it, very modern looking and has a lo of nice features. From the outside I'm not so sure about that long room with all those windows, are the windows needed? I'm wondering what it looks like without them.
It was originally build with no windows, then I added only the middle row, but it kind of looked dull, so I though of adding the windows like that, it is just a one square wide long room to cover the slopped driveway, so those windows are there just because I couldn't figure out what to do else :P
Love the interiors, Kiko.
@kiko I like what you did with the plants growing in the foundation - I actually have something similar in mind for an entryway to another modern mini. It's very effective. With the other plants, in the living room and kitchen however, I think it might improve it if you either remove a few, or change them for some more variation. I especially like those tropical leaves of repose myself (from memory I think that's what they're called).
@Thomas: Your world is coming along nicely! I really got the fantasy feel of it with that screenie of the male sim running along, I am putting my name down on the 'will download' list! :D
@Kiko: I am going to invent something that lets humans become sims for a day, then I will live in that house. It's gorgeous! :D I especially like the mix of plants and metallics in that last screenie.
@Thomas: Your world is coming along nicely! I really got the fantasy feel of it with that screenie of the male sim running along, I am putting my name down on the 'will download' list! :D
Thank you Fez! :) I'm hoping this World won't take that long to complete, well all the building might but the World itself is something that I can do on School Nights because it doesn't take ages for the game to load up and all that. CAw is quite fast on my PC.
CAw is quite fast on my PC.
I guess you are one of the lucky ones, I can barely get it to run! xD
I can't even get it to download, haha.
Samoth and Kiko thanks for advice. I'll try change something. :)
thank you fez and dellena for the compliments :)
@Chuckles : I though it would fit nicely into the "one with nature" house theme, it is also a great way of decoration patios and balcony's , this is house was all about me using any peice of store Item I own, I did notice the excessive (abuse :P) of that plant, I will be giving that a second though ;D
Chuckles, I just have to say WOW! That world looks amazing!! I absolutely love all the buildings and how modern it all looks! The Vampire Club is a favourite of mine!
Thomas, I love love love the landscaping you've done, I really like the island and the streams. I will definitely be downloading an empty version and a full version!
Please, let me know it is better now? Before I go on ;)
Please, let me know it is better now? Before I go on ;)
I prefer that one now! :)
and I, thanks Thomas for advice :D
Awesome ;D
@Agneza: It still looks amazing, and a lot more realistic, too, with the stoney walls and foundation. It's stunning! :)
Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help :)
I made today Starter home "Beach house" on lot 10 x 10, cost 10155, need only Base game . If you like I'll send to the Swap Shop
I'm pretty sure that one is a go ;D very lovely, since you have some budget left, maybe you could add a couple of windows on the front ? you would still have place for paintings I guess, the one above the bed is really pretty, if you have used a photograph then you should add WA to the EP's list ;)
Thanks Kiko, I' ll remove photo.
oh don't remove photo agneza - it's beautiful. Please upload it to the swap shop - it's a lovely house.
Agneza, I love that beach starter. I can never get my beach homes to look that bright and fun. :)
Chuckles, WOW. That world just blew my mind, I can't believe how modern and realistic all the buildings look! I'm also thrilled to hear I inspired one of the houses :). My only suggestion is that I think the graveyard would be cuter without the fence.
We all know how much I like converting old lots into Late Night bars, and this time I tried turning Mosquito Cove into a Dive. It's right next to the Criminal Warehouse, so I thought it'd work well as a dodgy bar. I just playtested it, and all the Sims tried to get in through the side door that leads to the bar instead of the front door. Does anyone know how to fix that?
ausette it is a really dirty bar ! very nice, I also noticed that issue with some of the buildings I had, so what you need to do is testingcheatsenabled true, and then shift click on a side of the lot you want to be the front, the option to set as front of the lot should be there :)
Ausette- this bar is fantastic, so reall ! I like is very much ;D
Kiko - thanks for advice, I changed little. See in Swap Shop. I hope you like now ;)
I finally finished the Cherry Blossom Estate. I did a youtube video of it as a slideshow to music. See what you think.
Dellena - its really so beautiful (music to), but I think without all this CC stuff , was impossible made something so charming like this manor. Landscaping is also very nice. Lovely house ! Bravo, very hard and terrific job ;D
Thanks! Some CC I could live without, but on a project like this, the big ones for me are decor items like curtains, nic nacs, plants/flowers, and paintings. On a large build, there's just not enough pictures/paintings of the right style to work. And I'm having a glitch where I can't get my sims to paint their own stuff like portraits, etc. I really miss from Sims 2 being able to get the Sim to paint something screenshotted from outside the game. That was brilliant (sigh).
that would be a great feature, did you try photography ? it is a powerful skill when coming to decorate, you can make some neat abstract paintings or take landscaping shots, they are not worth a lot, but they still pretty up the house, but as for plants you are right, there aren't enough choices even with all the store and EP / SP items.
Little decor items for tables and shelves are a bit lacking as well. I've done a bit of photography but there's no way to take a picture in game and it look like a Monet. ;) And with the bedrooms, I first looked for the artwork to make the rooms around. The master bedroom colours were picked based solely on the two pictures hanging behind the bed. :)
Help ! How I fix this hole, I demolished floor up made it again, but hol is still here, some advice please :'(
Dellena,I agree - curtains are terrible, and flowers... ::)
Have you tried placing a flooring on the floor above, I think you might have to do that to place a ceiling.
Have you tried placing a flooring on the floor above, I think you might have to do that to place a ceiling.
That was going to be my suggestion as well.
Dellena,I agree - curtains are terrible, and flowers... ::)
Always makes me wonder what the ratio of male to female is on the design staff at EA. ;)
Thomas this no help smrc :'(
Can you go to the floor above that one, do a screenshot looking straight down and post that?
It happened to me to Agneza, It ruined all of my screenshots, I couldn't find a solution, I noticed the other day that a few floors tiles were scattered around the lot (they white very very thin white lines) that looked like a bug, if you ever find thees use level terrain tool on them, don't know what else to suggest, I have tried a lot of things as well and it didn't help me either :(
I fixed that holl with flat roof!!!, ufff... thanks for helping me ;D
Oh Agneza it's stunning! I (nearly) always love your work - you're a really wonderful designer. How much is that house worth?
Also, I just want to suggest to everyone who builds and uploads to the swap shop - please play test your houses before uploading (if you don't already). I just had problems recently with a house I downloaded, and it'd be nice if everyone could make sure their houses work before uploading. :)
Oh Agneza it's stunning! I (nearly) always love your work - you're a really wonderful designer. How much is that house worth?
Also, I just want to suggest to everyone who builds and uploads to the swap shop - please play test your houses before uploading (if you don't already). I just had problems recently with a house I downloaded, and it'd be nice if everyone could make sure their houses work before uploading. :)
I hope not my houses, because I test few time every house. Sorry, sorry I removed photo, wrong shot... Im very glad you like my work ;). House price is about 90 000. Did you see attic from this house ?
No no it's not your house I had problems with Agneza, so don't worry. I have already contacted the builder in whose house I found glitches.
Why was that the wrong photo shot? It looked fine to me. I don't remember if I saw an attic - I would check but the photo's no longer there lol. :)
Pallyndrome see page 76 and 77. The photo was old.Ill put new tomorow ;)
Normally I'm not a huge fan of my building skills. I think I do decent but I don't think I'm nearly as amazing as some of the rest of you guys. However, I had a friend send me his game file and he asked me to do him a sunroom. I think this is possibly the best room I've ever done. I just thought I would share with you guys. A lot of the ideas I had came from a couple of the people on this board.
Please ignore the rest of the house. I didn't touch it. ;D
That looks really nice Ricalynn. I love sun rooms/conservatories/greenhouses.
I really like the colours you used in this room Ricalynn, very cute. Also, I did not know that you could put objects on the "shelf" part of the windows that extend out of the wall!! This is great news!
If this is what you showed in the swap shop, I think it looked better with the fangs they way they were, personally. I can't really wrap my head around the body anymore either.
Ricalynn - Great job on the sunroom! That looks really nice.
At last I finished my Green country house with attic, how you like?
Pallyndrome - as I promised, photo is here- sorry again ;)
norenegonc - is it cat?
Hm... would it make any difference if I told you those were wings... lol, maybe it is time to go back to the drawing board.
Hey guys, I wanted to get some of your thoughts on my current building. So far I only managed to finish most of the CFE work. My questions are three...
1. Any guesses on what this animal is, I am wondering if I managed to get close to what I imagined (hint - although I didn't intend it, it kind of looks like a baby of this animal)
2. I have been trying to figure out what to do with the legs. The little guy is meant to be resting on all fours but for some reason it just doesn't look like that. In the images you can see the left front leg and the right hind leg jutting out and the right front leg is curled under his body. But for some reason something is off and I cannot figure out what.
3. Last one, is the tail too big lol. I cannot decide if I like it or if I should make it smaller.
Thanks guys!
Lol yikes, a cat was not my intent. Ok one last hint before I try fixing it. This animal does not exist in reality.
Total guess is it some kind of dinosaur?
huh? umm is it a dragon?
Agneza, that cottage is just adorable! You really do that fairytale style amazingly! :D
norengonc, I have no idea what it is, Lol. Is that the colours is it supposed to be? For some reason Turtle springs to mind..
Hm, okay let me try recoloring it first lol. Maybe fixing a few things. After all that CFE I might as well do all the easy bits. Cheers guys.
Perhaps a pegasus?
Agneza, that cottage is just adorable! You really do that fairytale style amazingly! :D
norengonc, I have no idea what it is, Lol. Is that the colours is it supposed to be? For some reason Turtle springs to mind..
LOL, That's what I thought, but it was more like "Flying Turtle. . ."
Lovely, Agneza!
beautiful agneza!
Ok so the sims finally did something incredible. I don't know if you know this but the game makes saves of your game from time to time. So I was thinking to refill in the wings after reading your guys' comments, but of course after curving this is not something one can do. So I went to my last save that I saved and it was ages ago. So then! I go to the saves folder and restore the latest backup save and behold my creation right before I deleted the wings. Ok long story short I did some recoloring and stuff so what do you guys think so far. Another hint btw, I started off intending for this to be a lion but I didn't like the head. So I deleted that but left the lion body and created a new head. It is still nowhere close to done, I am going to recolor it again with stone colors and then there is landscaping and a bit of designing etc etc.
Dellena Pallyndrome,Thomas - Thanks, I like this house very much ;)
My new project - Fairytale Cinema (not finish)
Agneza - Ooooooooooooooo!
\\norenegonc, an scorpion, a flying one.
\\Agenza, that's genius! It's great.
agneza - lovely as always :)
norenegonc - I understand now! It's a griffin, no? The wings look awesome and the head makes sense now. Not sure if the legs look right yet.
Thanks , thanks, thanks I'm happy you like it and my Sims like to ;D
Yeah, I can see why the legs scream turtle. I have been back and forth with them, but making legs look as though the creature is sitting is very... challenging. I threw in the claws to make it more obvious but I still am not getting the effect. And of course the hind leg can no longer be CFE's without ruining the wings and let's face it... I am not touching those wings again hah. I could still do something with the foreleg though, but I do not know what. Any thoughts.
Ok yet more images lol. I started with the outdoor designing. So I wanted to get your guys' thoughts yet again. My questions are - what do you think of the semi-underground garage, can you tell what the floor design is in the front (the one that includes the fountains), and yeah or no on the fence in the front. I feel like the fence creates a sort of quaintness but I am usually not a big fence guy. Thanks again, cheers!
Quick note - best to click on the images to see more detail otherwise it is hard to see what the floor design is. Oh and the colors are not final for the front yard.
Is the fountain design meant to be.... flowers? I'm a bit stumped on that. The garage looks great, except for the humped down ramp. I have smooth garage ramps on the swap shop - though I have no idea how they did it. I like the fence. :)
Ok so.. fixed all the colors, finished the landscaping and tried again to fix the legs lol. So I guess my first question now is, what do you think of the windows. I kind of threw them wherever, I had no idea of how to deal with windows for a house like this lol. I did not take any images of the inside, but I did manage to wall off rooms and then threw in windows accordingly. Also, what do you think of the swimming area. I didn't intend for it to look like a squirrel but after making a few curves here and there it kind of looked like one so I figured meh, might as well throw in some legs and color it accordingly lol. And lastly, how do the flower designs look in the front now. I moved some stuff around so it looked more distinct. And as always thanks for your thoughts, cheers!
I have smooth garage ramps on the swap shop - though I have no idea how they did it.
You'll need to pause this video as he's doing it so you don't miss any steps, he goes kinda fast. But it's how to build an underground garage with a nice ramp. :)
My new project - Fairytale Cinema (not finish)
Absolutely J'adore.
Hey do you mean that the incline is too curved and should be a straight decline or are you suggesting I use foundation. The incline I was meaning to fix, similar to the incline in the swimming area. Foundation was a conscious choice, the technique I used involved half walls, columns and fencing lol. Although it did create that dramatic decline along the sides, maybe I should just do foundation and not try to be unique lol.
Hi, I made this house today - Fantasy beach house, but I' m block , I feel something is wrong but I don't know what. I'm not satisfation, little help...?
Hi, I made this house today - Fantasy beach house, but I' m block , I feel something is wrong but I don't know what. I'm not satisfation, little help...?
mayhap some more landscaping on left hand side
My old " Disco aqarius" Before I put in Swap Shop I would like your opinion- :-\
I like it! Looks fun!
As for the fantasy beach house. Is there a purpose for the one roof to stick up? I think it might be fun to do a face on the other roof as well but like an opposite one or different colours.
I think both your buildings are fine, agneza. I especially like the mermaid area in the bar.
norenegonc - I meant that the incline is too curved - I thought it should be a flat decline, like in the link Dellena showed. I don't know what you mean about foundation.
Dellena , good idea I'll tray tomorow. House inside is ok, maybe this right roof is too much... :-\
@Agneza, I like what you did with the inside of your fantasy beach house. Way to make use of minimal space!
This is my latest 15x15 mini addition
A few tricks I've used here are to delete two levels of wall in the garage so that the garage door looks right. There then is a small gap above it, inbetween the door and windows, so I've put a mini verandah and then two door arches underneath to hide the gap. Inside I have used the same arches with doors aswell to have doors that are the full height of the wall (and one on the side of the garage to get in). The planter box out the back, and the wall underneath the verandah is actually a fence so that I could take the verandayh right to the edge of the lot (there's only one small spot I can't get it to sit right).
What a cool little house. I love the front!
Hey guys, so I finally finished the gryffin house, everything besides the inside, which I thought I would leave undone. Looking back I want to say I am sorry for cluttering the forums with all my crazy images, but I do want to thank you for all your suggestions. I fixed the driveway and left the fence in lol. But before I go to the images
@Agneza, I like the colors of the beach house but maybe the roof could do a gentle wave curve instead of the square. I think this would fit in nicely with your beach theme and relax the overall structure a bit. I finished my advanced wall curving tutorial just need to fit the images in so that should be on the forums soon in case you are not certain what I mean.
So here are my last set of questions before I finish, what do you guys think about the overall landscaping. I was thinking of maybe filling in the front grass area with something else, maybe a stone or darker grass, or maybe I should just leave it, what do you guys think. Also, I am still not liking the window arrangement, but I don't know what to do, maybe different windows or move them somewhere else, any thoughts. As always thanks!
I think all together it looks very nice! :)
@Agnesa all your houses are fantastic and amazing!
Norenegonc- you're apsolutely right about roof, but I don't know how to do it. I'm waiting for your tutorial :) Your griffin looks great. My suggestion - give your house as a shell and another will put windows etc
Chuckles82-good trick! I like your house, only with big modern windows and doors maybe it will be better to change roofs. What you think?
Thanks lovesims, I'm not happy with fantasy beach house, I think it is so modern and roofs are in different style that don't go together. I think I'll demolish roofs... :-\
Lovely Beach house Agneza ! I think there is too much blue in there, my suggestion would be to keep the first exterior design and to recolor the windows to blue to make more balanced, different windows might be better as well :)
chuckles: that house is impressive ! loved the ammarmath and love this one ! the k2 ivy seems a bit off the rest of the landscape, maybe putting a regular tall bush there would make it better?
Agneza-Your houses are so lovely. On your beach house, I love the interior. It looks fantastic. I liked the original exterior better, however, and, as kiko suggested, perhaps add in the blue with accents on the trim, windows etc. The only other thing is that the tall peak on the roof doesn't quite fit. Just a flat roof would work here or maybe use a frieze or the platform to add height. :)
Chuckles-Looks great! I love the use of the planters and the overall look of the front.
Kiko, Dellena, Lynley - thaaaanks for advice, its so nice of you :D
My new project the Fantasy Dance club (not finish).
I hope is better now...
Much better now ! but it still could use a but more blue don't you think ? some hydrengas at the front + recoloring the garbage can could do the trick :)
My new "Texas country house". First time my inspiration was a reall house. Lot size is 30 x 20. Price unfurnished about 40000. This house has two fireplaces. I hope you like it. And thanks again for help with beach houses.
Fantasy house 10x15 ;) What do you think?
@Agneza - Hey the curving tutorials are on the forums if you wanted to see. I think Carl is also going to throw them onto the guide site so you might find them there as well.
So I decided to take a small break from the gryffin lol, but I should be done with it soon and then toss is onto the forums. I decided to try a starter home, but... then I got carried away. Thus I feel I might have gone overbudget... a lot. But! At a full 700,000 less than my last creation, I am going to say this house is starter enough... Or maybe the house after the starter hah. Ok so! My questions are - what do you guys think about the amount of flora and fauna, the number of windows, and lastly, the thoughts on the section of the house with the 3 tall arches. I don't know what it is but something is ... off about it. Maybe the color, maybe the windows, maybe it needs something else, or maybe I need to delete something from it...
Norenegonc - Thanks for tutorial !!! :) Can you put a link here? Your house is peculiar but I like odd houses. Super ! Its litlle dificult see in dark (night photo) but you are really master of CFE cheat.I think will be better remove sunflover and add little soften terrain painting
@ Agneza
That house is absoultely STUNNING. I've tried and tried to build houses in this style because I think it is just beautiful but I never can seem to get it right. This has got to be one of the most amazing Sims 3 houses I've ever seen. Can you upload please please please!!!
Fantasy house 10x15 ;) What you think?
I think I want it. Please? It is so totally adorable. I have tons of "Alice" stuff that would look so sweet here. Or maybe the stuff from the fair folk line in the store. Or.....I could just sit and look at how adorable it is. I really think you are the new top builder in this forum. (Except Dane and Zap are for modern stuff.)
I'm still not sure whether I want to change the roof on my other house (previous page) - but if I do I may do a broken style roof - maybe curved.
In the meantime, this is my latest redesign of a house called 'The Couple's Minimalist 121011' (I don't actually download houses with CC - I only copy, squish down and embellish on what I see in the pictures). My personal opinion was that the house had a great layout, and a good colour scheme on the inside. They didn't use that colour scheme effectively though, and the outside was just... yuck, for want of a better word.
(I've since added a sink between the stove and the fridge - I realised I forgot that in play-testing.
Mmmmm! Nice use of color and great design. Are you going to share it?
Yes, it will be released with my upcoming world.
@Agneza, Hey sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Here are the links -
Cheers :)
Chuckles, I need Bahaus! (I think that's how you spell it) I want the world! That new build is just beautiful!
Bahaus is definitely my favourite build set. I've had a busy day today, so here's my second one for the day. I don't quite like it as much as the first, but it still came together ok.
and my third one... this one is a starter home with base-game content only (plus some custom patterns) and will also be available in my new world:
Chuckles - you are very good with modern building ! :)
Hi everyone. I have just finised my Modern BW-Box House. Hope you guys like it :D.
And some pictures:
Yarakisagoa- it's very nice modern house, I like it very much, only red floor is little to much for me, but is only my opinion. Good work, I'm waiting for moore ;) Please, share it in Swap Shop
Texas country house, I furnish it for Joria. I'm finished today a living room , dining room and bedroom. How you like?. Joria, please I need your opinion before I going on. I can change colors if you are not satisfied.
Chuckles that starter home is so adorable.
I love yor modern builds. More please. ;D
First of all, love the modern houses. Wish you guys would share in swap shop or put a link here.
Agneza the house is gorgeous! My only request is use the wall paper in the dining room that goes up and down rather than side to side. Stripes like IIIIII instead of ----. Otherwise it is wonderful. Those chairs look so cozy and comfortable in the living room! I love your use of patterns as well. I tend to be a bit bland with patterns and colors. Thanks so much!
Ofcourse, link download the house is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?3z8hcotifz5unz3
Well my world is coming along nicely. I did some polish on it today, and added the new lots I built, built a few more things, and added custom photos (by custom I mean I had my sim take the picture so that there will be no actual CC in the world) to some of the houses. For some reason one of them wouldn't place in edit in game, so I've had to leave it sans pictures. I think I've run out of steam for a week or two now though :( From now on all my houses need to accomodate families - I have only 9 vacant residential lots left, and 8 community lots left - though I can mix those up how I like, I still need to leave a couple vacant.
Of my community lots I still have to build:
- The film company
- Diner
- Art Gallery (I worked on the things to put in that today)
- Tatoo palour
- 1-2 more fishing spots
and then optional:
- Exclusive club
- Disco club
- Poolside club
- local pub
I fixed my waterfall today, and did what I could with the cliff-face, though because it is small it won't allow much shaping without totally warping it. I've added a little green to it as suggested and some more rocks, but it's the best I can do - I'm afraid I'm no artist when it comes to landscapes. I just know if I could get my Nan to work a computer she could 'paint' me a totally beautiful world. Alas, I'll have to make do with my own meagre skills.
Thank you Yarakisagoa! Downloaded it.
Chuckles your world is absolutely lovely! Can't wait to see it up front and personal.
@Joria: you're welcome :D. And just call me Yara for short :D.
I'm back building another Modern house again :D. Here is my new Minimal Modern House. Hope you guys like it :D.
finally, i'm finised my house with some landscaping :D
Yara, thanks for shering with us, and I like yours new modern house, I want it ! :D
Chuckles - Beautiful world ! :)
Ok, Yara, thanks. ;)
Now, as for the NEW house. Can we have it too, please? It is outstanding! There is not one single thing about it I would want to change because it truly is a work of art.
Chuckles, your world is coming along so beautifully! I love it and will definitely download the finished project!
Okay, so I've been working hard(ish) on a modern build. Decided to leave my comfort zone. Chuckles, I think your builds made me want to build this :P.
Anyway, I spent a while on this then my game crashed so I had to restart. I've only completed the Exterior and would like any suggestions to it.
Here's the Front:
And here's the Back:
Looks fine! The back area (with the pool) looks a little odd, though. You could try using that gray wall covering you used on the front.
Oh yeah, new home. (Inspired by Yara's.. that home was amazing!)
Any suggestions? :)
@gogowars - I'd put maybe a platform on the roof on the front section to tidy up the roof a little. I'd also reccomend either different pavers, or just a different tone. To start with I thought too much grey, but actually I think the grey really suits, and I like the way the driveway swings in. I'm glad that my builds have been a source of inspiration - the more we inspire each other, the more wonderful builds our community will have! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
@zapkid - I actually like yours better (edit: than the one that inspired you) - the extra overhang and the grey at the bottom makes it look less 's' shaped. Awesome job on the tennis court!
Thanks! I'm liking your builds also- can't wait to see the final world, also! :D
@ GogoWars
I really love the exterior of this house! I particularly like to pool area with the walled-in plants. My one suggestion would be to use a solid grey colour for either the half walls around the driveway and pool area OR for the driveway itself and the ground around the pool area. I think it's just a little too much of that brick pattern. Great job!
I'm sorry guys, having some problems with my adsl cable so cant online by my computer (I'm using my phone now). I will fix it and continue to share my house as soon as possible. I'm sorry :D.
@Agneza - Your houses look great, your style is definitely your own. I think I can only do modern-esque houses lol. Currently I am working on my next tutorial (walk-out basements and other uses for foundation) and my building contest 8 creation so it might be a while before I can rework the wall curving tutorial. However, if you need some clarification maybe you can send me some questions and I can try to better describe the technique :)
@Yara - Great modern house, I for one am a fan of the S curve lol. I would suggest maybe easing the black section of the house into a grey though. I think it is too dramatic at the moment, grey might be a softer touch. Also, have you considered using one of the more subtle stone or masonry designs instead of a solid white color. A few of them can create a soft texture while still maintaining that modern look for a really beautiful effect. I can send you an image of what I mean if you need clarification.
@Gogo - As others stated, it might be better to use a different masonry or stone design for either the driveway or the back. I would also suggest walling in the hedges in the front (half wall around the back). I think leaving it un-walled like that deters from that modern look. As for the backyard, have you considered a curved cover (or maybe even for the frontyard lol). I know, I know, me suggesting a curve... how original, but it might work rather well.
@Yara - Great modern house, I for one am a fan of the S curve lol. I would suggest maybe easing the black section of the house into a grey though. I think it is too dramatic at the moment, grey might be a softer touch. Also, have you considered using one of the more subtle stone or masonry designs instead of a solid white color. A few of them can create a soft texture while still maintaining that modern look for a really beautiful effect. I can send you an image of what I mean if you need clarification.
first of all, i want to thanks you guys so much ... :D
@norenegonc: Thank you for your suggestions. The reason that i'm used a lot of those "solid white color" is because between the floor and the wall, it have a small space (if you look close enough, you may see it), and personally, i dont like this "little space". Beside, I'm running out of ideal with those "painting" job. So "solid color" would be a great solution for me, at now :D. And of course, for those who downloaded my house, they can feel free to edit it to whatever they want :D. I'm not a "This is mine, you cant change it without my permition", guys.
By the way, if you can show me some pictures about what you're talking about, i'm verry happy for it. Look foward to your suggestions to increase my "building skill" :P.
P.s: I'm not good at English (actually, I'm an idiot at English), forgive me if i'm wrong :D. Thank you all.
Norenegonc - thank you for kind words and great tutorial. I have few open projects and when I'll finish it I'm going to learn curvet walls. I have many ideas. Thanks again ;)
At last I finished exterior of my Fantasy house. I hope you will enjoy in fairytale atmosphere.... ;)
\\Chuckles, it's amazing. I will download and enjoy for sure!
So I started a new creation lol. I feel like I am working on 7 different things at once, between buildings and tutorials, without actually finishing any of them hah. This new one is of course based on the famous works of Mr. Tolkien. I also cannot take credit for the build technique which I believe was discovered by a Chinese builder and then engineered by Teeheehee. So thanks to both of them for discovering a bit of build magic. Anyway… this house is for those of you that always felt like they should be living in a hobbit house hah. I almost feel like I now want to build a Middle Earth world but alas the CAW tool is not for macs :( (Although using some CFE magic to build Gondor would be so much fun hah).
As you can likely see, don't let the small outdoor size fool you, the majority of the house is underground. The small room in the front could be like an entrance hall and the rest is the actual house. I did not furnish it and do not intend to before throwing it onto the forums, I thought I would get some thoughts first though.
Wow, this place certainly has seen an upsurge in activity. Impressive stuff!
norenegonc - you are amazing !!! Long time I want do this (I need it for my fantasy world) but I can't ...please ...please can you explain me how you do that????..wooow ... ;D
(see Eco houses) he is creator
Agneza I am blown away by your wonderful builds. I love this fairy tale cottage! You guys are inspiring me!
Norenegonc I love the Ecco house! Really fine job. Imagine how huge you could actually make this by going down 4 levels. Did you know you can plant a veggie garden underground? I've often dreamed of building like this big complex on a 64 x64 lot. Very small on top with lots of rocks and stuff for added protection. Underneath an area that is garden/fishing/farm. A part that is "city", (dwellings), an industrial part and a rec part. Too much though. It would take an entire world I think.
On the other hand I've been reading too many Salvatore books and am considering what the Underdark would be like and what dwarven "Halls" would be like. This from a person who loves the surface world!
Norengonc that little house reminds of the hobbit homes in Lord The Rings. :)
It's very cute.
Hmmm, I didn't know this was possible and yet always wanted to do it! Thanks for showing it is possible, I think I know how you did it as well. I'm off to see if I can make a Hobbit Village, lol. ;D
@Agneza - Ah, naver muler 84, that builder's houses are something else. I see he or she favors the modern look, most of the inclines are straight. They must have used the level terrain tool. I just used lower terrain instead hah, but I think the curve of the hill makes it look fitting for a hobbit :) And yes of course I can create a tutorial for this technique, but I do not think you are going to like it lol. It involves a fair use of CFE false as well as walls jutting out of the ground here and there until you finish lol. I must also mention that nothing you build in the entrance area will show above ground. In my hobbit house, notice the lights in front of the door in one of the images. These lights do not show when you go back to the ground level view. I know :( it really limits the decorating ability for the entrance, you basically can only color the walls, floor and doors and windows. In any case, I was going to create this above ground basement tutorial later after finishing some of the basic tutorials, but if you guys are interested, I can go ahead and work on it after I finish my santa house.
@General - All this talk of dwarves halls and hobbit villages… I am going to say we should start a massive team effort in creating a Middle Earth world. We can create a mountain with a giant entrance for the dwarves (using the same technique as the hobbit house), and we can use the build technique to create a 9 story tall Gondor on a giant lot, and even create a hill on CAW for Rohan <.< I am already imagining how I would build the hill where the castle stands in Gondor, while using a series of inclines and tiny 1 room houses to reach it. It would be like an entire city on a single lot hah. I admit I am not that big of a lord of the rings fan but the thought of creating those buildings is interesting.
Thanks again, cheers :)
Hello guys. I've fixed my ADSL cable and sorry for the delay. Here is the link for my Minimal Modern House: http://www.mediafire.com/?3hl9433naj44cnf (http://www.mediafire.com/?3hl9433naj44cnf). I'm sorry guys :D.
P.s: I'm planning a ideal for building another modern house, this time, i think it's gonna be a "P" House. Hope you guys like it too :D.
norenegonc - You are an amazing builder! I'm so happy You are with us. Thanks to You and Your tutorials I'll finally be able to fulfill my longtime wish to build a fantasy world with houses I didn't know how to build until You came and shared those tutorials with us. The hobbit houses are exactly what I was looking for for my fantasy world. Thank You a lot! ;D
yara - thanks! I just downloaded it ;D
@General - All this talk of dwarves halls and hobbit villages… I am going to say we should start a massive team effort in creating a Middle Earth world. We can create a mountain with a giant entrance for the dwarves (using the same technique as the hobbit house), and we can use the build technique to create a 9 story tall Gondor on a giant lot, and even create a hill on CAW for Rohan <.< I am already imagining how I would build the hill where the castle stands in Gondor, while using a series of inclines and tiny 1 room houses to reach it. It would be like an entire city on a single lot hah. I admit I am not that big of a lord of the rings fan but the thought of creating those buildings is interesting.
It's certainly a cool idea for a project but it would be a lot of work for whoever was doing it in Create a World. Worlds are not really the sort of thing that can have the chores shared out equally.
EDIT: I managed to do it, took a few goes to get it but finally got it, Lol. Heres my little attempt. Not very good I put it to far against the edge of the lot and it didn't leave much room.
Not the best pic, oh well. I quit without saving. The steps, walls and floor in the burrow are all the same colour.
Thomas, is perfect hobbit house! how you did it ? :D
Hm, I like the wall curving idea to mimic a hill but I can tell from the image that we are not using the same technique lol. The one I used requires stairs to create a void. Basically it involves building a basement (with the actual basement tool) slightly above ground and then literally yanking the terrain around it. The only bit that is actual wall is the front. I can briefly describe the technique here and later on I am going to create a detailed tutorial.
You first raise some terrain about 8 clicks. Level out the area you are imagining the hill to be at this level. Then build a basement at this new height (smaller than the overall area). Next CFE false. After that lower the terrain in the front to reveal the front of the basement. Lower the terrain in front of that by about 2-4 clicks and then level out the area in front of the basement at this new lowered height. Now create a new basement at this lowered level and connect it to the old one. This will create an incline underground. Now there are two workarounds we can do here, but I am only going to detail one for now. When you build stairs underground, it creates a void above ground that cannot be filled over by terrain. We utilize this by creating stairs 4 tiles away from the front of the house to create a void there. Now you can CFE true again and then you can use terrain tools to form the hill around the basement with the actual ground. Neat huh :)
Sorry to create another message lol, I threw together a modern house to show what I meant by using a subtle stone instead of solid colors. I guess you can call it an "N" house lol. You can see that the white is not a solid color, but just one of the more subtle stone designs. Once I finish writing the intros for these houses, I can toss them onto the forums as well. Cheers :)
Oh how I wish you would upload your creations, Norenegonc!
norenogonc - beautiful house and coolors ! I tray make hobbit cottage but I do someting wrong.
Can't see your latest due to not being able to see images on mobile but from the technique you used it sounds similar to what I did. I don't have a structure method it was more of a trial and error, Lol.
It's certainly a cool idea for a project but it would be a lot of work for whoever was doing it in Create a World. Worlds are not really the sort of thing that can have the chores shared out equally.
A cool idea that could work if you had someone to build the basic world, mark off lots etc, then everyone interested in it download it and build on assigned lots, I for one would jump on that chance to be part of it! The world builder could build it according to Tolkien maps, then each area could have a team of people, either builders then decorators, or individual home builders. wow, this sounds like fun. Can I build the Prancing Pony?? :D
Ah okay, I think I see the terrain over your building, it is hard to see from the image. A lot of the roof of the house is covered with flora and fauna so I couldn’t tell if it was terrain or just normal floring. I thought it was a different technique because I didn’t see any stairs. What did you use the create the void between the basement level and the ground level. I thought only stairs could do it. Or did you create stairs in the back, but then I would imagine that would create the void over your actual structure, thus not allowing you to form terrain around it.
Also, yes we would need to find a world builder to get started. I know a tiny bit about world building, but I am on a mac so I cannot use CAW. I do use windows on boot but all the game versions are digital and a few are mac only, so I couldn’t get full functionality from CAW on windows. I do like your idea though. We could find a world builder to create the basic structure and coordinate to figure out lot sizes and allocations. It wouldn’t even have to be exactly like Tolkien’s Middle Earth. We can use that as a basis and create something new due to the limitations of the CAW tool etc. Then we can divvy out sections to builders and create teams with builders and designers. I could build some structures that talented fantasy designers like Agneza and Joria could decorate. Ah the ideas… One issue I see though is rabbit holes and where to throw them lol. I was Thinking maybe a giant Gondor that is built over a few lots and in the middle would be a few lots with the key rabbit holes like city hall and the grocery store. From the outside you wouldn’t see them because the walls of Gondor would be large and cover ever side besides a tiny entrance in the front for a road to the middle. Neat…
@Agneza – I do not quite understand what you mean. Did you want the bird to be a community lot, I am slightly lost lol. In any case though, in order to begin any kind of team effort like this, we would need to start with finding a talented world builder hah. Also, I saw your message, I think it would be easier to describe the technique in a tutorial. I can get started on it momentarily.
Ooh, I like what you did with the curves on the roof :)
Nope it's terrain. I used plants to cover the tops of the wall which I couldn't get rid of and they looked ugly. I was trying to blend in my hobbit hole. There is stairs but you can't see them, wrong angle and they are the same colour as the walls of the burrow.
Ah, then it is indeed the same technique. Sorry about that. I thought that you did not use stairs, which I figured were mandatory for the technique. In fact, I just realized I was looking at your house all wrong! I see the stairs now lol. I thought they were the bottom border of your wall hah! That is why I thought it was a normal wall and not a basement. And I also see the side walls now hah, which I for some reason thought were the front wall but curved downward hah. I thought you had just built a straight line wall and curved both ends a bit down to look like a hill hah. Might I suggest coloring the side walls either brighter or darker in color to get a slight differentiation between the two. I know in game of course it would be utterly obvious, but in images it creates this… mirage lol. I know what you mean about the walls though! I utilized 2 techniques to solve this. One was to raise the terrain above the house in a sort of arch. You of course cannot raise it directly above the wall but it sort of makes it look nicer because of technique number 2. Use a small fence along that wall border. If your roof is flat then it stands out, but when you form the arch with the terrain, it works rather well. And if you color it to match your walls, it works even better. It is not ideal since it still shows a bit, but it is an elegant solution I think (courtesy of naver muler84 and his or her blog). I think I might try to create a 2 story hill later hah, it might work if you raise the ground enough initially. What do you think :)
Ah, then it is indeed the same technique. Sorry about that. I thought that you did not use stairs, which I figured were mandatory for the technique. In fact, I just realized I was looking at your house all wrong! I see the stairs now lol. I thought they were the bottom border of your wall hah! That is why I thought it was a normal wall and not a basement. And I also see the side walls now hah, which I for some reason thought were the front wall but curved downward hah. I thought you had just built a straight line wall and curved both ends a bit down to look like a hill hah. Might I suggest coloring the side walls either brighter or darker in color to get a slight differentiation between the two. I know in game of course it would be utterly obvious, but in images it creates this… mirage lol. I know what you mean about the walls though! I utilized 2 techniques to solve this. One was to raise the terrain above the house in a sort of arch. You of course cannot raise it directly above the wall but it sort of makes it look nicer because of technique number 2. Use a small fence along that wall border. If your roof is flat then it stands out, but when you form the arch with the terrain, it works rather well. And if you color it to match your walls, it works even better. It is not ideal since it still shows a bit, but it is an elegant solution I think (courtesy of naver muler84 and his or her blog). I think I might try to create a 2 story hill later hah, it might work if you raise the ground enough initially. What do you think :)
Another idea to try would be to bulldoze one of those empty houses on the cliffs in SV near the beach and see if it's possible to blend it into there somehow, make a cave sort of thing. I have an idea of how it could be made to look like a cave entrance... I really should stop doing this because I end up getting so inspired I almost clicked the Sims icon then, Lol.
I was thinking the same thing hah! I thought about it when we were discussing dwarven halls and building our own world earlier. I imagined it might be cool to create mountains with CAW and then go in game and build on lots on the mountainside. I think it can be done as well, just build starting at the height of the mountain that matches normal wall height. You would of course get that weird void on the side, but that kind of makes sense since a mountain cave would sort of go into the mountain a bit. And then inside could be a giant hall where dwarves dwell <.< hah, although you could actually build a giant hall inside since it would all get covered by the mountain. Let me know what you find when you try this technique in Sunset Valley. I imagine it could work well enough. The only limitation I can think of is that any hill or mountain that you do this on would need to start inclining slowly to allow for the house to be built on the side and then could incline dramatically after that. Since we cannot build directly over the entrance it would look strange I think if the sides of the house inclined very dramatically while the area over the house had to incline slower lol. I would be interested to do this myself, but I am still working on the building contest 8 house, along with a few tutorials hah. Cheers :)
I finished interior in my Fantasy house. I hope you like it ;)
Wow Agnesa that look amazing! I love the colours it is so beautiful ;D
@Agneza - love the fantasy inside, question about the bed, you have to singles and moveobjects them into a double, do the Sims treat it as a double ie: woohoo? or do they use it as two singles?
They use it as two singles.
Any link for this amazing build, Agneza?
I walked around in a house Agneza built for me today and I bow down in awe at her building skill. The attention to every tiny detail is phenomenal and her use of color is beyond belief. It was so beautiful I literally was in tears at the beauty and in gratitude for having it. I wish my real self could live there and just walk around admiring every little section of it. Even something as mundane as the trash can was recolored to match and to add even more beauty. Agneza I think you truly are one of the best builders in the forum, and so open to learning and trying something new that I know you will only be more and more amazing with each build. I can build pretty nice traditional houses, especially huge ones, but you can build everything. My hats off to you!
Quick aside in reference to what Joria mentioned. I am also a fan of recoloring every little thing to match, but I get so frustrated because the game has to load the tiles for each material when you go from one material to the next using create a style. Is there any way to force the game not to do this. It is definitely doubly frustrating when you are only using the R button to recolor, choose from existing saved designs or dragging the design tiles onto another object and you do not want to choose a different material tile. Then it is like, what is the use of loading all the tiles (including the custom tiles you saved for later use lol) and waiting until the loading finishes before getting to move to the next object. I know I could likely delete all the custom design tiles I saved but… that seems like a lame workaround lol. It is this reason that while Maison Chouette isn’t my favorite creation, it definitely took the longest to build since I literally recolored EVERYTHING. And also somewhat the reason why my latest creations are unfurnished <.< How do you stand to do it Agneza hah.
I was inspired by someone's treehouse I saw somewhere back in this thread, and felt I just had to build one of my own. I made a childish sim thinking she'd be able to use the kid's stove. bum bum. wrong. So I used edit in cas and made her a child, who is now successfully living on her own (I maxed out the childhood slider so I could play it for longer that way).
I keep having this issue however:
That and for some reason, even though she can go up the spiral stairs, she can't go down.
The treehouse is so cute! When you change the age of a sim with the cheat they can stretch like that. It realy scares me if a sim does that. Lol. :o
My new Modern house ,( unfurnished). Lot size 20 x 30. I was inspired with reall house. I hope you like it. Little rest from country, and fantasy houses. I made 14 in last month.
Ooh wow! Love, love, LOVE it! May I use something similar in my new world? I love how you offset the windows with the different wall materials. It is simply awesome!
Chuckles - Whay not, I'll be glad if this helps you ... ;)
Ooh wow! Love, love, LOVE it! May I use something similar in my new world? I love how you offset the windows with the different wall materials. It is simply awesome!
I totally agree! You should do more modern houses :D
It's lovely, Agneza. My favorites remain your traditional and fantasy houses though. However, you did your usual, terrific job on this one.
Well, after playing my single child for a little bit, I felt that she really needed to live in a child's world. So I created one for her. Introducing Childhood's End (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,6905.msg165055.html#msg165055).
I really only threw this tiny world together in one day. I was inspired by a world in Stargate Atlantis - the episode is called Childhood's End. The people of this world only live to the age of 25. If you were to play this world with mainly children, you would play with testingcheats on so that you could summon NPCs as needed, and populate the world with families without adults.
School (rabbit hole in basement) - needs to be replaced with file below due to routing issue.
House exterior
House interior
Do all of you awesome builders participate in our Building Contests?
I think most do. I for one do, but it's more or less a second priority - if I don't have time, I don't do it.
I normally do. Depends on the contest though. I'm still waiting for the "Ultimate Modern Mansion" contest though! :P
That and for some reason, even though she can go up the spiral stairs, she can't go down.
I've had that problem too, Chuckles. Have you tried turning the stairs so they are facing a different direction? Sometimes that helps.
Love the tree house!
\\Pam it hasn't been long since I joined, but am keeping a look out on the right theme for me. :D
chuckles 82- The island is great! :) May I ask for a link...
I normally do. Depends on the contest though. I'm still waiting for the "Ultimate Modern Mansion" contest though! :P
I agree they have been sort of restrictive so far. However we've been evaluating and looking at what we've done and next year there will be Contests for everyone. Don't forget that if you want a certain challenge to PM us. :)
Well, I'm going to guess you know what challenges I want to do. -CoughModernCough-
Well, I'm going to guess you know what challenges I want to do. -CoughModernCough-
ZapKid, honestly! I have no idea what type of challenge you want to do, it's so difficult to guess! xD
I tried to make it as vague as possible... but you guys will never figure out that I want to build modern homes!
...Still too difficult? ::)
I tried to make it as vague as possible... but you guys will never figure out that I want to build modern homes!
...Still too difficult? ::)
I think I've guessed now. ;)
Good to hear. ;D
Oh yeah, Chuckles, the island is great! I loved the pun at the beginning. -chuckles- (Hah, did you get my joke? :o)
I wouldn't put myself in the same category as the super talented builders that have been sharing their work in this thread, but time and inspiration are what have been holding me back from entering many of the building competitions.
I can't do much about the time issue, since family and work come first. The tougher issue for me is that I rarely am creative enough to build something without the benefit of a houseplan for inspiration (I'm better at editing than at creating, and even that process is painfully slow for me since I am so particular about the details.) I just yesterday found one that gave me what I think is a good idea for the current competition.
One thing that I would like to put out there for consideration is whether it would be possible extend the build window from 2 weeks to 3-4 weeks. It has been a godsend, for me at least, that the current competition was extended. Hopefully an extra week or two will encourage slow builders to participate without causing quicker builders to lose interest. Just a thought. :)
How much of a pain would it be to run more than one contest at a time? Probably way too much work but I was thinking more people might enter if there were overlapping ones. Like, Metro usually has two things running, one really tough long contest and one easier shorter contest. I usually can chime in one or the other of them, sometimes both.
For me it depends on the theme as well as whether or not I'm involved in something else, like Metro's challenges for instance. I've been planning on trying a new dynasty or legacy, or even a deca-dynasty, (although that one is really hard for me to understand), and if I'm involved in one of his harder challenges I probably would be less likely to do a building contest. Theme also matters to me. I'm hopeless when it comes to modern, although I really appreciate and love modern builds, but I'd probably give it a shot. I'd like to do a fantasy house although I think Agneza would have that competition locked up! She's terrific. I also like larger builds with unlimited funds and contrariwise, tiny builds on very small lots, (10x10).
I am actually working on my Santa house lol, but I am just delaying and delaying it for some reason. I built the outside but cannot bring myself to finish the furnishing hah. I think some themes might be limited though, like what Joria mentioned about fantasy houses. With no store content for instance, it would be difficult to create that fantasy look. I understand of course this is for fairness, I myself do not buy store content so I like the rule lol. But I can imagine it makes it difficult for some to achieve the theme they want and thus they do not enter.
Hey guys, I started a new creation as well, any thoughts (Also yay! Message number 50 :D )
Details are here - http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8239.0.html
I am really blown away by all of your fantastic builds ! I am having issues with game lately so I can't build, I envy you guys :P all of the houses are amazing, Agneza great fantasy styled homes as usual, Gogo you are as good in modern builds as in traditional, that will be your comfort zone soon enough ! Yarakisagoa , modern gemes ! norenegonc you are an artist with CFE ! keep up the great work !
Norenegonc - your castle is fantastic !!! I love it ;D
Kiko - you are so talented, like many on this forum. It's so nice to see how every day you ALL are better and better. I'm not so good, I learn every day from all of you - thanks for this. ;D
I'm not so good
I respectfully disagree - you are quite a phenomenal builder Agneza! Your fantasy houses in particular are gems and I love the modern house you just shared. I can't wait to see interior - I'm sure it is going to be another work of art!
chuckles 82- The island is great! :) May I ask for a link...
Agneza, the link to my building thread is already there, and the link to the sims 3 exchange is right below the title. Here it is again though :) I have included more info in my building thread, so that is why I linked it there first.
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,6905.msg165055.html#msg165055 (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,6905.msg165055.html#msg165055)
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=4938297 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=4938297)
Chuckles - thanks a lot! It's so nice of you :D
Katluvr - thanks for compliments, I appreciate it, especially when it comes from someone that is such a talented builder. I'm trying to improve my skill and I'm still learning every day. I'm glad You like my modern house. I want to try every style because You all inspire me :D
That is definitely one of the pluses of beig part of such a great community: The inspiration! I know at some point I really want to build a fantasy style house, though I don't think I could improve on what you've already done, and I don't know if I've got the creativity to come up with something new. Modern is my niche. And small. I can't do massive big houses - which is why I haven't participated in the last couple of building challenges.
Like Chuckles I don't like too big lots. After finish I have no space for place it in my town.
Yes they really should have smaller buildings in the building contest - it's more challenging for starters.
"Joria : Like, Metro usually has two things running, one really tough long contest and one easier shorter contest. I usually can chime in one or the other of them, sometimes both.. " It's good idea for me.
Thanks to Agneza for the inspiration for this build :D - another one for my mini modern world (it will be released with my world very soon!)
living room
main bedroom
kids bedroom
home gym
I absolutely love it! I can't wait for it to be uploaded!
lol me either. It's taken me several months to get to where I have with this world. At the moment I have 3 shells to furnish, the most recent being the Art Gallery. It was supposed to be the film studio... BUT I can't fit the studio on a 15x15 lot >:( so I may have to find somewhere left on the map to make a slightly larger lot for it. I only need the door to fit on, but it just won't go. I already had to make a large lot for the equestrian centre, so one more won't kill me, I suppose.
When I move in my sculptor/painter/photographer I'll put a couple scultpures out the front too.
Wow! If that's the Art Gallery, that looks great! Now, I'm feeling really impatient.
To avoid taking this thread further off topic about Contests I've posted a thread for suggestions and ideas for the Contests HERE (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8248.msg165377.html#msg165377). So if all of you who shared your views and opinions could do so in that thread so we can get all of these together and hopefully improve the contests. :)
I actually can't wait for your world, Chuckles! It looks awesome!
Chuckles! How on earth did you make that wonderful TV? (Third photo of modern house.)
Oh yeah, both builds are stunning. ;D
Chuckles, I am so looking forward to downloading your world when you are ready to share it! Your builds are absolutely amazing - I love how you do so much with such small spaces - what a talent!
To avoid taking this thread further off topic about Contests I've posted a thread for suggestions and ideas for the Contests HERE (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8248.msg165377.html#msg165377). So if all of you who shared your views and opinions could do so in that thread so we can get all of these together and hopefully improve the contests. :)
Thank you samoth for your concern. (Samoth. . . Thomas! Oh!)
Chuckles! How on earth did you make that wonderful TV? (Third photo of modern house.)
Oh yeah, both builds are stunning. ;D
It's a store thingy, can't remember if it's Dr. Pepper or some reward type thing. I don't think you can buy it.
(Samoth. . . Thomas! Oh!)
Lol. ;)
It's a store thingy, can't remember if it's Dr. Pepper or some reward type thing. I don't think you can buy it.
:( Dangit. It looked so cool! :(
It is indeed from the Dr. Pepper promotion. It is called Tabular TV. I considered using the base game wall tv, but it just sat too high in such a small space. Until they put sliders on EVERYTHING...
It is indeed from the Dr. Pepper promotion. It is called Tabular TV. I considered using the base game wall tv, but it just sat too high in such a small space. Until they put sliders on EVERYTHING...
Which they should. I was angry when making my Jade Dynasty Christmas picture, I couldn't adjust the height of the stockings or the garland thingies.
Oh that one frustrates me no end samoht! You wind up with stocking floating in mid-air or way too high on the fireplace and I don't even want to go into the garlands! Mirrors also can be a pain in that way.
Dangit! Now I have to go look for marked pop bottles ::)
Coming soon to a forum near you! Joria's rebuild of BB from a lazy pirate's retreat to what are those weird trees doing in the center of town and WHERE did the rabbit holes go and HOW did people manage to discover life on that large island off the coast?
I almost finished the Texas country house. Here are few photos, how do you like it?
Agneza, your houses are all incredible! You have such a sense of style and colour. I'll take it! When can I move in? ;)
Schipperke - in few days ;D
Agneza how do you do it? How do you manage to use colors the way you do? It's totally incredible. THE CLOSET!!! OMG did everyone catch that she built an actual closet? I love this house! Thank you so much for building it.
Meanwhile, on a large island off the coast of Barnacle Bay, strangely beautiful cottages and buildings are arising. They have a fairy tale aura around them and are full of store items! There is also a tiny, 10x10 rather unattractive library that has sprouted up both on the mainland and on Mystery Island. I think I'm going to have to request a new 10x10 fairy tale schemed library because my little box, (goes up two stories and down 4), is quite ugly. It's just a box. Think I"ll go request it right now as a matter of fact.
Thanks Schipperke thanks Joria- is so nice of you ! I 'm so happy you like it. I was very busy today, and finished another house - The Modern beach house
Agnesa the house look fantastic! The closet is amazing. :o
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone !
Agneza: The beach home is great, and Merry Christmas to you, too! ;D
Okay, I'm building this modern mansion for Sims3Clacla123. Please tell me how you think; I personally think it's coming out fine.
EDIT: Haha, I messed up. You said you didn't have Late Night or Bauhaus, but I've already used some of both! :P I even got some HELS in there...
I'm going to have to fix that up later. I'm going to keep the garage doors though- they're just too cool for words.
EDIT 2: Come to think of it, I'm probably just going to post 2 versions. 1 with store content/expansion galore, one only base game. (Well, maybe Ambitions and Pets.)
I think you build too much. LOL.
I'm guessing that's a compliment. Thank you :D
Thanks Kiko, and your modern house (for request) I think going well... ;)
I'm guessing that's a compliment. Thank you :D
Yes it is. It seems natural to you. I take hours starting at the screen.
I found some inspiration yesterday in the unlikeliest place - as much as my first reaction was 'ouch! that hurts my eyes!' my second thought was: it actually does remind me of a strawberry sundae. Yummy! So I adapted it to my 15x15. Unfortunately, as much as I liked the colour, it was just too much of an eye-sore on my town. So I adjusted the colour scheme. I have saved copies of both, so I may still upload it as an extra to my world if anyone wants it with the original colour scheme.
The original:
I just died. The pink was like a sword. :o But I don't like pink, so it could be that.
I like yours tons! The purple is better for my eyes.
It looks great Chuckles! ;D
I love both! When your world is available for download I'm so gonna take all those gorgeous buildings and squish them into my town... somehow. :)
If anyone wants the original one, it is apparently CC free - though I can't link it here because it is from a modding site. You can still google it though :)
One down, 2 to go Two down, 1 to go - and 4 2 shells to furnish. It might be done for Christmas!!! I've got those to do, and then add some beatiful vista bonuses, and it's DONE!!!!!
Summerset Avenue of Beauty
Summerset Macca's Burger Barn
Those two shells are cute. That house just looks so amazing!
Wonderful work all around you guys! Love them all.
Me, I've just been fooling around in Barnacle Bay with stuff everyone else has made. Wanted to come up with some ideas for a community and all so here are the pics of my little island town. The houses shown are from Anushka, Agneza, Schiperke, Rflong, (other forum), and I THINK I have Micler's house here too. Oh, I did start to remodel a build from Generations too.
"Hi. My name is Ilonya and I'm the first resident on Mystery Island".
This is some of the lovely flora I've brought with me from my native world.
Here are some shots of the town that is being developed.
These aren't my builds, except for the pink castle which is a remodel, so I can't upload them. I just fell in love with the fantasy trees and wanted to see what could be done with them and this is the result. Because the ground is so uneven there it took a lot of use of the terrain tool but I think things came out ok.
So my latest creation is a library, requested by Joria. I thought I would get her and your guys’ thoughts before I finished recoloring it. It is meant to be a fantasy build, but I don’t really have the store stuff to create that effect, but who knows, what do you guys think. I titled the library Joria’s Bloom since Joria sounds like it could be the name of a flower hah. I must admit wall curving in such a small area was tough lol, some of my guide walls were the actual walls I was curving hah. But as we all know, there is nothing the great infant eccentric billionaire Nore Negonc cannot do, besides get out of his crib on his own <.<
Oh my goodness Zap that is absolutley amazing. :D Can't wait for my little simmies to move in.
Dear non, please forgive me for shortening your name but for some reason it just doesn't want to stick in my head!
Sorry. Ancient brain can't compute. lol
My first thought was, "oh, it's too modern". Then I looked at the rest of the pictures and it's lovely. It is a bit more modern than I wanted for fairy tale fantasy but the whole idea of it being a flower amid all those crazy trees makes it perfect. You also got in everything a library needs so the stranded Sims on that island will have plenty of reading material! Thanks so much for making it. I love it and will down load and add it to Mystery Island tomorrow. (It's almost 2 now so I'm a bit tired.)
Thanks again!
PS I love the colors you chose!
Joria, I'm without words! Your fantasy world is FANTASTIC!!! Where did you found all this beautiful stuff ?! Amazing !Thanks for sharing pictures. ;D I fell in love with the fantasy trees!
Agneza, thank you. The trees came with the last patch. Look for them in the landscaping/trees. They aren't even very expensive so that's nice. I'm sure you will have fun with them.
Ok so… I started over. I know you didn’t ask me too lol, but I could tell you were not entirely satisfied with the first one. The structure is the same, but I lightened all the colors to better match your island, I also did a castle like theme and redid a few colors. Right now it is only a shell, I thought maybe you might enjoy furnishing it with all your fantasy items. I did wall off the inside though in the same manner as before, in case you liked that.
Nore, I do love it and hope you'll go ahead and decorate it. You can use whatever you wish with no restrictions. The only thing I will do is add landscaping.
By the way, I love the castle in the clouds. Hope that will be available because it would fit in there quite well. My idea is to transform the entirety of Barnacle Bay. I'll leave some of the houses but I'm going underground with most of the rabbit holes and will fantasy landscape the top of the ground where they used to sit. I'll also bulldoze quite a few places and add some lots here or there so it can be a combo of fairy fantasy and future fantasy. I'm building a story around it which may wind up only existing in my head. lol
Ok if I put the Hobbit Hole in there too?
Hey guys, sorry to flood the forums with this library hah, but I finished it! I think it definitely looks better, maybe closer to what you were looking for Joria lol, who knows, what do you think. In any case, I threw it onto the forums, you can find the download and the rest of the images at the link –
In any case, cheers and enjoy :)
Oh and of course you can use the Hobbit Home in your world Joria :)
Norenogonc - it's very hard to explain with words but maybe few photos will help(about coolors). Sorry, my english is very poor and I'm sorry for the flower, I tore it down by mistake. Before you share your houses for download please clean all the white thiny walls.
Joria - thanks again, I'm so happy ;D
Coming soon to a Secret Location near you! Merry Christmas!
Joria, this house is special, awesome. I'm speechless. You manage to revive those cold walls. I feel peacefull, an inner peace while looking at Your house. I'm astonished. The whole house is perfect, please, don't change anything. It's so beautiful. I felt that this is a gift from Your heart. I feel the emotions You put in the house while building it. You're so talented. Thank You for sharing it with us. Thanks from the bottom of the heart for this Christmass gift.
Oh, gosh! I can't wait to download that house!!!
It is on a 64x64 lot, has 4 floors of rooms plus the towers and walkways. The towers are mostly unfinished though one has a nursery in it and at least one has a powder room. The basement is the teenagers "teen cave", with glass wall for part of it that looks out into the moat. There is a pool inside there, plus a working sauna, and large play areas for the whole family so includes dance floor in some part, but video games in another. It takes a tremendous amount of time to load. I actually had to stop adding things because I was afraid no one could ever use it because it is so graphics intensive.
Here's the good news.........NO STORE ITEMS! No cc! It is totally just EP/SP stuff and base game. Here's a sneak peek at another part of the inside of the castle.
This is the "teen cave". Notice the dressing room attached to the bathroom. You can't really see how to get into these rooms from the photo. The upper right brown/wood room is the sauna. (Actually a steam room because the fe puts out "steam", not dry heat).
Party/play area in basement:
Should be done soon.
Wow Joria the house is amazing! ;D
That house is great, Joria! :)
Oh my gosh Joria how long did it take you to build the shell. It's an aboslutley amazing house, can't wait to see the rest. ;D
Oh my gosh Joria how long did it take you to build the shell. It's an aboslutley amazing house, can't wait to see the rest. ;D
Almost two weeks, but some of that was planning and redoing when I wasn't happy with what I did. It would have gone faster had I used store items but really, it did show me you can make something really pretty without them.
What took the longest was the interior. The landscaping was so much fun I just zipped through it. I find I really do enjoy the landscaping more than other parts of building.
Almost two weeks, but some of that was planning and redoing when I wasn't happy with what I did. It would have gone faster had I used store items but really, it did show me you can make something really pretty without them.
What took the longest was the interior. The landscaping was so much fun I just zipped through it. I find I really do enjoy the landscaping more than other parts of building.
Haha Joria you are the complete opposite to me. I hate landscaping. :)
Hey guys! I was hoping I could get a bit of help with something . . .
I've made the outside of the home and placed a few furniture items inside to mark what I want to use each room for.
However, I'm at a loss for what color scheme to use for furniture. Originally I was going to do white for everything, but after painting all the walls white and making all the floors white it looked a little bland. I'm still not sure if I like the new color for the outside better than the white, so I'll include a before and after for further opinion. I may end up making the outside white again, just keeping the tiles the color they are now.
I also am not sure about landscaping. I'm new at this, so any thoughts would be appreciated.
Testy McTesterson demonstrated that all rooms and areas can be accessed with no problem, so I am proud of myself. In the beginning I'd accidentally placed some windows in the elevators and she was riding the elevators like a theme park ride.
Here are some shots of the outside and floor plans. I started to do some arranging and coloring in the living room; that's where I got stuck with the color.
Before the color change.
After the color change.
The living room, where I started to look at color ideas . . .then gave up.
It's a lovely shell but the inside looks so cold.
I suggest recoloring when you have lots of time. ;)
How about using a bold red colour or yellow along with the white and blue?
My aunt helped me with the color . . . it's something to that effect! Thanks for the suggestion, though. I'll come back when I've recolored..... a lot of things. xD
EDIT: A couple of hours later got me a these colors for the inside. I also changed the color of all the windows to something called "ecru." Rather than style them all, I deleted every window and replaced them. I hope to never need to do that again!
Backdrob, I like what you did ( last photo). Maybe there are a little too much windows - what you think?
Backdrob, I like what you did ( last photo). Maybe there are a little too much windows - what you think?
I agree with Agneza here, maybe a few too many windows. Kind of like living in a fish bowl.
I like what you did with the color change. I also prefer the white exterior. I don't do modern builds in general although I do do the interiors of them. For me, I look outside those windows and see grey, grey, grey. BORING and depressing. (I hate that particular city because it's so depressing.) Soooo, to counteract that grey I would go with a black as you can make it, stark white, and red with a pop here and there of that yellow you used. To make it warmer, occasional use of a warm wood tone works too. Just keep the wood more to a minimum and maybe choose something that is accented with metal. Plantscape the interior with big, bold plants, (if possible). In some cases you can even use plants that would normally be planted outside. Just use moo, (moveobjectson), and put a container around the base of the plant to hide the fact it isn't planted in dirt. Of course, your ceilings have to be tall enough for real trees but lots of the flowers and shrubs work. Oh, and there is a new member, Kate Sterling, who has done some lovely art work that is downloadable and would work beautifully in a modern build. It is not cc strangely enough and transfers nicely so I would think it's useable.
Joria, I'm going to take what you and Agneza have said and make some alterations.
Perhaps I can keep the perimeter of each floor as windows and make the "inside" walls regular to help with the too many windows? That won't much help with the gray of the outside, however I can always move the home somewhere else. Hidden Springs is one of my favorite areas right now (it's just crashing a lot for me).
I really like this house, Backdrop. My suggestion for getting away from the "too many windows" feeling would be to get rid of the window on each end of each wall, so just the corners of the exterior walls are window-less. This is commonly what I do on modern builds where I want a lot of glass, but not too much.
My new Mountain house, (shell). How do you like it ?.
Looks great Agneza! :D
Thanks ZapKid :)I like roofs over the entrance and window ;)
Love it Agneza!
That's beautiful, Yarak! I hope you upload it :D
As for the ideas, how about you try building from a plan?
I love the layout and the decor, Yara, really lovely! I agree with CreativeCrayola, when I need inspiration for a build (which is like all the time because I'm just not all that creative by myself) I look at Houseplans.com. Some of the work I'm proudest of has been based off of home designs I have found there. Reading the plans and converting them to TS3 takes a bit of getting used to, but that's half the fun of it.
That's beautiful, Yarak! I hope you upload it :D
As for the ideas, how about you try building from a plan?
of course, i'll upload it when complete :D.
and of course, i'm building it from a plan. But my plan doesnt include the "lanscaping work". So, that's the problem :D.
P.s: Actually, I'm building this house because my sim, soon, will have a wife, and then a kid. So he'll need a new home for his family (If you've seen some of my house, you will notice that these house were build for single sim :D).
I love the layout and the decor, Yara, really lovely! I agree with CreativeCrayola, when I need inspiration for a build (which is like all the time because I'm just not all that creative by myself) I look at Houseplans.com. Some of the work I'm proudest of has been based off of home designs I have found there. Reading the plans and converting them to TS3 takes a bit of getting used to, but that's half the fun of it.
thank you so much. I'll have a look at this site :D.
All of these builds are fantastic ~
@Agneza ~ Will you be uploading your Fantasy House to the Swap Shop? It is absolutely Adorable!
Coming soon to a Secret Location near you! Merry Christmas!
Joria, how long does it take to build this house? one week? two? or a month. Great work :D. Will you share it?
P.s: for me, it looks like the Royal Family house, or a Royal Hotel :P
Yara your house is very elegant and very upscale. It is simple, yet warm and comforting. A perfect family house. If you plan on a child, I'd make a child area to go with it. The child's room is very small so you'll need some sort of play area so it can develop skills. Also, do you have and plans for a nursery? A nursery can be tiny with just room for a cot/crib for the baby/toddler with a potty chair in a bathroom and a high chair in the kitchen or dining area. However, you need a spot for child skilling, (xylophone, peg board, bookshelf, toy box) from toddler on. These can be external from the house or in a separate "play room" where children's clutter won't mess up the elegant style of the house.
My castle was designed with a combination of the Tower of London and Windsor Castle in mind, though I didn't really look at pictures of either of them. Just from what I remembered from a trip when I was a teen. It took me almost two weeks and I still don't consider it quite done. Yes, it will be available for everyone soon.
I can now say this castle is just one of the amazing things you'll find in our new Forum World, Union Cove, made for all of you and by almost all of you. Best of all, it is approved for challenges by Metro and is entirely CC and store item free. WA is needed for a full landscape but it can be played with only base game and be just as lovely.
Check out the Announcements thread for a view of Union Cove.
I can now say this castle is just one of the amazing things you'll find in our new Forum World, Union Cove, made for all of you and by almost all of you. Best of all, it is approved for challenges by Metro and is entirely CC and store item free. WA is needed for a full landscape but it can be played with only base game and be just as lovely.
Check out the Announcements thread for a view of Union Cove.
It is amazing. I have a plan to move my legacy around lots of different towns during it's course (it's thirty generation and that should make me more able to get to that target) and.. well, can you guess one of the towns they'll be moving to? ;) In fact, some of them are already there! xD Honestly, it is really amazing.
It was quite a challenge, and it wasn't always fun. Some times we'd get bogged down or would just get a little tense with one another, other times the pc wouldn't cooperate. With so many people having so many ideas it got pretty exciting. I think I had more fun with it because I was the only one who could devote full time to it. No school, no job, no little kids to interfere, so I'd work on some of the things that were basic "chores", like landscaping around a rabbit hole or something. The most fun was building the huge builds, which you all know I love to do. The hardest challenge was the Arboretum/Art Gallery, which has a lot of empty space in the gallery itself. Hard because we had to keep it available for challenges so that meant many things that I wanted included couldn't be, so it was redone a dozen times before it got the ok. Second hardest from a technical aspect was Pier Fun O Won. Getting the ground under the pier to match the color of the sea and NOT have edges curl up was a challenge. The actual buildings were easy. I actually did go in and remodel it to cut back on some of the graphics issues it had.
Even the water underneath was landscaped before I changed things!
That's beautiful, Yarak! I hope you upload it :D
As for the ideas, how about you try building from a plan?
CreativeCrayola, link download the house is here http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8379.0.html
Happy siming :D
(Nor - I changed few things on the hill). What do you think about it, and about colors :-\
(Nor - I changed few things on the hill). What do you think about it, and about colors :-\
It's not for me to say but.. I think YOU could paint a turd and sell it for a diamond, you have so much talent!
It's not for me to say but.. I think YOU could paint a turd and sell it for a diamond, you have so much talent!
*nodding in agreement*
It's not for me to say but.. I think YOU could paint a turd and sell it for a diamond, you have so much talent!
It's already been said, but... *Nods in agreement*
For real. :D
Thanks, happy You like it. I like to give my contribution to community. Allways glad to help. ;)
I made this Hobbit house (lot 10 x 10) today. Joria, if it's what you need I'll share the shell with you. (I put the forniture only for example)
Wow! The exterior is just lovely Agneza! I do so wish we could rotate and move things on all three plains like in CAW - that way you could put greenery over all the roof.
I'm going to post this later in my Dynasty thread but I'm too excited and I wanted to get your guys opinion!! But I was thinking about uploading it to Swap Shop/Exchange if any of you guys would actually be interested in downloading it. I absolutely love the way it turned out! I decorated a few rooms but if I uploaded it I'd leave it sparse enough for you guys to feel free to decorate :) Please let me know what you think!
Ignore the garden, it won't be there if I upload it :P
Lower Floor- There is also access to an unfinished basement in case of needed underground expansion.
Upper floor
It looks beautiful kattiq!
Thanks Chuckles, I stil don't know how to make underground home for hobbit, :-\
Kattiq - your house and landscaping are very nice ;)
Can I get a few opinions here please. Have a look at this build and tell me what look best, the stair tower with or without the windows? My original plans were to include the windows, but now that it is not the grey unpainted walls, I actually quite like the one without windows too! keep in mind that there will be windows along the front walls, but I haven't determined where internal walls will be yet, so I can't quite finish the front wall.
I'd say without those windows. Do you have the BahHaus set? You're using the Garage Doors from it I think, if so what about using some of those windows? They might look better instead.
@Agneza... Wow, it is INCREDIBLE. I think we can ditch the tall man statue though, it no longer seems to fit in lol. And where did you find those lions with wings, is that some clever moveobjects or a store item. I think we can also move this discussion to the builder's summit thread and discuss ideas and stuff there so as not to bother anyone here with countless threads or images lol. Thanks so much again! Also, I sent you a message in the tells. Cheers
@Bamjo - I didn't think it was that ugly before <.< hah
@Twinmum - I like the windowless one as well. I think you will like it even better when you do the windows in the front. If you really wanted to do something else with the stair area, maybe something like a fence along the sides of the stairs would look nice, and then you can leave the wall area windowless. Or maybe some fauna boxes using the flat half wall might look nice there.
@Kattiq: I'm loving that home! Could you please post it to the Swap Shop? (Just so I can remodel it in my eyes for practice, lol.)
I like the window option rather than the no window. Looks really smart.
@Kattiq: I'm loving that home! Could you please post it to the Swap Shop? (Just so I can remodel it in my eyes for practice, lol.)
Will do as soon as I get a chance! Thanks :)
Twinmum - maby you tray without window and wall (where are windows now)and put fence,( Like open space) bur I'm not shure... :-\Sorry for my english :(
I'll play around a bit more. I probably should finish the front walls at least before worrying too much about the stairs.
@samoht04 yes I do have the BahHaus set. I could try some different windows.
@ Gogowars329 thank you
@ Agneza and norenegonc The trouble I have with no walls or half walls is that then there is nothing supporting the stairs (I know they don't need support in the game, but I like some realism).
I think why I liked the windows version was when I was re-learning how to do these stairs (I used to build them in TS2) the tower I built was not attached to a building and it looked very nice with the windows.
Twinmum - the U steps look great !
@Bamjo - I didn't think it was that ugly before <.< hah
I meant no insult by my comment. Your an Incredibly talented builder. Agneza is Incredible at making things come to life. I was just complimenting her.
Oh hah, I was just joking. I actually agree with you, Agneza's talent for coloring is something else.
I meant no insult by my comment. Your an Incredibly talented builder. Agneza is Incredible at making things come to life. I was just complimenting her.
Phew! A lot of catching up to do! Sorry for the absence but I've been having fun just PLAYING in UC instead of worrying over building it. (Although I keep seeing things I want to tweak a little. lol)
Ok, first of all, Agneza may I please have BOTH of those builds? They are perfect for my remodel. Just so charming and colorful. I love the rainbow! I love the hobbit house!
Losing track. Twinmum I absolutely love the tower with the stairs and all the windows! So light and airy and they don't need any other support. I know it feels strange but I've actually been in a building where you have just such a set up. Lots of glass and the stairs just seem to float up and up and up.
Kattiq I'm with Zapkid in loving what you are doing.
Ok, who did I miss? It's late, I'm tired and already broke my first goal which was to stop playing and go to sleep earlier! lol Happy New Year everyone!
kattiq- I love it, especially the front. It looks so inviting. I would definitely download if you shared in on the Swap Shop.
Twinmum-I like the windowless stairs best. It looks really cool, either way though.
This is my latest house. I recently bought the BahHaus set and wanted to try out a modern build. It is only one bedroom and one bath. I based it off a plan which included the planter in the front but not sure if it looks quite right. Any suggestions?
Looks great! The dining room rug/living room rug patterns look a little intense, maybe tone it down a bit? The planter in the front looks a little peculiar, also. Maybe remove the halfwall? You should try and make the red flooring in front look a little closer to the original color (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look above the two square windows- the flooring right there.) Oh, you could add a tree also. Other than that, the interior/exterior looks great. :)
This is my latest house. I recently bought the BahHaus set and wanted to try out a modern build. It is only one bedroom and one bath. I based it off a plan which included the planter in the front but not sure if it looks quite right. Any suggestions?
Nice house, Lyn. I think I'm gonna put some flower in the front, instead of those tree (because the house is small, so put something small will fit). Also put some rocks and sand around the house will make it look more "modern feel" :D. And a darker wood in the front maybe?
Lynley- it's a great house,I like it very much, maby half wall is little to high .
Joria - Unfortunatelly, yesterday I closed the game without saving and without saving copy of the Hobbit house. I made another one but it's impossible to make an exact copy. Sorry... :( I hope this one is ok...
Looks good to me. Perhaps remove a few windows? And find a stone covering and make that pillar on the left pure grayish stone. The stone covering looks a bit more mid-century (unless that's what your looking for.)
I just didn't feel like recoloring. LOL. Okay let me see. . .
I've lost steam for my other World but wanted to have a go in CAW again just for the afternoon. So I started this new modern themed, well not modern but normal town type world. So far it is not really that done, I'm working as I go along sort of thing. It has a stupid name. Banks Toe. Yeah I know but I didn't know what else to call it. So I called it Banks after my Dog and Toe after his one black claw on his toe... It will also be like a 'toe' of the mainland hopefully. I actually am quite pleased with how I've done the different terrain levels so far but they are not perfect. I had the world time set at dawn, so the Sun will rise over the beach there. Then it sets on the other side of the place. I'll probably make a sunset watching thing over there. I might make it go hilly over that side though, I don't know. Do you think it's worth continuing this world? I think I still have my Spirit Woods World but I'm a bit worried because it's not where I thought I put it when I updated my CAW.
It looks great! :D
Thanks Thomas! ;D Coming from you means so much, LOL.
And the world, it has a beach, good enough for me! It looks great! Makes me want to make my own world (. . .Cloud 9 :P) you know, if CAW wanted to download.
Are you going to finish it?
Thanks Thomas! ;D Coming from you means so much, LOL.
And the world, it has a beach, good enough for me! It looks great! Makes me want to make my own world (. . .Cloud 9 :P) you know, if CAW wanted to download.
Are you going to finish it?
I hope I will eventually. I've had a very productive day today. My Art teacher fails at giving me homework, I do Graphics and that means photoshop but I am very quick in Photoshop and have done about 30 different edited photos (along with taking about 15) in about 2 or 3 hours. Then I made a World. ;)
Oh cool. I do Graphics too. I have PS7 but I only use it for cropping and cutting out pictures. I am experienced in GIMP (my avatar and siggie were made there.)
Glad you are going to finish the world. Is it large?
\\Zapkid. I tried other stones and stuff, but I think I like the way this one looks compared to others.
Any other suggestions before I start on the inside? Oh, is the landscaping okay?
@Vampire: Landscaping's great. Maybe add dirt under the tree?
@Samoht: I want that world! I'll help make cool buildings for it, if you wish. 8)
I love your modern house Lynley! Your decor is perfect! For the planter out the front I would suggest some upside down L shapes going up to the roof. Or something to that effect. It could come up one side, go across the top, and then over to the roof. Or several of those. Or just straight up 'l's.
@Samoht: I want that world! I'll help make cool buildings for it, if you wish. 8)
Haha, I haven't even finished it yet. ;) I'll remember your offer though and probably will take you up on it if I finish the world. Anushka told me it's best to finish the world before adding lots in because altering terrain can cause glitches. on existing lots.
Vamp, It's a Large World but that's just the CAW Base I'm using. Not sure how much of it will be built/used yet. I'm not good at planning....
samoht04, I did the same thing when I created Childhood's End. I just needed a break from my modern world. There's so many things I should be prioritising in my game right now: my immortal dynasty; challenges; getting my modern houses uploaded - but at the momet I just felt like moving onto my next world: A tiny sized island with 15x15 lots - base game only. I'm economising where I can to make loading easy for those with low-end systems - there are just enough spawners according to our spawners list - so it might make collecting a little challenging.
Hey I'm new.
I'm not a spectacular builder but I think I like to build some different kinda stuff.
Here is my race track project I started on today. I just labeled it a "hangout" community lot.
That's totally awesome! I love to see new ideas for community lots!
Just read a very good tutorial for Create a World, one that's in progress and well I'm going to have to restart both my worlds. Some thing sin there I didn't know about that are quite important or a good idea to have in mind. It's sad but hopefully worth it.
widowmaker - it's very,very nice... ;) Super idea
My new the Library for my fantasy world. (lot size 15 x 10) I hope you like it...
Thomas, can you put a link for this tutorial, please...
@Agneza-The Library is totally awesome! ;D
@Thomas-When you are done,please post the download link.I'm in love with that world. 8)
Ohh! Agneza, I love it. Everything is so perfect and even. I love it, very nice.
Thomas, can you put a link for this tutorial, please...
A friend of mine is making it and they let me have a sneak peak just to see if things made sense. They're still writing it though and will share it once they are done.
I love the library Agneza! :D It's just another one to add to my list of Agneza's amazing builds. 8)
Well what are the things that you didn't know about? I wouldn't mind knowing myself ;)
Well what are the things that you didn't know about? I wouldn't mind knowing myself ;)
About Height Maps and which ones are best to pick and to make sure to make separate layers for different objects etc. and also what some of the tools in view do. Only part of it's done, not sure how much they are going to do though.
My new the Library for my fantasy world. (lot size 15 x 10) I hope you like it...
One question: Is this a firy tail's library, Agneza? Absolutely amazing.
One question: Is this a firy tail's library, Agneza? Absolutely amazing.
I assume you meant Fairy Tale? If so I think she said it was for her Fantasy World so I would say so.
@Lynley1248 – Very nice modern house! I think others have mentioned it but definitely look into throwing something else into the fauna boxes. Something tall with color, maybe sunflowers, or even small trees like the magnolia. Not too much but enough to create some flavor there I think. I also find the red a bit drastic, but it might just be the image. Maybe you might like a softer tone. The general structure and furnishing fits the modern theme flawlessly! So many talented modern builders here :)
@samoht04 – The beach world is looking great! I could definitely seeing it being a cozy little European coastal village or small beachfront modern city.
@Agneza – Wall curving! You mastered it hah, cool! The new library is looking great. By the way, I do not know if you intended for this, but in case you would like, you can actually leave the front connected to the main building. What you do is curve the first tile into the main building. Since you have an extra story you can just flatten the last story and it will cover the curved section of the main building while leaving the front with the curve. Basically this creates the effect that the curved and noncurved sections are touching and you are covering that awkward incline created by a curved wall meeting a noncurved wall will an extra story. The second technique is what you used (from what I can tell) where you just delete this area and leave a single tile of room in between the curved and noncurved sections. But! In case you wanted to in future (now that you can so wonderfully curve walls) I thought I would mention the other technique.
In any case! I started on a new build. I didn’t see too many community lots in the forums so I thought I would create a theatre. Its official use could likely be an art gallery or library. I based the structure somewhat on the Opera Garnier (or at least from what I could remember of it). Those of you who have been there might notice the similarities in the longness (rather than wideness) of the structure, the entrance stairs, the hidden area beneath the main stairs, the balconies in the theatre and of course the dome and gable roof. Of course the Opera Garnier is much more elaborate and magnificent than anything I could create hah. And the entrance is drastically different.
I remember the first time I went to the Opera Garnier to see Madame Butterfly and just feeling awestruck by the immense beauty of it all. The gorgeous marble stairs, the statues left and right, the grandeur of the theatre room, even the art student sitting in the corner drawing the ceiling hah. I thought I might recreate that feeling in this building. But after the initial structure is built, I feel like I get lost with the rest, the colors and windows and objects hah. So I thought I would ask for some advice.
I do not know what I should do with the sides. I feel like I should leave it alone, but then the inside does not get any natural light due to there not being any windows. I also included some images of the acting sets I created (there are only two at the moment, one for a formal living room scene and another for a sort of country market scene) and the entrance hall with the stairs. Those of you who are familiar with the Opera Garnier, does it look like this build managed to recreate even one millionth of the grandeur of Napoleonic era architecture.
Thanks and sorry for the long message!
norenegonc - I don't know the Opera Garnier, but I think what you'd done is simply stunning!
Wow norenegonc! That is an amazing build.
Yarakisagoa - I didn't quite understood what you are asking, but my english is worst than your, ha, ha. Thank you and all the others for the nice comments :)
Norenegonc - I wanted to make the library this way, it came out just as I intended it to be, but thanks anyway for Your advice.
I finally finisfed my The Fantasy dance club. There you can socialize while playing music instruments, drink or/and eat something, and when you get tired yould drink a coffee or take a nap... Hope you like my fantasy world... ;)
Sorry, now I see that I forgot to move out those ugly lamps on the ceiling - sorry...
Fantastic build Agneza! Everything is just perfect. ;D
It is Absolutley Adorable! Perfect.
I assume you meant Fairy Tale? If so I think she said it was for her Fantasy World so I would say so.
thank you :D. I meant that, typing mistaken :D.
Loving the club Agneza! ;D
thank you :D. I meant that, typing mistaken :D.
Lol, no problem. I thought it was a typo. Not a silly mistake, I spelt 'he' wrong the other day. ::)
I love the way it turns out. Nature :D.
I saw Lynley's home that was posted earlier and took a fancy to it. I decided to try and make something like it, and am pleased with the results. I'd post to the swap shop- but I want to know if I should make any final changes and I should also get Lynley's permission :P
Thoughts? :)
I like it Zap. But isn't the bar in the bedroom facing the wrong way?
So it is! I'll fix it later. Glad you like it. :)
@Agneza – Yay you are wall curving again! Hah, I was beginning to think I was too long winded and confusing in my tutorial and no one used it. The dance club is really nice. I like how it looks like you just stumbled onto it in the middle of a forest hah. Might I suggest a two story column to hold the roof in that one section that is in the front. If you move it halfway into the corner there utilizing MOO I think it would look nice when you color it to match. I know that sounds weird, I am talking about that one section of the roof that is on the left side of the front. I am guessing it is exactly two stories tall, so you can use any of the two story columns and just move it directly onto the tile of the corner. It might sound weird, but if you try it out (I would suggest Ye Olde Column), I think you might like it :)
@Zapkid – Looking great. I know I suggest to Lynley to soften the color, but in your version, might I suggest to strengthen it a bit. I feel like the brown of the right side of the house blends in too much with the wood. I like the wood, I would suggest making that brown maybe a gold. Also, I do not understand the bar in the bedroom, it is right against the wall so you cannot use it. Or am I right in guessing it is just decorative :) Might I suggest moving the bar forward and to the left by 1 tile, close that area with two counter islands, and then create the overhead cabinet both over this new area and one tile forward too. I know given the current size of the room you cannot do this, but maybe you can increase the bedroom by two tiles hah. I know that was oddly worded so I am going to try creating an image here
---- ----
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
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Ok so the two orange lines are one corner overhead cabinet. The gray lines are all overhead cabinets. The four blue lines are the bar. And the teal lines are the corner island counter and normal island counter. This would close off the bar area at the counters but leave a cool little walkway to get into the bar area directly under the overhead cabinet (the horizontal one). If this is making no sense just let me know and I can just make it in game and take a few images to show you lol.
I saw Lynley's home that was posted earlier and took a fancy to it. I decided to try and make something like it, and am pleased with the results. I'd post to the swap shop- but I want to know if I should make any final changes and I should also get Lynley's permission :P
Thoughts? :)
I think it looks great. I really like the colors and the design of interior. Since I based mine off of this house plan (http://www.thehouseplansite.com/2008/10/contemporary-casita-plan/), I figure it is fair game. ;)
That website you linked looks like it is for real estate but the house in the images on that site looks like it was created in the Sims... weird hah
Please remember that the limit for screenshots on this thread is 10 per post. Your last one had 12 screenshots in it. I'd appreciate it if you'd remove two of them.
Thoughts? :)
ZapKid, this house is too "bold" for me, and the decorating is too simple. I like the original version of this house better :D. But anyway, good job.
Please remember that the limit for screenshots on this thread is 10 per post. Your last one had 12 screenshots in it. I'd appreciate it if you'd remove two of them.
? :D.
"Half of my posts are correcting people. The other 49% is moving threads."
Now I know why you have this signature, lol.
Sorry about the extra images before, I took them all down. I thought that rule was for when you were linking a house on the other forum, but I will remember that from now on :) Sorry if I tend to overimage in general, my builds tend to generally be large and so there is always so much about which to inquire hah. But I will try to reduce that :)
So I am back with the theatre. I decided to really try at the interior designing this time. I usually just finish the main structure and then get bored and start tossing items around without recoloring anything. Yet for some reason I really like this build and so I thought maybe some effort was called for. So I took a few images and had some questions because I am not so good at the actual decorating after the structure has been built hah.
Does this statue cluster look decent or too cluttered.
Still not certain what to do with the side and the outdoor decorating in general. I tried making some 1 story columns but it still looks vacant. I see some wonderful outdoor decorating on the forums where it seems like every inch has been colored, but I feel like whenever I do that I tend to create this cluttered look. I tried to color in some bits and I think it looks decent but I wonder if it is yet too much white.
I finally took some time to do color in all the interior furnishing, I wonder if these rooms fit the general look and feel of the structure and maybe your thoughts on them.
The entrance hall
The library and study
All three stories of the grand theatre (I intend to recolor those white boxes to some kind of stone)
The state dining room
The main restroom
I think most of it is truly stunning - I like the decorating on the inside. I am only a little confused by the bathroom. Do people usually go to the toilet, and shower and bath in front of each other?
No hah, they won't, at least your characters in the game won't (cue the shooing!). And I guess outside a locker room situation, there really isn't much showering together in reality either hah. In all honesty I just thought the two showers and two tubs looked really cool ha. I tried to recreate the structure with one tub and one shower but it just doesn't look the same. With the showers the effect I was trying for was making the two showers look like they were just one large shower, the way someone might throw two single beds side by side using MOO and make it look like just the one. As for the toilets, I do actually believe your characters in game will be okay with using them with others in the room because technically the toilets are walled off on each side so it counts as a room.
I saved two rooms for a dressing room for the actors and actresses and a second smaller restroom, so with two restrooms I don't think anyone in game is going to be in wait for a toilet or quick shower hah.
Also, thank you SO much for your wonderful comments, they are really so kind and I am so glad to read them. I was going back and forth and back and forth creating this wall design or coloring that item of furniture and am glad to know it is looking good. I am sort of thinking to just toss a bed or two into the building and move my family in hah. Then they could just float around the stony halls and maybe create some skits for each other (ok I know they cannot hah, but if you turned off free will you could have a few of them sitting in the audience and create your own little skits <.<, lol imagine that a skit inside a game that is one giant skit in and of itself, the irony).
Love the house Zapkid and Lynley.Off to make my version. ;D
Norenogonc - "... Yay you are wall curving again! I was beginning to think I was too long winded and confusing in my tutorial and no one used it ... . I'm affraid I learned curving wall from another tutoriat, I found it on internet. Sorry, but yours is little to difficult for me.
Norenogonc - " Yay you are wall curving again! Hah, I was beginning to think I was too long winded and confusing in my tutorial and no one used it. " I'm affraid I learned curving wall from another tutoriat, I found it on internet. Sorry, but yours is little to difficult for me.
ack! yellow?!
Norenogonc - " Yay you are wall curving again! Hah, I was beginning to think I was too long winded and confusing in my tutorial and no one used it. " I'm affraid I learned curving wall from another tutoriat, I found it on internet. Sorry, but yours is little to difficult for me.
Agneza I can't really read the yellow text could you change it to black please. ;)
[I changed the yellow font to black in both posts. -Pam]
Sorry.... something with colors is going wrong, I just see, sorry again...my mistake :-[
My new - The Country house, (lot size: 15 X 20), shell. What do You think, will be ok if I put little modern forniture or better not ?.
Hmmmmm. At the back, I think a door out to the backyard would be a nice touch, and maybe an extra window, but aside from that it's a very strong exterior! I love the pastel blues and light browns a lot.
and of course you can use modernized furniture! 8) A bit of old and new makes for a great eclectic look.
Sorry about the extra images before, I took them all down. I thought that rule was for when you were linking a house on the other forum, but I will remember that from now on :) Sorry if I tend to overimage in general, my builds tend to generally be large and so there is always so much about which to inquire hah. But I will try to reduce that :)
So I am back with the theatre. I decided to really try at the interior designing this time. I usually just finish the main structure and then get bored and start tossing items around without recoloring anything. Yet for some reason I really like this build and so I thought maybe some effort was called for. So I took a few images and had some questions because I am not so good at the actual decorating after the structure has been built hah.
Does this statue cluster look decent or too cluttered.
Still not certain what to do with the side and the outdoor decorating in general. I tried making some 1 story columns but it still looks vacant. I see some wonderful outdoor decorating on the forums where it seems like every inch has been colored, but I feel like whenever I do that I tend to create this cluttered look. I tried to color in some bits and I think it looks decent but I wonder if it is yet too much white.
I think a good style of gardening for this would be baroque. here's a wiki article with some examples. A google search ought to get you more if you need them. They don't have to be huge: the basis is making very formal designs with your foliage.
The dining room looks a little tight. I'm worries a lot of the chairs and serving tables might be non-functional.
But yeah, the architecture is pretty much bomb.
Norenogonc - "... Yay you are wall curving again! I was beginning to think I was too long winded and confusing in my tutorial and no one used it ... . I'm affraid I learned curving wall from another tutoriat, I found it on internet. Sorry, but yours is little to difficult for me.
If you do not mind, could you link the tutorial that you read. I would be most interested to read it and maybe get a better idea on how to be clearer in any future tutorials I write. Thanks :)
Danefaith - it's a great idea for a door to the backyard! :D What do you think about the kitchen? I think the colors are pretty modern... :-\
Norenogonc-I can't write down the link - forum rules, but it is not so difficult to find it. I wish you luck.
@Zapkid – Looking great. I know I suggest to Lynley to soften the color, but in your version, might I suggest to strengthen it a bit. I feel like the brown of the right side of the house blends in too much with the wood. I like the wood, I would suggest making that brown maybe a gold. Also, I do not understand the bar in the bedroom, it is right against the wall so you cannot use it. Or am I right in guessing it is just decorative :) Might I suggest moving the bar forward and to the left by 1 tile, close that area with two counter islands, and then create the overhead cabinet both over this new area and one tile forward too. I know given the current size of the room you cannot do this, but maybe you can increase the bedroom by two tiles hah. I know that was oddly worded so I am going to try creating an image here
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Ok so the two orange lines are one corner overhead cabinet. The gray lines are all overhead cabinets. The four blue lines are the bar. And the teal lines are the corner island counter and normal island counter. This would close off the bar area at the counters but leave a cool little walkway to get into the bar area directly under the overhead cabinet (the horizontal one). If this is making no sense just let me know and I can just make it in game and take a few images to show you lol.
Yeah, I'm confused to what you mean. I couldn't understand a colored diagram to save my life ::) :P
@Agneza – I tried a google search but nothing, are you allowed to send me the link in a message or mail. Or do you have the name of the author or the website it is on (if you are allowed to write it here) that might make it easier to find, thanks :)
@Dane – I was thinking the same thing hah! I redid it, what do you think.
I also redid the theatre first floor finally, any thoughts.
@Zapkid – I went ahead and created what I meant. I believe your bedroom is going to need to be two tiles bigger. What do you think.
@Zapkid – I went ahead and created what I meant. I believe your bedroom is going to need to be two tiles bigger. What do you think.
That gave me an idea, make a mini 6x3 lounge next to the bedroom! It'll take some tweaking, but I bet it'll come out nice :)
Agneza: Like I said, I certainly don't think a few modern touches is a bad thing. I personally think it's a very successful color scheme, with a few modern metal, but the pastels keep it country.
Anyway, soooo many patterns. ;D Which is good! but I think a few softer, plainer textures would be good to balance things out. Maybe switch out the textures on the picture frame and drapes for a simple yellow. or maybe even a lime green, to match the teapot and food processor?
Danefaith - backyard - what do you think? You are right about patterns, I see better when looking on the photo...
Norenogonc - if I have't deleted this tutorial, I'll send it to you.
Here, I redid the bedroom area a bit.
Any better? :)
I quite like the new bedroom. Makes me think danefaith had something to do with it.
I quite like the new bedroom. Makes me think danefaith had something to do with it.
He didn't.
I think I'm developing his style after looking at his homes a lot. ::)
ZapKid - it's nice ;)
Agneza: I LOVE that country house! The kitchen looks great, I love all the colors in it :)
The backyard also looks better with the door and the mini porch. Great job!
Agneza: An excellent addition! Back porch is always good for fluid movement through the lot.
Zapkid: Haha, I'm flattered! It's looking pretty good. The partition is actually a really cool idea, but I might suggest using the tallest arch to make it feel a little more open, and a piece of art in the new seating area. Nitpicks really: ultimately really good.
@Zapkid – It is looking much nicer :)
@Dane – I was actually thinking Versailles! Hah, but all I could remember of it was how sore my feet were after walking on those tiny stones all day. I didn’t even go down to Marie Antoinette’s village hah. That link you did was very useful, so many amazing gardens. There was not enough room to do anything too incredible, but well, I can just link the images and see your thoughts. The trees on the border of the lot are not actually in the lot, I used the world editor for those. I guess it was to show that the lot might fit well in both a small city with lots of trees or in the middle of the city centre if there were no trees even.
The lot is basically finished so I also took some close images of a few rooms in case I missed something like the dining room.
I am really thankful for all your advice, cheers :)
Sorry.... something with colors is going wrong, I just see, sorry again...my mistake :-[
No problem Agneza and no need to be sorry we all make mistakes. :)
Edit: I love the house on the 15x20 lot . I don't think the colours are too modern. They are perfect. You are great at choosing colours that work well together. ;D
Just a tiny thing... might seem silly but you have double walls (where the statue/archways are... and the inside of the walls aren't colored. Its a tiny detail but one I noticed right away. Sorry to be picky.
I love the building though, so much work! I wouldn't have the patience I think. Good job!
I finished today dining room and bathroom in the new house, any suggestion ? Thanks Danefight for help with a kitchen and porch :)
Well, I started to read and wanted to comment but my memory sucks so please forgive me if I forget names.
The race track: EXCELLENT. At first I thought it was strictly for drag races but then I saw the track did actually make a loop. Well done. What size lot is it on? I'd like to see one on a huge lot to give that "Daytona" appeal to it, or Grand Prix.
Zap, I love the colors but I think you need something to add a very small spark in your rooms. Just a touch of a different, brighter color. And I do mean small. Like, colors on a picture frame or such. Otherwise it's a good build for both you and Lynley. A bit stark and too modern for my personal taste, (I tend toward traditional), but well done nonetheless.
Nore: Your opera house does not feel like an opera house to me, but more a home with side touches of opera house. Why would you have bedrooms and such in an opera house? Ok, in the premier dressing rooms, but otherwise no. I highly doubt a diva is going to be taking a shower, (and therefor messing up her coiffure), at the opera. Maybe after, but even that is debatable. I particularly find the roof confusing. All those statues around the edges and then that visually confusing clump at the top or the dome give it a feeling of not being able to decide if it is a mosque or a cathedral. I also find the white a bit too bright. Maybe a very pale grey? VERY pale, but just enough to tone down the shock of the white against the blue. Or, if not grey, then a cream color? What are those blocks between the seating for? They look uncomfortable and take away from the look of a gallery of seats. Did I notice an orchestra pit? Wasn't too sure. In front of the stage, which felt a bit small/short to me. Not too fond of the huge sculptures in the arches either. Something smaller on pedestals maybe? Or something more "open" looking? I don't much like the hay bale in the scenery either. Fire hazard!
A couple of single blocks of hay would maybe work? They would really be foam in a theatre painted to look like hay, with maybe a bit of hay glued on but I doubt you'd see big, round stacks.
I LOVE the balconies! I'd put a few more chairs and maybe go with a deep burgundy red velvet look for the seats and curtains though. Like at La Scala. Or go with a blue velvet. Your path into the building is meant to be marble, but unfortunately the marble terrain paint just doesn't look quite right to me whenever and wherever I've seen it. Too flat looking and more like dirt than marble. Maybe replace with the marble pavings? There are some very pretty ones and I know with your decorative flair you could do an awesome job with those. Have you considered putting in a basement for storage of props and sets? It would free up that area where you now have sets, which is a little distracting, and it would give it a very authentic feel. You could even have a room where costumes are worked on, a make up station and such. It's is quite a massive project and I applaud you for doing it!
Agneza: I love your new house. The colors and patterns are perfect, as usual. The little added backporch was just what it needed. Not a fairy tale house, but just as charming as one. I love the blend of the contemporary and traditional along with a bit of whimsical. (Whimsical is the cute additions to the yard!)
I didn't even mention the dance club or library! AMAZING! I so want to see that world you are building when you are done! I love the dance club. I never would have thought you could make it so functional yet be a smaller building. Everything I do tends to be huge, and yet awfully crowded. You take smaller spaces, fill them, yet make them flow and feel open and welcoming.
Sorry about the extra images before, I took them all down. I thought that rule was for when you were linking a house on the other forum, but I will remember that from now on :) Sorry if I tend to overimage in general, my builds tend to generally be large and so there is always so much about which to inquire hah. But I will try to reduce that :)
No worries. We always want to limit images in a post because it take up our bandwidth. If you have a lot of images, you can put 10 in the post and then link to the Gallery for the others. You can put as many as you like on the Gallery.
@Agneza: That house is beautiful! If you put it Swap Shop, I will download it. :)
Okay, here's my next shell. I'm liking this one- based it off a house plan but to lazy to go and find it ::)
Front (Again)
Back Patio
Any thoughts? And any ideas for what I should put next to the kitchen? :)
Zap Kid- a living room ?
Zap Kid- a living room ?
Now I feel stupid for asking. :P
If you have Pets and you're near to taking the final pictures I would suggest putting that in AP. I think the Landscaping you've done would fit in better there. The House looks very cool and modern. I would have to say I don't like the pool/fountain at the front, along with those two block foundations at each end. Other than that it looks fantastic. :)
If you have Pets and you're near to taking the final pictures I would suggest putting that in AP. I think the Landscaping you've done would fit in better there. The House looks very cool and modern. I would have to say I don't like the pool/fountain at the front, along with those two block foundations at each end. Other than that it looks fantastic. :)
I actually sort of liked the blocks, because they were a key element I wanted to keep. The pool and fountain definitely need some work, though. :)
Made some changes/added new rooms.
Living Room
Executive's Study
Miniature Gym
Any new suggestions? :)
The Country house - Do You have some suggestion or advice before I'll put it to the Swap shop ?
ZapKid from which place do you wach TV ? Maybe some kind of partition, and one more carpet will be ok :-\
ZapKid from which place do you wach TV ? Maybe some kind of partition, and one more carpet will be ok :-\
You watch tv from the blue couches.
What's a partition? :-[
Well, I started to read and wanted to comment but my memory sucks so please forgive me if I forget names.
The race track: EXCELLENT. At first I thought it was strictly for drag races but then I saw the track did actually make a loop. Well done. What size lot is it on? I'd like to see one on a huge lot to give that "Daytona" appeal to it, or Grand Prix.
Actually it was just supposed to be for drag races, and then I realized the entrance, exit, and pit road all made it look like an oval track. I have redone it now and I think its shaping up better to what I had envisioned. It's on a 64x64 lot. Unfortunately I cannot make the track to scale, as an 1/8th mile drag strip would be too long for a 64x64 lot. So its more like a 1/16th mile racetrack.
I do plan on making a Daytona style track, I just have to play around with making the banked corners look right.
Also, I have figured out that you cannot place vehicles on a community lot, so it will now be a really cool home lot, as I don't feel it looks right without any cars on the track. I can make use of the race car bed I have now.
Here is the new racetrack. Also in case anyone it unfamiliar with what a Drag strip is, here is a picture of a real one.
Agneza, that is the one of the best houses I think you've made! Once you upload I'm definitely downloading.
Zapkid, I suggest adding one of the other excerise equipment to replace the 2nd treadmill.
Widow, it looks great!
Thank you gogowars :D and I like it very much
My last build that was Modern was deleted through a family member and now I've started a new build. It will be called, Outside, In. Or something like that.
Here's the Front and Back. The sides are the same as the back.
Here's Inside. It's hard to get good photos in with all the plants on the outside.
Any thoughts/suggestions? I'm only using Base Game and the free store plant on the walls.
@Gogowars329 Looks pretty good to me.
If it were me though, the sink in the bathroom wouldn't be on the glass wall. I mean, where does the water come from? lol. :P
Very creative
@Gogowars329 Looks pretty good to me.
If it were me though, the sink in the bathroom wouldn't be on the glass wall. I mean, where does the water come from? lol. :P
Very creative
I thought that too, but really, it's Sims, the sink could be in the bed! It was either the sink or the shower against the windows and I chose sink.
I like the house. It reminds me of a comic I used to have of Donald Duck. The kids bought a wirevine that wasn't supposed to be out of it's little glass dome. He does his Donald tantrum and and smashes it. It grows and consumes their whole house until they have a plant for a house. It literally makes the shape of the house.
Gogowars- - I like it ! It's so funny :D Maybe yellow - green carpet will be fine, and you can put few Boston Fern in the orange flowers (now are little too orange) and replace pink roses with yellow lilac - what do you think?
Gogowars- - I like it ! It's so funny :D Maybe yellow - green carpet will be fine, and you can put few Boston Fern in the orange flowers (now are little too orange) and replace pink roses with yellow lilac - what do you think?
I'll get to work! You've got some great ideas Agneza.
Did as you said Agneza but did not add the Yellow Lilac as they are from WA. I was added a few other plants to the outside.
Is it ready to be uploaded or a bit more work?
I like it! white color of carpet is little "strong " maby you can change for little yellow ( green is perfect) will be in harmony with picture on the wall. Your progres with the colors is great ! The flowers outside looks much better now...
widowmaker - the racetrack is excellent! great idea :)
@Gogowars: That's pretty cool looking. :D
LOL Ok so I got bored and messed around a bit and this is what I got.
... :P
What should I do with it? Build a home next to it, upload it now, stare at it for laughs? :P
Zap Kid - it's a good idea for animal park... is funny :)
Zap Kid - it's a good idea for animal park... is funny :)
Yes, yes! Build a Cat Park on it!
I never really thought you liked Nyan Cat that much.... How long did it take?
@gogo: seriously? Have you never seen his avatar? Lol.
Zap that's funny. How did you make that?
@gogo: seriously? Have you never seen his avatar? Lol.
Zap that's funny. How did you make that?
I just think that's not far enough. Nyan Cat deserves an entire neighbourhood!
Yes I'm addicted Gogo. :P
It took me... 10 minutes? I had a pic though.
Ooh, a Cat park! Or a neighborhood? -lost In thought-
Oh my goodness Zapkid. That's hilarious!
Zapkid that may be very funny, you can build a amazing kat jungle on it.
The Musician Park - any suggestion or advice ? :-\
Agneza - Wow. I can see no flaws. :D
ZapKid, your obsession with Nyan Cat is just getting too far now. ;) Joking, but that is quite cool! I saw loads of people making Nyan Cat on Minecraft as well, lol.
Agneza - You're building talent is amazing. Only on thing I see is the lights above the stage... if they are "spot lights" shouldn't they be pointing onto the people on the stage? they look like they are pointing to the crowd. And if its a music lot I would get rid of the video game and easel. last thing a musician wants is the "bing bing beep beep" of video games next to the stage ;) Tiny details.
love it!
Agneza - You're building talent is amazing. Only on thing I see is the lights above the stage... if they are "spot lights" shouldn't they be pointing onto the people on the stage? they look like they are pointing to the crowd. And if its a music lot I would get rid of the video game and easel. last thing a musician wants is the "bing bing beep beep" of video games next to the stage ;) Tiny details.
love it!
Hmm.. I think the game machine quite suits it's place, actually. I wouldn't picture one of those outside, but that's the great thing about Agneza's builds - she can put items in unlikely places and they still look like they belong there, she's that good. :D
cndneh - You're right about the videogame and the easel - thanks. The lamps in the rear are for the stage and those up front for the dancers on the dance floor, but thanks for the advice
Do you think I exaggerated with blue color? Maybe I should add some yellow? And thanks for very nice comments
cndneh - You're right about the videogame and the easel - thanks. The lamps in the rear are for the stage and those up front for the dancers on the dance floor, but thanks for the advice
OOh... missed the dance floor, ok, the lights make sense then. (don't know how I missed it... ha!)
If you are worried about the blue (there is a lot) maybe the stairs can be stone color, like the flooring. But I don't think its too bad.
cndneh - thanks I'll tray to change some colors...
ZapKid thanks for grat idea. :D My Dog park, how do You like it ?
Looks great! :D
Maybe change the "Background" from sky to plain blue stone? The clouds sort of look too "dynamic", if you know what I mean. :)
The first thing I noticed was that the clouds are upside down. :P
The second thing was "Awwww puppy!"
Looks perfect! I'll totally download this!
I made a couple
small huge changes to my cat park. Any more suggestions? :)
That looks great Zap!
Agneza, I like both the lots.
Agneza: the cyan is a little overpowering, and feels kind of synthetic. maybe if you expanded the color palette a bit with a couple earthy tones and textures, for a more natural, outdoors feel.
Zap, SqueakyClean sends you loves and nyans. She's addicted to nyan cat too! I love it.
Agneza, one thing about dog park. It looks like it is for people but not for people who want to play with their dogs. Not enough run around room. However, it will be great for those stray, homeless doggies to sleep at night!
I also agree the cyan blue is a bit too much. You are so good with colors I know you'll find just the right color to tone it down a bit. Other than that I love it.
Gogo I love your plant house! We had a project going on here where a child's playhouse was built using sunflowers and pole beans. It was really something when done! There were squash plants too so the entire place was "fruitful". Sorry, no pictures.
Thanks everybody for comments and advices. I'll try to change what you suggested to me. After two months I finished the Mediterranean villa, it was realy a huge project for me but I'm pretty satisfied. For now few exterior photos. I hope you like it.
Agneza It is absolutley lovely!! I have one complaint.. there is no link to download it yet.. I Can't wait to see it in my game.
Agneza that is just awesome! I like what you've done with the hopschotch court. You realy make me wish I was a sim! :P
It's beautiful Agneza - can't wait to see the rest of it! :)
Thanks for nice comments, I''ll put it to to Swap shop after testing.
Few photos from villa interior ;)
Agneza - I'd like to know what you do in real life? Interior decorator? If not you totally should! Your decorations are amazing! I'm scrolling through the pictures like its a catalog and I'm all "My bedroom would look amazing in those colors, or maybe that for the bathroom!"
cndneh - thanks, is so nice of you, I'm not decorator and nothing similar. I only like art.
very nice house, Agneza. I like it :D.
Thanks Yara, When we can see something new from you, I like your houses.
cndneh - thanks, is so nice of you, I'm not decorator and nothing similar. I only like art.
That explains alot. your houses are like a canvas.
That explains alot. your houses are like a canvas.
I second this opinion! I guess it is a work of art, some people use paint, some people use pixels! :D
It's great Agneza. I especially like that last bedroom, and the way you put those columns next to the fireplace in the loungeroom is ingenius!
When we can see something new from you, I like your houses.
Thank you, and I'm sorry Agneza, but you'll have to wait until i get back to my college :D. Now, I've just returned to my family for Tet holiday (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%E1%BA%BFt). And sadly, my parent didn't play The Sims 3, so I dont have it to build houses ;).
Thanks everybody for so nice words, I realy apreciate it. Few photos from my villa (second floor and basement)
Agneza, I'm speachless, it is beautiful beyond words.. I'm waiting at the Swap Shop for the link!
Such quality and I just love the way you've used Photography to make those pictures. :)
Anything? Looking good? Yes, no, maybe so? LOL.
These are the rooms I have done so far. The bar is part of the dining room, I just kind of separated it.
I'll give you the outside when I landscape and the floor plan. Oh and that's a guest bedroom and bathroom.
It's supposed to be Modern, but I have to admit, I don't know what am doing, LOL.
I changed a few things after taking this pics.
Okay so this is my first building I'm confident enough to show on hear, so I'm sort of nervous. Anyway, this is Claw, the hottest ckub in town! (wow that was corny :P)
So what do you think? I know on the outside it looks like a house with garage doors, but the story is that it was someone's old garage and when they moved out their house was torn down so they could expand the garage for the club. :P :D
Whew, I haven't been on the Showboat thread for a while! Let's see:
Zapkid: Your cat park is hilariously awesome. I bet it'd get hundreds of downloads on the exchange.
Agneza: Your villa is gorgeous, especially the exterior! I love your use of patterns and photographs (as usual).
VampirePlasma: That modern house is right up my alley. I love the layout and the exterior. It'd be perfect for a celebrity!
Alex: That's a decent first effort, I like the bunch of gobos above the dance floor. Welcome to the Showboat thread. :)
Lately I've been building in Appaloosa Plains a lot because there's so much space, and one of my favourite things about the town is the empty community lot next to the supermarket. Since Showtime won't be out for a while, I've decided to turn it into a landromat. What do you think?
I'm trying to use only Pets and Ambitions content for this one.
Ausette - clean, elegant, creativ - super !
VampirePlasma - so nice house, very good exterior. Inside maybe to many patterns on the floor and little "cold " walls. The green bedroom is beautiful .
Alex - Bravo! Little more color lights and will be perfect
@Ausette: Thanks! Maybe I should upload it to the exchange :P
For the laundromat, the actual entrance (with the door) doesn't look right. Maybe you could try a more modern door, and replace the wall lights with something else? Perfect otherwise :)
@Ausette: Thanks! Maybe I should upload it to the exchange :P
For the laundromat, the actual entrance (with the door) doesn't look right. Maybe you could try a more modern door, and replace the wall lights with something else? Perfect otherwise :)
I love the laundromat as well, but agree with the front door. Something that looks more metal, or at least doesn't have the wood molding in it. Love it other than that. :D
Ausette: Thanks, :) I love your Laundry place. Totally will download.
Agneza:Yeah, I agree. Need to work on it.
I agree, the green bedroom is my favorite.
Ugh, the front door. I would have liked a glass or metal door, but the door I used was the only one that didn't overlap the white panelling parts. I've got an idea though, so I'll see what I can do. :)
@Agneza and Ausette: Thanks! This is my first try at building something other than starter houses for challenges and such. I think I might upload this to the swap shop.
Wow there are some very beautiful houses up here! I don't know if I'll even compare but I'll try anyway.
This is my first time building a house like this. I'm not the best at building anything besides boxes on flat ground. I also am a much more modern/chic/minimalistic with my decorating too, so this was a build that was waaay outside my comfort zone. I think it turned out pretty ok. It's a two bedroom, two bathroom home, with an awesome view of the Sunset Valley Light House.
Dinning Room
Living Room
Second Floor Hallway
Library/Sitting Area
First Bedroom
Second Bedroom
Bathroom (both of the bathrooms look like this)
Second Floor Balcony
First Floor Back Porch
and the view from the window by the kitchen.
It was a long and daunting process that almost made me cry, but I managed to complete it. I feel so proud of myself.
Available at the swap shop here: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8651.0.html (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8651.0.html)
The house looks fantastic Fire!
Fire - welcome to the showboat thread :D. If you are realy a beginner you can be proud of yourself, the house is very nice. Bravo! Only one note - more attention when you settle the landscaping , but its only my suggestion.
Thanks Gogowars and Agneza! :D I've never been that great at moving the terrain on lots. I'm just glad Sims can actually use this house. I tried one a long time ago and somehow my Sims couldn't reach the front door. I had no clue how to fix it so I just gave up back then, but I'm glad I gave the idea another shot.
Hi everyone, I'm currently in the process of uploading individual lots from my world Summerset Isle, and was wondering if someone downloads 'The Turquoise Gem (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8318.msg174295.html#msg174295)' if they could let me know if the photo (behind the bed) exported and installed properly? The photos and paintings didn't export with the world, and some of my lots lost their names and descriptions (which included credits), so I'm in the process of fixing those first. Many thanks in advance.
FireRaye93 - I made this photo for you, maybe will be easer to see how you can fix your problem...I hope it's help ;)
If you have some questions be free to ask. Now, Sims can enter inside without any problems.
God, Agneza.. Every little thing you do Is magic! The house was good before, but you made it better!
Wow Agneza...I have got agree with bamjo on that one. I don't know why I never thought of splitting the stairs like that. I guess it just never occurred to me that I could.
Thanks bamjo92, ;) FireRaye93 I'm really glad if this helped You :D
Few photos my Fantasy Salon, I'm not finish the Tatoo... I hope You like it ;)
Another great build, Agneza! Great... everything! Good work :)
That's a very cute salon Agneza!
After a short hiatus, I came back to the Sims and starting building something. And boy, was I on a serious roll! I even did...wait for it...landscaping! *gasp!* I know! I couldn't believe it myself. I was possessed by the spirits of Samoht04 and Danefaith...which is really odd, seeing as how both of them are still alive and well as far as I am aware. But regardless, it happened.
After you've all picked yourselves up off the floor, you can see what I've done and tell me what you think. And perhaps give me an idea or two, since my possession ended before I finished. A note before any suggestions are made: I'm using exclusively base game and High End Loft Stuff items for this build, so many of the landscaping items are not available for this.
After a bit of landscaping, I zoomed out and gaped in amazement at what I saw:
Literally my best landscaping effort to date. Here's a closeup of the flowerbed in front of the house:
Nice and full, and I think it looks beautiful, although I'm planning on putting some ground cover flowers under the rosebushes to fill it up some more. On the side, I had a bit of waste space under the balcony that goes from the loft to the front of the house, so I filled it up:
There's a flower bed that runs along the other side of the house, that I did pretty much the same thing with (only there are no pillars in it). Then I experiemented with the pool a little bit, and for the first time used the rounded corners of the pool tool:
Yeah, it's still rectangular for the most part, but it's a start lol. Baby steps...;)
I was on fire, and you might ask yourself "where could the wheels possibly fall off this guy's wagon?" Well, cue the screeching tires and a loud crash:
I have absolutely no idea what to do with this area. The whole "swing set/jungle gym/slide" thing is far too obvious, and has been done to death by me. I need some ideas on how to use this space, but I know it want it to utilize that fire pit that's in the picture. What else should I put there?
The interior is completely furnished and "done," but I really need to get over this particular hurdle. I still may change some interior decor, so I'm not going to post images just yet.
I was on fire, and you might ask yourself "where could the wheels possibly fall off this guy's wagon?" Well, cue the screeching tires and a loud crash:
I have absolutely no idea what to do with this area. The whole "swing set/jungle gym/slide" thing is far too obvious, and has been done to death by me. I need some ideas on how to use this space, but I know it want it to utilize that fire pit that's in the picture. What else should I put there?
If you could send me a download, I could see what I could do with it. :)
Or I could just build a similar area and test it. I'm not that good at landscaping either... :P
This is for a project, so I kind of need to do this myself. I just need some kind of idea what sort fixtures I could put in the area. I was thinking a small pond, but the area is a bit small and doesn't really fit in with the retro/modern theme I been working with.
You could have an outdoor kitchen using the base game counters and fridge or just a small dining or maybe a party area.
EDIT: Forgot to say, looks amazing!
Perhaps sand, rocks, and long zigzaggy fountains?
Hmmmm...Maybe a separate fire pit area. Like kind of secluded towards (but not in) the lower corner. Or just a bench or two with a fountain and some flowers around it.
Maybe a covered car park idea, or zen garden, or a rock garden, or fountain, or rock garden/fountain, or extend the pool fence over to include it in the patio and add a hot tub/bar area.
Just ideas. Nice build.
@ Agneza, it is wonderful! Simply wonderful!
@ Hosfac, I love how the "possesion" turns out! Using 2 colors and 2 hights of flowers did the trick! You can use more terrain paint under trees, and in fire pit area too - add 2 chairs and a fenced area with birch tree and flowers you already used - maybe add flowerless bush or cattail in the combination, and maybe a rock and fontain - but then without flowers - you show you can find the balance so trust yourself:) Also, I don't think you need to add flowerbeds under roses, they naturally don't have anything under then and it doesn't look empty to me. You can use R.Kennedy and check around UC for ideas too ;)
I played around with it some more while I was waiting on replies. I added some flowers, and decided to stick in a grill and a picnic table. Of course...I always do that, and when when I was finished it looked pretty good, but I still went "blah" with the whole over-done cookout theme. So I saved it and decided to start with the old save where nothing was done yet.
I checked back, and said "wow, fountain!" :D I messed around with that for a while, but didn't have enough room to make what I envisioned in my mind happen. So I gave up on it and decided to save that for my next build. I looked through some other threads (specifically Samoht04's garden thread) when inspiration struck! I already had the start of a garden in the works! So I loaded up that save with the picnic table and went to town.
Here's an aerial shot of what it looks like now:
A close up of the fire pit area (note that it looks more enclosed when the trees aren't completely faded):
And here's a better shot of the cookout area that has now been converted to a garden:
The grill was in the area now occupied by the far bench, and the picnic table was sitting in the area in front of the near bench. All I really had to do to it in order to get it to look like this was incorporate the semi-secluded fire pit area, a few more azalea and daisy bushes, and the aspen trees. I will admit that it was an extreme challenge throughout almost all of this build to stray from my obsessive desire for symmetry. :'( Just put me out to the curb on garbage day...
It's not totally perfect yet, but this is a very spectacular start in a decent direction in my opinion.
Oh it IS perfect Hosfac! You did fantastic job with it! Now you have no excuse to say you are not good in landscaping ;)
Looks great Hosfac!
The landscaping looks great Hosfac. Two thumbs up. :)
I was possessed by the spirits of Samoht04 and Danefaith...which is really odd, seeing as how both of them are still alive and well as far as I am aware. But regardless, it happened.
Last time I checked I was still alive and well - just freezing! :D It looks great Hosfac! What you did with the fire pit was just on the lines I was going to suggest until I saw you did i ton the next page. I think next you need to start practising with different terrain paints, so different shades of grass and dirt to add details and shadows. ;)
Looks wonderful Hosfac! I love the fire pit area. :D
Hi. I've been lurking here, and y'all inspired me to try and build a house I like. I found images and a floorplan online, and it's based on that, but it's been half abandoned as I've gone along, of course. This was really my first attempt to build something beyond a shoebox or adding on to existing houses, so despite all the time I've spent, I'm sure it could be done better. BTW, I only have Ambitions, so I'm limited in that respect, but I've bought a fair amount from the store. Also, this was done without any cheats.
Just for the sake of information, it has 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, and a bunch of other rooms. I attempted to build a basement and--surprise--failed, so I built it out back and stuck a garden shed over it. :P I know the shed's a bit blah. Ideally, the chimney should be taller, but it doesn't go that high. :p
I'm going to leave off the floorplan shots (they're in my gallery) because it's not furnished, and I'm sure by the time it ever is, the plan will have been modified, anyway. I've basically identified the room types, though, and I've thrown down some walls and floors.
At this point, my main concerns (and areas for which I need advice) are:
- blending the terrain paints with the surrounding land (I've tried 100 times and can't get it right); I probably need to tweak them in a few places, anyway, from where I've made changes as I've gone along.
- whether the windows to the sunroom at the back (with the striped floor that shows through) should be done differently, as they don't match the others
- whether the porches, um, need anything...I'm not sure here
- if there's a way to get the stripes to stripe correctly on the upper walls, as side walls only have a stripe on one side
- whether the balcony looks...odd? I never deal with balconies, so I don't know. I threw it on late in the process.
Of course, you're welcome to offer other ideas, but I'm pleased with the basic idea of the thing.
Edit: This is the floorplan: http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plans/home-plan-25809
Looking at it again, I see I really didn't try that hard, LOL. I never put in that side wall, not that I'd have a curved one like that.
That is lovely Macphile. Have you decorated the inside ? It reminds me a medieval home. :)
It looks cool. I know what you mean about that wall pattern. To do it you've either got to use the same panelling but with that beam on the other side of the wallpaper section or you find a Wallpaper which has beams on both sides and the top and bottom. There are some I just don't remember which ones - they're not perfect though.
If you're worried about the balcony try adding stilts underneath. Build say 2 1x1 Blocks below each of the corners that are furthers from the main wall, then either build a 1x1 Wall for a big column or place a normal column from buildmode. You could even put another deck below that just by filling the whole area underneath with foundation/deck.
For terrain paints lower the strength to the weakest to get the best blending. Also never go by what it looks like from the air. The games graphics disguise the terrain detail the further you are from it, if you zoom in the blending can look a lot better than it does from the air. :)
If you're worried about the balcony try adding stilts underneath. Build say 2 1x1 Blocks below each of the corners that are furthers from the main wall, then either build a 1x1 Wall for a big column or place a normal column from buildmode. You could even put another deck below that just by filling the whole area underneath with foundation/deck.
For terrain paints lower the strength to the weakest to get the best blending. Also never go by what it looks like from the air. The games graphics disguise the terrain detail the further you are from it, if you zoom in the blending can look a lot better than it does from the air. :)
The balcony originally had a porch under it (doubling as support), but I thought it just looked like too much of the same thing, as they were the same size and had the same rails and all. Plus that'd essentially be 4 porches on 1 house, heh. So I ditched that and tried columns on foundation blocks (the 1-floor columns don't reach without foundation, as far as I can tell?), which was just awkward, so you may be right about trying a foundation and wall or something instead. I did shore it up a little so at least it looked less like it'd collapse under you if you stepped on it (after deleting the supports). I don't even know how much I want it...that side of the house is very plain, I guess.
Oh, and mad props to those of you who offered advice on painting the base of the house and under the plants (although I'm sure it's not perfect, in my case). And the idea to build an island garden in the pool. My pool's too small for it, but I created ground corners at opposing corners. I don't know if it fits the house's motif at all, but it looks nice. Plus I always do the "blue pool with some floor around it" thing, and trying different floors and walls in it rocks.
Wow that house is lovely so far macphile! :D I'm not very good with exterior landscaping so I can't offer you any advice their, but I do agree with you that the sunroom window is a little odd. Almost too modern in comparison to the rest of the house. If you have WA then there's a large window called the "Bonjour et Adieu!"
Looks like this:
I think this window would work better in place of the one you already have. Just recolor it and it should do just fine.
macphile - thanks for a link, there are very nice houses :)
Macphile, that house looks really cool so far! I would really like to see the indoors once you've furnished them :). Oh, and the link is awsome! I'm really bad at planning my houses and somehow they all end up looking the same, so I really appreciate the link ;D .
Frey - I'm in love when I saw a blue house - plan 5459 ( same link ) - it's the house of my dream, but I think is impossible to build for now... :'( and macphile thanks again ! :D
:o That one's awsome! I don't think it's impossible to build though, at least most of it. Maybe I will give it a try now I'm half jobless and on vacations ;D (well, I do have a job... but I only have to translate 4th grade math books from english to spanish ::) needless to say, there's not a lot of text in them).
I liked plan 14328... I don't even know if it's possible to build in the sims, but I do know I would never even try it though! I'm not that patient ::) .
I'm not so bad at building as I am at planning... but I think I do suck at furnishing and decorating. I always end up getting bored of the whole thing and not finishing anything!
Boy I had a lot of catching up to do! Wish I could say I've been building something,ANYTHING, but I've gotten myself hyper focused on Metro's Clones challenge so have been awol from pretty much every place I usually visit. I'm pretty much ocd on this challenge and that's just in the planning and trying out ideas place. I promised my self I'd work on something to do but just realized I've been doing so many things wrong with that challenge I'll have to rethink it all! Coming here was just the creative fix I needed. Every single house/build has been great, from the first time builds to the old timers chipping in something new and awesome. I do have to make ONE specific major comment though to Hosfac, BRAVO!!!!! You took the challenge, dove right in and came up with very, very lovely landscaping! Of course, you realize you are now on the hook for similar things on future builds? lol Great job everyone!
After looking at the plan Agneza mentioned and macphile's lovely tudor, I got inspired. There is no interior yet and the exterior/landscaping isn't complete but any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated.
That looks great! Specially the first pic with the landscaping and all. I'm sure it will be awesome when it's finished!
I absolutely love the exterior, Lynley! The landscaping in he front is gorgeous, all the flowers lining the terrain paint like that. I can't wait til it's finished and I can download it. You will be uploading, right? ;) I love tudor style homes and the bigger the better.
The architecture of that house is beautiful! I can never get dormers to look that good lol.
The only thing that stands out in my mind that might be improved is that I think the front landscaping could use a bit more color. Maybe like a row of the smaller, different colored flowers in front of the row of bushes? Possibly maybe even a small cluster of flower bushes in the middle of that open area by the tree that's behind the row of flower bushes. Not to completely fill it, but to make it look a bit less empty.
But that is the start of a beautiful house, for sure!
Of course, you realize you are now on the hook for similar things on future builds?
I'm feeling a lot more confident about landscaping now (which was always my biggest stumbling block when it came to building houses), so I'm up to the challenge!
That whole concept stemmed from an idea being being bounced around regarding a project for the guide (which should be public very soon). It started out as a discussion of possibilities, and from there it rapidly took on a life of it's own. ;)
Edit: Sooner than I expected. The High End Loft Stuff guide (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/stuffpacks/highendloftstuff.php) is now live on Carl's Guide! Check it out for some pictures of the "House from HELS" in action.
You can download the house here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,8878.0.html) in the Swap Shop, too.
Do you guys like this house, from the outside shot? I'm hating the back of the house but I'm thinking the front is okay. What you do you think?
I really like it! The bushes and plants on the front and sides look awesome. Great Job!
I like it a lot Samoht04. Very good!
Looks good to me Samoht! Maybe change the stairs (the HELS ones) and possibly remove the little decoration on the driveway (the wood one) but is great overall. I love the modern theme. (No duh). :P
Looks good to me Samoht! Maybe change the stairs (the HELS ones) and possibly remove the little decoration on the driveway (the wood one) but is great overall. I love the modern theme. (No duh). :P
Same here, samoth. It looks great overall.
Samoht that looks wonderful! Nothing jumped out as needing changing. :)
Hello All!
I've been lurking here for quite some time and recently started to read this thread. The wonderful homes and other builds, not to mention the supportive and helpful nature of the forum members, has rekindled my desire to figure out how to build something other than a box for my sims. That being said, I tried (and completely failed) to build a home from scratch. I thought maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew for a first go, so I tried remodeling an existing home - Pre-Fabulous.
I have no idea if its good, middling, or absolutely dreadful - but here goes nothing...
I present Post-Fabulous...
Night View -
Front, Close-up -
Overview -
Bedroom -
Kitchen -
Reading Nook -
Living Room View 1 -
Living Room View 2 -
Back Patio View 1 -
Back Patio View 2 -
I would really appreciate some feedback, advice, tips, etc. Regardless of its quality, it is the best I've ever done, and so I'm rather proud of it!
Thanks for looking!!
- Ashel Veh
PS: Hopefully I did the photos correctly, if not I'll piddle with it in an effort to get it right!!
What are you talking about Ashel? That is absolutely lovely. I love the inside color theme, it's so warm and inviting. You did an excellent job on the remodel.
What are you talking about Ashel? That is absolutely lovely. I love the inside color theme, it's so warm and inviting. You did an excellent job on the remodel.
Thank you very much! I'm really glad that you like it.
Ashel Veh - I'm very glad You decide to join this site. Here we share advices and suggestions about our works. I think You are really talented. I like Your choice of colors and the arrangement of the furniture. Maybe the bedroom is little too cluttered with decoration and the walls could have another color. The rest of the house is great :D and my advice would be to separate the kitchen from the living room with the half wall or some flowers, my feeling is there are little to many patterns. Hope to see You soon on this site.Very, very good job ...bravo! ;)
Here's the house I built for my family in Lunar Lakes. It's not really decorated and there's no landscaping at all. It's mostly so I can get the Vandenbergs started on their new family. I would appreciate any feedback on decorating...and especially landscaping. I don't have the first thought about where to start. Thanks, Jude
I've started a home in Lunar Lakes. Feedback would definitely be appreciated :)
Zapkid - it's great !!! and I love this colors, for me it's your the BEST house ;D
Zapkid, this is great! How many bedrooms does it have? I tried to build a 4 bedroom house but the only thing I like about it is the layout.
1. It's going to be like the modern futuristic bachelor pad of Lunar Lakes.
It does look very clean, modern and scientific. I think you achieved your goal you set out to build! I'm pretty sure that from what I've seen that is one of the best houses in that World. If that had been the quality set by EA I would have gone and asked my Mum for some SimPoints (And rejected most likely, Lol). Just the World itself doesn't draw me in.
Now talking of Worlds - time to open my game and see what my current WIP (World In Progress) looks like in game. Probably really bad. :P
Here's the house I built for my family in Lunar Lakes. It's not really decorated and there's no landscaping at all. It's mostly so I can get the Vandenbergs started on their new family. I would appreciate any feedback on decorating...and especially landscaping. I don't have the first thought about where to start. Thanks, Jude
Thank you very much for your help and advice, Agneza! The new house looks SO much better than it did!! I really appreciate your help. You are so talented :)
My new " Black and White" modern house, for now it's only a shell.. ;)
Agneza, I am in awe! There is no way I could ever learn to build something like this. I'll stick to simple houses ;)
*Picks up jaw from the floor* Agneza...that is amazing! I'm in love! I can't wait to get my hands on this one. (if you upload it to the swap shop that is) :)
Jude- You have to believe in Yourself and practice a lot. The whole new possibilities opened up since I started to use the cheat CFE more frequently. Now I can be more creative. I learn every day something new, mostly through mistakes. Be persistent. I'm happy You like my house. Thank You.
Fire- thank you so much, but it's only a shell, if you want to forniture it yourself - no problem, I'll share this house with you.
:o Agneza! It's stunning! If you haven't already started furnishing it as a house, I think it'd make an excellent Late Night or Showtime venue. :)
Thank you, Agneza. My next try is going to be a house on foundation with an attached garage. Wish me luck...LOL
Fire- thank you so much, but it's only a shell, if you want to forniture it yourself - no problem, I'll share this house with you.
Would you? That would be great. I don't mind if it's just a shell or if its furnished. I just would never be able to build anything like that ever. That house is amazing. You've done an excellent job so far.
Wow... Ausette, Judy and Fire you make me happy today! Thank You all for so nice words ;D
Ausette, I agre with you - the Late night would be perfect , but I don't have Show time yet - thanks for the advice ;)
Judy - if you need a little help from me with Your new house . I'll be really glad ;)
Fire - I can send you this house righ now, but if you can wait few hours, I could put inside walls for you. Just let me know ;)
Agneza, That's a cool looking house. Great job.
If you want to share it unfurinished you could put in the Building Shells - To be Furnished (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,4199.0.html) thread. :)
Agneza, you should definetely share this on the building shells thread. I'm sure a lot of people would love to have it, not just me. :D
Since I wasn't able to finish my house with attached garage on foundation house (because it looks ungly :) ) I decided to finish Connor Frio's modern house. Agneza, does this look better?
Grimsoul - thanks for advice :D
FireRaye93- I hope a house "Black and White is now in "Building shells" :-\
Jude - Your house is great... Bravo! For me there are little too much this decorativ windows downstairs, maybe tray to change for few big one( 3 square) windows, but I'm not shure.... the kitchen and living room are soo nice - very good choice of colors , very good arragement.... Nice work :D One more sugestion, tray move sofa and desk one square back because I have feeling is little to cluter - but is only my opinion. The bathrooms are perfect, and little corner ....wow....-Your progress is really amazing ! I'm so proud of you ! ;D ;D
Thank you Agneza! That makes me feel good. I will use your suggestions. I made this house from a plan I found on the Internet. It actually had steps beside the garage that led up to the pool (main) level. But I didn't know how to build it like that. But I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I think I am turning into a building nut. I found an octagon house that I want to try.
judewright - It may just be the photo but it looks like the objects in the sitting area are too close together. I love this house, especially the green and orange bedroom. Nice work!
Thank you, fortheloveofcake! I have moved that furniture farther apart so it looks better. I still need to work on the garage terrace. Not sure what I will do with it yet.
"I love my Yellow car" it's only the shell ;)
That is very clever, Agneza! Very cute!
That is very cool Agneza! :D
Ahah! That is so clever Agneza! ;D
That is awesome Agneza! It would be perfect for the Building Contest but you've already entered and you've shown us.
:o Awsome Agneza! I love the lights detail in the front ;D so cute!
Thank you , thank you all :D. I've tried to furnish it but I got so cold.... :(
Thanks again macphile for a great link ( http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plans/home-plan-25809 (http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plans/home-plan-25809)). Lot size 40x40 .This is only the third house I try to make after the plan. All others where my originals. I liked Your house so much that I made the same on my own. I have to admit I had much difficulties and I'm not completely satisfied. I'd like some suggestions and advices about the landscaping of the backyard. The house is in Tudor style, so I'd like the backyard to be in accordance but I have no idea what to do.
I love this house, Agneza! Will you be putting it for download?
Judewright - I'm very glad You like it, but this is only the shell. I will furnish it in tudor style, but it will take some time. I intended to put it for download when I finish it. If You want only the shell as on photo, I'll be more than happy to share it with You.
I will wait for you! Im sure it will be beautiful :)
Aha, the second floor of Tudor house is bigger as on the plan because I found another solution for roofs (21 roofs-they "kiled me !" ) ;)
Agneza, that house is beautiful! How did you do the chimney like that?
Agneza the house is amazing! It look like a real life house not something in a game. It is unbelievable!
Micler -I made with CFE cheats, but it's the part wich I don't like but for now I don't know how make it better :-\
Lovesims - thank you so much ;)
Agneza-That house is so lovely! I think the chimneys look fine. I really like the landscaping, too, especially in the front. The only thing that sticks out to me are the dormers. They don't quite look right to me; I think it is the roofing. Other than that, it looks fantastic.
It looks great! I agree with Lynley about the Dormers though. :)
The house is beautiful as always, Agneza! I didn't even know you could do that with CFE, hehe. The dormers look a little odd to me too, but the house and the chimney look amazing. My favorite part is the little curved wall to my left, it looks just like the original picture!
Micler -I made with CFE cheats, but it's the part wich I don't like but for now I don't know how make it better :-\
Yeah, and I know exactly why it bugs you...because the exact thing bugs me when I use CFE to do things like that lol. I wish I had a solution for you, but I'm still looking for one myself.
But the house looks spectacular none the less.
I tray found what means word "dormens" but I can't found in vocabulary- please can You explain this word for me , maybe with another words- please....
The dormers are the little thingies that come out of the roof, the three little "rooms" that you put in the center of the roof. They look very good there, it's just that the roofing you used looks a little awkward, in my opinion ;).
I think the chimney looks good! It's not perfect, but it's much better than the regular brick for houses like this. :) I agree about the dormers.
Thank you ! and I don't like this dormers, but when I put roofs they looks very strange, mayby will be better remove it :-\ .
It's just that the dormer roofs are in the opposite direction of how they should be if you want to use a gabled roof. If you extend the dormer roof further back into the house it should turn in the proper direction and will look great. Another alternative is to use a half gable roof.
Thanks Katluvr - is very good advice, :D
Hey guys, just started working on a new series of houses, the theme is going to be modern fantasy, as in… what would Middle Earth look like in the year 2012 (I would try for old school fantasy but there really just is not enough fantasy looking furniture outside of store content). These houses might lead to a whole new fantasy world in the style of Middle Earth! I already created a hobbit house, so this time I decided to try for something Elven. The style mimics images I found of Rivendell from Lord of the Rings as well as Darnassus from World of Warcraft and a few random things from the Song of Ice and Fire series. I tried to give the architecture a light airy feel, hence the shallow lake, arches, open areas, and columns.
Now though, I am stuck. I don’t know what kind of colors or wall coverings I should use. And so I am here to ask you guys! I was thinking something stony like Rivendell but everything I try looks off… Any suggestions :) Thanks! Oh and sorry for linking an unfinished house, I know this thread is mostly for finished work, this will be the only time I link it before it is done, only doing so for suggestions :)
norenegonc, I just have to say that the house looks amazing so far. I don't know a whole lot about modern fantasy, but when I googled it, the buildings didn't seem all that different from what you've got so far. One suggestion though, I think the wood railings along the bridges are too dark. I think they might look better as a more golden color. Also maybe change the style of them because they look a little bulky, but it could just be the color that makes them look like that. I hope this helps some.
Amazing Norenegonc! I love your houses so much! And I have to say, as a Tolkien fan/geek I would love to see a Middle Earth inspired world for the Sims ;D.
I agree with FireRaye about the wood railings though, they would look better in a lighter or golden color. About the wall coverings... I would also say stoney but yes, EA's stone coverings and patterns always look odd in my houses! The house looks amazing so far though!
Experimenting with the new content, I took a mid-century modern home and added all the content from the Mid-Century fantasy sets from the store. Any suggestions? Although I might not upload it to the Swap Shop, considering not many people have all 3 different fantasy sets.
This is beautiful, Zapkid! I do have all sets. Wish it had more bedrooms though. But good job!
Thanks for the suggestions FireRaye and Frey and thanks so much for the kind words! I agree, the bridges are a bit too bulky looking. Originally I had thought the small island in the middle would be larger, but I ran out of room since any good curve requires at minimum 5 tiles. In any case, I worked at it a bit and also recolored, what do you guys think :) I got rid of the heavy fencing around the bridges. The water comes sort of to the knees so you can walk in it, there really was no need for such a large fence. I also tried lighter tones for some of the colors. I feel it might look too … childish though, when elven houses should be beautiful but sort of ancient looking. If anyone has thoughts on the colors that would be great!
In any case, the main reason for this new message is a new house! This one would go in the Fanghorn Forest area. I thought about tree legs for the Ent but it seemed silly, so let us call this a sitting Ent hah. It also seemed to turn out more cute that I intended but there really was no way around it, maybe a baby Ent…
;D Love it Norenegonc! it looks much better now! And the Ent is so cool LOL! I would never have thought about making one!
Thanks again macphile for a great link ( http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plans/home-plan-25809 (http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plans/home-plan-25809)). Lot size 40x40 .This is only the third house I try to make after the plan. All others where my originals. I liked Your house so much that I made the same on my own. I have to admit I had much difficulties and I'm not completely satisfied. I'd like some suggestions and advices about the landscaping of the backyard. The house is in Tudor style, so I'd like the backyard to be in accordance but I have no idea what to do.
Oh, wow. You actually got it looking like the picture...that's really awesome!
I've not done any more work on mine because I've been playing LL, although I've been having increasing fun with pool design in my architect jobs.
Thanks Frey! So glad you like it. I thought maybe the Ent might look too childish for Tolkien fans, but maybe not after all. In any case, here are the last of the model houses for the fantasy world (5 in total so far).
This first one is me trying to make the market look elven… Not certain if it worked, there really was not much I could do. I guess I could try a bit of detail, I am not very familiar with working with community structures. But I did not thinking just throwing them into a fantasy world without some tweaks was going to work.
This second one is going to characterize the style of the human areas of the world. I thought about creating something that looked like Minas Tirith but… There really is no good way to create such a structure without it looking weird in the game. Instead I tried to create something like the castles in A Song of Ice and Fire and then used a white color scheme to honor Minas Tirith.
I'm a fan of tiny homes and the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company (I plan to have one built when I'm ready to own a house and live on my own), so I decided to make one for my sims! I'm going to make others based on the plans by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company (http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/houses/bodega/) so that more than two sims can live in them. Also, I suck at landscaping so just ignore that part of these pictures.
BACKDROP - Welcome on this page ;) Your house is very interesting... and thanks for the link.
Lovely house Backdrop, but where did that ladder come from? I don't remember that.
Thanks guys!
I love these little houses so much I think I'm going to teach myself how to make full worlds so that I can make a small village.
That may take me a good while. I'll start looking through this thread to see how people are landscaping so that it's not completely crappy.
And the ladder is custom content! It's considered a spiral staircase, but it has no animations. I wanted to make it using only items from the expansions and stuff packs, but split stairs made it too big :( I think a loft ladder should have been included in High End Loft Stuff. Meh.
I am not generally a fan of modern houses. However, I'm currently playing Lunar Lakes, which is all modern/futuristic. My sims need a new house, so I thought I'd build them one. Alas, I have gone over their budget. :-) It's so hard to stop.
Note that this is a work in progress. I know some of it is unfinished or kind of...weird. A lot of the furniture is a placeholder, so don't worry about that.
My plan was to build a modern house with an indoor pool. Somehow, it turned a little Mediterranean. And then I thought it'd be beneficial if I could put the telescope on the roof, which got me wondering what else I could do with the roof, and somehow, I've wound up with a Japanese garden on it. o_O Rooftop terraces and gardens are new to me--well, it's all pretty new to me. So I realize that garden looks kind of odd. I'd also originally tried to build one of those huge supports that some of the houses have (across the divide and down one side), but I gave up because it looked silly.
I fear there are real space constraints indoors, which is kind of the downside of getting the idea to put in pools and huge staircases...I think the sims will actually end up being cramped. But hey, pool indoors, so...yeah.
Looking at it now, I'm wondering whether the interior downstairs shouldn't just be open to the pool rather than having windows...it'd be cheaper, too.
That looks great Norenegonc! The market looks good, but maybe I would change the color of the yellow "A" at the front (I don't know the word in english ???) so it blends better with the other colors.
And the castle looks really nice too, but I think the front side looks a little heavy. I'm not sure, but maybe you could lower the walls a little bit, to make them 2 floors high instead of three, or add some little windows to look like these small holes used to fire arrows in real castles. Just to break the big walls a little so it won't look so massive. But it looks really good! I wouldn't even know how to get started to build such a thing LOL. I will have a look at your tutorials when I have time :).
@macphile: I love it! Loved the little garden on the roof :)
Thanks, Frey.
Backdrop, that's a cute little house. You'd probably be something of an expert on getting furniture into small spaces. Darn my 5-sim family and their maddening amount of junk (why oh why did I think putting all the goldfish into bowls was a good idea?). I used moveobjects for the garden and am hoping I don't get tempted into using it elsewhere.
I'm going to be working on homes like the one I posted for families of all sizes. They probably won't leave much room for goldfish bowls, though! I have definitely grown to be an expert on fitting furniture into small spaces, though. When I sent in Testy McTesterson to see if all objects could be used there were no problems.
I really like your Lunar Lakes house. I especially like the color scheme.
I've yet to play in that world because of the fact that I'm not sure how to build for the setting. Tiny homes: Lunar Lakes edition here I come!
nornegonc: I am a fan of elven things, although I'm more D&D than LOTR. That market reminds me of something someone else here did, possibly Agneza...a library? It was built in a triangle.
Backdrop: Three words: Tiny. Space. Pods. :-)
EA really flexed their creative muscle with LL. I had to check out the plant house (the name is based around chlorophyll but I forget it now) because they built it in the shape of leaves with that short fence, in green, on the roof to form the leaf veins. That's actually why my LL house has that little fence around the roof--I didn't realize there was a re-styleable short fence (augh!) until I saw that EA had used one.
Anyway, even if none of the LL houses are exactly cozy traditionals, they do give you free rein to create oddly shaped things without it clashing too much (there's also a heart-shaped house), and I'd imagine that can be useful for building houses that are small while also being interesting to look at. And it's introduced me to whole new ideas about using walls and fences and so on to get interesting looks. I've also much enjoyed redoing people's pools (I like creative pools, even if my sims hardly ever use them). If only I could put my goldfish in them. I only wish they'd included alien plants as well as trees--that's a nitpick.
ETA: The color scheme was an accident. I toyed with the included alien walls and other things, and at some point, I found a recolored marble (I forget what it was part of now)--not something I made but one of their custom jobs. So I just applied it to everything. Possibly to too many things, actually--the stairs and railings included. The interior downstairs used to be a lot more wacky, with concentric squares and stuff. And I finally gave up and replaced it with wood because I couldn't figure out how to style furniture around multiple rows of colored marble. Sometimes, simplest is best. But I hung on to the little accent squares and the corner pieces for fun. I don't know, it may still be "too much."
Speaking of LOTR, my sims need a hobbit hole.
Tiny space pods?! Brilliant. I'll start sketching some plans. I've got a 36 hour bus ride coming up and will probably get a lot of planning for houses done. I just got the most recent futuristic and modern object sets from the Sims store, so I'll have some material to work with. My mind keeps picturing rocket ships instead of space pods, though.
I saw that heart house in the brief amount of time I was in LL! I wanted to live in it, but of course it was occupied. I didn't stay because a lot of the affordable homes weren't up to my standards.
What kind of pools do you make? I've only ever made one pool with see-through walls. Can the goldfish only be put in the little bowls, or can they be put in the large in-wall aquarium as well?
I think the accent squares and corner pieces aren't too much; they kind of tie the place together in a way. Applying patterns to things and over-using colors is a weakness of mine, though, so I can see how you'd worry. When I find a collection of colors I like, I apply them to everything. Like in my little cottage, everything downstairs uses the same combination of colors and patterns, and the loft does the same. It's much easier to drop customized colors to every piece of furniture than change it up. I'll have to work on that once I get into more wacky designs.
backdrop, only thing is you can't upload it to the swap shop with custom content in it. You could try a fireman's pole though - I think I heard sims can climb up as well as slide down?
Ah, I was unaware of that. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it out and see if it works!
Edit: It's too tall and too large to fit in my tiny cottage, but I'm going to play around with some stair options once I've perfected some other things with the landscaping.
@Backdrop: I've not been toying with pools for very long, but I was introduced to two helpful design tips from this board. One is to change the floors and walls, which I'd honestly never even thought to do before (!). In fact, I'm probably doing it too often now, which is one reason I made the pool in that house blue, although it uses the blue tile in the downstairs rooms rather than the default (and tragically looks different colors by the lighting conditions). The other is to create islands in the pool with plants on them.
Lately, I've gotten into placing fountains in pools, too, which I did in that house above. In general, I'm in love with running them indoors and up against walls, where I can. I've done a few for townies that run around one edge of the house. I'm only saddened by this one not having a "downstairs" to it where you could see in. I guess I'll have to toy with that sometime. I guess it requires a basement?
If I had any clue what I was doing, I'd try a Japanese house (not for LL, I guess), although I know there's one on here I could download (well, it's on the board; I don't know if it's downloadable). It's either that or I get myself into a world of trouble trying CFE for the first time to make a curved bridge. :-)
This house required rooms for 5 sims. In the end of the day, the master bedroom is just a bed with stairs in it. There may be a lesson here about going crazy with the staircases and exterior walkways and so forth and not thinking about where the sims will actually live. I'm especially amused by the exhausting climb to the roof via one giant staircase. Honestly, the only reason I'd ever consider getting Generations (I only have Ambitions installed) is for that spiral staircase. Gah!
I'm going to have to look into fountains. I'd never been able to figure out how to make them work properly; although that's partly because I had no internet when I attempted to use them. Those are some great tips for pools, though! I'm going to have to try them out.
The last time I made a pool with a downstairs where you could see in, I built a room on the ground floor and placed the pool inside it from the second floor. After I added full-length windows where necessary, the inside of the pool could be viewed from the couches in front of the television. Entry to the pool was from the second floor just off the master bedroom. I'd like to make a little playhouse for children with a pool as a moat so that the kids have to swim across to reach their toys!
My CFE skills are limited to simple structures on a hill and making split stairs. I think if I tried anything else my brain would exploooodeee.
I thought you could get the spiral staircase even without Generations? I assumed the patch for Generations included the spiral staircase. Or maybe you can buy it in the Sims 3 Store. Hm, I'm not too sure. I've never thought about it because I have all stuff packs and expansions. With Late Night there are elevators as well. The time it takes to climb stairs is one of the reasons why I use my handy dandy stackable ladder. Since it's custom content and has no animation, it simply teleports the user to the desired floor. For houses intended for other people to use, I usually have to take it out and adjust design. Bleh.
My understanding is that the spiral staircase only comes with Generations, yes. I have always hated stairs in the Sims, and that hasn't changed in Sims 3. Maybe a spiral one would quiet my hatred slightly. :-)
I find it really helps to have pictures to look at without being distracted by the game environment, so I have had the following thoughts regarding the house posted above:
1. Change the inside walls and windows to half walls or fencing to open the space up, save money (important!), and hide the backs of objects like counters.
2. Change the current dining table/chair configuration to a bar, possibly even on the side of the kitchen without the fridge rather than a new area...but I doubt there'll be room.
3. Possibly enlarge the roof garden and add needed game objects (like the telescope that's already there) so the sims will actually go up there and appreciate my hard work.
4. Move one of the bathrooms to the downstairs "side" building, along with a laundry room, so the upstairs will have more bedroom space.
And I may try to find some use for the "wasted" space around the inside pool, but I suspect I will fail because it's there in the first place so the sims can get in and out without a long swim to a floor.
If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to share. Bonus points if you have ideas about the back deck, which just kind of stops onto plain ground...no idea what to do with that. Maybe I could expand the garden areas...alternating with non-vegetable garden plots? I may also build a half wall or fence on the side to hide their stupid game. Why do all sims want that stupid game? Also, I'm fuzzy on how to decorate the downstairs with all those windows and limited space. Ugh.
Hmph. Well if you feel like spending the money for Generations, I'd go for it! I like what it adds to the game.
Those are all good thoughts. I never thought of looking at pictures rather than looking at the house in-game to come up with changes.
You could probably do a bar setup, but room would be an issue. Maybe put a little bar eating setup slightly under the stairs if it fits well?
As for the deck, you could add small shrubs and such around the perimeter, although I like alternating non-vegetable garden plots better. I'll try to think of other things and see what I can do to help!
I moved my tiny house to a bigger lot and haven't changed the custom staircase yet, but this is what I have now.
I am definitely going to change the pond; I placed that there to get an idea of how I wanted it to be. It's too big or too deep.
Since my last home didn't go well (forgot the kitchen :P) I decided to ditch the first one (a mod can remove if desired) and start again with a more clear mind.
I personally like it loads more then the other one. What do you guys think? This is going to be the new Sunset Villa pretty much.
I like the style much better...but that's just personal preference. Good job!
Really nice house Zap! My only comment would be the trellis-type thing over the pool in the back. The spacing of the slats looks odd to me. But then I am something of a symmetry-freak. :)
Really nice house Zap! My only comment would be the trellis-type thing over the pool in the back. The spacing of the slats looks odd to me. But then I am something of a symmetry-freak. :)
They look odd to me to. I'm going to work with them a bit more and see what I can change. :)
Wow looks amazing Zap .
Trying my hand at some modern style house right now. ::)
I've been working on my house some more. It still isn't sitting right with me, though. I guess it still looks a bit "institutional" to me, and I don't think it has a cohesive style.
Anyway, the front, with a car in the driveway now. I added some extra walls on the porch to keep it from being so boxy.
The downstairs. I think I need to get rid of the tile in the entry. I was having fun doing it, but it's kind of insane. It'd probably be better off as just wood. I'm also not sure what to fill the spaces with. I moved the pool to the outer edge, which gave me some more space, but now I don't know what to do with it.
Speaking of insane, my attempt to fill out the backyard. It looks a bit junky to me. It was also my first time trying spawners. That may or may not have been a good idea. (I don't know what that white box next to the table is. It won't let me grab it or anything...? I didn't place a random white box anywhere, AFAIK. It'd just turned up when I went back into build mode to get these pictures.)
I moved the roof garden to the ground, heh. I won't swear as to how pathable it is.
I sorted out the upstairs layout some. The boys' bedroom uses a pattern I downloaded on this forum.
I took inside shots of the downstairs, but I guess they didn't upload. I won't bore you with the pictures of the upstairs rooms.
Meanwhile, the whole original point was to build a new house for my family. So I threw this together for them. The inside is a random assortment of their junk, so I'll skip that. But even with some rather tight outside spaces, it's still an improvement over the architectural vomit they used to live in.
P.S. to all this because I assume I can't or shouldn't double post. :-)
1) I was looking back through some houses in the thread and found myself suddenly impressed by one Zapkid posted on page 92 (assuming you have a default number of posts per page, I guess)--the little modern one. Anyway, I've seen that house before in here, but I suddenly realized that it was an oddly impressive house--oddly in that it's very simple, but he/she (sorry) makes it work. The house itself is relatively boxy, and the rooms are square instead of having angled walls, which people like to do to add interest. Yet because of the modern rectangular furniture and lack of clutter, it works.
2) I was thinking, if anyone has any ideas on what to do with the master bedroom (the one in the "outbuilding" that has a staircase plonked down in it), I'm all ears. Because it's long and narrow and has stairs, it's hard for me to find a way to make it into a cohesive unit. It looks like what it is--a long, narrow room with some furniture plonked down on one end. Would a wall, fence, or half wall help? Some architectural thing like that?
3) I can totally see I need to buy new furniture, yet again. I don't have enough modern stuff for this house. Darn my lack of EPs.
That blue house looks really neat macphile! :) Your other one is coming along nicely too.
The white boxes half to with spawners. I don't know what it is exactly that they do. I just know that whenever you place a fish or insect spawner, they show up.
About your master bedroom, I think you should use sleeker furniture. Modern furniture would definitely be a good idea for this space. The furniture that is currently in place clashes with the long rectangular shape of the room due to their "bulky" and "aged" shape and theme. Modern furniture (in the game at least) tends to be less "bulk" and more "art" which is what you need here. Also you should put something in that bigger corner next to the staircase like a sitting/reading area, an easel, chess table etc. Because the staircase is not in the direct middle, you need to put something on the bigger side to create a more symmetrical appearance like the rest of the house has.
2) I was thinking, if anyone has any ideas on what to do with the master bedroom (the one in the "outbuilding" that has a staircase plonked down in it), I'm all ears. Because it's long and narrow and has stairs, it's hard for me to find a way to make it into a cohesive unit. It looks like what it is--a long, narrow room with some furniture plonked down on one end. Would a wall, fence, or half wall help? Some architectural thing like that?
I really like the outside of your house, especially the colors and front landscaping. :) For the bedroom, you could try moving the staircase so it is against the left wall, to open up the space on the right side. You could also use a half wall instead of railing if you wanted. Then, maybe add a tv area or reading nook. You could separate the area from the bed with one of the decorative folding screen dividers (not sure of the exact name), to make it more of an individual space. As long as the furniture and colors coordinate, it should look cohesive.
Thanks! I'm going to try modern furniture. And a half wall.
I actually tried to move the stairs against the wall but kept being told I couldn't because of some object being in the way. Except I couldn't see anything. Sigh.
If you have Generations, you could change the stair and use one of the "round stairs" (sorry, I don't know the word in english :-[). and put it in the corner, to have more room for a reading nook, a TV or even a painting area.
The object in the way might have been a window or a ceiling lamp. You could try removing everything in the way, or using MOO. That doesn't always work, but sometimes it helps.
I actually tried to move the stairs against the wall but kept being told I couldn't because of some object being in the way. Except I couldn't see anything. Sigh.
Take out that round window and then try to move the stairs.. I think you will find that's the problem.
If I recall correctly, I did try to move the window. That's what was throwing me. There was nothing I could see in the way.
I don't have Generations. I'd be using the spiral stairs all the time if I did. :-)
On the plus side, I gave the blue house a major interior makeover.
Did you remove the windows on both floors? Also on the upper floor, is that a light fitting (can't tell if it's on the wall or the ceiling) try moving that out of the way too.
Ah, yeah, I didn't do both windows. I think it is a light upstairs, but I think it was put in after I put the stairs in where they are.
Try deleting the stairs and replacing them. Also if you used "moveobjects on" then that could explain as well.
macphile - you are really very talented. ;D I like your choice of colors. About the furniture - try to recolor it using metal or plastic texture, it looks modern.
It's been a while since I visited this tread to show something I buit myself, but lately I've been hunting an appartment and saw many different buildings that inspired me (OK I admit, I rebuilt few of them in Sims to tackle the interior design for RL purposes ::) )
This one was too cute and interesting and inspired me to play with outside more than with inside where only kitchen and bathroom are furnished!
Side, entrance and back of the house:
Floor plan:
Anushka, that house is gorgeous! Please upload to swap shop! :)
Anushka, that house is gorgeous! Please upload to swap shop! :)
Thanks Pally, I will upload it. I'll try to reconstruct the roof so I can add another room upstairs which is an option in the appartment I saw in RL (nice big room 5x5 minus the stairs). I miss roof windows in Sims! Also, not shore if I'll leave it for a single Sim or for a couple and where to squeze double bed.. I'll keep it in moderate price range too.
It's Fantastic ! I love this house ;D
Whipped together a shell for Twinbrook's mini island. Suggestions?
Wow that's awesome Zap. The only thing I could see is that there isn't much flower or shrubbery in the front, maybe a few small flower bushes. But that's all I can really point out.
Once again it's amazing and it really does look like one of the TwinBrook Island houses. :)
Catching up and getting back in the swing of things after a fairly long hiatus from Sims. Zap, love the shell. Ana, perfect little house! I love it. A second floor would be nice.
You all know I can never leave well enough alone. I decided I had to do SOMETHING in Lunar Lakes, a place that truly annoys me for it's inconsistencies. (Wild west furnishings in a totally modern world, use of lots of gnarly, old looking, beaten up wood and tons of rust. grrrr). I'm much better at remodeling, (I think), than at building from scratch so I chose the Outpost for a complete face lift and make over. I'm stuck on the ground floor though so would love suggestions. I'm furnishing it with mostly the Future Shock stuff from the store though there are several other store and EP/SPs used. I also used Kate's art work which I really love. Since it's just for my pleasure I figured I could use whatever store items I wanted to.
This house was one with lots of diagonals and pointy little corners and triangles. Waste of space and really, not that attractive nor practical in my opinion. When I want a "get away", I don't want a pointy shack so here is how the outside looks at the moment. I have to do something about the roof over the bay windows.
Upstairs has the bedroom and master bath, an unfinished deck, and a small office type work area good for a recluse writer.
Ground floor is just awful. I definitely help with it. I'm also planning on MAYBE making it one story higher or going down with a basement, (or both), to plant some of those earth plants brought to the moon by the colonists.
I'm at a loss as to what I can do for landscaping. There is very little land area and I'm unsure which terrain paints, if any, would work to make this look less barren. There is not enough space for a swimming pool but could possibly add a fountain. Still, who would see it?
I hope this doesn't double post. I tried to post this before but it looks like it didn't "take." So...here we go again...
This is the first house in a series I plan to build for my sim family on Pinocle Point. Each house will be more expensive than the house before it as my family grows and is more financially stable.
I've been promising for some time that I was going to post some images of my current build. I just now realized that I actually had some screenshots that I could post. However, there's a few of things to keep in mind about this particular house:
- I'm building Legacy style. This will undoubtedly be expensive, so instead of trying to get a family rich enough to afford it (or using cheats to get them into a house they can't afford), I'm just building it around them. By the time it's done, the bills will pretty much be more than covered by properties purchased in town.
- Most of what I am posting now is not finished. It's basic and I'm well aware that it will require some "tying in" once I get more areas finished.
- Progress is currently paused due to Showtime. I've got a couple articles to write for the guide, but once we get it wrapped up I am anxious to get back to this.
- This is possibly the oddest and most ambitious build I've ever started.
So here it is: The Bio-Home Mark-3. A running theme with this build is "sustainable living" that will be appealing to Sims with the Eco-Friendly and/or Loves the Outdoors traits.
Before I started, I changed the 60x60 lot in SV to a community lot and placed the Butterfly Pavilion from Late Night to serve as the main above ground structure. I also placed the satellite dish while I was at it. It's just for decoration, and serves no real purpose outside of my personal aesthetics (it looks cool and somewhat "sciency"). Once placed, I changed the lot back to residential. Both community objects can be moved in build mode without issue.
The next part of the structure I had to build was a way to access the interior of the dome, which will eventually become the main living structure. Since there are no doors on the dome itself, it requires a basement, so I incorporated the entrance way into a small garage. That part is pretty much finished, with the exception of the roof (which will eventually hold solar panels) and possibly some decorations since the interior is a bit bland.
I thought the security gate from Late Night was a perfect fit for a home modeled after the concept of a secure scientific research facility. It required moveobjects to get it to fit as perfectly as it does, but that doesn't affect it's function (currently, 4 Sims use it daily). On the right side is a fenced in area that stores 3 bicycles, and behind it is a storage room that I used to hide the ugly, default trash can (thanks to Danefaith for that idea ;) ). The car is a Renault Twizzy from one of the free Eco-Packs from the Sims Store. There's also a burglar alarm on the wall between the door and the gate, although you can't see it.
The basement access way has some function, with a bathroom, a safety workshop, a laundry area, a teleporter (thanks to the first generation), and a transmorgification station. The unfinished hallway continues farther back and will eventually lead to an observatory that will be accessed by elevator. Likewise, the bottom 3 floors have been barely touched as of yet.
The bathroom is pretty much finished. It has separately enclosed showers and utilizes the stalls so that multiple Sims can use it without shooing everyone else out of the room. I stuck the counter with an additional mirror in the back because there was an empty space there that simply looked odd. There are hampers in both shower rooms, which actually keeps most of the dirty laundry off the ground. The upstairs is technically "outside," so no laundry piles generate there.
The safety workshop is likewise done. It's got a very complex emergency Sim extinguisher (which is described in dramatic detail here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,3868.msg188148.html#msg188148)), as well as a space that has been set aside for a Time Machine that has yet to be invented. The sculpting station is here, too, because metal sculpting can set a Sim on fire. The laundry appliances are from the Bayside Laundry set that is no longer available for purchase. You can also see the beginnings of the family mausoleum on the 4th floor. It's just barely started, as only the first generation has died off so far.
The actual upstairs has been barely started, but this is the family area so far. Since this is essentially an outdoor build, I've decided to separate the various areas with landscaping objects. The walls were built for two reasons: this is right next to the access area and I didn't want to just have a hole in the ground, and on the inside of this side of the dome is a very ugly looking pipe structure built into the dome. It's fully enclosed, so I stuck a Hidden Room Marker inside so that you never actually see the pipe during live mode. This not only gives me a way to cover the stairway, it hides the pipe and gives me somewhere to stick a wall mount television. I'm not totally in love with this area just yet, but as I said it's subject to change as I tie it in with other areas in the future.
This is the beginnings of the sleeping area, and again it's extremely basic right now (the pictures are just to show the intended concept). I am currently using the more expensive WA tents, but I plan to upgrade them to Sultan's Tabernacles as soon as my adventurer Sim manages to get her hands on enough Ancient Coins. My plan is to include a small gardening area behind them (probably money trees) that is enclosed and autonomously inaccessible in order to keep the Sims from playing in the sprinklers constantly.
A few other things to note about this build is that, since there are no celings, I'm making use of the buydebug invisible lighting and the actual lighting fixtures are more for decoration than function. Due to this, all the actual lighting fixtures are set to dim so that the lighting at night time isn't glaring.
While it's pretty much just started (despite the fact that the first born of the 3rd generation has almost reached adulthood), I'm rather happy with what I have so far. I learned quite a bit from my previous two attempts from this, which has made getting started a lot easier. I have some ideas for other areas currently, but none of it's set in stone just yet. If you have any ideas that might be pertinent to the theme, I'd be more than happy to hear them.
This is such a cool idea, Hosfac! Do the sims get the "outdoors" moodlet while inside of the dome? I once built a home that had at least part of one wall as half-walls, so that they got the "outdoors" moodlet in every room except the bathroom. It's probably gone now though, i reinstalled recently and forgot to keep anything :(
I love this whole concept, Hosfac. You're doing an excellent job of it. One suggestion is remove the makeup from the bathroom. It just doesn't feel quite right with such a high tech theme.
I love how you enclosed the ugly pipe and the stairway to the basement. It gives you nice walls for things like your tv and yet keeps the whole open feel about it. I'm assuming you aren't going to have any Sims who have the "Hates the Outdoors" thing! It really is beautiful.
I once used tents and the brick fence for a home for my Sims. I've always loved living outdoors and it just felt so cool. My Sim loved it too.
Do the sims get the "outdoors" moodlet while inside of the dome?
It's been a generation since I've had a Loves the Outdoors Sim living here (I like randomizing traits), but as I recall they do.
One suggestion is remove the makeup from the bathroom. It just doesn't feel quite right with such a high tech theme.
Yeah, that's one part of the bathroom I wasn't totally sure about. That space needed to be filled for sure, but I'm still not totally convinced I've filled it properly. I might stick one of those body shaper LTR things there once I start running out of rewards to buy. I probably won't ever use it, but at least it will look high tech enough to not be entirely out of place lol.
Today, I have been trying to work on a large home appropriate for Lunar Lakes. I'm planning to start a dynasty there. Please, please tell me how to make it look less like a wedding cake and more like a modern house...LOL Thank you in advance, Jude
New a shell in LL - some sugestion ? :-\
I think that it looks great! I wish I could get Lunar Lakes myself so I could download all the great builds I see on here that are for it.
I like your colors, Agneza!
Today, I have been trying to work on a large home appropriate for Lunar Lakes. I'm planning to start a dynasty there. Please, please tell me how to make it look less like a wedding cake and more like a modern house...LOL Thank you in advance, Jude
I think what is making it look wedding-cake-ish is that it is too balanced, and the color scheme is monotone. Try breaking it up with another color perhaps, or making the overall shape of each floor different from the one below it. I personally like the exterior, but those are my suggestions to change the overall impression. (Also, I decorate wedding cakes for a living... so naturally I like it :D)
New a shell in LL - some sugestion ? :-\
I love this house Agneza! The colors are awesome and perfect for Lunar Lakes. Maybe switch out the two little square ponds for regular fountains? The leaves look out of place since there aren't really any normal trees in Lunar Lakes except in the domes.
Forthe - it's very good sugestion - thank you :D
Thank you, ForTheLoveOfCake. I'll fiddle around with it some more tomorrow. I've built more houses the last few days than I have all this year. So that's where you got your name. Cute!
Once again Agneza, you have created something spectacular.
You guys have probably seen The Modern Marvel in Starlight Shores... it's on the beach. Well I took that building and redid it in my styles. (Made the plain areas more diverse and the diverse areas more plain- just sort of balanced it out). Here are some photos... the outside has little changes (white stone with dots on them changed to pure white stone and stuff like that along with a new overhang) while the inside has much more diverse furniture changes.
Suggestions are desired; this is my first semi-remodel and I'm not 100% sure I did a good job on this one.
Zapkid your screenies aren't showing up at all. Photobucket seems to think you've used too much bandwidth. Why not try our inhouse photo thingie? It's really not that hard to use and will hold TONS of pictures.
Zapkid your screenies aren't showing up at all. Photobucket seems to think you've used too much bandwidth. Why not try our inhouse photo thingie? It's really not that hard to use and will hold TONS of pictures.
Thanks for pointing this out, already got a PM. Still trying to figure out the Gallery- can it show pictures without having to go to the main page or whatever? :P
Here is my latest attempt at a modern family home in Lunar Lakes. And my first Place Friezes cheat :) Suggestions?
I love the black-and-red theme, judewright! I wish I had Lunar Lakes, I really love the futuristic theme.
Here are some screenshots of a house I made a while back - it's in Sunset Valley, but would really fit a lot better in Al Simhara...
The front of the house:
The zen garden:
The lower atrium area:
And the upper landing:
Thank you, EnglishRose! And your house is awesome! How many bedrooms? Is it available for download? I really, really love it!
Thank you! It has three bedrooms and I think three baths. No, it's not up for download but I can put it on the Exchange and add a link if you like (I've never used the Swap Shop so I'm not sure how). Thanks so much for the encouragement! :D
That would be wonderful, Rose :)
Here you go! I kope the link works (for some reason the pictures won't show up, I'm not sure why...)
http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5471187 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5471187)
I built this house while playing with a certain family, so there is a bit of a surprise in the basement! Thank you again, I'd definitely like to check out some of your houses too :)
Here you go! I kope the link works (for some reason the pictures won't show up, I'm not sure why...)
http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5471187 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5471187)
I built this house while playing with a certain family, so there is a bit of a surprise in the basement! Thank you again, I'd definitely like to check out some of your houses too :)
Thank you, Rose. I'll check it when I get my grand kids (real ones...LOL) settled with their homework. I have a lot of houses built but very few are shown on the forum because I don't think they're as good as the other talented peoples' here. I might go through them and put a few of my favorites on the forum here.
I'm just the same, I've made a lot of buldings but rarely upload them. From what I've seen yours look great though! Good luck with your grandkids - I should really go and finish MY homework, it's eleven p.m. here and I have college tomorrow... and this is completely off topic so I'll stop now :)
I downloaded it with no problems...thanks!
Jude - Great job !I think it's your the best house.
EnglishRose - Beautiful colors! I love this house .
Wow Jude! That house look really awesome! I love the colors. Rose your house is simply awesome! You must think about taking part in the building competition!
Thank you so much, Ladies! I am working very hard at trying to improve my building skills. Sometimes it's a bit daunting but I "think" I'm getting better :)
Thank you all very much! LoveSims, I didn't realise there was a building competition, I'll have to check it out! I'm really busy at the moment with big exams coming up though so I don't have too much time for a big project :( Thanks for letting me know, and for the encouragement! :D
@Zapkid: to answer your question, yes, you don't always have to go to the Main Page to use the Gallery. I personally just keep a tab open although I have to log in every time. What I like is you can keep all your things in separate folders. So if you are working on a contest, for instance, you put your pics in "contest" folder, or if you are working on a Sim in can go in a folder for just Sims, etc. You can also make some of the folders private, your eyes only, which we did for UC builds.
@ Judewright: I LOVE the bright colors in your LL build. I am not a fan of modern houses as they all tend to look alike after awhile, at least on the outside, but that pop of red color made your building just stand out. And it's REAL red, not just that nasty rusty color you see so much of in LL. The interior is outstanding! Oh, and the one that looks like a wedding cake? I happen to like that one. Nothing wrong with a slice of cake!
@ Agnezawars: I didn't mention your build before because I THINK I pm'd you about it. I love the color choices and shape of the building.
@English Rose: love, love, love that Morrocan theme! Looks very Spanish to me. It would also look great in Al Simhara and I could see that building being turned into a venue even. Well done!
I'm really bad and tech stuff but I'm pretty sure there is a thread that tells you how to use the Swap Shop for sharing. It must not be too hard because even I can use it and I'm hopeless with technology.
Wow, Joria! You really made me feel good! I've been struggling with my builds and didn't think I was improving very much. You make me want to go and try another one...maybe a different style. Thank you!
Now that my photo problem's been sorted out, perhaps you guys would like to check out the home I posted a while back? Bout half way down page 103, I believe.
@ZapKid - I love the house! I've never seen the original because I don't have Showtime, but I really like the modern feel :) it looks huge!
@Joria, thank you very much for the kind comments! I love your designs too.
This is the shell of a new build I've started - obviously there's no landscaping, furniture or anything really but I'd love some feedback and suggestions.
Fantastic, EnglishRose! I really like it. Can't wait to see the interior :)
Hi all,
I've been lurking on these forums for a while and now I've finally registered, I figured I'd drop into this thread and congratulate you all on some of your truly beautiful builds.
I don't consider myself to be a "bad" builder, but not a single one of my creations is anywhere near as good as some of the ones posted on here.
Certain features in some of the builds (namely, the friezes) have inspired me to have a go myself though so I live in hope that someday I will create similarly amazing lots!
Keep up the amazing work.
@ZapKid: Honestly Zap? You didn't think you did so good on this remodel? What? Are you kidding me? It's a great remodel! I'm particularly fond of the teen ager's room. Copied a bit of your ambience there? (books on the floor, posters, etc. lol) Part of it on the outside kind of felt like a big office building. A bit stark. But what can you do when you're teetering on a cliff? That was only on the rear. The rest of it was lovely. Yes, it can use a bit more landscaping but I know you'll deal with that. Think semi-tropical with big leafed plants and lots of bright flowers, BIG flowers. Wish we had a bird of paradise plant in our game. They are gorgeous and used a lot in some areas of California.
I get so annoyed with EA making everything so dingy. True, this is more like LA, which DOES tend to be dingy, at least in the run down areas, but the sun shines brightly there and the grass is a real grass green not that awful muddy green. And there are flowers everywhere! (At least in the better areas)
Didn't really notice much in the way of art work. I'll have another look at that, but if you do use it, some of Kate Sterling's big pictures of jelly fish would really suit. They are bold and very colorful so would add that pop of bright color
@English Rose: Well, this house can do nothing but improve the way Lunar Lakes looks! It's really nice and doesn't feel all cold and sterile the way many modern builds do. I love the way there is part of the house in the pool. I think you can build on that a lot and make it really even more unique. Can't wait to see what you do with landscaping and decor! I would have a hard time decorating it because I tend to clutter and make things a bit fussy and over done, but I'm betting you are going to have it absolutely gorgeous.
EDIT: Welcome to the forum icf89! Don't be shy. Share! I'm sure your work will be lovely and part of the reason for this thread is to encourage us all as we learn and grow in our building skills.
You know, I can't do a decent modern and I have yet to use the elevation thing! My first builds were basic boxes but by sharing even those I learned a lot from other's comments. So don't be scared because we will support you.
Thanks a lot, Joria and Jude :) I am working on the interior, but slowly - I much prefer the landscaping and building parts. I'll get it done though!
@icf89, you should definitely post some pictures here! I'm new myself and I definitely have a lot to learn when it comes to building, but everyone here is so nice :D. This was my first house with the friezes cheat too, and it's really handy. Good luck!
I figured that, before I lose internet on Wednesday, I'd post my latest project in building. This is the first house I've built in awhile that doesn't look like every other house I've built lately, and I'm quite proud of it. I'm not stuck on the landscaping, and maybe the siding could be a bit duller in colour, but, other than that, I'm quite happy with it. This is the front exterior of a shell, there is nothing inside, and the back is not complete either. I plan to make it a family home when I furnish it. Thoughts?
Yes, I know the windows on the stone don't stick out right now, but once I get some light behind them, they will. I also haven't finished landscaping yet. Please keep that in mind.
Just a slightly duller green would look better I think. Can I also suggest a bigger tree in that front border with the two small trees. I dislike those trees for some reason, I don't like to use them. Also I think the two fence/border rails should be the same colour? I really love it though, it really looks like a family home from a movie - i say that because we don't have many where I live like this style. Is it an American style?
Just a slightly duller green would look better I think. Can I also suggest a bigger tree in that front border with the two small trees. I dislike those trees for some reason, I don't like to use them. Also I think the two fence/border rails should be the same colour? I really love it though, it really looks like a family home from a movie - i say that because we don't have many where I live like this style. Is it an American style?
I have no idea, I just remember seeing it when I was learning how to drive and almost crashed because I had to memorize it. I guess that means yes? A larger tree would be perfect, now that I think about it, and I'll get to work on changing the border colours, because that makes sense. As for a duller green, that will take work, I'm balanced between green and blue right now, and I'll probably have to fiddle for an hour to make it duller without going blue. XD Thanks for the advice samoht!
Sorry for the double post, but here is the revised version of my front exterior, with a duller green, new trees, and boxed roses. Thoughts? I'm moving on to the backyard next. I'm thinking, small garden, swings, and a nice grilling area. Also, this house looks so out of place in Riverview, I'm going to have to move it.
Shoot, I forgot to recolour the rails. ::) Back to work!
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since my last build. How are you guys doing? :D
But anyway, I'm back building another modern house again. It's not complete yet, but I need some advice, ok?
And here is some pics:
I like the house from the front but the back looks a little bland design wise. Also not so sure about the massive driveway/parking at the front, it could be a good place for landscaping. :) I love the design of the front of the house though and the use of coloured sections. Makes it look very architectural!
well, thank you samoht. So, I'm trying to rebuild and finish the house (but not yet). Here's what it goes so far.
This is the house I've been working on for my Every Lifetime Wish Legacy game. I wanted to put the octagonal roof on certain portions of the house, but it wouldn't let me so it's just got the automatic roof deal. Interior design isn't quite finished. Suggestions/Comments please?
Judewright - love the house (love that you're doing it for a Every Lifetime Wish Legacy!) though since you are doing it for the every LTW, think of the wishes... do you have room for nectar making equipment, a stables, pets, 5 children, sculpting, inventing, gardening, exploring artifacts, private aquarium, small pets, etc, etc. Plus all the neat trophies etc you'll get from your jobs, (trophies, cars, directors chair, fancy fridge, etc)
Looks lovely though.
Judewright - love the house (love that you're doing it for a Every Lifetime Wish Legacy!) though since you are doing it for the every LTW, think of the wishes... do you have room for nectar making equipment, a stables, pets, 5 children, sculpting, inventing, gardening, exploring artifacts, private aquarium, small pets, etc, etc. Plus all the neat trophies etc you'll get from your jobs, (trophies, cars, directors chair, fancy fridge, etc)
Looks lovely though.
Thanks, cndneh!
It actually has a basement, unfinished so far, for nectar, museum, and "stuff." there should be room for the stable in the side yard.
Well, getting into building so thought I would start small. Here is a starter that I spent more on to see what it would look like.
I would like columns on the ground floor for side porch but ran out of room- lot is 10 x 10. Any comments/ideas are welcome.
thanks :)
@DeNile- Cute house! I can't wait to see the interior. :)
@judewright- It looks great! I really like the turquoise and green bedrooms on the main floor.
@Varrick- Adorable! The curb appeal is fantastic.
That is a really neat little starter! How much does it cost? My only real suggestion would be to see if you can fit the bed somewhere above ground, since sleeping in a room without any windows can be rather claustrophobic. And maybe see if you can find a wallpaper that blends in more with the other houses in town than the red bricks do?
I'm still very much a newbie in terms of building and decorating, with no real eye for colors, patterns and floorplans, but I'm trying to learn -- partly by taking existing lots and fiddling with them till they suit my tastes/needs more. One ongoing project during my games in Appaloosa Plains is the Equestrian Regional Training Grounds lot. Out of the box, it doesn't even meet the basic requirements to be considered functional when you buy it! But my biggest problem with it (and the rabbit hole across the street) is that the comfort for horses there is sub-zero. I wanted them to have more light, more air, more room to move. At first I tried to work with the existing barn building, but today I tried to see if I could tear it down and build something "better" in its place. It turned into a kind of miniature community center that has a little something for everyone, which I thought fitting given its popularity with the residents and the fact that Appaloosa Plains is a bit lacking in meeting spots. The whole thing now costs 92,034$ to buy, has a three-star rating and requires Pets (of course), Ambitions (some decor) and Generations (spiral stairs). Any feedback would be much welcome!
Front view. To the left is the turnout (with two box stalls), to the right are the restrooms and a kind of "club room" upstairs, and the middle building consists of a feed and a tack/tools room below a spectator's lounge. The ceiling in the "corridor" leading to the exercise field is really low for a Sim on horseback, but I couldn't figure out how to make the spiral stairs cooperate if I put a frieze on top of the two lower rooms. :-\ Better hope your horse doesn't try to rear or throw you in there ...
Back view. This also shows the outdoor cooking and sitting area, complete with a new doggie ball. The pavement in the "high-traffic" areas of the turnout is there to prevent horses and Sims from churning those areas into ankle-deep muck in bad weather. I know the game doesn't have weather effects, but I like to build as if it did. ;)
The feed and tack/tools rooms. Gotta fix the bush clipping through the front wall ...
The club room. Visiting cats who want to help keep the mice down are always welcome and can relax here after the hunt along with their two-legged minions.
The restrooms. Those counters are supposed to be for parents in need of a place to change dirty diapers.
Very well done! I love what you did to it.
@ Micler Thanks
@ Korva thanks for the suggestions good point on the brick and, after moving the bath and bedroom above ground,
it costs (unfurnished) $10,773.
@Korva: I love the entrance, it looks cool.
Joria and Yarakisagoa: thank you. :)
For the backyard, all I can think of (landscaping is the hardest part for me too) would be a fence around the yard or at least around the garden, a Gnubb court and/or a hot tub?
Varrick: do you have any updated pictures? That's a really good price for a starter with that much space.
I loved your house EnglishRose!!! It's a lot like the houses I like to build - with neutral colors and natural-looking textures. But I have to say, your's is much much better than the ones I've build so far :). I think I will download it as well, since my game decided to die
again a few weeks ago and I was stupid enough not to have a back up, so I lost all my houses and community lots >:(.
Anyways, I hope you show some more buildings here!
My new Community Perfect Garden (30x30), but there are: bathrooms, nursery, grill, place for kids and underground vinary.
Oh, wow! I am seriously impressed! Love it so much!
This is impressive! You make everything look so good. =)
Everything is looking so wonderful! Are you guys uploading to the swap shop?
@Frey: Thank you! And sorry about your game, that must be so annoying :-\ I'm taking a break from Sims for a month or two because I have big exams coming up, but thanks for the encouragement - I'd like to see some of your buildings too :)
My Perfect Garden you can download here: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5637940 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5637940)
Here's a little beauty I've been working on forever, has some store content and uses all of the EPs and SPs (as far as I know) But I think this could be my best home ever. :D
Sorry about the sloppy pictures and all of the buydebug lights, I guarantee the final result will be much more pretty and well thought out according to pictures! :P
I'm most proud of the back: I have two sitting areas, one I'm calling "mirage garden" and the other one "aqua garden". The reason is because one of them has lots of those divider things but they're half-way transparent. The other one has the wall aquarium hanging off a pillar. :) Then you got your average pool, deck, and lounging area along with garden. :)
Any suggestions?
I love this little starter! I'm a big fan of 10x10s. How did you get the Twinbrook Arch to sit at the top of the stairs? My game won't let me put an arch at the top of stairs, even with MOO
Edit: Never mind, I got it working finally. If you move the arch around enough it places its own floor tiles over the stairs and then you can do it. I liked this build so much I've done my own - I haven't felt like building for months, so I had some fun building something in a completely different style to what I normally do. I built it on a 20x30 and added a separate garage. I rearranged the layout on the inside too, so no basement. It makes it a little cramped, but it works.
@Zap, Loving the glass building but the windowless connections feel like they need something to me. Also I'm not a fan of floating buildings like the one at the back there, Lol, that's probably just me, like if I have something further out than two floortiles I have to put supports under it. ::)
You've really got this whole Sci-Fi theme down though, love the use of the fencing to make the odd shapes on the ground and the extra details you add. :D
@EnglishRose: I grabbed your Sandstorm Villa today and had a peek at it in-game -- it's gorgeous. :) Really thematic, compact but with most of the essentials. With some very minor modifications, it'll be absolutely perfect for my family of six's Egyptian vacation house (once the tomb explorer to be grows out of childhood and can start earning Visa points that is). Cheers!
Edit: how did you get the whirlpool on the roof without its machinery showing up in and blocking the living room below?
Edit: how did you get the whirlpool on the roof without its machinery showing up in and blocking the living room below?
You can use moveobjects to remove the machinery below a hot-tub and leave it still functionable. You can also do the same with fireplace chimneys. :)
Interesting, thank you!
My new house for "Garden home chalenge" on the EA site. How do you like it ?Maybe some advice... ;)
I think it look amazing Agneza!
This is the house I am building for my Every Lifetime Wish Wyndham Legacy. I have the interior nearly finished except for hanging curtains and changing some door/window colors.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do the exterior. I have built it and torn it down so many times that I am frustrated with it. I would love to get some ideas from you guys on how to put it together.
Here are some pictures:
You can find more pictures of this house at: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1148&page=1 (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1148&page=1)
That's a very nice house Jude! I especially love the bedroom + ensuite in this picture:
Thanks, Warr!
My new house for "Garden home chalenge" on the EA site. How do you like it ?Maybe some advice... ;)
I also think it just looks amazing. Great job!
Hay people ! :D You are so creative ! Sorry, I miss many great works but I had some health problems.Jude-maybe You can try change some part of exterior wall in a cream color- like stone on the groud and use more patterns -what do you think ?
Hay people ! :D You are so creative ! Sorry, I miss many great works but I had some health problems.Jude-maybe You can try change some part of exterior wall in a cream color- like stone on the groud and use more patterns -what do you think ?
Yes, I think that will work. Right now I am concerned about where to put the vegetable garden, orchard and vineyard so it looks nice. Now they are just plopped down there and it's not looking good. When I am feeling better I will look at more pictures of homes to try to find ideas. Thanks for your suggestion!
Wow... how many talented members are here ;D
Hey, Jude! Ok, here's some thoughts. First of all in general I like this build. Your use of colors inside is really nice and I like your choice of furniture and the general placement of it. I did get the feeling that so much marble flooring was a bit cold. Maybe reduce it or constrain it to the first floor level?
In the girl's bedroom I felt the beds were a bit heavy for that size room but perhaps if you made the furniture white or cream colored it wouldn't feel like that. A lighter shade would make it feel more feminine.
The boys room is adorable and the adult rooms are lovely.
On the ground floor the grey rooms need a pop of color here and there. Maybe use some flower arrangements or something to spark up the grey a bit?
I also feel the house needs a lot more windows. The front of the house looks great with plenty of elegant and large windows but the rest of the house feels kind of neglected. A mansion of this size would probably have either more or larger windows, maybe even keeping the style of the ones in the front.
Using grey stone and brick has always been a problem for me. I never seem to get it to fit right and I think mixing the two kinds of textures in your house is causing a problem. It's almost as if the builders ran out of money so decided to go with a different material for the rest of the house, yet if you went with all stone it might not work either. What if you went with more stone on the parts that are visible from the front of the building, and then went with a much lighter grey or white stucco on the rest of the building, all the way down to the ground? Not sure if that would work but it's just an idea.
Landscaping is minimal here but I'm assuming you aren't done with it. May I suggest using more color in the landscaping? In the front where the hydrangeas are, how about if you took out the blue ones and added red azaleas instead? Or even just added some red azaleas or a few other lower plants with more color to them?
In the hedge fence in the back I would suggest changing the style of the gates. You have a nice, classy/elegant fence around the deck but then chose a very country style of gate in the green shrub fence. I'd suggest using one that more matched the deck fence to unify that style.
I really loved the interior and the general style of the house. Don't give up on it because I think you are on the right track. Sometimes it takes awhile before everything falls in place and you get that "aha!" moment. I've never done this legacy so maybe I'll check it out. You've inspired me!
This is the house I am building for my Every Lifetime Wish Wyndham Legacy. I have the interior nearly finished except for hanging curtains and changing some door/window colors.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do the exterior. I have built it and torn it down so many times that I am frustrated with it. I would love to get some ideas from you guys on how to put it together.
Here are some pictures:
You can find more pictures of this house at: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1148&page=1 (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1148&page=1)
Sorry for the double post you guys! I just didn't want to add to the long post for Jude. Agneza you have once again built a masterpiece. For advice the only thing I felt was it needed a bit more color, pink or red, but I think pink would be best. Not a lot of it, just here and there a bit. Otherwise it's lovely. I particularly like the wishing well.
My new house for "Garden home chalenge" on the EA site. How do you like it ?Maybe some advice... ;)
Thank you, Joria. Yes, I thought the floors might look a little cold. I thought I might change them all to a light parquet. I see what you mean about the girls' room. I'll fix that.
I haven't finished the exterior because I really don't know what to do with it. It always looks "off" no matter what I try. I simply don't know where to put the gardens, vineyard, and stable to make it look nice. I haven't worked on it for a while because I'm frustrated with it. I've been working on rebuilding my first modern house (not the red one) to replace the one I lost when my computer crashed).
I really appreciate your suggestions!
Well, here is my next attempt at building- another 10 X 10. Kind of like that size- think I might try a colony of them surrounding a community garden. Anyway, much appreciate any comments/suggestions. Thanks :)
@ Jude: If you like I would be happy to help with the landscaping and placement of garden etc.
@ Varick: This is wonderful! You've managed to combine everything that is needed in a very small space yet made it feel spacious. I did a few 10x10's and built them not only up, but down as well. This gave me the option of having a swimming pool, a game/party room, an exercise room and a large lounge/library. It was fun! I even put a kid's playground on the top floor.
That would be wonderful, Joria! I would be so grateful! I will probably be offline for a week starting Monday because of some surgery I'm having but anytime before or after would be great. Would you be helping me by PM?
download link: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,10459.0.html
I really like it. Do you have a close up of those angled posts on the side? I'd love to see how you did those - very effective!
I really like it. Do you have a close up of those angled posts on the side? I'd love to see how you did those - very effective!
Those are sculptures from Showtime. And yeah, they look fantastic with that house!
thank you, guys. And yes, those angled posts were decoration items that came with Showtime EP. xD
lol, this is one seriously deep basement!
This is the start of my Sims 3 build of The House Of Fallen Trees from Sims 2
@ Jude: If you like I would be happy to help with the landscaping and placement of garden etc.
Joria, it looks like this is one of the houses/families that I lost in my computer crash. I will have to try to rebuild it as I did my modern house :( thanks for the offer to help.
Okay, I panicked before I needed to...I found it! A generation before the 4th I was on, but that works for me! :)
lol, this is one seriously deep basement!
This is the start of my Sims 3 build of The House Of Fallen Trees from Sims 2
it's the house that have the coffin at the end of the basement, right? I remember that house, too. lol
it's the house that have the coffin at the end of the basement, right? I remember that house, too. lol
yes, that's the house. It was discussed in the reminiscing about Sims 1 and 2 thread. I can't recall ever having played in it, so I fired up 2 and had a look. It's a beautiful house and I fell in love with it straight away. There are two coffins in the basement and three graves in the backyard.
yes, that's the house. It was discussed in the reminiscing about Sims 1 and 2 thread. I can't recall ever having played in it, so I fired up 2 and had a look. It's a beautiful house and I fell in love with it straight away. There are two coffins in the basement and three graves in the backyard.
I can't wait to see the finished product, I use to love that house!
@Jude: It's Monday and I didn't see your message sooner. Hope the surgery goes well and that recovery time is swift and easy for you.
What I would suggest is letting me download the house and then fool around with the landscaping or I could try to just make suggestions based on your pictures.
This is my new house for EA site contest. I hope You like it.
You can see more photos here:http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Modified%20Prize/ (http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Modified%20Prize/) or
download here:http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5723102 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5723102)
The house is fantastic Agneza! I love it. The bedroom is to die for. ;D
Wow Agneza.. love it. You said it was for a contest, is it member judged? Is there somewhere we can go to vote?
Thank you girls... ;D I'm so happy You like it. On the EA side the judges decide which house is the best but thank You Twinmum- it's very kide of you. If you like this hause I'll be very grateful for every recomendation.
Just made this new house. I didn't acually take that long on it... :P Also, I'm not moving any Sim into it, it's purely for my own entertainment. I just want some comments n stuff on it :)
Screenshots :
Thanks :P
I like it! Although the layout of the bedroom is not my thing, but that's probably just me! I think it needs something in between the bathroom and kitchen, that space looks a bit empty. But other than that it's quite nice! :D
Hi eastbankbabs123.
We don't allow individual threads to show off construction unless it's an entry for the Swap Shop and includes a download link. Therefore, I'm going to merge this thread with the Showboat thread, which is where builders show off their accomplishments and ask for feedback.
Thanks Pam and Warr :)
@Agneza: Lovely, lovely, lovely! Have you uploaded it to the swap shop? Do I see store content in that build? It would be nice to be able to see the entire contest too. Where can we find it on the EA site? I'll be sure to recommend it!
@ eastbank: Love your build! The only two negatives are lack of landscaping and having the back of the bed toward a door. Gives me the creeps. Other than those two I find it unique, I love the color choices, (I'd never have chosen that cover for the bed and I LOVE it!), it has a nice, open feel to it. I hope we'll be seeing more of your work here. Oh, and if you haven't already been welcomed, WELCOME!
Like on Agneza's house shots (By the way, it's actually brilliant that house!) how do I make the ceiling show? I know you can tilt the screen up and paint them but I've never managedTh it apart from in my basement on some other save...
Everyone's grown so much. It's quite spectacular.
Everyone's grown so much. It's quite spectacular.
You're back again! Hi. :)
I agree.. it seems to have gone from me, you and a few select others into one large building community where everyone takes part. :)
Lol just realized; do you want me to change my title? I'm second to you. :P
Haha, I'm as rusty as a nail in a swamp.
Some time ago, I showed a picture of a house I built in Sims 2 and was building again for Sims 3.
Well I finally finished it. I've uploaded it to the exchange as it is an entry in a contest over there, but I'll upload it here if people want. It's just very heavy with store content so it will take a while to compile the list of content.
This is the original build for Sims 2
And this is the updated version
There are more shots here. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1181&page=1)
Hi everyone. I haven't posted here much but I've been really getting into playing and building again lately. I built a house that I'm finally proud enough to post, so I thought I'd show you.
These are just exterior shots because I have nothing done on the interior...no walls or furniture yet. This is a "beachfront" property. Hope you like it and of course any comments are welcome. I'm not happy with the roof, I tried to put a circular roof on the larger part of the porch but it refused to cooperate, but think I'm pleased with everything else.
Also, sorry about the gridlines, I wasn't sure how to get rid of them.
Closer view of the landscaping in the back
Closer view of the landscaping in the front
That house is so cute DNAgirl. Welcome to the forum, can't wait to see more of your builds. :)
Thank you! I've actually gone through all 100+ pages of this thread and I am seriously impressed by the building talent of everyone. Awesome houses!
dnagirl -I like your house, is so cute ;)
My new house -" Mountain wooden house".I builded it for the Building contest on EA site.
More photos here:http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Mountain%20wooden%20house/?action=view¤t=ef28a4d3.pbw (http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Mountain%20wooden%20house/?action=view¤t=ef28a4d3.pbw)
You can download here:http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5749751 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5749751)
Another amazing house, Agneza!
Wow ! That house is just amazing . You're an awesome builder Agneza. :)
dnagirl -I like your house, is so cute ;)
Thank you Agneza, I love all of your houses and this new one too. You really have a talent for design!
DNA: That's some very nice landscaping, and the building itself has good colors. May I make a suggestion for the roof?
Agneza: Oh, that's just lovely. Good use of multiple wall covers.
Beautiful house dnagirl! Everytime I see one of your houses Agneza I just can say WOW!
Dane, please do make a roof suggestion. I almost pulled my hair out from getting so frustrated with the roof.
Thank you for the compliment lovesims!
My suggestion for the roof, would be to drag the lower section of the roof down so that it is at an angle that is less steep than the upper roof. You could also possibly lower the roof over the smaller section of the house.
Hope this helps!
Gorgeous landscaping and great job using such a bright bold color for the exterior!
D'woh. Sorry for dissapearing for a few days.
You need to be careful adding roofing to porches. They need to feel like extensions to the "main roof." Try roofing the house and the house alone. Then, add roofing to the porch areas, at a much lower pitch.
If roofing the back patio still doesn't feel right, maybe forego having any roof at all there? You could also try adding a trellis, by lining the surface area above the top patio with cross-sections of "monorail fencing," or any of the garden edge fences.
So lately I've actually been playing the game [shock and awe], but I couldn't help doing a few rennovations to the showtime town, putting in late night bars etc.
Put Mako Jake's on the beach and then renovated the beach bungalows to match.
OK y'all I've redone the roof. Still not 100% happy with it, but I think it's better than what I had. Insides are partially finished but to be honest I don't know how to take pictures of rooms lol. Let me know what you think.
dnagirl, I really like the back!
My new house -" Mountain wooden house".I builded it for the Building contest on EA site.
Agneza, that is truely beautiful. Not only the house, but the picture itself is very well done.
This is not a joke, but I had to look twice before I saw it was build in The Sims 3, as I first thought this is the 'real' house you have build into The Sims.
Agneza, that is truely beautiful. Not only the house, but the picture itself is very well done.
This is not a joke, but I had to look twice before I saw it was build in The Sims 3, as I first thought this is the 'real' house you have build into The Sims.
Yeah, her Pictures always look so real... Her houses in-game always look so real... How does she do it? Agneza equals Awesome!
Agneza, Dane and dnagirl, FABULOUS!
I can never say enough about Agneza's houses. Just let me say I've redone parts of one of my UC games to hold ALL her builds and it looks great. I love her houses!
Dane, welcome back buddy! Hope school was not too stressful. Great to see you back at Sims and I love what you did with the beach. Renovating everything to match Mako Jack's was awesome.
Dna, I LOVE, love, love the cobalt blue exterior! I never go with bold colors, (too chicken and afraid I'll mess it up), but you really made it awesome and perfect for beach front house. I love the general design of the house as well. Glad to see you here.
Here's my next build. No landscaping done yet, just the shell. If you can't tell, I love porches and balconies!
Closer front
@dnagirl, that house is gorgeous.
This is the house I've been working on lately. I'm not a very good builder at all, so comments/things to improve are appreciated. It's designed for Hidden Springs.
Front of the house:
Down one of the sides, a skill area down to a pond:
Again the bedroom, it's a loft-style overlooking the kitchen:
Living area:
Overhead view of lower level:
Here is my "Teddy Bear-daycare" residential lot for EA site contest. If you like it I'll be very grateful for every recomendation ;)
Download link;http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5849729 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5849729)
Slideshow:http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/DAYCARE/?action=view¤t=454712e1.pbw (http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/DAYCARE/?action=view¤t=454712e1.pbw)
Joria- thank you for so kind words :D
Dnagirl-It will be beautiful house !
Ariana-if you add one more pattern on the wall on the second flor maybe your house will looks little better,but I like it-bravo
Here is my house for Storybook contest- is not finished :( I was sick few days..I hope you like it...
Agneza, I love your Storybook house. It's awesome. Too bad you couldn't finish in time. Maybe next time. :)
ArianaJade, I love the look and feel of your house. I think you did a great job and it will look fabulous in Hidden Springs. :)
Agenza, that house is amazing! :D
Agneza, the house are beautiful! The landscaping are amazing. I hope you feel better now. :)
Celebration Chapel Lot 30x30 Perfect place for wedding, date or other celebrations. There you can eat,drink,dance,make photo,sleep. I hope You like it. ;)
Download link :http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5883700 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5883700)
Wow, how lovely!
How did you do the pink roof?
I've been working on a new big project today - the Taj Mahal. This is what I've got so far, it's just the basic shell, I'm at the stage of just trying to get the general look of it right. I'd love some feedback.
I'm not happy with the front part at all. It all needs to be more arched but I have no idea how to do it. I've used door arches leading into little alcoves with windows inside for most of it, but the front part needs a really huge arch above the second floor. If you look at pics of the Taj Mahal I think you'll see what I mean. I thought of using CFE to arch it, but won't it mess with everything else? I want the top of the big square sticky out bit to stay horizontal.
Also, anyone have any other ideas of how I could make it more realistic?
Lastly, I really struggled with deciding where to put it. It's in Appaloosa plains at the moment, as it's the driest looking town I have. (Don't have Lunar Lakes). I have Sunset Valley, Appaloosa plains, Twinbrook and Riverview. I had to do some buldozing to get it where it is, it's ok but if there are any better placements I'm willing to move it. :D
Please help! ;D
Agneza, the chapel is absolutely gorgeous - but I didn't expect anything else. :) I'm also curious about the roof color.
Agneza, the Chapel is so beautiful. I just love it. :)
This beautiful roof color is CC, but I deleted it because I can't upload a house. Thank You for Your support :D
I'm certain there are other roof colors you could use, to make it CC free. It might take some tweaking of the exterior palette, though. What if you went with an unsaturated shade of pink for the trims you could use one of the neutral toned roofs?
EA really ought to make roofs colorable. Maybe not CAS'able, but if it had a color slider like hair and makeup did, that'd be great.
Agneza- I just love your chapel. What a perfect place for a wedding. It's fabulous! :)
Decima- I love what you did so far. Spectacular looking building. :)
I'm very glad You like it, and hardly wait for colorable roofs, shoud be perfect for all fantasy houses.
I'm very glad You like it, and hardly wait for colorable roofs, shoud be perfect for all fantasy houses.
With the new Patch there are some different shades of a white/cream coloured thatch that might be a good Non-CC swap for you. :) I saw it before you took it away and it did look very cute and very well built. We should start copying and pasting "Agneza, it's amazing!" . :D
I`m still a fairly new builder. Today I decided to build a house with dormers. I had a bit of a hard time with the roof as I wanted a different pitch roof over the entry. I was finally able to make it work. I covered the house with brick but now I think it looks like a school and not a house. What should I change to make it look more like a Cape Cod house and not a school. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
Full brick is pretty rare in cape cod. It would either be a small building, or only brick on the first floor, with clap board for the pitch of the roof and dormers. Full clap board, however, is pretty legitimate for cape cod. Just make sure whichever you use to be diligent with the left-right edge coverings.
We could probably work on some of your proportions, as well. The distance between the furthest windows and the edge of the building is pretty big, which makes the building feel barren and undecorated. If you trim down the size of the building maybe 2 tiles inward on both side, it'd have a big impact. You may wish to make sure that your dormers are all the same sizes, as well.
Cape cod houses normally have shorter, broader windows. Using shuttered windows is also a very good idea when going for the cape code style.
Finally, lowering the pitch of the roof just a little bit, and adding a few embellishments to the porch would really bring it in the right direction.
Working on these points would help make the cape cod style more apparent. I'll be excited to see the next draft!
Thanks for your reply danefaith. I will give a go at the roof again. I had a hard time with the dormers which is why I had to raise the pitch of the roof. That's a lot of great info you gave me. I will try my best at correcting those areas.
Thanks again!
Here is my next draft for the Cape Cod style house. I'm not sure if I should've left the cement foundation on or not. It does look a lot better. Took out two rows of squares out from both ends of the house, changed the window styles and made the dormers all the same size. I cannot adjust the roof pitch any more as it interferes with the dormers not connecting properly to the roof. I have tired to do a lower pitch on the dormer roof and cannot make it work. Sometimes it does work but most of the time it doesn't. I guess I still need to watch that tutorial a few more times to learn it properly.
Feed back or comments are welcome. :)
I think it was the long windows that made it look like a school. I liked it both ways though, but then I don't know where Cape Cod is, let alone it's style! ;D
Anyone have any feedback on my Taj Mahal attempt?
Hello Everyone!
make really cool houses for your Sims 3 game! and you can check them out on youtube, My account name is CollierFims or you can use these url codes;
Family Classic House - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXY_5UAQKrw&feature=channel&list
Seaside Villa- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viC1lu3s4bU&feature=channel&list
Cliff Side House - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COlmMwGSAEg&feature=channel&list
Cliff Side in HD - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2zeuE42FnU&feature=channel&list
Eco Friendly House - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsUCYvOY_JA&feature=channel&list
Family Classic is a Large Family home with Lots of space for your sims!
Seaside Villa is a Medium sized family house by the Beach!
Cliff Side House is a Modern Cliff house with Walk-Out basement
Eco Friendly House is a small 3 Bedroom house, perfect for your start out sims!
Please Check out my Videos and My Channel
Like and Subscribe for More!
Thank You - It would really be appreciated!
Joe Collier
CollierFilms Founder
I think it was the long windows that made it look like a school. I liked it both ways though, but then I don't know where Cape Cod is, let alone it's style! ;D
Anyone have any feedback on my Taj Mahal attempt?
Cape Cod is in Massachusetts, USA. It is right on the Atlantic and is absolutely beautiful. It's where the Kennedy family have their big home in the town of Hyannis.
As for the Taj Mahal. I'm stunned. I keep looking and looking at it and I'm amazed at how well you have done so far. Getting the colors and the stone just right is going to be tricky, ditto with the arches. Yet you've already captured the essence of it. I don't think we have a lot big enough to do it justice. The reflecting pool needs to be longer, and aren't there sections in it? I might not be remembering quite right. I wish I could give you some pertinent advice but it truly is just boggling my mind. Kudos to you! Oh, I do have some advice. It is obviously a labor of love so take your time with it and just pour the love into every bit.
My 1883 High Victorian based off a real floor plan. It is historically accurate as much as I could make it.
My Version
The original
Bedroom floor
Every room has a color scheme.
FYI there is only one bathroom (typical of period) and the kitchen is in the basement, though the basement has windows.
Exchange URL
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5858368 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5858368)
Today one of my houses- "Containers house" is Featured in the oficial EA page, ;D and I have new badge for 1000 recomendations-thank You all who helped me with it ! Here is my featured house. I made it for "Green Eco house" contest. It was not so easy to finish it because I don't feel so good last days.I hope you like it ;)
Link for the house http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5927057 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5927057)
Link for slideshow:http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/green%20house/?action=view¤t=f7575a13.pbw (http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/green%20house/?action=view¤t=f7575a13.pbw)
Awesome work as usual! It looks very peaceful and relaxing. Love all your artwork. Your artwork makes your houses that much more special. Landscaping is just so beautiful. You are a great builder. :)
Agneza that house is simply awesome!!! Those photo portraits of the sims in the last photo - did you take those?
Agneza that is truly amazing! Congrats with the house being featured and 1000 rec's! Hope you feel better soon. :)
@ Napoleonwrasse: Awesome! You did a great job matching up the original with your creation. Is it cc free?
@ Agneza: Congratulations lady friend! I particularly love the little duckies in the pond! You always come up with these cute little surprises in your builds. Of course, I already have this one in my favorite remodeled town.
This is beautiful! I truly love it! Recommended :)
Today one of my houses- "Containers house" is Featured in the oficial EA page, ;D and I have new badge for 1000 recomendations-thank You all who help me with it ! Here is my featured house. I made it for "Green Eco house" contest. It was not so easy to finish it because I don't feel so good last days.I hope you like it ;)
It looks amazing! I was thinking the other day how a House like this would look so awesome - there is an Advert on TV for a House Store which sells materials and fixtures (Plumbing, Electricals etc.) and they had this house like tower made out of containers. :)
I love the duckies too :) and is that a swimmable pond?!
Thank you all ;D I realy appreciate all support and kind words . Pallindrom-the big portrets on the wall is made my Sim photographer from the big pictures (from Showtime), and Chuckles-yes, it is a swimmable pond.
Here's a new modern home I've been working on. Thoughts?
Note: landscaping, doors and windows are not entirely finished.
That looks great! I can't wait to see it when it's done.
That's pretty awesome ZapKid! Anxious to see it finished. Love all your builds. You do great work. :)
I just recently had the idea for this and I had to get it done straight away. It's an apartment situated where the club Aquarius should be in Bridgeport (I chose it beacause it was the only one with an acessible rooftop!) which is completely open-air, with all perfect plants. A bit bizarre for the average sim, but a gardener or even a fairy (yay supernatural!) would fit perfectly. Here are some pictures:
I am just having two problems, one (as you can see on the last photo) is that the spiral stairs are not visible from the floor above, though they are when you go below. The other is that all the plants have to be watered by hand; since the ground is not terrain but actual floor tiles, sprinklers make huge puddles everywhere. If anyone knows for a way around this, that'd be great! Any feedback is appreciated :)
I builded this house for contest.It is for the sim who is Eco friendly, loves nature and animals,and outdor living.I builded this house without walls. The lot is in SV near the waterfall.There is place for one horse , dog and cat, beautiful swimmpond, vege garden and basment. I hope You like it. :) ( I'm waiting for judges opinion )
More pics.http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/No%20walls/ (http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/No%20walls/)
If you like it here is download link: http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5978886 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5978886)
Nice job on the houses, guys. :)
Here's my latest work- a one bedroom bachelor pad for Lucky Palms. Tried to mix in some more cozy methods on the exterior besides ultra modern- what do you guys think? (Also, the living room with all the windows will have curtains. There's got to be some privacy with this house. ::) )
Agneza- Your Eco Friendly house is beautiful. The decor is just stunning. It's so welcoming and relaxing . Any Sim would love to live there. I really hope you win this one. It's amazing! :)
ZapKid- Love your new modern house. The new cacti is a very nice touch. Also great work on your landscaping. You're great with your modern homes. :)
EnglishRose- Love your roof-top home. That would be the perfect place for a fairy. It looks very peaceful and welcoming. You did a great job. :)
Zapkid-great house and beautiful landscaping -new flowers! ;)
My new Fairytale cottage.I hope you like it ;)
Download link http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6068913 (http://gb.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6068913)
The link for slideshow here :http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Fairytale%20Cottage/?action=view¤t=b9efcaac.pbw (http://:http://s1053.photobucket.com/albums/s467/agnezawars/Fairytale%20Cottage/?action=view¤t=b9efcaac.pbw)
Awwwww, simply beautiful...i want want want it, lol good job!
The house is beautiful Agneza! I love it. :D
You are so talented, Agneza. I am in awe!
That is so amazingly beautiful ! I just love it ! I'm very anxious for the new expansion to come out this fall to use it for my fairy sim . She's going to be so happy living in that home. Thanks so much for sharing ! :)
Thank you for the bottom of my heart to many members of this site for amazing support and the beautiful gifts. Without You to build such a houses would be impossible. Thank You again ;D
Hey all! I've been lurking around the forums a bit and wanted to share the home I built =).
I built this first because I wanted to build an EPIC home. After having built maybe 50% of it, I decided to put some Sims in and took a family from another file and put them in here. I've played on it for a while now and have bought plenty of things with which to decorate the house.
There is a lot of empty space. I also haven't even gotten close to getting started on the yard. My 3 sims are raking in the money though, so money isn't the problem. Anyway, some pictures! Oh, I also got tired of searching for seeds so I put some spawners in my yard. That's the dots.
Below: Here is the overview of the house. You can see the mini-garden in the corner and the miner in the other corner. When I built this, I took a park and demolished it.
Below: Here is the top floor. This is where Amelia Rivers lives (Doctor Who inspired!). She's a close family friend to the Peaks. She has her own little pool (outdoor), with a bar and a telescope. There's an empty room that sticks out right next to the pool that I'm not sure what to do with. It's kinda like an observatory right now.
Below: The main floor! The first thing you may notice is that you can see a man trapped inside the kitchen. He's a paparazzi who keeps coming back and I wanted to experiment with a torture chamber. There are huge windows so people can watch him suffer =). In the kitchen you can see the butler's room. The main area obviously lacks decour; it was completely empty when the family moved in.
Below: The fun floor! See for yourself all the goodies that are here =). Yes; I put a club in my basement. There's a Jacuzzi in there too. Yes, that's a pool you see in B2.
Below: The domain of the Peaks! There's a child's room, the room of all things skill-based, a secret tunnel (that may lead to other secret rooms of secrecy in the future).
I intend to make the child into a traveler, and she will fill this home with goodies that she finds in her travels. There's also a display case you can't really see with some of the gems the Peaks found using the miner.
It's a pity that the sims only use like 1% of this awesome house. This house is like only 50% furnished too. Haven't even touched the "yard". Any ideas? I wanted to make a "leaning tower" 5 stories high... Oh, this is so much like minecraft!
I did the same thing with a paparazzi except I used a 1x1 room with 4 windows.
The sad part is they never die. I had him in there about a month. Seems like the game auto resets needs on characters you're not playing or something.
Cool house though :)
Welcome to our Forum, StaffOfJars.
We have a special thread in place for members to show off houses they build. I'm merging your thread in with it.
Welcome to our Forum, StaffOfJars.
We have a special thread in place for members to show off houses they build. I'm merging your thread in with it.
Oops sorry I didn't pay enough attention
Oops sorry I didn't pay enough attention
No worries. It's sorted out now. :)
[Edited to fix the thread title after the merge - Ausette]
Fantastic house! Well done!
This build isn't going to be very useful for people since it requires so much space but I thought it would at least be worth showing here.
I'm currently working on a new version of Sunset Valley for myself and I wanted to make an apartment complex that looked much like the apartment complexes I've seen around the area where I grew up. The typical red brick two story apartment building.
While thinking about that and the fact that I don't really like how you only get one playable unit in an apartment building in Sims 3 I came up with an interesting idea.
I'll be commenting on each screenshot below it instead of above so you don't have scroll back up to read about what you just saw. lol
As you can see, what I have here is an L shaped apartment building. Looks very much like many of the apartments around here. This is intended to be kind of low income housing. Well, not really low income but just not ritzy like the one I have on the swap shop. The landscaping kind of looks a little too pretty for the price range of this place but I had to fill the space with something and the gazebo filled quite a bit of space nicely.
You'll notice on the left some Cherry Blossom trees. The plan was this...
Take that lot and name it something like Apartment Building North and save a copy to the library.
Then change which unit is the playable unit and rename it Apartment Building South and save that to the library.
Now here's the hard part. Manually flip all the landscaping and by flip I mean move the cherry blossom trees so that they would be on the right side of the screenshot above and move everything that was on the right over to the left.
Once that was done I could switch the playable apartment again and rename Apartment Building West and save a copy to the library. then just switch the playable apartment one more time and rename Apartment Building East and save that to the library.
The idea with the cherry blossom trees lining one side is that when the two mirror landscaped lots are placed next to each other it forms a kind of Cherry Blossom lane like so...
Now caw doesn't let you put lots so close together that they're touching each other. Smaller lots have to be at least one square apart and the larger lots, two squares so what I did was tried to get the color of the sidewalk tiles on the lot to match as closely as possible the city sidewalks and then just ran a city sidewalk right down the middle between the two lots.
There's an over head view of Cherry Blossom Row. That's what I'm calling it for now. :) You can see there's a little seating area half way down. Basically just to connect the two lots visually.
And here's the end result. A huge apartment complex with 4 different playable units the most expensive of which is just over 10k.
Obviously it wouldn't do much good to put this on the swap shop. Who has 4 adjacent 64x64 lots lying around. lol
I absolutely love this! The creativity and careful planning is outstanding! I do with you'd share it because it would be a wonderful challenge to set up those 64x64 lots to accommodate it. It's beautiful and what a lovely place for the less than filthy rich to live! Well done!
As some of you may know, I've been doing a 30-days-of-Building challenge for the month of July. Since it's August as of yesterday, I've decided to start a new one! This month's theme is Ikea-Inspired, wherein I basically take Ikea's design tips and styles from their 2013 catalog and translate them into The Sims 3.
Yesterday's concept was "The Softer Side of Life". Here are the aspects:
Curtains, rugs, linens, bedding, and other fabrics are a great way to bring life to a bedroom or living room. Go for soft colors, to stick with the room theme. My pick is white because it gives the room a modernesque feeling while still remaining comfortable. Various knick-knacks are great as decoration. Stop by the consignment store and see if you can find any cheap books to decorate your space.
Rugs are so, so, so underused in today’s Sim houses. Use a large rug to not only improve the acoustics of a room but also to give it a warm, humble feeling and provide an art form… on the floor!
Small touches like colorful lamp shades and couch cushions can give a pop of a brighter kind of life to your Sim’s house. Don’t be afraid to use the Create-A-Style tool and pick out a pattern that you don’t often use. Go with a bright green pattern to match any plants you might have, or a brown pattern to give the room a more antique feel.
My room:
And my thoughts:
In the living room I created, I used a white and yellow color scheme to give my room a comfortable yet energetic vibe. Now that I look back at it, I’m a bit apprehensive about my choice of rug, but it still works. The yellow in the room was inspired by the non-recolorable yellow on the couch cushions and the yellow on the trophies in the bookshelf. Plants give my room a livelier feel, and flowing curtains give the space a sense of tranquility.
I've not done much building as of late. More Dynasty than anything else really, yet last night when I was nearly exhausted I did build something and looking at it this morning I quite like it. It's built on one of the Piers in LP and I think I may evict and remove the other lots on the Pier to build more of these types of house?
I think my favourite part is the balcony thing on the side. I'm not really sure about the green, Might change that.
Wow ! I just love it. I think you should do the whole Pier. What an awesome job you did. I don't mind the green at all . I think it's a very nice contrast. I hope you show us the whole Pier. :)
Execution, the room look lovely!
Awesome house Tom!
@ Execution, Love your room. Very nicely done! :)
samoht that house is gorgeous - i'd love to download it and more like it for my LP game :)
I absolutely love this! The creativity and careful planning is outstanding! I do with you'd share it because it would be a wonderful challenge to set up those 64x64 lots to accommodate it. It's beautiful and what a lovely place for the less than filthy rich to live! Well done!
Thanks. It will be a part of the new version of Sunset Valley I'm working on and that's pretty much finished. It's just in the testing phase now.
I don't expect it will be a very popular custom world as I only have Ambitions, Late Night and World Adventurer. As I look around at posts on the web I get the distinct impression that most people have all the EPs and people like me are the minority so while it will have all the bars and the fire house and other stuff from ambitions placed neatly it won't have any stuff for the other EPs like Pets, Generations or ShowTime.
Point of interest though, I noticed that when you have Apartment buildings in your town all the homeless townies the game uses for mixologists and paparazzi suddenly have homes to go to after work. They occupy all the blacked out units (the ones set as NPC doors) in the apartment buildings. They're still not playable households but it's just nice to know they have a roof over their heads now. lol
My 1883 High Victorian based off a real floor plan. It is historically accurate as much as I could make it.
My Version
Every room has a color scheme.
FYI there is only one bathroom (typical of period) and the kitchen is in the basement, though the basement has windows.
Exchange URL
http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5858368 (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5858368)
I gotta know. How did you get windows in the basement? I've been trying to figure that trick out forever.
Love the house Thomas! I haven't done much buildling lately either - challenges have taken up all my time - but if I look at too much more on this thread I'll get too inspired and have to go and build some more! I've been working on another world, but challenges usually take precedance.
It seems like most people who post here are sharing the house downloads or have a design/build question - Is ok just to show off things people are proud of here? I kind of want to show off some things I've built but am not at a skill and/or time level that I can clean them up enough for sharing or problem solve when downloads go wrong. :-( Please point me to the proper forum/thread if there is a better one because I'd like to post more regularly…
I find that hangouts are really the only good place to meet up for long terms of time with other Sims when you have some slight control over the group, so I build a lot of them. Lucky Palms really needed a vintage/cheap motel next to the casino and I was inspired by the Desert Gem Motel in Gila Bend AZ (Google that string for source pics) for the exterior. The interior is just out of my nostalgic memories of similar places. It seems to work quite well for my purpose and, although it wasn't a particularly complicated floor plan or inspired decor, I'm extremely pleased with how close I got to the atmosphere I was aiming for:
More shots here:
SimPenguin, I see why you're proud of that one! It's perfect!
It seems like most people who post here are sharing the house downloads or have a design/build question - Is ok just to show off things people are proud of here? I kind of want to show off some things I've built but am not at a skill and/or time level that I can clean them up enough for sharing or problem solve when downloads go wrong. :-( Please point me to the proper forum/thread if there is a better one because I'd like to post more regularly…
I find that hangouts are really the only good place to meet up for long terms of time with other Sims when you have some slight control over the group, so I build a lot of them. Lucky Palms really needed a vintage/cheap motel next to the casino and I was inspired by the Desert Gem Motel in Gila Bend AZ (Google that string for source pics) for the exterior. The interior is just out of my nostalgic memories of similar places. It seems to work quite well for my purpose and, although it wasn't a particularly complicated floor plan or inspired decor, I'm extremely pleased with how close I got to the atmosphere I was aiming for:
You can show anything you have built here. A lot of us here like to share the stuff we build but you can definitely just show off stuff you have built. :) I think it looks brilliant! I hope you do upload it as it is perfect for LPs and is very well built. Maybe you should use your talents in the Building Contests? ;)
This is my second of the Lake houses, I'm not liking this one as much as the first one though, I think I need to redo the landscaping. I like the wall of glass though. I think this one is more for a couple with a single child, probably a teenager since there isn't much of a garden and it doesn't feel like a family home. So maybe that business couple with the isolated child or something.
Some pictures of the interior of the first lake house:
Living Area:
Office, could be converted to small extra bedroom:
Any thoughts on either?
I very much like both of those houses samoht. Can I download them for my Lucky Palms game?
My thought when I first looked at it was "WOW". I wouldn't change a thing. I just love it. You're so talented . I'm too jealous ! ;D
Thank you Ladbybug, loveSims and chuckles! :D
I very much like both of those houses samoht. Can I download them for my Lucky Palms game?
Thank you and sure, I'll try get them up for this weekend, probably sooner. They're in my Legacy Game and currently Alison and her Beau are in the green one. It's not really the house for them it just appeared whilst I was building, Lol. :)
Thank you Ladbybug, loveSims and chuckles! :D
Thank you and sure, I'll try get them up for this weekend, probably sooner. They're in my Legacy Game and currently Alison and her Beau are in the green one. It's not really the house for them it just appeared whilst I was building, Lol. :)
Oooh ! Alison is in Lucky Palm with her Beau. Now, I really can't wait for the next chapter. :)
@samoht- Both of those houses are gorgeous! They make me really want to get Lucky Palms!
<3 <3 <3 Both of those houses Thomas!! Apart from the wallpaper in the second house anyway - but I think that's just a matter of personal taste. The layout and colour sceme and everything is just gorgeous!
I'm back home,thank You to all for so kind words and support. :D Here is my little gift for all members, it's my old painting but I still like it. I hope You like it too.
It's beautiful Agneza ! I love it. Wish you a full recovery. Get plenty of rest. Take good care of yourself. :)
welcome back Agneza! Lovely painting. I hope you are feeling better :)
Welcome back, Agneza. We missed you!
Welcome back, Agneza! I hope you are doing well. Your painting is lovely!
Thank you, cathyknits!
And thanks samoht04! I've tried once or twice to do one of the contests but I can never get anything near the cost cap. :) I enjoy the interior design part far more than the construction and it gets me into trouble.
Thank You ;) I feel better but I need lot of rest and half of day I sleep ...
Agenza, thank you for sharing your lovely painting with us! The colours are marvellous!
And welcome back. We missed you. Glad you're feeling better and I hope you continue to have a good recovery.
I've built a new home for your suggestions/comments. It's called Riverview Dream and is a 3 Bedroom 3 Bath mid-size home.
You can see more pictures here: http://jude-wright.com/riverview-dream-3br-3ba/ (http://jude-wright.com/riverview-dream-3br-3ba/)
Jude, I can't see any photos on that link...
That's odd. They're showing up for me.
Wow ! I just love it. It really is a Dream House, built right by the river, perfect lot. It would look perfect in my neighborhood in real life. You did a great job ! :)
I have quite a few houses to show you, but can you just tell me how can I post them from my computer?
My old painting "Love" my gift to all my friends :D
My honesty congrats to all builders on this site-all houses are great ! ;D. Judy, and 1953 Your progress is amazing !!!
Oh, Agneza this is just amazing ! It's so nice to see you up and around. I really miss seeing your posts. I hope you are getting stronger everyday and will be able to join us soon. Big hug ! Take care girl ! :)
Thank you, Agneza! Your painting is so beautiful!
Thanks "girls" I'm glad You like my paiting, I still need lot of rest :(
Hy everyone. For a while I'm planing to put every house I made and uploaded on the EA official page on Swap Shop also. It's a bit hard for me to work in this heat ( today 38 degree) with my sick heart, so please if you like my work- have some patience and it will be done :)- I promise ;)
Thanks for understanding :D For now I'm sending You one of my old pictures.
Joria-I'll see what I can do with this hangout, but on my opinion this community is little too modern for a Fantasy setting, but if you really want it I 'll make all change for you. Big hug for all ;D
Agneza, you take all the time you need. Your health is the most important thing. Much more important than any houses. Be well.
Sim Penguin, Tom, Agneza, fabulous stuff! Agneza you are such a creative person. REST, and get well.
Tom, I love those lake houses! You are such a master builder.
SimPenguin, what a great motel! I love it.
Ok, now time for me to share. You guys know I've been "fooling around", remodeling ALL the towns/worlds EA has built. Most of them don't have all the venues and most of them don't have enough land, let alone large enough lots, to put all the venues in. Check out the Swap Shop for some pics of what's happening in "Bridgetown", aka Bridgeport.
What I want to show you here is how things are going in Barnacle Bay. You guys have been so good at sharing and have so kindly allowed me to use your builds in my remodel so here's what some of it looks like. It is a work in progress so there isn't much to show and nothing really to download that you can't already get in the Swap Shop. The concept is to turn BB into a fantasy island with an element of piracy. The focus is no longer on the pirates though, but on the many mystical buildings popping up and the unusual folk who live in those buildings. It's a huge project and anyone who wants to offer help, (buildings and Sims!), I'd be glad to use what you offer if I can find a spot for it. (Don't forget, this isn't the ONLY world I'm working on!) I also need a name for Barnacle Bay. Something Havens? Ok, some pics.
First off, here's James Douglas courtesy of Schiperke, enjoy some time with the sprinkler in the garden of the Fisherman's Cottage Agneza built. He normally is just fishing but guess it was a really hot day. lol
Next are two of Neashaleigh's builds, Candy Bar and the Dryad's Cottage. My Sim, Ilya Mari, (pale green skin), lives in the cottage. Plumbob isn't landscaped yet but expect fantasy trees. The other building is a store gym that I love, unless someone comes up with a fantasy gym.
You can see the remake of Jolly Boat Plaza here but the main focus is on all those fantasy buildings backed up by the beach! Hmmm, wonder who made those? Agneza of course! The consignment store, dance club, theater, salon and more!
View from the beach. To the left background you see a bit of Ausette's Tiki Beach, the white building to the right is the bistro from Lucky Palms and is wip, the school has a secret under it and desperately needs landscaping! Park isn't done either but I think you're getting the idea of what I'm after.
What's under the school? All the municipal rabbit hole buldings! They all work too. Now I just need to pretty it up some. As you can see the townies are fascinated with this and are in and out all day.
It's hard to make a modern building fit in, but I THINK this works. It will be a venue but not sure which one yet.
That's all for now. Couldn't be doing this without all you creative people! Thank you for saying yes.
Very intriguing, Joria! You're doing a good job!
Oh Joria, I love it! Just absolutely love it! Putting all the rabbit holes under the school is a brilliant idea. I'm kind of a traditionalist in that I've always liked to play in Sunset Valley, but I think your town may just become my new favourite.
I had to laugh when I saw James playing in the sprinkler. That was one of his favourite activities in my Dynasty story too. Of course, in the Dynasty James had caught the running bug, so it was always funny watching Elder James dashing out to play in the sprinkler.
The idea of building the rabbit holes under the school - genius!!!! Never thought about that!
It looks like a great and fun world to play in Joria! I don't usually download custom worlds but I think I would download this one if you share it :).
Joria, your town is beautiful! Makes me want to get Barnacle Bay, just for this! That venue, a hangout, maybe, or a LN bar of some kind.
A personal favourite Sim of mine recently passed away, and I wanted to make a little memorial for him. (Practice for my Dynasty, I suppose) I took a few screenshots of it.
This is my first real attempt at building anything with the intention of looking good, so I'd love to have feedback on this.
I think it's lovely, Audren! Very atmospheric.
It is! The fountains add that little bit extra of flare, but it's still concentrated on the memory of your Sim. R.I.P.
Sorry for the loss, Audren. I know how traumatic it can be when a favorite Sim dies. I was unable to play for days when some of mine passed. The memorial you made is perfect and so beautiful. Terrific job.
Here's the next finished piece in my BB remodel. I really need a name for this place!
So far it's Enchanted Havens but I think something better is needed.
Front of school and yes, I used the school from Sunlit Tides.
Rear of school w touches of KP stuff:
Right side of school, see the little benches?
Left side of school, see the lollipop lights?
My kidlet is having a birthday party, (early, it's really in September), and it will be a luau. Appropriate for me to be gifted with Sunlit Tides, eh? Aloha everyone!
;s. How dare you rub your Sunlit Tides in our faces. Silently rages. lol. Not really :), it's beautiful, like everything on this thread.
It looks grate Joria! And Audren, your memorial looks awsome too! It actually gave me an idea for my future 838373737th attempt at an Immortal Dynasty :P.
I have an unrelated question: where does one find those 2x2 water lily pond things with the stone border? I wants to know. :)
It's under decor stuff, in the sculptures section. Well, if I mean the same as you mean, LOL. But I think it came with an EP (World Adventures or Late Night, I don't know it anymore)
It's under decor stuff, in the sculptures section. Well, if I mean the same as you mean, LOL. But I think it came with an EP (World Adventures or Late Night, I don't know it anymore)
It's from World Adventures. :)
Thanks. ;)
I can never remember the name of that particular "fountain" but it is so useful! You can use it as is, or put something on top of it, add fountain spray things or whatever.
Put a statue in it, whatever your imagination comes up with.
Thanks for the kind words you guys. Right now I'm working on filling in the area that used to hold City Hall. I've put a spa building on top and the bistro, which will be Sunlit Tides buildings, and underground will be the science thing. Since they are all "Visitors Allowed" it will work. BB does not have robot fish in the science center so I'm not sure if I want an above ground pond with robot fish in it or put it underground with building. What do you guys think?
Ok, I thought I might upload some screenies here, :D.
The curb shot. Note the curtains and the §150 apiece fence in the background.
The living room. Sleek and refined, the tones of this room reflect the rest of the house.
The kitchen, shot taken from the living room.
The bathroom, with washing machine near the shower (unseeable from this angle)
The floorplan, with hot-tub, professional bar and clothesline in the backyard. View of the bedroom layout there aswell.
Lol, only noticed I had the grid on after the fourth screenie. Only §59,085!
Any comments people?
I like it. Very minimalist and masculine. Are you going to add a pool? You have plenty of room for one although it will raise the price a lot. Still it would be a nice addition.
I was thinking about the pool, and I think I'm going to add it now. Rushes off to do so immediately.
Nice! I think it's the perfect added touch.
@Jude: I finally got to see that darling Riverview house! I love it. May I use it in Enchanted Havens? (Temporary name of BB rebuild.)
Nice! I think it's the perfect added touch.
@Jude: I finally got to see that darling Riverview house! I love it. May I use it in Enchanted Havens? (Temporary name of BB rebuild.)
Yes, of course you can! I'm very flattered!
Looks great so far !!
Latest update for Enchanted Havens.
Garden of the Forgotten front view: (note Agneza's Fantasy Lighthouse and Ratchie and Stella's Gnome Away From Gnome in background)
GoF, Weeping Fairy area:
GoF, telescope and pond w. Deathfish! Yayyy!
Agneza's Fantasy Lighthouse, view 1:
Agneza's Fantasy Lighthouse, view 2: (note picnic area and fantasy trees in nonroutable area. Sims WILL use these areas so why not make them function?)
Gnome house, and house built by Agneza as well as local house.
I hope Stella likes the way I landscaped the area around the house!
Agneza house she built for, I think the name is Seawench?
There is so much more to do on this build, but when I'm through it will be very whimsical and pretty, will have a small spooky area, and will have all current venues up to Show Time and all pretty centrally located, to make navigating really easy (except for Neashaleigh's Tomb of Arcanus which I just HAD to put in across from the Goldbeards) .
If all these updates are starting to become boring or annoying, let me know and I'll stop adding them and no offense taken. Just because I'm rather enamored of this task doesn't mean you all are.
This is really coming along well, Joria! Good job!
Here's my new project. The interior isn't done yet, but it is a 3 bedroom, 5 bath four level home with a trophy/photography room and an aquarium room.
This is the front. It's a four level modern home with some classic twists. The home features a multi-leveled garden with a pond and a walk-out glass porch on the second level.
A closeup of the pond (you can see the multi-level garden in the back).
Here's the back of the house. It's perched on a cliff and features a partially-covered patio with kitchen. There is also an infinity pool with windows to enjoy the view while underwater.
(A shot of the pool area from the front)
I've built a wedding chapel for my Dreamweaver Townie DecaDynasty that I'd like to share here. It turned out really well. I'm just going to post the link to the images of it in my story tread rather posting them in duplicate here.
The Pinocle Wedding Chapel (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,7080.msg236032.html#msg236032)
@ Pam, hmmm, and you are saying you are not a fabulous builder? I think we've discussed this before? Ok, there are some who are extremely fabulous, (I do NOT consider myself one of them), but you are definitely a great builder. Your chapel is beautiful, meaningful and just feels like a happy place for a wedding! You also chose my personal favorite color scheme! It just makes you feel good just looking at it.
@dnaGirl, I love, love, love this build. I am hopeless when it comes to doing multi-level things and infinity pools so this really hit the spot for me. Have you play tested it? Are you going to share? (hint, hint). Can hardly wait to see the interior when you're done!
Pam, I love your little chapel. I've also now been sucked into your Dreamweaver story. I've never even visited that section of the forum yet and now...hooked!
Joria, I've never uploaded a house before, but will be glad to figure it out. I do have some CC in the house (artwork on the walls basically since I started decorating), but I can remove it, play test to make sure everything works and try to upload for you?
Beautiful Chapel Pam! I never take the time to deal with parties and weddings, usually I just do the Private Wedding thing. I might have to try it out more often. Are the chairs from the store?
I'm half done with a house that I'm planning to be the first of a series of skill themed house. This house's theme is collecting.
I got the idea of using marble walls from a game I was playing, it feels more expensive than the parisian theme I started with.
Here's the front yard.
First floor, I'm having a hard time decorating the rooms.
Second floor, if you look closely, the entire west wing (the one on the right) are going to be bedrooms.
This house is a pain to build, especially the walls, I used wall sets that have to be manually placed a panel at a time, and I had to do it twice because of a major color/medium change.
Oh, my word it's gorgeous!!! WOW!
YZJay, that is an amazing build! And I can definitely see your theme coming through for a collector, as it looks like a museum!
YZjay, amazing build. I'm really looking forward to follow the rest of your progress.
I'm working on a small town surrounded by mountains, and was wanting some opinions on how my mountain ranges look sofar. Just the shape at this stage. I'll add paint once I'm happy that they look somewhat realistic. Any suggestions if they need improvement are welcome.
YZJay, Wow this is totally amazing ! Looking forward to seeing the rest of your series. What a great job you've done. :)
Chuckles, it looks amazing so far, even without terrain paint! My only suggestion would to make the mountain to the left in the first pic a little more uneven (I mean, when it comes down to the little lake or river you have there). It's not really necessary as I think it already looks great, but it might make it look a little more realistic.
YZJay, your house looks incredible too! I love it! I totally understand about having a hard time decorating such a huge house! I'm terrible at that since I allways end up running out of ideas for putting new stuff. Please, please upload more pics of it when you have made some progress!
I'm with Frey on that particular mountain, Chuckles. It's a bit too pointy, almost like a needle or obelisk. Otherwise it's an awesome build!
Wow, YZJay - that is a gorgeous build! I don't think my game has nearly enough power to run it, it's so huge! ;D I know what you mean about those wall sets - they take forever to place, but I just love them.
There seems to be a significant lack of EP lots in Sunlit Tides (though I see the logic in that – It’s supposed to be a laid back community). So I’ve been trying to make a few to fill the gaps. Here is my sports bar – I call it The Whack Shack. I supposed The Club Club or The Put Place would also do and not sound as dirty, but where’s the fun in that? There’s a little arcade on one side, bathrooms on the other. I’m struggling with whether or not to do more landscaping… It seems like it needs something, but the simplicity also works. Say, does anyone know how to switch the channel on the tv to sports? It seems to be locked on cooking.
Sunlit Tides is really amazing and awesome - I can't wait until the swimming patch comes out!
I really love the look of the place.You did a great job. I know my sim would enjoy visiting a place like that. The only thing I might add are trees. I love the simplicity of the landscaping. It looks very laid back. :)
I love that build! Now, may I add it to my remodel of Barnacle Bay? lol Seriously though a Sports Bar was one of the things I needed. You did a terrific job on it. I love the putting greens out back!
To switch the channels you have to have a Sim click on the tv and select "Change channel to...." and then you pick whatever you want which I'm assuming would be sports.
A little more landscaping wouldn't hurt. There are those hibiscus plants, the huge fern thingie, and lots more that came with Sunlit Tides. Just keep it as simple as the build. Not a big flower garden.
Mmmm, you could add a broken boat or an anchor if you have the BB stuff.
A little more landscaping wouldn't hurt. There are those hibiscus plants, the huge fern thingie, and lots more that came with Sunlit Tides. Just keep it as simple as the build. Not a big flower garden.
Mmmm, you could add a broken boat or an anchor if you have the BB stuff.
That sounds great Joria ! I was on vacation and haven't fully explored Sunlit Tides yet. I love those new plants. They would look great on this lot. :)
Thank you, ladybug53! I think a few trees might be the way to go... ground clutter seems to fussy.
Now, may I add it to my remodel of Barnacle Bay?
Actually, Joria, I would be willing to share this one (in a day or two when finish tweaking). I don't want to upload to the Exchange though - There is just going to be a lot of store content and stuff that will fall out and I'm not up to redesigning it for widespread use. However, if you are willing to redecorate if stuff falls out, and can tell me where/how others share these things when they don't want to use the Exchange, I'd give it a go.
To switch the channels you have to have a Sim click on the tv and select "Change channel to...." and then you pick whatever you want which I'm assuming would be sports.
That's the strange thing... This tv (and one other model in another bar) don't give me the usual "change channel" option. Maybe I have a mod screwing things up then, if there isn't some other way to do it in a public lot... I did try using CNTR+SHIFT in build mode, thinking maybe I had to set it and live with it, and that didn't work either. Hmmm.
And thanks for the landscaping suggestions. I have a little room on the sides of the lot, but only a tile or two in front and none in the back (I wanted to keep it as small as possible and it's 30wx20d). I was going to build paths around to the other side (as it's the entrance) but it just seemed fussy. And I want to leave it wide open at the back because I'm trying to create the illusion of an open golf range to the beach. But the sides could use a tree or two and maybe paths? Perhaps a tree-base flower bed or two... I'll play around with it.
I really like that club SimPenguin! :D I like the Golf puts at the back and the open wall viewing area for it!
Talking of lack of EP lots in Sunlit Tides, I've been having a go at a few. My Firehouse is acceptable on the outside but the inside.. Meh. I still can't get the idea that a thatched roof, wooden walled building just wouldn't pass the fire safety code, haha. One on the Buildings I have done though is the Salon, I was mainly experimenting with the house on stilts idea. It has store content from all over I think, mainly the Tiki sets and the fence may be Barnacle Bay?

I love it! I went to the store (I mean, in real life, not the online store) to buy Sunlit Tides today but it seems it hasn't arrived to Germany yet (assuming it will... butsince they had Hidden Springs, Barnacle Bay and other worlds I'm guessing that it will). Seeing that house on stilts made me feel, really, really, really extremely jealous >:( LOL.
Anyways, back on topic: I love the exterior! the landscaping looks great.
I just love the looks and feel of this building. I am sooo jealous ! Awesome building ! :)
I think Palm trees would look good in the front, maybe by the doorway. Possibly a few rocks could make it look a little more normal around any palm tree's you place. The palm trees samoht04 had around his firehouse looked pretty cool. Do they come with Sunlit Tides? Yeah, sorry if that was a stupid question about sunlit tides and palm trees. I once put palmtrees on the roof hehe, it actually looked pretty interesting to me. On the other hand it's amazing that you could build a bar! I, am a complete failure at building bars and things that came with bridgeport. I can't get the layout right and I always want everything inside of it. I also love the bunny totem pole things that were at the back. I don't quite understand what's dirty about the name whack shack, but if I don't get it.... I'm probably just a tad too young to know. :P
Thank for all the feedback. I'm considering Leto's suggestion of creating a seperate topic for it.
@club SimPenguin Sports Bar? Cool idea and build. Are you finished with the indoors do that we can see it?
@samoht Well, it's better than the stock stylist building, I always wanted to remodel that but never got the time.
Thank you Sim Penguin. When you say things "falling out", you mean just not showing up in game?
I have pretty much everything the store has to offer so it won't affect me at all and my remodel is going to be anything except patterns is ok. Patterns do not show up at all. However, if you have 3rd party cc in it I'll admire it from a distance. It really is a great job.
Didn't realize it took up so much of the lot. It doesn't really show in the pics. I'd not worry about much landscaping then. The simple appeal of it is already great.
@Tom, I like your new salon! Does it have just the one station? I'm in the process of building one myself next to the spa which I "borrowed" from Sunlit Tides. It's in that building thingie you can access when you do build/buy on commercial lots. I put the spa and bistro, (also Sunlit Tides), on the same huge lot along with a good sized rest room area and stairs leading down to the basement where the science facility is. I have one portion which is just domino tables and lots of space left to work with so spa seems appropriate. I actually may just do a sauna/steam/mud bath place but not sure. I have Agneza's cute spa already in place so don't really need one.
@ Judewright, I've got your lovely house on a lot by the sea. It looks so nice there! I did do some landscaping, added a pond, a few trees and shrubs. Hopefully I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Thank you Frey, Ladybug, YZJay and Joria! :) Yes Joria there is only one station, it's too small for two, I was considering just making the whole thing open air but I don't know. Coocoo Girl - the palm trees I used did come with Sunlit Tides.
Hey, Tom, if you're still in build mode I really do need a firestation and that tiki kind of style, or island style with some fantasy trees would be perfect if you're up to it. 25x30 lot is open for that, or smaller.
Hey, Tom, if you're still in build mode I really do need a firestation and that tiki kind of style, or island style with some fantasy trees would be perfect if you're up to it. 25x30 lot is open for that, or smaller.
I'm not in Sims at the moment - waiting for the thing to update. I did make the shell of a firehouse but I got stuck on the interior. I can upload the shell if you want me to, when I get back into the game. :)
samoht04, that is just exactly the sort of cabin I was looking around for when I moved my Sim into Sunlit Tides the other day! Awesome!
Ok, I finished the landscaping on the sports bar - thanks everyone for the advice - and I think I'll try sharing it. You are on your own as far as redecorating any store or texture content that you do not have, it is NOT bundled with the lot. The lot is 30x20 and dl is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?b34q9i4pf75ymmb Final pics:
I figured out the tv thing - silly me, your Sim has to actually be *watching* to allow channel flipping. I'm far more used to radios which behave differently. :::headdesk:::
And now, a new lot I started last night - a Showtime venue at The Cliff (still in early phase, only the stage is done). I have found the table and bench audience squares in buydebug, but where are the picnic ones?
To get the picnic ones you will need to convert a community lot that has them to a residential lot, move a sim in, pic them up, then convert your new community lot to a residential lot, move your sim there, and then place them.
Wait, there are picnic things for the floor for visitors to sit at? Or do you just need picnic tables for commercial lots? If just tables, they are in that little house shaped type thing to the right of the screen when in build mode. You go to the second section and you can find all kinds of goodies there. Contrariwise, just go into buy mode to the section that has tables and cabinets and such. They are in the very last slot.
Did you put the stage floor down on your stage? The one you get in buydebug? Without it your performer won't perform.
Yes, the picnic blankets that appear and disappear in some community lots, ie, the main park in sunset valley are little designators that you can see with buydebug turned on. But, like the food truck, and numerous other items, they are not availabe to buy at all. You can probably have your own picnic anywhere you like, but if you want other sims to autonomously set up a picnic, you either need the community tables (not the ones in normal buymode, but the ones in the community stuff) or those picnic mats, which you have to use a sim to get.
Ok, I think I have finished the painting and sculpting. This is what I've got. I'm fairly impressed with it - as my previous painting attempts on my other worlds was not nearly as nice as this. Any criticism, (constructive or not) is welcome - I really want this to look good.
I love it Chuckles!
I really like the layout there! It looks very compact and efficient.
Love the mountains, Chuckles! What a beautiful place for a Sim to live and play! The only thing I might suggest would be if you could use some different terrain paints to make the mountainsides less green in places, as there are often quite dry areas or areas of dirt with little if any vegetation on the mountains I've seen. Of course, mountains in Canada, where I live, tend to have snow-capped peaks, but I don't know if snow-capped peaks would suit your world or not.
Today I decided to tear down the Kahale house in Sunlit Tides and rebuild a more modern, beachy-feeling house. Here are a few photos of the pool and sauna area at the back of the lot. This is as far as I've gotten. I'm trying to make it look simple, clean, but still luxurious, bringing the outside in with lots of plants, landscaping, stone and wood.
Comments and critiques are most definitely welcome! I think I am a decent builder and decorator, but I usually do not spend much time on terrain paints or landscaping. When I do, it tends to look cluttered. I'm hoping that doesn't happen with this lot. More pictures to come later.
EDIT to add more pictures rather than double-posting...
The exterior is done! I'm extremely pleased with how it looks, but comments/critiques/suggestions are still of course welcome.
I have not yet added any furniture to the patio or balconies. That is coming.
That house looks great. Looking forward to seeing the finished version.
Great job. Can I live there please? In RL I mean. lol Truly, it's gorgeous.
Wow, the house looks really great. Can't wait to see the inside!
Wow ! Great house and landscape. Looking forward to seeing the inside. :)
Here's some more shots of my remodel of Barnacle Bay, now called Enchanted Havens.
Founders Park:
Grill area in park:
Right side of playground area:
Rest rooms, note crib and potties:
This used to be City Hall, now holds Spa, Bistro and a stairway to the underground science facility, plus a rest room. I'm having trouble with this one so if anyone has suggestions for the center area, (including removing the fountain), I'd like some tips. Samoht, if you'd like to take this file and fill in the gaps I'd be so happy!
Outdoor eating area at bistro:
Overview of town. Lots of lots to fill in yet!
Jude's house:
There are lots on the island and a way to get there!
More pics found here:
This is lovely, Joria! Are we going to be able to download it?
It's coming along beautifully, Joria! Every picture I see makes me more and more excited about Enchanted Havens (great name,too)!
Hopefully I'll be able to figure out, (probably will ask NAGA or Flynn Arrowstar), how to get it up where I can post it. I'd like a few trial runs of it before Flynn actually puts it up on his site. I'm also still waiting for a yes on one house I've included so can't post it till I get that ok unless I bulldoze it. That Topsy Turvy house fits right in, as does Micler's Fairy Tale cottage.
Jude, is the landscaping on your build ok? I'm hoping people will feel really good and happy when they see their builds and/or Sims here.
It's starting to get a bit laggy with all the landscaping so I'm wondering if I should remove some of the empty EA houses or just some of the landscaping! I've tried remodeling some of the empty houses, not doing much to them except sometimes getting rid of things like wall telephones and changing the roof to thatched or something. Also not sure if I should just keep all the natives and not add too many more Sims or remove some and add some more familiar Sims. I've got the ok from Samoht to use some of his Sims, and Pam and Anushka and a few others and I've got quite a few that squeakyclean made for me.
I'd really like some input as to what you guys would like to see here. I already know all the LN venues and ST venues but what else? What's your take on removing some of the "extra" graveyards and small parks? Some of the so called gardens here are just ugly, and could be made lovely, but would another empty lot, (size 40x40?), be better? We have TONS of tiny lots from size 10x10 to 25x25 but not so much on larger sizes.
Joria, the landscaping is beautiful as always :)
I really like the little sitting area by the Restaurant with those cute round chairs. Awesome work, Joria.
@Joria, I must remember to make my mens' and ladies' bathrooms different colours so you can tell which is which at a glance, or with walls down! Gorgeous rebuild!
Enchanted Havens is coming along very well and is almost done. Now I need to know how to turn the file into something I can share with you all, but first my testers will get a crack at it. I want you all to know there have so far been fifteen people who have contributed to this effort. It is by no means my own thing but a joint effort of so many talented people. The two most prolific contributors are Neashaleigh, who consistently creates new things for us as I whine about things not quite ready, and Agneza whose fantasy builds are well known to us all. Here is a list of all the contributors in no particular order. If I miss someone please speak up.
Neashaleigh Agneza Gogowars329 Twinmum Ratchie Stella
Schiperke DeLouche samohto4 Anushka Ausette Saltypaws Micler
Pam judewright
I am so grateful to you all, thank you just doesn't say enough.
Anyone wanting to play this world has to understand it contains every single EP and all the SPs except Diesel. It is VERY full of store items, to the point even I had to buy a few things. At first I was listing them but then discovered I'd pretty much have to list the entire store so gave it up.
Some pics:
The spa and domino courts. There is a fairy house among the flowers by the spa.
The Vault of Antiquity with bistro in the background.
Bird's eye view of that area.
Why putting all the rabbit holes underground in ONE spot is NOT a good idea. You can't see them all but there are eleven Sims here and more inside the buildings. It has become the latest "hot spot" to meet.
Gypsy Fortune Teller is just a short walk up the hill from the Traveling Tavern and Neashaleigh's Gypsy Caravan.
This is the spooky library from the store. I added the spell book and elixer maker thing. (Can't remember the name.) There are lots, if not all, elixer ingredients to be found on the grounds. Next to it is an empty lot. Anyone want to make a gothic-ish house?
The beach.
Installing the campground, Kermit and Splork, (exclusive lounge), and who knows what else later today.
Hugs everyone!
It looks awsome, but I don't have nearly enough SP's or store content. So I'll have to admire from afar. I love when you put the updates on this thread though. :)
Joria, that's absolutely stunning! DELIGHTED to be able to contribute even a tiny bit... This is a fantastic world, and will be wonderful for fairy tales!
Here is a list of all the contributors in no particular order. If I miss someone please speak up.
Neashaleigh Agneza Gogowars329 Twinmum Ratchie Stella
Schiperke DeLouche samohto4 Anushka Ausette Saltypaws Micler
Pam judewright
I am so grateful to you all, thank you just doesn't say enough.
I contributed? Glad to have helped, even if I didn't even know lol
Well, you did do an AWESOME job on a certain secret hideout and it's in Enchanted Haven. I did write and ask you for permission at one point, both you and Gogo.
Well, you did do an AWESOME job on a certain secret hideout and it's in Enchanted Haven. I did write and ask you for permission at one point, both you and Gogo.
Lol, well there you go! Proof that my mind has been elsewhere the last few weeks.
Wow ! This island is just spectacular. What a beautiful world you've created. The perfect place for our Fairies to explore. It must have taken quite some time to put all those wonderful lots together. :)
Thanks everybody for all your kind comments. Today I will be doing some of the nitty gritty work, looking into each and every build everyone shared and seeing just how much of this world could be played even without store items. I hate to have it not be playable for all. I'll try to list the places that have a lot of store items. The basic world itself, with all the fantasy landscaping, should be playable and I think, (but not sure), that what I personally built has little or no store stuff.
EDIT: I forgot one builder! Spork-Tastic for her fantastic Topsy Turvey Mini-Mansion. Wild and wacky and I think, no store items.
Joria, you're so generous with your time! Thanks so much. I'm not getting Supernatural til xmas, but I'm really looking forward to using these amazing creations!
I gotta know. How did you get windows in the basement? I've been trying to figure that trick out forever.
Sorry for the late reply. I learned on a Victorian thread over at the sims 3 forum.
Here's the link. http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/500281.page (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/500281.page)
He raises his up but I leave mine down usually. And of course to make the base ment 1 wall height use 3 stairs or 12 clicks. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. I will say I have made a lot to get the symetrical with the stairs and winds and doors etc.
This is a house that I started for Cedia. It's not finished yet but you can get an idea of what I'm trying to do.
More pictures and download here.
Please let me know what you think.
I haven't been able to make any changes to the house I was building since the new term was eating away my time. We're having a 8 day holiday in my place, so finally I get to continue building the house. Here's a pic of a partial outdoor view and lighting.
Grat lighting effects, YZJay... they look awesome.
Here's my version of an existing log home here: http://www.precisioncraft.com/loghomeplans/Craftsman/Clearwater.html I first asked for others to make it because I couldn't figure out how, but I received a tutorial from a kind simmer and was able to complete it. It'll be fun to see how others built and decorated this house!
It is made for Hidden Springs, specifically on 4 Beryl Ct., which is a 40x30 lot. You'll see why when you get a load of the view from the back of the house! :)
It can be downloaded at http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6477455
View from Road (and Sebastian thinking about becoming a Super Spy again)
First Floor
Second Floor
Dining Room (and a great view)
Great Room
Excellent, Cedia! Hangs my head in shame :(
Excellent, Cedia! Hangs my head in shame :(
Oh Jude, don't do that! Your house is just as great, it just has a different look to it! :)
Oh Jude, don't do that! Your house is just as great, it just has a different look to it! :)
Thank you, Cedia! I'll have to find that tutorial you followed.
Thank you, Cedia! I'll have to find that tutorial you followed.
Ask Donatello. He emailed it to me.
That turned out beautifully, Cedia! Miles better than my several sad attempts. I can see little things that you did differently with the walls that made yours work and mine fail, specifically the second floor balcony and the pitch of the main roof section. Awesome job!
That's amazing Cedia! It looks beautiful. I'm still busy with my version (apparently my interior design skills need a bit of work ::)); but as soon as it's done I'll post it for you to have a look at. Well done on building an amazing dream home! :)
Thank you all for the compliments! I haven't built much, but this is pretty much the first house that I've built that has come out the way I wanted it to. I think because it was a labor of love.
I can't wait to see what you've done, Rhapsody!
I love your house Cedia ! You did a wonderful job on your roof, plus I just love the rustic feel of the exterior. It give it a very nice welcoming look and feel . Great job ! :)
I just wanted to share some pictures of my Dynasty house. I recently remodeled it and I'm very happy with how it turned out. If you just ignore the skilling areas in the back.
My favorite part of the house is the garden/party area. I also had a great time fixing the flowerbeds. They add a lot of objects to the lot, but the visual is totally worth the loading time.
I'm also happy with how the pond garden and martial arts area turned out, they have two very different styles, but since they are walled, they thankfully don't clash with each other.
This is the ground floor, with plenty of bathrooms like I prefer my sims houses to have. I have managed to remove most pathing issues, since there are no doors in the main living areas of the house.
The second floor is largely unfurnished as of yet. I would appreciate some ideas of what to do up there. There are 4 bedrooms, and the room next to the study has been turned into a laundry room, but other than that I haven't done anything beyond what's in this picture.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You could convert the extra space into the immortal museum but your probably past the stage you could do that.
Yeah, I have the museum set up in the basement already.
I was thinking more along the line of leisure areas, maby I'll break out the arcade games and pool tables.
That's amazing Cedia! It looks beautiful. I'm still busy with my version (apparently my interior design skills need a bit of work ::)); but as soon as it's done I'll post it for you to have a look at. Well done on building an amazing dream home! :)
So I still haven't finished the interior of the house, and not 100% sure I want to. Just wanted to show you some snapshots. It will be in the swap shop as soon as I'm done testing that it downloads properly. I'm still getting the unfinished moodlet from the loft area, but oh well. My sims can't have everything. ::)
Front View:
Side View from Road:
Back of House:
Great Room from Outside:
Overview of ground floor and stairs:
Loft Area:
Sorry for the late reply. I learned on a Victorian thread over at the sims 3 forum.
Here's the link. http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/500281.page (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/500281.page)
He raises his up but I leave mine down usually. And of course to make the base ment 1 wall height use 3 stairs or 12 clicks. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. I will say I have made a lot to get the symetrical with the stairs and winds and doors etc.
Oh, okay. Now I see.
Unfortunately I gave up using that technique for making basements when I realized basements made that way don't count as nectar cellars. Nectar store above ground level doesn't age so if you're going for the Cellar full of Nectar lifetime wish with that kind of basement you'll never get it. I found that out the hard way.
Only basements made with the basement tool count as nectar cellars since they're made below ground level. :(
I'm currently working on some rabbit-hole recolours, and the Theatre is particularly difficult to pick colours for today. I'm looking for some honest opinions on the two colours I have tried so far - the brown vs the green stone trim. Or suggestions for a better colour. As you can see I haven't finished all of the pieces yet - so it's not fully recoloured. Any help would be great!
They both look nice but I prefer the green. It looks different than other buildings and has a more modern look to it. This is only my opinion though. Great work ! :)
Thankyou Ladybug :)
Here is the updated version. It may undergo some minor tweeking, but I'm still open to ideas if anyone thinks it would look better with different colours somewhere.
I didn't even know you could recolor rabbithole buildings. Maybe lighten the color of the windows on he sides, so they mach the front. They would stand out more that way and it will break up the sides of the building.
Oh...I love it . The only other thing I might change is the stones forming a V at the front. It might look a bit better if it was in a tan color to match the building color. I only find it to be a little bright and think if it was a little softer that might look better. You did an awesome job ! :)
This is both my first time sharing a house and my first time uploading any images, so please bear with me.
This is the exterior of my goth themed house.
The top floor is unfurnished but has plenty of room for a bed and bath or skilling space. The middle floor has two adult beds and one nursery with two baths.
The ground floor:
A very simple kitchen:
A semiformal dining room:
One of the baths
One view of the living room:
The other side:
The witches' room:
Sitting area:
Master bedroom:
Guest room:
I'm grateful for any constructive criticism. I do like my houses to look a little less than perfect, with a few flaws that make them look real. I also don't like a lot of clutter, which may make things look a bit spare. Lastly I didn't design the house as ready to play; ie, some things are too close to the fire, some things are blocking stuff, like all the books everywhere.
Wow ! It looks awesome. I love the colors you choose for the inside as well. That was a lot of recoloring. You did a great job on your first share. I'm also working on a Goth house. I have never done one before and I thought it would be a fun project. Looking forward to more of your builds. :)
D'oh! I forgot to get screenies of the basement! Tomorrow!
Thanks, ladybug53! I recolour everything in all my houses. It takes about 6 hours to do a family home.
Wow your decorating it gorgeous! I think that secretly I would love to live in that house ;D
Thanks Silverbella.
Here's the basement.
Wow, that house is spectacular! You did a great job. :)
Thanks very much, Micler.
I definitely won't make a habit of posting two houses on the same day, but I finished this one more quickly than I thought, so I thought I might as well put it up.
It's just a very simple cottage. I've left the top two floors unfinished, and just used the ground floor as a one bedroom, one bath space.
Extremely simple kitchen:
Ditto, basic bathroom:
Nice writing and reading corner:
Bedroom: (Please ignore the window/picture smashup. I wanted the outside pics to have the window, but the inside ones to have the painting, and I forgot to remove the window when I took the screenshot. Am a supergenius. ;P)
Living area:
Back garden area. I'm very unhappy with the back garden, looking at the screenshots. The planting needs work and the pond needs reshaping.
Comments welcome, with thanks!
All and all a quick, easy build in soothing, gentle colours. Next will be a quirky cottage for fairies and artists!
Both of those houses are beautiful, but I am particularly in love with that cottage - it so beautiful!
Thanks, Pally. If you like the cottage you'll love the house I'm working on now. It's kind of a cross between the two.
Wow! I love both of those houses. You have very good taste in colours and patterns. I love how well they all go together.
Wow ! Your cottage is also awesome. I'm loving your style ! Everything has such a nice flow. Any sims would be very happy living in any of those houses. Your landscaping is also superb. You're an awesome builder ! :)
Thanks Chuckles and Ladybug!
Today's house is a Victorian artist's house, Orchid Hall. It was rather poorly planned. It looks great from the outside but had oddly shaped rooms that were hard to decorate and furnish. My next project will be to focus on kitchen and bath, as this house has yet another basic bathroom and deathly dull kitchen. I think it'll be red, gold and green with dark wood.
The outside:
The back:
The footprint:
Main work room:
Living room:
Dining area:
Seating area:
Comments welcome, thanks!
Today I learned that the smaller the house, the harder it is to get good screenshots! So sorry for the bad angles.
Am much happier with the kitchen and bathroom, although I still have lots to learn.
This is Grey Rose Hall:
Kitchen from above:
Living room:
All in all I think the size of the rooms made it too difficult to show the furnishings and finishes in their best light, so I think I'll make future houses s bit bigger.
Comments welcome!
I really like your houses Odinsdottir. I never manage to get as interesting shapes on the shell as you'be made.
My only question is why you have a fence at the end of the paths/driveway towards the street?
Saltpastillen, it's just a silly pet peeve of mine. I just like it better enclosed. No real reason!
Saltpastillen, it's just a silly pet peeve of mine. I just like it better enclosed. No real reason!
I understand what you mean, I also have some quirks when building that others might not share.
Odinsdottir, the houses are both beautiful. You are very good at decorating and landscaping.
Wow ! I also love your last two homes. I especially love the kitchen in the last house. Awesome work ! I just love your style. :)
Thank you Louise and Ladybug! I'm working hard to improve my kitchens and bathrooms. There is a landscaping thread around here somewhere I learned a lot from.
Saltpastillen, I like the houses to look like perhaps one section was added on later, or remodeled a bit. Just sort of imperfect. A bit wobbly!
Next is an English country pub called The Bricklayer's Arms. Looking at the screenshots, the landscaping could use work, it looks a bit clumpy and could use some work on the terrain paint, including making a set of paths in the front, but generally I'm pleased. Comments welcome!
The front:
The back:
There's plenty of room on the second floor for the landlord/bartender to have a flat, here's the ground floor layout:
The bar:
Next, a charming wedding chapel with rose garden!
Wow, you're on fire Odinsdottir! I get a creative burn-out by this point, but you're doing so well! The only thing I can see that might help that last one a bit is if you raise the big rooves at the top a bit so they are above the dormers, but otherwise it's lovely! It reminds me of YHA I stayed in when I was younger.
I agree with Chuckles_82. It would have a nicer look if the big roof was raised a bit above the dormers. Very nice work! It looks like a very relaxing place for sims to meet and socialize . Love the atmosphere. :)
Chuckles and Ladybug, I agree about the roof. I also want to fiddle with the landscaping and terrain paint. My husband also insists that the exterior needs to be green. So I shall revisit this one.
Here are a few pictures of a quick remodel that I did of the Single Mom's House using some of the goodies from Seasons. I love the new furniture and bathroom shower/tub combo. What do YOU think?
Looks great! I love we're getting another combined shower/tub since I usually use them in my houses (at least the ones I build for playing).
Looks great! I love we're getting another combined shower/tub since I usually use them in my houses (at least the ones I build for playing).
Thank you. I always move the kitchen when I play this house, usually to where the small bedroom is. It's just too awkward where it was.
That's really nice! I love the sky-blue bedroom and the glass end tables! :D
Jude, that's a lovely house. I like the
sleighbed both the beds and the rugs especially. You must have been quick!
Updated Bellringer's Arms
On to the wedding chapel!
@ judewright. I love your remodel . It's very stylish. The new Seasons furniture suits the style of the home. Great work ! :)
@ Odinsdottir. I love the new recolor and roof even more than the last one. Wow, I think it's pretty awesome ! He was right about the green it looks amazing. :)
Thank you, Andy, Odinsdottir, and Ladybug! I'm happy you like it. I just couldn't resist the new goodies :)
Argh! The Wedding Chapel is not working out! I've got some awesome colourways worked out, but I've torn down and rebuilt 6 times! I definitely think I ought to but it to one side for a few weeks. The idea is a village hall where the Sims could have a wedding or a formal party but it's just not coming together. I think I could do it if I had the interior items from the Romanza set from the store, but I'm saving my pennies for Seasons.
But, I simply must do a house with the colours! It's a dusty rose and cream interior, and a green and purple mock Tudor exterior! How cool is that? I think I'll do a quick little starter with the colourways so I can say I accomplished something today!
The color story sounds intriguing Odinsdottir. Taking a break is a great idea when the build is driving you mad.
Saltpastillen, you're right about taking breaks but my fairy godmother gifted me Romanza from my wishlist today so I'm going to try again! The people on this forum are quite possibly the nicest people in the world!
The people on this forum are quite possibly the nicest people in the world!
I agree, I really like the updated terrain paint on the Bellringer Arms.
I take a break from building and go back to playing when I run out of inspiration. I started work on an apartment (townhouse style) aaages ago. I had an idea in my head, but gave up trying to build it for the time being. Sometimes you can knock down several good builds because the mood or style isn't right for what you want!
I went back today and played with the wedding chapel to see what I could salvage, and to play with my new content. The building has two levels, each one with a wedding chapel, toilets, a sitting area and a banquet room. It's not a church, more of a function hall. It could easily be re-worked so that the upstairs wedding chapel is a disco.
Am reasonably pleased with the outside. I love the colours, but I'd give the design 7/10. Not awesome but realistic.
Ground floor:
I would probably change the middle roof peak into an open one like the ones on either side. Inside, I'd probably take down the ceiling lights. But am officially putting wedding chapels to one side. Parks with wedding facilities... however... *gazes off into distance with crazed eyes...*
I think it looks very lovely. Any sim would love to hold their wedding there surrounded by friends and loved ones. The color scheme is very easy on the eye which is perfect for a place like that. You can try and change the center roof like you said but I think it looks fine the way it is. I think you did an amazing job on your chapel. :)
The wedding chapel is beautiful! Only a 7/10? It's better than I could do anyway ::)
I love the colours and your attention to detail.
It look amazing! I love the colors, you are very creative! :)
Thanks, guys. I suppose I've just spent too much time tweaking and am sick of the sight of the place! Today I'm working on a starter home for under 20,000 Simoleons.
I was very low today, and when I'm low I grab my cat and turn on Queen , my favourite band. I had a sudden idea to make a garden in a sort of tribute to Freddie Mercury, the lead singer. I wanted it to be well over the top but still have some natural beauty, like the man himself. He loved cats, so I included feline facilities. A lot of their early music was about fairies and fantasies, so I included a fairy house. I didn't do all the recolouring I normally do, I just wanted to do a quick build that serves the purpose! I'm pleased, it's cute, and I think it deserves the name Mercury's Garden! One or two elements were inspired by Curtis Paradis. He can be googled or looked up on Youtube. Am a fan. The only thing I would change would be to simplify the fencing, and use the accent bits much, much more sparingly.
The little house:
Inside the little building there is a statue of a Siren, which is appropriate!
The man himself:
The garden is so beautiful! Freddie Mercury is one of my favorite singers, I love his voice, he was one of a kind.
Beautiful garden ! I also love the fountain that's behind the building. Great work as always. :)
Thanks Ladybug and Louise!
My stupid computer needs to be rebooted, but I wanted to post this next build tonight, so the screenies for this one are very weak. I have a problem where in tab view half of the things in the room won't render, so are either black or disappear. It often goes away when I shut down the game and reboot.
But...It's Freddie's Bar and Grill! I'm not sure about the car park. Upstairs there is a wine bar, complete with nectary register. I really like the bar area, but couldn't get it all to render at once. Also, the outdoor seating on the terrace is cute, but again, it wouldn't render the umbrellas up close. Downstairs is a restaurant with a kitchen (with food register, I don't have LN or ST.), bathrooms and a side entrance. The top floor is unfinished but has plenty of space for games or dancing. There is a small dancing area in the outdoor seating area. Lastly, there is a wine cellar. Use your imagination! Or mine. :)
Tonight and tomorrow I'm building a little cottage to enjoy all my Thanksgiving and autumn content. There will be loads of pumpkins and sunflowers!
Ok, since I've posted so little recently... I though I'd post again. ::)
This is my waaaay over the top Thanksgiving Cottage. You can tell I'm waiting with baited breath for Seasons. My birthday is soon, so I shouldn't have too long to wait!
This is a two person cottage with a small office and all the landscaping of ever. I like landscaping, so I used all the plants. :o
See: All. The. Landscaping.
Now I feel like I've finally got my money's worth out of all that free store autumn content! Any suggestions for my next build?
You really have the most exquisite builds, Odinsdottir. I love your gardens and the way you blend your colours. If I may ask, how do you get the softer pastel colours as, try as I might, all my recolours seem to come out looking almost too bright, if that makes sense?
A suggestion for your next build: A Norse inspired cottage, with storm-tossed seas and wild fens as a colour element, the bi- or tri-coloured sails common to Viking ships, and of course, the gods and goddess of the Norse Pantheon. :D
It is so beautiful! You can never show us too much. The garden is awesome, I love all the sunflowers. ;D
That is one of the most beautiful houses I've seen, Odinsdottir. Just perfect. Thanks for sharing it!
Love the cottage ! It has such a warm and cozy atmosphere. Landscaping is perfect for this cottage. You're a very creative person. I do enjoy you're sharing these awesome creations with us. :)
Rhapsody, You're on! That's a great idea. I'm on it. I get my colours by using the area of the colour wheel in CAP closer to the centre, that way you get hues that are dusty or creamy. I start by chosing one or two colours and work out their hex codes, then the hex codes for slightly darker and slightly lighter, and then note them down. From that you can make the colours quite consistent but varied. I ought to do more with a contrasting colour, as I did with the gold in my first post, Spooky Raven Manor.
Thank you so much, Schipp, I am having Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow with my friend Todd and his Schipperke, Jackie. I'll think of you and your beasties.
Louise and Ladybug, thank you for your support! I really appreciate it. I am disabled, and simming and building in the Sims is about all I can manage at the moment, and it means a lot to know my work is enjoyed. I am very grateful for suggestions! My favourite builder is probably Agneza, and she's a great inspiration to me.
Today I did a very, very quick build to compliment Freddie's Bar and Grill. It's the White Rose Spa. I don't have any hot tubs anything, or I'd make a Roman baths kind of thing. But it's a cute little Salon with space for socialising.
PS, Rhapsody, I found a cottage to get me started, here's the image:
I've found quite a few images I like, they're here if you are interested: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1817
I love the creamy interior of that one, Odinsdottir!
Love the salon. I really like the brick building. I was going to build a brick building, commercial type look and do a large loft inside. I never got around to doing it yet. Your building just reminded me of it. The cottages are all very nice. Love the shapes and the roof. Anxious to see what you come up with. Thanks for sharing ! :)
Oh wow! Stunning builds!
If you manage to replicate any one of the cottages in your gallery, please, please, PLEASE would you mind uploading it to the Swap Shop? I would adore having one of those in my neighborhood. And if I can upload anything for you in return, I'd be happy to. Just say the word.
I really love the way you manage to combine the colours so beautifully. I've also had a look at Agneza's builds, and been awed by her talent at interior design. I hold your designs in the same regard. If I might make a suggestion with regards to the spa? You said you don't have hot tubs for a Roman bath effect, but another way you can do it, would be to use the "placefriezes on" cheat, and build a double tile frieze around a central floor, probably around 4x4 tiles. Tile the walls, and the floor as well as the floor of the frieze, and then place a set of stairs leading up to the platform, and then another set down into the 'bath'. Here, I'd use the moveobjects on cheat, and place a couple of the smaller fountain sprays; probably a dome fountain in the centre, and then the sprays facing inwards from the interior of the frieze walls. It gives a misty effect and should emulate a steam room/Roman bath fairly well. If you'd like I can try to build one myself and post pictures to show you, but it'll have to wait until the weekend when I get data at home to upload stuff.
Otherwise, it's perfect. :) I can't wait to see the Norse Cottage!
I love the decorating and landscaping. And that you recolor everything, it must take a lot of patience. You remind me a lot af Agneza. ;)
Thanks so much, Chuckles, Ladybug, Rhapsody and Louise!
Re the spa and faking hot tubs, I agree, I was planning on spending the weekend learning about friezes and constraints and so on, to take my building to the next level. (pun intended, am a comedic genius. ;D) Fnarr. I want to build those adorable arched bridges in gardens and over streams. I shall raid youtube for tutorials, and of course the building tutorials here. Although I've lived my whole adult life in London, I was born in the US, so today is Turkey Day, so I'm going to force myself to take the day off from building.
Also, I've been very tempted to start uploading to the Swap... I guess I'll stop faffing and plan the Norse Cottage from the beginning to go up!
To be spoken of in the same breath as Agneza makes my head swim.
Some example colour hexes:
The main orange from the Thanksgiving Cottage is, I think, 157, 97, 48.
The creamy white from the Spa is 152, 131, 102.
The grey from the Spa is probably 135, 130, 99.
A purple I use often is 115, 88, 100.
A choco brown I like is 157, 129, 117.
A green is 97, 136, 50
My desk is covered with scraps of paper, receipts, old envelopes and rubbish with hex codes scribbled on with cryptic descriptions like "not obnoxious orange" and "pinky brown purple."
My desk is covered with scraps of paper, receipts, old envelopes and rubbish with hex codes scribbled on with cryptic descriptions like "not obnoxious orange" and "pinky brown purple."
Sounds like mine! I have building plans that I've printed out to use as inspiration, covered with notes and ideas for patterns, specs and the start of a story I've started working on; scraps of paper with my courses for the degree I start next year listed, sketches and scribbles and a dozen other things I've written down. It's times like this I'm grateful for my wireless mouse, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to move it with all the papers over it.
Back on topic, there are some amazing tutorials and guides on the forum for using CFE, Friezes and so on. I'm still learning and playing around with the cheats, but I recently (this week I finished the final touches) made a house that I am really, really proud of. I was bored one day and asked Magpie what sort of house she'd like, and she gave me her requirements. It took me a little over two weeks to completely finish, and she's given me permission to post Magpie's Nest on the Swap Shop. So that will be up after the weekend. Point is; I used the CFE cheat to create the garage; the house is built on a slope; as well as a swimming pool that's terraced on three levels. It was amazing when I test played it, and the sim actually swam from the bottom level to the the top! As I said, I'm really proud of the way the build turned out and it's mostly thanks to the tutorials on this site that I was able to do it at all.
Sounds amazing. I intend to spend the whole weekend learning. Have eaten all the food in the world, so am off for a laydown!
Hello guys! Been a while. Had to do a ton of things for work, busy busy busy. Anywho, lots of free time now so of course I am building again. This one began as my house for the autumnal abode contest, but when I finished the structure it just didn't seem very… autumn-y. So I figured I would just make it a standalone house, sort of modern…esque I guess. However, I am not that good with modern landscaping as you can see… So I was wondering if you guys had any advice on the landscaping and what to do with the backyard, as well as any general thoughts on the house. Thanks!
(http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/albums/userpics/10228/Screenshot-6.jpg) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/albums/userpics/10228/Screenshot-5.jpg)
Hello guys! Been a while. Had to do a ton of things for work, busy busy busy. Anywho, lots of free time now so of course I am building again. This one began as my house for the autumnal abode contest, but when I finished the structure it just didn't seem very… autumn-y. So I figured I would just make it a standalone house, sort of modern…esque I guess. However, I am not that good with modern landscaping as you can see… So I was wondering if you guys had any advice on the landscaping and what to do with the backyard, as well as any general thoughts on the house. Thanks!
(http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/albums/userpics/10228/Screenshot-6.jpg) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/albums/userpics/10228/Screenshot-5.jpg)
What an absolutely stunning house! You've clearly mastered the art of wall curving. I love the arches in the front, and the conservatory.
I'm not sure what you've planted in the front, but personally I find the boxes of plants detract from the main features of the house. I would move them to the back, and place them against the back walls, with a lower fence, just to break the starkness of the straight white in those points. Then I'd play with terrain paints, in order to get more of a variety in the grass. I'd start layering with the light dirt, then the sand, and then a mix of short dark grass, autumn grass, and clover. I tend to use the biggest circle, on the extremely low setting, and then just play with the mouse until I get a nicely blended effect with touches of dirt and sand peeking out in a few spots. In the conservatory, I'd use the raked sand, and a few landscaping rocks to create a zen-type meditation area, since it already seems to lend itself to that.
Consider a swimming pool at the back, and a few more rock gardens similar to the one you have in the front under the arches. If you want to create focal points in the garden, make sure you place them so that they don't detract from the house, which is your main focal point. The eye should flow easily from the landscaping up to the house. Circles, or plants arranged in a freeform grouping will work better for this than any rigid shapes as the eye is naturally drawn to straight lines and conformity, in this case, it is the shapes in the wall at the back. Anywhere on the terrain where you imagine your sims will be walking regularly; should have a lighter grass terrain, with more sand or dirt, or even a properly laid out path using floor tiles or a terrain paint such as slate or rock or cobblestones. Remember when you use sand, that elements such as wind or water will affect the way it lies, and if you create sandy rock gardens, there will be some sand that ends up scattered on the grass. Again, the best way to depict this is to cover your terrain with sand and then play with other paints until you get a nicely layered and blended effect.
I'm sure there are many others on the forum who have more experience with landscaping modern houses, and they might have better ideas than I do. Well done on creating a beautiful house.
I think a common trend with modern landscaping is the use of green on green, that is to say, to use only grass and green vegetation combined with either wood or concrete paths to create shapes in the garden.
I do love the raked sand planter you've made, but I would suggest moving that back to the rear of the house next to a pool like Rhapsody suggested. And to focus on creating a more green/green theme in the front. It can either be formal or more organic looking. You could move the fountain further out on the lawn or expand it so that it covers all the area under the arches.
In the conservatory area you could either go with the raked sand, or you could create a colorful tropical garden with the bouganvillia.
Oooh, nice idea for the bouganvillea Saltpastillen. But then you'd need to change the tree in the conservatory to one that's more tropical as fir trees lend themselves more to colder weather.
But then you'd need to change the tree in the conservatory to one that's more tropical as fir trees lend themselves more to colder weather.
Oh, don't know about that, there are a lot of fir trees around the Mediterranean after all. It all depends on what expansions you have and what plants are available, I think. If you have WA, Showtime and Sunlit Tides you have a lot of options for tropical plants, if not you could use some ferns the bouganvilla and maybe the ornamental cypresses to create a rather lush enviroment. Also, the orange/red floor covering flowers would be good with a tropical theme.
Oh, don't know about that, there are a lot of fir trees around the Mediterranean after all.
While I agree with you there, you have to remember the Mediterranean is sub-tropical, not tropical. They have mild, rainy weather and hot, dry summers. In a tropical climate, the humidity would soon rot the softwood fir trees. (This is me being finicky, and my imagination conjuring up epic rainforests at the word "tropical"). ::)
This is the home of Brayden and Roxann Southerland. I’ve been playing them since they were both YA and started dating. They used to be neighbours in the eccentric town of Moonlight Falls. After they married and started a family, Brayden and Roxann decided to move the family to Sunset Village (my revised Sunset Valley). They built their current home and set about raising their family - three daughters and two sons. They’re now adults and all the children are YA except for Adam, the youngest, still a teen. The oldest daughter, Tassy, is now married and started her own family living near the town center since she and her husband are both police officers. Jessica and Olivia (twins) still live at home (symphonic music and science career respectively) as well as Duncan who just recently graduated high school and has started his military career. The house is quite lively with so many people living in it along with two cats and two horses. Oh, did I mention they’re all witches? :)
Here’s the front of the property:
and the back of the property:
The living area is very open plan (which I find also helps with routing.
The entryway:
Looking from the entryway to the family room:
the dining area with the kitchen behind:
master bedroom:
the girls’ room:
the loft connecting the two upstairs bedrooms and looks down over the family room:
the boys’ room:
the greenhouse behind the detached garage (with the exercise/man cave room above); there’s also a small basement under the greenhouse where mom spends time making elixers:
Top down views:
Gorgeous house, Dellena. I like your colours a lot. I can see how that would be an easy floorplan to navigate. I like the picture of the horse playing.
Thanks :) with a family this size, you need plenty of room for them to get around. The house is a bit bigger than I would have liked to build but reality and sim reality are a couple different things. ;) I originally had a spiral stairs to the second floor but allowing only one sim to go up and down the stairs at a time made for bottlenecks at bed time. So I adjusted and put in the double stairs. Solved that issue nicely.
So I'm excited about a little build project I've started. First, I use Twallan's Traveller mod primarily because it cleans up some of the errors and issues WA had with packing Sims for travelling. But an added benefit is that it allows your sim to travel to any of the custom worlds you have installed as a vacation town. I'm not going to go into huge details on that but I'd bought Sunlit Tides a while back and really loved the beautiful island. And it occurred to me that it would make a perfect vacation spot. So I'm having to build a Base Camp for it and that's what I'm excited about. It's going to be a lovely, beach side, resort with a variety of suites, a manned bar, dance floor, dinning area (I think I'll add a food register - who wants to cook on vacation?) exercise room, sauna and massage table. The higher end suites will have their own massage tables for those romantic couples. The beach will have a small wedding area and of course there will be a pool with a hot tub. I'll post pictures when I'm done. :) I'm using some CC, particularly some EA premium content store items. I've decided Jessica Southerland who's just recently gotten engaged will be coming here with her fiancé to get married. And then the honeymoon! ;)
Update: I have the shell built and now I'm working on the hotel rooms. Decor will all match, as you expect from a hotel room. So I've furnished and decorated one of the mid-size rooms - here's a teaser screenshot:
I went with mostly tile and wood floors. Close to the beach, there will be sand which is murder on carpet. Easier for the hotel to replace area rugs than re-carpet large areas.
Rhapsody and saltpastillen thank you so much for the kind words and incredibly detailed advice! I did not even think of some of the wonderful tiny details like sand blown by the wind before, very excited to try it out! I thought I was halfway decent with landscaping but the explanations you guys did were amazing.
Also yay! You called it wall curving hah. I know my guides can be difficult to follow so if you ever feel like chatting about the concept sometimes I would be glad to :) I am actually trying to work on video tutorials for all my tutorials but there are some issues with choppiness in my videos I think because of the h64 video encoder for the mp4, but I cannot seem to fix it…. yet. In any case, the wall curving here is actually quite basic, I can definitely discuss it with you if you are interested. You can do some crazy things with the idea sometimes. I linked below two of my most complicated endeavours into wall curving so you could see.
Anywho, back to what you guys wrote there were some things that I am wondering about. I also agree the flora in the front is awkward hah. My questions though are first what is freeform grouping. Also could you maybe show me an example of green on green, I am utterly lost there. I mean I understand but when I try it it looks awkward so I think I am doing it wrong. Lastly what is bougainvillea, never heard the term before. Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful suggestions!
Also could you maybe show me an example of green on green, I am utterly lost there. I mean I understand but when I try it it looks awkward so I think I am doing it wrong. Lastly what is bougainvillea, never heard the term before. Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful suggestions!
First, bougainvillea is an ornamental/flowering tree that came with the base game (I think). Ad you can see it is very colorful.
As for what I meant with green on green. It's simply that a lot of modern garden designs use very little colorful flowers and instead focus on shape and structure while keeping the plants in a neutral green pallet.
Here are some examples:
from http://www.bodew.com
from http://bestgardendesign.net
from http://www.archidir.com
Ooooh those are such exquisite designs. I've played around with some very basic CFE work, but have never attempted arches like that. What I've tried I've learnt from the tutorials on the forum, but am always interested in learning more. I think I also just need to practice.
As for freeform, if you look at the shapes in the front of your garden, they're very rigidly placed into squares and rectangles. Freeform is often made up of of several linked shapes that aren't clearly defined. I don't have time now, but when I get home from work this afternoon I'll take a couple of screenshots of a freeform garden. The basic idea is that because there is no specific shape for the eye to focus on, it is drawn to the colours and then up to the house. I hope that makes some sense?
Dellena, I love the warmth and colours you use in the interior of your houses. They're really stunning. Your family ranch is exquisite and I would love to be a sim in your game if that's typical of the houses you build for them. :D
Thanks, Rhapsody. :) I generally decorate a house in a way that I, myself, would enjoy living there. Also, all of my houses are built based on a real life houseplan that I've found on the internet. Long before the Sims, I always loved looking at houseplans. I used to buy the different houseplan magazines just to look at the different designs and think about what I might change. When I got into Sims, it was a dream come true because now I could really build them! And furnish them and live in them!
So much good advice! *scribbling notes furiously!* ;D
Thanks saltpastillen and rhapsory for replying. I don't think I see that tree. I really need to rebuy the expansions hah. I had them for windows digital download but now I am using a mac. Which is a real bummer because I cannot use create a world now :( Anywho, those green on green images look really cool, going to try it out. Will let you know how it goes :)
Introducing Magpie's Nest:
Size: 64 x 64
Price Furnished: 373,497
Price Unfurnished: 205,463
Notes: The stone bridge is decorative. Sims CANNOT walk over it. CFE, MOO and Snapping to slots cheats were used. I've test played on several different lots, with no issues relating to the cheats; however, should something necessary be unusable please let me know. Please see my gallery for the placement of the lot in Appaloosa Plains, as I did place it myself. It was built on a natural slope, so any other placement results in changes in terrain around the edges, and I would then recommend using Soften Terrain to, well, soften the terrain. The house was designed and built for Magpie, her request being for a 3bed house, with nursery, study, games room, tv lounge, kitchen with open plan dining, a basement and a pond. Oh, and some fireplaces for when she got Seasons. She also wanted stone and windows.
The original house that inspired my design is from this website: http://www.architecturaldesigns.com/contemporary-house-plan-23480jd.asp
My thanks to Jancy whose beautiful bookshelf pattern I definitely used, and to Gheez, whose border pattern of sheep got used in the crazy teen room. Anyone else whose patterns I may have used and forgot to mention, many thanks to you too.
Features: Basement; swimming pool; waterfall and stream with stone bridge; 1st floor: great room, kitchen, dining, nursery with en suite, guest loo, breakfast nook, outdoor lounge, 2 fireplaces. 2nd floor: Master suite with en suite, teen room, guest suite, and loft area. Fireplace in master bed, balcony. 2 car garage.
More screenshots may be seen here: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1837
Download Link: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,13486.0.html
I love the waterfall with the fountains! Very pretty.
Hi norenegonc,
Here are a couple of screenshots of a very quickly cobbled together set of freeform garden ideas. Each area provides a focal point in a garden without stopping the eye on rigid shapes or forms.
A freeform rock garden using only rock, sand and green plants:
A freeform pond:
A freeform 'park' type garden with a path:
My apologies for the poor designs. Normally I try to take the time to organise the placement of plants and am very specific about which plants I place where. I also play with the terrain paints until I get JUST the right amount of blending, taking into consideration what the climate is, which plants grow well with others, etc. Yes, my extreme perfectionist trait kicks in a bit too often. ::)
Anyway, I hope this helps a little bit at least.
Hi Dellena,
Thanks very much. I must say, that's my favourite part of the house too.
I also forgot to mention in my post that I'm willing to take critiques and advice on any aspect of the build. Also, if anyone knows how to make the part of the fountain over the stone bridge look like water is just trickling over the rocks (since that was the effect I was aiming for); I'd really appreciate the tip. :D
Hello guys! Rhapsody thank you so much for taking the time to create those free form examples, it is definitely much clearer now and I am understanding much better some ideas about terrain blending and landscaping. And you build is mindblowingly colorful (in a good way)! I usually just make the overall form and structure of a build and then am completely lost on the rest, interior design and landscaping. I tried to implement some of what you wrote in the build below.
In any case, I decided to take a quick break from residential builds to work on a community build. For a while now I had been meaning to work on a sort of mega community structure, mostly because I do not like how most of the rabbit holes look, not to scorn the creators of an otherwise wonderful game :) So I began work on a multiunit hidden basement sort of community mall. At first I tried to make an indoor mall, but the structure was just too large, so I tried an outdoor mall sort of thing instead. And as usual I seek advice from you wonderful lot. I tried to furnish the various rabbit holes so it was not like sims would just vanish into a building and then into a rabbit hole. But without CC the choices are rather limited. This mall so far contains an outdoor bistro and dayspa, a theatre, a bookstore meshed with a toystore, a supermarket, a small gym and a library. Everything is also sort of colored the same as I just threw colors in as place holders for now and focused more on the outside. So I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the furnishing and as usual the overall build. Thanks :)
The front entrance
Night view
Back arches
Side view
Library to the right and Gym to the left
Movie theatre, leads down to theatre rabbit hole
Restaurant with outdoor seating and Dayspa with waiting area, both lead to respective rabbit holes in basement
Restrooms, his to the right and hers to the left
Supermarket, really lost here, I threw some fruits and veggies onto a table and other random decor... also a sort of beauty counter lol, again down to the rabbit hole from here.
Bookstore... sort of lacking in things to do here so I also meshed it with a toystore so I can furnish something other than some bookshelves, again leads to the rabbit hole in basement.
First of all: WOW! What an amazing design on the building itself! It's beautiful.
Secondly, thanks for the compliment about my build. I always battle with interior design. When I try a neutral palette, it looks drab and boring. When I try brighter colours, it gives me a headache. When I try darker colours, I get depressed. When I try to imitate builds like Odinsdottir and Agneza; it just looks stupid. So now I mix and match and fool around until I get a colour scheme I can live with, and that's how it stays because by the time I'm done I'm so sick of it, I have a permanent 'Nauseous' moodlet. ::) This is the first build I've done that I can honestly say, I would live there myself, probably because the mismatched clutter of stuff mimics my house perfectly. Lol.
Finally, onto your build: As mentioned above, I'm not fantastic at interior design. First thing I would do though, is to look at your nearest mall for ideas. Next, the toilets, I would change to depict genders for each. Peach/Pink/Cream for the ladies, gents maybe blues or darker browns. Keep the plumbing and fixtures neutral and change the flooring style to tiles in those colours, and maybe half tiled walls.
The gym, I would use wooden floors instead. Why is there a fridge/kitchen in the gym area? Possibly change to showers instead? Also not sure about the table-soccer game?
Library, remember a children's section. A 'back-2-school' bookcase if you have one, a blocks table and maybe a couple of those puzzle carpet floor tiles?
The movie theatre, could you somehow put the back row of seats on a platform so they're raised higher than the ones in front?
The supermarket, again, I would tile or use linoleum on the floors, shuffle the tables around to create aisles and put the beauty table by the window.
The dayspa and restaurant, I'd add some decorative planters.
And the bookstore... Again I'd form aisles with bookshelves, add some piles of books if you have any under decor, a toybox or two, and the blocks table and puzzle flooring and some kids wall decor for the toy area.
Unfortunately I can't really help with colour schemes and layouts. The above ideas are just things I like to see when I go shopping. Hopefully others will be more helpful. :)
I think, as regard to colour schemes, look at real-life shops. Bookshops have wooden floors, shelves on walls and stands in the middle. I don't know about gyms or al fresco restraunts, but I suppose they'd have colours that match the theme of the establishment. I love the fountain. Mabye a dome/tall jet in the centre?
Thanks for the advice guys! I intend to go visit the local bookstore and other venues this weekend, scope them out for ideas. In the meantime, I thought I would throw this build onto the forums. It was again intended to be my autumn abode contest entry but it turns out that the inside is not exactly habitable due to the curved walls, I forgot to leave a normal wall height wall somewhere in there. Although I guess with an elevator it might work but I need to buy windows so I can install all my expansions since none of them work on the mac :( And... it also looks a bit weird, I was thinking something along the lines of a tree in autumn but... somewhere along the line the idea ran away from me. Anyway back to the drawing board.
With my Southerland family, one of the daughters was getting married so I created two things - a chapel as a wedding venue and the couple’s new home. I’ll load some shots tomorrow of the chapel. So here’s the happy couple’s new home. This house is available for download in the Shop and Swap, unfurnished at:
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,4199.150.html (scroll down to my post)
Here it is furnished:
Living Room:
Looking into the Music Room and the Dining Room:
Dining Room:
Downstairs Powder Room (you can see the stairs leading down to the basement):
Master Bedroom:
Master Bathroom:
I haven’t furnished the other two bedrooms yet. Waiting to get notification that Jessica is pregnant and then I’ll go in and decorate the nursery (after the ‘ultrasound’ and I know what it’s going to be).
Wow! That is simply Stunning, Dellena.
I have to know - are the rugs custom content?
Yes - I use a lot of CC rugs and paintings. Just not enough choices in the game for me. Especially if you're looking for old persian rugs. Many of these are hand painted CC and you can't really change the colour much.
When I saw it, your house instantly reminded me of my Nan's house.
I've decided I'm going to put my recreation of my Nan's house in my world. It needs some artistic licence I think, but I'm finding it hard to cull - I'm so attached to the place. I look at the dining room, and feel right at home!
Today I was busy with another build, also, and even though I've posted it in my world thread (link in signature), I was just so happy with it that I wanted to show it off here, too.
I adapted it from a home design website (http://www.rawsonhomes.net.au/home-design-facade.php?id=CUMYKGPA5JR6K2NBQS6ANQ6VWXJRUNV). It is the 'apartment' building for my town - town-house style.
Please forgive some of the windows not showing properly in the screenshot - I don't know why - anyway, they are all the tall ranch windows that came with pets.
The back wall actually has a faint pattern on it, not visible in this screenshot.
As someone suggested somewhere, I also eagerly await the day we get frosted windows for bathrooms! Clear glass is just not decent!
It has been very hard coming up with ideas for a modern style that still fits in with my world, and today I think I captured exactly what I was looking for. The only thing I might still change is that my walls didn't turn out as cream as I wanted. Only the one 'house' is livable. The other one is well and truly only a shell. There's diddly squat inside.
Really nice! I love the clean lines which is good in a modern house. You did pretty good matching the inspiration. I like "Nan's house" as well. The toughest thing for me in matching a house I know is the routing. We, as humans, can co-exist in the same square as opposed to our sims who have a harder time at that. I now tend to oversize a rendition of a real house so it's more liveable for my sims. So don't be afraid to push a wall out here or there if you're going to actually play the build. Building from existing homes is fun.
Chuckles, I love every little thing about it! The colours are perfect and the design is wonderful. I love the little hints of green! Awesome!
Oh, this modern house is awesome Chuckles_82. I love it ! :)
I'll add more shots to this post tomorrow (hubby will kill me if I tie up the connection uploading a bunch of screenshots just now <wink>). But here's a night time exterior of my completed chapel.
I think by now you can all guess what this build was intended for <.< Yet another autumn abode contest entry. This time I went way overbudget by about 25k, and couldn't bring myself to delete any bit of this house. I must say it is one of my favourite so far. And I would like to thank everyone for teaching me about sectioning a house, without which I would not have been able to build this house and would yet be stuck with square and rectangles for houses hah. The inside is a bit... lacking, mostly because I was trying to budget for the contest, but I intend to go back and furnish entirely when I have more time... or if someone who enjoys interior decoration would like to, I would be overjoyed. Enjoy :)
@ norenegonc, I intend to spend the rest of the day getting to grips with your tutorials! I meant to do so last weekend but got caught up in the Autumn contest. You do amazing work.
So, the Norse/Viking themed build!
This is Freya's Cottage. This is the first of many on the theme. You can find the images I used to get inspired in my gallery.
I didn't do much with the interior, and I played with the Outdoor Living stuff to make a fairly standard hot tub and grilling area. Next one in the theme will be a mountain lodge with four bedrooms and lots of space for entertaining and celebrating. Will probably be after Christmas, so after I get Seasons.
Hope everyone is staying warm and cosy!
Oh, I love your cottage ! The colors and landscaping, awesome ! Looking forward to seeing more . :)
Thanks so much Ladybug.
Am learning all about CEF! I'm going to revisit my spa and include all kind of crazy mad splitlevel hotubby awesomeness. I think! I hope!
@ norenegonc, I intend to spend the rest of the day getting to grips with your tutorials! I meant to do so last weekend but got caught up in the Autumn contest. You do amazing work.
Hello Odinsdottir! Thanks for the compliment, if you have any questions about any of the tutorials, just let me know :) Nice cottage btw, I like the colors :)
Here is an exclusive club I am building for FireRaye, there is something off about it though and I cannot quite figure out what. Any suggestions would be awesome :)
I love the curves in that Norenegonc. The only thing that bothers me is that little archway linking the two big angled buildings at the front. I would only suggest maybe getting rid of that and putting the fountain in that gap instead? Maybe...
I think it's the colours and/or textures. The shape and style are awesome!
I think it's the colours and/or textures. The shape and style are awesome!
Thanks for the compliments guys :) I think you both may be right, I might just scrap the archway between the two main structures and as for the colours, I don't even know where to begin hah. I never do well with the coloring after the structure is done. The issue is I don't know what sections to colour the same and which sections to color differently and what colors or textures to use to make a building look realistic. How do you know what a certain area should be stone or wood or just a solid colour lol, I get so lost in that.
Stone is heavier, and therefore usually closer to the ground. Also, it is used to lay the foundations of a building. You'd rarely see wood on a ground floor, and stone on the next floor up. Just as an example. I like all the arches, and you have all the wood in the right places, but I'd change the places where you used the stone. Also, somewhere on here and on the official forum is a tutorial for colour matching. A lot of it is experimentation, using the colour wheel as a guide. It looks like it's stuck between modern and medieval. What style in particular were you going for?
Only get rid of the archway if you agree that it looks bad - there is obviously support for keeping it as it is. Also, I agree that there's too much stone - especially that silver stone next the blue - because it just looks really repetitive. But again, that's just my opinion. :)
Ah thanks for clarifying, no wonder the stone looks so weird all over. I was going for a modern look but with a classical touch. FireRaye wrote contemporary chic so I guess that was the goal hah. In any case, what you wrote makes a lot of sense. I redid the colours. I also compromised on the arch, disconnected it from the buildings but left the central bit. I widened the steps to the front, threw a tree between the buildings, and got rid of the garage which thinking about it seems weird at a club. Instead I went with an open area car holding... thing. Now all that is left is furnishing :D
Everyone's builds here are so amazing, I don't know if I can compete but I'll try :) This is my first attempt at sharing a build so sorry if I do anything wrong...
Advice is welcome, I rarely stick with houses because of my laptop's random crashes. I may add screenies of the outside if I can get it finished without too many technical difficulties but truth be told I never know what to do with the landscaping and outside decoration.
Nearly Witches - great colour coordination (were you going for christmasy? because I feel all warm and festive looking at your post). I also like the pink bathroom - but I'm curious, is that a big sink on the left?
EDIT: noneregonc - it looks a lot better now. I especially like the little arch in the middle now. :)
So as you may or may not know, I began work on my first world endeavour. And of course instead of working on CAW like a good little builder, I took a break to work on one of the lots. This one has been in the making for a while. I was looking to create a build that would iconify the entire city, a la Eiffel Tower is to Paris. But I didn't intend to use any CC or the Eiffel Tower built into CAW, rather I was more interested in creating something different. And so following the spirit of my favourite city in the world, la ville de ma coeur, Paris, I began working on a tower. And finally Yonkori Tower was built, named after the city in which it will eventually reside. The look I was going for was "first time to the top of the Eiffel Tower looking down at the city"-esque breathtaking so feel free to be overly critical if it is not. The official function of the lot would be a restaurant (again following our favourite tower) which would be housed in the middle section and reached through an elevator in the middle column (which would also lead down to the basement rabbithole).
And here I took out the middle column which would be utilised for an elevator, wasn't sure which I liked better with or without the column.
Wow norenegonc - that is simply BREATHTAKING! Wowowowowow! And I don't mind the middle column. :)
Nearly Witches - great colour coordination (were you going for christmasy? because I feel all warm and festive looking at your post). I also like the pink bathroom - but I'm curious, is that a big sink on the left?
Thank you Pallyndrome! In the bathroom the big sink is actually a round bathtub.
EDIT: norenegonc that is incredible and beautiful, just wow :D
In the bathroom the big sink is actually a round bathtub.
Oh, is it custom content?
Nearly Witches, I love the colors it is beautiful!
norenegonc the tower is awesome! I don't usually read the CAW thread, but I will definitely take a look at your world!
@norenegonc. That is simply amazing ! Wow !
Oh, is it custom content?
Yes, it's part of a custom set. I don't think I'm allowed to post the link on here so would you like me to PM you the link?
And thank you Louise! :)
Yes, it's part of a custom set. I don't think I'm allowed to post the link on here so would you like me to PM you the link?
No that's ok - I'm not really into custom content - just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it in a recent expansion. :)
I created this house for the building contest but after realising I was sitting on around 2k unused simpoints and didn't intend to buy anything, I decided to just dedicate the house to Twinmum instead for generously creating the contest for us. I call it the Twinmum (clever I know..) and it is a house decorated for christmas time :)
Wow ! That's pretty amazing ! I have no idea how you decorated that tree but it's brilliant. :)
I belive the tree is a store item. Am I correct?
Thanks for the compliment It is actually a combination of flowers and small ornamental pear trees and fencing with lights that I changed to different colours No store items. Below it are boxes that I threw circle lights onto to look like gifts. And the base of the tree I believe is a group of cypress trees. Cheers!
Working on a new build. It is intended to be the summer manse for the royal family in my new world. So I was thinking extremely decadent but with a summer feel. And yes it is intended to be the largest house in the world hah. I didn't finish the landscaping yet, trying to research a bit on the baroque style before I do.
I was watching Supernatural yesterday, and saw the most beautiful old mansion, and have started work on building a likeness of it. Here is the front so far:
On a side note, would I be right in guessing Dutch subscripts?
I was watching Supernatural yesterday, and saw the most beautiful old mansion, and have started work on building a likeness of it.
I like it. You've done a great job with the likeness. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it.
The house look awesome Chuckles! But I don't think that is dutch, dutch are very much like Afrikaans and I don't understand what it say.
Ahh, google is my friend. It's Swedish.
Thanks for the compliments guys :D I had a lot of fun with that part of the house. I've got another screen clip of another angle of the house - only a small part - but at least it gives me something else to add. For the most part I'll have to improvise the rest. I marked clearly in my mind the type of interior, though I may find myself going back to the episode to gather more info as I go.
Wow Chuckles_82 ! Your mansion is beautiful. Amazing work ! :)
Lovely, Chuckles!
So I decided to quit being lazy and go back to the summer castle lot and really create a… well, castle lol. I turned the lot around, deleted giant walls and unnecessary arches and then began reconstructing it. I liked the idea of a large courtyard and open areas for a real summer feel, while at the same time maintaining an aura of... decadence. So after many many hours I ended with this. I think it came out rather well, although as usual I cannot decide how to colour it. It seems to be a mix of old European with ancient Greek architecture hah. It is a rather costly lot but being the largest lot in the world it seemed fitting.
norenegonc: WOWOWOW x100! I am blown away!
Wow ! This is amazing. So much detail and I love the color. It must have taken many hours and lots of patience to achieve this kind of architecture.
Gorgeous! If I might offer a suggestion - the big white wall behind the massive columns in the first picture still looks to me like it needs something. Windows, trim - something to break up the huge empty white.
Stunning! This gives me an idea...
Thank you guys :D It is so nice to hear you like it :)
@pallyndrome - your comments always brighten my week hah!
@ladybug53 - I am glad you like the colours I was not certain about them. I usually never know what to do with colouring.
@cathyknits - Thanks :) I was actually thinking the same thing, I even tried windows but it seemed to detract from the natural elegance of the entrance (the columns and statues), can I ask what you mean by trim lol, I am not certain.
@Toni - Thanks! What kind of idea are you thinking about hah :)
I was also wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which rooms should go where, I am a bit lost in deciding. There are four main units that could house actual rooms, the entrance area and adjoining sides, the two long windowed arch areas and the structure in the back around the courtyard. I guess I could also make the open area behind the entrance into rooms of sorts. I really don't know though hah, especially for the kitchen and dining room. What I was thinking was the entrance structure could be a grand foyer, living room, dining room, and kitchen. The side structures could be gym, study, library, a smaller living room and conservatory. And the back structure could be bedrooms.... I guess hah.
@noregonc - Maybe use a wall panel with a molding of some kind and color the main panel of the wall to match the rest of the bricks, but some other kind of stone for the molding?
@noregonc - Maybe use a wall panel with a molding of some kind and color the main panel of the wall to match the rest of the bricks, but some other kind of stone for the molding?
Hm, I will need to change the wall covering, it is a multi coloured covering so it wouldn't be utilisable on another covering. Were you thinking vertical or horizontal moldings and just on the edges or throughout :) Thanks!
I think that section behind the pillars is just fine as it is... nice break in the complexity of the rest of the front. :)
Wow Chuckles and nore, your buildings are fantastic!
Today, I decided to rebuild my real house on the Sims, and I'm quite surprised by how close it is to the real thing.
As you can see, it's pretty small. It took me about 4-5 hours simply because of how I wanted everything to be perfect.
This is the living room, and that computer is the one where I play Sims! I had to use the weird family portrait to replace the real one my family has. It's a shame the windows in the game don't bring as much sunlight as in real life.
Kitchen, dining and sitting area. Door to backyard.
My room.
Parents' room.
Spare room / study.
The 20x30 lot I used to build my home was too wide and too short. The backyard is meant to be bigger. I might add a veranda later on, but I'm already pleased with it.
As you can see, I'm not as talented as the other builders from this forum. I am open to suggestions and constructive feedback.
I think it looks great katie! It really feels like a home. :)
I love how it turned out. I think you did a marvellous job!
I think it looks great katie! It really feels like a home. :)
I love how it turned out. I think you did a marvellous job!
Thanks, you two. You made my afternoon. :)
Worked for quite a while on the interior of the entrance house unit... thing hah. It has been kind of slow, I am always clicking on that crazy colour wheel about a million times before I settle on a colour (don't even get me started on the designs with 4 different colour schemes each with like 3-4 colours inside the colour palette :'( ) Anyway here is the interior so far, I managed to fit a grand entrance hall, living room with bathroom, a great hall (dining room) and the main kitchen.
Ground floor of main entrance
(http://imageshack.us/a/img812/7415/screenshot4avn.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/812/screenshot4avn.jpg/)
Second floor of main entrance with chandelier
(http://imageshack.us/a/img6/1228/screenshot5zhb.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/screenshot5zhb.jpg/)
Living Room off the main entrance
(http://imageshack.us/a/img842/4107/screenshotxue.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/842/screenshotxue.jpg/)
Living Room Coat Room
(http://imageshack.us/a/img542/4678/screenshot2rf.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/screenshot2rf.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/a/img72/1753/screenshot3rjg.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/72/screenshot3rjg.jpg/)
Dining and Throne Room two story view
(http://imageshack.us/a/img4/6807/screenshot6gf.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/screenshot6gf.jpg/)
Dining Room view from main floor
(http://imageshack.us/a/img259/3276/screenshot8lt.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/259/screenshot8lt.jpg/)
Dining Room two story view with entrance to kitchen in the back
(http://imageshack.us/a/img16/7933/screenshot7he.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/screenshot7he.jpg/)
That's brilliant again norengonc! It's impressive how you have managed to not leave any empty spaces in such a big house :)
It looks really great norenegonc! I'm impressed! The only reason I don't download your lots is because they're so huge (too much to load and fill and stuff - so if you ever make a (much) smaller place, I'll snatch it up! :)
Thanks Nearlywitches and Pallyndrome :) I know what you mean actually, I would likely not move my sims family into this lot either, my computer wouldn't be able to handle it. But sometimes it is fun to visit the big lots and just look around hah. In any case, the world I am building will contain quite a few smaller lots, what size is small for you, I can prioritise working on one :) Something small but elegant, maybe a riverfront kind of house.
I don't mind - I would rather you do what you enjoy, and if it works for me, that's a bonus. :)
Ok I took a break from the castle to work again on Tower Yonkori. I redit a lot of it because I just learnt of a new building technique that allows you to create the illusion of a building with more than 5 stories :)! Which meant redoing a lot of the CFE. I really did not like the top of the original tower I created because of the single story border. This one looks much better I think :D
I was so overjoyed with the build that I let my sims visit to take some eating images and afternoon images hah :D
Again the official role of the lot is a restaurant and hangout, the bistro is in the basement reachable by stairs and an elevator. Two elevators also take you to the eating area above. And I checked and if you order food to eat outside, the sims auto go up to the eating area with the elevator and eat on the tables! Enjoy :D (This one is on a 3 by 3 by the way pallyndrome lol :) )
Edit - btw if anyone knows how to make the skylights turn on, could you let me know (the two at the very entrance to the lot). They are not clickable like other lights and even if I turn all the lights on and off on the lot, they won't turn on. I know I have seen them on at clubs...
Front view at night
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/110.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=10&u=17989886)
Garden view
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen18.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=11&u=17989886)
Chatting in eating area
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen19.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=12&u=17989886)
Blue lights
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen20.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=13&u=17989886)
Orange lights
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen21.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=14&u=17989886)
Magenta lights
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen23.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=16&u=17989886)
Cyan lights... ok I went a bit crazy with the lights lol
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen24.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=17&u=17989886)
Eating at sunset
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen25.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=18&u=17989886)
Sunset view
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen26.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=19&u=17989886)
Night time view with white lights
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen27.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=20&u=17989886)
I could be wrong here but I believe those lights only come on while a lot is designated as a Hot Spot for the night, with Late Night installed.
I could be wrong here but I believe those lights only come on while a lot is designated as a Hot Spot for the night, with Late Night installed.
How do you designate a hot spot, is it a community lot type. If so, how do lots labelled as dance club or something get the lights to work, thanks!
I think the way it works is a few community lots will be randomly selected to be hot spots each evening. I know you can look it up in the newspaper where the hot spots are on a given day.
I think the way it works is a few community lots will be randomly selected to be hot spots each evening. I know you can look it up in the newspaper where the hot spots are on a given day.
Ah okay and then the lights would be an indicator of where the hotspot is. Follow up question, I recently downloaded a world by another build, when I go to edit it in game, a few of the lots have these lights turned on forever, even when I am in build buy mode, anyone know how this is done, thanks!
This next lot is for pallyndrome :) a smaller version of the castle lot, I will upload it as soon as I furnish it. I was intending to make several smaller decadent lots so I figured I would do this one now. It is meant to be on the riverfront of my world, where a lot of smaller but rich and elegant houses will be closer together for an inner city feel, that is why there is not much garden in it. There is however an inner courtyard :) Maybe for some gardening. Enjoy :)
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen38.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=43&u=17989886)
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen39.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=44&u=17989886)
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen40.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=45&u=17989886)
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen41.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=46&u=17989886)
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen42.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=47&u=17989886)
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And some nighttime images :)
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Oh thank you! It's BEAUTIFUL! :D
Since I have heaps of time now, I decided to try my hand at building. This is a small starter home with renovating potential!
Floor Plan.
Its not furnished because I tried to put as much into the landscaping. I'm not one for it.
Worked on furnishing the small castle. Furnishing takes so much longer than building hah, I am so slow with deciding what to use where.
Should be done with the rest of the furnishing soon :)
Entrance Hall
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen48.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=53&u=17989886)
Living Room
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen49.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=54&u=17989886)
View of Kitchen and Gym through the door
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(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen51.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=56&u=17989886)
Dining Room
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen52.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=57&u=17989886)
Master Bedroom
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen53.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=58&u=17989886)
Master Closet
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen54.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=59&u=17989886)
Master Bath
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen55.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=60&u=17989886)
Top floor Library
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen57.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=62&u=17989886)
So this next build is likely the longest I ever took to build a shell. It is the first time I utilised two axis wall curving, which involves curving a wall both in the x and y direction, you can see it in the entrance arches in the second image lol. There is a lot to do yet, colouring, statues, interior, landscaping, but I am roadblocking on the colours for the exterior, nothing seems right, so I thought I would throw some images out there and ask you guys what you thought. It is going to be The Temple of the Prophet Najrasi in my new world, and it is of course based on one of the most famous and beautiful cathedrals in the world (you know which one! haha)
Enjoy :D
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Toni your starter home is cute, and the floor plan is easy to use. I like your garden!
Toni your starter home is cute, and the floor plan is easy to use. I like your garden!
Thanks that means heaps seeing as I know I'm not a very good builder.
Thanks that means heaps seeing as I know I'm not a very good builder.
Actually, you're a good builder because I knew exactly what was what in your floor plan, even without furnishings. I really like your garden, you've used the pond and plants really well.
Wow, a cathedral with all those curves :-)
I have always been frustrated with the building restrictions in the Sims games. I like designing houses, but I often find it difficult to get the game to do what I want. I've not tried building with the various build cheats.
Wow, a cathedral with all those curves :-)
I have always been frustrated with the building restrictions in the Sims games. I like designing houses, but I often find it difficult to get the game to do what I want. I've not tried building with the various build cheats.
Yeah I know what you mean. That is why I initially began looking into CFE. It really broadens your builder's canvas, never would be able to create those buttresses without it for instance. If you ever have any questions about it, just let me know, I am always happy to chat about CFE :)
Your build just amaze me, norenegonc. I consider myself a decent builder, but the sheer amount of planning that must go into a project like that... wow. I can barely get staircases where I want them half the time! Beautiful work.
Your build just amaze me, norenegonc. I consider myself a decent builder, but the sheer amount of planning that must go into a project like that... wow. I can barely get staircases where I want them half the time! Beautiful work.
Thank you :) It does require a lot of forethought yeah haha, mostly because of the CFE. The issue is after you are done curving, you do not feel like changing a thing haha, otherwise you need to go back and recurve. There were a few things I would actually do different for the temple if I were not lazy, but you know... :D Not to deter you from CFE! It can be a lot of fun, especially when you finally finish all the curving in a build and then delete all the guide walls and extra walls and reveal what is underneath :D It is like unwrapping a Christmas gift haha. Stairs are actually the first thing I do after building a shell, I think they tend to be a bit crazy, never really doing what you like and messing up everything sometimes, so I see what you mean on that one haha :)
In any case, I finished your house pallyndrome :D If you care to live in it haha. Sorry it took so long to furnish. I named it the Drome, clever I know... I took extra care with the furnishings which I usually skip over, so your sims could live in style of course :D, almost everything has been recoloured and decor abound :) You can see it here - The Drome by Nore (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,13893.0.html)
Enjoy :D
New build :) Another small house, which is kind of nice after a bunch of crazy large lots, this time on a 2 by 2. This house is meant to be in the Natrium or Simki area of my world if you are following the story. Basically it is meant to be in the starter area. You will notice that the tones are much darker than the richer homes I built. The whole area is meant to have a darker feel to it, and of course less wealthy, but at the same time more modern by our standards, which is why I used the clear doors and a fireplace.
Anyway enjoy :)
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Yet another Natrium or Simki house for you guys :) Same colours were used for now, not certain whether I am going to colour all the houses in an area the same or change them slightly. Will see what looks better as the world comes together.
Enjoy :)
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I like both these new houses! I hope they can be available for download individually too someday. :)
You continually blow me away.
Both of these are very nice. Love the colors as well. I really admirer your roof creations. Awesome work ! :)
@pallyndrome Thank you :) Certainly I can throw them on the swap shop if you like, they are unfurnished though if that is okay.
@cathyknits As always thank you :D
@ladybug Haha that means a lot actually, I recently began to see a new admiration of roofing. It is definitely a much more creative and interesting tool than I at first thought, you can do a lot with it and it is free haha, so even starter homes can show beautiful roofing.
Long holiday weekend yay :) So of course I am building lol. I began work on a coffee house (no! not that kind of coffee house, cheeky haha).
I had an idea in my head and it turned out.. alright, I guess what I am wondering is if it will fit into the rest of the fantasy world lol. Cheers :)
Edit - Yikes I am sorry to redo the same build, but something about the coffeehouse I already did was really bothering me. I realised it was the exaggerated curve of the top of the cup. So I lowered it a bit and instead of just colouring the top of the cup a coffee colour, I also decided a small wall would show more depth, and I accented the cup's design. Ok here is the new one!
(http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/17/98/98/86/screen96.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=101&u=17989886)
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Your builds are simply amazing! I love the cup.
Your builds are simply amazing! I love the cup.
Thank you :) I was wondering, does anyone have any advice on how to make the bottom look more like a saucer dish. I tried the border design, but I feel like there could be more done, I just do not know what.
The cup is really cute! I think what the saucer needs is a different main colour - the border is fine the way it is, but I think with cups and saucers, the saucer is usually a similar colour to the cup...
I've started a just for fun file in Starlight Shores and decided to build my Sim's house. I thought it looked pretty nice so I though I would show you guys. It is a starter home by the way.
Oh Gogo I like! It's definitely a very well done starter. Can I download it?
Oh Gogo I like! It's definitely a very well done starter. Can I download it?
Thanks pally. I can put it up onto the Swap Shop if you like.
EDIT: Here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,13909.msg269661.html#msg269661) it is pally. Thought I'd do it quickly so I wouldn't forget.
Thanks Gogo - downloading now - I love well done starters. :D
@ norenegonc. I just love your cup house. You're very creative. I think the saucer should be the same dark blue that you have on the bottom of the cup. I do love the border on the saucer. What a great job you did ! :)
@ Gogowars329. I love your starter home. Very nicely done. I really like the design on your kitchen chairs. Great work ! :)
Thanks guys for the advice on the cup! I changed the saucer to a beige and the border of the saucer to match the blue on the cup. Thank you!
So new build I am working on. It is for a showtime large concert venue. I finished the structure which took forever, not because it was difficult but because clicking has become very... odd. Has anyone else noticed that since showtime, it has been very difficult to make single clicks with terrain tools, very weird... So I would be sitting there for like 10 minutes clicking over and over again until I get a single click (usually does 2-3 clicks each time I click the mouse). Anyway... So I have an idea of what to do with the middle, which will basically be tiered seating, but what my question is would be basically what to do with the front. Should I curve the entrance to match the rest of the structure, or are there too many arches as it is haha. Oh and also, should I make a single tile roof over the arches (all throughout) or does it look better without one. Ok well, thank you in advance for the advice :D
Oh and if you are wondering why there seem to be 8-9 floors, just let me know and I can email you or something explaining the technique :) Cheers!
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It looks like the Colloseum! :) I would suggest not putting a single tile roof over the arches - but you could try it and decide for yourself. Also I think a partial arch for the entrance (like the other arches) could look nice. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it!
That looks amazing norenegonc! The colour scheme looks great. The tiles over the arches give it more detail in my opinion.
By "tile roof" I thought you meant actual roof - if you only meant floor tiles, then yes I would say it looks good with floor tiles. :)
Wow absolutely stunning creations. Looks like a French Gothic Cathedral parked next to the Coliseum, very cool. I'm new to Sims and new to forum (which has been ultra helpful, thank you).
Here is a sci-fi themed home I have begun work on in Lunar Lakes. With the new UFOs so tantalisingly out of reach while I play a challenge, I felt that I had to build a home that would be suited to having one. When it's finished it will be decked out with much of the future shock sets, and fully scientifically upgraded. I had the concept for this build in my head a long time back, but just couldn't actualise it.
Wow Chuckles_82 ! This is just amazing . You're extremely creative ! I really love it. :)
I look fantastic Chuckles! I can't wait to see the inside.
So many amazing creations! On the same page we have a roman coliseum and a futuristic sci-fi build!
Awesome build, Chuckles. I'd love to see inside!
That's a brilliant build Chuckles! I can't wait to see the inside :)
So, I'm making a manor on my game and I'm about halfway through doing the grounds. I thought I'd share a few screenshots.
Whether I'll actually finish the manor, I don't know seeing as I'm rubbish at building the house shells but the landscaping and designing on the outside has kept me busy. Hope you like! :D
I closed my legacy story forum because it's too much work to write about it and play it- I'm a full-time grade-obsessed college student and I work full time, so there's little time for playing!
However, I just -have- to share my pride and joy, my brand new house! :) It took forever, and I looked at a LOT of floor plans and home designs online before I decided on this style.
Already, someone has died in my pool because of poor planning, though - just a neighbor, not my family. Phew. I tried to have someone play the Grim Reaper for their life just to see how that worked, but I guess I was too late. The Grim Reaper just left the lot after my sim got to the chess table.
Oh well, I digress. Here's a list of details about my home!
7 bedrooms
10 skill-based rooms
1 pool
1 hot-tub
1 deck
1 porch w/ barbeque and fire pit
1 pond (unstocked... I want to learn how to stock it, lol)
5 beehives (maybe too much!)
1 nursery
9 bathrooms
3 half-baths
4 balconies
1 porch
10 halls/galleries/entertainment/animal/other rooms
Oh, and one amazing entrance gate if I do say so myself. ;P
• Graveyard - separated by lords (founder and heirs), spares, spouses, other people, pets
• Ranch area for horse - or a unicorn ♥
• I want to move the garden to a better place... I'm too lazy to move and reorganize my jumbled mess of plants
• Maybe a garage-but probably not.
•Laundry room - maybe in the basement. I just like the laundry clutter, hehe.
Please please please give me advice and critiques on what to do to make it better - I want the best home ever! Money is not an issue - if I need cash, I can go on vacation and do adventures, or sell a lot of fruits and veggies... I have my ways, hehe! Hopefully I can get more tiberium! That stuff was an amazing money maker, the gem dust I got from the cutting machine grew to even more tiberium!! Woah!
Ok so-without further delay- screenshots!!
View to pet room from gallery
Reining Lord's Suite - Belonging to founder and spouse until he dies, then she moves to the grand master suite
Alchemy room
Of course, I didn't take a picture of every single room - there are too many. :P
A house fit for a king! I love the dojo and having the fountain objects in the pool is a brilliant idea, I'm amazed you managed to fill all of the space up :)
Welcome to our Forum, Alyse.
Your house is quite gorgeous. However, we are not in the practice of allowing an individual topic just to feature a house. We have a Showboat thread where members can share the houses and lots they have built. It is located here. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,1468.0.html) There is also a limit of 10 images per post and you have 24. If you would kindly remove 14 of your images, I will be happy to merge your thread with the Showboat thread. :)
The only other option would be to put your house into the Swap Shop. It would have its own thread there, but it still needs to be trimmed down to 10 images and must follow the Swap Shop rules. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,3614.0.html) To do this, you would need to upload the file for your house and then I would move it to the Swap Shop board.
Sorry Pam - I have reduced it to ten and would love to be merged into the Showboat. :P
I suppose I need to be more careful. Thank you for being so polite in correcting me though. :D This is perhaps the very most polite forum in the world.
I love the opulence of your Legacy house, Alyse.
I have mostly furnished my sci-fi house - Orbital Planes (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,6905.msg274768.html#msg274768). Click the link to see more pictures. Now to upgrade everything, and make an alien family to live in it :) Here is an updated version of the front:
Oh my gosh! I am in love with your house! :) Is that whole thread all your work? I think I'll be reading it.
I never knew you could recolor ceilings. How do you do that? Just the redecorate tool?
Thank you :) It's some of my work (but, yes, all my own). I have a separate incomplete thread for each of my worlds. The link is in my signature for my current one, though my first one was all modern stuff, and I didn't get around to uploading each one separately.
And yes, just floor tiles, and the recolour tool. You have to tilt the camera to the right angle, which is kind of a pain. I ended up with a crinked neck because I couldn't get the camera to point high enough, and of course, trying to tilt my own head (duh).
HA! I do the same (trying to look up on a monitor by lifting my head) ... Someday the future will catch up to us and computer games will sense that kind of thing, and adjust accordingly. :P
But seriously, beautiful work! :) I especially love your futuristic homes, and of course the zen home. I am a little Japan-obsessed and it actually reminds me of the traditional temples and castles you see in Kyoto Japan - I'm not sure if it's the same in China, too .. Only got to travel to Japan so far.
Beautiful work Alyse! Anata wa Nihon o suki desu ka? :P
I've got 2 houses I'd love to show off here ... I'll use Spoiler tags to try and help break it up some since the total pics combined may be more than 10 ...
Not Quite a Starter
Not Quite a Starter is a charming little home perfect for a single Sim, or a newly married couple just starting out ... with a few Simoleans to burn.
Furnished Cost: 21,918 (comes with lights only)
Unfurnished Cost: 21,632
Lot Size: 30x30
Link to Download: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5961789
A little about this lot ...
• 2 Bedrooms
• 1 full bathroom
• This home comes as a complete blank slate
• This home is entirely unfurnished; basic white walls, soft tan carpetting and hard floors for the bathroom and eat-in kitchen
• Large fenced-in back yard
• Plenty of room to expand
• Great for a couple looking for a slight upgrade
Please recommend, thank you and enjoy!
When downloaded
Sample of in-game play & minor re-decorating
My Townhome - 2 Bdrm 1.5 Bthrm
A simple home built with a similar layout to my own real life home. A few tweaks were made to give your sims more room for thier buck. This home also comes with a backyard, which mine doesn't have. Furnished rooms include: kitchen, 1.5 bathrooms, laundry room. Walls are white, carpet is tan to give you all the room you'll need to add your own touches!
Link to Download
Please recommend if you download and/or like this home!
My Townhome - 2 Bdrm 1.5 Bthrm (http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=5121167)
In Game Pictures
Unfurnished - This is how the home looks when you download and install it ...
Beautiful work Alyse! Anata wa Nihon o suki desu ka? :P
Thank you so much for your kind remark! :D
Edited by Pam.
I'm sorry, but I had to edit your post because we only allow English here on the Forum.
What a wonderful house Majick! (Did I spell that right?) I would definately use that in my game.
Sorry I've fallen off the face of the earth! I've been ill for a few weeks and before that, Christmas kept me busy. Am hoping to do some building soon. ;)
Sorry I've fallen off the face of the earth! I've been ill for a few weeks and before that, Christmas kept me busy. Am hoping to do some building soon. ;)
I hope you feel better now. I'm looking forward to your new builds. :)
Oh my there is some wonderful work here!! I love the diversity of everyone's imagination! Good stuff, I'm glad I found this thread!
We have a challenge going on at my place so I have my most recent build. The challenge is to build a duplex that must share one wall and the roof. The rest of the challenge is to keep the sims separate on each side. We had to use the lock door feature and traits like loner, shy and brooding helped out a lot! Same with lifetime wants like the author and painter helping them stay in their duplex and work. I was really surprised how well my sims behaved about trying to get to the other side, of course with the locked doors they were unable to but they sure thought about what the other guy had! ;D They did share the pool and horse.
Here's the info about the sims:
Vinny Palimer is the fairy and his horse is Pop. Vinny's traits are: Shy, Great kisser, bookworm, neat, perfectionist and equestrian. His LW is Professional Author.
He lives in the single floor side of the duplex.
Dante Morgani is actually the vampire Dante Morganthe from Moonlight Falls but I changed his looks and traits to: Loner, brooding, great kisser, commitment issues, cat person and artistic. His LW is Turn the Town.
He has the brightly colored side of the duplex and he has 3 floors. His kitten is Nova and he pays as much attention to Pop as he does his kitty!
Click on the pic to see the full size please
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I am building a Steampunk Victorian Manor for Dextra, and I have one more day before my self imposed deadline. I'd love some advice on what I can do to make it more Steampunk-y. Right now it just seems dark and empty to me.
The front:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8233/8439113595_e35631a7c7.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8439113595/)
Screenshot-28 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8439113595/) by mandamouse123 (http://www.flickr.com/people/mandamouse123/), on Flickr
Dining Room:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8216/8440203464_95a2127a08.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8440203464/)
Screenshot-26 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8440203464/) by mandamouse123 (http://www.flickr.com/people/mandamouse123/), on Flickr
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8508/8440203684_b8371466b1.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8440203684/)
Screenshot-25 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8440203684/) by mandamouse123 (http://www.flickr.com/people/mandamouse123/), on Flickr
The bathroom, my favorite room in the house:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8224/8439114043_065fea30a9.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8439114043/)
Screenshot-27 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandamouse123/8439114043/) by mandamouse123 (http://www.flickr.com/people/mandamouse123/), on Flickr
Mandamouse, that house is looking really good! I love the shapes you've made with the exterior.
I haven't done much steampunk in the sims, and it'll depend on which expansions/packs/store content you've got, but gears or wheels on items or as decoration can help make it less Victorian. Or even items that can be recoloured to look like gears or wheels (I've had some luck with the fire hose decoration, which I think came with Ambitions. It's nice and round and has more than one colourable area to work with).
If your sims have access to the inventing workbench or sculpting station, you could use the gizmos and sculptures as well. I think the inventing gadgets might be available in buydebug, but the sculpting objects have to be created in game. Play around with it, like using move objects to merge the static testers with table legs to create a 'magnetronic' desk, that sort of idea. Also, there's lists of what can be sculpted in each material - it's random chance what the sim makes at first, but a set of chairs out of wood or clay or metal might look nifty.
Personally, my idea of steampunk is sort of Wild Wild West-ish; a sparsely populated late Victorian frontier where mad geniuses tame steam to their bidding. Lots of sun baked woods and dust and cast iron and brass, with faded oriental carpets and tasseled lamps in the background. The luxuries and fashions have to be imported, which means they're rare, worn out, or a home-made version which isn't quite the same. So for example, I'd take those great wallpapers, but use a wood or wood panelling instead of the light coloured paint for the trims, to try and scruffy them up a bit. But that's just my personal interpretation of the genre - yours might be a coal-fog drenched London where everyone dreams of escaping the murk with airships.
And if you feel like you need more items to work with outside of the Victorian style, and you've got World Adventures, consider if your version of the steampunk world travels. Maybe they're just beginning to explore some Egyptian ruins, or have opened trade relations with the Far East. A couple of ancient relics in the library, or a fortune cookie machine in the study/invention laboratory, could be an interesting touch. Whatever feels right to you, have fun filling up the rooms with rugs, wall art, sculptures, candles, towels, plants, even outdoor rocks brought inside if it works!
Just be sure to post plenty of picture when you're done with the house! :D
Whee! Thanks so much for your advice. It still may not be very steam punk-y, but your advice gave me the motivation to finish! Am I allowed to post pictures here as well, or should I just link to the download post? It's here. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,14520.new.html#new)
Just furnished some rooms in my Villa, not exactly French looking but I like it.
That would go well in Monte Vista if you still have that build.
I think I still have it on the official exchange but not furnished, I may finish it off now though, make some changes with all this new content we now have! :)
For a couple of months I've trying to build better houses. Here are pictures of some of them. Only exterior shots though. Only 2 of them have been furnished and fully finished...
^For this house I kept some of the foundation from the original Sunset Valley lot.
^It's fully furnished but I was playing on a different lot and couldn't be bothered to change household to get a picture. I really like the interior though. If anyone wants to see I'll take a few pictures.
^This was the first one I built. Testing out CFE for the first time. Lots of fun to make!
^This one is still an empty shell.
^Basic furniture. Exterior not finished.
Your houses are awesome! I love to see more. :)
Welcome to the forum!
Eddy, your first home (The beach one) is freaking awesome! Keep it up!
I would love to see the houses when they're done, Eddy. They're awesome looking on the outside.
Eddy your homes are amazing! I love the third one, it's so awesome. Keep it up :)
Thank you so much! OK, so I tried getting some interior shots of the first house. Found out it's pretty hard. I really should have taken one of the layout but this is what you get:
^ Kitchen
^ View from the kitchen into the living room and first floor balcony/deck area.
^ Master bedroom. Bathroom is across the hall.
^ Nursery/children's room (if you swap the bed). Next to the master bedroom.
^ Side view
^ Upstairs hallway. And living area. Toilet and a balcony to the left.
^ Upstairs boys room.
^ Upstairs girls room
Wow , you do beautiful work ! Your houses are remarkable ! Thanks for sharing . :)
I desire to join in the fun!
I'm not *completely* happy with this house, but since it's only the second one I built (and the first one I where I built the entire structure at once rather than adding on as I went), I'm still fairly proud of it. Perhaps I should pick up some of the expansion packs to make it more impressive with.
So let us discontinue this ado! This log cabin was designed for a young couple who wanted to get away from civilisation and enjoy nature. Let us see:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8373/8477339670_7d3be60d7b_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339670/)
So the driveway and front walk don't really line up well with the sidewalk. Partly my fault for leaving those until the end, but I still mostly blame the lot for lining up weirdly on its own. Anyway...
Here's an overview of the main floor:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8244/8476250335_e91a6a25c9_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8476250335/)
The living space:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8371/8477339834_f37af0da15_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339834/)
Despite the house having an windows everywhere, the main floor was still exceedingly dark. So if the number of lamps seems excessive, it was the only way this family could see what they were doing. Those plaques on the wall are for gardening and fishing.
The kitchen:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8379/8476250263_55c4a4d259_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8476250263/)
A little cramped, but the family prefers to eat outdoors anyway.
On the other side of the living space:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8098/8477339588_0ebfd729d1_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339588/)
I don't really know what to do with this space yet. I supposed I could move the living area over and expand the kitchen a bit, but I'm actually pretty pleased with how those two spots turned out and don't really want to mess with them. For now I've been using it as a play area for the twins, but they'll be teenagers soon...
The bedroom:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8111/8476250219_9944be9fbd_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8476250219/)
I don't think this bed has ever been made. No, wait! That one time during the twins' birthday parties, when they invited their friends over. Not that anyone else has any business being in here...
And now for the upper loft:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8106/8477339604_870003260a_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339604/)
The corner of the loft acts as the twins' bedroom:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8517/8477339514_cb480c456c_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339514/)
The family honestly wasn't planning for more than one child when they built the house, so the girls will just have to suffer each other in the same bedroom. But they get along wonderfully anyway, so it's all good. Also, guess their favourite colours.
So that's the house. Now let's head back outside. Here's the back yard:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8099/8477339492_3f8193c18d_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339492/)
Trying to get a good shot was a bit tricky since the camera kept trying to scale the mountains behind.
And finally, the garden:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8509/8477339478_c3d1d73aab_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8477339478/)
...Which is a bit neglected at the moment since Christine was busy taking care of her daughters (and also because I don't really care for gardening to begin with). But it should expand a bit once Jessie grows up and starts helping out over here. If you're wondering about the big empty space, it's because I haven't had time to go hunt down some flame and life fruit seeds. Those'll go there. And perhaps some other unusual plants if those opportunities ever arise.
And there you have it folks. Still needs some work, but I'm mostly pleased with what I've accomplished.
What a beautiful spot to build a house . If this is only your second house , well I think it's remarkable . It looks very cozy and welcoming . Love what you choose for the exterior of your house as well . For the lighting , in Buydebug there are ceiling and wall lights that you can use and they disappear in live mode . I use them quite often . Great job ! :)
I think you did a great job, especially for your second house, Keoni!
I was thinking, for that little play area with the blocks... if that's the kid's corner, why not 'clutter' it up a bit? Like putting in a kid shelf or a low table and adding some of the decoration books/stuffed animals to it? Just to give it more of a play area look? Some artwork or curtains for the window will help brighten up the corner, too.
Just an idea, if you're interested in fiddling. ^^
Thank you folks. I guess that would have made sense for the kids' corner, but the girls are now teenagers, so I just cleared that space out for now.
Thank you folks. I guess that would have made sense for the kids' corner, but the girls are now teenagers, so I just cleared that space out for now.
That's always the way when I decorate. Just get it right and BAM - family changes. :)
Hokay, so. I've never been a homebuilder on Sims. I would make utilitarian houses for my sims simply because it's cheaper, with no regard to looks or style.
Until now. I've finally built my first real house, a Victorian home for my witch couple and their familiar cats. I haven't finished decorating the inside yet, because I'm very particular, but I should have it done in the next day or so. Until then, I wanted to share the outside shots, as building something with a nice outside has been challenge enough.
I took inspiration from the Victorian houses around my grandmother's home on Mackinac Island. Lots of flower beds,
The rear, with a patio and a glimpse of their gardens. Mostly alchemy plants, with some food for the family is going to be grown here.
My main goal was to give curb appeal without overdoing the flowers, and I think I did a pretty good job. I wanted to put lilacs in, but there are only yellow lilacs, and it made the front look too busy.
If anyone has suggestions on how to add more flowered bushes or ideas to make the lawn look better, go for it. I'm going to experiment with some different lawn paints, probably, but it has to look well tended, even if it doesn't match the grass surrounding the lot. ::)
Wow, I really like your house - it is interesting and unique. I've never noticed that pattern wall that you used on the roof section before - the one that looks like a windmill - is it a pattern, or a wall? What category is it in?
As for the lawn, if you put a low fence around it, it won't be so obvious that it is different grass to the surrounding grass. Or you could put a narrow garden all the way around the edge. Also, there is a mowed lawn texture that you could use that makes it look well tended, otherwise the colour that you have used looks fine.
Wow, I really like your house - it is interesting and unique. I've never noticed that pattern wall that you used on the roof section before - the one that looks like a windmill - is it a pattern, or a wall? What category is it in?
As for the lawn, if you put a low fence around it, it won't be so obvious that it is different grass to the surrounding grass. Or you could put a narrow garden all the way around the edge. Also, there is a mowed lawn texture that you could use that makes it look well tended, otherwise the colour that you have used looks fine.
It's a wall pattern, Chuckles. I can't remember which heading it's under, as I'm not at my Sims computer, but I can PM you later with the name of it if you like. I think it's from the original sims as well. I recolored it so the cross looking bits would stand out.
I really like the idea of a low fence, but I haven't found the right one yet. I think I might go back and start playing with fences again though.
(As though I'd ever let that stop me.)
I honestly didn't think this house could be tamed. The sim I was building it for was a fighter pilot-in-training -- because chicks dig fighter pilots -- and he wanted an exercise room with a great view. I interpreted this to mean "gimme a house with a glass wall facing the beach so I can see when all the lovely ladies in swimsuits to whom I can show off my pecs are around."
But while I was building, I kept coming up with neat ideas that I wanted to keep for the final design, except that the size or shape that resulted would constantly interfere with the basic requirement to have a big exercise room on the second floor with a glass wall facing the beach. And I just couldn't bring myself to scrap all these ideas to start over with a new design. I was ready to just save the house to the bin to be continued later for a different sim, when, after sleeping on it, I resolved to give it one last go.
And I managed to pull it off. The exercise room isn't as big as I'd like, and the house actually inspired a slight change to the sim's story (he got a teenage daughter for some reason) (by slight I meant significant). But I'm happy with the result.
Anyway, you didn't come to this thread to read a story, you came for purty pictures. Let's rock!
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8374/8492959294_203272f5f5_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8492959294/)
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8248/8491859247_c8a226bba6_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8491859247/)
I'm still not keen on the roof shape, but it was the best I could come up with. The glass wall wasn't looking right, and got reduced to a few windows instead. I should probably put some shrubs or something on the right side. Landscaping wasn't a priority with this house since it took up so much of the lot anyway, and besides, there's a gigantic beach in front, and a gigantic grassy hill out back. Who needs yard?
The catwalk in back connecting the two bedrooms amuses me for no apparent reason.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8227/8492959148_bf866db9dd_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8492959148/)
Main floor, complete with the Randall family: single father and military-man Mike and his rebellious daughter Chelsea. That feels stereotypical now that I think back on it. Oh well.
I find open plans a bit trickier to decorate than enclosed rooms, but I think I pulled this off OK. Although the kitchen looks a little bare looking at it from this angle. I'll have to find something to put on the wall.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8382/8491859295_f0159987fb_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8491859295/)
I'm pretty happy with the upper floor. For some reason Chelsea always uses the deck table to do her homework on, despite having a desk in her room. I did manage to achieve a decent view from the treadmill:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8105/8491859165_de72830c7a_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8491859165/)
Not quite what I was going for, but it'll do.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8089/8492958932_bda42ec88e_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8492958932/)
I made up for the loss of workout space by giving Mike plenty of floor space in his bedroom for a morning workout, complete with floor-to-ceiling mirror for him to inspect his muscles. Apparently he's a bit vain.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8386/8491858811_22a7eac56d_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8491858811/)
Chelsea's room. I have nothing to add.
That's all for today. I'd like to leave you with a shot of Mike driving his invisible truck to work:
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8371/8492959206_35b0917453_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8492959206/)
I recently picked up Pets and World Adventures, and ever since installing them my game has become pathetically slow at loading graphics. I've turned the detail down, but it still takes forever to load models, and three forevers for textures. I am disappoint.
Also three horses showed up on my driveway one afternoon and hung out all night. What's up with that?
Keoni - great house, I love it! :) Looks good for a guy who wants to mack on zee ladies. :D
(I bet WA is your culprit, I think it's a horrible juice hog. Have you emptied your caches and all that since installing?)
@Keoni - with Pets installed there will be a herd of wild horses in town. Mostly they stick by the fishing spots, but sometimes they'll roam around a bit.
@Keoni - with Pets installed there will be a herd of wild horses in town. Mostly they stick by the fishing spots, but sometimes they'll roam around a bit.
And then they eat you plants, and this is why most simmers use fences. Zombies and horses eating plants make it hard to garden. :P
It's not the fact that there are wild animals, it's that three horses decided my driveway was the hot spot for the night. One of them kept trying to interact with Chelsea while she was on the deck doing her homework, the others kept somehow digging vegetables out of the asphalt. I dislike gardening anyway, so they may munch away at whatever plants they find.
Also I keep hearing dogs barking but for the life of me can never find any. Not that this house needs any animals, but I'd like to verify whether or not I'm looney.
Also I keep hearing dogs barking but for the life of me can never find any. Not that this house needs any animals, but I'd like to verify whether or not I'm looney.
Strays sometimes show up on sim's lots so there'll be a stray dog somewhere begging for attention, you can turn them off in the population settings or buy a gnome to keep them away.
Here are some photos of my Enchanted Garden. It is somewhat relaxed; it has a pond to fish in. I hope you get a good idea of what the garden looks like.
Size is 30 x 40 has plants from WA, SN and base game. All of the plants and fruit trees are at perfect; the money trees are from normal to great. There are spawners of alchemy insects and gems, along with spawners of random insects for enjoyment. The restrooms have showers and I don't know if I made the toilets and showers unbreakable.
You can of course make any changes desired and I hope everyone enjoys it. I know that it seems to attract a lot of sims to relax, read books, do homework, pratice magic, have water balloon or snowball fights. Fishing seems popular, the pond has fish that provide many (not all) of the alchemy fish. Sims have played music, danced and cast spells on others.
Overhead view of whole garden
Alchemy plants and some of the nectary grapes
view of pond with chess table
view of pond from opposite side
Restrooms and showers
Bee hives beside the restroom/shower and some money trees
Statutes with nectary grapes
This shows the chess table, but also the section of nectary grapes. Chess table has since been moved to other side of pond
Side view of the fountain area
Overhead view of the fountain area
I removed and added some photos to make it easier to get an idea of the garden for those who might want to download it.
I goofed and added the link to download it here. Was confused as to where it wa supposed to go. I am really sorry for doing so, and as soon as I can figure out how to do it, I will remove the attachment. Or if a modertor can tell me or do it, that would be of help. Both is possible, remove it then tell me how to do it.
We have a showboat thread for showcasing builds, I'll merge this thread with that one. The park looks great! :)
Thank you,
In the gallery I have I think 40 pictures (I'm not sure if I deleted some in that garden or the other one) but some are same area but from slightly differernt angles. It seems a small section of the right side of my photos are being cut off, probably due to the size my computer takes.
I wasn't sure where to put this at, I have one of my Midsummer Night's Dream garden ("offically" called Midsummer Night Dream Park due to lengh of name). I am going to put some of the pictures here with some new ones added as I changed a couple of things.
I think it is obvious I love flowers. ;D
Built in Sunset Valley on 180 Redwood Pkwy
Lot Size: 40x30
Ground floor: Kitchen, dinning room, living area with fireplace, living area with TV, bathroom and study. Garage with chemistry table and the Scraptronic Workbench.
1st floor: Master bedroom, boys room and teen girls room. Bathroom, sketch room, recreational area and roof terrace.
Outdoors: Gardening area, pool, deck area with hot tub and grill.
Midsummer's NightDream Park
I created this park to have a slightly formal look. It is on a 40 x 40 lot All of the plants and fruit trees are from the base game, SN, WA and Seasons. All are at perfect, except the money trees, I think some are normal to very nice.
The grapes for the nectary are in one set section, as is the plants for the alchemy and then the "regular" plants, tomatoes, potatoes and such. Life fruit is at the end where the fountain is, there are flame fruit I think at the beginning, but not sure.
Different fruit trees are around the sides, one from WA countries along with apple and lime trees.
If anyone is interested, please enjoy and make any changes you want, the restrooms have showers and I can't remember if I made the showers, toilets and sinks unbreakable.
Overview in daytime
Beehives, trees and some veggies in corner
Front entrance with patio area
section with nectar grapes
Overview of center area
Patio and bar area in evening
Fairy play area
Fairy area in front entrance
Nap time
Corner area of patio in back section
This is another view of the patio section and fairy area thought I had the bee hives here, but remembered that is in the Enchanted Garden
I hope this gives a better view of the park/garden.
Same mistake as with the other garden. I put the attachememt for it to be downloaded here instead of the swap shop and I am really sorry for doing so. If someone can tell me how to remove that I will do so, or do it and then tell me how I would that I'd appreciate it.
Janna, I love your park. Really beautiful work. 8) Looking forward to seeing in the Swap Shop.
I absolutely love this house and would like to see more of the interior if you would care to share. I don't know how you can use so many different roof type and have it look so seamless and beautiful.
Thanks, KJSinclair!
It's the biggest house I've ever built and took me forever! I had a lot of trouble with the roof too.
Here's some pictures:
It's on the exchange but I'm not sure what the forum rules are for that so I'm not posting a DL link.
Oh my gosh, that is simply stunning. Love it!
Thank you, am glad you liked it. I am going to do a final check on it and Enchanted Garden and then put them on the Swap Shop. Ms. Flynn graciously sent me some info on sending it there in case I had any problems; it is easy for me to get confused with computers, just not my area, so I was glad to have another source besides what is given here.
Added the showers to the restrooms as everyone thought it was a good idea. Outdoor showers was a bit high for me to buy right now, have to buy a package (set, bundle ?) to get them so they are on hold.
What on earth did I build.
(As if little things like that would stop me from doing so)
If you have sensitive eyes, this apartment may not be for you. Everything is black in this tower.
The living room, with bookcase, HDTV, a video games console and two sofas.
The kitchen is actually quite good for that of a starter.
The bedroom, complete with Bacon Bed.
This is the small but functional bathroom.
And finally, the floor plan.
The lot size is 40X40, and the cost is §15,849.
I think it contains content from all EPs and SPs except Supernatural, Katy Perry and 70's, 80's and 90's stuff, and some store content.
So much beautiful building has been done while I was away! I can't wait to go back through all I've missed!
My new house.
Oceanside Chill
Welcome to the forum Eddie! Your house looks amazing. Could you please put it on the swap shop so we can enjoy playing with it?
Thanks, bubbles. I'll check out the rules for the swap shop and see if I can upload. :)
Hey guys. Sorry for not being here a while... Minecraft... lol.
Anyways Eddy awesome houses. But don't some of them have CC? (Custom Content) Some of the lights, windows etc seem a little off from the usual. Or maybe I've just missed one Stuff / Expansion pack too many?
Nope, no CC and no stuff packs either. My computer has it hard enough running the EP's. Some of the windows are placed with Moveobjects onthough so maybe that's what seems different?
I think I was able to download the gardens (Enchanted Garden and Midsummer's Night Dream Park) to the swap shop, is there a way to find out? Can anyone tell me if it is there? I do hope that it makes it, in case someone wants it.
Janna, do you mean our Swap Shop here? There doesn't appear to be a post by you. When you upload anything here, all you have to do is make a post in the appropriate section (houses and lots) then at the bottom before you hit post, there is a line saying attachments and other options. Hit that to expand it and there will be a search box where you can look for your file on your computer (if you have saved your lot to share, the file should be in the Exports folder, in your Sims 3 folder, in the My Documents folder) When you have the file name and location in that box, hit post and the forum will make a copy here for people to download.
Yes, the swap shop here. I had posted a bit back, on page 125 of my two gardens. Enchanted Garden has a pond in the center with plants on three sides and the Midsummer's Night Dream Park is in a square type spiral. Walk the path that has plants lined up on each side to the center where there is a fountain. I have photos of them here to show and get some feedback on improvements.
I saved the gardens in the share and then here I clicked on the reply, went to attachments, the, sims 3 folder in the Documents, where I found the Export file. clicked on that and saved it to post; there is a paperclip at the end of the row of pictures.
Just not sure if that means the garden will show up for anyone. First time every doing this, so a little insecure :-[ that I am doing it wrong. When I clicked on it, it went to the launcher, stated it was downloaded but that was all I saw. Clicked on okay, but nothing happened. Not sure if it is because I already have it on my computer saved with the game or I am doing something wrong.
Ahh, yes I see it. However this thread is not for adding files, this thread is for just sharing pictures to get feedback. You need to start a new thread in the Swap Shop and add it there.
Oppps, sorry. I will delete it and do that. Post there, not here, got it.
ummmm, how can I delete it? Clicked on it to delete it, the attachment, and it didn't work, highlighted it and tried to delete, that didn't work. Do I need to delete the whole post and redo the pictures? How do I delete it? Sorry to be so much trouble.
If you click the "Modify" option at the top of your post, you should be able to remove the attachment, and then save the modified post.
I tried that. Opened it like I was going to add something (used modifly) and highlighted it, it still wouldn't go. Went even to the post and tried, althogth I know that doesn't wok, but still gave it a try.
Don't know of any other way to remove it.
Go to modify, highlight and click delete. I then tried opening up as if I was going to add something from the browser and it didn't work.
Stumped, hoping someone know how another way or the moderators can remove it. I was confused, sad to say, to where to post; I was so glad to figure out how to do so that I thought here. :-[ with the photos I have up.
Goofed up.
I removed the link for you. For future reference under the Attachments and Other Options there is a checklist for all currently attached files, you untick that box then save your post, it should remove the attachment then.
okay, thanks for the help in removing it and in letting know how to do it if I even need to. And I am really sorry I put the link here. I have it at the correct location, the swap shop area. Hope people like and wouldn't mind suggestions if they have any.
Hi people! I always build modern homes, but I had a go at a traditional style. Turns out, this is the best home I've ever built!!!
This is a witch/wizard's house. It is called the Mystic Misery.
The exterior:
The ground floor:
The kitchen area:
The Alchemy table:
The dining area (notice the sliding bookshelf):
The reading area:
The bathroom:
The hidden room. There is a glitch with the lighting sorry:
The bedroom:
Another angle:
Top view(1st floor):
Top view(2nd floor):
Notice the fact that the bedroom is partially hidden in the first screenshot? That is because I don't want the bedroom to be even known about by guests. I also plan on making the sliding bookshelf locked to everyone but me.It costs 62,596.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, any constructive criticism is welcome.
Didn't want to make a house. Just wasn't in the mood. But none of the available homes in... what's the name of the town that comes with Pets? That one. None of the available homes there really suited my needs, and I wasn't confident I could adaquately remodel them. So I built.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8232/8578219688_8bceacb6c4_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8578219688/)
I don't like where the driveway is, but I completely forgot about it until I'd already finished building. Again. So it's going to stay there until I think of a better place for it. Also I forgot to put dirt in the orchard. Whoops. Just pretend that spot is brown.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8530/8578219466_9ba1e509f8_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8578219466/)
The main floor of the house. You can't see it, but the walls are a bit bare in this picture. Fortunately, the young lady my sim had been courting just happened to be an artist. Lucky break that.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8245/8578219298_1347294391_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8578219298/)
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8379/8577116943_d3e05b423c_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116943/)
I eventually made room for a stereo in the living room.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8245/8578219114_43ccd55182_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8578219114/)
Here's the upper floor, with our artist at work.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8098/8577116757_4bab8c526b_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116757/)
A private museum was one of the requirements for this house, so here it is. I left some space for a second blessed sarcophagus whenever I find the last piece.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8506/8577116655_35a97af66e_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116655/)
I like this master bedroom. I don't know why, it's just my favourite bedroom of all the ones I've ever built.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8371/8577116387_61138a75a9_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116387/)
Another requirement was a basement storage area. The room behind the stairs is locked to everyone. I use it to hold on to items which, for various reason, I want to keep, but don't want anyone interacting with. Cursed sarcophagi, for example, and nectar bottles found in tombs. Historically interesting, but I don't really want anyone drinking it.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8516/8577116333_479ecfa251_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116333/)
The nectar cellar below the "garage". Apparently I forgot to take a photo of the garage, but It's just a couple nectar making machines anyway (the final requirement).
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8527/8577116275_e8cb692c4d_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93261289@N06/8577116275/)
Finally, the orchard after things actually started growing. I still hate gardening, but I wanted to experiment with nectar making.
Nectar Garden
Any and all suggestions, recommendations are welcome. I am building this specifically for a nectary garden. I am hoping I can make one that will be of interest to those who like to make nectar. I personally don't have any interest in making nectar so I am trusting in those who do to give me some guidance in what to have or not have in the garden.
This is almost the finished products, I have a few finishing touchs and then I will be ready to put it up in the swap shop. I had realized that this is not only a garden, but also a park and what is a park without trees, so I added some trees, hope it looks nice with them.
I haven't added any fish, butterflies or other insects or gems. I will add those when I have the garden finished.
When I post it on the Swap Shop I will give more specifics, but naturally with it being nectar it is WA, but also has some SN in it, along with MV. Not sure about anything else. Will provide it all when it is ready to be downloaded.
On a side note, does anyone know why or how to fix it where the grass seems to run over the sidewalk onto the road?
A full overview of the garden
The grapes with a small piece of the beehives
Another view of the grapes
The front entrance with the patio, the fairy play area and you can see the fairy house in the corner
here is a different view of the patio and a view of the nectary building, which I have shrunk down and added the storage cases.
The fairy play area
a view of the fairy house at the front entrance of the garden
you can see the pond here and also the beehives
here is a different view of the pond and another small patio area. You can just see the tip of the second fairy house. Thought I had a photo of it but must not have downloaded it.
Again a different view of the pond and a slight look at the fairy house.
Hope those who are interested in a nectar garden will like this. I have added some other plants, veggies, mixed in around the other plants, under trees, flowers, near rocks.
Let me know if there is anything that needs changing.
Hello to all my friends.I build again :D Here are my new Fantasy houses.
Agneza the houses are so cute! They look so pretty in the snow. Much nicer than anything I could do.
I absolutely love what you did with the roof shapes! Are you going to upload them to the swap shop? I'd love to see more pictures.
Thank you Andy and Chuckles :D Yellow house you can finde on EA page- Agnezawars studio.For Swap shop I must make new photos and finish the blue one.
Agneza I just love your new Fantasy Houses . Really love the roof lines and the colors are just so perfect for the style . Just amazing as usual . So happy to see your work again . :)
Janna, the garden looks really good! I personally like how you made it nice and well-rounded with all the decor and it's very fairy-friendly. I wouldn't call it too busy at all. I think it looks beautiful. All of the tables around are good too for when people drink the nectar. Now if only I could add this to my town for my nectar-making heirs! Sigh.
Thank you,
I have had fun building this garden. I am still working on the Culinary Garden, designed specifically for chefs. I am working on two different sizes so not sure which one I will present. One will be smaller, 20 x 30 I think and the other is 30 x 30. I will have all of the veggies and fruits that are listed in the recipes and three small ponds with spawners for the fish also in the recipes; anchovies, salmon and lobster. I also have deathfish as I think that is needed for another recipe; not sure, but figured it would be nice anyhow. Three omini plants will be with the money trees.
I am adding one fruit tree each of the ones not needed along with some grapes, but they will be placed so that those who do not have WA will not find a gap. Same with the mushrooms for the recipes from SN, they are planted so that those who don't have that pack won't have a gap.
Hi all,
I built this as a dynasty house, but the dynasty crumbled early on. But I really like the house, it was one of the best I'd ever made. I'm thinking of putting it on Swap Shop, because I've still got the file. I'd like to see what you all think of it first and then I'll make the finishing improvements :)
I call it 'The Wedge of Cheese' (after the dynasty)
Ground floor. Kitchen, living area and dining area.
First floor. Two double bedrooms.
Second floor. Child's room, nursery, bathroom and a room that is yet to be decorated.
There is also a studio (the little building beside the house) and a third floor, which doesn't have any stairs yet.
It's looking really good, Janna! You have a talent for balancing form and function.
Janna, All I can say is WOW. You've done a beautiful job.
With all the plants and fishes it's like one stop shopping. :)
Thank you, it has been fun and frustrating for both.
I am a bit OCD, so things have to be in rows or groups, yet not be so formal that it looks like a military formation.
The trees I try to spread out to not only be of use in whatever it is needed for but to also provide shade.
I need to take out some of the street lights in both but in the culinary one put one near the garden so there will be light for night time harvesters.
I am wondering if I can connect the lake and ocean ponds; it will give more patio room and space to walk. Can those be mixed and will it affect the look and getting the desired fish? My sim has all of the recipes except the ones from Egypt and ambrosia. So if I have missed any items please let me know and I can add them.
I deleted the first garden as there have been so many changes that it didn't fit with most of the photos.
Renaming it to Chef's Cornuopia Garden
Base game, WA, SN, SEA
This garden has all of the plants needed in all recipes from those packs. There are no custom contents, mods or anything else with this garden. Just what is found in games.
There are special plants, of beef patties, steak, cheese and egg plants. There are money trees and two omini plants. A section has been left open in the center for any plants to be added by those who have other expansions.
The ponds, the larger one has the lake and ocean fish, the one by the restroom has deathfish and the one at the front of the garden is the frog pond. I believe that all of the fish needed have been provided.
The restrooms have showers and I believe that all has been made unbreakable, but not self-cleaning.
I hope that if anyone decides to download this garden they enjoy it and find what they need here.
Here you can see the garden with the patio and restrooms, the patio has been changed from previous.
This is the combined lake and ocean pond. It also shows the new patio area
The two other ponds, the one with the brambles is the deathfish pond. The frog pond is near the restroom at the front entrance. You can also see the new patio area that became available when I changed the ponds.
There isn't a whole lot done here, except the frog pond is more at the front, and there is a section of lounge chairs in that area.
It may not show here, I probably added them after I took this photo, but hid among the brambles are alchemy plants.
This gives a good view of the plants in the garden. Among the trees are the speciality plants, egg, cheese, steak and others. Also around the trees are mushrooms. If you don't have SN, it will just leave a blank spot I think. There are at the end of the rows trees from WA.
This gives a different view of the ponds, patio areas and the garden. It doesn't show, but nestled among the flowers, near the rocks are plants from SN, so if you have that extension pack, you will find a lot of the alchemy plants here also.
I am posting this to the swap shop today, hopefully. This is more for those who will be cooking and want a specific garden for that.
Every time I look at this thread I am struck by the incredible creativity and talent of the builders in this forum. We all have access to the same building tools, and yet people come up with such a huge variety of buildings. I just want to commend you all and to say thanks for sharing your work here.
And special thanks to Snuffles, whose Cheese Wedge made me smile. I love the quirkiness of it. :)
Hello! I'm a terrible builder, and I am trying to build a large (huge) mansion for my current legacy. I often become bored of a build, so I'm looking for some help with inspiration. Ideas and tips, maybe? (Sorry for the bad screenies, they were taken in Build mode because its night time in game.
The house is suppose to be modern(ish), and is being built in Hidden Springs. I found inspiration for the outside from a thread on the official Sims 3 Website, but I did change it quite a lot.
And here are screenies of the house so far:
My new house " Dream modern house" I hope you like it ;)
More photos here :http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Dream%20modern%20house?page=1&_suid=136456477622103728907835066892 (http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Dream%20modern%20house?page=1&_suid=136456477622103728907835066892)
Wow Agneza ! This is just so brilliant . Your talent just blows me away . It must have taken a lot of time to do such detail in everything . I really love those black window that stick out of the building . Would you mind sharing which ones they are with me . I would love to have them too . Love all the roof lines as well . Amazing work ! Bravo ! ;D
It look awesome Agneza! I'm so glad you build again. ;D
Wow Agneza, that house is stunning. Very nice. Will you share some inside shots with us too?
Thank you my friends, it was not so easy after half a year and two heart attacks. My mother and father passed because of a heart attack. I was really very sick. I build again though. :) But I need more time than before because I feel very tired after two, three hours.Thank you for your friendship I appreciate it very, very much. Thank You!
Twinmum-I do it for you.Wait a moment please :)
This is a kitchen
One part of living room:
Master bedroom:
You can download this house from my EA studio-Agnezawars.I'm very glad you like it.
Agneza, it's so nice to see you back in the forum! You've had a rough time and I'm very glad to hear you're feeling better.
You sure haven't lost any of your talent for creating the most incredible buildings. :D
Just as I thought, the interior is just as lovely as the exterior!
Glad to hear you are felling a bit better Agneza, take care.
That's just lovely, Agneza! I'm happy to see you back.
I like the inside a LOT. I'm not into modern homes, the older the more I like them, but the inside of this one is so appealing it makes me want to rethink about doing a blendng, if possible of the old with the new. It is really nice on the outside too; it sounds weird, but if the modern style was the type I liked this would be one I would want. Does that make sense?
What expansion packs did you use in this? I saw items that I don't recognize so I'm figuring they are from ones I don't have. *Sigh*
It look fantastic Agneza! Take care of yourself. :)
What a wonderful house Agneza! We're all glad to see you back and feeling (a bit) better.
I decided to finally play a Vampire sim, and wanted a nice big manor-type house for her to live in, but was too lazy to build from scratch, so I did a total remodel of the Goth house in Moonlight Falls, the one with the three ghosts. Helen Hall still lives with my Vamp Sim, Valerie Ellesmere, and they have since adopted two cats. Here are some shots of the remodeled house. I left the exterior mostly the same, just changed the doors and windows, added a small gazebo for indoor gardening, and built a small graveyard area behind the garage for the graves of the resident ghosts. The inside was completely redone, only the staircases stayed the same.
Main Floor:
Second Floor:
Third Floor:
Thank You my dear friends, It's so nice to see You remember me :D Here is my Festival park I builded it for Aurora Sky but it fix very well in other worlds.Lot size is 40x40
Big hugs to all my friends :D
Wow Agneza ! What a beautiful park . I love each season , they're so nice and colorful . You are the master of building . Amazing ! :)
I agree, all I can saw is WOW, is there a way to download it? I don't have one yet for AS, not sure how much I will play there, but it will make it nicer to have a good festival place to go to. The only thing I would change is anything that is colored pink :) I really, really, don't like that color. Yellows, blues, lilacs, anything but pink
Agneza, it's simply beautiful! I tried to make a festival lot for my current town (sunlit tides) but my game is glitched with building right now, so I'd love to use yours instead if I could...? Just a quick question about spring: did you include the horseshoes game and flower spawners?
It's so nice see you again Pallyndrome ;D. In this park I play, but is very simple change everything what you like.I like it, because is smaller than orginal parks and everything works well. :D
thanks Agneza, it's nice to see you too. :)
could I download this wonderful festival lot of yours?
Wow Agneza, that is amazing! It is great to see you are better now and building again.
thanks Agneza, it's nice to see you too. :)
could I download this wonderful festival lot of yours?
I am sure that Agneza has uploaded her festival lot on her studio on the official website. Link here (http://www.thesims3.com/userExchange.html?selectedAsstType=all&persona=Agnezawars).
Oh yes there it is, downloading now. You have such a talent for sims building, Agneza!
Thank you my friends, it was not so easy after half a year and two heart attacks. My mother and father passed because of a heart attack. I was really very sick. I build again though. :) But I need more time than before because I feel very tired after two, three hours.Thank you for your friendship I appreciate it very, very much. Thank You!
I just wanted to say that I haven't been around for nearly as long as lot of people here, but I have already come to love your buildings, and have downloaded many that you have on the swap shop here. Your buildings are fabulous! So when I saw this, I wanted to send good thoughts for good health to you, and tell you how much your buildings have enriched my game! Thank you!
(and I love the new one too!)
Your modern house, Agneza, was wonderful. I'm completely enthralled by the modern style construction and your build kept the basic design of what a modern house should be. Lots of natural light, smooth walls, and efficiency. I enjoyed looking at the inside. The color scheme all fit together nicely.
Fortheloveofcake (great name by the way "Cake! Everybody loves cake!") I like this house a lot. Looks like a mini castle. Especially with the muted tones in the common areas. Great build.
On the link, for the festivals, clicked on it and it says, Oppps, can't follow your request (can't put quotes marks as it may not be exact working, but close). So, is it on the swap shop site where I can download it? It is beautiful, love the arrangments of all of the items, tables, food stands and such.
Edited: seems I need to say oppps, ;D I meant to say can't instead of can
Agneza, That is a beautiful park. I just started a game in Aurora Sky so this was good timing for me. :)
I finished blue fantasy house. There are master bedroom,two bathrooms,room for baby and room for child.In the basement is small swimmingpool.I hope you like this colorfull house :)
The bad news,I lost all my towns,and few unfinished houses today :'(
Agneza, the house is beautiful. I am sad to hear you lost so much though - are you sure you don't have backups?
What a lovely house! Perfect gypsy/fairy cottage. Sorry to hear about losing so much of your work!
Agneza, you continue to astound! I adore your use of colour and proportion. You always chose just the right furniture to reinforce the shapes and lines.
I love the house Agneza, it is so beautiful. The colors are awesome!
I'm sorry you loose some of your houses and towns.
Awesome use of colors, Agneza. I just love it!
I love this Fantasy and wild coloured style. Some people try and fail when they build a house like this, but you did a great job, Agneza!
Today, I'm going to have a house frenzy! I found some pictures on the gallery of some of the house I built a while back and thought I would share them with the forum.
Welcome to Victoria Farmhouse (Or something like that, I can't remember the actual name.)
Bedrooms: 4
The view of a bird of the house, garden and surrounding area in Appaloosa Plains.
The floorplan of the first floor.
The floorplan of the ground floor.
And finally, a view from the back of the house.
Later I will post another house of two on this thread.
I am open for comments as I am always looking to improve my building.
Hello my friends,I builded new Golden Chappel. Hope You like it :) Thanks for nice comments ;)
You must have the Midas touch Agneza, everything you build is golden! Another amazing job :D
Simply gorgeous, Agneza! The colours work so fantastically together and everything just blends. Amazing :)
I have got to say, wow! Everyones buildings are so cool.
I am just posting a few I made for a tribe map I created a while ago - sadly I have lost all of it now. However every tribe was made so it could be entirely self sufficient and as natural as I could possibly be. i.e. no ovens, tvs, fridges etc.
Tribe - 1
- close up -
Tribe - 2
- close up -
Tribe - 3
- close up -
- close up -
Sorry for the amount of screen shots guys, but I hope you liked them!
Those are all wonderfully unique. I love all the different styles of cabins that you have built. If you still had it, the only thing I would suggest that could help, is that there is another wall covering that shows the ends of the logs.
I've also had a fun day building, and, not content to only show it off in my own thread, I thought I'd share here too. It's my very first mansion. I've done lots and lots of building, but never anything huge before.
Wow Chuckles, Your mansion looks great. I love it.
SO much great work! Agneza, as always your work is epic!
@ Agneza - Your chapel looks awesome . The decor is just marvelous . What a creation !
@ Chuckles_82 - I just love your mansion . Brilliant ! Build lots more .
@ Lilibuth12 - Your cabins are just lovely . Great work !
All look awesome! Love the colors Agneza. :)
Hello Ladies and Gents. I made us a nice little formal garden based very, very broadly on Kew Gardens here in sunny London. Next will be a less formal, more woodland-y garden. Am very glad to be back to building!
My first thought? Oh, WOW! Awesome!
Looking for some advice on the exterior for a modern house:

As you can see, it's pretty sparse - no pun intended. No screenshoots of the back of the house; it's largely flat.
This is my first major attempt using ConstrainFloorElevation, and I gotta say, while it's certainly handy, I don't think it's something I'll be utilizing on a regular basis.It could just be that I've netted about 6 hours of sleep, total, in the past 48, but I'm pretty sure I have bald spots on the sides on my head from trying to figure out the U-shaped stairs alone (and that was even using a video from the SimSupply on youtube). We're not even going to talk about the garage/walkway/stairs mess. Really. That garage is hideous inside. It's a good thing Sims never actually have to go -into- the garages...
Though I may have just been struck by a solution....
Right then. Back to the part where I ask for help.
About the only thing set in stone is the retaining wall (that pun intended)(inspired by another video on The SimSupply, this one called, aptly enough, "Retaining Wall")(It's seriously really easy to make, though. No Acrostacking involved.)(Parenthetical statements!), though looking closer at it, I need to go back in behind the rocks with terrain paints. The landscaping in front of the garage is... acceptable, I suppose, though it was sort of a slapdash job. A sort of "how does this look?" experiment which, while not entirely satisfactory, will do in a pinch.

While there's a fair amount of space to the front and right of the house, the left and back pretty much abut the property lines. Since it isn't immediately obvious, I will clarify that that is a pool behind the garage. I was working off of this plan, with some minor tweaks:
http://goo.gl/4l6kk (http://goo.gl/4l6kk) (leads to eplans.com; it was just a huge URL)
Some things I'm considering and would like opinions on:
- Rooftop Garden (above garage).
- "Zen" Garden to the house's right (problem: no immediate access).
- Changing the floor tile for the roofs, patios, and courtyard
- Adding a back door (less of a consideration and more of a "do this;" it fronts the beach, for crying out loud!).
- Changing the stone to white "stucco" and the windows from white to black.
- Figure out a way to change up the back of the house so that there's entertaining space back there. Possibly replace "bed 2" (see the plan linked above) with a patio?
Things on the to-do list. Also open for debate:
- Actually work on the interior! (okay, so this one's not really debatable >>)
- Figure out something to do about the fence between the garage and the house. Because the garage makes heavy use of ConstrainFloorElevation, pretty much my only option was to use a fence. But it's ugly. This could possibly by solved by doing the penultimate item on the considerations list?
- Add a back door. Match the garage door to the house doors/windows.
- Move the second floor deck to the back to capitalize on beachfront views.
- Remove the garage door. Double-up on the left wall to mirror the right and back walls. Leave as carport.
That is all I can think of right now. Now I just wait for my infant nephew to stop screaming and fall asleep so that I, too, can fall asleep.
Edited like eighteen million times for grammar/syntax.
I'm no expert on modern builds but I do like the look of the house. I think adding a door, prefably of the living area would be a good idea. It looks like the area around the pool is rather small, and if you added a door to the living area you could make the house more easy to play and more effective when holding parties.
The retaining wall is great and maybe you should work with that in the garden next to the house. A modern look in a garden is lots of different green plants and rocks, I think that could work with this house.
Using the topiary plant in front of the garage instead of the evergreen, I think it would give it a more contemporary feel. Also, maybe just make the planters 1x2 and remove the lavender?
We have a thread called The Official Building/Remodeling Showboat Thread for sharing builds and seeking advice on them. I'm going to move this to that thread.
We have a thread called The Official Building/Remodeling Showboat Thread for sharing builds and seeking advice on them. I'm going to move this to that thread.
See, I almost put this here, and then figured since it was a "Showboat" thread I should wait until I was finished? I don't know. I'm on day three of my body deciding it needed to wake me up after three hours of sleep, and I'm really getting tired of it...
The upside of this sleep deprivation? I have built like, five houses in three days...
Some things I'm considering and would like opinions on:
- Rooftop Garden (above garage).
- "Zen" Garden to the house's right (problem: no immediate access).
- Changing the floor tile for the roofs, patios, and courtyard
- Adding a back door (less of a consideration and more of a "do this;" it fronts the beach, for crying out loud!).
- Changing the stone to white "stucco" and the windows from white to black.
- Figure out a way to change up the back of the house so that there's entertaining space back there. Possibly replace "bed 2" (see the plan linked above) with a patio?
Things on the to-do list. Also open for debate:
- Actually work on the interior! (okay, so this one's not really debatable >>)
- Figure out something to do about the fence between the garage and the house. Because the garage makes heavy use of ConstrainFloorElevation, pretty much my only option was to use a fence. But it's ugly. This could possibly by solved by doing the penultimate item on the considerations list?
- Add a back door. Match the garage door to the house doors/windows. DONE
- Move the second floor deck to the back to capitalize on beachfront views. DONE
- Remove the garage door. Double-up on the left wall to mirror the right and back walls. Leave as carport. DONE It seriously looks ten times better now.
I've made some improvements to the exterior paint and footprint. Wrapped the retaining wall along the side and the back of the house, opening up more space for planters.
I read... somewhere... on this forum about making raised planters, but Light knows where it was? I think it was in somebody's Dynasty story, truth be told...
I love the house, it looks so welcoming I know I want to have it.
The only changes I would make is when you enter the house - by the stairs - I would put a couple of chairs for a visitor to sit in; that annoying salesperson that you make the mistake of letting into the house.
On the other side, I would turn that room into a study/library; but I am the type that all houses should have a library/study in it.
You threw me at first when you said first floor and I saw bedrooms, and I was going you put bedrooms on the first floor? They go on the second floor, then realized from the ground floor identification of how different countries, areas have different names for the floor of homes. ;D
To make a raised planter you put down a piece of foundation, add one of the low border fences to the sides and put a good blank carpet on for flooring. The carpet can then be recolored to the earth tone of your choice. Then you just add plants using MOO (move objects on cheat).
To make a raised planter you put down a piece of foundation, add one of the low border fences to the sides and put a good blank carpet on for flooring. The carpet can then be recolored to the earth tone of your choice. Then you just add plants using MOO (move objects on cheat).
That's so obvious I'm annoyed with myself that I didn't figure it out on my own. /grump
Moving on, I used platforms rather than foundations to make the beds below. The foundation is, frankly, just too high. But the platform edges are really quite ugly:

I could have sworn you were able to change the platform edges, but when I try, I just get the "thunk" sound. Am I misremembering, or am I doing something wrong?
(While I have, largely, adhered to the "green on green" policy, I couldn't pass up the yellow lilacs. Lilacs are my favorite flower, and yellow is this Sim's favorite colour.)
You should be able to wallpaper the edge of the platform, and then recolor the wallpaper... I think. Let me check.
EDIT: Yes that's how you do it.
You should be able to wallpaper the edge of the platform, and then recolor the wallpaper... I think. Let me check.
EDIT: Yes that's how you do it.
Aha! My fences were getting in the way!
I could have sworn you were able to change the platform edges, but when I try, I just get the "thunk" sound. Am I misremembering, or am I doing something wrong?
I think the little wooden "fences" you have on the platforms are preventing you from painting the edges. Try removing the fences, painting the platform edges, and then putting the fences back on. :)
I've been working on this HUGE house ever since I got Supernatural and somehow the project has grown from just being about creating a colonial style house in Moonlight falls to this massive thing.
I'm going to enter it into a building competition on the official forum but wanted to share it with you guys first. It's almost, almost done. All I have left are finishing up the kids room upstairs and redoing some of the garden since I had to move it to a larger lot for the contest.
Anyway, I just wanted to get some feedback if you see something that looks completely out of place or have some suggestion to make it even better. Sorry about the grid, but it takes ages to load so I took the pictures in build mode straight from edit town.
This is the view from the road, it's on a 64x64 lot so it's massive (expensive too, you'll need midas touch or a ID purse to get your hands on it). One of the requirements was a front porch. Do you thing the porch I made is enough? I couldn't come up with a better way to fit a porch to this style.
This is the overview of the lot. The garage and pool area are complete, the grove of trees in the right hand corner has a wedding arch with a beatiful backdrop and a "secret garden" on the back with a bonfire. I'm also happy about the pond and the trees lining the drive way (part of the original design and one thing I won't remove). What's left is the vegetable garden now that university has added so many new plants... I'm keeping the BBQ area as it is and there is a fire pit by the tree house.
The ground floor. You enter and there's the stairwell. To the right is a formal dining room with professional bar, eat in kitchen with access to BBQ patio. Then comes the family room with the royal play area and fireplace/computer. Basically somewhere for kids and teens to hang out away from the grownups. Doors lead you to the large garden library where you can enjoy views of the garden, and play chess.
The left part of the floor is taken up by the formal living room with grand piano and plenty of seating (there's even a tiny dance floor so you can practice your club dancing at home) and a pool table area. Plus a powder room and laundry room.
I am really happy with how the house turned out. I forgot to mention there are lots of pet objects for cats, dogs and birds.
The second floor is slightly smaller and has 4 bedrooms with room for 2 sims each plus a nursery. A lavish master bedroom with a bathroom suite almost as large as the room itself, a generous guest/second bedroom, a teenage girls room with own fireplace that has 2 beds, a fun packed kids room with 2 beds and the tiny nursery that has all the basic toddler objects. All bedrooms save the nursery has an en suite. There is also a room geared especially to teens, with huge TV and video game controllers and some arcade games. And don't forget the reading nook that overlooks the entrance.
The last image is the layout of the l-shaped house by the pool. It houses the garage a rec/game room with ping pong table, dart board, drums and guitar and of course a juice keg. A guest suite/in-law suite with en suite and a powder room for people using the pool with potty for toddler of course. And a large artist studio with aisles and sculpting station. It has panorama windows and really deserves a better view. In Sunset Valley maybe? Around the pool there is just some chairs and a bar. I'm thinking of putting in a small hot tub. What do you think?
I would really love any feedback, and especially an answer to the two questions I put in bold font. I have to turn this in soon. Please help.
I really like this house! For the porch, the front porch does look kinda small, could you possibly add a railing to the edges of it to make it stand out a bit more?
As for the hot tub, I think the pool area looks pretty balanced as is. If you do add one, I would suggest moving the hopscotch game and putting the hot tub there.
Awesome work and good luck in the contest!
What I would do with the front porch is to add one or two squares of foundation to either side and add a second set of columns.Neoclassical holmes don't generally have large porches; rather they have a sort of ornate facade/entryway. What you've got going now is actually perfectly fine as far as these things go, but adding that second bit of definition wouldn't hurt you at all.
Additionally, I would recommend changing the roof facing above the columns to a flat white, or even one of the patterns in, um... "Wall Sets," with the sort of, um.. Sleep deprivation and Eddie Izzard are making thinking hard. The trays inset into the pattern itself.
Edit: Yes, I was right. They're in the "Wall Sets" section. They were either added in Ambitions, or Pets; the icons are too similar for me to differentiate.
Thanks for the comments guys.
@roguebait. I actually already had 2 sets of columns, only problem was you couldn't see it. I don't want to mess up my landscaping by starting to add foundations at this point, but I did move them so they became more visible, and I really like the result more. The entry looks more imposing and that's kind of what I wanted. Also I added that thing you meant, but I'm at a loss to how to make it look good. Maybe I'll just do the columns... I hav to mull it over. What's your opinion?
@fortheloveofcake - I switched fencing from the low border to the semi railing and I like the look a lot. Combined with moving the columns the entry/porch is now a lot more defined. I didn't want to move the hopscotch game, since I want it close to the other play equipment. I tried placing a hot tub next to the bar, but it just looked out of place. I think I'll scrap that idea and just let it be unless I get some other ideas that work better with my "vision".
Here's a pic of the new and improved entry - still undecided on the molding.
A look at how the new fence helped define the back porch.
And a peak at my secret garden, as you can see it's a little overgrown...
That really is a lot more defines, with the spacing how you have it. It looks much more in line with the images that come up for a Neoclassical search. I like it!
Front porch looks much better now! The double column really helped a lot :)
After some lovely help yesterday night I'm back for more. Does anyone have an idea for how I should recolor the area above the entry? Right now it's just white and dark grey, but I think something else is needed... Suggestions?
It's awesome. I mean, genuinely excellent. The only two things I'd change may well be impossible, since the interior is done. I don't like the way the windows don't line up with the dormers in the front and there is something... unsatisfying about the the roofs (rooves?!) on the two little sticky-outy rooms on the front. Could you make them flat with balustrade?
I would maaaaybe toss some more landscaping in near the pool.
I'd still call it amazing as it is, though. It's a real quality build, well thought through. I love your use of colour and tone and it's just overall a great project.
The windows I can change no problem. They already do line up in the back, don't know why I didn't see it in the front...
I'm unsure about the balustrade... would I need to put doors in to make them functional balconies? Because I don't think that'll fit the facade. But it kind of seems like wasted space. Or is this normal in this kind of building (we only have wooden houses where I'm from lol).
Also I changed the color over the entry to a softer grey and like it way more. Got the veg. garden ready and added some spawners. Now I'm going to see if I can spice up the pool area.
(This just shows how much you can do without store stuff - since I'm building it in my building contest file.)
Hey Salt
I think the porch looks lovely. I'd probably at the very least change the colour of the bit above to a soft cream colour to blend nicer with the house. White and grey look a little stark. I'd probably then make the columns the same shade of cream. But that's my personal opinion.
In the photo above, I can see you've added more windows. Can I just say that I think it looked better with less windows, but I do agree they need to line up with the dormers. Otherwise it kind of looks a little... off center. I personally don't like that style of window and rarely use it in my builds, but if you're happy with them, then cool :)
I definitely agree that there needs to be a little more landscaping near the pool. Maybe a nice shady tree and some plants/flowers. You could even add a nice rock border to soften the harsher lines of the pool area, and have a few ferns peeking out between the rocks.
I really love the upstairs colours. So light and airy! Downstairs looks a little dark due to the carpet/flooring? I really like how each room has its own themed colours. It's something I don't tend to do much, but really should because the overall effect is lovely!
I think a hot tub would add a nice touch to the pool area if you can fit one in without it looking crowded. On large mansions I always include a hot tub ;)
The only other thing I'd do differently is to soften the harsh straight lines somehow... especially around the landscaping. I guess I think in curves more than lines, personally hehe, and I love some gardens to have a slap-dash feel to them. Wild but neat... if that makes sense.
Other than that, I think it's an amazing build! You've spent a lot of time on it and it shows. I'm thoroughly impressed :D
Good luck with the competition and please let me know how you get on with it!
~ Neasha
Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinion. I'm working on some more planting and a hot tub area by the pool. I have so many new ideas flowing in from the great people at this forum so I'm getting inspired to build again.
I decided to go with the added windows, I like less windows myself but it looks of kilter. I agree that the windows are hard to work with, but I wanted to get a colonial feeling with shutters, and they were the only windows I thought looked nice with them.
I lightened the downstairs floors a smidgen, but still wanted to keep the dark wood color.
Of to do some extensive play testing and once I'm done I'll post an update.
I'm sorry for hogging the thread. I won't be much longer - I promise.
And then I'll come back and give feedback to anyone who want's it. It's so inspiring to have everyone chip in and give support when I'm working on such a massive project (going on almost 7 months now.... :o). It'll be nice when I'm done.
Anyway, after many kind comments and pm's this I've made some small changes. The columns and the area over the entrance are now a grey marble like the balustrade. I'm going with Odinsdottir's suggestion and have changed the roofs to flat. After some insightful comments from Neashleigh and Vinyl I've managed to create a hot tub area by the pool. And I think it's awesome!
Sharing some pics while my poor tester family are running around upgrading the appliances and filling the chests with treasures.
This is the new and improved front view. Maybe I need to darken the area over the entrance even more?
You might have noticed me moving the fairy castle, it's now by the tree house. It has it's own little secret glen and fits much better.
I'm very pleased with the pond that got some koi fish. I've also added butterfly, small bird, turtle and wild flower spawners. Turtles and birds since the house was built for someone interested in keeping them as pets.
Overview of lot, as you can see I have moved the gnubb set (gotta have one since I'm Swedish) and framed the pool area with even more shrubs. It game me room for a hot tub and some additional seating. I also did the garden.
Pretty standard and well spaced. Has all plants except life fruit and death flowers (I can't make it to easy).
Realized I hadn't shared a shot of the back, here you can see the porch that runs along the entire back side. The first floor has large floor to ceiling windows, and the views are great.
The new poolside area. Added a planting arrangement, seating and a moondail. Am liking it a lot.
Really like how this came out. Added some of the indoor plants such as two of the ivy ones with good results.
I welcome any comments...
Ok, finally I've had a chance to sit down and read the whole lot, and look carefully at the pictures! My first impression was just WOW! Going into detail, and keeping in mind it is just personal preference,
- I liked the peaked roof better, with less windows. There are some double windows that take up less space, that already have shutters - they look like a single window, and have a slight curve on the top. They may help line up with the windows above.
- For the roof above the porch, I'd try a wallpaper that has a baseboard, to help define and trim the lower edge. Also, you could place flat roof tiles underneath all the roofs. Then colour any edges that are showing, which also helps to give definition, and also if you take screen shots you won't see the world outside (if you haven't already).
- The new gardens match really well with the building style and flow nicely
- The only outdoor thing that stands out too much and doesn't match is the umbrella over the lounges by the pool area. I think an older style might suit it better.
- Indoors I love the layout and the colours. Personally I find it difficult to see what a house looks like from an overview, except to see that it has a functional layout - because I can't get a feel for each room at a quick glance, but looking closely the large spaces and fire places give it a luxurious feel.
- I love that the drive goes down the side of the house with the trees lining the sides, and the little area out the front right.
Good luck with the competition!
Good luck with the competition!
I'll be going over and tweaking some last things today, then I'm going to play test it some more (thanks Twinmum for reminding me to do it after I uploaded!). I can't be changing things any more - I'll never get done!
As soon as I've entered it into the competition I'll upload it here so you can have a look-see yourself. The Gallery is going to be jam-packed with pictures to show it all off.
Good luck on your competition ! All the tweaking you did to your lot looks great . That's a large lot to fill and you did an amazing job . Your landscaping looks awesome ! :)
Good luck on your competition ! All the tweaking you did to your lot looks great . That's a large lot to fill and you did an amazing job . Your landscaping looks awesome ! :)
Thanks! I've managed to load it to the exchange now I just have to take pictures. Can you imagien that I didn't even top §500,000 for it all? If we get a building contest with a minimum of 500,000 to spend it's going to be tough - because I've packed loads into this one and I'm still about §50,000 short.
I absolutely love this house! Could you post a link to it on the exchange, or do we have to wait until the contest is over?
I'm planning to post it here too, but wanted to take screenshots first. But my game kept crashing :(
Hopefully it's going to work today.
Fingers crossed your game doesn't completely die! Maybe make a backup like right now, just in case.
Just wanted to let everyone who helped me out know that you can view the finished product in the SwapShop. It's called the Ers'Ors Manor (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,15786.msg301534.html#msg301534).
If I had those expansion packs and my computer could handle it, I would be downloading it right now. I think it is just fantastic, wonderful, great, awesome. In other words, I really, really like it ;D
If I had those expansion packs and my computer could handle it, I would be downloading it right now. I think it is just fantastic, wonderful, great, awesome. In other words, I really, really like it ;D
Thank you. I know it's not for everyone. I don't think even I could actually play a game in it without serious freezing issues, but it was built to be a show house and I'm very happy about how it turned out.
Great build! Really. One lesson learned, huge houses are huge on the outside not the inside, maybe if I follow that philosophy I can complete that monster of a mansion I built. Thank you.
Great build! Really. One lesson learned, huge houses are huge on the outside not the inside, maybe if I follow that philosophy I can complete that monster of a mansion I built. Thank you.
You're welcome. My tip to you would be to divide the rooms and adding essentials such as beds, counters of a gym machine before you start decorating. It can be hard to keep focus on decorating the rooms when you have so many, so putting placeholders down to help you remember what the rooms will be for is a great tool to help you.
Also, don't be afraid to leave space for sims to move around and it can be a good idea to have at least one sim live on the lot while you are building. So that you can test if a sim can use an object asap. This is something I wish I had thought of...
Love the house, Salt. It's just smashing!
Love the house, Salt. It's just smashing!
I just wanted to share the happy news with everyone who helped me by giving me advice. I won the competition! thank you - without your support I don't think it would have been even half as good as it turned out to be! :-*
Congratulations Saltpastillen, It's a beautiful house and deserved to win. :)
Congratulations Saltpastillen, It's a beautiful house and deserved to win. :)
Thank you, it's the biggest house I ever made, so I'm rather proud of it!
Congratulations! It's so good when hard work plays off. I mean, pays off :D It shows what a really good job you did, and it's nice that others appreciate that too!
Congratulations on the win! Your house turned out really beautifully so you deserve it! ;D
Congratulations! Your house is so amazing that it would have been a miracle if someone else had won!
Congratulations! It's so good when hard work plays off. I mean, pays off :D It shows what a really good job you did, and it's nice that others appreciate that too!
Congratulations on the win! Your house turned out really beautifully so you deserve it! ;D
Thank you both of you!
Congratulations! Your house is so amazing that it would have been a miracle if someone else had won!
Thanks, but it was really close, there are some wonderful people out there that have mad skills with building cheats and stuff. Besides store content was allowed in the competition so there was a lot of variety in the interior decorating I didn't use. But I wanted as many people as possible to be able to use mine, which is why I didn't use any.
Congratulations saltpastillen ! What an honor ! Your win was well deserved as your entry was just so brilliant . :)
Congratulations saltpastillen ! What an honor ! Your win was well deserved as your entry was just so brilliant . :)
Thanks ladybug!
Congrats on the winning, well deserved. To me the landscaping alone should win an award, so I am not surprised that you won the competition. It is obvious a lot of hard work went into building that fantastic house; awesome, as my grandson likes to say.
I am glad it is on the swap shop, am hoping that in the next year I can afford a new computer that will be able to handle the house, and then get some of the expansion packs needed, and can then download the house.
Again, congrats on your winning.
My honesty congrats Saltpasillen :D !
For little fun my Gipsy caravan Hope You like this colorfull funy house .Thanks for nice comments ;)
After one year I finished my " Little modern " .
As usual Agneza, your builds are absolutely gorgeous!
I love that Little modern Agneza!
Those houses are so cute, Agneza!
I adore the gypsy caravan Agneza. What wallpaper are you using on the outside?
I can't for the life of me figure out how you get such great patterns done.
I just love that Gipsy Caravan ! It's so warm and cozy looking . The Modern house is also one of my favorites . You're such a talented and creative person . Both of those are just brilliant . :)
That is absolutly georgous, Agneza! I'm downloading that ASAP ;D
You nailed it with that Gypsy Caravan Agneza! I love it!
I love both of them Agneza. :)
Agneza, I adore the gypsy van! It's charming.
I have started to try my hand at building, and I wanted to show my newly built Townhouse :) let me know what you all think, I want to improve my building.

Here is my new Modern luxury house-I enjoyed to build it,hope You like it too ;)
more photos here http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Modern%20LP?sort=6&page=1&_suid=136831354541203854913553533895 (http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Modern%20LP?sort=6&page=1&_suid=136831354541203854913553533895)
That is simply stunning Agneza! Excellent use of orange. It's not an easy colour to pull off, but you did it masterfully!
Agneza, I absolutely love the way you've used such a stunning roof pattern, modern decor and, as Chuckles said, the colour orange! I rarely ever use orange except in bedrooms and it never looks nearly as good as your entire build!
Sunshine, your house is absolutely lovely, especially on the inside. However, in future I would try to make the house a bit less 'boxy' if you know what I mean. If you have Supernatural you could add some bay windows or you could make your own using the wall tool. Or maybe you could move the front door into the middle.
However, I think that is definitely good start on your building in The Sims.
Sunshine, your house is absolutely lovely, especially on the inside. However, in future I would try to make the house a bit less 'boxy' if you know what I mean. If you have Supernatural you could add some bay windows or you could make your own using the wall tool. Or maybe you could move the front door into the middle.
However, I think that is definitely good start on your building in The Sims.
I'm glad you like it bubbles, the idea was actually to make it look at bit boxy though :P I based it on a townhouse and looking at pictures of them they all have that same structure. I definitely prefer less boxy houses.
@sunshine - I think that if you would try a different roof type maybe the boxyness that bubbles talked about wouldn't be so obvious. I think your house has a really good layout inside.
@sunshine - I think that if you would try a different roof type maybe the boxyness that bubbles talked about wouldn't be so obvious. I think your house has a really good layout inside.
I think you're right about the roof, I'll change it and see how that looks. Thanks, I'm happy with the inside :)
I'm glad you like it bubbles, the idea was actually to make it look at bit boxy though :P I based it on a townhouse and looking at pictures of them they all have that same structure. I definitely prefer less boxy houses.
Townhouses can be a bit boxy, so maybe the bay window idea would work best.
Townhouses can be a bit boxy, so maybe the bay window idea would work best.
I don't know why I didn't think about bay windows. That's a great idea.
Lovely house Sunshine. Agneza, you make orange look fantastic! The only person I know that can pull that off. Wow!
I've been "playing" off and on, largely just working on the house from my last post1 for a while, and then taking a break to meet my other game "obligations" (and search for jobs). I am proud to say that not only have I finally succeeded in the latter (finally), but the house is on its final stages. There are a few minor problems that I found while taking screenshots that I need to fix, but other than that, I am quite happy to say that my most difficult build to date is done!

Front entry, a view from the road, and rear entry
The house sits most appropriately at 455 Sunnyside Blvd, which means that, yes, I had to delete one of the pre-made, modern houses. This house makes use of the constrain floor elevation cheat, as well as move objects and friezes. It was these factors, plus trying to get the exterior and landscaping "perfect," that went in part to making the construction of the house take so long.

Various exterior shots;The bridge over the 'zen' garden, leading to outdoor seating and the rear entry; A closeup of the 'trellised', curtained seating area
just past the water feature, the fire pit, and two of the rock formations
The interior posed a whole new sort of roadblock: creating a warm and inviting space while still holding onto the "modern" theme of the exterior. In the end, I went with a sort of minty-sage tone for the living area, to complement dark woods. I had hoped, dearly, for parson's chairs for the dining table, but no luck there. The alcove beyond the dining table proved a difficult space to fill; I may end up moving the easel and replacing it with a grouping of plants. Upstairs offers two identicalyl sized 'bedrooms', a shared bathroom, and a master suite with a phenomenal view and private balcony.

Living room to the left of the entrance2. Directly before the entrance are a powder room3 and the stairs. Around the corner to the right is the kitchen, with
the dining area beyond.

Left image, top to bottom: Master bedroom view, decorations, and master bath
Right image, clockwise from top left: hall landing, shared bathroom (view from door), workout room, (looking from and toward the door), bathroom
(view from the tub), spare bedroom.
And finally, a floorplan for you.

Clockwise from upper left: Ground floor; 1st floor;
2nd floor with rooftop flex space; all roofs shown.
More images can be found in my album for this house4, including a better shot of the entertainment space above the garage, and closer views of the floor plans per level.
1http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,1468.msg300444.html#msg300444 (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,1468.msg300444.html#msg300444)
2Yes, I cheated and used a television from the buydebug here. It just... fills the space so much better than the other options.
3Sadly, it's too small to get a good picture of.
4http://imgur.com/a/n3d4Q (http://imgur.com/a/n3d4Q)
Wow roguebait! That house is simply stunning and so well crafted! How did you get the windows varying in height? Are you planning to post it onto the Swap Shop? I would love to download it!
Thank you, bubbles! I can't say I had a lot of "fun" building this (There were too many pull-out-the-hair moments with CFE to say that), but I can say I am inordinately pleased with how it turned out. I'm glad you like it!
As for the windows, with the exception of the "atrium" on the roof, every window is from the Bauhaus collection, at the store. They are actually designed like that. They're a lot of fun to play around with, and so perfect for modern homes.
I do plan to upload it to the swapshop after I go through and double-check the items to make sure there isn't any CC (the master bedroom is full of it), fix some of the minor issues I found while taking those screenshots, and play-test it for a while to make sure there's no pathing issues. I meant to do that yesterday afternoon, but ended up being busy all day, so THAT didn't happen.
edited for spelling
So, during play-testing, it occurred to me that I had not given the house a washer or dryer, despite having copious amounts of laundry baskets. So, to rectify this, I made a basement:

Left: Floorplan & powder room inspiration;
Right: Landing and Laundry area, library, and workout room
The "library" has an l-shaped desk (thanks to MOO) with two workstations. Both are accessible. In front of the couch is a row of bookshelves; you can see these in the floorplan. I added a number of display shelves as this Sim's LTW involves travel, and she will no doubt be bringing back heaps of items. Removing them would open up space for an easel and/or a chess set.
Moving the workout room to the basement freed up the upstairs bedroom. Currently, it sits empty, and both upstairs bedrooms have been repainted a neutral beige. I also made some minor changes about the house, and added small decorations and plants about:
Love you houses
Many great houses ;)I working on new community lot probably will be the Gym, finished a shell and not have idea what now. I'm waiting for inspiration ha ha. Here is my another one community "Nerd shop"-hope You like it.Thanks to all for so kinde comments :D
Link to more photos :http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Nerd%20shop?sort=6&page=1&_suid=136863083247204799756682179151 (http://s1053.photobucket.com/user/agnezawars/library/#/user/agnezawars/library/Nerd%20shop?sort=6&page=1&_suid=136863083247204799756682179151)
Agneza, I think that would look good as anything, but maybe a nightclub, gym or pool would be best?
It look fantastic Agneza! I love it. :D
I love your new community lot . It's a great building . I did see it the other day in your studio . It's a perfect nerdy look . Love all your color choices . An other amazing building . I admire your creativity ! Bravo ! :D
I haven't given up on my modern home, still making minute adjustments to make the play a little more smooth before packing it off to the swapshop.
Still, I needed a break from modern, and that family. So, I started building a farmhouse in Riverview. Spent the last couple hours working out this shell:
(I lost this image cleaning folders)
It's just the shell and the empty rooms right now; I started lagging so figured it was time to take a little break.
Couple things you can't see from the quick screenshot (I should have taken two) is that there's a two-level patio in the back, and there's a set of stairs leading to the pergola at the top. The area to the right is an attached garage; I chose to have it sided from top to bottom in a sort of "this was a later addition and we couldn't match the bricks" thing, but looking at the screenshot, I'm not so sure. Also considering moving the garage doors to the front instead of the side.
Accidentally hit post when I wanted to hit preview. /cough
Agneza, I've been meaning to ask you. I absolutely love your builds, and you use a lot of interesting furniture and items in them - in the last house you posted, I'm particularly curious about:
- The upper cabinets
- The dining room chairs and barstools, and
- The living room furniture
- The outside, open-block fence
I think I've figured out what you're using underneath the TV, at least, but could you tell me: What expansions are, say, the sofa, chairs, coffee table, etc from? Or are these store items, or custom content that you've downloaded? They're really quite interesting, all of them.
It's a very nice farm house . In my opinion , I think it would look much better if you could possibly align your windows and doors from the main floor and upper floor of the main house . It would have a much better flow to it . Also , you can recolor the bricks to match the siding if that's what you prefer . You do very nice work ! :)
Ladybug: If you meant to put the upstairs porch door above the main entry, I cant; that's a bathroom! (Although I have seen some pretty swank master bathrooms with walkout-doors. Sadly, this is a jack-and-jill bathroom for the bedrooms on either side.) Otherwise, unless I'm mistaken, for the most part they should be in line. At least on the front. I can't recall on the side....
On the right, above the garage, the roof won't lower enough for me to set three windows in that room (a play area for the children).
Maybe use different doors for the bedrooms?
I really love the looks of the garage the way it is . It does have a nice look to it . No need to add windows , the stick out part with the roof gives it interest . I would leave that one the way it is . ;D
I couldn't remember the proper word for the part of the garage that sticks out . It's a dormer . :-[ I love the effect it give to the whole building . ;D
@roguebait - I love the look of your new house. Please share some more exterior shots with us soon. I agree that switching builds is a good way to get over the building fatigue that can strike you sometimes.
RL completely took over for the past few days, and I have finally made some changes to my townhouse. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and let me know what you think now.
New roof and pond in the garden, in the first picture you can make out where the pond is on the right:

New kitchen/living room. The flooring has been changed in the whole house, and some big bay windows added to the kitchen:

The new kids room and nursery, both have had their colours redone:

Also, the big black and white portrait has been removed from one of the bedrooms. As Agneza noticed, it was a bit too much.
Sunshine, the house looks a lot better now. Just one more touch would be a bay window or two a the front as well if possible, just to finish off the look.
Sunshine, the house looks a lot better now. Just one more touch would be a bay window or two a the front as well if possible, just to finish off the look.
Thanks bubbles, I did try and put some in the front but it didn't go too well. I will give it another shot and see if I can get it to work.
Sunshine-because my English is not so good maybe this photo can help you. Interior looks much better,only forniture on the windows looks for me little strange.Good luck with house :)
That looks great Agneza ! The balconies add just enough interest . You are a genius ! I love all of your work . ;D
After one year I finished my " Little modern " .
I love this! Is there somewhere I can download it?
Agneza, that's a beautiful house. I think I'll give this house a break for now, it's starting to annoy me. I think I'll play around with some other ideas.
sunshine-I builded this shell for you to show few ideas because your house is great and I like it.Take a time,some houses I builded few months. Somethime is good take a break- hugs ;)
Caterina-I'm very glad you like my house ;)-See PM
I'm currently working on this house to share in the Swap Shop . I did some landscaping in the front of the house but I'm not quite pleased with it . I think the flowers used are too short for the size of the house . What do you think ? I wish we had more taller flowers to choose from . I would like to have something tall and airy looking . Your opinion would greatly be appreciated !
So life kept me kinda busy the last couple days, and I just picked my farmhouse1 back up this morning. After a second, long look out the front, I decided that there were certain changes that needed to be made. So I made them, added some landscaping and a walkway, and we have this:

I swapped out the square doors on the second floor porch for the arched top, to echo the windows. I think they fit a little bit better in with the overall feel of the house. Moved the garage door to the front and joined the walk to the drive. Used that area for a flower bed, since it was so nicely defined. I'm not longer sold on the.... cypress? to the left of the porch stairs, looking at the screenshot. I may have to change that out for something different.
Around to the left, there's another octagonal outcropping of the house. I stuck some ferns around the base there, and a path leading from the gazebo to the back area.
The back yard still needs a lot of work, but after finishing the front and side landscaping, I decided to move inside. I had plans for one room off the front porch, but the rest was sort of up in the air. The original floorplan called for this massive greatroom across the entire back of the house, but after playing around I realized that it just wouldn't work. So eventually I came up with this floorplan:

The room to the right of the entry hall, though, is being a problem child. You can see I've labeled what each room is... except that one? That's because I have no bloody clue what to put there. Adding a library seems redundant because there's that fancy bookcase in the den, as well as an easel and chess table (you just can't see that one), and the piano in the living room....
Do you folk have any suggestion? The upstairs houses three bedrooms, a master suite, and a play/media/exercise room, so making it into a guestroom also seems unnecessary, though it entered my mind as a last resort.
And finally, have a picture of the one complete room:

I'm currently working on this house to share in the Swap Shop . I did some landscaping in the front of the house but I'm not quite pleased with it . I think the flowers used are too short for the size of the house . What do you think ? I wish we had more taller flowers to choose from . I would like to have something tall and airy looking . Your opinion would greatly be appreciated !
I really like the lines of the house! You mention the landscaping as your big complaint, but I think that overall, it looks great. The only thing I could say is that the flowers lining the path are very uniform, but even that isn't a big complaint because the house itself has very straight lines. However there's... And I don't recall what expansion they're from, because I'm giving my computer a little Sims break, but... There's lavender, and there is a blue flower...I think it's called delph-something, but I could be wrong. You can see them, though, in the flower bed at the front of my farmhouse (above). They have a rather 'airy' look, in my opinion, and they're a touch taller than what you're using there.
Unfortunately, that I know of, there aren't very many 'tall' plants, besides bushes and the sunflowers. Though there may be some in expansions I don't have.
Thanks so much for your comment ! I know the flowers you're talking about . I wasn't sure that the color would go well with the house color . I might just try tehm out and see what it looks like together . ;D
roguebait , I really love the flower bed you've designed in front of your farm house . It looks just perfect there . I'm not quite sure about those tall trees though . The interior design looks quite nice .Maybe in your front room you could use it as a game room or something like that . You're very talented ! ;D
Thanks so much for your comment ! I know the flowers you're talking about . I wasn't sure that the color would go well with the house color . I might just try tehm out and see what it looks like together . ;D
roguebait , I really love the flower bed you've designed in front of your farm house . It looks just perfect there . I'm not quite sure about those tall trees though . The interior design looks quite nice .Maybe in your front room you could use it as a game room or something like that . You're very talented ! ;D
Yeah, I think I'm going t get rid of the cypress tree next to the porch. The two by the garage, though, are camouflaging paint issues because of the CFE cheat I used to add an attached garage, so they pretty much have to stay. Nothing else really works.
Yeah, I think I'm going t get rid of the cypress tree next to the porch. The two by the garage, though, are camouflaging paint issues because of the CFE cheat I used to add an attached garage, so they pretty much have to stay. Nothing else really works.
I don't mind the two by your garage but the other one is obstructing part of your building . Maybe if it was pushed a little further to the left it would work better . Over all it looks great !
Ladybug, I like the gardens you have there already. From the angle that you've taken the picture, they are just the right size. If you feel that they aren't quite enough, you could raise the terrain a little underneath, and smooth it for a raised garden bed. Or, for a more clean-cut garden you can use a section of platform for the garden bed.
The pattern on the walls is also very interesting (where did that come from? I like it!), so immediately draws your eye before the gardens.
Here is the dive bar/local pub I have been working on. I'm not too sure whether to recolour the bar and stools (the red works, but the wood is wrong, and I've already got lots of dark wood).
I haven't recoloured the bar and stools yet - I don't know what to do with those yet. Well-worn seems to kind of suit. The wood on the stools doesn't match, but there needs to be some sort of break from all the dark-coloured wood. Any advice for improvements would be much appreciated.
Maybe a dirtier shade of the light wood would work on the stools? I agree the light wood doesn't work in these photos. Try taking the colour more towards green and white (grey)...?
@ Chuckles - I think I found that wall covering under paneling . It might be from Pets Expansion but not sure . I'll have a look when I go in-game next .
I agree with pallyndrome on the bar stools . I quite like the red but the wood is the wrong shade . Maybe something like a weathered grey would work . I just love the building ! Your World is going to be so awesome . You're very artistic and I love your style . :D
Ladybug, your house is looking fantastic! If you're still looking for ideas for the main floor room, you could build a skilling room with a theme. By that I mean you could turn it into a creative workshop (easel(s), sculpting station(s), with dropcloths on the floor and inspirational art around the room), or a home gym, or a music room, or a conservatory (like an indoor greenhouse with a mix of decorative and growing plants), or anything else you like.
There's always the rumpus room idea too - the less formal couches, the kids toys, the arcade machines, last year's TV, maybe a karaoke machine in the corner, etc.
And a home office is always a fun room, especially if it's tailored to a self-employed or home-based profession. Like an at home salon, or an investigator's office, or an architect's design studio.
Hopefully one of those suggestions helps. I can't wait to see the finished product in the swap shop!
@ Chuckles:
Is that a premade fencing surrounding the outdoor seating area, or is that something you created yourself? If it's the latter, how??? How did you get that border fencing area at the top?
As far as the berstools, I'm not sure, but maybe one of the peeling, cracking pants?
@ Vinyl: I'm going to assume that was directed at me, as I was the one asking about the lower floor. Your suggestions are all viable options, except I've got other spaces slated for them. There's already a rumpus/exercise room upstairs above the garage, and I'm building a shed for the skilling areas. Since that room's open to the entry, I want something that flows with the feel of the house.
I had to scratch a lot of what I had done and delete the whole backside because the rooms were just too dang large. Here's where we're at now:

From bottom left is the study, living room, kitchen, laundry, dining and
bathroom, ??, and entry hall.
roguebait - The fencing that Chuckles used around the patio area is from Supernatural Expansion I believe . It's perfect for a porch .
Your rooms all look like they're a nice size . Maybe you could use that empty room for when you're entertaining guests , you could add a few games and a stereo and it would leave room for the buffet table . :)
Of course it's from an expansion I don't have. /flounce
That's an interesting idea. I usually have problems getting my guests to do what I want them to (they stand around in the kitchen, and complain about how much the party sucks, usually), so I've not given that much thought.
Whoops, that comment was meant for you Roguebait. Somehow the two posts blended together!
You could definitely go the party room route. Buffet table like Ladybug suggested, maybe a stereo and dance floor, or a nice set up for birthday and wedding cakes. Leave enough room for seasonal gift piles and it would be all set!
Thanks everyone for the tips - I tried all the combinations, but nothing seemed to work - so I figured perhaps it wasn't the chairs that needed to be different. Perhaps the floor?
I'm sorry about the missing picture links. I cleaned up my imgur account, deleted and moved things around. I'll see if I can't hunt them down once I can get back on the computer with a mouse.
Links are fixed, and the house is finished and ready to be play-tested. A few parting shots:

The facade and front lawn

Back yard! Now with twice the garden action

A peek of the kitchen.

Datails for the master suite.
I don't think I have any CC besides the patterns - I've checked once, but if I learned my lesson at having previous items removed, it's to look again and again. Also up is play-testing.
Also, it needs a name.
You can see more images in the album here. (http://imgur.com/a/efrWI)
Chuckles, I really like that floor - it made a huge difference.
@Chuckles - I love the changes you've made . That floor is awesome !
@roguebait - It all looks very nice . I especially love your gardens . Great touch !
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments and helpful tips. Unfortunately I still wasn't quite happy with it. I decided to remodel the whole thing. I think my problem was that I was trying to blend too many styles together. This time, I googled some images of Aussie pubs, plus a specific pub/restaurant. I've come up with something I like much better (naiiiled it!):
I've tied in the stone from the Vault of Antiquity and Library, so I've got balance with the other parts of town. Kind of like a painting, I think, If I have a colour in one part of my painting, I need to pick up bits of it in another part of the painting. Now fingers crossed that the bikes stay where they are and don't disappear, because they are hanging off the lot just a little.
I love that stone on the bar, and the barroom has a very relaxed feel to it. I like the sticking out roofs over the bikes, the entrance and the seating area (the make the facade look interesting but serve a purpose at the same time.
I built a house recently and I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on the exterior (does the landscaping look okay, etc.). I also cannot decide on the color scheme. Any advice is appreiciated!
Blue Version:
Purple Version:
Gosh, I love both of those! Do two copies!
They are both very nice and the landscaping looks awesome, though I'm partial to the purple version
I love those houses! It's a very difficult decision as to which colour scheme is best, but I like purple slightly better. ;)
They both look lovely! I feel like I like the blue better, but that might have something to do with the different lighting - I think the blue photo is later in the day, when there's more shadow?
The landscaping is fine, it's just more of a wild look. If that's what you're going for, then great. :)
@Gulliver the cat! - Very great houses, Gulliver. I rather like the purple one because I think it fits better into the garden.
I think they both look amazing . If I could only choose one it would be the purple one . Maybe think about what your plans are for the interior also and decide which exterior would look best with it . :)
Both versions look fantastic, but the purple one is my favorite.
Thanks for all of your replies! Sadly my game crashed last night before I had a chance to save the purple one, so I am going to have to recolor the house :(. Now I am starting to work on the interior and will probably ask some more questions soon...
Gulliver- so cute houses I love both :D
I love the houses also, but the blue one, not the purple. I guess I have a hard time seeing a house being purple.
Probably because here where I live you hardly ever see a house other than brick or in various shades of creams and light browns. If it does have color, it is very light. Really, it is quite plain and boring if you think about it, the colors are from the plants and trees in yards.
When those houses were being built in the 1800s, though, they were often painted very brightly, using multiple different colors on the trim, and pink and purple (plus brighter greens and blues) weren't uncommon - do a google image search for "victorian painted lady houses". Personally of the two pictures I preferred the purple...
To add to cathyknits, homes in the Victorian era were very bright usually very bright and had more than one trim color. I build many victorians and use this tool (link at bottom) to get the best match.
I personally think if you are going for an 1800s/Victorian look you need contrast like the purple one. And check this tool out it might be helpful I'm using it on my current period replica (from a book of 1870s Victorian floorplans), I'd post a picture but it uses cc.
If you can't tell I'm a total Victorian nerd. I seriously wish I was born in the 1880s.
http://www.colortools.net/color_complementary.html (http://www.colortools.net/color_complementary.html)
The other trick is googling homes like cathyknits said.
Hello! Long time since I've shown anything here, but I finally have something I'm quite proud of. I am terrible at building from scratch, so this is a remodel. The original lot was one that came with an expansion (I think supernatural?) that's based on the little dolls house. I completely changed the outside look, and the inside rooms and rearranged the walls just a little bit plus did the backyard, and the garage and the 'daycare centre' at the front (my sim is going to be in the daycare profession). Thanks to everyone who's patterns I've used in this - sorry I don't remember all your names. It won't all fit in one post, so I hope it's ok if I put two about this:
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse1_zps4fd4d0e1.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse1_zps4fd4d0e1.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse3_zps4afd35a2.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse3_zps4afd35a2.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse4_zpsc2a38a58.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse4_zpsc2a38a58.gif.html)
The best part of the kitchen:
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse5_zpsdf6c2aff.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse5_zpsdf6c2aff.gif.html)
Ground level BATHROOM:
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse6_zps7f2bfe40.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse6_zps7f2bfe40.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse7_zpsb5fa960d.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse7_zpsb5fa960d.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse8_zpsb7b88cea.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse8_zpsb7b88cea.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse9_zps139a7aad.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse9_zps139a7aad.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse10_zpsb22cc7e3.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse10_zpsb22cc7e3.gif.html)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse11_zpsd8be8c32.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse11_zpsd8be8c32.gif.html)
GUEST BEDROOM: (currently grandparents room)
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse12_zps52c3a54e.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse12_zps52c3a54e.gif.html)
ATTIC: (for all the extra stuff):
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse13_zps70bfaf70.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse13_zps70bfaf70.gif.html)
Little ART ROOM:
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse14_zpsc8f837bb.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse14_zpsc8f837bb.gif.html)
The rooms not shown are the two kids rooms - the nursery I left nearly identical to the original lot so I won't show it here, and I'm not so proud of the little girls room.
What do you think?
The only problem I've got with the lot so far is that there seem to be TONS of seeds everywhere! Here is an example:
(http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/pallyndrome/CrumplebottomHouse2_zps4aa6a43c.gif) (http://s965.photobucket.com/user/pallyndrome/media/CrumplebottomHouse2_zps4aa6a43c.gif.html)
It only grew from there! I have no idea why this is happening, as I have not placed nor can I find any spawners on the lot.
Wow, I really love the look of the house. I particularly like the wallpaper in the purple living room and the look of the master bedroom.
I do not have a solution to the seed problem. Maybe there were spawners on the original lot you copied and they somehow carried over when you placed it without being visible?
Wow..you did a great job at your remodeling ! Love all your decor . It looks very cozy . Great job ! :)
Did the house have an alchemy table (or was it station) before the remodelling?
Salt & Lady - Thanks to both of you!!! I found the living room really hard so I'm glad it worked out well. The master bedroom is one of my favourites. I hope the seeds aren't going to be a problem, they just look weird for now I guess. I don't want to pick them all up, because I'm afraid they'd just spawn all over again.
YZJay - I don't think it had an alchemy room. Now that I think about it, it had a lot of kids stuff, so maybe it was actually from Generations. I'll have to check next time I play...
pallyndrome - Your livingroom looks lovely . You did a great job on your decor . I love your library !
thanks ladybug! I think the library is my favourite, though I didn't know it would be. I've got some nice shots of the family in there. When I get my camera right down in that room it makes me feel good :D
Gorgeous use of colour in every room of the house Pally!
Beautiful remodel pallyndrome! I especially like the blue bedroom, and the outside and yard are gorgeous. As for the seeds, if you turn buydebug on the spawners will be come visible I think? Then you could delete some or all of them?
I was just going to suggest that she try the buydebug and see if they showed up. I would suggest that all of the seeds be picked up first. When I go to work with a garden that has spawners of insects and the insects are "out" I have to use the moveobjects to move them around and if I want to delete them I have to catch the insects first.
I can't think of any reason for so many seeds in one place except for spawners and ever time you turn a lot the spawners increase. I once moved a garden with a pond several times on a lot and had fish all over the place, it looked as if it has rained fish!
I love the house, it has a lot of items I don't have, from expansions and other sources so I doubt I could use it, but it is a beautiful house.
That is a lovely house! I like the colors you used throughout the home, especially the kitchen's color theme.
Looking for advice for a part of my next build, which is still in the planning stages.
I'm not very good at describing things, and I'm not very good at photoshop, but between the two of them, I hope I can convey what I'm after.
On certain ranch-style (usually) houses, there are... extended walls past the house's edges, that slope downward to about half-height or so, and then stop. Something like:

referring to the grey, non-blurry area.
I know that I'm probably going to have to use CFE to make it happen, but I'm having difficulty getting a nice slope. Has anybody done this sort of thing before? Do you have any tips?
I've never tried to do this myself but could something like Wall-Curving work for this sort of thing ? There are a few threads of the forum on how to do this . Just a suggestion . :)
Ladybug: As I said, I know that I'm going to have to use CFE. I'm asking for advice on how to get a smooth curve without it stretching 8 or 9 panels. Perhaps I should move this to the CFE thread, but I'm not sure which, as there are three.
Thanks for the lovely comments! And I did go into buydebug and there were a TON of seed spawners on my lot. There looked like around 8 spread around at first, but each of those was hiding that many again. But I did get rid of them all again. And it makes sense according to what some of you said - I was using that lot to look at lots of lots in my library, so that must be the reason. My other lot with that problem was also used for that. So mystery solved!
Ladybug: As I said, I know that I'm going to have to use CFE. I'm asking for advice on how to get a smooth curve without it stretching 8 or 9 panels. Perhaps I should move this to the CFE thread, but I'm not sure which, as there are three.
CFE is the most irritating building cheat out there, if it can go wrong it mostly will. It causes me much frustration when I use it yet it's also a life saver sometimes. Use the smallest brushes and the lowest falloff. There seems to be two types of raise/lower terrain in my game - a large bump but also a small shallow bump. The shallow one is less frequent but that will give you the best gentle curve. Be prepared to press the undo buttons though.
Hello Ladies and Gents. I made us a nice little formal garden based very, very broadly on Kew Gardens here in sunny London. Next will be a less formal, more woodland-y garden. Am very glad to be back to building!
I love this! What EP or SP did that roof come with? Or is it store content? I absolutely have to get it!
Beautiful houses everyone! Agneza, I would love to download the Little Modern house too! May I? Please? :)
Catching up on what you all have been doing. Fantastic builds and remodels!!!
Here's my latest endeavor now that I can play again. It is a WIP for sure as I've not had much time. I felt that since the "stadium" in Dragon Valley was a big tent, that we should have jousting there. I know Sims won't joust but it is just a fun thing to make. I had to reorient the tent but here it is so far. Any hints, comments, advice would be welcome.
Here you see the Journeyman's Tent but also the Duke of Bows Fairgrounds. I think the juxtaposition is great for this. I'll be filling in more fun stuff in lots I'm placing in this area.
I'm thinking I may need to get rid of the horse stall. I plan on 3 tents in that area of different colors and a small communal eating area. At the other end of the field I was thinking of a royal pavillion but not sure. Also maybe things like fortune teller, food booths and a rest room. Ideas? Comments?
That's a really nice jousting arena, Joria. Man, it makes you wish you could spawn certain things in-game. I feel the urge for a turkey leg and ale incoming. :D
That's a really nice jousting arena, Joria. Man, it makes you wish you could spawn certain things in-game. I feel the urge for a turkey leg and ale incoming. :D
Thanks, Silviak. mmmm, is there more turkey leg? I'd prefer mulled wine with mine please.
Today I was doing a bit more, though not on the jousting field. Decided Dragon Valley needed the arboretum and vault of antiquity so here is what I did. Two lots, 20x15 very close together, on a narrow strip of land by the river. Result:
Once I put a BIG tree in the empty space you don't see that it is an empty space. A few shrubs in the joining gap and it looks good. Here's more pics without the shrubs or tree.
I wanted a romantic, park like feel to both spots with easy access to the river. There are skilling items in both areas plus a juice bar and picnic area, books to read, cozy places to sit and an alchemy table and more. There is no rest room but there are two taverns close by, one on the side and one across the street. Not that Sims are smart enough to use them. lol If folks want I'll post the download link.
Wow Joria ! Those look wonderful by the river . You did an amazing job ! Those will look very nice in Dragon Valley . :)
Can I get it on the swap shop site? I would love to have it, it looks really great. With restrooms nearby that works out, and if your sim has the steel bladder, or one of the dragons (can't remember which one), you don't need a restroom.
That's just beautiful, Joria! You have a real knack for coordinating lots to their placement in the town. I think real-life town planners could learn a few things from you. :)
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I posted the lots to the swap shop and you'll also find them below for your convenience. Use them as you wish.
I'm basically lazy. I want an "easy" button for everything but if I REALLY want something I'll work for it. My "easy" button for today came because I wanted a consignment store and not one of the ugly EA ones. I tried making one with a Dragon Valley pavillion and it worked well but was a lot of work. So then I decided I would remodel Anushka's fabulous outdoor market. Here is the result:
My first attempt. Worked but was a lot of work. Did I want to make a whole lot full of these things so I could have a market? Yes, but not now.
Eureka moment! Use Anushka's perfect outdoor market but with a few changes.
I won't post an upload for this as it is not my work and Anushka deserves credit for her brilliant build. Here is what I did:
Changed ground to make it duller to fit in with Dragon Valley, yet kept it light toned.
Removed roofs from several vendors and placed a recolored pavillion over the merchandise.
Raised the roofs on the vendors to the rear and changed them to thatch.
Added a veggie cart with recolored awning.
Changed style of benches.
Changed fences.
Changed trees to be more druid-ish. Oak, ash, rowan, and olive, although olive doesn't really go with druid stuff. Didn't have a holly and yew didn't look right.
I was able to place a 30x20 lot sideways alongside the river and close to the theater.
I like to keep my commercial lots, especially of certain types, close together. Across the street from this is the Monte Vista market place, (remodeled a tad), and a perfect garden next to that. On the side is the Festival Grounds. So everything is convenient.
Of course, DV needed a fire station. Agneza built a marvelous one but it just didn't fit the DV theme. So I changed the exterior and the roof and didn't touch a thing inside. You don't mess with perfection. Here is how it looked. I bet you guys can do better. I'm not good with patterns and colors.
Not too much you can do with a modern looking fire truck but at least DV has one now and it doesn't look too bad. Again, no file because it's not mine to share.
You'll find the stats for the Arboretum and Vault on the swap shop page but here are the links for the download. No cc of course.
Joria.. Everything looks great but I removed your uploads. Uploaded files are for the swap shop only.
Joria.. Everything looks great but I removed your uploads. Uploaded files are for the swap shop only.
Oh, sorry, Rica. Before, way early on, we were able to also put the uploads here so folks could find them easily. I guess just a link would be ok?
First posts says links are fine. No where in all the 130+ pages has anyone ever added uploads to this thread from what I can tell though. Forum policy is uploads are only allowed in the swap shop.
Go check out the swap shop or my studio if you would like these new additions to Dragon Valley. I remodeled two buildings to make a private venue and a live show. Varg's is now a private venue and Dragon Tavern is now a live show. All particulars about EP's and store items are shown in the swap shop.
Varg's Pics:
Here is the upper level stage and rest rooms. There is a second bar here so there will be two bartenders. I used some of Larifari2009's recolors of patterns in this one. Genius at recoloring standard EA patterns so no CC involved.
Lower level dance floor and bar area.
Broom practice:
Dragon Tavern:
Entry with partial view of bar and stage area and restrooms:
Fantastic builds Joria!
I very rarely get in the building mood when it doesn't have a story purpose but today I decided I wanted to try something since we have new options.
I give you -- Grill it or Marry It Waterfall Park ;D
Clicking on images will make them larger.
The benches and picnic tables came from Seasons. The fence is from Barnacle Bay.
Unfortunately I can't share the lot because it glitches out with the large rocks not saving properly or transferring to the sims3pack which makes the lot look funky.
Wow...what a great place to go and hide for a while . I just love it ! Very quaint and peaceful looking . Awesome park ! :)
It's nice Ricalynn. Do you know, can sims only fish when there's no fence in the way?
I've only seen Sims fishing in the official videos where there wasn't fence but I never thought to test it. I think I might do that right now.
Edit: They can definitely fish over a fence. Doesn't seem to matter how tall the fence is either.
Oh, sorry, Rica. Before, way early on, we were able to also put the uploads here so folks could find them easily. I guess just a link would be ok?
First posts says links are fine. No where in all the 130+ pages has anyone ever added uploads to this thread from what I can tell though. Forum policy is uploads are only allowed in the swap shop.
I think I know what she saw once. On my first build I was confused and put a link here to a garden I had made, thought it was supposed to go here. Smaoht and a couple of others here were great and guided me to the correct place to put the garden (Swap Shop). I think it was Smaoht who removed it for me and told how he did it (removing the link). I'm not very computer savvy, obviously.
She probably saw that and so thought it was okay to put links here.
I've only seen Sims fishing in the official videos where there wasn't fence but I never thought to test it. I think I might do that right now.
Edit: They can definitely fish over a fence. Doesn't seem to matter how tall the fence is either.
Awesome, thanks RIcA! :)
I've been building three different lots recently, one is a request for Cathair, another is a house in Lucky Palms and the one I am showing today is a salon in Starlight Shores that uses some of the new features from Patch 1.55.
Here it is from the front and then the back. The building on the right is the bathrooms but I haven't built those yet.
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-682_zpse7ef275c.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-682_zpse7ef275c.jpg.html)
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-692_zpsa54cdc51.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-692_zpsa54cdc51.jpg.html)
The small little area in the front has one of the stylist station.
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-68_zps4555dd6b.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-68_zps4555dd6b.jpg.html)
Infront of the bathrooms there is a little cafe area, perfect for stylists still on the job but starving.
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-69_zpse3c2917e.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-69_zpse3c2917e.jpg.html)
The main building's first floor has a small waiting area and a stylist station.
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-70_zpsa6b6a859.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-70_zpsa6b6a859.jpg.html)
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-72_zps462c0cbc.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-72_zps462c0cbc.jpg.html)
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-73_zpsc06dc457.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-73_zpsc06dc457.jpg.html)
And the second floor has a tanning booth along with a tattoo chair.
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-71_zps00daee44.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-71_zps00daee44.jpg.html)
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-74_zps1f608aa6.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-74_zps1f608aa6.jpg.html)
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb476/Gogowars329/WIP/Screenshot-75_zps3c212e03.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/Gogowars329/media/WIP/Screenshot-75_zps3c212e03.jpg.html)
Any comments would be much appreciated. I'll probably upload this after I get Island Paradise as there are a few items that I'd like to put into the lot.
Well... I really love it . Great look and location . You did an excellent job working with the new tools . Can't wait to see what else you add to it . ;D
That is stunning, Gogowars! Could you possibly put it on the Swap Shop when you have finished it? However, I think it would look even nicer on the outside if you put some windows at the front of the building on the right in the first picture.
Well... I really love it . Great look and location . You did an excellent job working with the new tools . Can't wait to see what else you add to it . ;D
Thank you ladybug!
That is stunning, Gogowars! Could you possibly put it on the Swap Shop when you have finished it? However, I think it would look even nicer on the outside if you put some windows at the front of the building on the right in the first picture.
Thanks bubbles! I will definitely add a window or two there. I only haven't already since it is all empty inside.
So, I made a houseboat.
Or, more than one.
And I might have made a third.
I really like making houseboats. Or, I really like making the cockpit/bridge. The helm has to be in the center! ;D
I've uploaded my salon to the Swap Shop here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,16706.msg317564.html#msg317564) if anyone is interested.
Don't know if you finished the hotel rooms yet or not but heres a suggestion. http://www.anniversaryinn.com/
I wanted to share a massive resort that I spent the last three days building.
Here is a shot of the fully upgraded Spanish-style resort tower rabbit holes:
I then spent about a thousand hours building two identical buildings to match the rabbit holes as closely as possible, to put guest rooms and suites, the lobby, and the buffet area in:
A nice shot of the pool with the swim-up bar, and the bartender hard at work:
Another pool shot, this time of the island with the fountains on it in the middle of the pool:
A covered outdoor bar, with another hard-working bartender:
A partial shot of the buffet area, there are four more buffet tables on the other side:
The lobby area, I wasn't sure if the coffee counter would spawn a Barista, but it did, though it is not controllable as part of the resort itself:
One of the smaller guest rooms:
I am willing to upload this lot if people are interested, though it does contain content from most if not all other expansions, as well as store content, and I am not sure what exactly.
For the pool bar, I thought the Barista stood in the water, is that false?
The patrons sit in the water but the bartender is in a little room without it.
It looks great fortheloveofcake!
Beautiful, fortheloveofcake! I'd say it's even better than some of the ones already in Isla Paradiso.
What a great resort ! You did an amazing job , it must be a 5 star resort for sure . :)
I love this resort - it looks great and consistent. Right now I'm doing mine in beach style and it's coming along pretty good. The building takes hours and hours ... I love that! I'm looking forward to build my second resort in the Spanish style as well.
Oh well, I like having the bar-hand in the water as well, it looks more comfortable!
Thanks for the compliments! It actually is not a 5-star resort, I built it fully before opening it and it takes several days for the rating to increase it seems. The guests love it though!
Cool! I like how you matched the building to the rabbit holes.
One thing I'm really not loving about resorts are those rabbit holes! I mean, they are pretty but they limit the building possibilities, unless you just don't put any rabbit holes in the resort but then you propably won't get to 5 stars. I tried to build a resort yesterday and gave up because I got frustrated with the rabbit holes ::).
Cool resort! I think you did a great job of matching the other buildings to the rabbit holes.
Sorry to be rude, but could I hear what you guys think of my houseboats?
(n the houseboats, what does the interior of the first and third ones look like? I can see with the halfwalls what the middle one is like, but not of the first one nor the third one. I like that it has a roof like a house. a unique look, although I also want to have one with the roof of a regular houseboat.
The first one seems to be made with the possibility of another floor added, I think. I haven't downloaded my game yet, won't until after the grandkids leave, but am interested in houseboats, it would be fun to have a sims family live on one.
I actually uploaded the first one, and you can see the inside there. I'll get you some inside pics of the third one later. I'm a little tired right now.
I had an idea for a resort and decided to make it into reality before Carl finished his resort guide. He liked it enough to use a picture but now I wanted to share up close shots of my little creation. I'm still tweaking it and at first I made sure there was no store content so I'm thinking of switching out some items for ones I do have from the store.
The front lobby. I built this resort thinking of the good old days before Sims caught on fire from too much sun or had to worry about freezing winter weather.
The dining area with 6 buffets to cover most of every Sim's needs.
The pool area complete with pool bars and access to the local gym.
Wedding section next to the land bar.
The Foodstand, firewalking pits and VIP Tiki Huts.
And last but not least - the nighttime shot of the island.
Hi Ricalynn! I'd love to have the version with no store content; it's absolutely incredible.
I love the curved roof over the bar. Nice touch! Can I stay there for a month or two? :) And are the cabana boys cute? ;)
I really need to buy Island Paradise. iPad Mini or Sims 3?
Anyway, all I can say is wow. I absolutely adore it and I think Island Paradise has been sold!
I'm working on my first houseboat . I need your opinion on the top deck with the ornament . The top deck is a Frieze . I thought it looked too bare and placed a statue ornament from Island Paradise . I'm not sure if I like it enough to share this houseboat with the Swap Shop . Should I take that statue off ? Without it , it looks bare . Should I maybe remove the Frieze as well ? I think that with only two story it doesn't look high enough either . The name of this houseboat is The Sandpiper if that helps any with the look . Decisions ! I need your opinions .
It's been a long time since I posted on this thread. Everyone's been super busy creating amazing buildings while I was gone! ;)
I love the statue at the top. I think it's very funky and edgy. I also like how you used the colors of the statue on the exterior walls, but I'm not to crazy about the pattern being used all over the house, though I do like the pattern. I think you should break the pattern up with some solid wall coverings on the top and bottom floors.
I agree. I like the statue, it's fun! And I also like the pattern but I think it would look much better if you used that pattern only at some places. You could use a solid one all over and then this one as an "accent" here and there.
I'm working on a boathouse I really like, I think I'm going to post it here later to get some feedback :)
I like the size and setup of the levels, but I agree that the pattern is a bit much, it loses the standout affect with so many of them. If it were me, I would have one of them at each corner and if you have odd number of panels, put one in the center (I think you know what I mean by panels). You could make the other panels in either a variation of white or black, such as a cream or charcoal, they would complement each other.
But then, I am no designer and I am sure that others here would have better suggestions.
As for the statue, I think the idea of one there is a great idea, but perhaps something smaller.
Build a small platform and place a smaller statue that will be seen but not overwhelm the roof.
I have learned from the home that we bought that you need just one focus point, not several. In what is the family room is a HUGE elaborate fireplace (4 ft wide 9.5 ft tall) in the center of one wall and across from it the patio doors. Makes it hard for furniture arrangement as it is a long and narrow room 22 x 16 with 10 feet ceilings. Build to hold the original owners antique furniture. Front room almost same size with another fireplace (they are back to back) and across from it bay windows.
Smaller is better :D
I like the setup of the levels and windows and the shape of the boat. Do you have photos of the inside yet, or is it a shell? I would love to see what it looks like, I'm not ready to start building my own houseboat yet. I would love to have this one for a home in IP.
I have finished the inside . It's a more subtle look . Which I don't normally do . I wasn't sure about the outside , so I thought I would wait to get others opinions on it and decide what my next step is . I do agree , that there should only be one focus point , otherwise your eyes cannot see the rest if it's too busy .
I'll see what else I find to use for the exterior walls and decide if the statue stays or gets deleted .
Thanks so much for all your comments ! I do appreciate it . :)
Here's a new look . I deleted the statue , top railing and recolored the walls all the same color and added a roof . What is your opinion of this new look ?
My one attempt so far for a houseboat:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-178_zpsf7c08e06.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-178_zpsf7c08e06.jpg.html)
No basement (although there's room for a ladder). downstairs is the galley. Upstairs is the bedroom and livingroom. Top deck has a bar and lounge chairs with the wheelhouse.
Ladybug, I definitely like the new version better than the first one. I did like the statue, but the roof is simpler. The recolor is very nice.
I agree! the new pattern makes it easier to see the actual shape of the house, which I really like. I did like the statue but the new roof looks pretty too.
Dellena, yours looks very pretty too!
I have a question about landscaping and houseboats... how do you decorate the exterior without actual plants? I built a nice boathouse with a large deck area, thinking I could create some planters around the house or something. Then I found out I couldn't use actual plants! Since one of my sims is a gardener I am using harvestable plants but I still think it needs more decoration outside. I should be writing my final paper por university now :-\ so I can't load the game and take some screenshots, but I will show some when I can. Meanwhile... how do you decorate your boathouses' decks? I really need some inspiration here.
P.S.: Uhm, now I'm thinking maybe this should go in the Landscaping thread but it's actually not landscaping so I'm not sure? I hope it's in the right place!
I like your houseboat Dellena ! You did a great job .
I'll have to try one of those square ones next . It looks like there's more room to build on than the round hull one . :)
I like that much better. Easier on the eyes. I like the roof also, if you want to have some decorations there are some nice roof ornaments you can check out in buy/mode. DV has a nice one of dragons that I like, but there are others from the base game if you want to check them out.
Looking forward to seeing it on the Swap Shop when you have it finished.
I am more partial to the curved hulls, but I like this one, especially in how you balanced the two ends. I like the hot tub also, a nice way to end the day, soak in the hot tub to relax the muscles from diving and enjoy some time with your signifi other.
Can you show some inside photos? I'd like to see how you set it up, can see the blue of a bed in one window.
Where I'm from, the houseboats you see on the lakes look like the ones at this site:
So that's the style I built. I'll get some interior shots today.
BTW, this was the house I built to go with it:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-179_zps30766fb4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-179_zps30766fb4.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-180_zps4a08eda7.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-180_zps4a08eda7.jpg.html)
@ladybug I think the exterior looks great! You've done an excellent job.
@Dellena I love the look of both the houseboat and the house. Good work.
Wow, I love all of those!
Here is my modest makeover of Hobart's Hideaway, before any structural changes. I stuck mostly to recolouring, but replaced a few items - mostly the plants, and a couple of wall papers.
I really love it Chuckles ! It has a nice clean and fresh look . Who wouldn't want to spend a night there , it's lovely . :)
Gorgeous, Chuckles! It retains it's cute charm while also being bright and luxurious.
I've had two attempts of redecorating Hobart's Hideaway, but the first one got torn down after I got frustrated with it and the second one was lost when my computer crashed :(
I think I'll have another go at it and hopefully post the pictures when I'm done.
Very pretty Chuckles! I specially love the color scheme in the bedroom, very fun and relaxing at the same time.
I have done several attempts at remodeling Hobart's resort too but failed miserably. The first time I tried to rebuild it from scratch but got frustrated because the style I wanted didn't go well with the resort tower rabbitholes. Then I tried again but made a mistake with the proportions... the main building was too big so I didn't have enough room for exterior stuff like the pool, pool bar etc. The third time was going better, until my computer decided to get overheated and shut down. (Silly me that put the cooling mat under it without actually turning it on... >:()
So, basically I gave up on rebuilding Hobart's resort for now. I just added the pool, pool bar, more buffet tables and stuff but it still looks horrible!
Chuckles, your recoloring looks very good. I love the lavender in the VIP room.
I was going to remodel Hobart's Hideaway, but I didn't know where to begin and chickened out. ::) One day, I'll do it, but that place is intimidating.
Anyway, seeing all the houseboats inspired me to work on my own.
I've started to furnish the interior, but it's a slow going process. I plan to put a "lighthouse light" type thing in the glass room on top of the house. I was originally intended to be a skylight alternative, but I like the idea of a "lighthouse light" instead.
I originally built this little beach hut for the mermaid cove building contest but after checking the specifications I realised that I'd missed loads of things like the pond and the pool. I didn't have time to make another one and I was just too happy with this one to change it.
I'll put it on Swap Shop because I don't need it for anything. Any changes I could make before then?
I really, really like that lot, Snuffles! The only change I would make is to enclose the all-in-one bathroom so sailors don't have to watch your sim prepare to use the bathroom. Maybe a 1x2 or 2x2 room around the object. Other than that, it is pitch perfect!
I love it!
@ FireRaye - I like your house boat . Great job . I think it will look awesome with a light at the top . I must build one with a square hull . It looks like there's more building room on that style . :)
@ Snufflesxx - I love your little Beach House . It looks so tranquil and quaint . You should have entered it in the Mermaid Contest . The pool and hot tub were only other options . :)
I really, really like that lot, Snuffles! The only change I would make is to enclose the all-in-one bathroom so sailors don't have to watch your sim prepare to use the bathroom. Maybe a 1x2 or 2x2 room around the object. Other than that, it is pitch perfect!
Good idea, bubbles. I'll add that the next time I open up the game :)
I love it!
@ Snufflesxx - I love your little Beach House . It looks so tranquil and quaint . You should have entered it in the Mermaid Contest . The pool and hot tub were only other options . :)
Thank you, Chuckles and Ladybug!
I really should have entered it but it was late and both the Sims and my internet were refusing to open so I just gave in. Good luck to everyone else that entered, though!
I've started writing in the Miscellaneous Stories forum about my Darcy Farm and I'm really enjoying the process. It's keeping me very interested in the family as well. So I thought I'd post here the house I built for them. I'm only showing the common rooms and outside.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-283_zps3e1f087a.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-283_zps3e1f087a.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-302_zps9d7d1f6b.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-302_zps9d7d1f6b.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-294_zps9d7161d0.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-294_zps9d7161d0.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-293_zps00d70a04.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-293_zps00d70a04.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-296_zps838c3548.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-296_zps838c3548.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-290_zps0ccc28f4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-290_zps0ccc28f4.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-291_zpsc64c95a1.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-291_zpsc64c95a1.jpg.html)
Downstairs Floorplan
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-301_zps4a4c6c07.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-301_zps4a4c6c07.jpg.html)
Upstairs Floorplan
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-300_zpse7b0891d.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Darcy%20Farm/Screenshot-300_zpse7b0891d.jpg.html)
Your house is beautiful . You did a great job on the style and your decor . Love the kitchen . Your pool shape is awesome ! :)
@Dellena: The whole house is just beautiful but I have to agree with ladybug, the pool really is the highlight for me! The kitchen is a close second, I like how you enclosed the grill.
@Snuffles, I love the little house, I would totally live there! Great use of a small space.
I went back to page 135 and looked at all the builds and all I can say is you guys are ALL amazing! I can't pick a favorite because I loved everything everyone built and agreed with most of the comments. I kind of almost don't want to post my little attempts because you've all done so much better than I have! However, it's been a learning process for me so guess I shouldn't feel too bad at some of my attempts, and I am rather pleased with my houseboat.
Because Triton really needs the sea around him, I used as many windows in the "basement" as I could to give him the feeling of being surrounded by his beloved ocean. As you can see, they are contemplating a nooboo but haven't tried for baby yet.
This is the entry level deck. Even the gnomes are quite at home here. Sadly, Mr. Mysterious Gnomes are aging but have not produced any offspring. I rather like the large and well equipped kitchen and small reading lounge. Skill items on the rear deck.
This is their lounge area where they can skill up or exercise with the tv. You can see they discovered Plum Bob Island. Triton loves the aquarium. It's almost like his own, personal snack bar. lol
This is their "fun in the sun" deck. It's also where the wheel house should be but now is just the control thing so there was more room for the hot tub, barbecue set up and so on. I might add another deck, (smaller), for the wheel house and possibly exercise equipment. They certainly have enough money for it!
This is just to show how the fish window looks.
I've made a few minor changes, like changed some of the lights, but this is basically it. It is all square with a plain, white, smooth exterior. The windows I chose give it the look I wanted. Oh, and the puddles on the top deck are from them splashing and "frolicking" in the hot tub. It's upgraded to unbreakable.
Snuffles asked for a house for a Big Brother story over in the requests thread... Here is is! (Finally ::))
Exterior Shots:
Living Room and Games Area:
Kitchen and Dining Area:
Head of Household Bedroom:
Any comments or criticisms are most welcome.
Link to Swap Shop Thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,16960.0.html)
I'd live on that houseboat. :D Love the aquarium in the basement wall as a window.
Thanks for the comments on my pool. :) It's one of the last elements that I feel I've nearly mastered.
I've enclosed the japanese grill on one side and the barista bar on the other. :) I love having so many food choices. I don't get bored with the same meals for my sims.
Hi Guys,
This is the house that I built for my Winterly family in Lunar Lakes. I didn't put it in the Swap Shop because of all of the EPs and Store Items, but thought I'd share it here. I'm open to criticisms and/or suggesions.
Courtyard with Blueprint pool:
Living Room and Entrance:
Bathroom and Office:
See more pictures here: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=2709 (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=2709)
I love the interior, but perhaps a little more landscaping outside? The fantasy trees, because they blend in, if you have Lucky Palms, some of the shrubbery and cacti from there work well too. Perhaps some patterns with paths and fountains to repeat the pattern you used for the pool?
I love the interior, but perhaps a little more landscaping outside? The fantasy trees, because they blend in, if you have Lucky Palms, some of the shrubbery and cacti from there work well too. Perhaps some patterns with paths and fountains to repeat the pattern you used for the pool?
Thank you, Chuckles. Yes, I have a terrible time with landscaping. Thank you for the suggestions. I will try to incorporate these when I go back in game on Monday.
I was wondering if anyone has made/seen any cool gardens. I am looking for ideas and want to see what others have done.
Which type are you looking for? Veggie and fruit gardens, flowers, ones for just relaxing in, park type?
Someone can give a link to the gardens from a challenge that was sent to me when I was trying to get some ideas. They are absolutely gorgeous, and made me realize how inadequate I am at building.
I have on the swapshop some gardens that are the fruit/veggie types. There are some others there also, Mrs. Flynn has some wonderful gardens you can look at and download, I have them and like them a lot.
Which type are you looking for? Veggie and fruit gardens, flowers, ones for just relaxing in, park type?
Someone can give a link to the gardens from a challenge that was sent to me when I was trying to get some ideas. They are absolutely gorgeous, and made me realize how inadequate I am at building.
I have on the swapshop some gardens that are the fruit/veggie types. There are some others there also, Mrs. Flynn has some wonderful gardens you can look at and download, I have them and like them a lot.
Can you link me to the challenge? I was looking for kind of fruit/veggie with the flowers like where your sim can garden but it also has flower decor and other garden-like items.
I've finally got around to doing some houseboat building and I couldn't help notice the wonderful skylight on the Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts at the store, so I caved and bought it. Not sure how these things are seen from the inside yet (I build with no residents) but I do like the look so far. Of course this is far from finished, but just thought I'd share how it's looking.
I checked and it (the link) worked for me, I hope it does for you. There was a contest on building parks. They are all beautiful, I don't know if this is what you want, but it can give you ideas.
If you want to download some check out the SwapShop and you will find gardens/parks offered to be downloaded. Mine are more veggies/fruits with some flowers mixed in, patio area with flowers around, generally a pond also.
I don't think what I built is what you want unless your main focus is on fruits and veggies. My gardens aren't the greatest, the plain and simple type; but I wanted a place where a person didn't mind getting off the path and walking on the grass.
Looking at the parks/gardens offered by others on the SwapShop can give you ideas for creating a park, so that could be of help to check them out.
Building Contest 2012-Long, May: Out at the Park
This is the Spanish Summer home that Neashaleigh built.
Spanish Summer
This house was loosly designed from John B. Scholz's architecture found here. I adapted it and made it my own with many changes. Whilst this is just a shell, I have done all the landscaping and added a few items such as a Fireplace and some lighting.
Some plants from Sunlit Tides were used as was the terrain paint from Monte Vista. Other store items include:
Dr. Prosper's Glowing Orb - wall light
Portal to Paradise - door
Let the sunshine in Window - window
Haute Hacienda Dining Room - Artful Adobe... - archway
Kingdom of Cambodia Bedroom - The Fire Place
Aphrodite's End Table
Corinthian Window
Lot Size: 64x64
Lot Cost: Unsure.. will advise
Expansions used: SN, Pets, IP, LN, WA, ST, Gen, Amb
The expansion packs that I have are SN, SEA, WA, IP so some of what Neashaleigh had isn't in my copy.
I don't know if I used any of the free store content given. I have a hard time remembering what came with some of the items I downloaded free from the site.
Or the extras that came with expansion packs, such as the items from DV and IP
I loved the house, but have done some changes to more suit what I want in a home.
The majority of the furniture are more marker than what I will use. Some, such as the dinning room and the master bedroom will probably be kept that way. I'm not sure about that.
I had to take out one of the arches to be able to have kitchen cabinets. Not happy with that, but didn't know what else to do. Thinking a small table and chair in the kitchen area would be nice.
In the library I enlarged (I think) that room and then rounded out the corners so the walls wouldn't look so sharp.
In the family area, I think switching the chess table to the music section and moving the stereo, couch and chairs to that part of the room might do better. Lets the quiet of chess and being on the computer (except when they get quite noisy playing a game) separate from the music. Could put a bookshelf there also in that part.
As far as changing the walls any more that what I have done (area for the fireplace), I'm don't know what else to do. Move the fireplace more to the right to allow me to have two rockers, not sure why I didn't do that.
Here is where I did some changing in the walls, took our a section, put in a straight line and added the fireplace. Changed the doors and had an area as a walkway to the master bedroom. The alchemy station; that is temporary, and I think I know where I will move that to.
Here (where the green bed is) I took the room and made it bigger, took the small room beside it and made it smaller to become an attached bathroom.
The other bedroom had a wall that was separate when you entered. I enclosed it and made it a bathroom, put doors on each side.
With the garage I am thinking of added another circular stairs from the walkway down to the garage. It would come out close to where I have the bathroom at. I can change the garage to hold one car and put in there the alchemy station and have the exercise area. I would have to move the bathroom to another area in the garage, but I think it would work.
Almost forget, in the pool area, I took where the table and chairs were at and put in a hot tub. Added a Celtic picnic table and they don't show up, but some lounge chairs also behind the bar section.
The only problem in landscaping that I see is the tree that sticks through one wall, but I don't think it shows up when the game is played, so no big deal.
I will change only the wall colors in the bedrooms , to blend in more with the sims who sleep there, their favorite colors. The rest of the house, I like the color of the walls.
Feedback will be appreciated on any improvements
Rather than try to go through all of these pages here and on the SwapShop, I decided to ask for help in knowing who built this house. I hope it is okay to post this here.
There is another floor to the house, but it would have put me over the limit of photos to show.
The reason I need to know who built it is that I have done some changes and the results don't look like the original, but I want to use it in a project story and I need to get permission to use it. And I also feel that the individual who built it should get the credit. Unless everyone thinks it sucks, then it is mine to claim.
I used the structure to build almost a totally different house. But I think there is enough of the original to see in my creation.
In the finished version, besides having filled the rooms with furniture and decorating some of them, the columns have on each floor either a bathroom in them or there is a desk with a computer in it. That is the main thing that is difference in what you see here and what it looks like completed.
I think I have six bedrooms, an alchemy room, exercise room and definitely a nursery, the room off of the master bedroom is a nursery with access from the other bedroom across the hall.
The finished version is being used by the Singh family, with their triplets. I had hoped she was pregnant with twins before I had to save the family to the bin, but found out later that she didn't become pregnant.
I am using that house and the family in a project story and I don't want to show it without permission.
Pretty sure this is the Tidy Tudor (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,10219.0.html) by Twinmum, but the doors on the second floor look different. You can contact her to ask if you can feature it. :)
Yes it is the Tidy Tudor that I built. It's a recreation of a Sims 2 house. Of course you can use it Janna.
Thank you,
I really liked the house when I saw it so had to download it; but it shows up only as lot for the name, not Tidy Tudor. It is a nice starter home that I have used in a game.
I posted a picture of my houseboat yesterday, but it's a bit further along and I'd like a few opinions.
This is how I intended it to look with the new skylights, however, they don't function the way I had thought they would on the deck. And I'm not too keen on the way the deck below looks so dark. You can see below them is a window into the hull, but if you are in the basement in the hull, you cannot see a window in the roof and they do not let light in. Plus even with lights blazing in the basement and the sim standing directly beneath then, if you look from the deck down, the basement is dark and all you can see is the sim's plumbob, nothing else. These skylights work on proper floors (you can see in and out) just not on decks!
So with that in mind, I made a few changes and this is how it now looks. Bear in mind, the windows at the back and colour may still change, but I just wanted to get the shape right. I'd love to hear what others think.
It look amazing!
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Oh...I really like the looks of the second screenshot . It has a nice modern look . I think you did a smashing job on your design . :)
Thanks, I was aiming at modern luxury.
So I need some opinions on a project that got out of hand. It was mean't to be a small modern mansion with large grounds etc. Then this massive thing appeared and well.. yeah. Running out of ideas now on the inside. There is even an indoor pool.. Anyway, so first of all - thoughts on the exterior? And also what should I do on the left of the lot.. The back will be the garden and stuff like that.
I'm building this house for a Politician, he lives with his Wife and they will be having two kids.
I could just turn that area on the left into more of the foresty bit - that surrounds the whole lot. Or I was thinking some kind of raised sculpture garden type thing. Not sure.
I love the looks and feel of the exterior as it is . The color and textures are great . My opinion for the grounds on the left side would be to maybe add a few trees to balance with the other side and add your raised garden . I think it would look just smashing . Or , on second thought maybe you just need to add one tree as there are a few just ahead of the blank area . That might be just enough to balance it . You did a great job , I think it looks awesome . You're a fantastic builder and landscaper . ;D
@Twinmum: I actually think the second version of the boathouse looks much better! The first one looks beautiful, but the second one is more balanced I think, and it looks more modern. I'm not a big fan of store content but I'm seriously thinking about getting that set...
@samoht: I love the house! I think the entrance looks lovely. I agree with ladybug about the left side, maybe just add a couple trees there to balance the pond in the othe side will be enough. May I ask what lot size you used? I don't think it's 64x64 right? I ask because I always build on lots that are either too big or too small and I'm trying to learn to 'calculate' the lot size better.
@ Samoht: I'm going to add my voice in with adding some trees and maybe a small sitting area? to the left over there. The house itself is absolutely gorgeous, though. I love all the brown shades that you've used. It really ties in well with the woody surround.
I have a question of my own. I'm looking for opinions on a new house I'm building. It's supposed to be sorta mordern-ish, but not to the point of looking out of place on a farm. Right now, I've just got the frame and roofing done, no interior or landscaping. My problem is the entry:

It looks a little barren and unfinished. Now, maybe adding in some paths and landscaping might set it off a little bit more, sorta bring it together. Or maybe a roof?
So I added a roof over it, with bonus cursor action because I made further changes before looking at the screenshot:

But that looks sort of... I don't know. Out of place some how.
So I added some pillars to "define" the area....

But now it looks hidden. At least, to me.
So what would you do? Go roofless and hope that adding some landscaping defines the area? Or am I the only one who things that the roof and pillars hide the entrance - something that, admittedly, adding some paths and landscaping might also rectify.
My sister suggested maybe adding a balcony in front of the second story there might work. If I have time after getting ready for work and fixing food, I may give that a shot and post the results for further opinions.
I'm not sure, but maybe I would make the roof over the door a little shorter. I think you made it 3 tiles long? So maybe just 1 or 2 tiles long. That would look less hidden I hope.
I have to agree with Frey . I think it's a great idea but it's just a bit too deep . Maybe try one or two tiles deep and see how that looks . I find that having it three tiles deep makes it too even with the roof on the next building and that's probably why it just gets lost in there . Then , when you add your path and some landscaping it will all blend together nicely .
Once again, catching up!
Jude: I LOVE your Lunar Lakes build, but then I usually love what you create. How about going with some of the colorful LL rocks for landscaping? Make a more sculptured garden with rocks, water and a very few growing thing, the more fantastical the better. Add a modern sculpture or two and maybe a waterfall into a pool that reflects what you did inside?
Roguebait: Your build looks more woodsy/country to me and not the modern look you were after. I think it's the siding that gives me that feeling. I agree with shortening the roof over the entry but why not also pull the entry forward one click? It might be set back just a tad too far for the size of the entry. Are you limited in the amount you can spend? If not, maybe a few more windows, BIG windows. There is even a rather modern looking bay window, the one I used on my houseboat. It's store though.
Samoht: Tom, I am absolutely drooling over this build! That left side is a bit bare but be careful of not going "English country garden" with it. I think sleek and simple would be more suited, or maybe go as far as a maze with a fountain center? I can just see the gentry playing croquet on that lawn. How about a patio area hidden by shrubs with just a few seats or table with lemonade on it and either another pond or fountain? No matter what I know you will make it gorgeous.
Twinmum: That houseboat is outstanding. I prefer the roof before you added the top deck. Reason? You were the first one to take into account wind resistance. By having the swooped back windows you would add less wind resistance along with style. Now, even though I prefer the swooped back look, I also love the next version. Even if the skylights don't let in light as they are supposed to, you can add more daylight, (can't help night light though), with more windows below deck. Make them large or use that big fish window I used. It lets in plenty of light and I believe it is actually lighted itself. My below deck area is not at all dark but I did use both overhead, wall, and table lamps as well as windows. I can't wait to see the finished houseboat! Or, one more thing, I love the yellow roof!
My houseboat is a continuing wip it seems. Now that the nooboo is a child I've had to redo her room, (and am considering more changes with it), I've changed the exterior color of the house as for some reason the white looks grey to me so it's more white with a band of very pale teal. The entire houseboat is now a total of five floors! Top deck is the "bridge" but is also a fun in the sun area. Lounging for adults. Next floor down is the well equipped gym. Then the "family room" where you can skill in painting and music and just have fun with the kids. Next down is the formal lounge area. Then the kitchen dining area on the entry level, and below deck is the bedrooms. If it didn't bob up and down with the waves you'd never know it was a boat. Here's a couple of pictures of "Port Lover's Cove", (port I made), with the houseboat moored there. It's before I changed the exterior paint.
night time
I always feel like I'm the only one who enjoys packing in all of the luxury you can find on the smallest lot you can get, I want this cramped look, with the walls right up against the edge of the lot, and a little inlet in the walls for the mailbox, but you can't build the walls right up against the edge! So I love houseboats, right? I love making these little secret compartments, too, I don't know why! those tiny spaces are so visually pleasing to my eyes. So does groups of threes, but I'll get to my door rant some other time.
With this...guilty pleasure in mind, this got slapped together! Tell me what you think. I particularly enjoy the multiple gates. So welcoming!
As you can see, far from done. I'm really excited for what this might turn into. I'm thinking that it'd be a particularly nice apartment building, but I lack LN! :D What would you turn this into?
I think that one would look great as an apartment. Even if you don't have LN, you could still place 3 or 4 of them in a row and simulate apartments. They would make great starter homes! (I love starter homes but I just can't build them... I always end out of budget!)
I don't usually show my own builds here because I never think they are worth showing, but this time I have a houseboat I really like. I'm also really excited because I was sure I had lost it in a factory reset and just found it ;D.
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/6a781ae6-bad7-4f58-b250-1ef03e3b0bde.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/6a781ae6-bad7-4f58-b250-1ef03e3b0bde.jpg.html)
Masterbedroom (the walls are actually light blue, I'm not sure why they look greyish here)
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/15aa410d-6793-4ca8-8a03-56a4569f7555.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/15aa410d-6793-4ca8-8a03-56a4569f7555.jpg.html)
Livingroom upstairs
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/0ce2ff5d-4b0c-4981-825d-7f40fb06d136.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/0ce2ff5d-4b0c-4981-825d-7f40fb06d136.jpg.html)
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/988a8de8-5cbe-4f05-abfe-85f3bb08638f.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/988a8de8-5cbe-4f05-abfe-85f3bb08638f.jpg.html)
Outside - Front
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/fc4b2f7e-2aab-4b64-bb47-d90bbdf5e439.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/fc4b2f7e-2aab-4b64-bb47-d90bbdf5e439.jpg.html)
Outside - Back
(http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Daniela_Frey/2cca1a68-849a-4db0-9978-65f6b2cbe870.jpg) (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/Daniela_Frey/media/2cca1a68-849a-4db0-9978-65f6b2cbe870.jpg.html)
I forgot to take pictures, but on the terrace there's a grill area. It also has a basement (still empty, until I decide the skills for the family I'm moving in it) and an extra bedroom (also empty, until I decide if it will be a toddler, a boy/girl or a teen)
I wanted a fun, colorful but still relaxing color scheme so I chose light shades. I'm happy with the interiors in general, though I'd still like some feedback on it. I think the exterior, and specially the front, looks odd somehow... or boring. The front is too plain but I'm not sure how to fix it... maybe change the roof or take the entrance one tile to the front? When I built the shell I was counting on building a pool on the deck, and adding some bushes... and then found out I couldn't, so the deck looks kind of empty. Any ideas?
I think a nice statue up front would be nice. Where did you put the helm?
You're right, I forgot about the helm too. It's on the terrace :)
I love the looks and feel of the exterior as it is . The color and textures are great . My opinion for the grounds on the left side would be to maybe add a few trees to balance with the other side and add your raised garden . I think it would look just smashing . Or , on second thought maybe you just need to add one tree as there are a few just ahead of the blank area . That might be just enough to balance it . You did a great job , I think it looks awesome . You're a fantastic builder and landscaper . ;D
Thank you! :) Yeah I think I'm liking the raised area, make it look like a small hill or landscaped thing. Eitherway it will be more of a natural design. Hadn't thought about just the one tree, although I think if it was more of a deciduous woodland around the house having an oak tree on it's own would make more sense than a fir?
@samoht: I love the house! I think the entrance looks lovely. I agree with ladybug about the left side, maybe just add a couple trees there to balance the pond in the othe side will be enough. May I ask what lot size you used? I don't think it's 64x64 right? I ask because I always build on lots that are either too big or too small and I'm trying to learn to 'calculate' the lot size better.
Thanks! It's a 64x64 Lot, the house is fairly large though and covers a lot of the Lot.
@ Samoht: I'm going to add my voice in with adding some trees and maybe a small sitting area? to the left over there. The house itself is absolutely gorgeous, though. I love all the brown shades that you've used. It really ties in well with the woody surround.
I have a question of my own. I'm looking for opinions on a new house I'm building. It's supposed to be sorta mordern-ish, but not to the point of looking out of place on a farm. Right now, I've just got the frame and roofing done, no interior or landscaping. My problem is the entry:
Sitting area might be cool, just a few benches around the place. :) As for your porch roof, I agree with what some of the others said about maybe pulling the roof back?
Samoht: Tom, I am absolutely drooling over this build! That left side is a bit bare but be careful of not going "English country garden" with it. I think sleek and simple would be more suited, or maybe go as far as a maze with a fountain center? I can just see the gentry playing croquet on that lawn. How about a patio area hidden by shrubs with just a few seats or table with lemonade on it and either another pond or fountain? No matter what I know you will make it gorgeous.
Thanks Joria! :) Haha, no, not going to go English garden on it. The lot is too big for that. :P I'm stopping with the borders at the front and maybe the back. The rest is wild forest I think - with a few shrubs here and there. The patio does sound like a good idea. :)
It was mean't to be a small modern mansion with large grounds etc. Then this massive thing appeared and well.. yeah.
Ha.. it just kept making you build. Although it looks nothing like it, your comment about it getting out of hand reminded me of Rose Red (a house in a Stephen King story) and for that reason, I think the grounds would look good very overgrown with a formal pond and statues.
@ Swirl - Girl - Maybe you could use the top floor as an in-law suite and use the main and second floor for your family . I like what you did so far . :)
@ Frey - I really like your houseboat . Have you tried some of the larger plants and the ones in large pots from Island Paradise on the front of your houseboat . Or , maybe you could do some kind of sitting area and add plants . :)
Joria: That's sorta what I was going for. Modern-prairie, not fully "modern," but also not your conventional farm house; somewhere between this (http://i.imgur.com/mj70DHC.jpg) and this (http://i.imgur.com/MnJH9Sk.jpg). I am, however, considering a switch to vertical slats for the siding. We'll see, when I have more time.
Speaking of "this," this is what I ended up with in the limited time I had to play this morning before getting ready for work:

Per your suggestions, I tried shortening the roof. It still looked "off," even after adding the windows above it; however, dragging the garage over to meet that right-hand wall and extending the second story has sort of fixed that. I still think that it is definitely going to require some landscaping to help further define it, but I'm content with how it's coming along thus far.
Thank you for the suggestions re: the roof. I may have gotten there myself eventually, but it's less frustrating this way.
@ rougebait - I think what you've done looks great . I think , that I would like to see what it would look like if you were to add a few windows on the left building . It might just give a really good visual effect . Then , with your landscaping it will really finish it off nicely . Great job so far ! :)
@Roguebait I agree with Ladybug
My fondness for symmetry is going to be prevalent in this build I see. But now that it's all sectioned down here, what will I do with it? Perhaps a foyer, and I can add a 4th level to the building. I think that'd be cool.
@Swirlgirl: I love the gates and the multi-level decks. Can't wait to see what you do next.
@Frey: I love this houseboat! Your colors are so warm and relaxing. I don't think the deck looks bare but if you need to add something, how about a chess set or table with umbrella or a fountain?
I have an uncertain feeling.
@Ladybug: Oh, yeah, I'll get there eventually. Basically, I stuck the two windows on the right, moved to the door, and stopped because it looked so out of place. Follow that up with two long shifts, and, well.
I really love what you've done so far . It looks great . Anxious to see your next step . :)
It's a- It's a- It's an abomintation! It looks just like I feel, *Sniffle*.
Yes, we were just teleported to Starlight Shores. At night.
I got my houseboat finished..
I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I'm going to add it to the Swap Shop tomorrow (it's getting too late to do it now, I need sleep), but if you want to see all the pictures (and there are a lot lol) have a look at the Gallery (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=2755)
Wow, Twinmum! That looks awesome!
Wow ... it looks awesome ! I just love everything you've done . :)
Ummmm.....Twinmum? Can I live on your houseboat?
This is the loveliest, most peaceful, happy making place I've seen in a long time. I love the colors, I love the layout, I love the feeling of openess and the spaciousness. It's amazing. (I saw ALL the pictures, lol)
Ummmm.....Twinmum? Can I live on your houseboat?
This is the loveliest, most peaceful, happy making place I've seen in a long time. I love the colors, I love the layout, I love the feeling of openess and the spaciousness. It's amazing. (I saw ALL the pictures, lol)
Of course you can live on my houseboat... well you can live vicariously through your Sims on my houseboat lol. It's in the SwapShop to download. (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,17206.0.html)
And thank you for the compliments. I'm glad people like it, I enjoyed building it and my Sim is enjoying living on it.
Name: Luxury Afloat
Hull Size: Large Barge- 20x15
This is the houseboat the Twinmum created. I'm not listing all that she has as that won't show up in what I have here.
The expansion packs that I have are SN, IP, SEA, I have the worlds of DV, RV, AS and MV, but I don't think I have anything from those store towns and the few freebies that came with towns and expansion packs in my revised version. I changed it from two to three bedrooms, have a study/library area, kitchen downstairs and a few other changes.
I revised it and am showing it because I am sure that there are others who don't have all the ones she used and so this might help them to get an idea of how it will show up. And see the changes I made, which I will appreciate any feedback on what I have done.
Naturally, the skylight didn't show up so I replaced them with the full windows to give an open view of the sea. I did do some changes in the colors of the furniture, added and took away some items also. I changed the statute to a fountain that I like and added the screens.
starting at the bottom and working my way up.
The loss of the movie area, the piano, sauna and some other items left blank spots. I filled it in with a library that I have pictures and items on the walls that are from WA; to look as if they are mementos of trips. When I play the game and use the houseboat, I can add vases and other artifacts to round it all out as a display/work area.
The sauna was missing and I replaced it with a bathroom opened up that area and added a kitchen for the downstairs. The movie room I turned into a master bedroom with attached double bath. Put in a foosball table, wall tv and a couple of other things.
The next floor
I took one of the bedrooms and put in twin beds for a family, now if there are two boys or two girls they can share a bedroom. I also changed the colors, as I can't stand pink, so went with blues and neutrals in tans for most of the rooms. Left some as Twinmum designed them, made changes such as I like light colors in woods, not dark. But did as little as possible.
Better view of this room as it was cut off some.
In the dining area, I changed the colors to blue, added a stereo in a section and another couch that doesn't seem to be showing up and changed the colors, obviously. In the kitchen, which for some reason I didn't get a photo of, the changes was in moving the appliances around, either the trash disposal or dishwasher wasn't there, so I added the missing one and moved the dishwasher to beside the sink and of course, changed the colors of the wood.
This is the changes to the statute, as I prefer fountains and added the screens as it looked so empty.
Other changes that I can remember is the lights, when I had to rearranged where the grill was at, I moved the lights out and added in some path lights.
I also replaced the stairs, I fell through some stairs like the ones that were originally there when I was around three, so I have a thing about that type; can't stand to see them.
Feedback will be appreciated.
Just want to state again, this is the Luxury Afloat Houseboat that Twinmum created, I just made some changes. She gets credit for it (except areas that don't look good, that is).
That's a gorgeous remodel Janna!
Thanks for sharing what you did Janna. I'm so glad you were not put off by the number of items you didn't have. You've done a great job of remodeling to suit your own game.
Thank you Twinmum and Swirl-Girl for your kind words. It has been a rough day and you have no idea of how much it means to me to get such positive feedback.
I just don't have the flair to make things look nice and so it feels good to know that what I did looks good to others.
I've skimmed through a good bit of these posts and I have to say it puts all my buildings to shame :) I had to remodel just to feel marginally better, but I wanted to show off my best work, even if it still is a work in progress. I rebuilt my finished home and ended up running out of funds, and since this is part of my life states dynasty I can't just cheat to finish (more fun that way, honestly).
The windows are terrible, I know, I've been tweaking them constantly but nothing works. Hopefully I'll find a proper look. It's based partially on WDW's Haunted Mansion, my all time favorite non-rollercoaster ride. And its not a haunted mansion if it doesn't have a graveyard on the side.
Of course, only one is actually occupied. The other building is a crypt, which has a few creepy statues of the non-singing variety. I don't have a lot of pictures, as its only partially furnished inside and the outside will probably stand a few more tweaks, but theres a little playground for the children that come and go, a pool and poolhouse and a maze that has a little pond, a nice spot for a garden and a staircase going into another basement.
I do have a few rooms mostly finished, however, and my little heart swells with some pride that I put more than thought into wallpapers then just slapping what-have-you up.
The living room of sorts, even if its just tucked away in a corner.
The founders bedroom.
A yet to be born generations bedroom.
My only problem is, the house is bigger than I intended, so there's quite a lot of free space that just drives me crazy, but I'm not quite up to tearing it down and having another go. I'll just have to play with space whenever I get the funds back up.
I'm not that good at decorating so others can give lots better feedback.
But I have two suggestions. If the flowers are your maze, to me that makes them too open. I would go with a hedge, there is small one in the selections of fences.
One photo is quite dark. You could put in a couple of lights (use the cheapest) and note that they are there just to let us see the room. I like what I do see, and I find windows to be hard to pick, and especially to line up. I go with posting it when you want feedback, but I think you should definitely show it when you are finished. You can get more tips if you want and put it on the Swapshop, I wouldn't mind checking it out. I like the Gothic look of it.
I'm not that good at decorating so others can give lots better feedback.
But I have two suggestions. If the flowers are your maze, to me that makes them too open. I would go with a hedge, there is small one in the selections of fences.
One photo is quite dark. You could put in a couple of lights (use the cheapest) and note that they are there just to let us see the room. I like what I do see, and I find windows to be hard to pick, and especially to line up. I go with posting it when you want feedback, but I think you should definitely show it when you are finished. You can get more tips if you want and put it on the Swapshop, I wouldn't mind checking it out. I like the Gothic look of it.
My maze is made of the hedges. You did remind me I forgot lights on the outside of the house, though. As for the room, I know its rather dark, I didn't even consider putting extra lights up just for the screenshot, I'll keep that in mind! Once its all finished I plan on reposting it, but I'm not sure how long that'll be. But thanks for the feedback :)
I personally find windows are the hardest part when building... but I recently discovered two great options that you could try. I think they came with Supernaturals. One is square and the other is rounded in the upper part (maybe they are the same you used on the left side of the house?). When you put the rounded one on top of the other, they automatically line up and form a two-story giant window. I think that would look good maybe. I really like the house, though I agree the windows look strange... I think maybe they are too small for the house, and look a little out of proportion.
I hope I explained myself well, my english isn't very good today since I've been reading in german for hours ::)
I think I know which windows you're talking about, I'll give them a go and see how it works. Thanks for the suggestion!
I've got kind of a puzzle going on in my head and need some suggestions/advice. I've not been happy with Pier Fun O Won because it didn't do anything except look good. If you're going to have something that object/graphics intensive it should do something. So I've been remodeling it thinking you guys might like to have it. What I need is some suggestions on what to do with two buildings. Here's some photos first so you can see where I'm at currently:
This is the game room.
Gepetto's kids' play room.
Gepetto's upstairs.
The DragOn Inn, pub and dance area.
Pool and picnick area.
Rest rooms.
I've done a wee bit of testing and even unfinished the town is swarming there and using pretty much everything. I had most of the teens in the game room, someone playing shuffleboard, people swimming and getting drinks and using the rest rooms. So I figure it's going to be a success as far as use is concerned. But I have two empty buildings at the moment.
I could remove the rest rooms, (cutting back on graphics and items), and replace with a couple of all in one bath rooms. This would leave a lot of space where I could put a hot air balloon or just leave the rest rooms.
In one building I could, and am seriously thinking of, putting in a barrista and coffee stuff and computers so it's an internet cafe. Not sure about the computers. Second choice would be have coffee house half treats/ice cream place.
One building I have no clue what to do with. I could tear down that building and put a hot air balloon in its space. I could tear it down and add a karaoke machine but not sure that would get much use. I could make it a reading room/supernatural hangout stuff. I could make it a wedding venue. Sooooo, ideas please? What would you like to see?
I've used things from pretty much every EP/SP and a few store items, (basketball thing and skee ball to name two), but I've tried to avoid store things as much as possible. So unless you are willing to change a few things if you don't have these items, it wouldn't be for you. I do like it so far!
I love how it's so much more interactive now! I like the idea of an internet cafe/computer area combined with a library and the other building being a wedding area. You could always turn it into a resort and find a place for the beach hut tower thingy!
Here is my current WIP. I still have a lot of landscaping to do, and 4 rooms to furnish, but it's coming along. It's based on Arthur Casas' Inside Out house. The concept came to me whilst playing around with Rica's torment challenge. The only two rooms that have doors are the ensuit and bathroom (I might have to put a purely decorative door in for the paper kid and to designate the front door). I'm yet to test it to see if the 'loves the outdoors/hate the outdoors' traits remain present throughout the whole house, but I'm pretty confident I haven't closed anything in. Edit: Yup, the moodlet remains throughout the whole house :D
I love it Chuckles! I would love to play in it once you finish it, will you upload it to the Swap Shop when you finish it?
Thanks Frey :) It is all finished and uploaded to the swap shop. Link in my signature. I decided to leave it partly furnished, so people could add their own creativity to the extra rooms.
Resubmitting the post because I broke the links. Also, updates.
Okay so. A few pages back I asked for some help with the roofline of a "modern farmhouse." I am pleased to say that, with the exception of children's areas (which will come into play after the sim is married and has a nooboo or two), the house and grounds are ready enough that I feel comfortable sharing them.
I did notice some few things that I will have to change before it is completely ready for play (the garage is empty save the cars, and the mailbox is at the far end of the lot [whoops], plus some minor coloring issues); nevertheless, I present to you [Insert Appropriate Name Here]:
Here you can see a couple shots of the front of the house:

Since the time these pictures were taken, I have done away with the cylinders, and have added actual driveways.
As I said in my last post about the house, I wanted something between a traditional farm house with wrap around porches, and your new modern homes. I think I achieved that, here.
The backyard. No pictures of the rear elevation, sadly.

From top: A large outdoor cooking area, including the woodfire oven from Monte Vista,
the fireplace and pond with the greenhouse in the background,
and a wooded seating area, complete with firepit.

Update: Landscaping beneath the trees around the fire pit and around the pond.
Moving inside, I give you:

A close up of the living room seating*, and an aerial shot from the second level of the living room;
the kitchen, laundry area, and dining room;
the upstairs landing and a closer shot of the 'gallery' wall;
the master bedroom.
*no longer up-to-date
In the second frame of the collage showing the kitchen, the door on the back wall leads to the garage, while the door on the right leads to a 2x3 half-bath.

Update: The library, which I had forgotten to do, and changes to the master bathroom.
The dressing room, off the master bathroom, is entirely cosmetic and could easily be turned into a bathroom connected to the room next to it.
Update: I remembered floor plans!

Ground floor. You can see three of the four unfinished rooms intended for children.

Upstairs, which is nearly entirely given over to the the master suite. Also the last of the unfinished rooms; what will eventually become the nursery, I suspect.
This is the fourth round of renovations on this house, and by far the most extensive. If you consider the road to be the south side, then most of the northwest corner is redone, with the remains of what used to be the master bedroom being converted to an office and exercise room. Ultimately, I want this to be more of a lounge sort of deal, but I needed the space.
The Kitchen and Dinning room are probably as big as I care to make them. I've been expanding them to accommodate my large fundraiser parties. I've also been opening up my backyard to make it all one space, and have sectioned off the garden a bit. The central spot between the house and tiles is intended to eventually be a pool. I might rearrange the path a bit when I go for that, but right now I am out of money.
I had some fun with the new master bedroom on the second floor, and settled on a combo bedroom and sauna. There is also a toilet since I am down a master bathroom. The toilet (and any naughty view) is actually blocked by the roof, and they wear bathing suits in the Sauna, so I'm going to call my glass wall fine. The rest of upstairs is what I might call the club room. I wouldn't have minded making it larger, but the second floor is actually placed to simplify my roof (this house has maybe half as many roof sections as the previous designs, and it looks much nicer), so I am working with this for now.
There is a basement, not shown, which is pretty much a hole in the ground pending a museum and nectar making facility (currently home to the alchemy station).
Moving forward, I am almost happy with the floor plan. I might look at getting the second bedroom on the second floor as well, freeing that room up for exercise, move the office north of the garage, and turn that free space into a games room or lounge. The yards need a lot of work. The front yard is original, and is what I slapped down in 5 minutes. The backyard needs some landscaping to remove the flat and empty vibe a bit, and a pool. After that, I need to redo some of the interior decorating. Placing the lights in better looking spots, and I am down some artwork (I mostly decorate with whatever I get in the mail that I like).
The house, from South-East:
First Floor:
Second Floor:
First Person Views:
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/855/galg.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/galg.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/853/bqal.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/bqal.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/841/x9tg.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/841/x9tg.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/545/zxkw.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/zxkw.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/191/00pt.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/00pt.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/19/nm5e.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/nm5e.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/19/xvtb.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/xvtb.jpg/)
Suggestions or criticism welcome. I definitely have a stronger sense of what I like, and more confidence, with my floor plans (though I admit that these are very much tailored to my personal taste), but if nothing else, I love to see how other people view something.
I would quite love to play that house!
I think I am going to refrain from uploading unfortunately. It would take me awhile to separate out some CC to make it safe. I might look at cleaning it up later (since this was never something I anticipated needing to be able to do), but for now, it's not really shareable.
I would also like to add that I am very much enjoying seeing the houses other people have created here. Nice to get some new ideas in my head, since my own tend to focus, becoming less creative and more fixated over time. Chuckles, I really like your two story glass wall and literally open concept. It's a neat idea, and it looks nice to boot. Gives the house a more grand feeling, especially relative to it's size.
Roguebait, your house is beautiful, particularly the landscaping.
For me it's mainly the floor plan anyways.
For me it's mainly the floor plan anyways.
Sort of what I figure anyway. What I can do (when I wake up tomorrow) is grab a couple pictures in build mode so you can see the grid. If you do construct your own version of it, I'd love to see what you do with it.
Hey all !
This is my first post in this forum then excuse me if I'm in the bad section, I wanted to share some pics with you before sharing house later.
The home is a duplex penthouse with nice square foot terrace facing the Park. This duplex has 4 bedrooms, 1 staff room and 6.5 bathrooms. Some pics now !
Right out of the elevator you enter into a foyer on the 18th floor opening into living room, library and eat-in kitchen. Private vestibule with power room and closet complete the foyer. The staircase leads to upper level.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-41_zps4b647eff.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-41_zps4b647eff.jpg.html)
Living room has unobstructed views on the Park. The doors lead out to the terrace overlooking the Park.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-42_zps0eac4e02.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-42_zps0eac4e02.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-44_zpsab1f5195.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-44_zpsab1f5195.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-45_zps85dd8a83.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-45_zps85dd8a83.jpg.html)
Also facing the Park is the library or family room which opens onto the terrace.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-54_zps5922a4fd.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-54_zps5922a4fd.jpg.html)
Facing west is a dining room with wet-bar.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-48_zps29f0dc1b.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-48_zps29f0dc1b.jpg.html)
The eat-in kitchen is also facing west and open into a spacious breakfast room. The door is leading to staff room with its own bathroom.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-50_zpsdc4e9b77.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-50_zpsdc4e9b77.jpg.html)
The upper level foyer, leading to bedrooms and a separate laundry room.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-55_zps7f4d6d3e.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-55_zps7f4d6d3e.jpg.html)
The master bedroom has windows overlooking the Park, a marble bathroom, multiple walk-in closets, and a study room that could be change for gym.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-59_zps1e554a25.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-59_zps1e554a25.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-60_zpsd093b6f6.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-60_zpsd093b6f6.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-65_zpse1e15151.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-65_zpse1e15151.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-68_zpsf26c24d3.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-68_zpsf26c24d3.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-70_zps71089215.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-70_zps71089215.jpg.html)
There are three more bedrooms, each with their own en-suite bath and closets completing this floor.
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-71_zps101ee9ca.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-71_zps101ee9ca.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-73_zpse6b3fd0d.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-73_zpse6b3fd0d.jpg.html)
(http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/zovifdpp/Screenshot-57_zpsb8636849.jpg) (http://s880.photobucket.com/user/zovifdpp/media/Screenshot-57_zpsb8636849.jpg.html)
Please feel free to comment, as I said before it's my first post hehe :)
(I'm french then I apologize for any english mistakes ;D)
I believe this should be in the Building Showboat Thread (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,1468.0.html). Also before you share you should remove any 3rd-party CC, here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,3614.0.html) are the Swap Shop rules.
Nice house by the way, and welcome to the forum :)
Welcome to the forum Shally.
I love your duplex. :)
Welcome to our Forum. You'll get used to how things are done. Just be sure to find and read the rules for anything you're trying to so that your posts will be in compliance with the Forum's rules.
We do not allow individual houses to have their own dedicated thread. I'm going to merge this with the existing Showboat thread. Also, there is a limit of 10 images per post for something like this, so you need to remove several of these images. If they aren't removed within 48 hours, I or another moderator will remove the pictures that go over the 10 image limit.
Spanish Summer Shell
This is a house that Neashaligh built as a shell for the SwapShop sections. She put it on 64 x 64 lot and as I don't have all of the expansion packs she used, I will list only what I have.
I have the base game, WA, IP and SN with the store worlds of RV, DV, AS, MV. I do have some store content of freebie stuff, but I don't remember if I used any of them, or will be using them.
What I have done in changing the shape and design is mainly interior, I changed a few walls, added one or more, shrunk or enlarged some of the rooms and in outside, I put by the pool the hot tub on the platform (don't remember what was originally there). At the entrance to the garage I added a section to the second floor to make a walkway and put circular stairs to allow for entrance to the second floor.
The majority of the furniture is for placement, to get an idea of the best location. I don't plan, for the most part, to leave that specific couch, table or whatever there, it is just for layout. The only room that I feel so far that is set up and will stay that way is the master bedroom, which is overtop of the garage. The colors may change, and the type of chairs, but the rest seems to fit right. I am also happy with the kitchen, although open to any suggestions to improve it.
The rooms that I feel the least comfortable with is the one downstairs, where there are dividers separating it from the sitting room. I don't know what to do in what area. Behind the TV in that area is the study/library. The other is the TV room upstairs, by the hallway entrance to the master bedroom. It is so small, yet I don't want the family area to be out in the open.
I look upon this house as a very formal home, so I am not sure how to set it up for a family room that is relaxing, yet fits the atmosphere of the home.
What I would like to do is find a way to make the family area downstairs, look formal and yet comfortable at the same time and take the family room upstairs and move the alchemy station in the room, set it up for mixing elixirs and magic practice.
As for decorations, I don't put in plants, pictures, rugs, curtains or other type until I have a house finished. So it is plain looking bur that will change once I have all the furniture placed in its proper place.
Any help, guidance, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
On the right side, at the garage on the second floor you can faintly see the column where I added the walkway for the circular stairs.
The setting room area I am pretty comfortable with, although definitely open to suggestions. It is the family room area that I am not happy with. The dividers were put there to give a sense of privacy yet they just look out of place and I'm not sure what to do there.
The dining room section needs some paintings, china cabinet and such, but those will be added later.
The two bedrooms will have the finishing touches added later, the beds are more for placements.
The alchemy station can be seen as it just doesn't fit right in that location. The rooms, hallways, open areas will have plants, rugs, statues and more added later.
Master bedroom, not much to say about it, needs some more decorations, but that will be taken care of last.
The study/library, the TV is attached to the wall to this room, and I don't think that there is much room for improvement. Some decorations are all that is needed here.
This is the upstairs tv room. It is so small, it feels confining, and very little room for family members to sit together to watch tv. I keep thinking that it would be better as al alchemy station room, the alchemy station, witch practice area and a nce fireplace to read up on elixirs.
This is a close-up view of the family area. I don't even know what to really call it. Desperately need some help here.
I'm pretty happy with the kitchen area, but also open to any suggestions to make it better. I put two tables together to make a work area, making pie crusts, breads and such where a chef would need more work room. The chess table to fill in the time with a game of chess as the meal cooked, a place to read a book, hunt up recipes or just relax before the finishing touches to the meal.
Neashaligh gets all of the credit for this wonderful home. There is no way I can create something this spectacular. I did as few changes to the outside as I could. The only ones are the circular stairs at the garage, the walkway on the second floor
For your family room dilemma, I would suggest switching it with the sitting room. In my opinion, the sitting room is what you'd want people to see when they come into your house, not the family room. The family room would work better in the walled-off area, where they can relax without being seen by company. By switching them, you could also add some floating pedestals/end tables with large floral arrangements to help break up the space.
The reason I had hesitated in doing that was the removal of all of the windows. I hated to lose the view and it felt so wrong to do so since I didn't create the house.
Silly of course, once I downloaded it it became "my" house to change as I want. But it still feels off.
If you want to have the kitchen, dinning room, family, and sitting rooms all on the first floor, then I think what I would do is swap them all around. Where you have all the seating right now could accommodate a really nice kitchen and fantastic dinning area, and you might find that the space is a bit easier to use that way. Where the kitchen is now would make a great sitting room and entertaining area, and it still has a nice view.
I think I would go with half walls where the dinning area is now and turn that into your family room. It also looks like you could bring that room out further and go with full walls without intruding back into the main hall, but I can't tell for sure if that would work or not.
For the upstairs TV room, you could make it a bit larger. Looking at the zoomed out picture of the second floor (for orientation), move the arch up to that diagonal wall beside it. Move 3 left and 1 up, and rotate to make it perpendicular to the angled wall to create a nice 2 square hallway like you have now, just a bit longer. The windows by the alchemy station all need to move 1 square left next, and then you can bring the wall to the TV room out another square (where all the squares I am refering too are the thick white lines, not the smaller squares formed by the smaller lines). It's not huge, but you might find it helps.
You've got some really great ideas going on. I saw that house in the swap shop and downloaded it too, but I'm working on converting it to a resort.
For you family room issue, I think a couple of you problems would be solved if you got rid of all the dividers and instead changed the floor in that area. As of right now, you have four dividers in a space that's already separated from everything else. Since I'm guessing you want a little more division between that area and the entrance, I say change the floor to a wood paneling and ditch the dividers. You could install a couple of tall bookshelves (you can NEVER have too many I always say) where the current plant (I don't think the Chinese plant is working here either) is and then put a couple of leafy plants by the entrance to the space.
That is if you want to keep that room the family room. I do also agree with Randox about swapping the rooms around, but I can see the appeal of the current kitchen area. Though I think the desk, stereo, etc. should be moved to another area. You could then ditch the half wall, expand the counters, and install some island counters plus bar seating where the current stereo/dancing area is.
I've made some revisions, combining what I have read here with what I am hoping to create. And trying not to do too much destruction of the original building.
I am wondering how I am to post them. We are limited to a set number of posts, do I have to delete them or do I just add them to a follow-up, like I am doing now, except add the photos along with what I state? Don't want to break any rules here.
I've moved the kitchen to the other side as suggested, put the dinning table and chairs in what was the sitting room. Added the cabinets and such around the entrance, took a bit to get it to look okay, but will be more than willing to get some feedback. Put the couches and chairs where the kitchen was at. Moved the chess set to the second floor and put where the dining table and chairs were a tv on the wall and a couple of couches.
The upstairs, I enlarged the family room, moved out a wall and had to do some changes in the wall on the walkway to the master bedroom, but made the family room bigger. Put flooring down in the open area near the bedroom at the far left, where the circular stairs are, and put the alchemy station there. Didn't like closing off that open area, looked so nice, but to get what I wanted it had to be done and it works.
A concern I have is that the area that I moved the walls has a window on the first floor. You can see the top of the window, it is one of the Victorian single bay windows, and will it cause a pathing issue?
Tomorrow I will post the photos I have taken so you can get a better idea of what I am trying to describe and give some feedback on more improvements.
I will be doing a lot of changing of plants, adding rugs, photos and such when I am completely finished. Most are to give an idea to help in placement of furniture and such.
Thanks so much for the help and suggestions, am looking forward to getting more ideas for making this a much nicer home.
You are limited to 10 pictures per post. The exception is story post (and possibly this thread as well, I'll double check). When you have photos to post, you can just create a new Post and add them there. There's no need to edit a previous post unless a new post would result in a double post.
I look forward to seeing what you've done with the house!
The limit for this thread is 10 images per post. If you have more than that, you'll need to put a link in you post to where the images are stored (such as our gallery. You don't need to edit your previous post to show changes in your build. Just make a new post and limit the images to 10. I haven't looked yet, but if you've already posted more than 10, you'll have to remove some of them.
Spanish Summer shell -- Lombardi Estate
Here are the revisions to the house. Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
This is the family room moved to the opposite side. I took out the half walls and put the tv and a couple of couches where the dinning room table had been.
From this angle you can see the light in the wall where the statue is.
Here is the kitchen moved to the area where the family room was
This gives a better view of the dinning room, I moved the wall over one to give more room where the table was at, which made the room for the cabinets less, but I think it come out okay.
This is the revised family room on the second floor. You can see the bay window section. As this is at present a blank town, I don't have any sims to test it, so does anyone know if it will cause a pathing issue?
Moved the wall out further, had to take out a section of the wall where the window was, hated to do so. and inside the house take out a window, but it did make the room larger and allowed me to set it up better.
I moved the alchemy station here from where it was by the family room. Had to put in a floor as it had been an open area, which I hated to do, but the alchemy station didn't look right where it has been at, by the family room.
Will appreciate any and all feedback on these revision and suggestions for improvements.
To start off, I really like what you did with the Kitchen and Dinning room, I think that turned out quite nicely. Same goes for the new seating area where the kitchen used to be.
Upstairs, I agree with you on the adding in that bit of floor, it's a shame. The only thing I can think of though would probably be to add either a basement or a small third floor (call it your alchemy tower). For the expanded TV room, I think the pathing will be alright, though the look might drive you crazy even if there are no technical issues (if there are no issuer, you might be able to cover it with a rug?). I'm surprised it's showing though, since it looks like you only moved the wall out one space, so the floor was over that window before. If moving the wall back a square would fix that issue, there are some 3 square wide arches that might make that layout work nicely.
I was thinking of putting up an octagon floor (on a foundation) that would be an exercise area. Sims could look out at the ocean while exercising. I could add a room to it that would have a shower area and put overtop of it an alchemy station.
Have to be careful that it wouldn't block the view of the ocean from the house, but if I did it in a side area, that should work.
Will check it out and see how that works today.
Perhaps build two sections, having them connected by a walkway, one with the exercise equipment and the other set up for martial arts. Over the top build a room for alchemy. Leaving the ground floor open, except for the support columns and a stairway to get to the second floor.
I had tried to place tile over the bay window, but for some reason it didn't cover it, will check and see if a rug works. May have to create a family to test it.
This is to be the final home for a project family. Returning to the ancestral home town after visiting other towns. I will be playing for a while, then saving the game for a later story, but the house fits perfect for what I want to do in the ending of my project story.
I've been thinking about your potential pathing issues and I may have come up with a solution.
BEHOLD! My not so great diagram showing how to reorganize the room. Allow me to explain.
I'm firstly assuming that the loveseat facing the entry doors is in front of a TV. What was bothering me about this was the fact that this area was separate from the fireplace. I know there are some fireplaces that allow you to place a mirror, TV, or painting over it. I think that fireplace might be one of them. If not, you can either replace it with one that does OR you can use the "moveobjects on" cheat to place it over. Both the fireplace and TV should function regularly if you use the cheat.
By combining the TV and fireplace, you can get rid of the loveseat right in front of the window. Problem solved!
But wait! There's a giant, empty space in the family room. This is fixed by rearranging what you already have. (1) move the desk over to where the chess table is; (2) move the chess table to where the current TV is; and (3) move the current bookshelf to where the current desk is. If you want, you could move the couch in front of the fireplace back a space or two in order to put some distance between it and the TV/fireplace.
This should solve any potential pathing problems you might have.
On another note, I love what you've done with the sitting areas, dining and kitchen. This way really opens and connects the first floor from room to room.
You are right, there is a tv there across from the love seat. I had planned on it being where a couple could relax sitting at the fire and read a book while someone else watched tv, or someone could play chess and another on the computer playing game, chatting or whatever. What you suggest is a great idea, we have even considered it here in my own home, placing a tv over top of the fireplace. If I can get my hubby willing to get rid of the monstrosity of a mantle that goes from floor to ceiling of carvings. It over whelms the room.
Back to the topic.
The pathing issue is the walkway area, it is the odd colors seen in the tiles, behind the fireplace. As you go through the archway, you can see it. It is almost in the middle between the archway and the double doors leading to the hallway to the master bedroom.
I think that what I am going to do is put a family in there temporarily to see if they can walk the hallway fine, and if not then redo that area. If worst comes to worst, I can take out the bay window (it is the one in the sitting room now beside the stereo, in what used to be the kitchen). I could build in an outset around the same size as the bay window and put in a bookshelf there, or have a wicker loveseat there with windows in that spot. Or put a wet bar there. I never have any because of Bonehilda, the maid.
I like the new setup of the kitchen and the sitting area also. I will be changing the color of the couches and chairs, probably keep the blue for the chairs and have the couches be gold in color. Do as much as I can in blues and gold's throughout the house.
Again, feedback is greatly appreciated in any of the rooms.
I love what you've done with the place, Janna, and there are some really good suggestions here. :)
Oh, and please feel free to change walls/windows etc. Like you said, once you downloaded it, it became your house to change how you like.
This is the house I made for my immortal dynasty. (Second try :D) I believe in building bigger afterwards, so even after moving Agnes in (and recieving the 100,000 that she comes with) I made a small house with good appliances. after a few weeks into the game...
This is the front. Quite simple really. There is a mini porch where the front door is, and you're imediately entering the hallway. Then, you can choose to what room you want to go to, since there isn't a room here.
(http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r686/codyalex1/Screenshot-122_zps114c8b0d.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/codyalex1/media/Screenshot-122_zps114c8b0d.jpg.html)
(http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r686/codyalex1/Screenshot-124_zps009d20a3.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/codyalex1/media/Screenshot-124_zps009d20a3.jpg.html)
This is the overhead of the first (and only) floor. And yes, Agnes is painting Generation two's toddler portrait :D. The house actually looks kind of like a box, as I'm no builder, unlike Samo and Joria :). But I think I'll do a reconstruction as the generations go by.

It's been a while since I sat down with pen and paper and plotted a floorplan of my own instead of modifying one I found on a website. Slow going, but fulfilling.
@ roguebait - Love what you've done so far . I admirer your roof creation . :)
@ roguebait - Love what you've done so far . I admirer your roof creation . :)
You only say that because you can't see the roof over the angled section to the side. It's cringeworthy, I tell you what. I'll figure it out there, eventually, though. It may take some reworking of the layout - that area's set to be the pool/arboretum attached to the garage. I may make a workout loft or something overlooking it? Not sure.
Hello everyone, new and old! Been a long time since I was on the sims 3, I had to work abroad in France for a bit so there was no building for me at all :( But I am back now! Looks like the game went and released the last expansion while I was gone haha. In any case, I started simming again, although instead of building constantly like before, I am actually playing my sims, which can be fun too <.<
But I did need to build them houses of course! The first one was an old build, I included an image below because I finally got the search lights working on the lot haha, which was cool. But the house was too big for me, I was too annoyed by how much moving the camera around I had to do, but I will miss the decadence of that castle. My second house is much smaller in area of course, and I decided to build more floors rather than space everything out. I must say I was really pleased with the end build, even if it took forever to fully furnish. I could probably remove a few of the more elaborate build designs to make it more realistic looking but what fun is that.
One thing that surprised my as a builder actually playing the game though was how many routing errors a house could do. Things I didn't think about while building were pretty major routing issues, which in turn probably cause a lot of lag for those that use the content we build. So… I guess playing the game does have its use haha. Anyway let me know what you think!
@Codyalex, I wasn't sure if you were asking for suggestions, but in case you were, I had a few to augment the realism of your build :)
You could attach the fenced garden to the house so it doesn't seem so lonely, probably make one end attached to the right side of the house (looking at the image not the actual right side lol) and the other end to the back of the house, and maybe with one or two corners being diagonal lines will likely diminish the overall box feel.
I cannot see the roofing very well but the sections that extend off the main structure (forgot what you call them lol), like the two in the front and the small one to the left side of the house, I usually like to make those areas another wall pattern than the rest of the house, usually something stony or masonry, sometimes even the same pattern as the foundation.
Another thing you could do as well is to extend the foundation in the front by 2-3 tiles to the front of the lot and then extend the sides of the foundation as well to cover the distance of the front length of the house, to create a sort of nice little porch area. Throw a matching fence on there and a few column pillars and then either tile over it or maybe something like the small fences for an open air roof and a rocking chair and bam, cozy porch haha.
Final recommendation would be landscaping and terrain paints. Throw a few clusters of fauna around and blend a few grassy terrains around should be good :)
Wow ... this is just amazing ! Very creative . :)
I've been working on the house for my Random Town Jump, and I was wondering what everyone thinks. Let me know if I can improve anywhere, oh and it's in Isla Paradiso so that's the feel I was going for. :)
Front of the house:
Bird's eye view:
Top Floor:
Ground floor:
Pool area:
And my two favourite rooms, The study and main bedroom:
I love that house! I really like the different colors that you used though the pink seems really bright in comparison to everything else. I also like the print on the study wall. Which one is it?
Thanks so much :) the rooms are decorated according to favourite colours, the bright room is hot pink. :P
The pattern is one of Chuckles' which can be found here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,15854.msg305139.html#msg305139).
I have been working on a build together with another simmer at the official forum. It has been a blast and we have been sending the file back and forth adding, recoloring, changing, tweaking and so on for a couple of weeks. Today we posted and uploaded our lot to the exchange and since I can't upload it here (because my friend isn't active on this forum) I decided to show off some pictures of this fun build.
The lot is called Santa's Lost Village and Mr. and Mrs. Clause are supposedly buried somewhere on the lot. After their death Santa's Village was abandoned until some enterprising sims decided to open it as a community lot - all visitors allowed :)
The "village" in the night time - all the "houses" are interconnected.
The village during the day - The pond is large enough to skate on.
The greenhouse has a barrista and is perfect for relaxing.
There is a nectar cellar where you can buy nectar and relics.
A secret alchemy room.
A lodge where you can kick back and relax in front of the fire.
The room Santa and his wife used to spend time in.
A restaurant with formal dining.
A lot of shopping to be done (Savvy Seller items, toy maker, comics register, alchemy register, consignment register)
Not to mention the spa of course.
There is also many, many other things to do. If you want to see more you can check out this link (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/727921.page#11570030).
I know I'm a bit late on this, but your village is amazing, Salt! I love how cozy and fun it looks!
Anyway, I need some advice on a build. I've been trying to make the Sunset Valley School. Not a shell, but a fully equipped and functional building with the rabbit hole in the basement. I think it's gone really well and I'm satisfied with most of it now. The only part I'm not happy with really is the exterior walls. The golden brick looks too yellow and I don't like the stone bit.
As you can see, I have put a few things out front. I've got a snack place from Seasons and some picnic benches. I might move the snack place if I can find a spot. But it's the wallpaper that's bugging me. What do you guys think?
Also, what do you think about the floorplan? Are there anymore classes I can squeeze in?
Clockwise from Top Left: Maths, ICT, Art(Painting), Music(Guitar, Piano, Bass), Cafeteria, Entrance, Front Office, Toilets, English, Drama (Charisma)
Clockwise from Top Left: Design (Painting), Sculpting, Biology (Science), Chemistry (Logic), Headmaster's Office, Library, Inventing
Could I get rid of one of the sculpting classes and put something else in it's place? I could add another storey but the rabbit hole only has two floors and I'm trying to replicate that as closely as possible.
Also, I know this isn't the best place to ask this but I need some child and teen sims so I can use this in an interlude for my immortal dynasty and I need them for screenshots when I upload. I need more child boys than anything else. If you can help, can you PM me? I don't care what they look like, as long as they look like a normal child in normal clothes.
As a summary of what I need. Do I need to change the exterior walls? Do I need that extra sculpting room? Are there any more rooms I can add? Should a make another floor? Can you help me with teenage and child sims, especially child boys?
What a wonderful idea! I love it already.
As for your questions, I do think your library needs to be bigger. It might be better to build a third floor and make the library take up half of that space. A library really should have lots of bookshelves, tables and sitting areas which you current one doesn't have any room for.
The current library could be turned into a recreation/trophy room and I think your school needs a gym too. Other than that, I really like what you've done so far.
On another note, here is a house I've been working on.
I kind of gave up when I was fiddling with the roof and just used the stage tool instead of putting an actual roof like I originally planned. Also, that line of trees bothers me. Any advice on what to do with it would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a picture of the entrance up close. It's kind of bare, but I think some landscaping will help that out.
Here's a shot of the backyard. I forgot to recolor the fence! :P
I would love any advice/comments since I'm kind of stuck with the exterior.
Thanks FireRaye! I did wonder about the library. I'll try another floor and/or putting the library where the sculpting rooms are and the sculpting rooms where the library is. I did have a gym but I switched it out for the dinner hall. Maybe I could combine the maths and English classrooms, take out the drama room and put a gym on three quarters of it and a little empty area with mirrors.
I love your house! I like the complex use of foundations to create a modern shape. I think you need a bit more landscaping at the front and maybe you could colour the outside of the house a lighter colour (Maybe white?) or see what stone/brick looks like. Apart from that, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Bubbles-- I have some interior suggestions for you, especially the computer room. Most computer labs I've been in for children are in a U shape, where all the monitors face the center of the room. That way the teacher can see what they're doing at all times. Also, I think a lot of your classrooms have a bit too many desks. Have you checked for routing, especially with multiple sims? You might to do better to remove 1-2 desks or skilling items from some of your more cramped rooms so you have more spacious pathways.
I agree with FireRaye that you would do better to have a gym and bigger library. Another idea would be to have an auditorium as well.
FireRaye-- I like the line of trees! Maybe adding those square reflection ponds (from WA?) on the top of the brick part would make it look better? I also think that if you added some hedges on the sides of your house would help fill it out your empty space. And you could use some bigger trees that look similar to the small ones you used. And where/what are those trees from?!
I had the computer room in a U shape but I couldn't decide which layout I like best. I found I had lots of gaps so routing would work and they looked a bit strange. I've checked routing for all the more cramped classrooms. They work a long as the sims take the seats closest to the window. I can try different layouts in the classrooms. The only classrooms with this problem are the computer room, the maths room and the English room. The only room that might have issues that hasn't been checked is the design room which I am going to test with teens. I did the original testing with children (Thanks to intl_incident, ladybug53 and chetanhaobojam for allowing me to use their sims for the testing and screenshotting of this build) so I will do teens tomorrow. I don't have Showtime, so an auditorium might be hard. However, I could do an assembly hall so the headmaster can speak. When testing this, I found the kids could order meals if they were too lazy to go to the food synthesizer to get food! A waiter even came into school!
Super awesome! I liked that you have the counter and the waiter bit is a nice touch. If you have university, you could even add some vending machines. Also, a teacher's lounge would be super awesome. A vending machine would go great in there!
Super awesome! I liked that you have the counter and the waiter bit is a nice touch. If you have university, you could even add some vending machines. Also, a teacher's lounge would be super awesome. A vending machine would go great in there!
Those are brilliant ideas, I didn't think of those!
Wow... all I can say is just... wow... I spent the last few days going through this entire topic because I just couldn't stop looking. There are so many talented builders on here. I would name them all, but the list just keeps going. Just wanted to pop in to say that. While I know I can't hope to compete with anyone in here, I do have one place that I'm proud of, though I know there is room for improvement. Here's the Swap Shop link since it's been up for a bit and the pics are already there.
Sidhe Mound Estate (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,17745.0.html)
Greettings everyone,
I've been browsing the guide and forums ever since I started playing The Sims 3, but now I wanted to share a bit of hard work, and also get some feedback because I am kinda stuck at the moment. It is nowhere near complete, and I would like to add more elements outside where you see there is quite some space left, and inside where no interior design has been done what-so-ever, and with 2 unused rooms.
I present to you my most recent build, which could be called Richmont Estate.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-14_zps7a577dcb.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-14_zps7a577dcb.jpg.html)
I designed it to be able to house a large amount of sims, and be a great place to host parties. There is also a heavy focus on gardening and nectar making, with large gardens and nectary installations to turn these perfect fruits into the sweet drink sims love so much (especially snob ones!).
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/82a5003d-0cb1-4c17-b0ab-32ff1e16a4ef_zpsd6fd935c.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/82a5003d-0cb1-4c17-b0ab-32ff1e16a4ef_zpsd6fd935c.jpg.html)
From the front on your left are the living quarters, where the bedrooms are. There is a direct access to the courtyard in case your sim got out of bed late for work!
On the right there is a 2-doors garage, which can fit 3 cars.
The main building contains the kitchen and dining room, seating areas, an open entrance area spanning on 2 floors, and a large common room on the first floor. Bathrooms and laundry room are also located there, and there is 2 unused rooms.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-8_zps81cf1f15.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-8_zps81cf1f15.jpg.html)
In the back, you can see the large gardens, in the open (because I disabled winter and my gardener has the Love the outdoors trait!), and on each side there are installations for nectar making. The middle gazebo has a firepit, in which sims can enjoy a cozy fire eating marshmallows surrounded by nature's harvest!
On the left you have the pool and spa are, with a small bathroom for emergencies!
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-15_zpsb7625315.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-15_zpsb7625315.jpg.html)
Side view of the pool area.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-17_zpsfc3c57d6.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-17_zpsfc3c57d6.jpg.html)
There is a lot of unused space on this side, I was thinking on a pond or something, to be able to have a supply of deathfish for Ambrosia.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-9_zpsb6268ac8.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-9_zpsb6268ac8.jpg.html)
Roof Layout
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-11_zpsb7ba08ee.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-11_zpsb7ba08ee.jpg.html)
First floor layout (Common room)
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-12_zpsfdadc6fb.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-12_zpsfdadc6fb.jpg.html)
(Above) Main floor layout
(Below) Foundations layout
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-13_zps3dd8acff.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-13_zps3dd8acff.jpg.html)
That's it for now guys, I didn't take any pics of the inside because it is ugly, really, but if you guys want to see more i'll try to upload more as the development continues. Its not on the Exchage or Swap Shop yet, but if you guys want it I could manage to put it there.
Also, I would like to have some feedback and suggestions, as there is a few things I would like to add but need some more inspiration. Here is a quick list:
-Nectar Cellar(priority)
-Pond area
-Trophy room
-Art gallery (Although I thought of using the entrance area for this)
-Ideas for the 2 unused rooms
-Ideas for the common room layout
-Anything else you guys can think of!
Anyway thanks for reading, as I previewed it I realised how large a post it is. Hope you enjoyed it!
Edit: Removed a confusing sentence at the beginning. Also corrected some typos.
If your aren't sure what to put in the post, to give some info, I'm pretty sure there is a guide that can help you with that. What to put in a post. It seems there is a guide for about everything, which is great for someone like me who gets confused easy in what, where or how to do something.
I'm not sure if you were asking for that, my mind doesn't seem to want to work right today, probably because I think I am getting the start of a migraine.
If you can create basement that would be a great place to have a trophy room, your nectar storage area, even the art gallery.
As for the empty rooms, do you have a sitting room? I love to have a small room in my homes at the entrance, small area that has a couch, or some chairs and a coffee table.
I always think of those old parlors, or sitting rooms where a visitor/caller sits and wait to see if the someone is free for a visit. Kids selling candy bars for the band and they sit there while you get some money.
Looks nice from what I can see. Others with more knowledge can give better feedback.
And time for me to get off the computer to give my eyes a break, stop the migraine before it gets a chance to start.
If your aren't sure what to put in the post, to give some info, I'm pretty sure there is a guide that can help you with that. What to put in a post. It seems there is a guide for about everything, which is great for someone like me who gets confused easy in what, where or how to do something.
I'm not sure if you were asking for that, my mind doesn't seem to want to work right today, probably because I think I am getting the start of a migraine.
Sorry about the confusion. I edited my post to make it clearer.
If you can create basement that would be a great place to have a trophy room, your nectar storage area, even the art gallery.
That is my goal, knowing that nectar ages better in basements (thank you Carl's Guide!), but I didn't like the way my staircase looked, so I removed them for the time being. I set myself to reread the stairs and basements tutorials to get some more ideas, and I'm working on a new layout right now. I will post more pics when I'm comfortable with it and also some closer look at the floor plans so you guys get a better idea of the rooms as they are now.
Here are some more picture of the cellar:
Front view, with the stairs landing in front of the trophy room, with a bar on the right and a seating area on the left. Paintings will be hanged in here when my painter gets to do better ones. The middle bookcase is actually a hidden door leading to the nectar racks. Perfect to keep kleptos away from the high value stuff!
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-11_zpsc132aaba.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-11_zpsc132aaba.jpg.html)
Back view, where you can see the trophy stands.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-13_zps10f76541.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-13_zps10f76541.jpg.html)
A top down view of the staircase through the foundation, a trick I learned in the Basement and Multistory tutorial of Carl's guide!
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-9_zpse3db069b.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-9_zpse3db069b.jpg.html)
Here is the main floor view of the center of the house. you can see the two doors leading to the staircases in the two empty rooms on each side of the center hallway.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-7_zps81a51645.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-7_zps81a51645.jpg.html)
Here you can see with walls down, how the stairs go down in the foundation, then to the basement.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-8_zpsde28e7a9.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-8_zpsde28e7a9.jpg.html)
Looks good so far. As for the doors to the cellar, I'd expand the rear hallway so the doors to the cellar are accessed from the hallway and not from two other rooms. As for the empty rooms, do you have an office and library? Or an exercise room? Or a craft/art room?
Looks good so far. As for the doors to the cellar, I'd expand the rear hallway so the doors to the cellar are accessed from the hallway and not from two other rooms. As for the empty rooms, do you have an office and library? Or an exercise room? Or a craft/art room?
Thanks, I did rearrange the doors just before reading your message! Here's two pics (walls up and half down)
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-6_zpsfce3a8b4.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-6_zpsfce3a8b4.jpg.html)
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-7_zps5ed559f1.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-7_zps5ed559f1.jpg.html)
And I extended the space between the staircases to make a room for the butler!
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-8_zps97ea119f.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-8_zps97ea119f.jpg.html)
Here's a pic to show the Trophy room with actual tropies plus the visible cellar, because I removed the Bookcase door as it didn't want to open. I replaced it with the cellar door from WA.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-9_zps2d6274fc.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-9_zps2d6274fc.jpg.html)
As for your questions, first here is the gym. It was visible as a blue patch on the left side of the house in the main floor layout picture.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-10_zpsa4d2fdcc.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-10_zpsa4d2fdcc.jpg.html)
And here a 3 pictures of the large common room on the first floor. It has the library, office desk, skilling stations and relax/fun corner. I wanted most skilling object together to benefit from the incense I bought in china.
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-11_zps80566785.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-11_zps80566785.jpg.html)
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-12_zps0aa296ca.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-12_zps0aa296ca.jpg.html)
(http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Ragz1332/Screenshot-13_zps11a940b5.jpg) (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Ragz1332/media/Screenshot-13_zps11a940b5.jpg.html)
The empty rooms at the front of the house, what about small setting with some plants, the decorative ones and one or two in planters, have a wicker chair or loveseat so someone could sit there and relax.
Or a Zen setup, have some sand, put in the small fountain, few plants, rocks, and anything else you feel would give it a Zen atmosphere. You could add a chair or two, or maybe a mat a sim could sit on (can sims be told to sit on the ground?) You could have the boom box hidden behind some plants and set for the Asian music.
With the foundation you would have to take out some of the floor, put steps down for a sim to use to enter the area. You could even put in some trees, a couple of small bamboos one. Remember seeing a room set up somewhat like that, they had steps the length of open area where the sim entered the room.
Others will probably have better suggestions.
Thank you, it is great to receive some input.
I did think about revamping the architectural design, because I think that in the present state it cannot be clearly identified, and that's why I have troubles finding inspiration.
The natural way would be to modernize it, redoing the color scheme and roofing. The windows and door would have to go as well, as do the columns. I do like your zen idea because some of my sims are practicing martial arts. It would fit better in a modern setting than in a colonial house.
As for the space in the front, I do want to have some display and seating. Since it is more a hallway leading to both sides rather than a room where sims actually stay, it can be great when my politician invites tons of people over to get some funding to have many spot for them to sit and chat.
Just wondering what you guys think of my 1920's Gold-Coast-inspired mansion. I drew inspiration from Land's End, Oheka Castle, and Hempstead House. I also was inspired by Biltmore and Mooreland Mansion. The whole idea behind this house was the glamorous lives of the rich during the early 1900's. I will post an exterior shot and if you guys like it, I will post pics of the interior. https://imageshack.com/i/jj1zadj
Welcome to our Forum!
I think there's some confusion here. This Project Stories board is for members who are playing official Forum Projects and are writing stories about them. What you have here is a construction project. I'm going to merge this with our Showboat thread, which is where members can show things they've built in Sims 3.
Just wondering what you guys think of my 1920's Gold-Coast-inspired mansion. I drew inspiration from Land's End, Oheka Castle, and Hempstead House. I also was inspired by Biltmore and Mooreland Mansion. The whole idea behind this house was the glamorous lives of the rich during the early 1900's. I will post an exterior shot and if you guys like it, I will post pics of the interior. https://imageshack.com/i/jj1zadj
The exterior looks really good.
Due to an unfortunate incident early last year involving a chemistry set in one of the dorm rooms (strictly forbidden by school policy), Mallan Hall was pretty much destroyed beyond repair. The university made the decision to demolish the old dormitory and asked for submissions by senoir architect students for the dormitory of their dreams. After much deliberation, the university settled on a design which embraced a more modern look and offered unparalleled comforts for the lucky students who would live and study there. The rooms have a studio apartment feel with several large enough for a small fridge and dining area. Each bedroom also boasts an ensuite bath. A massive atrium brings the outdoors indoors which will be greatly apprecited during the winter months. There's a large study hall with a full outfitting of appropriate books and computers as well as tables for study groups. The communal eating area offers a wide range of food possibilities from pancakes to pizza to lasagna as well as a snack bar for those that slept late and need a quick bite to eat before class. An excerise room and recreation room round out the activites available while the building also offers onsite laundry facilities. The university presents the Mallan Hall of this century.
(Notes: I used a fair amount of CC in this build so I won't be offering it for the shop and swap. However, I hope it might inspire your own ideas of a new dormitory. To build it, I simply went into edit town in the University town and deleted everything on the lot except for the very front fixtures. The outside notice board proved tricky if I simply bulldozed the lot.)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-413_zps4024cf6a.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-413_zps4024cf6a.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-414_zps8601906f.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-414_zps8601906f.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-415_zpsfab90069.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-415_zpsfab90069.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-418_zps1ba9bb55.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-418_zps1ba9bb55.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-416_zpsbe2f5404.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-416_zpsbe2f5404.jpg.html)
Walls down screenshots so you can see the entire layout:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-419_zps84b3e31f.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-419_zps84b3e31f.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-420_zpsf4b626ae.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-420_zpsf4b626ae.jpg.html)
After returning to Sunset Valley from a trip to Bridgeport, I wanted to bring some of that night-life to my hometown. Unfortunately the city-council and I didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on what is considered desirable. So I had to make a deal with some of the, uh, less than savory members of our quiet beach-side town.
It all started with this pre-fab house I ordered from a service called the "Library." We needed to have it look completely legit from the outside, just in case any nosy regulators decided to come around.
We then dug two floors down for soundproofing and added a bar and dance floor, to my exact design, of course. This is what Sunset Valley was missing!
Of course, when you make a deal with the type of people I had to, compromises must be made. When I tried to argue, they invited me to a diving trip just off the coast. I was excited at first, but then I realized that there aren't any diving spots in Sunset Valley. I stayed pretty quiet after that. At least they added a spa!
This is a remodel of on of the houses in the Library. Aero...something. I'll check and add the name later. I wanted to add a dance club to Sunset Valley, but didn't feel like there was any appropriate place to put it. I thought, why not make it look like a house and be an "Underground" dance club. So this is the result. I'm not sure if I'm going to add it to the Swap Shop, but if there's enough interest in it, I just might.
Let me know what you think!
I love the idea! With the backroom gambling as well. Nicely done!
Loving the idea! I don't think I've seen that executed before, and it looks great!
This is the front of my Asylum Challenge home. I started out building this house with no intentions in mind, and this suddenly popped up out of nowhere after fiddling around with a few things. I'm thinking of remodelling this house after I complete the challenge fit for a family, but I don't know what colours and style I should use with this shape of house.
Anyone have any comments, ideas, feedback?
Thanks for the comments Dellena and Acustical! I always appreciate feedback.
I thought this was too funny to share. Within the first week it seems that one of Sunset Valley's women in blue just had to partake in some backroom gambling herself!
So much for being on the down-low...
@Acustical: Wow, I really like that exterior! The landscaping seems very well done. For some reason the Queen Anne style of Victorian houses came to mind. I think searching google images for some examples would give you some really nice inspiration for remodeling.
With the release, today, of the new build set for mansions from the EA store, I went on the hunt for an epic mansion to build.
Here's what I found:
I'll be building the First Floor Plan, the Additional Optional Second Floor plan, the Basement and the Sub-Basement floor plans. So that's 4 floors on their own. I'm also kicking around ideas for the fifth floor.
Rather than the Greek style that you see in the pictures, I'll be using the Second Empire architectural style for the exterior (to take advantage of all the new juicey build bits with the set.
My question for this community is:
Would you like to see the build in progress with screenshots, etc.?
This build is going to take a few days to complete, minimum, and has some build issues that I'll have to deal with in the Sims universe and what's possible. But I'm excited to get started and thought I'd share. :)
I would love to see your progress Dellena, I always enjoy seeing what others are able to build and the process behind it.
I would LOVE to see the progress on this mansion! It looks very daunting to me. I wouldn't even attempt something of this magnitude. I can hardly wait to see how you achieve it! Good luck!
We have only one thread for sharing construction and building projects. I'm going to merge this thread with it. Dellena, please post your pictures there.
I was actually considering making it more of a tutorial type thread. Something along the lines of answering the old question:
I've found this great houseplan I want to build in Sims, how do I do it?
For many houseplans, it's fairly simple and straight forward. However, for a project like this, it's going to be Complicated (capital C intended). So I was thinking of expanding on my thinking processes on how to build it as well as opening it up for other awesome builders to add comments or suggestions (particularly if I run into issues here or there, which I probably will).
However, all that being said, I can do it all here and folks can sift through. :)
Villa Capri House Build
So, the first step in building from an actual house plan is to study it carefully, and if you can, print it out so you can make notes on it.
Studying my house plan (http://www.archivaldesigns.com/home-plans/villa-capri-house-plan), the first thing I note (and that will be a challenge to build) is the fact that is has a minimum of two floors that are fully above ground and two floors that are partially underground. Not an easy thing to build in Sims. So I had to think of some ways to do it.
I don’t like trying to build a walkout basement with the basement tool. It’s too complicated. So I’m going to do it the ‘old school’ way.
I’ve decided that I’m going to raise the front elevation on the property by one floor height. This will be the base of the first floor - the garages will also be on this elevation. That way, the ‘basement’ will be at the original ground elevation and then I’ll lower that by one floor level for the ‘sub-basement’. This will make more sense when you see the screenshots after I have the floors in.
Now comes some calculations. I’m going to build this on a 64 x 64 lot and I’ll probably need all of that space. I need to calculate, roughly, the depth of the build (including the garages) so I know how far back into the lot I’ll start so I have a nice gradual incline up to the first floor level.
So, now I’m looking at the stairs and figuring out how I’m going to make it work. Sims doesn’t allow you to place a staircase right above another one (only exception is the spiral stairs). So I can’t stack them like it shows in the plan. Instead, I’m going to go with one up the center and then the next level, there will be one on either side, and the next floor will go up the center again, etc. I’ll end up with something like this:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-427_zps5d8d5f64.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-427_zps5d8d5f64.jpg.html)
If I allow two floor tiles on either side (as pictured) then the central stairwell is a minimum of 14 tiles wide and 8 tiles deep. Now I need to figure the rest of the width of the house. I use a rough measurement of one tile equals about three feet in the real world.
Laundry room = 11 x 11 (close enough to 12 x 12 so 4 x 4 tiles in the Sim world)
Dining room = 18 x 15 (6 x 5 tiles)
Foyer = Doesn’t show a measurement so I’ll use the double door and the wall bits on either side to equal a 4 tile width Foyer.
Now, I don’t need to measure the other side as this house will be perfectly symetrical from the center. Taking half of the Foyer (2 tiles) and adding the Laundry room and Dining room together (10 tiles), I get 12 tiles as half the width of the house. Which means 24 tiles wide for the whole house. But I need to consider those garages.
They are 21 x 21 on the plans. This would come out to 7 x 7 tiles, HOWEVER, the Sims Parking Space is 3 x 7 tiles. So 7 x 7 wouldn’t strictly work. Plus the Sims garage doors are 4 tiles wide and there’s two of them per building. This calls for some alterations. I’m going to go with a depth of 12 tiles (2 garage doors plus three wall pieces) and since the buildings show as square, they will be 12 x 12 tiles each. The garages are inset in relation to the house by about 2 tiles on each side. If I add the two garages together, I get 24 tiles, minus the tiles inset by the house (4 tiles) I get an additional width to the build of 20 tiles. So now the house is a total of 44 tiles wide (I’m glad I don’t have to clean it in real life! lol).
Now for the depth.
Garage = 12 tiles
Distance between Garages and house = I’m allowing 4 tiles for safety
Dining room = 5 tiles
Stair well = 8 tiles (this includes the Gallery on the plans)
Grand Room = 6 tiles (20 x 18 = 7 x 6 tiles)
Total depth = 35 tiles
My house will require a space of 44 x 35 tiles leaving 20 tiles to split for the sides and 29 tiles to split for the back and front. I’ll split the sides evenly and save 16 tiles for the front leaving 13 tiles for the back.
Now I have a plan. :) And you guys can check my math. ;)
Figuring out how to do a 2 storey walkout basement is giving me fits at the moment but I'm still working on it, but bed time now. Back at it tomorrow.
Villa Capri House Build Update
After a LOT of experimentation with different methods, I'm going to have to say that this house will NOT have two basement walkout floors - only one. The sub-basement is using the actual basement tool and is all underground. That being said, I'm going to try some stuff with the pool at the back that I'll add later to get some daylight into that sub-basement.
Another thing I had to change was the stairwell. The way I did it in the test would work in certain builds (and I'll use it in the future). However, this build requires the entry to pass through the stairs on either side and goes straight back to the great room. So this build will use the sweeping stairs up to the second floor but I'll use the spiral stairs (one on either side) to descend to the walkout basement and the sub-basement. There's also an elevator that hits all floors so there's plenty of pathing possibilities for the Sims to get around in the house.
Once I sorted those two things out, I was able to get up a rough shell of those three floors.
In the first picture, you'll see that I used walls to help me center the build on the lot. I then used those walls as a guide when I raised the terrain to as close to the top of those walls as I could manage.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-429_zpsabbcef9d.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-429_zpsabbcef9d.jpg.html)
Now I'll show you where I am with the build right now:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-431_zpsc20ab3d4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-431_zpsc20ab3d4.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-432_zpsafe1aafb.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-432_zpsafe1aafb.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-433_zps18dee9d8.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-433_zps18dee9d8.jpg.html)
Note that I'm using the large, glass block, circular windows from Roaring Heights so if you want to eventually download this house, you'll need that World from the EA Store.
Next step is to sort out the pool I spoke of and then extend up to the second floor and possibly the third floor (haven't decided on that yet).
There are plenty of resources out there to show how I did the walkout basement. I haven't checked, but there's probably a guide to it here on Carl's site. If there isn't, let me know and I'll try to explain or give you a link to some video tutorials that I used.
Villa Capri House Build Update
I've gotten a lot more done today than I thought I would. I'll probably stop for today on this project as I've found that doing too much too fast can be bad for the build in the long run. But at least the roof is on! I've built my own tower which will be usable and will be the only access to the actual roof (they have to get up there to clean the windows somehow!). :)
I haven't settled on the exterior walls yet for decorating. I used the green scalloped roof and matched the roof decor pieces as close as possible. I'm fairly happy with how it's shaping up. And yes, I went with the third floor which boasts an amazing Atrium with a walkout terrace and stupendous views of the water.
Now, rather than giving every step, if anyone has a question on how I did a specific part, please feel free to post and I'll try to answer as best as I can.
Oh, and I was able to get the pool fixed so the sub-basement now gets actual daylight through the water.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-434_zpse87b5ac4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-434_zpse87b5ac4.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-435_zps56f347a0.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-435_zps56f347a0.jpg.html)
That is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! I'm in awe, Dellena.
That is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! I'm in awe, Dellena.
Thanks! I'm debating exterior wall decor. I've done some research and found both masonry exteriors and clapboard. But I think clapboard was more common (and likely cheaper). If I go that route, I was thinking white for the end trim and the siding to be a pale, cheerful yellow. Also, the foundation pieces will eventually be made to look like raised flower beds. I'm also wondering about the garages if they should have the mansard pieces, like the house, but without any windows. What do you guys think?
Thanks! I'm debating exterior wall decor. I've done some research and found both masonry exteriors and clapboard. But I think clapboard was more common (and likely cheaper). If I go that route, I was thinking white for the end trim and the siding to be a pale, cheerful yellow. Also, the foundation pieces will eventually be made to look like raised flower beds. I'm also wondering about the garages if they should have the mansard pieces, like the house, but without any windows. What do you guys think?
I like that combination of the yellow and the white trim. I can't wait to see the raised flower bed idea ^^. I think the mansard roof would work, though I'd probably have to see it to judge fully. I tend to need visuals XD
Villa Capri House Build Update
Ok, see what you think now. I've completed (so far) the windows and doors on the front of the house as well as the roof and some windows on the two garages.
What do you think of the yellow? Too light, too dark, wrong shade? I think it works with the stained glass doors (from Supernatural).
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-439_zpsd02af409.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-439_zpsd02af409.jpg.html)
And here's a closer look at the raised flower bed. :)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-438_zpsd605edf1.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-438_zpsd605edf1.jpg.html)
Now it's bed time. :)
Lovely! I like the yellow.
Oooooo! I love that! Looks great! Will you be uploading this to the Swap Shop by any chance once it's complete?
Yes, I will. None of the interior will be decorated. The walls will be up, stairs and doors but I will leave the decorating to the individuals. So it will go in the shells thread. But I'll give the link to that here once it's at a point to be released. Eventually, I'll show you how I decorated it.
Edit: It's up. :)
Second Empire Mansion (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,4199.msg367854.html#msg367854)
If we don't own some of those sets, could we still download it?
Which sets are you missing?
I totally need to get the green house set as well as Roaring Heights lol and the mansion set XD But I WILL download it.
Even if you don't have the expansions or store worlds you can download the house. It will either have replacements or empty spaces in the areas from those towns.
I had SEA and had placed some lamps on tables in a garden, when I had to uninstall SEA the lamps were exchanged with other lamps. That looked totally out of place, frilly lamps sitting on table outside in gardens.
Downloaded a house, the Adobe, don't remember who designed it, but the counters were from a town that I don't have and so it was blank. There were no replacements, just an empty section of the kitchen. I think a room was missing a door also.
Don't let the lack of having the towns stop you from downloading a building, you can just add what you have, or even change a room to be something else if you don't have anything that would go there. A room that is set for entertainment, with arcade type games, can be changed by enlarging other rooms or even used as a bedroom, alchemy, study, exercise, nursery or whatever you want it to be.
I would say that the main set you would want to have is the Now & Then Century Manor set. Otherwise, you don't get ANY of the mansard roof. I guess you could change the entire style of the roof to something else that's available to you.
I looked at what you have in the shell thread and it is really nice. Right now I'm not going to download it as I have way, way, to many homes already saved. :)
On the roof, I am pretty sure that there is that style of roof with the base game. I have only IP and SN for expansions, and the store worlds of RV, DV, MV and AS, so I would have very little in what you have in your home.
I'm still learning how to add roofs to my homes when I remodel ones in the games, but I will figure it all out someday. I do either the auto roof or work on making mine own, which end up looking a bit strange ;D Practice makes perfect as the saying goes. And I need lots of practice :)
The roof that you see isn't made with the roofing tool. The new set has several roof decor pieces that you put together to make what you see there.
Villa Capri Mansion Update
First off, I decided (after a lot of images research into Second Empire buildings) that the front tower was one floor too tall. I've now altered that and here's the screenshots to show:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-450_zpsffdc2147.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-450_zpsffdc2147.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-451_zps615a50fe.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-451_zps615a50fe.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-452_zpseb5a4d1f.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-452_zpseb5a4d1f.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-453_zps38061ea1.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-453_zps38061ea1.jpg.html)
If you downloaded the house and want to copy this new look, you should be able to see what to do from the screenshots. Two things to note: 1. You'll need to use the MoveObjects On cheat for a couple of the roof decor pieces as they sit on top of lower pieces. 2. For the floor tiles which the roofing pieces sit on and that extend out past the walls, you'll want to use the Create a Style tool on the sides of those floor tiles and I just changed the pattern to the Misc flat white pattern. So it looks like white trim.
Now, onto changes in the rear of the house.
I wanted to alter the back of the house to bring the outside to the inside, so to speak. So here's what I did:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-454_zpse4689952.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-454_zpse4689952.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-455_zps25c456c8.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-455_zps25c456c8.jpg.html)
The house is supported by those massive concrete with reinforced steel cores pillars.
And the basement is now complete.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-456_zps0613135c.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-456_zps0613135c.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-457_zps216ed710.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-457_zps216ed710.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-458_zpscce77d72.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-458_zpscce77d72.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-459_zpse3f179db.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-459_zpse3f179db.jpg.html)
So we have an extensive gym, unisex bathroom complete with a shower (can't have stinky sims going through the house ;) ), and the movie/media room. The screen is from the Movie Theatre venue store set and just has the "Watch movie..." interaction and you can pick different movies to watch. I've confirmed (with my tester sim) that a sim can watch a movie from the back row. One thing you can't see in that room is the snow cone machine. You need a snack, right? :) Any room with windows into the pool got the wall treatment which uses the same pattern as the pool itself.
That looks absolutely magnificent Dellena, fabulous build! I have neither the time, talent or patience to do something as elegant, I am in awe!
Thanks, McHazy :) I'm currently working on a tricked out 'man cave' :D
Villa Capri Mansion Update
I've pretty much completed the walkout basement level.
I did some further revision on the pool area and added a bunch of the waveboards which look nice up on the wall.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-460_zpsb58ffd9e.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-460_zpsb58ffd9e.jpg.html)
You can see a single white door on the right of that picture and that leads to the Sauna, which also has an entrance inside the house.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-461_zpsa728af77.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-461_zpsa728af77.jpg.html)
Now we get into the 'man cave' bit. Feast your eyes, boys. :D
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-464_zps6433f443.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-464_zps6433f443.jpg.html)
There's a bathroom:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-462_zps63791d95.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-462_zps63791d95.jpg.html)
(Complete with sofas for certain guests who might be too drunk to drive home to crash on if necessary.) ;)
And a small wine cellar:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-463_zps6b7671db.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-463_zps6b7671db.jpg.html)
Tomorrow I'll work on the main floor more. Started some today but need to stop for today.
Figured I've done enough renovating that it might be time to show my progress and get some more feedback.
I've included blueprint shots (building mode) this time to help out anyone that wants to try and rebuild the house themselves. I'm not interested in uploading the house (especially when I don't consider it complete), and I wish to encourage anyone who wants to use this design to put their own spin on it during construction.
Note that all these pictures go to full size if you click on them (refreshing the page should shrink the big ones again. If you just go back, they'll still be 1600x900), not just the thumbnails. I tried to include all the important pictures here, but for anyone interested, there are some more in their home gallery on my blog, found on this (http://randox.blog.com/gallery/sims-3/) page.
Front View:
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-134.jpg) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-134.jpg)
Back View:
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-133.jpg) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-133.jpg)
Blueprint Mainfloor:
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-137.jpg) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-137.jpg)
Blueprint Topfloor:
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-138.jpg) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-138.jpg)
Select Interior Thumbnails:
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/thumbs/thumbs_screenshot-125.jpg?1914101273) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-125.jpg)
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/thumbs/thumbs_screenshot-126.jpg?1230563041) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-126.jpg)
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/thumbs/thumbs_screenshot-136.jpg?201432404) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-136.jpg)
(http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/thumbs/thumbs_screenshot-139.jpg?85474528) (http://randox.blog.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/08/43/36/8433664/files/sims-3/screenshot-139.jpg)
Optional wall of Text!
Any suggestions, comments, and critiques welcome
Compare to my last post on this house here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,1468.msg327854.html#msg327854).
Attempting to cut down on the wall'o'text. The bathrooms are a problem. I added the second bathroom back in (in the space between walls) because I need it, and I shrunk the other one to make the bedroom big enough for two. I dislike having such small bathrooms in such a large house, but I have not yet arrived at a solution.
Backyard changes can be seen by looking at the last post. I think I overpatterend it. Plan is to turn the pool into a fountain, and put a new pool running down the right side of the backyard and house where I now have much more space.
I am also thinking that with the garage extension (it's longer now), I will turn the top of that into a guest loft, and connect it behind the stairs to turn the master bedroom into the guest bedroom (and possibly a bathroom). I'm not big on the party hall on the second floor anymore, so that would be remodeled into the new master bedroom, master bath, and gym.
If anyone really wants to take a shot at remaking this house and needs other views, send me a PM. Can't garuntee it will be shots of exactly the same house, but this design isn't going anywhere.
For the exterior, I would break up the constant stonework with siding or paint. See the images here (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=images+stone+and+siding+house&rlz=1I7GGLD_en-GB&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=WZdoU56cNMqSOsnpgfgH&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=939).
If you have bunk beds, that could solve your small spacing issue in the room with the two single beds.
For me, personally, I would build a separate building for the sauna and gym and that would open up the whole top floor around the master bedroom.
Missed it when I was posting last night. That house is simply gorgeous! I am particularly liking what you did with the backyard. It's a nice blend of old and modern architecture.
Thanks for the ideas as well. I'll see what I can do about making the exterior a bit more pleasant, and I think I am going to move some rooms around again and see if I can gain some space where I need it, and open a few rooms up.
Villa Capri Mansion Update
I haven't posted on the mansion in a while because I've been working on several commissions. But now that I have some free time again, I've been working on more of the decoration of the mansion. So here goes:
The living room:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-21_zpsa70d0fb3.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-21_zpsa70d0fb3.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-22_zps8871c481.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-22_zps8871c481.jpg.html)
View from the living room to the entry hall:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-23_zps2f6e1725.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-23_zps2f6e1725.jpg.html)
Dining room:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-24_zps0acbfbe4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-24_zps0acbfbe4.jpg.html)
The Dowager Suite:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-26_zps9877b934.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-26_zps9877b934.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-25_zpsfe7b19de.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-25_zpsfe7b19de.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-27_zps7fe2aa38.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-27_zps7fe2aa38.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-28_zps1860da39.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-28_zps1860da39.jpg.html)
That is beautiful! I am once again, in awe. I wish I had half the talent in decorating even XD
That is beautiful! I am once again, in awe. I wish I had half the talent in decorating even XD
I use a lot of CC and store content which helps. You have more choices then - at least that works for me. :)
Villa Capri Mansion Update
With the completion of the kitchen/laundry areas, the main floor is now complete.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-32_zpse16827b5.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-32_zpse16827b5.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-31_zps33127848.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-31_zps33127848.jpg.html)
I have almost all of the cooking appliances for special items (i.e. baker's station, japanese grill, etc.) and I placed them all in this kitchen. Afterall, this is an estate kitchen.
Here's the first bedroom from the second floor. It is VERY masculine (intentional) but I like how it turned out. The black/gray colour scheme really makes the artwork pop.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-33_zpsdb94be2d.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-33_zpsdb94be2d.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-34_zpsb016b785.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-34_zpsb016b785.jpg.html)
And the ensuite bathroom with an Asian theme:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-37_zpsd3b70595.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-37_zpsd3b70595.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-38_zps7f5f161e.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-38_zps7f5f161e.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-36_zps748ead1f.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-36_zps748ead1f.jpg.html)
And here's a lesson I've learned from this build. If you're going to tile the ceiling, make it the first step before any interior walls (if you can help it). In small rooms, it can be impossible to get the camera to show the ceiling in build mode. In this instance, I can to delete a wall in the bathroom so I could tile the ceiling of the bedroom and bathroom at the same time and then rebuild and recover that wall tile. So learn from me, do it first! ;)
I decided to stop for a bit on decorating the Villa Capri Mansion just to let myself consider how I want to decorate the remaining 3 bedrooms (which one has to be a nursery). Now I've been a Jane Austen fan for a very long time and after the Matthew MacFadyen/Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice movie, I fell in love with Chatsworth House (the Pemberley stand in). It is one of my goals in life to actually visit this historic home and see with my own eyes the beauty both inside and outside the house. I've been wanting to build it for a very long time but didn't feel that my skills or the game was up to it yet. But over the last several days, I've been working out in my head how to solve some of the construction issues that were a problem in the past. And today, I constructed the front fascade.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-39_zps7e256b10.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-39_zps7e256b10.jpg.html)
What do you think?
Wow, that is amazing! What sets are used?
I'm pretty sure the arch at the bottom is from the store. The roof decorations are mostly from the buydebug World Adventures items (placed on top of a display pedestal from Supernatural). The top fence is a CC item. The windows are also CC. There's an artist at The Sims Resource who often will take an EA base game or expansion/stuff item and fill out the full set; which I love because I can then construct a house with all matching windows no matter their size since the artist provides singles and doubles in counter and tall versions. The column is base game, I think, in the 2 storey version. The roof decor around the top is base game now too. I used the PlaceFriezes On cheat to allow me to set the one roof piece so it sits on top of the roof decor and makes that lovely triangular piece in the centre.
Update: Exterior is complete.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-40_zpse334cd70.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-40_zpse334cd70.jpg.html)
Villa Capri Mansion Update
Back to decorating! :) Today we have a VERY feminine bedroom with bath.
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-2_zpsbb8ac063.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-2_zpsbb8ac063.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot_zpsac7ee618.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot_zpsac7ee618.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-3_zps6ccaefa4.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-3_zps6ccaefa4.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-4_zps87a1d59a.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-4_zps87a1d59a.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-5_zps62d7c569.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-5_zps62d7c569.jpg.html)
Next, I'm working on a nursery.
And another update. :)
I have strict instructions from a friend to get this done because she knows the story I'm writing for the house and wants me to get going on it! lol
Here's the Nursery, with the wall pattern and one of the crib patterns from our very own Danielle Haydis. :)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot_zpscfc4b3ca.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot_zpscfc4b3ca.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-2_zps2c755088.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-2_zps2c755088.jpg.html)
And the attached bath:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-3_zpsf3147637.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-3_zpsf3147637.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot_zps1e0ba88d.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot_zps1e0ba88d.jpg.html)
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-2_zpsa939c6f2.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-2_zpsa939c6f2.jpg.html)
Well, the Villa Capri is now pretty much complete. I hope you enjoyed the process with me. :)
Now I'm working on a commission from keepflying42 for a houseplan they picked out. I just had to share how the living room is working out. The photos provided with the house plan showed exposed roof trusses in the living room. Here's what I've done so far:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot-25_zpsc8321c44.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot-25_zpsc8321c44.jpg.html)
This build will come in two flavours. The 'full fat' will require the Dragon Valley World and the Now & Then Century Manor set; both from the EA Store. The 'lite' version won't require those two items since keepflying42 doesn't have them. ... yet. ;)
And this is the 'work in progress' exterior:
(http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/DellynaNS/Screenshot_zps0dd90558.jpg) (http://s709.photobucket.com/user/DellynaNS/media/Screenshot_zps0dd90558.jpg.html)
The roof on this house was a total P.I.T.A. But enough for tonight. It's 2:00 a.m. and time for bed. :)
Dellena, after commenting on your other shells, I wanted to hop over here and see if you did any more decorating to the interior of the mansion. I see that you are done, but I just want to say that I love what you did and how you decorated it! Beautiful job!
Thanks! :D It's fun to play in it as well. I'm currently adding a house boat to the family that lives there as well. Eventually, I'll write the story for the sims living there.
I'm wondering if I can show the changes I did to a house I downloaded from the exchange, because I need other peoples opinions about it and such ;)
Would be great to see the 'before' and then the 'after'. :)
Would be great to see the 'before' and then the 'after'. :)
Okie Dokie, that sounds like a cool idea :D I got it as a shell ( my sims bought it with no furniture in it ) and I don't see the difference with the before, but I'll try and find the furnished version :)
For some of the EA houses, anything is an improvement. I think they had them decorated by a monkey slinging paint balls at the walls... lol
Dellena your villa capri mansion is beautiful! I was wondering what painting was used in the feminine bedroom/bath? The one with the mermaid in it.
I'll PM you the details as it's third party CC.
A little late getting these up, but I haven't played in a while. First up, took a stab at breaking up the brick fortress look as suggested. I expect this will change at least a bit in the future, but for getting well outside my decorating skill set, I'm happy with this for now:
I've also done some work fixing my floorplan which divided the entertaining and living space between both floors with an upstairs performance/dance hall, and a downstairs bedroom. Combined with the tiny and oddly shaped bathrooms, and I am surprised I kept that layout for as long as I did. The biggest challenge here was that for gameplay reasons, I really wanted two downstairs bathrooms, and I had to keep the study with the secret basement entrance.
To expand the entertaining space and move the dancing downstairs, I opted to knock out the kitchen and expand the living room into that space with a new wall separating it from the dinning room. Next, I moved the Kitchen into the space occupied by the downstairs bedroom and one of the bathrooms. It took some playing around, and the kitchen is substantially smaller, but it was largely wasted space before and this layout seems to work. This also means that the kitchen, living room, and dinning room are now connected as a circle, where before the dinning room was only accessible from outside and the kitchen.
To get my bathroom back, and to get some needed additional space on the main floor, I eliminated the family room entirely and completely redid the layout for that side of the house. The office is now accessible from the hall leading to the backdoor, while the bathrooms now face each other and are accessible from a small hallway leading away from the stairs. This lends the bathroom some privacy as well (how many houses have you been in where there was a bathroom directly off the living room?):
Upstairs, the former dance/performance studio gave me a lot of free space to play with. I had to put in a bedroom and family room to replace the rooms I lost, and I decided to stick in an upstairs bathroom for good measure. After a little bit of playing room tetras, I settled on the current layout that puts the bedroom on the back wall where the good view is, and places the family room and bathroom off to the sides of a narrow hall leading back to the bedroom. I did this because I was able to run one grand(ish) hall down the front of the top floor, which I like, and it avoided any 5 sided rooms from trying to place the 3 rooms so they could all be accessed from the front of the house. Also, I wasn't able to easily fit the laundry facilities into any of the bathrooms, so I decided to make the bit of house past the stairs on the second floor useful again by turning that into the laundry room:
As always, thoughts, suggests, and criticisms welcome!
Oh, and some interior shots and the blueprint shots:
I love the exterior, first of all, and when this home is posted I'll download it. Some of the walls on the bottom floor look a bit rough - you could try using diagonal walls or something to smooth out the bathrooms. Other than that, great job!
No plans to upload the house for now because it's been built in an active save with my own custom content. My hope is that anyone who wants to would be able to recreate the house using my build mode pictures (and I'll provide specific pictures on request if anyone wants them), and perhaps put their own twist on my design (and then show off what you did because I would love to see what other people do with it).
As for the rough walls on the first floor, I think I see what you are getting at. I think the house is closing in on the final floor plan for me (at which point I might consider cleaning up the save and uploading the house), but I can never speak for my future whims. What I do know is that I have some ideas for which I am going to need a new house or two, so once I have the money for a second (or vacation) house, I'll be shifting my focus to that.
For anyone interested, here are the oldest pictures of the house I have (these are from the second version of the house. The pictures in my previous post are from the fifth). You can see the general layout I have maintained since the beginning, as well as where I have made the house larger (the garage, and the section of house behind it), but also that there really isn't space for me to cram anything else in without major alterations to the exterior look.
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/42/ril8.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/16ril8j)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/41/nhoq.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/15nhoqj)
Yeah the bathroom corrections really made a difference.
This is a house I'm currently working on. The story is that a botanist came into a large sum of money and wished to create a house that joined indoor and outdoor space into one. She wanted to keep her house intact while building a conservatory where people could throw parties while taking in a wide variety of plant life.
I'm having a little trouble deciding how to finish the exterior faces. I'm not sure what look/style I want to achieve on the conservatory. Also want to add in some sort of science lab, but not sure where to put it. Any ideas?
I think that's going to be quite lovely once you finish painting it. Really liking the interior work too!
Had a thought looking at your house, and I think the paint scheme for this house would look quite nicely on yours if you can tie it into the conservatory. You might even be able to do up one of the stone paints in this scheme if that ticked your fancy on the conservatory (pretty sure nothing like this in the game, you'll have to pick the colours yourself).
I'm a fan of tucking away the lab in a basement, but that's mostly a personal taste thing. If you wanted it to be neatly tucked away, you might be able to find a way to put it under the conservatory which I assume has no basement. Might even be a good opourtunity to use one of those secret bookcase doors. If not, than perhaps you could make it a detached building. I'd have to play around with it I think, but I'd be inclined to try and fit it in with the greenhouses so that it's not an eyesore for guests on the far side of the conservatory in the room which I think is the one with the bar. I think you could totally do some pond or fountain work on that side though.
Thanks for the input! It's really funny that you found a house with that color scheme. I was working on it some more and came up with one really close to that. I added a shed with the science lab. I thought about adding a basement, but decided she needed faster access to the lab. Also, it gives guests a chance to come in and see her work on the various plants in the sims world!
I've finished the landscaping, cottage, and interior of the conservatory, but I still can't decide what the exterior of the conservatory should look like...maybe I should just do all windows? I like your idea of blending the look of the conservatory with the house. I just don't quite know how to do it.
I don't play gardeners very often, so this should be a very interesting experience once complete. I'm still trying to decide between a residential and a community lot. I would be interesting trying to run a household from a community lot full-time.
Any other comments?
Hi. Been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up.
Here are a couple commercial buildings I've been working on. One's a laundromat and the other is a bowling alley. They're part of a small neighborhood commercial area a couple blocks from downtown. I'm still working on these and I'll try to have a couple shots of the interiors and updated exteriors soon.
The Alder Street Laundromat. The 2nd floor and neighboring building are just shells and the interior of the laundromat has a dated 1970s brown and orange color scheme. Right now I'm working on changing the facade of the one-story brown building. I don't like how it turned out.
The Gutter Ball Bowling Alley across the street from the laundromat. the Hillwood City Library is behind the trees to the left of the building. I'll try to get some pictures of it soon...
Wow, Jordan, those look fantastic! I can't wait to see what they look like finished. Looks like they would be right at home in Twinbrook or even Bridgeport.
Keep up the good work, and welcome to the forum! :)
Since I'm not sure if this should be made its own topic or put in another thread or something, kindly move this to the correct place if necessary, mods! Thank you :)
While this isn't exactly a finished product, I'm actually pretty proud of what I have so far given that I almost never build houses/lots (well, and keep the final designs, anyways). I was very inspired by the building trailer from a certain future game that I simply had to build a version of it in the game.
(Now, if only I knew how to layout and decorate...)
This was originally a 'modern home for a multigenerational family', but I'm planning on turning it into a small apartment instead- I simply can't get enough apartment buildings. (Literally :P)
Another view, this time from the back of the lot.
Since I'm not sure what's behind, I simply turned this area into a future parking space instead. (Ignore that road sign, I was building this in Starlight Shores but plan on moving it later, haha.)
Hopefully the rest of the building & landscaping goes just as smoothly. Unfortunately, not so much high hopes when it comes to interior decorating. ;)
It looks great! If you're interested, I start a thread a while back asking for decorators for some of the builds I was doing. Several of them spoke up. Have a look through here (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,20149.0.html) and you're welcome to post there and ask for help with the decorating. You'd simple share it in game to make it appear in your exports folder. Then send that sims3pack file to the appropriate decorator and they'll send you back the finished build. :)
Here is an update...
This is the Hillwood City Library. It's backstory is that it was built in the 70s and has recently undergone an extensive renovation...
1st floor
2nd floor
Here are a couple of other buildings I'm working on.
This is an office building that will have an art gallery and studio. The studio will be on the first floor and the rest of the building is just a decorative shell.
This is the Hillwood Fire Station. The living quarters will be on the 2nd floor in the back of the building while the Fire Chief's office and gym will be on the back of the 1st floor.
This is a warehouse type building in the downtown area. It's just a decorative shell.
This is another decorative shell. By the way, the sim in front of the house is Dan Armstrong, the corrupt police chief and one of the main 'antagonists' in the city.
@Jordan101 I love the city feel of the buildings you have posted. You have excellent attention to detail.
I really love the first two buildings, not because they're particularly pretty, but because they are so reminiscent of some of the buildings in my town. You're really talented!
Reviving this thread because Mrs. Flynn asked me to share pictures of the house I'm building once it's done. Well, It's not done yet, but I'm so ridiculously pleased with how the master bath turned out that I'm posting a couple shots early.
Call them preview shots, if you will.

Just noticed that I need to recolor the towels on the counter. Whoops. Also I think I need to switch the wallpaper on the platforms to something with a thicker baseboard, so that the whole of the height is covered. Opinion?
House isn't finished yet because I had to take a break from it. I ran into a wall trying to furnish an empty space next to the living room. So I took a couple days off from contemporary prairie and built a log cabin in the woods:
I like the combination you chose for the bathroom walls. It really suits.
Wow @roguebait ! Love what you've done so far . Very anxious to see the rest of your build . :)
Bad news. I had to replace my hard drive and reinstall the games. Even though I had backed up my save files, the files ended up corrupted either in the back-up or restore process. So it looks like I'll be starting from square one on that house.
All right. Take two on the contemporary house. I'm going overboard on the custom content for my own game, but I do plan on uploading a version without any CC; it's just figuring out right now what each room will be, and then I'll translate them over. In the meanwhile, may I present to you Cleverly Named House. Maybe Bedecked with Angles? Who knows...

Exterior shots. Note to self: get a better shot of the decks later...

The first and second floor layouts, with labels

One side of the entry way. It's hard to tell in this shot, but the walls are green

The library, looking within and without. I'm not sold on the pattern in the sectional.

The media room. Stairs lead up to what will be the rumpus room/loft, which will house game tables, a bar, and some exercise equipment
The problem area right now is that large white carpeted area right smack dab in the middle of the house. I don't really know what to do with that section because of how large it is. Any suggestions are welcome.
Just started getting back into building this previous week. Here are the two houses I've built over the long weekend for us in the U.S.
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Fractured Rectangle - 1bd, 2.5ba
Did a little sketch of this in a work meeting and couldn't get it out of my head, so I built it.
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American Twilight - 2bd, 2ba
I wanted to try to make the roof lines I see so much on suburban American homes. 1 story house with accessible attic space.
Constructive criticism is always welcome. I've been checking back on these forums every so often and there doesn't seem to be much demand for new houses on the swap shop, so I don't know if I will go through the process of posting them there unless there's interest for it. Just thought I'd share.
I like what you have done so far! The stairs/cabinetry in the media room are an especially nice touch. I think you could turn the large area into a lounge/party room with a professional bar, stereo, maybe a dance floor, etc. Being right next to the media room with quick access to the deck would make it pretty easy to keep all of your party guests entertained!
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I think I've seen posts in this thread that is just a room redecoration. So...
This was for my current family, when their first babies were born. (And now they have six, this room has seen slight redecoration since then.) They live in a three bedroom apartment in Bridgeport. This was the first room I redecorated in the apartment, because the twins needed somewhere nice to sleep.
The twins modelling the cribs!
My attempt at a house in Hidden Springs with dormer windows.
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My building skills are basic, but I'm trying to improve and I used the Sims 3 roofing tutorials by @Twinmum to help me.
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The same house from the backyard.
So that it wasn't just simply "a long corridor with an entry and living area in the middle of it", I creatively added a kitchen at the back ... so the house is "a long corridor with an entry and living area in the middle of it and a kitchen tacked on". :)
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The interior of the house. I am using this for the Immortal Dynasty challenge. So the 16 rooms off the long hallway are 8 bedrooms and 8 museum rooms. The museum rooms have the outside windows and the windows into the bedroom of the attached to be immortal.
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A closer shot of one of the bedroom-museum combinations. Please excuse the unmade bed ... skilling is more important than housework at this sage.
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Here's the kitchen, done in the haute ascendia set where possible. Where an appliance wasn't available in that set, I used the appliance from the steampunk set. I also used the Japanese stove, Pizza oven, baking cooktop and canning station. Door to kitchen is locked so that non cooking immortals can't wreck the cooking supermax. Overhead cabinets are to be added.
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The entry to the building was a semi octagon so I used the octagon roof type. The thief alarms proved useful on Monday night of week 1.
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I used a half hipped roof for the kitchen. It took me a bit of practice and a few goes to have the roof run the correct way for me. I think I will try some windows on the outside walls of the kitchen, probably not the "Priorities mega windows/toppers" used elsewhere though.
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I've also had the Grandpa's orange grove and have experimented with using it this time. I'm keen to experiment with it and the swift grow station premium content. I have so far discovered that teens can drive the tractor. There are also 2 farmer market stands and 2 beehives in this area.
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The other part of the backyard is the fishing pond, water wheel premium content (helps keep bills down), and kids play area.
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Looking down on the house and the coastline behind the house from the rocky outcrops across the road. That water area has two fishing spawners. Sadly it doesn't seem to include alley catfish/angel fish, but that's cool. They'll be elsewhere.
Thanks for checking out Strange House.
What with all the quarantining going on, I got sucked back in to TS3 a bit. And then it's just a matter of time until BuilderMark shows up. Loved sharing shots of creations back in the day. Hoping that by posting some pictures of the current work in progress, I can entice any fellow simmers giving TS3 another go during all this mess.
This is a build my deathfisherman is going to have to live in while I see how big of deathfish I can get him to haul in over several generations.
I will probably not post my pictures correctly the first time.... We'll see how this goes.
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